Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 05, 1887, Image 1

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The State Lawmakers Agree to Bounce
Sinecure Clerks and Pages.
Majority ami Minority Ucports Made.
on tin1 Oinnlin Charter Hill as Pre
dicted Mollonna Wins llln
Contest Over Snull.
Srnntc Proceeding * .
LlNroi.N. Xeb , , March 4. ( Special Tele-
pram to the Hut' . ] A petition was re
ceived In the senate fimn Farragut post , Lin
coln. signed by the following as a committee :
H. C. McAithur , O. C. Hell , William M.
dlllesple , I'hclns I'alne , strongly urging the
passage of a soldiers' and sailors' home bill.
The committee rnportcd favorably upon the
hill to allow JudRO P. O. llawes his claim for
collecting money due the state for .suppress-
Inir Indian hostilities. .
Mr. Llnlncer moved that the bill bo placed
nnon third leading. One or two membcis
objected , but this tact that the money was al
ready In the state treasury upon which the
percent , for collecting was claimed , caused
the senate to carry Mr. Llnlnger's motion.
The special committee to report upon the
emploves of the senate submitted a list of the
bame. vvh'ch ' embodied a condition of things
which the senate was quick to rectify after
forty dajs. , . . . ,
Mr. Linn moved that all committee clerks
bo discharged after the lortleth day , except
the clerks of the onarosslng. enrolling print
ing , judiciary and hnance , ways and means
Mr. Kobbins objected , wanting the mat
ter left to the discretion of each committee.
Mr. Linn said that he proposed that each
"i senator should co on record on this question.
li knew positively that minyoftho clerks
held sinecures and were wholly unueces-
All. Fuller moved an amendment to except
the committee of redistiietlng , as It had a
great deal ot work belorc it. The amend'
ment prevailed.
Air. Kobbins moved to amend byglvine the
chalrmin of the committee the option of dis
charging clerks. Lost.
Mr , Casper moved that the number of
clerks of the committee on engrossed and en
rolled bills bo limited to fifteen.
Mr. Shell thought tiio question should be
left with tlio committee in the case ot ladles.
The senate had no right to come In and cut
the commlttvc out. It did not know the per-
bonallty as did the committee and could not
realize now cruel It would be to throw half of
them out upon the cold , cold world. Mr.
Casper had some doubt as to the gentle
man's ( Sncll ) anility as chairman to resist
the Millies of the fair ones when they asked
to bo retained. Mr. Casper's amendment
prevailed. When the surplus numbei are re
lieved there will b weeping and walling.
Mr. Linn's motion carried , which will re
duce the force to a reasonable number and
save the state a largo amount of money.
The bill locating the soldiers' home at
fir.ind Island was passed by a vote of ill , no
dissenting voice.
The bill grautlnit P. O. Hawes S4.KO was
passed. till 'J o'clock.
The senate went into committee of the
whole and took up house roll U7 ! , compelling
Insurance companies to Day taxes. The Dili
was Introduced In the house by Uepresenta-
tlvo Cole , and advocated in the senate by Mr.
Mclklojohn , It reads as follows : "Lach
and every Insurance company transacting
business In this state shall be taxed noon the
BXCOSS ot premiums received over losses and
ordinary expenses incurred within tlio state
during the j ear previous to tlio year of list-
Inic In the county wheie the a.-ont conducts
the business , properly proportioned by the
company at the same rate that all other per
sonal property Is taxed , and the ngcnt shall
render the list and be personally liable for
the tax ; and if he refuses to render the Hat ,
or to make atlldavit that the same Is correct ,
the amount may be assessed according to the
brst knowledge and dl&ciction of the asses
sor. Insurance companies shall bo subject
to no other tax , fees or licences under the
hws of this state except taxes on real estate
and thn fees Imposed by section 33 of an act
regulatlnc Insurance companies , passed Feb
ruary as. lb J. "
The bill was recommended to pass.
House roll 100 , to establish , erect and
maintain a hospital for the incurable Insane
at Hastings , was taken up and btrongly ad
vocated by Mr. Heartvvell , who depicted the
wretchedness of neatly GnOof these pitiable
creatures within our borders. Ho .spoke for
those who could not advocate their own
claims , many of whom were sadly neglected
and to tolly vv ithout care and protection. Fol
lowing are the chief piovlslons of the bill :
"That the said hospital for the Incurable In-
fitvnu ot Nebraska shall bo and thn same Is
hereby established and located within four
miles of thn corporate limits of the city ot
Hastings. Xeb. , on such slto as may bo
deemed the most practical by the board of
public lands and buildings : provided , how
ever , that said city of Hastings shall donate
to the state of Xebiaska a tiact containing
not less than IfiO acres of good land upon
which to locate tl.c said Institution , and it Is
herebv made the duty ot the attoincy general
to sco that a good and sufliclont warranty
deed U made to the state for bald tiact of
land as soon as the same Is donated and the
hospital located thereupon ; provided , that
should said city of Hastings fail to donate
said quantity of land as heieln contemplated
on or before thn first day of June , ls > t. the
said board shall at once proceed to locate said
hospital for the insane at such place as shall
comply with tha requirements of this section ,
and as said board shall deem most advant
T ageous to the Interests of the state. 'Ihe
eum of seTcnty-hvo thousand (575,000) ( ) dollars
lars be and the same Is hereby appropriated
out of the state general fund for the purpose
of erecting the necessary bulldlncs. "
Mr. Sterling moved to amend that the In
stitution t > located at Lincoln upon the
grounds adjacent to the Nebraska hospital
for th insane , and In moving Its adoption
he said that the proposed institution could
be built and maintained at a great deal less
expense to thu state.
Mr. Kent favored Hastings principally be-
cau-'O Grand Island got the soldiers' homo
and because thn houe had almost unani
mously passed the bill.
Mr. Keckley opposed the tendency of dot-
tin * thu state with such institutions. Un-
jolu was the place bcciu o the Mate boaid
. , . 011 Id much better si'i'ervbo the bulldln ? and
conduct of the Institution , livery such en-
torprbo located outside of the capital clo
uted a precedent vv'ilch would sooner or
siter bankrupt the stnto treastny.
Mr. Kobbins started out vvitli the old chpst-
uit : "Consistency thou art a jewel. " The
gentleman had yesterday voted for such an
institution at ( fraud Island.
Mr. KecKley The cases are not parallel.
The soldiers' home Is proposed on the cot
tage plan , and in the very nature of the case
that would be impracticable at Lincoln.
Furthermore , the soldiers wanted it at Cirand
The amendment of Mr. Sterling was lost ,
whereupon the committee iccoiumeiided the
bill for passage.
Mr. Wright's bill fixing ransoms for scalps
of certain wild animals was considered.
