Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 04, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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Advortl ements under thli head , lOccntipor
line tor the first Insertion , * crnti for each lub-
eequcnt In'crtlon , and fl.50 n line per month
No advertisement taken for Ices than 15 conU
for the first Iniertlon. Seven words will bo
counted to the line ; they rau t run consecu
tively and must be paid In advance. All advor-
titcments rauit be handel In before 1 :30 : o'clock
pm..nnd under no clrcum tanccs will thcjba
taken or discontinued by telephone.
1'nrtiM advcrtitlng In these ( olumns rnd ruv-
Jngthe answers mdref ! ed In cure of Tin HIE
wlllpliao nsk for n check tocnablothem to get
tholr letters , as none will bo delivered except
on cresonutlon of check. All answers to nd-
vertimnonK ! should bo enclosed In onvclono * .
ro.vr.Vto loan on rpnl estate and chattels
Is. Katzic Co. 1511 Farnam St. , giound floor
7VTONKV tolotnon Improved city properly nt
' 1 fi per cent. Money on hand ; ilo notlinvo
to wult Hn\o u complete set of nbstrnst Looks
> f DoUL'ln ; county I N. Wntson , iilittrnctor
llnrrls llciil Kitiitu nnd Loan Co. , : i ' 0 S , 1Mb st.
. to loan , euros JMO and upwards ,
Lowest rates. Uomls , room 3 , llurkcr bloek ,
b. W. cor. 10th ami Kurnningts. _ l- (
. First mortifiiiro notes.
county bunk will buy papitrs Bucurod b/
first niortjraifo on city realty. _ 131
Ol'fcll CU.NT-Monoy to loan.
Orcpory i Ilndley ,
Uooras 1 nnd 3 , llcdiek block , SO B. 15th
MONiTO : LOAN on unproved ruiil fstato ;
no ooinmlxMon elinrKed. Leavltt Iluru-
huni , ( loom 1 CrelKhton Illock. 117
MONTA' to lonn. Kills Ilro * . , real cstato ami
lonn nKdits , room 17 , Whltncll blocK. cor.
lith ! nnd llainoy. US
Ttfl"ONKV to loan on unproved city property ,
Jwl. verj" lowest rntci. C. J. CaBwoll , room 10 ,
Nebraska Nnt'lbnnk. f > 37 ml"
TOAN3 Loans Loans.
Henl eslntr lonn ? ,
Colliitcilul loans.
Chattel loans.
I/onK tlmo loans.
Bhort time loiuia.
Money nlwnys on hand to loan on any np-
proved tecurlty.
Investment Fccuntles boilpht and sold.
Omaha Vlnnnclal LxchnnKO , n , w. cor. 15th
nnd Hnrnov.
Corbett , Mnnnpcr. 119
" \TONKy to lonn. cash on delay.
9i3 , W. nnd 1 > U 8 < ) Ulro , 1413 Turnam ( . ,
hotel bulldlnif. 120
[ 500,000TO l.OAN at 0 per cent. J. J. Ma.
I * honey , WA < Farnam. 121
fjI'KUCr.NT Money.
W 11. C. I'nttL'iPon , IRth and Harncy. 122
MONI5V to lonn In sums to suit , from $1,000
to JM.'XlO ; ao delay. Tuttle & Allison. 211
B. 13th st , H 'in21
LOAN Money Loans placed on Improved -
proved real estate in city or county for
New EriKlaml Loan & Trust Co , , by Douglas
> County bank , inth and Chicago sti. 120
MONKY TO LOAN-On city nnrl farm prop'
orty , low rutcs. Stewart ii Co. , lloora 3
Iron bank. 127
M ONKV TO IX5AN-O F. Davis * Co . real
estate and loan usonta , 1505 I'arnum st ,
M ONEY TO LOAN-On real estate and chat-
tola. D. U Thomas. 121. )
$5"0'XW To loan on Omaha city property nt 0
per cent O. W. Dny , over 1312 DougUa st
MONhV ao LOAN-bythonndorslgned.wno
has the only properly organized lonii
ngoncr In Oniahn. Loans of $10 to $100 made
on 1 urnlturo , pianos , organs , horses , wairons ,
tnitclilnury , without removal. No delays.
All business strictly confidential. Loans so
made that nny part can bo paid at any Ime.ench
pnymont reducing the cost pro rata. Advances
made on fine watches nnd diamonds. Porcons
should dutifully consider who they arc dealing
with , as many now concerns nro dally comlnir
Into exlstnneo. Should you need money calf
nnd see mo. W. it Croft , Room i Wthnoi :
Hillldlng , 15th nnd Harnuy. _ 131
1 T\rONnY LOANKDnt C. F. Heed & Co.'s Loan
J.T1Olllco , on I urnlturn , pianos , horsos.wngons ,
porsonnl property of all kind" , and nil other ar
ticles of value , without removal. I9 S. 13th.
over Illnglinm a Commission store. All busi
ness strictly confidential. 132
WANTF.D A man w 1th small capital to como
and take his choice In our bargains In real
ostntp. Lnwienco & Larson , real estate and
loan brokers , 218 N. 16th at. 2P1 4
, TT OR SALE 4 interest or all of grocery
Jstock , good location , doing good business ;
good reasons for selling , small cash payment.
Address 9 48 , lice. 2b2 S
"CloR SALE Or trade for City property or
. .Jland Mentmarkot in ono of the best loca
tions In the oily. 8ales$2,000 per month.
Active Real Estate and Property Exchange ,
MSt Dodge at. 777-7
FINF Chance Stock ef groceries or hard
ware In excbanco for 160 acres of the
finest land In Nebraska , within W miles of
Omaha. Inquire of llerthold iCo.,520S. 10th 6t
SALK-Ono of the best loentcd moat
inatkouln Omuhn. doing a cash business
of $40 nday ; will bo sold Very cheap If taker , at
once ; natljfactory reason for Selling. Address
T41 , nou pfBce. _ 847 4"
"C10R SALE A good piylng grocery store ,
-L located on the corner of two good streets ;
capital required , about $1,100. For f nil nartlcu-
Innnlmitroof A. H. Comatock , RoonilOCrelgh-
tojijil K. 202
HOUSES LotsFurmsLnnd money loaned.
llomis' city maps , 5x7 feet , ! .50 each.
IomUroom3 ) , iUrkor block , S. W. cor. 15th
nnd 1'urnnm sis. 12J
T71OR SALE$7CiOO of general merchandise
Jand store furniture , eloan , well assorted.
Will tnke half in good unlncumbcred farm land ,
balance In payments veil tenured ; good reasons
for soiling. Address Call llox 57. Alma , Nob.
147 13 *
_ _ .
IiMR SALE Cigar , tobacco , stationery and
news store. Excellent business. Address
1 ! 70 Bco olllco. 70S mfl *
TCTOR ljK-Lumber , gram and coal business
" _ ono of the best points In central ilUliriMIU
onll. iSrM. R It. .Harrison Ambler 4s Ambler ,
Room SO , National bank. ma
T71OR SAMS Lumber yard nnd residence In
Southwestern Iowa. Well located nnd doIng -
Ing good buflurss. Good reason ! " for selling.
Address 1. . 2. , Iloo ofllcc. 333 m fc *
WANTKII-BtocK of dry goods , clot nine ana
furnishing goous , or boots nnd shoos In
oxchanire for Omaha leal estate. Schloslngor
llrps. 614 SJOlhjt. 175 m 3
BANK for sale inn now rapidly growing town
ofKXHnhabltanta , Fine deposits. Money
loans from 3 to 4 percent , monthly , A splendid
chance. Addroi-s IKW , lleeolllce. 015
TT'OllSALE-Hnlf Interest In ono of thu bust
J- paying drug etoros In Boiithwejtcrn Iowa ,
Ciiiiitnl rotiulred , $2,500. Address II 40 , llee of-
flee. aiS
T710UND Will the two pink-haired gentleman
J- please call at northwust corner of 13th and
Capitol ave. , pay reward und get their property
before the sumo Is auctioned off. ZAV3 *
TOST Amethyst watch otiarm , fldcr please
" - IMIVO at Iloo olllco and receive reward.
. 339-5 *
T OST-Hrowii Water Spaniel dog , white on
" ° tUra ' ° " " Ftrlulwit-ni1
- " " " tellingpast , present and tuturo.
by Madam Uiiuich , 1119 Jackion.corncr r.'th
and Jackson. 2S7-S *
MUfV. UUllANT , Clarlxoyant , from Doston.
will remain In the city a short t'mo only.sho
reads the ileopost secret * , unfolds the future
unite * separatedlo\ora.cause * speedy mar
riage ; Is vera reliable In all atlalr of life , ttooni
1 Lyoin bin , ICth and Chicago. K\
T ADI ES wanting irood servant girls can bo
-JJ supplied by vailing at 110 North Kith su
Crounse illk. ft. o. Uelle-Ulo. SU7 3
fDEHSONS with good'referencea can rent n
, , iwol ) rllrlhtu'a , , ! , ! room " ' rca on blo price by
calling at 5M 8 mh. Up alr . SOaMui
TIEHSON.VIi private Uomo for ladles uurtrur
ffonlluemeut. . Strictly Confidrntlul , In.
fnt-.ta adopted. AdJr j * E 4 : , Uceoffice.101mM
101-mM *
, . . - , . . . . , - . .o. Dr. Nannie V. Warren
JL clnr > ojnut. Mrdlunl Knd bustntis Medium
oou. No. 8,121 North ICth tt. .Oicaha. Neb.
l oil K : NJH imre piano. It luontnlr. A
* HOIUB.1513 Pouch * . UJj
IV j ou wnnt to buy or soil f urultsro , go to
- J. > - r uou' , 71 ! ) N. ICth. 7J7
AIISTIIACTOUS An r..tperlencoil Abstractor
now open for nngagemont. Would go out
of city. 8-atUfactory references. AddroMT. ML
K. Citizens' llanX. Omaha. 157 6 *
FIMtK ( Ifinnn language taught according teL
-L the newest method. Itelorenro * Mr.Cono-
yer , ice Hoard rif Kdticatlon , .Mr. l stncr. Kor
particulars address Kill , lice olllcc. 17J &
I'TLTiinTs , flrlckmakorf and 1'Tastcrcrs can
be furuMicd any kind of eand In anyiiunn-
tltyby Iho McGregor Sand Co. , olllco ICi ! Nlch-
oln t. ( f 4
nOUSIJS-Lotg.rnrmn.I.nnd loaned ,
Ilemls' city maps < * ' feet. $ i i ) each.
