Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 05, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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The May Option Again Gees Upward With
a Rush.
Furious Deals All Around In tlic HOJJ
Product Wlicnt Hardy Steady
Corn Active at Hotter
CmrAiio , March ( . -Special [ Telegram to
lhcHKK.1-May ix'ik ' touched S21.00 to-day.
The attempt to discard It and not trade at all
In It was a failure- . For a Ionic while It held
nt S10.00 , but the pressure becoming unen
durable to some of the shorts they tried to
buy and It advanced 51..W per barrel In live
minutes. The wonderment over thu victims
of the squeeze Is Increasing. The. weight of
Ihe pos lt > is certainly that Sid Keut , the mill-
lonalrn operator , Is the blirgcst short both In
pork and ribs. He was a bis ? short last year
when the ( Srand Trunk crowd tried to inn
Ihclr pork coiner , but he made so much pork
that he swamped the clique that tried to
manipulate the market. This year it Is said
ho has azaln sold the market enormously ,
anil that the whole crowd of rich speculators
who nre Interested In the Chicago Packing
nnd Provision company have not only sold
out the product of their Chicago and St. Louis
houses , but have also sold largely short. The
crowd includes some big names. C. J.
Klnger and Charley Wright , two of the rich
est nnd best known scalpers ot the provision
) ) lt , arc also said to boMilfercrs fioin shint-
inir short ribs and laid. 'Jhero was as
much excitement In lard and ribs
this morning as there has been in th"
pork crowd , which , under the lead ot Jones
and Iteam and llloom , yesteiday plunged Into
the short rib crowd and began leading up on
tins theory that tlieie was a deal there as cer
tainly as them was in pork. They were still
excitedly buylni : this morntnz. May short
ribs , which were Rplllnu yesteiday at S57..r ( > ,
% \cro up to 8S. < V > to-day , an advance enuiva-
lent to 82.00 per baiiei in pork. Then ) Is this
illtlerenuo between lard nnd libs and noik.
The block of the last named becnino an exact
quantity on the 1st duv of Marrh. Laid and
ribs can bo nianntactured and are the year
round , through cold weather and hot , bun-
lays and wnck days. The advance in pork
now does not make any more of It. but the
advance In ribs and lard Is an Incentive to Its
manufacture. It is only a question of hogs
nnd the capacity of the packing houses at thu
Block yards anil In the country. It is barely
possible that when the furore to buy Inrdana
ribs Is at its height the entire load will bo
( lumped by the present holders. That would
smash the market , so that there is likely to be
moro uncertainly and excitement , and lard
nnd ribs advance , than there was even dur
ing the progress of pork from 818.00 tip to
831.00. Until late wheat was barely steady at
a reaction from the best price reached in the
recent rally. A little business was worked bv
local snippers , but as a rule the dillerenco
between the views ot the buyers and sailers
has widened Instead of nairowed. Public
market cables were steady , but the tenor ot
private advices were discouraging In the
xnain. New York had llttlo new business to
report. The clearings were light , and selllne
orders from Europe wcie reported as belnc
quite numeious. The returns of the itraln
movement for the WCCK show that up to to-
flay the western points lecolpts were 150,000
bushels less than the corresponding
jierlod last week , nnd the shipments
bushels more , wlillo the eastern points re
ceipts are lO'.i.OOO bushels moro than last week ,
nnd the shipments ( JHS.OOO bushels moro. May
wheat , which was sold as hleli as 79Vc right
niter the openin ? , settled to 78Kc , but closed
steady at 1 o'clock at 7'Jc , .luno resting at 80c.
The course of corn was Intluenccd to some
extent by the boom in provisions , and there
vas an improvement In prlcoa and rather
more than average activity in trade.
20 : ! ! p. in. On the allernoon board the up
ward movement in provisions was imparted
to wheat and corn In a maikcd degree , and
the short session was one of unusual ac
tivity. May wheat wont to 7lJ ) < c , closing at
71ijfc , Corn opened at 30J < c for May and
advanced to 40'4'c ' Pork again sold at 821.00 ,
resting at 820.UO. May lard closed at S7.GO
nnd ribs at SS.02H.
CHICAOO , March 4. [ Special Tclejram to
the 1JKE.1 CATTLE The market to-day was
active from the outset nnd all the desirable
kinds ot caitlo sold nt nboul lOc higher. The
general feeling In trade was more buoyant
nnd there seemed to bo n better undertone In
trade throughout. The offerings were
lighter nnd there was evidently a good de-
innnd for smooth , fat cattle. There were
not many ripe , fat cattle to-day and the de
mand was fairly good. Shipping steers , 1350
to 1500 Ibs , 84.GOW > .00 ; 1200 to 1350 Ibs. 84.10(3 (
4.60 ; 050 to 1200 Ibs , 3.50 < a4.00 ; stackers nnd
feeders , ? 2.504.40 ; cows , bulls nnd mixed ,
fc2.00@3.N ) ; bulk. S2.'V > @ : ur > : slop fed steers ,
: t.50@4.00 : through Texas cows , SS.WiSO ;
Bteors , 8R.OO.
lloos Tbo market was active with an ad
vance of about lOc on prime packing nnd
fancy heavy , a few lots of the latter maklnu
fft.75@fl.S5 , while packincsorts made SS.SOfa
0.70. nnd common S.'Vi.VJf.viO. ' Light sorts
were rather neglected at the start and failed
to iiiako the advance that was obtained on
heavy , yet the best and fancy sort sold In
some cases a shade hlchcr , but the ordinary
run and Yorkers were about the same as yes-
toniny. A few fancy and slngolng pigs sold
lUS5.50 < ar > .5.V butchers' welglits , $5.05C 5.7fli
Yorkers , SO. 10(25.45 ( , nnd common , 35.15(3 (
6.30. _
Chicago. March 4. The Drover's Journal
lenortft as follows :
Cattle-Hecelpts. 5,000 ; brisk , lOc higher :
shipping steers , Ji.505.X ? : ( ) ; stockers and
feeder * , S'-.fiOQHOO ; cows , bulls and mixed ,
f4.00 ! < J3.M ) ; bulk , S'J.Ci < itJ.15. Texas cattle ,
Hogs Hecelpts , 10,000 ; strong , lOc hlchcr :
rough nnd mixed , 55.15(5i5.70 ( ; packing ami
shipping , 5.60 < ! < 5.b5 ; light , 5M.NXa5.-lO ;
Bklp'i , S3.MX94.70.
Sheep Receipts , 0,000 ; steady ; natives ,
? 3.00 ( < f4.M ; western , 83.75@4.75 ; Texans ,
$2.75(54.00 ( : lumbs , S4.50@5.0.
Ntitloiu > l Stock Yards , Kmt St.
lioulH , III. , March 4. Cattle Receipts , 400 ;
active nnd lOc highnr ; choice licavv native
eteers , I4.40f t5.00 ; lair to choice , Sll.tiO&U.'O ;
V feeders , fair to good , 5'J.VHKit.75. :
Hogs Iti-ceipts , 2,600 ; active and n shade
higher ; choice heavy and butchers' selec
tions , 85.CO@5.75 ; packing , fair to good
S5.40 < 35.55 ; Yorkers , medium to prime , S5.2 (
dtS.25 ; 'pigs , common to good , 1.81X35.10.
KunsaH City , March 4. Cattle Receipts ,
1,100 ; shipments , 000 ; shipping erodes , ICk
hU-her : common to choice , 83,504.40 :
utockers , JfiXin.45 ( ) ( ; feeding steers , gS.iJjQ
8.M ) : cows , Jf2.25@8.40.
Hoes Heceipts , 64,000 ; shipments , 0,000
ictlvo and lOc higher : common to choice
I5.0035.U5 ; skips and pies , SU'5i@4.'JO.