Mr. Linn ottered an amendment to Include
rats at 5 cents , but the committee did not rat
ify It.
Alter Indulging In a little pleasantry at
the expense of the bill , the committee rccoiii-
luunded the bill to pass.
llousn rolUK'J , introduced by Mr. Watson ,
was taken Up. It relates to the purchase ,
Ica e and * > ale of railroads In certain cases.
Mr. Sterling opposed the bill bcc-auso II
would enable the railroad * to take control of
their lines by reason of Incorporation in othei
stnt sso that they might be treated as foreign
bc.dlen In case of litigation. It was. just what
they wanted. If they weie foreign corpora
tions they could take actions out of the state
courts up to the United States courts , where
thayalttnj.s go. and U Is distasteful to tin
pttiple in general w ho have occasion to Iltl
t. gate with cor | > orations to have to tco Into the
United Slates uniru to doo. . He was not
. taturabl ) impressed with the measure.
Mr. Fuller thought the bill to be a dan
gerous one. Theie WAS nothing In It tt
yo | * tiieso foreign compmn es In purchas
ing Uiutt stocks to become carporatlous It
I hit state , and It appeared that If a stilt wen
bnuulit axauist that foreign corporation
this would nrccssarllj
have to go into the U nited Stated courts , ill
was therefore opposed to It.
Mr , lobbies gald p cUl Uw to brlig al
the road ) within the jurisdiction of
the state courts would be proper
to pass. He undcratooii that to be the object
of thu bill , which especially provides for ser
vice upon Its agents. Tin ) bill did nrt
exempt them from taxation. It would give
them the right to build , purchase and lca c
lines in the state In their own nnme-i , with
out doing it under t-omc other name. Ho
saw nothing In the bill aealn tthn Interests
of the state and was in favor of its passage
without amendment
Mr. Fuller moved that the committee re
port progress on the bill and ask leave to sit
again upon it. Ho s hl if there was a ques
tion raised as to corporations / In
corporated under the laws of the state that
was stitllcient to bear Investigation , and It
looked as if that were the point acainst the
bill. If not , It would develop later. The
ill alloweil foreign corpoiations to purchase
ml control lines of railroad In the state , and
icro was a serious question as to l suln ?
miniums whether they could compel lltl-
ants to go into the United States courts and
ue them or not. The bill ou ht to o over
> r further consideration.
Mr. Moore said as he understood it the
fleet would bu to authorize such railroad
onipany , upon being sued , to transfer the
ase to the United States courts. He was
liable to see wherein thn bill would bo oC
dvantago to the people of the state , but
ould see where It would be of advantage to
ho railroads. Uy virtue of their being toi-
itn coiporatlons they are authorized to go
o the higher coints. As state corporations
liny could not do so. Under our state con-
titutlon they could not build railroads until
hey incorporated under the state law. He
no tea the constitution In support of this
tatement. The bill was against litigants
11 the state couits and would bu productive
f immense , expense to them. As it Is now
le roads must abide by the decision of the
Ute courts. Hu objected to the bill.
MJ. Fuller's motion to further consider was
hen carried and tilt committee then arose.
The house bill reviewed above to erect and
maintain an Institution for Incurable Insane
t Hastings was passed.
The house bill compelling insurance com-
miles to pay taxes on premiums taken In
he statu In excess of expenses , was passed.
The senate then adjourned until 10 o'clock
Mr. Conecr says he will get even with the
enato for cutting oil his committee clerk.
le will doiit In this way : He will pay the
lerk S3 per day out ot his own pocket.
Little Miss llaes is the most alert and In-
lustrlous page in the senate. The boys aio
oo much inclined to be bos in business
An elevated platform should be built on
either side of the president's desk tor the re-
wrtors , w ho are very poorly prov ided for.
The senators should not forget that the IK ivs-
mpcrs greatly assist them in making a
ecord , The reporters' claims were much
> otter rcco ni/ed In the old capltol than in
he new. ( Jive the boys a chance.
One ot the sad tealltles noticeable at this
stage of thu session is the hopelessness of the
cause of woman suffrage. The ladles who
ought to have been men seem to have aban-
ioned thu work of reformation andconslgued
the statu to Inevitable doom.
Thn membeis are very much disturbed over
the appearance foi thu past thirty da ) s ot a
nysterlous icporter In the gallery. Some
iliink ho Is hero in tlio interest of the anarch
ists. Look out for bombs.
Mr. Lindsay's bill to limit the number of
cmpocs ! and offers of the senate to fifty Is
a ver ) meritorious measure and should ic-
ceive the support of eveiy senator. Ills ! a
ho interest of tlio taxpayers against the
chronic otlice-seeker.
Some of the senators at times have not
neig ) unough to vote audibly.
in the Hans * .
LINCOLN , Xeb. , March 4. [ Special Tele-
; ram to the Bus. ] Mr. Peters ot Boone ,
from the special committee on emploves , re
ported that the business of the house required
thirty-seven employes. The names of these
It presented , with the suggestion that they
bo retained. This provoked a spirited dis-
ciisslon , In which many members took part
because the forty-seven assistants whose
names were not recommended seemed to
taud In danger of being discharged.
Mr. Jeary , from the committee on en
grossed and enrolled bills , said It would bo
false economy to discharge the clerks oC that
Mr. Kelper of Pierce secured the recommit
ment ot house roll 4r > 7 , relating to recorders'
fees , indefinitely postponed yesterday.
The chair signed house rolls VJl and 83.
Mr. Peters moved the adoption ot his re
port.Mr. . Watson otOtoemoved that it be not
Mr. Kinney of Webster thought they had
already wrangled too long over the subject.
Mr. Itaudall wanted to know what it all
meant. Were they playing out some other
bovs'game or acting as legislators for Xe-
braska ? Ho wanted the superfluous employes
discharged immediately.
Mr. Watson knew the committee had not
given the subject the attention it deserved.
They certainly had not spoken to linn about
the work of the claims committee , with its
hundreds of bills.
Mr. Caldvvell knew that the work that re
mained to bo done would require , to save
time and expense toward thn close , from
twenty-four to thirty en jrosslng clerks.
Mr. Miller ot Duller favoied the icport.
Mr. Smyth ot Douglas moved to recom
mit the report and the committee bo in
structed to invite the chairmen of tlm several
committees to set forth their need foi cleri
cal assistance. There was no doubt that the
claims committee needed clerks and there
vv ere committees leportcd who had been al
lowed clerks and w ho did not need them.
It was announced that the governor had
signed house roll IT for the relief of Otoe
county and that the senate had passed the
house rolls U47 , establishing a soldiers' home
at Grand Island , and l 2. paying Pat llawes
tils commission.
