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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY WEDNESDAY MAKOH 2 , 1887. Jlston to the speaker's calm voice puttlne the quofttlon : "Tho senleniaii ( from Indiana moves to dispense frith the morning hour. " The mornlne hour Is dispensed with. Tlicn no ono but Holman or Kandnll , nrnicd with nn appropriation bill , can catch the .speaker's pyo. Great excitement abounds almost con tinuously In the house. uonmanK HETS TUB rr.Arn. IleprcpentitivoViIllam It. Morrison , ot Illinois , is authority for the statement Hint liohns been tendered nni ! has accepted a position on the ItitiT-statecomruercocoinmls- Hlon. The president Morrison savs , haa dn- cMcd not to appoint the coimnfrslon until titter the 4th of March. i-Aii.NTs TO xvr.vrrnN isvnsTons. Talents were to-day Issued for tlm follow ing : ( ti-or.o 0. Maker , DCS Molnes , la. , mechanism for propelling vessels : Lyinnn Uinks , Muscatlne , In. , convertible cot ; Haintii'l Harr , McCaiislaml. In. , duvlco for rntncrtlngmotions James \v. lloyd nnd ( ? . " \V. llurllmt , riimhon , Noli. , assignors to said 35o > il nml 11. A , Jj\on , Sioux City , la. , rartrldae Imnlrmuiit ; Haul 0. IHacerO.sagc. JaM combined sowing innelilnc cover mid Btool ; Daniel Doan , Spilntrvtllc , In. , liorse hay ralto ; John S. Kldd , DPS Jiloinps. la , , wnRon tlinnp nnd rlcvntor ; Klrko ] ; . Iiiitluop , Aflun , la. . loading and unloading npparntus ; llobartV. . Mc.Nelll , Oskaloosu , In. , nsslirnor to Uastonisor c.xblo eoinpnny , Chicago , 111. , cabin railway ear ; Allied Mm- nlclc , assignor of one-half to U. C. bniith , Jfalls Cltv , Mo. , self-tallylnK pool rack ; ( leorso K. Palmer , Cedar Ilaplus , la. . Iron K. H. A K. Ollbort , Gilbert Station , la. , solt- fucdlnghay pioss. A IIIVKH AMI HAItllOIt V1CTOI1V. Tim river nnd haibor men pitted them selves apalnst the appropriation com mittee thin niorniiitf nndVIMO victorious. After two hours or so of illlllmsterliiK tlm conference report on the river and harbor Dill was paiSi'd by 17T to b'J. rosTAt. CHA.VOT.S. The followlni ; Iowa postmasters were nnpolnted to-day : Mrs. Julia K. 1'ierson , Cooper , ( iieeno county , vlco Jacob Doran , rcslKiied ; Miss Jennie McClcary , Douu'las , Kayctto county , vlco S. J ) . iio.iland , removed ; Fred 1C. Grimm , Wontpeller , Muscatine county , vlco James JJowesoc , ; Charles .1. Sample , Mt. ( Sterling , Vnn JJiiren county , vice A. II. Thatcher , icmoved ; Charles S. Johnson , J'ackvvood , Jelferson covnty , vlco Miss L. F1. Thomas , removed ; David Hurden , Salem , Henry countv , vice A. N. llojjati , removed. Anson U. Doollttlo has been nominated postmaster at Chalk's Oity , Iowa , nnd Na thaniel 11. Dutorot Cedar Falls , Iowa. The president sent the following nomina tions to the senate to-day : Postmasters Anson O. Doolittlo , Charles Cltv. In. ; } NalhaiilcI 1' . Defoe , Cedar Falls , In. ; WHIUin T. IClrk , Atlanta , 111. MIXOU MENTION'S. Senator Van \Vyck nnu Henrcscntnllve- k elect John II. Gear nnd ex-Uenresentatlvo [ fcSapp , of Iowa , were at the white house to- f dav. 1 J. 15. Wcoka , of Huron , Dak. , has been dls- 1 I'barrcd from practicing before the Interior do- ' partntent or any of Its bureaus. ' NEW YOU 1C STOCKS. I Another Dip Drop In Cotton Seed Oil ' Certificates. NKW YOHK , March 1. ( Special Telegram lo the BIK. : ] The sensational feature of tlio stock market to-day was a further drop of 8 j > er cent in cotton seed oil certificates. The Wuso of the break was the continuation of the story published yesterday that Armour I and a syndicate of capitalists nad formed n company to duplicate the plant of the Amor- i lean Cotton Seed Oil company. Jersey Con- I'tial broke 2 per cent and Itichmond Terinl- | iiinl was off 1JJ per cent. The bear talk was fithat rates for money were likely to bo man- jfapulated occasionally , which , in their opln- tyon , would servo to frighten weak holders .Into throwing their holdings. Chicago uls- 'fliatclies alleged that frelcht rates on all roads were steadily becoming moro demoralized. The rates between Chicago and St. P.iul , It was stated , were cut fully 50 per cent. The break In fancy Blocks , however , was too much tor the bulls nnd very few buying .oider.s came on the market , except at conees- . ulons from closing prices. Following liciul- dalion In cotton beed oil nnd Klchinond Ter minal , there was a shaip slump in Now Kim- land , Western Union and several other Mocks which hnvo been bull cards recently. At noon the market was soft at bottom . iirices lor ( ho dav. Sales up to noon were 1CK5.000 shares. The slump in fancy blocks be came more pronounced us thu day advanced. jKlchiiinnd Terminal dropped to10 , nnd sell- lute to Now England was heavy enough to , cairy the price down to 5' ) } $ ' . The whole list plost tiom $4 to 3 tier cent. Cammack was . "Hald to have been the principal f > ellor. llo was talkintr be.irlsh at the eloso and pro- Xllcted a further break boforn stocks would dote to buy. Tlio total sales were about 2oiooo , elmies. NAVA.IJ AI'I'KOI'KIATIOXS. lluw tlio Senate Cntnnilttco llus llo- vlscd thu Hill. WASHINGTON ; March l.