Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 27, 1887, Page 7, Image 14

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IOTT the Local "Swim" Temporarily Buried
the Social Season.
Intelligent Critique of ttio Dlrn'a
BltiKlnn nrllllaiit Antc-l cntcn
Itcccptlonn nnil Parties Gen
eral Hoclnl
Nohrn Un I ndle-j InT nli ncton.
lphln Times : The Nebraska
senators , Van Wyck nnd Mnntlcrson , arc
nlfao Ii.-illiantl.y represented- tlio sera-
tonal circle. Mrs. Van Wyck wns Miss
Kntu Urondlicnil , of Milfonl. I'n. , daugh
ter of ColonclJohn 11. Bromlhcnd , fanner
nnd iDurclmut , ol Pikn county nnil of the
custom branch of the colonial anil revo
lutionary family of that name in the Key-
htono rominonw ilth. .During tlio time
that Mr. Van Atike.n represented thoPiko
county ( PaO district in congress , Mr. Van
Wyck represented the Ornngo county ( N.
Y. ) district , which stretched along the
opposite shore of the Dnlaware. During
tlio Kay season nt the capital Mrs. Vnu
Aukcn wiiIn : the habit of having her sister -
tor , ono of the bollcs of northeastern
Pennsylvania , assist her in her social
dulled at Washington , where Miss Kato
became a great favorite. Upon ono oc
casion Mrs. Van Aukcn nnd her sister
worn present nt n great nsccptlon given
by Postmaster ( icncrnl Randall. Iho
member from Ts'cw York beyond the
wnlera of the Delaware wns also present ,
nnd during the evening had the honor of
being introduced by Mrs. Van Aiikun to
her Mister , Miss Kato Uroadhuad , of Milford -
ford , Pa. The futo of the member from
Now York was Bcaled. Acquaintance
rapidly blossomed into Jove and
love bloomed into matrimony , and
Miss Kntu ! , of Milford ,
PH. . liecumo Mrs. Charles II. Van Wyck ,
ol Middloto\vn , > T. Y. , and on March 4 ,
1B31 , went aslcp Inglier in the eocinl af-
iairB of the nation's ' capital as Mrs. Sen
ator Van Wyek. This charming daughter
of Pennsylvania's county of Pike for six
years has been one of the ornaments of
the senatorial social clrelo. Tlio inter
ruption of the senator's own .succession
lor another term will deprive "Washing
ton society oi ouo of Its most popular
The wife of the junior senator from
Nebraska is another of the particularly
attractive married ladies of Washington ,
lira. Mnndcrson was Mrs. Rebecca S.
Blown , of Canton , O. Her father , A. S.
Brown , wasoneof the prominent lawyers
of that btnlc. Her grandfather , John
Harris , .who snttluil in Ohio in 181-1 , was
an inliucntial whig politician , and uiuilo
n vigorous speech in the convention at ,
Philadelphia in 113 in favor of Millard
I'illmoro for vice president , which con
tributed largely to his nomination. Mrs.
Jlanderson , who is very beautiful ami
dresses elegantly and iu excellent taste ,
takes great pleasure in giving happiness
to her lady friends by inviting them to
Washington as her guests during the
Society "Wonnn.
The last week before Lent was duly
crowded with the gaieties that usually
precede the season of penitence. Omaha
is becoming so metropolitan in the num
ber und nature of its entertainments that
to keen in the ring involves a waste of
nervous force that few are able to sustain
without suciihcing for society in ore thnn
can posiibly bq gained from it. The
round has been so unbroken this winter
that in many caacs the female head of
tiio house has required to bo introduced ,
to ber family about once a week , when
Sunday necessarily brought a cessation
in the di czy whirl and gave the masculine
Bine some show for recognition. The
nsunl order of things seems to bo re-
vowed in this progressive period , and in
stead of the hiibband doing the dmsipnt-
ing for the family , the wives nro having a
monopoly of it and seem to take to it nut-
ur.illy. This is a much more philosophic
nnd lady-like method of asserting the
rights of women thnn aspiring to the leo-
turn platform and gutting the reputation
of being strong minded , 'Jhe society
woman is usually pretty deep with all her
apparent nrtlessncss mid klic knows bet
ter than to make herself ridiculous and
frighten away tliu men with nn assump
tion of authority , but she nevertheless
rules her domain with suave , though te-
lenllcss. persistency anil revels in her
sovereignty the mote time it is gained
without apparent ellort. Only men who
IIHVO been made sadder nnd wiser by
means of matrimony can bear witness to
thcxnnrcs and pitfaus of the sweetly sub
missive feminine character.
Tlic 1Cvi'lit of ihc AVcclc.
The Patti concert was an epoch that
crowded all social happenings to the
wall. Anticipation was so intcnsn that
no one felt like settling down to ordinary
ipiiutics until the excitement had subsided.
A few are privately taking themselves to
task for having been borne along with
tlio current , and are slightly embittered
over the concessions ihnt now nnd then
luiva to be paid to fashion. That the
diva was universally admired goes with
out saying , but not many would go
through the discomfort of that night
again even for the queen of song. The
jamming , reckless crowd , the stilling at
mosphere , the uncomfortable scats and
thu plague of intervening bonnets , made
thn end of the concert : i wolcumu release.
Woman who had the slightest regard for
tliu litnoss of things , not to pcak of the
y convenience of others , removed their
bonnets , but a large sprinkling of them ,
with the rolinement of cruelty that is
piu-rminently the tittilbuto of perverse
womankind , kept their heads covered
anil caused morn profanity than six
weeks of fasting can blot out. A Ono man ,
nttur yitlnly n ] ucbtitig an usher to have
nn offending hat removed from before
him , stood up for the rest of the ovcnlni : ,
and his seat was appropriated by another
person , There ought to bo u stringent
law against the wearing1 of bonnets in a
cnncmt hall , to reach those who are too
hellish to bo inllncnced by motives of
roiiMderatiou for others or to tulppt any
fiiioliinnovation until thclr"but" hasBauo-
tioneit it.
A Dinner In Patti.
Mrs. K , Ro&ewnter nt their residence ,
No. 1711 Douglas street , on Friday , there
wnro present Mme , Adelina P.iltl and
her husband , M , Nicolini , Miss Neally
Stevens , and Mr. and Mrs. Andruw
lloscwuter. After dinner Miss Stevens
favored the quests with aovcrsl rocita-
tiiuiH on thu pinno , which were pro-
iiotineed by both Mmo. Puttl and M.
Nicolhii as musical gums. Mint ) . Patti
was very favorably ImpreHstd with Miss
tStiivetis , and extended U ) her a very cor-
dml in citation to visit her homo nt
.CYnlg-y-Nua castle , Wales. Mine. Paltl
also took occasion to i > ri" > > nt Mrs. . K.
KoJiinvalerwithaspuvtmtrmtltoEhapcpf n
hamlnuma nnd unique arrow-sliaped vln
inlaid with rubies .and dinuioinis. .The :
distinguished eoogntresd wits very much
1 | ) lpHsoU with IfL-r reception in Omaha nnd
1'x.piTtscd iujj'Visc ' ul thu huniunsc and
; t { > prcmtl ? Midicuco xvhicii greeted her J
itho ipii < itinn Lailding , tJlio took <
rlih b.r n rcry fjnornl'lo i
( ion of the city , and did not hcMtnte to
say that Omaha would long live inkier
F-nncy Ltrctm Party.
Tlio Martha Washington fancy drcsg
party piven at the elegant homo ot Mr.
and Mrs. Charles II. Brown Tucsdaj
pvcqing w.i1 ! nn event that will linger for
many months In the rccollcclion of those
who were so fortunate ns to receive nn
invitation , Everything was managed on
such a scale of largo generosity that the
young people had nothing left to wisl
for ami were mndn so supremely happy
that their satisfaction must have been
ample compensation for every effort lhat
wns put forth for their enjoyment. The
house is ono of Omaha's handsomest
structures nnd is well designed for party
giving. The entire lower floor was
thrown open by means of convenient
folding doors , hud the orchestra was
stationed in the Inrgo hallway. The dec
orations wcro of while 'wool glittering
with diamond dust so that the house llac
the aspect of a frost palace. The invita
tions indicated the character of the
I'litcrtaininont.In the upper left hand
corner was a quaint Martha Washington
figure , and beneath the following words-
Martha Washington desires yo pleasure
of yr companio
Tuesday evening ,
ye 22d day of February , 1837 ,
from ye early candle lightynce till half
after ten by ye clock.
