Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 27, 1887, Page 6, Image 13

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Delivered by tnrrirr In nnt pnrtof thocltjrnt
twenty tents per week.
11. W. TILTON , . . . Jtanaeer.
BceiRrFS OmCE , No. 43.
Wroiir EDITOH No. 23.
N. Y.l'lumbinjr Co ,
J"Je\v " spring goods at Iloiter's , tnilor.
New carpets nt Council lihtlTa Carpet
GcorpoW. Thompson & Co. , real estate ,
No. 105 Alain struct.
Telephone No. 2W ! has been mil into the
residence ; of U. 11. Jtulsoii.
. ) . W. iV : E.i. \ . Squire's abstracts arc
giving frotjd satisfaction.
Kiirnlltiro upholstered and repaired.
Council Hind's Carpet Co.
lee ) Scott was .yi-stcrdny fined for as-
entitling his son , Juu Scott.
Charles Hurke was yesterday fined for
assaulting Samuel Drlsbacli.
Ono hundred and sixty acres. Sec Hicc
ft McUcc , No. 101 Main street ,
Noncst things in light nd heavy dra
peries at Council Hlull's Carpet Co's. '
Tin ) injunction cases against the saloons
vruro not reaolind in court yesterday.
Tim United States grand jury will DC
ilrawii Tuesday and court convenes on
March B8.
Hrastus A. Itonson purchased yeslerda } '
ten Jot.s in Riddle's suit , near the iiuw
union dopot.
On Friday evening a nnrty of young
folks surprised Miss Kutio 1'auderut her
home on Vine street.
A bargain , 100 acres of land near the
city on easy lerins and long time. Rice
& MeUeu , No , 101 Main street.
To save further trouble , the party wtio
Btolc the dog from the I'liu-nix will re
turn the same , us lie is known.
Squire's park Addition is a sure invest
ment. 1'acific uvennu will bo built up
with store buildings wltlnn a year.
Tickets for Bella Robinson's benefit
concert will bo on sale at D. W. Bush-
noil's book btorc Monday morning.
Uno hundred and sixty acres for sale
fiouth of the city and near Lake Manawa
by Kice & McUeo , No. 101 Main street.
P. Gtmnoiidu says ho cannot have his
name considered tor alilerinanlc honors ,
There are others who will gladly tukotho
M. Markson was yesterday arrestrd on
thu charge of btealing a waj.ronloid : of
boards from tlie Chicago A : Northwestern
near Crescent.
Thcro was quito n. largo attendance ) nt
the funeral of Herman Xopf yesterday
tifternooii. The Odd Fellows attended in
n body , lie having been a inembor of that
A goodly number of tlioso who partici
pated in the "deestrict school" yesterday
grouped tliutn.sclvcs as gracefully as pos
sible and were photographed in costume
tit ( jorlium's ' galleiy. There will prob
ably bo a great rush for these pictures.
Mrs. Joe Itouldon died at her residence
in lla/.el JJoll township Friday. Tlio
funeral will be held in the church in chat
township to-day , the services to bo con
ducted by Uov. Henry Do Long. Mrs.
iJouldcn has been u resident of this
county bin eo 18.53.
A largo black dog on Main street has
been amusing himself bybiiapi > ing pieces
out of the pantaloons of passers by.
Among the victims reported arc E. W.
Davenport and M. Schickentanz. Some
think tlio dog is mad , butit does not feoein
reasonable , as the dog ought not to get
mad so long as he &eeius to have his own
Next Tuesday evening in Ucno's hall
Rev. Mr. Macsey will deliver a lecture
OH "Leadville. " Any address by the
gifted rector of St. Paul's church is u
treat , bill this will doubtlu&s bo a special
one. Ho labored successfully in Lead
ville at a period when that place was pe
culiarly full of and being a clo&o
student of human nature his observa
tions and o > pcncnccs will without doubt
prove the basis of an interesting lecture.
The meetings of the Salvation Army
present many queer sayings and actions
to exeitu mirth on the part of those who
are eager for a chance to laugh , and who
have little other interest in the meetings.
There arc few , however , uvon of
who attend out of meru curiosity or to
bo entertained , who have so liltlo suit re
spect as to cause any disturbance. The
meetings for the most part are quito
orderly. Occasionally somu smart youth
tries to display bis smartness , but these
bubblings over of verdant vanity arc
speedily suppressed.
