THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , FJEBKUARY 27. 1887.-TWELVE PAGES 9 lor Twenty-Fire Tears in an American \ Amusement Temple. FOOTLIGHTS FADED FOREVER. Favorite F CCH I'nttl's First Visit Orlsl and Mnrlo Vcstvalt Pic- colomlnl KcllogR'8 Debut Notable Bulls. NEW YonK , Feb. 23. [ Correspondence of the HEE. ] The scene of so many lyric triumphs , the home of fashion twenty- five years ago , the resort of the cultivated taste nnd".irti9tic cxcollcnce of Now York is to bo closed ; converted into a beer garden , perhaps , or a German thrcatre } given ever to purposes of which its pro jectors and owners never dreamed. Within those walls I heard the farewell of Grisi and Marie to America , in Lu cre/la Horgia , There the sumptuous queen of tragic opera waved the arms which it was said were the same that the Venus of Milo had lost , and with a grace and passion and dignity that have never been equalled since , hurled the im precations and accusations of the Druid , or implored for the life of Gennaro , with n superb majesty and nathos that made the infatuation of Ferrara credible , There the greatest tenor of our time warbled out the dying strains of Edgardo , or the love notes of the Splrto Gentil to enraptured audiences. The final scene of the Favorlta. when Grisl crouched and crawled at the foot of the cross and then arose in the rapture of love , as Marie dragged her to him , and both sang the inspiring notes of the iinale equalled in dramatic power and passionate ex pression anything seen or hoard on the modern .stage. Ihis was the cujmina- lion of Italian opora. The rendering of Mich artists was as indispensable to the masters of song as the Instrumentation of to-dav is to the embodiment of Wagner's" idea ; but singers like thcFO produced ollccls of exquisite expression and melodic delight not surpassed by the greatest triumphs of instrument or or chestra in the German harmony. Not only r.UJSl AND MARIO have icft their memories in Irving place. There the ' Huguenots'1 nnd the "Trqva- tore" were first produced in America. There ViMvali , the Pole , first sang the notes of Azttconn to a New York audience , and with nor line presence and magnetic bearing fora while fascinated young New York. There the delightful trio Hrignoli. Amodio and La Grange so long reigned supreme ; a tenor full of sweetness , if not of lire ; a baritone rich , full and sonorous ; a soprano cultivated , refined , expressive , elegant , anil able to interpret the music of Meyerbeer , Doni/.etti , Verdi or Mozart. La Grange and Formes in the third act of the "Huguenots" gave a rendering that has hardly been surpassed of that ox- qulNito scone ; and in Uobert lo Diablo , in tin * great trio , without accompaniment , where the struggle that comes to every man , between temptation and principle , is portrayed with a grandeur and power fully equal to the expression of the same Idea in the Tanhanser , an effect was pro duced that the greatest musicians and composers might envy. At this opera house MADE HEU DEHt'T in Kigoletto , while Colonel Stebbins , her friend and patron , looked down from his box and shared with his family and the audience the pleasure of that artistic success which ho had done so much to render possible. I remember going behind - hind the scenes to congratulate the new prima donna on her voice and her boots , which both were lino. Hero also , of a Thanksgiving night , Patti first sang in oporn , twenty-six years ago , to a scant and once , wlfo little dreamed they were present at the entrance into the musical world of one of its greatest prodigies and queens. Nor not the most hopeful friend or enlightened critic anticipated the brilliant career that awaited the timid little maiden , scarce svcnteeu , who came out as Lucia di Lammermoor. I'ICt'OLOMINI IIE1ONED HEIIE for a season ; not the greatest of singers , but .surely ono of the most delicious of actresses. In comic roles she can never have been surpassed. The exquisite coquetry with Hodolfo in spite of her love for Elviuo. in the ' 'Sonnambula ; " the malicious archness of Hosina , all through the "Harbor1 ; the half unconscious naughtiness of the Hatti-Uatti , and of the minuet in "Don Giovanni" were brimfu ] of womanly wiles and artistic genius. Ah mo ! the long procession of beautiful women nnd delightful singers and actresses ; the queens and peasants , the