Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 27, 1887, Page 8, Image 16

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The Bicycle Tournament nt tie Exposition
' Building Last Night.
Xlio County I'ortr Farm An Ofllccr
Assaulted OdlccpVliltc Hound
Over Htrancc Victors
Otlicr Ijocnl News.
The Hlcyclo Toiiriinincnt.
Tim blc.vclo nice nt tlio Exposition
building Last evening was nn oxcullunt
entertainment , notwithstanding the fact
Hint sovcrnl of tlio professionals who
were nilverliscil to take a leading part in
tlio rnco fulled to appear. Tills was
owinic to an untimely interference of
tlic elements , n faet that Mr. I'rinco , who
prepared the nrogrammo , greatly
regrets. Soon after thu Ilftcen hundred
people who witnessed tlio tournament
liml congregated , Air. I'l-inco road the
following lelcgram iti explanation of thu
absence of the riders In question :
\VoiiTJiiXflToy , Minn. , Feb. 2/5. /
JOHN a. PIII.NCT , Oinahr. Dliii-Iey , Swv-rs.
Binltli , Carlisle and myself nre snowbound
hero and liavo been slnco Thursday nlsht ,
Will arrive In Omaha Sunday tuornlng ,
reaily for the six days' race. T. W. Kcic.
Mr. I'rinco stated how deeply ho re
gretted vhe unavoidable delay , anil prom
ised to do his best to present a pro-
gramma that would be. an acceptable
substitute. And ho .succeeded admirably.
Tlio first race called was for colored
men , u two mile , dash. Three starters
were advertised , but two of them ,
through sickness , failed to appear. .John
Hlcolon , who has been riding but a couple
of weeks , appeared ready for the raee
and was matched against n new be
ginner , familiarly known as "Texas
Jack , " who , blacked as a negro , prac
tised a neat deception upon the audience
and upon his sable lined opponent as
well. The race wasanrotty one and was
won by Hieuton in 7 minutes and IW seconds
ends , entitling him to a medal.
Following tins came an amateur handi
cap race for ten miles. Mittaucr and
Feabody started from the scratch , giv
ing Deal Wort/ , the champion boy
rider a start of a half-mile. Peabody cut
out the pace for tlio lirst mile , trailed by
Mittauer and the "Kid. " Then Mittauer
( ook the lead and set apace that dropped
Wertr. a lap behind at the end of the second
end mile. The rival amateurs had a
give and take contest until the end of tin ;
sixth mile , when they had gained three
of the live laps' advantage. The lirst ac
cident of thu evening occurred at this
point. An outsider who was standing
near the dressing room attempted to
cross the track after I'eahody and Mil-
tauer had passed and caused a collision
with \Vertz , who was thrown from his
wheel , but fortunately escaped any seri
ous injury. This narrowed the race to
the two crock amateurs , who are earnest
but friendly rivals , anil a lively pace
they Hindu of it. 1'cnbody was m the
] cad thu last mile and started on the fin
ishing lap with Mittauer on his little
wheel. At the fatal corner near the
annex door Peabody took a header and
both riders were in"a heap. Instantly
both were on their feet and making for
their wheula. In mounting Peabody's
foot rest slipped , making a
pedal mount necessary. Mittauer
unproved his chance advantage
and led his rival across tlm line In Ul
minutes and 22 .seconds , an excellent
record notwithstanding the accident.
The next event , and the one that
created great excitement , was the twenty
mile race between Kd Bullock and Charles
Ashinger , both of whom chum the
championship of Nebraska. Thu race
was to decide the claim and for a purse
of $50 dollars oll'ered by Mr. I'rinco. Both
of the men appeared in excellent shape
and showed from the lirst that the race
would be an excellent one. Ashinger ,
who was at a slight disadvantage in not
being acquainted with the track , set the
nace for tlio lirst two miles when Uul-
lock took the lead and gave the Colorado
champion a pace that loosened the boards
in the track to keep. The men led in
turn and aroused thu wildest enthusiasm
of the audience the greater part of which
was on their feet during a greater part of
tlio race. When the pistol was lired lor
the last mile Mullock shot ahead anil
opened n gap that was closed up by
Ashingor on the sixth lap. The Colorado
champion was directly on tlio wheel of
Hullock in thn eighth lap when lie struck
the fatal corner and took a header , leav
ing Hullock to run the last two laps alone ,
winning the race in 1 hour 5 minutes ami
43 seconds.
During one of the intermissions , Mas
ter James Murphy entertained thu aud
ience with an exhibition of trick rating
that was received with great applause.
A boys' race for live laps , between Mas
ters James Murphy and John Tulley ,
with Tulley a halt lap the start , was won
by Murphy in 1 minntu and fti seconds.
The closing feature of the excellent
programme was amile race against
time by John I'rinco. The best indoor
record is ( J minutes , 4 seconds. Uullock
acted us pacemaker for I'rinco , who set
out u terrilii ! pace that kept the track
crnckiiig , On the second milo of tiiu
Bpuuanother accident happened. Hut-
lock had slackened bis speed while LMnco
was paining a lap on a spurt , when an
outsider attempted to cross the track with
the usual result , liullouk withdrew from
the race , leaving Prince to finish nlono.
He did this in 5 minutes and GO seconds ,
beating thu best indoor record by 8 sec
onds. The announcement was greeted
by thu wildest applause. The entertain
ment on the whole was onu of thu finest
over given In the eity.thu largo audience ,
that included some of the bust people of
the city , attesting tlio Increased Interest
In this sport of sports. Mr. William Potter -
tor acted as master of ceremonies and
succeeded in making all announcdmunts
.hoard distinctly a faet that was appre
ciated as being unusual.
Tlio Six I > ; iyn Jtnee.
To-morrow evening commences the
six days race , four hours a day , for the
twenty-four hour championship of
America. Tlio men who will start in
this rnco are ; John S , Prince , champion
of America ; T. W. Eolc , champion of
Canada ; Tom llardwlck , champion ot
.Kansas ; Frank K , Uingley , champion of
tlio northwest ; I'M Mullock , champion of
qbraskn ; Chas. Ashniger , champion
of Colorado , and Frank Smith , a new
rider from Minneapolis , The race will
start unch evening at 7 o'clock and close
, at 11 o'clock. Tlio
race will bo an u.v-
qiting ono. ( ) / course all of the contest
ants have an uye on first placu with
,1'rlnoo as lavorlto. Then what a scram-
pip Kck , Dingloy , Uullock and A-lmigor
will make fur Miccmd place. To-morrow
Availing all ladles will bo admitted fro3
of charge.
UNU.tri'Y W1VUS.
Petitions Handled in t ho
District Court Yesterday.
