THE OMAHA DAILY SIXTEENTH YEAK. OMAHA. F1O.DAY JIO11NING. MARCH 4. 1887. NUMBEK 258 A RAILROAD LOBBY VICTORY. Passage By the Senate of the Forceless Commission Measure. FILIBUSTERERS WASTE TIME A Whole Afternoon Spoilt In Consid ering tlio Location of the Sol- UlcrH * Home IIouso Work on Appioprlatlons. Scnnto Proceeding. LINCOLN , Neb , March 3.- [ Special Tele gram to the HUB. ] The senate litst took up consideration of thoMr. .Majors' protest Mr. Keekley moved that It be expunged from the record. Mr. Hrown seconded , because the protest charged the legislature with back pay grab bing when the people had expressed their will at the ballot box favorable to the ques tion. tion.Mr. . Vamlemark said : "Let It stand as a monument for his shame , Icnorance and cowardice. The gentleman wants to en cumber our jouinals with this protest , yet ho voted for the original proposition to recount the ballots and aiithorl/o by law the proceed ings Just closed. Now ho wishes this protest spread upon the records , that ho may icfer to It at some future day for campaign powder. Let It stand as a monument of Inconsistency and shame. Mr. Casper had opposed the amendment In joint convention because ho had not fully looked Into the matter. He had since found that his county had voted largely lor the amendment and also that the committee ap pointed to recount the balloU vvcro prejudiced against the amendment. Ho was now confi dent that the people wanted the twenty day extension and hence theio was no ground lor the charge of back pay giabblnir. Ho was not opposed to a protest , but ho was opposed to that charge and to the senate swallowing the done without a murmcr. It was a direct Insult to every member of the senate. Mr. Lindsay held that the senate had no right as a body to say that explanation of a vote In the joint convention should go upon the recoids of the senato. Mr. Snell opposed the motion to expunge. There was nothing In the protest to Injure him or anyone else. Mr. Majors said he had nothing further to say as to the protest. Ho made It because ho thought It was right and proposed to stand by It. lie resented the imputation of the gentleman trom Saunders Impunglng his motives. Ho bad stood up tour veais in defense of his country before Just such men as ho , and had never yet been accused of cowardice. It was true that ho voted for the bill authort/lng the iceount , but the Ideas ox- juessed In his protest vvero the result of a better understanding and a further study of thecas'i. It was not In the mouth of any mai > who stood In a senator's place on this lloor , and was charitably recogni/ed as a senator to say that ho was a coward. No man who had long and notoriously embodied the characteristics ot an Imbecile uaied stand before him with the clmiges of cowardice. He would resent It as an individual and as a senator. 'Iho protest was oxpungcd from the record. The bill appropiiatltig feW \ ( bO for the icllct of Chas. A. Johnson was passed and the senate took a recess till 'J o'clock. AKIUI.VOON srssiov. A communication iiuiuiltl/ciis of Mllford , Seward county , was lead. It offers acres of land on the banks ot the beautiful liluo , Including springs , natural lake , Umbel , etc. . also 0,000 as an Inducement for the soldleis' homo to be located there. Mr. Wilghtlot Sew aril offered a resolution agreeing to extend the Cession ton days In ad dition to the forty days without pay , and that the recount making It lawful to hold Hlxtv-day sessions bo considered as applying to all future sessions ; but as the recount and pinclamatlon enforcing the piovlslons ot thu constitutional amendment were not made until near the close ot this session they should apply only to future sessions. Mr. WrfcUt moved the adoption of the reso lution. Mr. llrovvn Mr. President , this Is cer tainly out of order. 1 have pay in my pocket for tlio additional twenty days. Mr. Conger So have 1. Mr. Wright said he would bo willing to work ten days without pay if the session Tuuld then bo closed. Mr. Colby moved that the resolution apply only to the gentleman from Seward. Mr. Snell moved to lay on the table. Car ried. ried..Senate .Senate file 41 , the forceless railway coin mission bill , was then read a third time for passage Mr. Stcrlina moved that the enacting clause of the bill bo stricken out. but the chair inlcd him out ot order. Air. Fuller moved to recommit the bill to committee of the whole , which was lost. The bill was then nut upon Its passage , the vote resulting as follows : Yeas Honesteel , Hrown , Duinhani. Camp bell , Colby. Conger , Heaitvvell , Holmes , Kent , Lindsay , Linn , Majors , McNamar , Moore , Uobbius , Schmlnke , Sbervln , Sncll , Vandomark 10. Nay s-Casper. Duras , Fuller , Hlgglns ot Cass , Hlgglnsof Colfax , Keckley , Linlngcr , Molklejohn. Sprlck , Steillng , T/schucl : WolbacbVrlght13. . Mr. Lindsay Introduced a bill to limit the number of otllccrs and employes of the senate to Idly. Mr. Conirer then moved that house roll 247 , the soldiers' homo bill , bo taken out ot its place and consideied Hist. Mr. Colby moved that it bo made a npccial order for Thursday next. Mr. Casper objected. He had been capti vated by tills special eider of business at hist , but ho had teamed a tilck. Them was no such tlilnz as a regular order on general lilo. Some of the senators vvero favored and could get theli bills up at will , and there was no reason why house roll 317 should not be considered at once. v Mr , Kobblns Mild there was no reason why this bill should bo advanced when there are halt a docn more Impmtant bills claiming consideration first. Other pioposltlons should bo considered that the state might choose the most favorable QUO oiferlng thu most money. This legislature was proposing to pass appropriations a million and a half In excess of those of pie- v Ions legislatures. Mr. Vandemark said a peculiar streak of economy bad come over the centluuian. Mr. Melklujohn favored thu bill us passed by the house. The methods resoitcd to weio purely to defeat the bill In the senate. Ho Imped Mr. Conner's motion would prevail. Mr. Conger spoke of thu advantages of Grand Island. There were probably no bet ter grounds for the home In the state , and they could not be purchased foi less than 830 per acre. This was the soldiers' location. Ihey have ofti-n been tlure. It Is their choice. ' 1 his bill passed the house by ninety * four votes , which showed an overwhelming sentiment for Grand Island. There was hardlv a d Sbontlng voice. It wo defeat It here It will put a cloud over It that the house will not clear aw ay. There Is nothing meant In this pettifogging but delay. 1 want it dis tinctly understood that the location of the soldiers' homo Is not for sale. Whcro the people want It It should 1:0. Mr. Majors was sorry to see any exhibition of temper on the part of his military friend ftom the sand bar district. The senators. In consideration of this question , had not struck at the merits of It. ' 1 ho people were called Jipon to li/cate a homo tor veteran soldiers. I he taxpayers vvero called upon for an anpro- Dilation sulllclcnt to make that homo com fortable. 