Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 27, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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T > EHSONAL prlvntf homo for Indies rlutlns
J. confinement. Strictly confidential. In
fants adopted. Addicts E 2. DccoOico.
_ _
MHS. DrFuNT Tiarlvoyan r from Boston
will remain In the cltr nstiort t'n.o nnly.sht
rends tbu deepest secret' . unfolds the futuri
unltm fconrnteil lovers causes speedy trar
riago ; Is vert reliable In nil affairs of life. Hoort
1 Lyons blk. Hth nnd Chicago. 924 3 *
EltsnTVAI-Mr Dr.iinn VW rrer
clairvoyant. Mrdlcal ami business Medium
Room No. 3 , 121 North l th st .Omaha , Neb.Mi
PILDBIIS. Ilnckmakcri and I'lnstcroraciU
B be furnlfhed any kind of snnrt In any qunn
tity by The McGregor Sand Co. , office 16i ! Nlch
ping tt. W84
_ _ _
RNt'INE niamonil studs $10 to $200 a
G Frank & Son & Co. ,220 South Hth street
993 27
ESTATE ami horses to traito for i
stock of hardware. Address I1 O box 224
Corning , la. 972 3 *
IF vou want to buy or fell furniture , pro tt
J. Ferguson's , 715 N. 16th. 717
> JOTICB Is hereby riven that lx > t No. 1 Blocl
l-i No. 7fl , I7th nnd Davenport sts. . Is this flni
withdrawn from the maikct.
Agents hnvtnif this property listed will ( for
crn them clvc accordingly.
EW27 J H. McShane.
rpAKE the Klnirs Advlcol If you wan
JU your family washing end Ironing done li
first-class style or shirts finished neat and cleai
without a pins board plaster In front andhooj
iron around the ncck-hnrid , patronlm King'
Family Lounury , ( all hand-work ) , soulhoastcor
ncr 10th and Uownrtl. 110 1 *
BLAKE'S Premium Short Hnnd and Typi
Writing Institute , with the Ottmlin HUM
ness College. The oldest and mo t thorouirl
short hnnd seminary In the statn. Full day ant
evening o slons. Instruction by mall If desired
All student * who properly apply thomsolvei
nroguaranteed to bo-omo rapid and capable
short hand writer * . Premiums are olTcrod bo
( flnnrrs entering the March class and complet
Ingthocourse Pint rank In proficiency , $10
Second rank In proflclency. $5 ' 1 hlrd rank It
proficiency. 13. Apply or wrltotnllluko' * I're-
mlutn Shorthand nml Typo Writing Institute
Omulis Business College , ICth and Capitol are
t in * j
ENTS Solid gold watches fJS and upward
G nt Finnic Jl-Son i Co ,220 South Hth St
892 27
PONTBZ. analytical chemist nnO
engineer , rtnnl\sl of ere , coals anil u .sayi
and analysis of all kinds , chcmlxt and miner
nloiht to the V. P. H. It for n years. No. 18i >
st. P. O. llox 404.
Hotel cigar stand nml
rooms for rent. Knqulra ut hotel olllcc
Nat Ilrown. 1101
CASH paid for old gold nnd silver. C. I.
Erickson Jk Co. , 212 N. 16th st. Masonic
block. 797 27
MAKE your boy hapny. Buy him u Water
bury natch , only $3.00. C. L , Erickson j
Co. . 212 N. 18th st. 79 $ , 27.
TO HAG E fl rstTcUsa storage for nlco fur
nlturo or boxed goods , at 1513 Dodic-st
T71OK HINT : organs , 12 per montn. ilospt
OJ 1513 Douglas. U39
OIN SILVEH , American lever
C $10. Frnnk 4 Son Jfc Co. , 2JOSouth Hth Si
F Oil KENT Square Piano , ( t montulr.
Hoioe. 1M3 UOUL-US. 933
Laundry , 604 Ninth ftreet Collar
and cuffs 3c. shirts We , family wa hlnj
very cheap. First-class work. 11527 *
"IJIOH KENT Square I'lano JJ montbly. J
JD HOPPC. 151.11 Ion Bins. 611
SALE 3."i milch cows , some with calve'
at side , and ime bull Bids for the lot wil
bo received until March 5th. , at 2 o'clock p. m
The right to reject any and all bids rrscrved
C Iliirtnnin for Omaha Dairy association. 141
Farnam st Wl 2,4
SOLID Gold band rings only (2 nt Frank 1
Son A. Co . 220 South Hth St. WJ 27
"POH SALE-Gooii piano , 401 n 15.
M4 27'
. Nice nnd clean ernnty shoo case
' . T. Llndsey Jt Co. , 209 Soutn Hth sr
882 _ _
SALE One pair of ponies , harness
FOK delivery wagon : one 20 II. P boile
nnd 8 H. P. engine 519'South 13th at. 9U6-5 *
FOOH SALK Thrno year louse nnd furnllur
In a ten-room house that sub-lets for
times in lense. Splendid locution. Terms rea
Hionblo. Address F. 18 , Bee office. 1000-2b *
_ _
I. : SALE OirnENT The Tnhor GrnnFho
tel at Lo ulvllle , Colorado. For particular :
address Frank Titus , Kansas City , . Io ,
T71OH SALE Furnlturo and lease. 10 roon
JJ house , on prominent strctt , noarccnter o
businesslease has overtwo years to run. Cm
make rent by letting five rooms. House put li
good repair. ThU is an unusual opportunity
jou can purchase the outfit on very cosy terms
Address E17. Bee olllcc 6"l
T ADIES Solid gold watches only J15 at Fran
JU & Son \Co. , 220 South Hth St. 903 27 -
fT'OH SALtl'J million brick and upwards oe
Jpldos dally out put of 33,000 Enquir
on promise ! , cor Dorcas and 2nd sts. Omah
Brick unil Terra Cotta Mfg. Co 63d
"V\7ANTEi > Immediately , n first-class barbe
at John Schicketunze's , 101 Main tt
Council Bluffs. , WSC 27
WANTED An experienced clothing enlei
man , only filch as can speak German
furnish best ot references nnd are fully compc
tent need apply , at Tbo Fair , cor.Kith and How
anl. 944
\\fANTED-Men ot ability to solicited vcrtls
f Ing patronugo for n tlrst cless medium
A. B Ends Company , Hoom 20 s e cor llth am
Dodgo. 950 27
ANTED- ) Under prass feeders. Miller.
Wnlters , Des Molnes , la. 11228 *
ANTED Tw o A 1 collectors. Must ur
durstand city , give bonds for $ -100 nn
references. Address F 2- ! Bee otllce. 1)88 ) 27'
" \\rANTED-Twogpodcont makers nt oiie
W A. Hejtcr , Council Hliitfs. 11 28'
WANTED-First class young tailor with goo
habits to do nil kinds of work In smn
fbop. Gocxl wages. Address box 479 , Vllllscn
Jiu 023 U *
"t VTANTED A first class wagon maker. Fo
> > purtlculars call on or ajdrcs * O L-Smilli
Woodbine , la. 92227 *
VVTANTED A young man about 20 years o
' r uge , fair penman , must bo not Ivy und huv
aomo experience nt type setting one whorai
run n * "lline * " ujvller preferred. Address. F 1C
Beep 111 co b'.l4
WANTED-Immedlalpl- first-class barbe
at John tcbiokotuiuo'8 , 104 Malm St
Council IIIutfs.
V\T A NT E DMr the largest publishing housi
vrostnf ChlfHirii , two hun'lr i gentlompi
and ladies to 8oII"Tli Successful Man" "Marvu
oils Wonilora of the Whole World" "Bibles' " an
various other goo.I publications , apoly earl
and vet choice of territory , J. M. French ,
Co. , ollice 10 Uuahman Block , Omaha , Neb.
\\rANTBD Immediately , a good Jol
TT printer. None but rapid workman , capabl
of taking entire ctiargo of job department neui
apply , Hofcrencesiis to oharncler and ablllt
reiiulred. Address Dally Gazette , Norfolk , Neb
WANTEli-llookbimler : a nrst-oiasj work
man to run a bindery on etiares ; w | |
furnish outat und work. GooJ opportunlt <
for right man. Address immediately , Pall
Gaiette , KdrfoU , Neb. 144
\\7ANTIUWiO sober. Intelligent men of goo
I T address to try u I0u meul i Norri * ' rei
iBtirunt , 104 b 16th nt. 15J
WANTEI > Good girl for general bouicvvorl
must uo ucat und n teed plain cvok 141
Jcnob ttrt'ot. _ 615
" \\rANTED ( Jood girl for general boiibow
T > t2S16tb. ! Mrs , W. W. Hingham.
_ _ _ _ W7 25 * _
WANTED-CooV. mat or female. Inniilr
at once at "Papuli House. " Papiilloi
Neb , WJ 1 *
Nebr _ _
\ \r ANTT.ri girrroFir
1712 California st.
\\7ANTEO I.ady Agents for Mr * . Campbell
> i Setf-Adjusilng Extension Bust Com
Beat IHtiiuf ctrstoin-nm Ii- Cur tot In Americt
Kliiotlc stations ; never breaks down. AU
imbliiatloii undersklrl and bustle with remoi
utile lioopa ; truiuparent ullkrubber apronsbIL
und sliM.'vcs ; DnUy" Hose suptHirters ; In
proveilt'yuoen Protector" redueeu to $1 , Fu
line furnlhlnj.KOO.K Addrt-sn. wllh stani )
.1 " 11. Campbell & . Co. . 4-4 ! W Huudolpb St. , CD
j 737 jul * _
\ girl to do house work in
ily. Apply at 1113 Soutb Uth t
IANTED Vt Kt ) So. Sltt tt , a gooU girl fc
I geuoral bouso work. 914-2 :
AV IfANTED A gjrl for. general'hou o uorl
Apply to 2204 Furnam it. . 913-27
1AD1F.S wishing gootl girls will plca ecall at
t Miss Kale Kennedy's Kmplojmt-nt ofTicc ,
219N.lGth. 979-27
\ V ANIT.DGood plrls for general l'ou e-
> < work. Apply to Miss Knte Kennedy , 219
N-ltlh si. 97S-27
\\TANTED Good house girl with good refer-
Tcrenccs. . Mrs. C. A. Hlngcr , 119 N 15th st.