IlomK room n. llurkor block , S. W. cor. 15th
mid Farnam sts. 2j *
KKM , I'.STATE and horsoi to trndo for a
Mock of hardware. Address I'ObovS ! ! ) ,
Corning , la. U7i ! 3 *
RAlll.ns 1'ONTEX. analytical chnmlst nnd
enL'Inccr , iiniilv l < ot ores , coals and u < jay4
and aii'ilynli of all kinds , ohcmHt ami miner *
nloKlst to the U. I' . It. It. forl5ycara. No. Iiv3
Wub ter cor IBth ft. P. ( > . llox 4't. ' ) CliimlG'
IJ' MillAllli Flr t-cl'iss storiuro for nice tur-
IJ'O nlturo or boxed gooJa , atlSl'l Dodce-at.
TTioititKNT Organs , is per uionta.
FtiltllBNT Snuaro I'lano fj monthly. A
Hospe.isnilouk'lai. IM
nnOK SAI.r. Bplondld buggy horse , S years
L1 old. fill ) North 10th gt. 234 H
"IJX > H 9/M.K-Chi-'ap , an elegant ofllco desk ,
J-1 inquire 411 SHtlmt. 2r ,
"JjlOU SAI.K-Fresh mil * cow < and springers ,
JL1 and a tine Jersey bull at l tabroolia
5 urilB , luth and Cap avo. Crone & lloylos.
Iffi 3
IflOH SAI.K-A nearly now , second-hand safe ,
large an commodious sullablo for any
business. BIOIIII , Johnson tc Co. , cor. 9th ana
I.envc-iiMOrtb st. 131 7
L1OH SAM.-A good 0-year-old pony at I ION
P llthst. 170
HOUSKM l < otgIarmslinniM-monov leaned ,
Bomls' city maps , 6x7 fe < ) t. each.
Ileinli , room a , Darker block , S. W , cor. llth
and Farnam sts. 1'- ' )
F I OH SALE-I'atont rliht cheap. Address nt
once F 20 lleo olllco. 1M C
FOIl SALE Nlco and clean empty shoo cases
Z. T.LIndsey * Co. , 1WO South 14th st.
T < OIl SAIiK Ono pair of ponlen , harnn ,
? and delivery wniron : ono 2J II. 1' boiler
nnd 8 H. 1' oimlno. 610 South lllth st. Wfl-5'
* 17lOlt SAlili Furultiiro nnd lea o , room
U house , on prominent strcnt , near .er of
business , louse bus over two years to Can
make rent by letting flvo rooms. House put In
Kood repair. Tills Isnn unusual opportunity ,
you cnnputcha.'iotheoutaton ' very easy terms.
Address U S7. Iloo olnce. t'U
FOH SALE 2 million brlclt nnd upwards De
cides dally out put of 38/HK ) . Knqillro
on premhop , cor Dorcas nnd 2nd bt3. Omaha
Ilrlck nnd Terra Cotta Mfif. Co GJiO
\VTANTEI ) A lirst-class upholsterer nnd oar >
> pot lajor. Inquire 0. It. Carpet Co. ,
Council Iimirs. sou o
WANTED-Barbor nt 51S Bouth 13 Bt.
WANTED 3 llist-clnss carpenters : none
other nnod npply. Opposite Kount/.o's
house , potlth 10th St. J. C. Bladd. 278 S *
WANTED First-class ooat ranker. Inquire
or address Voticn , Merchant Tailor , But
ton , Neb. 257 8 *
" \X7"ANTED A first class ( white ) barber im
T modlntoly. Addioss P. O. box : > 3" , Graud
Island , Nob. 217 3 *
WANtr.D Two llrst class retail fihoo clerks ,
none otlior need imply but those havlner
experience in a first class exclusive shoo store.
A. D. Morse. "A child can buy as cheap as a
man. " 2UI-6
\v 1 Boy for omco , 1512 Fnrnam ,
roomS. 200
"VITAN'rilD A good brlclt mason nnd plasterer
T to do brick work and plaster two houses'
and takoa good lot us payment. Reference
required. J. L. Lawrence , real estate. 218 4
WANTHD Flratclussorklnpman and wife
to work on fiirni In western part oC the Graham : care' Co/.zcns
hotel. 1051 !
WANTED A good joli printer who Is sober
nnd active , address rid lice olllco.
"VVTVANTEO At onco. 2 first-class men waiters
T > nt Kuropean Hotel. 191 U
WANTED At once , first class moat and
pastry cook. Ln Fountain house ,
Harvard , Noo. 1C9 G *
\\rANTED-Agonts , cltbor sex. for the stiito
TT oFNebruska. a 2 > 18th st , room A.
tm t *
191 4
WANTED An experienced clothing sales
man , only such as can ( peak ( ierrnun ,
furnish best of references nnd are fully compe
tent need npply. at The Fair , cor.lSth nnd How-
ard. 944
W'ANTED Stenographer , southwest corner
Ninth and Jones. Don't want ono out of
practice. iKXl
WANTED-Flrst class young tailor with good
hnbita to do all kinds of work in small
shop. Good wages. Address box 479 , Villlsca ,
In. 933 *
"VXTANTKO A young man about 20 years of
T T IUTC , fair penman , must bo active and have
some experience nt typo getting one who ran
run n "Times" mailer preferred. Address , F 10 ,
Doe ollleo. B'Jl '
VV'ANTKD llyiho largest publishing housa
? ' west of Chlcniro , two hundred gontloinon
and ladles to soll"Tho Successful Man" "Marvel
ous Wonders of the Whole AVorld" "lllbles" and
various other good publications , apply early
and Ret choice of territory. J. M. rronch i
Co. , oulco 10 Uushman Illock , Omaha , Nob.
\\rANTUIt-GO oobor. Intelligent mou of good
T address to try Wo inoal at NorrlV res.
taurant , 104 B IRth st. 138
W ANTED A good girl for general housework -
work , i)048. 21st st. 210 4
T\7ANTED-At once , 12 experienced pant
.T > makers on Btocswork. Good prices will
bo paid. Goo. Stiles , luh and Loaveuworth.
271 0
" \\7ANTED Ch'imbormald who understands
TT waiting table , ut Occidental hctol , Howard
nnd 10th. 271.
W ANTED Dining room girl , Kmraet houso.
"I/ITANTED / Gooil girl for general housework ,
TV must bo neat und a good plain cook. 1115
Jones stroo * . 815
l ) Lady Agents for Mrs. Campbell's
Bolf-AdJusting Extension llust Corset.
Best fitting custom-made Corset in America.
Elastic sections ; never breaks down. Also
combination underskirt and bustle with remov
able hoops ; transparent silk rubber apronsbibs
und sleeves ; "Daisy" Hose supporters ; Im
proved "Quoon Protector" reduced to $1. Full
line furnishing goods. Address , with stamp.
E H. CumpboIIJt Co. . 451 W Randolph St. . Chi
cago. 757 mt *
WANTED-A good girl , German preferred ,
1924 Douglas 3t. 230 4
T\TANTED-Good cook , washer and Ironer ,
Tl can get steady work by calling on Mrs.
Frank li Mooros , lath bet Juskson and Leaven-
worth , cast side. -.11
WANTED A girl to do general housework
In u small family , inquire 15U9 California
gtroct. 2ti2-3'
"WANTKO-Firat-c-Iaas dressmaker to work br
T T the day at the houso. Inquire 131H Cupl-
tttl avo. 2CJ-3 *
WANTEU-A good girl to cook , wash and
Iron ; good wiuros puld. Call D. Ulbomas ,
Room 8 Crelgbtou UlkorBtW Idaho st.
267 5
T\TANTtD-A girl at 271S Leaven worth
2(11 (
'ANTKD--irpcrler eod dinismakera , alto
ucat looUiug apprentice at 31B N. 16th st.
\\7ASTKD-A girl for general house oi K In
T T a small faintly , No. 32J N nth st. ' . " < ) 3 *
Wf ANTED Ono or two liidloa of ronnemcnt
TT tooooupyroom and enjoy the comfort of
flret-clas * houe , with use or parlor and
piano , object company for wife , reasonable
terms to rlirht parties , reference oxchanvcd.
Address FM , Uco olllco.
WANTKD Half grown nurse girl to care for
two imail clillJron. Urn. Hammond ,
401 North 18th , Kstabrool : block , 3d Ooor .
_ _ _
ANTRD-OIrl for general housework , Mri.