In the district court yesterday Katie
ledcr ) | commenced a suit -for : i divorce
from her husband , John II , Dleilor , Ac
cording to the petition of tlio plnmtilV
ulio has had no tud of trouble with her
{ logo.lord , She was-married to him in
April , 1880 , slnco which time a child has
[ [ veil eight mouth * in the family. Her
husband lias refused to live witii her
$ inco the wedding day and has failed .to
eontribut.o anything to the support of
and child. Shu further alkies
. . . t .
that 'in February , 1887 ; the liusbnnd com
mitted adultery With an Omaha woman
of ill-repute. The injured woman asks a
decree of divorce and the custody of her
Answer was mrulo 'in the dis
trict court ycslerday in tlm cele
brated divorce case of Holwoll vs HoI-
wcll , of which a great deal has already
been said in thu paper. " . The plaintiff is
I he wile , who naks for divorce on the
ground of excessive crueltyThn an
swer of the husband charges the wite
with adultery in Council Hind's with a
party whose name is unknown.
lleiiriettu tJrybisky began suit yesterday -
torday in the district court
through her attorney. Max Kuhn , to so-
euro \livorce from her husband , Joseph
A. , a wealthy farmer residing in liloom-
ingtnn , in this state. She is now living
with her mother , Mrs. Hlocsc , on the cor
ner of Third and Spruce streets in this
city , having been driven there by the
cruelty of her husband. She has not yet
attained to her eighteenth year. Slnco
her return home a child has been born ,
and in her plea she asks for thn custody
of the same and alimony pending the
sottunicnl of the case.
A 1'Alfl.Oll MATCH.
At Hoyd's opera house those comical
comedians , Messrs. Evans and Hooy ,
( Old Hess and Me ) , will appear Friday
and Saturday this week in Mr. lloyt's
amusing comedy , "A Parlor Match. "
This piece is one of the most amusing
which Mr. lloyt has given to the stage ,
and in It Messrs. Evans and Hooy have
disported themselves to thu infinite en
joyment of largo audiences , and they
will no doubt repeat their former great
success in this city. The piece lias been
changed in many respects since it was
last presented hero , and now musle
specialties anil new topical songs mivo
been interpolated , so that there will be
much of novelty in it , even for these
who saw it and enjoyed it last season.
I'eoplo'H Theatre. _
On Monday , February 23 , nt this
theatre Fielding's Comedy Ideals begin a
week's engagement In the ludicrous
mirth-provoking comedy , "Confusion. "
This Is an organization composed of
comedians and play only comedies. The
stars of the company , John and Maggie
Fielding , are known to the theatre-goers
of the entire United States. The com
pany is a carefully selected onu , and the
plays are produced with every attention
to detail. 'J'he performances have re
ceived the highest praise from the press
in every city in which they have ap
peared all the plays produced by this
company are interspersed with songs
and pleasing specialties. Manager Wal
ton assures his patrons that this is the
strongest company ( lint has yet appeared
at his theatre , having himself been a
member of the company six years ago ,
and he speaks aovisedly. On Monday
night "Confusion'1 will bo presented.
Tlio County I'oor Farm.
The bill authorizing the county com
missioners to t.oll . the poor farm on time
was passed by the legislature , ami the
commissioners have taken steps to have
the arrangements made at once for the
sale. Judge MeCiilloch yesterday ap
pointed .John Kustin , Chris' llartman and
John L. McCaguo as appraisers to ap
praise the value of the property. The
sale will be niiido some time in April.
The terms will probably bo one-third cash
and thu balance in one , two and three
years. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I'atti's reception room at the exposition
hall was adorned with an Emerson piano.
Wctieell Shecf , n Hohcmian Vvlio lives
on south Fourteenth street , has a strange
pair of uninvited guests at his home.
Friday he and his wife returned home
after their day's work to find a young
lady , a stranger and a bouncing boy
baby a few hohrs old , occupying one of
their bed rooms. The .young woman
gayo her name as Mary Hodka but re
fused to tell anything more of hoi-self oi
lier history.
I1I3NMHON HiroS. ,
1521 Douglas Street.
Special prices for next week. Great
est Towel sale on record. 150 do ; : . Turk
ish Bath Towels , 15c worth Me.
Out-Great Leader , -00 doz , line bleached
Knotted Fringe Towels -oc , worth oOc.
For next week only wo will place on
sale four1) ( ) numbers in extra line
Hlcached Table Damask , full 2 yards
wide ,
No. 1 at 7"ie , regular price OOc ,
_ s'o. 2 at 87Jo , regular price $1.
No. 3 ill. ? ! , regular price : ? 1.25.
No.-I at $125 , regular price $1.75.
Don't fail to sou these damasks as they
are gems.
50 dor , extra fine bleached g Napkins
at s ? 1.-I8 per doz. , worth $2.00.
fiO dox. very line bleached J Dinner
Napkins at $ ' . .0:1 : per dor , worth * 2.75.
1UO deFine Fringed Checked Napkins
at 50d per do/ , worth double.
3 cases White Crochet Quilts 7oc worth
3 cases White Crochet Quills $1.00
worlh $1.25.
2 cases White Crochet Quills 11.25
wortli $ 1.75 ,
Don't fail to examine these Quills. It's
yory seldom you get a bargain like thoso.
For next week 100 pieces full width
Stripe and Checked Seersuckers at lOo
per yard , never sold Jess than 12J ami
50 pieces All Wool -10 inch Ladies'
SaokingsISo worth Ooc , all now Spring
20 pieces -10 inch Fancy Mixtures 5o ! )
worth "Gu.
1510-1521 Douglas street.
Oberno & llo.Iok's addition gees on
sale Monday morning at the ollleo of K.
S , Hood , solo agent , 100U Farnam up
stairs ,
Tlio nonnnza Addition
To South Omaha has just boon placed on
tno niarKot , being a subdivision of block
10 , of
100 lots in this beautiful addition are
now olTorcd for sale at very moderate
prlecs. They are located on and inline-
iilulely adjoining Holloyuo road.
W. 0. AuntiGHT18 , S. 15lli.
Ohcrnu & Hosick's addition.
Tlm revenue collections yesterday
iimounled to f 1,701,70 ,
Mike Kulloy , a clironio otTondor , was
arrested ycslerday charged with the lar
ceny oi an overcoat from Calm Hros' .
store1 ,
Frank IIolYman , alias "Hanana."and
Frank Striker , alias "Hats , " two well-
known crooks , were arrested in Nio
\ \ allaco's dlvo yesterday afternoon.
. Mr. J. F. Hittle , of Hawlins , Wyo. , is
in the city , the guest.of C. W. James.
