Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 04, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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    * I1' * * < Iff T * " * " * * ' * W4' Jfftf * " ' JW S'illfl WSJ1I " * ' ' " " " " y"Wa f"HPF ' w * " . - - - - * - " " ' - - - * * * r
; *
i Delltcud liy In nnj part of the city nt
J twn.tyu nte per weok.
H , TV. TII.TO.V , Manager ,
f TKl.lirllONM :
c' BtmnrhsOrrice , No. t'S ,
NIGHT EDIT on No. is.
MlXOIt , Mi\riO.N. : '
v N. Y.Plumbing Co.
New spring goods lit Roller's , tailor.
George \V.'I'liompion &Co. , real estate.
Publisher1 ; ) Rook Sale elopes Sattinliiy.
Add tlonal Council HluIN news on the
icvcnth page.
As usual the liquor eases are set again
for to-day.
Conio to-morrow for bargains at Pub
lisher's Hook tiale.
J. W. A : K. \i \ Squire's abstracts are
giving peed satisfaction.
Mrs. Stephenson , of Co vington , Ky. , is
moving into her new hniiso on Park ave
nue , east of the Ogilcn hoiiio.
Frank Levin has put an elegant chan-
tlnlicr into his cigar store , which , when
lighted , shows off very linely.
Squire's park addition Is a sure invest
ment. Piicille avenue will bo built up
with store buildings within a year.
The revival meetings at the Overtoil
mission continue in interest. Last even
ing there were nine seekers tit thn altar.
The shareholders of the Council HlulTs
Loan and Hiiilding association will hold
their annual meeting nu.\t .Monday even
ing to duet ollicers lor the ciiMiing year.
Only two days longer for bargains at
the Publisher's Hook Sale.
The sociable of the Congregational
church will be entertained this , ( Friday )
afternoon and evening by Mrs. Dodge ,
assisted by Mrs. Squire and Mrs. Van
Hrunt , tit the residence of W. 1' . Dodge ,
No. 20t ! Fourth street.
Mercer's equine prodigies entertained
ft crowd at the opera house last evening.
The wonderful intelligence of these ani
mals , and the patient training necessary
to develop it , causes the entertainment
to bo more than a allow. It is a study
and a wonder.
The Dodge Light ( SuanU arc duly or
ganized , Nvith William Messemor as captain -
tain , C. Ilighsmilh lir ( . lieutenant am
II.V. . Patterson as second. The boys
propose to drill twice a week for the
present. It is hoped that enough interest
may bo maintained to make this organ-
i/atlon one of the best in the slate.
Saturday is closing day at the Publish
ers Hook Sale.
The Omaha Herald snouringly says
"And now curiosity turns to the point as
to whether the bridge will be built and
by whom. " The people of Council Blutl's
long since Knew , and if the Herald hon
estly wants to be informed concerning
what is really going on MI Council Hlnlts
it should either ask its correspondent or
read the HKI : more carefully. ThoBroad-
way bridge is an assured fact , and the
work will commence early anil bo
pushed vigorously.
The parade of Mercer's equine prodi
gies yesterday was the delight , not only
of the boys , but of those of a larger
growth. The horses are beauties , and
there are so many of them that they form
quite a stretch along the street. The pa
rade is , alter all , nothing as comuared
with the wonderful feats which these
horses perform on the stage. The enter
tainment will be repeated to-night and
to-morrow ovcnin < r. Last year there
were crowded houses at every perform
ance and this year promises to be equally
bucccssful. Friday and Saturday for bargains
nt Publisher's Hook Sale , U47 Uroadway.
The new block to be built by Air. Mer-
rlam , of Omaha , on the old Catholic
church property , is to bo lOOxltK ) feet.
The building is to be one > of ttie most
handsome ollico buildings in thb west ,
and will cost ncarlv fJOO.OOO. The plans
AS being prepared are much more ex
tensive and elaborate than was at first
contemplated. Some material has al
ready been purchased , and the actual
work will commence at an early date. An
enterprise of this magnitude cannot beget
got under way iu a day or wcok , and
these who have been a little impatient
for it to start , will have their desires
more than mot. Tlio best of it is that
this is but one of numerous building pro
jects now assured in Council Hluil's.
