Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 03, 1887, Image 2

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- , asho may please to accept Is funtlamental
IThe llorald declare * that to coerce him 1
" outrageous oppression , The outcome Is that
\vhllo holdlnc these perfectly senslblo opln
i Ions with reference to contracts In the Unltci
' f fatat 3 , the Herald has an entirely now an <
, it completely dltTnrent set of opinions fo
application J to t Irish matters. There , 1
( eeems , men are not at liberty to carry out th
T contracts they have inndo or to raako thcl
own agreements. 1C one man docs not wan
> to pay ! his rent ho Is Justified , thn llcrali
1 thinks , In preventing other men from paying
< * for this Is , of course , what Btippor
i of the National league and the plan of cam
t pnlgn Implies. It is strange that the Hcrali
. should fall to see that what Is sauce for tli
j American EOOSO Is sauce for the Irish gaii
t flcr. "
'r , \ Jt U perhaps needless to add that the Star
> t flnrd Is an able and alert advocate of the tor ;
? ' government , although never a servile organ
{ ' " LONDON , March 2. In the debate on th
, firoceedurn niles In the commons last even
1 lug , Morloy. on behalf of I'nrnell , inovpd ai
r ninendiiitmt that tlio clnturn should not b
applied until the subject under dUctissloi
liad been debated. Smith opposed the me
> lion , sayinir that the government Intended t
propoio an cmondmunt of similar nature.
( il.iclHtono supported Morley's amendment
, The aiiienclinuni was rejected by a vote n
IMI to IbO. The announcement of the vet
vas received with loud opposition cheers
> Messrs. Gladstone , Chillier * , Harcourt , Moi
It'.vand other liberals voted with the Par
nellltcH. I'nrnell moved an amendment th
' clTectof which would bu to prevent thoac
plication of cloture directly after the mo\lti
i of an amendment. Smith objected to sue
' concession to obstructionists. Hie amend
jiicntva.s negatived , aos to 110 , -
> Ioro Slight Trcmorn F.clt The Oeai
and Wounded.
[ fujii/rtuM / 1SH7 In Jama Outdoii liennett.l
AI.ASSIO , March 2. [ Now i'ork lioral
Cable Special to the Bui : . I Two shar
Bhocks wcro fell at about 0 o'clock this morr
Ing and one at 11 o'clock last evening. Th
construction of wooden shelters Is rapid !
progressing. There has been no official ii
Ejection ot the ruined bulldlnas. These wl
lo destroyed by sappers , i'estciday wo
cold , but to-day Is very \vaun. At Dian
&Iarinol42 bodies had been recovered up t
last evening , Work Is dttllcult and the stone
Is horrible. Sanitary precautions arc beln
tukun. An olllclal estimate In tli
province of 1'orto Maurizo , froi
the frontier to Dlano , counts aooi
WO as dead and 500 wounded. Hut in th ;
Province of Genoa thcro have been far fc ;
Casualties. The visit of Minister Uenel !
Who was accompanied by the author , 1.
Anieclsl , has done much good. The autlio ;
Itles became active und energetic once th
extent of the disaster was known. Beside
inunilicent gifts of supplies from theinunlc
pallty of Genoa , the private subscription
them reach 40,000 francs. King Hunibei
filso contributes 150,000 francs. Yet muc
piore Is needed.
The KolKlun Debate.
leaptrightS877V Jamer ( Ionian Hcnnett.l
BUUSSKLS , March 2. [ Now York lleral
C.ible Special to the BEK. ] In the nous
6f ropiesentatlvesM. Frero-Orban resumei
end concluded his lengthy speech agalns
tlio military measures , llo maintained tha
the Belgian army , strong enough to rests
foreign Invasion In the open Held , would b
liisulllcicnt to protect the proposed strong
holds. At nny rate It would bo better ti
Cortlly Brussels , the government beat , thai
the Mouse valley. General Pontus , the wa
jDilnlstur , replied , saying the governmen
/vas still convinced that the fortification
JJvero a necessity. The speech of M. Frorc
prhan will not alter the cabinet's Intentions
fflio debate will continue to-morrow.
CnmllcltitcN Tor Jncoblnl'u Shoos.
[ Cojivriolit 1807 l > v Jnme Gordon Uennelt.l
i I.OMI : ( via Havre ) , Match 2. [ Now i'orl
flerald Cable Special to the BEE. | Beside :
* l''r. Galainbertl. Mgr. Seralinl , the iiuneloa
Vlonna , Is talked of for tlio pot of papal sec
fctary of state. No appointment Is likely te
bo made tor soinu tlmo.
The Gorninn Elections.
BEIU.IN. March 2. The second ballot fo
' .ho mumbcis of the rolchstag in the district :
vhere candidates failed to icceivo majorities
bn tlio llrsi election day , took place to-day
I'lio contest In each district is between tin
( two candidates who received the higher
number of votes In the original polling. Ko
turns havci already been received from Leu
bock and Waleleuburgof the result of the bal
lotlni ; In those places. Both elect nationa
: Ubuials.
- T .
Rebellion in Mozambique.
. , > T i IjONDON , March 2. Advices from Xanzl
. car say the natives of the province of Mo
' famblquo , taking advantage of the absenci
m Portuguese squnelton and troops a
rungl , have risen and devastated the trad
ng stations and destroyed many Brills !
louses. The town ot Mozambique In nevi
.threatened. The British consul has tele
graphed lor a man-of-war to protect the live ;
k pnd property ot British subjects.
Tlio Campaign in Ireland.
DUDI.IN , Marck i A mob a Dallyharris at
t * lacked a force of police last evening and les
cued soiup prisoners whom they had ir
< - , Charge. The mob stoned the police and par
tlallv wracked the barracks. The police
. Prod a number of shots Into the crowd , bu
v without killing any ono. Several pollcemec
yvere Injured by stones.
tJroellt Moblllor aud the Union Pacific
" NEwYoiiu , March 2. ISpeclal Tologran
fete the DKK.J Referring to Senator Hoar'i
r Statement Friday night that not a dollar o
ptnck of the Pacilic roads is now owned b ]
fho original Ciodlt Moblller men , byOake :
Amoa or his family , the World's Washing
: ton correspondent says : "In the list of ctl-
jrectors for lt > fl will bo found the following
* namen : Kred L. Ames. Klisha Atkins. Kzra
U. Baker , F. CJordon l > oxter. Sidney Dillor
and Greenville M. Dodge. Fred L. Ames I :
tlio son of Oliver Ames of the Credit Mobi
tier ; Sidney Dillon has been tor many year :
* Dresideiitof theCiedlt Moblller ; Greenville
Id. Dodge was one of the most active Wash-
t liuton airents and other gentlemen all hrhl
texsk and through that iwrlod. out of fl.NK
BtoclcholdorH , they wcro holders of Uiu.ooc
liaros and so control the elections and management -
' " agement as against UC.rjO stockholders , "vvkl
pvvs and orphans" who hold 23SUOO eliaros
JCvUeutly lioar has been Imposed upon bj
Strike of Ilrakomcn.