"VTTANTED A good girl for general house-
T > work. Enquire at room li , Omaha Nat.
Hank. s"
_ _ _
" \ \TANTBD-23 girls for houeework at 119 N
Hth St. , Crounso bis. K727
\\7ANTED-Oood girl Immediately "at 50S
T Virginia ave Good wsgcs paid.
IfANTED A competent nurse girl. None
other nerd apply. ItOl Farnnm. 753
\\7ANTLD-tllrl for I'ght ' housewor * who
> i knows how to cook ; peed pay to right
one , Call t 1701 Saunders st. 859
W .VS'TEf ) A cool girl for general Tioiii
work. Good wascs iald. 103 S 23lh st.
WW - housekeeper. Col-
W ANTED Good cook andT undrcssYa.13 "NT
Ijlhjt. Mi >
" \\rANTED-Lndy stenosrapher. Permanent
' position. .Machine furnished If desired
Accuracy anil proper punctuation preferred to
ppeed Must havesomn knowledgn of figures
nnd write good , plain hand. No simpering miss
wllh head full of "soclely" dc lrcd. Must give
undivided attention to business. Address ,
giving ago , residence nnd reference , F Hi , Bee
office. IOC 3 *
WANTED A young nursogirl to tnke care
ot old baby. Apply 2118 Daveupurt st
\\rANTKU 3f ) Indies * gents to leirn t * > lo-
graphy Proipeot gocxl for position when
competent : uddrcsa W. J. D. , Hoom 1. Crotms
blk.Umaha. Ull
W ANTED nur o girl for 448 Covenant St
Apply at the Fair , 6 3 South 15th tn-et.
"V\rANTKn-Ity a widow lady. ltuatlon s
T hoUM > kec | > cr where kitchen girl l Kept
Competent to tnko chiirgo ot nlco hou ahold
Good reference. E73Uco. NH ) I *
\V"ANTnO A flrt * pinetlcal bookkeeper
T and ollico mnn. Knjrli h and Germ in cor
respondent now employed "n St. Louis desires
position In Omaha. Address 11 S 1160 Hickory
st. St. Louis. Mo. 921 27-
\\7ANTKD-To rent n house of : > or 4 roums ,
' with \\ithoiit barn , in good locality ;
loeitlon to bo between 12th and'-Oth. and Ha'r-
ney unit Pierce Apply.Oeo. Schroeder , 14th und
Leavenworth. _ _ _ b5-y
" "
V 7"ANTEU-Hoardersnt"rnli"N SOtli St.
ANTEDBnndsnnd securities for London.
2t-J : Furnhnm st. 997-27 *
\\7ANTED-IIouso or cottage of fi or 7 rooms.
If you have anything to offer , ndilicss
F20 , lleoollice. 100.1
\\TANTED By ajoung couple , a furnliluil
front room with board , prlvuio fumlly
preferred. Address F 21 Ilec office. OJI 27 *
"V\rANTED-To buy a restaurant In bii-lness
T centre State location and lowest cash
price. K2J , Il o. 1IIS7 *
\\7ANTE D-To rent a hou c of .1 or 4 roomTi
T T by April I , for one j oar or more ; location
to bo bctwi-on Dodsro and Mason and 17th and
:5tn : sts. AadressEj3-\Boo otliie. 557 _
WANTED-Tobuyflveto twenty acres in-
sldoofor near Omahn. ( live descrip
tion , price and lerms. AdUr-'ji C.23 , Bee ottlce.
\\TANTED-A good driving horsn anil Dllegy
TT oragoo.i teim In exchaniro as partial
payment for 50 ft. lot on ParkuVe. bal. easy.
Mead 1 : Jarnleson. 452
V\TANTEIl A banjolst to join a homo quar-
TT tctte. Must be able to read music. Ad
dress E 26 , Hee office. Ml
OMAHA Storaao Warehouse-Corner 13th
and Irani Sts , fnrstorago of house-
bold goods and general merchandise at low
rates Advances made ; issue warehouse re
ceipts. H. It. switch nt the house , OITko Gl'J
South 13th street nnd 13 } . 1310 and 1112 I/anl
street. Telephone 662. M. S. Goodrich , marr.
lh)5 ) m - '
I OH RENT Furnished cottaee to husband
and wife , on reasonable terms Ono of the
mot de-irable locations in the city. Address
F16 , Boo. 94727 *
FOH HEN T 2 seven room houses. 2211-22M
California. ' . ) 2S *
OH HENT Two brick stores on uo rth
16th st.
Warehouse on track , now brick on paved
Three new stores on south nth st.
The C. E. .Mayne , Heal Estate i Trust Co. ,
15th and Harney. OVtJ
FOK SALE Three frame storehouses to Do
moved by April 1. from corner 13th and
Jackson ctreets. T. J. Hook , 150U Farnam.
105 1
TT'OR Bent Store in best buslnecs part of
-IJ Omalm , (23 per month. Applyft)4 ) S' . 16tb
114 2i
TTlOB- BENT Elegant now house with nil
JJ modern conveniences ; heated by furnace ;
street car passes the door Terms reasonable.
For particulars inquire ot Ballou Bros . 1516
Douglas st 6M
T71OH HENT Livery and hotel Address A. KT
J ? Yost , Norfolk. Neb. l.'rt ml *
T71OH HENT House of ten rooms anil barn.
JL1 627 Park ave , between Earnum t and Leav-
onworth st , inquire ut Doran House , Soutb Ittb
near Battle of Gettysburg building 166
FOH HENT Cottages , houses and store ; , all
desirable and well locate I , from J3) per
month up. L. Burnhatn , lloom 1 Creighton
lllock. Hi
FOR HEN'T 10 acres 3 miles from postotuee ,
suitable for market garden.wlll rent or sulL
Apply West Furnlturo Co. , 10 $ N. Hth st. 153
FOR KENT-6 room house , city water , street
cars , l > i miles irom P. O ; ( J ) per minta.
D. C. PattersonOmaha Natl bana. 7lu
HAV privilege to Ic-aso on the Detwllor farm ,
at Ames. 7 miles west of Fremont. John
Gallagher. 317 South 12th st. 4tSm9
FOH HfiNT Six new room houses in A. S.
Patrick's addition , about Ui blocks from
streetcar. Apply at room 2 Aillagtnn block
A. S Patrick 7M ma
TTIOH UK.NV-lf you wiint to rent a house , call
- Ion Benvwq & Co .opposite postolllco , KS )
311 BENT -House , V rooms , In Hanscom
Place. UeltorA : Cftrnpoell , Hoom 1 , 1503
Farnam. 705
FOK HENT Two nicely furnished front
rooms with board. . Hcfcrences required.
UH Farnnin st. 113 1
FOH HENT A furnlsbCHl parlor , warm : mod-
unite conveniences vvlttj first-class board ,
for two gentlemen. 1H14 Dodge st 801
TT'OH ' HENT Sunny rooms , single or en sulle ,
* newly furnished , with txjftrd ; pleasant home.
lerms reasonable. Heierenes excbaniroa. 53.1
Pleasant et. t l2 1
KENT Two rooms on first floor Suit.
nblo for dressmaking. Eiiqulre ui 21S N.
l lh it , 99 > 27 14
H HKNT Furnished rooms nice nnd com
F fortable ; oo < l location. 1318 Capital ave ,
FOH HEST Two furnished front rooms.
Gentlemen only. M6 Dodge. 72 ; nil'J
FOH HENT Nlco front room. 1813 Chicago.
WJ 2a
HENT S front alcove room wllh mod-
eruconveniences at 1921 Farnam.
KENT Nice furnished room ut 704 S
" ' ' "
I bt.
FOH HENT I argo front'rpom with bay
window ; also u small room for gentleman ,
Modern conveniences. Inquire at 010 N. 17th
elreet. 933 3
17 OH HENT-NiCflly furnished roomsTboitrd
-L1 if desired. 113 S. 2Jd .bet. Douglas and
Dodga iitX )
BEST One nice furmsbeJ room. GUI a
1711181. 877-27'
_ _
TTIO H HENT-Furnlsheu room with closet. $7 ,
J3 , i 2Jd st. 831 2b *
TT OH BENT- very desirable newl - fuT
J1 nlshed pario , * and 1 front basouioqt rooin
uafurnisoetl , ' 111 5 lith. _ 943 4 >
"IjlOH HE.NT-It fikon loimedlatoly. two hand-
A.1 some unfurnished rooms one block from
Uth and 20th car lines , anil only 2'i blocks from
I > ostothco ; also nicely furnHhod rooms for
rent. Only those who wi-h ilr t-clat rcoiua
need ajij ly. Addrcs * F 14 , Betomce , 916 3
"rjUHl HEST-OlIlcetlcsK room Geo. Christ"
-L. offfreon , over fctalo Nat. Bank , cor. Utll
and llaiuoy. 807 26 *
ITOK KENT ComforluVle room wjtu 01
- 1witUout board , in private tamilyt24 Souib
) tb. ' 874. S7
FOHRE.VT-Desk room. John Gnllaghcr , 317
South 13th et ' 915 m 3
"T710H HENT Ono well furnished room , sulta-
forlwo13IS Farnnm St. 975 M
"TJ10H KENT Nicely furnished room , $8 per
J month. S. W. Car , ISth and Jackson. 971
irWDir HENT Furnlshed'"room ! BoarJ 52l
JL1 Pleasant. la ) 6
TTOH HENT First-class furnished rooms , with
-t- modern conveniences. 316 N. 15th St.
