E OMAHA SUNDAY BEE , SIXTEENTH YEAK. OMAHA. SUNDAY MORNING. JTEBBUAllY 27 , 1SS7.-TWELVE PAGES. NUMBEK 254 TALES OF THE QUAKE Scenes of Horror Depicted By Eefugees Prom the Shaken District. NARROW ESCAPES FROM DEATH. People Who Thoucht the Angel Gabriel Had Blown His Final Blast. THE LABOR QUESTION AT ROME Views of Oatholio Officials on the Situation in America , DEATH OF CARDINAL JACOBINI. Supporters nfllin CJovernincnt Parly In Oerinnny Dcclnrc 1'enco Cer tain Kor One V'onr A Sun- tiny Socl.illstlc Dciiionstrn- tlon In I ondon. More nnrtlHiitnkc Talcs. iroij/r/u/it / 1W7lJ / < iinfn Ounlnn Itcnnttt.\ \ HOMI : , Feb. 20. [ New York Herald Cable-Special to the UKK. | A few fu gitives trom Nice and Cannes are arriving here. The Hlvlora earthquakes have sent foreigners scuttling , however , northward to Paris , Milan and Germany. Hardly any Americans have thought It prudent to come south. I drove to several favorite American rcsoits here to-day but only found two who were present when the earthquakes took place. Among tno number was Colonel T. Ash , of California , a friend of Mr. John W. Muckay. Ho had just onlvcd trom Nice. "It was a few minutes to 0 , " said he , "when 1 felt the first shock. L was In bed at the time , on the third floor , In a room of the Hotel iln France. 1 heard men and women SrtlHAMlNO AND nilOAMNTI all around me. The scieams seemed to be half suppressed , as If those who gave utter niico to them could not get their sound out properly. Then I heard people rushing out of their rooms onto the landings. They were all In their night gowns. Of course I did not get up , for wo Califomlans are somewhat used to earthquakes. I turned round on my side nml waited for , as It seemed to me , the best part of a minute , till the house lighted Itself. The vibration ceased but the commotion was so great that It lltctally made mo sick. The shock was far greater than any i had pre viously known even at San Francisco In lS.Vj , where an earthquake occurred as 1 was play ing billiards In a hotel one day with Colonel Floyd , i lay still and watched my field glasses fall down , but I was not hint. When I went out I saw crowds ot people KI.OCKINb TO THU 11KAC1I Diul station. That night hundreds slept In bathing machines. 1 came on to Geneva the next day with a lady and somu gentleman from Columbia. We were almost the only passentiers. At thu station I saw the Prin cess Colona and Colonel Huntcrford , with whom , a few days before , I had been pelting the carnival folk with confectl. The princess behaved very plucklly. Her eyes flashed when I asked , her If she was frightened , and she replied , ' .Not in the least. ' The prince was a bit nervous about his wife , which Is only natural , as she Is In a very Interesting condition. Ttiuy have since left for Paris. " 1 also chatted with Theodora Friedemburc , tlio well known cornier , who was also at Ulco during the earthquake. "I don't want to bo in another like it , ' : said hn. "I was not frightened , but I felt a ; if 1 were on boaid ship. The vlbiatlon wa ! so Intense I have not yet lost the sensation of the shock. It was at about a quarter to 0 that the first shock- awoke mo. It seemed to last about twenty seconds. Onu of my candlesticks fell ciashlne , another blld , or rather walked , slowly from ono end of the chest of drawers to the othei and toppled over. Theru was a stampede In tint hotel of women yelling and men L'loanlng. Out they all came Tii.MllIXO : : IN IHKIlt NIGHT SHIIITS. " "They were just scared , I can tell jou. All the people In the streets walked about , pale as ghosts , and talked with bated breath. Thousands lett for Paris , at once , among them a Mexican milllonalic , who , they say , paid 810,000 for n special train. He fairly bolted , leaving his servants and traps behind him. " These earthquakes have rather damped thu lioman season , and numbers of Ameilcans , who we.io coming to Koine for F.aster will stay away. A MoHt Ilranintiu Kxpcrloncc. ICnpi/rfi/M JSS7 bu JnincH Gmilon llcnnett. } PAIIIS ( via Haivo ) , Feb. 30. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to the HKK. ] Among U thu earthquake icfugees , none have had more dramatic experiences to iclatu than Mr" . Hubert L. Cuitlng , jr. , wfio arrived to-day from .Nice. Sio ! was staying at thu Giand hotel , on the third floor , her rooms ( routing thu east and south. .Mrs , Cutting had been one of the leaders of fashion during thu carnival , ami her caulairu was onu of thn most admired duilni ; the calvalrado on Mon day. 1 found her to-day lying on a sofa In a crimson dros-sing gown of silk and wool. She was very bright and cheerful but still inn i n wtalo of nervous excitement , having suf fered gieatlyfrom sleeplessness , which was but llttlo relieved by anodynes. She states that slio was awakened by a gieat shock , Thu tlrst thing of which she became conscious was the falllni : of a largo screen of eight panels closely followed by a fall of plaster and wood from the cellinir. Luckily thu mosquito net over the bed was stroni ; enough to protect her. She was tossed from onu side of her bed against thu wall and then thrown on the floor. To usu her own expression she JIIOIHUIT 11IK llKSUlllinCllON WAS TOMK. Kunhlng to the door ot her room , she tried the handle , but the door was jammed. She next tried her sitting room door , climbing over thu furniture ot the room , whlch was scattered In all directions. That twin : : also jammed , and realising her terrible Imprison ment , she screamed with all her might , until die heard a gentleman next door say ; "For ( icxl's sake , come out ; there's been an earth- quaku and the hotel U falling down. " Shortly afterward some gentleman In thu corridor bioko In the door , and she escaped Into the corridor with nothing on but her night dress , not oven taking time to put on her stockings. On the tirst floor landing she found about a hundred persons In a similar Etatoof undress crowding the stairs. She was assisted dovv n by a gentleman , who com plimented her on her courage , but on reach ing the square SHE PAINTED. On recovering she remained In the open uh til ! half past 8 , when , being somewhat re covered she went up to her room to obtain cJothlug.- She drcssivl herself hurriedly , and then remembered her diamonds , which , on the first hurried exit , she had forcotten. Just as she grasped them < ID her , band another shock'came. . She dropped tlio tbag containing the diamonds rushed down stairs , leaving thn jewelry behind her. She was fortunately able to hire a closed carriage , In which she bivouacked until she got aw ay from Nice. On arriving to-day In Paris site obtained medical advice and was warned that there was greAt danger of paralysis. During the whole time of her narrative her nervous twitching showed clearly that her danger was anything but Imaginary. As soon as she Is sufficiently rested she Intends to go to London to take other advice. In any caso. It w ill be long be fore she is restored to health. More Shocks Felt. HOME , Feb. 20. Three more shocks of earthquake were feltatTorll , In the province of Campobasa , yesterday. Thn bodies of twenty-four persons killed by the earthquake Wednesday have been liken from the Kilns In Dlano-Marlno , and It is known that 104 are > ut under the fallen buildings. Almost the entire population of Dlano-Marlno arc encamped on .tho sea shore. 'llueo hundred communes were visited by the earthquake. As jet thu re- reports of the casnalltlcs have been iccelved from but sixty. The pope has sent § J,000 for the relief of thosulfeiers. TJ1K r.ALJOU It Still ti.iultcs Croat Attention nt Home. ( Cojit/7 lylii JiJv tin James Gordon /Jcimclt. ] Hovn : , Feb. 20. [ Now Yoik Herald Cable Special to thu BnK.j The labor question Is glvlnc Homo plenty ot food for teltectlon just now. The pope seems fully allvo to Its mportancc and is studj Ing It , If not with an altogether .scientific mind , at least with sin cere and earnest Impartiality. It would bo a mlstnuu to suppose that even the question of organlz Uiun of the American Knights of I nbor has been ptejudlced In Homo. All thu prelates with whom 1 have had occasion to discuss the matter have shown a great wish to civo It fair consideration. If thu church has any bias at all. 1 am Inclined to think it Is In favor of the wuikltigtnan An eminent Koinnn prelate who has made special study of the labor question lias favored 1110 with his views on the su'jjoct. 