D.-mcing. Fancy Dress.
The card of Iho Young hostess , Miss
Margaret Ifrown , was enclosed.
Tiio programmes were pretty souv
enirs and had colored Greeuawny lig-
ures on the face and the golden mono
gram of tlio hostess on the back. Tito
mincers were a rarely pretty sight with
their powdered hair nnd rich costumes.
There wcro Howcr girls , demure quakers ,
ollicers nnd every vuiiety of fancv dress
was represented. Miss Margaret ISrown
was particularly striking as Murthn
Washington. She woie a blue quilted
satin skirt with brocade court train ,
square necked Inced corsage and pow
dered hair. Harry Shears attracted
much notice in n lavender satin costume
with lace nifties , blonde- wig and black
patches. George Hounds represented
itluuhistopholcs. The library wns thrown
open to those who preferred pames to
dancing. Mrs. Brown wns assisted in
entertaining the young people by Miss
Clara Brown , Miss Mamie Clayton and.
Miss McUhcanu.
The guests wcro Henry Allen , Flora
and Bell Allen , Joe Barker , Marv Buck ,
Wallace. Broatch , Amy and Alfred Bar
ker , Minnie nnd Lucy Bochel. Randall
and J. Brown , May Burns , Dora Bean ,
Charles and Janio Brown , Fannie
Burns , Herbert Cooke , Mnrgarct Cookc ,
( jretchon and Marie Cronnse , Alice
Chambers Alice Chase , Hone
Clarke , Lulu Uolan. Henry Clark ,
Carrie and Grace Detwcilcr , Larry
Dcnisc , Kenneth Evans , Howard
Clarke , Susie Fleming , Florence Garliok ,
Max Goldsmith , George aud Fannie Gil
bert. Garret Hulst , Ray and Lulu liob-
bic. Pearl Liar tin an , Lilian House , Mamie
Hall , Edgar Johnson , Winnie Kennedy ,
Mont Kennedy , John Kelly. Willie Kier-
sted , John Krtigor , Birdie Kelly , Jeddie
Keith , 1'ied Lake , Barleigh and Jennie
Moore , George Miner , Mabel Kelly ,
Mamie Morse , Kd and Al Newman , Mor
ris McNair , Joe and Hattie Oberfoldcr ,
Gcorgo Pnndt , Mark Polack. Jessie
Pursell , Robert PJeek , Gcorgo Uounds ,
Lulu Smith , Harry Shears , Nat Shulton.
Helen Smith , Ned Stigcr , Eddy and.
Dwiglit Swobn , Adelbert Stccn , Harry
Stevens. Lcttie and Sadie Stone , Lilian
Lukey , Kiln Trimble , Wallace Taylor ,
Howard Tilden , liene Fest , Ross and
Bessie Towle , CJlara Van Camp , Charles
Wilbur , Bert and Arthur Woodman ,
Waysic i'ates , Jennie Young. The re
freshments served were worthy of the oc
casion , and each jjuest was given a pretty
boubonnieto ,
A nrilllaiic Gorman.
The german given at the Millard Mon
day night was attended with the bril
liancy and display that usually marks the
last party before Lent. The favors , oiig-
inally intended for apnrty to be given by
Mrs. Lorillard , were pmchased by Mr.
Joseph Uarnoati , who vas commissioned
to invest several hundred dollars in that
way during a recent trip to New York.
The ( lowers for the iirst lignro were car-
native botitonnicres for the gentlemen
and tulips for the ir.dics. The second fa
vors were Japanese musical lustmincutfa
of ivory for the gentlemen and Japanese
cups for the ladies. Others were bronze
asli receivers , quaint gourds , bronxe
match boxes and fans in the shape of n
bound musical instrument , the handle
having tuning sticks. For the last figure
wcro fancy wall pockets for the ladies nnd
Japanese razor cases of bone , engraved
and tied with ribbon , for fie gentlemen ,
The german was led by Messrs. Deucl ,
Garneau , Crary and Lchmor. The other
dancers worn Mr. Lchmor and Miss Wad-
luigh , Mr. Mnirnnd Miss Wadluigli , Mr.
and Mrs. Estabrook , Mr. Wilbur and
Miss Huslin , Mr. and Mrs. Bradford , Mr.
Heed and Miss Chambers , Mr. Uownoy
ami Miss Rawlcs , Mr. Loomis and Miss
McCliutock , Mr. Berlin and Miss Collins ,
Mr. Patrick and Miss Uoyd , Mr. Horbach
and Miss Shears , Mr. Chase and Mibs Kit-
bourne , Mr. Carter und Miss Chase. Mr.
Durling and Miss Sejcr , Mr. ells and
Miss Duudy. Mr. Sharp and Miss Brown ,
of Council Blufla , Mr. Dencl and Miss
Lake. F. Hamilton and Miss Weber , W.
Hamilton and Mies Lcluner , Mr. linrku-
low nnd Miss Hoagland , W. Crary and
Miss Albright , Mr. Pilcu and MIRS LoomU ,
of Council Blufl-i ; Mr. Voll'im and Mis ;
Fitch , N. Crary and .Miss Mcgcath , Mr.
Clarke and Miss IjaaiR , Mr. lruko and
Miss Cnrr , Mr. nnd Mrs. ( Jar-
neau , Mr. nnd Mrs. James
Chambers , Mr. Johnston and Mlt < s Rob
inson , Mr. Suiindcr * and Miss Gru\cfi ,
Mr. and Mrs. Colpctxcr , Mr. Garlichs
and Miss Barkr.-r. Among the spectators
were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lowe , Mr.
Loonier , of Council BlisU's , J. 11. Millutd
and Miss Jcssio Millard , Mr. Doanc , Miss
Sharp , Mr. nnd Mrs. Lander , Miss Jlo-
Conncll , Air , aud Mrs. Bradford and Mrs.
The german was not danced until after
supper , which was burvcd at 11 iu the
dining room. Several striking toilets
were seen.
Mrs. Weber , of Rock Island , wore a
palq pink gauze Bkirt with a grocn velvet
bodice , ami carried a handsome fan.
Miss Loomis , of Couucil Binds , white
[ ice. over silk , with bouquet of vvlutollow-
( JIH.
JIH.Miss Fitoii , imported dross of pink witb
ruches of apple green and Itioo.
Mrs. Kstubiook , white crcpo trimmed
with chenille.
Miss Seycr worn a dccolettu of white
silk.Miss Kilbournc , of Milwaukao , white
thread lace over brocade b tln , ostrich
tips.Miss Colling , an odd eilect of red silk
over whilu sit till.
Miss Albright , white surah the front
covered , with jcllow dairies.
A Masonic Party.
The social hop given at Alnsoaie iiall
Tuesdaj- night under the auspice * of
Capitol , Covert anil St. John's lodges , A.
1" . & A. M. , and Vesta chapter was a
uralifyinE success in every particular.
The supper was served in the gallery of
the hall by the ladies of the Vesta Ctiap.
ter , the following ' ladies funning the-
coniuiHtee ; Mrs. W. J. Jlount. Mrs. 1) .
Ji. Keyus , ilrs. C. Ahitfon , Mrs. M. C.
Wilson , Sirs. , f. . Uruuer , Mrs. M. E.
Carter , Mrs. J.'N. Westberg , Mrs. IL S.
Master Jklddio Da5a and JUls. : Jcitie
Koith.'two-chariuing children , agedro-
srtectivc'ly twelve , nnd ten ycnrc , wore
dressed us Gcorgo nnd Martha Washing
ton nnd led the grand march to supper
Thev nUo took thu lend in the tanners
and other dances. Among the members
of Harmony clmpter , O. K. S , of Conn
cil Bluffs , wlio attended the party as
guests of the Vesta chapter , O. K. S , oi
Omaha , were : Air. and Mr . C. P. Horn-
ton , Mr. and Mrs. 11 11. Huntlngtoiii
Mrs. and Mrs. K. B. Graham , Mr. ma
Airs. Molt , Mr. nntl Mrs. J. L. Martin.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cooper , Mr. ant
Mrs. T. C. Clark , Miss K. P. Potter , Mrs
H , Y. Miller , Mr. lliucs , Mr. and Mrs
Haw'ont , Mrs. D. Juda , Mrs. L. Burnett ,
P. W , Bownctous. Mr , and Mrs. High
land , Ml. S3 Blanche Arkwriclit , Miss
Mary Clarke. Miss Carrie Hnntitigton
MissTolmor.Mr.and Mrs A. W. Grutzcr
Mr. and Mrs. G. 11. Jackson.