'I hat Is thu question not that It bo located at Grand Island , Mllford or Wy- nioie. It should first Iw determined that the financial condition of the state would Justify an appropriation of that kind. He would favor Grand Island If that could be show n to be the best place. The other propo sitions should first bo considered. The anai- meut ot the centlcman from Sherman pre supposed that Grand Island was the only place. He believed It was proper to tc.kocaro 01 the old veterans who made this country a Possibility. He was not sute , however * that 'jr nd Isfund was the proper place. Mr. Sterling thought the time In the session bad arrived when the claims for adhering to k n-Kular order should not hold. pr , toll/ said Utl ) when the tute offer * a k- . = ili Jii home to the old soldiers and sailors and their faiuijiis , they should be permitted tocxpiou tlielrluvv < t. Thi'V had not expressed themselves - solves In fivorof Grand Island or any other location , llu the n tilled at Ii-iuth upon the question , bcliu repeatedly Interiupted with the charge of talking against time. All the opponents of thu bill spoke long and often upon the question of location , al though the question was whether the bill should bo considered at once and taken out of Its regular order for that purpose. Motion after motion was undo , upon which the fill- blisters- each spoke until tlmo was called , during which thu bill wasdlscussed to death , but when a motion for the committee to arise was carried thu committee had no report to make , or , In other words , the whole afternoon bad been spent In fillbiist'-rlng and talking amlnst tlmo without accomplishing any thing. When the committee arose Sir. Sterling moved that house toll 217 ho taken from the general file and considered by tbo senate. Mr , Conger called for thu previous quo- tlon , which vviis can led , as was also that of Mr. Sterling , Mr. Llnlugei then moved that house roll 'JIT bo ordered to ( bird icidlng and called for thu previous question. 'I lie two propositions were voted on separately , Ihat of the iiie- v Ions question being carried by a vote of 2."i to 7. The bill was then ordered to a third leading by a vote of 80 to 0 , aftei which thu senile adjourned. This Is a fair sample of how six obstiuc- tlonistscan cheat the state out of a great deal of tlmo and deter the expression ot the will ot a largo majority. The outcome is a great victory for Grand Island. The light was the longest and hottest of any yet fought by the senate. NOTTS. Mr. Fuller , who did not vote on the propo sition to lavorably iccomuicnd senate hie11 favorably , voted against the bill on final passage to-day. The g.illeilcs were full to dav to heai the ich.ito on the soldiers' homo bill. Ills excellency , the uovurnor , listened to e soldiers' home debate this attcrnoon. Do I tics In the House. LINCOLN , Neb. , March . [ Special Tele- ram to the Urn. ] On a resolution by Mr Smyth of Doiulas , In thu house , Fred. C. Kick In and 13ert Conner vvero placed upon lie pay roll , the lattoi having acted as page since the opening of the session. Mr. Eggleston ot Lancaster moved that the Jncoln charter bo referred to the Lancaster delegation. This ( nought Mr. Caldwcll to his 'eet with the hope that the motion wouldn't prevail. Their delegation , ho was sorry to say , , vas divided , the three country members being In antagonism to the members from tbo city. It was selfishness on the part ot the former. He did not want the matter sent back to the delegation because he ielt the louse could settle It. Mr. Jeaiyot Cass asked Mr. Kg leston to explain his motion. Mr. Iteu lesion said It was to have the delega- on settle the difference between them which ho thought could best bo elfected In irlvate. Mr. Itaymond of Lancaster said tliero was but ono point of dltlercnce , and ho couldn't see the vv isdom of this delay because the Lin coln council had Its ordinance ready to rommenco paving under the new cliaiter. The charter was icteired , The question at issue between the two factions Is section 53. relating to the road and bridge tund , all ot which the city men claim the country folks want. Mr. Whitoot Cass called up the report of the special committee on employes , and moved that Its lecommoudatlon tint all the house omploves be discharged and re-employed as needed bo adopted. Mr. Watson of Otoe moved that the minority report bo accepted. Mr. Agco opposed the discharge and re-em- ploynicntof clerks and assistants us toollsh , ami wanted thu committee to icport who ought to be discharged. Mr. Cole said the majority of the house [ Vantcd to do a.vay u Kit useless employ esand wanted the committee to state who thov aro. In reply to Mr. White , Mr. Wllsey said that . ( ho had asked the inemDcrs of the commit tee Instead ol the chairman of the same , he would have leaincd how many useless clerks tliero were. Mr. Smvthof Douglas 1 could have dis charged my clerk long ago If ho had not been occupied In correcting Improperly drawn bills bv thn gentleman fiom Cass. Mr. White refused to act again , and the com mittee was authorl/cd to report allcinplovpes not needed , and onlaiged to consist of the tallowing : Pt'teis , Gllmoic , Dickenson , Newton , Latta , Mlnnlx , and Underbill. On motion ot Mi. Agee , Minniu Tidier was placed on the pay loll. The following mils were Indefinitely post poned : - JO.Ti' ) , 45-1 , 119 , 1-M , 1OJ , liilS , 4CaJ17 , S. MO BIHN41) ! 'Iho following were recommended for pis- sii7e : House roll 4 i7 and 59. The committee on privileges and elections maili ) majority and minority reports on the Snell-McKenna contest case , the formei icc- ommo'idlng Snell tor the scat now held by McKeuna , the lattei suppoitlng McKenni. The subject was made special older for 7:130 : to-night. Al TT.UNOONSF.SSIOX The house wont Into committee of the whole on the appropriations for chailtablo Institutions , with Mi. Caldwell of Lancaster In the chair. Mr. Watson's bouse roll 13 , for the erection and furnishing of a main bullUlng at thu In stitute for the blind at Nebraska City , and a boiler and laundry connected with the same , was called. It provided for an appropriation of S50.000. Mr. Harrison of Saundeis moved to amend by substituting SJO.OOO. Mr. Watson ot Otoo hoped the amendment would not prevail because , In the opinion of the boaid of public lands and buildings , as also of the governor , thu improvements sug gested weie requited. It would bo poor policy to ex-pond a smaller amount. Mr. Harilson said the present Institute wa erected tun vears ago foi 512,000 , when Itwa. well known that labor and material vvero moio expensive than at present , and he had no doubt that 520,000 would bo ample to make the Implements suggested. The amendment was can led by a vote of 49 to B.J. Section 4suttlng the bond of the contractor at was amended by substituting SrlOOtw. Mi , White of Cass said that the plans now on hie In the otllce ol tnu board ol public lands and buildings vveiu made upon the basis of a cost of SsiO.OOO. Mi. Watwn ot Otoe said that such vvns the case and regretted that members voted with out understanding the merits of the case. Mi. Kenney of Webster moved to recon sider thu vote amending section 1 ot the bill , Mr. McConaugliy