Mr. Underbill of Otoo opposed the recom
mitment and Mr. Pembertoii of .lelTeison
showed the state would have been S'20 ahead
it the house had never considered the ques
Mr. Xlchol protested against this discharro
of his clerk , and Mr. lirown ot Hitchcock
wanted to eet home early and the question
decided befoio leaving.
Mr. Peters said they had special reasons
for noc asking the chalimen about their
clerks. Some of the latter were partners and
lelattves of the chairmen.
A host of motions and amendments fol
lowed and the result was the force was re
duced by fourteen , seven of whom are pages
at St.0 uer day , seven cleiks at S3 per day ,
luffing a siv Ing of 531.50 per day.
Messrs. Whitmoroand l'us.scll forcibly ar
raigned the house for the cowardice It dis-
ulajed in treating the Sncll-McKenna con
tested election repoit. As a consequence
the same was made a special order tor Tues
day at 3 o'clock. Thn Lincoln charter was
made a special order for the same day at 10
o'clock. Kecess till 2 o'clock.
Mr. Whitmore called for the special order ,
thn Snell-McKenna contested election.
Mr. McConaiighv ot Polk asked to be ex
cused until Tuesday. Messrs. Whitmore ,
bin ) tli and Truesdell objected until action
should be taken on th o subject of the speciul
Mi. McConaughy disclaimed any Intention
to dodue a vote upon the election case. Hut
ho desired to attend to certain business and
It was thu first time he had asked to bo ex
On vote of the house , lie was granted per-
miss-on to co home.
The house was called on thebnell-McKenna
contest. Itoth of these gentlemen are from
Sarpv county. McKenna holding a seat 'in i
the house which is claimed by bncll on the i
ground of Illegal voting.
Mr. Whitmore then moved that further
action on the rail bo dispensed with.
Tills was lost , and the clmlr 1m-
lut'dUU'h ordered the doors closed
and n i > iH-rmUted to ire abroad , while
the M ! „ .1. . . .i-.vrnn [ was sent to search for
member , alv , . nt wit'out excuses. Messrs.
Brown of Hitchcock , slater ot Wayne , ( Jar-
> ey of Douglas , anil Fucha and Bowman of
Plattevvciu successively brotuht to the bar
of thn house , and. on motion , discharged
trom eustody. As the absenro of some par
ticular member was not ced , the sergeant-at-
arms was dispatcher in search of him. The
proceeding occupied about an hour , during
which time nothing was done except to enJoy -
Joy the novelty and the ludlcrousness of the
scene , further action was at length dis
pensed with.
Mr. Dempster of Fillmore moved that , in
view of tht fact that the , vid uc ol Uie con
test was lengthy , thirty minutes bo allowed
each side In which to present Its ca e.
Mr. Whitmore thought the committee of
the house was just as competent to iclve a
statement of this contest as was required ,
and he was opposed to allowing outside at-
tornevs to appear before the house.
Mr. Tingle of lirown share.l In this
Mr. Xevrcomcr thought eieh of the parties
who had an attorney ought to have their
wishes respected and their lavvveis given
permission to speak.
The motion prevailed.
'Iho clerk then read the majority re
port of the committee on priv
ileges and elections. It recommended
the adoption of the report made by Ihu same
committee some time ago when It favored the
seating of the contestant. J. 1) . Shell. This
recommendation was based upon alleged
Illegal voting. McKenna had a majority of
twelve votes , while it was claimed that
bnell had proven to the committee that more
than that number of Illegal ballots had been
cast tor MrKenna by nun-residents who vveto
at the time of thn election building a utllroid
In the vicinity of Forest City. Supy county.
McKenna's vote wasUJl , while thu number ot
alleged illegal ballots deposited for him
amounted to forty. l ) ducting this number
Irotn the total places McKenna's vote at to7.
The minority report Is in effect that Its
makers cannot agree with the recommenda
tion of the mijorlty because the testimony
does not show that the fourteen votes In
question were Illegal , and , if they were , tor
whom they were cast , the contestant or con-
testee. The ) were cast after the oath pre
scribed had been taken vvitli all the other
statutory provisions.
Attorney Lee Kstello appeared for Mc-
Ketina ami Mr. Maguey ot Papllllon spoke
'or Mr. Snell.
Speeches were afterwards made by Messrs.
Instil of Colfax and Kiel of Hall.
Mr. Xewcomor moved that the report of the
minority of the committee be substituted for
that of the majority , and called for the pre
vious question. The question prevailed and
he vote was taken upon the adoption of the
uinority report It resulted in a vote of 40
: o 34 , and MoKenna was declaied entitled to
the seat he has held during the session.
Mr. Whitmore piesented the majority re
port of the Douglas delegation on the Omaha
charter and asked that it be printed so as to
be ready early next week.
Mr. Oarvey ot Douglas presented a minor-
Itv report , which was signed by himself and
Mr. Knox of the same place , it recommends
the adoption of the judiciary committee's re
House rols4S2 ! to 493 Inclusive were read a
second time and engrossed for third reading
with the exception of 4U1 and KH , winch
were referred to the committees on nornnl
school and university and judiclaiy
House rolls 345 and 34(5 ( were made special
order for Wednesday at 10 a. m.
Mr. Ageo's bill 4'J4 , intioduccd a few dajs
ago alter havlni : been killed on the same
day , was objected to by Mr. Liesveld of Lan
caster for that reason. It provides lor two
notmal schools. The chair announced that
it would be reterred to the committee on pub
lic lands and buildings.
Mr. Dempster objected to tills because the
committee of which he was chairmannormal
schools and university , was the proper one to
which the bill should bo referred.
Mr. Ageo ot Hamilton madn a loud speech
In favoi of having his bill refeired to a com
mittee which was no * , hostile to It.
The chair held that Mr. Liesveld's objec
tion was not a tenable one.
Mi. Dempstei replied to Mr. Agee by re-
maiking that ho had no hostility to the lat-
tor's bill , but simply wanted to have It go to
the proper committee.
Mr. Smyth said that he always liked to have
a bill go to the proper committee. In his
mind , the right place for the bill In question
was the committee on normal schools and
university. To assume that it could not go
there now with safety was to cast relleetion
on the character of the chairman , and to
send it to another committee would be to ask
thu house to believe that Mr. Dempster could
not bury his prejudices in the consideration
of matters coming before his committee. Ills
course had been an honorable and manly one
during tlio forty davs he had been in the
Mr. Knox said that he favored the sending
of the bill to another committee than tint ot
normal schools and university because he
knew tlio chairman of that committee , ot
which latter ho was a member , was opposed
to the bill.
Several other speeches were made amidst
gieat noise and confusion.
Finally Mr. Agee's amendment that the
bill bo referred to the committee on public
lands and buildings was put to the house anil
lost by a vote ot .W to 10. The bill was then
referred to Mr. Dempster's committee on
normal schools and university.
