Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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Incitement Still Beiges in the Provision
Pit and Wild Rumors Afloat.
The Bucket Shop ? llixtlly nttrncd A
Weaker Feeling In Ilotli AVlicnt
ninl Corn Ooncrftl Mnr-
kct Qtiotntlona.
CIUCAOO , .March Sjtcclftl Telegram to
the HEB.I From long before 0 until 10M :
o'clock this morning tlio loner corridors of
the board ot trntlo were crowded with
brokers , with outsiders , with settllnc clcrki ,
find with boys and men ot all sorts , nndvltn
nil Interests discussing the wild scenes of
yesterday In the pork pit. Tomy being
the lirst ot the month , nndsct npnrt for de
liveries , the regular session did not begin
until nn hour later than usual. Tbttt hour
was given over to the dissemination ot tbo
wildest sorts of rumors or to prognostications
equally wild. Over In tUo big bucket shops
which fringe the locality tlio eotslp was
equally M animated. It was rumored last
night that Murphy , the richest bucket shop
man hero , whose partners are Iavo Pulslfer
Mid Itilcy , tlio pool seller , had "laid down. "
There was no truth In tlio report ; but there
was a myfiturlous lot of gossip going about
the bucket shop men themselves. Three of
the bmnllcr concerns wont brokf , and
Murphy Is said to have dropped $ .X,000. ) 111s
losses hero to his local traders were upward
of 5100,000 , but half of this was offset by
wlnnliiL's made out of the country trade ,
which shorted poik after It got up to 810.00.
Thorn was so big a crowtl In pork at tlic
opening tliat It" was Impossible for tlin
little Telegraph boys to dart In and
out. Kor several mites after the oponlnt :
i at nil. Sellers asked
SIHOO , buyers bid only $17.00. In thu lirst
livu minutes there were n fuw trades made ,
lirst at S1T.M ) . then at S1.T.70 up to 8W.OO. 'ihe
motive In the pit to-day wns apparently to re-
Htornconlitlunro-to settle the price at nbnve
S1H.OO until the world gets accustomed to it
and then , when that Is done anil tr.tdlni : Is
nrtivi1 , to advance It a peu or two farther. At
tltni's to-day there was almost n cessation of
trading , and nt other times tlio pit would
crowd tip with brokers packed as rloso as
Mini I IK'S , anil tlto trades would cause the
price to spring about between 81S.M and
810.00 , with very little rcgaid tti tractions.
Alter noon thu bottom was S18.W ) . Tliero
weio plenty ot brokers to protect It at that
lienre In any quantity or In any sized lots.
Hut poik ically needed very little protection.
Tlieto were few sellers at 1 o'clock. The
rloso was at S18.07& for May , nlthotuli the
price within livu minutes had been Slii.OO.
Most of tbu putcliases were supposed to be
lor thu bucket shops , who had now begun to
hedgi' . Lard and ribs were sparingly traded
In. Wbeat sold up to 78 0 anil down
under 78c. Tlio irosslp was that the
( 'inclnnati clique had tried to form n coali
tion vtitli the other cliques which are long
on wheat with a nrovlso that the whole
speculations should bo put Into ono
man's ' hnnd. The attempt , It was said ,
had not succeeded. There were enormous
cleaianccs for the seaboard over 630,000
bushels of wheat and tboy cained the early
htrcn ah , but the very warm weather and the
piomlso of still wanner weather madu sellers
of cvcrvbody except the cliques. Iteam ,
Jones , Ottdaby , and lircga all talked In a sell-
Inic mood , lliitclilnson was the largest
seller at the opening , but It didn't avail any.
Corn went with wheat.
Tlio markets on the afternoon session were
weaker and uraln closed ( ( J ? c lower. Mess
pork declined Ur > c anil closed tame. Lnrd was
Co lower. Short ribs wore steady. Wheat for
March sold at 71Jf@72i < c , April at n fOt
72 ° e , May nt 77W77Xe , Juno at 7biS(3 (
78K 7 ' < c , July at bOQbOiVfc , sjeptember nt
HK@ Kc , closlne at TJ > < o for April ,
7"V ( < c"7Jjc for Afay , 78J < c for Jimp , nnd
HJi e for July. Corn for May sold nt 88 (5 (
: > S5 < c , Junoatiy : > fM9J ; < c. JulynMOJ/c , clos-
inc at : } < ; c for March , : i.c for April , 38K ©
.iS'Vc for .May. ffl c lor June , -lo c for July.
Oats tor March sold nt ai c. April at 2tj : < c ,
Mavat'J8 4'f < t2)5KcJunoat ) 28 f@2S ; < c. Mess
pork for May sold nt Slb.5R ( 7il8.85 nnd
rlosort easy. Lard for March sold at 87.02 ,
Mav nt 87.1.r > , nnd Juno at 87.20. Short ribs
lor Mnrcn sold nt 87.70 , May nt S7.b5@7.S7K ,
Juno nt 87.00.
CIIICAOO , March 1. [ Special Telosram to
the lli.K.1 CATTLE Tlio most deslrablo
eattlu were at steady prices and it was hard
work to sell rouch and thin cattle at n . ' > @ 10c
decline. I'rices seem low , and sonic people
nro Inclined to taken discouraging vlow of
trade , but not many of them realize that dur
ing January nnd February wo received Ib'.OOO
more cattlu than in the correspondlnu
months last year. Shipping steers , i)50 : ) to
J5CO Ibs , S4.55yJ5.00 ! ; 1200 to 1850 Ihs , 84.150
4.60 ; TOO to 1200 ibs , S3.00(44.10. ( Stockcrs and
feeders. S2.GOf93.85. Cows , bulls and mixed ,
52.20@3.70 : bulk. S2.M > @ : ! .35.
1 lees Trade opened slow , with n slleht
down turn In prices on fnlr to cood. Ono
lot of very fancy was sold at 85.05 , and other
fancy lots were sold at S5.bO , yet fair to eood
heavy were selling ; In the meantime at 85.70 ®
5.75 , and the ordinary run of mixed and
the ordinary run of mixed and packing sorts
at S5.50@5. < i5 , with light sorts at 55. " "
Haw York. March 1. MONRT On call
easy at4tf5 ( percent ; last loan 4) per cent ;
closed at4X percent.
1'iiiuK MKIICANTII.B 1'Arjsu 530 per
STKRMNft EXCHANGE S4.S4X for sixty
day bills ; 84.67H tor demand.
( JOVKHNUKNT8 Government bonds were
dull but steady.
STOCKS The market was again dull and
heavy throughout the greater part of thn day.
The opening was rather heavy , the majority
of slocks being slightly under last cventnc'rt
final quotations. Thuie was a slight rally
toniml noon , but alter that timn a down
ward movement in Klchmond iV West Point
Chlcnuo. March 1 , Following quotations
BIO thn 2xi : clii.iiu | iiiiriN ;
Kloui--l'ia'liau ' rii ; \\ltitcr _ wln-at Hour
' ' ' ' '
J4/7o'i ( 4' > u ; Munition tiirlnt'.vluMt
T.\O \ lionr , al t-'i.-- : uu ;
IMIJI' | > , a
U'hi'jitJnlfl ( and M > iuo\\hat aut1
clo.tlni ; 1Q1 Vc nuiliT > i < rti'rilay ; cash , V.'o
Way. 7711-Ii'c ; Jinn1 , TsKe.
Corn Moderately nrtlbut casU'r. elns
Ing * kis"c ( ! beluw yi'Sterday ; eaih
Mny , 3 < < ; June , JltiJuC.
Oats Ktisy , closing ubout l o lower thai
vreteidcyllli May nncluiiigecl ; caali ,
linilev- Steady nt
Timothy soeil l'rlui , $1.81 ,
Flaxseudl.OS ,
1'ork Fairly active , early with wide lluctu-
ntlo-iif , and closing liiiucr than yunterday ;
cash , .S1S.15 ; May , $1440 ; June , S1M5.