Captain and Mrs. II. C. Cook royally
entertained their garrison friends Tucs
day evening. Kxccllont vocal music was
contributed by Mrs. General Whcaton
Mrs. Cook and Lieutenant Kinstic. Those
present wore Lieutenant and Mrs. 1'gberl
Lieutenant and Mrs. Mai lory , Lleutennit !
nnd Mrs. Turner , Lieutenant nnd Mrs
Karson , Lieutenant tCnrln , Mrs. A'MT-
crombic , Captain Ulio. Mrs. and MKs
Satterthwaitc , Dr. and Mrs. llasktn ,
Lieutenant Wilson , Dr. nnd Mrs. Brown ,
Lieutenant limmback , Mrs. Mills , Lieu
tenant Wright , Colonel and Mrs.
Fletcher , Mrs. Thomas , General nnd Mrs.
Whcaton , Captain Dempsey , Mrs. and
Miss Dempsey , Lieutenant and Mrs.
Kiiizie , Mrs. Pickcriucr , Licutnnnnt
Powell. Colonel Dnjipett , Lieutenant
Atues , Lieutenant and Mrs. Towsloy.
St. Barnaliaa Guild.
The members of the St. Barnabas So
cial guild gave their last party before
Lent on Monday evening. Progressive
euchre and dancing were the programme.
Refreshments were served at 11 o'clock.
The members present were Misses Sil
ver , Crcmcr. Mead , Grace Mead , Sanford -
ford , Shill , Douaghiic , Allen , Gardner ,
Sewnrd , McCheano , Npcdlmm nnd Lizzie
Nccdlunn ; Messrs. 32ast , Shakcshaft.
Darling , Snnfonl , Crciner , Woodman ,
Heath , Pogue , Weeks. C. II. Weeks ,
Cully , Scward anil Silver. There wore
several visitors also present.
Colonel and Mrs. Henry gave another
of their enjoj-ablo card parties Monday
evening. The invited guests-were Judge
nnd Mrs. Wakelcy , Mr. and Mrs. J. N.
II. Patrick , Mr. and Mrs. Bennett , Judge
nnd Mrs. Dundv , Mr. nnd Mrs. Webster ,
Mr. and Mrs , W. V. Morse , General nnd
Mrs. Crook , Mrs. llcndo. General and
Mrs. Wheaton , Mr. and Mrs. Colpctzer ,
Mrs. Jubois , Colonel and. Mrs. Hall , Col
onel Wilson , Dr. and Mis. Jones , Gen
eral and Mrs. Cowin , Mr. and Mrs. Gil
bert , Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Morse , Mr. and
Airs. Himcbaugh. Mr. and Mrs. S. T.
Smith , Mrs. Andrews.
At Fort. Oituilin.
The Misses Alice and Mary Brown and
Miss Kcnzic , daughter of Major Kcnzic ,
gave a delightful hop at the ball room at
Fort Omaha on Washington's birthday.
Tiic people who went from the town were
Misses Mabel Fonda , Grace Hellley , May
nnd Jennie Wallace , BessieMorse. . May
Munsticld , Liz7io Pnrrotte , Carrie Detwi-
Icr , Mamie Josliu , Herbert Rogers , Bert
Wheeler , Herbert Cooke , Clark Rcdick ,
Wing Allen , Hilton Fonda , Harvey Me-
Connie k , Fred JUistin , C. II. Ellis and L\
McCaim. _
Progressive Cuclirc.
Mrs. Carter gave a six-handed proprcs-
s vo euchre party Monday evening. The
flowers , prizes and refreshments wore all
notably fine. Tiioso present wcro Mr.
and Mrs. Call away , Mr. and Mrs.
Coutant , Mrs. Cheabrough , Mrs. Col
pctzer , Mr. Megquier , Mrs. Dubois , Mr.
and Mrs. S. T. Smith. Mrs. Andrews ,
Mrs. Armour , Mrs. Wheelock , George
Sqiiiies , General and Mrs. Dandy , Mr.
and Mrs. Ramsey. Mr. and Mrs. D. V.
Barkalow , Mrs. Morsman. Mr. and Mrs.
Yost , Mr. Gniou. Mrs. f'ritch-
ctt , Mis. Hanscom , Miss Hmiscom , Mrs.
Boyd. _
Tlio Ruttorlly Club.
That junior organisation was pleasantly
entertained byiMhs Daisy Uoano Friday
evening. Those present were the Misses
Grace Ileflley , Mabel Fonda , Emily
Wakcley , Ounl TouzaJin , Jennie Mc
Clelland , Bessie Morse , Edith Craudnll ,
May Mansfield , Messrs. Clark Redick ,
Harry Moorcs , Egocit Keller , Harry Me-
Cormick , Herbert Rogers , Fred Rustin ,
Hilton Fonda , Mon. Bcall , Will Grifliths ,
Herbert Cooke.
A Six O'clock Tea.
Mrs. C. X. Diets : , one of Omaha's most
popular hostesses , gave u 0 o'clock tea Fri
day evening. The menu included many
delicacies served in SOACU different courses
Those who sat down wore the Missas
Di\on , the Misses Wadleigh , Mrs. Col-
petzer , Miss Lcluner , Miss DietMr. .
Bishop , Mr , Drake , Mr. Luhmor , George
Squires , Mr. Drake , Mr.Vhlte \ , John
A. liunch i'nrfy.
Miss Jpsio Millard gave n luncheon
jiarlyatthe Millard Thursday that was
nmung the jjleasant events of the week.
The guests wcro Miss Weber , of Rock
IslandMrs. . Horbach , Mrs. W. 11. Mil-
Inrd , Miss Boyd , Miss Kimball , Miss
L'lmsn , Miss Megeatli , Miss Sharp , Miss
Dumly. Miss Lake , Miss Clarke. Miss
Hoagland , Miss Richardson , Miss Graves ,
Miss Ijams , Miss McCormiok , Miss Clara
Brown. _
A Card rortjr.
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. McKenna , on Luke
street gave n progressive ouchrn party
Friday evening. Miss Pmilscn took the
ladies' pri/e , an ornamented perfume
bottle. B. F. Baker took the tlrst men's
pri/ii , an inkstand. The booby pri/ccs , a
deck of cards and a tin horn , were given
to Mrs. Win. Latoy and George Bassutt.
A line supper was served und a good time
was enjoyed by all. _
A Dinner Party.
Miss Jessie Millard gave n dinner party
Tuesday evening in honor o * her guest ,
Miss Weber , of Rock Island. A dozen
people sat down , including Miss Barber ,
Misii KutOin , Miss Knight , Miss Alllo
Brown , Mr. Muir , Mr , Horbach , F. Hum-
iltou , John Clarke , Mr. Drake and Mr. J.
11. Millard. _
A ? Dinner ,
Mr. and Mr3. W. S , Curtis entertained
a small but convivial party at dinner
Monday evening in honor of theirguest ,
Mrs. btovtuis , of St. Louis. Mr. and Mrs.
[ iron" , Mr. and Mrs. Copula ml and Air.
Stratum , of Springfield , 111. , were pres
ent. _
Art GosHip.
Miss Shafer has completed u famuli
luudscap : on porcelain.
Mrs. Balbsch is working nt a difficult
piece of lapestry painting ,
Mi&s Ball has ornamented a white silk
fan puHlily with a Hock of swallows.
Miss Rosa is making a great success
with her class in water color , on Park
Miss Shulzo has done some work in
ideal heads that is fully up to her usual
standard. .
MIw Pelton is doing landscape worfc
and still life .studies that evince consider
able talent.
Mr. O'Neill , ono of Omaha'j oldest
irtists. 1ms savcral completed picturtsi jn
ij.i studio at present.
Jirowu is d Mk < - ii - - canvas i
with a diflicjilU-shidy of peonies on n
back ground "of warm grays.