Church Howe is in the cltv , at the Pax-
ton. '
Albcir Kuhn , the youngest and almost
thu biirgest member ot the Musical pmon
orchestra , celebrated his sixteenth birth
day yesterday. Ho is is-a promising olar-
netlst ami at the same .time is makln"
headway jn Ihe Muijy of too Jaw wllh his
Debate By tlic CrelRhton CollCRO 1'hll-
linrinonio Society.
Tn the debate which look place bclwccn
some of the clio cn members of the
Crelghlon college Philharmonic society
last week it was once more made evident
that the professors of that Institution do
not believe that education consists en
tirely of routine work. The subject
cho 'n for debate was one of llio live
topics of the day and one which required
nn immense amount of original thinking
by those who championed one side or the
other. Mr. Eugene Noon , previous to
the debate , read a carefully prepared
critical essay on Henry Uoorce's theory ,
and on this was the debate founded. Mr.
P. Hurko and Mr , II. Town contended
that the private ownership of land is un
just , wliiln Mr. J O. Gorman and Mr. J.
McCarvlIle pleaded for the more conservative
vative and present method of ownership.
For some time past the more anvanced
students of the college have been on thu
qui vivo of excitement as to the outcome
of the debate. It was generally conceded
the sides were about eiiually divided as
to oratorical ability , and consequently
there was an unusual interest and u
largo attendance.
Mr. Burke opened the argument and
in doing so condemned in unsparing
terms and with sharp Invective Iho pros-
American land system. His opening
speech was well opposed by Mr. O. Gor
man , wco was in turn attacked by Mr. II.
Town and who , in turn , was severely
criticised by his opponent , Mr. MeCar-
ville. Kncu of thu four speakers hud an
opportunity , in a second speech , to de
molish his opponent , and as each modern
Cicero resumed his seat amid the plaud
its of the audience , his manner indicated
that he was at least satisfied witli himself.
Thu debate lasted over two hours and
was ono of thu most sprightly and inter
esting ever held in the college. During
thu cveiilnc Mr. _ \ \ . Doran gave an orig
inal declamation on "Washington. " It
was well written , pleasingly delivered
and warmly applauded.
Card ! ' Thanks.
We take pleasure in expressing our
gratitude for the liberal sum received by
us as thu proceeds of thu charity lecture ,
given under the auspices of the St. Leo
branch of thu Knights of Labor , for the
benefit of the orphans of Omaha.
In behalf of thu poor , homeless chil
dren , whoso \yauts wo are endeavoring ,
with very limited means , to alleviate , we
thank the worthy citizens of Omaha who
so generously palroni/.ud the lecture. Wu
llmnlc m particular thu members of thu
St. Leo branch ot the Knights of Labor ,
tlic very reverend speaker and all who
assisted in tlic interesting programme.
The orphans'petition will be daily pre
sented before the thione of the Almighty
God in behalf of all who aided in mak
ing lliu lecture , as it was , a literal treat
and a grand liuancial success.
SISTKUS or Miucv.
Irish National
The honorable secretary of Nebraska
has issued a call for .a state convention to
bo held in Lincoln March 3 next. In re
sponse to that call it is hoped that every
branch in Nebraska and every nftiliating
society will have a representative at said
convention. Irishmen of Nebraska deserve -
servo censure for their auparcnt indiller-
ence , but we are convinced that the crisis
now impending will revive all their old-
time devotion and patriotism. Let the
Irishmen of Omaha combine and consult
for thu common cause. For this purpose
there will be a mcotinir of the Irish Na
tional league field in Cunningham hall
this afternoon at 250 ; ! o'clock p. m , , at
which delegates will be chosen for the
state convention. Every man in Omaha
having Irish blood in Ins veins and poss
essing a desire to ameliorate thu present
unfortunate condition of Ireland ought
to bu present , if for no uther purpose
than to show his sympathies for a cause
which has produced so many heroes and
JOHN A. McSiiAXi : , President.
JOHN Hubii , Vice president.
City of South Uin.ihii.
Dummy trains carry sixteen hundred
passengers daily to and from it. Stock
yards , packing houses , two national
banks , four-story brick hotels and busi
ness houses wow.- what will it be in three
years ? C. E. Maynu has exclusive sale of
this property. Hranch ollice opposite
depot , South Omaha.
The present low pricey of lots in Obcrno
& Hosick's addition will bo advanced
after Monday. Ituy a lot Monday of E.
S. Hood , solo agent , InO'.tFarnam upstairs.
.Miss Bertha
Miss Hortha Stuinhauser , daughter of
Prof. Steinhausor , and a promising yoiinir
vocalist of this city , had the pleasure of
being presented to Mine. Patti on Thurs
day last. Through Arditi , an old friend
of her father's , she was introduced to
Siir. Nicolini , for whom she sang with so
much success that the gentleman intro
duced her to his wife , Mine. Patti. The
latter commended the young lady's as
pirations , entertained her for some mo
ments , ami wished her suesess in her am
bition to become n singer. Miss Stoin-
hauler's volco will bo cultivated , and she
uxpeets , before long , to commence to
study under a foreign master.
"Citizens' School Mactinu Culled.
'Several prominent Omahanshavu made
n call for a meeting of citizens , to be hold
Monday evening at thn City hall at 7
o'clock , for the purpose of discussing
House Hell No.170 , introduced in the
legislature , relative to school matters.
This bill , they think , needs amendments
in view of tl.u now charter becoming a
law and additional territory buing added
to the nehool districts of the city. As it
is a well known fact that several subur
ban places , notably Walnut Hill , are de
sirous of coming into thu city principally
on account of IhorecklRSS and outrageous
manner in which schools in their locality
am now conducted , the meeting will
very likely bo a largo ono.
Are these to ho builtin South Omaha , for
which the plans have just been com
pleted. Vast industries will bo added
this year and
erected for those finding employment
offers tha best opportunities for these
wishing to purchase lots in South Omaha ,
whether for residence or speculation.
W. G. Ai.niiHiiiT.
218 S 15th St.
nifTcrcnoo in Time.
Uy the quickest route now in use U re
quires to travel from the city
To Hanscom Park. . . . , , . . . 30 mln
ToC'dth and Loavenworth st . ,25 min
To 3td : and St. Mary's avu . 20 min
To 20th and St. Mary's ave . 15 min
To 21th and Farnam st . 15 nun
To the high school . 15 min
To Obemo & Hosick's addition. . . . 5 min
While the lots cost away up in the
thousands In all the above places except
the last n lot can bo bought In Oborn'o &
Hosick's addition for u few hundred del
The old engine- house of No , 1 , which
formerly stood on Izard ami 'Twentieth
streets , is now located on. the corner of
Cumlng and Sixteenth streets. It has
been beautified and repaired and will
soon be biipplied with a lioso cart and
company. This will suvo No , J.uow cm
Saumlors , from answering n number of
the calls from tlio intuHor of the town.
