iKEjj THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; FRIDAY , MA1ICH 4 , 1887. 8 RFTTFR FFF11NP IN WIIFAT ibi uljllljl\ IvLLlllu in MllL/nli The Market Firms Up nnd Bnsinesi Trans acted at Higher Pricesr CORN FOLLOWS IN THE WAKE. Trnillnc In I'ork UfolcRs With No IChutiiro In I'rlccB May Itlhi Touch Klftht Dolliirs'-Ocnernl JMnrkot QuotntluiiH. CHICAGO I'ltonucn MARKIT. CIIICAOO , March 3 , [ Sjicclal Telegram to the HIB.I : The wheat market was active and an Improvement in lone Is noted. Prices ranged hL'herthi > n yesterday , but the closing range at 1 o'clock dues not show an Import ant gain on the day. Half a do/en strong houses that have been conspicuously buy Inc wheat every little while for the month , were In the market again to-day , and they were trading on a large Fcale. Speculative olfer Ings weio heavy , and a coed many who saw a chance to get out of the agonlred deals without loss took advantage of the btilgo to sell out their holdings. The faint-hearted contingent only contributed n very small faction of the daj's business , however. Gen erally speaking tlio sentiment was one of confidence. T ho Felling was by a few stal- uait hears who have unbounded faith In loner prices lor the remainder of thu crop year. The openlne trades In May were at- 79c anil In June M ) fc. Speculative offerings caused tlio market to settle to 7sKdi 8Xc for May , TOJffitff c for jnc. , i5rt , ] att.r dealIng - Ing were at Impiovcd prices , May going to ! % , and June tobOKc. The 1 o'clock range wa slightly below the quotations last mentioned. Transactions \\eio heavy In the aggregate. Juno g-tlned ' < ® Jfc over May as compared with yesteiday , when the ( inference was J < c. Corn ruled % c hluhcr early , eased oil to yes terday's closing range and } ic below , then firmed up and closed at 1 o'clock at the same llLMiiesas on yesteulav. viS'.tVu for .May , and 40' ' < e for June. Tlie market acted with wheat throughout. Oats were leattireless and baiely steady. The ran go ol price.i tor lutures .shows a slight shrlnkaui ! In values as compared with yesterday. Pork was lifeless. The prieo ot May was lixed at Sl'AOO , whore It lemalncd pegged all thioimh the lout ; ses sion. Thellxlim ot the maiginal ) irlee at 15.Xhas ( ) not alleetcd the price of poll ; In the slightest degree. Ir may have had some thing to do with thcadvancoorMayaudJuno ribs to 88.0i ) , however , and then again ribs may have troue to 88.00 Independent of any such Instilling cause. At any rate they got there. There was heavy buying of ribs ft ion ml 87.70 ( 7.77 } anil a lew minutes be fore 1 o'clock the piice suddenly shot up- walds , resting at 1 o'clock with May at 87.1)5 ) and June at 88.00. Kiln show an Inclination to get in line withpoik. Lard participated in the upwaid movement of the other product , advancing 17' < fc up to 1 o'clock. Opinion is slowly crystalfi/lng as to the true Inward ness of the pork deal , ( iosslp now has It that Keiim , Jones and liloom are praetically out of the deal , having brought their huge scalpIng - Ing operations to a successful close , and that Armour represents the cash poik and what yet lemalns of thu "wind end' ' of the deal , with Kent , the Fowlers , and possibly the In ternational Packing company , Singer and Charlie WrU'ht short consideiablo lines. A good many little tellows were caught between the upper and nether millstones , but they seem to have wiggled out to a urcat extent. 20 : p. m. On the atternoon board wheat was easier , selling down to 78J < (7JiiictorMay ( , where It closed. May corn closed ? c lower than at 1 o'clock. In provisions thu hnal tic- nres wore 81'.00 ) for Mav poik , 87.30 lor laid and 87.95 for ribs. CHICAGO MVE STOCK. CHICAGO , Marcli 3. [ Special Telejram to the UKE.I CATTI.I : The Wednesday re- celps proved to be considerably less than the early estimates and the market was dull and lower. To-day receipts were considerably heavier than the enily estimates and the market was stronger. Prices for some siholce , handy cattle were 5QlOc higher , but as a rule there was no quotable advance in the average rates. There was a better ship ping demand and some heavy cattle were f.old better than yesterday. Fancy , 85.00 ® 5.25 ; shipping steers. 1350 to 1500 Ibs , 84.50(5 ( 600 ; 1200 to 1350 Ibs , S4.10 < 54.00ll.-)0tol200 Ibs , $3.40(34.00. ( Stockers and feeders , 82.50 ® 3.80 ; rows , bulls and mixed , 82.00 3.60 ; bulk , 82.bOC < (3.W. : HOOH Trade was active , with an advance of about 6e on nearly all sorts. The advance was brought about by the anxiety ot specu lators to control the market , hence , toward the close , when speculators lound they were likely to got left , they cut loose anil sold out at a shade lower. A few fancy heavy sold at f 5.70(35.75 ( , and packing sorts at S5.45f5.G5. ( with common at S.V-5-/r > 80. Light sorts sold atS."i.OO@5.50 ; Vorkers , 83. ; < a .U5. KINANUIAU NEW VOIIK , March 3. ( Special Telegram to the liiiK. ] STOCKS Sentiment was not ijulto so bullish to-day In regard ) to stocks. It was thought that the market wns not yet lu a position to advance materially , and traders who took this view sold stocks on the bulge , In the belief that prices would sag olT a little. The success of the Heading and Nickel Plato reorganization schemes and the prospective adjournment of congress Friday were the main bull arguments. It was noticed , too , that exchange was rather weak , nnd conservative houses predicted a decline. Western Union was the bull card at the open ing. It advanced about 1 per cent , and the old story of a settlement with