Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 05, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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\m. \ ' Batches of the Dying Hours of the Forty-
Ninth Congress.
Ucvlcw of Wlmt lint Mem Acooin-
pIlNhcil My Moth Mranclics liur-
IIIR tlio .Session A llocoril-
Hi caking IJotly.
WASIII.VOTOX , March -I. At 5 o'clock
Jtr. Plumb , fiom tlio conference com
mittee on the District of Columbia ap
propriation bill , reported Unit the commit-
tco had been nniibhi to ngive. He moved
that the senate Insist on Its disagreement and
ask further conference. So ordered. He
presented a conference report on the bill for
relief of settlers nnd purchasers of public
lands In Kansas and Nebraska. Agreed to.
Aha the conference report on the postofllce
appropriation bill , the senate receding
from the section for mall steamer service to
Bouth America. Agreed to.
The deficiency bill again being called up ,
an Item was Inserted to pay the Cnoctaw In
dians " ,858,000 , tbo amount of thn judgment
of the hupremo court at the October term ,
I88C. Finally the bill and amendments were
reported to the senate. Un demand of Mr.
JtcPherson , the yeas and nays were taken on
ono of tlio Pacific railroad amendments and
It was agreed to , yeas 27 , najs 17. The JOAS
and nn > s went also taken on the amendmnnt
for tlio French spoliation claims , and Vtas
agiced to , jeas 91 , nays 12.
Mr. Morgan moved to Insert a provision for
fifty copyists lor the pension ollico and mailo
an affecting appeal on behalf of the tinny re-
Bpectablo , educated , but poor women who arc
socking emulojment in Washington , but
can not get It under the civil semen iule.s.
After discussion the motion was laid on ttio
'Finally , atS:15. : the bill was pissed. A
message to thut effect was sent to thu house.
Mr. Allison presented the conference repoit
on tlio leglslatlu' , executive and judicial
bill , agreement being reached on all points
except as to clerks to senators. Ho moved
the senate insist. So ordered.
The house bill authoring the construc
tion of a brldcc acioss tbo Mississippi river
nt Wlnona , Minn. , was taken from the cal
endar and was passed.
The house bills authorising the construc
tion of railway bridges passed as follows :
To cross the Mississippi livei at Fort Madi
son or Kc'okuk , la ; across the Missouri river
at Pierre City. Dak. , and across the Missouri
river at Yankton , Dak. Other house bills
were then taken from the calendar
and passed. They arc of minor Importance.
The sunato then , at 0 o'clock , weut Into
executive session.
The doors were reopened at 10 a. m. , the
npnato having In the niHantlmo taknn two
hours recess. Mr. Plumb presented the con
ference report on the District of Columbia
appropriation bill , which was agreed to.
Mr. Dawes presented the conference report
on the fortification bill , saying the confer
ence had not been able to agree. Mr. Dawes
Bald that It was with inlinito rugret that the
eenato conferees were obliged to make this
report. They had conceded very much In
order to reach a conclusion and to save the
w son co and vitality of thn measure and
to protect coast fortifications. The plan
which they had submitted to the committee
was adopted by thu .senate , lln would move
it bo printed In the Record , nnd alonir with
It would have the plans submitted at the last
moment by tlie house conferees. The country
would JurtL'e between these propositions and
decide where the blame lay tor failure of
this congress to do anything towards Inau
gurating some efficient system of fortifica
tions. The Irrcconclllable difference between
the senate managers and the house managers
was on the question of purchasing ateolfor
the purpose of making steel guns of the
highest typo. Tne question might be .summed
up In one sentence , whether steel guns
should bo subordinated to cast-Iron guns , or
cast-iron subordinated to steel guns.
Mr. Hawley , another of the conferees , said
that he desired to omphasl/.e tills most ex
traordinary condition of affahs. There was
no fortification bill for the curient year ; nor
for the next vear. no far as concerned the
rmy , coast defenses and heavy Kuns.nothing
whatever had been done. There was no
money to keep up the repairs on existing
ports , all property wan loft to go to rack and
f > ruin for the coming two years.
The president and. cabinet reached the
capltol at 13 o'clock , actual time. The clocks
ot the two houses have been set back. The
senate adjourned at 11 : & > senate time , 12:04 :
actual time. The deficiency bill failed for
want of time to onorross it The fortification
bill was abandoned In the conference.
The senate bill appropriating 130,000 tor
the senate Investigations ordered this session
nnd the house bill for a loan of government
articles to the industrial exhibition at Min
neapolis , passed.
Senators Sheimnn nnd Saulsbury were ap
pointed to Join n like committee appointed
on the part of the house to wait on tno presi
dent and inform him that the two houses
had completed their business and wore ready
to adlourn.
During the closing quarter hour of the sen
ate the enrolled District of Columbia ap-
pronrlatlon bill was signed by the presiding
officer and sent to the president for signature.
The conference report on the deficiency bill
could not be reported In time and died.
Tlio usual resolution of thanks was tendered
to the presiding officer , and the president
having signified ho had nothing further to
communicate the benato was declared ad
Tlie following bills were approved by the
president before ho left the white house for
the capltol to-day : The not for n bridge
across the Mississippi at or near AVI nous ,
Minn. ; fora brideeacross tlie Missouri at
Pierre , Dak. ; for return of tlie Twlegs
swords ; to repeal the provisions of the law
relating to the purchase of arms for the use
of states ; making appropriations for thn
legislative , oxec'UUu ' and judicial expenses
of the government : rclatlM ) to tbo Minnesota
Industrial exposition ; making appropria
tions for the postotlice derailments ; to regu
late the jurisdiction of circuit courts and
making appiopriatlons lor the naval service.