The extension ladder was shipped from
Chicago on Thursday last , and
bronchi up to lown and exhibited on next
Monday or Tuesday. Jlook mid .ladder
will bo removed fro-n No. fl's house lo
No. 1 on Sniindors street , and the cxlon-
hlon ladder will go to No. 8.
> V Itnrualti.
For Sale Lois fl and 7 In block 2 ,
Dwlght and Lyman's J > elli corners.
George Hudio , Council HlulVs.
The largo safe weighing 1-1-lOOlbs. , was
transferred from tlie Missouri Pacific
freight house to the building to bo occu-
picdby the U. S. National bank , by Mr.
E. J. Davis , who does heavy hauling. Mr.
1) . deserves much credit for placing this
immense safe quickly and without acci
dent of any kind. It will bn remembered
that it is tlio largest safe ever moved
unon a wagon , and demonstrates the
ability ot Mr. Davis lo accomplish any
thing of the kind entrusted lo htm.
Call on Mrs. M. F IUchoU , 1520 Dong-
las street , for nil kinds of fancy work and
materials , also latest thing in art decora-
lion lava.
The Commissioner's
The commissioners passed n resolution
yesterday rescinding llio right of way
privileges granted to C. E. Maync , Eras-
tus Hcnson and W. L. McCaguo for a
.street railway along the military road.
This action was caused by the failure of
the company lo sign Iho required bond
for Iho protection of the county's inter
The contract for running the road
grader No. 1 was awarded to H. P.
Knight & Co. , and for running grader No.
2 to Eli Johnson.
The anplicalions of Dr. Keogli and Dr.
Dysart tor thu position of county uttor-
iiov were received and placed on file.
The county treasurer was instructed to
sell to Koan & Co. , of Chicago , § 11,000 of
tlio county's bridge bonds due 1800 at
llinir offer , a premium of Sl.Oii } .
The Forest. Lawn Cemetery association
presented a communication offering to
sell tlio county live acres for a county
burying ground at $1,000 pur acre.
JN G1.0VKS AT 1520 DOL'Ol.AS ST.
Gio. : Mrrc'ini.i. : .
Sonic Coed 1'oiiitn.
Oborno & Hosick's addition
Lies high and beautiful.
All the lots gently slope towards the
It is only live minutes ride from the
Lots are cheaper than in the adjoining
Lots he bctle.r lhan in thu adjoining
Thu faro is only 5 cents for a ride to
the city in 5 minutes.
It is 'inside property.
It is a sure and safe investment.
The prices arc especially low for Mon
After Monday prices advance on all
lots not sold.
There are no more beautiful lofs in the
whole city than in Oberuoii. Hosick's ad
Special sale Monday.
E. S. Hoot ) , Sole A < rent ,
150 ! ) Farnam street , up stairs.
A Hari-aiii.
House and lot in Walnut Hill ? 2fiOO.
§ 550 cash. H. W. Uriggs , 1030 Howard
The Criminal Calendar.
In the district nourb yesterday after
noon John Kratka , the Uobeniian saloon
keeper , was found guiltyof the charge of
adultery preferred against him by his
wife , who followed him from St.
Louis and found him living here with
another woman.
The case against Crosby , accused of
having committed perjury in the Powell
murder case at Florence , will bu called
b'uforu Judge Neville to-morrow ,
The case against Henry Mittcnian ,
charged with the killing ot Durham at
Millanl , will bu called Tuesday , and
upon its compleliod the Lauer case will
bu called lor trial
C. E. Mayne has established a branch
ollice in South Omaha for the exclusive
sale of thu South Omaha Land Co.'s
properly. Oilicu opposite depot.
For a small investment with absolulu
certainty of big profit * anil no risks lots
in George II. Hoggs' addition at present
low prices cannot lie equaled. Call on
Hoggs & Hill for maps and reliable in
formation. Special bargains for cash or
to the c desiring whole or half block's.
Are those to be built in South Omaha , for
which thu plans have just been com
pleted. Vi'.st industries will bo added
this year and
nr.vDur.ns or mvKi.i.iNos
erected for these finding employment
oflorstho best opportunities for those
wishing to purchase lots in South Omaha ,
whether for residence or. speculation.
W. G. Ai.mtuiirr.
218 S 15th st.
A Wife Heater.
Mary Norton , an innocent appearing
Gorman girl , swore out a warrant in
Judge Stenborg's court yesterday after
noon for the arrest of her husband ,
Harry Norton. Thu woman alleges that
she has been subjected to all kinds of
abiiso and ill-treatment from her hus
band and now states that siiu intends to
prosecute him to the extent of the law.
The South Omaha Land company have
appointed ( ' . E , Mnyno solo agent for the
salt ) of theirlots. He will show the prop
erty and furnish all dcalrcd information
upon application.
[ Signed ] W. A. PAXTOX , President.
For u small investment with absolute
certainty of big profits nmf no risks lols
in George II. Hoggs' addition at present
low prices cannot bo equaled. Call on
Hoggs it Hill for maps and reliable in
formation. Special bargains for cash or
to those desiring whole or half blocks ,
Tlio Uonair/.n
To South Omaha has just been placed on
the market , being a subdivision of block
10 , of
100 lots In this beautiful addition are
now olfunid for sale at very moderate
prices. They am located on and imme
diately adjoining Hullovuo road.
W. G. AI.HHIHHT , 218 S. 15th.
Thn Omulia Ilazniir ,
Articles of incorporation , of the Omaha
Hawuir were lifed in the county clerk's
ollioo yesterday. The incorporation has
a capital stock'of $10,000 and is formed
for the purpose of bvymg and selling
toys , notions , smokers' articles , etc , The
incorporators are M. Toft , Oliva Toft
and Chris Toft. _
Oborno & Hoaick's addition is insldo
For a small investment with absolute
certainty of big profits and no risks lots
in Ge.orgo II. Hoggs' addition at present
low prices cannot bo equaled. Call on
Hoggs & Hill for mans and reliable in
formation. Special bargains for cash or
to those desiring whole or half blocks.
Oberno & Hosick's addition Is within tt
100 yards of slatiou cu the Union Pucinc ,
X.'ll. Ki
Our Jlnefcinont . Bnlo Will'uo
Mndn on Tuesday * 1st , .Maruh
Anil will'bo more interesting'lhan any
wo have made yet. Amongst other bar
gains , llio following will bo ofibrcil ,
Salccns in short lengths. Ihls seat-on
new styles , regular nrieo 15c , will bo sold
by us on Tuesday at 8c.
Hemnants of Turkey rod .la'mask.
