Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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DtUvercd l > y ffirritr In ntiy pnrtof the city nt
twenty cents ptr wook.
H. W. TII.TON. - Manager.
BcPiNrssOrncE , No. 13.
NIUIIT RDnolt No. 25.
N. Y.Plumbing Co.
New sprint ? eoods : it Ueiter's , tailor.
The Publishers book sale closes Satur
day , March nth.
J. W. te K. L. Squiro'd abstracts are
giving good satisfaction ,
The Publisher's ' book sale , nt Mo. 31 ?
Uroadway , closes March 5th
Additional Council Hinds news on tlio
seventh pngo.
Saturday , Marcli nth , will be tlio last
day nt the Publisher's book sale.
Orcat bargains will bo given at the
Publisher's book sale all this week.
\Vlnpplc. charged with forging or al
tering railway tickets , \vas yesterday released -
leased on bail.
Sqtmo's park ndditinn is n sure invest-
ment. Pacilio avenue \vill bu Imilt up
With store buildings \vitliin a year.
"Como iiowii to the trouirli" and get
your free luncli morning anil evening , at
Harrington < te Carlton's , No. 400 Hroad-
$ -way.
3 Preparationb for the war concei t , lo bo
given by the > oung peole | ) of tlie linptiM ,
church next Tuesday , are Ptugrebbiug
Manager Dohnny , yesterday had the
mud and lilth that has uatheiod in front
of the new opera house during thu win
ter , removed.
K. ll. Odol ! positively refuses to have
his name considered for aldonnaiiic hon
ors , and hence Ins unthuoiustic friends
had to quit.
The city council will postpone the
fuither consideration of the important
matters pending before it until the regu
lar meeting next Monday night.
J. W. Patton , who has bron with Spet-
man iV Hro. , has now enteied the employ
of llarkness Hros , wheto ho would be
pleased to meet his old fiiends and
rons.W. . A. Russell , who has been in the em
ploy ol Taylor A : Uolef and J. A. Hess ,
last Saturday bought the grocery stoie of
Kd Daniels , who has left the city , report
has it to attend a funeral.
A rare musical treat is promised this
evening in the piano concert to bo given
by Miss liella Robinson. The seals are
being lauidly taken , and no lover ot
music should miss the treat.
On Hallowe'en some boys pitched the
sidewalk on Tenth n venue into the ditch ,
between Tlmd and Fourth street. Those
who have been compelled of late to wade
through the mud there are anxious for
the city ollicials to trot the siilouulk back
To-night the attraction is the piano
conceit to be given by Miss ISella Itobin-
ton , in accordance with the urgent ; e-
quest of many friends. 1'he opportunity
of hfaring this gifted ioung artist will bo
improved by many.
Robert Mullis' ' line colt slipped on the
ice on Madison btrert yesterday and
broke a front leg. The animal is a line
Archibald's " ( Jlen-
one , being sired by -
wood , " and its clam being "Kentucky
Clay. "
The May Vernon Gaiety company
showed at loliany's ) ' last nignt to a largo
nudienco. The entire show was without
merit , Whipulo and Kennedy being the
only ones that came anywhere near
The preliminary hearing in the case of
A. S. Crawford , who it is alleged robbed
the United States mail and was caught
with a rcgisteicil letter in his possession
on February to take place to
morrow before United States Conunis-
Bionnr Hunter.
The board of health is preparing to
adopt certain rules in regard to the pre
vention of contagious diseases. It is pro
posed to have cardb DObtod on houses
where there is scarlet fever or diphtheria ,
make proper quarantine regulations and
compel physicians to report promptly all
Biicli cases which they are ti eating.
The city has no volume of ordinances
to which an ollioial can refer. There is a
scrap book in the clerk's ollico , but this
is a piuy.lerlo the uninitiated. Whenever
nnollieial. oven the judge , wants to know
what the law is ho is obliged to have a
hunt , and cannot then be certain that he
has found all on the subject. The laws
of the city are blind enough at the best ,
but in their scattered and eonllictingcon-
dition they are almost worse than none.