The following bills passed both housed , but
as they were not signed by the president they
failed to become laws : The river and harbor
bill ; the claim of Kmery for 3100,000 ; the bill
to pre\ont employment of alien labor ; the
Dill to open n strip of public land
south of Kansas for settlement ;
bill providing a method for .settlement of
controversies betueen niter-stuto railroad
corporations ; the bill to annex a part of
Idaho to Washington teiritory.aud a number
of piiv.ite lellof bills.
WASHINGTON. March l. At 4:30a. : m. the
house engaged In the consideration of mis
cellaneous business nwaUlng the preparation
of the conference icport on the loalslativo ap
propriation blil. As soon as the icpoit was
submitted It was acted upon. The naval ap
propriation bill ad auiued to In thuconfetuiico
passed the house.
At 5 o'clock Mr. j Strublo of Iowa called up
the veto mesjHgo of the president on tbo
senate bill for tint erection of a public buildIng -
Ing nt Sioux City , la. The house refused
to puss the bill over tlio president' * veto by a
vote of joas , 107 , unju , 77 , not the constitu
tional two-thirds.
Mr. Hubert of Alabama submitted n con
ference repoit on thn appropriation
hill. After some debate , In which Mr.
lloutello ot Maine criticized the action of the
committee on naval Rtlalra for failure to
make appropriations tor the completion of
tlio Atlanta , lioston nnd Chicago , the report
was agreed to ,
Mr. Nelson of Minnesota moved to sus
pend the rules to pass a bill irraiillni : to the
Clark * Fork < V. CUOK City ralliond company
the right of uny through the Ciow re-ierva-
tlou In Montana. A ireed to , and the bill
At 5 o'clock this morning tli effects of the
blxtcen hour sc > slou \ > ere visible In the an-
pearancoof the hall of the lioiibu ami on the
members ot the body. The floor was stieui
with scraps of paper and remnants of docu
luoiils and reports. Tlio utmosphoro of tlie
house \vas vorv liupuro and oppressive am
was \\ell Impregnated with tobacco .smoke
notwithstanding Urn repeated appeals of the
apeaknrto the lueiiiDers U'ouestlng tb > > m to
observe tlie rule which prohibits flinoklng 01
F'A few Vulnutrs after five Mr. Ulount an
tf 2 Bounced that tin : confercucu report of the
commlttcu of thn pnstortico nppropilatlnn till
had reached an iigreoment by recession of the
eoulua-es from the subsidy amendment The
tenortu as agreed u > , thus disposing 01 the
fell ! dually.
About six o'clock the legislative approprla
tlon bill came from thu Minnie and was Im
Mediately called \ < by Mr. JMirmti , who ci
SilueU toil the point ot dlilaonco icmaln-
He between the two houses was the Hem for
st'crelRrloj for senators , Mr. llolmanmoved
hat the house recede from Its. disagreement
0 the senatorial amendment.
Mr. 13a > noot Pennsylvania , moved that
ho house reccdo from tta disagreement to
he amendment and n reo to the sumo with
.ho amendment Ktving clerks to toprc3cuta-
tlvc . Lost.
Mr. llolmnn's motion received a malorltv
vote and tliu motion \ns declared carried ,
passing thu lo.'lslntho appropriation bill ,
The rler and hai bor bill failed to receive
ho president's signature. It reached him
several davs ago but \\as pocketed > etoed.
The conference teport on the bill amending
sections'illil iimiriHi2 revised statutes , was
presented and agreed to.
Mr. Itu.'d of Maine fHatch of Missouri
: > oing In the chair ) offered the following
resolution , which was adopted unanimously
by astandltiL'vote :
Hesolved , That the thanks of this house Is
leieby tendered to John ( } . Carlisle , the
speaker , for courtesy , ability and fairness
with which no has presided over thu dullbera-
Jens of the Forty-ninth congress.
Mr. Forney of Alabama , fiom the commit
tee on conference on the fortifications bill ,
reported continued disagreement.
Mr. Randall of Pennsylvania stated the
senate bill involved the ovpcndituro of S40-
100,000 , while thn hoiifcu bill , which the ma
jority ottho conferees were vllliiiji to adopt ,
appropriated S17OOJ,000. ne obtained leave
to nave the two measures printed In the rec
ord In order that the country might judge
jet\\eon them.
Mi. liulterworth of Ohio regretted that
congress must adjourn without taking a step
n the direction of providing coast defenses.
I'lio failure to agree lie attributed to the delay
in the conferees coming together.
Mr. Ucod of Maine criticized the position
of the house conferees , declaring that It
meant the manufactute of Iron guns Instead
of steel guns.
Mr. liutlcrworth replied that this was an
ctitlro mistake. 'I ho house conferees had
agiecd to appropriations for steel guns , and
lie declared there was not a word of truth in
what the gentleman said.
Mr. Heed reiterated his statements , arguing
that under the provisions ot the house bill
steul guns could not bo manufactured.
The report was accepted and thu bill died.