nuns and ladies , the mau Lindas and Lueias singing out their woes so that you wished they would never cot well ; the Btately Semiramides , the rattling , drum ming viyandiorcs ; the abbesses that rosn from their tombs in ballet dresses to enchain chain the son of Robert : the saucy Susannas who flirted with Figaro ; the gipsies , the Trayiatas , the Safes , oven tlio fair Homeos where are all the en chantresses now ? Their graces and smiles all past , their songs all silenced : the curtain fallen forever on their charms and arts. Even thn music is forgotten that in- Fpired them another siirn of thu change tfiat has couio over Now York. For 'tis not only the stage , and tha style of the niiislo , but the pcoplo and their manners that are difierent. The fashion has pas-o < l away. Yet who that know the old life nt tun academy of musio but regrets grots the ibillghtful house where ovorV' body could see everybody else , where the 1.ADIiS : WKIIK NOT STUCK llko milliner's figures in a shop window , but sat as iu a drawing-room , surroundci ! by their friends ; whore a man could walk about and find a dozen acquaintances as ho passed ; whore it wap possible lo get Y ' - > v without peering at a hall into n u * illegible namo. orpcnp.J--- through rrn" an jinte-room full of cloaks and oTbi.locs. ! nnd then perhaps blundering and tloun- dering into the company of people you do not know. Who docs out recall the gay look of the house whore you were near enough to recognize a friend across the theatre , whore elegant women were accustomed to sit In the parquet and bal cony In opera hr.ts nnd light colored rloaks.n costume often as ollcctlve as full dress , but which Is no longer known , and which gave tlm whole audience n bril liant efiect as dtileront as possible from thu funeral aspect of the lloor of the Metropolitan , In those days , too , the pcoplo wore far better known ; not only known to thom- Fclvo , but distinguished by reputation L1 * and character ; people of mark , whom any country might bo glad to consider its representatives. Great authors like Han- croft and Irving , cri-at lawyers and judges' , composers like Fry and Hristow ; men of national fame in poli'ics were as abundant in Now York society as in those days thov nro rare , and all \\cnt to the opera. They even WENT TO THE OlfAUlTV HALL ; for thii was one of the events that made the old academy of music notable. People ple then were moro certain of themselves , and not afraid to walk , or even to dance , on the lloor of the opera houso. They did not lind their gentility HO delicate that they ' must shut U up in boxes where no ouo could approach save through an ante chamber. Now the few who consider themselves somebodies , especially if they havit recently eonin to that conclusion , uro too muc4i. afraid of being jostled by .lio u who are nobodies. For-at no other place does saclc'ty wilk lie lloor dccoluttee , add in dross coats , TJEOQ VACANT LOTS CALL ON US In all Part * of the C ity , at the. SM nan .For and licfiilcncc LO WEST ES , 1513 Farnam St. 1513 Farnam St. Have moved their office to 1513 Farnam St. , to the office formerly oc cupied by Paulsen & Co. TIPTON PLACE. This beautiful addition is in the northwest part of the city ; is high and dry , overlooking all of Omaha and Council Bluffs : is built up all around it ; has good Schools , Churches and Stores within 2 blocks of it , and is the most desirable Property in the city. Is cheap and is sold on such terms that any one can buy , This is a snap. There are only a few lots left and they are all the very best. Come and see them , It costs nothing , I This is the best property in the market for the money. The North western depot will be located either on this property or very close to it. Don't let this slip. Lots only $275 to $350 each ; $50 cash , balance $10 per month. Remember the Change of Location , 1513 Farnam St. Three lots ncitr Sdunilcru .SV. , Three lots in Jtcscrvoiiad < l , \tnllenoitth \ of I'lainriciv , only cheap ; only $20O cash on each $1VOO cai > li ; casiterms. . This lot , balance easy. beats any body's snap.MOTTEll One cunt front tot on I'arh arc. , , MOTTEll atabiinjatn MOTTEH , . I , . 