St.1C8 1'
TT'OR HENT-Fiirnlshed room. $10 per month.
- Inquire 1503 Can ? . 107 !
"ITtOH HENT Elegantly furnished ca t front
f room , bay window ; pleasant neighbor
hood near bu lne s centre : gas , bath , heater ,
private house , homo comforts ; possibly board ;
married couple preferred. 1'24 , lice ollico.
10927 *
I7KK ) KENT- Handsomely furnished room * .
-L' Modern conveniences. 320 North llth st.
W ) 8 *
FOU HENT Furnished rooms wllh
COS N 17lh St. IWO 4
_ _ _
FOH HUNT Nicely furnished Trout rooms E
Corner lath nnd Jackson. _ 917 28 *
FOH HENT-A very desirable newly fur
nished room , ail modern conveniences ,
elrcnlcnrs. 2331 jst. Mary's ave _ _ _ 6JS
IilOH KENT Desk room In pleasant sii'te ' of
ofllces , best location In the city. Address F.
V. , with name and business , Hoc ollice , N > 2 1
JLTVW KEST-Ncely furnl he
JL Dodge st. , all modern Improvements. 817
H HENT Furnlshcd room"to "gciTtTnialL
Inquire at 6U North 17lhsl. 614
HEN"iT- . riro" "Turnlshed nmaT 712
Norlh 10th street. 704 2 ! >
ir JH KENT 2nlcooincc rooms nt 5128 16th
I1 street. 732
017TlEN'T Nicely furnl nei rooral Refer
ences required. 16i)7 Douglas. 937 *
TJ10H HENf Furnished room , with board. 1613
* ! Dodge. 7 9.27 *
"ir\OH \ HENT 4 unturnlshed rooms , suitable
Jfor sleeping or housekeeping , 1510 Harney
slreel. rem-27 *
FOH BENT Ono newly furnished sleeping
room lor gentlemen , $10 per month , nt W )
How-ard W2
_ _
F" TJfl HE N'T StoroToofrTand N TTlO Nr. l4th
st.Jiosvincnt. 3SS _
HENT Two rooms , unfurnished for
light housekeeping , Itniulre * sW Howard
st. 3J6
ItEXr-Furnlshe-froo'nil 711 N. IPthst
FOH 34tm *
boar I. lfll'1 Capftol avenue.
4 28
_ _
"V"IM ; elesrant east front adjoining Shlnn's
- > - > addition on tliu nortliat very low figure" .
These are the cho &o t lots lor the money now
on fiilo in Omaha. Ciark on \ lteutty,2in S lull
st. m27
A rOI me the man 1 am talking to ; I mean the
I oneivho is now reading this. Altjoutlmt
have inonev and want to double It. come unto
me hiul 1 will give > ou Omiihn dirt In exchange
at price.- that cannot help but suit any i easonu-
bio man. Wo oiler the following ;
3J feet on Hartley , betucen llth nnd 12th.
Known us the H. T tlarke drug s-tore , a 4-story
brick , eli furnished , tirina12 per cent on the
Investment nnd Is onlj ottered till March Ut.
Lot : ) , bl > ck 7. KlrUnood . f 1,000
Lot li > , blocKH , Omalm View . 1.000
Irf > t 13 , block 8. lleilii k'wiib . 2.200
Lots 1 and 2 , block L'O , Walnut Illil . . . 2.-00
Lot i' , block 45 < ; , Orand View . rifH )
Lot6 , block SlGiind ! \ lew . 5LO
South looted ot lots 1 and 2 , Campbell
add . s.rtO )
Lot I. block .k , Ilodgcr" ' addition . . . . 4 , " > OJ
Lots 4 tud 5 , olocK 4 , Philip * addition. 4.V)0
block ot druir store : on invoice nml lib
eral terniJ. .
3 lots In DavenponubdivMun , Jli'OO
uach . . . ,
Lot2 ! , Pclham plate . l.'O ' )
Lots SI , 22 and 23 , blocK 2 IIa thonie.
each . . . . . . 1VX )
44x132 leet lot S. blotk 121 , cit > .Uth and
Fnrnain . . . . 2000
Lot-2aud .1 , Ilaker place , block 0 . 1,250
S < d0. . on Douglas iindSMb . 5.000
B' , acie'.one inileof po tohfe ! . 40.0HO
1.0127 , Clark's addition . 5V
Lot 2- . ( lurk' addition . 5ntO
2 lots l-airvlnw , cere lots , eoch . 1,0)0 )
Hou e and lot 20 Pclham place . 2,203
Lot I , blocKl. Orchard lull . 1.500
6-room hoube and lot U , block 16 , central
park . 2..VO
C lots , block y , Hediclc ftubillvl-lon , each , 2,2.7)
Lot 4. block ' . ' . A. > . Patrick addition. . . . 1.&W
wlxlTUodireand 12th , till March 1 . . . 33.UW
li lots , blocks. HfillcK'tisuliilli i ion. each , S iOO
3 lot . In Orchard hill , each . bS' )
Tinpn'perty Is nil cheap , and will ri'ali/e a
good profit to whoever puichasrs. Now 1 ? the
tlmotubuy If jou want to get It ar bottom
figures , as prices are bound to.dvance In the
next thirty unjs. Infiut manv owners Intrnt
to advance piices March 1. Take duo notice
and uovorn yourself eccnrutngly.
WU 27 C. Wells HO' ' ' Chlcaco St.
U KATCO , , 1511 FarminTsT
O lliirgnlna--
Corncr ISth and Hurt 44 feet front. Improved
Capitol avenue bot'Jth and 10th st. tX ! feet
froiu.4 nou houses , $ s.wj.
lorncr Kith and I/iird , full lot , f , . < V > 1.
Corner 12th anU Dodge rents for f J"X , J33.00D
until March 1.
Corner Pierce and 19th t rents 10 per cenwn
ipvo-tment. $ r > .OH.
Corner Farnam and 31st , Vi jlH2 , (17/)10.
Choice lots in Orchard hill very cheap , $750 to
Choke resilience lot Douglas nnd 20th 65x13- . ' ,
$7 W.
Choice residence lot'ilst st just north of Far
nam east ttont , f.l.Ou ) .
Choiip lots In all parts of the citylf : you want
to buy or sell call on us. s Katz , 1511 Farnam
et , down stairs. _ hV >
G 'ODD collage on Corby st. just east of Sber-
' mnnav-p , $2/iOO. Easy terms. Graham ,
Crelghtoo Blk. _ 881 27
" \ \T"E arc about placing on the market six of
' the choicest track loth ever ollero 1 for
sale In Oiiiabu , Lr. P. onono side and B. & M. on
the other , at prices that will permit the small
est manufactory , the choicest of track facilities
and within easy walk of center of city. Lotus
show you these. They are a Mg Investment.
Clarkson & Bcatty. 219 S Uth at. 94527
J A M I E-50.V.
-1- 31t ! south 15th st.
Aero Property.
Belvldero acres * 450 to . ( WO
Ilrookllne J7Vto . . | , n.
Brighton , Hno . ISO
10 aero tract n. 16th st , per core . li"/0
several deMrahlii acres In dllleront parts of
the city cheap , on fisy terms.
Hosldenco Lots.
20 lots Bedford plico JdWto . f 1,200
Lotsin Plalnview $ ! , ' ! to . ] ,40)
Sulphur Springs , 3 chulco lots each . . . . 2,0-X )
Omalm View , 10 choice lot * $1,030 to . . . . 1,200
Shlnn's2d , 2lotB facinir two i > tit , each. . . . LOO
Glso > ' add , flue location S7' ) to . HO
Orchanl Hill , several deslrablo loll . & .VJ
Walnut Hill , 10 lots s elected ? * * ) to . 1,6)0 )
Foster's add. nno corner lOOxi.U . , 1.5ml
75ft. front on Caldn ell st. near 23.L , . . . . 3,700
Fine corner on Cuminga si , A4 It. front . . 7.000
Summit place. 4) lots , JJ.WO to . f.ffl )
Hawthoruo,7 lots , cheap , M.IOO to . 1,40 ; )
Kllby place. 18. easy payments , ? 1 .150. . . 2,000
Jerome park , cor. on Farnam . 3,101
Jerome park. Inside , tine . . . . . l.frUO
West side , 40 rlno lots , 1 12. > to . ( WO
He lck'3 ! sub , choice , fiVJOO to . 3,000
Hanscom place , tine cor . 2,000
Han-corn piuce , 20 lots. $1,400 to . 3,00
bnull'fciM.chnlct } bargain . . . . . . . 1WO
Amber place. 21 lots$7UO to . , . 800
BO ft a front , Bartlott'g add , cheap . . 2..VO
Fincj lot , Cuthenne bt. , very nnu . . . 3,000
Holick's purk , a tine now addition just opened
und situated inside present city limits , just wet
ot 24th et. and north of Bristol st ctreets
will bo turnplkod and parkej with fine forest
tri'i'S as i-oon us the weather will permit. A
building association will erect a block of houses
this season in this addition and street
cars will run cloeu by in ibo near
future. The Northwestern lly shops nro to be
lKated just north of this place Only 30 lots
left. Price from * KW to f 1.000 , one-fifth ca < hi ,
bjl. In 12 quarterly payments , 8 per cent. Como
early and ir. ' < o u selection.
Hosldenco Property.
