Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1887, Page 4, Image 4

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TPIIVS op su
Drillr ( Morning Edition ) Including Bundn ?
Her , Omt Ynnr . , , . . (10 (
TorBlx Montlu . 5 (
rnrThren Mnntlu . . . , . . I
Tim Omaha Hxmlny HKK , mnllod to any
iuldro a , Ono Vcnr. , . , 21
( nun * rimer , Jfo. * 14 AMI til FARXAM a
writ You * oppirv. UOOM f& . Tnmi'Mi iit'ti.niMi
All communloutions lolatlnir to neirs nnJ cd
torint tnnttor sluvulil be aJ'lrogsoJ la the Ki >
tOlt Or TUB IlUK.
All Iwflno s letters nndrurnlttftnces should t
BililroHwoa to TUB Hun I'uiiusniMi COMI-AN-
OMXllA. Ornftg. ehi'cks and poitofflLO ordci
to bo mailopa ) nblo to tlic ordtrnf the coin pan.
E. HOSEWATEK. Enrroii.
fUvorn Rtntoiiicnt of Clroutotlnn.
Btoteof Nebraska , ) _
s "
County of DoiiKlas.s ( < '
( ! fii. It. Tzpchnck , secretary of The Ih
PitbllMiIni ; rotnpany , docs ilemnly sx .e ;
Hint the octiinl circulMlon of the Dally Ik
tor tlio xxcnk ending Keb. IWth , lbS7 , was f
folloxvR :
Saturday. Feb. lt . . 14. " '
Sunday , Keb. L'O . IJl.tV
Mondav , Kcb.21 . ll.W
Tiicwlny. Tel ) . ' -"J . H.l. '
Wednesday. Kcb.'Al . , . H,0'
Tlmrcdav , Keb. ! il . 11,4'
Frluny , l'eb.r . 14. a
Axcraco . M.- <
tire , 1J. Tzacitff K.
Subscribed In my prc'encu nnd swotn to 1) )
foio mu tlilsMth Uayof Kcbrimry A. l.lbb
N. 1' . FRIU
I.SKAI.I Notary 1'nbllc.
Ceo. It. Trschuclc , bclnc lint duly sxvon
deposes nml sajs that lie Is secretary of Tl :
! Jtec Publishing company , that the actual K
i Trace dnllv rlrculatlon of the D.dlv HCP fc
I tlui month of l'\l > rimrx ' > ,18. KMH lO.B'J " > copies
tor March. 1880 , 11'K17 conies ; for Apil
Ii ! , t01 copies : for for May , IHSfi. 12,4 :
copies ; for June. Ibto , liaw ! ! copies ; for.Iul'
IBtO , ISIHt copies ; for Aueiist. ItfoO. 12,41
eoiesfor ] ) Seitoinlcr. ) ) lbi ( > , n.K'a ropies ; fc
October , lb 5 I2t SO conies ; for Nox-einbe
1880 , ii : , t8 copies ; for lceeinber ) , ISfcO , 13.Z
copies for . .lantiai1B87. . lO.UfXl copies.
.Subscribed nnd sworn to betorc mo thls8t
dav of February A. 1) . 1U87.
ISK.A L. I N. P. FK . . Notary Public.
OMAHA should bid high enough to s
cure thu next soldiers' reunion.
SS a saving clause is found , < r
tending its time , congress xvill udjotir
on Murcli .
Tur.itr are many Nebraska towns smi
ing over tliu liattorlng prospce.ts of si
curing comiieting lines of railroads th
Govnusou HILL would like to bo pros
dent. Hut as. there are many more mi
possessing the same mad desire , we M
no cause for alarm on thopait of the go'
IN a bogus attempt to hang himself , a
actor xvas recently rescued "just i
time. " When It was found that ho xvs
rescued , the audience xvas moved t
UUITAI.O KILL has chartered the stcamc
Nebraska , and xvill sail for Liverpool xvit
his "WihtWost" about the 2(5tli ( of tlii
month. A sea-sick Indian xvould preset
a funny picture.
"A MAN who feels that ho has a misslo
Is x'ory apt to become a nuisance , " r <
maiks the Nexv York 'Jikytmn. Can i
lie Hint the editor of the llepubUcnn i
hugging the delusion that ho has
mission ?
KDITOU HOTIIACKKU is just noxv accu <
Ing respectable men of "coming from til
gutter. " To accuse Mr. Uothackor n
fuch an act would do him injustice. 11
> s going the other way.
CIIAUGEH of bribery have , caused an ir
vcstigution to bo commenced in the Kar
Bas legislature. Those xvho profess t
know so much about bribery in th
Nebraska legislature may be called upo
to "a tale unfold. "
JN the war betxveen the saloon kcepci
nnd temperance pcoulu of Sioux City , 1
appears that the tcmporanco clement i
the strongest. All the saloons of the
toxvn arc now closed. It xvas a long ligl
anit a very expensive ono.
A moniupmcAi , sketch book contuir
Ing the brilliant side of all the legish
tors' lives reveals the fact that there ar
only six single members in the house
It Is noxv made plain xvhy the xvomai
sufl'rngo amendment xvas defeated.
TJII : president has been accused e
many things not at all tlattoring , bn
when ho informs the senate that hovoul
call no extra session unless some unforc
seen contingency arose , ho gavu uttei
anco to a sentence that certainly rcsen
bled statesmanship.
Tim chuorful annonncomontis sent on
, on eager xvings of love , that n bouthor :
state proposes to enact a laxv , making i
illegal for a man or xvomuu to got nuii
ried xvliluti ton years after a divorce ha
boon granted. Hero of late the south i
becoming : cruelly and painfully pious.