Collhn & Shnrlt ? are doing a gtt > nt deal
In blnck and -while. A crayon portrait
of W. P. Chambers has been much nd-
mirod. t i
Miss Southard is occupying spare mo
ments in repoiwie work. Frames with n
design of leaves hammered in bold relief
are popular.
Mrs. Mutiiftugh has done some ex
quisite headset children in water color
that nro desllnNl to be in great dcuiund
for Easter olTtrlhgs.
Small nnd Hai-lv. R. C. ) Garrabrant gave a neigh
borhood card party Wednesday even
ing.Mrs C. E. Sq'urres gave a small can
party Friday evening for Mrs. dies
brough , of St. Louis.
Mrs. S. \ \ arrcn Chase gave a four
o'clock tea Tuesday to about twenty-sit
young ladles.
There was nn Informal young folk's
party at Mrs , Win. Wallace's last night
Mis. C. K. Contant gave a neighbor
hood card party Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Morsmnn gave a luncheon to
r.bout thirty Indies Friday m honor oi
Mrs. Chcsbrough.
Mrs. P. 11. Allen entertained n few
ladies at lunch Wednesday to meet Mrs.
A pleasant party was given Thursday
by Mr. and Mrs. O. Stevenson in honor
of their daughter Ethel's seventh birth-
day. About twenty-live boys and girls
were pro-cut and a most enjoyable time
was hud by those present. Many re
membrances weie received by the young
Mrs. Mnjrranc's social Wednesday
night was attended by n large number ol
enthusiastic dancers who experienced a
pleasant evening
D. W. Archer has returned from St.
A whist club is to be organized for
C. H. Dewey left for a southern tour
Miss Bennett is visiting Miss Lou Jones
in the Bluffs.
John Francis returned Friday from a
five weeks' trip.
Colonel Ellison , of Chicago is visiting
Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Smith.
Mrs. J. 11. Shrcvo is visiting the family
of Mr. Deweese , iu Lincoln.
Thomas McCnguo is enjoying a south
erly trip through Mc.\ieo and California.
Miss Reno Hamilton has been called to
Blair by the sudden death of her brother-
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Christian , of Ham
burg , Iowa , are guests of Mrs. D. H.
Colonel Boncsteel , of Fort Niobrara ,
with a parly of friends , came down to
hear Patti.
Miss Phil Morgan is home from a two
months' visit iu Sidney , with her brother ,
Chat Morgan.
The Danish association will give a
ma = quc ball at Ucrmama hull Saturday ,
.February 20.
Dr. Fey , , the. talented pastor of the
Chnstum church , is going cast Monday
for a short vtsit.
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Lewis , of Lincoln ,
heard Patti and xvero guests of U. P.
Lewis last week.
Captain 11. W. Chare , of Salt Lake ,
paid u Hying 'visit ' to his many iricuds iu
Omaha Jast week ;
Miss CurrJe'lllcks , sistcrof Mrs. W. W.
Kcaii , is the guest of the latter at 1111
South Ninth ; Struct.
Miss MamlC , ' Alley , of Wilbcr , and
Miss Emma Fuller , ot Crete , are guests
of Mrs. It. Johnson.
Unity club will hold its next hop at
Masonic HulUjFriday evening. Tlio
' Vranc ] D.'Pai er , 'of St. ' Louis7 Is spGncl-
ing Sunday rUi his sister , Mrs. W.
II. Alexander , on Park avenue.
B3 Cards arc out announcing the mar
riage of Miss Mabel Dyer to George A.
btieknoy Tuesday evening March 8.
Jtiilgo Goodwin _ and A. 11. Whin , of
Salt L.iko , visited Omaha last week. Mr.
Wiun will remain for several weeks.
Miss Hattie Bailey is home from u four
weeks' visit to Miss Warner , of Onawn ,
la , , u former pupil at Browuell hall.
Miss Lou Bergcr , of 1'hittsmoiith , has
comu to spend the winter with her sister ,
Mrs. S. It. Johnson , on Dodge street.
Mr. Brigham has succeeded Mr , Wilkins -
kins as tenor at the First Congregational
church and is affording much pleasure.
Mr. and Mrs. Oakley sind Miss Anna
Davis came up from Lincoln to hear
Patti and were guests of Air. and Mrs.
C. J. Greene.
Clark RcilLck has gone to Los Angeles
to take a pluce us teller in the Southern
California National bank , ot which his
father , John 1. Rcdick , is picsident.
E. R. Thompson , a banker and capital
ist of Norwich , Conn. , is spending a few
d.iva in Omaha and making investments.
He dropped in to hear tliu diva Thursday ,
Tlio Fremont Union club gave a
masque ball at tha opera house Friday
uvcnlng. February 25. The committee
were John Thomsen , Gcorgo Eddy and
Frank Fowler.
A prominent Lincoln party who at
tended the Patti concert with Mr. and
Mrs. Alexander consisted of Mr , and
Airs. A. S. Raymond , Mr. and Mrs. S. H.
Bnrnham , Mr. and Mrs. P. V. M , Ray
The Mendelssohn quartet gave a very
successful concert at Tabor , la. .Tuesday.
Thu Tabor people proved to be thor-
oughlyappreeiiitivc , ami nronoiinced tlio
organization thu linest of its kind they
liad ever heard.
Callers at the Club.Tlmrsday were Mrs.
MeFarland and Mrs. Muir , of Lincoln ;
Miss Mattie M. Bucll and -Miss Katie
Mansion , of St. Joe : Mrs , R. C. Putturson ,
Omaha ; Mrs. H , E. Lewis , ot Lincoln ;
Mrs , S. C. Smith , Mrs. H. G. Caudeo and
Miss Gillr-tto , of Beatrice.
Miss Alma Hall , of Kentucky , who lias
been the guest of her aunt , Mrs , John
Shaw , of Walnut Hill , returned homo
Friday. Miss Ilnll will bo greatly missed
in social circles not only of suburb , in
Omaha , but the-city proper , ann the re
grets ot her dnpartnre are only equaled
by earnest wishes fora return in a near
_ _
lDnr I'OinDor.
> toAitus.
No.l Cora. g. J. j , J'A H slid W ft . $17.50
Mo.J " i' 4Su udl6 It . 14.75
tfo.3 " ' it ! , 14 and 16 U . 18.50
" " 32 14 and 1 * ft . 1100
. .
No. 1 , 4 & 0 Inch , 13 nnd 11 f rough. . . ? l7.0t
No. 3 , 4 & Cinch , 13 and U ft. , rouuii. . . H.OJ
_ lIMjtl ) > ? < ! ) * > A
J18 flJH 11 U ' IHfl
sn ROOUL60I8W .'si '
! 'Jd , lltUO 16 Ki 16.60 17.00 IH.U121.lMil.CO
SllO IlILK ) Hrfl&SJ 17.00 18.00 S3.U)3.UI ) !
SUB flflJi JO/ * ) IBM 1I.W 18.00U.CJQi-tOO , !
ui-Bca IIB.H ? | 8.Mll ! ' ' Rt K.OO'lS.OU'SU.CO ' ' SO.OU
1st com. , f In White Pine i'artltlon..fS.T.OO | !
' ' ' '
Cdcom , , ? i In Norway Pine Celling , . , . ll'bu
A12Inch s. is. JiO ( SSfl.00
II " J ) 'J3.50
-Vo. 1 , com. Win * . Is , , HUSandiiOioet iil.OO
No 2 , ' " " 13 and Ufeet. . . nbo !
" " " IQfeet 18.00
-N'n.1 , plain , Sand lOlnch , . , .817.50
Ko. 2 , plalu , Sand 10inch , 15.50
811 1 U. % I.A'l U.
XXcleir , 5'J ui ; A standard , 52.50 ; Xo , 1 ,
R1.8S ; I.ath. & . ' . < .
POSTS White Cedar , 0 In. , J s , 12c ; 8 In.
is. ,
Prof. J. J. lilley. of Chicago , is ex-
> ccted 'to lecture hero to-morrow on
The Provision Pit in DonU' as to Who is
Manipulating Pork.
Tlic Itccclpts of Cnttlo Insufficient to
JInko n Jtnrkct ttocs Active
With nn Upturn Iti I'rlccs
Quotation * .