the Baltimore . ( c Ohio company was received. The Uateman following were talking very bullish on St. Paul , and quite an upturn In It was scored. Union Pacific made a gain of 1 per cent , and the story was that the squeeze was engineered against speculating congressmen at Wash ington , who had sold the stock In anticipa tion of unfavoiable legislation. St , Paul earnings for the month of February de creased 839.000 , and after the early bulge few orders were received , the result being a drop In the whole list. There was n gene-rnl stllTenln , ' of prices during the closing hour. The Vanderbilts were up on the Improved condition of business cast from Chicago. New England was especially active and strong. The talk was that the pool In It had been picking up the stock for several days , and that a sharp bulge mluht be expected very soon. The temper of speculation ap peared to bo In favor of higher prices toward the close of the session , last quotations being about the highest for thu any. The total tales were about 275,000 shares. UovsKMUinn'i ( ioveriitueut bonds were dull but steady. YI'.STKIIDAY'S CJUOTATIONS. MdN.-.T On call easy at .t.'nQ-lk' per cent ; oloscd ottered at I ! tier cunt. PlllUtt MKUCAM'ILK I'AI'UIl 537 pel cent. flTKin.ixn ExciiANnK Steady and un I ! changed at S4.S44 } tor sixty d.iy b'HIs ; JM.STJ for demand. i'UODUCK M.VItKKP. Chicago , March 3. Following quolailon ! re the a ; : i clo.slng ligures ; Hour Quiet anil shade easier ; wlntci * ' } ' t dour , 4.2.Vif4.ao ; houthern S4.lpi < 4.20' Wisconsin , 84,2004.80 toft tprlne.vlieat , 83. 70fl4.30 : Mlnnrsota bakers. 83.7Xt4.no ( ? ; patent ? , 84.MC { 4N ) : low erades. Sl.O.v a.W ; rye ( lour , oulut at . * ! .U33.4U : in ( tries ftnd barrels , SDwa.lO. Wheat Unsettled and Actlvr. eloilnp ' 9 c holow > csterday : casli , 737-lOc ; May , 78 15-iCc ; .lunc , Wc ) : July , M ) llMGe. Corn Quiet and averaifcd higher , but closed steady ; cash , MJCc ; May , 3'Jc ; June , auir..iric ; July , 4\w. \ OaM Sti'ndy , vlth very little changn ; cash , 235fc ; May. 2s' < rc : June , 28 4c. Hye-IJnll at Me. llarlevEisv at 4 ? < a.Vo. ) Tlraotliysced-l'rliiif. Sl.SO. Flaxfcpi-d Sl.oy. Whisk v-SUf. 1'ork Nothing particularly dolne ; closed r. < 3UOc hl her ; cash , S1S. ; ; May , 810.00 ; Juno , 8U .o : > . Lard Active durlne the latter party of tlio session at an advanru above yesterday ; cash , 87.UO : May , 87.30 ; June. 7.w : > < . I'.ulk Meats-Shoulders. sr.oor < tC.25 : short clear. S&OOMMB : short rlb . 87.M. Ilutter Finn : creamery , 'J-Ji.'llc ( ; dairy , IC'tf- . Clu'CM ) Finn : full cream chrddar ? . 125fi3) ) iri'4c ' ; Hats , isj < ( ai3o : yoiiiiu Americas , \\M \ : \ Kegs Tallow Unchanced ; No. I countryi solid , 3Xc : No. 2,2 c ; cake , 4c. Hides Unchaneed ; ( Ireen. fie ; heavy green salted , 7c ; salted bull , Gc : green salted ealf. He ; dry salted hides , lOc ; dry Hint , 12 ( < jl3c : deacons , 40c each. KccelpK Shipments. Flour , bbls 7.000 22.000 Wheat , bu I3ooo r.2.000 Corn , bu 141,000 f.7,000 Oats , bu 143.000 117,000 Hye.btl 1,000 1.000 Hurley , bu 29,000 18.000 New Vork. March 3. Wheat--Cash steady ; options opened linn and advanced ' .jW'Vc but later were easier and declined ' ' ( , ' OOSc , closing steady ; receipts , f > 7uoo ; < > \ - ports. 7fl.ooo ; ungraded red. 8NS'-4c ' ; No. I ! red , bSJf/c ; No. 2 red , OO' ' 'e In elevator , b'.ijj'e ' t. o , bxUl' ' c alloat , W/Cs'-KJXc choice rail delivered ; No. 1 red , 02X0 ; No. a led , .May , closed at Ul Ye. Corn Spot steady anil fairly active ; op tions # @Vc lower , closing steady ; receipts , .W.lXW ; exports , 2'OtX ) ) ; ungraded , 4stf@40c ; No. 2 , 44c ! ) ' In elevator , 60fc delivered ; April closed ntWjc. Oats A shade lower ; receipts , & 3.000 ; ex- poits , 000 : mixed western , 34 ( < 3sc ; white western , ! 10i4Ji42i\ ( Petroleum Steady ; United closed at ( W' c. Kg s lle.ivy and lower ; \\estem , l h ( < $ l"Hc. Pork Firm ; mess , Sl.V2" > rtlt5.50. Laid 12@ll points higher and fairly icthu ; western ste.un , spot , quoted at S7.27 } 7.80. Hulter Firm ; western , new , lOtgOOc ; old , Cheese ( fillet. Mllwaukoo. March 3. Wlieat r.asler ; cash , 74Ke ; May , 7S c. Corn Steady ; No. ii , Wc. , Oats Steady ; No. 'J white , SOJ/c. Kye-Klrmer : No. 1 , 50 fc. Hurloy-Dull ; No. 'J. no ) c. Piovlslons Ineitular ; pink , Maich , 518.70. Cincinnati , March , a Wheat Firm ; No. 2 red. Sic. Corn Heavy ; No. 2 mixed , 30' ' . Oats Firmer ; No. 2 mixed , 80U@30Kc. Kye-lnll ; No. 8 , tt'c. ' Pork Nominal. Lard- Firmer at 87.00. Whisky Active at bl.t" . St. Jouln. .March 3. Wheat Unsettled , closlin : tint same as yesterday ; No. 2 red , cash , 7fe'iT8V4c ' : May. bokc. Corn Kasy ; No. 2 , mixed , cash , May , : ttj/c. Outs Kasy ; > . 'o. 2 , mixed , cash , 2 Hye Nominal at \Vhlskv-sl.l3. Pork 818.20. J ard Steady at S0.0.ii7.00. ( liiitter Quiet and unchanged. Afternoon Hoard. Wheat weak and ' / @ yc lower. Corn A shade easier. Oats Un changed. Ksayus City. March ! ! . Wheat Steady : No. 2. cash , CUc bid ; May. 72j4c bid , 74c asked. Corn Steady ; No. 2 , cash , OT' ' 'c bid ; May , S2c. S2c.Oats Oats Nominal ; cash , 25Vc. Ijivnrpnol , March 3. Wheat Firm and demand lair ; holders olfer sparingly : red western spring , 7s 8d@7s 4d ; red westein winter , 7s3d ( < 57s 4d. Corn Firm and demand fair ; mixed western , 4s 4d per cental. Now OrlcanH , Jlarch 3. Corn Firmer ; mixed , 47c ; yellow. 