Finley Burke has returned to his old
, homo hero to become a permanent resi
dent , and In ; is among the most enthusi
astic and confluent in regard to Council
Blufl's' future. He has ojH'iicd a law of
fice here , and will pay special attention
to equity cases , titles , etc. , he having had
n varied and extensive experience in this
branch of the law. Mr. G. W. Hewitt
intended to enter into partnership with
him , but by a change of arrangements
Mr. Hewitt has purchased Mr. Hurke's
interests in Orange City , and will remain
there. Mr. Burke needs no words of
commendation in the line of integrity or
ability in this , his old homo , where he has
o many strong friends.
At the meeting of the real estate agents ,
held in Smith Bros. ' ollico last night , a
constitution and by-laws was adopted.
Only twenty-two real estate firms were
represented out of some thirty-eight
which are in the city.
It does not look well for the DCS
Moines Register to slur Council Blurts'
boom , and to insist upon it that DCS
Moines is the only Iowa city which has
any boom. DCS Moines may be having
just such a boom as the Register claims
to bo "tho only and original , " but the
fact does not appear very evident so long
as the Register advertises in vain for
some rent a part of its building.
Council Bluft's feels kindly to Dos Moines ,
and will send to it some of the numerous
applicants for buildings here , who can
not be accommodated until some more
are finished. Unlikn DCS Moines , Coun
cil Blutl's wants all Iowa cities to have a
little boom of their own , nnd if Dos
Moines is running short in this line ,
Council Bluft's will help her out.
Correct Time.
Union Pacific employes will please take
notice that we hold license No. U3 as
watchmakers according to general ordei
No. 36 , and wo most respectfully solicit
their patronage.
27 S. Main Street.
Council Hliitl's.
Pump , pump. Stock pumps , chair
pumps , well pumps , everything thai
pumps or carries water at Cole & Cole's ,
81 Main street. The best and the cheapest. .
All orders from real estate brokers for
Job printing will receive immediate and
careful attention at Pryor's HUE job
* * Electric door bolls , burglar alarms and
every form of domestic electrical appli
ances at the Now York Plumbing Co.
Contractors and builders will 'find it tc
their Interest to got prices on lime
uonient. plaster , hair , etc. , from Cotinci
Bluffs Fuel Company , 039 Broadway. Tel
phone 1UO.
Call ami see thn stoe.k of horses and
mules at Star Stables before purchasing
Dr llaiichett , ollice No. 13 Pearl st'rcnt
residence , 120 Fourth street ; telephom
No. 10. _ _
At the. Pacific house .you will save fron
M cents to $1 per day. Try it and be con
ILL u HlvLL H 11II it LLLvJ |
le is Endorsed by the Republicans and
Will be Alderraan-at-Large.
flic Dolrms of ( tin City Council More
Improvement- * Assured 1'cr-
BOtinl nml Ilrlcf
The republican city convention yester
day was one held evidently for the benefit
of the city , rather than for partisan pur
poses. The main business of the con
vention was to nominate a candidate for
alderman at large. It was generally con
ceded that the convention would endorse
the nomination of the democratic candi
date , Mr. LuciusVells \ , and such proved
to be the result.
\V. F. Sapp , jr. , called the convention
to order. D. H. Daily was chosen chair-
mull and C. M , Harl secretary.
As committee on credentials. R. T.
Bryant , C. S. Hubbard , John Lindt and
J. F. Evans were chosen.
The list of delegates as published in
the BKK was adopted as the report of the
C. M. liar ) then presented the follow
ing resolution :
Wheieas , Tim rcmihlicansof Council
believing ttiat tliu present prosperity of our
city should bu eiicomage.t In all possible
\Vhoreas. \ Lucius Wells , a man competent ,
careful and progressive , Is now a candidate
tor tlio ollice of nldcrinnn-al-Iaria. ' . tlioretoio ,
Kcsolvecl , 'J'hato deem It cxtiedient to
mnko no nomination for that oflicu and con
ditionally it'coiiiiiiciul to the ri'publiciius of
this city this support of Lucius Welts.
There was s-omo discussion , there being
a few who could not break awav from
the party lines , even when tlio interests
of the city seemed to demand it. Some
wanted to leave the place on the ticket
blank , rather than lend the party name
to thi ! formal endorsement of a demo
cratic candidate. The resolution was
adopted , however , by a vote of 24 to I ) .
The choice was then made unanimous.
All attempt was made to secure the
nomination of candidates for school di
rectors , but a motion to that clleet was
W. F. Sapp , jr. , was ro-clectcd chair
man of the committee for the ensuing
A Strong Trio.