NEW YOHK , Mnroii 4. | Special Telogruir
to the I EI : . ] STOCKS The stock markoi
opened rather strong to-day , but after the lirsl
tloiiling prices steailily settled down. Traden
ronclmled that thi-io was littlu in the maikei
Di-raustt it bulud haul. ( 'untilHb bellevt'ii
to have been u ' : IULbuvor of all his special
tire' , llu was i.-pHM'iiiul as In-liuving then
would beiiu n i\Miv ut iO per vent 01 niuri
liiraitM1 evi'ivliiMi ) \\-ns \ .l . iliu opinion tluv
time must bo : i , .i'.i iii i < | , bofon
tlll'IllCllUllt til ! illl. ) „ ll , , .IlltnllCU. 1.011dm
iliiotut'ouscaiuo ' In a tiai'tlun lower , mid tin
demand lor Mink v.i..n \ . > , , n lit pu-ssluu'
Tlif ndjouiiiniMiii dl IIIIIL , , : > - . \\iis c'liiislilfiiM
n Dull aitiuini'iil , and iictdd v > .u limited a :
m > liu-Uinl u IIUVV..NU tr.Ur ( IK * would bcg.i
bin Ing blocks now lu tl o U-lU-f tint the ad
jomnim-nt of ooiiL'iC ! > > \\ou.d blait n lul
iMuVi'iL't'iithlch would lust tin four mouth
ni h < axt. Very 6tiung biiii polnt > > wcru ou
\\Yblern Union , Lnko Shun * . St. Paul , am
Nmv Knglund , Them weio rumors of I in
puruiii dk'\t'lopmonts to follow ( intrctt'b din
HIT given hiat night to boverul trunk llu
prcbldcntti , but nothing of consequence wn
made public. Foreigners sold SU Paul am
traders broke Union PaclUo on Iho passat ; <
of Iho resolution to Investigate Union Paclfi
sccounu The market held very teady aitc
the adjournment of congress , with trading
very light Sales to noon were 170,000shares ,
Money was bid np to 7 percent In the after
noon , and the bears scl/ed the opportunity to
raid prices. A break of about 1 per cent was
precipitated. Comstock led the felling move
ment , but It was noticed that the drop brought
out no long stock. Prices were forced down
by the shorts , and the bulls predicted a sharp
rally on the shorts to-morrow. Just before the
close money was offered at 4 per cent and
thn list rallied , closing at a fraction of an ad
vance Irom the lowest prices of the day. The
total sales were about 22r ,000 shares.
UovniJNMENTS Government bonds were
dull but steady.
3 $ cent bonds. . 100'd preferred. . . 142
U. b. 4K's 10sj < N. Y. C 1IM
New4's V2SU Ori'Kon Trail . . . . 32
Pacific G's of ' 93. 12m < i Pacltic Mall 5V' .
Central Pacific. . 3.- > , ' < P. I ) . & E : u
U. A A 1411 I' . P. C 141
ICO Kock Island 1'Al
C. U. A g IM7J * St. L. * S. F. .
U. L. & W Wl'4 ' jireferred.
D.&lt. G. c. C. , M. & St. P.
Erie 33Ji preferred.
preferred. . TJ'4 ' St. I' .
Illinois Central. 1 o preferrcil. . . . inn
1. . H. tfeW 24j Texas 1'ncltic. . . ' ! ? %
Kansas < < Texas , 31 Union 1'acllle. . . .is
Lake Short ) li.Vt W. , St. L. * I' . , in/ )
I , . A N 01 preferred . . . ! ! U
Mich. Central. . Western Union. 74K
Mo. Pacific HWflO. . K. AN. . . 101'4
Northern I'.tc. . . SiTJf Canada South. . . . teM
piufurrcil. . . tMt ing.
C. A N. W . iu'f ;
MONBY On ll easy at 4@0 per cent ;
closed at4 percent.
PittMit MEUCANTII.V. 1'Arnii 530 per
for hlxty ilay bills ; Sl.bTJi lor demand.
Clilcntfo , March , Following quotations
am tliu2ui : : closing figures :
Flour ( Julet nnd a shade easier ; winter
tvlieat Hour , Sl.2. * . ( > i4.30 : southern.
5i.lOrtM.20Wisconsin , 54.-0-itl.o ( : ; ;
MlrlilL'an soft sorlnc wheat ,
S3.704.K : ) : Minnesota b.ikers. J3.70C < (4.o : ; ;
latent , ; low guiles , il.O.'xsi'J.M ;
; > c Hour , nuiL't at S3. " ' . ( J3.4'J ' ; In tacks and
barrels , 83MJJ.70. ,
Wheat Onened strong , V Vc above thn
iloso yestenlay. and closed J @J < c abo\e yes-
crday ; cdbli , 73c ; May , VJtcJune \ ,
Corn Quint early , closing Irregular ;
cash , ! HJ < o ; May , 4UJfc ; June , 4U- .
Oats Weak early , closlnu' little above yes
terday ; cash , 23e ; May , 2813-lCe : June ,
JfJ 3-iOc.
liarlcv-Dnllat 450c. ! *
Tiniotby seed PriniH , S1.T9.
Flaxseea Sl.OS.
Pork Moderately active and considerably
hlglier , advancing over § 2.00 per barrel on the
vrholo ranire ; cash , 820.70 ; May , S20.W ) ;
June , JJ20.K ! ) .
Lard Active , and ahoutst < > adval thocloso ;
cash. 87.45 ; May , 87.00 ; June. i'.C.n.
Utilk Moats Shoulders. 5 ( > .00iJ0.25 ( : short
clear. $8.50 8.55 : short ribs , t8.45r
Uuttor Creamery. 24S3icdairy. ( ; lOK rip.
Cheese Firm ; full cream cheddars , 125 ( ( i )
ij c ; Hats , 12C'l" c ; young Americas , la *
@ 14c ; skims , Vjftfillc.
Kegs 14JrfZ15c.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 country ,
solid , 3J/c : No. 2,2Jfc ; cakn , 4c.
Hides Unchanged ; Greou , fie ; heavy
green salted , 7c ; baited bull , Oc : green
salted calf , Oc ; dry salted hides , lOc ; dry
flint , 12@13o : deacons , 40o each.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls 14.000 12.000
Wheat , bu 12ooo 121,000
Corn , bu 112,000 71,000
Oats , bu 121,000 120,000
Hyc , bu 1,000
Barley , bu 40,000 14.000
New York. March 4. Wheat Spot , y @
better ; options opened lirm and ' 'HC '
uglier , later lost Improvement , subbcquentiy
advanced Md aC and closed lirm ; receipts ,
711,000 ; exports , C'J.OOO ' ; ungraded. fa'J@y3 ' ; < e ;
No. a red , mc In elevator , WJ ® lc , t. o. b. ,
store and nlloat , Ul } < ( < ili < c alloat. l Kc rail
delivered ; No. 1 red , oa c ; No. 2 red , April ,
closed at 'JOJ < c.
Corn Spot , JfffiV o nnd options Jj"@lc
hlirher , closing lirm ; receipts , 23.000 ; exports ,
1S.OUO ; ungraded , 47J ( ( < ? . 'iOi4e ; No. B , 4 ; Vi' ?
4i5ie ! in elevator , 50 > ; ® 0oic delivered ; April
closed at 47Kc.
Oats A bhado lower ; receipts , IM.OOO ; ex
ports , OW : mixed western , 3l@30c ; white
western , 37@42e.
Petroleum Steady ; United closed ntC2c.
Kgtfs Dull and lower ; western , 17c.
Pork Firm and fairly active ; mess , S15.2.J
@ 15.50.
Lard 20@24 points higher and active ;
western stcmm. spot , quoted at S7.57K@7.20.
Butter Firm and In fair demand ; western ,
new , 10@30c old. ; western , 8@l2e.
ChecbC Quiet and barely steady.
Milwaukee , March 4. Wheat Higher ;
cash. 75 Vc ; May , 79c.