The council has given to Judge Aylcs-
worth and City Attorney Holmes the
contract for codjfying and arranging the
ordinances. It is expected that in a wliort
time the city will have an ordinance book-
by which easy reference can bo made and
the contents of winch can bo relied upon.
Eighty foot on Avenue E , just east ot
Oakland avenue , south front. A very
desirable residence property , for sale on
Very favorable terms.
we Imvo the exclusive sale of 00x113
font on 1'earl street. Terms easy.
Lots 4 ami 5 in Street's addition , good
house with plenty of fruit and well im
proved generally. For sale by
GAIIMON , WmrK & Co.
Real Estate Agents.
Dross Uobcs just received at llarkness
Correct Time.
Union Pacilio employes will please take
notice that wo hold license No. 'M us
watchmakers according to general order
No. 30 , and wo most respectfully solicit
their patronage.
C. 11. .JACQUKUMIK & Co. ,
27 S. Main Street ,
Council Itlufld.
Commencing to day for one week
only the Publishers' Hook Sale oiler tin
people of Council Ululls and vicinity one
I , more ohanco to buy books at publUhers
prices , Sale closes Saturday , March 5 ,
und no goods will be sold uftor that date ,
All orders from real csta'te brokers foi
job printing will reeci\o immediate and
careful attention at Pryoi's UKI : jot
Don't wait until it is too late , for Midi
an opportunity to buy books will novel
be ollcred you again. One week only at
Publisher1 Hook Salo.
Klectrlo door bolls , burglar alarms and
every form of domestic uliotrleal appli
uucub at the Now York Plumbing Co.
llest grades Iowa ' oil lump coal , $3 per
ton tit . .viiulH TO dcliveied. C. H. 1 ue
Co , KU > JJroadwuy. Telephone I'M ,
Cull and see the block of holies am
at Star Stables bcfote purchasing
Ur HaneheU.olliec No. 12 ! Pearl street
rusldoncf , 120 Fourth btrvct ; telephon <
Ko 10.
Star halo otulilca of Council Uluffti
TUP lar \ ; > t stock of hou-os and mule
W st ot Chicago , uhich will bu sold a
wholesale or intiiil uud sutUfaution guar
jinteed , _
Star s.ilu stable > Jor mules uud hcuvj
tir.-ift hnn > tjs.
Sportsmen , buy thu C.iiiugp shotthillc.t
a ' ( i"ti ) tut. < , at t uu x Cgle , No tl Mali
It Selects Lucius Wells as Alderman at
Tlie Itoitilllcnii ) Caucuses Ijnst Mfilit
l/ceurcH ( and l ntcrtnlnincnts
llrlef Ults of
The Democratic Convention.
The city democratic totnonttnn met
yesterday afternoon. 0. A. Holmes
called to order , and was speedily made
chairman by motion of K. 11. ( iiianclla.
U. M. Maynard was chosen secretary.
The committee on credentials reported
the list of delegates already published , as
chosen at the rlmailes. .Tho lirst busi
ness of the convention was the nomina
tion of an alderman at lar e. , judio
James named John P. Weaver. Jlr le )
Haven named Lucius Wells. George
ItlaNsim pre-entetl the name of A. T. Ill-
well. Mr. Heck iufoimed the convention
tbjit 51v. Klwell would not have his name
considered a * all. L. Kinnchan urged thu
numoof ( J. h. l..twson.
An infoimal ballot was taken le ult-
ing :
L. Woll-i 1
( ! . H. I/i\\son U
A.T. Kl\\cll
J. 1'Vcnrr 4
A. C. ( irali.uii 4
Urookh Kt'i'il 1
T. A. Chuiclilll 1
J. C. Dell'ivon moved to make the
nomination of LuciusVellsunaniinou.s. .
Judge James objected , us he thought it
was giving too many aldermen to the
Second ward. A formal ballot was taken
with the following result :
Lnvtbtiu 10
Weaver -
Wells , ' !
Judge James moved that the nomina
tion be made unanimous , und this was
curried \\ith applause.
The nomination of candidates for
school directors eumo nr\t. llobeit llnin ,
( ! . S. Lawbon , J. C Dcllavcn. J. J. Snl-
hvan , E. 1 . Avlesworth , were named.
