Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1887, Page 5, Image 5
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : , rWEDNESDAY MARCH 2. 1887. AFTER A CIRCLE RAILWAY , Lincoln People Want a Railroad Built Around the Oily. SELLING SUBURBAN PROPERTY. An Important Button Trial In tlin Ts \ - , - trlct Court HenlKfitn to I , I ; , . lion Itosiin Fntso llu inors A lion t. TUB BEE'S u.tconjf nniEAu.1 The past few days Imvo boon line , and tlio real estate boom , profiting thnrcby , lias fairly spread itself , reaching out in every iltruction from the city until farm ers have conic driving into the city from a dUtiUico of ten miles out to sec how much nearer the city limits are to his rural habitation than tlinv were the day before. To such the bland and blnrnojitiK real estate agent , us ho stands upon the street corner , confidentially asserts that > It is a question of only a few months until their farms will bo wauled for nib ditiotis. On Saturday last over $30,001 'worth ' of farm lands were purchased two miles out from the city in the vicinity of the asylum , and it is freely st.ued that every dollar of the Investment was cust om capital. This njjnlii ; revises talk , and the wonder FOOIIIS to bo what Will be done to make those erstwhile waving fields of corn thousand dollar town lots , li is wtaled that the coming day is to develop Kreat tiling for the southern suburbs of the capital city. One enthusiast says that an electric railway is to Mirrotind tfio city like a Chinese wall , to shoot trains every ti-u seconds from door to door 'of the su burban dwellers. Hut , dropping the vagaries of the visionary , it Is very evident that something is about to drop , and from consul tation with many of the prominent prop erty holders a safe conclusion to rcacli is thai a circle railway is a coming surety for the city of Lliu'oln. There is no ob stacle in the way for a consummation of this character , for ; there would be few heavy grades or cuts in the building , and the right of way coulU bo secured at a nominal cost , if any cost at all. The speculators have just fairly embarked upon the project of securing suburban properly within a two-mile limit , mid every such would want a local depot on their addition. The asylum , the peni tentiary , the new university , and the al ready thriving suburb of West Lincoln , would bo directly on the lineot a local railway encircling the city. A SUIT IN couiit. Judge Chapman heard an important casein the district court yesterday which was tried before a jury with Brown & Ryan Bros , ami Marquette , Doweeso & Hall ami S. 11. Steele as Ihe attorneys in the case. This action Is an outgrowth of the J. Roberts-Williams matters. Will iams resided in Butler county and will lie remembered as a once capitalist and dealer in notes and mortgaged. Hut , when trouble came , ho joined the pit- criimigo to Canada , and was afterwards brought back , although now h'o is an ab sent child of fortune. The case on trial is brought by r.u eastern man named Olcott and it is ngalnst illiams and his bondsmen , the latter of whom are the real defendants in the matter. It scorns that some years since Williams negoti ated a sale of a bunch of notes and ap parent collaterals with Lewis Bros. , loan agents of this city , who represented Mr. Oleott , giving 510,000 bonds as surety of their v.ihio Time has developed tlio fuel that those notes were many of them worthless , if not fictitious , and the pres ent suit is on the bond. The questions of usurious rate of interest and goncxal lia bility enter into the legal battle. NKW CASKS 1'Il.El ) . In the past two days a number of now cases have been tiled in court , the most important of which is a suit brought by Frank L. Sheldon against C. P. Snow , of I'rincoton , III. It seems from the papers that a short time ago Mr. Sheldon , who is one of the heavy estate buyers of this city , contracted with the agent ol Snow for 1(50 ( acres of land in Yankee Hill precinct , paying $10 on a contract for sale for $5,000. This land lies close to the city ami the insane hpsmcul , MU ! presumably , under the booming skies ol the present , is worth double that sum , From the tone of the petition Mr Snow evidently has discovered that IK has a good tiling and would like to Icec ) ; St. AH these cases develop the fact mentioned tionod in the Bi'.u a few days ago that an immense amount of litigation is liable tc urlso over the multiplicity of real cstiti : ngout5) that arc abroad like roaring lions seeking fees. Israel vs Kiuimcll and Van Dyn la an other similar case on a small scale , in which a city lot is being legally foughi over. The claimant sets fortli that la purchased the lot some months ago making a small payment on it , and thai the agents have recently sold it over hit head. Ho brings the balance of mono ; duo on the lot and tenders it through tlu court. A number of annual cases have boon brought In the district court to bo re heard the present term if possible. MUCH ADO AUOUr NUTUl.S'O. The illness of Chief of Police Boacl caused the mayor to temporarily till the vacancy and Captain Post who was directly in line of pro motion , was very properly selected The .Journal , which , through some of iti bucolic local men , has attempted t < learn the department something , at templed to magnify tin ) chance iutt . poniotlung of gioat moment that wii- going to uproot things generally and holt pome ot tun mon on the force whosi forte is kicking , Tlio inference givei tiy the Journal that C'lue lioiioh hud been permanently re moved during the remainder of tin olliclal year is wholly erroneous , as tin change is made for the present month o .V > until xtieli time as the eldof shall recover It is impossible to Hud any foundation fo the street talk that Policeman Malone one of the bcstollieers on the list , is to b subject to punishment or prosecution but to the contrary the mayor dot's no propose to have any whole'salo work o the Kind inaugurated , Neither Policemei nlalonu or Kinchulo will resign as stated but they will both continue in the ilia charge of tlioir work , There are toi many of the city olllcials who know wha Jim Malouo is worth to lot any behead ing bo Inaugurated , and it does not ai | pear that any Is intended. DON'T DKsKIlT T11K I1ONDSMAN. The haw and Order league has an m collent opportunity at the picsont tlmo t show the character of its' mettle and it hono.ity by coining to the front and assis t in" Mr. A H. Raymond in diseharging hi obligation to the fctato as the bondsiuai of the notorious Agent Juntos , whosi shadow has departed from the junsdic lion of the Lancaster district court. Mr Raynumd , when James was arrested as common adulterer and bound over fo trial , lost hia good judgment for the tin ) being and went on James' bond for f UOt \Vhen court convened James , us lui' ' been frcoly asserted , did not dare ri turn to Lincoln mid face the musk and tin bond ww : declared fur folteMl , Now , at the present lorn : County AUtorney Stearns , in tlio. iniiui ( Hutu disohargo of his duty , has coin jncnccd suit to recover the amount of th bond and Mr , K'.iymondyill have t stand the loss if the luaguo is not hunoa V enough to stand the burden. A goo doul of kicking is manifest because th nrticiald seek to treat the matter in luuliiutH light anil not wink at the foi felted bond and lot It pass unpaid , an U > o ouportunlty is open for the league t ipcud a portion of Its funds in aouiutlim. . ) esido making a slnecuro tor ils own paf- icuiar lawyer. Mr. Unymond is person al I y able to pay Ihe ? aOO. but It would 1m i line spectacle in the league to make ilm do It. IN StM'llKMKCOrtlT. Court met pursuant to adjournment yohtcrday and the followinghusint'ss was rnnsactcd : Hull'vs Slife , rcarguincnt ordered. The following causes wore irgucd nnd submitted : State c.v rc-1 Jerry va Babcock , Ixicb vs Milncr , bin-lion helm va Shcdcnhclm. All other causes from the Fifth judicial district not heretofore otherwise disposed of , were placed at the foot of the general locket. Court adjourned to Tuesday , March 8 , vhon the docket of causes from the Sixth listrict will be called. AIIOI'T Tin : CITV , A rupture is