Corn Steady : No. 3 , .TG c.
Oats-Firm ; No. 2 wtiite , 30c.
Kyo-llleher ; No. 1 , 5Gfc.
Bnrley Dull ; No. 2 , 1 We.
Provisions Advancing : pork , March ,
Cincinnati , Match. 4 Wheat Firm ; No.
2 red. 83c.
Corn Weaker ; No. 2 mixed.
Oats Easier : No. 2 mixed ,
llyo-FIrm ; No. 2 , 5'Jc.
Pork Nominal.
Jard-Actlve at 57.12) ) .
Whlsify-Steady at $1.13.
Minnoapoils , March 4. Wheat Strong
with light offerings on track but with moro
doing In futures ; No. 1 hard , cash and March ,
7Gc5tay ; , 7'o ; June , 70 cNo. : 1 northern ,
cash nnd March , 74c ; May. 70c ; No. a uoith-
ern , cash nnd March,72c ; May. 74nC.
Flour Firm ; patents , 54.20Ci4.oj ; bakers ,
Kecoipts-Wheat , .19,000 bu ; Hour , 120 bbls.
shipments Wheat , 38,000 bu. ; Hour ,
11,800 bbls.
Ijlvnrpool , March 4. Wheat Steady but
demand poor ; holders oiler modeiutety.
Corn About steady and demand fair.
iC&UBait City , March 4. Wheat Steady ;
No. 2. cash , Cl'c ' bid ; April , 70 'c bid ; May ,
WJc bid.
CJorn Steady ; No. 2 , cash , SOJfc ; May ,
Oats Nominal.
St. I.oulH , March 4. Wheat Firm ; No.
2 , red , cash , TOttWJtfc ; May. bO c.
Corn Firm ; No. 2 , mixed , cash , J < c ;
May , aWc.
Oats-Stead v ; No. 2 , mixed , cubh , 2RVc ;
Rye-Steady at 53 > ic.
Pork-Strong at 518.50.
Lard-Firm at 87.25.
Butter Strong and higher ; creamery
nt a.xa .fe ; dairy. 15@24c.
Afternoon Board. Wheat Very strong at
fiOKc hlulier. Corn-Strong ut
filglier. Oatg-Flrinat @Jfc hlRhcr ,
Friday , March 4.
Cottlo ,
The receipts were a llttlo more liberal than
yesterday. The buyers were well repre
sented and the market fairly active at
stronger prices. In some Instances cattle
brought 6@lOc more than the same kind of
cattle were bringing the day before ,
The receipts of hogs were very nearly as
heavy as yesterday , and in addition to fresh
receipts there were several loads In the yards
which had been left over from the day be
fore. The market opened active , wltti a good
demand. Heavy hogs sold about steady
with yesterday's prices , while llcht hogs ,
which were lower yesterday and the day b'j-
lore , were higher. The market closed strong
with cveiythluf sold.
There were none In to-day and no demand.
Cattle . 500.
HotSS . . . . „ . 3GOfl
Frevailliiif i'rlces.
Showing the prevailing prices paid for live
stock on this maikK :
Choice steers , 13.V ) to 1500 lbs..84.20H40 (
Choice steers , 1100 to isoo Ibs. . . 3.65@4.25
( iood to cholco corn-fed cows. . . . 2.7.Vtf3.40
Fair to medium grass cows . B.OOYiia.50
( Iood to choice bulls . 2.25M3.00
Light and medium hozs . 5. 15(45.25
( Iood to choice heavy hogs . 5.35(35.4.1 (
( loot ! to choice mixed hogs . 5.20W5.30
Choice sheep , 90 to 120 Ibs . 3.50@4.00
Itciiresentntive Hales.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
8. . . . 910 83.110 47. . . . 1174 54.00
14..10SO 3.73 101. . . .1138 4.00
i . . .1130 8.85 1U..1223 122
of I'rlccs.
Showing the hlghost nud lowest prices
paid for loads ol'hojs on this market during
the past seven days nud tor the same time
last month and n vear ago.
| Jnn. 1887 | Teh. 1817
h l.iJO i3j' ( '
I.W l.H ) Snnilny
Sii-tll 4.IKI . . . . 85.40
1st 1.7.1 . < LU W 5. 0
Tcb. IhW. Mnu-li lbS7. March 1W-0.
ind' ' 4.SO BI.H'i fi.oo ® V4 : , I ! ifw
Urd' ' 1.70 CfoO ) 5.10 685 4- , " 41 y.75
4lh | 4.b > J < T-- > .00 . ' ( .M fitn.i'i ' i.Mi
. Shipments.
Showing : the luunbi-r of cattle , ho.'s anil
shfop slniip'iil Itoiu the yiirdt duriiit ! t'u duy.
rA'i n.i : .
No. cars. Ht. Dest.
11 . > til ( "hleiiL'o
5 X. W. Cldwiuo
All sales of stock sii this nnrketaro made
percwt. livu weight unless otherwUottatcd.
loail lioc soil at Me PPr lt > . tor nil weights.
" " ' ! 10D IIH ,
"Skins , or hogs wt'Uhlnz e > s
no value. Proliant sows are doiikud 4J los.
nndstausBOlbs , by thnuubllu iu-ipuctor.
Hoes all sold.
Cattle advancing.
Heavy hogs .steady.
Light hogs liigher.
C. 1) . Hudson , Claiks was in with cattle.
A. Jackson , l.cou , la. , was in looking over
thu niaiket.
Sam Donnell , Olen\\ood , hern
looking lor feeders.
C. E. Welch , I'aplllion , was here and mar
keted a load ot hogs ,
,1. S. I'touty , Hollows Kails , Vt. , was a vis
itor at the yards , the cuost ol C. II. Moody.
H. H. Uobinson , N'oith Bend , \\ns In to-
dnv. Five loads ot tliu Hay State cattle were
Mr. Heaton , otj , Ht-aton & Co. ,
Wi'stoti , was in and maiketed a load ot
Caufman & Coiiklln , Lincoln , were liulli
hern with six loads ot cattle and a load of
C. K. Iiuno , Oakdale. came In to-day with
six loads of cattle nnd n load ot hogs wiiluli
sold on themaiket.
General Produce.
Friday , March 4.
TlicfoUnrctnn jirlcca arc for ruimri loti /
7)ro/ucci.s ) / fo ( ( ( mi tlic market to-iiiiji. 'jnc
ilitnltitinn'i nn fruits represent the price ? tit
whtcli ont > < lilc atilcri < irc tillal.
HUTTIU : Thu receipts of butter are heavy ,
and at tlio SMino time the deiuand is light
and blocks are necnmtilatliiir. The ] > roior- |
lion ol the icceipts that can bo graded as
cholco is very small. Tim great bulk of the
receipts is poor , and slow s lie. As the warm
weather is approaching , It will he ncrwsiry
for bhipners to give moro attention to tlio
manner In which they pack their butter tor
shipment. The retail gtoccrs will only buy
the best butter , and thu appearance of the
packages has much to do with selling It. An
occasional paekaie of tancy butter sells at
better prices than thoMi quoted below.
Choice couutrv , 15fc5lfic ; lair to good , 1'2 ' ®
14c ; common , iXJIOe.
Eons There has been a very noticeable
decline In tlio egg market since last week.
The receipts last week were llstit and the
market linn , reaching lOc in so mo instance" .
Tills week the receipts have been very 1 b-
eral , and the market accordingly lower. I lie
bulk ot the stock inovlnir at I'JSilSXc.T"t ' -
wlthstandlng the heavy recolnts tlio market
Is wrll cleaned up and there is very little sui-
plus stock on hand.