Mr. Hums of Missouri presented a conference -
once report on the general deficiency bill and
it was agreed to. It contains a provision for
tlio completion of four steel cruisers , but
omits appropriation for the pavmunt of the
Cential Pacific and Choctaw claims
The message was received from the presl-
lout saying ho had no fuithcr communlca-
Jens to make to congress and the speaker
after a short speech thanking the members
Tor their resolution , declared the house ad
It Is said at the white house thut there IB no
lirobabllitv of a special session being called
jy the pteslaeut tor the purpose of acting on
nominations or for any other purpose. Thu
intor-stato commeice commission nnd the
successor of Seeietary Manning will proba
bly IHJ appointed next week , or the week fol
AVork of the Session.
WASHINGTON , March 4. The congress
which ended its existcnco at noon to-day
lias afforded a striking Illustration of the
Increase in the volnmo of legislation de
manding the attention ot congress which
has been going on for the last three or more
congresses. More bills were Introduced in
both houses , more committee report ? made ,
more bills passed , more became laws , and
more were vetoed than ever before. The
most of these measures were of comparative
unimportance , such as bills granting private
pensions and special relief , authorizing tlio
erection of bridges , granting rUlit of way
and the like ; but many , not only ot the bills
and reports presented , but of the laws
enacted , were of general Interest and Impor
tance. A number of bills enacted Into laws
were old and tamlllar claimants for legisla
tive favor. In this category belongs tlie
presidential succession bill , the electoral
count bill , the Inter-state commerce bill
and the bill for the relict of Fitz-
John Porter. The Forty-ninth con
gress commenced Its session on the
4th day of December , 1835. and was in session
until the 6th day of Auutist , when It ad
journed until December G and continued In
session until Its close to-day , covering a total
period of ten months ana twenty-six days.
Of this time the senate was m session t 4
das and the house 251 days. There were in
troduced in the house during this time 11,358
bills and 2G.I joint resolutions , on which over
5,000 reports were made , being boveral thou
sand more bills and over a thousand uioro re
ports than wore made In the Forty-eighth
congress , which had In its turn beat the rec
ord. In the senate there wore intioduced
S\V \ > J bills and 118 joint resolutions , on which
Ib8 ( written reports were made , bolng up
wards of 500 morn bills and over 400 more re
ports than In the record-breaking Forty-
eighth couni ess. The total number of laws
enacted was approximately 1,431 , of whlcli
l.OUl ) originated In thu house and HC3 In the
senate. Two hundred and sixty-four of these
became laws by expiration of the constitu
tional ten days' limitation. Fifty bills failed
to become laws owing to the adjournment of , nmo of them at the close of the
hrstsesslon. There-weie 132 bills vetoed by
thu president , or 21 moro instances of the
exercise ot the presidential prerogative
of the \ eto than had occurred from the founda
tion of the government down to the begin
ning of this congress. Ot the vetoed bills
ninety-four originated In the house and
thirty-nine In the senato. lint one private bill ,
that granting a pension to Joseph Honielser ,
and one public bill , namely thut providing
tor the erection of a government building at
Dayton , O. , succeeded In passingbotli houses
over the president's veto , although several
others obtained the requisite two-tlilras vote
In the senate only to fail in the house.
Tlie death roll of this congress was also an
extraordinary one , comprising tlio unpre
cedented number of thirteen names In the
house and senate. But one election case was
deuldeu by the house against the sitting
mnmbera and congress was characterized by
an absence of that acrimonious discussion
which such contests usually awaken. The
Ithode Island case ot Page vs. Pierce , In
which the house decided that neither party
was entitled to the seat and a new election
was ordered , was the one Instance of a seat
oelng taken from a sitting member.
Of the 1,053 house bills which became laws
: nr > wore ot a more 01 less public nature. Of
the icmalnliig 77S bills ( granting pensions of
relief to specially designated persons ) , 15(1 ( be
came lawt > without the approval ot the presi
The following Is n list of the moro Im
portant house bills which became laws : To
forfeit tlie Atlantic & Pucllic railroad land
giant ; to Increase the pension ofwidows
and dependent relatives from 8 to SI'IK.T !
month : to abolish certain fees for oflicial
services to American vessels and to amend
the shipping laws ( the Dlngley bill ) ; to
amend the Thurman net ; the increase of
thu navalestabllshme ts ; to pension Mexican
war veterans : to Impose a tax and regulate
the manufacture , sale , Importation and ux-
poitatlon of oleomargarine ; to uuthoil/o the
transfer of the Highwood tract , near Chicago ,
to the Unltnd States for military purposes : to
protect homestead settlers within lallroad
limits ; to unable national banking Institu
tions to Incieaso their capital stock and
change their name and location : for tlio con
struction of a congressional library buildIng -
Ing ; to forfeit the Now Orleans , liaton
Hougo & Vicksburg rallioad ( Uackbone )
l.iml grant ; torouucutecs on domestic money
orders for sums of leisthan S ! ' > ; to make al
lowance * for clerk hire to postmasters of the
lir > t and second classes 10 cover the cost of
clerical labor in the money order business ;
tocxtuud the immediate delivery system ; to
prohibit the passage ot local or special laws-
In teiritorliii ; makingapmopiiation for ad
dltlonal barracks at tlio southern , north *
western and western branches of the na
tional holdiurshomu ; to provide tor tiio clos
ing up of tlio business ot tlio court of Ala-
bam 11 claims ; to establhh additional life
saving stations ; extending the free delivery
system to towns of 10,000 Inhublfuits : for the
sale of the ChernUeoreservation in Arkansas ;
to ninonil the statutes so us to require-brewer
to give bonds for three times their estimated
monthly tax ; for the allounnco of Fourth of
July claims reported | > y the accounting otli-
eow of the treajun department ( ono bill for
each of thu two sessions ) ; for tlie
issue of postal notes in sums ol
loss than SJV to validate the general
laws of Dakota regarding the Incorporation
of insurance companies ; to provide tor n
school ot distinction for the Initiation of to-
btco , cigars and snull , and to repeal section
3,151 revised xtatutiis ; to provide for the fill-
ins of the ollico of United States treasurer In
the ahtenca ot the treasurer and assistant
treasurer ; to restrict the ownership of lamU
In territories to American citizens ; to pro
hibit government employes from hiring or
contracting out laborof UnitedStutes prison
ers ; to amend the act piohlbltlng thu impor
tatlon and immigration of foreigners under
labor contracts ; amundatory of the act divid
ing Illinois Into judicial districts and provid
ing for theholdlngof terms of court nt 1'corla ;
lemtlve to contetrd elections ; for the em
ployment of mall uiettdngen In the jxwta
; rvlre ; to regulate Jurisdiction of United
States circuits ; for the adjustment ot lane
irrnnUana forfeiture ot uueiroed laudt ; to
add annnibcr of cltlc3to thnlUtof national
bank resoi-vn Cities , and to allow part of
the reserve to bo kept In cities other
than Now Vork : for the rollof of settleis on
public lands In Kansas and Nebraska ; to pro
vide for bringing .suits against tlio covern-
ncnt : to increase tlie limit Of the cost of pub
ic buildings at IVorla and Kookuk , la. ; lor
ho completion ot the Improvement of the
public buildings at DCS Molncs , la.