1513 Farnam Street. l l''i Farnam St. side by side with anybody who pays. In the street , if it walks , society is mulllcd , has on its hats and high bonnets ; at the theatre or Dclmouico's , though it shares the amusements of the unfashionable , and sometimes sits on the same benches with them , it is passive ; amused , not amusing ; at church , if it prays by the side of .sinners of another set , it is , of course , in separate pews , just as it listens ( or laughs ) at the opera in exclusive boxes. Hut at a ball you must seem to bo a part of the crowd ; you move among the others ; you can't "be told from them except by the initiated. Yut even this sacrilico society once mad" to charity. Now it takes tickets , and if it attends the ball , it only looks on from _ the grand tier. It is true a few fall into the march at the opening ; that one may do , and not lose caste. And how odd it seems ! A quarter of a century ago some of the same peoples were doing the same thing ac the academy of music that they now do at the Metropolitan. I could tell you their names ! Hut there are nioro TOL'1'Er.S AND HALO HEADS in the procession to-day ; or , perhaps , it is other heads ; those that were groy or bald then have disappeared altogether , I fear. The chaperones of those times have gone to their last ball , the social queens have entered a kingdom not of this world. The most frolicsome belles "beforo the war" are the dowatrors of 1S37it is the dan cing men that 1 know who sit in the boxes and look down ; perhaps they have good reason. When I think of the other changes still ; when I see the crowds of people who have not only grown up or grown old , but have come in" and jostled aside those who were once so important ; when I remember , not only the belles that are passeo and the beaux that are bald , but the fortunes that have been spent , the names that have been forgot ten though their owners are still alive ; when I see sonic who were once socially powerful , now humble and obscure ; people ple who lorded it over society and refused admission to their parties to sonio whosocourtesis they are now happy to accept ; charitable courtesies which they can return only by their presence , which still confers a distinction I say again. The fashion of this world passsoth away , hook at the list of the patrons and patron esses of the charity ball a long scroll of half-known names by the sitto of a few of social distinction. Many were not on that list only live years ago ; they were not then of consoqucnco enough to bo allowed to bu > places with u dozen tickets. In live years more they will consul1" whether they care to bo on the list at all ; alia 'in ' ! : decade they will besought sought after ; it will bo TnpjT ft ho confer distinction. In twenty-live y 3ftfs VOU can.become of "old family" in New York. If your father and mother were in society , your aristocracy is incontest able. Twenty-live j'oars ago the charity ball was an event. There were no "assem blies " " " "matriarchs" , no "patriarchs" or then nobody dreamed of dancing at Del- monico's ; there were no other opportunity for so fine n lloor or so iargo an assem blage , and nearly everybody went , because - cause it was the only chance in the year of seeing so many of the fashionable world together at onco. Of course there was no more beauty then than now ; there was no smarter gowns ; and , of courso.what ono sees in one's youth has a glamor that lusts across n generation ; there is always a halo when you look back. Hut for all this I insist there was a distiction about New York fashion that has not entirely remained. There were more men of importance to bo seen , Now the really lUrOUT.YNT MEN OF NEW YOHK nra not in society. "Society" is com- Cosed , not of people whom society wants , ut of poppio who want to bo in society. iniinitelp more wealth and dis play , and infinitely less that attracts cul tivated and refined men and women. These are thrust aside by the throng , or frightened by the impossibility of keen.