A iiKi'iuMUNTAiivii of the Standar
Oil company is baid to bo iu Lincoln fo
the purpose of greasing the mombert
ami securing the defeat of the bill prc
vlding for a state oil inspector. If Mi
Ilinrr H. Pnyno xvill remain av.'ay froi
.no legislature , It is thought thu unhol
scheme of his representative can b
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
TIIK passuiio by the senate of the lioiib
bill to prevent the employment of con
viet or iillon labor iiiion publlo building
or public works , or in preparation of ran
tcriah for such uulldlngs or xyorks , I
another gep gamed by the labor inter
osts of the country. Hitherto the hu
requiring ollleors of the gox-ernme.nt t
let contracts for public buildings or put
lie works , or for materials for the same
provided for the acceptance of the bids c
tiie loxvost responsible bidders , xvitlion
regard to boxy or xvhoro their materi.i
xvas to bo prepared. Whvii the secrctar ,
of thu trnasury xvas appealed to to sto
the preparation of stone by convict lahu
for the publlo building in Peorhi , h
nnsxvered that the low gnx'o film no sue
lioxvur , Tnon congress x\-as appealed ti
with the above favorable losult. Th
bill will undoubtedly bo signed by th
president and will still further narrox
the field of convict labor. It does mon
( or it excludes aliens fiom employ mon
on public buildings or works , thus re
serving to our oxvn the employ
nioiit rightfully bolongiug to them , air
to that extent tending to restrict our on
He Tallod to Kxplnln.
When the cuttlefish finds himself ii
clo'c quarters he darkens the wate
around him with an inky fluid thai bailie
his linny tmrsui rs. As an imitator of th
cnttlefnh the fresh , llashy and fastyounj
man who edits the JlcpulUcan is ;
brilliant success. Ho has shed grca
quantities of Ink nml Tilled a whol
column with glittering gall to cover hi
disgraceful lliglit from a combat ii
which he 1m been worsted. Th
exposure of his knavery lias left him in
place to stand on. He has utterly failei
to meet the charge about that mcssagi
scut through John Sahlcr to accrtaii
contiactor. Tliat message , vxo arc as
stircd , was a pronosal to the party to si
leticfj the guns of the IlcjntliUcnn In the !
harmless bombardment of the pcnltcn
tlary bill , Tlio elegant young man
whoso associates nt Lincoln have beet
chiefly * bar-room bummers , notor
ions jury li.\crs nml low dlv
gentry , talks a great deal aboti
his social standing , but forgets to cxplaii
that toll-tiilo message to Contracto
Mosher. The ( shall' about xvhat Join
Sahlcr said to some other oil-room com
panlon before a xvitness lias no bearlnj
on Mother's statement xvith regaut ti
the rejected t > ropoaal for hush money. In
nsinuch as Saltier advised Mo < jhe
to decline tlio thousand-dollar ten
dcr of peace and good will
it xvould seem that the message was no
fabricated by Sadler for his oxvn benolit
as such proposals arc liable to bo whei
tlm go-botxveen xvho carries them xvanl
10 pocket the greater part of the boodle
Nebraska is not as good n field as Colu
rado for negotiating peace proposals a
so much per piece.
Ono Clinnnc KcPt.
There are yet remaining one or t'v <
days in which bills may be introduced ii
the legislature. Will the people of th
state , through their representatives , st
cure any relief fioin the rccklebS pirac ;
of railroguo higlnvaymeu ? Will th
brief time remaining in xvhich 'bills cai
be introduced , bo taken advantage of , o
xvill the same ruinous and cxtortionat
tolls be exacted for txvo years longer ? 1
it possible that the vagabonds xvh
swarmed around the stale house and th
dram shops at the capital , have abac
Intely checked all honest legislation ? II
as it. seems , they have gained the en
sought by their railroad masters , a dolt
fnt parodx. it is on justice and dccciic.
and obriety.
And xvhen the adiournmcnl takes plac
how can the legislator explain his posi
tlonV After silently consenting to loghl
i/.o such frightful robberies as arc boinj
committed every day , hoxv can an lion
est man over face those by whom ho xva
elected ? Must it again bo lecordod tha
one hundred and thirty-Unco men
the choiuii representatives of tin
people , as a body , dax'o lost their in
teprity and surrendered to the commoi
enemy ot every producer in Nebraska
Have promises , flattery and passes de
foatcd within forty days that xvhich lion
cst men nnd unbnuglit noxvspupers hax-i
labored unceasingly for two years to ac
compiish ? The recorded proceedings o
the legislature hax'o so far answered tlu\si
questions. Yet ono ray of hope is left
The one remaining day may brimr forll
tlio long desired remedy. Tlio chance
arc against it but xvo xvill .still hope.
The UKK has already shoxvn by figure :
obtained and printed expressly for tha
purpose , that the fatmur uoxv gives eve :
one-half his crop to railroads , in order t <
market the remaining half. It hasshoxvi
that railroad companies are dealers ir
and oxvnersof all the coal the people oi
Nebraska burn. 1'hoy place any prici
they choose upon such n necessary arti
cle , and -M there is to do is to accede t <
their greedy demands , or , that xvhich i
impossible go without. We have slioxvi
that to ship heavy goods the lowest rati
250 miles of Omaha , it costs 25 pc
cent of tlio article's value. The mcrchnn
who paj's the bill I.s only an agent of tin
producer. The producer is thu con
sinner. Before obtaining possessioi
of tlio articles , he pays the freigh
charges. Tlio appalling picture pre
scnted is simply this : Fifty per cent t <
ship his crop to the market. Whatovei
amount ho spends out of the remaining
half , 25 per cent of it goes to purchasi
the necessaries of life. The margin lefl
is small indeed. His protests against tin
robbery are as idle as if lie xvould "baj
the moon. " His pleas fall upon closet
cars. All of the extrav.igantnnd drunkci
lobbys maintained at Lincoln , during
legislative sessions , are paid for by the
same farmer xvho voted for a represent
ative from whom hs of rig lit expected re
Many members of the legislature have
pockets full of passes on difl'oront lines o
railroads. Pullman car gratuities an
numerous. These mem burs are xvinci !
nnd dined ami the farmer p.iys the bills
The xvrongs mentioned actually exist
To recount them requires no vivid imag
An almost impox'oriBlied nnd phm
dered constituency asks for redress mu
demands that somu relief nnd protection
bo ailordod. This is thu fortieth .lay
Will the afternoon xvltness Justice visi
the capltolV
Txvo VuarH of Trial.