liable to occur at almost my moment that will snuidallzo society n the capital city In a way that has not ) con done before In months. Informa- ion Is hinted at concerning a well-known riti/wn who is very prominent in society and who has an estimable family. Thi'.i larticular citizen has seen lit to build ilmself a class house , as It were , and In carcerate therein a woman of the town , mil if from such a reckless course the vorld at largo should peer through the ineurtalned windows no surprise should follow if a veritable aoi'lal cai-thqr.akis should shatter things , Yesterday Policemen Matonn and Kin- chelo departed for ( 'larinda , I a. , to testify n the district court there against a col ored man named Johnson who some uonthh since was arrested in Lincoln In ono of the numerous rauNupnn the ranch > f the departed Mrs. Hawkins. \ \ hen UTostcd some stolen property was found n the man's possession , and when irossuil the party confessed to burglar/- ! ng a store in a town near Clarinda. Ho was tut ned over to the Iowa ollicials and s now to have his trial. Monday evening the ladies of A , 1) . Marshall lodge Knights of Pythia- , gave a eceptlon to their husband ? and friends. ho lodge members , and with the reeep- Ion a banquet Unit was both elaborate and elegant. Just prior to the scene of foastmir , Mrs. Harry Downs , on behalf of tho'ladics , presented to Marshall divls- on an elegant banner , witli an intrinsic value of ir,0. When the division now ; oes fortli to conuuest they will march ike knights of old under the lolds of an ensign that came from the hands of their > wn sweethearts. Contracts are now being made by C. C. mil L. C. Burr for the construction of the landsomcst block in Lincoln. The build ing will bu JO , six stories high and milt on ground that was recently pur chased for $81.000. Active work will begin tlio moment the 'frost leaves the ground. Ono of the real estate options held in : ho city Is upon the building and lot of ( Iran Ensign on Klovunth stroet. This it n thirty-day option and the price that will close it out is $ ; n,000. 1ITOH ANIJ T11K UONK12V Or How Fortune Found Fad an Oft Away I > oavln tlio Fiddler Unpaid. Everybody knows Pilch. He is n news paper advertising solicitor. No man over ived with a more tender heart than ho. IHisinosS mon in Omaha know this , business men in Denver have a kindred knowledge. Fitch a few years ago was ad solicitor on tlio Denver Tribune , and was then as now believed to bo the boss in the business. Governor Gilpin , rcsid- ng in Denver , had a little burro or don key , for his children , who rode on it around the smooth shared lawn surrounding ' aristocratic residence rounding their fatncr's dence on Capitol Hill. Ono day the don key was missing , and the children grieved so much over the loss that the governor ollered a reward of $20 for its return. About two o'clock the morning after this ad appeared , Fitch was going homo along Sixteenth street. He was passing the alley north of the Tabor opera house when noticing a dark object in the alloy , ho explored and found that it was Gilpm's donkey. It had no bailer on , but ! itch took out a huge white satin handkerchief which had been presented to him by his Sabbatli tehool class a few days before , and tied it around the animal's neck to load it down to Jack Wright's livery , there to remain until morning. As he was crossing Larimer street on his way to lloiliday , big Tim Kyan .stood under the lamp on the corner and called out : "Vhat'vo ye tharo , Fatch ? " "Whj don't you see ? It's Governor Gilpin'e donkoy. Twenty-live dollars made pretty slick , Tun , old boy. Hold on , 1 can allbrd to sot thorn up on this , como along. " So ho led the docile ani mal onto the sidewalk and the three walked a few doors from tlin corner to the Arcado. Tim Ryan was police ser geant. When they got to the door they left the animal standing thorc , meekly sleeping. "He's tshivcrin' , " said Tim. "Poor little fellow , " said Fitch. "Hold on , I'll ' fix that. " So ho took his coat oil' and throw it over the donkoy. There had been rams during