Mr. Watson of Otoe offered a resolution
that all thosovtho had not been Included in
the recommendation ot thu committee on
emplocs as mentioned in the morning's
proceedings , bo dischaiged trom the service
ot the house.
It was adopted.
It was agreed that the hous ° would adlourn
to-morrow at U o'clock until 10 o'clock Tues
day. Adjourned.
This was the noisiest day the house has
had In a long time. The tlooi was thronged
with strangers. Half the business was un
interesting to many of the members and a
great deal of talk , noise and confusion pre
Twenty lady teachers 'rom Beatrice visited
the house to-day.
A large number of the Irish League dele
gates were In the capltol this morning.
The governor has signed P. O. Hawcs'
bill , and also that for the relief of Otoe
A Family Meet Inn in DCS Molncs
Creates a Storm.
DKS Motxns , la. , Maicli 4. [ Special Tele
gram to the BKE.J Last night a man of
respectable appearance , with a youngish
lookine face which seemed to place his age
at about thirty-live , accompanied by two
children nicely dressed , aged live and eight
veais , and also a ) ouug lady about eighteen
) earsof age , who seemed to be a nurse to
the children , appeared at the Miller
house. The man registeied as George
W. Keynolds , Ma/svllle , Mo. Upon re
tiring for the night he left woid wlth
the hotel clerk to call him for the North
western tialn which leaves at G:3o : In the
morning. The company were awakened ,
obtained breakiast and were all ready to step
over to the uepot vv hen a woman came rush-
inc Into the hotel and , seeing the man , be
came frantic and accused him of ruining her
and of stealing her children. She. pulled the
children to her and caressed them fondly and
shed tears. Xext followed a very
excited conversation between the
two. In which the wife accused
the husband of infidelity and claimed that ho
had run avvar with the young girl whom he
had with him. The husband denied the
charge and claimed that ho took the girl
along to take care of the children. They
were voung and had to be cared for better
than he could attend to them. He said thu
girl had been in the family some
time. They had adopted her , The husband
claimed that his wife cared nothing for him.
She went with other men , was a bad woman ,
and he had stood the torment of living with
her as long as he could , so lie took the chil
dren and ran away. He savs he Is a respect
able farmer living near Klngman , Kan. ,
and sold most Of his property and had
the result of Its .sale In his pocket. Ho car
ried with him 81.400 In cash. He said ho was
willing to take care of the children and had
left a f4.000 farm for his wife. The
wife did not seem a bad kind of
woman and was about thirty years
ot age. The trouble became bo v lolent that a
policeman was called in. Ho succeeded In
calming the couple down , and when taken
over to the police court the wife refused to
hie an information azalnst her husband , and
he agreed to go back home with her.
The Milwaukee Printers' Strike.
Mii.wAi-KKKMarch 4. There Is no change
In the condition of the. printers' strike hero.
The several newspaper ottlces are recoivine
additions to their forces bv almost'every
train. Thus fur every thine has been peacc-
fullv conducted. Victory is assured for the
Thn file-tail organization known as the
Printers' Protective Fraternity met iu Kan
sas City yesterday and elected o Ulcers. Tlio
next uettiog u 111 be he iq Cleveland.
A Clash Between Cleveland and Congress
Narrowly Avoided.
Weaver of Nebraska Fnllt to Secure
Hccomiltlon on the Oinnhal'ost *
ollloe Measure National
Capital News.
Grovcr Made Them Mad.
1ASHIXOTOX. . March 4 , [ Special Tele-
cram to the UKI : . | 'Ihero came near being
a serious rupture at the capltol just before
concress adjourned. The usual committees
were appointed in each house to wait upon
the piesldent to notify htm that congress
was toady to adjourn and awaited his pleas
ure for further communications. The mem
bers of the committee on the part of the sen
ate were Messrs. Sherman andSaulsbuiy and
on the part of the house Messrs. Morrison ,
Tucker and Heed. Ihe president had stead
ily lofused to accept the advlcoot friends and
go the capltol , as has been customary with
chief executives In the past , so as to bo in a
position to handle measures as they passed
congress up to the last moment of the session.
He did this for the purpose of teaching con-
gressa lesslon In business expeilcnce.'as he
did not believe In the practice of holding back
bills for tlnal action to the last moment with a
view to escaping the scrutiny of the presi
dent. Hesldcs , he said , the president's oftico
was at the white house and measures requir
ing Ills signature should be sent theie and be
sent early enough for his deliberate action.
In other words , he held that congress should
conform to the convenience of the piesldent
instead of the reverse. It was shortly after
11 o'clock when , for the purpose of waiting
upon the president , inquiry was made by the
members of the committee whether Mr.
Cleveland had ) et arrived at the capltol and
whether ho vv as in the room adjoining the
senate , which was very many ) ears ace set
aside for thn work of the president on Ihe
last diy of the session of congress. A nega
live reply was received and surprise was ex
pressed that President Cleveland should Ig
nore this old custom and courtesy to con
eress , as It is a convenience to that body.
The bills passed after the beginning of the
last ten days of the session must iccclve the
signature of the president or they die ,
whereas , those passed prior to that time may
become laws without the slgnatuie of the
resident bv virtue of a constitutloual pro-
Ision , so It can be readily seen theie Is treat
necessity for the president to be close : tt
land that lie may sign bills up to the last
iiilnuto congress Is in session. When the
committee was informed that Piesldent
lev eland had refused to visit the capltol and
sternly protested that it was the duty of congress
gross to cater to his convenience there were
.ittercd woids of not only disipproval but
contempt. Then It was proposed that the
ommlttco set down and write a report to
ho two houses to the etfect that It had called
at the room set apart for the occupancy of
he president on the last day of the session
of congress and that It hud not found his ex
cellency therein and that it had no report to
convey from him. This was agieed to unani
mously , the democratic members of the com-
nlttco agreeing with the republicans that
Mr. Cleveland ac cd contemptuously in
refusing to do what all presidents
rom Cicorgc Washington down to and in
cluding Arthur had done promptly. This re-
iiort was convened to the president pro torn of
he senate and speaKer of the house , and
altliouch It was not announced , It soon be
came noised about and cieated a great deal of
excitement. Instantly telegiams were sent
o the white house by Speaker Carlisle and
senator Han is , Infoimiiig the president of
lie action of the committee and advising him
: o come to the capltol. It was then after half-
last 11 o'clock. Presently a dispatch was ic-
ceived from the executive mansion to the
etlcct that Mr. Cleveland was on his way to
: ho capltol. When hn arilved there vvero a
number of enrolled bills lying on the table iu
his room , and before ho had examined them
it was 12 o'clock. Quietly thn homelands on
the clocks in the two houses were turned
back to permit the completion of business.