Forty houi' Joint resolutions became laws ,
ho principal ones belugas follows : Dlrcct-
ng the commissioner of labor to make Inves
tigation as to coin let labor ; to authorize the
neslilcnt to protect American fishing and
railing vessels and American fishermen In
Canadian waters ( senate retaliation bill ) ;
kiithorlzlnc an Investigation of thn books ,
iiethods and accounts ot the Pacific railroads.
Of the total number of bills which passed
.ho senate n O became laws , including 11" of
a public and 201 of a btilctly private na-
.ure. Tlio following Is a list of
the moro Impuitant senate bills placed
on the statute books by the ijiesent
congress : The presidential succession bill ,
levolvlng the helrshlp of the presidency
ipon members of the cabinet in the event of
a vacancy In the olllce of president and vlco
resident ; the Cullom-ltcagan bill to rezu-
ate Inter-stato coramcrcu ; for the retire-
110111 and recolnaueof the trade dollar ; the
electoral count bill ; for the allotment of
ands In severally to Indians and extending
ho protection of the laws to the Indians of
the various reservations ; to repeal the tcnurn
if ofllce act : to Increase the annual appropri
ation for mlhtla ; to establish agricultural ex-
larimcnt stations ; for the study ot the
ilTccts of narcotics and Intoxicants In the
iiubllc schools ; to legalize the Incorporation
of trades unions ; authorizing the transmis
sion of weather reports through the malls
lieo of postage ; to Increase the pension for
iho loss of an arm or leg ; to Indemnify the
Jhlncso for losses sustained by the Itock
Sprints , Wyo. , riot ; for the relief of Texas ,
Colorado. Oregon , Nebraska , California ,
Kansas , Washington territory and Idaho ; au
thorising the sale of certain government
property In Chicago ; to relieve tlio charge of
desertion from the records of soldiers who rc-
onllsted without having received discharges
on account of their first enlistment ; to estab
lish two additional land districts in Ne
braska ; to amend the laws relating to pat
ents , trademarks , and copyrights ; to author
ise the postmaster general to allow compen
sation for railroad apartment car service fur
nished pursuant to agreement ; to bridge the
Mississippi river at St. Louis ; to allow receiv
ers of national banics to buy In trust property
on the approval of the comptroller of the cur
rency ; to provide for the execution of arti
cle 'J of the Chinese treaty of November 7 ,
IbSO , ( It prohibits the importation of opium
into cither country by the citizens of the
other ) ; for the erection of a public building
nt Milwaukee , Wls > .
Of the foregoing measures seven became
laws by expiration OL the constitutional ten
days' limitation , viz : The mormon polvg-
amy bill ; the trade dollar lopudiatlon bill ;
the milltiablll and four pilvato bills.
Tlio senate bills vetoed were 39 in number ,
11 being ot a public and 28 of a private char
acter. The public bills vetoed were as fol
lows : To quiet title ot settlers on the DCS
Molnes river lands ( passed over the veto in
tiie senate , but tailed of the necessarv two-
thirds In the house ) ; for the erection of pub
lic buildings at Xanosvllle , O. , Lafayette.
Ind. , Sioux City , la. , la > ton , 0. , ( passed
over tlio veto in both houses ) , and Lynn ,
Mass. ; to extend the provisions of the Im
mediate transportation act to Omaha , Neb. ;
to grant railroads right of way through the
Indian reservations in northern Montana ,
The 93 house bills vetoed included 87 private
bills and 0 bills of a puullc nature. The pub
lic bills vetoed were for the erection of federal
buildings at Springfield , Mo , , Duluth , Miitr. . ,
Ashervlllo , N. 0. , and Portsmouth , O. , to
distribute $10,000 worth of seeds among the
droughf-strleken people of Texas , and to
grant pensions to dependent soldiers and de
pendent relatives ot deceased soldiers. ( An
effort made to pass the dependent pension
bill o r the veto failed. )
The regular appropriation bills which
tailed of enactment were : The fortifications
bill , tor both congresses ; the river and hai-
bor bill of the present session ( which was
not signed by the president ) , and tlio de
ficiency bill , on which the conference report
was not submitted in time for action. The
failure of the fortifications bill was duo to de
cided differences of opinion between the con
ferees of the two houses.