-Tho nggrogato Increase to the naval appropriation bill by the scnalo committee on appropriations Is between S2l.000.000 and § 22,000,000 , but Inas much as thu largest expenditures cover n .period ot five years , It is estimated that the rtiddltlonal appropriation for the next fiscal ifl-ear will not exceed , which will kralse the aggregate expundituro tor the vear rte between 8:11,000.000 : , and : ,000,000 , 'Tho ennto commltteo strikes out the hou o proVision - Vision of S2.740.000 for two btecl cruisers and Kiibstltutcs an appropriation of SD.OOO.OOO tor nix piotectcd steel cruisers , and Sl.'JOO.OOO to luy premiums for extra speed of the same. Jt also appiopilates S'J.biO.OOO lor the nrniiiinent ot vessels. An : i ] > projirin- tlon of St,000OCO Is made for tlio construction of heavy nrmored vessels , tloatlng batteries Hlftinl rams , and Ss..OOO.OOO for their mmament , rS800.coo is anproprlated tor the constitution ofllght draft gun boats ; S720.000 for torpe- . loet ; SCOO.OOO lor torpedoes and tornedo appliances ; Sll' for ttie purchuho of the "Destroyer , " and SlO.lOO for her caiennd oiioration , The provision lor thoequlpuinnt of thu vessels Is increased S100.000 : that tor the purchase of a jirovlng ground Is In creased V.'U.OOO and that for ieb.illdlng tlio wharves nt the ISostnn naw yard is Increased Sys.OW. Thu appronrlatlons for the bureau of provisions and clothing.Is decreased S-' Tlio Flro CHICAGO , March 1. The largo factory ot thu Windsor folding bed company on West Kin/.lo street w.isdamafud by tire this morn ing to the extent of Slll.OOO. fully Instiled. Two llremon wore seriously Injmed by treaklng of the llangor extension ladder , onu having his arm and I lie other his leg Inokon. Until men will lerovur. hr. Loins , March 1. The 1'ost-Dlspatch Alton ( III. ) special says that the stock ami building of the William 1'lenia wholesnlu liantwaro company and tlio ot the { Standard Milling cnmpuny binned this mom- Inir. Loss * about S'-' ; liibiiri-il , ItieioioND , Vn. . March 1. The town of fiouth Uoston , Halifax county. Va. , waa vis- Mod by a destructive conllagration this morn- Ju - . ; . Tlio South Doatmi w.u < < hous , J , M. tUarrlngton's t.ictory , 11. A. UdmomUou's htorngu watuhou e , with l.SW.OOO pounds of tobacco , and other xtor.igu houe < > . In all nf. ei'ti hiillilings , and coiitcntrt woio destroyed , IC Cstimnted los about SK > 0,000 ; insurance , A lloyoott on I'ool Door. NKW VOUK , March 1 , The boycott agnlnsl pool broweiH by the retailers' association wont Into elfeet to-day , Nearly all lotalleit , in ( he association , except those who nu lieavily In debt to t"iu br < weis for their ux tun's , liavu lolned in the boycott , as well as ninny oiit.sulo of the nssoi'liitlon , and aftei tu-day thesu places will buy no more pee ! beer until they can \\herutlmyploasi independent i > ( thu arrangements ot the X > ool. Tin ) rutilln liolit WAsiiiKr.Tos , Jlari'h I..Thu tollpwlng Is n n.'capitulntion of the public debt statctncnl Issuod'io-day ; lulen-sc twiifliia debt , total , b-J.l'-y.yiSJj : ! ; debt on which iltcic.-t has ceased. fi'i.T.Ji/HU : dePt be.iring no lntort > . - < t , S5S2WJ,021 ; debt , SJ.'lU.OSt.Uir ; de- ciwisti of debt liming th monlh. Sl.j.Vi.Ts-j ; itecreasoot dehtln'o Junu" i > , lb"0 , 6 ' ,101 , . 837 ; total cash In tii'iur.v . : IK slmwn b'y tin. treasurer's neiieral accnunl , Wruckoil. Los DOS , March 1. Tlio mall steamshl | jora London to Valparaiso was wieckod to day ott Vlifa , Spain , The VMSO ! had on board two hundred pussen crSj all of whom , with IL mails , IOWA'S LEGION OF HOSOR , Annual Meeting of the Grand Lodge of tba Order in Des Moincs. THE SUPREME COURTIN SESSION Tlio State Mine Inspectors Announce the I'rioos Pnlit Kor Jllnlnjc A Itnllrond Sold nt Auction llawlccyo News. Grand Tjnilf > Moetlnir. : , In. , March 1. | Special Tele- Rram to the lliu : . | The hotel lobbies this nornlng wcio tilled with delegates to the neetlng of the grand lodii ! ot the Iowa Ludon of Honor , hich botnn In Good Tem plars hall this atternoon , there being about 150 delegates In attendance. This order Is something like the A. 0. UV. . , Irom which it drew Its chatter membership during the Iroublu In lb9 , and it now number * over r > , ooo members. It is confined to Iowa and states Its object thus : "To unite all good men in thu state of Iowa , without rcgaid to creed or calling , who are desirous of establishing by mutual conttlbutlons n fund for the widow , orphans and devisees of deceased members , nnd to foster a spirit of co-opera- tlon and fraternity. Its motlo : 'Conlldencc , I'ltuh'ncc , Honor , ' nnd Its principles nnd lireccpts aru based upon these wntchwords. It Is n social and benellclal order Incorporated under the laws of Iowa. It Is designed for the residents ot this state only , but removal from the state rtocs not forfeit membership. " The present olllcers of the giand lodge are : 1'resldcnt , llov. lr. Coxe , Washington , la. ; vlco president , J. C. Hop kins , Lyons ; Becretiry , T. K. Mills , Cedar Itiplds ; treasurer , Judge IIHLsmycc , Sabtila. At the meeting this afternoon the adtess of welcome was dell vereil by H. U. Hutchlns and responded to by Grand President Coxe. after which repoits were read and adopted and gcneial routine business disposed of. Bnprcnic Court Doing * * . Dr.s MoiNis : la. . Match 1. ( Special Tele- cram to the li-E.J ! : The Jowa supiemo court convened this morning , all the judges being present. Decisions were handed down as follows : John ( J. Xelson vs 0. G. llogcn , appellant ; Hamilton circuit ; aflirmcd ; opinion by JudsolJeck. William Foley vs Edward llcHinn nnd William lleflron , Intoi- venor ; Jones circuit ; nlllrined ; opinion by Judge Seevert1. J. II. Kuhns , administrator , vs Wisconsin , Iowa A Nebraska railway com pany , appellant ; reversed ; opinion by Judge Scevors. L. J , Labour ys 1'olk county , ap pellant ; I'oll : circuit ; modified and nfurmctl. I'lalntlll Is police judge of the city of DCS Moincs. He brought this action to recover from the county certain fees in criminal cases where the wrobecutlon failed nnd In cases where such fees could not bo inadu fiom the persons liable therefor. The supreme comt holds the county liable for SlOS.f)0 , but not lor fees accrued during his predecessor's term. The supiemo court 10- versed the decision of the Marshal distuct court in the ease of Nathan Haiiibbarger , con victed ot the uiurdcr of Enoch Johnson and sentenced for lite. Johnson's dead body was found on a public road near Gilford , Hardln county , on the inornliic ot November 10 , IMJ. Tboroint loverso.s tno lower court's decision , hoiahu tlmt the judge who made It was In eiror In admitting testimony tending to hhow other crimes committed by the defendant but not connected with this case. Elopcil Witli IllH StP | > O.u CIDAU llAi'ins la. , March 1. ( Special Telegram to the Ur.iesterday : ] at the In- btance of Constantine