- ing up .with the show ' , or disgusted wiih the success of 'vulgar ostentations ; or they lind so little to in to rest their tastes or'roward their exertions that they keep nioof , and society is uot good company , it is a pageant at which those who dance and dress and dine sumptuously congre gate for their own purposes. There are , indeed , as manv charming people scattered about New York as else where , or over ; but the elements are rarely crystahzod. You lind ono inter esting or distinguished man at this house , one fascinating or clover woman at an other ; scarce any hostess has the art to briiiK a room full of them together. Yet anybody who knows Now York can think of half a dozen women with fortune and acknowledged position , with wit and cul ture of their own , who might have made their houses centers of as brilliant a so ciety as exists anywhere in the world , but they have been too timid ; they call it exclusive , but timid is the word. They dared not ask those they would have liked , for fear they themselves might be the subject of talk. Hut they nave not known their own power. Mankind still , as in Pope's day , is "born to be con trolled. " There arc crowds of mtlC.IIT AND Ct'LTIVATKI ) WOMEN iu New York society to-day , old habitues and now comers ; of the Knickerbocker families , and interlopers equal to any ; but the bright men arc rare ; they won't goto teas or to balls , and they don't care lor a dinner every night , no matter how sumptuous , unless the company Is as choice as the cuisine , and the talk is as good as the wino. The result is that there is no ono circle in Now York where every body of decided importance is sure to bo found. A man of tinim- pcachablo surroundings and acknowl edged social distinction may be utterly unknown to another of precisely the same stamp. This situation could not and docs not exist anywhere else in the world. Rut a society that docs not include the most distinguished pcoplo of the neigh borhood is not "society" in the sense in which the word is used olsowhoro. Those who give dinners and balls , oven if well descended , and used to the etiquette of fashionable life ( which all of them arc not ) , cannot and do not constitute ! soci ety. They may call it so and chronicle its doings , but it will not bo the good company'of the place until it attracts not admits , but attracts , pcoplo of im portance other than fashionable. ADAM HAUEAU. KBtilSTKIt KIKNOS. Men Who Are Always hooking at Ho tel IteRiaccrH. "What did that man wayt to find in this register ? " asked a HKE reporter of Clerk Davenport of the Millard , yester day."If "If you can tell mo I'd like to hear you , " said the gentleman with the snowy sblrt-iront. "Uo looked at every name on ( ho last ; thrco pages , " said the scribe , by way of explanation. "Yes , and so do a hundred others every day. They como to the counter as if they desired to register , 1 hand them a pen , nnd sometimes they do not know enough to dec line It. They pore over the pages , as if they were looking for some friend or business mau , and if I should ask them , whom they wanted , live-sixths would bo unable to tell mo. This class of pcoplo is most numerous when wo are most hurried. They stand in the way of guests , assume an import ance which ill becomes them , reach for a tooth pick , turn around and eventually slink away after they have caused us a loss of time , and patiencoaad given great annoyance to our boua-tido patrons. " ( Jan consumption be cured ? Yes. Ono man only , discovered the laws of gravi tation. Ono limn only , discovered the virtue of vaccination. And ouo man after years of study and rutlcction , has discov ered the euro for consumption. Dr. Piorco's "Golden MedicalDiscovery" is its specific. Send two letter stamps and get Dr.Pierce's pamphliit treaties on consumption. Address , World's Dispen sary Mtidical Association , Huli'alo , N. Y. "VIVA VERDI ! VIVA VERDI ! " Triumphant Eeception of the New Opera "Othello11 in Milan. MAJESTIC AND MASTERLY MUSIC Superb Scenery I'crlcct Costumes and Chorus A Great Orchestra Indifferent Cast Unprece dented Honors , MILAN , Feb. 0. [ Correspondence of the HEE. ] The grand opera house ot la Scala has never before contained an audi ence that could compare with the ono that assembled last night in honor of Verdi's newopcra/'Othollo. " From pit to dome the immense auditorium was filled with eairor faces , sparkling eves nnd bril liant toilettes. The now electric lights shed an indescribable softness over par quet and gallery , and the scene recalled some fantastic tale of the kings' courts in the Arabian Nights. The Italian court in itself afforded a dazzling mass of colors , and Queen Marghorita's ladies of honor and the high-bred Milanese women were covered with jewels , tully an hour be fore the. curtain arose every seat in the house was occupied , and the light mur mur of expectant voices coming from three thousand throats , perfectly