Remnants of cream damask.
Hnmnanls of wool ilrnss goods. .
Hosiery and underwear.
Linen laces and buttons ,
ami a lot of remnants of embroideries
will bo put up in average lots in which
they will bo great bargains ,
Full particulars in Ibis paper On Mon
day. N. H. F.\i.ooxin. :
Obcrnu & Hosick's addtllon Is only two
miles from thu postolllco.
Two Old Residents Comhlno Their
TalentH nnd Co Into the Itunl
Ijstuto Business.
It Is very seldom that the HIK : can so
heartily recommend a now lirm to Iho
lender mercies of the public as it can
Messrs. Samuel Coiner and Goo. H. Filch-
oil who havucslabllshcd a real estate and
loan ollleo at lUOj Howard street. Holh
these gentlemen have lived in Omaha for
the last twenty years and have walohud
Iho city's growth from its infancy to Us
present mammoth proportions. The
most part of their time lias boon devoted -
voted to the real ostulo business , having
been witli C. E. Mayno for a number of
years. Messrs. Cotnor & FItchoU are re
garded by all who know them and there
are very lew who do not know I hem as
competent judges of realty values , and
their judgment , too , can always bu relied
upon as the very best. Their largo ac
quaintance enables them to start out with
a very largo list of property for salu ,
comprising bargains in every part of the
city and South Omaha. Their carriages
will always bo found ready to carry pur
chasers to sou property which they have
for salo.
Their ollicos , at ICO , " Howard street , are
being furnished in elegant style , with
main and private plllees , finished in
cherry color. Those in quest of real , gen
uine barg ; . ins need look no farther than
to Cotnor & Fitchett for they always
have that kind of property for salo.
Myrtle Division U. K. K. of P. special
meeting Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock ,
at _ Metropolitan halt. Hy order of
Sir Knight Thomas Hurrell' , sir knight
You will miss the chance of a lifetime
if you don't buy a lot in Ohurne & Hos
ick's addition Monday. E. S. Uootl is
sole agent , 150 ! ) Farnam st.
"Doujjlas County Nursoricd
will plant the trees in Hitchcock's addi
tion. " Hy order of ( . ! . O. Howard , Propr.
1'Iatte Valley Hay Company.
E. C. Mockbeo , proprietor. Hailed Hay ,
Flour and Feed. Car lots a specially.
Corrcsponce solicity with close buyers.
C. W. St'AitKs , Manager.
Telephone 27.
For a small investment witli absolute
certainly of bit : profits and no risks lots
in Georgu 11. Hoggs' addition at present
low prices cannot bu equaled. Call on
Hoggs & Hill for mans and reliable in
formation. Special bargains for cash or
to those desiring whole or half blocks.
Are these to bo built in South Omaha ,
for which the plans have just been com
pleted. Vast industries will be added
this year and '
HKxwtr.ns or UWKI.UXOS
erected for those linding employment
there ,
AT.itmmrr's CIIOICB
oilers the best opportunities for those
wishing to purchase lols in South Omaha ,
whether for residence or speculation.
W. G. Ai.imuiKT ,
218S loth St.
1520 DOUGLAS Sriir/r. !
L\i > ns : AXD Cim.mtK.v'ti CLOAKS , SIMTS
STOCK MUM' UK ci.osici ) .
The Intcr-Statu Commerce Hill.
is expected to help the boom in South
Omaha immensely , as freight rates ad
vance and passes to stockmen arc abel
to compete ; with South Omaha at the
eastern points.
AI.UUIOHT'S ciioicn
thus becomes moru valuable every day ,
although the prices have not yet been ad
vanced , but tlie.ysoon will be.
W. G. ALiiuiniiT ,
_ 218 South 15th st.
Ohcrnc & Hosick's addition lies on thai
beautiful slope , just southwest of thu
Howell lumberyard.
Ijlncoln Suburban I'roperty.
The real estate boom at Lincoln is just
beginning. You fellows in Omaha who
know how to make money out of aero
property como down and see my tract ad
joining the city limits ami 3011 will make
money by the operation.J. .
J. C. McHinm : ,
Room ! , Hiohards' block , Lincoln , Xeb ,
For a small investment with absolute
certainty for big prolits and no risks lols
in ( Jeorgo II. Hoggs' addition tit present
low prices cannot bu equaled. Call on
Hoggs & Hill for maps Find reliable in
formation. Special bargains fur cash or
lo those desiring whole or half blocks.
Xlio Mottor Heal KHttito Agency
MOVCR Into Now Quartern.
The ollleo for so many years occupied
by Paulson As Co. Is being entirely rono-
vntcd and to-morrow morning will betaken
taken possession of by the Motter Heal
Kstato agency. Former visitors to 151J1
Farnam street will scarcely recognize
Iho place next week , as it is being newly
painted , papered , etc. , and a counter will
bo placed across the room , in the rear of
which will bu placed the private oflloo ,
thus materially changing the appearance
of the buildhig.
Oberno & Hosick's addition is a half
milo southeast of Hanscom Park.
Jlcal J'JHluto Trniif-rcrfl
Died February 20 , 1837 , reported for
the HII : : by the C. E. Mayno Real Hstnto
and Trust company.
1) L Thomas and wife to Omaha ami Flor
ence Land and Trust Co. lot 7 lilk M nnd 12
in 101 and 17 In HIT and 7 in 230 and l-20th ot
out lots aw Klorenco qc Sl.oo ,
K II Walker and wife to Omaha nnd Flor
ence Land and Trust Co , lot a blk 75 Flor
ence fc Sl.OO
Lewis Plant and wife to Omaha nnd Flor
ence Jvnnd and Trust Co , lots ii anil t > blk 'M
Florence ci c 81.00.
Milton Himdrlx and wlfu In Oianlm and
Florence Land ami Trust Co , ( J7 lots In Flor
ence q o-SI.OO ,
John SUUon and wife to Omnlia and llor-
enco Land ami Trust Co , lot i blk 103 Flor
ence < l c Sl.OO.
'Ml Walker ami wife to Oinahh nnd Vlor-
enue Land nntl Trust Co , lots 2 and a Mk 71
Mid fi 6 7 and 8 in i Florence < j c-Sl.OO.
J K Hansom to Omaha nnd r lorence Land
nnd Trust Co. lots507.Btt 10 U 12 13 H 15
u.110 lilk U'J Florence o c-SI.OO.
M U Wild auJ wite to Omaba and Florence
Lnnd nnd Trust Co , lots 5 and C blk 33 .Flor
ence t | c SI.00.
C I ) llulcldii'son ami wlfo to A W Dudley ,
lot 7 blk : ) Fowler plneo W dS400. ' .