Yesterday morning Charlie Liebolct
was coming out of.tho Savings bankwith
a handful of money , when he noticed
Mrs. Kisonwn's her o had slipped and
fallen. He rushed to the rescue , caught
the horMi by the head , and was trying to
deeidd whether to let go of the liorso or
the money , when u gust of wind decided
the matter for him. The bills were
quickly scattered in all directions , and
tnero was a rush of bystanders to help
gather Uimu up. Charliu hung to the
lioreu until other help came , and lior.-
and money were soon all right again.
A case uf destitution was yesterday re
ported as existing near thu corner of
Nineteenth street and Fourth avenue. .
The huhband is out of work , and the wife
is very ill , while added to the other bur
dens has conio a little one. In the nov-
crty stricken homo thc-ro was not a bit of
clothing for thu new comer , and in other
details the hoiiho was drsolato indeed ,
The CIKO was referred to in the meeting
of thu btockholdurs of the American Dis
trict telegraph company yesterday , anil a
puru nt oncu raUod Somu clothing has
also been taken down to the family , but
their needs are only temporarily gup-
plied. They have boon seeking no
charity and'thu help cumo to them as a
surprise ,
Thu DCS Molnes Register continues to
publish imaginary interviews to the of-
feet that the Coutu'il Hlull's boom will not
kcnp up. In other columns of that paper
appear long appeals for thu DCS Moincs
pcoplu to "prepare for a boom. " While
Defi M oincs is gutting prepared , Council
Itl nil's is going right along with its boom.
\Vlion thu Register gets over its jealousy ,
Its narrow two-for-a-pcnny policy , it will
rojolco in thu boom of any Iowa elty. The
Council iilufls bonm is not going to prevent -
vent DCS Moines hat'ing u boom too.
Won't somu onu send the Register a
map , ho that it may MIU that tluiru are
other places in the world besides Des
Mollies , and other parts of Des Moines
than thu particular corner on which thu
Register building stands. The Clarksons
sou 111 way. behind in geography ,
Ono hundred and mxty acres of choice
liiiut south of thu city and near Laku
Mnnawa. Will sull in separate 10-acro ,
tracts , if desired. This land will bo
worth four tunes Us | > icsjiit priru' when
thu Laku Manuwa street railway is com
pleted. Kasy terms and loiig timu given
thu purchasers.
Luid within a mile and a half of this
trout lias been bold within thu i > rc cnl
niontli for nearly leu times thopricu
oskcil for this. '
AD have alsa other unslnibio aero
property in thu city for ? 100 tin aero and
upwards , also lots ( or Mile in all parts of
the city ,
Rico & McCoe , . . .
Real -Kstatu. - ,
No. .101 Mum-Mreet ,
Couiicil JJlutTs.
Some Big Deeds Go on Record and Activity
Kccpa Up.
New Organizations For Plensnrd nml
i'rollt AnnuAl Meeting of the
American District Tclcernph
Co , The Siindny Services ,
Ilcnllzlncnn Itcftlty.
Yesterday was a lively one so far as
the actual transfers of real cstalo are
concerned , The deeds recorded yester
day show a changing of owners of
nearly $100,000 of real osUito in this city.
Tne total transfers recorded for the week
amount to between ? : )00,000 ) and $400,000.
This is half as much as the transfers In
Minneapolis. It may be that Council
Bluffs is not having much of a boom , but
the facts and llgurcs as shown from the
records nrc such as cause the groaners
and gnmters to hurry into back seaK
Tliis activity f > o long 1:1 advance of the
favorable weather for building indicates
that when thn building boom opens there
will bo a still greater excitement. Prices
nro stlflunmg daily , but much better
chances arc now presented for buyers
than there will bu a month hence. The
wisu ones arc ) quietly taking up such
chances as present themselves : confident
that there will bo a great and sudden
rise in prices ere another moon. I no
following were among the instruments
filed for record yesterday , on city prop-
L .1 Tnlbot to M V Itohrcr. lots 1 and 2 , blk
24 , JJrjanUtC S'JOO.
A I .Malr to Mnry . ) Malr , se X sw U 0 , 74.
43 SI.
.1 L Foreman to R .Mullls , lot 1 , sub of 202 ,
O P S8.0IK ) .
J F Kviiiis to A n Walker , lots 11 and 12 ,
blk 1:1. : Control Si.uoo.
.John Dohnny to V V Chamberlain , lot 8 ,
Ulemlalu extension ? 1,000.