audible yet discreetly indistinct , reminded you of an enchanted forest on a moonlight night ; where every leaf and llower stirs to the rhythm of some wandering breeze ; where the million confused sounds of re dundant nature , freight air and zephyr with an endless breath of imitative har mony. No ono was too oxaltcd or too proud at this greatest of all solemnities , to jostle the conladlna on the doorstep , or the fruit-vendor humming a Verdin- ian measure under the portico of La Scala ; all were frantic to bo seated before the curtain went up. Pride of rank , birth or position gave w.iy before the universal homage which Italy still sows in pnrounial laurel atthofcetof her great composer. BOITO'S UIWETTO. Franco Faccio's appearance in the con ductor's chair , which ho has lilled so long nnd so well , was a signal for thunders of applause. The orchestra at once struck up a few glorious chords represontlnir a tempest , which was followed by an In stantaneous rise of the curtain. Hoito begins his libretto with-tho .second act of Shakespeare's "Othello. " The scenes are laid in a maritime city of Cyprus , and afterwards in Venice , 1 must first speak of the Italian's pojt's work , to which Verfi baswritten uchjnibluuo measures. Arrlgo hoito is gifted In "arts , niuS'o nsd verso , lie has laid a hand upon the im mortal bard's work , which placed by an other man than he , might have boon heavy with sacrilegious weight. Hello has transposed , added to , and do not start In sorno ways adorned the play of "Uthcllo. " Ho has done what no ono else has yet done : ho has made a study from our classic which , while not absolutely Shakespearean , puts the English poet in a still newer light. The enormous dilli- culty of nuiKing an operatic libretto from a play , is in itself an almost insurmount able obstacle. What to retain , what to reject , what will loud itself to the con- tines of a musical space , what cannot be compressed within the limits of musical expression , are considerations weighty enough in themselves to paralyze the most facile pen or imagination. THE FIUST ACT. Hoito began to think of his "Othello" fifteen years ago. Six yeaio ago ho sat down and in as many months wrote and completed his libretto. U Hews with the lnniiidity which trauquUllscs waters ruf- lied by the wildi-st storm , and rotlccts the light which we see on' the wave lately freed from the blucKnesdof tlu < hurricane. The opening scene on jho island of Cy- prns presents lago , llo erigo and Cassio. A chorus sinirs u hymn of victory , rejoic ing .that Othello nnd his ships have been saved from Turk and tempest ; a briudUi by lago represents the Moor's wish that the city rejoice. "Every man takes on a merry mood ; some begin to dance , some to make bontiros , and each man goes to what snort and revels his addition leads him. " Cassio and Montana take these instructions literally , and the duel follows. Montana wounded , Othello ar rives. Cassio delivers up his sword , and the people disperse. Dcsdcmona appears , and a tender love duet finishes the first act. act.It It will bo seen that Hoito , in cutting the first act of Shakespeare's play , by sup pressing Desdemona's appearance before the senate and transposing the duel scene , brings heron at the moment-whon calm must follow the storm. Instead of two almost nondescript apparitions , we have one , which , by its present arrange ment , is the climax of the act , and , philo sophically considered , the veritable situa tion for such a climax. As a piece of dramatic writing , I have never seen its equal in intensity. One situation follows another with such headlong rush that I can only think of the arrows snot from a bow. GRAND SINGING. In the second act , we have lago'.s solo and great scene , with a short speaking duct for Cassio and lago. Djsdomona is scon at the back of the stage receiving gifts from women and children who are singing a chorus that forms n most orig inal accompaniment to a duct with lago and Othello , both of whom stand well to the front. The chorus finished , Desdo mona comes forward to solicit Cassio's return to the Moor's favor ; a quai lotto follows , and the act ends with a grand duet between Othello and lago. Act third is where wo have most of Hollo's changes from the original text. He has written a trio for Cassio , Othello and lago. called the handkerchief trio , so admirable