CnicAoo , Feb. 00. [ Special Telegram to
tlio JJir.1 : There Is hnully anybody left In
the provision pit who believes that tills is an
Armour pork deal. A fortnight ace opinion
was nil ono way , and It was unanimous thai
nobody but Armour could uos'lbly gut pork
up from SS.CO to S14.CO. A week ace tliero
appealed a dMslon of unnnlinlty and theio
werons many wlio believed that tlio iwrk
deal was lieam'i niul .loins' no Hint thn
Miniilpulntlon wns Armours. Now , with
May iiork almost lG.OOthcre ate Tory Tow In
deed who bellevo tlio coiner ono of Armour' s.
It Is getting to be bcluncd that theclliiuo hn
not alilcRernian In than N. 11. Itcam , nml
that when Nat Jones , N. 1J. licnm nnd Leo-
jiold itlooin nro nnmed theic aio no others to
bo Included niiiong the engineers of thn pork
squeeze. Tlintlt is a clever manipulation
nobody denies. Iteam nnd .folios were stalkIng -
Ing about the. piovlslon croud inuUoiinp
about "Armour's unholy" uutll
they really pot the ciowd to belieui
that their Indignation was righteous.
Admirers of the latter of those t\vo operators
were for a long whllo holding up their hands
and assevcinting that "JJeam wns not that
kind of a fellow , " but this docs not KO any
loneer. The squeeze Is 1 Seam's nnd Jones'
nnd Bloom's , and tlio shorts must swear at
them. Tlie point is now , can the clique boll
tlio stun ami eet the piolits In sight safely in
Its rockets ? When Ciulahy and the ether
members of thelittlo syndicate sold 1,000,000
bushels of wheat under Tb'c jcstordav they
c.\plalned their sales in this wny : If Uio
Cincinnati clique docs not succeed In corner-
Inc .Slav wheat the price will RO because of
thi'lr failure n good deal lower thnn if tliu
effort had never been tunde. Now how' rnn
May wheat be successfully cornrrcdV The
rule makes winter wheat ifullveniblo on con
tracts nnd 3,500,000 bushels of winter wheat
can bo cot nt St. Louis for n less pnco o > en ,
although it Is n better Rrado than spring "No.
'J at Chicago. All that It would cost
there would bo the freight. There are
4,000.000 bushels of wheat at Blil-
watiki'O nnd 10.000.000 bushels nt
Duluth and 7,500,000 busiinls at Minneapolis
All this wheat is tributary to this market. If
there is a corner lioro every bushel of
In the country , winter ns well as sprinc , can
bo bi ought here. Ills a mere question ot
frpight. That wasn't the case In the days
when Armour and Handy nnd McOeoch and
( Ji-orKC C. Walker and N. 1C , Fairbanks ran
their successful deals here. In part nn ad
vance of 10 cents was scared at the \ny
opening , when Mav was liimly held nt
SIO.0 % , and it.- > eon touched S1G 15. A lirm
but at tlio ame time steady tone pro ailed In
wheat and com. The formei o | > cned at
7s'c nnd the latter at HSSfc nnd both stayed
nlmostexactly where thny opened. There
wan not uuoiieh stuff for sale to depress
pi ices nor siifticlent bmlii ! ? orders on the
Hoer to brinij out any derided advance.
Pork continued on up to 510.20. ttieto not
being very much for sale. Whoit wns
fairly bought by local scalpers
but kept > ery steady around 7 , ' 4
@ 78c. Corn picked up dining the
lirtt hour to a > /3sc. The rcgulni dlspo-
billon to clear up tiade over Sunday wns an-
patent everyw heie. As the session advanced
adcaithof news affccttniraliiL3 was veiy
noticeublo in pork. There wns puicticallv
nothing elbu talked about. M.IJleaclied
SIO.L'O , but failed to remain there owlnx to
the absence of either omsidoor local oidei * .
IJy noon Alar had reacted to SKI.07 bid , but
was firm under light offerings. Tlio talk is
for 100,090 hoes at the yards next week ,
which means lizht enough receipts to nttrnct
.some attention and doubtleis evi t more or
loss ol Inllnuncu on the speculative nmil.ct.
] 'tactically all that \ \ hunt bullshad to console
themselves with was the prospect of n de
crease in the v'slble ' .Monday In the neighbor
hood of 1,030,1 OT bushel * . Locally there was
no trade calculated to attract tiny attention.
OHM dining thoinoininir May got ns high as
7sV ' 'Me and ( ell later to7b'i.it7S ( > 4v , not bu-
c.iubo it was beared' but beiMiisc It met with
no support nt all. Nobody evinced any dis
position to trade and oy noon half of tha
regular operalois hud either debited the pit
altogether or were sitting mound idle anU
permitting the market to look out for itself.
Tow aid the close It was steady around Ts c
for Jf.iv , when w heat was weaker. Pork Ml
off to SlS.'j ' ' , but entirely iccoverod. Just
prior to the closing u good < lenl ot intcicst
sprang up in ribs , being bid up by
tfieshoit Interest Corn did nothing whatever
bcioml clinnlnn closely to Ss c. often little
below that tigine , and now and then abo\o
It. The close was steady.
Cuitc , 2:15. : May wheat , 78'f
CmrAOO , Feb. 20. [ Special Tclozram to
the HBK. ] UATTI.K Not enough cattle
were here to fairly make a market. After a
big neck's receipts buyers nearly all had
enough stock on hand aud so tlio wants of
the trade were very lij'ht. Pi Ices weio
steady. Tha icccipts Uurinc the past two
\veeks liiuo been about fe. 100 head. Shij-
plnjC steers. 1,300 to 1.5UO Ibs , SJ.M(8 )
500 ; l.'JOO to 1BO ; Ibs , < 5J.IO ( 4GO ; 1)50 ) to
1.Sio ( Ibs. S.fXC'I.OO. : ! ) > . Stockers and tccdcrp ,
S2.50rtj. ( ; < jO ; cows , bulls and mhcd , SiOO
: J.N ) ; bulk , S2.bOi.i ( ! ; ; .
lions. BusineM was aetlvo with an up
turn of a peed f c on the ordluarv run of
packim : sorts. Tlioro were no really fancy
hcavv on ( .ale. J'liey would have undo
S5.Wtfi.H5 ; line butcher welirht umtlo Sj.70f < ( )
5.75 ; pack PI H. SWiA 70. Mirht soils sold
at SD.5Uj7j.GO ; porkers , 55.0v : ; } 5 45.
Fl.NA.NUl/Uj. /
N w Yorlr. Peb. 'JO.-Morisv Closed nt
33K percent.
OTKnin.xo EXCHANOB 34.85 @H.85 > i foi
sixty day bills ; S4.hSj ( < t4 > hj foi ( Iciimnd.
( iOVKH.VVih.NTS tiOVL'IlllHL'Jlt bonds \\CfO \
dull but steady ,
STOCKS Stocks \\crn dull , first prices
showing a slight decline , Near noon nnces
jlcldcil turther. Tlio market continued dull
and \\eak , the close being at the low cut
nriccs of tlio day ,
Bf > cent bonds , . lOOJg preferred. , . Ml
U.H. 4H' Jl0'4 N. Y. C.
Ne\v4's 1284j ; Oreuon Tran. . .
I'HClllcfi'Sof "Ji. 12fljf4 I'BClUCiLlll. . . .
.entralPdcllic. , ! 5nj P.I ) . &K , . . .
C.AA 142H P. P. 0
prt-inrrcb. . . . 155 Hock Island
O. 1) ) . ftO ISS , Ij. &S. K. . . .
\ ) . L. ttW IW'rf jireferred. , .
D.&U.G ' C. , M. it.St , J' . . .
rio preforiod , . .
preferred , . St. P.AO
Illinois Central. prpferre < l , . . .
1. . W Texas Paclhc. . .
Kansas & Texas. Union Paeillc. . .
LnXuShore . . . . l H W. , St. L , & J' . .
L. AN. . , . . BlJi' ' prefoncd , . .
Jillcli. < ntral. . . b'J > 4 Western Union.
Mo. 1'acitlc. . . . . . lOSJilO. , ] { . itK. . .