4Sc , white , 4b@4'Jc. Oats Steaey at 37 } @ : ; Sc. Corn meal Kasler at 32.30. Hog products Fair demand , prices hlcher : pork , S17.00 ; lard , reliued tierce , SO.TJ' @ ii.75. ii.75.Hulk meats Shoulders , 80.25 ; long clear and clear ribs ; sr Minnnapoils , March 3. Wlieat Quiet but steady ; track wheat In demand ; No. 1 hard , cash ami March , 7Cc ; May , 78c ; June , 7ijfc ! : No. 1 northern , cash and March , 74e ; May. "OJic : No. 2 northern , cash and March , 72c : May. 7-J c , Flour Quiet ; patents , 84.20@4.35 ; bakers , * ilpceipts Wheat. 82,000 bu ; Hour , 12T. bbls. bhipmnnts Wheat , 19,000 bu. ; Hour , 18,000 bbls. _ JjlVB STOCK. Chicago , March 3. The Drover's Journal lepnrts as follows : Cattle Uecelpts. SOO ; stroncer ; fancyS5.00 " 33.25 ; shipping steers , SM OQS.OO ; stockers and teeder , S2.MX(4i.W : ) ; cows , bulls and mixed , < & 00@3.tX ) ; bulk. $2.bO@3.30. Hogs Receipts , 10,000 ; Htrong ; rough and mixed , $5.15(35.00 ( ; packing and shipping , S5.50&5.75 ; llghc , S4.5@5.40 ; skips , U.W $ 4.75. Sheep Uecoipts , 7,000 ; steady ; natives , S3.fiOW4.iK ) ; wefctern , 82.50@4.75 ; Trails , 82.50 4.26 : lambs , 84.00Q5.75. Natl ri ! > l Htock Yards. Kant St. LioulB , III. , MarchS. Cattle-llcceipts , 1,200 ; shipments , 100 ; active and strong ; choice heavy native steers , 84. 4 < X4.1)5 ) ; fair to good shipping steers , S3.60@4.5 : ! ; butchers steers , fair to choice. S3,404.20 ; feeders , fair to rood , S2.003.00 ; stockers , fair to good , J2.fiO@3.10. Hogs llecelpts , fl.OOO : shipments , 700 : active but steady ; choice heavy and butchers' selections , S5.555.65 ; packing , fair to good , 85.35(35.50 ( ; Yorkers , medium to prime , $5.15 (35.30 ( ; pigs , common to good , S4.70@r > .00. Kansas City , March 3. Cattle Kecelpts , 1,000 ; shipments , 1,000 ; shipping erades stronger ; cows weak nnd lOc lower ; feeders steady ; common to choice shipping , $ : iGOft 4.40 ; .stookcrs. S2.00j ( < 3.l5 ; feeding steers , 83.2.Xt 3.nO : cows , 82.25 @ 3.40. Heirs Hocelpts , 72,000 ; weak and 5c lower ; common to choice , 84.XXg5.35 ( ; skips and plas , S .25@4.bO. OMAHA LIVE 8TOCK. Thursday , March 3. Cattle. The receipts of cattle were the same to-day as yesterday. The market was slow and dull although everything was sold. The market is holdlne up stronger on butchers' stock than on shipping cattle. The receipts of hogs were heavier than yes terday by ' . ' 00 head. The market on heavy hogs was about steady at yesterday's prices Light IIOES were not In as good demand and the market was weak. There were twelve loads of hogs left over. The market closed weak and lower on light and light mixed hogs. _ Sheep. There were none In to-day and no demand. Rcroipta. Cattle. . 400 Uogs . 3,700 Prevailing Prices. Showing the prevailing prices paid for live stock on this market : Choice steers , ISM to 1500 Ibs. . . .81.15(34.35 ( Choice bteurs , 1100 to 1SOO Ibs. . . U.75@t.lO Cootl to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 2.7.Vit3.40 Fair to medium grass cows . U.UO < "itt.M ) Hood to cholcn bulls . 2.25(33.00 ( Llghtaud mediumhocs . 5.XKW5.20 Uoud to choice heavy hogs . 5.3.VJJ5.4. ) Coed to choice mixed hogs . 6.10 .1.85 Choice sheep , 90 to 120 Ibs . U.50v < UoJ Kopreseniativo Male * . STKKltS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 2-i. . . . 8io sa. ri i5..iioo : SIINI 1. . . . 811 8.33 1..1350 ! J.bO 3 . . . 7brt 3.40 2t. . . , tRR a.81 7. . . . KM : i.40 : i..liw : : UK ) 1 . . .111U H.W 17. . . .1215 . ' . 1I..10U1 3.U5 il..l2ii : 4,00 1..1200 3.7 : . I. . . .liSW 4.00 1..1050 3.75 10. . . . .110100 , 4. . . .1007 3.75 IS , . . .1203 4.05 2. . . . IWO 3.75 15. . . .1240 4.10 COWS. * . No. A.V. Pr. No. A Pr. 1. . . .10311 82.25 ' 10..1U13' 2.U ) Showing the number of cattle , ho's nnd sheep bhlpp-'il Ivoiii the v.iriU duiliii ; thuday. CA ITI.I : . No. cars. lit. OcM. 5 Mil. ( ; hieiigo All sales of slock in thU market are made percwt. live weltrht unless othurwists stated Dead hogs sell at Me Per " ' 'lr ' ) all weights. "Skins , " or hogs weUhlnv ! os ? th.in lee IDs , no value. 1'ie iiant sows are docked 4010 and stags SU Ibs , by the nubile Inspector. Notes. Heavy hogs steady. Linht hogs slow sale. Twelve loads of hogs lelt over. T. J. Sealer. Sidney , la. , was here with a hud ol hogs. F. Mabsle , Weeping Water , \\as in with a car ol eattle. Murrls Xel-oii , Ilnitingtun , was In with a load ot cattle. F. lloy , Silver , was in and sold a load ot hogs mi the maiket. S. Daltou , Tabor , la. , was here and mar keted a load of hogs. ( ! . II. IJito , ( ileuwood , la , , was in and sold a load ot cattle. Itobeit McDonald , Burnett , Neb. , was hero and sold two loads ol hugs. F. Allen , of the linn ot .1. H. Allen & Co. , Wahoo , was in with a load of cattle. Mr , Dlxoii , ol Talmiigu iV Dl.xon , Kmerson , la. , was in and marketed a lo.id ut cattle. William Hlaek , the well known * > lnpper of Keainey , cnmu in with two lo.ttls ot e.tttle from Chicago. Geo. Groveller , Tekamah. had in a load of hogs to-day which topped the maiket. The load came to nearly 5-1,11)0. ) L. P. Soiitlnunth. Klvcrton , a well known livestock man. was in to-day. Mr. South- wotti ! Is leeding 5,000 sheep at hK place. OMAHA \VHOjiSAM3 MA Hit UTS General Produce. Thursday , Maich :5. : Tt > efoUnivliii ( price * tire fur roitnilots of jrofncc' , < m sold on tlic itmrhct tn-nny. lite qio ( < ioits imfrultti represent the prices ut which outKMe. ttrricri nre tilled. Euti8 Tlio market is .slow ut iac. HUTTKII Cholcn country , iri(3iCc ; fair to good , l-Hc ; common , IXuPc. I'oui.Titv Chickens , be ; tiu ey.s , 8g9e ( ; geese and ducks , Sfe''c. ' GAMI : There has brnn no Rame In this week anil price > for the most part are only . . . ii' . per i ! _ _ . . . . . . _ . , per dOii. 8'-.00 ; jack rabbits , per doz , S-.OOM $3.00 ; smtll rabbits , per doz , 50Utoc. ( ; 1'oTATOKH Them liavo been no home grown In this week of any account. The market is not particularly active and the de mand is mostly for small lots , a tew .sacks at a time , prices however remain firm. 1'otitoes have advanced in Colorado about Ii5n per hundred , which makes tlio market linn here on that kind of stock. Home grown , from store , small lots , COQGoc ; Colorado , Rose , per bu. , S1.05 ; Snowtlake , per CAIIIIAOK There Is no home crown stock In the market but there Is a fair supply of California stock In. California cabbage , per Ib , 3c. APPLES There are no apples on the mar ket ot any account and prices are very linn. Good stock is selling all the way Irom 8-1.50 ® 555.00 per bbl. OVIONS The supply on the market is light and there are verv ' few coining in. Choice stock , per bbl , S3..W@4.00. GFIKKN VioETAiii.E < 4 The weather has been too cold for the past few days to create a demand for new vegetables. A little warm weather would Increase the demand and stif fen piice.s. Spinach , per bbl , S'J. 7503.00 ; top onions , per bunch , 15c ; celery , jmr do/en , 40 @ 50c : Calllornla celery , per do/en , 81.00 ; caullllower , per dozen , SW.UO. LEMONS The market Is firm as quoted ann stacks are moving fairly well for the season. Messina , fancy , per box , S5.00@5.50 ; choice , 9i.SOQH.00. UiiAMiEimins Cape Cod , fancy , per bbl , Sl'iOO ; bell and bugle , 810.00 ; bell anil cherry , S9.75. OnANOES-On account of the unfavorable weather the stocks are moving slowly. The market Is well supplied with choice stock. Valencia , per case , S5.SO@G.X ( ) ; California , per box , S3.00@3.fiO ; Florida , brizht. St.7.rX : < i , 4.00 ; Kloilda russets. S3.00ii3.50 ( ; Messina , 83.00. BANANAS The supply on the market Is not heavy but there are some very choice largo bunches in. Large bunches , per bunch , OvsTnns Mediums , 20c ; standard , CCe selects , Sic ; extra selects , 83 ; N. Y. counts , Sbc , CHKCSK Full cream cheJdars. single , 14c full cream Hats , twins , Hj ; Yotius ; Ameri cas , 14 > f14c ( } : fancy Swiss , IVcilft : ; Swiss imported , U5c ; Llmburaer. 13c ; brick , I5fil6c. llKAN8-Inferlorstock.75IS1.00uoodclean ( ( ; country , Sl.oo < . < l.'il ; medium , hand picked 8L40Q1.50 ; hand picked , navy. 31.50(91.00. ( I'ltoviMONH Ham , 12Jf@13c ; breakfast bacon , rib , \c \ : breakfast bacon , plain. lOJ c dry salt sides. bVOi'i'c ; dried beef , regular lie ; dried biet , ham pieces , ! 4c ; lard , r < 0-lb cans , be ; ao-li ) cans. Fairbanks , S c ; 10-lb cans , Fairbanks , bj c ; 5-lb cans , Fairbanks 8-Vc ; 3-lbeans. Fairbanks. SKe. FLOun AND MII.LSTUFFH Winter wheat flour , best quality patent , 82.75 ; second qual itv , 5'J.ay2a ) : best quality spring \vliea ( lour , patent , S2.40@2.UO ; W. J. Welslian's buckwheat Hour , per bbl. Sfi.OO ; do , double sacks , S3.00 per hundred ; \V. J. Welshan's No. 1. ready raised , forty 2f Ib pcckage * ! n ca > o , 4..W ; do , twenty 5 In packages In case S4.fX ) ; bran , 70c per cwt ; chopped teeu 7Sc pe cwt ; white corn meal. Me ; yellow corn meal , SOVi'.iOc per cwt ; screening. 50ffi,75c pe cwt ; hominy , 81.50 ; shorts , 70c per cwt graham , SI. 75 ; hay. In bales. ST.OOperton. Gfocor'u Mst. ricKr.F.s-Medium. in bbls. 88.00 ; do , In half bbls , t4.50 ; small , In bbls , 810.00 ; do , lu half bbls s.1.50 ; gherkins , In bbls , 811.00 ; do In half bbls , 80.tX ) . MATCH Es-1'ercatldle. 2x3 ; square cases 81.70 : mule square. 1.20. STUUP No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs , 81.20@1.25 New Orleans per gallon 3)si40c ) ( ; maple syrup half bbls , "old time , " IM.T gallon , 70c ; 1 gal Ion cans , per doz. 810.0U ; halt gallon cans per doz. 85.W ; quart cans , 83.0u. < 3AXDVMixed. . bX llo ; stick , 8K(30Vfc. ( CBACKKIIS Garneau'a soda , butter ant picnic.Vic : cruams , sic ; clnger snaps , bj c citv soda. 7 > . S Ordinary grades , 14 (3i5c ( fal i.i . ' . ® lf'Kc ; prime. t' > HT < ( lCc ; rliolce , , gieen ami TslliW. lOftKc ; old sov- ernmeut .lava , 20yt20i - , Jnlerior .lava , 10Kl < * 20c ; Mocha , 22'ii2 e ; Aibuekle's roasted 20c ; Mel.auchlln s , X.XXN roasted , 20c ; Dilwortli's. U'Ho ' * Ift'd t'ro . 'JO'je. ' STAHCII Mirror'giiq. ' | i ib. Cc ; mirror ploss , 3 Ib , S/ic ! mirror glo < , Olb , 0 ic ; ' ' " ' il ID , mlk. 4o. SOAP'S Kirk's Savon Imperial. S2.70 : vlrk s satinet. t' M\ \ Kirk s standard , 83.t ; Kirk's white Kus.slan , Si. 00 ; Kirk's white- ap , ! 0..fiO ; dome. SI5.V ) ; washboard , 83.10 ; \ldtecloud. 83.75. CAN.VKD < iooiOj "ter , sundard.por case , Sil.iryx.vri : strawberries , 2 Ib. percale. SJ.HO ; a pberrit" . 2 Ib , per ca t' , 3--j : > ; oCallfornla > ears. per case , S4..V ) ; aiiricots , JK.T casi , ; 4.ffl ; neaclie-i , i > i < r cr.se , S.l.uo ; white chor- Ics. per c.t < e , Sn.OO ; p'lims. ' per case. J'J.V ( > ; ilnebcrrles pe reive , SIM ! ; etc plums. 2 Ib , pi-reave. S2.50 ; pineapples. 2 Ib , IM.T case S3.20fiJJ.75 : 1 lit niK.'keiPl. per do81.10 ; 1 Ib salmon , per do/ , S1.50(3l..V ( > ; 2 ID , goose berries , per ease , fl.75 ; 2 Ib strlnz beans , per ease , SI.70 ; 2 Ib lima beans , per case , 31.CO : 2 Ib mat row fat peas , percise. JinO'd'J ( Ki ; 2 llj early.I line pea.s , p r case. $4.75 ; 3 Ib tonu- loei. .S2.5.S2ou:2 ) : lb.com S2.30C < 4'.40. denrral Mnrttctt. \AINISIKS ! : Hatiels , per gallon ; ruriil- ture. extra , 51.10 ; furnitiite. No. 1. 