D. a. Goodrich , 1U7 I'ark ave. 8g-S (
\\rANTRD-A girl for general housework at
> m7CassBt. 834
hoqiBWork. Best of
. JM 7
\\TANTKD Competent girl for general houso-
T T work. Good rook. Apply 2ul U 3 > th su
WANTKD-A Blrl for general houtowork.
fauillyoftwo. Inquire at drug storu
SOth and Leavonworth. 243 8 *
'ANTBD-HouHoieoper to act as nl Ut
wultoHi North 3th su 10 }
V\f ANTED 80 ladles A gouts to losrn olo-
TT graphy. Prospect peed for position whoa
competent ; address W. J. D.Hooml , Crotini
blk. Omaha. IM
\ \ * ANTliD A dishwasher nnd second cook , at
> T Miller's Itostaurant , 1004 N. IGtn st.
I4.j n
ANTF.D-OIrl to cook , wash and Iron.
Highest wairos add steady employment
to competent person. No other need apply.
Mrs. U.S. Smith , 2.1)3 ) California st. Apply In
the forenoon from U to 12 o'clock. 2JI 4
\\rANTr.D-Olrl to work Jn kitchen nt Dornn
house 123 south 18th st. nonr St. Mnry
are. 17 J
\ \ rANTr.U-A good colored plrl , must bo
> > compotont. None otlior need npply.
1C24 X. Sgdgttuct. 1PO-7
\\rANTKD-dlri for light houseworlt who
i knows how to cook ; good pay to right
ono. Cull at 1701 Saunders at. PSJ
\\TANTKI > -lood ( cook and Laundress , 20" ! N.
JL1 . . _ ! 'h ' ! t : fiS'J '
" \\rANTllD-Lady stouographur. Permanent
'I position , ilauhlne furnlHhed Ifduslrml
Accuracy and proier | punctuation pioforred to
fpoml ilutt liiivoHoino knowledge of Ilniro4
nnd write good , plain blind. No rlmporlng miss
with head full of "society" desired. Milstghn
tindlndcd attention to business. Addrr-st ,
giving age , rcjldunco and ruleronco , F I1. ' , lluo
olllcc. IDil
\\7ANTED A young nurse girl to take care
TT of year old baby. Apply 24J3 Davenport st.
WANTED- Situation br young innn2J jcnrs
old as collector or sulpplnv clerk. Ciui
give good bonds. Address FBI lleo olllco , 3ai6 *
" \\rANTii-Sltuntlon : by n prnutlcnl book-
' koepor. Itest references Kivon , terms
reasonable. Address 8. I ) . O. , box Oil , Sterling- ,
Us. CUO-O *
17ANTED Hy n lady a posltten as book-
f keeper , coptst or cleric. F 4W , lleo ollico ,
WANTnn-Work by u middle nsrcd lady nnd
daughter , cnn donnvthlng except wash-
' . AitdiessK 47 Bee olllco. 2tC-3
W ACTED A position by lady. Is an expert
typo writer , and has eomo knowledge of
short-hand and bookkeeping. Chicago rofer-
ulices. Address 1015 Dodge St. 270 4 *
NTHD Situation In dry goods store.
Address F 43 , Dee olllco. 2853 *
"ITTANTRD Situation , by you Tig man In city ,
T as coachman or wont In livery stable ,
etc. : peed refoiorco. Itnsmua Hansen , lleo
oll'ce. ' SCO 3
( JTCNOUHArilKIt of experience and skill dp-
fJIres position In Omaha business hou o ;
operates typewriter. Address F 41 , Bee olllco.
WANTED Situation , stenographer nnd
tj po writer by yoiin ; : lady , liest rotor-
t-rcncos. Address No. 11U S Main at. , St Louis ,
Mo. 255 3
WANTHD-Sltimtion , by a younir man , In
wholesale house or shoo store. Speaks
Bwedo and American , ( lood roferoncos. Fair
penman. Address F 37 lice oltico. 2.12 : )
WANTii-Sltuntlon : as stenographer ; can
furnish machine , liest of references.
Address V2 ? , lleo olBce , 15S
ith 4 or ( Tfooms about
1 mile northwest of the 1' . O. Address W.
M. Spcllmim. Mlllurd hotel. SOS (1 (
WANTED Hammond typewriter operators
to work evenings , Address , flat Ing
whcro can be Been. F45. lleo olllee. 28 : 5 *
\\7ANTED To purchase n ifood unimproved
' corner lot. or ono nfiirn corner , within a
half mlle ton mlle of thoposiofflco. No iisronts
need npply. Address F 31 , Iloo olllee. 2.S7 3
T\rASTEI ) To trade n peed Orchard hill lot
T for ( rood family horse ; addrcs ) F III Ueo
Olllco 22i
W 'ANThll Atlas of Nobr.iska , sound , for JO.
Wyraan , 118 south loth St. U18 4"
\XfANTKD-To buy n eood rallb routo. Address -
dress F3J lleo offlce. 183 T *
\\7ANTnD To buy , n good gentle horse :
' must bo dnrlc bay nnd ono that a lady can
drive. Call or address ill S. Utb st. lot ) 5
To Rent , house of 5 to 7 rooms ,
good location , with modern conveniences.
1'amlly small arid n children. Address A , T.
Austin , 5UJ'M \ st. HS fi'
WANTED IIou o or cottage of (1 ( or" rooms.
If you have anything1 to o3cr , addiess
r2l ? , Iloo olllco. U05
WANIKD Teams , 303 S. llth Bt.
\\7ANTKD-To rcnt n house of 3 or 4 rooms ,
it with or without burn. In good locality ;
location to bo between 12th and "Oth , nnd Har
noy nnd 1'lcrco. ApplyGco. Schroeder , 14th and
Lcavenworth. 815 2i )
WANTKD-To buy nvo to twenty acres in
Bide of or near Omaha. ( Jive descrip
tion , price and terms. Address 0,20 , lleo onlco.
OMAHA Storage Warehoupo-Cornor 13th
and Izard Sts. , forstorago of house
hold goods and general merchandise at low
rates. Advances made ; Issue warehouse re
ceipts. It R. switch ut the house , Ollleo 510
outh mil Mi-oet and \\W. \ 1310 nnd M12 Ir.ard
street. Tcluphonn CG2. JI. S. Goodrich , mgr.
Bii."i m 2(5 ( *
TJIOR RUNT House , nine room , east front
JD 5301'Icasant st. 304-4 *
F I OR RENT House 3 rooms ou 18th , 2nd
house from 1'lorc-o. 2T9 4'
FOR RENT 80 acres of ground , improved
North of the elty : i miles. R. C. Pattorion
15th and Harncy. 272
E OR SALE-4 room house , $100,523 Clark tt
bet St. Mary's ave and Howard. 259-17 *
F I OR RENT 4 room cottaire d and Leaven
worth St. Apply nt 813 B 20th st 314 23
TT1OR RENT Store in best business part ol
J- Omaha , llret class place for real estate anil
employment olllee , tailor or barber. Rents
cheap , ? 18 month only. 004 N loth st. 212 '
FOR RENT Now P-room bouse , modern Im
provcmonti. Inquire J. F. Ilarton , 2510
Capitol nvo. 187 7 *
FOR RENT 10-room house , modern convon-
iofices.7 blookslrom postotllce. llallou
llros. , 1510 Douglas st. 178 a
TmOR RKNT-Two brick stores ou north
-T 10th RU
Warehouse on track , now brick on paved
Three new Ptoro j on south 13th st.
The a E. Mayno , Real i : Ute & Trust Co. ,
15th and llarnoy. B'.ia '
FOR RUNT HOUFO of ten rooms and barn.
KJI Park ave , between Earnam st and Loav
onworth i't. Inquire ut Doran House , South 18th
near Until : ? of Gettysburg building. Ififl
FOR KKNl' Cottuiros houses und store ) , all
desirable and well locntod. from KM per
month up. L. Uurnham , Room 1 Crelghton
Illock. 117
FOR RENT 10 acres 3 mlles from postofllec ,
suitable for market gardon.wlll rout or sell.
Apply West Furnlturo Co. , 103 N. 14th St. 133
FOR RENT-8 room house , city water , street
cars , l > i mllnslrotn 1' . O ; $3) per month.
D. C. PattersonOmaha Natl bans. 133
HAY privilege to louse on the Detwllor farm ,
at Ames. 7 miles west of Fremont. John
Gallagher.3t7Southl2th st. 412m9
FOR KRNT Six now fl room houses In A. S.
Vatrlck's addition , about 14 blocks from
streetcar. Apply at room 2 Ailiugton block
A. a. Patrick. 7M mi
TTIOR RKXT-If you want to rent a house , call
X' on Honawa Sc Co. , opposite postotlice , 140
" | T OR RENT A furnished parlor , warm : mod
J' orate conveniences , witn flrst-cla i board
for two gentlemen. 181tOodgost OGl
"IJ10R RENT Elegant furnished parlor , also 1
-L1 smaller room. Ill b nth near Uodgo
_ _ 274 8
FOR RUNT Now brick store room and base
ment , modern conveniences , splendid loca
tion for ilry eoods , boots and shoes or furnish.
ing stock. Inquire at Citizen's bank. 2103
Cumtng 6t. 275 a
1OR RENT A very desirable furnished
jrfront rponi , 1811 Capitol uvo. 2TJ 4 *
c-o and desk room at 617 .