BUsbues , a man named A. J. Ulttnor was arrested hero charged with seducing nnd eloping witii his step daughter , Laura Ulisbues. About eleven years niro lllttner married Mrs. Anne Ulisbiios , a widow resid ing at Solon , in the adjoining county of Johnson. The woman had a son and daughter Constantine and Lauia who are now aged respectively twenty-one and sev enteen. All went well until about two weeks ago , when Itittner and the clrl Laura left Solon nnd stalled tor thu west. The lela- tlves ullegu that the lelntions they sustained in Omaha and ulsuwherovoro those of man nnd wife. Ho returned voluntarily , how ever , nnd was piomptly attested at 'tho in stance ot his brothei-lu-law , tlio well known Rtono mason , J. W. Fisher , nnd the aggrieved - grieved brother of the girl , who seems to feel deeply the iainlly disgrace. The Johnson county oflicers will nrrivo to-d.iy to take Uittner to Iowa Citv. I'rioos Pa 111 For Ollnlni ; Coal. Di' : rch l-Spucinl [ Telegram to the UIK.J : The state mine inspectors have just announced the prices now paid tor min ing in Iowa : First Dlstiict-Ottumwa. Klrk- vlllo , LaddMlalo , Albla , Cleveland , Flagler nntt Swan , bo cents per ton ; Siimmcibct , Scy- nioiir , Centervlllo nnd lira/11 , § l per ton. Second Dibtrlct What Cheer , Muchakiuock , Excelsior , Oskaloosa , Draper nnd Collax , 75 cents. Thlul District Des Moincs , 73 cents to SI per ton , necotdlng to the thickness of the vein. JJooncsboro , Foil Dodge , Kale and Lehlgh , SI per ton. AIIKIIS..M ) cents per ton. Thesu nro the winter prices for tlio largo mines. Sui.ill local minds pay all the way Irom n cents to Sl.fiO per ton. The .second district piices quoted are tor summer and winter , _ Sold nt Auction. Dis : Moixt : * , la. , March 1. [ Special to the Ur.K. ] The Des Moincs , Osceola A ; Southern railroad , extending Irom this place to Calnosvillo , Mo. , lii : miles , was sold at auc tion by thu clerk ot the United States circuit comt this morning. It was liotuht for S7.10- , OOJ by Edward Woodman , of Portland , Me. , representing n committee of the ; boiulliod- ! OM , who united for this ptiriwso. About SDOO.OOi ) must bo paid In cash and the balance may be paid In the bonds of thu company. Thu purchasers I.avo six months In which to comply with the terms of tholr bid. It is thought that us soon ns the salu Is consum mated , the ro.ul , which Is now narrow gitage. will bo Hindu standard gu.ige nnd ex tended to St. Joe nnd Kansas City. Out in the Cold. MitWAUKii : : , March 1. The F.vonlng Wisconsin's Shell Lake , Wasliburn county. AVIs. , Hpcclnl gives an account ot the freezing of a man nniiicd Fritz Hass , aged seventy years , last Thursday , while returning homo irom Shell Lake with his wile. Mr. Ilass became oxliausted and was uiiabln to proceed Inrther. Ills wlfn was compelled to leaves him and seek aid from a house ubliort dls- tanco aWay. Slio returned with blaiiketsand wrapped ncr husband In them and then sat down beside him. When lound next morning - ing Mr. lliuss wus dead and his wlto neaily BO , Mrs. lla : > s was u lew years his junior. Tlio I'aclfla 1'allrond Invest leal Ion. NKwYoni ; , iLirch 1. iSpeclal Teloxram tothuUKH.J The Tuesday World's Wash- Innton bpi-clal ayas Thu Pacific railroad lobby has never worked hauler than on Man. day to defeat the Investigation. Crisp , of the Pacltie ml I ro ids committee , says the mat ter will be reported , and at the tfrst oppor tunity alter thu JutUativo bill isoutot the uay , ho wlllimivo to non-conctirln the senate - ate Biiiendnii'nth no as to bond It to a confer ence committee , Nothing { but the unblush ing UM > and acceptance nf money can prevent . .in passagu of the act. Tlu > lobby pcoplo nro making their reiitest pull In tlio house , but they ciutiot swuic o\er twenty votes there ng.tlnst the tnrasare on tliu motion to suspend thoiules. Primers' Scrlke. MU.WAUKKK , March 1. At 1 o'clock this atternoon thu compositors on nil newspapers nnd job olllcps urtlio city went on a fatrlkofor nnadrancoot llvo cents in tlio prices of com position. Tuo proprietors offered tolcompro- inbo , but the offer was refused by the Typo graphical union. The scale demanded is HS I'fiits for day work and 4a for night work. The job scale was lixod at 310 per week. Itoils. | ) ' 3 , ringworms , tet ter , unit ttll other iiiaiiifustatloas of ini- blood uio cured by HooU's Sursa- DOWN W1TU XI1K FIIEE 1.18T. . The i'ollcj-or tlic llallronds In to PASsonser Rnton , CincAoo , March 1. | Spcclal Telegram to the UKn. ] The general passenger agents ot the western lines who have been working nn the Intricacies of the Intcr-stato commerce bill , have prepared a report to bo submitted to the general managers. The report In full covers twelve closely printed foolscap pages , Tlio general passenger agents treat of the various phases of the law regarding tariffs , changing of rates , notice of same , etc. , etc. , nt great length. The subjects of most general Interest are the giving of reduced rates or free transportation nnd the Isstio of nillcago tickets. On the former the rcpott ngrces that the law foi bids glvltu&uch reduced rates or passes to the following : Theatrical compan ies , base ball players , bicyclists , theatrical ndvnnco agents , students , laborers , llimbcr- men , Indians , wards of the nation , United States olllcers and fcoldlra or tholr l.imllles , Inmatas of soldiers homos , city police , mem bers of the picss as courtesl6s , hotel em ployes. freight shippers charity cases , dcat anil dumb and blind people , tempcrnnco workeis , etc. In regaid to mileage tickets , It says ; "Wo recommend that If 1,000 mile ticitcU bo sold they bo sold to every person at the satno nrleo j that each ticket shall bo ro- stiletcd to use by the person whoso iiaino shall bo ntcred upon the ticket , and that they shall no sold nt n uniform into of a1 cents per mile ; . .hat each book .shall bo gooil for 1.000 miles ; no moio and no loss ; the validity to bo limited to ono year from date of.nle , tlio baggage nllo wanco to bo the samu as for