CHKKSK Full cream Cheddars , single , 14c ;
lull cieam Hats , twins , 14c ; Young Ameil-
ras , 144@l4) } ) c : fancy Swi < , 10 ( < 17c ; Swiss
imnorted , 25c ; Llmburgor , 13c ; hrlck , I5(2)10c. ( )
litissin : : POULTKY The poultry niaikut
has been devoid of any especially new leal-
arcs this week , thn condition of tlio market
being very nearly the same as last week.
The receipts of chickens are about equal to
the demand and the market steady at tc for
peed stock , with an occasional sale at He for
very nice stock. Tlio demand for turkcts
continues light , but the receipts have not
been very heavy during the past few itars.
The bulk of thi ) stock Is selling at 8Ti9u.
( Jeese and ducks sell , In a small way , alltho
way from 8@lOc for good stock.
( ! AMI : There has been no game In this
week , it being too eaily In the season tor
ducks and geese , and too late for other kinds
ot irnine.
POTATOES There have boon a few home
grown in tills week , which sold fairly well.
The demand for uood homo-grown stock is
good , but poor quality stock has to bo worked
oil at louer licurcs. In a few Instances
choice stock has been sold as high as 70c , but
It would not bo safe to regard that as the
mmkot. There is still a liberal supply of
Colorado stock on the market which Is very
choice and sells well. Home grown , from
store , small lots , 00@05c ; Colorado , Uoso , per
bu. , SUTxfjUO ; Snowllake , per bu. , 81.0j . ®
1.10 ,
CAIIIIAOE The market continues to be
well stipulied witli good California stock. A
car of Colorado stock has been icoeivcd and
Is selling at the samn prices as tlio California.
California white cabbaee , per lb. , 3c ; Califor
nia , red , per lb. , 3 > , c ; Colorado , per lb. , 3c ,
APPLKS The market on apples is very
lirm nud tlio supply Ik-lit. One- small con
signment of cholco stock sold readily on ar
rival at S5.00 per bbl. Fancy stock Is held at
55.50 per bbl.
VKOKTAIILES Onions are not plnnty and
prices are strong. The demand as usual Is
not heavy , but mostly for small lota. There
are a few bectu. carrots , paisnlps and turnips
on the market which are selling at SI.75 at
2.00 per bbl. Onions , cholco stock , per bbl.
84.00@4.50. Heels , carrota , turnips , etc. , per
bbl. Sl.75 ( < < 2.00.
handling green vegetables has not fairly
opened and there has been very llttlo In this
( sojxs : iaiiiornia ceiery , per dozen , 81.00 ;
cauliflower , per dozen , § 2.00 ; radishes , per
dozen bunches , 40@45c.
LEMONB The market hero Is very firm.
The market In the east has advanced ana
dealers there are predicting no lower prices
during the next thirty days. Messina , fancy ,
per box , S5.00@5.60 ; choice , 55.00.
CiiANiiEnitiKs Cape Cod , fancy , per bbl
512.00 ; bell and bugle , 810.00 ; bell and
cherry , § 9.75.
GUANOES The supple of choice stock on
&e'"J"11 ; ; I * , liberal. Valencia , per case ,
S5.50@fl.00 ; California , per box , S3.00@3.35 ;
California , Los Angeles per box , 52.75@3.00 ;
UANANAS Larcobunches , per bunch , § 2.50
( o , 50 *
NUTS A few black walnuts are comlnij In
from the country and are slow sale at 75c per
biwliel. The following are the wholesale
prices at which orders troui the outsldn are
Klnia , Be.
OYSTERS Mediums , 20cstandard , 2Cc ;
selects , 28c ; extra eclccts , 33 ; N. Y. counts ,
UEAN8-Inferlorstock.75iiiS1.00good ; clean
country , 8LOOdtl.2A ; medium , hand picked ,
51.4001.50 ; hand nicked , navv. . .
l'ioviti ! > N < < Ham. V.WerJc : breakfast
bacon , rib , H c : breakfast bucotij plain , 10.V ;
dry salt sides. bWQsJjo ; itrleil beef , regular ,
lie ; dried beef , liaiu pieces , 14c ; Inrd , no-Ib
cans , fc ; 20-lh cnns ralrbuiiks , 8' > , e ; 10-lb
rans , Fairbanks. 8'4c ' ; 5-lb ( mis , Kalibanks.
ly e ; 3-lbc.uis , Fairbanks , I
. . . . . , , , , , , . .
* .ull , | 'l.Vllll. " .TVl ; > * w T y Clallt.l. i5
buckwheat llour. per bblfrtiPO ; do. double
sacks , 53.00 per hiindiedV ! , . ) . Welshan's
Mo. 1 , ready raised , forty 2' ' , ; lb packageIn
case. Sl.fiO ! do , twentv 6 Ih packages in case.
84.50 ; bran , 70c per ewt ; Chopped teed , 75c ] ) er
cwt ; white corn meal. ' .H/u ; yellow corn.
meal , K ) Wc per cwt ; scrcuninir , 50 i75c per
cwt ; homlnv , 51.50 : shorls , 70e per cwt ;
graham , 51. iS ; liny. In bales. 7 ooppr ton.
Gi-ocor'i Mm.
rirui.Ks Medium , In bbls , 5 .00 ; do. In
half bbls , $4.50 ; small , In bbls. SUM * ) ; do , in
half bbls. SViO ; ghcrkiiH , In bbls , Stl.OOjdo ,
in half obis.
MA iciiRs 1'er caddie. a'.c ; square cases ,
51.70 : muio square. 81.W.
SVUCP No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs , 81.20Al.255
New Orleans per gallon. i > < L'.lfle ; manle syrui ) ,
half bbls , "old time , " per gallon , 70e : i gal
lon can ? , per doz , 510.00 : h.ill gallon cans ,
petdo / , S5..V ) : quart ran , Sli.fx' ' .
CANHY Mixed. M , ' ( < tHc : slick , S'4@9' < c.
CIIACKIIIS : ( iarnean'9 soda , butter and
picnic. 5' < c ; creams , sHc1 , ginger Miaps. c ;
citsoda. . M .
CoFKCus-Urdlnarv grades , HS'f.ll.V fair
loQU'iHc ! prime. K.X&'X'i . ' ' choice , 10
fancy gieen and .ellow. . lGi ( 17e ; old
ernment Java , 20 y'iiiti ; Interior .lava ,
2te ; Mocha , ' KH\Uo \ : Ailmeklo's toasted
2flc ; McLaughlin's XXXX roamed , t0c ! ;
Dilwonh's. Ho : Kcd Cros s , 'JOUe.
STAKOII Mirror glngs. i ) | , Co ; mirror
gloss , a lb , 5\'c : minor gloss , olh , Ojjc ;
( iraM'S cornl Ib.GSc ; Klngsford's corn. I lu ,
7c ; Klimsioul's gloss , 1 lb. 7c : Kintrsford s
uliws.01b.7Kc , Klmisfoid's punlui. . fiWc ;
Klimsfoid's pine , 3 lb , 5We ; Kingsfords
bulk. 4e.
SOAPS Kirk 'R Favpn Impel lal. S3. 70 :
Kiik s satinet. So.OO ; Klik s standard , SM.O'i ;
Klrk'.s white Ktissian. 51.00 ; Kirk's white-
cap. Sfi.50 ; doui" , S'j.s3vnshboaul ; , 5 .10 ;
whlto eloud. 53.15.