The iulormaf ballot stood ;
Knin iiO
Ln\vson "i
A\lcswoith 10
Weaver -
Sullivan 10
Dcll.iven IS
Wheeler 1
The final ballot stood :
Sullivan 15
Kaln ! H
Lan-'OU - )
A \ IL-SJ\V orlh -0
Dcllavcn 'Jt
\Vca\ei >
Wh.'cler . ' 1
Messrs. R-iinaud Lawsou weredcclaicd
notuinated for the long term and Mr.
lella\en to till the shorl tt > rm.
( } . A. Holmes was re-oleetecl as cliair-
man of the city committee and the con
vention adjoin nod.
I5ig bargains in books at Publishers'
[ 5ook Sale for one week only. Salu cloves
March 0 , and no goods will be sold alter
Lhat date.
\\CIjLS V'lliI > ACCii'T.
lie Will bo tlio Nominee of Both
The democratic nomination of Lucius
Wells , for alderman at largo was not
really a party nomination. It is ono
which meets the heaityapproval of many
republicans an well. An attempt was
made on the part of citi/.cn& irri'spcctivo
of paity to get Mr. Wells to allow his
name to b3 used for mayoralty honors
some time ago , but he absolutely refused
to allow such use of his name. It was
rumored yesterday that he would .is
abiolutnlv decline to accept a nomina
tion as alderman. As is generally Known
he has his time fully occupied , and his
strength drawn on almost to the limit
with his private business , the active
management of the nll.xir of Djere ,
Wells & Co. , of thih city ,
necessitating constant attention.
At the present time them seems special
need for just such a man in the council.
With property and personal interests in
difl'orcnt parts of the city , he can Hardly
bo claimed by any particular section.
His well known business ability , his ac
tivity in fuithonng the interests of the
city so fur as in his power lies , are ap
preciated , and now the demand for just
such a man is so great that the citi/cns
will hardly listen to any refusal. It was
insisted that ho make the personal sacri
fice required. He was not made aware
of his nomination until after oflicc hours
yesterday , and was tukcu so by surprise ,
after having declined to have his name
considered , that ho could hardly de
cide whether to continue in his abso
lute refusal to serve the people or not.
The sentiment among republicans was
so warmly cxprc.sscd last evcnint ; , nnd
there was so much enthusiastic endorse
ment of the nomination , that ho could
not very well be obstinate in his refusal.
He therefore concluded to accept , and
this announcement will be a welcome
one to the readers of thu UEE this , morn
ing. He will bo elected without opposi
tion. The republican convention to day
will the nomination , and the oil-
i/.eus will give him a practically unani
mous vote. Mr. Wells II.IB never been a
partisan , and ib a bio.ul , liberal minded
man , especially in local politics. In
national matters he is democratic , and
stoutl.v so , hut docs not go about push
ing his opinions into the facu of every
pahscr by. At the same tune he is not a
wishy-washy man by any means. Ho is
quick in reaching a decision , and free in
expressing his convictions , The people
are to be congratulated , rattier tliou Mr.
Wells , on his nomination.
Substantial abstracts of titles und real
estate loans. J , W. & K. L. Squire. No.
101 Pearl bircet , Council Hinds.
L , 11. Crafts & Co. , are loaning monoj
on all classes of chattel securities at one-
half their former r.Ucs. See them before
fcccuring your loans.
Gcorjo Motoalf and Chris Struub For
The republicans held Iheir ward meet
ings lust night. In thu First and Second
wauls delegates wore selected for the
city convention to bu lieU Thursday. In
tlio Third and Fourth wards theru weru
aldermen also nominated.
Kiitvr WAIIIJ.
The following woni selected as dele
gates : H. T. IJryant. W. H. Lvnehard ,
John Hammer , F. M. Wllli.ims , M. W.
Clark , L , Sherwood , Joseph Cromer. As
committee man for the coming year Jo
seph Cromer was chosen.
svcosu WAUU.