I.aul-Declined early , but ruled steady
tonanls tlio close ; cash , 57.02) { : May , 57.16 ;
June. 87.20.
llulk Meats Shoulders , gtXOCkM.CS ; short
clear , SS.VCVjiij.'tt : t > buit rib # , 7.70.
Utitter Firm j creamery , ! 23 < 330c : dairy ,
BUUliceso Firm : lull crenm Cheddars ,
ISc ; lints. ia % ( < ? 13c ; young Americas ,
@HC ; skim ? ,
Tallow Unchanecd ! NO.I 1 country ,
solid. 8 c : No. 2.2 > fc ; cakf , 4c.
Hides Unchanued ; Green , ficj hravy
Breen salted , "c ; salted bull , Oc ! green
salted calf , l c ! dry salted bides , lOc ; dry
Hint , 12@13c : deacons , - < 0c each.
Receipts. Shipments
Hour , bbU . 23.000 20.000
AVhcat , bu . 20,000 143.000
Corn , bu . raOOCl rw.OOO
Oats , bu . 160,000 85,000
Ilye , bu . 3,0)0 ( ) 1,000
JJarley , bu . 42,000 13,000
Now VorK. Alarch 1. Wheat Receipts ,
74.000 bu. ; exports , 4M.OOO bu. ; spot M
QKc and options ; < @ lower , closlne
steady ; uncratJed rod. Ki91c ; No. 3 retl ,
7J < o ; No. 2 red. b Kc In elevator , W ®
89'c ' February ; No. 1 red. We ; extra led ,
WJ < c delivered ; No. a red , April , closed at
Corn Spot , steady and moderately active ;
options moio active ; March Ji'o. batter , others
? < C < ? J < c lower : rcwipK 27,000 : exports ,
1110,060 ; uncrailcd , 4S@49J/c ; No. 2. 4 Vc In
elevator , dO.VitMitko f. o. b. , C0) ) < c delivered ,
May closing nt48Vc.
Oats Shade lower and falrlv active ; re
ceipts , 20,000 ; exports , none ; mixed western ,
85c < i8fic : whlto western. n@i2c.
Petroleum Steady ; United closed at KiXc.
E cs-St ady ; western , 18JCQi8lfc ,
Pork Firm.
Laid Ixnver ; western steam , spot , J7.UI.
Uutter Firm ; western , VJft' ; Klgln
creamery , 2yc4. > 0c.
Cheese Quiet and Kcneraily steady.
Milwaukee. March 1. Wheat Cash ,
TtfKc ; March , 72c ; Mav. 77tfc.
Corn-null ; No. 3 , 30c ,
Oats-Steady ; No. 2 white , 30c.
lire-No , l.frljic.
Harley-Sleady ; No. 3. M ) } c.
Provisions Higher ; pork , March , 518.10.
Cincinnati. March. 1 Wheat Kasy ; No.
2 red. S2c ,
Corn KaMer ; No. 2 mixed ,
Oats Fair demand ; No.U mixed ,
Hyo Kaslor ; No. 2 , f.9c.
Pork Nominal ; Slfi.OO
Lard-Dull at S0.05 bid. S7.00 asked.
Minneapolis. March 1. Wheat Quiet for
futures , fair demand for track ; No. 1 bard
cash and March , 7Cc ; May , 77s < fr ; , lune. 7110 ;
No. 1 northern , cash and March , 74Kc ; Mny.
ijfc ; No. 'J northern , cash and March , Tac ;
lav , 74J < c
Flnur Quiet ; P.vtcnts , 54.204.a ; bakers ,
. ,
Keceluts Wheat. 50,000 bu. ; flour , 125 bbls.
Shipments Wheat , 25,000 bu. ; Hour ,
. ' . ,000 bbls.
St. Ijotiln. Mnrch 1. AVhoat Weak and
ewer ; No. 2 red , cash,77c ! ! May , TOJfc.
Corn Weak ; No. 2 , mixed , cash , 33f(334c ( ;
May. 35'rfc.
Oats Easy ; No. 2 , mixed , cash , 28c ; May.
* * - *
i 'ork-317.50.
Ilye Steady at 5
Butter Dull and lirm ; creamery , 24i2 > 27c ;
lalrv , l."i@23e.
Afternoon Board. Wheat Easy and JR'C
ower. Corn Unchanged. Oats A shade
Ijlv rpool , March 1. Wheat Steady and
lemand lair ! holders offer moderately.
Corn Firm and demand fair ; new mixed
vubtcrn , 4s 4d ) ) cr cental.
itsusasClty. Marcli 1. Wheat Lower ;
cash , OS f bid ; May , TJi@-/Vc. !
Corn Quit ; cash , 2iyjc blit , ! 50c asked ;
I tine , 30e asked.
Oats No iiuotatlons.
New Orleans , March 1. Corn Stronger
and higher at 47c.
i Oats Firmer ; choice western , 3i@Wc. !
Corn meal Qulot at $2.33.
Hog products Light demand , but holdeis
inn ; pork , higher at S10.75 ; laid , relinetl
lerci1. Sfi.37.f. !
Bulk meats , shoulders , 5.03 : long clear
and clear ribs ; G.37K.
Chicago , March 1. The Drover's Journal
enorts an follows :
Cattle Receipts fi.OOO ; slow but steady ;
shipping steers , ; stockers nnd
tecdiTf" . S2.CO@a85 : cows , bulls and mixed ,
8U.20Q3.7U ; bulk , $2.80@3.35.
Hogs Receipts , 15,000 ; opened stronc ; for
best but closedr > @lUc oil" ; rough nnd mixed.
S5.1M5.C5 ; packing and slilpplni ; , S5.SOj (
5.W5 ; light , S4.m@ri.5n ; skips. 5:1.50 : ( 4.80.
Sheep Receipts , 5,000 ; stronc ; natives ,
S3.50S4..H ) ; western , 84.25@4.40 ; Texans ,
32.50(34.00 ( : lambs , S4.50g5.75. (
Scclul ] Iowa live stock and feed reports to
the Drovers' Journal arc suinmailiei ! this
week as follows : Keokulc , Linn , Adams ,
Delaware , Scott and Story counties not so
many cattle are feeding ns usual : will bo
juarkett'd soon if prices justify. Hogs are
decidly scarcer timn usual at this season.
Cholera has been bad In Kcokuk. Linn and
Scott counties. Corn In Linn , : i9c ; Adams ,
25c ; Scott , : uj@30c : Stoiy. iWa.'Wc. Corn and
young stock nre rathur plentTful on the Mis
souri slope , but central and eastern Iowa re
ports show n marked .shortage in feed and
lattenlmr block.
KnnsanCity , M arch 1. Cattle Receipts ,
4,000 ; shipments , 403 ; weak nnd 5c lower
for shipping steers and cows , and butchers'
lOc lower ; common to choice , S3.50(34.43 ( ;
Mockers. S2.00C < t3.l5 ; feeding steets , & 3.2'j ®
3.i : cows , S2.25@J.40. :
Hoes Receipts , 0,000 ; shipments , 2COO ;
opened 5c lower , closed lOc lower ; common
to cholco , S5.10Q5.'i5 ; skips and plus , 3-.05. (
Nation ? ! Htook Yards. Knst Ht.
I.oul. , III. , March 1. Cattle Receipts , 2,000 ;
active and strong : cholco heavy native
steers , S4.40fiJ4.95 ; fair to good bhlppliiK
steers , S3.75@4.HO ; butchers steers , fair to
choice , S3.40a4.20 ; feeders , fair to cood. 32.00
(33.CO ( ; stackers , jalr to seed , S2.2U@i.20. :
Ho s Riiceltits , 3,000 ; opened active and
5c ltiiher than yesterday ; closed 5 < rjlOa
lower : choice heavy nnd butchers'selections ,
S.MV > @ 5.bO : packing , fair to peed , S5.40@5.GO ;
Yorkers , medium to prime , g5.15f45.M ; pigs ,
commou to good , S4.65@5.10.
Tuesday , March 1.