held that the blind lust ! tute was one of the most deserving of state institutions , and It would he false economy not to allow the S' 0,000 sought. Mr. Kuox of Douglas and Mr. Agco o Hamilton favored the reconsideration. Mr. Miller of llutlcr did not know how much should be appropilaten , but telt mori ought to lie allowed than had been given He wanted some person to advance facts to warrant a greater appioprlatlon. Mr. Watson then submitted a statement of the condition of the institute , which showed both Inc.umcltv and a number of defects. Mr. White of Cass controveitea this state ment by showing that there were tint eigh teen Inmates while the building bad A ca pacity of thirty and was In good condition. Tbo motion to reconsider was lost by a vote of : il to ' - " . > . Mr. Koipor said ho did not know how a f ' .0,000building could bo eiecti-d with a S'-'O- OOOappropilntlon. Mi. Newton of Clay moved that when the committee rise It report thu bill for passage. It was so ordered. The bill of Mr. Andrews of lluffalo pro viding for the erection of two family build ings , one laundry , one bakery , three out houses and one coal-house at the reform school at Kearney was called. The amount asVed vras jafl.OUO. Mr. Andrews moved that the bill IKJ re ported tor passage. Mr. White objected on the ground that two vcars ago an appropriation had boon made for buildings at the sumo place and he did not feel that they should keep on erecting bliue'ures there every two vears. Mr. Wllsey of Hamilton said the reform school was doing good work for boys and girls , keeping them from the penitentiary. Thu buildings sought weiu needed and some of the present structures weie lu a demoral ised condition. Mr. Ague showed the number of inmates as I'A , and that beiore the next se sloi the school , unless enlarged , would bo too small to accommodate luoie wlio Ucslrvd admission , In which event they would be compelled to go to the penitentiary. Mr. Coin of Adams sild he knew the school was well nmna ed aud that In November. lbN3. there was less that S.UX ) to the credit of the Institution In the state troasnrv. Mr. Andiews of Buffalo ald that it was nccwaiy In order to continue thu usefulness ol the school tiial the buildings proposed bo creclid , because the Incn asu of commit ments was In excess of the accommodations. Mr. Nlcholof Antelope believed tlio school might need ono new building , but ho would rather vole for none at ail than for two buildings now. They did need the laundry aud bakeshop , but only one of the other buildings. Mi. Pemberton of Jefferson favored taking a pirt of thu money axked and putting It to taking care of voung children to prevent them from going to the relouu sxhool. If the full amount were allowed ho would op pose giving any to the home for the friend less. less.Mr. Mr. Slater felt from the evidence that ono building was needed. AvotoonMr. While's motion , that the bill do not pass , was lost. Mr. Whltmoin favored an appropriation for the Dakeshop because ho know thu stiuc- tine wasllable to tumble down. He favoreil dividing the sum toi the main buildings and giving pait foi a home fur little wayward children. Mr. Slater felt tint It was the sense of the house that onu of the buildings \un needed and would accommodate the commitments for the next two years. Mi. Andrews' motion to repot t for passage was can led. Mr. Liseley's bill appropriating S9" > ,700 to erect two vvliigs to the main buildings ot the hospital tor the insane at Noifolk came up. ' 1 ho Items are as follows : Wlnirs , 4UXW ; kitchen , bakery and diapel , S14.0W ) ; englno and bollei house. Sl" ,000 ; barn , t3,000 ; smoke-stack , 84UW ; hollers , etc. , SIO.OJO. Mr. White moved to amend bv placing the cost of the smoke-stack at S 'M Instead of S'4.000. ill. Klsely of Madison said theio weio 1.000 Insane people in the state. The Lincoln asylum is now full. Thu Norfolk asylum cannot accommodate the remainder ol thu In sane people. The buildings asked , there- foie , are badly needed. Mr. DallarU of I'llmoio favored the strik ing out ot the appioptlatloti for tlm two wings. They bad alreadv made an appro , prlation for the asylum for in curable Insine at Hastings. He did not therefore , leel that the Noifolk buildings weru necessaiy. He moved to allow SJ.OOO foi smoke stack instead ol i-t.COO. Mills was carried. Mr. Mchol's amendment to make it 81,000 sin deeded. Mr. llallard of Fillmore moved to strike out the SIU.COO for tlu two wings. Mr. Kelper of Pierce wanted to know what they were going to do with the unprovided- for Insane. It would take two befoia the wines or tlio asylum at Hastings could bo completed. Uy that time they would have ! KKunpiovldcd-for ) insane In this state. In fact theio must be now ! > 00 incurable Insane people in the state. These wings would cost but ir > cents a man , and that cc.ild easily bo atlorded. Mr , Slater of Wavno said the buildings as contemplated would accommodate SOU pa tients. They could put the money asked tone no better use than to eiect the wings pro posed. The demand for the accommodation of patients has beeu made and ought to bo heeded. Mr. Pemberton made several amendments one suggesting one wing InstiMd ot two wings , llu did not believe theic was any nerd tor the httei milliner. Mi. Nlchol ot Antelope believed every ilollar asked lor was needed , 'Iho present building Is the best one in Iho slate tor the money. Tlieie sue now 400 applications ot insane people foi admission to the asylum , and the piesent building can accommodate 'ess than ono-fouith that number. An. Peters of lioonu opposed Mr. Pembci- ton's amendment on the ground that the plant was alieady established , and at. this tlmo the Impiovements asked uwlii he made more economically than at any othci lime. Mr. llailan did not leel that all the people of Nebraska had yet to bo provided toi in lunatic asylums. While the Insane deserved the sympathy ol the people , vet It was the people , the common people , who could not ic- tuin false assessments , who had to pay foi the Improvements. All these sums giad- nally talsed the aggregate to a gie it amount , and ho was opposed to the appioprlatlon until ho know what was uolnc lo bo done with the Hastings bill. What had the house done toi the pooi people of this state , lot the pioduccis ot this statoV Theio vein hun dreds of them who lived In sod houses which vvero tiimblinir down about them. These people could not make an appropriation with a svv eep of the pen and jump Into a mansion. These ought to lie considered In this mattoi of the expendittuu of the money which they weio forced to furnish. Mi. Kelper ot Pierce said that the oppo nents ol tha bill ottered no statistics. 