Noithern J'ac. . . y8Vi'anailaSouth. . . . . „
Pieferred. . . 6'JJi Ueadiiifc' . STA
G. A ; J4. W HS4 |
Clilcuco , Feb. SO. Following quotitlons
are tlio : & > closing iniires ;
t'Juur JJull , Gtiady aud unch&need ; nln-
tor lii-at nour , Sl.'J'/GH.-W ; toutu-
ern. 4.10 1.20Vl.tvinsm ; \ , S4.SO
( tU.'M ; AllclilKan soil sprliiL.vhcat ,
Sa.70te4.80 : Mlnnetota haters. 55J.70C 4.0 ! ;
[ atfciil ? , ts4.50g-l.SJ : low ciadus , 3J.l ( " . { > } ;
rye Hour , quiet at S3.V5 < g3.4U ; in tftcka and
bancls , &WnX.10 , LUlit bi'slncsa transacted and the
feeling lirm most of thu se.sslou ; lliietuuteit
within a 8 oranio and cloMUl c abe > o 303-
terdov ; casii , TJ > t'c ; ilay , 7S'4n ; Juuu ,
Corn Frmer ; ilucraatod within n > /c
ranpe and closed J/c above yesterday : , rash.
-3 I.MIHJ : May , Sj lU-lOc ; Jwo. J'J 1S-1& : .
pats-Quiet and bteady ; ilefeutid luturo'
KfUcabovn josterdaj'close ; aiili ,
ilaCaUc. .
H-o-ljill ) at Kte.
TJtnothr seed frlmn , 31.S2K *
Tork OnentHi gtronirnndrlowd firm ; cash ,
8l .ftV < ? in.lO ! Mar , SM.S.V. June , StV ( tK.
Lard ArtUo and * j6ijc hishcrj ca h ,
S7.av37.07H ; May , S7.l KQ7.50 ; June ,
$ Ti < UHfO7. & .
Hulk Meats Shoulder * . fr.00 < 3 .25 ; short
clear , SS.KKtfS.'O : shoit ribs ST.T5.
Mutter Firm nnd scarce ; creamery , 15 ®
27Kc ; dairy , 12@.Xc. )
Cheese Full cream * Meady but Mow : full
cream rhedrtar * . l ttn c ; flnts ! R ( < J13 c ;
jontiR Americas. 1S U4c ; Skims , 2 ( llc.
Kzes Kn irr at IftKc.
Tallow Slow ; > ia 1 country , solid , 3V < J !
No. J.2 ccakpto. : .
Hides Urron. fc ; liravr Rrren salted ,
7c ; paltwl bull , Cc : creon salted calf. S > ct
dry salted hides 10c ; dry Hint , 12jJ13c :
deacons , 4 ( > c each. . .
ItccclpK Slilpment * .
Klour , bhN . 11.000 10.000
Wheat , bll . CO.OOO 4.XW (
Pom , IU . KT.OOi ) B-.2.000
Oats , bu . 1SO.OOO fcn.OOO
Ityo , bu . 1,000 none
Uarloy , bu . S7.000 S-.OOO
Now York. 'Feb. > . Wheat lloculnt * ,
50XW ( bu. ; export ! , S-irj.OOO bu. ; bcttei , clos-
at outside tlcim"i ; uiiRraiU'd red ,
No. 2 nil , We In olovnlor , WWJ
alloat ami lall dell\eieil ; March
closed at Njjfc.
Corn ltiilicr , closlnc steady ; rcootpK 31-
OOd ; uxportaIIJ.OOO ; ungraded , i7'4C'tl , c ;
No. at @ 4 c In elector. WltQj ! ' . / ' < o-
lln-rwl ; March closed at4 t4C.
Oats Hfi'elpta , 41 , JO ; e.\irt | ( , 100 ! 'ni cd
western , S.@Srehltc wcMein , HTijiKc.
Petroleum United closed at ( UVc.
Kizis I.ouer ; vieitera , 17 uJl < ic.
1'orfc Finn.
Laid Hither ; vitMern steam , spot , 87.23.
Jiutler Kinn nnd nnlct.
Cheese-Steadi ; western Hat ,
Cincinnntl. Feb. V5i ) . Wheat
red , saa e.
( Joru No. a mixott , s
Onts No. 2 inUcU , l
Kj o-No. 2 , Me.
Pdik Nominal.
Blllwnukco. Fob. 20. Wltcat-iitcadlcr ;
cash 74 c ; Mav. 7Xr ,
Corn-Dull at.'tfic.
Onts Drooplni ; ; No. \\lilte \ , SOc.
Ityo Weak at 0 > c.
Hurley Lou IT nl r.OVc.
Piovlblons 1'orlc , Kctrnary,8IC.15.
St. I , on I . Feb. 20. Wheat Flimer ; cash ,
77S77Xe ( : May. TUVfc.
Corn Firmer ; No. 2 , mixed , cash , S3) ) c ;
May. XMc ,
Onti Steady ; No. 2 , mixed , cash , 27 c ;
llje Nominal nt53c.
"Whisky 51.13.
Pork-SironB at
l-ard Firm at SU.80cjfi.S. ( .
Liverpool , Feb. 2fi. Wheat-Dull : Cali
fornia ? o. 1 , 7s OdC'i's Td percental : red
western citrine , 7 * Sd7 ( > i 4d ,
Corn hasy ; new mixed , western , -Is 4d
per cental.
Jiausan City , Feb. 20. "Wheat Quiet ;
cash , CCc old ; Ala v , 71Mc.
Corn Cash , lia'fe bid ; -May , 31c. .
Oats Nominal.
nun clear Jib. S7.75.
Oats : ! 7Kut ( ; c.
Corn illglier nt 4fi@-17c.
Clilonpo. Feb. 20. I'be Urovci's Journal
lenorts a'l follows :
Cattlo-Heeclnt * , EDO ; steady ; shipnins
steers. S.50(3500 : ? ( ; stockcra nnd teedci ? .
52.50 100 : cows , bulls and mixed , 5 00
@ : ibO ; bulk , S2.bO@'JO. )
5.40 ; skips S-i.f.OS4.70. ; ( !
Sheen-HccclptN 1,000 ; steady ; natives
S1.0ftn4.70 ; western , Si.SO' : < § J.70 ; Texan.0 ,
&i70j4l.-r. ( : lambs Sl.tO515. .
Xnilori" ! Slock Ynrilo , Knt Hr.
Louis , 111. , Feb. 80. Cattle KccoIpK 400 ;
maiUet steady : choice heavy native steer- . ,
.TH.3-x.c4.SU ; bhipplncsteci-h , SIVKWI.-r ) ; tint-
chers' btui-rs , 3t.iKcm.OO : ) ; Icedeis , SU.fcO@.CO ! ;
stockers , S'J. @i 0.
HoS { IteuuipN 700 ; sU\idy on heavy , but
slow on lignt ; cholca heavy and bulpliei.s'
Keloctlons , S5.f.OCuT..r5 ; p.icUlnp , 55.tO@r.5j ? ;
Yorkcrb , > ij5.i.'i. :
Kntibr.H City , Kcb. 2.J. Cattle Kocclpts
1,200 ; Bhiiimcnts , none : strong ; t-ouiniDii to
choice , yi.fttXfiH.ft1 ! ; stockers , P2.f-0 < f ; IS ;
feeding steers , saAV < i.1.fiO ; cows. S'J X < H40.
Hosi lleeelpts , 5,000 ; hhlpmonts l.-'OO :
common weak nnd a shade loner ; common
to choice , S5.lJd ; > 00-
Satuiday , 1'ut ) . HO.
The receipts wuro cxtn-melv llsht. The
market was < iuiet and the lecllng was u little
The receipts weio liberal for the last dav ol
thfMuek. The mill Kut ojpned n little .slow.
Heavy lui1 ! weio about stcaily nnd one lo.ul
ol fancy bioiiKlit . "i.4 > > . Ll lit and medium
eight boss uere fully " > c lower.
Thcic was one small btinch told to-day.
Cattle . COO
llo s . 2.UOO
hhcep . COO
Sliowins the prevailing prices paid for live
slot Icon ibis inailii't :
Choice steers , lUSO to 1500 lb3. . . . l.l5(34.Sfi (
Choieo steers , 1100 to tbOO Ibs. . . a.7.'X ' ( 4.10
( ! oed to cholco corn-fed cowa . . . . U..Vat.40 :
1'airto medium rnss cows . 2.UWir : > 0
Uood to cholcn bulls . 2.2.V < Zi.Ct : >
Light nnd medi millions . C lO'rf.1.20
Uood to choice heavy hess . 53iW > .4'i
CSood to choice mixed hots . fi.l."iiC > .20
Choice sheep , Oft to 120 Ibs . 3.50 4.00
No. Ar. Pr. No. Av. Pr ,
I. . . . WXI &l.l > 0 11..TS7 ? 4.00
4..10G.5 S.CO 7..VJS ! 4.0D
lb..H58 3.00 18..1WJ 4.00
Xo , Av. Pr. No. Av. lr.