The receipts of cattle were heavier to-day
than for sonio time past. The btivers weto
well repri'.sontod and bought liberally. Good
llKht or pony built cattle were In icood dn-
niniul untl sold stronc. Coarse heavy cattle
wen * not In as uood demand and would not
sell as well. Tim D wits also a uood demand
for butcher stock and thu market was strong.
liuforu thomatket closed everything of any
account was sold.
The receipts of bogs wuro also heavy , there
bolnc very nearly three times as many in as
Ilium was yesterday , but not as many as a
week neo by 200 head. The market opened
brisk anil the buyers picked up everything
ofU-it-d In n short time , ( loud heavy anil
medium weight hois were stronger and tlio
market washed a higher point than yester
day , Light hoes were not as much sought
alter and bold at aboutl btoadv prices.
Everything was tuken , nothing being Icit
Thorn were two loads of sheeji In but there
was no market and nothing sold.
Cattle 12 < K
llois , 4,000
Shi-op 200
Prevail I UK 1'rlccH.
Kliowlnutlinprevailing prices paid for live
block on this nutki-t :
Cholco steers , l&vito 1500 lbs , . , , i,15 < 34.3.'i
CIlllIcO Stl'tTri , 1100 to ISOO Ib * . . . ,75@UO
( iooil to choice i-orn-fed cows. . . . 2.75w3.40
Fair in int'ilinm grass cows 2.ooc < t2.M )
ConI , to cholcn bulls 2.2vai.OO :
ijlglit and medium hoes G.20' .5.,0 :
Uuiid torhotce heavy hogs 5.3.X < | 5.I5
( ! oed to choice mixed lie s , .ViwS.H.'i
Choice bheup , 00 lo 120 Ibs 3.504.00
HciircHnntutivo Males.
5..1103 2.M 0..1025 * 3.10
IS..120S 2.83 2..1000 C.15
10 . . .1221 2.1K ) 10..11C5 3.M
1..1230 3.00 4..lOW S.25
2..1180 Soft 1..1UOO 3.25
o. Av. Pr. No. Av. Tt.
I . . .1230 82.50 4. . . . 1705 ? 2.00
a. . . i3oo i..itrro s.oo
4..1507 B.7."i 4. . . 1345 3.10
0..1573 2.M 2..1420 3.25
nt'i.t.q AND cows.
So. Av. JV. No. Av. Pr.
0..14M 82.75 12..117U 3.00
fo. Av. Pr.
1..12UO 83.75
.o. Av. Shk. lvnNo. . Av. Shk , Pr.
84. . . . 177 1(085,20 ( 81..22.1 'JOO 85.30
01. . . . 104 100 ft.20 O0.,24i 100 5.35
W..230 380 5.25 143..2.JO 300 5.35
02..220 40 6.85 CO..241 210 5.35
72..215 240 5.2.1 67..SO 2M ) 5.115
72.208 40 5.25 ( W..SS4 100 5.35
70..2.11 W ) 5.2,1 00..23S 40 B.M
73. . . 240 80 5.30 M..2.W 200 5.35
77..224 40 5.30 70..275 IftO 5.35
00. . .240 240 5.30 80..204 Nl 5.35
0.1..2.TJ W ) 5.30 CO..203 40 535
47..225 120r.ra 72..2.-W N ) 5.35
01..213 120 5.30 f.7. . . .23S 120 fi.35
G5..U51 200 5.SO 00 . . .StKI N ) 5.S5
( H..U04 40 5.30 75..207 120 6. !
.W..245 200 5.30 J . . 207 240 fi.35
70..200 bO 5.30 00..2.W 100 fi.a- (
W..204 120 5.RO 73..237 40 f > .35
00. . . 105 H ) 5.80 50.W7 ! 240 5.40
01..220 8M 5.30 00..271 120 540
BO..2:53 : 200 5.30 53.2l : ! ! 240 5.40
70..220 SO 5.30 O7..2i 40 fi.40
00..239 NJ 5.nO 117..20.1 . . 5.4JJ-J
75..217 K ) 5. : < 0 1W..201 100 5.42 } , '
82..203 W 5.30 75..201 100 5.4--'Jf
Showlnc thu number of cattle , ho.-s nnd
beep shlpp'-d Iroin the yards ilurltigthuday.
fo. cars. lit. Dost.
U Mil Chlcaijo
3 1 Mil Chicago
Itnncc of 1'rlccs.
Showlnc the hlu'hnst and lowest prices
aidforlo.tdi of 11023 on this market tlurlui ;
he past sove n days and tor the same umo
ast month and a vcar ago.
Jim. 1M7 Veil. 1837 roll. IbfB
Sunday fi.15 3.1-0
4th 4,40 CH" > ©
_ 'ith 4..t 4.7'i
6thl 4.M ) Ci4.:2'/ ' 5.10 5.54i
' Sunday y.75
ittli 4.'fiO Qlis ) Sunday
Fob. P-87. Miii-ch 1W7. | Mnrcli ltS-0.
st 4.7.1 ! < 3UO & 2 05.42' ' * I ! l GO 0-1 SO
Allsilesof stock in tills market nro made
icrcwt. live weight unless otherwise st.xtutl.
) ead lines si'H at Kc per Ib. lor nil weights.
'Skins , " or howeUlilnj ; : less than 10J IDS.
no value. i'riunant sows are docked 40103.
null stags 83 1 1)3 , by thovmbllo
Everything sold.
No sliucp market.
hight IIORS steady.
Nothing I'eld over.
lleuvy IWKS stroiijor.
Hogs averaged ( i'J to the car.
Heavy receipts of ovrrythluir.
Ira Tnttlo , Elm Creek , was looking over
hu yards.
Air. Powers. North Hand , was in and sold
i load of cattle.
J. iM. Hallcy , Pilger , Neb. , was in and sold
two loads of steers.
C. Funk. Schuyler , was hero and marketed
.wo loads of steei s.
K. 1. Thow , Noith liend , was here and
sold a load.of cattle.
A. llastle , Elmwood , was hero and sold'
three loads of cattle.
AV. Wallace , Coin , fa. , was in and disposed
of two loads of cattlu.
S. Scott , Chirks , Xcb. , was here and mni-
ioteti n load of hoirs.
( ieo. Smith , llcninn , was in and sold two
cars of cattle on the market.
0. C. Clitton , Colon , Neb. , was hcio and
nnrketcd live loads ot stock.
V. Connalacoma , Neb. , was in and mar
keted a load of uutclier stock.
II. H. ( iainncl1 Tckamah , a , well known
shipper was In and sold a load ot cattlo.
Air. llnllnran. Inland , Neb. , was In with a
oad of corn led steers , his own leeding.
. ) . \V. Uoyles , Ceresco , Neb. , caino In with
i load of cattle which .sold on the market.
Mr. Tuttle , Firth , Neb. , was In with two
oadso ? cattle belonging to his fiither , Ceo.
Out of tne 50.000 hogs received here last
.nontli the Annlo-Ami'rican Packing com
pany bought : ,030.
Wiley Ulack , a well-known shipper from
Plattsmoutli , was In and sold a loan of cattle
on to-day's market.
Mr. Way , of the lirm of Halo A ; Way , Ord ,
was In witii two loads of hogs , which brought
a very satisfactory price.
Jlr. Smaller , of Potter it Smalloy , Elm Creek
was In with cattle , hois and sheep , all of
which bold on ttiu market
John McKecKan and Phil McManus , Ban-
crott , wmeboth hero witli two cars ot cattle
each , \ > hlch sold on the market.
George Itoutel , Mtllard ; 11. Smith , Friend ,
and S. Iloveri'djce , Ki onion t. were all hero
wltli ho s , which brought the top of the
murkct , S5.42M.
The live stock commission linn of W. F.
Hrown > VCo , the pioneer commission lirm of
the yards , belnt ; the lirst lirm to locate here
In tli.U business , will hereafter bo known as
Brown. I'arklmrst it Co. The new member
of the lirm , J ) . S. Parkhurst , of Grand Island ,
Is one of the best known live btuclc men In
the state. Mr. ParKhnrst will act as cattle
salesman for the lirm while Cleor oS. Hrown ,
will continue to look after the hoxs and
sheep. _
General Produce.