'Ihe latter wru presented by its supporters. This building would help the pooi because the uu- tortunato Insane could bo suppoited moio cheaply within Its walls. Ho hoped In the name ot humanlly the appioprlatlon would be allowed. Mr. Caldwell of Lancaster said It was false economy to tiy to put in boileis , cnulne , pumps ami machinery for 30,000 when 810,000 were needed. So with the other Items. The structures and necessaries should bo pio- vldcd with a view to the future. Mr. Pcmbcnton s amendment to erect but onu building was lost. Mi. Dalhird's amendment to stilko out the appropriation tor both buildings , 349,000 , also defeated. The lull apptopilation of 879,000 was al low ed by a v oto of 80 to 'iO. Mr. Andres alone ot the Douglas delegation voted , and he In the affirmative. The bill was recommended to pass. The committee arose and reported. Mr. Watson moved to amend the report of the committee of the whole by makinir the appioprlatlon foi the blindasy linn 5J" > ,000 In stead of 8 0,000. This prevailed. Mi. White moved that thu ropoit of the commltteo us amended bn not concurred In. The sues and nays were call"d and the motion vv as lost by a v otu of 'A to " 5. Mi. Walson's motion prevailed anil the appropilation for the blind asylum was made { r..i,000. : The report of the committee on the appro priation ot SU" > ,700 foi the Noifolk asylum and ? oOOOOfor thuicform school wasadopti d , no objection being made. Adjourned , NOTIS. : There Is every prospect of a lively wrangle when tlm report ot the newly appointed special committee on employ cs shall DO made As above shown , It was both enlarged am strengthened bv the addition of live men , Mi. Peters of Hoone , the chairman , Is anx ious foi his work to lead in lidding the house ol a crowd of supernumeraries who , as cleiks and pages and In other disguises , have been doing nothing at the expense of the state for forty days. The astounding assertion has been made that some ot these eighty-hvu em ployes have notdpicd ! a pen for tlio house In all Ihat time , and yet they aio suppncd to be "underpay. " There aio fourteen pages on the roll In the house and nobody has ever seen halt that number ( hero. Chesterheld some years ago "put himself on record. " as a member of the house would say , as bring opposed on geneiai principles to gazing upon the soles ot another's boots at any tlmo , more especially when covering their vvearci's extremities. Some of the members of the house "beg to dlllei" from the gentleman mentioned , and as a consequence quence the attitude of many of them , at times , forcibly suggests Mark Twain's Ne vada icpresentativo , whoso lotty contempt for tlioebapl.iin'.s prayers was equalled only by the height of bU legs above bis head when In bis seat Thaycr Had Signed the Hill. LINCOLN , Neb. , March a. [ Special Telo- eram to the UKF..J The delegation of three from the Knights of Labor In Omaha who came to the capital to day , bringing a petition to the governor against the convict labor bill , had an audience , but as the L'oveinor had affixed his slcnatnro to the bill no results In tavorof the delegation could be reached. The laigo majorities given the measure In both houses , coupled with the fact of tbo dis cussion brought forth and that the state as- scmblr of the knights baa secured Important amendments to their original bill , am under stood to be the grounds largely upon which the governor acted. The endorsement of the state board of public lands and buildings for the measure , and the manner of caring for the convicts , has also been considered as a favorable Influence for the bill In Us passage. A number ot Omaha Kul"hts of Labor are Lu the city to-ul Ut , SENATOR HOAR GIVES NOTICE Usurpation of Eights of Congress Sub mitted To Tor tbo Last Time. SPEAKER CARLISLE SCORED. Ilia Keeping Hnok Appropriation Hill * Chnrnctcrlzod as Monnrchlal Meek to the ncloiiso-Ati All-Nluht Session. Sonnto. WASHI.VOTON , March 3. The senate reas sembled as If In continuation of yesteiday's session at 10 o'clock this niorninir. Messages from the president were hid before tin1 sen ate In reply to resolutions hcictotoreadopted , one as to the tormson whlchciblecomp-xnies have been permitted to land their cables on American shoio and as to their contracts with each othei and with the telegraph com panies ; the second as to the services ot Count I'nlaxU In the war ot the revolution. The latter was accompanied by a report from the secretaries of state , treasury and war. Laid on the table and ordered pi in ted. A messairo ttoin the house announcing non-concurrenco In senate amendments to the naval appropriation bill was presented and n conference ordered. Messrs. Hale , Al lison and Heck vvcro appointed conferees. As the committee on appiopuallons hid 10- ported very few amendments to the bill and thosoof but little Importance , there was no delay , and at 2no : the bill passed with a few amendments. At a few minutes before 11 o'clock the sen ate closed the legislative day of Wednesday by adjournment , and at 11 opened the last legislative day of the Forty-ninth congrpss. The resolution otlered yesterday for the ap pointment of a select committee ot IP'O sen ators to examine Into the business methods of the executive departments at Washington , the causes of delay In the transaction of bus iness and as to the necessity for additional buildings , etc. , was taken up and atter some debate agreed to , At 11 : ! > 0 the senate piocecdcd with the con sideration of the legislative , executive and judicial aupiopriatlon , voting on the amend ments recommended by the committee on appropriations as they were leached. 'Iho I'acinc lailroad Inrpdry bill has been signed by the presiding ollicei ol the senate and speaker of the house and was im mediately taken to the president. Mr. Hoar said tint ho desired to call the at tention ot the utr.t2 i. ' v ! ; nt rc'it-tc 1 to him aveiytrravo evil one that tlueatencd in substance a rovolutionaiy change In thu constitutional methods ot the j.oveminent. What be asked was the eftcct of the holding bick ol the appropriation bills until the last sev cu or ten 01 litteeii day s ot the session of congress ? The icsult was tint , unless the house and senate both sub mitted to the dictation ot some three 01 tour men who happened to be members of the committee on appiiatlons in the house of U'pii'seiitatives on the majoiltv side , the pieit appioptlation bills tail and an cxtia session bee-iine necessary. It is perfeitlv notoiious , Mi. 1'iesldent , that this body has passed bill attcr bill vvItlj substantial umn- i tuts , having no political significance bills matured by able men on the other sldo of this chamU-i and havliR' tb f iidoisutneiitof their KI eat authority ami vmoecauso three or four poisons , clothed with tho" authority of tiie house of rtpro eutatlvcs.vcbooso to oppose these bill" , they could npt get consideration In that body , although there Is no manner ot doubt that nine tenths of Iho inem- bets ot the hoiuso would bo in theli fuvor If they weio brought up. Tint Is a condition ol tilings which. n the tlmo ototir latlieis. would have caused > revolution. After luferrlne to the action : jf the speaker ot the house ( not named ) in jotusins to recognl/o certain members be cause he ( the speakei ) did not approve of the nu'iisiuo the member wished to move , Mr. Hoai said : "Heiuy Clay was supposed to nive a pretty stiong will. He would no moio live dared to assert such an authority when Jio was speaker of the house than ho Mould bavo ventuied to cross the Niagara liver twenty rods above the tails. Jilainc , under whom many of us served In another place. Is gcncially