Thco 11 IJlnciiinn to ,1 J Hradshaw , 3 acres
In e corner sw ' , ( se Jf tf , 75 , 43 S'iV ) .
L M Arnold to C 11 1'erson , lot 'JO , blk : M ,
U H , q c-StOO.
N 1 ( Uoiluo to Charles Dodge , lotC , bile 1 ,
Park SfiOO.
J T Italdwin to F M Hunter , lot 3 blk Bl ,
IteeiH' sub-SBOO.
C. JJ 1 it T K U to J N Pieier , sw # se X ,
4 , 77.-4I-S4SO.
F M Hunter to F M Hunter ( trustee ) . 40 , 80
and 100 acres in nw U " > o. " > , 4 ;
( ! eor > ; e F Wiifjlit to K A liciibon , land in
27 , 7.II SliMX ! ( ) .
AIM Mm tin ct al to (5 FMaxwll.lotsl and
2 , blk 7. Jeffries' 512,000.
Georiro F Wiluht to J Y Stone and C J
Colby , xvJJ Wtf } "i'1 1 : M. 75. 4l-540COJ.
P Heel ( hticnlT ) t ! ' 1 llall , 15 IU-100 acres
In liw'l "I" " , 75 , Jl-S4i".5. ! : !
Isaac Kciliiy toV N Kelley , nw 14 , 70 , SO
George Uraekcn to N Ciney , lot 2 , blk I ,
IJoilers' aflil to Wiilnut S400.
A S Hums to W F Midoney , eJi lot 1 , blk 1 ,
Noes' n < ld to Wai nut8700. .
llonry Allen to U'illlaiu Crook , neU' se
23 , 77. 44-iOO.
S T French to 0 Walgreen , lot 8 , blk 17 ,
Dr. lianchett , ollico No. 13 Pearl strcnt :
resilience , 120 Fourth btruet ; telephone
No. 10.
Atidot-jon's Day.
Major A. U. Anderson was in Chicago
the other day nnd there submitted to the
pumping process of a Mail reporter with
the following result :
' 'Will you enter either party caucus ? "
" 1 have learned that it is the easiest
thing in the world to get into a party , "
said Major Anderson. "I don't think 1
will worry myself on that score. "
"Does the opposition to Senator Wil
son's re-election amount to anything ? "
"J think it does , lie has been deviat
ing nnd disappointing to nor anti-mo
nopolv friends. "
"Willtho republicans elect thencxtleg-
islaturu in Iowa ? "
" 1 think they will. "
"Who will Iowa republicans support
for president ? "
"If the liluino clement would honestly
support Allison he could get the delega
tion , but no sooner had Allison com
menced to show sonic strength than did
the Blalno organs commence an cflort to
create division by bringing out Ju-.ticn
Miller. Them never was so much opposi
tion to Blame in the state as there is now ,
and if well organised in a square fight
lilamo could not carry all the districts. "
"Aro you not rather ashamed of the
democratic company you find yourself
in ? "
"I am not. "
"Why not ? "
"licciuiso I intend to select them my-
snlf. Thcro is no live issue to-day ad
vocated by either of the old parties that
they daru go to the country on. "
"Will yon and your supporters be able
to hold the district in the next congres
sional fight ? "
" don't know. I think "
"W-o-H , I . so.
Ctoll and sec the stock of hor.-es and
mules at Star Stables before purchasing
_ _
The Fire System.
There seems to bo some doubts as to
whether the Richmond fire and police
alarm system is in working order yet.
No official seems yet ready to openly
avow that it is all right , but none seem to
beieadytosay that it is wrong. The
Br.i : mm ) does not claim to bo an oluc-
tricianist , like Whiltlescy , and has there
fore to depend largely on the testimony
of those who are trying the apparatus.
It 8L'oins that the city will not accept the
system until satisfied that it is fully up to
.ho guarantee , and hcnco theru seems no
danger of thn city being a loser in any
event. The lint : has no pots in this mat-
: ur. It Is not fighting thu Richmond for
the sake of gaining a victory for the
Uamowcll , as somu of the papers seem in
clined. Nor does it have any occasion to
praise the Richmond until those haying
Lhu matter In hand stake their ollicial
ruputation that the .system is what
Council lilufis wants , There has been so
much ill feeling shown by thu friends of
the ( Jamcwcll system that it is difficult to
determine how much justice or truth
thcro is to any charges made against the
Richmond. The prujudicu shoivn and
thu determination not to be pleased with
anything but thu ( iumewoll lias weakened
thu foreu of criticisms made.