Monday , March 1st.
ThcfoUoicliw prices are for round lots of
roi/ncc'fiv / AO ( ( { OH Hie nun hot to-an\i. \ 'inc.
quotations itn fruit * retirement the jirlcci at
niiich outxiiJc order * ( ire lltlal.
Edos The receipts wore heavy and the
market went still lower to-day. A few sales
were made In the morning at iio : but the
bulk of thn stock sold went at 12' ' < c.
CAiutAfiK Thi'io Is no homo crown stock
In the market but there Is a fair supply of
California stock In. California cabbage , per
Ib , c.
APPLES There arc no apples on the mar
kot ot any account mid prices nro very lirm.
Good stock is sellliiB all the way from 34.50 ®
fc5.00 per bbl.
ONION * The supply on the market Is ll tit
and there are very few coming In. Cholco
stock , per bbl , Su : < 0 < 34.00.
( JitKKN VKOKTAHI.KS Tlio weather has
been too cold for the past few days to create
a demand for nuw vegetables. A Jlttlo wai m
weather would Increase thn demand and stif
fen prices. Splimch. iwrbbl , Si75id.5.oo ; top
on'ons , par bunch , Me ; celery , per doicn , 4 (
( iJSOo : Calllornla celery , per tloieii , SLOO ;
caullllowcr , per do/.en , 52.00.
LKMO\S The mutket Is lirm as quoted ana
stocks are moving fairly well tor the season.
Messina , fancy , j > er box , S5.00g5.Mj ( ) choice ,
CiiAx'iiKintiKs Capo Cod , fancy , per bbl ,
S12.00 ; bell and bugle , S10.0U ; bell am :
cherrv , SO. 75.
OiiAMiEs-On account of the nnfnvorablo
wcatliur the stocks are inovini : slowly , The
market is well supplied with choice stock ,
Valencia , per ca&e , S5.fXX3 < i.OO ; California ,
jierbox , S3.XKTtt.rx ( : ) ; Florida. brUbt S3.7.'K < i
4.00 ; Floiida riibsets , S3.OOCii3.50 ; Messina
BANANAS The supply on the market Is
not heavy but there are some very choice
luria bunches In. Laigo bunches , per bunch
. .
Ovsuiits Mediums , 20c : standard , 2 < Jo
selects , 'JSo ; oxtia selects. 33 ; N. Y. counts ,
SSe.CiiKKsr Full cream chcddars , Rlnvlo , 14c
full en-am Hats , twins , 14u ; Voun Ameri
cas , U'l&iH'sc : fancy Swiss , IS&lOc ; Swiss
Imported , 2.V : LlinbiirKor. 13o ; brick , I5@16c.
Br.Axs-lniei lor stock.5/l.WKood ) ; clean
country , Sl.OO.if J.ttt ; medium , hand nicked ,
feMOcul.M ) ; hand picked , navv , 81,50@l.OO.
I'liovi-ioN.s Hum , l-Jf ( < f3o ! ; breakfast
bacon , rib. .i .ic : break fast bacon , plain , 10 > fc
dry salt bides , b@SJfc ; dried beef , rt'gulur
lie ; dried bcof , lium pieces , 14c ; lard , 50-Ib
cans , 8c ; 20-lb caus. Fairbanks , b' c ; 10-lb
wins , Fairbanks. 8 c ; Mb cans , Faiibankd
b ; > cc ; 3-lbcans. Falrbcnki ) ,
Hour , beat quality patent , $2.75 ; bccond mull
itv , tUSXttbc t tiuallty prlllr ! \\liea
Hour , patent. Si402.O ( ; W. J. WeUliaii'.s
buckwheat ( lour , per bbl. 80.00 : do. duublt
Backs , &a.COjK > r hundred ; W. J. Welslmn's
No. 1. ready raised , forty 2 ' Ib packauc.s ! i
' , SI..V ) ; do , twenty 5 II ) packages in
l. . ' < 0 ; bran , 70e per cwl ; chopped feud , 75c
cwt ; whlto corn meal , We ; yellow corn
. fOWWc per cwij rocnlnz. 6V < i75c per
wt ; hominy , Sl.W ! fliorts , TOO per cwt ;
ffraham , $ li5 , hay. In bales. 87.00pt-rton.
Ofocor'D fjUt.
PICKI.KS Medium. In' ' l > bK SS.OO ; do. In
half bbls , S.50 ; sm.ill , In t > bK SIO.OO ; do , In
lalt bbls. 35.50 ; Khorkins , Inbbls , S 11.00 ; do ,
n half bbls , SO.OO.
MATCHES Per caudle. 2V ; ; square CASCS ,
" 1.70 : mule sntKire. * 1.2U.
STUUP No. 70 , 4-Kallmi kPR.\ S1.201.2.5 ;
New Orleans porealmn & 4flc ; maple Byruu ,
mlf bbls , "old lime , " per gallon , 70c ; 1 Ral-
on cans , Der doz , IlO.Oo : halt gallon cans ,
per doz. S5.M ) : quart cans , S-'Uw.
C5ANDV Mixoil. SK lle : slick , 8'i@0 ' c.
CiiACKKiis Oarneau's $ o < la , butter and
jlcnlc. 6 > ic : creams , biio ; plngcr snaps , fcc ;
CoFFnKS Urdlnarv grades , I4j l" > c fair
"Ci : Kc ; prime , inside : choice , lOc iOHc ;
ancy Rrecn anil yellow. Iot < lc ; old tov-
rnment Java , 20@2fic ; Inlet lor , lava , lOJ td
20c ; Mocha , 2324c : Arbucklo's roasted
20c ; McLaneblln's XXXX roasted , 20c' ,
Jilworlh'a. If'fc : Hed Cros , 20'jc. '
STAIICII Mirror glusi. 1 Ib. Cc ; mirror
3 Ib , 5 fc ! mirror eloai , tllh , CJic ;
{ raves corn.l Ib.O'jCi Klngsford'scorn , 1 In ,
'c ; Klncsford's gloss , 1 Ib. 7c ; Kingsford s
eloss , Olb. 7Kc ; Klnu ifoi-d's purr lib. 5Wfo ;
vlnnsford's pure , 3 Ib , f > > t'c ; Kincsfords
bulk. 4c.
SOAI-S Kirk's savpn Imperial. 52.70 :
lrk-s satinet. S3.00 ; Kirk H standard , 5U.O' ;
Kirk's whlto S4.00 : Kirk's white-
cap. SO.'X ) ; dome , $3.S.'i ' ; washboard , S3. 10 ;
Whlto cloud. 53.75.
CAN.VKDUooiis Oystursstandardvcrcal e ,
_ . . . _ ajirlcoti. .
i4.flO ; peache * . pcr case , S.VtK ) ; white cher
ries , per case , 50.00 : p uius. pnr case , S'.ir ;
) lueberrles ixsrcivse. $ l.S."i : ore plums. 2 Ib ,
> er case , 52.50 : iilueapnli's , 2 Ib , IHT case
S3.20iJ5.75 ( : 1 Hi muikcrei. Per do81.40 :
Ib salmon , PPJ doz , S1.60ai..Yi ( ; 2 10 , goose-
) ernes , per case , SI. 75 ; a Ib strlnz beans , per
case , S1.70 ; 21b llmabuaiis , per paso , 81.00 ;
J Ib marrow fat peas , pur CASO , S-.rjOCi J.Oy ; 2 Ib
arly June peas , par case. SJ.75 ; : l Ib toma-
ocs. 2.53t2.iAa ( ) Ib.coru S2.HOCcj2.40.