The city has now a chance to place
three excellent men in the city council ,
to strengthen tlio hands of the remaining
aldermen in all endeavors to furt'ier the
improvement boom , Lucius Wells as
alderman at largo will prove a power.
He is a thorough business man , active ,
honest and earnest , and citizens are con
gratulating themselves of having at last
secured his acceptance to serve them.
In the Third ward Chris Straub is re-
nominated. Ho at first absolutely re
fused to bo a candidate for re-election. A
card of declination was proparcil , but as
eon as Mr. Strattb's intention became
viiown citizens crowded about him insist-
ng that he should run. He has bceu
icsiegcd by day and by night by thn
best citizens , and those most interested
n the prosperity of the city , and it is bo-
ieved that lie cannot longer resist. Ho
las always been on the improvement
side , has a reputation for integrity and
jnterprise which makes him too good a
nan to bo allowed yet to retire from the
In the Fourth ward the republicans
mvo nominated George Motcalf. He ,
oo , is one of those busy business men.
vho cannot accept without n personal
sacrifice , but it is such men whom the
> eoplo are determined to press into ser-
, rice. Ho shoud } be given such an over
whelming majority as to indicate some
what of tlio enthusiasm with which the
citizens are urging forward the public
mprovernonts. With three such men in
the council , men who can meet on an
equal footing the representatives of any
city under the sun , Council Blufl's may
lot only point to its council with pride ,
jut can rest assured that the interests of
the city are safe.
Ita Final 1'aBsaga with AmeiiilmcntN ,
Which Insures n Union Depot.
Some time ago the ordinance granting
Lho Union Pacific certain rights along
.Tenth avcnuo was passed by the council
after a long and rather bitter contest.
There were some clauses in the ordinance
which tended to defeat the very object for
which the ordinance was supposed to be
needed. Tlio Union Pacific company re
fused to accept the ordinance as passed ,
and it became necessary to change the
objectionable features. A conference of
prominent citizens and the aldermen was
held Wednesday afternoon and the
changes agreed upon. Last night the
council formally passed the ordinance in
its amended form , and all objections now
being removed BO far as known , it will
probably bo accepted by the Union Pacilic.
This ordinance means the sure building
of a union depot on Tenth avenno. These
who are interested in that project have
worked hard to got these preliminary ar
rangements completed , and now there
seems no reason why the other arrange
ments cannot go along smoothly , 'Iho
Union Pacific agrees to co-operate with
the Iowa roads in the erection and occu
pancy of the now depot , instead of light
ing the move , The depot company has
given bonds to build the depot , and that
the Union Pacific will run its trains into
it. The objections to the old ordinance
were in regard to certain requirements
that the Union Pacific should
under any circumstances continue
to maintain depots at Broadway , even
after the union depot should be com
pleted. One clause was so worded also
as to compel the Union Pacilic to build a
depot on Tenth avenue in case the depot
should fail to do so. These objections
being removed , thcro seems no reason
why the project should not now proceed.
There is more dependent upon the
passage of this ordinance than appears
on the surface. It means some great
changes in various ways , by which the
prosperity of the city will bo greatly ad
vanced and the boom strengthened ,
Many projects depend upon this , and
these best posted declare that this ordi
nance is the most important of all the
recent moves for improvements.
The City Connci. :
The city council met last evening in
special session for the purpose of ap
pointing judges and clerks of election
also the consideration of the Tenth uvc
nue ordinance. The audience was com
posed.of less than a dozen persons.
The following wore appointed :
First Ward H. F. Connors , L. Shcr
wood , J. J. Newton , judges ; H. Shu-
maker , C. J. Abbott , clerks.
Second Ward-John Fox. A. T. Whit
tlesoy , John Kettenng , judges ; G. L
Jacobs , W. F. Patton , clerks.
Third Ward G. L. Smith , L Syvcar
ingon. E. Rosocranz , judges ; F. W. Spot
man. D. R. Witter , clerks.