The following deli'g.Ucb were chosen
K. A. SneKett , T. J Ilvans , Kd , Mott , J
K Hollcnbecik , Oeotgu Jones , Georgi
Hrown , O S , Hubbaul , C. M. Harlox. U
S. Hubbrti'd was elected as committee
The delegates cho > cn werei AV. F
Sapp , jr. , John Llndt , John Dennett
L. li , Cousins , F. O. ( Jlcabon. Henry Von
Urunt , F. J. Day , ( leorgo F , Smith
Chits Stniub was for alder
man for thu ward , thu nomination being
unanimous. Hu has nerved for twr
years wi'.n uiucn cieditud U on tlu
improvement side right along. Sfraub
will be elected probably , although Lacy
is working hard. Lacy is also inclined to
help along Improvements , but Stratib is
fully us enterprising , and In other
respects is much moro desirable. John
Limit was chosen as committecinnn.
lOL'KTll WAltl ) .
The delegates cOected were : J. F.
Kvnns , F. ll. Hill , ! ) . W. Archer , Sol
'oster , Leonard Kverett , 1) . Maltby. Pull
Armour , T. S. Couch , I ) . H. Daily ,
Charles B. Walte. Oorgo Metcolf was
lominated unanimously by acclamation
or alderman for the Fourth ward. This
choice will rouse much enthusiasm , nnd
f he will accept the people \\ill stand by
lim. He is energetic jtl t the kind of
nntcrial now needed in the council-
anil should bo seated by an ovorwhelm-
ng majority , dr-splto the fact that it is n
democratic ward and a strong dem
ocrat in thu field against him.
) n motion of K. L , Shup.irt the delegates
o the city convention were Instructed to
iso their endeavors to secure an endorse-
nent of the nomination of Lucius Wells
or alderman nt large. This was carried
manimously and with much enthusiasm.
The delegates were also Instructed to en-
leaver to have school directors noini-
mtcd at the convention. E. E. Hail was
chosen as committccmaii for the coming
J Ditinoi :
t PABSGS tlio IFonso nnd Now the
Work Will Proceed.
About 0 o'clock last evening the follow-
nc telegram was received :
iMnrch 1. T. J. Hvnns :
Our brlilno bill has just pasted the house.
W. F. SAI-P.
Aboiit the same time Mr. J. T. Stewart
cceivcd a telegram to the same ell'ect
'rom Congressman Lunan. The news
spread quickly about thu city and there
was much rejoicing.Vhilc there had
been no opposition manifest against the
barter for the wagon bridge at the foot
) t Hioadway , still there was some
anxiety lest in thu crowd of b.isl-
ness this bill might not get through.
Congressman Lvman was doing his best
to secure its passage through thu house ,
ithtiving already parsed the senate. Ex-
LJongressm.m Sapp hurried on lo Wash
ington , sacrificing personal interests in
loing so , in order to help what he could
The glad news shows how well these
representatives of Council Hlu ( Is worked
for ils interests. The passage of the bill
nsurcs the speedy starting up of the
actual work. Mr. Kvnns assures the Bu :
; hat the building of the bridge will com
mence at once , and that the enterprise is
now as sure ns the rising of the sun.
Council Hind's people ha\u been a little
nervous , perhaps unnecessarily , fearing
liieio might be some delay , but now the
last doubt is gone , and 'the boom will
looin ) bigger tban ( ver.
Finest stock of embroideries in tlio city
just opened at Harkness Brothers.
Largest stock of Mew Uuehings at
Ilurkncas Brotheis.
UridKC Hill Pnsscd.
Smith Bros , have some choice lots on
Broadway , the direct boule\ard to Omaha
via the now bridge , which is now an as
sured fact. Tiic lots will treble in value
inside of sixty days. .
The Now Kronduny Bridge
Places the acre property offered for sale
this morning by Smith Bros , as accessible
to the Omaha poblnlilcu as propcity on
the Omaha side which is held at ten
time ? the price.
New carpels nt llarkne a Brothers.
Only live days left to get bargains at
the Publishers' book ale. Not a book
will bo sold after Saturday , March 5.
Curtains , Upholstry ,
Window Shades ,
Poles , Door Mats , Rugs ,
Sash Draperies , Etc , ,
il Ordres Carefully Filled ,
Our Mr. Stockert Superintends
All Work.