13th Bt. good lojatlnn. 283-0
TTiOH REST Flrst-cla s furnished rooms , with
J- ' modern conveniences. 8m N 16th tt. 1085 *
T710R RENT-J unfurnlihed rooms , 2301 Mlchl-
Jgan are. 281 5'
TT10R HENT-NIco ollice. Enquire of Enewold
JL' ic Barrett. 313H So 15th It. 2Jt 8
T710H RENT-Two furnish ol connecting
J- ' rooms ; water in room ; ulio parlor bed
room , to desirable parties. Apply ut I'.T ) Far
nam it. su
_ _
FOU nRNT-A very deilrable newly fur
nlshed parlor anil 1 front basement room
unfurnlined. Ill 8 18th. V13 4 *
" 1710 K KENT Elegant furnlihml room * In pri-
Jvate family with or without board , south
part of town within two blocks of street car.
Address F33 Uoo office before S3th of Murcli.
FOIl KENT Two nicely furnished rooms ,
1712 Douglas street. 17 a
OH RENT N'owly furnUhed front rooms ,
single eijsulto , 14 f17lh at. 1M 7 *
FOR IlKNTj-A front 2d or ! U story room with
first-class board , to two gentlemen. Newly
and elegnntly ftirnlshod. All conveniences.
Call room 1 Exposition building. 212 4
EOU HEN'F-Sunny rooms , single or en suite ,
newly furnished , with board ; plea < ant homo.
Terms rersouab\o. \ Itelorenccs exchanged , 535
PIoasant st. _ ftH 4 *
tliOH HUNT/ / 2 f urnlMiod rooms 16th and Hurt
.D brick block , for the right person. Address
KB. MlllarUtootel. 220 U
FOll HKNOJ-Two furnished front rooms.
( leiUlomcn only. 1810 Dodge. 727 in 13
irbll HUNT Nicply furnished rooms ; ooard
1 ? ltdoslred. 113 3. 2Jd bet. Douglas and
Dod ijo. UCO
FOH HKNT 'J connected rooms , suitable for
fourBcntlomoii. Kent reasonable. 318 N
15th gt. 1M)3 ) *
jit HKNT-Furnlsned front room. 1713
Jackson. 177-3 *
U linNT-FurnjSliod rooms and Hoard , C19
N t'Jtli st. 2J3 6 *
"TJ10H HRNT-Iftnkon immediately , two hand-
Xeomc unfurnished rooms ono block from
10th and 20th car lines , and only 2t ! blocks from
postofllco ; also nicely furnished rooms for
rent. Only thocn who wMi Ilrat-class rooms
need apply. Address F 13 , Ucu olllco. t'10 ' U
TTOHltKNT Desk room. John Gallagher , 317
J South th ft. U15 m a
IriOH HENT-FurnUhed room. Hoard , r-21
_ | 1'lnasnnt. ICkl5' _
TllOlt IH'.NT-Handsomely furnished room" .
-I ? Modem comcnlonccs. ! UO North 1'ith st.
FOR HKNT-Hnely furnished room nt 701
Pqitth ISth st UI9231
' '
JlO'K ll'KNT Vurniijlicd rooms with board.
3 000 N 17th St. OM 4
FOU HUNT A very dcsirnhlo newly fur
nished room , all modern convenience * ,
Btroot cars. 2531st _ Mary's nvo. , 678
Foil HENT-Nlcoly furnished rooms , 2227
DodKust. , all modern Improvomontfl. 817
[ 7OK HUNT Furnished room to gcntlman.
t ! Inquire at C1U North 17th st. ( te4
'Oil IlEN'T-Storo room and No. HON. 14th
st. basement. ! W3
'OIl HUNT Two rooms , unfurnished , for
light housekeeping , Inquire bUJ Howard
St. 076
F OK KENT Furnished rooms. 711 N. 19thst
OllmS *
IIAHOAlNS-Wo have n few more lots
In Matthew's subdivision of Albright's
Choice In South Omaha. They are a ( rood bar-
train. 1'lcrco & Hoffors , room 5 , Arlington
block. ail
F Oil SAL1' Two lots In Kountzo I'laco. Spon-
ccr Otis , 1317 Douglas st. 323
FOIt SALE 3 acres on very easy teims.
Lot In Ames place , S 450
Lot In Hlock M llc-dford place 700
House and lot onlsth st , one-third cash. . . 3/A )
Lot In Kllby place , cast front 900
Lot In Sheridan place , 50 foot front on
Lnnvonworth st 1,200
House and two full lots In Walnut Hill ,
cusy terms 2,200
H. W. Huntress , 1509 Farnam.
162 4
T OT8 In Greenwood , 50xHO. fMO : on very
-Ueasy termskja'or ( bale by Enowold & llur-
rott , yi'4.4s.lSt = . 2053
S ' VALf JT ,
Our new nddltlon.
AcraftJ2j to (40J per aor .
V'NYv\r South Omaha ,
And h'ydlcato HIIL
Marshall & t/ > beck ,
1C3 4 „ 150J F.irnam.
T710K SALT -80 acre tract , Improved , near the
-I ? city , HS5. per aero.
Lots In Sulfleslnirer'E addition 92'J ) to M53.
l flfoot , 24th and Far mini at a barRiun.
SO acres west ofi Walnut Hill cheap. Call nnd
investigate. Schlcsintfor Bros. , 014 S I0t h t.
170 m 3
FOR SATiiMtl32 on IGth and Marcy. well
improved , $8,503. ! < cashbal2 and3 ycnra.
( late yity B&l Eft to Co. , W20 Douglas. 185
HOUSES Lot .Frtrma.liands money loanod.
llomls' city maps , 5x7 foot , $3.50 caclii
.13emlt > , roornfl'UIraor/blooK ; Sn-W.tcor. loin
.und Furnam ititt 1 : V.iJlS'i
UAIIGAINS Two corner lots in
GENUINE court , only 4 blocks from Situn-
der'sstreetoara. w. M. Ilushmnn , Koora 10 ,
UushmanUlock.N Ecor Ifith and Douglas.
HOU3CS-Lots.Fiirnis.Lands money loaned.
HomlB * city maps , 5x7 feet. $ iu ) enuh.
llomls , room 3 , Darker block , S. W. cor. 15th
and Fnrnam st * . 123
BENAWA 4 CO. , 15th st opposite postoflleo
make n specialty of rental business. If
) -ou have any hoiisea to rent place thnin with
us nnd we will nnd you a renter , Uelerenco ,
McCugue llros. 2Q1-5
rpHE MOTTEU Ilcal .Estate AKCIICV ,
X 1513 Fnninniit. olfor the fell
Fine cast front on Park avenue , nn elownnt
house , bath , city water , sas , rurnaco and all
modern conveniences S'UiOO. '
Tine west front on I'nrk avenue , large , fine
liouo , all conveniences $ uKK ( ) .
Fine east front lot on Catherine ft , , large , ele
gant house , all conveniences $7.503.
100x150 Uurr Ook , adjoining Ilanscom Place ,
Eouth and oust front.
Two lots on Hamilton at. In Orchard Hill , easy
terms , each * 1,200.
: i lots only 150 feet off Saunders t. , ! mile
nearer the city than Plalnvlew , very easy
terms , only tl.'MO each.
A narcalii , 2 lots In Oztord Place , eney terms ,
only to * ! each. Don't let this KO by.
Two choice lots , ono u corner , In Kllby Place
very cheap nt t ,00t
Three very line lots In Iloscrvolr ndd .only
$2iK ) cash on each , bal. easy , only f 1,150 each.
Full lot in Pclham Place tl.W ) .
Now house In Smith's ndd.nflft lot , nicely im
proved , I3,0io ( only ? 1 ,200 cash.
3 fine lots in Arlington , ono n corner , all for
f2,700. 1-3 cash , balance small monthly pay
ments. This is n snap.
10 lots in Hawthorne 1000 to 1160 , small cash
Fine lot In Illinrliaimh place only ? 2,200 , JS03
cash , balance 1 and 2 years.
HOUR ) and lot In Isaac & Scldcn's add $ -,000 ,
f ? ! ) . " > cash.
3i lots in Orchard Hill. $759 to f ,1200.
KlCKiint acre lot in Pratt's Sub. fronting on
Montgomerv st. This will make four One lots ,
Only tlPOO-l-i ; cash. A bargain.
Five lots in Clercndon Place , f 1 ,400.
The above arc only a few of the many Imp-
gams on our list. Cull and see our new olllco
nnd look over our lista of propoi ty In nil parts
ol the city.
The Motter Koal Instate Agency. 1513 Farnain
gt. 2535
FOR SALK-Chosp , nrco largo lot , flvo del
lars per month , inquire 401 N 15t at.
at.1290T. . *
BKAU F.STATB Is going to advance. J. A.
Lawrence , Heal 1'Mato Agent , 218 is 10th
Rt. I have taken in a partner now , and the tlrm
hereafter will bo I.aiTronco & I.arson , lleal Ks-
tate and Loan Hrokers. Wo are not starting in
this business to get rich in a hurry , but to
mnko it our business and to win the people and
their confidence for us. Wo will bo pleased to
have you call nt our office , nnd wo will trent
you as kind as we know how. List your prop
erty with us arjd look over our bargains. If
you have housiu. to rent we will bo plotted to
torvo you. JV y'ave ' a good list or property
and quite u nuniqcr of bargains. Itomombcr
the place. Irirenco & Larson , Heal Estate
and Loan Hrokc 8,218 N 10th st. 203 4
FOR SALTIV-T&oor throe elevators : all good
points ( ii ) h. X.M. nulroad. For particulars
apply to TholnaV Cochranc , box 55. Lincoln ,
Neu. | ) yv 220
T7TOR BALK VnluabTo property ; West Lin-
X1 coin for " > < h. Callnt IM Bird's store or
write P. O. bHy'Mi. Lincoln. Noh. 221 8 *
HOUSE3 LotsFarm 1Lnnd monuy loanod.