Virginia liou-o. extra Hnlih ,
electric Iwlls , cistern , stable . . | 3.VX >
Douglas , cor 2 to , 6 room house , city
water. . . . . . . . 3.750
Harney , near 26th , U-room bouse , city
water . . . 8,000
Ploasint , near Xxiavenworth 5-roora
house. , . . s.OOO
Chicago , cor 30th , 6-room bouse , good
Improvements . . . . . 2.WXJ
d. near 21th , 7- room house , barn Ao _ . a , . ' ,01
Pacific , lot , two houses , cheap . 2JJOO
Davenport , near 3'itn , 7- room brick
hoii-u . . 3,5'C
So. 17th. north of Leavenworth , 7-roora
bouse , bath , ( snap ! . . , . 4,710
J ) Wcor I'aciToiind lltn.3 cottasros , lot
Wxia.1 , the best bargain coffer . . lO.ODO
Jrv in 6t,10-room bouse , barn.lot 100x110 7.0CO
Virginia ave near Leaved worth , 7'room
houio , city water . . . . 4,000
Georgia ave. near I av enwortb , l--room
house , bargain , . c.-'iO )
several hundred others located in all part'of
city ; easy terms.
! nsne ! s Propprty.
Dodge , cor. Uth : full lot ; rents , , M.OCO. .in.OM
Douglas near Uih , S3 fett . IS.OO )
Dotiglisnearltth , ? ] feet . 1 , VO
liouplai near 12th,2- ' feet . a > .O.O
Farnam near llth , 41 ft-ct. . . . 35.2JG
Farnam neir cor. Pth , fiSfoet. . . . 1S,0 near 13th , 22 feet . ' . )
Hovtard near 1-111.64 feet . 20uio
Jacks > t ; cor , Kth.bdfeot . 25,00i )
Jackson bet . 8th nnd 10th. US f eut 15Vri
I.vavcnuorth cor. 15th , 60 feet. . . . 12,000
Liuvenwortri near lth. M feet 15iOJ
Warehouse and Tracuag *
, 0 trackage lots. I' . P. . H , A : M. . St. Paul and
Mouruty li. It tracks , $1.30 to t-VoOu
ilcad i Jamieaou , lilft ioutt lathet. 853
HI J. HOOK , lltnl t ne. ( ISfl Farnam Street
-L An ad lltlon of 'I | - > t , already platted , fein
n few days at a decideI bargain Will consldci
a trade.
2) ) lots in MnnhntUti ail. , fill an I up.
* best lots in bct part Howling Ureen , tl" !
each for all.
1 of finest lots In Ambler Place f ono.
8 lot In thornhiinr Plac . * J > 0 ach for all.
Choice lot In Walnut Hill , with 5-rootn house
barn.etc ,
BOxlWnn Pierce * t. nsarCOth . withSBroon
houses renting for $3S per month , 14,0 W.
Lot on 2 th ot. ncnr Woolworth , with right tc
b Hid $ ljO house , and pay at (25 vermouth
2 lot's In block "A" Htservolr add , 4 daj s only ,
(2a ) for both.
Lot 6 , block K > . South Omaha. (700.
2 lots on Hamilton st , In S It H to Waloul
Hill , both for tl.1 X A bargain.
32 story 7-room houses , with all modern con
vcnlenecs. 1'j blocks Irom fcaunders street
n-Mir Cumlngs , ( J.VW ; ( .VM cash , specially chear
forfe * dajs , 3 now 4 room houses near ftrcel
cnrs and school.
Fine south front 80x132 , Seirard near "Mi st. (
near car linn , only ( UVn. speak ijuIcK
Splendid corner , P0xl40. with 7-room ho e
on 815th st. (6.10J ; will advance50per cent bj
frouth front on Harncy ft. , $1,000 , big profll
in It
ItW feet front on Saunders street , near Bur
Lot In Pclham Place $1,3 .
Vlno OiloX California st. near Sacred Heart
acadcmv. ? 2"V )
2 south fronts , A. S. Patrick's add ( It5 (
4 lots Omaha View , ( l.noo to ( I.100.
5 good lots , I.onc's adJ.tO.V } each ,
fi'jxloofcet , I'Hh ' st ami Jackson , Trackage ,
S.M.OOO. and special tax.
100xl7Jon IBth and 17th streets , near Jones
stieot , with 4 largo house' .
Fine east fronl , S 25th slreot , near Leaven-
worth , iivioa
Lots on S IBth street.
2 lots , Dwlcht Ji Lymans add. , 5560 each.
Lots In Han'com plate.
Finn lot in lltmcbaugh place. (2,200.
30 feet and house N 2Jth street , cable line ,
near Charles , (2.410.
South front lot In Fosters add. . (1.900.
2 lots , corner. In Fosters add. , J4.WJO.
! K feet S 20th street , near Castellar. Jl.TOO.
6 finest residence lots In ClarUS. ( St. Mnryi
aventio ) adil.
Splendid lotl in Pcdlcks sub. dlv.
M feet onth front on Harney street , near
2fith street. r.MW.
50x167. with house costing (3,0'0 , on Harnoj
nnarSOth street , ( ; ,500. A bargain. T. J. Hook
15JO Farnsm. 1051
\\TK must sell a tine lot with a small house In
' Plalnview for 51.VKX Look at It. rnewoU !
Barrett. 314't S. 15th st. 070 27
\\Tn nrejiutliori7cd to odor a full block ir
' Hltrlilnnil Place For sale. It Is close tc
Farnam , has sixteen lots and offers the tine * !
view of the city ot any property In Omahn. II
Is a gieat purchase. Clarkson & llcatty , 211
S Hth st. 04527
FOH SALE Two lots In Kountzo Place. Spoil-
cer Otis. V117 Douglas st. 32. }
HOUSES Lnts. FarmsLinds money lonno 1.
Hcmls' city mips , 5x7 foot , (2.51 each.
Ilemls. room ' ) , Il& block , S. W. cor 15ta
and Farnam S's 2S7
' fl V'EKT n 20th St. . small house , very ehear
- > U al$2,10a Graham , Crclghton block. 6S1.2 ,
G.ENUINE H-VIinAINS-Two corner lots m
Bur ietioi'ourt. only I blocks from Siun-
der'sstreet DIM. W. v | . Huihmtn. Hootn 1J ,
Uushman Block , N E cor 13th aai Daul&4.
"PATHICK'S ADD-111\iil. ; On apart of thh
1 lot are 2 double houses , leaving the corner
51x134 vacant , all lor5to,0.
fJieeory A : Hadlej" ,
Oil Booms 1 and 3 , Hedltk hlk,220 S 15th st.
LEAVF.NW01ITH st , 101x127. corner 52 703
074 Gregory & Hadley.
BAHKE& BAUKALOW.1421 Douglas St
Stth st bet. Porjple\on anil Woolworth
sts. 50xl2J. 4 room cott.igo e ist front. ( 2.00
Omaha View , house 7 rodms and lot . . . . 2,000
ISth st , bet. Lake and Ohio , 61x144 , east
front . , . 3,2 < X
An elegant 59 tcet front on Purk ave. ,
on street car line and on grade for . ! ) ,90C
House and lot on 2Ht St. , between Clark
andGracosts . . 2riOC
12 acres 3 1-4 miles fromrnostofllce . . . . 15.00C
Choice lot in Orchard Hill . 750
6-room house , lot bb tt on lith st oy 57 ft
deep , a corner .1. . . . . . . . 4C01
0-rootn house , modsrn improvements ,
barn. Iot xl35. Shinn'a3dadl . 7.00C
House and lot 31x10) , Pacific st. between
Hth nnd ISth sts . . 2.WK
Siwcial bargains In Kllhy Place , Walnut Hill ,
Ivjrkwood and Scuta Omaha.
Harko i : lUrkutovv , 14'1 Douglas St. 003
CHEAGE feT business 6'"i iicrcs be
A twcon ClarK and Grace on N. 1" . and LT. P.
trockg. ThU is grnat business property foi
subdivision. Will makeover 10 lots an 1 everv
lot -north 82,000. A great big 100 per cent protll
in this deal. Clarkson i I.eatty , 219 S 14th st ,
945 27
'V'OUTHWESTnilN SHOPS-It Is rumored
- ' that the Northwestern have bouirhl
twenty flvo acres for shops near Fulr Grounds ,
We nro fortunate enough to have several block !
In Hovd's addition , close to these shops , with n
Belt Line depot within two blocks. Make nn
mistake ; this I ; the coming property and is sure
to advnnco 10) ) per cent , before July. The
price Is very low now , but will go out of sight
as soon as the owner tumbles to the racket. He
needs moncyjust now , and new is the time tc
buy. Wo re sole agents. Claikson & Heatty ,
210 South Fourteenth st 45 27
"T710H SALE Lot ' . block 17 , Carthage , on Cum
-L1 Ingst , ? 750. A. P. Tukoy , 1314 farna-n.
_ 9X1 27
TjTNEWOLD & I1AHHETT , real estate brokers ,
-li' ' have removed tosmi S. 13th st.,2d floor.
_ 970 27
1HJ feet corner 31th St. , (1 ) , WO.
3 lots , 22 feet front , between Park and Geor
gia ave , each (1,0 < W.
W feet corner Georgia avo. , (1OM.
46 feet improved , between Hth and 15th sts. ,
rents for (65 per month , ( I0.ft00.
1U ) feel close to Belt Line , (1.500.
SO feet close to Belt Line , ( -00.
Heifer Campbell , room 1 , 1509 Farnam. 5S3
AST front lot , I > Jnlnri w , ( l,2jO. ( V)0 cash
Graham , Creihton block. 681 , 27.
HOUSES Lots.F.irms.Landsmoney loaned.
Homis' city maps , .1x7 foot. 12 S3 each.
HemlR , room 3. Harkor Dlook , S. W. cor. 15th
und Farnam sts. 237
EOH EXCHANGE-Cottago In Lakes addition
tor Lincoln property. Address. Lock Hoi
17 , Valparaiso , Nub. 7J2 , 28.
LIST your property with us If you want It
sold , for wo mean business , Prlnco i
lingers Hoom S Arlington Blk. _ fa33
S' 1OME ' good lots in A. S. Patrick's add. , at
S'T (1,350. Graham , Creighton block. SSI , 27.