81.00 ; coach e\tra , Sl.tU ; ro.irh , No. 1,51.20 : Da- mar , extra , 11.7.1 ; .lapan , 70c ; asphaftum , extra b5e : shellau , 53.50 ; hard oil linlsh , Sl.M' ' HEAVY HAiiDWAitn iron , rate S3. so ; plow steclspeelivt east,4Sceruelblesteel'iXe ; ; cast tools , do , rJrttlS1 ; w.igon spokes , pel sot , S2.00ff3. ( : > 0 ; hub ? , per set. 81.25 : telloes. sawed dry , 51.50 ; tongues , each. 80c : axels , each. 75o ; siniaio mils , per Ib. tllM71c : roll chain , per Ih. o j * t c , malleable. ' ( ijKJc : iron wwliiM , * Jc ; crowli.us , fie ; lianow teeth , 4'c ( , spring steel. 7 ( < 4'c ; lltirdon's home shoes. & 4.7ft ; Burden s mule shoes , fi.75. Hartx-d wire , In car lot" . 54.00 per 100 Ibs. Nulls , rates , 10 to f * . 8UO : steel nails. 82/.M. Shot.Sl.fiV buckshot , S1.85 ; oriental powder , kegs , 82.50 ; do. halt kegs , S2.00 ; do. quarter kegs. 81.50 : blasting , kegs. S2.3.V fuse , per 10 feet. G'IC. Lead bar. 81'- Ditv PAINTS While lead , ic , French /Inc , 12c ; Parl. unltlnc , 2Sc ; whiting , cllders , 2Jfc ; whiting , com'l , I'xc ; lampblack , ( ! er- manstown , r.'c ; lampbiaek , oidinary , 'jo ' ; Prussian blue.Wciultrain.irluo , IKsjvaiiuyic- biown , 8e ; umber , burnt. 4c ; umuer. raw , 4c : sienna , burnt , 4c : sienna , raw , 4c ; Paris gieen , cenulne. 2V. I'ails green , com mon , 2Bc ; chrome green. N. Y. . 20c ; vermillion Aiiienean. lsc : inninn raw and burnt umber , 1 tt > cans , i2c ; raw and hutnt sienna , 12candyko : biown , t"c ; relined - lined lampblack 12ug coach black and Ivory black , Ific ; drop black. iCc ; Prussian blue , 40c : ultiamarlne black. l p ; chrome irreen.L. , M. & I ) . , Hie ; blind raid shutter gicen , U. M. A D. , lOo : Paris green , l1 - ; Indian red , iftc ; Venetian red , ' . 'e ' ; 1 uscan , 22e ; American verinllllou , L. \ D. , ' 'Oo ; yellow ochre , 2e ; d , M. * O. 1) . ISc : coed ochre , lop : patent drver , Sc : training color , light OJXK , dark oafc , walnut , chestnut and n-.li. I2c Dnros vvi ) itKMii'Ai.i. Ac d carbolic. ( ' " c ; aeld , t.ntarle , 5'Jo ; balsam copaiba , per tt > , , 'iOc ; bark s-assafras. per tt > , lOu ; calomel , per tt , 7Se , chlnehonldla , per o40o ; chloio- form , per n. , fc : Dover s powders , per tt ) , Sl.2" > : ppsom 'alts , per thKc ; glycerine , pure , per Ib , 3ic ; ; lead , aeetate. Per Ib. 21c ; oil , raster , No. 1. per gf.1. , $1.50c ; oil castor , No. 2 , per gal. , ? l.4Uoil ; olive , per gal. , 31.40 ; oil orliraiinum , NV ; opium , S3. D ; quinine , P. it W. and U. A S , , per m. 7 e ; potassium iodide , per rh , S ' .50 ; stlirjin , per oz. 40p ; sul phate morphine , per ot , 9 . " 5 ; sulphur , per tb,4e ; btrjehulne. nPrlit.Sl.Vi ) . I'AINTS i.v On , While lead. OmaliaP P. Co : wlnto lead St. Louis , puie. u' ' e ; Mar Bellies green , 1 to Ib cans , 2o : Kronen.inc erecn seal , 12c ; much /me. red seal. He : French 7ine. In 'Varnish ' ast. > t. 20c : Kench r.inc.7.V ; vprmlllldn. 'F.nclloh ' , in oil , 75c ; ted. lOc : rose plnK , 14u ; Venetian red , Cook- son's , 2 > c : Venelian red , Ameilcan. U c ; red lead , 7 0 : ehromo yellow , genuine , 2i'c ' ; chrome yellow , 1C. 12c ; ochre , roehclli ) . "c ; ochre , French , 25fc ; oclue , Amenean , " ' , c ; Winter's mineral. 2' p ; Lenlgh blown , i'c ; Spanish brown , 2' c ; Prince's icincral , 3c. ' tiPUUTi Colociie snirlts. 188 proof , 81.17 ; do 101 proof , 81.W ; spirits , seeond Quality , 101 proof , S1.17 : d-i 18s proof. 81.16 Alrnliol. 188 prooi , 82.20 per wine irallon. Hcdistllled whiskies , Sl.00ftl.50. ( iln , blended , Sfi.fiOM 2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons. S2.00 r.oO ; Ken tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 5iOOv$0.50 ; Uolden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies , 81."iO(33.c. ( ( ) Hrandle-s , imported , 85.00@8.r > 0 : domestic , 81.3003.00. Gins , Imported , S4.SO ( ( 0.00 ; domestic , 81.25(33.00. ChampaKnes , imported , ner ease. S29.00Q3.'t.OO ; American , per case. SlO.OOyjlfl.W. MIDKS Hreon butphcrs.5i ( ( ZOc ; green cured. 7c : dry Hint. llftrJe ; clrv salt. 0 ( < 10c ; green calf skins , s'-ic ; damaged miles , two-thirds price. Tallow "Jfc. ( Jrcase Prime white , 3-tfc : yellow , 2'/c ' ; brown , ljf Sheen Pelts. 25O75c. HJKS AND DKixs 'ino following price are for prime , well handled skins : Heaver , prime , clean per pound. S1.50@3.00 ; fall , Sl.Vtt f 2.00 ; meaty and Inleilor. 81.00@1.25. Hear , brown and grizzly. 85.00rd8.00 ; pubs and ycarllnsj" , 81-.00'4.00. Had or , WC ) < ifiOc. Cat , wild , 20@ < ) c : domestic , black , 10 < $15c : do- mpstip , sundry colors , 5@8c. Fox. red , 81.00 © 1.2.1 : cross , S2.004.00 ; crnv. 40@50c ; silver , 810.00@40.00. Fisher. S4.00 ® .00. Otto r.84.00 QO.OO. Martin , Sl.00@175 , Muscr.it win ter. large. lUc : fall. 5c"kltts. ; Mink , ilaru'e daik , 35@40c ; small and pale , 15g20c. ( Kac- coon , largo prime , 40i 50c ; small and Inferior , 20@30c. SUunk , common , 15@t'J5c. Wolf , largo Krey. 81.50 ( 2.51) ) ; co.voto or pralr le 75(3 ( IHic. Deer and antelope , winter , r-er pounu 15c ; full and summer , per pound 20c. Dry Jjuin'jop. DIUKNSIONh AM ) TIMllKltg. 12 fl 14 ft 16 fl 18 ft 20 ft ' i tt am 214 . 18.00 lfl.0l ! 17.00 18.00 19.00 22.2B J.25 IH.OJ low 17.00 lft.00 19.0022.60 , inu lfl.OO 16.00 17.0(1 18.00 1U.OO 21.W 21.50 2x10 . ,10.t\i 18 PO 17.0H 1H.W , ll'.00,22.50 22.0 2x12 . 'ia.IOllO.OT ' 17.00 18.00 19.00 i'ASO SIM I -8.X8. . . . . . . | 16.PO000 | | 18.00 lli.OO 20.00 22 tO'22.M ' BOAnDS. No. 1 Com. sis . 818.00 No. 2 " " . is.50 No.Ii " " . 15.00 No. 4 " " . 10.00 FKNCI.SO. No. 1 , < & 6 Inch , 12 and 14 ft. , rough. . . 81 .ro No. 8 , 4 Jt 6 inch. 12 and U ft. , rough. . . 