the night and the air was chilly , Jim laughed and re marked : "Ya aht to pityor hat on him and he'd look like a pratcnor wid his tlto tohoker. " "I'd just as soon do it as not1'Fitch said ana sura enough ho placed his hat on the animal's ears with that great hearted grace , on which he has a mo- nopoly. They then wont through the doors where the deadly struggle between ( "lay Wilson nnd Jim Moon had taken place a short while before nnd Fitch rolled a silver dollar on the bar and said ' Let's ' have the best in the house Timms. Have somclhinf ; yourself. " Mr. Timms tlio proprietor , set up the glassware tor a small drinking parly and the three took theirs .straight. Vitch was congratulated on his liiul and lie said : "Why , 1 toll you It is luck. It comes my way. Why I remember oneo-- " and then ho started oil'into the relation of boveral aneedotos of former linds. Ho told thorn modestly , but o\ery ono felt their truth. "Lot's have the t/.igahrsTimms , " ThU was Sergeant Ryan's order. Fitch put his into his vest pocket , 10 give an alder man the following day , whom ho was working for a public advertising con tract , and then look out a cigarette , nnd smoked it [ there in hia shirt bloove ami bam head , while ho told a fmv more sto ries. Thu proprietor next slid the glasses and bottln along tlio polished bar , and all drank. Then the two patrons Ictt , The electric light in front of the door was nervous , and sputtered and throw out Hashes of darkness with alarming ra pidity When Fitch and Tim got to the door they could not sec the donkoy. Fitch looked up the streetTun down the street , then Loth looked across to the other bidowalk. Fitch put his hand tm to tec ] for his bare head. Ho oimd it in the usual place , Ho m < Nl ran to the corner and threw a glanca down toward Holladay street 'mil another up toward Lawrence street , Ho then ga ed at the Roi-ky Mountain Nowd building , on a ray of light that smote it , coining out of a second story window in Thannot's hotel across the street , b ut ho could tco no donkoy. It was still lost In the Dourer Tribune appeared the following : Flvo Dollars Knw&rd , This rcwaid wlllbo paid on tlio return to this ollico of n white sutlii handkerchief , a ro\t : nnd lint. Lent to- tiny after nddnluht near .Slxtnontli anil Lari mer dtrcets. No questions ( inswereil. A. It. , F , That morning nsa sofUtllluuM hlemlpd itself into thudarkness of tha orient , Gil- pin's ' donkey stood at his master's g.Uo. , fully equipped , asleep. When the f.imily arose they made tlin discovery. Ho had strayed homo. The children wore ro- DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY CHEAP CLOTHING. . Whou you can buy Merchant Tailor Made goods for the same money , and got something to fit and wear you , which are mechanically made by artists in the Clothing Trade. The management of the Misfit Parlors , 1110 Ifarnam Street , has made a business of furnishing Omaha's public with those garments for the past three years , although it was whispered they would not remain longer than a week. They came and claimed they would capture the trade , and from the appear- "a'uceof things it looks as if they have. Is there any reason why they should not ? when they furnish a man rou von $ n ( id Tlint was made to order $ 7 CO 4 70 Tlint wqs made to order $ 0 00 4IO ! ilo tin . - 8.10 5-10 do do 1050 fid1) ) do do 1000 0 fil ) do do in ( X ) 'fj ft ) Uo do 11 00 700 do do 1475 ( in ( Jo do ia on H TO do do 1500 7 0 do do M GO 0 30 do do 1700 Tailor-Made Suits FOH That was made to order. ? a * so do do : u oo do done a1 ; oo no do 40 00 do do 45 00 do do 50 00 do do r > ! i 00 do do 0 ! ) 00 And otliora more expensive , according to quality , consisting of the latest novelties in patterns and cuts , equal to any in workmanship. AVith the above will bo found , in any weight , heavy , medium or light weights for FOR TOR FOR "We cater Cor your trade and will gain you confidence if yon will seek us. "When looking for value in your clothing , visit the 1119 FABNAM STREET , OMAHA , NEB. joiccd , and the largest boy tied the cloth ing up