\AiiMsiiEs UatroJs , pergallon ; rtirnl
ure , extra , S1.IO ; furniture , No. I. Sl.on ;
coach extra , 81.40 ; co.ich , No. 1,51.20 : Da-
nar , extra , 81.75 ; Japan , 70o ; nsphaltum ,
extra b5c : shellac , 83.50 ; hard oil hnlsh ,
HKAVY llAUDWAiir. iron , ratn S2.S3 ;
cast tools , do , 12r < { lSf ; wagon spokes , pci set ,
S2.00an.f.O ( ; hubs , per bet , St.25 : lelloes.
sawed dry. S1.5' ) ; toncues , each. 8te ( : n.M'N.
ach. 75o : snnnre nuts , per Ib. niri ( > 71c : roil
chain , pur Ib. 0' < ( ( SL'c : malleable.a.l'c > ' ! ' ; iron
wedces , Cc ; crowbars , do ; hanow teeth , 4'sc ,
spring stuol. 70c : Huulun's ' her > e shoes.
84.75 ; Burden's mule shoes. l" > . " 5. Barbed
who. In car lots. 54.00 per 100 Ins. Nails ,
rates , 10 to fX ) . S''O ' : steel nails , S2.M.
Shot. S1.G5 ; buckshot , 8t.S. " > : oriental powder ,
* egs , S2.50 ; do. half kegs , S'J.00 ; do. quarter
kegs. 51.50 : blasting , kegs , 52.3.V fuse , | icr 10
fee : . 0. " > c. Lead bar. S I '
IJuv PAINTS- White lead , 7c , French ? lnc ,
12c : Parii wliltine , 2' ' c ; w biting , uildurs ,
2Jfc ; whiting , com'l , I'ic ; lampblack , ( Jer-
maiistown. 12c ; lampblack , ordinary , be ;
Prussian biuo.rucinltramarine , ike ; vanilyic-
brown , 8e ; umber , burnt. 4c ; umtiur. raw , -lc ;
sienna , burnt , 4c ; slunnn. raw , 4o ; Pans
green , eeniilne. 25C , Paris creen. common -
mon , 22c ; chrome preen. N. Y. . 20c ;
vermlllion American. l ! > c ; ln < iim ;
law and burnt umber , I Oi cau.s , i2c ; raw and
Inirnt sienna , 12c : vandyke blown , 13c ; relined -
lined lampblack I2o : coach black and ivory
black. 10c ; drop black.ICc ; Prussian Diue ,
40c : ultramarlno black. ISc ; chromn irreen.lj. .
M. & 1) . , lOc ; blind r.nd shutter gieeti , U , At.
& I ) . , lOc : Paris croon , ! bo ; Ir.dian red , I5c ;
Venetian red , Oc ; .Tuscan. 22c ; American
vormilllon , L. it Ir20o : yellow ochre , 2c ; L.
M. & O. O. . Ibc : ( rood oclire. 10p ; tiatent
drver , Sc ; cratnlnir color , light oat , dark oak ,
walnut cliestnut and nsb. 12c.
IJr.ur.SANi > MrKMiCAi.s. Ao l carbolic ,
We ; acid , tartarlc , fi2o ; balsam copaiba , per
Ib , Mc ) : bark sassatrns. per tt > , lOc ; calomel ,
per fi > , 7Sc , phlnclioniilia , per or , 40c ; chloro
form , jicr CSo ; Dovora powders , per Hi ,
S1.25i : > psom 'alts. , per Ib , Kc ; glycuiino ,
pure , per Ib , 3' < c ; It-ad , noetate , per Ib. 'Jlc ;
oil , castor. No. 1. per gsl. , Sl.fiOe ; oil castor ,
No. 2 , per gal. , 51.40 ; oil olive , per gal. , S1.40 ;
oil orlirannum , Me ; opium , S3. 0 ; quinine ,
I' . & W. and H. its , , per of , 7 c ; potassium
iodide , per Ib , S ' .50 ; sallcin. perez , 40c ; sul-
nhaio morphine , per oz. Si'5 ; siilpliur , per
ft. 4c ; strychnine. nerorSt.3 -
I'AINTS IN On , White lead. Omaha , ! ' P.
Oc : whitn lead St. Louis , pine , % ; Mar
scllles green , 1 to Ib cans , 2c : Kronen
creen seal , 12e ; rench zinc , red ieal. He ;
Kroneli zinc. In varnish asst. 20c : Ke.nch
zlnc.75c : vermllllon. Enirlish , in oil , 75c ;
red. lOc : rose plnic. 14c ; Venetian red. Cook-
son's , 2J/o ; Venetian red. Ameilcan. l > ) 'c ;
red lead , 7Kc : cliromo yellow , genuine , .K'c ' ;
chrome yellow , 1C , I2c ; oclire , rocheilo. lie ;
ochre , French , 2J c ; ochre , American ,
IKc ; Winter's mineral , 2'r ; Lenigh blown ,
2c ; Sj.anlsh brown , UXc ; x'rinco's mineral ,
Cologne spirits. 168 proof , 51.17 ;
do 101 proof , 51.18 ; spirits , second quality ,
101 proof , S1.17 : do 188 proof. 51.10 Alcohol.
183 proori $2.5) per wine irallon. Kedlstllled
whiskies , Sl.Ooai.5U. ( Jin , blended. 8l.5U6
2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , S2,00ftO.OO ( ; Ken
tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , SiCKXd,0.50 ;
Goltlon Sheaf bourbon and rye whisklei ,
81.50(33.00. ( Ilranitles , imported , S5.00@a.x ) ;
domestic , S1.SO@3.00. Clns , imnortca , 54.50
Qfl.OO ; dome.stlc , 81.2r > ( < i3.00. Champagnes ,
imported , uer case. 82S.OOQ33.00 ; American ,
per case. SlO.OOuai0.00.
HIDES ( Sreen butchers. 5 ! { < 7ZOe ; ctpcn
citrod. Tc : dry Hint , Uf < $ l'-'c ; drv salt. OrwiOc ;
ereen calf skins , c ; damaged mdes ,
two-thirds price. Tallow 3ifc. Grease
Prime white , 3 < ? c ; yellow. 2 > fc ; brown , 1 %
Sheen Pelts , 25Q75C.
IMIIIS ANI SKINS Tlio following prlco
are for prime , well handled bklns : Heaver ,
prime , clean per pound , 81.503.00 ; fall.Sl.2. ' )
f < 42.00 ; menty ana Inferior. S1.00@1.25. Hear.
Crown and grizzly. 5.oo@S.OO : < > iibs mid
yearlings , 5 00 4.00. Badger , WfJiOOe. Cat ,
wild , 20@iOc : domestic , black. 10p(15e ( ( : do
me.stlc , sundry colors , 5@ c. Fox. red , 81.00
(31.25 ( ; ITOSS , S2.00@4.00 ; jrrnv. 40 'iOc ; sliver.
S10.OU@40.00 , Fislier , S4.00 ( < vo.OO. ; Otto r.84.00
QO.OO. Martin , 81.00 ® 173 , Miiscrat win
tur. largo , lite ; fall , Re ; kitts. Mink , Blaruo
dark , 35@40cs ; > niall and pale , I5@20c. Jlttc-
roon. largo prime , 40fu ; . ' > 0o ; small anil Inferior ,
20@30c. Skunk , common , 15@2.rC. Wolf ,
largo grey , Sl.fj0 2.M ) ; coyote or prairie75 ®
OOc. Deer and antelope , winter , pound
15c ; fall nnd summer , per pound 20c.
On liumoar.