Fifty bills , In addition to those which be
came laws and those vetoed , were sent to
the president but were pocketed by film on
the adjournment of congress and therefore
failed. The most Important are as follows :
The river and harbor ; to prevent the employ
ment of convict and alien labcr on public
works : the O'Neill labor arbitration bill for
the settlement of controversies between Interstate -
tor-state railroads and their employes ; tho-
Morrlson surplus resolution. Bills estab
lishing additional aids to navigation at the
mouth of the Mississippi and forfeiting the
land grant to a railroad from Octonagen to
the Wisconsin state line also failed In con
ference , while the bill to create a department
ot agriculture ana labor was killed by tbo In
ability of Its friends to send it to a confer
ence committee.
About 150 bills and lolnt resolutions which
passed the house failed of action in the
senate , some ot which , however , were de
feated by adverse committee reports. About
750 bills passed by the senate failed of pas
sage In the house. The Cameron-Hale twin
bills appropriating $35,000,000 for the increase
of the navv were sent to the naval committed
and died there , although provision for addi
tional vessels were inserted In tbo naval
appropriation bill. The twin fortifications
bills which passed the sonata were allowed
to sleep in the house upprouiiations commit
tee room. The Dakota admission bill still
slumbers on the house calendar. The bill for
the admission of Washington territory failed
of action , as did the bill to grant Dearborn
park to the city of Chicago.
The following measures ot national Im
portance failed of action of an affirmative
nature In either house : Tlio Morrison and
other tariff bills which the house , on a test
vote , refused even to consider : various bills
on the silver question ; to establish a uniform
bankruptcy law ; the llennenln canal bill ;
the Oklahoma bill , and the Dunn free ship
bill , were all reported from the house com
mittees and all failed to got beyond the stage
of general debate. The bills to repeal the
civil service law and to grant woman suffrage
wore killed la the house by adverse commit-
tea reports , and in the senate by adverse
test votes. A resolution favoring open ex
ecutive sessions was defeated In the senato.
Owing to the failure of the doliclonoy bill
the recent net of congress extending thu free
delivery system to cities and towns having
not less than 10,000 inhabitants , or postal
revenue of not less than 910,000 , becomes In
operative until the beginning of the next
fiscal year , when the regular appioprlation
act goes into effect.
\ Very Bad Futlurc.
WASHING TON , March 4 , Tlio effect of the
luiluroof tlio deficiency bill will be moro
serious than Is generally bclived , inasmuch
as it contained provisions for supplying
pressing demands for postal cards , stamps
and other Items connected with the postal
service , the denial of which will , it m ex
pected , seiiously embarrass the. department
and tin * public. The legal machinery ol the
government will bo materially disarranged
during the lomalnderof tlio fiscal year , also ,
as no money will bo available for jurors' , wit
nesses' or maishals' fees , and many prison
ers cannot bo tried for months to come. A
number of soldiers' claims , aggregating
8700,000 , which had bnen certilied by the
tiuasury , will fail also of settlement.
Nomination * ) Acted On.
WASHINGTON , March 4. The senate con
firmed the nominations of Captain A. W ,
Urecly to bo brigadier general and James M.
Trotter to bu recorder of deeds for the DIs-
tilctof Columbia. Also , Arthur K. Delaney ,
of Wisconsin , to bo collector of- cus
toms tor the district of Alaska ; Owen
MeUlauplln. to bu surveyor of cus
toms for tin ) port of Dubmtue , la. : John
M. Mercer , ot Iowa , to bo suivoyor of cus
toms tor the port of Uurllngton , la. ;
Thos. J. Ashby , of Nebraska , to
bo ie.-lster of thu land ollico at
liloomlngtou , Neb. , Sterling P. Hart ,
of Nebraska , to be register ot the land ollico
at McCuolc , Nub. ; K. F. Hudson , of No-
hnisko , to Im receiver of public moneys at
Lincoln , Neb. ; Jacob Stelnmotz. of Ne
braska , to bo receiver of public monovs at
McCook , Neb. ; Commodore Lewis A. Klin-
berly , of 111. , to be rear admiral in the navy ;
Samuel F. lUirtih , register land oiilce , Val
entine , Neb.
Postmasters K. K. Pitman , at Leon , Iowa ;
Charles . McCrano. at Alexandria , DaU. ;
William McCltntock , atVest Union , Iowa ;
H.V. . Hill , at St. Charles , Minn. ; K. M.
Scott , at Ahhlaml. Neb. J. W. Olsun , at
( iolva. Ills. , and S. 11. Sanderson , at Piano ,
Ills.Tho mun'natlnn ' of Oliver Shannon of
North Platte. .Nib. , as receiver of' public
monovs at that place was rejected by the
senutH tliU morning.
A SIlKlit Sbake.
NICK , March 4. Another slight eaitlnuiako
shock has been foil here.
I. 4. . ,
tlie HnutliMc tern Hcrvlco.
WAiiiiNoro.v , MhtBh 1. The postumtei
general Imsmndo rrapgcmcnts for fast mail
service between thuiicast and southwest.