Again the hour-hinds were shading 12
o'clock and the committee was not icady to
repoit from the prcs'dent. and again the
hour hands were turned back. Finally the
president refused to delav adjournment
longer , informed the committee it could re
port no further communication from him ,
and , diawingon his great coat , left hastily
tor the white house ; but he left to die a mis
erable and disgraceful death n number of
meritorious measures , for which members of
botli parties had worked loiie and faithfully
and iu which the entire country was inter
ested. Intense Indignation wSs expressed on
every hand at the action of the president.
He should have cone to the capitol last
night and remained all night it nect-ssaiy to
attend to the work for him to do , but instead
he remained at the executive mansion and
two carriages were required to carry clerks
back and forthwith measures requiring ills
signature. More than that , two or three
extia clerks had to be enlisted for the pur
pose , and it rained and snowed and was as
dlsigreeablc as could be for that enormous
amount ot extra and unnecessary travel ,
presented by any legislative body as that w it-
It is Improbable that such a scene was ever
nessed In the house at 10 o'clock this morn
ing. Paper and t9bacco quids and stubs of
cigars and other tilth covered the carpet so
completely that ono could not discover the
color of that aitlcle. The membeis had been
up continuously tor almo-,1 forty-eight hours
and were sore headed , sleepy and uncharita
ble. Tim speaker , anticipating a stampede ,
had posted a titistcd sentinel twenty tcet In
front of his desk to assist him in the event
of an emergency. Springer , Hnlman anil
Curtiii were designated for ilils purpose , and
one of them occupied a chair at the head ot
the center aisle in a semi-circle in front of the
speakei all the tlmo. Dining the last half
hour ot the in the chair ,
but he appeared so newly exhausted as to beef
of no assistance to the speaker. ' 1 In duty of
these sentinels was to object to consideration
ot bills under a suspension of theiules , In
troduction of resolutions and anything else
which might embarrass the presiding officer
or house. It wasMltelr special duty to
see that nothing was considered which waste
to bo to thedladvantaee of the predominant
partv. There was n great clamor to iret rec
ognition , and some'members stood up and
howled themselves Hoarse , and In anger tore
up the bills and reports and flung them on
the floor In full view of the speaker. One ot
the most perhistent-for rtcomiition was Mr.
Weaver , of Nebraska.1 He had a bill appro
priating $100,000 for the enlargement of the
government bulldlncat Omaha , and for an
hour he stood bcsldw his Feat and called for
the speaker's eye. He tried every possible
schemn in parliamentary tactics , even resort
ing to rising to a question of privilege , to a
question of order , to make parliamentary in
quiry , which he would turn into a plea for
gettini ; recognition for the consideration of
his bill. Then Mr. Weaver went down in
Iront of the speaker's desk and spent thn re
maining hour pleadinir , trading , combining
and then denouncing , but it was all to no
avail , lie finally labored for iiftcen minutes
with Mr. bprlncer , who objected to the con
sideration of the measure and who sternly
refused to withdraw bis objections. When
Mr. Keed offered the resolution on the part
of the house thanking the speaker for his
uniformly Impartial administration of
the functions of the presiding ofll-
eer. and the speaker nad replied
In feeling terms , and when all was quiet and
everbody elite was In his scat , Mr. Weaver
stood alone In the semi-circle in front of thu
chair with his Omaha bill and accompanying
report ready to ask recognition. This
is but one of the very many In
stance * of how hours were spent
la ujous effort to do what U had
been decreed das ago should not be done. In
the senate there was better order. In fact ,
one could not have been impressed by a
casual glance thery that a session was drawIng -
Ing to a close , while In the 11011-0 there W.H
an uproar on the floor which rivalled bed In in
and a cioud In tlio galleries and corridor" ,
making It almost impossible for one to move
about or breathe. There was the same cold
and seemlne indilTeieiit atmosphere in tlm
senate which at all times marks it from the
order of the hous" . 15y to-morrow night two-
thirds of the legislators w ill be out of thu city
and on their way home , and before the end
ot next week very few vv 111 be left. At least
one person w 111 bo clad of thu riddance , and
that is Prcnldcnt Cleveland. He sas ho will
IK ) happy to have a rest from the unceasing
Importunities for ollice which he has had to
withstand tor months. There will bo a lull
In Washington fora few weeks , then it w 11
grow bree/y , statesmen and politicians will
come in for otlleial business or otllccs , talk
will begin about nominations next jear , the
presidential bureau will open and schemers
will beitln to scheme , so that before autumn
the national capital Is expected topieseiittho
most active anil Intetesting Held It his foi
two ) ears.
Donsn\ ' < < port i. VIJITV.
Uepresentatlve Dorsey was on his feet
almost continually during the last thiitv-sU
hours ot congress working for the considera
tion of his bill apptoprlating SIO.OOO tor a
government building at Fremont. He failed
nly because it was decreed several
i8 a o that no meisuios ot this
haracter should come up under a sus-
leusioii of thu rule' , Mr. Dor-ey left this
veiling for Xovv Vork. whence he goes to his
mine In Nebraska. During his service In
: ouiresn no man has made more fr ends and
as been more elTeetive iu his work than Mr.
) or ey. He has formed a prominent alliance
n tlio house , his most ardent of friends and
o-workers being such men as Judge Kelly of
Vnnsylvanla. Keed of Maine , lllscock of
Vew Yoik and McKinley of Ohio. Ills social
relations have also been with the most potent
> voikers In both branches of congress , and
ils constituents may expect even moie pio-
lucllve results in the next than they have le-
: elved In this congress at his hands. Xo man
lauds higher at thu national capltol than
Mr. Dors.'y. As much may also be said ot
ludu'e Weaver , of the Omaha district. He ,
oo , has rallied to his help the very best class
of statesmen and all regret his departure
from public life. Ho has shown himself to
be a faithful member In committee and on
ho Moor ot the house and no one bears him
11 will.
Quite as much indignation as surprise was
xpressed by residentsot this city when it
became known tills morning that the senate
'lad continued Tiotter , the second colored
nan nominated as iccorder of deeds toi the
District ot Columbia. It was taken for
granted bv almost everybod ) that tlm nomi
nation would he icjected on tlio grounds that
Trotter was not a icsldent of the District.