/ PiTTsnuito , Marcli 3. The Ohronlcle-Tele
graph's Youngstown ( Ohio ) special says all
treleht brakomun on the New York , Penn
t Bylvanla 4 Ohio railroad of yard and roac
Crews struck this morning and freluht trnfrli
on the line through here is entirely sus
pended. The employes had a mectliu las
evunmi ; and wcro Informeul that the superIntendent -
Intondent had given instructions to enforce
the order taking one-third of the brakemei
pit each crew , and acting uuou this Infonna
tlon the men decided tu emit work. They as
verted that when the strlko was settled las
t fall It was agreed that each crow should have
' three brakomen.
, Another Colored Outrage.
i WASIIINOTOX , March 3. The senate com
[ , mltteo on District of Columbia at a spucla
meeting this morn Ing voted to report ailvcrsulj
tiiion the nomination of James M.Tmtter , ol
Ilostou , tbo colored man noiuin.itea tn Ifl
recorder of dee > ds for the district of Columbia
The same ohlrctlou lies against him tlm
Was raised to Matthews , viz : hu Is a nun-rusl
diuiU The prusldunt will eloubtless rctippoin
him RS boou as coucrest „ , ! '
Prohibition lu Ithude Ulnnel ,
PKOVIUKNCR , R. I. , March 2. A petltlot
'from merchants and buslnoss men of Provl
dcnco repn'seiitlui , : about foity million dnl
lars was \ > re eiitixl to thei general assumblj
to-day avklug for repeal ot tlio prohibitory
Jaw. _
rt. Heroic Huipre acd.
a VlUNNA , March 3. The Tagblatt state :
that tha revolt of n portion of tha troops o
, , the earrlsou at Slllstrla , Bulgaria , has beet
Congress Works Late Into the Night o
Important Legislation ,
The Fisheries Rntatlntlon Goc
Through tlio House nn It Passed
the Hcnnto J'ncltlo ItoaUs
to Ho Investigated.
WA < * IIINOTON , March 2. The lious
amendments to the senate bill authorizing
bridge across the Missouri river betwee
Omaha and Council Bluffs wcro , on motto
of Mr. Wilson of Iowa , concurred In.
The committee on naval affairs reportc
hack the senate bill to crcato n reserve (
auxiliary cruisers , olllccrs und men from tli
merchant 111,11 IMP. Callcndar.
The committee on commerce reported tli
bill authorizing the city of Wlnona , Minn
to ? onstruct a bridge across the Mtsslsslpi
river nnd an Island therein. Calendar.
The senate proceeded to the consldcratlo
of the naval appropriation bill. An amen
incut was Inserted In the Item for the burca
of steam engineering , proxidlng that no pa :
of the appropriation shall bo applied to tl
engines and machinery of wooden slili
where the stated cost of repairs shall cxcec
'M per cent of the cost of now engines an
machinery of the same character and powe
Under the head of "lucreo !
of navy. " the committee rccommem
striking out the house provision for t\v
swift double bottomed steel cruisers , and f <
four gun boats , all to cost , exclusive of arm ;
uient , no more than g4.0.jO,000 , and the sul
stltutlon of two new sections providing fc
six protected steel cruisers , with a speed i
not lerfs than twenty knots , to cost , exdush
of armament , not more than S'J,000,000 , an
approprlatlne that amount ; also approprlal
Ing for the armament of such vessels S'J.SiG
000 ; also appropriating 0,000,000 for heavll
armored vessels or floating batteries or ran
tor coast and harbor defenses : also apprc
pi iatlng § 70,000 : ! for light draught gun boat'
also appropriating 3000,000 lor torpedo boat
and SliOO.OOO tor torpedoes , and S1SCK,000 ) fc
the armament of these vessels.
Mr. Gray moved that if It shall appear t
the president that the u-sscls cannot bo coi
structcd at a fall cost on ( he I'ncllic or Gu
coast , ho may consider and accept b'ds ' fi
building s.ildessols at other places , Instea
of suspending tlielr construction until tu
tbcr action of conuiess.
The question was then taken on M
Cray's amendment ns modified ana it we
Mr. Plumb moved to strike out the Item <
$0,000,000 tor heavily armed vessels or ba
terlcs or rams for coast defenses.
Mr. Halo opposed the sulking out of tb
item.Mr. . DawM said he had just received a teli
gram from New York , signed A uiDroseSnov
chairman of the chamber of commorci
committee on coast defenses and preside !
of the board of trade aud transportatint
That telegram was in these words : "Tli
whole commercial community anxious !
hopes that some agreement providing acl
( juuto Immediate coast deleuso will be hell
It not , public opinion will compel an e\tr
session , which business men would dread ,
scud duplicates hereof to your follow coi
loreos. "
At this point of the discussion the bill wa
laid aside tempoi.irlly and the senate wei :
into secret i-o-tslon and subsequently took
recess until Sl' : 0p. m.
Consideration of the naval approprlatloi
bill was resumed , the question being on Mi
Plumb's amendment to .strlko out t'i '
amendment of the committee the Item c
50,000,000 for heavily armoiedesselsorlloa
ing batteries or rams to bo used for coast an
harbor defence. Tiio amendment was rojecte
without division. .
The amendment recommended by the con
inltteo was then adopted without division. 1
stiikes out the house provision for two swll
double-bottomed steel erulseis and four gur
boats , all to cost ( exclusive of armament
not more than SVno.OOO ; and Inserts In llei
thereof a section piovldlng for the construe
tlon by contract of six piotected ateelcruiser
with suitable armament and a suecd of no
less than twenty knots , tl'a cost of all tin
ciulsers pot to exceed S ,000,000. Additionn
appropriations are made tor machinery am
armament , ono of tne vessels to b ,
bullion the 1'aciUc coast and two on a
near the coast of the Gult of Mexico. Fo
every quarter knot of speed over twent
knots the contractor Is to receive 530,000 , nni
for every quarter knot under twenty knot
350,000 will bo deducted trom the contrac
tirlco. Further appropriations are made R
follows : For the construction of heavily ai
mored vessels or armored floating batteries o
rams to be UHoU for coast and harbor defense
S-0,000.000 ; for the construction of llgh
draught gun boats , suitable tor Interior watoi
ways and canal service ; ST O.C'O'J ; for the con
structlon of torpedo boats of the highest ai
talnable speed and efficiency , SGOO.OOO ; fo
torpedoes and other explosives and torped
appliances , to be operated fiom naval vet
Be Is floating batteries , or rams
SGOO.OOO , of which sum 550,00
shall be Itnmmcdlately available
for tha armament of these vessels , 91,800,000
these appropriations to bo available duriu ,
live years.
Mr. Aldrlch offered an amendment apprc
825,000 lor the purchase of th
Srlatlng to be used as a torpedo boat for ex
pen mental purposes. Agreed to.
The Mil and amendment were then n
ported to the senate ( the former proceeding
being supposed to have been in committee o
the whole ) .
Mr. Edmunds called for the yeas and nay
on the amendment for the six cruisers , etc.
Mr. Plumb moved to amend the ameoc !
input by making the last paragraph rea
"That material used in all naval structure
provided for In this act , and armament to
the same , shall be ( so far as practicable ) o
American production and shall bo furnishei
and manufactured in the United Status , etc
Agreed to.
The vote was then taken on the commit
tee's amendment and It was decided in th
afllrmative yeas , 42 ; nays. 0.
The next amendment was nn Insertion o
an ( com of 3112,003 tor the purchase of Krlcs
son's "The . " It
vessel , Destroyer. wa
agieed to.
The bill as amended was then passed wltli
out division.