On Friday nt noon of Hut fourth instant
the Forty-ninth congress passes into his
lory , and one-half of President Clove-
lanU's term xvill have expired , Thn m-
earning of the lirst democratic adminis
tration since Dnchanan retired xvas
hnilod by that uarty xvitliaomuthing akin
to the joy of thu Israelites when tlielt
long wnndoihiKp in the xvildorness xvcro
concluded. During the forty years oi
their travels , hoxvox'or , the Lord's chosen
people haa tills advantage , that the Jam !
to xvhieh thuy journeyed \\-ns a goodlj
land , lloxx'ing xvilh milk nnd honey and
other desirable tilings ; that the Lord's
promise of their ultimata possession of i
xvas sum , and in the meantime they xvorc
fed upon manna nnd quails. To our wan
dorcr.s for moro than half the ) years that
the Israelites tramped , the land of ollicc
looked equally attractive , but there xvas
no guarantee that they should ox'or reach
it , and meantime ) thuy hud no quails oi
nunna , but had to root in private life oi
Hut they Benched their haven of hope
at last , as much to their oxvn surprise it :
toothers , only to llnei , hoxyever , thai
thefir loader xvas handicapped xvith xvhal
they contemptuously rogaraed as a hobby ,
and that xvhilo thu milk , tlu
honey , the sugar and thu luscious grape !
were there , a largo number of the
heathen still sits at the public table
whilu the foot-soro wanderers look on
\Utti hungry oyes. Can it bo woudorcii
nt that they doubt the true democracy ol
their leader , nnd feel that trie rewards o
their accidental victory dave been donict
them nnd that the Dead Sea fruit ha
turned to asiics upon their lipst And 30
xvhat can they do ) Hccnuso they canno
get the loaves they elaro not strike tin
hand that withholds them , lest they mm
not get oven the crumbs. And so thci
take hero a little and there a little , mean
time casting about in every direction It
find a liner exemplar of their faith , i
spiritual son of the sainted Jackson to
take the of the veneered Cleveland
two years bonce ,
Hceiusc the Israelites rebelled it xxn :
decreed that they should abide in tin
wilderness until all those xvho came ou
of Kirypt should have passed nxvny , lc.iv
ing to their children the fullillment o
of the promise. Hut of our democrat !
thousands of the. Old Guard still remain
ami they have been faithful to all tin
shifting creeds , tortuous xvays , false pre
tenses nml corrupt practices of thcii
party during those weary twenty
live years of hope deferred. Their back1
arc overgroxvn xvith moss , their limbs nn
stiffened nnel their feet nrn cox'crcd xvitl
eorns from annual marchings in proccs
sinus ended only at the place of be
ginning. To these faithful old cam
pnigncrs Mr. Cleveland said that pas
party services established no claim upoi
olllccs , and stralghtxvny they looked le
see if the sun shone , if water ran doxvi
hill , and if soed-timo nnd harvest am
summer nnd winter had not failed.
These olel elomocrats do not under
stand Mr. Cleveland ; it Is doubtful if lie
understands himself. Not\vitli tamlinj ;
his alliance xvith and pledges to tin
mugwumps do has folloxx-ed elcmocratic
precedent jutt , enough to shoxv that hi
could go much farther. Ho violated tin
tenure of olllco hnv and defied the senate
In order to put elemocrats into oll'iee , bin
having practically won the victory hi
disappointed his party in failing to u = e 1
for the pjirty advantage. He has origi
nateel no national policy , Do lias fultillee
none of the pledges of his party' :
national platform , and ho lias largely re
ilnccd his party's majoiity in the house
All this in txvo years ; whut promise eloe ;
it give for the next txx'o ? Clearly the
promise of n glorious republican victor
in 18S8.
The I'
Authentic Washington adviecs repre
sent the president as x'ory angry xvith the
demucints who voted to override tin
veto of the dependent pension bill. Hi
is saiel to liax'c expressed his vioxx-s it
very eleeitled language to those xvho have
called npoi > him , \\hile several have fol
the force of the c\cculi\-o displeasure
It is charged that txvo bills providing foi
public buildings xvero vetoed to pimisl
their authors xvho voted against thu vote
and other measmos supported by demo
crats who could not yo xvith the presidcn
in opposition to the dependent pensioi
bill are thought to nu in peril of a vute
should theiy gut to the e\ccutix-c. Hu i'
especially enraged against Matson , tlu
chairman of the invalid pension commit
tee of the lioiibe , xvlio in the course of tlu
report adverse to the vote produced tu
endorsement , which Mr. Ctovlnnd hue
made several years njro accompanin
his signature to a petition for the passage
of n general pension bill. There will be
a dill'uroncu of opinion as to the propriety
of having eiteel this cnelorsuimnt bin
their appears to bo no doubt that the cir
cnnibtnncc very greatly exasperated tin
president and has marked Mutson as an
outcast from the executive fax'or.
This is not a noxv rex-elation of the
choleric tendencies of Mr. Cleveland ,
nnd ho is us obstinate in his ange'r as in
nil other rcspe'cts. He has shown his
disposition in this particular , since lie
became presielcnt. toxx-ard the ) senate am !
the nenvspapous , and its exhibition ha :
i.ot nlxv.iys been mudo with a duu regard
for the dignity of bib position. It is hi-
misfortune that ho cannot brook opposi
tion xvith a patient nnd manly cqnaninv
ity , leaving his vindication to time and
ovunts. His supreme sulf-snlllciuncy ren
ders him intolerant of any question as
to the justice and completeness of his
juelgments , xvluch generally bear tlm Im
press of a dogmalio xvill , and shuts oul
all sense of defoience or magna
nimity toxvard opposing opinions ,
JJut the question sugguitud bj
this last cbuliticm of executive
wrath is , hoxv far can Mr. Clovuhuul go ,
having consideration for his political
future , in this matter of antngoni/.in < j
democrats ? If ho hones to remain
xvhoro hu is , hasn't ho gone al
ready considerably hnyond tlio line ol
safety ? It is a good deal less dimetill
noxv to designate his einonuos than hi-i
friends. Tlm for HUT are thu most numer
ous element of his party in his oxvn stain ,
anJ they have a lonelor who scorns to bu
steadily making heuelxvay. Among the1
democratic noxvspapors of the country
the ablest nnel tlio strongest are unfavor
able to him , and are exerting their in <
llnoncu daily to his injury. The lending
democrats In the national senate are not
Ills fiiomls ami have not hesitated to pro
claim the fact. Tliu treatment accoreleul
the chief policies of bin administration in
thu house has elon > jnslratcet that hu in
not particularly strong there , and noxv
ho invites a further xvuakonmg of hi-
holel upon tlio party by eloelariiur hostili
ties against the thirty six demociats in
the house xvho could not consciiintionsl.v
sustain his vote of the dependent pen-
hion bill. With regnrel to some ? of those
democrats xvo suspect the prcslelont xvill
not carry antagonism to n very great
length. Hnndall nnel Holman , for ex
ample , voted to pass the bill over tin
vote , nnd it is hardly probnblo they xvill
sullbr seriously from executive ells
pleasure in consuquonco of their action ,
Thoio arc a fuxv others xvlio xvill also es <
cape. Hut Mr. Cleveland can really no !