Fourth ward , First Precinct L. G. P
Oblmgor , John Jones , G. A. Robinson
judges ; K. B. Bowmun , J. Y. Ftillc
Fourth ward , second precinct M. D (
dot , T. I , Smith , A. L. Kah'lo- judges
D. Grimes , M. Boyle , clerks.
After reading the new Tenth Uvnu
ordinance the first time on motion of
Alderman Hcnnett the rules were sus
pended , each alderman voting aye , ex
cept Danforth , who asked that ho be ex
cused , When the vole was being taken
on a suspension of the rules for tlio
third reading Danforth again refused to
vote and the only explanation he ollered
was that when he voted for tlio passage
of the original ordinance he was accused
if selling out to the railroad people and
lie now wished to bo excused from voting
on It. Itonnelt moved it be read the
third time , after which ho moved
the ordinance bo adopted. The vote
was five ayes with no nays and
Uncle Cy Danforth remained silent.
The ordinance having been passed , the
union depot incorporators' bond , in the
sum of $ .V,000 , as a guarantee of the
building of the now union depot inside of
eighteen months , was accepted and
spread upon the records.
One ItottHon Why.
The dear old grandmother very fool
ishly whines , thus : "Divers iii'jr'-haiits of
this city take Omaha papers to the exclu
sion of Council Blurt's dailies. Gentle
men , seek ye first the Nonpareil , and
then the others. "
The pitiful admission and plaintive
plea will hardly cuuse a stop of the law
of the survival of the fittest. As an in
stance of how little the eld lady knows
about what is going on in Council Hlufl'ri ,
the following appeared in yesterday's
Nonpareil :
As yet , no oleomargarine , or biitterlne , Is
bolus handled uy our Council lilulfs dealers.
Tlio number of cows and the lareo quantity
of Krixss In western Iowa and Nebraska
render the presence ot biittcilno a supor-
llultv. Wo can hardly see the advantaco
that Is gained by such as desire to use the
J' Y. Fuller , one of the leading business
men of the city , is handling from ten to
twenty tubs of butterino eacli week ,
aboul 1,000 pounds a week. Ho is having
an excellent trade in it. This is but a
sample. There arc many other busi
ness enterprises here , prosperous and
nourishing , of which the old lady teems
to bo ignorant.
Council IHuRV Author.
O. S. Warner , the proprietor of the
Akron , O. , business college , writes con
cerning the recant work of K. K. Wright ,
of this city :
AKIIOX , O. . March 1,1887. Have jiistconi'
pleted the leading of Kvi-raiU and I-fulula , bv
K. K Wrlulit , and ran safely pieii'ct tor tills
now "story teller" a crowing lame. The
character of Henry Williams , the "heavy vil
lain'1 of the story , Is a Mronu one , as villains
io , and that ot Kiilalia , lull \\onianly
sweetness , lovlni ? kindness and self-sacilllco.
Other characters tllu.strate the virtues and
weaknesses of our race , some of them nivlns ;
point to the mournful lematk of ; i rustic plii-
lo.iopher , "human nature Is poor stuff , " and
others illiistiatlnn a "patience In well doing"
In the midst of sore temptation , which It
would bo well lor us If it were mine common.
The author disavows endeaviuini : to point
any moral , but as in every story ot life many
morals might l > e drawn , the tiluiunh of pa
tient virtue , that minder and other crimes
"will out , " that though sorrow may la > tfor n
brlet night , joy coineth in the imitiilnic. We
are assured that Mr. Wright will write more
and will steadily Impiovo In the literary qual
ity of his woik. O. S. WAIINII : : .
Ho Wont Al o.
Merchant to clerk "Whoro have you
Clerk "Down to the trough , to got a
glass of Schlitz's Milwaukee beer and
roc lunch , "
Merchant "Where's the trough ? "
Clerk "Why at Harrington & Carl-
on's , No. 400 Broadway ,
Merchant " \V ell you just stay hero
nil attend to business while I go down
o the trough. "
Ornamenting tlio
In the elegant establishment of Tifl'any
& Co. , in New York , thcro is prominently
lisplaycd a large cast of a Butlalo head ,
ix feet in height , and bearing an inscrip-
ion , "Cast of the now bronze to be
ilaced on the new Union Pacilic bridge ,
ictwccn Council Hlull's and Omaha. "
inch is the ornament which is to be of
ironze , and placed above the center of
ho bridge. The buffalo head is a favorite
radesmark of the Union Pacific , and the
ornament will not only be an attractive
one , but costly.
Substantial abstracts of titles and real
estate loans. J. W. & E. L. Squire. No.
101 Pearl street , Council Blurts.
L. H. Crafts & Co. , arc loaning monoj
on all classes of chattel securities at one-
lalf their former rates. See them bjforo
securing your loans.