No.l Com. § . ! . . 12,14 and W ft $17.50
Na'jJ " ' IB , 14 and 18 ft 14,75
No.S " " 12,14 and 16 tt 13.50
Nat " * 12 14 andlO ft 12.00
No. 1 , 4& 0 Inch , 12 nnd U ft. , rough..517.0 *
No. 2 , 4 & Cinch , 18 and 14 ft. , rough. . . 14.00
12 rt H ft lit n'ts ' n 20 ttj j ttu. tt
2x4 18.50 18.80 lfl.60 IT.OO 18.01) Sl.0jil.00
ltl.50 13 SO 1BSO 1T.OU's.oo '
l ! b. . 1U.W W.W IS.fiU IT.OO
2HO. liftj IS..VI 17.00 \e.M \ in.M 17.00 18.00 KJ.OO 'iiOO
IB. TO la.M 10.60 IT.OO 18.00 aj.uuaj. ; < x >
cKii.ixn AND rAitmio.v ,
1st com , , % in White 1'lnu r.trtltlon.8n.1.00
2d ' " " . . . -J7..V )
2dcom. , % in Norway 1'lnu Coiling. . . . 14,00
A 13 Inch 8. la. 400 , , , , ' . SRO.OO
U " " 421J 23..W
No. l , com. 12 In s. 1 s. , 10,18and20 feet 21.00
No. ' _ ' . " " " " " 1H.50
No. 2. " " ' 12 and 14feet. . . 17.00
" " " lOfuct 10.00
RiiixniisI.ATH. : .
XX clear , E2 uo ; A st.tndard , S2.50 ; No. 1 : ; Lath. M.SS.
POTS Whlto Cddar.1 0 hi. , > s , 12c ; 8 In.
is. , o ; c.
Ask ) our rcinncr for tnu Jai , . c Means , S3 Shoe
Cautionl t-oinodevleruu'i-ominciid In Inferior
Kooda in order to ranlto s liin-'cr profit. Tills la
tlio OHKilNAIj f3 Blioo 'llownroof iniltutlons
w hicb scknowUilire tdblr own Inferiority by ut-
toniptlni ; to build upon Uiu rfpuliulon of tbo
original ,
None genuine unless bearing this Stamp ,
For Gentlemen , < J Q Q'HfOT'
Made In Iluttnn. CVmcrait and , llr. T CAi.r CKIN. Unor.
cvlledla DI'llAlilIIir. CouioiiT
ttnil AlM-t AIHNt'E. A poutul carti
n-iit toun will brlnti you lufur-
inattou tiow tnuel tUli Shou In
nj'j M to or'tBrrltcr/ ,
J , 5Hciuin A : Co. ,
II I.lm ln blreet ,
Itoeton ,
llll 6.
Our cvlcbratcd fuctory produces a larccr
unntlty or ehousot tbU pnulo timn any otuir
Ir.ctory la tbe world Inoucandt nho uiuv
them TTlll t H you tbo reason If you lUk tliciu
JAMI H MKANV i tf hllOJ ! Jor JJojs Ig l imp-
piuaotiej In Durubllitr
Full lUet el tU < ! ol vo Shoe * rcr rale by
( ! KO. S , MILLKK ,
Clii.V. ICthSt. , OiHuhn ,
ChicapjMilwaukee&SI.PaulB'y . '
The Jicst Jtontc from Ounthn dint
Council Jtlti/J'it to
Two Trains. . Dnily Between Omaha , Coun
cil Blulls
Cliicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Pnul , Minneapolis ) CcdnrUnpids.
Rock Island , Krccport , Hock ford ,
Clinton , Uubuquc , Davenport ,
Klgin , Madison , Janesvillc ,
Itcloit , Winona , La Crosse ,
And all other Importnni imlnts EnM , Northcnit
niul Southenrt.
rorthroiiKh tlekcts will on Ilio Ticket Aftent
nt HOI KiirnKin i > lrcetiln I'nxtou liotelornt )
futon I'ncino lieput ,
I'ullmnu SlecjM'i-s nnd the llno .t Dlnlntr fur *
In I h win M mo run on the mainlines of tlio
UMICACO , MII.W\IKII : : A Sr , I'un , IUH , AV.
niiilnvery nttonllnii U pntil to nns-i'tiKL-rs by
couiteuusoinplojc ! ! nr the coiupniiy.
U. Mil -.1:11 : , fietUTnl Miiniiucr.
.1 , r. TITKKII , Asilftiint Ooiu'iBl Miiimcor.
A. Y. ILCMll't. , Ucnoinl I'a oilKnf uiul
Ticket A Kent.
lint , i ; IlKumiiu , A ! letBiit Gcnonil I'HS-
priiLMirnnil TicUot Ani'iil.
J T Cl.Ailu.CJcnciiil Superinlrnilrnt.
Red Star Line
Cnrrylngthu tlelRlnm Itoynl imJ 1'nlteil Stnlcs
Mull , --iilmiK' o ory Siituulny
Between Antwerp & New York
To the Rhine , dci'inttniJtalu >
htnd ( tinl
Stiloti I rom $ BO to $7. " > . IXciirslnii ti Ip fidin
fill ) to flu1' ) . Second rubln , oimuinl tiouiul. ? ( * > :
prepaid , ( l"i ; oxciifolon. til ) . Sleet iifro piiiwairo
lit low IlltC * . 1'L'tCr Wllllllt \ SOHb. , ( iCIICTBl
Aneut-i , 5.1 Uioadwity , Now Voik.
lloiiry I'lltult , 1-18 1 nrnnm M.ranl ; cn A : Co. ,
His I'nrimm tt. ; 1) . U rreeimui , 1X1 l-'nrniiin.
Tlio only rr.nd to tuhe for DCS Molnes Mur-
fl.alltoivu. Cellar HnpliN , rilnton , Ulxun. Chlcn
KO , JIllvMiiikt'f niul all point * HIM. To the peo-
| ik > ol Nctini'-loi. Colornilo , WjrnmliiK' , t'tnti.
liluho , Ncxudn , OioaonVuhIiinlon ami Oil I-
loniln. It olloi-s pupi'ilor udvantiiKCH not possi-
lik' ! ) > uny other lino.
Ainnnir n ti. > wnt the numerous points of sn-
tic'rlorltj ciijoyrd by tlio pntroiip nl this mini
iiml l f Idcnitci , 1110 Its two trains
niluy ofDAV fO.M'IIKS , ulilchino tlio llutH
tluit Iniuinn nrt ami iHiroiiultr can cioiite. Its
1'AI.Ai ISSUiHl'INC t'AHS. which are models
ol cnmlurt and ele unce. Its TAKI.UU IHIAW-
INC KODM CAHH , itnstiriiflHMul liv nny , nnd Its
wlilclycclclnntccl PALATIAT. nlNINCI OAKS
tlio L'iinil | f which cnnnot lie round nlscwbcro
At Council Illutls tlio unlnsor thornlonl'iiciflc !
Ity. connect In I'nlon llciiot w 1th those or the
ChleiiRo A : Northwestern lly. In Chlc-iiKO th < >
trnlns of this line iiinko close connection with
tlio ( > oofnll cB t rn lines.
ForDotiolt. Coliimliii" , Indlnnupolls. Clncln-
null , Niagara Fulls , liulTilo. I'ltttbiirtr.Toronto.
Montrenl , Motion , Nuw Voi-lc , I'hlladelpliln ,
Diiltlmoro. Wii hlnxtnn and nil points : n the
oust , nk for n tlcltot vin tlio
NttTinViSTF.KN' ) : "
If yon wKh llio best aeooinniodiitlon. All tlcltct
agents sell IIkctg via ting lino.
11. IirCHITT , K. I' . WILSON ,
Uen ! . .MnniiBcr. fionl. 1'ntB'r AKCIII
\V. SI. lt.I1COCIC , 111.L. . K. ISOIJ.E3 ,
Wcstei n Aiiont , City I'ass'r Agent ,
Oiinihn ,
Of fine machine wall papers
now ready. Our bouse is fill
ed with these
Fresh Goods for Imme
diate Shipment.
and our facilities unfitrpaEscd
for prompt and fnilliuil service.
tSTSaniples placed before you at
our expense ,
Redhead , Hofton aHirop&Co. . ,
Tlio Cedar Crock Slouo and ( Jravol
Quarry lias just been opened up for
business. A ( jood quality of wliitc and
blue limo stone for building' purposes ,
is furnished by
Tlio ( iciiornl B ilcsniiin.