regular travelers. " The same conclu sions havebcen icaclied by the general pas- sengeraeents of the Central Titillle asso ciation lines and will undoubtedly bo adopted by the managers. The Nntlonnl Union WASIIINOTON. March l. The national council of the National Union le.iguo met this momlng at the Ebbltt house. Ofllcors weio elected and resolutions were adopted to thu effect that thooiganlr.ntlou will continue lo render Important service to the country and the republican party. The resolutions tnrtlmr say that the democratic patty has secured contiol of the house of representa tives and the presidency by fraud and violence lence , and seeks control of the senate by similar means , liy finud and violence the south \\as niiido solidly democratic , and 13 held solid. To PCCIUO a government of the people ana by the people , giving to each quallllPd voter thu privilege of casting just one ballot at each election , nnd having the results of the election honestly an nounced , is the meat question In American politics. To accomplish that object It is 1m- poitnnt if not necessary to Increase the 10- publican strength In the southern states. The league therefoio resolves , That the league will labor to bieak tlio solid south on tlio line above indicated ; that tlio president appoint n committee ol lltteen , of which ho shall be chairman , who fahall have full authority to carry into cllect the policy of the league. Under this resolu tion the president apiiointcd the following named gentlemen ns such committee : C. H , Gro-ivenor , ex-odiclo , Ohio ; W. E. Chandler. New Hampshire ; James Negley , Pennsyl vania : Nathan ( Jotf , Wet Virginia : J. K. O'llnin , North Carolina ; S. M. Clapp , DlstrlctoC Columbia ; J. 1' . Urvnnt. Georgia ; ( iteen li. Itauin , Illinois ; L. C. llouek , Tennessee ; C. A. Dontelle. J. H. Lvnch , Mbslbsippl ; J. D. Ilrndv. Virginia ; Jl. I. Pettlbune , Tennessee ; E. W. Fox , District of Columbia ; J , K. Hlce , Maryland. cH in the Kivcr nnd Ilni-tior Hill. WASHINGTON , March 1. The changes made in the river nnd harbor appropriation bill , as compared with the measure passed by the senate , nro witli two exceptions reduc tions. Some ot the principal items changed stand as follows in the hill adopted by the " house : Harbors S7o,000 for Erie , Pa. ; "si7.'i.- COOfor Ualtlmoio ; S7r , COJ for Norfolk , Va. ; 800,000 , for Savannah. Ga. ; ? I10,000 for Arkan sas Pass , Tex. ; S4D.OOO lor Cleveland : Sl.OOO lor Huron , O. ; S'-J.'J.OIX ) for Sanduskv , 0. ; M0,000 tor ( Jrand MuiaN , Mich. : SM.OOO for St. Joseph , Mich. : StJO.OOO lor Milwaukee ; .SIO.OOO lor Dtilnth , Miniu ; S75rOJ ! for Hum- bult , Cal.S ; 100.000 tor the Illinois liver In Il linois ; § 15,000 tor leseivolrs at the head waters of the Mississippi ; S1T. > ,000 lor the Mississippi Irom the mouth of the Illinois river to the mouth of the Ohio ; 81,400,000 lor thn Mississippi river below the mouth of the Ohio. Thu conCeiencc report on the river nnd hnrbor bill has been adopted by the senate. The bill now L'OCS to the president lor his .sL'iiatuic. The Belgian Debate. [ Capyriiiht 1SS1 liy James (7i ( n/on llcnnclt. ] Biiirssnt.s March 1. New York Herald Cable Special to the HIE. ] M. Kieere Urban , the liberal leader , to-day questioned thu gov ernment upon its military me.isuies. llo deprecated the foitilicitlons In the Meue _ valley as us-eless and dangerous fiom a strategic point of view. A good army would stilllce , ho said , to protect IJelglan territory. Invasion from either Germany or Franco was unlikely. Uelghim , besides , had no right to doubt England , which surely would Interfere In her behalf. The debate will continue to morrow. It Is , however , almost certain that the government will maintain Its pending military measure. M. Fiooro Oihan will not be followed In opposition by half the liberal party. _ _ Aft'nirs in LONDON , March 1. Dispatches received lioiu from So I'm say that the troops of thu ganlson at Sllastorla revolted yesteiday evening and pronounced nsalnst the regency. Troops are marching to Sllastcria from Kuschuck , Verna and Scliumla to quell the mutiny. Gruvoll and Vultchon" , members of thn Bulgarian delegation \ > ho visited the va rious Kuiopean governments , have arrived at Sofia Irom Constantinople , which was the List city visited by them during their tour , They state that the portoV'ittltudi ! toward the icuuncy Is encournglnir , The prince of Wales arrived in London and U well inul hcaity. Mlno DlHiisler , PAUIS , March I. An explosion occurred to-dnyin Deaubrun colliery at St. Etluiinu , It Is reported that several hundred miners were killed. Later advice from St , Etlunno shito that when the explosion occurred in thu Iteaiibrun collieries there were but eighty men In the srallery. Six of theao weiu rescued unhurt. Four were taken nut moru or less Injured. Thobevonty others nro sup posed to be all doad. The latebt advices from St. Etlenno sar there \vcni 101 mon entombed In thu mine. nnd that forty-three have been tocoveied and bixtceu arodoaiL No I''oui\dntl < m For tlio ICoport. LONDON" , M atch 1. The Exchange Tola- graph company late this afternoon Issued a statement that they hail ascertained there was no foundation to thn report sent them fiom Paris that lilsmarck would nslc foi lioulangui'd retirument trom the French war otlico , AVarlIKo Ueiorts. | LoxnoN , March 1. Parliament has been asked to grant a quat tor of a million pounds for thu expense or the navy. A dispatch from Paris this afternoon to the Exchange TVlegrai > h company says it Is Mated there teat liUmatek Intends to request Pu'sldunt ' Urovy to dismiss General IJoul- auger fiom thu ministry. Socialist Itoodlo. Itcuux , March 1. The National say&the third donation of S2.50U has been re ceived trom American socialists to assist in thu election ot socialises to the rulchhtag , Still RhnUIni ; . HOMK , March 1. Tremors continue to bo felt In tint Italian rlverla , but no additional damage done , _ For delicacy , lor purity , and for im provement of the complexion , nothtnn equals Pozzoni's