supposed to have a pretty strong will and a piettv stioni ; desliotohavo ac complished in the admlnistiatlon of the country the things vvblc'i ' ho thinks ought to ho done. Iscivedln the house of repiesen- tativcs with that accomplished gentleman for eight years. lor six of which he was spcakei , and the humblest democrat ( v hen wo had a majority of three-fourths 01 four- hfths in that body ) was peimlttcd to make his motion to suspend the rules every Mon day and i very day within the last six days ot adjournment. They used so put us on record with all sorts ol contrivances and all manners of najs by calling the yeas and nays on questions whl ( h thev thought the republicans would not like to commit them selves on. It is true that occasionally , when business pressed during the last twenty-four 01 foity-eight hoinsol the session , Speaker lilaliit ! would exercise his selection cf the person to be reco nued. In accordance with what he believed to be the will and desho of the house , and that was all. Hut whoevci honrd ot Blalne , if a member desired to bo recognl/ed to move the adaption ot a measuio that would pass unanimously or nearly unanimously It proposed , Informing that member that the pictidlng ollicei had do- teimined that It wax not expedient to Imvo anv meisuio of that kind proposed during that session of congress ? Mr. Presi dent , this Is a question which goes clear dow n to the fundamental rocks on vv hlcli our constitutional stiuUure is erected. I would rather have the Kmporor of Russia 01 King Homba to nile over me than to have , under the pretense of constitutional Jorm , the rUht denied to my representatlvo to utter the will ot the Anidican people when con stitutionally expressed by the voice of tlio majority in each branch. Wo have not thought It desirable In the state ot public tccllnir , 01 the condition of public business , In the prevailing sentiment of the American people , to insist upon an extra session of congress , and I wish for one to give notice that in my judgment this is tlio last tlmo that that usurpation will be-submitted to. " Mr. HOCK 1 was called out of the chamber foi awhile and was only In time to hear \ \ Mat scorns to me a most remarkable tirade against the speaker of the house of repre sentatives. That gentleman needs no de fense at my bauds and I had supposed that In the senate of the United States , under the rules and pioprietles. oC tlio occasion , com ment upon the action ot the speaker vvouhi not bo indulged In } 1 h ve only this to say- that there Is no man in ilASsachuset's or out side of Massachusetts who will attack cither the Integrity , the honesty , or ability of the speaker ot the present house with Impunity In bis presence. There are 1AO partisans of the senator trom .Massachusetts on the lloor ot the other house , all of whom have the rlsht to make whatever attiek they please , audit they do they will receive a response behttlng to the attack. Mr. Hoai I ask the senator from Ken tucky whether he deued | a single assertion of tact that I liavo nmile whether ho does not ame with mo In my opinion of this matter , and whether he does not think that It Is an invasion of the constitutional power ot sen ate and bouse ? Mr. Heck I have no right to know on this floor whether statements made by the sena tor from Massachusetts are true or not If they aio true , and If they ate Invasions ot the rights ot the house ot iepresentatlvrs , there aie ioprcsentativcs there able to take earn ot themselves I do not believe that the distinguished speaker of the house has done any wrong Intentionally , and I do not bo- llev < > that any man will daio to MV In his presence what has been said on this lloor be hind his back without having an answer which he would not HKQ to hear and which .would be a thorough vindication. Attcr further remarks the discussion closed , and then the question vvns put upon the conference report , which was agreed to without division. Upon motion of Mr. Teller the hoiuo bill to oiL'nnlze a land district for No MIXII'H land , previously passed br the smiaUi with amend ments , was recalled and the votes by which senate amendments were adopted were re considered. Thoieuato amendments were then rejected and the unamendcd house bill WHS pass i' . ' 1 he conference report upon the bill to provide - vide for ( lie brlngiiiL- suits against the United States was made and agreed to. The vetoed bill tor .1 public building at Sioux City , la , was passed over the veto- US to IH. The vetoed bill for a public building at La- favette , Ind. , was passed over the veto 3b to is. The vetoed bill fora nubile building at Lynn , Mass. , was pas ed ovei the veto Hi" to 15. 15.Mr. Mr. Plumb submitted the conference report upon tlio postotllco appropriation bill , there- suit being a disagreement vv 1th icapcct to thu subsidy leature. Mt. Halo leportcd fiom the committee on appropriations the dcllcleiicy bill. This is the last of the regular annual appiopilatlun bills remaining 10 bo acted upon by the senate. Kecess. UVENINO SESSION. When the senate roissembled the con ference report on the p istollleo appioprlatlon bill ( a ( llsigu'i'iiicnt ) was taken up. The only point ot dtsagiocmcut Is as to the South American mall seivlee. Mr. Hurt Is moved that the senate recede. Uelectul. The senate insisted on Its amendment and the same conferees (1'lunib ( , Mahoiie and Heck ) were appointed. Mi. Allison , fiom the committee on appro priations , reported back the house bill appro priating MS.IHW.OOO for the payment of pen sioners ot the Mexican war. Passed. ' 1 ho senate then took trom the calendar the house bill to amend sections .Mill and nil ) . ! of the revised statutes vrith an amendment In the iiattno ot a substitute. Iho substitute provides that whenever three-lourths ot the national bin Us of a city ot 50,000 population shall apply to the comptiollci ot the curieucy to have the name of that city added to the list of "reserve" cities named In section 5191 and 51W ot the icvlsul statutes , the comptroller shall have authority to grant such loqucst , but the banks must knep in their vaults at least -3 per cent of their deposits , in like manner and on like conditions cities with Uiu.OOO population may become , like New York , places for banks ot redemption , or "central leseive" cities , as provided In sec tion OHC. Mr. Williams moved to add San Francisco to thelUtci class of cities. Agieed to. The bill then passed and a conference was asked. On motion of Mr. Allison of Iowa the vote of last oveiiine by which the bill to amend the act In icleicnce to the Juiisdittiun of thu United States courts was passed was recon sidered , and the vote agieeing to Mr. Cul- loin's amendment hxlng the salaries of judges at ST > ,000 and piohibitlng the appointment of relatlv es as court ofliclals , v\as also recon sidered , and then the bill was passed and a conlcreuio asked. Mr. Plumb presented the confeience report on the bill to adjust lailioad land grants heietofore unadjusted. Agieul to. A message fiom the house at 10 p. m. an nounced thu pass igo ot Iho uigent dehcleiiey bill , and the presiding olllcer laid the bill be fore the senate. Mi. Kdmunds 1 object to