S , . . . ( m g'Wi ' U. . . . O.VJ 32.75
1..1050 2,2.5 10. . . .1001 3.09
1 . . . 7HI 2,75
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1. . . 1510 82.00 4. . . . 15 0 3.00
1 . . .IDS ) 3.00
: NO. AV. PI.
S , . . .1700
No , Av. Pr.
VS. . . . 81 8351)
5.i5 !
rj.:0 ! :
0 II
tlio hlich'ut and lowest nrlen *
paid for li > d $ of huiis on tills mirUct during
thu iw > t * vun days and for the tame time
last month and a vonr atzo.
Jnu 168T J'oL. IbiT I'D I ) . IfMti
otii i 40 Ct < .75 HimrtBy T7F oi"co"
( .50 CC.1.71/ e.'jo as.1 ; fiuncl iy
' ' S.IO 4.W iU It
'Humla'y 0.10 1 ID
1.40 ( Til.75 .i.n at * to '
' fi.05 fiAB'j ; > d'ni eel " i
IM 6n'\Wt 5. 10 Ci.5 It , 3 K > ' " '
Showinc the number of cultlo , ho-.s and
sbteii bhlppud from the ynnU Uuiins thu U.iy.
No. curs. Kt. D'--d.
5 . , . It. I- . . , . . , . , . . . . . Chlr.ijQ
> . . . . . . , , . . N. W. , , , . Chleaco
* . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . * N. II . . . * , , t . . . .l.
All3ile3 of btoclc in thl > mirkot ro ma < to
'icrcwt. ' live wiiiijlit niiless ut'n-rwiio ' stilul. ;
IMid lies ; sell At Xc per Jb. tor all vvolichti.
or HOJ.JVdl hinif iti-- , tli.Mi iiu lin.
J'rfKS4iit siuvi ara ducked iO lUi.
j. by tliopuollo 'Qiye < ; tor.
Cattle weal- .
J. P. .Stuart , ot the utu of Stuart it Cook ,
St. Paul , Nob. , was In and marketed a load et
butcher stock. ,
Heavy IIORS hold up their nnd ,
Llcht nnd medium welcht hoes RO lo cr.
1' . A , llnrrctt. Weoplne AVntcrrts \ In nnd
tnarketcd n of hogi.
P , Mi Colden. Lnramle , n Avtll knoun stock
man , wns a visitor at the yards.
Gencrnl I'roilucc.
Jsnturday , Feb. M.
/ofoiclii(7 ? ( pHert nrcor n > init ( Jots o/
) ) nxttCrMi * olrf on Hie mnrhct for < i/ ! . 'Jn #
qnotntioitumfmtta rr ; n : uil//ic / prices nt
/ilr/i / / miMicroonicrt are flIJ < xf.
3'oos The market wiw lirmor to day and
the bulk of thOKdluiivtv mnilu at It'- ? .
JHTTKU. The reeclpL * of butter arr mod
erately heavy but the proportion of strictly
cholco butter isvry < mnll , The bulk of Iho
ix'ceipts Is nifido up of the poor grades and A
KriMt deal of It Is vciy rommon. Tlio trade
\\illoiily taKe the best \vhllo the common
and poor ctades are noslected and mo\o
slonly , Cholco country butter In neat pack-
nies Is IHO\UK | nt l.lctlOc and U reqnltM
sti icily chotco stock to command thoio
jiriei" ' . An occasional small parKmto of cx-
ui cholre or iancy slock limy brliiK n little
better pilce . It Is the best butter that sclU
tiot and at the lust prices ami dealers will
find it to their nd\antitru : to take pnlnS In
piu'KIni ; their butler for shipment to the
lint krU Cholco country , loSlOcj fair to
iood , I''QNr : common. C < nE10c.
Dm s-hi > Poii.Tiiv The recelpti of poul
try hn\o been fairly liberal. Tlioiolm\nbeen
u Kood many chickens In and the market Is
lower than a week ano. The trade prefers
small plump chickens , whllo Imgo coarse
fo lsaie ncylecU-tt and uio\o lo\\ly. Tlio
best stock is .selling S't''c , \ \ Iththo bulk golujc
at Jc * TurKojsnieuull nnd ilraziilni : . The
demaml Is llcht and stocks are only moviiiR
in a small \viiy. l.nrjco heavy birds : nro not
nnnU'il. Clidlee Btwk Is Hi-lliiiu at SQl'c. '
( iccso and ducks are In llRlit loccipt and
choice stock Is soiling mostly at t'c. '
( lAMi : There bus been no gumo In this
\\ei-kamlpiicostortlio most part me only
nominal. Ducks , Milliard , per do ? ,
S'i.00 : Teal , per doz , 81.25 < ai.50 : mixed , per
do/ , e. pur ilo7 , S.H.OO ; brants ,
Derdo ? , 5J.OO ; jai-k nibblts , ] > er doz , 52.00 ®
S3 00 ; small labblts. per dor. , SOjfaic ,
POIATOKS Thi'i ha\o been no homo
Kro\\n In tills \\t-uk of any account. The
market is not particular ] } ' active and the de
mand Is mostly for smnlt lots , a fo\v sacks at
a time , nriccs IIOUUMT remain lirm. 1'otttoca
ha > e ntUancc'd In Coloindo nbout 25c per
hundred , w Inch makes tliu market lirm hereon
on that Kind of stork. Homo prown , from
store , smnll lots. OOtrfC : > e ; Colorado , Hose , per
bu. . J.1.05 ; Suo\\ Hake , per bn. , S1.10.
CAUHAIIK- There Is no lionu- crown etoclt
in the maikut but lliero is a Jalr supply ot
California stock in. California cnbbaiio , per
lb , He.
A rri.r.s There are no apples on the mar
ket ot any account and prices aioorjr flint.
Uond stock is sclllnii all Iho w ay f lorn StSOJi )
55.00 per bbl.
ONIONS The supply on the market Is llcht
and there nio > crv few coming in. Cholca
slock , per hbl , $ : ! . ? > 0(2' ( .oa
UIIKX VJ.OKTAIII.KS The weather has
been too cold for the past few days to create
a demand for now leectnblen. A little -warm
wuather would lncienee thn ( Inininul and ntlf-
fen pi Ices. Spinach , per bbl , S3.75 ( < 5H.OO ; top
on ons. iwr bunch , ISc ; celery , p 'r dozen , * 0
@rxic ; Ciillfornliv celerr. per dozen. 51.00 ;
canlilloxM-r , pur down , S200.
LnMo.Sh The market Is lirm as quoted ana
stocks are moving f.ilrly well for tliu season.
Mc.sblnn , fancy , pel box , So.OOfjW.fX ) ; clioico ,
CiiAMiniiiiir.K Capo Cod , fancy , per bbl.
S12.00 ; hull and bugle , S10.00 ; boll and
cherry , S9.75.
OitANdiEb On aecoiint of the unfavorable
Mcather the stocks aio movlnc slowly. The
mniket Is well supplied with cholco stock.
Valencia. i > ei case , & . " > 50iJf 00 ; C.illfornla ,
porhov , S3.0U < 3i.r : > u ; Florldn. bruhl. 5S.7W3
. rubtets , i > 3 00 3.50 ; Messina ,
KANAKAS The supply on tlie market Is
not heavy but them are MI mo very choice ,
iniL'ibunches in. Larxobuuilies , per bunch ,
< _ h n i:1 ! Mediums , 20r ; standard , 2Gc ;
si'k'ctb , 2Se ; extra tcleots W ; X. Y. counts ,
! Jbe-
JbeCiiur.M' Full cream chcddais single , 14c ;
full cream Hats , twin1 ; . 14e ; Youue Ameri
cas , M'.j < j llV c : fancy SHI-SS , rxaifiu : Swiss
imported , 25u : I.liubiir oi.lui : brick , I5i310a.