CA.v.N'iiiois--Oystcrsstandard : ( ( ) ) , per ease ,
SH.lSMIi.'i'i : stiawbeirles , S lb. per ca-e. S .iiO ;
rnspbeirles. 2 lb , per case , Sitfi ; cCalifornla
pears , per casp , S4.50 ; apiicots , per casj ,
Sl.fiO ; peache.s. p r , t.voo ; white cher
ries , pur case , SO.UO ; p nms. jpr ) ease , S'UiV
blueberries pur case , S1S" > : e'e plums. 2 lb ,
nor case , SJ.oO : plueapul'is , " lb , per case
Si.20 : ® " > .75 : 1 lb nujkeiel. per doz , SI. 10 :
1 ll'silmon , perdn/ , Sl.CiOv&l..Yi ; a in , goose
berries , per ease. Sl.T.i ; U lb string bnans. jinr
ca e , 61.70 ; 2 lb lima bi'.uis , per case , SI. 00 ;
2 I bmai row fat peas , per case. S..50.'t2W2 ( ; lb
euily .lime peas , par caso. S'.7. " > : ; i lb toma
toes. fc2.5iC < fiWa ) : lb corn S-0'fc2.40. : ;
\Ait.MsiiKs-Hairels , pur gallon 5 J'lirnl-
ture , extra , 81.10 ; furnitme. No. 1 , Sl.Oii ;
coach oxtia , SI. 10 ; coach , No. 1,5:1.20 ; Da-
mar , extra , 81.7" > ; Japan , 70 ; nsiih.uttim ,
extra wc : shellac , S3.50 ; haul oil finish ,
UKAVY HAniiwAin : iron , rate S2. J ;
plow stt-olsnecliii cast,4JiceruclblosteeI ; , ' < Kc ;
cast tools , do , 12is < : ; wagon snoke.s , pet s > et ,
S2.0'JM.fjO ( ; hubs , per set , S1.25 : lelloes.
tawed dry , Si. 50 ; tongues , each. 8e ; : axels.
each. 75c : snunre nuts , per lb. oi ( ,71c : poll
chain , per lb. O rjSl c ; nulleablo.H' ' Uc ; iron
wedges , Cc ; crowii.irs , Co ; harrow teeth , 4'jc ,
spring steel. 7l'c ; Htirdcn's horsoshoc * .
S4.75Utirduirs ; mule hhoes. S" > .75. liarbed
who. in car lots , S4.0U per 100 llu. Nails
rales , 10 to 60 , S' ' . Oisteel nails. S2.J. ' )
Shot , Sl.03 ; buckshot , Sl'.SV oriental powder ,
kegs , 52.50 ; do. half kC'sfS2.00 { ; do. quarter
kens , 81.50 : blasting , ke 4 ; S-J.IK ; fuse , per 10
feet. Ooc. Lead bar. Sl * > ; a
Dnv I'AINTSWhite Ilttd , Tc ; French /Inc ,
12c ; 1'arli wliltlucr. 2h ; whiting , u'ildeis ,
2J o ; whltlnir , coin'I , Uie , ; lampblack , ( ! er-
tuaiii'towi ) . I'-c ; lampfcuek , ordinary , be ;
Piussian bIuoWeiiltrainarliie ; , IM ; vnndyit-
brown , 8c ; umber , burnt. ,4c ; umoer. raw , 4c ;
sienna , burnt , 4c ; sieiina. raw , 4c. ' Vans
green , eenulne. Vttp. liiris green , com
mon , 22o ; chroma griiou. N. V. . 20c ;
vermllhoti Aiiicncan. l c ; liuiian
raw anil burnt umLer , 1 Tb cans , 1'Jc ; raw and
burnt sienna , 12c : vaud.yko brown , trie : relined -
lined : 12c : cftrtch black and Ivoty
black. 10c ; drop black. 10c ; I'liissmn blue ,
40c : ultramarine black. Wo ; chromo irreon.L. ,
M. & . , iCe ; blind r.nd'Hliuttor green , L..M.
< t D. , lOc ; I'aris green , IHn ; Indian red , I5c ;
Venetian icd , ' . 'c ' ; Ttiseanc ; American
vormlllion , L. ic * D. , SOcc-ycllow ochre , 2o ; L.
M. & O. ! > . . IS ; : goo.l ochre. IGc : uaieitt
dryer , So ; training color. light oatr , dark oak ,
walnut , chestnut nnd nsli , l' &
Dr.uns.vNn OIIBMICAI.S. Ac d carbolic.
0"e ; acid , tartaric , 5Jc ; lialsam copaiba , per
u > , fjOc : batk tassAlras , per lb , lOu ; calomel ,
per tt , "Sc , chlnclionldla , per o40e ; chloro
form , per tti , Sc ; Dover s powders , per Iti ,
8l.2rcpsoin : 'alts , per lb , "Kc ; glycoiine ,
pure , pt'rlb , 3)c ) ; lead , acetate , per lb. 2lc ;
oil , pastor , No. 1. per ghl. , 81.50c ; oil castor ,
No. a , per gal , 51.40 ; oil olive , per gal. , 81.40 ;
oil orlirannnm , 50c ; opium , 13. 0 ; quinine ,
1'V. . and U. < teS , , per oz. 7 c ; potassium
iodide , per lb , S'.50 ' ; salleln. peroz. 40c ; sul
phate moruh I lie , per oz. SJ. 5 ; sulphur , per
lb,4c ; strychnine , nor 02. S1.2' ) .
I'AiXT.s IN ( Jit , White lead. Omalia.I' I' .
Oc : wlutn lead St. Louis , pure , ii'-io ' ;
soilles green , 1 lo lb cans , 2o ; fioncn zinc
creen seal , 12c ; reuch zinc.redsual. He ;
French zinc , in varnish asst. 'Mo : Kencli
zlnc.75c ; vermllllon , Kntrlish , in oil , 7 , ' > c ;
red , lOc : rose plnic. I4c ; Venetian red , Cook-
son'.s , 2j/c ; Venetian red , Atneilcsn. l > Ve ;
red lead , 7kc : chromo yellow , genuine , a > c ;
chrome yellow , K , 12c ; ochre , rocliclle. : ; c ;
ochre , trench , 2Jfc ; oelue , American ,
IKc ; Winter's mineral. 2' c ; Lenigh hi own ,
"lie ; Spanish brown , 2Xc ; I'riuco's mineral ,
JjpnuTS Colosno spirits , 153 proof , 81.17 ;
do 101 proof , SI. IS ; spirits , second quality ,
101 proof , S1.17 : do IbS proof. 51.10 Alcohol.
1S3 proot , 52.'i'i ' per wine Kxllon. Redistilled
whiskies , sSl.OO l.GO. ( Jin , blondcd , S1.5U ®
? .00 ; Kentucky bourbons , S2.00riOO ; Ken
tucky nud Pennsylvania ryes. 9.MI0.40.50 ;
Golden Sheaf bourbon nnd rvo whiskies ,
llrandles , Imported , . .
domestic , S1.80@3.00. ( ilils. ImnortedrS4.M
0.00 ; domestic , Sl. tS.O-l. ClirunimKnes.
Imported , ner case. 528.00(233. ( 00 ; American ,
per case. SlO.OOyJin.W.
liinKS ( ireen butchers. S 'jJOc ; gieen
cured. 7c : drv Hint. UWf-'c ; drv salt , OcoilOc ;
erecn calf skins , M c ; damaged nides ,
two-thirds price. Tallow 'JJfc. ( Jreasu
Prune whlto , 3 c ; yellow , 2'fc ; brown , 1 %
Sheen I'elts. 25O75c.
H'ltsi AMI SKINS 'mo following price
are for prime , well handled skins : Heaver ,
prime , clean per pound. S1.50@i.OO : ; fall.Sl.2. ' )
fi2.00 ! ; meaty aim inferior. 81. 00(3 ( 1.2.5. Hear.
blown and grlz/.ly. 85.00S.3.00 ( ; cubs nd
yearlings , SJ.OO'if4.00. Badger. WiSfiOp. Cat ,
S10.00@IO.OO. Fisher.S4.00@fl.00. Ottor.SI.OO
(40.00. ( Martin , S1.00j175 ( , Muscrattn
tor. large , We ; fall. 5e"kitts ; , Mink , ilaru'o
dark , 35Q40e ; small and pale , 15Q20c. llac-
roon , largo prime , 40 , ' Mc ; small andlnlV > iior ,
20@30c. Skunk , common , 1525e. Wolf ,
largo crey , S1.60r52.'iO ( ; coyote or prairie 75 ®
OOc. Deer and antelope , winter , per pound
15c ; full and summer , per pound 20c.