1 have icason to think they embody the pres ent opinion of those who will eventually do- cidc what attitudu thu chinch shall aclop towards American labor societies. He frankly admitted that woiklngmen find MUCH CAUM : ro innr.i. ; against their present position , lie did not marvel at their dritting Into socialism , but ho thought they did not fully grasu all Miles of. the problem , and were over prone to listen to the teachings of demagogues. "The church is not socialistic , " he said , "but is anxious to examine and probe the facts. It Is doing so very conscientiously , but it may bu some considerable time befoio it comes to the decision. With regard to the Knights of Labor , ion cannot settle this matter on ordinary lines. Strictly speaking , of course , the worklnuimm is only entitled to the money for which he contracts to do his workbut wo see woiklngmenaru really often oppressed by the capitalists. We would lain SCO CIIIIISTIAX CHAP.ITV introduced Into the discussion , irrespective of Catholicism or Protestantism. " "I fancy , " said I , "that thu workingman will bo more ready to agree with you than tlio capitalists. " "I dare say , " concluded the prelate , "but possibly in that case it mialit bo well to bring a tittle legality to bear upon the capitalists. " It may he doubted whether Cardinal Tas- chereairs journey has shaken his opinion in regard to the Knights of Labor. He still seems to consider them A SOCIAL DAXflEK. Few Homan ecclesiastics probably have a very piofound knowledga of the ins and outset ot the social question in America. Indued. the fact is frankly admitted , but thu highest dignitaries of the church aio ready to bu en lightened and willing to help thu woiklng classes against thu tyranny of the monopolist if they can do so without injury to Catholicism , I am assured that no news of Dr. McGIynn has reached thu piopaganda this week , but It is still hoped and believed that when his health allows he will come to Home. According to Homan ecclesiastics the point at issue Is not whether Dr. Mc- Glynn's views are right or wrong , but whether he should assume thorn to bo right when so high an authority as his arehblsliop has declared Ills opinion to the contrary. GEUMAN ELECTION UESULTS. Government Supporters Say I'enco It IKST J/y Jtimrt forJon Hcnnt't. ' } BKIII.IN , Feb. 20.-New [ York Herald Cable Special to the Uii.1 : : 1 was jesteiday and to-day received by several influential nicmbeis ot the govern ment party. In dlscusslnu the situation ono of these men said : "Germany will have no war In 1SS7. Wo have a largo majority for the septennate , anil a small majority tor the other government measures. That means that United Germany Is too strong to fear France. True , Kurope still lives on a powder niaga7lne , but wu no longer fear that anyone wilt have thu folly to set tire to the powder. There may come a flash of lightning to blow us all up , but In the ordinary course of events Gei- niany is now nowsncfiin sncfiin AGAINST WAI : during thu present jear. Alter 1SS7' ' Oh. well , that Is haul to .say. My glasses aio only stiong enough to see dimly thu pi as pects oJ the present year , " Another ot these gentlemen whom 1 Inter view ed said : "Wo Germans are In much the sime posi tion as lialaam's ass was. Wo seu a flaming sword threatening us , but have Hussla be laboring our eastein and Franco our western flank. We spoke out so loudly in thu recen elections that France heeds thu warning Hussm , hovvuver , Is deaf. You saw how oveiy cyu turned from 1 'ranee to Hussla as soon as thu results of the election were known. It Is from thu east wu now fear war , Yoi can assure the Germans In America that for some months peace fcems to be reasonabl ) ceitain , but no man can predict what Kussla's action will be. Prince. Hisinarck desires peace of that 1 am certain. From France wo fear nothing. " HiSL'I.T8 : OF THE ELECTIONS. A third one spoke more especially of the result of the elections. Ho lauched at an ) Importance being attilbuted to the victory of the