The Klneit 7m
ported Line o
Goods West o ;
Mrs , C. L. Gillette's
nriiuK duo. w ,
Attorneys at Law.
.101 Bro.uhviiy , Up Stuirs ,
Council lilulls ,
The only Hotel in Council Bluffs Having a Sir
And Ml Modern Improvements.
21 j , 217 and 310 Main St.
flf.t.V MOliy , Prop.
JOIl > V. BTONC , J iCOl ) bill
Attorneys at Law ,
I'r.tciice in the St.ile .uul Federal Court
Uooiiu 7 anil S Sluitart-13 ; no Block.
Ppeclal Kilvcrtleemcnta , such K Lost , Fojnd
loIxwn.For Sale , To Ilontt' ' ints , Bonrdlnir ,
tc .ivlll tiolnscrtod In this , column nt the loir
on fin J HvoCentil'orl.lnortircachsubsoeiuont
nfortlon. I.cnro adverlUoniuiti nt our offlco
Jo. U 1'carl street , nor llroadnay , Council
. - to work. I ) . J. Smith , gnr-
denrr , South First utrcel. _
Ten MIOA Oilers nnd R\t > tcnm-
WAN1KO J. 1' . Oouldcn.
TtTANTED-A ffoodRlrl for gencrftl house-
TT work. vMtist come well rccoramondcd.
Apply ntoncoto No KMMno olrcet.
AN-TKU-To rent. < f Mimirho"TI o in peed lo
cation. Fnmllj-stnnllnnrt rrnt must bo
icluw 120 per montli. Ailjrcsa 117 idler C. J.
lee otTlco.
' SAtiK For ft fen dnji In dcplnililo locn-
17'OH . House.oii rooms , modern tin-
pro\cments , lot 60x1112. O. M llrown.C. H. A.
) . ticket n cnt.
"AXfANTED-A Blrltoilo general housework.
> > Fhtnllyoriour. Hiuuly kllclien. Aphly
TlWCIh A\c.
gAtjE-Mu lo nnd sonlnfr umchlno liusl-
FOH , tofictlier wltli Biuull stock of holiday
nnll pupor. ( Jood town nnd country ,
uood locution , chenp rent , ( irontnlilc
Invrlco Jt..HK ) to tl.WO.Voiilil tno imrt In
Council Illiiflt rent estate. Addtesa A. L. Man
ning , Dunlnp , lona. _
TAN IT. ! ) A man to t uo tnro of horses nnd
do chores. Mimt 1) well rotomracndcd.
Addre S I. X. , Council llluiK
FUltSALK If taken this wecK A fho room
house on Filth lucntio , near dummy
do pot. 'lhuf > treut. gldewulk and lot Ullod to
prude. Price fl,4M. KH T terras. Address
Lot. llco ofllcc , Council
W , C. STACY & CO.
JO acres offlnc laml atljoinlnti ihc
ritHinits on the ronil in Lnhv Man-
< tn > ( t , onlu ten mlnittc lanUifrom tlte
mnln street car line , $ ( > 00 per acre ,
22 rtrivs ten vntln from Jlrotia1 way ,
jnst outride the city , $ M , OO.
V3 < tcrcs in the saihe vicinity ,
( roiKjhcr land ) , on'y .fT. ) > per acre ,
XO acres on Hraatlwuy , Inside the
riti/limit * , cf/.sf of ( * < ( ltsbni'/ add ,
for . # .700 per acre , t
7 22-JOO acres on 'Lincoln ave. ,
comer of Franklin. $1)SOO ) worth
of improvement- * , only $4 , > 'iGO ,
Lots on Malnt. , $125 per foot
Lots in lii < ldte' suu.tS < tO to OO
Lots In flrnlllnc ; oi caxu terms.
Cheap lots in every addition to the
in all Parts
of the city.
Large List of Acre Property ,
Business Property , Etc ,
Malto yoitr investments now , as
property will advance very rapidly
as soon an the "Vnildinu Jiuoin" be
W. O. STACY & Co. ,
Real Estate Brokers ,
2fo 9 , Main st , , Council niitffs.