a second reading of the bill. ( The objection , U Insisted on , prevents the consideration of the bill at the present session. ) At 10 : > 0 thu senate proceeded to the con- sidciatlon of tlm dciieiency bill , consisting ot 104 minted pigos. Air. Cocki oil objected to the Items allowing compensation to the Paclhc railroads for the transpoition ol supplies , etc. , lor the govern ment on the ground that the roads owed the government many millions of dollars. Aftei furthei icinaiks by Messrs. Cockiell and McPhcibon , who said these Items weio extrpordlnary In view of the recent action of congress , tl.o lirstof the items In question was agreed to. Yaiious amendments lor the Central and Southern Pacific . .raHroads , which are govorucd . J y , the * " 'action of the' senate on this amendment , aggregated about 870J.OOO. An amendment ot the coui- mltteo to nay to the Central and Southern 1'acilie tallrond commutes about g.XW.OOU lor seivlce to the vvai department in lbt)5 ) and 18 0 ( on the non-aided lines ) was agreed to. HlJllNC. WASHINGTON , March 5. Mr. Grosvener ot Ohio called up the vetoed bill granting a pension to Sally Ann Uradley. The house ret used to pass the bill over the veto yeas , , Ai ; nays , 1.M not the constitutional two- hiids In thoafflrmitlvc. Mr. Cox of North Caiolina moved to sus pend the lilies and pass the senate bill repeal- lit' the tenure of olllco act. The motion was agreed to and the bill was passed yeas , 172 ; : iays , C7. Mr. Adams of Illinois moved to suspend ho rules and pass the senate bill authorizing , he secretary of war to accept from tlio Com mercial club certain lands known as the lllijh tiact near Chlcaco for military pur poses. Mi. Adams said that this project : iad originated with ( ioneral Sheildan. wno wished to have an army post neat the gieat railway ccntei. Thu motion was then agreed to and the bill passed H lo iil. the house then took a recess until 8 o'clock. riVKMNO srssiov. The senate amendments to the legislative appioprlatlon bill weio non-concurred In. Mr. Humes ot Missouri , undei Instructions from the cominittca on appropriations , moved to suspend thu rules and pass the urgent de ficiency bill. 'I he bill appropriates for do- licienclcs In the postotlioe dopaitmcnt , Sl'Ji- ' 000 ; In the tieasury dnpartment lor printing ono and two-dollar silver ceitlhcates and United States legal tender notes , 847,000 ; In the department of justice , S'Js'i.OOO ; and for payment ot certlhed claims , St . ! 4'J5s. paMr. . Cannon ot Illinois tlioiitrlit that the piesentation ot this measure looked as though the gentleman from Missouri had in ido up his mind before the general dehcl- eucy bill come back from the senate to ills- agieo with the senate amendments and then to save his party fiom disaster by falling back upon the pending bill. 'Iho bill was passed. Mr. Anderson of Iowa moved to suspend the uiles and piss the senate bill granting u pension of b'J.OOO ay eai to Mary S. Logan , widow ot the late John A Login , and addressed the house- in support of Mis. Ligan's pension bill. lie hid called that bill up. ho said , In obedience to the piomptlngs ol his own heart and the overwhelming sentiment of the country. There wnro precedents tor his bill. Similar pensions had been gianted to the widows ot Admiral Farragut and Generals Thomas and Hancock. General Lo/an , when ho died , died ileh In overv thing except propeity. When ho lett Mis. Logan a widow ho left her poor In nomine save property. To-night congress was confronted with the simple question , "Will this noble woman , this widow of the republic , left to us beciuso ot the devotion ot her husband to the countiv , bo denied the recognition demanded bv tne volunteei sur- v Ivois nf the union ? " He trusted not. Mr. Cannon of Illinois believed that It would boa good policy to give the widow of General Logan a S2CO'J ' pension. HP did not stop to Inquire whether she was on thu veigc ot poverty. lie did not place this case on that crnund , hut rather on the i : round of a tribute on the part of a grateful country to the w hlow of a man who served It well , and as an Incentive to those who were to follow In his footsteps. Mi. llandall of Pennsylvania said ho had voted to give tne widows of Generals Thomas and Hancock 52,000 a year. They had bcei exceptional cases , and he We. ready hero to night to make an exceptional cose on behalf of the widow of John A. Logan. I Ap plause. ] Ho could detect no llnuof difference In thu heart beats or the nerve pulses of thu three men as they stood In the armies of the United States in behalf of the union except In this that two ot them had been in tbo regular army and that there wcie precedents for granting iulons to their widows. He proposed to make a precedent In behalf of the volunteer army nt the United Slates. [ Applause ] , Ho spoke the sentiments of the IR'opIe he leprcsonted , Tlm motion to suspend the rules and piss the bill was lost yeas , 145 : nave , ll.i-uot the ncu'ssary two-thirds In the allirmatlvo. Mr. Hlount of Georgia leported further dis agreement of the conference committee on thu postotllco appropi.atlonsblll. Mr. Hingha'n of Pennsylvania moved that the house recede from Its disagreement to the senate amendment relative to compensation for the carrying of foreign malls to South and Central America Known as the subsidy amendment. Lost , yeas , 1ft ; nays , 137. A further conterenro was ordered , On motion of Mr. Hreckeundge of ArUan- sis the senate bill was passed atithorl/lng tlm construction ol a bildgu across the Mis sissippi river at Grand Towei , 111. At 1 a. m. the hmt * > o Is doing little. buslne s bcvoud thu pissiiro of various pilvato bills and the iteeptlon of conierenco reports on niMsines of local Impoitanco ought , It Is lather nolsllv awaiting the ac tion of the conference commissioners on the appropilatton hills. On motion of .Mr. Andrews of Ohio the house pissed , over the piojidcut's \ulo- yeas lU ! : nays , 0.1 the senate bill for the erection of a public building at Day tun , U. IllllH Appiovod. WASIU.NO ros , March ! ! . The president has approved the act to unthoii/n thn presi dent of the United Stales to protect and de fend the rights of Americvn llshlm ; vessels trading In the Hrltlsh dominions of North America , the Indian appropiiatlon bills , the act to establish agricultural experi mental stations In connection with colleges established under the act of I illy , IV , the act providing tor n branch homo for disabled volunteer soldiers west of tlio Kocky mountains , the aet lelatlng to the division of Illinois Into judicial districts and to provide for holding terms ot court ot the noitliein dlstilcts at Peorla , the act re lating to coulosled elections , ami the act granting ruht of way through Indian terri- toiv to the Chicago , Kansas it Nebraska Kail- road company , tlio diplomatic and consul ir appropiiatlon bill , the agricultural appropri ation bill , the act to lot riot tlio ownership of icalestito In the teultoiles to Anieilcan cit- 1/ens , the act authort/lng the construction ot abridge across thoMlssouil river between Kansas City and Sibley , Mo. , and the Paclhc railroad Inqulrv bill , to authoiizu