into a neat bundle and brought them to the Tribune ollice. Mr. 1-itch cached his hand into hi * pocket and after fumbling through a quantity of coin ho always carries pulled out a _ hvo dollars gold piece and calmly gave it to lac boy. RUINS IN CENTRAL AFRICA. Evidence that the Country Was Once Inhabited by ClviIUcrt People. Some wny south of the Xambesi river there is a largo region , extending nearly 400 miles inland , and 3)0 ) to 40J miles toward the south , in which ruins arc con stantly being discovered , proving that in prehistoric times the country was inhab ited by a oiyili/.od people. To-day only the rudest black tribes inhabit this land , have in a few places , where the Portu guese have established stations. The little beo-hivo huts of the natives are seen among massive ruins , betokening a do- grco of architectural skill which rivals that of the ancient Axtecs. Our knowledge of these ruins is still far from pertcct. Our earliest records of travel and trade on the Hast African coast , extending back to the beginning of the christaln era , ( to not mention them. The coast town of Sofala Is shown on all maps of Ivist Africa. Near that town Carl Mauch found extensive ruins remarkable for their enduring nature and strange shapes. There are partly ruined walls still thirty feet high and twelve feet wide at the base , built of small hewn blocks of cranit. Hero and there , built in the walls -.landing by themselves , are round , stone towers , which evidently rose to bights of thirty to fifty feet. It is not positively known yet who built these ancient structures. All these ruins are surrounded by fciirfueo gold mines. It is believed that all this coun try was occupied some IImo before tlio Christian era by a great colony , probably of L'lKunician origin ; and that its chief occupation was no Id miningMr. . O'Neill says that a largo region in inner Africa now given up to savage men and wild beasts was subject many centuries ago to tha control of a people who wcro considerably advanced in tlio art of civ- ilizatlon. 'iComposition on Mntllclnc. There is two kinds of medicine be sides the kind you Rub On and the lirtit kind is the Soft Kind which you take with a SDOOII whllo A man lioidn your head and you kick and Higgle $01110 because - cause It Tastes so and the other kind is the Hard kind which is called I'ills and it Is the Hardest of the whole bccauso it is bo Hard to go Down but it does not make any JJIfloronco which kind you Take when you get it Took you wish you Had not for it makes quite a Row in your Stomach and Riots Around. " Kvidontly Johnny's o.tnorlonco in med icine deus not include Dr. Pierco's "Pleasant Purgative Pellets , " which are easy to take and do their work quietly and calmly. Neither docs it include in thu way of "Soft Medicine" Dr. Picrco's " ( Solden Mndical Discovery , " which though powerful to euro all chronic de rangements of the liver and blood , is pleasint to the taste and agreeable in its ollects. Unequalcd as a remedy for all scrofulous diseases , pimples , blotehcH , oruntions , ulcers , swelled glands , iroitro or thick neck , foyer-sores and hip-joint disease. Tlio Story ofa JMnmoiul. Ono of the largest and finest gems in the world is the Orion" diamond , which is among the crown jewels of the Russian emperor. It is a blono with a strange history , too. When first discovered by Europeans it formed the eye of an idol in a temple at Triehinopoli , in India. Then it was stolen by a Frenchman , who escaped with his pri/e to Persia , and who , fearful of being discovnrod , was glad to dispose of his ill-cotton gear for a sum of about $10.000. The man who bougct the stone , a Jew ish merchant , sold it to ono Slmfras , an astute Armenian , for (00,000. Shufrus had conceived the idea that by carrying .thu stone to Russia lie would obuuu from the Enipress Catharine , the great , a princely sum for it. How to travel in safety with the stone , the theft of iwhioh hail of course been discovered and proclaimed , became a grave consideration. It was two large to swallow , and no mode of concealment presented