Carrie T Chas ami Fmnk Marsh ,
lot H blk H Patrick's 1M ntld w d-SI.MW.
b S McCahe. tti ,1 H Melkle , trustee , lol 0 ,
blk ri' . Oinalin , w d-SS5'W.
W ,1 Paul tn V I ) Tanner et al , lot Q nnd W
5 ft of lot 1 , blk : v , Heed's SVl add , w d-$3.0nO.
A M AloxniiilOr lo II L .McConainjhy , lot
II. bll3 ( , Ularendon add to Omah'n , w d
v Jnin'es Kill ? , jr. , to MrsCorii Kills , lots 0
and 10 , W A ileillck'3 aild to Omaha , w d
Union Stock Yards coimvmv lo Michael
O'llern , lot a , blk 0 1st add to South Omalin ,
w d P. .
C K Mnyne nnd wife to truilee1 * of the M
15 church of Valley , lot 1:1 : , blk 1 , C KMuyno's
1st add to Valley. < | c-Sl .00.
C K Mnvno anil wife to Mnre U'alson , lot
IS , lilk fi , 0 K Mayno's. 1st add to V alley , w
A (1 ( Intrnnn et al toV I Kler < tend , lots 1
and 'J , lilk U , Isaac A : Seldoli's add , w u
. : . , wa
Clara liocder to the putillc plat of Hoeder's
add , n Utt ft of wmo fmr sw U' nw Mi ! ' , 1 *
ami ii : dedication.
T ( ' Hum HIT ct nl loSninucI Halrd , lots in ,
II , 1.1 ntul 10 , blk 21 , Moiso A : Jiruniier's add ,
w il SflW.
A (5 ( ChniUnnnml wife to F L Heed , lot
10 , blk 1 , Institute iiliici' , w d--SlX : ! ( ) .
Hyion Heed at nl to Siimiutl.Mnitciiscn , lols
in ntul 15 , blk 4 , Campbell's addition : w d
si , .
.1 L Mcl'npuo ntul wlfo tn Ann L Larson ,
hits u aml'l , blk 1 , West Cumlni * mlil ; w d
I ) L Thomnsniid wlfo to ,1 It Hlalr , twenty-
nlno lots In II'IORMICU ; q e SI.
Omaha nnd Florence I. and Trust Co. tn
Mlltun H. Wild , loty , ulklW , Florence ; ij c
Flnronco Laml Co. to II C Hlonlon. lots 7
nnd S. blk17 : lottM , blk ' .U ; one-twentieth
of nut lots IW , 173 and I7s > , Flotenco ; w d
iloseiih Hnrkeraml wlfo to I ) L Thomas ,
lots si , s. . si. M , ssi , mi , i-ij , lia anil l-l ,
Norwood Paik ; w djSK ) .
.1 C Chapman to I ) L Thonm Inl * . ' . blk
l.V ) ; lot:1 : , blk ' .Hi : ono-tweatle.tli of out lots
_ ( M. ll and ' .ID , Florence ; Q e-S' 00.
T C MeUnwtt et nl , exetMtors , to I ) L
Thomas , one-half lot 11 , blk 11 , Florence ; q c
II'A 'llan-lson ol al to Milton llomMx , lot
8 , blk ! ! J hint lots 7 and 8 , blk ion , Florence ;
q c S75.
Knoeh Lowe anil wlfo to "Ulltou Ilemlrix.
lot 1" , blk IW ; lot 7 , blk US ; ono-twentletli of
out lots I ? ' , 184 and ias. Florence ; q e-SM.
.Samuel llar. li i\nd wife to Milton llundrix ,
2'J lots In Florence , q c Sl.OO.
D M Craham ct al to Milton Huadrix , lul S ,
blk 41 , Florence , q e S'M.
T PMcCulIottulictal lo Milton Jlomlrlx ,
lot 5 , blk "J5 , Old Town of Florence , q c
Wilson Hiw * . & Coin Milton llomlrix , lots
0 anil 7 , blk 07. lot 7 , blk OS , 7 In4 , -1 In. : ) .
Florence , n cST5. .
Charles Cooper to Milton llendrix , lot 10 ,
blk Id' ) , Fluionee , q 0 825.
W 11 Leas to Milton llendrix , lot 7. Oik 27 ,
lot 2 , blk4 ; ! , Florence , q c Sl.OO.
Mary K Harsh et al to V (5 I.nntiy , lot 7 ,
blk 15 , lot ! ) blk MO , Florence , q e $1.00.
Mary Smx'ent et nl tn V ( J Lantry , lot II ,
blk los , Florence , q c tU.OO.
Kll/.ubutli L Sliocnbcrcer nnd liusbniul to
V G Lantry , lot 11 , blk 10S , Florence , q c-
Herman Kountzo and wlfo to V O Lantry ,
10 ! ) lots Flotation n c-SolS.
1) L Thomas and wite to Omaha and Flor
ence Land and Trust Co , 8 in ( il , 7 in bS , ! ) in
101J in s ; , 3 In s" , fi in ill , 1 in ifl , 5 in 101 ,
nnd ntf } ot out lot 20S , also } S of 4 In fts. a lu
70 , 7 in 7. , d in IK ) , ' . ) in IBI. IS In 115 , i ! in 'J'J , 15
In 107 , ! in 120. 5 In 121 , 12 In 13 , 4 in 145. fl
in 117 , 12 in ir,7 , . in in. , it ) in iri ) . o in ais , u
In 115 , a In 2oO , and out lot -03 , all in Florence ,
q c-Sl.
K II Walker and wife tn Omaha nnd Flor
ence Land and Trust Co , 17 lots in blk ' . " > ,
Florence , w d .U.OOJ.
F S Malcolm et al , to Omaha and Floicnco
Lnnd nntl Trust Co , 1:12 : by 2fil feet com east
slilu of blk 274 and west side ot Water st 20 7J.
left from n cor of blk74 , q c 51.
E L Sayre and wife to Omaha and Florence
Land and Trust Co , lot 5 , bile 83 , Florence ,
wt-50. !
Thomas Hnrrctt and wife to Omnha nnd
Florence Land and Trust Co , lots I , S , 14. 17.
IS. 20 , lilk ' . ' .i , also : i in bi ! , Florence , w d S i7
1) L Thomas nnd wife to Omaha nnd Klor
enco Lund nnd Trust Co , 13 lots in Florence
q c-Sl.
V I ! Eisnlryand wlfo to Omaha nnd Flor
ence Land anil Trust Co , OJ lots in Florence ,
q c-Sl.