D. H. MCDANEU ) & CO. ,
[ Uilitbllahe.l 1H )
No. KO Main Street , I i ' Council BluT * .
Korses § Mules
For all purposes , bought .ind sold , at retail
nd in lots. Large quantities to select
from Several pain of fine drivers , sin
gle or donble.
WISE , Council Bluffs
COMMBNCINO KIUDAY , MAlldll 25X11 , 1887 ,
I will soil nt my residence on Ko * Crock , 10
uillcscaet ot Council UlutTd , uij-
Well Improved , nil under cnlllvallon ; 15J ncrcs
In tuinu Knvss ; luuii Iluo now rcslilonvo , con
tulnlnir 11 rooms amlollmoJern Itnpiovoinenta
boiibocoslliiK I7.0JH A' i > nowli riitOx6Jj : Iwo
llHlliduy ulnd mills , a gciila hniiso und bciilcu
cuttlo yards uml water tanks ; u yood youim
bcnrliw orcliurd of tipple : ) and giuiill truit ; 3
lieiul iifKOod lurin liorM.w , outtle , lioirt and ul
( arm Imploinuiita roiiilitd | to run a llrn-clnsa
farm. Terms will bo made known n applluu
lion , or on < l y of salo. All pnrtles tlilnklair of
InvrslliiK arc cordially United lo eull and imiku
a poisoiml oviiuilnatloii ol tbo farm nnd Itn-
pioTOmcnia. I . WAltU
- AND - -
Prices reru Low ,
W. S , HOMEK & CO. ,
XV , 23 . .U.IA NT. ,
1887 1887
Novelties in of our
several departments nre bs-
iug received dnily , mid nt
I > ric2s that Mill plenso thu
closest buyers.
Wo invite attention lo our
rich display of novelties anil
sttiplos in our wash goods
department. Many of these.
have never before been seen
in the west.
Lace , Stripes and
j Plaids.
Upwards of TOO elc-
glut ; designs.
n Combination and
Seersuckers and Crinkles ,
In endless variety.
Early buyers will have the larger
selection and will secure the
gems ,
)1 )
is replete with an elegant stock
bought before the rise , and as
they arc marked at old prices ,
consumers will get the benefit
oT at least 20 per cent.
Muslins.Linens.taaslB . .
TableCoversMpMns ,
Towels , Quilts ,
are all included in the above in
a vast assortment.
We call special attention to
our large and complete stock of
White Goods
some elegant fabrics inrictoria
and Bishop lawns , Plaid and
Stripe Cambric , Plain , Stripe
and Plaid Nainsook ? , India Lin
ens , S\vi < H Muslins , dotted , fig
ured and plaid , a very nice se
lection for summer diesies. A
large line of Embroideied Robes
in boxes.
We have received an entire
new line of muslin nndeiwear ,
for ladies and children ; the larg
est and most varied stoalc we
have ever shown.
We have received in our no
tion department a complete as
sortment of Embroideries , Luces ,
Cor e s , Hustles , Hoops , Gloved ,
Hosiery , Handkerchiefs , Ribbons
bens , Buttons , etc.
Nos.314 , itlO , 318andX20 Jlroud-
way , Council
Mailorder * promptly and
fully attended to.
IB1. J" .
Real Estate Broker
No. 39 Pearl street.
That can be shown in the
Call on Him.
Farming Lands in Iowa , Minnesota , Kansas , and ranging from ? 3 00 to
$10.00 per acre. School and Mate lands in Minnesota on 30 years' tune ii per
cent interest. Land BUJ ers fare free. Information , etc , given by
! L i xJ 3 J J O VaX t
T p ( f
No. 55H Ihoadway , Council IMull's , Iowa , agent for Freulrik&on & C'o. , U'licago. '
Jiliwo wmehouso lots , ncnr Diomluay rtorot ,
cucn $1,400.
: M foot , Jliiln St. , oppo ito 1st ave , fin.,00.
40 Icct. Jlaln st , bet. 8th imcl Dili u\es. , ] 'cr
foot , $ -00.