OPT ijnmbOK
12 ft H ft 10 ft 18 ft 20 ft 23 It 3 < ft
2l . . 18.00 10.0J 17.00 18.00 i .00 22.M 23.2ri
1U.OJ 10.00 17.00 1H.OO 1U.OO 22.60 , . . . .
t is ! ! 16.00 18.UO 1WH 18.00 IH.II02I.502I.BO
SxlO. 16.00 18.00 17. )1H.OO ) IU.OU'23.60 ' 22.M
16.10 III.UUli.UUIX.W | , IU.OO l'3.50 SJ.W
4xi-8x3 16.00 IB ( X l j Uli ) , > .00 20.00 . " . ' KiSSM
No. 1 Com. si 3 T S18.00
No.2 " 15.60
No. 3 ' ' ' . „ : ' . ift.00
No. 4 " " f , , ; 10.00
No. 1 , 4 < fcflInch , ia and H ft. ,
No. a , 4 & 6Inch. 12 ana U ft. , rouk'h. . . 15.00
* '
A , 12,14andlC ft. . . ! . S21.60
H , . . . ' . ; ' . moo
C , " " " . . . . < . . " . 15.00
1 > , . . . . ' , - 11.50
1st com. , % In Whlto Pine Cellini ? S"4.00
2il " " " " . . . 2H.OO
2d com. , > Y In Norway Pine Ceiling. . . . 14.00
A filneh , white pine , K5.50 C
E Olncti. ( SelFcn'u ) 1U.OO
. , , , . STOCK HOAJIDS.
A 12 inch S. Is. 45.50 C S35.50
No. 1 , com. 12 In s. 1 s. , 12. it 14 S'JO : 1ft ft.10.00
No. 2 , 17.60 ; " 10.60
1st and 2d. clear , ij/ inch , a. 2 s
Sd , clear , 1 Inch. s. 3 i 4tl Itf , IK. In .
U clear , 1 inch , s. 2 s 2 .60 ; 1 ,1) ) , 2 In 37.00
No. 1 , plain , 8 and 10 in S1S.W
Com. 4 and 0 In. iloorlni :
Clear , hnlsh , 1 ana H/in. . 2 a 20.00
" corruRoted colling. 4 in 24.50
" 1 ellow pine casins ; and base 27.00
Pickets , D and II Hat 8'JU.M ; D & H sq.520.50
, , SH1XOLE3 , LATH.
„ „
XX clear J3.0G
* A * standard 2.75
* A * 11. M. and 2.&C
Whlto Cedar , rt In. , H" . Wjc ; 0 In.
" " SJ ln. H * . ll'-iciSln. iirs.-lOc
I.IMI : , ETC.
( ) ulncy white llino , ( host ) . ! > 'ic
Akron cuiuent , 2.7A ; hair . 2oc
Itvns Riven n Sntl fnctory Test
YcNtcrdny Attortiiion ,
A inibhc trial Wi > s iniulo this afternoon
of Umiilm's now extension truck. A large
crowd witnessed the exhibition , opposltu
the Paxton , and everyone was puifcutly
mtislii'd. Thu ladder was oMendcd 100
feet hlirh , on tlio corner of Kilteurrth and
/amain , and A. HnicKor , the man sent
out from ( . 'hieujjo , ascended to
the top , the ladder standing
in mid air. The ladderis ;
i evolved and pliiecd nt numerous angles
to show it * adaptability. H worked per
fectly. A similar satisfactory test was
made In front of the Millurd hotel.
Tlic truck is stylish and ornamental
is well as useful. It is painted a bright
carmine , ( hushed with gold striping and
croll work. Tins trimmings are nickel-
ilated. In its. ueiicrul appearance it
lill'ers but little from lesi moilern trneks ,
jtit it is full of tlio points of late iin-
iruvomunt . It is a marvel of lightness ,
compactness and .strength combined. A
otiplc of liuiM'scnn haul it , and eiuht
nen compose the crow. It cost the city
? 3,500. Tliis includes a\es , picks , crow-
JUIN , lanteni , apparatus for lioistinj ; ,
ec.rtc. {
At tluihlitheM raiiikct pilot1. Send ftir prior
uriLMit to tin * Hid llclitibh' rutfli'ts niul Tur
Mt-roliiiiit ? INlnlillshcd 18il ! ) ,
A 15. llfltKUAKDT & CO ,
m Wti-l 1 oiulli iitHl 111) ) nnd 111 HuKi-Stn ct ,
* ftt * ! SiWJf Sr LP' M' * " * " . W K
IrgtZn * PV V turnout , mild , roolhli f rurnius of
Khrtrlr. VVi * ' Hy directly Din-nsri all \ < ruk i > arti < , Tf-ttor-
liift theiu"i > f V"1 * * h Itli and Vljioruiin Strt i pth. Llntrio
Current 'VV lelt hutnntly or Mcfurff it ? \H < 0 turaili.
t'rrotrrt Iinpni\micntiorr ell o'licr I.rite. ViurM rei > rt | > rr
mruiently rurrtlln tlirooinontlit. 8ti\lo < t pnmnlilit 1c
ThoScndcn Electric Co. IG9LaSallest. . T * '
Tlic only mini to take for DCS Molncs. Mitr-
iulliown. Ceilitr Hrnilil ? , , li\on , Clilt-H
KO.MIIniiukeo nud all points past. To the IH-O-
plo of Nebraska , Colorado , Wyoming , t'tali ,
Idnho , Nevada , OiGKOn , Wr.slilnKton nnd ( . 'nil- ollord iiicilor | mlvantages not po sl-
lp by nny other line.
Amoii' ' n tow ol the numerous points of HI-
porlotlt ] cnjojccl by thu patrons or this loiul
hctiveiMi Oinnlia iiml ' ' ! ; , me Its two train ?
inlay of. . I1AV COAI'HKS. which lire the llne t
Mint hum-ill nit nnd Imrcmilty tan ermte. Its
I'.M.Al nSLUGl'INC. CAIIS , which lire models
ofcouifoil nml cleirnnco. Its I'.Mtl.OH DHAW-
INCi I'.OUM OAKS , nnsiiriiis-M bv nny , nnd IN
widely celebrated 1 > AL\TIAI. DlNIN'd OAHS
tlio piilml nt wiiluli ciinnot lip found olsowhcro
At Council Hinds the trains ol the Union I'nclflo
Hv. comipi't In Uniim Uojiot with those of the
Chk-iiKoS : Northwcs'niri Iv. ( In Chlcnt'O the
tinlm ofthls line iiuiko clo o connection with
these ot nil ciiHtern lines.
1'or Dotiolt. Coluniliti" , Iiiiliniuipolls , Clnuln-
nnti , NlnunniFalls , Ilnffiilo. I'ltthbiir r.Tornnto , , lloston , Now Vonc. I'hiladelphln ,
UiilllinoroVnshliiittnii uml all points in the
cast , n-k lor a ticket vln tlm
If yon wNh thn ho-Jt neootnmodntlon. All ticket
iizcnts t-cll tl kcts via linn line.
Ofti ! . Mnnnifcr. ( Icnl. CUSP r.\Kcnt
Clilcn''O , III.
W. M. RARCOCIC , " L It. IIOM.r.3 ,
Wvstcin Aliunt. City 1'ilSa'r Agent ,
Omiihfi , Nclirnt-kn.
Chicago , Milwaukee fiSt , Paul R'y '
Tlic Jlcfit lloute front Oiixthii and
Council JiluJl's to
rT1"FTRl ! TT1. A f HP
mlm iJmm J - J BirfiB _
H M rTTr Ti g rXr MW *
Two Trains Daily Between Omaha , Coun
cil IJIiifis
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minne.ipolis , CedarRapids.