Powiler. A Itoun on the Ocoun Illue. JSKW YoitKi March 1. I Special Telegram to tlio-HKK.J Tuesday , before sailing for KuroDo W , E. English sent Mrs. Casen note. In which ho said ; "It Is a cold day when I pet left. 1 011 boaid thu Etrutia , or wlllbo when you octt tdls , sailing the ocean blue. Did you ever hear of n tue ? By by. W. K. E. " In auothw note he had promised her 00 per nionjth. r tl- 'ir * - Nc\tt York Notes. NKW Yonic , March I. The ncadomy of music was sold toVlvint auction to \ \ llllam 13. Dlnsmoro for 6"3D0.1JOO. Ex-Alderman O'Neill was taken to Sing Sing prison this ihornjni ? . Ho was too much prostrated to say much but protested his in nocence. ' Another Kallrtnul Gathering. PiTTsnt'ito , Marcn1 1. This ovenlnc the innnagcrs of the various railroads centering In this city left M Now York to attend the ( enerat meeting of nil the railroad managers In the country. The object of the nicotine Is to ttuther consider thu provisions of the Inter-state commerce bill. TKIiKOUA PK NOTUS. The Servian government has caused Iho arrest of thu icfuuccs from Bulgaria. The Utilitarian government has contracted n loan ol 20,000,000 trancs In England. Canadian Senator Hugh Nelson has been appointed Koxernorof British Columbia. Negotiations for the renewal of the nlliaueo between Italy , Austria and Germany lm\e been suspended , Colder weather Is predicted for to-day and the tcmperatuie will piob.ibly fall to the freezing point by Thursday morning. lloutuankin ollleials favor the strlctl t neiitr\ , but active prcpatallon mo being made nt Bucharest lor armaments nnd mobil ization ol troops. Fire bi nice out last night In the pharmacy department of tlio Michigan university . nt Ann Arbor and completely L'utted that pait of thu labaratury , entailing a heavy loss. The legislative dead-lock In Indiana still continues , with only t\\o moro day sin which bills can be passed ( luring this session. Gov ernor Gray bays ho will not call un extra session. Mis. Edmhilster nnd son , living near Henry , Dak. , were caught in the blizzard Friday night while out tiding and were found tio/.en to death Sunday within ten rods of n neigh bor's house. The statement Is authoilzed at Koine that the American bishops take a favorable view of the Knights ot Labor , and that Cardinal Gibbons lu-s made a formal statement to the Vatican endorsing the oigauizntlon. llepoits from Huron , D.ik. , Indicate that Satuiday's snow storm was the worsl ever known In Dakota. The railroads nio MI badly blocked that it Is uxpccted that trains will not bo run betoio next Sunday. A sensation was produced In Hcrlln last night when the management of the theater refused to admit Pianist Vuu Unlow to wit- ne s the production of the new opera , "Mer lin , " The great pianist had criticised thu management of thu theater. Lawrence Km. , thu Chlc.itro poisoner in Jail In that city , Is now charged with "dosini : " a filth victim. Guiitta Schoephner , a daughter of Krug's liist wife's sister , lias been mysteriously 111 since the funeral of Krug's last victim , his stepdaughter , and It is thotulit tl'-U ho poisoned her out. ot bpito for refusing to nuiiry him. G. A , If. HUUNION. Omaha Wills 1'rolmWv Kntcrtnln CO , 000 Old Soldiers. A meeting ofj'thf ' ? board of trade was held lust night-jit itfj rooms to discuss the question of securing the next G. A. 11. re union for tlu cijy , some time tins summer. . > : It was gcncAlly1' agreed Unit Omnliti ought to sccupo' ' Vlic event , firoiinds could easily 'rjc obtained either on Colonel Putridk's fdrm west of tlm city , or near the fofij ocsoiitheust of the deiif siml dumb institution. The sum of $1,000 , it was tlioitghti.coiifid bo subscribed for the purpose o > dcfn\ying the actutil ox- penfcus of the oyontj Several gentlemen present , in an-otr-haiid wajf , agreed to subscribe § 100 en'e'h. . Two comnmlpii w'crc apointed ] ono to look ii | ) ssntirnls for the re-union , composed of Messrs. H. G. Clink , .1. S. Gibson ami L ll.t Koi-ty , and the secomt on finances conijlosod of John B. Fnray , C. F. Cioodiiian , Lewis lleimrod , B. P. Troxell , T. C. liriinnur. The ineetiu < ; then adiourned. The G. A. H. encampment will meet in about two weeks and duU'rmiiio the time for holding tlio reunion. The board of trade committees will then report - port to thu encampment tiie progress they have made. Dills. Bids on material for the paving to bo done this year on sixty-four streets and parts of streets and several alleys were opened by the board of public works yesterday. Fpllowiiis ; were tlm lowest bidders and bids : Colorado sandstone , on Faiid base , SJ2.55 per square yard. Hugh Murphy. Same on iiroKun stone and sand , fj,05 : , , F , 11. Whalon and Patrick IJrennau , and also Patrick Fox. Same on concrete , $ ! ) .flS , .1. K. Riley. Granite on saiul , ! ? 2.G ! ) . J. E. Hiley. Samu on broken stone and sand , ? 2.9 ! ) , J. K. Uiloy. Same ou concrete , ? n.Q8 , ,1. K. Kilos' . Cedar block on plank and sand , § 1.85 , Regan Bros , , and Co. Same on concrete , $1.73 , Regan Bros. & Co. Same on broken stone anil sand , 81. 03 to SI. 5 1 , J. B. Smith & Co. Asohalt , live yen's gimranten , $2.05 ; asphalt , ten yenr.s guarantee , iJU. 15 ; both uy Barber Asphalt company. For Colorado sandstone the bids mi curbing were 83 cents n foot , that bid being made by C.Voodworlli ] ; for licrea sandstone , 7 ! ) cents. Whnlen ifc Jtrenuan ; for Mankato stone , 7li cents , Iluali JMurpliy ; for Joliet or Lament stunu , 71) ) cents , Whalon & Hrciman. Cast Iron Curl ) . William Nevins , of Dos Moine * la. , is in Omaha in the interest of a cast iron curbing to take the plaeo of stone. It lias boon used In Des Moincs for throe years , and according to letters In Mr , Nevins' possc.iiion from ollleials and loading men of the Iowa capital , it lias been a great success. A superiority over thu stone curbing is claimed from the fact that it requires but little labor to put down , there is no danger of chipping and breaking aid ) will not corrode. Mr. Is'evina says if , this curbing is used hero it will hi ) manufuptQrcdhoro , thus adding additional worm because of the introduc tion of a new industrial pursuit. Sev eral contractors rtud others examined this curbing to-diVy and wore loud in their praises df it as far as they could judge irom nor seeing it in use , and tlio testimonials 11 } jus f/avor. / . nre.ylllpg. Mr. C. F. Milligan. a prominent young business marrT > f l > riiiroton. Ills. , has moved to Omaha to'tro into business with W. P. Mumnugli imilor the firm name of Miimaugli & Atilllgan , The linn ! wil toll at retail and wholesale , buggiescar-l , riages , harness , etoV Win. Moore , -alp ? Morris , nnd Frank MoFarland wccVaf'-'sted yesterday after noon as suspicious characters , Moore is the man , it will be remembered , who was Implicated in the shooting scrape witli .John McClellan nt Cotton wood Villa n short while since. 