Hut the republicans and several democrats
concluded to vote for the conlirmation , leir-
ing that the ground of objection would bo
nMntcrprclod or mlscnnstiued and thu people
ple of the country would lav it to the fact
that he is a colored man. Theie Is the great
est Indignation expressed to-night and no
ono tan bo found , unless he
's a mugwump , who endows
ither the nomination or confirmation. This
evenimt's fctar , winch , till Ti otter was nomi
nated , heartily endorsed tlio administration ,
speaks the universal sentiment as follows ;
" The continuation of Trotter has a practical
bearing on principle. Piactlcallv thedespotlc
power and avowed Interest In this matter ot
hu president ( who is king In the District if
only president elsewhere- , coupled with the
slurp trick of appointing Trotter deputy
recorder , had already doomnd the District
without hone ot escipe to have this carput-
'lairger loaded upon Its shoulders and to pay
ilm In fees , unaided by the govern-
ueut. at the rate of 51,000 per month
ior his tiilllng services as the 'old
iian of the sea. ' Practically , therefore ,
the wrong done by tlio piesidcnt has
not been asrgiavated by the confirmation ot
Trotter. The revolution of the lecordership
pop-dish has been stopped and a possible
giound of objection to the legality of the rec
ord of subsequent District conveyances is re
moved In principle , however , theactlon of
the senate cannot be sustained. In the con
test with thn president It tins gone to the wall.
It has abandoned consistency , cast suspicion
upon its previous action , sacnliced principle ,
and connived at a wrong done to the District
by tlio piesldent In pursuit ot a supposed
party advantage. "
The last speech delivered and
the last act committed by William 11.
Moirison , ot Illinois , was when
ho announced to-day as a member
of the committee which waited on the presi
dent just before conzrcss adjourned that the
chluf executive had no fuither communica
tion to make. It is Improbable that nny man
leaves public life who feels cut so deeply as
does Moiilson. It Is understood that ho will
he of the inter-state commerce commission ,
when hu will come to public notice again
and probably not rr turn to congress.
iF..iirTr.i ( : > rou > , O.V-HRSII > F.NCK.
The nomination of .iolin P. Irish , of Iowa ,
as surveyor ccneral ot Nevada was rejected
by ttie senate on the samn giound that
Matthews , the colored man tiom Xevv York
was rejected for recorder ot deeds for this
disti ict that ot non-residence.
Pensions granted Xebraskans today :
Minors of Thomis T. Russell , Stockvllle ;
minors ot Philip Lallhandi * , Ashlands
Robert Wilson , Shelton ; Kiitus Piicer ,
Kiilnina/oo ; John Albiugli , Dubois.
Pensions granted Invvans to-day : Nancy
L. , ( for widow ot Johnson C. Hosenbnrgerj ,
Washington ; minors ot Johnson C. Hoscn-
burner. Washington ; Danle1 M. Kobbins ,
Mainakato ; Jesse L. Higley , bhelberuer ;
Thomas P. ; hance. Union ; Daniel Driscoll ,
Spragunville ; Martin V. Saunders , lieisona :
( ieor eS. Roaers , Mount Vernon ; Thomas
J. Johnson , Hartlett.
ur.cisio.v ithviit : Kn.
Secretary Lamar to-day reversed the de
cision ol tlio Xiobrara land oflice in tlio case
ot George M. Foster vs John ( J. Smith , ad
ministrator of John Prelss
The postofllce at Van W.vck , Lincoln
county , vvasdlsiontlmied to-day.
A Ijeftnl Shark Convicted.
ICnpjjr'ffM 1 < < S by Jim' O inl.nilennrd.l
LONDON , March 4. [ Xevvork Herald
Cable Special to the lii.i : . ) 1'hero was a
strong commenting hero to-day upon the
wisdom ot the warning giver mouths ago to
pei sons' believing In those agents who adver
tise estates and funds in chancery and in tlio
IJank of England awaiting owners. The
central criminal court to-day convicted and
sentenced ( icorgo Anderson , an Ameilcan
lawyer , to five ) ears penal servitude for ob
taining moneys trom John Deakln , of Sus-
qnehann.t. Pa. , b ) false pretenses as to an
I'.ngllsh estate awaiting the latter. The
ease has been already described. An
derson was astounded at his conviction.
and sentence. He is now on his way to
Portland prison , for he discovered that there
is no game of battledore and shuttlecock
technicalities hero between jrnUes and coun
sel after conviction. It Is perfectly safe for
your readers to treat as fraudulent any and
every advertisement or allegation that any
chancery funds or unclaimed estates within
the United Kingdom exists unbarred by the
statutes of limitation.
Crofters Itecelvcan Ovation.
tCopyr/oM / ISStby Jtime * Gordon lleiwrlt
EDiNiirnoii , March 4 , [ New York Herald
Cable Special to the IiF.f.,1 A creat dem
onstration took place to-day In which many
thousand Scotchmen celabrated the release
from jail of the Sko crofters-Maximilian
and McDonald who were convicted of riot
over the eviction and resistance to the law
on that Island. They were discharged carl )
in the day and furnished with free
passes homo and advised to depart
Immediately , but their friends ant
s ) mpathlzers in great numbers awaited their
at the prison gates with highland pipers
The released martyrs , as they were consid
ered , were taken to a large hotel near by , tl.c
crowd sveiling at every mlcnte. There i
fine breakfast was spread and the prison fan
forgotten. Speeches were made embonjlnj
many of the facts ns to the outrages by tin
landlords and oppression by Uie ottlclais
A ; in.viuA.lumiiKit KIGHT.
Armed Greasers Kntor tlio United
States nnd Arc Tired On.
SAN Kit \NCISCO , March 4. The Hulletln's
Xogales ( Arl/ . ) special sis : Last night
Dcmtty Sherltflames Speed saw Lieutenant
( iulttereg w Itli four armed soldiers crossing a
bridge over a small dry creek Into the lrnlled
States. Hu Immediately called on Henry
Littlcpngo and Dr. Purdy to go with him and
see why an armed party should cuter thu
United States. On arriving in front of the
American custom house Lieutenant Faub , of
the Mexican Iroop-v stopped In front ot Lit-
tlcpize and , covering him with revolvers , de
manded the ideate of n Mexican
named Klucan , whom they sni > -
po cd tlm American authoiltles weio
holding as a prisoner. Littlepago
replied : " 1 have no prlvoner , " nnd Im
mediately snatched a slx-shoo'ur ' out of the
lieutenant's hand , placing him under arrest.