Heretofore the fatf mnll leaving New York
nt7:30p. : m. has totJVed nt St. Louis by
passenger train th q end morning In time
only td reach Kansas' City the second even
ing. Ily the new arrangement a special train
of postal cars on tHfe PonnsyIvanla linov HI
ic.ich St. Louis at' 'lfia. m. and the mall bo
transferred at once , lof > special train of postal
cars on the Missouri Pacific which will leave
St. Louis at 3 aud rtrrlVo at Kansas City at 11
In the morning. It 1 'expected tlio outgo
ing morning train from Kausis City to
Colorado , Mcvlco , New Moxtco , Ailzona ,
southern California , southern Kansas , Arkan
sas , Indian Teirltory , Texas and the south
west generally and up the Missouri to Omaha
will delay departure and take the mall on
theatrlval ot the fast train at Kaims City.
The value ot tlio change will bo more ap
parent from noticing tlie saving ot tlmu
effected In the delivery of the eastern mall
nt some of thn prominent points. At Scdalla ,
Mo. , and generally In southwestern Missouri
the gain Is above eight hours , and at Kansas
City eight hours and a half. Practically at
these points the gain is a full business day.
the mail arriving in the morning Instead ol
the evening. Thn new provision will begin
with the train leaving New Vork on Saturday
night , the 12th of March , aud the service will
bo a dully ono.
Haln orsnowls predicted for to-day.
Ono hundred people vvcro killed in the out
break at Hustchuk.
The Georzo K. Oyler Manufacturing coin-
pan } , ot St. Louis , lias made an assignment.
Tlio Canadian Pacific railroad has com
pleted arrangements for through connections
with China.
Three roustabouts were fatally scalded by
the burstlngof a steam plpo on the Flcctwooa
near Cincinnati jcsterday.
Five nnnaturallzed citizens of Knox
county. Illinois , have testified that they voted
for Congressman YYorthlngton.
A report that the car has withdrawn from
the alliance of the three emperors is not be
lieved in German diplomatic circles.
State Insurance Superintendent Carr , of
Missouri , has made application to the eotuts
for the discontinuance of the Union Mutual
Insurance company ot St. Louis.
Armed incendiaries burned a largo number
of tenants' houses near Limerick , Ireland ,
Thursday nlzht. Those whoso houses vveio
destroyed paid rent and the outrages ore set
down as political.
The passcnor aeonts and railroad man
agers who have been In session In Now York
all week have at last arrived at a complete
understanding and the report ot the joint
committee adopted.
The scheme for consolidating the Chicago
gas companies was completed In Now York
jesterday , and the business will be. con-
tiolled by the United Gas Improvement com
pany of Philadelphia.
Tlie joint schedule committee of the loaeuo
and American base ball associations met at
Columbus , Ohio , yesterday to arrange the
dotes for games. The result of tl.plr delibera
tions Is as yet unknown.
A mob of 200 armed men broke into the jail
at San Marcas , Texas , early yesterday mornIng -
Ing , took out a colored boy named Triu
ISlocker and hung him to a tree. The prisoner
was chaiged with attempted rape.
Marv Goshert , living In Elizabeth town
ship , Pa. , shot and 'killed Lovl lUooks , a
relative , yesterday morning. She claimed
that Hrooks was cominis up her steps with a
knife in his hand and eio feared for her Ufa.
The defense of J. Flnley lloke , the Peorla
bank forger , will be that the United States
levlsed statutes delind the alteration of na
tional bank checks tobe a misdemeanor ,
whereas he was extradited foi the crime of
forgery. A '
States Attorney Grlnnell , of Chicago , has
requested the Cook county treasurer to re
fuse to pay warrants of three wardens and a
large number of county contractors on ac
count of the recent "boodle" investigations.
One of the poisons thus debarred has turned
states evidence. ,
Inspector Byrnes , of Now York , has
arrested George Frederick Parker , K. L.
Witheroll and George W. Gibbons for de
frauding the public on the old swindle of
ferreting out and securing vast estates In
England for heirs in this country. The
.swindle was worked under the title of the
"British American Claim Agency.
Unearthed by Omaha aud Chicago
For n few days past Pinkerton of the
famous Chicago agency has boon in
Omaha ' 'nosing around" in his peculiar
style. Thu nature of his business here
leaked out yesterday. In connection with
Mr. J. J. Noligh , of the Western Uotect-
ivo agency , ho has succeeded In nmniii < j
to the earth n band of arson Rends.
About six months ngon certain locality
in Chicago became subject to ( ires which
were breaking out without any apparent
cause , nnd wore presumably the vvork of
arson fiends. Ihero wore many circum
stances which pointed to the theory of
arsyp and the case was placed in the
bunds of the Pitikcrtons. When the
mutter was fully investigated it bccamo
evident that there was n conspiracy
among three or four parties to insure
certain houses for more than they worn
worth , burn them down and secure the
insurance money. In this way a sum
amounting to thousands of dollars was
The names of the offenders were soon
unearthed nnd then the still mint com
menced. The fellows vyero tracked to
Omaha and from this point south. De
tective Ncligh who was called into co
operation by the Pmkcrtons , sent two of
Ins men south on a trail which eventu
ally led to the capture of ouo of the tire-
bugs at Jacksonville , Flu. , and of an
other at Milan , Term. The third man
was found to be hiding in South Omaha ,
and was arrested on a nominal charge of
disposing of mortgaged property. This
charge was made oecatise the man Wil
liams , alias ' 'Koxy , " Adair had sold a lot
of mortgaged pro'portj which ho claimed
was destroyed in ono of the burned
buildings. The names of the oilier two
are McKinney and Scliombold. The
three have been taken to Chicago to
await trial.