in form nnd poetry that it fits the English bard's play as a glove fits the hand ; then follows a duet between Dtisdemoua and her lord ; and ono. more terrible for lane and Othello , then comes the linalo of thu third act , which , in spite of its force , cannot help shocking the Anglo-Saxon worshiopcr at Shako- spearo's shrine. Wo Know that Othello was a Moor and a brute , but wo cannot imagine that ho would have done what Hoito makes him do. The senators ar rive and announce now honors for Othello nnd also his required departure for Venice. Othello , worked up to the suprpmest heights of jealousy in the preceding - coding duet with lago , breaks forth into a paroxysm of passion unknown oven to Shakespeare's here , Desdomona comes forward and begs to bo allowed to ac company her lord ; she again almost im prudently pleads Cassio's cause , when before court , senate and populace , Othello Hings her to the ground , scream ing "TO EAKTH AND AVEEf , " and dealing her such n blow that the united. | ) conl9 ntJli iorward with ono commingled cry of shame a.nd horror. , While the chorus rages , the -Moor , with bowed head , sits aside , but the quartette ended ho starts up , and sends oil' the court , senate , and populace ; seemingly alone , in a lerriblo fury , he attempts a cry for vengeance , when his force for sakes him , and ho statrgors and falls in sensible to the tloor. At that instant , lago who had loitered behind a column of the peristyle , rushes forth , plants Ills heel on the Moor's ' breast and , with ac cents of piteous scorn , sings in contrast to the senate's cull for Othello nnd the people's acclamations to the Lion of Ven ice. "Look upon him , hero ! Hero is your Lion of Venice ! " The curtain falls. This scene , as I have said , is Hoito's chief innovation , and it seems to mo an unnecessary ono. The original scene is itself terrible enough to give the world an idea of Othello's character. This added expression of brutality strikes the first really discordant notot > f exaggera tion in an otherwise extraordinary li bretto The fourth act is fairly traditional. The Moor kills his wife , but spares lago , for the traitor llces with u scornful , "Never ! Ah ! Ah.on ! his perjured lips , while the Moor ends an existence that has never known peace. Verdi's music , throughout the whole of the first uct , is ot u majesty , nobility , power and inspiration which he has never before surpassed , perhaps never before equaled. The orchestration for the tempest chorus , the chorus itself , the brindisi and the duet parlanti or vocal speaking , form ono succession of sub lime pages , rich , not alone in genius and style , but fraught with that superior ex cellence of technique which the me chanic's hand , after years of practice alone , knows how practically to set forth. Verdi knows what the public wants ; ho knows how to touch THE ruiiuc HEAUT ; ho knows every musical variety of light , shade , and clloct to the nicety of a hair , and to the nicety of a hair weighs them. Perhaps in "Oliello"ho : has shown less respect for the feeling of the public than ever before. Divine bars of melody are cut by so-called philosophical breaks ; surprise follows delight , and incredulity succeeds desire. Verdi has not sacrificed Verdi as he has so often dono. Verdi re mains Verdi ; an Italian and a composer who , in spite of innovation , temptation , and revolution in modern music , has written a work intensely Italian , and an op'jra which only an Italian could write. I began by speaking of the first act , but the same power andinspiration is visible throughout the whole opera. As for a technical description of the music , why need I tell you that an irre sistible torrent of chromatic scales and groups of three ami four describe the tempest ; that lago sines a brindisi in I ) minor , or Othello an air In A llat ; that Desdemona's tears and laments How in E natural , with harp accompaninibiit , or that Othello's rugo and crime , again in A llat , are preceded by a passage for the contre-basso unique in the philosophy of musical composition ? When I say that from the beginning to the cud Verdi has written four acts of grand and extraor dinary music , you will Know that a vocab ulary more or loss of set phrases can no moro enhance the value of any opinion , than It could depict your appreciation of Verdi's masterpiece. Novord picture