spare any of thorn if ho aspires to continuo -
tinuo xvlioro hu IP. If somu of the organs
aru not grievously mistaken ho is losing
f.iijt unougli in the party without driving
men from him , Hut nobody can ccr <
- - that Mr. Cleveland xvants
talnly 513that any
thing moro ot tho. party , and tlierei are
soi o circumstances xvhich suggest that
ho docs not.
Doctor Miller Itctircs.
Another notable event in the press cir
cle of Omaha oecuricel Monday by the
sain and immoeliato transfer of thuOmahn
JlcruUt , and the retirement of Ir. ) Mil
ler from Its editorial management. It ia
but a fuxr months smco wo had occasion
to note ) thu sale of the Republican , and
the tetiromont of Messrs , Yost ami Nje ,
Dr. Miller's xvithdrawal from the Journal
ism of Omaha is , haxxox'cr , moro nota- ,
bio from his longer connection xvith the
paper uo has been cuictly instrumental
In building up from small beginning'
For moro than a quarter of a century Di
Alillcr has been a prominent nnd poxxci
fill factor in the polities of Nebraska , am
nn influential citf > cnin the building u
of Omaha. A man'of positive charade
nnel prouounccet imlividilnlity , prolili
in resources and ngcressivo in method'
yet of kindly immilsqs , just In character
and above all manrjcss ) In pursuit of hi
aims , ho has e > n thi esteem , respect am
nllcction of thoseVin liis profession am
the community n largo. He had jus
enough of the small xvenkncsscs of humni
nature anil of pej-sonnl peculiarities ti
make him onipanlonnblo and lovable a
a man.
When such a man has wrought long
faithfully and well in his chosen avoca
lion he has earned the right tu rest fron
his labors nnel to the peaceful cnjoymcn
of the fruits thcree > f. Ami yet there xvill bi
general regret that his familiar form xvll
not bo scon on our streets us of olel. Ou
good xvishes go xvitd him In his retirement
mont , unit our hope is that his el ays ma ;
yet be many in the lanel.
15v the adoption of Mr Ulddlebcrgcr'
resolution for publication of all thi
paper * , and documents on thu senate file
relating to tins rejection of the nomin.i
tion of James C. Aintthews , Cleivulnnd'
colored striker from Albany , to bu re
cordcr of deeds for the District of Col
nmbla , the senate took u step in th
ellrectlon of public executive sessions , fo
if publicity is not objectionable in oni
ease , xvhy should It bo In any ? Mr. Kid
dlebcrgur voted against thu confirmation
not for tliu reasons assigned by soun
other senators ami a portion of thu pruss
but because charges hael been preicrroi
against Matthews to the ollect that In
had gone to coloi eel men employed on r
public building in Albany ami dai
threatened them xvitli discharge miles
they voted a certain ticket , and ho ele
sired thai his constituents should knov
the reasons for his voto. Mr. Clevehnd' ;
anxiety to recognize the coloreel niai
xvill thus bo slioxvn to have a xerv sub
stnntial democratic foundation. When r
colored man can bu found in the nortl
capable of cocicing the ) voters of hisraci
on the public works to x-oto thu elmuo
critic ticket , he is too valuable an alb
for that party to neglect , and xvc nri
sure that Mr , Cleveland will still Hud :
way to care for his protege.
IT is very likely that the bill passcel b ;
the senate to create a department of ng
riculture , xvhich should cmbracu thu labo
bureau and thu weather bureau , and bi
in all respects on an equality xvith the
other departments , will not get throiigl
the house. It is saiel the president is no
friendly to thefrmcAsiire , and that he
hael notiliuel thu iliairnian of the housi
committee having the bill in charge tha
hu eiiel not want it to pass. This state
nient is not aecompanicel by any intima
tion of the president's reasons tor onpos
ing the bill , and it is not e.isy to nniku r
satisfactory surmise of what these maj
bo. It is probable he does not rugarel tin
proposed * promising any real
ailx-nntage to the interests nfl'oetcel , xvhili
it xvonld add se mutjiing , thougli not i
great deal , to the annual expenditures o
thu government. Perhaps , , hu eloo ;
not lind any pleasure in contemplating
the aeleiitinn to his ollicial honsuliolt
xvhich thu bill provieles for. It migh
mar the harmony that noxv prevails. Hir
the fact is the agricultural interestsof the
country have slioxvn no united or vorj
earnest interest in the matter , and in default
fault of this thu friunels of thu bill in congress
gross have laboreel at a great di&aelvant
I : resolutions calling upon the
secretary of btatu tor ui/ormation have
not recently been successful in scctiriiif ;
the knowleelge sought for. It is thn priv-
ilegu of a dopnrtmont to decline givinj.
infinuatiou eialtuel tor by congress on the
grounel that to < ln so xvonld not bu com
p.itiblu xvith thu public interests , ami
xvithin a uouplo of weeks the state elc
partmunt has txvico refused requests ol
life senate on this conx'cnicnt subterfuge
There is reason to bolicx'c , hoxvever , tlial
the unfriendly fouling in administration
circles toward thu semite hael quite al
much or more to elo xvith those refusals
than concern for tlio public interests. Se
strong is tills fee-ling that some time ago
as will bo remembered , Mr. Hayarel xvonl
asirny from precedent in sending the
original oopy of nn ollicial communica
tion that hael been calleel for , ruforrinp
to the ) fishery question , te > the liouso ami
thn duplicate to thu sunnte. It xvas n
jniuiilu way of shoxvlng his elinrespect foi
the body of which his father and ho xvorc
mumbors , but thu secretary xvas piqued ,
and Iiu has elumonstrntud that in that con-
elition ho can do petty things quite as
easily as men in less oxalluei positions
xvho have not so much character at
staku. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
WiiATiviit : olsu fails , it is alxvays safe
to count upon the ) fiiiecoss of tlm liver
and harbor bill. It is thu medium through
xvhich nearly every member of congress
is enabled , directly or indirectly , to eom-
mend himself to his constituents , nnd mi
othorgcncral measure ever has quite so
strong a hold as this ono upon thu solici
tude of n majority of congressmen. This
xvas illustrated ycsteirday by thu xvay in
which the conturenco report was pushed
to its passage einspito the efforts ef ) Mr.