Hall Notes.
B. U. Thompson , car ) service agent of
the Union Pacilic , liw'gono ! | to Chicago.
William Pike , a Stunographer in GenT -
T ( "
oral Superintendent Smith's oilleo , has
beett opjioinled chief clerk of the sta
tionary dupartmoiit of tlie Union Pacilic.
Tlio Union Pncllfo freight department
lias Issued some stickers in the form of a
shield , with the stars and stiines on if ,
across the face of which is the Icgond ,
"Ship your frci-tht - over the Union Pa
cific. " The slicker.s arc little larger
a postage stamp , and come in perforated
sheets , In a book of forty.
The bolt railway will bo in full opera
tion it is believed by the first of May. U
was so decided when Mr. Clark was hero
last November. Tlio neccesaty passenger
rolling stouk is now being built
Them are three depots on the linn :
: it Chatham , Walnut Hill and West
Sulo , Another will bo constriK'trd im
mediately east of the Kxehaiigo building
in South Omaha. The Missouri Pacific
now runs three passenger trains each
day. Col. J. M l-.ddy , vice-president of
the road reports that 0,000 cars of mer
chandise per month is being handled.
A Crack Shot Done up by Oinntin
Mr. Skinner , of Cincinnati , represent
ing the King Quick-Shot Powder Co. ,
was in the city a few days ago. Mr.
Skinner is a crack shot , and took occa
sion to make a sweeping challenge to the
local sportsmen for a little contest nt
pigeons for the price of the birds nnd
shells , liis challenge was accepted by
11. A. Penrosc and "Ulanch" Kennedy ,
resulting in four matches , which were
shot on Tuesday afternoon on the grounds
east of Athletic park. The first contest ,
at twenty-live Ainctican clay birds ; re
sulted as follows :
Pcnrose. . . . ! 1 1 t 1 1 10011111101
111110 21.
Kennedy..0 l i i i i 11001110111
ooooio -10.
Skinner. . . 111100 11100111011
llllll -JO.
Tlio second contest was between Pon-
rose anil Simpson against Kennedy and
Skinner , nt twenty American clay birds
each , The match was won by Penrbse and
Simpson , by the following score :
Penrose. . . . ! 01001111111111111
1 1 17.
Kennedy. . . ! otoiloOOlllOlOlll
l 1-13.
Simpson. . . . ! 11110111111111111
1 1-10.
Skinner..1 1111110100111 1001
0 0-13.
The third contest at twenty-live bitds ,
was won by Peuro e , Kennedy and Skin
ner tying. In the shoot-oil'Skinner won.
The score on the first shoot was as fol
lows :
Skinner..0 11111001111100011
llllll 1-10.
Pcnrose..1 11101111111111111
101111 1 33.
Kennedy..0 oiioiiiioiioillio
110111 1 1 ! ) .
Kennedy , apparently wearied of the
fun of paying for everything , and won
the sixth contest by the following excel
lent score :
Peurose..O 11111111111111110
llllll o-SJ.
Skinner. . . . ! 11011011111001111
011111 1-20.
Kennedy. . . ! Ollllllllllllllll
111011 1. 23.
An Abused Will's Pica Three Di
vorce Cases.
Marie Dcttelfs commenced a suit in the
district court yesterday for a divorce
from her husband , John F. Dettelfs. Tlio
plaintiff alleges that slio was married to
Dcttolfs in Germany in 1871. During the
past year her husband has become abu
sive aud has frequently treated her very
cruelly. She cites that on February 23
lie knocked her down and kicked her
brutally without any cause whatsoever.
On February 28 she was again assaulted
by her husband , who tried to drive her
from her homo , lie knocked her down
and kicked her , and then tried to per
suade her that she ought to hang herself.
She states that ho even ofiorcd to put the
rope around her neck. On this account
Mrs. Dcttelfs asks that she be given a do-
crec of separation and the custody of her
three children. She also asks that she bo
given $500 , which the defendant has in
the savings bank , and that ho bo re
strained from drawing the money from
the baulc or interfering with her use
of the household propcrtv which
she also claims. Judge Neville issued
the desired restraining order and will
hear the argument in the case on next
Ellen O'Neill commenced a divorce
proceedjngs in the district court yester
day against her husband , Jell O'Neill , to
whom she was married in Carroll , Iowa ,
in 1880. She alleges tiiat her husband
committed adultery last month , with a
woman living on South Sixteenth street ,
in this city. She asks for a divorce and
the custody of her two children.
Alf. H. Brown wants a divorce from
Maltida Brown to whom lie was married
in Nebraska City in 1877. Dcoertion is
alleged as a ground for the desired de
cree. The plaintiti's petition is not near
ly so pathetic as that which "Jcdgo"
Coolcy made to a reporter to state that
lie is the attorney for the plaintitV.
Ho Charged Too Much.
Charles O. Smith , a hackman , was ar
rested yesterday for overcharging
two ladirs whom ho carried from
the Union Pacific depot. llu
charged them ft when the legal
rate allowed him was only ? 2.50. Judge
Stenberg took hold of him ycstonfayoadr ,
him a lecture on the enormity of h of-is
fonso , anil fined him the full limit , tumlJO
costs. _
"When wo two parted , 1 felt I had
taken cold. " said Thomas Takeintimo ,
"and next morning I was hoarse indoi-d.