Mr. Hoar , from the conference commlttei
on the Pacific Inquiry Dill , made i
report , which was agreed to. The bill no\
gees to the president.
On motion of Mr. Mahono the senate bll
for the erection of a National mumorlu
bridge over the Potomac from WaMilngtoi
to Arlington was taken up and passed. I
appropriates 5500,000 to commence the brhUr
which is tobo eiectoU in honor of Llncolt
nnd Grant. The \oto was : yeas , SO ; nays , It
On motion of Mr. Vest the house bill to au
thorlzo tlio construction of a bridge acres
the Missouri river between Kansas City ani
the town of Slbley , Mo. , was passed.
The conference teport on the agriculture
appropriation bill was niado aud agreed to.
On motion of Mr. Wilson of Iowa , th
house bill to amend the act of March a , 1ST ;
to determine tbu jurisdiction of the Unlto <
Statesclicuit courts , and to rosulato the re
nioval of causes from state courts was take
from the calendar. The committee amend
nients were concurred In.
Mr. Cullom proposed amendments pro
vlding that salaries of judges of distrlc
romts of the United states , Includln
judges of tlio supreme court n
the District of Columbia , shall be $5.00
per annum , nnd that no persons related t
any justice or Judge of any of the Unlto
States courts within the demo of Urs > trousli
shall hereafter bo appointed to any oftleo u
the court of which such lustlco or judge Is
member. Agreed to. The bill was thei
passed M to 0.
Mr. Allison , from the committee on apprc
piiatlons , reported the legislative , executlv
and judicial bill , with puudry amendments
aud cave notice that ho would call It up earl
to-morrow , ( Thn azgregato appropriation c
thn bill has been very slightly increased o\e
the amount iUcd by the house. )
Tlio senate thnn , at 11:20 : , took a recess tli
10 a. ui. to-morruw.
WASHINGTON , Marcb 2. The rules vm
suspended on motion of Mr. Crisp and th
senate amendments to the house joint resoli
tlou for the Investigation of the accounts c
thn Pacttlo railroads were non-concurred Ir
On motion of Mr. Voorheee of Washlngt *
territory the senate amendments wcro cor
curred In to the bill annexing a portion r
Idaho to Washington territory.
The bouse resumed consideration of th
conference report on the fisheries retallatlo
bill. The report \vai agreed to.
Mr. Rico moved that the house rtccklo fror
Its amendments to the senate bill. Agree
to yeas , 144 ; nays , 134.
Mr. Hlder ot Texas changed his vote froi
tug negative to the afllrmatlvo in orde
to enter a motion to reconsider , but this me
tlon was laid upon the table-joas , 142 ; nay :
The effect ot this action is to pass the bl !
exactly as It passed the senate.
Mr. Hlount of Georgia presented the cor
fertinco report on the postoillcu npproprlalloi
bill , announcing the Inability of the con agree on the bill. He moved tha
the house Insist on Its disagreement and as !
a further conference. Agreed to yeas , 133
nays , 107 ,
Mr. Crisp ot Georcla submitted the con
feroncu repoit on the Joint resolution ( now
bill ) tor th Imestlgatlon ot the accounts o
the Pacific railroads. It was agreed to.
Mr. Triirg of Virginia submitted the con
fcrence report on tlio bill compeusnttni
Albert 11. Kinery for the construction of 01
iron and steel testing machine for the Unltci
States. Thn bill , as It passed the senate , ap
proprlated 3-200,000. This sum the house re
duced to b.13.000. The eonlerenco repot
lixes the amount at S 100,000.
Mr. Springer of Illinois opposed the re
port and characterized the claim n
The conference report was adopted jeas
137 ; nays , DAEVENIXO
After the recess Mr. Hatch of Mlssom
presented the conference icpurt on the agrl
cultural bill. Tbeio were tno linportaii
amendments placed upon the bill as reportei
by the conference committee the on
appropriating $50,000 to enable the commls
sioner ol agriculture to continue the oxperl
nients In the manufacture of sugar trot
sorghum and sugar cane , and another Iti
creasing from 3100,000 to 5500,000 th
appropriation for carrying out the provision
of the act establlshltitf the bureau of anlmn
Industry and authorizing the commlsslone
to use any part of this sum deemed neccssar
to prevent the spread of pleuro-pneumonl
and In the purchase and destruction of dl. '
cased animals whenever In his judgment I
Is essential to prevent the spread of plcuro
pneumonia from one state to another. Thcr
was mticn opposition to both ot these amendments
monts , but tliu conference icpoit was agree *
to yeas , 147 ; navs. 78.
Mr. Belmont of New York presented th
cotifercnco report on tlm diplomatic and con
Hiilar appropriation bill. The report wa
agreed to.
Mr. King ot Louisiana moved to Ruipeni
the rules and pass with amendment tbu sen
ate bill appropriating { 576,000 for the erec
tlon of a public building at Monroe , La
Agreed to.
Kucoiiraged bv Mr. King's success a scor
of members ruslinl In to the space In fron
of the clerk's desk and , waving their bill
wildly In the air , vociferously claimed recosr
nltlon. The uproar was great , and for i
time business had to be suspended.
Mr. Barksdalo of Mississippi was linall
successful and , under suspension ot th'
rules , ho secured the passage of a bill for th <
printing of tne report of the commission o
Mr. Dlngloy of Maine moved to suspem
the lules and pass the senate bill with substl
tute therefor to secure statistics of and t <
protect the vessel tlsherics ot the Unltei
States ; to provide for the taking of testl
mony relative to Injuries inflicted bv Britlsl
authoiitleson cltl/ens of the United State
engaged In the lislieries. and to amend th
shipping act ot Juno ID , IbbG. Lost.
Mr. Uandall ot 1'ennsylvanla submitted th
conference report on the sundry civil apprc
prlatlon bill. lu their statmnent accompany
liiK the report the cotifeiees say that th
senate made 203 amendments , lncrca
Ing the aggregate appropiiatlon S4 ,
03S.C47 over the amount of the bil
as It passed Ihu Iiouse. Ot till
sum the sHiuto confcites have yielded $1,093 ,
210. The bill as It passed the senate agtrre
irat"d 82a,7Stt,0.yj. The house , when It con
sldercd the senate amendments , added to tin
bill S105.04S and In conference S12ooo wa
yielded , beini : for a public building at Ports
mouth. O. , and S100,00 ( ) was acded ! on ac
count of public buildings at Augusta , Ga.
and Chattanooga , Tenn. The bill , therefore
as agreed upon In conference , agcreiratei
S22lS2,490 ! , beinc S2,0. . > ,078 In execof tin
bill as It rasped the house and S2TOMU less thai
the law ot the current Year and S'J,15b,371 les
than the estimate. Tlve coast suivey Is lef
as It was last year , the house provision fo
leer anl/atlon bom. stricken out. The re
port was airreed to without discussion.
The .senate amendments to the naval np
propnatlon bill wcro non-concurred In , am
Messrs. Herbert , Sayois nnd Thomas o
Illinois , were appointed confciccs.
A number of joint resolutions were passe <
for the printing of various public documents
The house then , at l'J : o , adjourned.
Newfoundlanders Heady to Scccdi
and Join the United States.