itself to Shafras that seemed secure from discovery. The way-in which lie solved tlio prob lem was remarkable. Ho made a deep incision in the lloshv part of his left loir , in which he inserted the Btonc. closing the wound carefully by sewing it up with silver thread. When the wound healed the Armenian merchant sot out on his travels quite boldly , and. although more than oneo apprehended rigorously searched , and even tortured a little , ho was obdurate , and firmly denied having the stone in his posscstion. Having at length reached his dcslina- he. asked from the empress the sum of $200,000 for the gem , an amount which Catharine was unable to raise at tlio mo ment. Wo next find the Armenian at Amster dam with the intention of having his diamond mend cut. Here the stone was seen by Count Orlnir , who determined to purchase - chase it for presentation to his royal mis tress , the Empress Catharine. The sum ultimately paid for thu famous gem was about * ; tr > 0,00 ( > in cash , together with nn annuity of $2,500 and a patent of nobility. Shaft as nourished exceedingly and dieil a millionaire. Such , in brief , is the story of the Orion" diamond. A Good Tliinj- Conic to Stny. America is a great country for dis coveries and inventions. Thousands upon thousands of now things como to light every year , thousands upon thou sands of them disappear never to bo seen and heard of no more. Some of the new discoveries como to stav bccau-o they are genuine and moot a long felt want. Such a thing is Au.coc'ic's Poitot. , PfyASTKi : , which after a fair trial of twonty-livo years is conceded to bo tint best ONternal remedy known by both the medical fraternity and the general pub lic. In a quarter of a century it hits nuver failed in doing all that was claimed lor it , AI.MWK'S ' Poimus PIASTIIIS : have reached the place they now occupy because they have boon proved to he good , safe , sure rind hpeedy in doing their work. Ask your druggist for ALL- cocic's and bo sure to accept no other , Famous The following is a list of the principal carthquakesithtit have taken place since the twelfth-century , with the casualties caused : 1'crsons Yctir , J'/wf.1 / Klllctl. tun-Sicily . * . . . ! is.wxj 115-Syrn ! 20,000 UfVi Clllcla OG.OXJ J4VJ-N.iplcs ! 40,000 iMi Lisbon. . : , ooo tow Naples , . , , , 70oco IGOT-Scliaiiiilkl. . ' . < S0,000 ItW Jamaica lOOj-Slclly 107.003 17IM-\aufla , Italy .1,000 170.1 Yi'iido. Japan , 200,000 1T05 The Abnim Ift.OJO 1710 Alclors , . iiOX)0 ) 17 * ! 1'aleimo n.n-1'ckln ' . I0)ooo 17-10-1 Jiua anil Callao 18.0JO I7.'il-iranil ( Cairo -10,000 1755-Kiisknu , Persia 40,0 ! < 0 17A5 I.Ubotl , M > ,0i' , > 0 17.VJ Syria , 17H1 Kzlnchlftu , Asln Minor. 5,000 17' * * Country between Santa Fo and Panama , , . 40,000 IsowNnnles 0,000 lv Aleppo 20.000 lK5liirca ! 0,000 IsiO-Cauton O.OOCJ - 4.CCO 1813-Cap ? Uaj-tlen JbST-Calabria , 10.000 lavj-Qulto , , 6.000 IS'lO-MenUora , South America 7,0 * WS Towns in Peru and Kcimilor. , . . la.OJO lS7.i-Sin Jose de Cucuta , Columbia. . 14.00 IBSl-Selo , 4,000 IfeCd Charleston . , . . , W 18J-IUvlera , , . . 2.000 Pozzoni'a Complexion Powder produces - duces a soft and beautiful skiu. It com bines every element of beauty and purity , Sola by druggist ? . An Epidemic or Monstcs. Ar.ijKanr.NY CITV , Pa. , March 1. An ept- ilomlc of measles is lagln In the Uhtyo avenue - nuo asylum , fifty children are 111 with tlio disease. Some halt-do/un or more deaths h.uo occiuied within the past two \\ceks , nml the physicians and attendants are ap- pioliensivo ot the .s.ifoty of other Inmate.- ) , the whole numbui ot chiUUcu in the homo 'JOO. $ ppj& \ l/pi / ! NATURAL nrot rtAvona - MOST PERFECT Prepared with strictTopcjd to Parity , Strongtljtftn& lloalttfulaoos. Dr. Prico'u Baking Powder contains no AmmoniaLime. Aiumorlho phutoa.I > r.l > rlcoa Ertrfecte , YanlllOj Lemur , etc. , flavor CaUciouely. Cor , l fh ami DoilKO Sts , . Onmlm , Nt-b. A llec'ilnrOradiiMfln UrdlcUo Over U yri practice 10in Kanmt'Uj Hou. . Iliumed tntroM nil Clironlc.Ncrt out nu4 ' Jpoplil DUeAttd , " Haailonl U'euktietB NffrM I.O M ) , Hextiul Mobility < U > * e of r-eitiat power ) , M-rroni Debility ic. 