Homls' city maps Sx , feet , 11 ! fl each ,
llomls , room SL ) Marker block , S. W. eor. 15th
und Farntimlsti' ' 287
\\7ITI1 all thc/'lntcrests / centering north , and
t ho f act. yjat values have been neglected
heretofore ; tUtttiiropoviy for parks is obtaina
ble , nnd the city , will bo compelled to go In this
direction lor.thuiu : that the llnost boulevards
In our lonutlfii ) , < ; ity cnn bo oxtendrd In this
direction , willconvince the most conseivatlvo
that Tallin Land lots ut $150 and (2uO ate nn In
vestment that will prepare for "tho rainy day. "
Ono-fourth cash , balance t' > a month. Gooivo
M. Cooper , moved to 1511 Dodge st. lf < 4-3
Hlochs 17 to 33 , the best part of Howling 0 roon.
The cheapest property on the market.
! i mlle from llcnson car line.
5-acro lots per aero J. > .V.
2 > J ucro lo's per ncro JJ5X
Acre lots t'M. '
Ixits 50x127 on Hamilton street (173 to $225 for
Full commission to hgonts. not plats.
Marshall & Loheck ,
No. 15uu Farnam.
Telephone-73. 101
"IXTIT1I all the Intoroita centering north , nnd
i ' the fact tlmt values Imvu been neirlected
heretofore ; that property fur parks U obtaina
ble , and the city will b compelled to go in this
direction for them ; 'that the fluent boulevards
Inourliiautlful city can be extended In this
direction , will convince the most consorvntho
that Table Land lots at f 150 und J2U ) are an In
vestment that will prepare for "the rnluy day "
One-fourth ciub , Imlunoo $1 nmnutli. Cloorge
M. Cooper , moved to 1511 Iioago kt. 184-3 ,
\\T 0. eilltlVKH-Bneclal tlnrgalns-
TT GltKU on Ilrlstol near Saunders , S front ,
mxlTS nearCrelghlon collcireon Cass , tA.OUO ,
Lot ou CalKornU near Crclglilon college ,
2 lot's 60x125 each onl'rankllu near King St. ,
tchool liousn , IKVV ) and $1PO' ' ) .
lleiuitiful o front lot Kliny place $1,500.
2 Fotith front lots In A S Patricks add near
Saunders st each tl. VK ) .
Full lot on Hamilton , opp. foment , f 1,700.
13J feet square , trackage , n. of U. P. fthopn ,
Corner 60X112/ near car lino. Patrick's ndd. ,
Lots 60140 on ISth.ncar Paul St. , $5,000 , 1-5
cash , b.ilanco 1 to 4 years.
South I rout lot on llurdclto stnonr Shor-
imtiifumuio , f..0 ) i.
lluslnosslots.Z.'x ) feet , with alloy on 8aun <
den ftreot , near Haiullton , paved , $120 trout
foot ; easy terms.
Corner lot ou Cumlngit. , pnveil , $4,000.
2 corner Iot , . nnd e. front , In Foster's ndd. ,
near Sannders Mreet , $ l&no.
Ixit DixHOon 17th , near Utiseod Oil Millsen y
terms , $ I,50J.
10 aures just 3 miles from P. O. , will subdivide
Ir to 4S lots Wil : ; ' . ; , that will sell easily for $ n )
loflOO ; lies nit-fly , Price J10.UOO. Uaay terms.
Improved Property.
5-room cottaic , noiv , full o front lot , near red
car line , $2.M > 0.
Nlco nuw cottage , B rooms , lot 00x140. N 19th
at , near I.aKo.
Cottngo and lot 30x130 ft on car line , $1,500.
RO It. lot and cottage on cable ear , J..UW.
2eottaircs& rooms eacb In Shlnu'a 2d aiU , ,
caeh fl.KW.
6-room cottniro and full lot lnPmlnvIovrl,07i.
Pull lot and cottagu In Shlnu's 2d add. , cheap ,
Cottage nnd lot In llozgs & Hill's add ,
Fauiain st. $2 , 10.
Nlco cottage and lot , llogus & Hlll'sodd. , easy
terms. W. O. Slirlvcr , opp. P. O.
ill 3
SKI' tlio'o bcnutirul cheap lots In Ureeuwood.
For sale by Know-old & Harrett , 3I4'J S. 15th
street. I5 3
SA. 8LOMAN , Heal F.stnto Broker ,
1512 Farnam Street.
Farnam etrcct.cor. 18lhti'lxl3. , M cash. ?
FarnauisL , near llth , 2 x1112 , Improved. . 3.'iOKI
Furniim8t.nearltli,44xl32 ! ? , improved. . 2-J.OOO
Farnam St. , near 2Uth,2.x ! 132 , very ch"ap. nHO
Farnam St. , near 20th. llCxxl.G . 35,000
Farnam st. , cor. 31st st , , lotlxlSJ , south
andcnstfront . 17,0 1
rariinm st. cor 4 th , Ujxl32 , s ami o front G.UOO
Farnam st. cor. 41st , 48\132 , s and o front n. iiu
Fnrnam st. cor 4''il. 44xl32.s and w front 3 , M
Harnoy st. near lllth , 22xfirt . U..VW
Hartley st. near 15th , 3Jxit2 : Improved. . . 20,0) )
Hnrnoyst. near 20th. 174\170 , Improved. . 35.0 M )
Harnoyst. Hodick's drove , 41xl.W . l.fint )
Harneyst uonrSUd. 40x1.12 . .
Dougl.isst near 12th , 4txl3J , Improved. . So.O'JO '
Douglas st. near 13th , 22x13 , ' , JJ futorest. a,500
Douglas et. near2Id5xii2 ( ! : . 7,5m )
Douglns st. near 23d , MxlS,1 . , . B.QOO
Dodgost. cor , 12th , 66tlU , improved. . . . aifi ; ( > 0
Dodge st. near 2 < ) th , Wxl ) > 5. , . 2frt )
DodKOSt. noarSSth , 40x127 , Improved. . . 2.700
JaekbOiut. cor 14th , 00x132 , Improved. . 25,000
Jackson st. nonr 15th. Cnxl32 , improved. , .
Jonesst cor. 15th , n > txl32 . 24,003
Howards ! , near iuth,3x ! 2 , Improved. . B.UOO
Lenvonworth st. cor. 21st , 132x111 , Im
proved . 18,5X1
Loavonworth 6t. cor. 25th , 140x142 , Im
proved . 25,003
IRth st. opp , M. P. and Holt Line depot.
1)111- ) ! . . . . . . . . . 0,000
14th st truckage , Pnddook place , (50x112. ( l.OJ
Park nvo. opp. park , 50x150 . 1 > X )
Virginia ave. near Leimmworth , 50x140. 2.IJOO
Georgia avo. near Mt. Pleasant , 60x150 2,603
20th ft. noor St-Mary'p , 40x120 , improved B,0i)1
20th st. near Dorcas , 100x100 , Improved . 4,5'tO '
20thst near Douglas. 32x06 , Improvod. . 0.003
15th st. cor. Martha , Cflxl.'U , improved. . . 4,501
llth st. near Dorcas , Oxl3i ! , Improved. . . 11,000
Mth St. cor. Soward. reix20 , houses . . . 4.50. )
Pierce near2Uth , 60 footfront.2 streets. 6.150
Hamilton st. near Holt Hoc , Improved. . . 1,500
41st Ft. Just otf Farnam , 4Hxl32 , o front. . 1,800
aith St. , near Davenport. 100x1 JO . 2,203
Sownrd , near 35th , (50x157 ( . 1,1V )
31st st , near fyonvenworth , 50x100 . 2,200
10th st , near ( 'astollar , 135 feet front. . . 4,500
Uthst , near Maitha , 61x151. conior. . . . lu"iO
llurdctto st , near 28th , 50x132 , on car line l.TOO
lliirtst , near Ixiwo ave , 611-2x133 . 1,103
2"ithcor , Poppleton , C3 lilO , Improved. . 4,0V )
Davenport , near 21th. 5J l-3xl32lmprovod 4,000
Chicago , corner 24th , CfixKK , improved. . BUO' ' )
20ih , near Popploton , 50x127. Improved. . 6.000
South Omntm. lot 3 , blkBS , 60x150 . fiX ( )
Orchard Hill , lots ? 7M to . 1,001
Drown I'm k , lots J500 to . 850
Itodford Plrtco.lots $6-)0 to . POO
lilt-bland ParK , lots onch-cash $6d. . 2)0 )
Wnkelyaild , lets 57x150 , rneh . 4a )
25 acres near Fort Omahn.llncly inprovcd ° , ODO
F > OIl SALK llent , or trade for city property
HQ acres of land , good house , In town of
HolUjvuo , ft mlles from Union Stock Vards ; pas-
tin o for 50 cattle ; fiO acres In cultivation ; rent
cash. 0. Wlckonbore , 510 N 10th st. .lowelry
Store. 227 8
BIO MONKY-ln nil of the following bar
gains :
Corner Ifitli and Jackson , ? 40,000.
CoinerCnlUorma and 13th , Improved. $20/XW.
41 ft on Douglas , Improved , i 10.000.
30 ft on Cumlna- and 22d , J0.5HO
Corner IHth nnd St. Mnry's , Improved , fcJ'.ODO ,
Lots In Iledford Place lor f 50 to SST.O.
Two choice corners In Lowe's , very cheap.
Fine eornor in Klrkwood , a birgnln.
Choicest cornet-In K. V. Smith's addition ,
13 x140 11 rare bargain.