can adequately describe the ingenious work ; no words can portray the onthu- siaiin It excited , nor the ovations it won for its composer. \ m.EATI.VO TENOIt Tnmagno , the tenor , looked and acted Othello , but ho did not sing ; ho bleated , Desdomona has never been n favorite of mine In history , and the present expo nent of tlio role suggested to mo all my thousand unavenged wrongs laid at the door of Hrabantio's daughter. Mme , Pantaloon ! Is an excellent person , but us Dcsdcmona she ought to have been smothered the night before , at the dross rehearsal , Her voice is naturally line and dramatic , but she has no morn knowledge of the pure art of singing than I have of the real science of astro nomy. She has a vlla emission of Voice in the medium open notes ; the upner notes nro clear , but rarely in tune. T ! ; lovely music assigned to Othello's wife nuist have spk'a'Jid ' resisting powers not to iiiiv'5 ifuten iial in her mums , or throat. In appearance , Aline. Pantaloon ! is like wise unfortunate ; she Is short , slightly cross-eyed , and of a nhysical plainness , which dwarfed the already insignificant Desdomona. She acted very well in the first nnd third acts , but not .so well in the last. Of the other singers let me say . . . , lliu nutn | unit i in. ' o vs > i73iu i i really fair si'cond tenor ; ho , at least , know how to sing , but nature evidently never intended him losing at La Scala. The ovations to Verdi and H > ito reached the climax of enthusiasm. Verdi was presented with a silver album filled with the autographs and cards of every citizen in Milan. Ho was called out twenty times , and at the last recalls hats nnd handkerchiefs wore waved , and the audience rose in a body. The emotion was something indescribable , and many wept. Verdi's carriage \\us \ dragged by citi/.enato the hotel. He was toasted and serenaded ; and at live in the morning crowds were still singing and shrieking Viva Verdi ! Viva Verdi ! Who shall say that this cry will not re-echo all over the world ? At bveiit.v-four tliis sicond con quer may well exclaim Vuni , Vidi , vjcij SUNDAY NIGHTS IN OMAHA , Scenes in The Various Banco Halla of th City. THE PEOPLE WHO GO THERE. A Motley ThrotiR nnil How It Is Com posed Ijlijulil Uerrcshinonts Tlio Toughs who co There to FlRlit Sceucs. The Sundny Dnnoos. A nocturnal visit to the numerous Sun day dnnco halls in this city would dis close the fact that however well the Sab bath day may bo observed in Umahn , the Sabbath night is not as rigorously re garded as strict Puritan ideas would re quire , There are thrco or four of these dnnco halls in this city , all of which throw their doors open to the public on Sunday night. Ono of the most largely patron ized is a hall in the southern part of ( ha city , several blocks bcfoxv the Thirteenth fitrcot bridge. Promptly-at eight o'clock the music strikes up In this rosort. The crowds of men and women , boys and girls begin to Hock in. In a very few momenta the initial waltz is commenced by the or chestra , which is composed of a violin or two , a cornet , clarionet and bass viol. The feet begin to lly , and it Is not long before the lloor ! s full of a jostling , joltlne , but merry throng ot dancers. A polka or a schottlschc succeeds the waltz , then a square dance and so on. The ripple , la- conius , varsovienue , walta-quadrillo , make up a programme which keeps tlio crowds busy until after midnight. All kinds of people can be seen tripping - " ping on the lloor of this hall. There is the staid laboring man of Swedish , Dan ish or German nationality , who is there ccgularly every Sunday night with tliu healthy , rosy-cheeked damsel , upon whom , us his best girl , ho lavishes his af fection. D.inring in thu same set with him , perhaps , is a gambler , who has left the faro-table long enough to enjoy the pleasures of the evening , with a Icnialo friend. Opposite him you can spy the brawnv form of a man who can be seen any day in the week dr.viug a coal wagon. A giddy youth who sells calico in a Farnam street dry goods store com pletes the male port oa of thu set. All clashes of laboring men , hack drivers ) , cab drivers , coal heavers , gamblers , bar tenders , dry goods clerks , servant girls , waitresses , and women whose reputation , will not stand a critical test , jostle to gether in the heterogeneous throng. Hy no means are the dancers con