40ft , Main st..ncnr Ilrond nydouble Sgtory
brick.10rAU. ) .
2-story m Ick bloro. Central llrondw ny , $9,000
1-story brick , Cunlrnl llnmdwuy , U W.
I7r > il75 , britk houfo:7"i ft truck , contra ] , S1U.OOO
4 lots,300 fttnitk. Hlh ave , nciirilrd st.,51,000.
Iloiifo nnd lot , ncnr WnluiRli ilcpot , SI.ViO.
House nnd lot ncnr Wauash depot. $ . ' ,000.
Tine ic idciico nnd li-0 ft front , OnUlnnd avo. ,
Tlno resilience nnd.1 lots. Onklnnd n\r , tl./i'O. '
Kino re Klonco nnd 110 ft fionl , nun OnKlum )
live. , $ 'i,500.
Lots. Onkliinil nve . J ' ,000 In * ! , COO.
\\'ii-iilnton ( nvo. . nun i Oiikliiml , J2.0H ) .
\Vii8hliiKtonii\e , ncni Mnil.ttM , l 60.
Ifii\.l9a ( , cor. Ouklnnd nnd Wii liliiirlon lives ,
$10.011. ) .
Fnrm.lSUncrps 'i ' inllos noithiitj.iut iurcf < 0
Vnrin,18inctrB,2'S ) inlli" . cunl i It } , poi iicrc.t&U.
Kiirin , iiPOiicioi. ncni I.oveliinil. poi iicir.W ) .
Knrin. IHOacics. near Ln C'luml. Her ULIC , C.'O.
JVcro property In nnd near the city. f tF.hnir blocks , nnd blocks indilteicnt pnils ol tbocliy.
E , W. Raymond , Real Estate Agent ,
No. 13 North Main Street , First National Bank Block , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Umiilm. I'ouiiPlI DluOs
Sears' Real Agency ,
T.axes paid , loans made , rents collected , investments made for
Vacant Lots , Lands , City Residences and Farms , aero properly In
western part of city. All selllny cheap lo inalfc room for spi-liiy slock.
Real Estate and Insurance Agent.
Itoom / * , over Officer C I'tisey'tt lianh : Council JUii/JTs.
If. L. JtlCKJH ,
Justice of the Peace ,
No 501 liromlvvny , Council HhiiTs.
Colleclions a specialty. Refers to the Bee
J ( . JiiCH , M , I ) .
Cancers and other Tumors
Hemoved without the knitu or Diawiii' ' o
OerUOcars Practical evpeiiuucc.
Nell Pearl St. , Council
free ,
Star Sale Stables and Mule Yards
llrouuwii ) , Council HhilU , Opji JJuin my
5. t- *
Homes und mules krpt constantly on
hand , foi sale at retail or in car loads.
Orders promptly iilh'd by onnlrai-t on
short notice Stonk sold on commission.
SUM ini & Hoi.i-.i' , Propriutors.
'lelephoiicNo. 1U.
l'"oniit.ilv iif K 'il ' 'iaic ritabliM , coiner
1st avi ; . and 4th street.
Council Ittufl'ii , lo'.va.
U4tabl '
Ueo. S. i\tillor \ cfe F. II. Toboy ,
Ollico over Isl Natlonni Hank , cor. Mala
und Itioiulnny.
If } ounut cillinntns or plum for lirlilge
VOIK , fouinlnilon , eancn , t-'nmlntj or survey
Ins niKl plftltliitf , call upon iliom. All > rj
/Z ft. ll.tHWJV ,
Justice ol the Peace ,
115 lit oidviiy , CoiiiiL-il HiulTs.
Kelt rs to AD ; bank or busiiictis lioutc in tlio
city , f-ollections u kpci'ial
Justice of tlie Peace.
Olliic o\vr
J\\j-l-'JtI-\Clf-t MILLIXKH V
1514 Oojglas Stu Oniahi ,
Latin Im iii-i .1 ; iial or bonnet , one fare
Mill he ) 'ivt.l , f lo , un.iul trip ,
EnjineerjSufye'/or / ' , Map Publisher
No. 1 ! N'ojtli Main St.
' " " Q'J