INKW YOIIK , March S. I Special Telegram
to the BEI : . ] A llalltax dispatch to tin
World says : The publication of thoaddres :
of the Newfoundland legislature to the 1m
pcrlal government has produced a sensation
If It is not a declaration of independence , 1
is the next thine to It. No fcucli defiant docu
iiient lias been received by the Imperial gov
eminent from any colony slnco the Amerl
can colonies.
The Newfoundlanders tell thcllmpcria
government that they own their fisheries
and do not propose to pay the slightest hect
to French or American Interests or brool
any Interference from the Imperial govern
ment. Newfoundland In fact stands on tin
right to make its uwn laws , control its owr
property and preserve Its existence as a com
munlty , let the otfect bo what It may. The
situation Is so serious that both 1're
mier Thorburn and Sir Ambrose Shea
leader of the opposition , have left the legisla
ture to take care of Itself and gone to Lender
to represent tha dangerous character of the
prevailing feeling in Newfoundland. Mean
while the pi ess and people arc universally dis
cussing the benefit of annotation to tlio Uul
ted States. Anything would be better than th <
present btato of atlalia , and if annexattor
were submitted to a popular vote It would be
carried by three-fourths majority. New
foundland rinds itself between the duvll am
the derm sea. On one hand It Is driven oui
of the European markets by French rivals
who receive bounties from the French gov
eminent equal to 00 per cunt , and they an
compelled by the Knu'lWi government t <
supply the French rivals with bait , withoul
which they could not catch a single fish
On the other hand they are at the mercj
ot Americans , for strange as It may noem
the treaty of Ibis never having boon put lnt <
operation In Newfoundland by loyal piocla
matlon , Is null and void as far as that col
ony Is concerned , and P\cry denial of com
mercial privileges to American vessels las
year had not oven the authoilty of that anti
quated treaty for excuse , He.ico the neces
sity ot a bait bill which Is denied them bj
LONDON , March 0. The colonial secretary
has sent n dispatch to the governor o
Newfoundland Informing him that thi
Homo government does not feel justified Ir
disregarding tlio strong protests of Franci
airalnst tlm restrictions at this late perloi
which are calculated to lulllct great loss upoi
French fishermen and in therefore unable t <
allow the bill passed by the NowfoundUm
legislative relative to the fisheries to opei.iti
this season. Too secretary said the govern
ment thoroughly understand that the Frencl
bounties are a grave disadvantage to tin
British fisherman ; still It Is not shown tha
British fisheries are uiireinuiieratlve ,
The Anarchist Cnseo.
CHICAGO , March S.-1'lio Dally News Ot
tawa (111. ( ) special says that Attoney Genera
Htintjand Leonard Swett arrived last nigh
nnd Swett tiled his ninety-six pa go brief ii
the anarchist case early this morning. Oi
the opening of the court , at the suggestloi
of the attorney eenural , the people's docke
was set for hearing Thursday , March 10 , a
which time the anarchist case may bo ai
cued , but the probabilities are that at tha
time It will be set for argument at sotn
future day. Mr , Swett entered a motion tha
the rules bo suspended , and that time for ar
gument be unlimited. The briefs of th
other counsels for the anarchist ! will be lilci
soiiio time today , and the briefs on the par
ot the pcopln will not bo ready until abou
the tlmo of the argument. Judges tihel
don , Mulkey , Scholuuld , Cralf and Magrudc
were present.
The Iron Kato { lonfllrmed.
Pirrstiuuo , March 2. The Western Iroi
association met to-day and unanimously dc
elded to realllrm the card rate. The meetln
was the largest held hero for years , all th
mills weit of the Allegheny mountain :
being represented.
t'uhllo Printer flenodlci Confirmed
WASHINGTON , March 2. Public 1'rlntc
Benedict has been confirmed by tUo sonatt
The votu was ill to ID.
He Scores the Civil , , Service Commlssio
and Then EcqrteatS a Favor of Them ,
j <
t * -
Senator Van Wyclt Agnln After th
AVnshlngton Stroqt Car Companies
A HhlpbjillAcr'a View of
the , Future.
' Tlio llooalcr Kloktir.
WASHINQTON , .Match 'i [ Special Tele
gram to the BII : : . | Representative llolmaii
of Indiana , Is not doing himself proud In th
matter of consistency , but on the contrary I
keeping up his record as a demagogue. II
was chairman of the sub-counnltteo whlc
prepared the legislative , c\ecutl\o and jud
cial appropriation bill and as such had charg
of the measure when It came before th
house the other day. Dutlng the debate Ii
made a fierce attack on the civil service con
mission and attempted to cut down the ap
propdatlons for It. llo was specially anxlou
toha\o the messengers dispensed with , bu
ho failed Inglorlously and the house vote. .
the same provisions provided last year forth
commission. Thcro has been In the emplo
of the commission a trilling follow who wa
tolerated only on account ot his family. Oi
the same day Ilolman niado his attack till
messenger was dismissed for duinkenncs
and disorderly conduct and the commission
crs decided to promote economy by not lllllu
the place tuiido vacant. To-day suiprlsowa
created at * civil service hcadquarteis whci
the discharged emulojo returned with alette
from Ilolman asking the commission to re
appoint or lelnstato the bearer. Uolmai
stated that It would bo a personal favor t
thn writer , and that the dismissed mcsscngc
was a sober , Industrious and worthy man
The commlbslon has not yet acted upon th
recommendation , but It Is probable the lette
will bo returned to Ilolman with a copy o
his speech ngalnst the commission nnd n cop ,
of the charges on which tno messenger wa
discharged ,
Much was said to-day of the rebuke admlr
Istcred to iiamtall and Ilolman and othc
democratic members of the house committe
on appropriation In consldeiatlon In commll
too of the whole on the legislative , exocutlv *
and judicial appropriation bills. AsAtatei
editorially by the BEI : , Randall and iftrliua :
have for many years held back approprlatloi
bills till the last four days of the session fo
thn express purpose of controlling leglslatloi
and forcing the senate to accept provisions I
would not otherwise concede. This tlmo th
minority In n solid body , icln forced by man ;
democrats , concluded to administer a rebuke
and they did It right roundly. The scon
was such as members do not remember o
having witnessed. After lighting throng ;
ono full day for JJiIs WH without making
single Inch of p'rj&grcss , Ilolman was forcei
to surrender , and or Ziours ho was obllghei
to stand Inn hu place and liav
proposition after , 'u proposition tha
were close to hlsieart's , | desire stricken tion
the bill until thqrp was not one thing left b
which he could rocognjro his bill. He had ti
sit still anil listen , to all soils of criticism
without answering back so as to further provoke
voko the rebellious spirit of the house. It 1
certain that the ono thing that prevented th
failure of the bill wnaitlie complete surrendc
ot the committees With meekness and hu
miliation tlio conuuittee accepted the defeat
By this means one could calf an extra scs
slon , or at least the responsibility lor It b <
avoided. The iHgdslallve bill , In Its icmnscu
lated form , In company with the general de
licleucy bill , wits enrolled and sent to tin
senate last night , < * and thus a crcat burdei
was lifted from tlie.i in < te of members wlu
lud befoio seen nothing but an extra session
In the situation , tionaidrs say that they ( It
not piopoie In futuie to be driven by tin
iiouse committee on appropriations , and tha
hereafter they will sutler the necessity of an
o\tra session rather than submit to huposl
sTiimiNO UP Tin ; sniKirr TAIIS.