But a 25 cent bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough
Syrup fixed mo up. "
Contentious women are slaves to head
ache , but twenty-live cents spent for a
bottle of Salvation Oil will restore har
mony in tlin household.
Oovcrnor Gordon , of Georgia , has pur
chased a gorgeous carriage of the French
style , rich with silk and silver and rare
woods , for liis own use.
This is the Season
When a cnoit mcdlcinoli n necessity. Iholmpuro
condition uf the bodr , all cnll for DIB | iuilf7lnu , r"gu-
lutlnc. uml aucnuthenlni ; ( jitlyoncoi ao hnpplly nnd
effectively combined In JIwiXjiSiiriKiJarllU. It over
come * that llrod fooling , cifrd * henducho and dy poi > -
lln , and expels overr tamt of scrofula from the
) v l
"All I uik of any one Ii l try * botllo of Hrod'
Snrtaparllli and KCO Hi quli'k ' effect. It tnke $ ICM
time unit quantity to the * Us effect than any oilier
preparation ! ever be.ird of. XwouM not b * | thout
It In tbo bouse. " Mil * . C-jVj M. HiniiUlU ) , North
Chill. Monroe County , N. Y. .
( spring Mccllflno
"Wo liaro used Hood's Sursuparllln for orcnil
year. ' , and fncl prouil to recommend It ai an excel-
lentsprlnKiuciUrliio or to bo u edat nil tlmcjiua
blood purlder. For chltlrcnaa well aigronn people
vro consider U tbo bckt. Wo set uslclu one boltle
for our boy to take In the spring. Ho t nine years
old and hus enjoyed eood health cverstnce wo bCBiin
Klvlnit U In him. We aru reldom without It. " 11. K.
UUUVKlt , Itochc t3r , N. II.
N. H.-U you have made up your rulnd to get
lloud's Sjrtupsr.lln do not take any other.
"Two months BRO I commenced tukt-iir Hood saiir-
rrparlllu as an experiment , 111 I had no appetite or
strength , and felt tired all thu time , I attributed my
condition to ncrofulojn humor. I bud tried several
illlTcrent klndi of medicine , without rccolvlnv any
bcnotlt. But an soon as I had taken half bottle of
Hood's SartapnrlHa , my appetite was restored , uni )
my Ktomacb felt better. I have now taken nrarly
three bottles , nnd I never was so well In iny life. "
.Mlts. JK39IIC K. IHH.iiKUtK. I.
"Hood'a Barsaparllln cured me of dyjpepsln and
liver complaint with which I hud suffered ' yours. "
J , H. UoliMJICK , South Kalliburj , N. V ,
p Power
"Igladlr attest the peculiar building up power nf
Hoods Burnnparrllla. For some time I have be n
unable to at teid tnbuilnei , but flnnlly nit he request
of a friend I useJ part of a bottle of Hood's San-a.
parllla , which ru\e tone and strength to my system
and made ino fee I young as whrn a boy. " OIIAN *
vii.I kT. Wool > 8 , fitund Id Lodge street , Cincinnati ,
"Hood's SarsopirnllH cured me of dyipe.iila and
liver complaint wllh which I had suffered 30 ycari. "
J , 11. licit < HBCK , bonth Fallibjrg , . " > . V.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Hold by all JrtUKfats. II ; sir for IS. Prepirod byC. [ Sold byulldruitglsts. Hi sir for K. I'ropared by C"
I. HOOD A CO. , Apothecaries , Lowell , Mass. I 1. UOOU 4 CO , Apothecaries. Lowell. U l.
1OO Oo e One Dollar 1 1OO Date * Ono Dollar
Beautiful Residence Lots ' *
Also Business Lots
LOOK : .
On the lurgo map of Omaha nnd observe that the two and one-half milo
belt from the Omiilia postoflicc runs south of section 33 imd through
the noith end of South Omaha.
And pencil , then get one of J.M. Wolfe & Go's maps of Omaha and South
Omaha combined ,
On the string at 13th nnd Fnrnnm , Omaha's busincs center , and your
pencil on the string at whew Bellevue street enters South Omaha from
the north.
A circle and note whor i
Is , and also that many "Additions , " "Places" and "Hills" ave far
Tin's mngio circle !
And think n minute what will make outside property incrcaso in value ?
Is all that will enhance the value of real estate other than at South
Omaha. At the hitter point we have three important factors to build up
nnd make valuable the property :
First The growth of Omaha , which has and always will follow the
transportation lines.
Second All the great railroads center there , thus making it the best
manufacturing point of any in or near the city ,
Dressed Beef Business
and Pork Packing Industry
Will make a town of themselves.
Going up this year.
A Gigantic Beef Canning Establishment
To be put into operation at once1.
Away your duy of grace when you do not gut an interest in South Omaha
before a higher appraisement is made. The bi" > t locations arc bi'ing taken
Make your selections now :
L > t < that sold for $ SOO in JtSSl cannot now be bought for W.OOO.
Over the railway track will make .safo and splendid thorough Cares between
this city and South Oiuahu.
Will run to the Stock Yards this year. The minute it does lol-s will dou
ble iu value , as this will afford quick and cheap transport at ion either by
Dummy , Cable or Horse Cars.
For further infonnution , maps , pric Hits , and descriptive ciroular.i ,
address ,
Agent for tlie South Omaha Land Oompauv
N.W. Cor. 15th and Harney.