Kandall to postpone1 action in thu inter
est e > f othur bills. The appropriations
under this bill for tlm next Usual year are
not much in uxccss e > f hist year , but the
measure gains aehleel impoitanco from
the appropriation of 0,003 for the Hun-
nepin c.innl unterpnat ) , xvhich has been
knocking tit tlic eloor congress for sox'-
oral years. If the bill lucoivus tlio np-
proval of the pioshiciH it xvill commit tha
govurnmiiiit to thu construction of the
canal , nud piobably noccssltato the en-
largeuncnt of the Illinois nnd Michigan
canal or the improvement of the tippet
Illinois rivur. The/advocates of the proposed -
posed xvatcrxvay , hoxxovor , lind an eb-
struotion in the president , nnel thus arc
not xvith out appiehcnsion.
TUB army of clut'KS xvhich has idled tlm
corridors , the galleries , ( lie cloak and
committee rooms of the state house , will
perhaps be mustered out In a few elays ,
The men nml xvomon , boys ami girls
comprising this rank nnd lile , upon securing -
curing tholrdischargu xvill return to their
several homes , Othello-like , xvith their
occupation gone. Thuy xvill have rev
celvoel from llio state "pensions" to thn
amount of if 101 per capita. There xvero
111 employes in Ihu senate and n corre
spondingly largo number in the house.
An Incrga'sQ of at least 25 per cent , over
two yeara ago , U is salU thut the _ irla
and women workcel harel eboxvlnp gum
looking intelligent nnd drawing their sal
nry. The men nnd boys also workci
hard keeping up personal npt/oarance
so as not to be mistaken for legislators.
a falliugofl'in commorci
with the United St-Ucs , in viexvof the pro
poseel retaliatory legislation xvhich is nov
almost certain to tail , Canada hns hud ii
contemplation the granting of subsldie !
to n line of steamers to the British Wes
luelics. It might bo a good thing for he
to elo in any event , but thulastnoxvs fron
Washington xvill suggest to the Dominloi
government that there. Is no necessity foi
precipitate action. The indications an
that she can continue to do business will
us just as she has been doing , regarellesi
of her oxvn coneltiet toxvard this countrj
hitherto or hereafter.
TIIK United States senate on Mondn ;
pnsscel txvo important measures in the in
tercst of the labor of thu country , Hotl
originated in the house , ono being the ar
bitratlon bill and the othur the bill to pru
vent llio employment of coiitrnul or ahcr
labor upon public buildings or publie
xvorks , or in tlic preparation of material
for public buildings or public xvorks
Hoth measures have bucii pubjlcly dis
cussed and very generally approved , ami
thuy xveitit through the senate without
amemlmont. They xvill undoubtedly re
ceix'u the approval of tliu president.
Senator IngMls likes olel Knclish noxcl :
and I.s xvcll up In sclentllic lltcintiire.
Senator Hoar Is regarded as the best nu
thority on Ameilcnn history in the boely.
Senator llalu hns ono of the line it libra
rlus In Maine , and Is well icael hi genera
Senator Kustls speaks anel roads Frcncl
like a natlxe , nnd is fond ot yelloxv-cox'ciee
Senator Hansom runs to Latin and dotes
especially on Horace ) , xxhoni ho Is tend ol
quoting on his .speeches.
Senator Hock Is fonel of poclty and eau re
peat the "Laelyuf the hake" without a slli
from beginning to end.
Senator .loo Uiexvn , of tfeorgin , siieneli
most of his time perusing musty \olnnics o
public lecoids anel documents.
Among the senators who xvrltu for tnnga-
/lues or other petlerellenls are bheruian , Hoar
Ingalls , Itansom ami ilnle.
Senator Vest Is n gieat roaeler of the lllfole
nnd knoxxs xvholo chaptuis by heart. All
bcilptural fuels in dispute mo lofoircd to him ,
Senator Shciman Is aclass'pil ' scholar ntu
rcaels Fiencli. Ho sc.ins tlio noxvspapers , bill
does not believe In rending a book until time
has tried it.
Sonatoi Joe IShcUbnrn Is well informed Ir
spoiling Kiattcis and can tell the recoiel nne
peelinrcc of ex'ery fast horse In IContuckj
without looking it up.
, Senatoi Pnyne Is ne > t noto.l for his llterar.x
attainments , but ho Is fond ol biography nne :
trnx-cl , and has morn remlnlsce-nccs to tel
than tno-t any man in the senate.
Only a HleJe Shoxv.
C/ilciuo / Tfww.
The N'cxv Jersey legislature may bo
attiactlon In tlm elfcto cast , but It Is only
sielo shoxv to thu circus at Indianapolis.
Honest Imt MHculdcel.
A'cir Ymlt llcmlil.
Those prohibitionists .110 honest folk nn
one doubts tlnxt ; but thulr policy Is fulnl tn
social piosiess. They xvant the mUloninni
pure anel simple' , ami thuy xvant itullatoncc ,
Louett Citizen.
Tlm next time > on meet thu fclloxv xxho H
eaincstlv eleclarini ; tliat no owes no man
uti } thlin : jtM uently ronnrk tliat the na
tional debt axoi.iges ateut S-S1 | > cr head.
Grover Must Awlc Unvld's Consent.
JX'cto Yolk .Sun.
Can Pre-ilelent Clcvelniicl get the Kexv York
elelewtion ? Ho ceitainly cannot if Gover
nor Hill Is not willing. Anel It Isn't certain
that ho can nx-un If Governor Hill Is xvllling.
That Is about thu way the thin ? stands.
llio Model Ileickejo State.
dtftlanil Leader.