In the senate to-day General Van Wjcli
made a motion to discharge tlio Dlstilct com
mlttco troui consideration of the house bit
nuthori/.ing the commissioners tocnloice tin
regulation an to street railroad management
etc. He desired to secure Immediate action
on the bill , but several objections were niudi
and It went over. Mr. Van Wyok gaxo no
tlco that ho would lenew his motion to-iuor
low and ask for action. He deemed it ol
iireat Impoitanco that the legulating powoi
should bo giantcd to the commissioners with
out delay. A resolution will likely tie passed
authorizing the senate committee on the Dls
tuct of Columbia to investigate- - street
railioad accommodations hero and it will sil
during the summer. Senator Van Wjck is
a leading spirit In It and intends to see that
the accommodations are adequate to the de
Charles 11. Cramp , the great American
shipbuilder , has been attracted hero by the
agitation In congress for a new navy. Hf
says that lin Is making arrangements to begin
work at once on the cruiser Baltimore and
gunboat No. 1. "We can not tell definitely
what congress Is going to do , " says Mr.
Cramp , "but the Indications ar that there
will bo plenty of work forbhlpbulldrrs In this
couutiy for the next few ye.irs. It will bo
distributed among the loadlne firm 3 and
there should bo money In shipbuilding for
SOIIIQ time to come , "
Considerable surprise was created In con
gressional circles to-day by the announce
ment that President Cleveland had reiterated
his determination not to go to the capital on
the last day of cougicss , as has boon custom
ary by presidents , to examine bills and at
tach his signature thereto. Information has
been received , however , direct from the
president that If it Is absolutely necessary he
will go to the capltol on Friday morning and
see congress go out.
Pensions were to day Issued for the follow
Inir Nebraskans : -Henry L. Hurt , ( Jrafton ;
l.olloy Newvllle. York ; Joseyh B. .Norrls ,
Wayne ; Adam Hall. David City ; Uoorce W ,
Dougherty , Fairbury ; Hlchard Dafburv ,
Mlnola ; Martin (5 'rlnir , Cozad ; Jacob Scott ,
South Auburn : Silas l.atta , Holdreze.
Pensions granted lowans to-day : Kll/.aboth ,
mother ot William King , Falrheld : Bachel ,
mother of Solomon B. Reynolds , Castaw.i ;
Mary , widow ot .Michael Donohuo , stone
City ; Cyrus I'arkor , Charles Cltv ; Curtis BIy ,
Morrison ; John -M. K ) an , Eddyvllle , Solo
mon A. 1'opo , Anamosa ; Lafayette Kuiiey ,
Brush Creek ; Isaac Cruver , Nashville ; Kd
ward Norvell , New Hampton ; .lamet
Hoberts , Sheldon ; Kdward 1) . Cox , Klorlsi
Elijah Norrls , Corydon ; Asa B. ( Sriftlths
McCallsburg : Arfred Stretch , Bedford :
George W. Martin , iVIei Isaac B. Smith
Maquoketa ; WIIUauA M. Creary , Center
vllle ; John Snldoc , , UpIdtleId ; Andrew Har
rlson , HumestmiT , Jlaurlco Ii. Macauley
Bloomfleld : Jesse Slrrrtuons , Attica ; Wllllan
N. Bankln.AlIerWnfohn : L. Martyn , Ox
ford ; Jnmos Ilo.wlcUt , Oxford , Fenn U
Alvord , Spencer. * i >
SecieUry Lamar to-day disallowed tin
claim of MerrlttJftMClcau , of Nebraska , foi
SliM'&ion account OH Sioux and Cheyenni
Indian raids in
Of a court martial-Tthlch convened yesterday
day at Fort Union , Now Mexico , Colone
Henry Douglas , 'limM infantry , is jnrnsldon
and First LloutcrMut/r.dwnirt / ll. Plumuier
same regiment. Judge/advocate. /
Lieutenant , ) ohrr-li Harbour , Seventh In
fantry , has becniirelipved from temporar :
duty nt Fort Larumjrt and ordered back to hi
company at Foit McKlnnoy , Wyoming.
First Lieutenant Ammou A. Auger. Twen
ty-fourtli Infatitrj , has been relieved frou
duty at Fort Kllintt , lexas. and ordered hoc !
to his station at Fort Hill , Indian territory.
Lieutenant John Adams Perry , Tenth in
fantry , has been ordered from Los Angeles t
San Francisco in charge of a lot of publl
animals to bo sent to the Department of Cc
Army furlounhs authorized : Private WH
lam Barker , company B. Third Infantrj
Fort Mlssoula , Montana , thron months : Pr ;
vatn William Bang , company K. Seventh In
fantry. Foil Sully , Dakota , and Private Lawrence
renco Bondlxon , same company , two month
The secretary of war has ordered a court o
inquiry to convene at Ceutir cl'Aleno. Idahc
March 14 to continue the examination of th
charges made against the administration o
a ( fairs there wlillo General I1 rank Whcatoi
colonel of tlm Second Infantry , was con
tuanillng , and First Lkmtonant Sidney I
Clark , ot the same regiment , was post ouai
termaster. The court In composed of Colom
( loury > V. BlxcV , Tvventy-thlid Infantry
Colonel James Vf. Forsvth , Seventh ca
airy , and Lieutenant-Colonel Jome <
Moore , deputy quartennaKtcr-Koneral , wit
Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas F. Barr , depul
judge advocate general , as recorder.
Army leaves trrauted : Captain William M
Koo Dunn , Second artillery , Ltttlo Ilocl
Ark. , sick leave until March uo : Captal
James K\oloth Wilson , Second artillery , Fo
Barrancas , Florida , ono month : Captal
Thaddeus Klrland , Seventh Infantry , c :
tcndctf ten days ; First Lieutenant Ocorgo 1
Turner , adjutant Klghteenth Infantry , Foi
Hayc.s Kansas , seventeen davs ; First Llei
tenant Charles M. Trultt , Twenty-tirst Ii
tantry , Fort DuChcsno , tftah , ouo iiiontl
with permission to apply for ono month e'
tension : First Lieutenant William II. N\
.lames , Twenty-fourth Infantry , Fort Item
Indian Territory , ilftecn days : Llcutciiat
Fred T. Vanllcw , Second Infantry , Fo :
Omaha , thirteen days.
Thomas Belksly was to-dnv nppolnte
postmaster nt Armstionf : , Knnx count ]
vice Miss Luna Valcntliuleslgned ; an
also the following In Iowa : Clearchn
Keed , Bea > er ( Irovo , ( iuthrln count' '
vice K. L. Prior , resigned : ( ! eorgu t
Mendcnhall , Plercevllle , A'aiiUuren count )
\lco.I.T.Mcl.ean , resigned ; Scott It. Co
ton , Spatildlng , Union county , vice A. Har
man , resigned ,
Additional Dctalltt of tlio Ilorro
Conio In Slim-ly.