T EAVENWOHTH STREET Is the great com-
J-J in/ street and will have the cable of the
Kansas City syndicate , when property will cer
tainly double In value. We have the two finest
corners on this street , one 144 tect front , and
ono 132 feet front , and there Is big money In
cither piece. Clarkson A. Beutty , 219 South
Fourteenth st. 915 21
OMAHA VIEW South front lot with nlco
4-room houso. bav window , porches , JLo ,
new and w ell built , (1,700 , f 1(0 ( cash.
9P5 Gregory & Hadley.
40ACHESonnowNorthvvfslorn line , an ele
gant site , close to the city , H a noivin/a
and must go. To any party wanting a choice
piece , with money to pay for it , this offers
splendid inducements. No bolter properly In
sfgnt and it will soon lell , Clarkson i llcatty ,
2l'J ' S H.h st 915-27
T L. KICE ACO. . offer for a few days only fi
J . beautiful lots fronting on Lake street ,
running through to Erlkin St. , and 6 business
lots fronting on Saunders , being the s o. cor ,
In Andrew. Williunn and Troxll's sucdlvlslou ;
just placed on the market. Ibis l gilt edge In
side property , and will not last a week at pres
ent prices. J. L. Hlce & Co. . solo agents. l il
- . - lo aned.
HemU' city map * Br7 feet. Ji51 each.
Hemis , room 3 , Ilarker block , S , W. cor. Dith
and Farniin n , _ Sal
" \\rTpilTNGTONSQUAHE addillon. on Shor
T T man avenue nd pared street. Is without
doubt iho finest piu * j to build you n home in
all Omaha A few choice lots loft fronting on
Madison and Sherman avenue. Every modern
convenience at hand. Zewer , city water , gas ,
paved strict Prices for1 lots. $1,700 to (4,50.
each J. I. Rico & Co. agents. 851
INBIOE PHOPEHTV-Wo have some good in
Bide property at u bargain. Pierce & Hog-
ere , 1511 Dodge street. _ i > 30
jrjOHSALE-liy p rk i Fowler , 152J Douglas
Lot' 6 , Dlk ? , South Omina , JI.8M Tills lot
is within one block of the builncsg part ol
South Omaha und the water mam ] unnpa tll
cndut the ubovu price : s a grund bargain for u
few cinva only.
Hut front , Kilby Place , 11,000.
Ono corner lot Hedtord Placu , one block froa
State et fl.nou.
We have six lots In Elliolt Place , just wtit ol
Carthage , if eoM to j-etacr wilt sell \erycbeai
and on easy terms ,
Houto and lot on 30th it near Chicago , $2.700
$2ilO cash , bal. f 25 per month. vai 28
ST MARY'S Ave -We are authorized lo sol
140 feet ot the choicest property on St
Mary's avenue. This will be r Investigation a ;
it is jlrlctly No. 1. Clarksou i Ueutty. 2I'J a
IJth st. _ JW 5 27 _
_ _ _ _ _ _
T710H SALE CO ft eft ) Douglas east of 23ci st.
-L. en-J Joining Clarks new brick on the west
fort 100 per front foot H cold betore Tue > dav
night. A. P.Tukoy.lUl rurnamst. 55727
"poll SALE-2 fuiTlota wlh 2 stores n < :
-Indwelling hous'e ; ftrtety'on Ssidcs.wortl
t5OUwill sell tor t,6i > , only $ ! , . ) cusb
Enewold i Udrrpttr3liii S. IStb it. b707
A MESNo. . 1507 Farimra st.
-tv If | n want of n homo look over the tollow-
Ing list , among which you will nnd several bar
gains :
214-Splcndid 6-room cottage on Montana ft.
city water , barn nnd trees f3.0W
217 Full lot , 6-ixl.O and 4-room cottae In
1/jwes' artdn. for a tew days at $1,850.
43 Good 6-room hou o ami fine lot In Uaac &
Seldcn's addn. f2,000.
257 East front lot 50x150 and new 6 room cot
tage on Virginia ave , JVJ50.
2 < K-One of the nncst hou-es 7 room and ( ull lot
in Walnut bill. 13.000.
2i3 hast front lot 75x150 and good 7 room
bouse on South ISth st. MWO.
29 Beautiful lot , covered with flne shade
trees , nnd a goods room house on Pierce
St. $4.000.
281 Now 14 room hotio with all modern im
provements , on California st. f2 ! , Xi.
321-lhe finest lot and A 1 cottage on N. 21st it ,
G2S Lot 184x1:0 , corner on Pierce st. with 4
houses , nothing better at price. 19.000
329 New l-room house on Franklin tt , tl.500.
331 Two full lotn and large house In Arm
strong * a tdltioti. $10,000.
331 Splendid lot with 2 small houses on Faclno
st. near 24th , $ .1,000.
336 5 acres ( Improved ) on west Cumlng St. ,
v erv cheap nt K.iHO.
337 New house , modern Improvements , on
California st , near 24th , i'i < X
340 lOroom brick house , ( lot 60\2lO ) barn , city
water and trees. This Is it choice hou < o
and close to business center. Take nn
hour to Investigate this if you are look
ing for n bargain. | 9noo.
3JO-Corner (54x184) ( ) with two good houses on
24ih and Pierce sts , $ VWO.
291 Now 8-room house on Park are House
has mantles and grates. City water , bath
and closets. Cheap nt * 4KM.
233 Ixiieixl 10 and 7-room houbo. wllh ga , city
water and good barn. On Forest uvenuu ,
205 Full lot , 66x132 , corner on Chicago Pt , wllh
buildings that rent for J2.400 per } car. A
good Investment at (20.000.
KG Hill lot nnd 6-room cottage In Walnut
305 Six full lots nnd new cottage in West Slilc ,
only J3.5UO.
3)6 ) South front lot nnd u-ood 5-rootn houeln
Lowe's addition , $2l ju.
312 Full lotCOxl2l , nd 4-room houo In Shlnn's
addition f-MuO.
735 Choice lot In blk in. Hanscom Plnce $1,810.
731 3 acres on North 16th tt , eouth of the talr
ground , S12.0.0.
733 3 very HUB lots on corner of 20th and Lake
streets , Jtfi'50.
738 Finest corner , lol 00x171 , on Hamilton st In
Shlnn's addition. J0.750
747 In blk 2 , Hillside No. 2 , very line lot , $1 , 00.
749 Finest east-front lot on Falrvlvw st
751 Finest north-front lot , 11U\174 , on Hurt st ,
ono block east of Convent , i4.Gt)0.
7311 10 acres near Fort Omaha , $ I,2JO. (
758-Lot3.blk.10 , Parker's audition , lot covered
with fruit and shade trees , SIAW.
75S I'lt'o corner on Lowe avenue , also east
front in Summit place.
353-Cor lot 00x110 with J houscj , on N ISth St.
Bl drivnat J7.5PO.
333 Full lot 5 ix 110 with two house' rcntlnc for
$10 per mo on N ISlh near Paul st , $ B,5U
301 I ) t with two houses in Arbor Place , good
Investment , f J.noO.
301 Lol 4(1x120 ( and 5-room cottage In Arbor
Pinto. Sl.r < 0.
3 S Flno residence lot 132x133 on St. Mark's
ave , fW.ViO.
872 10 room hiiuso with modern Improvements
lot 0vl 12 o.i Hurt st near2lth1),000 ,
Vacant lots in all pans of tbo city.
410-2 flne lots In Hanscom place , block 19 , for
411 3 best lots on Cumlng stln Walnut hlli , the
bunch for K 500.
413Flno corner on Park ave , $ J OjO.
4M Choice lot in Hillside No 1 , $1.000.
4.12 One of the finest lots in Sunny Side , $1,600.
457 Good lot In Isaiio JL Seldcn' addition , two
blocks north of Leavenworth. $1(500. (
4C4 5 very choice lots in West Side : for the entire -
tire lot if taken by March 2 , S.'iV ) .
403 3 choice acres in Bontlold. fOU ,
675-7 lxOJ ! In Purk Place , J2.VO.
6'Jj-2 ! lots In West End. cur. Dodge nnd M sts ,
on east slope , ? l,7."iO.
633 3 of the Hnest lots In Houscl i. Stehbin's nd-
dlton.flnOtoS,750. [
700Very tine lot in blk 17 , facing Hanscom
Purk. 2 , WO.
710 Several veiy fine lots In Highland Place ,
Kllhy Place and West Omaha.
717 Choice lot on Hamilton st. la Hescrvoir ad
dition , $1,100.
72.1 A few very choice acres in Newport.
723-100x150 in Hartmau's addition , on B. & M.
and lT. P. H It f ti.'tflO
723 Tw o of the nncst acre > - In Prutt's subdivision
sion , for the two , $3,200
723 6 very line lots In Dwight JL Lyman's ad
dition ; all bargains ; $ ii.Vl to ZMJO.
737 120 Ibet on State st. In Omaha View ; this
can't be beat ; t-.HM
741 Two South I rout lots in Lowe's addition ,
Blk. M. $2,000Ames'
Ames' Real Estate Agency ,
9763 No. 1507 Farnamtreot. .
T\7 II. GATES , successor to Gates Jfc Watts
TT 321 S 15th St. . over state National bai.k.
has some of the bo-t bnrgi-lns In the city. A
new 10-room house on 23rd st. between Dodge
und Capitol ave. A splendid home for only
J5.703 , $ i20Jcubh.
A beautiful cottage just north of above at a
bargain , $4. 100.
Just think of above prices In the best resi
dence part of the city whcrolots are worth $123
per front foot.
3 nice hoti'os nnd a barn on Sherman avo.
at n Imrirnln. $ ' . ) , fiXt.
ono of the best residences In the city with N )
feet front lot und carriage houee , coiner 20th
and Charles $7,000.