\Vliononrcontoiiiporarlcsof \ other states
talk about certain Ohle > statesmen tor seconel
place on either tlclcct for Ibss , tlioy will
please remember that this is the state of
more good piesldential timber than any
oilier In the union.
Not Komt of Work.
J > ; ifM./cj ( / ( roirfcr-/ ! < > na ( .
Jiecansea foxv monkeys hax'o been cin-
ployed In Kentucky , It should nnt bo unelei-
stoncl tlio puoplu of this state have any
elesiro to Intorfcrt ) xvllli labor. Indeed , Kon-
tuckinns have no disposition to monkey with
the l.vbor pioblcui ,
To Slcoi > .
ff I'nicttir Alrrawler.
Come to nio noxv 1 O como I tienU'iiPst sle'op I
Anil fold inu up , ns uxonlii } ! doth a llower ,
Kioin my vain sell and vain things xxhlch
have power
Upon my wml to make inn suilln or ween.
Anel xx hen timu conicst. O like death bo eleepl
No dreumv boon have I ot theu to crave ) .
MOILtliiin may come to him that In his giax'u
Is heedless oC the night xvlnds lioxv they
I have not In mo half that cause of sonoxv
which Is In thousands xvho must net com
plain ;
And j ft this moment , If Itcniihlbo mlnu
To lapse nnd pass m sloop , nnel no resign
All that must yet bet born of Joy and p.iln ,
1 iiciuccly Icnoxv If i xvould xvako to-meirrotv.
Txvo hundred Hour mills are iu opera
tion in the state.
Hard cloves are n speuilio for mild edi
torial disturbances.
Kearney has throe brick school hou os ,
suveiiteun teachers and 70S school chil
dren ,
Serious ilonbt oxibts in O'Neill xvhuthor
n pri/.o ring and n bank xvill thrive to
gether in thu community.
Tlio O'Connor Democrat is noxv owned
and controlleel by Al. ( } . ( Junron , xvho
sxyung the editorial mallet on the Omaha
Disp-itch n fuxv years o ,
Noi folk's proposed hotel has taken
ehapu. It xvill cost ifM.OUU ami xvill l-avc
trom sisty to eighty rooins , xvitii all moel-
urn appliances lor comfort ami suicide ,
"Many of the small cities of the state , "
says the Dcatrlcii Democrat , "aru trying
to emulate He.ilnoo anel Omnha in thu
real ustatu boom. Linnoln , Hastings anil
Nebraska City are among fho number. "
The board of dne'utor.s of the Ch.telron
AVaterxvorns company have commenced
thu nucussary proceedings In claim
ing tliu statu nxvard ot $4,03J , for the
I'lattsmontiiur.s talked of the future at
a mass mooting Saturday night. It was
a strange subject for thu partiuipnntsand
xx as tenderly turned over to committees
xvith poxxer to net.
Custer is probably the banner county
of the state for noxvspapcrs , ns there is
noxv one to about every 1,100 of popula
tion , xvith a good prospect of averaging
ono to every 1,000 soon.
The first number of the Western Ito-
source , n publication just issued at Lin-
coin by cx-Uovornor K. AV. Furnas and
II. S. Ituod , has appealed. It is a six-
teon-pago monthly , and xvill bu un im-
portnnt faetor iti buildine up the entire
xvcst. It starts out xvith an Initial edition
of lO.OfXJ. .
Ihe I'lattauiouttt street raihvay com
Incorporated , ctpU !
son , 1) . Haxxksxvejrlh nnd ILK. Palmer
The company propose to build as soon a
n franchise Is granted.
Huslnillo has u genius xvlio inodesll ;
hides behind llio name of Sylvester I'res
ton. Recently ho compounded u mix
lure of poxveler nnd grease to wean tin
calf of his leg. In nn absent mlndci
moment hu rusted It on n hot stove. The
scenu following xvns elevating. 1'rcstoi
went through the eloor without llftinj
tlio latch , and the stove Is for rcmovei
from repair. The experiment thoroughly
xvcnnctl htm ,
The lasl number of the O'Neill 1'ronlic
was a eturling. a poem of prosperity ii
eight pages. It comprised cloxving chap
ters on "Tho Poor Man's Mecca ; A Lam
Floxxmg AA'illi Milk and Honey ; llol
County thu ( Men of a ( Jurdcn State ; It
lloMMircos nnd Advantages : O'Neill tin
County Ser.t , Its Dnslncss Men , Clti7un
in ( ienural , Social and Ilellgious Advant
ages nml Schools. " No better ailvcr
tisomonl for the county lias been issiice
and It shoulel oo planted generously it
thu croxvelcel cast.
"Tho Pipe of Peaco" is the appropriate
name of n litllo IKl'J paper issucil hy tin
munngors of the Inelianehool at ( iemo\
II contains a number of contrlbtilion ,
from thu tcholars and ncxvs of thn .schoe >
in general. Mary Jone.s , a Vnnktoi
Stou\ maiden , writes , "Something fo
llojs to Kumombcr , " and glx'es the fol
loxving advice to young braves : "Sonn
boys never cat o te ) take of their hats xvhui
thuy untur a room. It is not polite fo
the boys to wear their hats in the house
And xvhen they see or meet anybody the ;
shemhl touch their cap or hat and make !
lunv to them instead of never thinkinj
that he or she Is a gentleman or laely am
not even saying anything kine
xvliieli xvill mnko them glae
and hnppx' . " Thomas Si sons , i
Kosubuel Sfou.v , writes that "coxvs ar
a very useful and xx-ell-Lnoxvn animals
'J lioy have cars , horns , eyes , mouth , tail
legs and noso. Somu uoxvs have Ion }
horns ami some don't have any. They an
of different bi/.es. The coxvs nru sonn
times wild nnd they roam about the
fields nnel hills. They xvero Illtlo eah'c :
oncu , but they bceame cows. "
loxva Itciua.
Dubiiquo county schools cost $100 ,
98D.82 in 1S8G.
Thu receipts of Dubuque countv foi
-If-S. } xx'orc fi-.l5M.j.u ! ! ) , ami expenditure :
> . > jjiari.3'i.
The Turners of Davenport have raisue
$10,000 of the required § 00,000 to buile
their contemplated hall.
The old trees that have served theii
purpose ns historical landmarks in Poll
county arc fast elisappcaring.