Montt.r : , Ala. , March 2. The no softli
burning of tlio steamer Gaulncr Ibcomtn
slowly. None was received till this afte
noon. The tire was discovered by Captal
Stone. A negro deck hand threw water o
the burning bale , and in throwing aiiothc
buckettul his clothes caught the. Pauli
stricken ho ran from plnco t
place setting tire to the eel
ton bales , and In few moments the bor
was in Itames nil over. She was In ink
stieam and in motion. The pilots wer
driven from the wheel and the crew and pa !
sensors lumped oveiboard. Those lost wer
drowned. It Is not thought that more tha
one ortwo were burned. Captain Stonesave
liltusclf by bwlmmtug ashore. The steams
Tolly was behind thn Gardner waiting t
pass. As soon as the Humes broke out th
Tolly lowered her boats and threw over bale :
seed sacks and planks to help the people wh
\vere jumping from the Gardner. The hen
was so Intense that the Tolly did not dare t
go near , but her boats picked up u number c
people. Hud It not been for the presence :
the Tolly but few would have been savuc
The report of the loss ot lite Is conlirmeii
The cabin hey of the Tolly , named Ba.bei
( colored ) , pcrlormed heroic deeds In sa\ln
live lives , whlr.h hu did by swimming asher
with those In the water.
Iowa Supreme Court Decisions.
Dr.s Moixns la. , March 2. ISpoclal Teh
gramto the BKK.J The supreme court ren
dered the following decisions here to-day :
Barnard Campbell , appellant , vs. Mart J
Mclilnuls ct ai , Cciro Oordo circuit. Ai
Ulchardson , Boynton &Co. , appellants , vs
Independent district ot Hampton , Franklli
district. Afllrmcd.
Platt & Spellhs. . Chicago , Burlington t' '
Qulucy Hallway company , appellant , Poll
circuit. Reversed : opinion by Hot brock-
Action to recover damages sustained by th
building of an engine house , turn table am
numerous railroad tracks by the dofendan
upon a public highway leading fiom th
south to the plaintiffs' place of business 01
Front street , DCS Alolnes. "Thcro are , " say
.Jmlco Itotluock In his opinion , "many act
which thn authoiitles of a town ma ;
lawfully do which may Injurious !
nlfeet the values of property. Public park'
and public buildings and improvements nur
bo so located as to enhance the value of prop
crtyon cenaln stieots and diminish It or
others , and the property owner cannot hi
heard to complain ; and U is the uil.stortuin
ot some that tiado and trallio are drawi
aw ay from them by reason of the grow th o
the town. But that is no gtound lor the Interference
terferonce of the courts to compel thn cltj
to maintain public commons as u publli
highway. "
Daniel Hctfncr. appellant , vs B. S
Hronnoll , Uuolmnnn dlatrlrt. IJcvoiscd.
\Viight it Lavvthei Oil and Load Manltfae
ttuing company , appellants , \s Mary K
Ciccl and others , Kossuthciicuir. Alllrmed
Kcslah I'atterson , appellant , vs Chlcaso
Milwaukee it St. railway company
Linn clicuit. Allirmcd. Action to recovei
damages caused by a llro sot by an en
Ciertio B. Payne , by her next friend , vs
Humeston & Shenandoah railroad company
appellant , Kincgold clicuit. Atliuned.
Hank nf Monroe und Innls Schonck vi
Kills UilToid and others , appellants , Jaspci
tiicuir. iteversed.
An Editor Kklps.
OAKLAND , Neb. , March 2. [ Special Tele
gram to the BIK. | Nov\s has just reachec
hero that Jesse Webb , editor of the Central a
Craig , skipped to-day for parts unknown.
warrant lu out for his arrest , alleging gamb
ling and enticing minors to the same. It 1 :
useless for anyone to endeavor to gamble 01
sell whisky In Craig , as it Is a strictly torn
perauco and moral town In the true sense.
The saloon men compromised with Fret
Witte to-day , paying Him 82,00 ! ) and SOW
medical fee.
A Aleetlnft of Horsemen.
DinnoiT , Mich. , March 3. A large nutnboi
of trolling horsemen are In this city for the
purpose of oiganlr.lng a now association
This afternoon the convention was called tc
order to consider the advisability of formlns
a new trotting association. A temporar }
nrganl/atlon was formed by the election ol
U. W. Uillott , of Detroit , chairman , and 1' ,
M , Campbell , of Ypsilanti , secretary. A
committee on credentials was appointed
which reported slxtseven trotting associa
tions present , represented trom lifteen dltter
out states. A motion to form a now assoeia
tlon was carried unanimously. A committee
on permanent organl/atlon and order of bus !
ness was appointed. A committee ot live
of which D. C. Uoanmn , ot 'Ottuinvva , la , U
chairman , was appointed to prepare by
laws to be presented to the convention.
Thn committee on Incorporation reported
that the naiiio of the association shall be
"The American Trotting association , " and
any person , corporation , association or so
ciety holding or contiolllug any track 01
tiottlug association , or other association ioi
tlio improvement ot hotting horse stock
shall bo eligible to membership. The of
llcors of the new organisation are elected 'bj
the members thereof. The old district board1
are dispensed with. The board of directors ,
ot which the president and secretary arc
membeis , has control of affairs , and become ;
a board of appeal for tlio consideration o
complaints. All appeals must be settled vvltlili
two months alter decisions are rendered
The annual dues are apportioned on the bast' '
of premiums ottered , ranging fiom 310 U
3100. A recess was taken lor huuper wlthou
action on the report ot the committee.
Conferring About Kates.
NF.W YORK , March 2. At the conferonci
of the traftlc managers , freight agents am
railroad vice presidents and managers belt
here to-day the classlllcatlon committee's re
port was discussed and it was accepted b'
the conference as road. It Is understood tha
the adjustment of rates proposed in the ie
port has given general Hatfstactlon to tin
railroad men. The committee appointed t <
consider the system ot wholesale reduction
of traveling companies nnd excursion partic
will make Its report this week. Some of tli
western men were In favor ot applying tin
new law very strictly , but eastern agent
took a ditfeient view of the question am
consider that the present system , with soni
slight mollifications , will not conflict wit !
the now Intor-sUte commerce law.
Tha report of the committee on classlllca
tlon in proof ( Ills fortvsevon > galleys of pic
type , thirty ems wide , The classliiealloi
has bewi brought under six heads. Formorl ;
there weio nc rly 109 clashes. The revise' '
rates BO into etfect April 1. The torrltor
covered by the new regulations will be a
that north of the Ohio river and east of th
Mississippi. East und west bound freight
will bo levelled.
CHICAGO , March 2. The general manager
of the Southwestern , Western and Nortl
western passenger associations met to-da
to consider the report made by the gtnur ! :
passenger agenU regarding tne uppllcatlo
of tlio Inter-state commerce law. Althoiic
there were some dlffuienco of opinion t <
gardlne mileage tickets and excursion ratti
the tone of tha mooting showed that thn n
poit will probably bo adopted as submltte
and will govern until on ofllclal exprcsslo
Is hud from the federal commission. Anollu
meeting will bo held to-morrow.
Iowa's University Conimanceinont.
IOWA CITY , la. , March2. The spring con
inencements of the State university close
to-night , lu the dcutal , homeopathic , inei
leal , pharmaceutical and regular medical d
partments a total of clelit young men /an /
women were niton diplomat by Govorm
Larraboe. The regents recalled Hon. Wll
lam U. Hammond to the chancellorship c
the law school , accented the resignation c
Prof. Phllbrlck , of thn school of cnglneorltii
appointed Dr. Mlddlcton to succeed the lat
Dr. Robertson In the medical school , an
will meet Mareh SO to elect a president t
succeed Plckard.
Blonx City's Hi-IdRO.