L. H. Craftb it Co. , are loaning money
on nil classes of chattel securities at one-
half their former rates. See them before
securing your loans.
'Jlio Uniformed Hank.
Muff division Uniformed Rank Knights
of Pythias , was duly instituted Friday
night by Sir Knight M. II. Myers , lieuten
ant colonel of the Third regiment , The
division starts in with thirty members
and in uniform they maku a line appear-
aneu indeed , They will at once begin
drilling and uru long will make a public
appcaiancc , Thu following are thu of
ficers :
Sir knight captain , C. W. Ilieks.
SirMiight lirat lieutenant , C. A.TIbbeK
Sir knight second ' lieutenant , C. liaig-
Sir knight guard , J. M. Seanlan.
Sjr knight treasurer , S. Kost.
Sir knight recorder , F. It 1'utton.
Sir knight sentinel , If. iSockumpcr.
Tin ) Humluy Kur.vlccu.
The following are 'among the orvices
to bo , held at the various churches in thu
city to-day-
.Tlio Congregationul Church -Services
In the Congregational church to-day
morning and evening. Subject of Morn
ing sermon : "The Hook , " Evening !
"Whit the Christian Toung Man Ought
to Ue. " , A most cordial myilntion is ex
The Haptist Church Preaching by the
pastor of the Baptist church at lOiliO ft.
in. and 7:30 : p. in. Subject for the morn
ing ! "Why bid God Commission Abra
ham to Oiler Up Isaac ? ' ' For the even
ing ! "Tho Twin Brothers , Jncob and
Esau. " Scats froo.
St. Paul's Church Uivlno service to
day as follows : Holy communion 10 a.
in. Morning prayer nnd sermon on "I
Came .Not to bend Peace , Hut a Sword , "
11 n. in. F.vnning lecture ! "Tho White
Cross Movement. " The public and
strangers arc cordially invited to attend.
T. J. Mackay , rector.
Methodist Church Topic at Hioadw.iy
Methodist church this morning ! "Chris
tian Activity. " Revival services in the
evening , \oung people's meeting at 0:15 :
i > . in.
Star sale stables of Council HIulK
Tlio largest stock of horses and mules
west of Chicago , which will bu sold at
wholesale or retail and satisfaction guar
DolegntcH Chosen To The City Con
vention nnd Candlilntcn.
Last evening the democrats held their
ward caucus to chose delegates to the
city convention to bo held Tuesday to
nominate an alderman nt largo. In the
third and fourth wards aldurmanic can
didates were selected.
Delegates. J. A. Herald. James Wick-
ham. C. M. Maynard. F. H. Guanolla ,
William Connor , II. blmmaker , ( J. II.
Jackson ; ward committeeinan , R. M.
Delegates. James Million , A. T. Whit-
tlesey , M. F. Rohrer , W. H. Heck. J. C.
MiKcsell , It. H. Holmes. John Wagner ,
William Malloncy , I > . F. Kicher , William
( ironuweg ; ward eommittceman , J. C.
Tlltlll ) % VUII > .
Pat Lacy was nominated for alderman
ununimouslv and by acclamation. Dele-
cates chosen C. A. Hamer , George
Hlaxsim. Fred Spetmun , John Green , K.
Pierce , i. Kinnc.y. J. J. Sullivan.
KOl'HTHWAltl ) .
J. A. Murphy was nominated as ward
alderman. The delegates were W C.
James , C. A. Rued. J. A. Churchill , C. R.
Mitchell , W. S. Williams , Louis Kulilc ,
T. L. Smith , M. Hughes , G. S. La.vson ,
L. Kinnehan , A. Wheeler.
The District. T > lririitti. |
The annual meeting of the stockholders
of the American District Telegraph com
pany was held yesterday afternoon in
the parlors of the I'aciliu house. The
showing of the company's business for
the past year was very satisfactory , it
buing the first year of its history In
Council Hluffs. Dosnlto the drawbacks
attending the starting up of any such
business the year has proved profitable ,
and there is a surplus in the treasury for
the extension of lines this .spring. Thu
service has been greatly increased , ami
every detail of thu business seems to bo
prosperous and promising. Thu follow
ing were elected directors : George Mel-
calf , S. 11. Foster , M It .Hrown , F. J.