'llamas Jones went into Kalisli's clothing store and asked to look at u pair of pants. He was allowed to look at many pair/reo of charge. Ho ordered a pair wrapped up for him , and then walked rapidly on" with them without paying , lialiah is very slow to under stand sucli jokes and ho had Jones ur- restud for larceny. Court Antes. The case of tlio State vs Benjamin J. Crosby for perjury wa.s on' trial yester day. It will , if the regular course Js pursued , take nil dav to-ilay Buforo Judge Wakuly the case of John Cassidy against ticorgo Carroll irf being argued , t- jury. Tin : nicvoLK HACK. The Second Dny'n Work Tlio Unco Last Nlcht. The bicycle tournament was not ns largely attended Inst night ns on Monday evening. There were about 1,000 present. The men felt in pretty fair condition nt the commencement of the evening's run as n general thing. But for the fall which Eck mot with on Monday night , ho was nil right. As it was ho was compelled to do most of his riding with lits loft side , but was keeping If s place. Dlngloy wna In better shape than on the previous even ing. Both were still sulTerlng from the oll'ects of their snowbound experience en route lo Omaha. However , Dlngloy rode much faster than ho did on Monday night , lln was troubled by crampa some what. Bullock , Prince and Aslnnger were in prime working condition , and act out at a tremendous gait. Prince and Bullock tried hard several times to run away from Ashinger , but ho stuck oloso tothem. At various times when tlio con testants threw cvtracnurgy Into their ef forts the spectators applauded heartily and encouraging shouts were given to favorites. Many ladles were present. Keithcr of the ridcr.s led the pace , apparently till starting oil' without cither securing an ad vantage. A few minutes before thn finish Asli- inger made a pretty spurt and led Prlueo and Bullock rattling pace and finished with them. The score stood at the finish as follow * : Illdcr. Jllle ? . Laps. Prince iw : 0 liullock 1SS Aslilncer iM : 4 Kek VJO 4 Dlnsloy 105 The tlmn for each live miles last night was as follows : Miles. llrs. Mtn. See fi o in 27 10 Ox : M ir > o" fit is DO 1 0 ! ) 07 r. . i as13 80 1 411 CO - . a i o-j 40. a lu 40 13 a 8S 45 wi a 57 : 55..V S 1515 ro : t ! ! 4 r.o TO It M 23 GO NOTK8. Bullock is in excellent condition. To-morrow evening all of the boys in town wilLbo admitted to the gallery freo. There will at least three races grow out of this contest. Bullock will bo chal lenged lor $100 by both Diuglcy and Ash inger , and Kok will insist upon running Prince a twenty mile race , to start from opposite sides of the track. TIII3 CATIIOMO A McctlnR of Clergy at St. . Phllome- tin's Cathedral. A synod nicotine ot the clergymen of this Roman Catholic diocese wns held yesterday in St. I'hilomonu's cathedra ) Tlic session is called to ilcviso wti.vs anil menus for the promulgation of the de crees of the ISnltimore eonfercnco. The meeting is a private ono. At the roll call the following worn present : Hishop O'Connor , the Very Hev. Willinm Kclloy , the Kevs. James Hyan of Columbus , John Daxncher of Onmliii , Frederick Eiching of Bow Valley , Frederick Lechleitticr ot Norfolk , Eugene Cusson of Nebraska City , Patrick Lynch of U'ooil Ilivcr , John Jeinietto of Omnliti , John T. Lee of Falls C'lty , August Hansch of Wyrnoro , John F. Smith "of Clievontie , Wyo.t Joseph Ko- vorkiv of Albia , Joseph Flood nnd L' . Mc Carthy of Omaha , ( iconic Glauber of Omaha , Ilcrnnrd Stipponbonder of St. Stephens , Augustine Cohmori of Omaha , Michael. ) . Cassidy of O'Neill. John E. English of Kxoter , John V. Wallace of Forest City , Thomas Is' . Conway of North Platte , , ) oseih li. Fits'gcrald of Fremont , Wiiiibaid Wolf of ( irand Island , John Mueller of David City , Mieliael A. Ken nedy of Lincoln , Thomas J. Carney of PInttfiiuotith , Eugene ( Scary of Central City , P. J. Boyle of Omaha , J. J. Ilanntiu of Fremont , Daniel W Moriarity of Lyons , Francis .J. Nugent of Knwlins , \ \ yo. ; James F. Wnycs of O'Connor , Pat rick A. Lysngot ot Jackson , Michael" J. Harrclt of Sidney , Thomas Cullcii of Mo- Cook , William McDonald of Dawson , Josp'li Dussinu of West Point , Charles Clement of Hubbard , Henry Hex of David City. William Choka of Omaha. Julius E. Devoss of O'Connor , John Crowley of Tucnmseh , Willinm Murphy of Raymond. Thomas P. Haley of Kearney. Henry A. Hobcssel of Ilartineton , William Crowe of Friend , Stephen Carroll of Omaha , Patrick McDonald of Onmlia , Thomas Smith ol JJeatrico , Gerald iJoll of Hebron , James K. Freeman of qutli Auburn. In addition President Dowling of Oreiglttoii college , Hov. Dr. Shall'cl and other cler gymen from tlio city were there. InYCONlCS. Rrlcfand Uroo/y Interviews Gathered Almut Town. Olliccr Tnriibull "Ono hundred and seventy-six liquor dealers ; wholesale and retail , have paid their license up to date. " J. J. Plnlbin "Tho now inter-state commerce ? bill won't ' hurt the ticket scalpers in the least. In fuet , wo wanted to see it pass. It will brniil ; up pooling , and that's what hurts ticket scalpers thu worst. " Ellas dish "I should think that Kuolil'a body would be taken to Lancas ter , Pa. , for cremation , instead of to JJuilalo. N. V. The host of the two crematories is the one at Lancaster. Wliilo I was there , some months ngo , there were , on an averngo two or three bodies burned every week. At lir.sL every body around there was in favor of cre mation , but now there Is a wide spread prejudice against U , and it is growing everyday. " Andrew Hovins : "Sneak thieves are not confined to the lower classes , Homebody - body stole a valuable Jaw book which J left in the district court room the other day while waiting to mtike an argument before the eonrt. Jt Is dillictilt to imagine n man so utierly reckless as to have no fear of God or mo cither. " Manager Frank Handle , llaso Hall Cliib--"Our grounds and grandstand will bo in readiness about April 1. The latter will accommodate 8,000 people. " Justice Horka "It scorns the general policy of the people is , to beat the jiistieo nnd then expect the justice to bo honest in return , It is jug-hatidled eliriblian- ity. " Mayor IJoyd "The council meets to night but what for I cannot Imagine. It is the regular meeting , but city affairs are very quiet , " Idle Lsiboror "I am going to buy a harness and team and go teaming. It is the only work that p.\ys now. Look at the number of teams hauling the scrap ings from the streets and the army of men scooping up the slush. " H. L , Seward "VVo'ro going tq huvo line weaifier right along now. I taw llpck after flock of wild geese Hying northward this morning us I cnni.o in from Wilnut Hilt. Sure sign of rising temperature. " Sensible Citizen "Ves , this is a fine day , but very deceptive. Lots of people feel snro now wo'ro.goitig to liavo July weather nt once anil off goes th'olr heavy garments. Then comoa n sudden cold snap and the doctors hnvo a harvest. In Nebraska ono is never certain the winter is over until the 'llo wars that bloom in the spring' show their heads a.bovo ground , " News I'Vom Annimxin. ANAMOSA , In. , March I , [ Correspon dence of the BEK. ] Governor Lnrrnbco nnd wife arrived last Saturdnj morning from the west , and remained over Sun day. The governor made a thorough ex amination of the prison in nil itsbrauehcs and left well sntlslletl with Iho general state of nil airs at that institution , under the wardnnshlp of Marquis Bass. Ex-Fish Commissioner A. K. Aldrlch received this week 100,000 rainbow trout trom the United States commissioner at Washington , llo Is running quite an in stitution at the old hatch house tormcrly used by the state near this city. The famous stone auarrios at Stone City , four miles west of this city , liavo been filled with water. The only suc cessful means of draining them was by the use of a siphon. J. A. Green , the owner of these quarries , has just been awarded the contract of furnishing the stone for the Atchison , Topeka & Santa Fn railroad bridges across the Missis sippi at 1'ort Madiboti , la. It will re quire 0-tOO yards of stone , or 1,000 oar loads , A Die Jtccoril. Mr. Lewis King , of Pittsburg , Pa. , of the famous Damascus Broti/.o company of that oily , was a visitor in Omaha yester day. Ho Is ou his way to San Francisco. This company makes a specialty of rail road box bearings , and has n record of 178,000 miles against the highest known , which has been a little over 100,000 miles. This shows the durability of tlia article mentioned , and to railroad men is of course understood as meaning a chain- ploiibhlp. The business of this company in the particular line mentioned is the largest in the world , Electric Lustre Starch gives a laundry finish to linens. tUoonilnKtoti RI.OOMINGTON , Nob. , Feb. 28. [ Corre spondence of the Bun.J George Murray and J. W. Dotidt , both prominent farm ers of this county , started for Kentucky last Friday , the latter to investigate a little previous to removing to that tec- lion. lion.Tho The would-be friends of Pat and Charlie McDermott are endeavoring to deny the fact that they died from the clTocts of drinking the liquor lu which Pat's limbs were bathed after they ( the limbs ) wore amputated ; and they assert that this theory originated in the fertile brain of the Bin : correspondent. The facts as given to the BKE wore given us by Dr. U. II. Walick , the surgeon who performed the operation of amputating Pat's limbs , lie says that Pat had passed the dangerous period and could not have itioil from loss of blood or from any eauso effected by amputation , llo says that tlio liquor in which Pat's limbs wore bathed was in a jar , and that a tin cup was in the jar also and there was every indication that the two brothers , who were more hogs than men , hail been drinking out ot this jar. lie further said that the manner of thuir ileath , and the ; fact of their dying within an hour of the same time , is another reason for his conclusion. Ihero is no doubt that the lirst report was the true one and that this case is the most horrible and sickening one ever recorded in Nebraska. Ilildrcth commenced a _ substantial growth , and old speculators in town lots are investing in real estate thoro. As to the now railroad , parties at llildroth pay that the Kansas City & Omaha has given them as much reason to believe that it will cross at their town as they could ask sor. Thov also assert that if a road is to cross the B. iS : .M. at any point between Blue Hill and Holdreirc , it is to the interests of Hut B. iV ; M. to secure that crossing as far away from Iloldicgu as possible , as they intend to make Holdrege a decided railroad town. C. G. Grove , of Franklin , who is largely interested in thu Lost Louisiana mine in Arkansas , will remove there soon. I. A. Sheridan , an old and successful business man of Bloomingtou.has started a branch hardware store at Napouee. W. 11. Woodward , formerly in business at Molina , has removed to WUcox and opened a store. N. A. Cole and wife will visit in the east and south during the next few months , stopping in Michigan , Ohio , Kentucky and Alabama. A printing ollico will bo put in at Campbell soon , by 11. M. Crane , of the Franklin Echo. This will make MX papers in