1\OU MlilMi. A , 12 , 14 and 10 It . { 81.50 15 , ' . . ! JO.OO C , " " " . 15.00 1) . . . 11.50 CKI1.1NO ANI > PAKTI'IION. Istcom. , J4' In White Tine Ceiling . S.4,00 2d " . ' . . . 2s.on 2d com. , ! in Norway Tine Celling. . . . 14.00 Fi.ooni.vft. A flinch , white pine , "A50 C . 820.fO K OIucU. " ( Sel Fen'g ) . ID.OO STOCK I1OAIIIIS- . A 12 inch s. 1 s. 45.50 C . S3.V50 No. 1 , com. 12 In s. 1 s. , 12. , t H S'U : K ! f t.l'J.OO No. 2. . " 17.60 ; " 10.50 . IstandSd. clear , ly Inch , s. 2s . 850.50 Hd , clear , 1 Inch , s. 2 s4'i l'i. 1J.J , 2 In 45.,0 clear , 1 inch , s 2 * 2ft 50 ; 1 , 1 , 2 In 37.00 SIIII' LAP. No. 1 , plain , Baud 10 in . Slb/X ) SOl'TIIKH.V N KI.I.OW PINK. Com. 4 and 0 In. llooiuig . 317.50 Clear , linish , 1 anil l1 in. s. 2s . 29,00 " poirugatedcoihlig. In . 24.50 " Yellow pine casing and base . 27,00 'Plf'KKTS. ' Pickets , and 11 Mat 820.50 : D & 11 sq.S20.50 SI1I.KOI.KS , I.ATII. XX clear . > . 53 00 * Astandard . . . , , . . , . 2.75 * AJl. 11. and II..7. . 2.50 POsT- " . White Cedar. 0 in. , , s , 12Kc : 0 in. qrs..llc " " SKJn. ' { c. llHc ; . . . I.IMK , r/rc. ( Julncy white lime , ( best ) . 05c Akion cement , 2.70 ; hair . 25c Mail Jlnport. The following is tlie report of the post master for the month ot February : Cairlers employed . 2-1 Delivery trips dally . ffii Collection trips daily . 71 Heirlstered letters delivered . . l.ioc Mall " ' . 400,1 ! ] " postal cards " . h-VW Local letters " . 74.S4 : ] " c. rds " . fts. Jii Newspapers . 277,506 Letters returned to the ofllce . 671 " collected . C00,5fl Postal cards collected . ( ir.l'Jl Newspapers " . 20,04 ! ; Tlio niilers nml abettors of nockln } ; ninins ami dog lighting , for sport , or on n wnjrer , will bq prosecuted by the liumnnu soclety.hereaftor , If any one will tnrnisli information thereof to Gen. J. K , Smith , attorney for the socletj' , No. IfiM Donili8 ! street. So says n .resolution passed by thu society at its meeting this week , held at the residence of its prcsi dent , Colonel Uhaic. WoodbridgeBrothers STATK AGENTS I'UU T11K Decker Brothers FIA.2STO3. OMAHA. NKUHASKA. Red Star Line Carry lug the Ileljf lutii Itoyal and t'nlted States Mall , KIIIIIDK every i-iitunlny Between Antwerp & New York To the Rhine , Gcrinnni/ , Italy , Hol land nml France , Salon from JOO to $73. K\eilrslon tilp from (110 to $ ! - " > . Scciinil rnblnout\Minl bound , f4f > ; prepalU , f 4i ; o\etif loti , fill. Steonitre | ia niro nt low rates. 1'fler Wrlifht At Sons , ( lenurkl AKOtit" . TM Uroailwiiy , Nnw York. llotiry I'tliiilt.VJtS 1 itrtmni t.l ; > nul pi ! & Co. , 1428 Kanmiii St. ; U , U. Freeman , 11124 Kiirnnm. Council Bii ! And Cliicjp The only road to take for Dos Molnes , Mar- shalltown , Co Inr Haplds I'lli.'in , Dlxon , Clilcu KO , Milwaukee and nil points i > iist. Tn thu people - plo of Nebraska , ( "olorado , Wyoming , I'tah , iiliiho , Novmln , Oregon , Washington ami Cali fornia , It ollnrs superior tuhRntaircs not po'sl- lilu by nny other lino. Amniurn few oftho numerous points of MI- perloilty ciijoypil liy tlio natrons of thld toad between Oiiialiii and riilcairo , aio IN two train" idny of I > AVCO.VCHi:8 : , which in o tlio finest : lnit hiitnin nit nnd Iniromiltvciin create. Its 1'AI.AI lISi.KEIMNC. CAHS , whlcli ni'o inniloU ot comfort ant ! oleinmco. Its I'.Mtl.oi ; DIIAW- INJ ( HOU.M CAIIS , iin uri > HS t > il liv any. and Us widely celebrated 1'ALATIAI , DINIM CAHS tlio oquiil ol wlileli cannot lie fouiul cl o hero At roiincllllluirs the trains or the Tiiloii clflu llv. c'otincet In I'nlon Depot with those or ! ho ' " k'HRO.V Nnilliwrstern Ity In Chlcniro tlio , lm of this line tniiUo eloso connection with \\\n-o \ of all eixsturn lines. I'or Dotiolt. t'olmnlini , Inillitniipolls. Clncln- nati. XlatinruFiilli , nnffiilo , I'ittaburir.T rotito , Mnntreal , llnston , Now Voric , I'hlladclphln , lialtlniorp. Washington ami all points m tliu east , usk lor a ticket via the 'NOKTHWKSTRHN " If yon wish tlio bot-t acooiiiinoiliitlon. All ticket aci'iits Full tl kt'ts via thi9 line. II. HIH1HITT. K. I' . WILSON , t.t'ii ! . Manager. f Jcnl. 1'ii's'r Atent CIllCIIKO , 111. W. > l. HAIiroCIf , L H. lOIIiS ! : , Wi'Slorn At-'ont , City 1'nss'r Oiniiliii , NolirasKu. CHICAGO SHORT LINE OF THE Chicago , Milwaukee &St. . Paul B'y ' The Ilcst ttutite from Omaha and Council llltiffs to THE EA.ST Two Traiiih Daily Between Omaha , Coun cil Blulls Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarRapids , Rock Island , Kreeport , Rockford , Clinton , Dubuquc , Davenport , Elgin , Madison , Janesville , Beloit , Winona , La Crosse , And all other Important points East , Northeast and Southeast. For through tiokots call on the Ticket Aifont at 1401 Farnam slroct , ( In Paxton hotel ) , ornt t'nlon I'ncldc Depot. 1'ulliniin Sleepers and the finest Dlnlntr Cnra In the world are run on the imilu linen of the CiltCAno , MII.WAUKUK Ai 8r. PAUI , tUu.WAY , ami every attention In paid to piisongors by couttcous oniployos of the company. It. Mu.rKii , General ManaKur. J , F. TUCKKII , Assistant Gonernl Mnnnjfor. A. V. It CAUPEMTF.II , General 1'aasontfer Bad Ticket Atetit. GKO. U , UKrronn , Assistant General Pas- EcnK < ) f nd Ticket Aunt. | J. T.Cl.AnK , Gonoml Bupcrlntendont. WALL PAPER ! TO TBE TRADE ! - SAMPLES OF - NEW PATTERNS Of fine machine wall papers now ready. Our house is fill ed with these Fresh Goods for Imme diate Shipment. and our facilities unsurpassed for prompt and faithful service. E3J Samples placed before you at our expense. Redhead , Norton , lathrop& Co , , D S MOIXi ; * , IOWA. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. This limb ison the lat- fcst improved plan. The Best , Lightest and Eaaics to manage and the nios durable limb made. ' . have had thirty five years experience wearinK"mau ulacturing and adjusting Will give special rates Until March 1st. Mj best limb for $73. Former pi ice $100 Circular ! ent free Dr. J. S. CRAWFORD , 611 N. 17th St. , Omaha , Nob. OMflHA JOBBERS' DIRECTORY Agricultural Implements , CHURCHILL PARKER , WboleialeDeilvrln Agricultural Implements , Wagons , ul Bud UuKKlm. Joncn itreet , t tno u Vtl > ml lUth.Oiuiba.NeU. LININGER C METCA LF CO. , Afifrlculturnl Imilcincnt | ! ) , Wagotii.C rrlnuet. llugglei , Bte.Vholeealo , Oin h LEtf , PRIED ,0 CO. , Jobhcra of Hardware and Nails , Tinware , Fhcet Inm , Ktc. Anenli fnr Howe hcitlni , uiul Mlatol rm terc . , Oiniili .NH ) . Omaha Jobbers' ' Directory. PARLINOlENDOHI-\V MARTIN Whokiale Dfuleri Id AgrlctiUural Implements , IVtioni nnt ) Hufploi. 90IKUU nndtu , , Jonet it Artists' Material , ' " " " ' "A" HOSPE , Ji , Artists' Mutprlnls , I'ianos nntl Orpnus , Ut.l Douiitni Ftrert.Onntm. Builders' Hard war * and Scales. Inlltlers'HanlwnrcAScaloHi'i'nli'Shoii ' ilocInnlCf'Tooli.nil HufTiilo Smlt'i. KOJ lluiilnt ( . , > OniQlift , Neb. Boots and Shoes. fA NDSEWED SHOE COMPANY. UsnuIoctiir.rimiJ Wholesale Me ler In Hoots and .Shoes , Complete tock of Knblier OomU n1" y on hand 'Ml H. Utlnt. , OmMin , Neb. A.T. Aimiii. Aftnl. ir. r. MORSE IP co. Jobbers of Hoots and Shoes. HI Finn in it. , Ocnnhi , Neb. Munufnctorj , Summer Hrret , llo'lon. z. T. LINDSEY c co. Wholesale Hubbur Huot4 an I Shoes Utitihor mill liili'd CltitiihiK mid IVIt Hoots lid SMOCK. Soutlu-u't Corni'r Hill iiml Douglas. Beer. Agt. for Auheuser-Ilush Urcwinp Ass'n Special IlrancK Faust , llmlweUer nmt ' ' ST'ORX'tfi ILER , linger Heer Itrewers , Ii21 North l th Street , Omnlm. Neb. Butchers' Tools. LOUIS HELLEir Hutchcrs' Tools ami SuppHpR , IRU Caslug < i of nil klnitd nlirnys In "took. 1116 Coffee , Spices , Etc. CL.111K E JROJC "CO. , Omaha CoiTvu nnd Spice Mills. TOft .Cirroe . ? plcp . linking 1'onili'r , FliTO'ln E trans , Ijiundry llluo. Ink , Ktr. Kit 1C H.irney Mrcel , ( > : iiiilii > , i > ub. GATES , COLE < FMILES , Home rofl't'o and Spire Mills M'f'p Co. Coffee Rosters find Spin1 ( Irlmlem. Manufactureri nf Itnklnn Powder , I Imnneitf r.xlnu't" . Hilling. IHr. I'n < > ne cn i > of nur ! imrkiiKC Homo lllend HoiiMeJ OiITt-M lUMIowHnlia.Omnh * . N.-h. Cornice. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , John Epenctcr , Prop. Mar.ufncturer of ( inlvnnltpd Iron nirl Cornice. KJ Dodge mid 10.1 find lui.N , lOtli at. , ( Inmlm , Neb. ItUEMPIXG .15 KOLTE , Manufacturers of Ornamental ( talvanizril Cornices , Dormer Windows , Klnaln , Metallcf > krllilitctc. : 3108. m'i it. , Oiimhu. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS , " C. Spccht , Prop. Gh'vnnlzcd Iron Cornlppn , tc. Snect'slmproved rat- en Mi'tallo'-kylliitil . H and 510 S Htli M..Onmha. Carpets. "OMAHA CARPET co. , Jobber * of Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , Rues , I.lnolciimfl , MnltlncB. Ktc. 1511 Doiic'a. ' street. Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , Uatllngi , Curliiln Ooodn , Etc. 1U1 Karnam Mrcct , Omaha. Neb. Crockery and Notions. Agent for Hit * Manufacturers and Importer , of Crockery , iSlasswarc , Lamps , Clilmuo ) ! , ctp. Office , 317 Buuth 15th it. Umaba , Neb. Commission and Storage. I ) . A. HURLEY , Commission and .lobbing : . Under , Kwantl 1'roduce. Consignments solicited. Ucadquurteri for Htnntmarc , Ilurrj llozea nnd Urapo llaskeli. lilt Dodgestreet , Omalia. PEYCKE 11ROS. , Commission Merchants. Fruits , Produce and Fravliloni , Omaha , Neb. W. E. HID DELL , Storage and Commission Merchant. Specialties Butter , Br | t < , uhoese. Poultry , Uam , Oysters , Ktc. . KtcIll South 14th street. WIEDEMAN C CO. , Produce Commission Merchants , Poultry , llulter , flume , Kiulti , etc. 10 8. Itthit Omaha , Nrb , Coal ana" Lime. P. MILESTONE < K CO. , Dealcn In Hard nnd Soft Conl , Offlco and T nl , loth nnd Nlcbolis sis. , Omabs , Neb , - - -i. at. Gnu. r.l.AHAdll. I'res. C. F.OonntiAK , V. Pisa. J. A. HUNUIIII.AND , Sec. and Treaa. OMAHA COAL , COKE C LIME COMPANY , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. JOQ South Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Neb. ,7. , T. JOHNSON f : CO. , Minnfacturers of Illinois White Lime. Anu Shippers of Coal and Cokr. Cement , Planter , IJnie. Hair , Klra Ilrlck , Drttln. Tile nnd Power 1'lpo. Office. Puitoii HutDl. raniHm it. , Onmha , Nob. Telephone nil. Confectionery. Manufacturing Confectioners , Jobber ! of Krulti.Nuti uml CUmi. 1211 Karnam SU Omaha. Cigar * and Tobacco. Jobbers of Cijfara , Tobacco , Gun * and Ammunition , 215 to 223 8. lltli it. , 1030 to 1U } Farnam it. , Omaha , Nell. WEST < & FRITSCHEIt , Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , And Wholesale Denlorn In Lent Tobaccoi , NOB. 106 nnd HON. Mth atreet , O.naha. Dry Goods. jr. E.'ffAfrriffe co , , Dry Goods , Furninhiiiflr Goods & Notions 1101 and 1104 Douirlan , cor , llth St. , OmahaNob. Distillers. Dlitlilcn of IJquori. Alcohol and Prlrlti. Importers and Jouber of Wlnei am ) Llquon. WILLO W SPRINGS DISTILLE' CO. and ILER CO. , Importer ! and Jobbereuf Kloe Wines and I.lqunra bole raanur ctuier > < > f Krouedr'n Bant India lilt- tvriand imwi'illc l.lquor * . 