Day , L. M. Rheem , J. F. Kimball , C. H.
Thu directors then met and elected thu
following cllicers : Georgu Melcalf ,
president ; S. II Foster , vice president ;
M U. Hrown , sociotary J. F. Kimball ,
truasuier ; C. 11. Judson , general man
Star sale stables for mules and heavy
draft horses.
Fall In.
Another attempt is being made to or
ganize a militia company hero. M. II.
liyors has the matter in hand , and there
is a good outlook for the successful equip-
mentof the organization. Council Hlufl's
should have nn active military company.
It would afibrd much enjoyment and a
healthy for the young men com
posing it. It would be a credit to the
city , and in case of need a help to thu in
terests of good order. There should bu
no allowing the move tins linio to end in
The Itowiim Ansoul.itlon.
The Council Hind's Rowing association
lias been duly formed by the election of
the following officers : President , K. E.
Hart ; vice proMdent , Dr. Seybert ; treas
urer , G. W. Thompson ; secretary , F. K.
Stubbs ; commodore , E. W. Hart ; vice
commodore. I. A. Odcll ; directors , K. E.
Hart. Dr. Sovbort , G. W. Thompson , F.
E. Stubbs , C. ll. Hannan , E. H. Murriam ,
C. H. Ferri" , L. R. May no and George
Some lioats have already been ordered
and more uru to follow , it is proposed
to have much sport on Lako'Manavvii
this season , reg-.tlas , races , etc. The
young gentlemen interested in this or
ganization will it to a success.
Tomriorniion Iiccttiro.
Elder Joseph omith will deliver a frco
toninuraneu lecture at Masonic Temple
on Tuesday uvcningnoxt , March 1 , under
I he auspices of the Independent , Order of
Good Templars , who u\tend a hearty in
vitation to all to uomu and hear onu of
the best lecturers uvcr heard in Council
HI nils ,
On Tuesday ovcnlnir next May Vnr-
noil's burlesque gaiety company is to bo
it the opera lioiisn , An uvening of fun
s promised and thonu who have the blues
can easily be cured. The manager gives
.insurance that the rollicking maidens
will glvu a show to which no onn can
take exceptions.
A. ConHitfiietl Block nf
nnd ljuces to bo field nt Ahouc
1,8)0 pieces of embroideries.
] , -10 ( ) nieces of laces of all kinds , brands
mil makes.
( j ! > pleec.s of ( louncings ,
Thu sulo of these goods commences
Monday , February 28 , anil continues until
ill are sold. Thu prices will not bu in
.ho way of anybody. Wu will sull them
For just one-half their value.
Floiincings 40 inches wide , line work ,
For t5u ! per yard ,
Embroideries , linen laces ! ! inches
widu at 5 conts.
Wu have too big a stoek of these goods
: o mention priees. Wu will have these
.roods laid out on the first and second
jounlur.t ,
:10,005 : pieces , the laigest stoek In this
linu ever shown in Council Hlulls ,
18 Main Street.
The Hnlnnco of ilia Flra Stock
will bu closed at any price as they are
roughly handled by the big crowds of
customers during the week hales , it was
mposaiblo for us to straighten our floods
out , the biggest crowds ever visited a dry
goods Moru this timu of the year , The
tocK consists of curtain laces , laces ,
toilut lint-ii , toweling , towels , German-
: own yarn , Jinshr.r corsets , dress ging-
lams , unlanndned shirts , shirtings , tick-
.nj.fs , garments , jerseys and fifteen rolls
of carpet. J , Goi.inihKG , 18 Main St ,
A Wonderful Instrument.
Chicago Saturday Evening Herald ,
Tub. I'j , 18S7- Last Wednesday night , at a
private ronecrt , onu of our noted local
[ ilanists performed upon the most won
derful grand piano uvef'uxhlbitud in Chi
cago. It is anew instrument of immcnsa
size , built expressly for oonccrt playing ,
ami sent from Haltlmoro bv the 'celebra
ted firm of Wlllinm Ivnabe" & Co. Siiclt
power of tone , such tonarity nnd bril
liancy , such liquid purity nnu sweet qual
ity have never before been attained in
any piano. The instrument is now nt
Reed's Temple of Music , > yhnre it will re
main for the present on exhibition.