, ) II Ulnir anil wife tn Omnlin nnd Florence
Lnnd nnd Trust Co , lit lois in Florence.
lane Thomas to Omalin and Floience Laud
and Trust Co , lots 11 , 12 , blk3 , Florence , q e
11 C Illonlnn and wife to the Omaha niitl
Florence Land ami Trust company , lois 7
and H , blk 47 , lot 20 , blk 1)1. ) l-20th of out lots
150 , 171 ; and 17s , and lot 4 , blk 100 , Florence ,
tl c Sl.OO.
Andrew Nelson and wife to Omalin and
Florence Land and Trust company , lots , * i , 0
nntl S. blk W.Iots . and 12 , blk 100 , Florence ,
il c-fel.OO.
1C. 11. Walker and wifnto Omnlin Flor-
I'lirjo Land anil Triiil company , lots G , 10 nnd
14 , lilk 'Jl , lots 1 , 4 ami fl. blk 7J , lot 0 , Dllc 05 ,
all In Florence , q c-Sl.OO.
County commis ; > lom.T.s of Dnu.lns county
to tlio public nlnt of Douglas mid o SIO feet of
nc 4'2 ! , l. ' , ii. : dedication.
Alexander CrolK tn C. K. Smith , lot ii : , bile
"A , " Snumlurs & llimubauuh's mid , w d
William Couurn. sheriff , to llerninn
Kmmtze , 112 lots In Florence , sheriff's deeil
Sr.25. .
Milton H Wild nnd wlfo to Omaha nnd
Floience Lnnd mid Trust company , lot : t , bile
IK ) . Flormu-it d c Sl.OO.
LmlwlR ICastner to Joseuh ICastner. lot 10.
bile "K , " Lowe's add to Omalin , w d SI170. .
L V Morse et at to S S Anchmooilv , lot 5 ,
blk 27 , Morso.Hriinner'saild , \vd 3150.
1 K CoiiKdon et nl to K I ! Mix , lot 21CInrks
mid to Omaha , W D-SI.500.
W M Foster ami wife to E 13 Williams.
lot 4 , blk 4 Fosters add to Omaha , W D
L V Morse ot al to public pint of Mnrso nnd
Hrmincrs add In lots 3 , 5 and ( ! , sec 27 , 10 , 13 ,
\V H Taylor lo I ) II Wheeler JrS lot IS. blk
1 , Unrcmlon add to Omnlin , W. O-Sl.iiOO.
C K Mnyno to the public pint of 0 K
Mavncs 1st mid to Arnlley sub , n of w y of
swj ill. 10. 10 ilndtantlon.
C A Sherwooil tn ItJ Co/.ier , lot 5 , I'elhnm
place , W 1---S17.10.
Klmn L ( 'iinnnniid linibnml toCi Av Stan-
3cl. lot 12 , blk 113 , Calkins HII ! > W D-S.TiOO.
W T Suaiunn nnd wil'o lo W K Parks n * 0
ftwk lot-'J. blk 11 , Hliinii3ilil : ( to- Omaha , W
l-tr : .
John I'oynn nnd wife tn L W Wnkoly , lot
1 , ink : i , Konntyus addW l-Swo. ) : ;
WTOr.ilinmto.MDloiilTi.lliall lot 2 , bile
7 , Plnlnvlowndd. W -51000. I .
A S Potter el al to .1 F FJack , lot 21 blk 4
PotteV ; < 'ol > b'snil-S00. ! !
A S Potter ot nl to 0n rln .J Fhiclf , lot 22 blk
1 Potter & Cobu'Hiuld-Sr'JOO.
O Jl Hallou et al to H A Mclvncliron. n HO ft
of w 00 It lot 2S Alilliird Ciiltlwell's add wd
? 'ihOO.
Hnlthns Jotter to ( he public pint , blks 12 , li )
uml 14 Jotter's add Dedication.
Mlclmcl Donovan and wife to Patrick
O'Connor , lots 7 ami 0 blk 1 Al Donovan's
sub wd S-2,500.
J ( J Tnvlor U D Hrown , lot 8 blk ttl Omnha
Jolin Htfolo nnd wife to J M Dennis , nil of
lot 1 blk 42 Credit Fonder mid wil-S'J.XX ( ) .
Corollno Lamro in.Moi it/ Meyer , lot li blk
100 Omnha wd Sl , 00.
Kllun K Wlllinms nnd husband tn J' C
Whlnnery , lots W nnd b'J ( Jlso's add wd
Sophia Dallow In the Oinnlui Helt railroad
compfiny , yn.Usq ItlotOhlli 7 wd Sl.CCO.
Kbcne/dr Dallow ami wlf to Omnlin licit
] { U Co | , 70 > . Rijimro It , Jot fi , blk 37 , Omnha ,
Archer Kko to J P .1 list et al , lot C , blk 13 ,
Shlnn's add , wd5,700. . , .
K < ! HnlHluaml wlloto Mary F Walls , lot
0 , Priivns sub , w u SJu : .
0 K Clapp to Cordelia WHklr , lots 0 and 7 ,
blk 3 , Omnha View , w -82,25'J. ' .
Coidi-lia Wllklo ami husUind to James
Miller , Jot 18 and H > _ lot ll > , blk 18 , llnu scorn
Plncti. w d-SVW. . .
Ftnnk llelk-r to ( in-cK InKhrnni , lot 14 , blk
fi , Klllty Place , w < l-SlooO.
Frnnk Kwers uml wlfu ' .o Mnrtha II Pat
terson , Jot 5 , blk 17 , llnnscom J'Juce , w d
vJJ'hlilp llaudsehuli and wlfo lo L 0 Kno-
weld , ofiOit of Jot 7 , llawes'mld. w dHVJ ,
Ciiiolinu Sutton to U M lluiil , lot 8 , blk W.
U in lie , u uml U In 117 , 7 in luo. 2 ami 15 in
131 , 12 In 140 , 20 In 1M. Florence , c-SsOO.
Throi ) Citl < r ICnt-'JiKcd.
David Huum , of Norfolk , luul a repro-
Bontativuin town ycsierdny securini : the
bervices of ( jeneral Wooster in the suit
between the first mentioned ntid the
creditors of Alt , Sehulur - & Co. , of
Missouri Valley. The latter sold their
stoei ; to .Han mnd | creditors sloppnil in
and sei/.ed the same. The foods will
now bo ropJevlucd DJ Uaum ,
Tlio l''lftccn.tli
ofilio Dnnlsh Annotation , .
The fiftccnlh .inniml Inafqucrado bnl
of IhoDanl's'li assochillon look plaeo last
night In (5ornianin liall ( and closed this
mornlni ; at about : i o'clock. TIrero wcrd
about ono hundred couple in attendance. .