111 ! llnrney Ht. Drain Tile , Etc. A. It.BAfBi'.Prf" . J.W.n nrfinnSec.iTren It. J. CAIISOX , V.l'rti. and Hupt. THE UNION IIYDltAULIC DRAIN TILE CO. , Offlco 213 R. Uth It. , Omaha , Neb. M.icblnpry nnC Oupplleafor Manufacturing CVmeni Uralu Tilv. ELEVATORS. il. W KOOKHS , D. 8 IVs. t.hT.Mir.IHIIKI ) 1875. VIOO-I'HB. OMAHA ELKl'ATORnmlMA COMl'ANY , Jobbers and Stororsol ( irain. lilpinentsdl' ( Iciilcr'-BOllcIto iinil fiitlslactlui giiiiriniti oil , Uinlinii , .Nob. Furniture. DEWEY ,0 STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Fnriiltura. Fnrr.am HOmnha , Neb. Groceries , " ' "T'.c co. , Wholesale flrocurius and I'l-ovisioiia , Noi , 706.W.7Kmul ) ill H.lOtli . t. Omalin. Xeb. McCOKD , n UA D Y d > CO. , Wholesale ( irocorri , 13tti anil l.enventrorlli ttn.Orantu. Jmalia Jobbers' ' Directory , ; Hardware. * * " W. J. JlROA TClf Heavy Hardware , Iron mid Strel , Springs , Wofon Stork , lt < iM nr l.u-V r , etc , 1M aim nil Huniry M. . OmHlm , "EDXEYtf' GiltHON , Wholesale Iron nnd Steel , \ViBonnnrl C rrl * | ( > Wood Htocti , HC TT llnnlwur * Ktc. HIT nminu l.tntcrmfurlti t.Oru liM , Neb. MILTON mrGERS C"SONS , ' Stovns , Kunpos , FuriiHcru , Tiles , Mi\ntK-itJnte , llrass tloodi. 13)1 nd 112S > 1imsji Strcft. Iron Works. Iron Works , Wrought and Cart Iron llutldlni : Work , Iron Stalnk llallTnii. Hi-ami nnd Ulrdprn , sipam Kniilni-n. rlraai Work , Uineral Toundry , Mnchluo and niaekmultll N/oit. umcean I Work. . U. P. Hy nnd Hth flieet. V. II. MoMANUS. S1TI.I.1VAN. . OMAHA W1HE 4 11 1ROX WORKS , Mnntifiicturpni of Wire and Iron Iiillins { , Desk Hails , Window tlu td , Kloncr Htnnd * , Wire Slk'ni. Klo 123 N. ICtli. Orders tiy mull promptly iiltendedlo. Lumber. OMAHA TMMttER CO. , Deslo' . . AllKlndiof nullillnp ; Material at Wholesp.lo. 18th Street nnd Union I'nolHo Track , Omaha. LOUIS llRAnFORD , Dealer in Lumber. Lath , Lime , Sash , Doors , Klo. Yard-C rncr7th and Dounlai ) Corner VIh nml IOU | IM. cTuCAGO LUJailElt CO. , Wholesale Lumber , SUP.llthMreel.OmnlisNeb. r.Colpettcr , Mnnimer. C. N. DfETZ. ' Lnmlier. 13th nnd Callforrln Mrects , Omaha. Neb. FRED W. Git AY , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Ktc. Cor. 6th and Douglas ill. , Omaha. Nu1) . HOAGLAND , Lumber , T. W. HARYEYLUMltER CO. , To Dealers Only. Offlco , 1403 Knrnam ulreet.Omahn. CHAS. Jf. LEE , Jlardwood LuinbcV , Wood Carpet ! and Parquet Flooring. Dili nn JOHN A. ir. IKEFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Ktc. Imported nnd American Portland Cement. Flat ! Agent for Mil * aukpo Hydraulic Cement und licit yulncy White Mine. Live Stock. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of Omaha. Limited. John F. Uoyd , Superintendent. Live Stock Commission. M. Itl'RKE SONS , Live Stock Commission. Ono. llurkp , ManaxPf UnionFtoek YardsS.omnha. Telephone PJ. SAVAGE ( > GREEN , Live Stock Commission Merchants , Bnlpmcntiof any and all klmla of Block iullolt d. Union Ptock Vanlf , Omaha , Neb. Millinery and Notions. I. OllERFELDER < C CO. , Importers and Jobber ! of Millinery and Notions , 1211 and 1'jlillarney Pt.oet , Omaha , Neb. Motions. C. S. GOODRICH < f : CO. , Are the only Direct Importer , of German & French TOJ-H & Fancy Goods In Nebraika. Chicago priced duplicated without lidd ing freight. 1115 r'rmmm fiireet , Omnhn. J. T. JtOIHNSON NOTION CO. , Wholesale Dealeri in Notions and Furnishing Goods , 40.1 and 1(15 ( 8. Tenth St. , Omaha. VINYARD { : SCHNEIDER , Jobburi In Notions , Hosiery and Gents' Furnishing ; Goods. lOOnandinrjd Frnam it. , Omaha , Neb , Overalls. fAJfU COMPANY , Manufacturer ! ! of Overalls , loan. Panti , hbtrti , Etc. 1102 and 1104 Uoutfa. Strcel Omahn.Neb. Paper Boxes J. L. WILK1E , Manufacturer of Paper Boxes , 8.llth St. , Omaha , Nebruiku. Urden by nulj | > lloltodand will rteilr * prompt att.ntloo. Printing , JtEES PRINTTNG COMPANY Job Printers , Blank Book Makeri , And Hook Binder. . Id" and IB ) Noiitu Fourleentll treet. Omaha , Neb. WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION Auxiliary Publishers. naalcrilnType.Prctioi and Printer. ' Huppllea. K South Tnelfth Street , IIROWNELL fi CO. , Mantifnctiireri and Dcntpra In Knsrines , Hollers & General Machinery Sheet Iron work , HU'iuu I'unip * . Huw Mill" , Aem Miaftlnir , Dodiio Wooil upllt Pulley. , Ileltlntf , etc , Aliu wiignni , vcrnppn.aiid hiilotlen. l2lHJli : Lea * venworth t. , Onnihii , RECTOR A WILHELKY CG. , Wholesale Hardware. Weitern aeenti for Jerfcrron Ktccl Nalli. An tl Powder Co , Kalrbank * Standard fcalei. Corner lOth and llarnpr , Omaha. _ CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Btoamand Water Ruppll.i. Headquarter , f r Milt ' ull a run in it. . Omaha. Nell. A. L. STRANG CO. , Pumps , Pipes and Knglncs , Steam , Water , Itallway und Mllllnu Buppllei. . KKand 'J3t Karnam t. . Omaha , Neb. U. S. WIND ENGINE ami PUM ! " COMPANY. IlalladarVlnd Mill * ; rtratu and W t r Pnpplle * Pluniblnii ( ioodn , lleltlnit. lime. 1)1(1 ) and ( KO f r- maha. H. K. Keltnn * Telepbono No.ilO. Safes , Etc. P. 110YER C CO. , Apeuts for Hull's Safe & Lock Co.s' rirn nnd llunc'tr Proof Hafdi , Time lx > ck" , Vault * , mid Jail Worn , IOJI Kiirnam utrnct Ornulin , Neb. . G , ANDRE EN , Omaha Safe Works * . llnnufnrturemof Klro iind ItnrKlur Proof Sufcc , Vnui - -i.Jnll WtrL.Hiut.tm uiul Wlru Work , ( Jor. lUbnnilJ tt ( in Ht . , < linr.U.i.Njb , ' ' Sash , Doors , Etc. M.A. ItlSRROW .0 CO. , ( Viioleiale Mnnufacturpriof Sash , Doors , Hlinds and Mouldiiir/R , llmncn offico.niii and ! /ar-l t3. , ' BOHN MANUFACTURING CO.t Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Hniildi/ifj.Stali Work and Intt ilnr Iliinl Wood Klnllh Ju t ( ji nnl. N , K. tor. fill and Ixjavtnworllilits , Omnliu , Nt-1 > , Wagons and Carriages. A. J. filMPiiON , TliB Leadin 70iirriairo Factory , It W und 1411 Ijodgn itreet , Omaha.