The above piano \vasi , shipped from
Chicago last Tuesday , to bo used by Miss
Robinson nt hereoncert Wcdncsdaycvon-
ing , which shows how highly Messrs.
Knubo & Co. appreciate her musical abil
ities. _
City Council
The city council mot last evening and
passed the Lake Manawn railway ordi
nance , but did not let bills for thu levco.
The temporary bond of D. Multby was
approved. Also those of M. Vincent and
J. P , Goulden , in case either should re
ceive thu contract for building the luveo.
The following bids for hauling dirt for
the now levee were opened 1) . Maltby ,
SJOc per cubic yard , ami IJc per yard for
each additional hundred feet of travel ;
M. Vincent , He foi the entire work , or
2Go for that portion which is to be built
now ; J. P. Goulden , I'.le per yard and Si ;
additional lor "oierhaiil. " As
the bids were not in accordance with
the specifications they worn lejeutou
and ordered advertised. Hids to bu
opened to-morrow night by the council
and to state the amount per yard without
any "overhaul" figures.
Petition to open North Second stiecl
was presented and the euginoui ordered
to establish grade to Avenue G , us I hero
will bo a gieat many residences built
thorn this year.
The Laku Maiiawa street railway ordl-
naneu was taken up and the council went
into committee of the whole and ad
journed to an ante-room , and after much
dibciiFsion reappeared , and after adopt
ing the amendments was parsed iilinni-
Dick Hooten , who recently had thu
misfortune to liuvu both legs broken , is
getting along evun belter than was to lie
Constable Dick Rit-ketts has returned
from Chicago , whither IIP- went with Mr.
Sterns , who was taken so suddenly in
sane at thu Pacific house. While in Chi-
cnlio Dick improved his chance of get
ting a look at the anarchists. He also
got a peep at Miss Van Xaudt.
Mrs. Anna McElralh , of Randolph , is
visiting her father , Rev. Henry DeLong ,
in this city.
Judge Carson , who is holding court at
Clarindii , is at home for a Sunduy tay.
W. H. McGorrisk , of Des Monies , is at
thu Hechtelu.
L. Kendoll , yard masterof the Chicago.
Milwaiikun iteSt. Paul , is the proud pos
sessor of a new baby girl.
S. T. French , of Armour , Biirrnbce t
Co , , tins gone to Lead\llle. and will soon
return with his wife , who has been away
for thu past live months vi.siting.
Have just got a sample lot of the new
Quick Meal IBS ? pattern. We know this
to be the best stove made. Will be
pleased to show our goods to the public
and patrons. Call anil sou us ! ! Main
street. Cole iV Cole.
* j
Tipton , r > : > 7 Broadway , law , real estate
and insiiiance. Call on him.
W , C , STACY & CO ,
JO acres of flue laml ( nljolninij tlic
cltH limits on the rotul to LainMan -
< IHXI , onlu ti'tt minute tvitUffrom the
all-act ecu' line , $ ( iOO per acre.
22 acrcit ten roils from J oittitlile tin- city , $ ; i , iOO.
, 't % < tcre $ In the same vicinity ,
( rougher land ) , on'y $ < " > per < irre.
ffO acres on Ilroailmiiy , inside the
city Itnilttt , caxi of Galeblmru add ,
for $ > 00 per acre.
7 % 'i-UW acres on Unt'iiln are. ,
corner of FranIJtn. $1ttiOO worth
ofiinnrovemenft * , onli.i .f-t tOO.
Lots on Main st. , $ J'-t , > per foot
iMta in Jld < llc > * sn1 > . < ? ' , > ! > ( > touOU
Jsots in Mnlllne ; on < - . .sicrinn. / .
Cheap lots In every addition to the
in ail Paris
of tiiz city.
Large List of Acre Property ,
Business Property , Etc ,
Make uoiir liivettjiients now , as
properly a'ltl nttranrn very rapidly
as soon as tfio "JittUdlny licom" 6e-
W , O. STACY & Co. ,
Real Estate Brokers ,
A'o y , Main st , , Council liluffn ,
\ \ \ L.
Justice of the Peace ,
No. 101 Hroulmiy ; , Council IJIutls.
Collections a specialty. Kefen > to the Hce
D , JI , ML-DAN'EU ) i CO " "i"
liuiun > iuia ISA ]
Mr ft , s ' Council Illrttri.
1887 - 1887
Nnvcltu's in each of our
Rovcrnl depart inputs nrc being -
ing leeoivetl doily , mid at
prices thntiill plua-e I he
closest , buyers.