The American otllceis started tor the main
street of the town. The lieutenant called
on some other Mexican soldier * concealed In
thu drv bed of the creek to releise him. Tliev
Immediately tan to tlio American olllcers and
one of the soldiers , coveting Littlepigo with
his rule , demanded thn lelcase ot his lieu
tenant. Sherlll bpeed commanded Llttlc-
pagu to lire upon thesoldler.and immediately
fired himselt at thu soldier who had Llttlc-
pa o coveted. The soldier al-o
fired at Llttlepage , but Little-
pairo knocked the gun aside and
at the same time , drawing hU levolver , tired
at the Mexican. The Hi Inir then became
general between the thieo olllceis and the
Mexican soldiers , the Mexicans retreating
across the international line Into Mexico , the
American otlieers following and shooting
until their weapons were empty. Uy this
time the Ameilcan poiiula'iou was aroused
and every man who could procuio weapons
armed himself , expecting an attack everv
moment trom tlio Mexican soldiers , who had
been ordered out by Colonel ArvUn , their
commander , and stationed on the railroad
platfoim In front ot thu Mexican custom
house. The news was bioiuht that
ono Mexican soldier was mor
tally wounded. Acting United States
Consul W. U. ( lio/closo has taken the mat
ter In hand , and this morning made a de
mand upon the .Mexican aulhoiitles for Lieu
tenant Citiitteieg. More tionble Is looked for
to-nUht , as It Is expected that Colonel
Arvl7U will seek revenge. Governor Jones
has been advised of the situation nnd will
arrive here to morrow morning. ( Jeneial
Miles lias been requested by the United
States attorney at Tucson to send tioops
hero immediately. Thu captain ot the homo
guard at Critteiiden has been requested to
foiwardall available arms and 1WO ( pounds
of ammunition for tlio aiming of uHi/.ens.
America's Asplrina Actress Tells of
Her Plane.
[ fopi/r/ofif / 'W'U ' Jamts GonlMloiiiff.l /
LONDON , March 4. [ Xevv York llctald
Cable Special to the 13in. : ] I siw Mrs.
James-Brown Potter again to da ) and showed
her the follow Ing extiact iiom this morning's
Dally Telegraph :
"Unless negotiations fall through the Hay-
market w 111 shortly acain bo the scene of an
experiment Interesting to society but debata
ble in the immediate Interests of art. Mis.
James Urown-Potter , an American lady of
great personal attractions , has been persuaded
to follow the example of Mis. Lanctry and
will leave thn drawing room lor the siacc.
Falling in an engagement at the Haymarket ,
Mrs. Potter may take the Gilty for the sum
mer season and select her ow n play and com
pany. The character proposed at the liar-
market for the debut of Mrs. Potter Is Anne
Silvester in 'Man and Wife. ' "
Mrs. Potter had not yet seen the paragraph ,
so she read It attentively and said :
"As I observed ) csterday , this partly is
premature and paitly Inconect. Only
this morning tin offer camu
from Salvini's manager , but as yet
1 had not decided auj tliliiLIt took a long
time before my final step was taken , and 1
want to decide my opening engagement also
at leisure. The Uincrofts of the Haymarket
have been very kind to mo and have niado
mo an offer to appear there before the Lon
don season closes In July. The salary they
oiler mo Is , they say , tour times as Much
as Mrs. Lanutry had for iier debut. It
was they who suggested my opening as
Anne Silvester , but 1 don't like It at all. 1
think Scotch mainazes have been done to
death. Besides this , 1 want to make my
debut in fomethlng more artistic say in
Dumas'last Parishiiccess. I hear , however ,
that the lord chamberlain would not allow It
to bo plaed here , but perhaps hu might be
got over. Of couisu I recognl/o that to make
a success means for me time. I don't
want any fictitious boom , but
genuine artistic success. nnd my
friends with whom I have studied iu
Paris tells me I shall succeed. 1 mean to for
my own pake and for Unit of my country ,
which 1 love so dearly , lam sure If I aui
successful it will mean a great deal for the
American stage , as 1 shall then do all I pos
sibly can to elevate Ameilcan brother and
sister artists. If 1 cannot then comn to
terms here I snail return to Paris and re
sume my studies.
"As to vv hat the Telegraph sa > s on the sooia
attitude , I may add that I have been receivei
very kindly by the Prlnco and Princess of
Wales. The princess sent for me and said
my going on the stage would make no dilfei
cnce whatever In our friendship. "
One of Hie Atlantic Liners Striken on
( jooduln Sands.
iCnpiirltiM 1SS ? liy Jiim < Goiildil fl'n'l'H.1 '
LONDON' , March 5 , 4 a. m. [ New Yoik
Herald Cable-Special to the UnK.l The
screw steamer Waesland , belonging to the
lied Star line , bound from Xevv York to Ant
werp , is ashoio on Goodwin Sands near Deal ,
Dover straits. The pasaOiKers thirty
saloon , twelvn second cabin , and about
seventy steerage-and the crew vvero
rescind by the steam tug Duora and landed
at Deal , wheiu they received great kindness
at the bauds of the station mastei , who tele
graphed to Dover to delay the Ostend boat.
They proceeded by the train to Dover , where
they boarded the steamer for Ostond.
Ono ot the passengers said : ' 'We loft Xevv
York on February 20 In tlm Waesland tor
Antwerp. All proceeded well until Wednes
day , vv hen we experienced a dense log. Cap
tain Veberweg ordered in extra lookout. He
himself remained at his post on the bridte ,
not leaving it for one moment In
this way wo proceeded slowly
for two dajs and nU'ht" , and to-day we ran
ashore on the Goodwin Sands. We all feel
that the captain was not to blame. "
One and all speak of the great kindness
shown by the authorities at Deal and
Dover. It Is not known whether thu vessel
can be got otf. The tog was still very dense
at a late hour last night.
An Investigation of the cause of the recent
floods at Moirisburg , Ont. . by which 575,000
damage was done , rnveals tlm fact that the
Ice which caused the water to back up was
cut and lloated by smugglers Into a n.iriovr
channel of the river to form an Ice bridge.
CorrL" < iondenco N now passing between the
United Slates and Canadian governments
regarding thu matter , and several arrests are
expected to follow.
Mother Angella , ono of the most widely
known women in this country , died suddenly
at Ht. Mnr's academy , South lieiul , Ind. .
vesterday Sim was a niece of Thomas Kw-
Ing , Decretory ot statu under President Har
ilson , and a cousin ot Jumes ( ! . lilaino and
ot tlm vvltuot General Sherman. She was a
member ot the Catholic o Ur of the Holy
A Little Game of Draw Terminates in a
Drlillnnt Cclchrnttnn of IJobert Km-
mot's Hlrthduy Hy the Stnto
Irish Ijoaijne A Cliurch Split
Other Stnto Xevv * .
Killed Over Card * . *
DAKOTA Cnv , Xeb. . Marcli ( . [ Special
Telegram to the HER. ] Clinton Xnrrls , ot
Homer , this county , was shot and killed at1
5 vO p. m. ) ostorday by ouo Xuto Purdy , a
MIIMW man living on the Winiiebago agency.