JiKAj s-l nfei lot stoc k,76c i51.CO ; need clean
cotintiv , St.00 < < il.i'i ! ; medium , Jianil idcknd ,
Sl-Wi ? l.MJ ; hand plekcii. niivr. SI.50Ql.fiO.
PuoVi'-ioTks Ham , 12'fc lSo ; breakfast
bacon , tit ) . % cbrr.-ikfnat bacon , plainlU'fc ;
diy salt siiles. t > l taf > } io' dited bed. regular ,
lie ; dried bt-ol , limn nifces , 14c ; l.ud , 50-lb
cnin , Sc'JO-lb : cans. Fairbanks , SVjc ; 10-lb
can ! * , Fairbanks S c ; 5-ltj cans , Faiibauks.
' 5rioun ! AND Mii.i.sTui'Vs Winter wheat
flour , bc-it minlitv tiatunt. 2.75 ; second qual-
Itv , ? li,2. > gre,50 : best qiinlitv spinm wheat
Hour , patent. S2.40f 2.iK ) ; w. J. Welshan's
bucku heat Hour , per bbl. Sfi.OO : do. double
backs. 3.00 pur hundred ; AV. J. Welshan's
"n. 1. ready raised , forty 2 > Jb package * , in
Hl. , llUllllll , V.U , fi DlllfliS , If jrul UT1
Ki-aliam , Sl.70 ; hay. In bales. S7,00icrton.
PJCIU.KS Medium. In bbis. S3.00 : do , In
half bbls , S4.50 ; small , In bhls. S10.00 ; do , In
hull bbls. So.50 ; gherkins , in bbls , $11.00 ; do ,
in half bbla , $0.00.
M-AtciHcs Percaildlo. 2jc ; square cases ,
51.70 : mule squire. S1.2U.
tivnui' No. 70 , 4-LMllon knes , Sl.3031.23 ;
New Orleans percallon : ! ' > & 'c ; manlo eyrup ,
half bbls , "old time. " iwr K.xllou , 70c ; 1 gal
lon cans , per doz , 810.00 ; halt gallon cans ,
Dor do , $5.50 ; nuart cans , 5 > ; .0i ; .
OAXDV Atixed , b &llc : stick. B QOVic.
CUACKKUS Oarneau's so < la , butter .and
picnic. 5c ; crt-ams , > jc ; InRor snaps , 8 > { c ;
cltv soda. 7W.
COITHKH Ordinary grade * . HK15c fair
f > ® 15j < cpilme. ; ir.i@Kk } ! : choice , IfiQWHo ;
fancy fiioon and jolJow. 10Sl7c ( ( ; old cov-
cnimerit J.iva , OM'JiTc ; interior Java , 10K ( < 2
20c ; Mocha , ' U&'ilc : Arbucklo'u roasted
Jlo ; 3Il > auKlilin's XXXX roasted , 'JOc ;
Dilworlh's , lu'ic : Itcd Cioss. 20j c ,
.STAnnu Mirror Klciss , i lb. Oc ; mirror
Kloss. 3 lb , 5Jfc : mirror closs , Olb , 0 fc ;
tunvcs corn , I HC ! < c ; Kln sford'H corn , 1 ID ,
7c ; Klnirsfonl's gloss , 1 lb. 7c : Klnirsrord's '
uios-i , fi lb , 7Jfc ; Klnifsfoid's ' purn 110. r > J < c ;
Klnirsford's pure , 3 lb , 6Kc ; Klncsfordu
bulk.ic. .
.SOAPS Kirk's savon Imperial. 83.70 ;
Kirk n srutnet. SXOO ; Kirk K staudurd ,
Kirk's white S-I.OO ; Kiik's
cap , Sfi..M ) ; dome , S3.KJ ; vrashboaul , 8X10 ;
\rhlto rlomi. S3. 75.
CAwni > ( Jmr ( > s OysUirssti\ndardporcase ,
Ei.irK. : < ( .i."i ; tra berries 3 lb. per caso. ! } t.aO ! ;
raspberries. Ulb , per case , 5'A'i ; oUallfornla
pear * , ixr case , 84.50 ; nprlcoto , pur eayJ ,
64.00 ; iionclips. pi" case , $5.0 < J ; white chor-
rleu , put cas'- , 55.00 ; p urns , ppr casn , S'i.05 ;
bliieboriic'i porcaso , SJ.M : o/u nluin ? , 2 llj ,
pfrc.asii. SSSO ; plnunpulMs , 3 lb , per case
& . ! SXits.7.'it t lb nii.2k rci. per doz , 31. W ;
1 li hilinon , pt-rdoy , Sl.00 ( l. . > * > ; ttlu , KOOSU-
bi-rni1" ! , iiir ( , ite. 51.75 ; i ! lb Htrins beanH. pnr
case , gl.70 ; U lb lima beans , per case , Sl.UO ;
iJ Hiiiiirrowfutpeas , porcaso , 8..50i'Wr.fj3 ; lb
early .lunu peas , par caso. 8J.75 : 3 lb toma
toes. 8a.5X < W.a < ib.rorn Si.v
Gcnoi-ul Martcot * .
VAKNIBUES linuols , i > t-r gallon ; rural-
ture , extra , SMO ; furnituiiNo. . I , SLOO ;
coach extra , 81.-W ; coarli , No. 1 , 11.20 : Ia-
mar , extra , $ U7.5 ; Junan , 70c ; asi > liaJlura ,
psla Mo : MieUae , &J.W. . hard oil UnUii ,
llARtiwAJiK Iron , rain J-.SO ;
cast tooli. ifo , ; ivaKon , pei sot ,
S'.oxa'j ' W ; iiub < , pi-r bet. 4l.i : lclles. .
sawed drr , 81.60 ; tonisuus , each. Wo :
.li. Vis : squaiu nuts , our 10. OKJ71c :
chain , per lb. a ttjl c ; malloiblelL'c ; iron
wedL'es , Co ; nonlnrs , ftc ; harrow teeth , 4) ) c ,
eprlnc fiteel , 7 ( ,10 ; Itmdou'H hork shoef.
4.15 ; Hurdmi's mule hlioes. S1.5. iinrbnd
AS ire. iu c r lots , 5 < .OJ p r 100 Ibi , .Vails ,
rates , 10 to M , HuO : oteel nails , ) .
.Shot , 81.03 ; bucUbliot , B'.b.r > \ oriental povraer ,
kixs SJ.50 ; dn. half ki'gu. Si 00 ; do. quartar
ko ri , 81./J : blastlim , krjcb , sa.J3 ! ; HUP , per 10
feet. ( Vic. head , 81ft
Dliv PAIN i'H Willie lead , 7c , French /Ino ,
lin ! ; Parli wliltlmr. 5i ) < (3 ( whuliii : , tlldurs ,
"n < s't whitliip , cotn'li \ iif.JampbUek \ , Uer-
iiiniiHtoun , I2o ; Umpbut-k. urdlnary. be ;
I'rustUn fjiioV"iillriinariMi\ | ( ; ; yandyU-
brnwn , 8e ; umber , luirnl. 4o ; umbt-r. law , iq ;
sienn burnt , 4c : Rlenna. ri'.t , 4 < \ \ Pwis
Kreon , uenuliie. 2V , P rlf Krotm. com-
mon. . & ! . ; chromo KTIKIU. N , y. , 20o ;
Termlllion American. Ifc : ' innua
ravr mid burnt , uml r , i & cans , i-c ; raw and
burnt sk-nn * . J2c : vandyke biown , 1 % ; 10-
luieil lampblack I2o : coach black and Ivorf
black. ICc ; ilrop black. IGc ; J'riisiun tiiiiu ,
4 c ; . ultrainarlna black , ISc ; rhromo urrcn.K ,
M. Al ) . , iriu ; blind and filnittorKroi-n. K. . At ,
* U. , Ifin ; I'aru rroHii , 18 j Indian red , I'm ;
Venetian red , Co ; TUHCAII. i oj Arncrleau
yeuiillllon , U i L ) . , 20o ; jcllow ochio , 2c : I , .
M. ifc O. 1) . . ISo : cooJ ochro. ite : catenv
dnor , Qo : irrnlnliix witor , llpht oak. dark oalr ,
walnut , chwtnut und mh , Uo- '