Also crravcl of the finest quality for
lawn anil otiiur jiurposus Ollices at
Pliittsinoiith , Nob. Ttio II. & M. railroads -
roads use a lurtro amount of this stone
CATAUIlll. TbeOrr.tOerman
MOHE ; It a ] X".lttYo cure. Flee (
NO ami txwlc fur 4 cent , In l uj | . .
t. It , U KIIIOAL CO. . ait Uamptoo , Conn.
Agricultural Implements ,
Wholeuile Dealer In
.Agricultural Implements ,
CfJTliu'te uuj liuvRlca. Jones Mr cut , Lolvrttn Otl !
mid lUtb.OiunUu , Ntti.
Atrricultural Iniplpmcnts ,
Wason , rarrlajr , , WbQlm le.OT ii > i .
LEtS , FRIED < 0 CO. ,
Jobbers of Hnrdwarc nnd Nolls ,
Tmw iephe t Iron , Ktc. Ag nti for How * I
m > t > Mlu l'ov derCo..Oroulia.Nfti.
Wliolesale Dculern In
Agricultural Implements ,
IVngor.s nrv4 Busfl1" . ( OIM3.Oi miJ' < J7 , et
Wagons and Carriages ,
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
( KbTAllllbllCJI ! Si3. )
IIU ) mid llll LkKlKHiuect , OmxUa.
Omaha Jobbers' ' Directory.
Butler and Eggs.
Builders' Hardware and Scales.
jfnrEnA UG'ifjTTAi'L on ,
Bnlldcrs'IInrdwnro A Scale llepalr Shop
Uochanlct' Tool * and tlnfrulo Solo , llftj Dcuclai tU ,
-y Uniatia , Neb.
Boots and Shots ,
AMEJtlCAX * ihlVn
MaculacturarainilTholtMla D ler > la
Jioots and Shoes ,
Complete tork of Kubher ( Jocvli alnara on hand
iCU 8. 15th it. , Umabit , N b. A T. Auttln. Anent.
ir. r. .MORSE ift co.
Jobhors of Hoots nnd Shoes.
Ill F rii m t , Omaha , Neb. Manufactory , Bummer
lreetllo tnn ,
Z , T. LI ls EY\V \ > CO.
Wholesale llubhor HmH mil Slmc ?
Hulilior mid nikHl ( MutliliiK ntut Kelt lloott
mil Shoes. Sontlien t forncr Hilt niul loiigln .
Apt. for Anlicnscr-llush Hrcwlntf Ass'u
Ppcclnl IlramK Fouitlludirelternnil KrUneer.
Lapcr Ueer Hrowcrs ,
1171 North 1'lh Plreet , Omaha , Nob.
Butchers' Tools.
Hufchers' Tools and .S
Cailnm of all klnil nlnnrsln atock. 13IS
Coffee , Spices , Etc.
Oninlia Convo mid Spice Mills.
Tem.Oorlrc < .Sriloe . Hiiklnn rowdor. niroilnu Kr-
traon.l.ounarr Hluo. Ink , Ktc. Ill *
mrcel.Omnhn. Neb ,
Homo rofleound Spleo Mills MTfj Co.
CntJro ItoaOcritRiiil Spinlirimli'ls , Manisfuiturrre
of ItaUlnii rnwder , Hmnrliiis l'.xtnict . illiilntr. IUc.
I'rr i > utk ( n9i * ot our 11 * PHI ktiiro Hotno Ulcnd lluatted
OXTc-e. tuiuHonnrilft .tiranbn Nvl
loliti Kponotcr , Prop.
Mnr.iifactu'rcr of Oalvnnlted Iron an-1 Cornice. C2S
Iluitio and 101 and 105 N , 10th rt. , Omaha , Neb.
Manufacturers of
Ornamental Galvanized Cornices ,
Dotmcr Window * , Klnn'f.MctHllcSkjllsht.ctc. S108.
12ti : M. , Oninlia' .
C. Specht , Prop.
GalTanlicil Iron Cornlctv. etc. 8i'cct' Improved Put-
cnt Mctallcf-kyllKlit. UM and 510 B. l.'th m.Oniah .
Jobbern of
Carpets , Cnrtniny , Oil Clothe , Runs ,
Linoleums , Mr.UliiRl , Ktc. 1511 Uouz'ns ' tn > ct.
S. A. OieC JLA R'lT
Wholesale Cariiels , Oil Cloths ,
Mattlnfi , CurUln Good * . Ktc 1U3 Fnrnani btrcct ,
Omaha. Neb.
Crockery and Notions.
Agent for thu Manufacturers nnd Importcreof
Crockery , iilassware ,
Lampi , Chlninoyi , etc. omre , 31 * Buuth Uth at.
Omahft , Neb.
Commission end Storage
Commission and .lobbing.
Duttcr. Ecmand Produce. tollclted.
llcoclquurterB for Btonenarc , llcrry liorte nnd
Unipo Ilatkuli. 1114 Dodui ) ttii'vt , Omaha.
Commission Merchants.
Fruits , Produce and Provisions , Onmha , Neb.
W. E. JtIl > DKLL ,
Storapo and Commission Merchant.
Specialties nutter , EZK , Chceio. Poultry. Gam * ,
Oyplcrs , Ktc. , Ktr. lllsoutn i < th Ptreot.
W1EDEMAN tt1 CO. ,
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Poultry , Ilutlcr , Game , Kiults , etc. 220 B.
Omnhn , Neb ,
Coal ana" Lime ,
Dealers In
Hard and Soft Coal ,
OfBco and yard , Ifith and Nicholas an. , Omaha , Neb.
Vnr Telcrhone.f/7.
UED. r. i.A n MIH. Pro. C. r. OnonMAN , V.
J. A. HL'MICIII.ANI ) . Bcc.and Trcas.
Jobbers of JIard and Soft Coal.
aoypoutli Thirteenth Street , OiuEhs , Neb.
, T. , T. , TOJl\SON P CO. ,
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime.
And Slilppcn of Coiil and Coke. Ceniunt , Planer ,
Umo , Hiilr , Klro Ilrlck , Ilrnln , Tile and fewer Pipe ,
unite. IMitoti fiutjl. rarnnm st , , nmiha. Neb.
> , p. FA Y , C"CO. ,
MannfacturinK Confectioners ,
Jobbcn of FruitsNull and Clfois. 12111'mnam 6U
tmnba ,
Cigars and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco.
Guns nnd Ammunition , 215 loZZlH llthit. , 1030 to
UN r'arimm < t.Otnnli , N t ) .
Manufacturers of Fine Cipars ,
And WlKjIcunlo Dealers In Leaf Tobaccos , Nos.lM
nnd 110 N. " .ttb street , O-naha.
Dry Goods.
M. E. NMJTji , Ci CO , ,
Dry Goods , FurniBhliifi : Goods & Notions
l02nnd ! 1101 Duiivlnii.for. 11th HI.OmnhnNi'b.
Distillers ,
Distiller * of Liquors. Alcohol and PplrlK. Importers
and Juljbcnof Wlncsunil l.lqunn.
CO. itnil JLEIt , CO. ,
Importers and Jobtierr of Klne Wines and I.lonorm.
bole inNnuf oluriT nf KvnnfdT's Kast Innln " "
teraanit Doini s lc Mqu'iia , 1113 Ilorneyht
Drain Tile , Etc.
A. ll.BAl'Cil.Pres. J.W.Itr.IiroiiI.aoc.A.Tfen
II , J.G'AiiFoN , Y.I'rtB.nnilbupt.
Office 213 R. Kill St. . Omalni , Neb. Machinery and
rtupplles tor WanufHoturtnif Cement Dram Tile.
' ' "
Wholesale Dcaleis in Furniturs ,
fnrnam t. , Otunh.t , Neb.
Fiirnitnre , lioddintr , Upholstery ,
Mirrors , etc. liMii. ia and 1210 Farnaraj'l. ' , Omaba ,
Groceries ,
P 3XTO.\\ \ ( } ALLA'G IJISIi < 0 C ( )
Wholesale Groceries and i'rovinioiiH ,
Nos ia > , 1117. Tim 11 ml 711 H. 1'Jtli l-t , Omnli.i. .Neb.