'lire * guarantee J or roooey rfifiin < led. rurpt ( ( low , Itinuiniitti of < Hio curni4 { vpurttiiiLc It linj orlHiil All nifldlcinof realr lor usw No mercury or Injnrloui mrdlilutti und. } so lira a lost from btnlnrmi Patient * at a ilUlanre trrat d bj latter Miideirreri Xicdfctnn ererywhere \ frcofruto KH t or treakuso. flat * roar e ADI ! cad fitrtHrnm. KHCu niiultatlott fre antl cniUJontUl , i'9r ' i > iikllj or bjrloUer , OFFICE f * Wormy Volno cf the hcroium. ortt-t ti tittu * . vffatt' \ * ° f .t-nat Monhonrl. Debility. Ac. . quickly and jrt/nIuj/vfurr 3Ti7 tie ElflQtlct Craclla * SWWWJ5ff ! * . ! . i2L- . : . Msast.m Kites st.M ws k. Ono Aecnt ( McrrJiant onlyl wnntM In f r town Tot Your liiBtlnvolru of "Tunslir Pnnoli" 6ocl- Knis fiunu in joetonliiy , I wus out of ( hum linlf inlay , nnd liiul to mil on tlio ( javornnr for u roiniiauy of inllltlaioprovunt u riot. HnvniU- rundy rutallcd o\cryOJUO'j. ' H C. MANLRY , Lincoln , NubrtiBkn , 1E911SS , H. W. TMISILL & CO. , ClICltD PENNYMmU.PILU "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH. " The OrJKimi ! uuil Only lului-'ju.blti ui LADIE8 * A k your Oruialt f r * ( tilobMtrr * * FnjtlUh" tid Uk * aoclher or iucio * * i fitkoipt ) la u f r p rU"nlKr * i jflr by rrturti uiftlL NAME PAPER. I'Melirnter Chwuli-al < . , I'hlludu. , T . URIC Mn-JUon square , * > ! J by I > mc3ti ( ctrrynfcrrA. Ask fur * Chtrbc * * * ra iiplUb * ' I'cniif ruynl l'lll * T lff * * * lt * TRTIFICIMTLIIBS. This limb ison the lat- t improveil plan. The | y Uett , Lightest and Easiest to managu and the most durable limb made. I have had thirty five \ eais' experience wearing'mau ut'acturing and adjusting. Will give special rates , , _ , Until March 1st. My best limb for f75 Former price ? 1CO. Circular .ent ftee , Dr. J , S. CRAWFORD. 611 N. 17 t Bt. , Omaba , Nob. AiKNOMUY , _ - - . , . . . . . . . . ? Sjtsl"w"lJcl'u.rI > o . Cunnor TT.ilnuoui.rnll.1. . 'Wlhligcurmiti of . . t.leclrlc. ' . j. ' ' ! " " " uyh an'dvT'niinlJs" PartV"t0r" liiKthtm i " nhli ' " ' ' Currvut " > ' ' ' ' " "JoTjfcl' sftJWInJ/ / ! ! ! Orreteftlraitrovrmmti WANTED , HAW FURS ! At tlio lilshe1 ? ! market prlco. . Bond for iirlco current to the UM HulliiUlo I'luiiuia and Kur Mcrulinnts. Kstnbllslifd ISiiU. A 13. IJUHKHAMDT & CO. , 113 West Fourth iintl Itn uiui 114 Ink ! < r Stioct , CINCINNATI , OHIO Poison ( lie System with Nnusoatlns lriiers.Dp.Horno'ri ) Eloctrlc Belt Cures Diseases Without Medicines. Will Positively Cure Without Medicine ' , . , . rrnre * , DriTOpsl'i.Oonsllpntlon. Krynljulm , tlon , IrnjiDtvni'r.Cainrrli , I'llos , KiilluDar. AMIIO. lU- ca e l-Jxlinuatliii. Note the Following who wore Cured A J. TluiKlitnil H. S. I'.irifT. J. M Huston , nil on bonrct of tmJo ; H W. Kixrnlmm. Amoilrnn KxnrrH Co s A. lir-uoryconnnUglun morolmnt. stock vurcls. C Towneind , I'nlmor Fluunoi HuiM Dublo , Iho ureit lioneni.inr ! l.Conn llriif ) tbe Inter > ( ) ceiin , s W. llanlB , WKrleel : H , Mi iMtln , Hccrutury llorjcmiiiii .1. Ij.Shaiiirar.'jJIMu'UsonBt ; J.O. Hiallli , Joirn'or.lli.M.idliuniit. ' . nil ol Clilc iirmu , W. II II > H. * I.I ) , Morinonlown.lowii ! I.cuniol Milk , Kiinkixou , III , .IiKUel. .V Murrr Niiperi'lllo , III. , anil liuniliuda or Ktlicn roprn onllnif ni-arly nvorir Inwn In HIB I'nlon. ' Al o nlnjlno bolU for ludlcx. Call or > onil OIUHIII fur Illuntiiitud cuiiiloxue. Upon itnllr , nl n reiilniMiiiidHrimUti. Hlocirlc h upensorloi frno nntlnll MalullaUn. llownraof bozuicnmiiinloi wllli nianyiilm s tallinu worthloii K0'il ' . with onlyilto H element ) All my bain rnnt'iln ' 21 iMemuull or biillcrlra , UOUC'B hnvo four tlnioi tint poiror uinl nunntllr of elcctrlrltjr , Honuat ioos ; \ nnd Uoniat iml .W.HOHNk.lillWulmgli.av hlcafro Ijivciilur , rroprlotor ami Jlnnufucluror , 1837 Spring Valley Stook rarm. 1887 , OMAHA , NKIl , George WllUts 510. Record 2S2. ; Mena iioill ) ? 