75127 , Shlnn'g 1st addnear Hamilton st , south
front very choice and chtap.
F.lcgnnt lots , improved and unimproved In
Hnnscom Place , Oicmml Hill , Giro's , Oak Chat-
nm , Plulnvlow , Oxford Pl-ico , Capitol add ,
Improvement Association add , Croltrhton
Heights. Melrose Hill and In all other additions.
Largo list of trackage nnd warehouse prop
Business nnd rosldonco property in South
Choice acres for subdivision near the city.
List your property with us. Wright * Lns-
bury , cornarunder Paxton hotel. 008 2 ?
SOUTH Omaha Park and Hammond Place Is
Inside South Omaha property , Thco OUon
or Jus Vore , owner , : ) U fHSth St. , 2d door be
tween Fnrnam and Harnoy. 254 a 1
HOUSES Lots.Fnrms.Lands money loaned ,
llomls' city maps , 5x7 feet , fJ.53 each.
Ilemls , room : i , Darker block , a. W. cor. 15th
and Farnam els. 217
\\7tTHnlltholntorosts centering north , and
T f the tact that values have been ucRlectcd
hcretotore ; that property for parks U obtaina
ble , and the city will bo csmpolled to go In this
direction lor them : that the llncst boulevards
In our bountiful city can bo extended In this
direction , will convince the most conservative
that Table Land lots at 1150 and $2jO are an in-
vcMmont that will prep.irefor "tho ruloy day. "
Ono-fourth cn ° h , balance t > a month ( Icorgo
M. Cooper moved to 1511 lodgu st. 181.3
17th st ClO-room brlok houses near Caas , all
Improvements. il7,5
. Afow Orchard Hill lots at n sacrifice.
Farnam st. 51 feet with 3 HOW hou os , near
20th streeton grade , J--U.WJ , rents lor 120 per
mo. Splendid inv stmont.
13th ht lilxlW near Jackson st , $17,000 for few
da vs.
_ Jewflnoncres adjoining Highland Park only
Clifton Hill lots cheap.
Farnam st. 44xlJ. , good house , $13,000 , near
20th st.
Wo have a splendid list of Insldo property , also
a few batgains in Ilanscom Place and all first
class additions. Call and look at our list.
Mitchell & Loyomnarck ,
2135 1518 Dodge st.
EF. SCAVKIt.lloom
lloom 2 , Paxton Ilulldlng.
ACrent ! Ilarealn.
An elegant 10-room house ono block from St
Mary's nvoniio , on street that will be paved this
spring. Full 75 foot corner lot House now and
with nil modem Improvement * . $ .10,003 ,
Lots In Clark's addition $5,000 to JS.YM.
Lot-tin lledtck's sub nt bargain prices.
Lots in Shull's addition $2.000 to * 2.5 , > 0.
Lots In Ilanscom Place tA-IW to,400. ! .
3S ! > londld lots In Walnut Hlli.iZ'JOO. '
2 lots in Lincoln Place J1.2M.
2 lots on 20th fit fU5 per foot.
2 lots on Hamilton st , cheap ,
6 lots In Foster's add $ . ' ,200 to JJ.WO.
fi lots In Utlcn Place $1,403 to $ lr < U ) .
3 lots in Park Placo.
An elegant corner 60x132 on South 10th st , on
G-room house , cheap , $7.000.
Omaha View.
120lots In this addition at prices that will con
vince you that they are bargain * . Do not full
to investigate.
The prediction of Goo. H. Hojjgs 1ms been
verified , and the Chicago & Northwestern Ity
In the drat company to purchase gronud tor
ihoir shops near his addition. I can give you a
bargain in those lots for cash or on easy terms.
E. F. Scuvcr , Room 25 , Paxton Itulldlnir.
FOR SOMR man with money 100x125 cor.
on llth tt. , with fl.500 hrlok house : ul
modern Improvements , on grade ; $12. ' 0 , half
cash , balance 1,2 and 3 years ; grouni alonu Is
worth the money.
54x138 , with good 4-room house , llth Bt. nonr
Center : $ lSUOcash. This Is a bargain.
Cor.i.'th and Douglas,2 houses ; rent for $ ?
nor month ; $1.000 , half cash.
Cor , house and lot In Kountzo's 3d add.
$3,000 ; $ . ' ,000 cash.
Cull and see mn If you want to buy bargains
from away back. I have some good Induce
ments on 20th st. in Reed Jt Campbell's add. A
J' . Hpltko.1613 Howard. S 5
OTS In Greenwood , .VUtlO , $ ? 2J , $15 cash
Jbnlonco by the month. newold & llarrott
314JJ S. Wthst 2Uj 3
HOUSES LotsFatms.Lands-money loanol.
Uemls' elty maps , 5x7 feet , $ i.Y > each ,
llorals , rotin a , , Itirker block , S , W. cor. I3tb
andFarnatneti. 237
TJMNEST corner In Soull'a 2d add. . $2,100. esy
-I.1 tenus , for fuw days. J , M , llucbatmn Co.
1(13 Fnrnuin t. 04'1 '
FOR 3ALE-Illg bargain WiUnut Hill. House
5-rt > om9 , good well and barn , lot 50x150 ft
only $1.UW , Inquire at Nelll , Conrud iJIunt'i
feed store , near depot , Walnut HilL WO i *
AMKS-No. 1507 rsriiam st ,
If In want of a homo look over the follow ,
ng Hit , among which you will find several bar *
gains :
14-Splcndld ft-room pottage on Montana at.
rlty waterbarn and trees $ .1.000.
17 Full lot , Ci.xino and 4-room ( ottat * In
lKwes' addn. for n few days at $1,850
43 tlood 6-room house and Uno lot lit Isaac &
Fi-ldcn snddn. $2,000.
7 East front lot 50xlM and now flroom cot
tage on Virginia nve , $ , ( .250.
62 Ouo of the finest houses 7 room nnd full lot
in Walnut hill. $3,000.
78 Dist front lot 75x150 and gooJ 7 room
house on South ISth st , $ .1500.
J9 lleautlful lot. covered with nno shade
trees , and n good 5 room house on Pierce
st , $1,000.
31 Now 14 room house with all modern nn-
pro\omonts , on Calllornlaiit , $12 , < iOJ.
JM The nuest lot and A 1 t-ottufc ou N. 21st et ,
-S Lot 184x120 , corner on Pierce st. with 4
hoiists , nothing better at price , $ J.OJu.
30 Now l-room house on Franklin Bt . $1,500.
3JI Two full Iott4 iitm lnnre house In Arm-
ttronc'g aldllmn , $ tnxio. (
334 Splendid lot with Samnll bouses on Pacltlo
st. near 21th , J-UW.
: W 5 acres ( lmpro\edl on west Cunilng St. ,
\ervchoapnt t..WQ.
337 Now house , modurn Improvements , on
California st , no'ir2Uh , jn.'ia
340 10-rooin brick house , ( lot 60x210) ) barn , city
wntor and ticus. This Isncholc-o houio
and eloep to btiMm-M center. Take an
hour to Investigate this If jou nro look
ing for n bin gain. $ , IVO.
350 Corner ( SIxlM ) with two good housca on
2ith and Plerco st- < . ? .SOi > l.
291 Now 8-room house on Paik nve. Hous"
has mantles and giatos. City water , bath
and closets. Cheap at $1,800.
Vyi Lot 63x140 and 7-room uoubo , with gnj , city
water and good barn. On Forest uvonuo ,
235 Full lot,6Cxl32 , corner on Chicago st , with
building * that rent for J2.400 per j car. A
good Investment nt $20,000.
200-Full lot and 6-ioom cottage In Walnut
05-Six fiill lots and now cottngo In West Side ,
only ( .1.500.
OO South front lot and rood 5-room house In
Lowe's addition , f..Oiiu.
312-l'uliloteoxl2land 4-room hoiuoln Slilun'a
addition $2lUO.
'a' ' > Choice lot In blkin. Hnnscom Place $1.800.
' 31 3 acres on North Itlih st , south of the fair
ground , SI2o < Xl.
' 33-3 very line lots on corner of 20th and Lnko
streets , $11.250.
ISO Finest corner , lot Mxl74 , on Hamilton st In
Shlnn's addition. $6,750.
" 47 In blk 2 , Hillside No. 2 , very fine lot , $1 , 00.
743 Finest cast-front lot on Falrvlew s-t.
'SI ' Finest north-front lot , 110x174 , on Hurt st ,
one block east of Convent , J4.000.
" 53 10 acres near Fort Omaha , $ t,2oO.
56 Lot 3 , blk 10 , Purkor'B nddltlon , lot covered
with fruit nnd shade trees , S2.033.
" 58 Vine corner on Lowe avenue , also east
front in Summit place.
353-Corlot 6xllOwIth3hou3ea , onN 18th st.
Illgdrlviint $7,5(0.
355 Full Iot63xll0 with two house * routing for
550 per mo on N IKth near Paul st , $ fl,5'K ' ) .
Lot with two houses In Arbor Place , good
Investment , $2,000.
JC4 Lot 40x120 and 5-room cotlngo in Arbor
Place. $1,000.
80S-Kino residence Jot 132x133 on St. Mary's
-10 room houeo with modern Improvomcnts
lot OOxllG on Hurt st noarMth.f'J.OOO ,
Vacant lots in all parts of the city.
ilO 2 fine lots In Hanecom place , block 19 , for
the tw < ) $ law.
411-5 best lots ou Cunilng atln Walnut hill , the
bunch for $7.500.
d3Fine corner on Park ave , $3 010.