Another Ilulldliijj Assured.
C. Q. Smith and J. C. Terhune , of
Murjvillc , Mo. , yesterday purchased of
Colonel Cochran the property on Broad
way , known as the old Coy houso. They
paid 112,000 cash. They propose erecting
a large building , extending onto the side
street. These gentlemen have invested
about f35,000 thus far in Council Blurt's
property , and propose to improve prop
erty , and expend considerable more here.
Bound Over.
The examination of A. S. Crawford ,
charged with attempting to appropriate
a registered package , was held yesterday ,
and resulted in his bein < j held over to the
United States court. Tlio bail was fixed
as before , at $ J,0X ! ) . Thy evidence is said
to bo more damaging than Ins friends ex
Personal Paragraph * .
James Harctt is confined to his home ,
No. lilt ) Third avenue , by illness.
Miss Norma Thompson of Rockford ,
111. , is visiting her brother , George W.
Thompson , and wife.
D. F. Miller , sr. , of Kcokuk , the oldest
member of the Iowa bar , is visiting his
daughter , Mrs. J. H Watson , at 1038
Fourth avenue ,
The proprietors of the Publishers' book
sale are packing up ready to leave early
next wcok. No goods sold after Satur
day , March 5.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee , of Binghamton , N.
Y. , and Mr. and Mrs. Bell , of Minneapo
lis , arrived in the city last evening on n
brief visit to Mr. nnd Mrs. J. E. Hark-
ness , to whom they are related. The
party have been traveling in the west for
two months past , having had a delightful
trip through California. They leave
to-day for the oast.
Prof. T. Martin Towne , of Chicago ,
was in the city yesterday. Ho has been
out in Nebraska holding musical conven
tions and schools of instruction similar tc
the one held by him hero a year ago. His
methods of teaching and his reputation
as a composer and singer , cause his ser
vices to be in great demand. His tiuu
for greeting his Council Blurt's acquaint
ances is therefore limited.
When yon are in the city slop at tlu
Pacilic house. Street cars pass the dooi
every fifteen mimitoj for all the depots
Meals 50 cents.
Pacilic house is the nearest hotel to tin
majority of real estate ollices in the city
fJ.OO per day ,
Star sale stables of Council Bluffs
The largest stock of horses and mule :
west of Chicago , which will bo sold a
wholesale or retail and satisfaction guar
Star sale stables for mules and hcav ;
draft-horses. _
It is said the most costly water color litho
the world is a work 10J by 141 by Alois
dohlor , illustrating a horse sold loronout
post < Uuy. ' ' - "Jued at fSjTOO.
. i.
Iho Itoyal Are * tin m.
Kegular meeting of , Mdelltv Council
150 K. A. this ovonfngiiil.7.ft ) o'clock.
Business of important. , ;
W. A. Giiyxr.WEO , Sec.
Bpeclfi ! lulvertlsometits , uch us Lost ,
VoLonnFor Bale , To Hunt , V > nts. Itaiintlnir ,
etc. , will IpolnsortoJ In ttils column lit tli low
rfttoof TKN CENTS 1'KK t.f Nil for the first ln er-
Ion and FlvoContsI'erUtioforcnehsulisoiuom
Insertion. I.unvo nOverlUomenls nt our oillcn
No. HI t'cnrl street , nc.ti1 llromlwar , Council
til u tTs.
" \\fANTKU-To rent , n Mtmll lieu o In irooil ! < >
cation. Fiitnlly Rinnll nml rent iuu t lie
lcliw ) ) t''O per month. AilJruss l > y totter C. J.
Ilt'U OilCO. ]
HAMMii'lc : nml sanlnir innchlno tm i-
FOR , toputtipr with vinull clock of linlldiiy
goods ami wnll pupur. ( loot ! tnn n nml country ,
oood local Ion. cheap rent , protllablo buplnt"-c.
Invrlco Jl iW to 11,610. Would tnko imrl In
Council HluITs real ostntu. .Address A. L. Man-
nlnp , Duntitp , lown.
Curtains , Upholstry ,
Window Shades ,
Poles , Door Mats , Rugs ,
Sash Draperies , Etc , ,
Mail Ordres Carefully Filled ,
Our Mr. Stor.kort Superintends
All Work.
Attorney at.Law. . .