Stoux Ctrr , la. , March 2.-Speclal [ Tel
gram } o the Hr.K.j Engineer Morrison , tli
builder ot the majority of thoMIssouil live
bildges , Is now heroin consultation with tli
brldgo company. It Is expected that the ( oci
tlon will bo made soon and actlvo work con
mcnced. That the present season will m
close without seeing the woik well advance
Is next to certain. This fact Is kept In lulu
bv Investors , who are beie In Itit'rcasln
numbers , and has ft peiccptlble ellect o
values Of real estate.
A flight llrglHtrntlon.
Siouv CITY , la. , M.ueh 3.-Speclal [ Tele
gram to the BKK.J The registration of votei
tor the spring election closed to-day. Thci
is but little Inteiest being manifested In tl
spring election , and It ha * been Impossible t
secuto an } thing like a full registration ,
A Hiito War Btortpt > d.
CHICAGO , March 2. The evening pnpei
here say that the ofllcials of the northwester
roads have aereod to lestoro rales In their to
iItory which have been altogether demora
Ized lortho week. Cutting was bcctm In
small way by all the loaets. The W Neons !
Central then cut rates wide open. U was
fortunate thing , as It ImmcdlatJly biouul
about their lestotatlon. Omaha rates wl
juobably bo restoieil to-day as nil have n :
sentede-vcept theMlssouif raclllcj and \ \ '
bash.At a mooting held to-day by the Conors
freight agents of the roads to tlio northwe.-
It was agreed to n.-storo lates to St , Paul nn
quote nothing less than the tarllf. The ciii
tmn has averageel a reduction of fiO per con
and business has been contracted for ntica <
by at least tvoof the lines. The only ellcc
ol the lestointlon therefore Is to pieveut th
demorall/atlon reaching a point where n :
open cut rate would piuvall.
Sufl'ocatcd by Coal Qua.
BROOKLYN , la. , March 2. ISpoclal Tele
gram to the BKn.l Yesterday mornlii ;
Thos. Scott , wlfo nnd two children wer
found nt their homo three tulles north n
Brooklyn almost dead fiom suffocation , Mi
bcott having tinned oil the pipe damper c
the hard coal steve too close before retliIn
the previous night. When fotmd life boemei
extinct from every one , but by hot appllca
tlons and rubbing Mr. Scott was brought t
consciousness. The others lemalned in
stupor all day. and Mrs. Scott nnd tin
youngest child's cases seem to be ctltlcal
the child having been taken with spasms.
A nrutal Preacher.
NEW YOIIK , March 2. [ Special Tele
gram to the BIE. I The Sun this mornlni
states that it has authoritative Informatioi
that llev. W. C , Ward , of Englewood , N. J.
has long treated his wlfo with brutal vlolcnci
and was not insane when he shot his wlfi
and himself recently. The Information say :
that Ward willfully shot hts wife. It wa
the clowning acfot a long period of brnta
violence to her. His moments of aime
were frequent and bitter , while his wife Is i
sweet tempered and lovabln woman. All thi
Insanity he was afflicted with was an ungov
ernable temper. He will be tried for assaul
with intent to kill when he recovers.
Pacific Roads Inrrstlgatlon.
W ASHING ION , March 2. The conferees ot
tlio Pacific railroad Investigation resolutioi
iLMched n perfect agreement. The housi
conferees adopt the senute amendment , bu
the clause dealing a commission Is moeliliec
by striking out the requirement that the
commissioners shall bo subject to conhrm.i
tlon by the senate , and .so aii.uigmg tin
phr.\suolozy that the piesldent's power tc
appoint them during recess shall bo buyout
Conferees Disagree.
WASHINGTON , March 2. The conferee :
on the District of Columbia approprlatloi
hlll'liave disagreed and will so leporttothe
two houses. The points in question are will
relereiice to the schools.
Woman BiirTrnco in Alnlnc.
AUGUSTA , Me. , March 2. The senate to
day again passed the woman MirTrago consti
tutional amendment. It now icqulies n two
thhds vote of the senate nnd house to subnii
it to the people.
Death or n Jurist ,
SAN FIIANCISCO , Maich 2. CliUf Justice
Morrison , of tlio supreme court , died till ;
Fair and warmer weather Is predicted fet
A new Italian cabinet has boon formed by
Senator Sainceo , with Countdiltobllant min
ister of foreign affairs.
Slight earthquake shocks were felt through
out Long Island yesterday afternoon about
4:30 : o'clock. No damage was done.
General J. Finley has been appointed to
succeed Hon. Charles w. Jones ns United
States senator from Florida by Governor
Perry of that state.
The big deal in May pork ( n Chicago lias
resulted Tn an appeal'to the "comer rule , "
and the directors of the board of trade last
night nxed the value at 915. This Is the third
time the lulo has been put lu force.
The Iowa Legion ot Honor , in session Bl
Dos Momes , yesterday elected the following
officers for the next two jears : K. it.
Hutching , of Des Molnes , president ; W. K.
Knbiusoii , Duburiuo , vice president ; K. K.
Mills. Cedar Uiiplds. secietnry ; J. Hllslnger ,
Sabula , treasurer. The next meeting v\ ill be
held lu Dubuque In lfel > .
Moth Deftius Edwards. " 3 ?
Tlio wrestling iimtch bo two on Clms.
Moth and Elliott Edwards : it South
Oninhn lust nifht was n good deal of n
jng--nmUo iilliur. Elliott 1ms done
so much talking that Moth decided to
show him what he could do. The match
wns for $50 n side and the giito receipts.
About onu hundred spectators wore pres
ent. James MaiiKol of the stock yards
wus ohosen referee , nnd T. ilcGmro and
A. Gnroy , tinio keepers. Moth wns
seconded by .Jack lliinloy nnd Edward ;
by Frank Br.idburn. Tlio first fall , 11
Giueco-Uomiin , was won by Moth in t. .
minutes. The ) hccond hill , Scotch style
wns won by Moth In two minutes and the
third full , GruocO'Honmn , in two ruinues
An Innane I'uuper.
Sheriff Cnmpboll , ot Snrpy county
brought tn uu Insaiiu Inmate of the
Snrpy county poor house yesterday an
placed him In the county jnil on the
charge of being insnnit. The patient
whoso name is John Duck , has been at
li.mato of the pour IKHISO for suvora
months. On Tuesday hu became ) violently
lently Insane nnd nttomptod to kill OIK
ot the funiulo inmates of the plticu. Hi
will bo held for examination.
A Hollelny Judgment.
In the district court yesterday after
noon tlio Umnhn Loan and Trust com
nany filotl a petition rtsklns for the dis
missal of a judgment of u jtidgmant tha
had been rendered ugainst the company
und in fuvor ofV. . 11. Mole and wile , b :
Justice Amtorson on Tuesday , Fubrunr ;
23. The plalntift'iillegos that the judg
ment is illegal , having been Issued 01
Washington's bhlhduy , a national lioli
I'orsonal 1'arnurapliH.
A. 1) . Brandc'iH. of linimk-is iVSotiE , re
turned this week from Now York city.
Joseph Hull , of tlio Dusoret Nowa 1'ut
li.shlng company , Salt Lake City , is i ;
town yostorday.
\Vnrrcn MuConl oamo yortordnv frqr
LariuiiU- City , \V. 1' . , to takn his wif
honui , Sliu lias been nt the Mlllunl fo
sonietlino and is quite 111.