Two very pleasant houses In Thornoll's adell-
tlon , $4c < io
A choice piece of property in Capitol Hill ,
fS tOCO ,
A good Investment In Shu H'-t addition , "OxlKi
wMth three houses and giound for three mote ,
$7 , X ) .
A story and a hnlf on 24th street near Popplo-
Ion avenue , t.,8ii ( ) .
7-room house on 26th street near 1'opolo-
ton avenue , birn , grapes , a goo 1 home , $5(00
3 new 2-story house * conv enlciit to street
car. $ ! # fl. Only J2UO cash.
A nice 4-room cottage In Mlllard i Culdwell's
addition neirSnorman ave only $1,400.
A plen ant li-room house near Sherman nve. .
$3,0 10.
A nice piece of property on llth st. just touth
of Union Pacillu track , renting for $15 per
mmthJ.50J. (
New ri-room bouse on Walnut Hill , convenient
to Belt line. $1,100.
44x105 feet on Leavenworth nod 13th elrcetg ,
A good piece of business property on Cum-
Ing and 27th vts , $125 per front toot.
A good full lot in Hnnscom'8 place for only
tl.wo ,
A nice residence lot Just opposite Hanscjm
park entrance , $4dOO ,
Lot3 , bloc * 4 , Shlnn's 3rd add 10x132 , $1,100.
K ! feet on Leav enworth near 23th St. , $150 per
2 lots on Lcavcnwarth west of Park avenue ,
Lots , block 21 , facing Purk , South Oinulm ,
$ imo.
Other special bargains In South Omaha.
2 lots In Hickory place , $1,271.
A good business lot In Jacob's add , $5,000.
Bargains In Albright s Choice.
A special bargain In S. E. Hoger's add. , 60x140 ,
A nice piece of ground in Park place , 150x130
Two cheap lots In Kllby pluco.
40 Bcres of the prettiest lying ground , only
3'i ' miles from the poitoltico , at $150.
Wucro ) ) northwest of the city suitable for
platllng at $ B ( > .
10 ucrrs near fair grounds , lays high and nlco ,
at S700. 1U2 27
xt on l.cnvenworth st utli,000 ,
-L cheap. Clarkeon A : Hoitty , 21'J S Ht'i st.
. _ 'JI527
Blocks 17 1032 , Iho best partof BowlIngGreen.
The cheap > t property on the market.
! , in Ho from Benson car line ,
5-acro lotfs per acre $5.v > .
2' acre Id's per acre $ CoX
Acre lots $500.
Lots .10x127 on Hamilton street $173 to $225 for
Full commission to agents Got plats.
Martha ! ! & I-obock ,
No. 150V Farnam.
Telephone 73. 104
HAHHIS' Heal Fetatc and Loan Co , , 320 Soutn
1Mb st.
Choice lots In West End , 12,950 to . $ a/ISO
2 choice toll * on Farnam st . , . lO.mxj
1 house mid lot , Hunscoin I'lacn , cheap. . ! i'M '
1 house and lot. Hanscom Place . ; 8,00-0
2 lots , block 2 , Haiibcom Place . 6,400
1 lot , block 20. Hans win Piace . 1,750
1 lot , block 20. Hunfcora i'laco. . . . . l.ftO
Hot , block * ) , Hanscom Place . 2,5X1
1 lot , biock8 , Hanscom Place . 2,250
Hot , block 17. 1 1 an scorn Place . 2,750
Hot , Kllby Pine . ! * 0
3 lots , Kllby Place , each . 1'iCO
4 lots. Bedford Place , from $8.10 to . flU )
1 houiu and lot , Campbell's . , , . n.rAQ
1 hou - and lot , KlrkwooJ. . 2,5M )
1 lot , Koster's udd . RV )
LotsinCieston , llfltn to . 1,1X1
14 lots In Baiter's add. $ : t50 to 1500. one-tenth
rash , bal. easy ; cheap ; now is the time to buy
these lots bnforu the prices are udvunced.
! .ot3 In let add to Central Park , $ Jli5 to $4T ) ,
1 choice busine-8 coron Farnam st. , for a few
dav t only. ThU Is a bargain.
Wo ul.-o can now furnish abstracts.
Call and see the fullest and completes ! f ct of
abstract books ot Douglas county purcnnscdof
H. I' , Patterson , now In ourotllve I N. Wul-
ton , Abstractor.
Harris' Heal Estate 4 Loan Co , ,
; co s. isth tt .
Formerly Harris i Harris. 31
K1LHV FI ACE-Wo have ttve of the finest
lots in Kilby Place , lying together , superb
vtewand at low flijure * . Clarkson & Iluuty ,
219S.ltlh tt. 945 27
HOUSES Lots , farms , Lands- money loaned.
Ilemia' city mips , 5x7 feet , $ ' 59 each
Bemli , room 3 , Barker block , S. W. cor. lUh
and Farnam bti. 2a7
' -Lots.Farma.Lands inonev loaned ,
nOt'SKS ' city maps , 5x7 $ - J ) each
Bemls , rrrtjui 'A , Uaricer blocK , S. W , cor. Utn
and Farnam sti MI
MA. CPTON * CO. , 1409 Frrnnm.
Tclcpnono 73.
llargiuns In Business property-
Northeast corner 20th and Farnnm-CSxIC
No better corners than 20th and Farnam. west
ot Ifth st. If bought at once can sell this foi
$ .11 )00. Ono hnlf cash.
Forty-four feet south front on Fnrnam be
tween IJth nnd 19th , only $ W ( ) front foot Klghl
room house on this renllng for $ "O per month
A choice M ) feet on Fnrnam wilh new ImproV'
ments.pnytnir 7 per cent on price which I'
$20.i t ) , on very tsy terms. A iery decide. :
22 feel on Farnnm Just west of 20th$6 , " > 00-
$3.000 cash. A nlco little Investment.
44 feet adjoining above : good eight room
house , $13.0.iO , one-third ca h.
.O feet on corner 15th and Farnnm , house
renting for $ per month , $50,000 , one-thlro
116 feet on Farnim , 22d st , $ & ,030 , one third
This property is nil on Fnrnam , between 13th
and 2l l sts. since our last bulletin wo have solil
two of the c choice pieces nnvertlictl. Tbli
makes our sales on larnntnst. property since
Oct I,1BS6 , aggregate nearly n quarter of
million dollars.
Now n word about Farnam st. realty. We
mule the statement last fall that thocleganl
level piece ot Farnam st , property betwren 161t
and 21th would In five years become Bites foi
the flncsl retail houses In the city. Event !
since tncn fully point to n verification ot thli
prediction , and In less than the lime specified
$ 00 and ! 1,0(10per foot will seem Aery reason
able for property In the "Broadway" of O matin
between the points named.
"Wlldcnt" speculallon will soon have its run.
like any other fever , but Omaha Is going to
steadily move forward nnd her business prop
erty continue to appreciate In value. While
tno "farms" are being held nt live times theli
value , Inside business property : i held nt lcf >
prlcn here than In any other city in tbo union
of like Importance and pruipccts.
Choice Hesldcnco Piopertv.
Lot 3 , block 1M , city , 12-roora house , nil
modern Improvements , elegnntly furnished ,
cost $8,000 , good birn. cemented ccllni , rents
f or $ M n month , $13.r 0 ; $0.500 cash , balance
one and two j ears. This Is a very nno place at
lively low-price Only In market until next
Lot 21. b.ocR I , Hanscoin Place , 6-room house
parityfinishedgood stabln with basement
well , etc , $ .1,200 , one-half cash , balance ono anil
tvo yoais.
l.r..xHI feetcorner llth and Martha streets ,
on irriulo , natural gsado trees ; $ J,5JO , Improve
ments good as new , a beautiful plnce , will
tiring $10.000 before summer Is over ; $ SiXU will
buy it now ; $1KO cash , $2,100 April 1 , balaccu
In one , two. three and four years.
Lots 31 and 32 , Windsor place , new 8-ioora
house , nil conveniences nnd finely furnished ,
good barn , slicot grsided.a hnndsomo suburban
homo-f , .riOO , one-half cash , balance one , twu
and three years.
Nortli 3(1 ( fcetof lot 1' , block 11 , E. V. Smllh's
addition , new cottage , rents for $17 per month ;
$3.000 , $1.2 < 0 cash , balance one und two years.
Part of lots 21 nnd 22 , blook 10. Shull's second
addition.Sroom house , closets , collar , etc. , lot
tXKlOO : $ I..S)0ono ) halt cn h
1.0120. block 10 , Shull's second addition , 9-
room house , city water in yard , stable , etc ,
everything In line shnno and new ; $4,200 , $ lWa
cash , biliinco one , twouml no vcars.
IMI 14 , Pnulsen's addition , 3ixllv , alley In rcat
nnd on side , now 5 room cottage , burglar nlnrin
and cnunclatnrs , flne little homo ; 13,000 , one-
llilid cash , balance J33 per month
Lot 1 , block 7 , S E. Boners'addition ovorlOO
feet square , house 2n2a , summer kitchen , etc. :
$ .1.700. JOKi cash.
North 50 feet by 132 , lot 33. Hedlck's second
addition , elegant 0-room house , birn to matcha
gem of aplnce00f : $2s30 cash , bilanco twc
vcnr-from next Maywill rent for 825or$30n
month. Just south of Lenvonworth on2Uh st
South onlmlf of lot M , Nelson's addition , "
room house , ovcrythlng In tine repair , paved
street within 1.10 feut , two lines of street cars ;
$3,3.10. $1SO' cash , bnlnneoofisy.
W4 M M. A. Upton & Co. , 1509 Furnnm St.