the mint ing ot the eulogies delivered in congiess upon the Iito John A. Logan , authorizing the construction of a brldco across the .Mis souri river between Ouialn and Council Hluffs. Ii. ; to repeal cerlaln sections of the revised stitutcs iplntlng to the appointment of civil olllceis ( the tenuio of oilicu act ) ; pro viding an additional circuit judge In tne second end judicial circuit , to convey to and con linn In the citv of Auroia , Kane county , UN , n small Island In thn Pox rivei located within the limits of said citv , and twenty-pension and icllef bills , Including ono to pension General Speed h. Pry. Clovolnncl Will Stay nt Home. WASIII.VOTOV , March 3. The president has decided not to go to the capital tomorrow row for the pui pose of acting on mcasuies which may bo passed by congress during the list hours of the session , lie advised the president of the senate and the speaker of the house of his decision in this icspcct otuly list ovcnln ' and added that the executive otlice would remain open all night and up to the very houi of adjoin nnient at noon to morrow for the reception of all matte's re quiting executive action. In accordance with this plan the president and moil ol the members of his cabinet will remain on duty at the white house nouly all nidit and the consideration of a huge number of Import ant bills v > hlch passeil the senate yesterday and to-day will occupy their cntlie time and attention. by Llmttntlon. WASHING ro.v , March 3. The bill foi the redemption of trade dollars and the anil- polygamj bill have become laws without the president's signature by reason ot thn expir ation to-nlzht of the constitutional limita tion of ten day s within which ho should hav o retuined the bills to congioss In case of dls- appioval. Hoth bills vvcro carefully consld- oied bv the president , and while they con tained some provisions to which he preferred not to commit hlniNenVha , was unwilling to defeat the objects of the measure by a veto. * Pacific Unllroad Appropriations. WASHiMiTON- , March 3. Among the Items added by the committee on appropriations to the general deficiency bill aio the following ; Tor the Union Pacific ralltoad fortianspoita- tlon sei vices for certain yeais , ยง ,000 ; for the Central Pacific or Southern Pacific , for transportation service , tM-i-i.W ; for salaries and expenses ol the Mississippi river com mission , sn.ouo. HAILUOAI ) heading Officials of VnrioitH Lines Meet to Adjust Alntterti. Nrvv YOHK , March 3. Ono of the most largely atteneled conferences of transconti nental lallioid managers over held In this city was closed to-day. It lasted two days. The roads icprcsentcd were the Central Pa cific , Union Pacific , Noithorn Pacific , MIS' sour ! Pacific , Atchlson , Topeka & Santa i'e , and Southern Pacific. The con- 'erenco dlsctisbcd questions , Ilrst , as to .ho requirements of the Inter-state com merce bill and , second , how tlio tiaiis- contlncntal roads can get Into harmony with ho law and meet the demands ot public son- iment. The result of their deliberations was that two tariffs for freight and passon- ; er business should bo prepared , ono under he long haul clause and the other under the short haul clause , as they are mi dei stood by the roads. These tariffs are to take effect on April 0 , and aru to no submitted to the inter state railroad commissioners within a reason able tlmo aftei their appointment Is an nounced. Thetiafllc committee , which concluded Its .abors on irelght classlhcallou Tuesday , joined the passenger agents and other rail' road magnates to day. The subject of dls cusslon was tbo Interpretation of the Inter state commuice bill. Opinions In lelatlon to the meaning of the exclusion clause varied widely , the lastom men belnglnclinedtoeon- struo It liberally , the vvcstoin managers favor Ing a strict Inteipietatlon. Owing to this the conference was unable to como to any dellulte conclusion until to-day , whenaic- port was agiccd upon. This will bo pre sented to-moirow. 'Iho following was adopted : Hesolved , Where eastward through freight rates are quoted by agreement to any point on any railroad , no bill of lading at a higher rate can bo Issued to any shorter Intermediate point on the samn line. Itosolved , Under present conditions eastbound - bound or west bound through bills ol lading given to or Irom points beyond Chicago , St. Louis , 01 other junction points In joint com mittee territory to or from which roads or associations theieot establish their taiills , to or trom these junction mint , and to 01 fiom regular points easi beieot , latcs In both diiectloiis should bo quoted only via such connecting loads as shall join in lates to Intel mediate points not In exi ess of rates to purccntaL'o points be j ond. The joint oommltteo will meet again to morrow. CHICAGO , March 3. 'Iho pencil managers of lines nieiiilieibol thn Westein , Northwest nrn and Southwestern Passenger associations In considering tlio lepoit of the genital pa v senger agents , have in rived at a decision In regird to mileage tickets to the effect that to allow the present rebito ot t' locommeiclal travelers Is di-orimlnu tlon under the new law. Accordingly oideis w cio Issued to-day byill of the vvesten roads to heicafter dlfcontlnui * thu silo of ni hate tickets , but to furnish milea''u tickets as heietotoro to the geneial public at the rate o 2J cents imile. . Canadian OTTAWA. March ! ! . jSpeeial Telegram to the Ili.Kj Sir Charles Tuppcr , Mr. Thump son , Mr. Forcter and Mr. McCIcan , who leprosutit the maritime provinces in the cab Inet , returned to the capital from Nov Scotia to day. Foster , minister of marln and hsherles , said the government will rnak no change In Its attitude In reference to th fishery question. "Wo are not prepared t abandon the former ground and steps vvl ! bo tal nil , In cnso no arrangement Is tixcd In the meantime , to mom tlmrouehly and efficiently guird our coasts and protect our hshermnn during thu coming season. The entry of Ne\vfiundland ) Into the confedera te not at all unlikely. Fisherman Hcjolec. Gi.oucr.smt , Mass. , March 3.--There Is grunt lejolclng In this city to day among yes- Eel owners and fishermen over the passage of the r" d in up its' bill. At noon all 11 runs , colors Uoisted , and guns flred- DRAWING TO ITS DEATH , Exciting Scones In tbo IIouso of Repre sentatives Duriug the Closing Hours. PANDEMONIUM RCIGNS SUPREME The Circle In Trout of the Hprnkcr' * IH-Hk rilledMlh Statesmen FrantlonllyVnltiK lct Measures. The Forty Ninth Awaits Itn Fate. WASIUVOION , Mnicli 3. | Special Tclo- ; ram to tlio Hii.J : : Kxtrcmoly exciting nnil lolsterous aio the scenes connected \itli tlio closing hours of the 'ortj-nlnth congress. Sneaker Carlisle says lial In all Ids twelve ye.nsof concessional Ifo he has ne\er scon so much clnnioi on the oor or HID house ntul yet nt the same time uch uniform good humor. Itotook the bit n his mouth lait I'nday w hen tlio last six av s of tl.o session bepn , during which It ins been In order nt anj tlmo to suspend the ulcs anil imt bills upon their pissase. Hut Ithomjh hundicds of membets ha\o begged and ho\\leit for recognition , they hate teadlly been i of