The dispute arose over a game of poker ,
winch took place In a saloon run by Cole
Lane on the night of February IP , which the
doomed man , his brother Kd , thu prisoner
and Frank Sampson vveru having. The mur
derer came to Homer ji-sterday and was met
by L'd Xorrls , the murdcied man's brother ,
who wanted htm to retract ' omo statements
made by him , which hu would not do. Ed
then went to his brother Clinton and told
him If there was any manhood about him ho
would L'lvo that man Pindv a thumping ,
upon which he armed himself with knuckles
and proceeded to the drug store run by
Charles Curtis ami commenced to
thump Purd ) . The latter was knocked
down , and while on his knees pulled out a
41-calibrc Drills ! ) bulldog and hot Xorrls ,
the ball stiikinu' him about two inches to the
loft and about an Inch above thu navel. The
only woids spoken bv the wounded wan
weie , " 1 am "tint , " and hu Immediately tell
down dead. The murdeier was then pursued
by lal. Xnrrls , hut locked htmselt up In a
loom ntul afterwards delivered himself tea
a justlco of the peace. Coroner Hates was at
o. "o notified , and is now holding the post-
nun tern , while the licensed is in the county
jail at this place. The murdeied man was
about thlit-llvu years of ago , and was a
harnesstnaker by trade. He leaves a wife
and two children.
llio rmmet Memorial Mcotine.
LINCOLN' , Xeb. , March 4. [ Special Tele
gram to the Uir. : ] At tlio Kmmet memor
ial meeting held this afteiuoon under the
auspices ol the Irish National league state
convention , I'unke's opera house was packed
to thu doois with one of tlio most Intelligent
audiences that over assembled In Lincoln
and standing room commanded a piemluui.
The stage was ullcd with prominent citizens
of thu state , including President Flt/gerald ,
Hon. Patilck Kacan.Goveinor John M.Thay-
er , Speakei llailan , Hon. T. M. Marquott
and a lariro number of members of both the
senate and housu and clem ) men of dlffuienC
denominations Kev. George W. Pepper , of
Ohio , was the principal speaker ot the even
ing. He gave one of thu most eloquent ad-
diesscs upon Hobcit Kmmct , the Irish
pitiiot , that a Lincoln audluiicu over gave
theli attention to. Hu spoke for over an
horn , and his spcich was an oration , every
point bnngini : out the most enthusiastic ap
plause , ( ioveruoi Thayei and others added
to tlio topic of tlio evening with woids that
were cordially icccivcd , and thu meeting
was onu that in every icspect was a great
A ISaptist Church Split.
Guv.NO ISLAND , Xeb. , March 4. [ Special
to the UEE.J The Baptist society of this city
plit last night on the question ot employing
lev. J. 11. Storms as their pastor foi thu en-
> ulng year , commencing March 1. Forty-two
nembers withdrew and met at the parsonage ,
and will employ Itev. Mr. Storms. The bal--
nice ot the con-TO-ration held their session
it the church and will employ another minis *
er. Theie Is to be a division of the church
iropTty. and thosn seceding will probably
mid scivices on the South Side. As the
euling had become so strongly positive this
.cemed . to bo the only way in which to settle
he mattei , yet it seems a calamity to what
tas been the most active and successful
church In the city.
H.iirn to n Small Fortune.
WFsrPoi.M1 , Xeb. , March 4. [ Special to < j
liu UBK.J About live years ago a man died
n this county. Ho was a quiet , secluded old
bachelor. His sinnamo was Moejal , and ho
ejoici-d in the cluistian name of Henry. Ho
ett seveial tlioiHind dollars. Xo ono knew
of any heirs. The thing Mopt for several
) , A ) car nso last January Uiyant , the
ireseut county judge , Instituted an invest- !
ration , which resulted in the discovery ol
lelrs In Dresden , Germany. Frederick Wi.
Melcher , of Omaha , is thu executor.
A Schoolmnrin Badly Injured.
Coi.uvini's , Xeb. , March 4. [ Special Tele-
giam to the BEE.I Last evening as Miss
Annie Unify was driving Home from school
near Lost Creek where she Is teaching , she was
tin own from her buggy , the horsu taking
Fright. Miss Unify sustained suvcrn Injuries ,
imv inir both , arms bioken and contusions on
her head and breast.
Aid for n New Itoad.
FAIIIMONT , Xeb. , March 4 , fSpeclal Tele
gram to the UKK. ] Fairmont clti/cns are ex
cited over the prospect ot the now railroad ,
llm Omaha & Kansas City. .This evening a
large mass meeting was held at tlio opera
liouse , and everybody was in favor of votlnz
bonds. A vote will bo taken to-morrow and
the bonds will carry.
fstartlnj ; a Cunning Factory. <
GUANO ISLAND , Xeb. , March 1. [ Special
to the UEE.I There was a meeting of the' *
citizens of this city In the board of trad *
rooms last night to start a laigu canning fac
tory in this place. Thuenturpriso meets with
general favor and will go thiotigh.
Troulilc landed In MinnrHoln.
ST. PALI. , Minn. , March 4. The state
legislature closed Its session at noon to-day.
Seveial Important measures died for lack of
time to consider them.
Tlio Hiiluiirlan Illslnt ; .
SOFIA , March t. The leaders ol the revolt
at Uii3tchuk have been ordered shot. The
government authorities havti placed under
arrest thirty persons , including Karavelott
and XlclpiolT , who vvero found to bo In com *
miinlcation with the Insurgents at Slllstrla-
and Kustehuk. They are also chareed withi
being Implicated In the plot to enlist thirty
aimed men for the purpose of creating a dis
turbance hero and adding to the complica
tions with which the regency have to con *
tend. The rlslim at Kttstchuk has been .sup
pressed. All thu Insurgent otlicers were
either taken prisoners , wounded In battle
with the loal tioops , killed or drowned. Tlio
rev otters , utter arresting the 10) al orUcera
and commander of the garrison , mimnioned
thu Infantry to surrender , which the ) refused
to do. Firing then commenced , and the mu
tineers weru attacked by the militia and
forced to reticat. They were pursued and
driven into the Danube by the Infantry.
' 1 hu pioneers took to boats and endeavored to
escape , but their boats were stopped by gun *
bo.itu and they were compelled to ) leld. Tha
in ) allsts entered Sllistriu without opposition.
They found there the corpse of the com
mander of the garrison who had been killed
by his men. The other ofllcers escaped to
VJF.HNA , March 4. Servla , as a precau
tionary measure In view of the trouble in
Uulgarla. hat , sent troops to the frontier. It
Is also reported that the Servian reserves
have been called out.
LONDON , Maicti 4. A dispatch to the
'limes trom liiicharust states several personti
were killed In lighting atSllistrla between
the Insurgents and loyal troops. Twoofll-
iers and sixteen private , , ho weru engaged
In the revolt were capttncd and shot.
PAUIS , March 4. A telegram , from
Gluigevo sas risluzs have taken place at
Tlrnova and other places and that the Insur
gents are reported to be masters ot atfalrn'at
Tirnova. Communication between Soda nnil
the piovlnces In interrupted. Anarchy ii
spreading In L'ul-jana