SA SLO.MAN , Heal Estate Broker ,
1512 Fnrnum Street.
Fnriinm street , cor l thilxIJ2 ) , > i cash.S S0,00 (
Farnamst. . near Hth,2..xl32Improved. . 3.1,001
Furnam st. , near Itth.44x132 , ImproveiJ . 22.0CH
Far mi in St. , near 20th,2-\I32. very ch ap. 6.3U
Farniun st , near 2Jthllilxx 132 35COl
Farnnm st. , cor. 31st St. , l'oUxl3J , south
and cast front . 17,00 (
Enrnam st cor 4iith.1xl32 ! , s nnd o front fl.i'it '
Fnrnam st. cor. 41st , 4 x132 , s nnd e front 3.f-iX
Farnamst cor 4'd. 44\IKs and w front 3HX (
Harney M near 13th , 22x80 ( I..KK
Harney st netir 15th,3.xiC : ! Improved 20.00C
Hnrnej st. nenr20tli. 17U170 , Improved 35.X ( <
Harney st Hedlck's Grove , 41 xiJ2. : . . . l.iioC
linrneyst near23d , 40x132 K.IXXi
Douglas st. near 12th , 44xr2 , Improved 33.POG
Douglas st. near iith : , 22x13 , ' , 'i Interest y.,100
Douglas t. ncnr2'd > iV > xl.12 7,5'X
Douglas st. near 23d , t > ixl32 8.00 (
Dodgost. cor. I2'hbflxl.t ! , Improved. . . . M , ' ]
Dortgcst near23th , ftOxl.'iJ'j 2 , > W
Dodgost near2Sth , 40x127. tmprovfa . . 2.70 ;
Jfckson at. cor Uth , 68x132 , Improved . SS.IW
Jucfcsonst near 1.1th , CHX13J , Improved. 1B.OX
Jones ft cor. 11th , B3X112 24,00v
Howard st. near llth,3Jx32 ) , Improved. s.OOC
Lcavrnworth st cor. 21st , UJxIll , im
proved . . . 18,5X1
Lonvcnvvortbst. cor. 2Jth , 140x142 , im
proved 25,000
ICthst.opp , M. P. and Belt Line depot.
61UI2 9,000
lith st. tr.nckngo , Pnddook place , 06x112. l. H
Park nve opp. park , 50xIV ) . 1.KX1
Virginia nve. near Louvenworth.WxHO 2,000
Georgia ave. near Mt Pleasant , 50x160 - / 0fl
20th St. neor bt.Mary's,40x120 , improved B.OOJ
20th st near Dorcas , 100x100 , improved 4,100
20th st near Douglas , 3'xM , imoroved , 9,000
15th st. cor. Martin , BfltH..improved . . 4,50) )
llthst near DorcasMxl.Kj , Improved. . . SW.
29th st. cor. Snwanl. 03x120 , y houses 4.501
Pierce near20thfiO feetfiont , 2 streets. 6.1.V
Hamilton st. aear Holt line , Improve 1 . 1.50C
41st st. ju-totl Farnam , 4 < xl3i , e front . 1W (
JRtli st , near Davenport. lOOxlJG 2,20 ;
Sownrd. near35ti , ) x57 ! 1,1V
31st St. , near Loavenworth , filxlfiO 2.20C
10th st , near Castellar. 135 feet front. . . 4,50t
Uth st. near Martha , 51x151. corner . . . ] ,0X ! ]
Hurdettest , ncar28th,50xii2. : on car line l.flOC
Bart st. near Lowe nvo. fil l-2xJ9 ! 1.100
2.1th , cor , Popploton. ( llxl fl , improved 4.0K1
Davenport , near 24th. fil l-Kl'.K.improved ; * , ( XM
Chicago , corner24th , Mxl32 , improved. . 8,00 :
26ih. nearl'opplPton'LOxl27. Improved. . 6.00 (
South Omaha , lot 3. blkfc3 , 6Jxl50 ( MX
Orcharu Hill , lots $7M ) to l.Oot
Brown Pnik , lots $500 to 8V
Hedfonl Pluco , lot * JfioO to MX
Hlirhlnnd Pars , lots each-cash $68 . XV
Wakely add. lets 57x150ncb . . . 40
25 acres near Fort Omalm.nncly Inproved , OC <
BAHfiAIN > , ' blk from pavement and st car
south fronton Hurt , $ : , OtO. Groham.CroIgh
ton blk. 81 27
OH SALE-Illg bargain Walnut Hlli. Houst
6ioms , rood well nnd barn , lot WiliO ft
only $ liOO Inquire nt Nelll , Conrad i Hunt'E
feed store , nenr depot , Walnut Hill. 940 4 *
HAN&COM I'LAUK Choice 101 foot corner
* 4,5QO Inside 100 ft mine block. $4OOC
Clarkson JL ricatty,219 SUlhat. 045 27
WASHINGTON SQLTAHE addition , on Slier
man avenue and paved street , U wllhoiii
doubt Iho finest place to build you a homo ir
nil Omnha. A few choice lots loft fronting or
Madison and Sherman avenue.Every modori
convenience nt hnnd. Sewer , city water , gas
pnved slrocr. Prices for lots , $1,700 to $1,600
each. J , K Hlce & Co. , agents. 851
IJ AUNDEH3 ST-iaTfcet close to Like st.elo
O gnnt corner nnd cheap. Clarkson & Beat
ty. 219 .S Hi list. 94527
\\TASHINGTON SQUARE additionon Shcr
T T mun nvvnuo and pave. ' street. Is withoii
doubt the finest place to build you a homo li
nil Omaha. A few nholco lots left fronting ot
Madison and Shernmn avenue. Every modcri
convenicnco ot hand. Sewer , city vvuter , gua
pnved street. Prices for lots , ? 1,700 to $40'
each J. L Hlce Jt Co. , agents. F51
HUhland Purk.
I/its fronting Furnam street
Gregory & Hadloy ,
iUiomsl nnd3 , lUdick block , , tW S. 15th st.
T T HICE , k "a > . offer fora few days only i
i ) . beautiful lots fronting on Luke street
running through to Erskln st.und 6 buslncs
lots fronting on Snunders. being the u , cor
in Andrews , Williams and Troxil's sub llvlslon
just placed on the market. ThU U gilt edge In
elilo property , and will not last a week at pres
ent prices. J , L Hire & Co. , sole indents. Ml
ST Wocan soil 162 feet front oi
Furnum , full depth , at a price tnat wll
afford a great return. This is n splendid corne
and at going prices in tbo locality it Is low. Tin
present price Is onlv available u short tlmo
Clarkson & Ilratty , 210 S , Hth st , 915 21
FOU SALE-5 ncros southwest of rour
house , price $10.0(10 ( , $2,000 cash , balann
l,2andi ; > ( .nrs This uiukes 2C largo lots. HIT
it and muko $5,000. H. W. Huntress , 150) ) Fur
num 61. mXt *
] M ) Fnrnair , st.
Offer thv J bargains to-tUy :
1 corner Georaria nve. nnd Dupont $1,201.
7 Orcnard hill , choice lots each $ * 5i | .
House und 2lotsSuunUtrs Ic Hlmebuugh'
add. to Walnut hill $2.300. '
20 r'inett lots In Ctoverdalc , bargilns.
Flno lots In Kllby place , cheap.
Fmol | .21ot John 1 Hedlck'BubdlTlslon. .
choice lots in Maynes add. , each fJKJ.
Schoico lots Fulrmount place.
1 aero best In Belvedere , birgain f 301
2 lota Jelter' * uilcllllon , each $70) .
5lots Mt Douglas , each $ SVX
2 lots Souih Ex. place , eacn $ VM.
3 Brown Park , bargains each $ ' 5rX > .
24 lots choice m Vatea if Hcinpctl'g a lilltion.
10 acres 'i mile Miuth of Harris & Patterson'i
annrx , extra nice , clieip umi eas-y termi.
A tine list of o torn lands fur sale , or tradi
for Omaha property.
400ftcre nigbly improved , Saunders Co. , sail
or trade.
1I& feet front onlfitU street ,
Jjut , not IcHbt , norner on Kitrnam ? 11,001 and
many others , 1573 Farnum , . Wise and Pdiruielo.
- A farm of I20ucres , 75 In cultivu
tloti , VJ I AH * ] 2 j ear's old. llouse.outboiue
nnd good wnter ; i j miles a of cpriiigllttd , Nel
A burg.iln ChurLnd fullicU-"tti nnd fjiku bit
Ouiuhu. ' V5.1 2a' .
LARGE lot on Military road , near Brit line ,
$1.0nO. Orahtm , Crelahton bioct. Ml , IT
nOt'SE' LotsFarmsLandsmoney loaned.
DcmlV city maps , 5x7 feet , f J 53 ench.
Bemls , rooms , Ilarker block , S W. cor 15th
nnd Fnrnam sts. 287
ITCH SALBACH ! > ; ro farm with ho"usp , barn"
- * ' and crib , on the < t' . P. Hy. , and only one-
half mile from n goo I railway town , wllh
churches and sjnoolj. Prlco $ S.OOJ. Apply to
I/onls IlriiUorU , cor. 9ln ana Douglas , Otnaha ,
Neb. J1
BIO MONEY -In all of ihe following bar
gains :
Corner Ifilb and Jnckson , $40tXXX
Corner California and l.ith , Imurovcil. $ ,20O.X ) .
41 fl on Doughs , Improved , $40iw.
SO f I on Cumlng nd 22d , $0,510
Corner 18lhanJt. M ry > . tmprovpd , $27,000 ,
Lots In Bedford Place for $ MO to S5"
Two choice corners In Lowe's. vcr > cheap.
Fine corner In Klrkwood , a bargain
Choicest corner In E. V. Smith's addition ,
13-JxHO n rare barrnln.
75 il27 , Shlnn's Ist add.near Hninlltouct , south
front very choic * nml clunp.
Elegant lots , Itnprovttl and unimproved In
Hnntcom Plnt-f , Oicnard Hill , GiO > , Onk Chut-
am , Plrlnvlew , Oxford Place. Cnpltol add ,
linprovcmunt AKooiatlnn add , Creltrhton
Heights , Mulroso Hill nnd In nil oilier nildillotii.