lined to the lower classes. Quito occasionally you can see gliding through the crowifa young man who belongs to good "sassicty , " and with whom the best young ladies ot Omaha an ; proud to share the pleasure of a waltz. Ho has thrown cares and con ventionalities to the winds , and is enjoy ing a "night out. " Dancing is by no means the only pleas ure enjoyed here. On either side of the main platform is a long.narrow platform , on which are placed tables. Around these arc seated the thirsty , quatllnir beer , wino or something stronger. White aproned waiters lly hither ana thither , anil during the intermissions between the dances are kept tremendously busy answering the calls that arc made upon them. Though twenty-live cents admission is charge-it for every man that enters the hall , it in' said the larger portion of revenue from , these dances comes from the .sale of' liquor. About ten or cloven o'clock the crowd- grows hilarious , and then a new feature of the evening's fun is developed. Tlio lighting begins. There are usually iiv tlio crowd several specimens of tho. Omaha tough who would rather light than eat a square meal. Several irlasses of boor and a real or iningjnary gricv- , ancc are sullicicnt to set his lists to work ing upoil the countenance of his oppon ent. For a few moments tlm scene is a chaotic mixture of blood , black eyes. , broken noses , .sulphurous profanity anil' ' ' Hying beer glasses. A dozen men o'n ono side and a do/en on the other are tug ging away in an attempt to part the pugilists. The police come to the rescue , work their clubs handily for a few mo ments , and then thu lighters are carried1 bruised and bleeding , oil'to jail. Several olliccrs are kept on hand for such emer gencies , and manage to preserve very fair order. Another dance hall , almost opposko this one , is the Hohemian hull. Hero on ? Sunday nights the people of this nation ality , young ami old , enjoy themselves ! to tlio music of a fiddle , bass viol nnd ! cornet. This hall is not nearly as largo as tlio other ono , and its patrons are al most entirely limited to the Hohcmians. "Heor on thu side , " with a tight or two now and then , adds to the evening's on- tcrtalmcnt. There is another hall also in the south ern part of the city which is a very pop ular Sunday night resort , especially for Germans. From eight o'clock'until after midnight the pleasures of the dance are enjoyed , to tlio music of a really good orchestra. Those dances are attended for the most part by the Germans , al though a dancer of the Swedish or Dan ish nationality may occasionally bo seen gliding through the crowd , Heor and wino dispensed during the intervals be tween the dance-numbers , serve to keep the throng in a happy mood. The crowds which attend thnso dill'or- cnt dunce halls are made up of suhstim * ti.illy the same elements. The women , for the most part are respectable , though several notoriously fast characters are always to bo seen in the crowd of dancers or spectators. It must bo said that n > : my of the dancers are young girls scarcely in their teens , whoso morals , alack' ' are as loose as their parental restraint. And it is by no means an uncommon sight to find small misses of seven , eight or ton years of age dancing at these places. To what extent these children must ho in- lluenocd by such contaminating associa tions , let the moralizing render deter mine. ODDS AMI ENDS. _ _ _ _ _ * * Stray I-euves From u Kuportcr'H Note Honk. "Well , when in the name of all that la celestial , are you going to die ? " asked A. D. Jones of John M. Clark , two day a Mr. Jones is seventy-four , and Mr. Clark seventy-nine years of age , "Younroiivo years older than lam , ami yet you don't use a cano. It is you who ought to have this stick of mine , and i ought to bo running oven inoro lively than yen are. Hull ain't. " "Thank you , I tlvn't want your cauo until I get to bn an old man , " fuughingly retorted Mr. Clare. . - . < "I have just made my will , " said Judge Neville yesterday toV. . H. Ijams , clerk of the district court. " 1 Icol J am yet ting old , and now I would like to gut two or three yountr men to witness it " "Then lot mo suggest one of the young meii | " said Mr. Ijams. mediately . . . . ifostion. Mr. Clark , though within leu days of being sovonty.-niiio years ot ago , is one of the youngest men of his yi-ur * iu thu country.