French paity In Alsace-Lorraine. "What can fifteen votes do In a reichstau of 400 members1 "Obstruct , a ! > Parnell did in the bouse o commons. " "You forget that Prince DIsmarcK Is no an Englishman. He allows no foolishness especially from men with French name.V "But the social democrats show greatly In creased streugth at the polls , " 1 remarked. "Well , that means that Prince Hisinarck may pass some measure A hlch will satlsf ) the reasonable portion of this party. The small remnant of anarchists are able to do uottilu ? . Wny , if an outbreak came the > o men would bu forced to aid In shooting down their own comrade . If ' they 10- ' fused 'to tire .they would bo .instantly shot. Our army Is too ntrong In its. discipline and too powerful In force to allow U * to fear socialists. If you want to measure Prlnco Hsmarck's Influence , observe the volks > artel. Once It was Influential ; now it has icon swept out of cvlstcnce. Also the t > ro- gresslonlsts arc cut down from sixty-seven to almost nothlnc. They are opposed to Prince Hsmarck. " "That was great guns for the national lib erals , " 1 suggested. "It Is Interesting when taken with the 'athollc losses , " replied my Informant , 'because ' it seems to Indicate somn popular disapproval of the modification of the clerical laws. " Few ot the opposition leaders have yet ctmned to licrlln , but so far as I am able to ludge they ogrco with the conservatives that ; ho present danger of war Is past. Prlnco Ulsmarck controls the speech of his follow ers so that until he announces his policy to : ho other government leaders they refuse to iicrmlt thu publication of their opinions over .heir names. llfVIAItCK WIM. SPRAK PACirtCALLV. "I hear on excellent authority thatUlsmarck will m.xko early next session a speech as pa- : lllcns his last great speech was warlike. The cntnusiasm over the recent elections caused curious scenes. Several house-bound veterans tried to vote by telephone. Others , too 111 to go to the polls , sent their clill- dicn with tilled out ballot papers. GONE TO FIIANCK. Minister I'helpn nml AVIfo Leave tlic London Lnuation. [ Copyrf/W ( / lfS7 bii Jama Gimlm llctwttt.1 LONDON , Feb. C. [ Now York Herald Cable-Special to the J5Ki : . | United States Minister and Mrs. Phelps , undismayed by the earthquakes , loft hero to-daj en route for the south of France , tor the benefit of Mrs. Pholps'health. The embassy has been put In the charge of Secretary White and Mrs. White. They will repiesent the United States at the approaching lev ee of tlm queen's drawing-room. As I was chatting with the secretary , who so often did similar honois under Mr. Lowell , 1 saw on the tablu several numbers of the curicnt Court aim Society Kevlew , containing a very good , largo print of Mrs. Cleveland. 'The lady who holds the Wash ington drawing-rooms , " said Secretary White , smilingly. At the levee ho will present young llliam Fullerton. the son of the ex-judge , who soon produces , as a com poser , an opera. " 1 shall also present , " added Mr. White. "Mr. Wright Stuart , of New Yoik. His wifu Is being presented by Mrs.Vlittu \ at thn drawing room , together with Mrs. Charles F. Ulako and Miss Blake and Mr.s. Van Hcnss- elaer. " Hitherto the location has boon embarrassed by the number of applications for tre ° enta- lions , as well as for seats In the gallery in thn houses of parliament , because the num ber has been limited , but during the coming session , which opens early , so tai as the so cial clement ot royalty ore concerned , Minis ter Phelps has permission Irom the lord chamberlain to increase what may bo called his supply ot court presentations. The en trance to the cailorles , however , must con tinue dilliculr , as the accommodations are ildlculously me.igrc. A Sunitny Socialistic Demonstration. [ L"npir(0htSS7 ( bi/JOMM Gnnlan Ilcnnctt. ] LONDONFeb. . 