2 SO , tlio i"i : mid the t'J ! : ) staml nidi wita the sieatiat Unit n\r tlvoil. Havlnir now fi'i suns niul diiiikchtcrs In tlio ; UJ lint down to-U' : . ; . The only son of Gourde WIIUos hi tlio State or ' 3541 Black WilkeB 3541 Standard , biroil ) ) > Ue&viO Wllkos fill ) ; 1st ( lam 1'uiitir Hull , slre'l ' by Confc'ilui'.ito Clilot , own lirolliur ID Wouiltoid Clili'l. i-4Li : ; 'Jnd Jam llystlyk'd Iliinilili'lonliin. Wilt Flmid tor innn.'S at lliu aliovu farm nt $33 llio miaou , rush limo of her- viid , llh ( irlvilrzu ol riiliiin hhoiild inured not provoln foul l.lmltrd to Slirmros hoaldiM my own. SCAMJII coimnemut I'oli Jut ami emU A iiu t 1st.I J 1'orfurthur puiilculara t > uml for choulara N. I. D. BOLOWOW. WRITERS , SSfMSf TYPE or nxclmnvi'il tin mo-i 111'rnl Irrins. fiotKl niuchn3 ! > forftalnulliulf lri ) > t coil. hBttunbl T/ii.rfrUtr 'x3jiDEeHl > i. ! i Uebl.lilcitf . Ir , Hnodlkar'4 inotlio't ' t'o oporat on Kn IMIn ; No Dotcn Ion liym busiiiL'ss Ada itcil to clilldrun nQ ulliiy rovin people Hundrodj o ( uul'i rup'i tuslUuuniuUoii Ilia , All tmlnosi irlttly ooiilltlenl " " " till , N. D. < ; oit , RCOTI 6,15H Douglas St. , Omaha , tieb. WIIOLKSAM : ANU IILTAII. , Dfart for prhu truJo u full Ino n ( Auvloi. Cra'ji , CliuirlAi , rear * . I'lumi , Urapvi.Ourrunli , ( jooiu- lirile ! .IM.irkt rnu .Un | itierili' .htrawiiuirle . AI.LTJIH NKW AND OI.U KINDS. Apple rout ! < ( ( . evoriruuii > , ( urt l tree tvodllngi , ornaDifiiial traen and ihrub , rotui. cllmblnit vlnet , Jtc. Itealorl unii ull aupiillud atrcrr law | > rlc < . Ad- ' dreti D , 8. Lake , Prop. , Shenandoah , Iowa. Nebraska National Bank I OMAHA , NEBRASKA. Paid up Capital . $200,000 Surplus . 4O.OOQ II. VV. Yates , President. A. E. Tonzalln , Vice President. W. ll S. Hughes , Cashier. \V. V. Morse , John S. Collins , H. W . Yiuos , Lewis S. Hood. A. E. Touxalin. BANKING OFFICE : THE IRON BANK , Cor I2th and Furnani Sts. A Uenoral Banking ; Knsmeaa Transacted. " ' NTw7"HARiRia & Co. RANKE118 , CJfWAOO , RnHnQor Counting , Citleft mid otlioraof DUliUdblffhKradobouprht nnd sold. Bottom office C8 Dovouehir * eU uobtoo. Correspond ence solicited. BOSTONMASS. CAPITAL , . . . $40OOOO SURPLUS , - 400,000 Account ! ) of Banks , Bankers and Corpo * rations solicited. Our facilities ( or COLLUCTLONS are excellent and we re-discount for banks when balances warrant it Boston is a Rcseive City , and balances with us frombanksnot ( located in other Re serve Cities ; count as rcscr\e. We draw our own Exchange on London and the Continent , and make Cable trans fers and place money by telegraph through out the United States and Canada. Government Honds bought and sold , and Exchanges in Washington made for Banks without extra chaigu. We have a market for prime fust-class Investment Securities , and inyitc propostlt Irom States , Counties and Cities when is suing bonds. We do a general Banking business , and invite correbpondcncu. ASA P. POTTER , President. JOS. W. U'OP.K , Cashier. I" Oil" I * VnB B 8 NEHVITA ttrttHf no * E.OLL. I Mini " ' 1 " > I I HM , Hi P I fllHl NerTuuil > i > bllUvlD'Ol . L I i L. t * , t I i i M L. I , , IjCU < l , | ,0 < l Muukood. Tiul fnk c. lf. fin IIU. A. II. OI.IN CO. . rf. . Irt W- 8U 1CIU JCW III el UU uvt l'li V LINCOLN BUSINESS DIRECTORY J. 11. W. HAN KINS. ' Architect , i-lfi. at and , llicbnrda UlocJc , tl eel , Noli , Ulorutor un I ltd etroot. llrroiiorol MroeJoror K. M WOODS , Live Stock Auctioneer Snlss tnml In nil pnrls of lliu U 8. HI fair rf.los , Hoomil , SlRto Illock , Mnc'tln , Neb. uml Bhurl Horn bulU fur aulu. ' It. 11. GOULWNC ; , Farm Loans and Insurance , CorrvMMindcncn In ic iird to loan * sollcltoi lloutn 4 , HlcliarJj Itlouk , l.lnuolii. Nob. Rivers ids Short Horn * Ot birlLtly iiiuo Hairs uiij ll.itcjs Ta lluicl numbcra ubout 0) liund. I'lunllieu ruprt'euntod : Klbert ! , Acoinb. , llciilax , ItOMjof Slmroiu , ) lon KnlKiitly Duclit'sSDJ , flat Crook v < iun ? Hur/ * , l'lirll ) un , Ix > uans uiul'l'me l < orua. IlulU Jorealo. 1 1'uru Hated Kiloert. 1 l'ur HattB Cruifrfs , I KosooE Slunoii , J Younif Mary , 1 1'uru Crulclc Hliiiuk and othori. Como ana Inuiiocttlio liurl. Address , Oil Ad. U. HllAN BON.Uncoln , Nob. When in Lincoln stop at National Hotel , AnJi-et u ooJ Uluuur To Pro *