Mr. and Mr . ( luo , J. StornsiIorlT hvv :
rcturncil from a trip to Denver , Loin
villa ami Chcyonnu. Mr. S , sincu hl ni
rival lioinn has been taken ouriously il
A Chanoo for Aihlnscr to Win Thi
llnco Last Night ,
The bicycle rnco at tlio exposition bulleting -
ing is proving to bo the most hotly con
tested ono that hns been given in Omnlia.
The race wns hnif finished last night but
docs not belong to nnyono yet , 1'rlnco
leads Bullock by but four laps nnd Asli
ingcr is but seven laps behind Bullock.
The slightest accident to cither of tlio
leaders may change tlio rnco in Asliln-
gcr's favor. To-night a new feature will
untor thu contest , hck nnd Dinjiioy nro
both recovering from tliulr sickness mill
will bo able to start to-night utmost in
frcsli mou anei will probably sot a pace )
that will tax the speed and endurance ) ot
the loaders in a manner that hns not been
cvpecteei. All of tliu mun appuaredin fair
trim hist night. Kck unit Ding-
ley continue to take It easy ,
but set tlio jiaco ut intervals at
a speed that maelo the luaelon , luistlu and
nrcitiscel tliu enthusiasm of the onu thews-
anel spectators. Kaily in the ) rac-o
Asliingor assumed the agirrcsbivo anel
communcuel to emickun tlio pace , I to
mailo a livu-mlio stnirt , the longest that
has been maelo eluring the race , making
thatdistant'o In 10 minutes and 1'J seu *
oneis. Prince met with the first accident
thnt has happuncel to him in tlio city at
10 o'c-lock bv taking a header on ono of
the turns , lie was slightly bruised by
the ) f-ill anel lost two of his leael of siv
laps on Hullock. At the linish last uight
tlioscoru stuud :
Uldcr. Miles. Lap ? .
Prince anj
Bulloek ilixi 8
Aslilnger ! MM 1
Kck 1M ) : i
Dinglcy 107 G
The time for each live miles last night
was as follows :
Miles. llrs. Mln. Sre.
. 0 10 U7
10. . 0
li. ? . 0i 0o 60 M
'JO. . i 7 I'J
1 IV5 O'J
. 1 40 r 4H
as. 1 6'J ( H )
40. a 17 ( X )
40.W la
W ) . . f > 7
tut f > r.
CO. , VKI or >
O.ri 47 15
6S4-5 4 00 00
School chilelrcn free to-night.
Asliingcr is a favorite with the boys.
An accident of a minor nature might
give the race to Ashigncr.
Bullock aijel prince hang together mar-
vclously well , but there's nothing strange
in that.
ECK and Dinclcy nro having ns much
fun out of the race as any of the ridor.s or
spectators. "I've got a sinch on lifth
place , " said Dingluy last night , during
the racq. " 1'oti'll have to rielo
slower than you arc now or I'll take lifth
place away from you , " retortoel Eck.
After the race closes on Saturday night
the rulers and their trainers will indulge !
in a banquet.
Some big races will take plnrc within
tliu next month.
Overworked Harbors.
The tonsorinl artists are agitating nn
early closing movement. They claim
that tlm hours required of them , from 7
' until o'clock nt
o'clock in the morning 0
night , nro too long , especially where they
are rciiiircil ] to work an extra hour on
Saturday night and until noon on Sun
day. They will ask that the shops closes
at 8 o'clock In the evening , Satin davb ux-
copied. _
The Omaha Daily Reporter , a journal
ilovntocl In ! mti > l inlorputs , iq n unw mleli-
tion to Omaha's nevvspapcrdom. It is
bright and snappy.
A Mother's Volco-Colds , Coughs and Sere Throat
T" ) A ! ] iilth Pt , Ildltlmnre , Md.
For the bcnclitof those , > iollko mjsclf
luivo not only 6ulleri.l thcmiulvii , but
InivliiK Inrnu lumlllu , ahvujs have one or
inure t.ult.rlni ! \ \ Ith colds , i oiigha or lore
throals , 1 willingly and cheerfully
recommemJ the Kcdbtur Cough Cure. Ma
lamlly shoulil nt tills tlmo of ycnr rnrtlc-
iilarly-bo without It , for I liayo fuunil
BO promptly euros and elves relief In tha
cases incntioiipd , which ixro BO common.
oucl n lilcli , Knot nttcndcd tent ouctofloii
lead to mnro ecrloua tomplnluUi. II y uun-
lly Is lareo and we are nuvcr without your
Cough Cure ondlti efficacy lu the post
makes mo feel that I ewe a duty to man
kind , to Inform them through you of the
benefits wo have derived from ft , without
nuy or the unpleasant effect * experienced
from otucr cough medicine's
Notre Dame Sltteri-For Cheit and Sort Throil.
Qovftiistown , ifd.
Wo liavo uicd the Red faUr Cough Cure ,
and lu Bovorul ceisea have found It bcuull *
clnl In alleviating couRhi , opprciiton on ,
tlio chest and Irritation of the thnmt. ,
NoOplatoi-ABeuiark ble Teit ,
LovoUud. Ohio ,
Ilmvoiued your Red Blur Cough Cure ,
nnd use it now whenever I Imvo USD furlt.
For tun yean I waa a sluvo to the opium
liablt , and did your Cough Cure contain
< mlate , I would not ( Jure usu It , ' 11114
Blono is jiosltlvo proof that it is free irom
oiilatcii. It is all you claim for It.
llngr. Jlnplcwood Opium luitlluto.
tir All pcnons VSIKO SI. Jacnta Oil or Keil
Kliir Qmqh Cure , \ctllby tenilliiji a luo cent itamp
and a history of ttictr caic , receive AUVICK PRKE.
I"k It ! 0 * * BhonaiUm , Miniatt ! ,
k M A M
vnr i 9iii B i < k.H.ij .uT ciiii i ,
nil I nil I BtrJ.Hllr. ! . V.4.Unt
I III Will r lMt.4 * > hM.
TOK CUinLZS 1. TOQKLKtt CO. , BtltUun , t C. B. 1.
ronlxtueii yuurN , tlioy bavu etomllly
In fuor , anil with gnlca onn tuiuly Inc
Imvobocnrno the mont iujpuliii-coruft through.
out tliu Unlluil ntutim.
The i ; , Q mid It 1 | uradoj nrommlo In HIIOHT
Mr.niiiu AND KXTIU I < oN ( ] WMST , eultiililp for
nil tlBUrus. The O qunllty , iniulo of Dn llsh
Cciiill.U wariuntod to wear twloo us Ion j m
' HUlient iiwardt from nil the World'o prent
Kulrn. Th liitt inviini recelvml Is tor I'lliST
DtdiiKr or UKIIIT , from tliu late Exposition
hfild at Now Orloani.
Whliu BCOIOI ot pHtenti IIKVO r > c n fonnj
wortlilcss , the principles of t'io ' Olo\-Flung ( !
have proved lu vixluulile.
HutHlluri are uuthorlwid to refund mnney , if ,
on cxnrninntlon. thcso Cor cl do not iirov u
ff bto lT.f curi 1 ilj ooi m n iii tl l icp ts ilc i fir r > .
rr Bt
B..OM u i lui Wld U K ' "
thi or " CMM
11"I 11 "r "nio l " oue. lot * tr H t