423-Cholce lot in Hlllsl'lo No 1. $ l.6W
r 2 Ono of the llnest lots In Sunny Side. $1,800.
157 Good lot in Isaac & Soldcn's addition , two
blocks north of Loavonworth. $1,000.
464 6 very choice lots In West Sldo ; for the en
tire lot If taken by Maich2. $2,250.
165 5 choice acroa in lionDeld. $2,503.
675-7.lx.103 In Park Plnco$2,500.
693-2 lots In West End , cor. Dodge nnd 33d sts ,
on cast slope , J.I.7W.
693 3 of the tlnost lota in Housol feStobblli's ad
dition , fl , 00 to 51,750.
700-Very tlnn lot in blk 17 , fnclnir Hnnscom
Park , $2VW.
710 Several veiy flno lots In Highland Piaco ,
Kllby Place and West Omaha.
717 Choice lot on Hamilton st. la Reservoir nd
dltlon , $1,100.
72i ) A few very choice acres In Newport.
723-100x150 In Hartmun's addition , on II. & M.
and U. P. R. R. $800 !
7J5 Two of the finest acres in Pratt's subdivision
sion , for the two , $ : i,2in ) .
723 6 very flno lots In Dwlght & Lyman's nd
dltlon ; all bargains ; $ KV ) to 300.
737 120feot on StntoBt. In Omaha View ; this
can't bo beat ; $3.059.
741 Two South front lots in Lowo'3 addition ,
IJlk. M , $2WOAmes
Ames Ronl Estate Agency ,
0703 No. 1507 Farnnm street
JF. HAMMOND Heal Estate , first door north
of Douglas on 16th , t , ground Uoor.
There are other Hammonds In the real es
tate business , and J. F Hammond Is not urn.
bltlous to do the luUortlsmi ; for the crowd.
Don'tgo up stair ! ; ; the Hammond you are
seeking is mi the street lovoi , not on Douglas
street but Just round the corner on 16th.
Sheridan place lot ; cash $ : i50 $ 650
Hllecko add 3 lots , : io\142 , 1-4 cash , each , . T > 0
Oak Hill addgood lots. J103 cash IM
Subof J. I. Itedlek lot 5 xl2t 4.5M
Sub of J. I. Redlck's add , nice lot , $700
cash , , . . 2,100
Creston near.TanKJ : cash l.JOO
Hawthorne , 2 line lots 60xl ! < 6 ; 1-2 cash ,
each 1,100
Omaha Vlow , lot 50x78 ; 1-H cash 750
Omaha View.tlno lot in blK22 , $250 cash. 1,150
Omaha View , lot In blk 2 ; 1-2 cash 1,3-W
OinnhaViow , n flno Iot5)x80 : $ tV ) ca h. . TOO
West Cumlng'H udd , lot 65x11)5 ) ; 8100
cash P03
LudwICK Place , 1 lot 59x10. ) 5JO
46tn near Center , oUx75 ! , improved , ! 5
cash 2.701
18th Ht , lot In blk 14 , 64x120 , $750 cash 2,550
20th st , E. V. Smith's ndd , 2 lots 6'jxll0
each , H cash 0,000
20th fit , iiUnboth : PlaceCOxllO , Improved
l-icash : 7,000
Melrose Hill , 2ot ! ! , cor , $523 cash 1,200
CarthagoSlots , cor. ' > cash 1,000
Central Park , 1 lot , $ .V ) cash 600
Dwlght & Lyman'a udd , lot 52x13. , 1-3
cnsh SCO
Dwlght i Lyman'a ndd , 2 lots , $3V ) cash
canh R.V1
South Omaha , 2 corner lots , blk 72 , cash U.5X ( )
South Omaha , lot In blk 7 ! > . cash $1/410. 3.W )
Albright's Choice,2 loin , $ ( ( . ' ; eash 1,10) )
Albrlght'rtCholce. flno lot , $ ns cash . . . 450
Oth nnd llancroft , cor lot wlxl M , 1-3 cash J. OO
2Mb near Luke , corner , 40x120 , K ) cash . 1,800
Parker's add , do'irablo lot , $1,40U cash. . 2 , < DO
Lake View , 2 cheap lots , l-3ca < ili 1,100
llakor Place , 1 lot. $23) ) cai-h COD
Raker Place , 1 corner lot , $ SI c. * h . . . 050
Reservoir ndd , B lots on Hamilton St. ,
$ lriOO o-sh 2POO
Myers , Illeh i.-Tllden'sivldl lot. 1-3 cash 7W (
Hansc-om Place , 2 elegant lots , 1-3 cubh. r > ,2.riO
Patrick's add , lot 50x120. 1-3 eaili 2HX )
Cote Urilllanto.Slots , 110 cnsh , each. . . . av )
firnmmerey I'ark , S nice lots , $ 100 t-uh . 725
Highland Park add , $1 ! to $ G.Sci. : ) h , cucb.230-2 ; ) ! )
Harlem Lane , Slots , $70 ciisli. oneh . . . 225
J. F. Hammond , 117 South Bt.
40 ! : <
PATRICK'S ADD-lllxllll. On n part of tuM
lot are 2 double houses , leaving the corner.
61x134 vacant , all for5,600.
Gregory i Hndloy ,
981 Rooina 1 and 3 , Redlck blk,220 S 15th st
INBIDF. PROPERTY We have some good in
side property at a bargain , Pierce & Rog-
era , 1511 Uodgo street. KM
LIST your property with us if you want it
sold , for wo moan bu lne9s , Pierce A ;
Rogers , Uoom 5 Arlington lllk. &K
IflOR SALE On easy terms , Rome cholco lots
1 in Walnut Hill , all nonr Walnut Hill post-
olllce. P. A. Uavlu , Sole Agent , Room U.ltodlck
Illock. 132 3l
FOR SALE 7 acios on State st nenr Pntrick's
Saratoga add. will sell chonp. Gala City
lioal Kstate Co , 13JO Douglas. 185
TIHBben acre In W shlDgton Hill , $1,050 ;
will muUo51ots ; each will sell tor | ( X > .
Must bo soldln n few duys. Gate City Heal Kb-
tuto < ; o , I'l.i ) Douglas. 242
T011N GALLAOHKH,317 South 13th st. Anro
tt property , lots i.ll parts of the city. Cholco
lota In Hnnrfi-om PUeo. House. 9 ronma , lot
60xNi , locstlon unsurpassed , $300. . 2'J7u2
ONLY 7 lots loCt lu Anlstluld addition. The
bust Invc.-tmont In Omatm , ThoiO lota
will double as soon its the ordered paving com
mences ou loth bt In the spring. hiinoundliiK
property li iilro.idy double. $450 to $ dM ) will
buy thorn until March 2DU1 only. Termaono-
oluhth cash.bilnnca tlOpor month. J F. Ham-
luoiul , 117 So loth st. 3H1 3
HARRIS Lloul Kstuto and Loan Co. .
. _ : ra K i5th st.
2Vi acres In Cunninghams add f 1,001.
Acte property to plut west of Btotkynrds.
Aero proi > erty west of pane.
Ho'lfoid puico 10 iQta from $8.'iO to $1X1.
4 lots Baker Place near Oroliui-d hill , fOO ) to
Lots 1n K'lby Plaoo $ to $1,030.
1 lot In Parkora tuld
I/its In Creston place HK : to ll,5no.
Houveand lot Clareiulon plnco $ l , < m ) ,
House and lot Cl irendon place , (0,000 ,
1 lot In Dupont plnro 1,11X1.
Lots in Huwthorno $1.Oil to $1,5'M.
Lots In Hawes ( HM to $1,1X0.
In Hartman'B add , 11 bui-Kiiln.
Lots In Ilanscom Pacoli ! > 0l to $1,010.
1 bnusnandlot In llHnfcom Plnco. $1.8M.
House and lot In Ilanscom. Place , $1'J90.
Koiinlt4th udil , $ J,400.
1 lot In K'juntzn Place , bargain , $1,000.
Several houses and lots in Txiw/a and.
House anil lot on Nicholas street , clicup.
Ixitln Potter'sadJ.
Lot In i'utteo & CoLili'a odd , S Omnha.
Property In every part of the city.
Money to loan mi Improved city property.
Abstractor titlfsorDouglatroiinly.
Harris Rnal Ilatatu & Loan Co. , formerly Har-
rlsj Harris. ; .c ]
HOUSF.S IxtBFarn , t inAs- money loaned.
llomU' city innpj , 5x7 fcutJ.W each.
lUiinM , room 3 Darker block , B. W. cor. 15tl
and Farnam. * t3
B AROAINd In South Omaha by KnowoU
llnrrett , flU'i 8. l&th st. K I
IflOK BAIK-6l : acre farm In tflrrailton Co. ,
1 Nrli.,2 ratios from good shipping point )
Macrosbrnknii. Terms oajy Harrison , Am *
bier . \toolloy , H. ft ) Onmlm Natl bnnk. W5
HOl'bTs ' I.ots.Farms.Mnds money loaned.
lloinh' city maps , 6x7 foot , f'i.fiO . oaoh.
loniKroom 3 , IJitrkor block , S. W , cor. littt
and Kimiam em. 237
oann 1'nrk nnd Hammond 1'liico l §
O Insldo South Omaha property Tlico Olioa
or JIIK Voro , owner. : i4 ! S 1Mb at , Sd door bo *
\rcon r'arnam tindHarnoy. 231 nl
\\rASlUXdTON SOt'AUK addition , on Bber-
> > Minn nronuo and paved street , Is without
loulit tliu finest pliv.o to iitilhl you n liomo ia
alldmnha A few clioico lots loft fronting on
Miidlson andslmnmiu a\onup. Ku-ry modern
lonvonlencn nt bund. Jowor , city wntor , ga ,
mvcil struct' I'rlri'K for lot * . $1,700 to * 1,60U
neb .1. I. Hlco A Co. .agents. Nit
\\nSBA I'A ,
i > 1JOJ Fiirimm st.