Rock Island , Frcepoit , Rookfoi'd ,
Clinton , Dubiiijuc , Da\enport ,
Klgin , Madison , Jancsville ,
Hi-'loit , Winona , La Crossc ,
Ami all other Important points East , Northeast
anil Southeast.
For through tickets call on the Tiokrt Agent
at I4U1 Kiirnuiii r-trcct , ( In J'Uitoii hotel ) , or nt
L'ulon raclDc Depot.
I'niliiiiin tleeiorH | nml the llnof-t Dlnlnir Curs
In thu win Id me run on the main lines of tlio
Cmc.uio , Mn.wAtiKr.i : X Sr. I'AOI. HAH.HAV ,
tin J every itttontlon Is paid to uas eiifers by
coin Icon * employes of the company.
H , Mii.i.r.n , General Mnnnecr.
J , F. TUCKICII , As-l = tiiiit Ouncral Mnnairor.
A. V. 11. CAiti'iiNTEtt , Otneiul I'lissont'or anil
Tieliot Ak'cnt.
iio. ; : i ; . IlK.UTOiii ) , Assistant General I'us-
sonirnrancl Tlckot Aitt-nt.
J. T.ClAiiKGonoriil Hupcrlntcnilcnt.
Of fine machine wall papers
now ready. Our house is fill
ed with these
Fresh Goods for Imme
diate Shipment.
and our facilities unsurpassed
for prompt and faithful service.
y Samples placed before you at
our expense.
Redhead , Norton , Lathropfi Co , ,
! rATAIlItll. ThcGrf Oerm n
Moni ? u a po ltlve cnie. Free umj > l
NO packoffe and book for 4 tenti In ilamn ? .
Y. . llTllKUIC'AL CO. . tjitt Uimpton. Uonn.
Agricultural Implements.
WholMtU Dealer In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
CurUge * Dil UuKlei. Jonei trect , b tw a fitb
Omaha Jobbers' ' Directory.
Agricultural Ini'ilrinciits ,
Vncnnn.CnirliWf , Iliigtlf , Klc. , Wliolcolc , Otnnht.
LKK , FlttKl ) < C CO. ,
Jobbers of Hnnlwnrn anil Nulls ,
Tmwutc , Stioft Iron. Ko. ! Acentt for llnwf Hcnif ,
Rnil Mlitml luwrtcr ( o.OainhiiiSob.
ix , o n Eyno n f MJ
WholcnlcDcAlert In
( TnitnnnnnJ Ilunjlo. 1C1W , ' . < 1J ntnllUT , Jonon st
Artists' Material.
A. JIOSI'E , Jit. ,
Artists' MiitpriaU , I'lauos nnd Orpnns ,
1M.1 Doiiitlnii ftrept. Umiiliii.
Builders' Hardware and Scalts ,
iluildcrs'HanlwarcAScale I
ilcchaulcs' Toult niiil Ilufftlo Sr.ilui. UOi Dontlns l. ,
* Ouinlin , Neb.
Boots and Shoes.
SHOE coMi'Ayr.
ManulncturctB nnd Wboli'i ] cl-cnlcr In
HOOH ( niul Shoes ,
omjili'tP flock of lliihl'or Uunils ntw t § on hnnd
SMI 8. lath si. , Omalin , Nvt > . A T. Aunlci.
? r. r. MOUSE 4r co.
tlublicrs of Hoots nnd Shoes.
1411 I'aii.nm ft. , Omiilm , Nft > . Manufactory , Summer
Mrrct , lloAUtn.
Z. T. LiXlJliTil' l ! CO.
Wholus'ilo ' Itiibbor lJit ) < an I Slides
Itiililiur mid < ii' ' l Lldtlilni ; unit 1'i'lt lluots
uul Slides , oiltliril'-t I'oi ncr 1 IIH niul
Afft. for Aulicuscr-Uush Jlrcwhiff Ass'u
| > cctil : Ilnunli. Fnutt. lluilnplior nnd
Liiffcr Hcor ISrowcrs ,
1V.M North I'lh Mrccl , Omnlm , Nob.
Butchers' Tools.
' Tools nnd S
of nil klniH nlwnyn In Mock. 1215
Coffee , Spices , Etc.
Oniiiha COKVO nnd Spice Mills.
Tea-.ColTi'esPpicc" . lliiklnR 1'owdi'r. FlivorlniEr-
tracts , I.nunjiy Illun. Inh.Ktc. 111 ! 16 llarrey
' Slii'Ct.Oainhn. Net ) .
Homo Coffeonnd Splco Mills M'f'jr Co.
OitrpoRuiiluriniKl Hplcu Orlnili-rn , Slu'iufniturcri'
otlUkliiK 1'uwdei. KUojrlntf Ilitrnrt * . Hilling. Klo
'lr > unorn'Hotoir 1-lb pHrk'iKelluinulIlciii' "
CVtTt'e , ] ifb no"iiril * t , Omnli'i. > "h.
John Kpouctci * , J'rop.
Munufncturcr of ( .nlvnnl/oil Iron nn4 Cornice. 92S
DoiJitonnd IWona 105 N , lOtli Bt. . Umaha.Mcti.
tlnnufncturprs of
Ornnniondil Galviuii/cil Cornkes ,
Dormer \Vliulown , Klntlf. MctnllctkfJlKlit.i'tc. 3108.
l.'tti ! . , ( imuliH.
C. Spccht , Prop.
GaUanlicrt Iron Cornlom , etc. Hiici't'KlmproTcd Pat
ent MrtiillcSkylliilit. 'Mi unilSlU h l.'lh rt.lm ha.
Jobbers of
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths ,
LinoleumMuttltiEB. . Htc. 1511 Doujln. ntroct.
, s. A. o
Wholcsnlo Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Matting i , Curtain Condj , Rte. 1(23 Farnurn fctroct ,
Omaha. Neb.
Crockery and Notions.
Agent for ( hn Manufacturers nnd Importcro of
Crockery , i < Insswarp ,
Louipp , rhiliiuc > , etc. Once , 317 South Uth it.
Otuuba , Nt'b.
Commission and Storage.
CoiinnlHsioii and .lobbiiiff.
Buttrr , Kk'tsnnd I'roduco. Coniliinmentii solicited.
ilcadqtiartrra fur Stnnowarc , Ilcrrr Holes uml
( Irniiu ll ikei . Hit DoUgontrect.Uiuabu.
Commission Merchants.
Frultfi. Produce and Iroriilon0. Omaha , Neb.
W. E. ItfTiDELL , '
Storapo and Commission Merchant.
Ej'ccmuics Iluttor. K < . cheeio , Poultrr , ( iiuue ,
Uyrtcrs , Ktc. , Klc. Ill houtli Hlb ptrt'et.
AX tC CO. ,
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Poultry , llultcr , Gimin , KitiltK , etc. KK > B. Uthet
Oniatia , Neb.
Coal ana" Lime.
OKO. i > .lMiiAnii , Pro" . C. F. GOODMAN , V. Pies.
J. A. HONIIIHIAND , hoc. iiml Trf.m.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
SOU South TlilrtccatU Btroet , Omaha , Neb.
,7.OJ.V.SOV ( ! CO. ,
Manufacturers of Illinois White Llmo.
And M > lp | > er of Coil nml Cuku , Couiont , 1'lu ier ,
IJnic , 11-ur , Flro llrlckDrain , Tllo and Sewer 1'lpe.
( Hllce. I'.uVm Hutcl. runiMtn m. , Oiuihn , Nub.
Confectionery ,
/ ; p. " FAY cC cdV ,
Mannfacturiujf Confectioners ,
Jobberi of Kiulli.Nute uncl Clean. 1211 Karunm Bt.
Cigars and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cipars , Tobacco ,
Cum and Ammunition , 215 to 223 S. llthtt. , 1RO ( to
Iff : * KarnnrnBt. , Omaha. Noli.