The costuuies wen * varied , some beinp
plain yet lasty whllu others were bold
rich and haiidsoino. Klovcn dances took
] > lace before Iho unmasking. An ole ant
supper followed and ( hen the second
part of Ihe programme , eoiuiosiii | nine
teen numbers , was carried out. The unmasking -
masking revealed a ver.y comely gnthor *
inn of ladies , most of whom possessed
charms of form and feature as to attract
atleiilion. The ball sooially and linaii-
eiallv was a j-rand success. The associa
tion is in nh excellent financial condi
tion , liaviuir a membership of 22tl. It owns
a lot anil a half on the southwest corner
of llaniey ami Klghtucnth streets , ) iart of
which it proposes to sell and with the
proccetls ereet a msij-niliccnt hall for its
own u es. The music was furnished In
an excellent nuumer by I tollman's or-
chi'slra , onu of tlm features ot which was
the drumming of Kd Holl'man , sou of the
professor , who road Iho miiMe ami
drummed with exceedlnir ell'eet. lie is
but eleven years of aye. Thu olllcors of
the ball were as follow ? :
Manager of Ceremonies. L. ( ' . Thrano.
Heceptibn committee. C , C. Thraiio , O.
H. Nel < on , William Neve , ilaeob Jensen ,
Floor committee , I'hrls .Ieu en , i\I. \
Sehibsby. A. behouboe , Charles Print/-
lau. Tickets , A. Dorn. '
Hall nt tlio Stnto linnno
.X , Fob. - . . [ Correspondence of
the HiiJ : : Tlm annual mask ball given
hero on the -id was the most successful
within Iho history of the hospital. The
grotesque , comic anil elegant costumes
did jrreat credit to lite varied Ideas and
nrlislii.skill of Dr. Hodelsoii , who planned
and directed thu ovonlng's progrninmo.
The home-like feeling of freedom and
non-restraint which is beuinning to tlawn
in this benighted prison hospital under
Dr. Knapp's genial nnd charitable management -
agement shell Its rays abroad that nit"lit ,
making the. all'air one long to be remcm-
bered by both patients and > mploye8.
The brilliantly lighted and beautifully
decorated hall was rather crowded tiil
masks * , \ero removed , after which those
patients who did not dance were taken to
their respective wants ami retired.
Kvcry patient who was capable of appre
ciating was pcnnlltcd lo go. Quito Jl
number were masked. Among the ladies
Jliss Hrinton was the pretty , tpuet ,
modest little Quakeress. Mrs. Vcrrick
looked ipiaint and picturesque in
her peasant's suit. iUrs. JL Hrown
wore a gracefully designed paper suit
representing the Omelia HIK. : .Many
more ladies and many ueiitlemcn were
masked and all carefully and success
fully di'-guised. Among the employes
some very elegant suits were worn ; 'by
Mrs Hrink , as eourt lady ; Miss Hoylo ,
Cleopatra , and Miss Pollock , princess.
Cmderilla we suppose ordered her cor
sage from tiio domain of her pumpkin
mansion anil drove away ere the mystic
word of change was pronounced , so wo
did not learn her real identity. Mrs.
Kinney wore a beautiful eo.-'tuniu an
godess of liberty. Miss Flink as old >
fashioned young lady was ilres utl very
becomingly in cream colored russo vail
ing and face , with wide hoops , Hewing
sleeves and an exceedingly poke bonnet.
The parody on Ketl Hiding Hood waff
represented by Miss Oowder. The Haby
and Nurse were charaelerers reiiresented
in tlio most amusing manner by Mr.
Gore as Nurse and Mr. Irwin as Haby.
Tlio he.retofore indlspedsiblu "Goorgo"
and "Martha" wore allowed to refit
peacefully unexhumed. Aliss Hurforil's
was unanimously pronounced
the most beautiful and airy
costume , and was the work
of an exampletl art. As Fairy , her drcsa
of white tarllan spangled with stars a
bcautilully decora t < td bodice if tlttlieato
pink , a golden crown and veil broidered
witli trailing tt'ndnls of moss and *
smilax and the little golden wand bear
ing the mystic emblem of moon ami star , > "
proclaimed her from the ethereal regions -
gions of Fairyland. Costumes were too
numerous to mention all. Peals of
laughter and aimless handshaking fol
lowed the removal of the masks while
the band played a low , soft wnltx. At
1'J "tlm bnntjuet hall was deserted , " unit
half-hour after darkness and quiet
reigned in the castle. Kc&ntriAM.
Additions within two miles of the stock
yards arc called South Omaha. Look at
the map and you will see that the U. P.
Hy has two depots on South Omaha
proper. The Helt line runs through
this properly. Prices are low now if
bought Jroin first hands. C. K. Mayno in
tlio only olio who can sell it to you from
fhv > t hands , ( icta lot hcforo il is too late.
Hranch ollice opp. depot , South Omaha.
For a small invctitniont with absolute
certainty of bi < - ; profits and no risks lots
in ( iourco II. Hoggs' addition at present
low prices cannot bo equaled. Call on
Hoggs it Hill for maps and reliable in
formation. Special bargains for cash or
to those desiring whole or half blocks.
Kvory lot In Oberiio & Hosiok's add- !
tlon Jit.T ! on high and beautiful ground.
K. S. Hood , sole agent , 15'JU Farnam up
C. K. Mayno keeps teams at his branch
ollico in South Omaha , to show properly
to parties going out on the Dummy
trains ,
The Intnr-KtaK : Cfiminorcn Hill.
is expected lo help Ihe boom in South
Omaha immensely , ns freight rates ad
vance and passes to htockmcn arc abel
> o compete witli South Omaha at the
eastern points ,
Ai.iiiiiniir'.s niioioi :
thus becomes more valimblo every day ,
although prices have not yet been ad
vanced , but they soon will be.
W. ( > . Ai.niiHiiiT ,
-ISSonth 1.0th si.
Residents In Oherno i _ Hosiiik'a addi
tion can lake ( he dummy on the Union
Pacific and reach the city in 5 miniilcH.
will plant 10,000 , trcc.fl in Benson's addi
tion. " Hy order of 0. O. Howard , pro
prietor. _ _ _ _ i
MIHIIII.I.'S : , 15-0 JJoi'iii.AS fe-nti'.in' , NO
ODOU uity CIJANII : ; ) .
Properly in South Omaha proper will
advnnno , rtU per < timt this season , liny
from lirst hands through ( j. K. Muvno ,
who has exclusive control of Ihe prop
erty. Branch olhco opposite depot in
.South Omaha ,
TOl < 7llT ,
Tbi-Tulc i.Si'lPf 4dor ,
Snp-jorlpil by tlie Uouultlui Ara j.nn : Ac5i
Lilah Stuart
In itiu Ortai > * ai-i ) iu lratoii ,
Condemned ta Death *