504 Hrondwiiy , Ui > Stairs ,
Council Hind's.
1C. I > . A3IY & , 0. ,
Hardware , Stoves ,
No. 620 Main St. , Council Bluffs.
, Grease
The Finest Jm
ported Line n
CioodB West o
Mrs.C.L. Gillette's
Attorneys at Law ,
Practice in the State and Federal Court
Rooms 7 and S Shugart-Beno Block.
D. n. MCDANBI.D & co. ,
[ Kitnbllihcd ISM. )
No. AM Mnln Street. ; : : Council Bluffi.
Korses § Mules
For all purposes , bought and sold , at retai.
and in lots. Large quantities to select
( torn. Several pairo of fine drivers , bin
glc or do'ible.
WISE , Council Blulfs
The only Hotel In Council Bluffs Having a Eire
Escapt ,
And All Modern Improvements.
215 , 217 and 219 Miin ( St.
MAX MO I IN , Prop.
I will soil nt my resident * on K u Crock , 10
miles cast or Council llluffa , my
Well ImproTcd , all under cultvatlon ( ; 1W ! acres
In tame nrns8 ; liasit line now1 residence , con
taining U rooms and nil moJorn Improvumonts ,
house coming J7.XJii. ( Alao new.barn. ao6'Ji two
Halliday wind mllU , a scnlo house and scales ,
cattle yards and water tsnka ; n iroocj ynuiiR
licarlnir orchard of apples and small fruit ; 31
hcadofBOod farm horcn" , cattle , liovs and nil
farm Iniiilomonla required to run a tlrsit-clasn
farm. Tflrms will lie maJo known on appllctt <
tkin.orondByof salo. All partloa thinking of
ln-esilnir arc cordially Invited to call anil make
a personal examination of too farm and Im
provements. K.VAItl )
1'rlrcn fr < 'ry Low ,
W. s. HOMER & Co. ,
ArO. A.V MAIM .ST. , - .
1887 1887
Novelties iu each of our
several ileimrlmeiits sire be
ing received dtuly. anil at
prices that Mill please the
closest buyers.
\Veinvite attention lo our
rich display of novelties anil
slnples in our wash goods
department. Many of these
have never before been seen
in the west.
Foivign JUKI Jo
LatVi strii's ) ( !
j Plairts.
Upwards of TOO do-
In Combination and
Seersucker and Crinkles ,
In endless variety.
Early buyers will have the larger
selection and will secure the
is replete with an elegant stool ;
bought before the rise , and as
the } ' arc marked at old prices ,
consumers will get the benrfit
of at least 20 per cent.
MuslinsLinensDamasks , ,
TableCoYersNapkins ,
Towels , Quilts ,
are nil included in the above in
a va t assortment.
We call special attention to
our large nnd complete stock o
White Goods
some elegant fabrics in Victoria
and Bishop Lawns , Plaid and
Stripe Cambric , Plain , Stripe
and Plaid Nainsooks , India Lin
ens , Swiss Muslins , dotted , fig
ured and plaid , a very nice se
lection for summer dresses. A
large line of Embroidered Rotas
in boxes.
We have received an entire
new line of muslin underwear ,
for ladies and children ; the larg
est and most varied stoL-k we
have ever shown.
We have received in our no
tion department a complete as
sortment of Embroideries , Laces ,
Cor.els , Hustles , Hoops , Gloves ,
Hosiery , Handkerchiefs , Uib-
bens , Buttons , etc.
nat ) llrditd-
tvay , Council Hluft'it.
Mull orders promptly and care
. .
Real Estate Broker
No. 39 Pearl street.
That can be shown in the
Call on Him.
Farinitifr LanilH in Iowa , Minnesota , Kansas , and ranging from $5.00 to
$10.00 per ntjrc. Si'hnol and Matt ; lauds In Minnesota on 30 years' time 5 per
cent interiat. Land Buyers fare free. Information , ete. , givun by
IF. I3
No. .IS. . " * H road way , Council Hinds , Iowa , agent for Freidrik.sen & Co. , Uhicajjo.
z /03
irnrehnubo lots , ncnr llroiulway ileiot , rino loildcticu and IK ) ft front , Oakland \0.j
: U dmt OIICM , Malt SI.400. ) St. , opposite IK | nvn , fin.WO. rino * i3i.oo. rosldcnco nnd.1 lots. Otihlnnil BVO. , f IS.SOflj y ,
40 loot. Mnln H , bet. 8tli nml ' . 'III ' HVOS. , per Flno rcsulonco nnd 1IU ft front , iiuar Uuklaud
, ' . . , . - . , . .
foot JU'OO. nvo..rK
40 ft.Mnln'iif llrondwny , Uoublu 2 story Lots , oitkiund ave . l..noo to fn.roo. |
-.k. * io.vij. ) Lot , Wii lilnutnti Hve. , nour OnKlund , (2,000.