used nnil h.uo taken tholr eats to icciinorate and then lonovv their dc- nands lor recognition. Not ono has shown nil blood or rellected upon the chair. At lines the arena , a smiu-ciiclu iiOxaO fuel In rent or the speaker's desk , has been tilled vlth excited mombois , ciying at the top ot lieli voices for recognition , Haunting bills n all and making side remarks , presenting a scene which , when taken with the eontln- ions loud rapplngs of the speaker's gavel , ivallcd pandemonium and bewared des- riptlon. The galleiles and coirldois lead- n g thereto \\cre lilted to ovei ( lowing and aioat this writing. It was and Is enough 0 tax the nereot the most -possessed ncsidlng olllcer , but Speaker Oar- Isle , In execution ot his tle- crmlnatlon announcpd on Friday last , tas steadily leluscit to recognize an j body vhlle tliero were appropilotian bills , confcr- n co reports or other privileged matter cady tor consldeialion. The consequence las been th , > t very few measures have been alien from the calendir during tlio past vook , and the six suspension of rules dajs uivo been of no piactical use. Senators and cpicscntathos have been busy a good por- Ion of the week clearing out theli desks and lacking theii effects ready lor departure to heir homes , and \\lthln twenty-lour hours a largo portion ol thorn \\111 bo on their way out of the city , many to no\et rctiun to par- Icipato In the legislative piocccdlngs of eon- imss. Those whose terms expire at noon c-morrow are the most anxious to got away n the hotels thocorrldoisaro tilled \\lth con cessional boxes \\ith the namcH of states- nen or allowed statesmen upon them. On ho house sldo of the capltol these boxes almost block tlio corrldois neai ilio elevator , and they look not unlike collln boxes piled up ono aboyn anothei In an nndeitaker's shop. The boxes cany alone many disap pointed hopes to tholr last testing place. ny pot clwuy arothu , ? given only nde- cent cbhln'essTonRr burial In these "official" boxes. Manv members will carry homo thus all the fume two jeais of congress bus brought them. The prospects are that but Ittlo will bo done to-nioiio\v further thane : o agree upon the iippiupiiatlon bills still In eonfeienco. This has been an exceed ingly busy day at the Vthlto house. The piesldcnt lemalncd secluded as much as pos sible until the cabinet meeting In order that lie might devote his ontlio time to a large number ol bills awaiting his action. The only visitor ho saw in his office this morning was Assistant Seciut.iry Kaiichlld , whom bo sent for. ' 1 his fact guve rise ton report that ho had been selected to succeed secretary Mainline. The president tound time , howe - oer , to go down Into the eist room to re ceive a delegation fioni the Delaware rtato Icgislatinc. accompanieil by Senators Saiilii- buiyandUiay. A numbei of memborB of congress callul at the \\hlto house , but not being able to see the picsldont , thov con tented themsehes by asceitaiulng In the as sistant secrclaiy's otllco the status of bills In which they were particularly Interested. In older that the president might not bo mi- necessarily delayed In taking tlnal action on bills , be directed that all bills which had been roloiretl to ttie vuiious departments for examination bo letiirned to tlio whlto house by IB o'clock to-da > if possible. Downstairs usliei i were kept busy disposing of a largo number ot excursionists who Mocked to the white house. They weio not allowed to ascend the stairs and had to con line their sight-seeing to the east loom. Tlio report that Mi. Pairchlld would bo thu next secre tary ot the tieasury spieadmy rapldlv , and before W o'clock tint clerks In the treasury department had It that his name had alicady been sent to the senate , and coupled with it \\anthat otChletCleik Vouimins to bo as sistant secretary. The report about Mr. You- mans probably grew out of the knowledge that ho had been seen visiting the white house In the evening on moic than one occa sion lately. Assistant Secictaiy Fairchlld and Mr.oumans both received numcioua congratulations upon their supposed uioino- tlon two hours bctoro It Is the custom of e\en sending nominations to the cnpltol. The only foundation for the irpoit of their selection was the visit of Mr. Falrchlld to the white house this morning. THK EMIIIi : IlISTHirr UP IV AKMS. Ifouiobes'i ' chief executive has n single trlend left In tlm District It Is not known who he , she or It Is. lntr > ing to Knock the trotters from under the colored lepubllcans of the country by nominating Ti otter be has driven away m > ilads of people who hn\o heietotoio stood bv him. The press of the dlstilet , whether dcmociatlc , , In dependent , mugwump , mugworm , or relig ious , Is a unit against him , and the people hero are not only opposed to him , but they are mad , \ery mad , and Irom now on they will knlto his obesity o\ery chance they not. Once ho was popular hero. Now bo Is cold poison to ovei yimdv. Ho Is no good In the District ot Columbia now As n symptom ot the Intense-Indignation prevailing bent may bo cited the tact that the leading demo crats ot the District have just had a meeting and h.uo determined to Issued an address to the people In laver ot homo itilo and de nouncing the Importation ot outsiders to hold the best plau'H In tlio District. 'I ho address will talk straight out horn the shoulder. homo Idea ot the value and extent of the work donb In the recorder's otllce may bo learned when It Is stated n I net > -threo papers were tiled them yesterday for ircord. This uvcnlng'f Critic siv.s that It Is rumoicd that In the new colored iccotdr r-thip "com bine" the SI' ' , 000 per annum Ices taxed on District propeity holders are to bo divided bi'tvvi on Trotter , Matthews and an outsider. I'KNSIOSS foil .NKItllASICA.NS ANI > IOVVANH. Pensions Lri anted Ncbiaskana to day : Nel son M. Korsj the , Hardy ; Andrew J.O'Ltwy , Long I'lno ; ilcrcum Martin , Vork ; Isaac 11. Alderman , Alnswoith. A Pensions granu d lowans : Minor of J. 1) ) , Mershon , Ulenwood ; mlnom of John U. Jones , liny ward ; Ada A. , widow of ( ieorge ( illbort , Charles City ; Kloanor S. . mother of Casius M. llambleton , Marshall ; James Aniand , Charles City ; Hiram Hales , Florist ; John 11. Cook , Casuy ; James M. Lamb , Mar > tlnsbiirg ; James 1'arlt. Knnncls ; Thomas ( ! . Drlpps , deceased. McCiiegoi : DenJamln T. Howerre , Spi-ncer ; John K. I'eriy , Cliarlton ; liaron II. Crane , Mount I'leasant ; Krastua 1 1. Ilrowo , Clinton ; JamusM. Daniels , Kk'ln ; Ueuberi C. J5liol , Hear ( Jrovo ; Stewart Oxlcy , Osiian. IIANDM , ! , IN 1 HE CAIIlNI'.r. 1 It has been siiBucsted to the ntesldcn by a nninbci of promldont ilemorratii that It would bo a good thing If hi ) would appoint Samuel J , Itandall secretary nf the treasury. Tlio gentlemen making these suggestions are revenue reformers , They hi\e : argued to tlm president that the unenuo reformers \\lll nfi\er be able tono- compllsh anything as long as Uundull Is IH the house. They saj therefore that the presIdent - Ident would make a master stroke by taking Itandall Into the cibln < it. WAniiisoioN , March 3. It U slated at th Ahltc house Hut bi'tietar ) Manuln 'ij auf >