Me CO KI ) , 1SHA I > P d Co7
Wiioicsalo Grocers ,
13 ! n ami I.eaTenfortli t . , Cm li.i.
Jl. W HOIIKUH , I > . h ,
res. rt-TUii.iFiirii lb" . Vjoo-1'ns.
O MA JI. I iL K \ ' . I TO Ituntl < * 'J ( < 1 JN
' '
.loblicrs and Storersol Grain.
tlcitlc'tssolleilo niul oati
fiii.inii ml. Oniiiaii. Ni'li. _
Artists' Material ,
* * - ' rr - . S-H * ' * * * ,
A. JfOSI'E , JR. ,
Artists' Materials , I'iuutis and Organs ,
l.'ltl I outln ; nirvct. OiuBiia
Omaha Jobbers' ' Directory.
Hardware ,
m , r. imoA rcir ,
Heavy Hnnhrnre , Iron nntl Slccl ,
! prlng > , Wmon Flock. lt r\tw t Lumber , ( lo. 19Ct
nil nil llnrnf T n . Omalift.
"Wliolcsnlo Iron and Steel ,
Wmtonanrt Currlsee Wood PtooS , UPRTT
Kte. 1117 ml Kill l.t Tfnwutth M. , ( Inmlin , Neb.
Slovns , KanRcsi , Furnaces , Tiles ,
Minllci , Qrttei , IlrniiOood * . Inland 1933
Iron Works.
Iron Works ,
Wrought Knil Cmt Iron HnlUllnVorl , Iron Ptnlr * ,
ItnllTiiK , Bciimi n < 1 ( Jlnlern , Btrnm Knflno , IIMM
W rk , ( Unoral Tcwmlrr , Mr.clilrift ml Illnrkiimnti
WortOIBccani I' . Kr.nndlTlli nicci.
Munutncturrra ot
Wlro nnd Iron UnUlngg , Dpsk Unlls ,
( iunrdf * . Klowor Slnmln. Wire Slrti , Kto
" " " ' '
mtill promptly nltcnilpit to.
OMA1TA TUMllim CO. ,
Deal * ' All Klmb of
Bnildliifr Matorinl nt Wholo.sp.ln.
18th fltroet and Union I'ndtlc Truck , Omnhn.
ititAJtroitn ,
Dealer In Lumber. Littli , Liinr , Sasli ,
lKwr , Kto. Y rJ < Corner TtU unit Douglan ) Corner
Uthnnd IKu
Wholesale Jjunilicr ,
814 S. Hlh fire ot , Omaha , Neb , r.rolpcttpr , M n < i9r.
Uth and ratlforolB "Irpots. Omnha , Neb.
Fit ED W. Gil AY ,
, Lime , Cement , Etc. , Ktc.
Cor.Gth nnd lloucUs sti. . Uiuahn.NoX
T. W. HA RVJSrLl'MltElt CO. ,
To Dealers Only.
Office , 1403 Farnniu utrcf I.Omnlm.
Jlnrtlwood Lumber ,
Wood C rr < t nd I'arquet Kloorlnf. Dili iind Dougliif
Wholesnlo Ijinnliur , Kc. (
Imported unit Amcrirnn 1'otlUnrt Ccmrm. Rtnti
Agent forMUwnukco llTilraullr Ccnicutiind Ilcdt
( Jiilncj WhltPl.tinc.
Live Stock.
Of Omaha.
J.lmltc.1. John F. Boyd , B'jpertntcrxlent.
Lift Stock Commission.
M. ItLTJtKE ,0 A'O.V.S ,
Live Stock Commission.
_ Oco. IlurVc , MannKcr
Union Stock tards.S. omnlin. Telephone is : .
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
EhlpmcnU of nnr And Ml klnrta of Stork nulloltoil.
Union Htock Yantn. Omnhn , Ni'b.
Millinery and Notions.
Importers nnd Jobbers of
Millinery and Notions ,
1113 and 1215 HnrnojKt.'cet , Omahn , Neb.
c. s.G \ 6djyfiicn c co. ,
Are tlio only Direct Importer ! ot
Gorman & French Toys & Fancy Goods
In Nctnukn. Clilcnija jirlccn duiillcatcd without add *
Inn freight. 1(15 Karimni Direct , Ouinha.
Wlidlculo Dcnlern In
Notions niul Furnishing Goods ,
im and < 0i S. Tonlti St. , Omtiha.
Jobbert In
Notions , Hosiery and Gents' Furnishing
( ioods.
lOCW nnd 1003 tf.irnam t. , Omaha , Neb.
MannfnctnrcrH of Overalls ,
Jeaci I'nnti , Slilrtr , Ktr. 1107 : ind 1IW Domlnn Street ,
Paper Boxes
tT. L. WILK1E ,
Manufacturer of Paper Hoxcs ,
p.lUh St. . Omana , Nubruiku. Urden tij mi
llollodand will raoalra prompt attention.
Job Printers , Ulunk Book Makers ,
And llouk lllnUert. 10) and 1W Pouth ruuiloectll
ilrcct. Omaba , Nut ) .
Anxillnry I'ubliHhcrs.
DcnlerBlnTjpo , I'rcj G anil I'rlnteri' tiuppllot. W
liRO U'NELL 0 CO. ,
MuniiriictiirerH Htid DmlerB In
Enprines , UoiltTH & ( iciioritl Mnchtnnry
tjheit Iron wcirk , Nli'nm I'uiniir. Hnw Mill" , Acma
MiiiltlML' . Dniluo Wnuil upllt I'nllejj , Jicltlnv , etc.
AI'O W DM , Kcri\icr | , uii < l liiilotlei , I KI-l.'lJ lt& .
veil north nt. , o iiuhii ,
_ _ _ _ _
Wholcsulo Hardware.
Wettcrn nccnli fur JelTerrmi Hii'i-l Nnlln. Au tlQ
I'owclfrCu , Ktilrbnnk" f-UinC.nnl Hrnle * . Coinbr
lOlli nnil Unnif r , Omtlin.
"Wholesale PumpB , I'iiio , Fittinig ,
Bteumnnil Wutcr HuuiJllei. llemlriu rlerii f r Mult
' . llll l''nrniini n.Oiiiuliii. Neu.
PIIIUJIH , Pijius nnd Kiiplni'S ,
Btcira. Wutcr , Ilnllwor and Mllllnn Huppllci.
9X , JMnr.dMt Kurouni et.umhu. ) Nub.
Hallndnr Wlnil Mllin r-icom unrt Wftt r Rupnllei.
J'lumbfiiK Ooo-1 , lleltlnv , llo r. t > 18 nnrt ICU j > ur-
IIHUI kt.Oiiiit > iu. H. K. Kcltnn. jMunaKtr ,
'lelephcmu No , 210.
Safes , Etc.
; / / < ( i co , ,
For Hall'H Ksilo & Lock Co.s *
KITH and Iliui ; ar Proof Haf-tn , Time l rfk , V'nulU
Biid Jell Wiirii IW ( Kur.nim utrurt ( ) muti , Nel > .
Omaha KsfnVorks : ,
f r > rii unil Itarclnrl'roofBnfn , Vuull
IJuu ( , J.ill WiTk.hliutivrt uiid Wlru Work. Cur.
Saih , Doors , Etc ,
Wliolc'Hilo M.tnui > curaitof |
Sash , Doors , JUindri mid MunldliifrH ,
llruuclj niiicu.Uili iii.U . IisrJ rs . .Oc.si1' !
_ _
- - - - - - -
.Sash , \ ) uoiKlinils , Mouldings ,
lillnrf l'ii > , \ utc. l > ni Hcjuth TlmUci.t'i ' t'rcot ,
Oaiuliu.N l > A cf i m lilt-1 fctotknf lluilillu'
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors. Blinds ,
Uould'fuf ' flair Work oml Intvilnr limit W H. . | T'nlth '
JuituiaucU N.i : cor faili and lmcLynllit > t .
Oniinu , Net