Offer Ihosj batvalns today :
1 corner UooririH HVO. nnd Dupont $1,703.
7 Orctturd lilll.clHiico low each ftW. '
House nnd 2 Ion , Saunders & Hlmoliaugh' *
ndd. toVultilit hill ? lWd. ;
M Finest loti In Clovonlulc , bargains.
Vine Ion In Kllliy place , clicnp.
Flnol l-2lot John 1 Hodlck'g tiub-dlrlslon ,
Scholon Inti In Mnyttea udd. , each. fiJJ.
2cholco Una riitrmouut place ,
1 aero best In Holvedoro , bwritn JSM.
2 lot > ) Jotter's nddltlon , each fTOJ.
f > Ion Ml Doutrlas , onoh JVVl
2 lots South lit. plnco , oaon $ VW.
a llrown 1'iirK , tmrgixlns onoh S3J3.
21 lot1) choice In Yates * Hcmpol'd n-Mltton.
Ill aoriw > { mile south of Harris ft I'attoniou'i
annot , extra nlco , rlioup nml easy lormi.
A line list of western land * for sale , or trade
or Omaha property. ,
400 acres highly improved , Saunders Co. . sal *
Or trade.
115 feet front on Mill Btrcat.
Im > , iiotlox : < t , oornor on Kiirnnm $15,031 nn
nniiy others , 159J Fixrniun , Wlio nnd Vm-melo.
Arrive Lcava
Omaha Omaha
Depot 10th and i'lorco sts.
Pacllic Expit'ss 7:50 : am 8:20 : pm
Denver Express 5:20 : pm 10:05 : am
Local Express 11:00 : amt 5:05 : pm
Except Sunday.
U. * at. K. li. II.
Depot luth and Pacitie sts.
Mall and Express t > M pm 10:00 : ntn
Night Expiess 10:00im : ; 7:45 : pm
Lincoln 8:30 : nm
0. B. * Q. 11. It.
Depot 10th nnu 1'n'jitlc sts.
.Mall and Express. . . . 0 : Wi BUI 0:00 : pm
Chicago Expiess 7:10 : pm 0:20 : am
K. C. St. J. & C. H.
Donol 10th and Pacllic sts.
Via Plnttsmouth 7:10 : pin 0:30 : am
Lincoln Express * TCOnui : t8:45 : pm
Except Monday.
t Except Saturday.
C. St. P. M. A O.
Depot 15th nnd Webster st.
Sioux City Express Ss-t pm A : 15 am
Bancroft Accommodation 10:30 : am 5:43 : pm
Exccrtt Sunday
Depot IRth and Wcbsterst
Day Express 6. Mam 11:10 : am
Night E.XPICSS 0:00 : pm 0:10 : pm
Lincoln Express 11:50 : nm 0:10 : pm
TKAINS. US Y'ds. Omaha
Except yundnv. 0:00 : am * 015ftm ;
Trains lenvinir U. P. de * 7:05nin :
pot in Omaha nt 10:55 : : i. * S:10nm
m. , C:0. : > p. in. and 8:20 : p. 0:30 : nil ) 10:00 : ntn
m. , and tlioso Icnvlnc * lOriinni : 10:55 : am
Union stoclc jnrds ntC:00 : Il'i5nrn : 3:00pm :
n. m. and 10M : n. m. nro 2.SO : pm 80i ; pro
tlifouili ; pnsscn cr trains : S.-OTpin I :05 : pm
all others nro regular stock 4i..pni : : * & :05pm :
yaids dummy trains bo- 0 : LI pm 5-.M pm
: wi-on stock yards and 8:2opu : ' -.00pm
U.P. HIUDGETUAINS. Transter. Omalis.I .
I !
Except Sunday. 7:12 : nm . - - : S5ara
tConni-cts with S. C. & 8I5ami : * 7 :3lam :
P. nt Council HlufTs. 0:25 : am 8 :00 : am
'Connects with C. I . it 0:42 : am1 ITS : :50ara :
Q. , C. & N.V. . , c. M. & * 10 : 7nmHl :00ara :
bt. P. , C. H. 1. & P. at 11:47 : am " 10 nm
Council lllutTs. * l:30nm : :00pm :
JConnects with W. St. 2:37 : pm :00pm :
L. * P. at Council Bluffs. : ii7 ; : pui 00 pm
IConni'cts with all oven4 ; . oopm
Ins trains for Chicago at 5 :50 : pm -.00 pm
Council liluffs. Trains ! 0 ' :43pm : -.oopm
leave Omaha tit Union :10pm : :30pin :
Pacific depot. 10th and : I2pm -.10 pm
Plerco streets. : .10 pm :00pin :
) :4"pm : :15pm :
:55pm : :00pm :
:10pm :
Leave ; Arrive
CONNECTING LINES Transfer Transfer
depot depot
C. U. I. & ! ' . : 7:15 : am 0:15 : am
All Trains run Dally. 0:15 : a in 5:25 : pm-
3:40 : p m 7:00 pm
C. & N.V. \ .
0ir ; a m 0:15 a m
All trains run dally j
GiO p m 7:00 : D m
C. U. A Q.
0:33 : a m 0 :15 : a m *
All trains nm dally. . . . j *
6:35 : p m K pm
C. M. & St. P.
All trains run daily. . . . . | 0:15 : a m 0:15 : a m
0:40 : p m 7:00 : p in
K. C. St.J.ifcU. H ,
Except Satin day. 1000n ; m . . . .
tKxccpt Monday. * 3.V : > iiin 6:30 : p ml
St. I , . A P. (
All trains ruii daily . . . . 1 200pm ;
S C. A l .
All trains run dally. . . . . i 7:05 : a m
Gir : p m 8:50pra :
Ilcnl , Heal *
The following were tlio transfers
city property recorded yesterday : - "f
S Theodore to IM llosmor , lot 1 , blk 89 ,
E E Smith 'to A J Urown , lot 3. blk 63 , ,
Kiddie truct-8200. , a
t3 W Wnltmoro to P II Wind , lots 1 , 2 , 3 , 4'J
C 10 and 12 , bile 24. Ualesbunr 31.001) . - -
O H Whltmoro to P 11 Wind , lots 6 , 7 , 9 >
and H. blk S4 , ( lalcsburK. q c-SlOO. *
William S Jones tuJ T Jones , &yt no K.i
If , , 75 , 4l-S.,0 ! < W.
0 It I it I1 II U to Charles Ploss , no J
35.71 , 4'J-S2 10.
E 11 HRIJSOU to 1J C Couch , lots 9. ID , 11. 13 ,
13 and 14 , 1)1 k 5. nnd lots 13 , 1 ! ! and 14 , blk 6 ,
Bonson's lst-3900. -
J 1) Kdmtindsoii to 11 J Clumbers lot 13
blk 10 Central q c-S75.
J I ) Kduiund.Mui to U J Chamber * ) lot 24
blk 33 Contral-S4i5.
llarrliit Wheeler to Henry Cooper 31 acres 5
in 12. -40-8100. . . 3
H 0 Wllllnmti to I > 31 Shcrnden e } lot 0
blk lonrliiKM-Sl.WO.
A Coelirrtn to. I UTuliunoctal lot 1 bile 5
BtwlNs' 1st S10.000.
W W Dearborn to Kasper Howlch lot 0 blki
14 Uccre' artd-SCOO. 1
1 M Innesu to 1 ( lillnskl 37 17-100 acres Be/
se'/i , 75 , 44-51,470. "
tfeorun Molcalt to.Jano 11 Urown4 \ Jot 7
blk 4 KlddI ' 8-S.riOO. i
( icorL'o Metcalf to Alfred I'ratel lots U 13
nnd I'd blk S riurcc S'.KJO.
W A .SiuiiKiers to Mary K Kern lot 4 blk 9
llayllss & I' SWO.
W II Allison to E II Walters 15 12-100 acres
In netf n wf ! o , 77. la-EU.'aw.
. ) aiiics Holiirook to U u llardln loUSOan
21 blk 13 Williams' 1st -
N ! Doclirn to W C Uickey , lota 1 2 and
blk 5 Park 51b"0.
S ( i 1-lnt to John hlndnr. i\X \ lot 01 0 P , lots
Saiidl'Jblk B Kiddle , njf lot 8 blk 10 Jack-
,1 H lllako to M K Unlircr , lots 1 to7nnd,24
to'J7blkirjonln ; l-Slloo.
J T Marian to T < 1 Hryant , lot 1 blk 2
nU lot a blk 8 CnrfGii-8MW.
nnaFeiin to Theodore llotze , B' '
74 , 40-5'
J W lii-mnstnia to John JlcKenzle ,
nw < U7. 74. : -
A 11 'i'lio'miison to P li SIcMenomy ct nl. US
of 11 lots in Klddhi tract and [ Of 10 lots IBJ
IV M Cniii'n to'DJ Ilntclilnson , trustee , '
lot 8 Hlco's sub. 5 acres-3SOOa
n.lohn AAki'wto J II Clark , lot 10 blk ! ]
Ucors' ndd-ShOO. -
.1 W Mlkesoll to U Tandy , lot 1 blk I