a county of § 10,000 , , inhabi tants. We want tv paper mill at Bloomington ; wo have all facilities and the business men will gladly lend aid to the enter prise. C. Hood's SarsapariHa Combines , In a manner prmllar to Itself , the bcsc blood-purifying and stieiiBtlicnliiB reme dies of \PKdalilo kingdom. You will find this wonderful remedy effective \\hciootlicr nifitlclncs have failed. Try It now. It will purify your Mood , rejjiil.ito tlio digestion , jiiul Rive new Ilia \lgortothoentho body. "IlDoil'tf S.irsnparllla did mo great ionil. ; I was thi'il out from overwork , and It toned me up. " Mils. O , U , BIMMONS , Colioei , N. Y. "I suffered thrco years from blond poison. I took Hood's .Snrsai'-irllU nnd tlilnk I nm purcd , " Mns. M , J. U.VVJB , llrockpnrt , N. Y. the mood Hood's fiarsaparllla is clmactcrlzed by tlirco peculiarities ; 1st , Ilia combination of agents ; 2d , tlio proportion ; Sd , tlio proem of securing tlio active modlclnal Qualities. The result U a incdlchio ot unusual ( trench , effecting cures liltlicrto unkncmn. Send for book containing additional evidence , "Hood's Haraniiatllla tones up my system , 11111 Hies my lilowl , fcliarpuusinynmielltu , mid seems to make mo over. " J. r. Tnosu-dON , KenUtcrot Deeds , Lowell , Jlass , "Hood's Sarsap.irllla lieat * nil ntliern , nd h worth HiolKlit In ci'lil. " I- 130 lUuk Bti cut , Now Yoik City , Hood's SarsapariHa Bold by ( ill drUKtiiftH. (1 i six fur 35. Made CiilybyC. J. J10O1) & CO. , Jxwctl , Mass. IOO Doses Ono Dollar. toiUlircuflicrrort b 1 tr ' W IUUIIr.tllc iiii.rU , | tI . | lx . In now civialt Urethra ft. rdkjim ) CRAYONS. e.oJIorourii.wl.lii.lul.l . ' Hnyy iyK3t yi''u mat u n < uii. " JIUKIUU ucrcejj i < i4i iiu civialo Asicncy , 174 Kuiiou at. , , y. To Whom It May Concern ! . on thu 2nd of Aiiirusl , WJIKUKAH. mid Muuin ljuluk and delivered to Chailoj llrlf'tt. ! ) , tltolr two C < T liiln promld-ory notuii , ono of Iliruo liumlitxj Uollurd ( IJJW ) < lui ) tliri'U inoatlia after date , ono of lour hundred dollars ( * tll.Wd ) ( ) o ti\ months after ditto , und aeuiirod thonumu by u wurriuite < ) dod.etc.t < i lots number ulovun ( II ) . tweHo ( U ) , thirteen ( IU ) , and fourteen ( Hi , In Muck number lour hundred and uivlity llvi ) . In ( JiuiuUluw addition to Omuliii. an sunujcO , pluttt'U and riicorJudi buld nu\l ostulu liC'liwrlt uiitu In HouiflMs county , Neiiniskm suld do .l , ulo. , liolnir L'olluteritl tceurlty for mild mile * ; and , wlioreti' , mid notes were duly xold und transferred tor valunMu consideration , tin- forunmiurliy to 8. IU Joti 11011 ; and , whercus , there 1 * now due on bald nutm HIOUUIH of koven hundiud dcillais ifTwoiith ) lnturc tlo cHior with Uflcon ilollars if I5.0j : ; attornu > 'n feu ami tlttouu per cent of tliuumuunt duo us ll'imdutctl dumuirci Now , tliururoro , I , II O. llurlmnk , atlornor lor tlie alormaM H. It Jobnson , "III. at m > ( jtHct'.MUruriiHin ! etroet.on tlid-nddiiy or Mn'ch , ItilT , ut IU o'clock' . in , Hull to tlio Idgboit IiMdiir fur UMI , thu Bald loU lii rutoforo nicutionod undiloscrlbt'd Oim.Ua. Nt ' . .Wb , nIW Attorney fora. U J < iliu on | LSL CAPITAL PRIZE , $150,000. "Wo do h irobj certify thnt wo miporvlso the nrrnnicinotUH for nil the Monthly nnd Scml-An. nun ) Drnwliwd of The UuiUUim Stnto Ixittcry Onmt > nnrnn < ] In pcrnon innimRO nml control thnitrnwInirAtnomsolves , amlttint the sntnnnn' coiiitttcteil wltn honestfnlrncM niul In KOO I rnlth toward nil pnrtlp' , nnd wo nuiliorlo thu Company to mo this cortltlcnto nlth fnolui lies of ourslgnatiircs attached , in Its Advertise ments. " T/b * \ < ? r ift * coMMissioxnns. VTotho itnilorytirtici ] llnitk * nnd tlniikrm will ] > nr nil I'rl7 is dniwn In The UniltHim Hint * lotteries which may bu presented nt our couti- teis. j. n. oohEsnv , President LouWnnn N'ntlotml Ilntilc. 1 > . LAXAUX , President Stnto Nntlonnl llnnk. A. H.UmVIX , President Now Orlonns Nt.tlonnl Hank. ATTRACTION. UNPRECEDENTED . - MILLION UisTiiintrTnn L001SI&M ST&TBldlTEM COHPAHY , Hlncorporntod in 180S for ' " > yonrs by tlio tcgla- turo lor KdueMinnnl und Clinrltnlilo puipo eit , with ucupitnlof fli i,0W ( to wliloli 11 futul of over I.Vi'J.OtM tins slnro boon mlil . . Ily nn nvorwholtnlmr pniuilnrolo Its frnu- ehlso wm inudo u pail or the pie mit Stulo Constitution niloptoilDceunihur.Kil , A " 1r ( < 11 The only lottery over voted on niul endorsed liy the people ol' any otnte. It never sculos or postpones , ItSErnnd cliiRlo nuintior dmwitis take pmoa niontlilv. nnd the M.m-nnnunl dniwIiiirB reiru- liirly uvery fllv mnulliH ( Juno nnd Uoeointmr ) . A bl'I.F.MIItl Ol'l'OUTITNlTY TO WIN A KOIITUNR. HilOiunil Drnwlnir. Clnps ( \ In the AcmlomyoC MUFIC. New Orloiuia. Tuosdny , Match 15111 , tbti7lWid , Monthly Drnwlnu. CAPITAL PRIZESIGO.OOO. Notice , Tickets are 910 only. Halves , S3 Fifths 22. Tenths SI- LIST OK 1'lir/l.S. 1PA1MTU I'lllAKlH' fir > ' 1X , ( . 1 Clll.VM > l'IU7K OK fiO.UM J OlIANII I'ltr/K OK 20,1X10 S I.AIK1K I'IU/1'.S OP 10000 w.o 4) 4 i\nnii I'lir/xs OF r > , rue ' i'01Mll7.K.S ) lf 1WW Si.'ooo 50 WXI lee i < i - TO ) " 8W1 41.11)1 ' ' 1,000 " . OJ.OOO Ari'noviM VTION nii7is. : lOrt Approxiiiinllon I'rl/os ol MO ) . fW.000 100 " axi > i > 100 100. . . . 10.I1IO S.170 Prlzos amountlnirto o. Appllcntlon for rntos to chilis Blinuld bo mnclo onlr to thu oinco or thu comiuiny hi Now Or For furtuor Information wrltn clonrlr. ( rlrliii full nddroR * . ItJSTAIi NUTKS ETpro-n Manor Orilorn. or Now York K\cluiniro in ordinary lot- Icr. currency br oiuross nt our orpouaa i j droMOd > M.A.nAUPIUN , NowOrloiuisL % . Or M. A.DATJpniN , WusUlngton , D. 0. llri/ letters to NEWOUhKANS NATIONAL nANK. Now Orloiuia Li THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES , OMAHA. j , I.cavo U , I' . llRinOKTUAINS. Transfer/Omaha. COllNCIh HI UHTS. Not km co Contractor ! * , , . _ _ als | ll lie received until JIunanj. Jlincli 7. lor the reiuo\ul ot niiiy llioueund yanld nnoro or lu di ( Jt tiirlh udjdlnliig' upp > ir raih-.uii httoci , Tlio .rffc'ht to reluct auyor ull UJlA.i. . jKJJIon ra Street.