James Gnrnenu , jr. , of Omaha , has in
vested $8,000 in a chunk of Sioux CiU
real estate , and niry visions of a brand
cracker factory arc tickling the tender-
Sioii't City is troubled with xvhnt the
timiel believe ) to bu tremors of thu earth ,
xvhcn in fact it is delliium tremuii'
knocking at the back door for soothing
Charles Donnelly , of Buchanan county ,
convicted of manslaughter , being elenicd
a new trial by tlio supreme court and a
pardon by the gox'crnor , has located at
liishop Cosgrox-eof Davenport , has ad
ministered the rite of continuation to an
average of 210 per month sineo his eluva-
tion to the episcopate txvo ami a half
years ago.
Prof. Poster's storm for March 1 hns
beun shipxviuckcd on .somo foreign shore ,
for xvhich the natives are truly thankful.
The professor gives live moro elates for
important storms this month , as folloxx-s :
8 , 18 , It ) , SC , Ml.
J. Sharp and xvifo , xvho have been
boarding at Traer , were arrested by an
ollicor of ( iarrison anel taken to that
place , where the wife's father and thu
husband's other xvifu will put the second
tect on the boards.
Last xvcck at Ames nn association was
formed to be knoxvn ami to do business
under the name of the Central loxva Im
porting and Breeeling companj' , xvith a
capital stock of fl&O.OOO. Headquarters
arc to be at Ames.
Frank Hedge , of Oskaioosa , knoxvn as
Frank Henry , a saloonkeeper , made abet
that hu could drink a gallon uuel u half of
xvhlskey xvithin txvo hours. He xve > n the
but , but died within half nn hour after
taking the Inst drink.
At a school examination mAvoca llio
question , "What arc the chief products
of the United Status ? " was asked , the
answer to bu submitted in xvriting. Ono
of the scholars , a very honest boy , anel
in good faith , submitted thn fofioxving
nnsxvur : "Presidents , governors anel
congressmen. "
Regarding the ropoit of the erection of
another Catholic diocese in J own , Disliop
Cosgrovo slated lo n reporter of llio Dav
enport Democrat that Ihuro was no
foundation for it. "There has boon no
request from nny source for another
ilioceso in loxva ; if there xvcro Bishop
Hennessey anil I xvould be apt to knoxv
it , for , in fact , the request must bo mudo
by both of us , for a new eliocose ) must bo
composed of parts of thu diocuso of
lubn < iuo and the of Davunpoit.
Vet tins report xvould haxo thu public be
lieve that thu project hns beun considered
it Komu , saiiclionuel. and the appoint
ment of a bishop is all Unit is lacking to
L'onsunmiatu it. "
Kimball proposes to invest f5,000 in n
icliool house.
Hotuls nnd saloons capture most of thu
justness of thu Hills.
Thu legislature ) is doing Montana nt
ho expense of the > Torthcin Pacific rail-
oul. : It comes high but it pays ,
The Keystone Bachelors'club Is busted.
xTor.ything hut the minute ) book has
narricd. Too many bliy.zunis.
There is moro snoxv in Miner county
.ban at any timu since the xvintcr ot 1880 ,
formers nnd uvury ono are Himgiuno of
iooel crops.
It is thought the present winter hns
, 'iiildcd thn largest number of cases of
loath by freo/.lng than any m the history
) t thu territory.
An oxyl xvas captured nt Madison ,
lenrly pure xvhito in color , that muas-
ireel six fe-ot from tip to tip of its xvings.
it is clntsilicd xvith n. snucics knoxvn ns
tin Arctic owl , that only visits tins lati-
tide in the severest xylntun ,
( 'heyenne'K lire alarm bystom xvill soon
ju In working orelur.
Two thousand ncros of the Harrohl
nnch nt Chimney Uock nru to bo seeded
vlth ulfnlfn ,
Stojlc Inscelor ] Toxvnor rupoita hlock
n uxeullunt conelition on the ranges nd-
aeent to Larnmiu ,
Cheyonnn jiropose.s to cultivatu and
issist nature ) In ' 'notifying tin * park bur-
ouneling lnlii Minne-haha.
Douglas is kicking like a gray mule in
ly timu iibouU-snoxv blockadus , deluyed
nails unel other border inconveniences.
The Klkhorn Valley road pro fern to
vail for thu sun to raise the blockade
athur than pay shovellers more limn
51.SO a day.
The recent lili/z-ird Is stid to have ban-
sued sickness m Choyonno. Death itself
oulel not wsUt for a moment the oluviit-
ng fury of a moderate * "Magic City"
\V. P. Carroll , poet , journalist , laxvjer ,
lector tuiel cowman , is again gracing the
tall of thu Cheyenne Lender. LiFu to
itm outside the rcportorlnl den was a
Iroary , prolitlcss xvasto.
The usual Uuiayy ot soutimoutal fc-
inalo * I * displayed In C'hoyenno. They
xisit llio cell of Mct'oy , the border eles-
iwrado , who killed Constable Clins.
Dunn lit Domrlas , nnd endeavor to mnko
n IHTO o ( him. Such maudlin hlioey
alioulil bo rigorously excluded from the
A Nexvqjr Iicttor from n llirlxliiij
Pi.vm : Cr.NTKn , Nob.I'ob. 08. [ form-
sponilcneo of the Br.r. . ] Kvorybody Is
standing on tiptoe trying to find xxlinl
will bo the outcome of the survey some
railroad is making by xvny of Pintle Ccn-
ter. Thu surveyors are running a line <
from Schuylcr tip llio beautiful ami mot
fertile Shell Crcok valley by Platte Con-
ter. If this road Is built , which la almost
a certainty , Pintle Center will bo the rail
road center of the county.
It IH teportod Ih.i * a largo cattto ramh
will bo located within n quarter of n mile
of the town ns soon as spring opens. Cat
tie men are negotiating for about 1,0.1) )
acres , with the intention of feeding an
nually between 5,000 and 10.0DO . head.
Our representatives In the legislature ,
Sullivan , Fuelis anil IJoivman , Ituxu
raised a poxvorful and tolling indigiu-
tion among their constituents. Oar
county Is ovorxyhulmlngly Van Wyek.