" story rtrh'k More , Ontrnl Ilioailwiiy. $9,000 Lot , WiisliliiRlon nvr , nunr Market et. , f 1 50. .
l-ntorv brick , Conlral llroailway , $ liHl. ( ' L-1IH ) , cor. Ouklnnd iind WabhliiBlon BVCB
. . ' . , , . . . * *
ITftxlft. brh-k hoiifo.t'r. It trnck contrnl SIO.OOO I10.W1.
4 lotfi.Ilim It truck , Hth vn.HPiu-iril : At.(4,000. iii.l-O Norop li miles northcltjpor ncref
Iloii-o Hncl lot , near Walmsh depot. SIWO. Fnrm ,180 ocn 8-J ! mill * t-aet city , per ncro. 16
Hoiiiij Hud lot near Watmth ilopot , t-I.Ufj. Fiirni.'jnOttcros. near Lovpland. peraoii ) ,
Farm , 180 ucroi , ni'ur Lovclnnd , per ncro , t2J <
ACIT property In and nonr thn city. Lota , half blockH , iind hlockB in different pnrts of tbo oltjs
E , "W" . Raymond , Real Estate Agent ,
No. 13 North Main Street , First National Bank Block , Council Bluffs , Iow&
Umnha. Counell DlufV
Sears' Real Estate Agency ,
Taxes paid , loans made , rents collected , investments made foj ?
Real Estate
r < ri < vi f Lots , fluids , CltiResiliences and Farms , acre property in
west em part of city. All Htlllny cheap to make room for # j > rinu xtock.
Real Estate and Insurance Agent.
Room S , over O/JJccr ; I'liscy' * banl ; , Comwil Jtln/fn.
jr. L. BIGGS ,
Justice of the Peace.
No 50-1 Urontlwny , Council IJliills.
Collections n specialty. Refers to the lice
It. ItlCJl , SI. D.
Cancers and other Tumprs
Kemtneil without the knilc or Drawing o
Over5 ! ( ) veais Practical experience.
No 11 1'earl St , , Council Hlufft.
tS 'Cotibultation free.
Star Sale Stables and Mule Yards
lirouuwuy , Connull IJIulTt , opp Dinniny lup ) < >
. kcjit constantly on
hand , for sale r.t rutail or iu car loads.
Orders promptly Tilled by contract on
short notion. Stock sold on commission.
Sin.i'Tr.ii fe HOI.IV : , lYopnotors.
Telephone No. 111.
Formurly of Kuil Snlo .Stables , corner
1st. uvo. and 4th street.
Council DIuiTs , fo.wa.
.licd In IfiT . . ,
; ; ' . . : - ' / ' . : V1. ' . : , /
' ' "
> ' . ; - . -V. ' > . ' - ; : ; > , - . '
Geo. S. Miller tfe F. 11. Tobey ,
Ulliuc orur 1st Nationnl Hunk , cor. Mult )
and Uroadway.
f yon uuat ustlmatoi or plunn for bridge
worn , foundation , sauerp , trnmlnir nr eurvcjr
philtliiK , cull upon thum. All wo
/ ; . .S1. 1SAHXKTT ,
Justice of the Peace ,
4\rt \ Uroadway , Council Uluffs.
Refer * to any bank or business hoube in tlio
city. Collections a fcpecialty.
Justice of the Peace.
OlVice o\er American Iux
1514 Douglas St. , Omaha.
Ladies buying a S > ; hat or bonnet , one faro
will Ive paid ; $10 , lound trip. _
EnjineerSuryeyo , [ , Map Publisher > , j
No , . 11 North Main St. . \ .
' or cltlai and couotlci la
C'ltr und cimntr mi [ >
ttW/n lunNubruikit mill Kuuim. .
' ' ' ' ' '
. ' . ' ' ' . ' . 'I ,
. . ' . ' . ' . '