Large llsl of trackage and warohoute prop
Business and residence property In South
Omnh& .
Choice acres for subdivision near the clly.
List > our property with us. Wright & Lar-
biiry , cornar , unlcr Paxton hotel. Itvs U
ST Choice corner 121 ft on L'vke gt ;
I30CO. Claikson A Ucat y , 219 S 14th t.
845 27
"TANSCOM Place , lot 17 , blk 5. ; > , cn h.
Graham Crclghton Blk. Wl 27
mitArKAOK-Corner 102x132 on 13th M , , nenr
JL C. St. P. M & 0 Depot SM.OOO , I houses now
renting for $1.711 per year.
Urettory Jc llnJIoy. 66
HOL'SES Ixls , Farms , Lands money loaned.
Ilemls' city maps. 5x7 feet , $ ! 50 each.
llomls , room 3 , Barker block , S. W. cor. Mth
and Farnnm sts. 2S7
ELEGANT east front , llntifooin plnce , $2 jOO
rabam , Crclghton block. M < I,27.
A FINE lot in Arlington rdf"i,050.TTJ ) cnsTiT
-cl balance 1 , 2 and 3 years.
Gregory & llmliey ,
Hoom 1 nnd.1 Hcdlck Block , U-OS. 15th st.
Our now addition.
Av.rosli' > to $4iJ porajM.
Near South Oraah * .
And f ydlcato Hill.
MRrsh-xll *
IBS 1WJ Fnrnim.
SALII gfl aero tract. Improved , near the
city , J12. . per acre.
Lots In Schleslnirrr's addition t-'fl to tPkll.
1J-6 loot. 24th and Furnum at a bargain.
It ) ncres west of Walnut Hill cheap C H and
investigate. Schleslruor Bros , 614 s lit li t.
17(1 ( in 3 _
HOUSES Lotsrurms.Uvnd'-money loaned.
Helms' city nmps 5 7 feet , $ ! M caeh.
Ilomls , room i , Barker block , S. W. cor l"ith
and I'uriuira sts. 2 ! < 7
JOHN QALLAOHEKl roil ostnteT ' 117 south"
13th st. Aero property , lots In all parts of
city. Choice Ion Lincoln I'luco. Ilargnln MX
W.cor. California anilId , 110 ml
LAKH st , south front lot , J2.100. ( Iraham ,
Crclghton blk. 881 27
T L HILK & CO. offer the following bargains
* J on Saunders street :
87 ft front , corner , on Satin lers st t tM
ft ) ft troutcorner , on Sounders st B/iOO
CO ft front , corner , imptoved CiX : ( >
1 ft trout corner , improved fi.O'O '
12Jftfront , vacart 12.COO
ISfi ft front , vacant Ifi.roa
M ft front , imnrovetl 7 WO
G. ) ft tront. alloy , vacant 4.7M
Wft front , unproved , alleyon paved street ,
f 150 per toot.
711 tt fruiit. Improved , alley , on pavc < l street ,
$ ISO per foot
62 , tt fiont business lot * , by 0 ft to nllov , on
paved sttcot , ? 12" > pcr front foot
J. L. Hlce & Co. , ever Com'c'l Nat Bank.
. IHCE & CO. olTerfora few days only. 5
. beautiful lots fronting on Lake street ,
running tbrousht to Ersklii St. , and B business
lots fronting on ? aun leri. bning the s. e cor.
HI Andrews , Williams and Troxir subdivision ;
just placo.l on tuo market This Is glltetleo In-
Bldo propcrtv , and will not last n week at pres
ent prices. J. L. Hlce i : Co. . solo ngcnts. 851
HOUSES Lots.FnrmaLands money loaned.
Iloml * ' city map ? . x7 foot , $2.flO earh.
Ilemls , room 3 , Darker block , S. W. ror ISth
and Karnam sts. 287
SALE 3ood new house , six rooms ,
good location , two blocks from street cars.
Would take good vacant as llrst payment.
fiood bouse , four rooms , In W. A. Hcdlck
add'n.nour Loavenworth. Price , $2,000. Kasy
Sixteen choice lots In Pruyn park. These are
beau Iful lots.
One choice lot in Ludwlck place , on Grand
Ten choice lots In Saunders i Hiracbaugh'a
Highland park add'n. C hcapcstlots in the mar
ket. Call at once. L. P. Hammond ,
b ! > 6,26. Hoom 3 , l. > 22 Douglas Et.
OOTH and Lake MS , 122x148 ft , cor , $9,2iO.
i Cheap. ( jrabum.Croighton lUk. febl 27
We are sole Birente for the
Hno'-t 41 ! acrci contiguous to Omaha jtt
oTored. ( It Is on the Holt Line and will have the
Cable turn year sure. You will not need glosspg
when you study the surroundings to ceo 100
per cent In this within six months. Don't let
this slip Clarkson A. llcatty , 21U S. Hth st
SH5 27
V Cheap lota
Just look at these bargains.
Arlington. $1,050. Utlca Place. $1,200
I'olhnm , Jl OJ. Low it's Ut $000.
Thornburg , $ bOO. Heed's 3d , $1,200.
Lincoln Place , { 600. Hawthorne , $950.
Bedto'd , S71H. Burlington Place , $5C ( . .
Meyers , H.&T. , $7JO. ( Brown Park , $475.
Creston , $1,200. Potter Jk Cobb's , $400.
Gregory & Hudloy.
Hooms 1 and 3 , Hodlck's block , 320 S. l.Mh St ,
NEWfLD * HAHHE1T , 3U'J S ISth st
Pt. Mary's ave 128 feet . f IS 000
Convent at , fine home . 4.UCO
1'lalnview. nno lot and new house . 1..WJ
Lowe's add , fine cor , S front . 1,2.10
10th near fiistellar , house und lot . 1 , MO
Arbor Piaco house and lot . 1,0k )
Douglas cor 20th with 2 hoiues . 13,000
Webster near Ifitn with 2 houses . < , (100 (
Walnut Hill full lot small house . 8.V )
Hanscoin Place cor with small hounu . . . 2,400
Phil Sheridan ft I l-room bouse . HVO
Hamiltnncor. 28th , 3 houses . 1(1 ( , IOO
20thst near MntthH,2 houses . 2,7(0
South front lluidetto et . 1,500
laac& Soldon's add , lot and 6-roouied
hoiieo 2,000
Orchard Hill , good lots from . . . . * 7.V > to 000
Highland Park lots very cheap .
Fine lots Albright's Annex ; $ U. > cash . . . 4'5
Flnelotln Oinana View . 1.UO
fiood houe mid lot Heed s 2d . 2,2.rO
flooil business lot on Leavonworth . l.OOU
Grand view lots from . HOT to 7V ( )
IlargalnH In I'owler Place , Potter and Cobb's
Addition , Albright's Choice , Cotner & Archer's
Add , Patterson's 1st , Builinirlon Center. OnV
Hill , Wo-t Side. Creighton llclghtfi , Wite & Par-
melee , nnd Hitctuock'a Addition.
b70 27
FINEST corner In Shull's 2d add. . $2 , 100.
terms' , for few days. J , M , Huchano & Co. ,
141.1 Farnam st.
FOH 8ALE-M2 acre farm In Hnmiltnn Co ,
Neb.,2 miles from gnoil shipping point ;
1M acresbrokon. Terms easy Jlumson. Arn-
blerl : vvoolloy , H. 20 Omaha Natl bunk1 , 9JA
, ) icnulonceon St Mary's ave with cor lot
$5OX . . only II9.M ) . This Is thti cheapust
[ Hecoorilrst-clasi iriildo property on tno mar
674 Gregory & Had ley.
J.OOD lot , eouth front. HiTrt Bt. 12,000.
GrahamCrclghton Illk Bdl 27
TTiOH SALE : W feet on Ilarnoy , bet woon llth
-C nnd I2th , known na till Harney orthc H.
T. Clarke drug store. This property rents for 12
per cent , on the Investment IB a Bplendhl
uartain and only otferovl till March let. Apply
toC. Wflls , real estate broker , 1806 ChicaifO ,
rear of Douglas county bank 813,27.
OOD B\llOAlNS Wo h.ivo n few more low
In Malthcrw'g ubdvl | lon of Albright's
Choice InSouth Omaha. They urn a goo-1 bur-
gain. Pit-rco & Hoirnrs , room 5 , Arlinuton
bloelr. tl (
EOK SALE-By Park i Fowler ,
1521 DOUL-US.
Oaalot. Kiljy PI lid. fi.oio ,
Tnreelots In Bedford I'laeu , $ W to $1,000.
I lot , r-outh Omuha , If told within a few day ,
Hoaceund lot onSJth st , { . ' ,71X1.
House and lot on-lttlt rt , north $ ; , -03.
Theabovo housuj will tell forM msb. bal ,
$20 to f-.l I > IT month.
Tbe c Iota uro all good burjjultu and mui-t bo
sold goon. it'Ji 2C
LEG AST kjt on LuJo t. $1,000. Graham ,
HI.- . Wl 27
TEHOME Park. 15x167 , Fine lot $ l.Wa
J 074 Gregory & Hadley
TF SOLD at unco wo can italivtr a lot Hi I'tlca
Pl.vee $ I 'XL Ouiy $10) ) caili ThU IK a
snap Gregory Si Hudlcy ,
Hoouul and 3 , Hcdlck tlk.iCU S ] , ' , tli tt. tu
Hl'B"S ( LetsFarmsL'iinH money louni-d.
llcuii * c'ty ' limp * , r > < 7 feet , 1 ! ' > ' ) ea > h.
llfinU , room a. ( i lrker lilocx , 8 W , cur 15tb
aud t'urcaui. . 267