Wo invite attention to our
ridi di plny of novelties nnd
s tti pi os in our wsnli goods
department. ADmy of
liiivc never Ijofoio been MUH ;
in thu west.
Saileens ,
Ginghams ,
Dprpqlnn Upwards of 100 oh1-
IDIUaiCu ) gant designs.
lu Combination , and
Seersuckers and Crinkles ,
lu endless variety.
Early buyers will have the larger
selection and will secure the
gems ,
5-replete with sin elegant stock
bought before the rise , and as
ihey arc in .rlccd at old prices ,
consumers A\ill got thu benefit
of af len-L 'JO per cent.
MuslinslLinensDamasks ,
Towels , Quilts ,
aic all included in the above in
a vast ns.sortincut.
We call special attention to
our lurgc nml complete s'ock of
White Goods
some clegnnt fuLrics in Victoria
and Bishop Lnwns , Plaid nud
Stripe Cambric , L'laiu , Stripe
and I Maid Nainsook- ; , India Lin
ens , Swiss Mu-lius , dotted , fig
ured and plaid , : i very nice se
lection for summer dres-es. A
large line oC Embroidered Rolrs
in boxes.
We liave ivwivcd an entire
new line of inusin ! underwent1 ,
for ladies and childien ; the larg
est and most varied s ojlc AVJ
have ever bho\vn ,
We have received in our no
tion ilojiurinnnl ! u complete as-
Bortmeutof Embro'.de.'ics , Laces ,
Core s , Hustles , Hoops , Gloves ,
Hosiery , Haudkerchiol's , Hib-
bens , Buttons , etc.
way , Council litnj ) ' < < .
Mall ortlf.i-a jironiptiy and ctire-
fully attended to *
Property of every description for sale in every
part of the city.
506 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa
fjWo/Cfc /
) o <
\vnreliouso lots , nonr Dtonituny dc | or , Pine resldcnco and JM ) It front , OuMnud avo.
fllfll $1,4011. jis.iou.
: u fi'ui , Miiin st. , oj > po < iito 1st m-o.lo.roo. Kino resilience nnd.1 lots. Oakland iuo. . fl.'iVl.
W li-ct. Jtnln st , but. 8th unii lull lives. , per Finu rcMdenco tuid 110 ft front , near OuMiind
liiol.SJJU. uvc. . f" > , r l.
lOfl.Jliiln Ft i ncnr IIIoiidvniy , double S story Lots , Onkliuul ave . J .tW . to $ nCOO.
In-k'k- , J10.5UU. Lot , Washington iivo , , near OiiKliu\il. J' .OOO.
" liuj' hnek store. Ccntrnl Ilioudwny , SO.OOO Lot , WiiBhliiKtoti n\v , ncnr Mnrkcl I..S1L'WO.
l-slorj lulck.CiMitinlUrimilwny , J4AIO. IGUxliiO , cor. Oaldand and \Vushlnxton nvos. ,
IVfalT' ; . , brick hnuto.Tu ft trnulc , centra ] , S10.tK * 10.KIO.
4 lols.UOu It truck. Mth ave , near : ird 81. . J IWO. Farm ,120 ncrcs ' 5 mllr < * nortbclty.pcf ncrc , ? < 0
House nnd lot. near IVabusli depot , gl.MKl. Fiirni.ltt'lncics.-'i miles eiiBt city , pmurro , fQ'JL
Ildiif-c nnd lot \Vubashdciot , -lXW. KHrni.-i'Oncio ? , near I.ovcland. per ucio.l O.
Turin , IMncrcs , nenr I.cncliuul , per iicre , 8 0.
AGIO proppily In nnd ncnr tlio cltj' . fiitF , luilf blocks , mid blocks iiulKTcrenl , parts of thu city.
E W. Real Estate
, . Raymond , Agent ,
No. IS North Main Street , First National Bnnk Block , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
J'ncnnt Lots , Lamia , City Residences and Favmn , acre property In
tvc. tcrnpurtofcltt/ . All selling elicitp to make voom for sprinff stock.
Real Estate and Insurance Agent.
Jiooni 5 , over Officer < 0 Pu.sry's Imnl : , Council Jtlnffn.