Our representatives know it , and yet not a
single man voted for him. While Sulli
van sand Ftiehs1 names are roglstuted
on the Omaha Herald's roll of lionoi ,
thuy. are blacklisted by every honest
farmer in this county , and could not bo
elected again for pathmastcrs.
The bill ( hou o roll No. UO ) introduced
by Kepresentntivo Sullivan am ! xviro
worked through his brnneh of the
house , and now pending in the senate * , U
one of the most outrageous measures
ever concocted. By this bill Mr. Sulli
van is trying to compel ! L'latto county to
build a bt ielgo across the Ioup river nlmo t
within her corporate limits. This briilfo
is for the heniMll of Columbus til the ex.-
Dcnsoof the entire county. Over eight
hundred petitions and hundreds of let-
tor.sfiom our most iiilluonUnl fanners ,
protesting against the passage of the hill ,
have been sent to the legislature , but Mi.
Sullivan refuses to represent the entire
county , and is working for the bill , A
man who thus ignores Uio wishes of Ins
constituents , would ride a rail in Hrst-thiaa
The John Fit/.gornlel branch of the
Irish National Land league gave its
first annual entertainment Mommy night
of last week. An immense crowd xvns
out , Jilling to overflowing the city hall.
Hon. John P. button , national secretary ,
made an address. The ladies of 1'latto
Center and vioimtv. presented the league
xv'th ' a very uamisomo Hug. The hall
xvas beautifully decorated. After the
ONorch-es xvoro over , something like txvo
hundred couples danced until the small
hours of the morning.
Mrs. John A. Kunoo and Miss May
Dully wont to Omaha to hear 1'atti.
The young men of this toxvn Have or
ganized a brass band of txvolvo pieces.
Their new instruments are expected in a
day or two.
The subject of removing the county
seat from Columbus is being discussed by
the citi/.ens in uvury part of the county.
Platte Center Mauds a good show of
getting the pri/o , if nut to a vote.
Platte Outer lot are being sold rapidly
ami bring good prices.
Several new stores and other enter
prises will bo located here in the spring.
A largo brick uliool house xvill be oiiilt ;
also a new roller Hour mill and n brick
yard to be run by .steam power.
The Latest Theory ofK
Clilwjn Keut > .
Professor ( J. II. Durxvin , in the last
number of the Fortnightly Mnga/ino ,
[ jives xvhiu are consideied the con-
elusions of scicnliUe men concerning
earthquakes. These seem to bo that .seis-
mie disturbances aio the result of contraction -
traction and of the prussiiru on portions
of the earth by tidal mid b.iromutrical
ciianges. The high temperature found
in "those little scratches in the earth's
surface xve call niinea" is > taken to piovo
the existence of sufficient energy to pro
duce commotion in the earth's crust.
This energy is Mipposed to develop in the
Kradnnl shrinkage of the earth in itssloxv
cooling , which , owing to the lack of
homogeneity of the upper layer , docs not
LJO on with uniformity. One part of I ho
L-ai th's surface settles suddenlj , tind there
you have an earthquake. Professor Darwin -
win further remarks that "th-j huibimc
ribbons are probably lines of weakness
ilong which cracking hnbitmility takes
| lhll0. ! "
Tlicro is another force besides grnvlla-
ion working to cause dislurbnnccb of thj
mrfaco of this linn earth which x\-e in-
labit steam. When water gets into tlm
lot ball our earth incase * , .steam in gun-
iratnd and volcanic eruptions , in winch
avu and ashes aru vomltod tortli , are the
scape valves xvhich save us from u gon-
ral pxploslon. In this vinxv voleimio
eruptions are a safeguard against moro
lerions troubles.
Professor Darxvin is of the opinion that
vibrations of the caiih are going on
iveryxvhorn at nil times , only wo are in
jlissfnl ignoranci1 ot them. Vo are in
ho happy condition of being shaken , hut ,
lot knowing wo are hhakon at all.Vu
nust bn thankful that these oscillations
ire no slight as to bo Imperceptible , cs-
Hidullv xvhcn xvo coiisiilnrtliut tlm viuru-
.ion of a quarter of mi Inch brings cliini-
luys tumbling to thu earth , and anything
loyond that would topple many of our
ky-scraping buildings from their foun-
Honnflt of n. Itulldlnc
'Chicago Journal : "There are thous-
ndn of mortgages mailo to building and
t > an associiitlons In this city every year , "
aid a laxvycr to mu the other day , "and
hey are generally given by men with
tarrow Incomes and small capital , nut it
s very seldom that one of these inort-
; : igos is foreclosed. As ono xx-ould ox.-
> ect the most defaults In there payment of
onn.siini among this class , ! buc.imc Inter-
hlcil in thu matter , and ono day uskcd
he protiilunt of ono of thu laigost build-
ng ahsocialions If his oxpurluneu aa <
ordod xvith mv observation , Ho told
no the proportion of moitgngos that bin
ompimy had been compelled to fore-
lese xvas one fifth the number that would
ax o ton ml the way to the courts if they
std been madeby mi ordinary loan
gent and ho thought hlu oxporiuncu to
o that of all building societies. The
nly mason for this that hu could give
MS that the syatem of monthly or
, 'ookly payments enabled borrowtsrs to
lake piiyiiiDUtH xvhen they received their
i-aws or balanes. "
' The benulit these building associations
o in uneouratring xvago-xvorkers to saxo
lieir money undsucnru homes is not gen-
rally rccogniwl , " roiuintied this gen-
Ionian , "fundorstund tliuro are Mivorul
undreu assoeiatioim located in this city ,
ith a paid up capital of snvornl mil-
ons , wiiicli Is all loaned out to small
tockholdors. Tlicro are thousiuuls of
omfortublo homes hero that xvould nuwr
ava existed hut for the aid rendered
icir oxvtiurd by building and loan usso-
iations , and the larger pait of thorn am
mong a class of poor foreignurs xvlio
rill be bettor cili/.uns if thuy own their
oniL's and have a direct pecuniary Inter-
it In good c verumont. Thu toainlikt
ud anarchibt , I am told , find a poor tioJil
> r the proi > agation of their doeirinuu
mong thuir stocbnolclcrH.
All gentlemen who enjoy well polished
allard and cuflit should Imvo them douo
p.with Electric Lustro Starch , .