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And Wbolctalo Dealrri In Leaf Tobaccoi. NOB. 109
and 110 N. ' 4tb street , Ounlia.
Dry Goods.
co , ,
Dry Goods , FurnishinifCioods & Notions
1103 and 1104 lnuiil , cnr. 11th St. , Omahi.Ncb.
Dlitlllcriof Unmiri , Alcohol and Fplrlti. Importers
and Jokbcri of Wlni'inn.l I.lrjuon.
CO. and ILEJt , K CO. ,
Import m and Jobberr of Flno Wines and Manors.
Holumnnuf oturcr nf Rennodr'i Entt InUla lilt-
tumanuiiouioi'lcl ' lqunr . 1112 llnrnujht.
Drain Tile , Etc.
A. . U. SArKiPr' > . J.W.niirnnnScc.4Treai )
X. J. CAltanv , v.l'rei. nnd fcupl.
OtDff 111 P. Kill nt. Onmhii , Neb. Machinery and
Supplies for Mauufaclurllitf Cement Drain Tile.
I'ea. K Alii.imirii IWfl. Vloo-l'n s.
Jobbers and Storerdol Grain.
bljimcnts of ilealcresollflto uml Rittlafitctluu
gunranRbd. Uinhau , .Nob ,
Furniture ,
D E wTY K ( iTOXE ,
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture.
Knrnam it. , Omaha. Neb.
Groceries ,
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
No § . 7 ,70T,709and711 8.10th rJt , Omaha , Nob.
Omaha Jobbers1 Directory.
Wholesale ( Jroccrs ,
l.'in ami l.rarenwortli ti.Om h .
. *
? r.
Heavy Hardware , Iron niul Steel ,
Bprlngi , Wagon Slock , ll rJ" r * l.umb r , etc , 1W
anil 1211 Humor 't. , Oinnbu.
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
Wja-on and Oarrlnco Wood S | PCI. ! llca r Hardware
KcJlT mill UI9 l.ciivi-inrunh ft. , tiruaha , N b.
ti r soxs ,
Stoves , Kan e ? , Furnaces , Tiles ,
MantU' niter , llrnn ( irxxlu. 1021 and 1S23 Karna
Iron Works.
Iron Works ,
Wmttnht and Cnrt Iron llnlliUni > Work , Iron Ktalr *
ItallliiKt lle ni and Olrilvrn , Mcnm Knelnen , Urail
Work , til nerul TTuundrr , Mi\chlno and lUacktraltn
N/orlr. Uglconn iWorki.U , I' . Hy.nnd 17th Hio t.
OMAHA iriiiE , r inox WORKS.
.Mnnufiictnrprn of
Wire and Iron Hailinps , Desk Halls ,
Window Dunriln , Finn or Slimd , Wlro MBIH. Kto
123 N , lith. Or.kTj 1. ) ninll prompllT nltemledlo.
Di-aU" . All Kml ! nf
Huildinff Material at Wholesale.
19th atn-ct and Union I'acllln TrncK , Omnha.
Dealer in Lumber. Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doom , Kto. Yard-Corner7th nml Douglas ; Corner
Vtlinml Dnujlan.
CniCA < fO lAJMllER CO. ,
Wholesale Lumber ,
MIS.HlhMrcot.Oninlia.Ncli. F.ColpPlicr , Mnn Fr.
C. .V. DIETX ,
ISth nnd Cnllfon-ln t-trpel , Omalm , Neb.
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. and noughts ti. , Omaha. Nul.
110AGLAN1) ,
To Dealers Only.
OlOeo , KM Farnam itrect.Omnha ,
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Carpets and Parquet Flooring. Dili nnd Douglal
Wholesale Lumber , Etc.
Imported and American Portt.ind Cement. Htnt <
Agent forMllrraukuo llTdrnullo foment nud Ie > t
( Julncir Whilel.lme.
Lire Stock.
Of Omaha.
Limited. John K. Boyd , 8npcrlntcr.d nt.
Lire Stock Commission.
M. JiURKE ,0 .SOAW ,
Live Stock Commission.
, . , Coo. llinko , Mannger
Union Slock Yards , S. Omaha. Telephone S3J.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Shlprucati of unv nnd nil kinds of fjtook tollolWd.
Union Mork YardB. Omaha , Neb.
Millinery and Notions.
Importers nml Jobbers of
Jlillinery and Notions ,
1213 an J 12l511nniey St.ect. Omalm. Neb.
J. T. JtOI * l NSOJr lOTIOJf CO.t
Wliolvrnlo Dealers In
Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
0.lnnd 4IT. 8. Tenth St. , Omaha.
Jobbers In
Notions , Hosiery nud Gents' Furnishing
lOOfiand 1009 Farna'Q St. , O-natm. , Nab.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans Pants , Shirts , Ktc. 1107 and 1104 Doiflat Street ,
Omaha , Neb.
Paper Boxes
,7. L. WILK1E ,
Manufacturer of Paper Io\cs ? ,
H.lllh St. . Otntiua , Nubnukii. onion tij mallij
llcltodand will recalr * prompt attention.
Job Printers , lilank Hook Makers.
And liouK llliidcrs. lOi ) and IIH Houth Kouitaeath
street. Omaha , Neb.
Auxiliary Publislicrs.
Denlcrs InTjpu. Pre < se * nml Printers'Suppllos. 609
Couth Twelfth Hlrcct.
Pumps. \
Manufacturers and IH'Hlor * In
Eiifrines , Hollers & General .Machinery
tjhnvt Iron work , Hluam l'umir. | . itw Mlll , Acme
bhaftltiL' . DoilKO Wood iipllt l'ullos , llvllliiK , etc ,
Ainu WIIK'UIC , i > craiuriund | balutlCD. 1211-1215 Loaj-
venworth n. , Omaha ,
Wholesale Hardware.
Woptern nuents for JeCerson Ptcel Nails. Austin
Powder Co , Hilrbanks Mandard Scales. Curucr
10th nnd llarnor. Omaha.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Btoamand Water Supplies. Headquarters ! IT Malt
KoostCu'slioo'li. 11111'nniiim ' t. , Omaha , Nob.
rumps , 1'ipcH and KnirineH ,
Btenm , Wntcr nnllwny . . onil MIllliiK Kuppllci. EML
VM , vnuuil U24 rnrnuni -.oiiialm.WDbf
HallarlnT Wind Mllut rtcani nnd Writer Supplies ,
I'luuiLInu Goods. Uniting , lloic. HIS and VJ ) lur-
oaiu > t. , Omaha. H. K. KL-UOII , Muiiager.
Telephone No. 210.
Safes , Etc.
P. ItOYER < C CO. ,
Affonts for Hall'H Safe & Lock CO.B'
Flro uncl lluiK'ar Proof Snfoi , Tlmo l/icks , Vault *
and Jail Work. IOJI Fariiain utrwot Omnba , Neb.
Omaha Safe Works.
Vnmifacturernnf Flrn and llurRlnr Proof Snfci , Vault
Doom , J'UI V.'nrk.Miutitn und Wlro Work , Cor.
llllimid Jarkton Ml" . , Dmr.lni , Neb ,
5ash , Doors , Etc.
37rri77 > /77/f/yor ircro
WholeKalo Mnnutnctiircrs oi
Sash , Doors , Jilinils and Mouldings ,
llrancli oaice.llth nJ Ur.r.l Et3..Omits.Ns1. : ' .
Manufacturers , of Saili , Doors , Blinds ,
Mould'/iKs.ftnlr Work ami Interior Hard Wood Klnlih
Just op ntd. N , K. cor. h and I.cnveuwortli tits.
Omaha , Neb.
Wagons and Carriages.
The Leading tiurrlago Factory ,
( CSTAlll.IIIIEI ) " IfcM )
1409 and lilt Dudgo street , Oiotha.