Pprcln ! mlvcrtlfonionls , Euch as Tx)8t , Fo.jnd
lotxmn , Knr Sule , To Hont , Vi nnts. Honrdlnir ,
clc , will tic Inserted In this column nt tlio loir
i-atoof TEN CENTS ] > Kf { LINE for tlio first Insor-
lunund 'IroContsFcrlilnarorcnohsubsoiiuout
infortlon. Leuvo ad vei tisaiiR'nH nt our oflico
No. 1k'furl street , nvitr UroaJwur , Council
I Airooilfc'lrl for gpnninl IIOIIHC-
i ' wor .Must conio wolf locuuiinciulutl.
Apply ut unco to No , U''t Vine Mrccr ,
WAN.TRH-To lent , smnll IIOIIBO In ifood lo-
culloii. Family email nnil rent must lie
nclow J.l ( j > cr niontli , Addrcsa by letter C. J.
Ilio olllio.
* , < OIt S M.I : Tor u Cow il'i ' > 8 In ( k'sliiililo locn-
I : lion. HDIIS-O , fUM'ii rooms , inoilorn Jiii-
jirovt'inciits lot CUxliU. 0. il. Drown , C. U. &
( , . tlcktit usciit. _
) - ' ilo jrciKTiil liuiiBoirnrk.
WANTHI-At'lrlK Iliunly Uliolico. Apnly
PAIi'Miiiia ' | nml poivlnir iniichlno Inisi-
THOU lowollicr with snuill 8look ) l liolliluy
Kooils nnd nnll piipor. tiood town midcounlry ,
voixl lociulon , uhonp lout , pronmlilo buslnchs.
Invrlci ) 8I"K ) to $1.5)0 , Would tiiKo part In
Council llliitTs mil ct-tiito. Address A. L. Man-
iilup , Uiinltip , IOUH.
: i ) A limn to inno enro of horM'sniul
orlinicD .Must Ixi ix-ll rocomincndod.
a I. X. , Council Illiiira , _ _
J-At a ImriTiwi. UK uoros ivllti line
leiipmu'iiiciits. hlv inllo rni-t of Council
lllutTi' , l'rlcnl < iw nU nil the tlmo npi-ilnl. In-
< | iilrof T. W. Vim fclover , CoiinulMlluirs , _
) < SAL'S irakfii tills wrok A flvo room
1jMl liouau on Filth nioiiiin , near iliiininy
Utipot. Tliontrpot. Blduwiill * iitifl lot Illlod to
criidr. I'rlco lM. \ . I ! V toiius. Addrc-ss
ijnt. llcoolllue , Council Mulf"- . . _
n.M.KV III'HKI ! KO. " ' . III'VHTl
Attorneys at Law.
COJ HroaiJwiiy , Up Stairs ,
1514 Douglas St. , Otpalia ,
I. ad ii' s buyuij , ' : i Ji "Mor bonnet , one lare
u-ill be paid ; Sio , lounil trip.
L'OMiicll JJluH's , Iowa.
In Ij7. v
Geo. S. Miller & P. H. Tobey ,
Oflico over 1st National Dank , cor. Main
and ISroadvvay.
If you wunt ostfmntos or plans Tor
work , foundation , FB WITH , pruning or Hiirvoy
/ ny and plultlng. cull u | on them. All HO
The only Hotel In Council Bluffs Hating a Eire
Escape ,
And All Modern finproreinmta ,
215 , 317 nnd 819 Muin St.
_ MAX MOUX , Prop.
K. , V. 21AUNKTT ,
Justice o ± the Peace ,
415 Hromlvvay , Council JJUill'-i ,
Refers to any bank or bimnebs lioiifcc in tlio
city , Collections a sjiccinlty.
Attorneys at Law ,
Practice in tliu Stale and 1'eilural Courli
Rooms 7 and S Shiipait-lJcno Hloch.
Cot .vni.
Horses J Mules
For all pn-poic-s , bun ht mil bolJ , .it retail
and in lots , Large qi.nnlltiea to hulect
liom Several paira ol fine driverb , bin-
) ; lc ; or ilo' blc.
! E , Council
-v. Kv
Justice of tlie Peace.
Ollice over Aiptrican K
Jl , JtH'Jl. M. H.
Cancers and other Tumorr
RoiuoveU.rtitliuiit . tlitf kniic < jr pr4w < itj ]
HlooJ.- "
' pverW vj-'ats I'rariiail exerlcncc. | ) . .
No 11 l'e. rl Sl.i Council Kind'- . .
fiff. . . ' '