26. ( New York Herald Cable Special to the I3KH.J Not alone are the paps and Catholic chinch having disturb ing issues with socialistic questions. The Kstaullshed Church of Kncland Is having its troubles , too. The traditional tenet ot the church is that woiship must bo public and free. Accordingly , arrangements have been made bv the social dumociatlc federation for a parade of the unemployed at St. Paul's to-morrow ( Sunday ) afternoon. The people will assemble to maich In pio- cesslon to the cathedral at Paddington Green at tSO , In Sniilhfield , at Cleopatra's > 'cedle , on the embankment , and in the Commercial and Whltechapel roads in the Kast end at 2:80. : The fact nas been communicated to the cathedral authorities , as also to tlio po lice commissioners. The cathedral oflielals have allotted to tliu federation thu whole of the nave and one-half of the space under the dome. The other half fs to be reserved for so much of the ordinary con- giegatlon as it will accommodate. The C.T thcdral , bv the way , could contain four Trinity churchc" . Special provision lias been made for a number of children totakcpait In the gathcilug. The service takes place at a quarter past 3. The preacher will be the venerable Arch-Deacon Hessey. An offer lias been made to the processionists to admit them by tlio western door , overlook Ing Mitigate Hill. Copies of the service have been printed on separate papers for the use of thosu unprovided with prayer books. Tholoid mayor will occupy his accustomed stall In thu chair. Harriers have been placed throughout tlio Intel lor under the chaige of the city police. A laiao number will bu in reseive in thu crypt so that they may be ablu to enter thn cathedral at any moment. I was talking with a prominent leader of thu federation this evenlnir , Hi ) said , "Wo me not heathen nor dlsieputable. We aru not icsminslble for the conduct of a few hundred w ho lately misbehaved In other chinches. Wo intend to show this by our Katherlng , Wo are as peaceahlo citliens as the Heniy Gcoiu'o men in Vow Yoik City , and iheiu lie gave mu a qul/rlcal look ) wu ore going to be as solid voters somu day as they aie.1 _ Dentil of Cnrdinal , lncoliiu , HOVIE , Feb. 20. Catdlnnl Jacobinl died at 10 o'clock this morning. f.Iacoblnl , Ills Kmlnonco Ludovlco , catdl nal pric.st of thu Homan Catholic chinch , was bom In Albano , Mav 0 , 1SK. In IWi Plus IX. made him nrelatl domestic ! and made ono of thu referendaries ot the hegnatura. Soon after he was made secre tary of that section of the conirrtuiitlon do Propaganda Fide which Is charged with the special supervision of tlio affairs of the east- cm churches. HowasMib eqtientlyappolnted one of the "consultors" of the propaganda and his particular duty was to examine and report upon the decrees aim ordinances ot provincial synods. In IN ) ! 1m was made a member of the prep iratory commission , who were chanted with examining and arranging tlm business to be biougbt before thopiojectod Vatican council. When , in Ib74. the nuncio at Vienna , Falclnelll-Antoniaeclwas created Cardinal and withdrew from his post. Mon- blgnor Jacobinl was chosen by Plus IX. to succeed to the vacancy , which was at the timn a position of no small dilllniltv. Ac cording to customho received Kplscop.il con secration with thu tltluof arehblsliop of Tlies s.vlonlca in paitlbus Inhdclium , and was a credited to the court of Vienna , where ho re mained until October , IhSrt. On September lit , 1W , he was created Cardinal : but It was judged desirable that ho should continue at the Austrian capital In order to carry on tlm negotiations commenced sometime pre viously with Germany and Hussla , and ulso to regulate the new ecclesiastical arransre- ments for Jtosiila and Herzeaovina. Hut. In conformity with the strict etiquette of the papal court , which forbids a cardinal to nold the Inferior rank of nuncio , Cardinal Jaco binl. after his elevation to the purple , bore the title of pro-nuncio. His eminence was recalled from Vienna In October , 1W > 0 , and appointed by Leo XI1L to the office of panal secretary of state. In succession to Oar- dlimlNina. His latest and most successful work was effecting a complete reconciliation between Germany and thu Vatican. SICl SMIC SCI EN CE. iartli < iuako Talk with Prominent ' European Observers. [ ( ' > ] > 1A fy'it ' l&s ; / < iJaiiiM ( ion ! in IS'niKtt.l HOME. Feb. 'JC-N'ew | York Herald Cable SpectaJ to the UEI : . | luavejuat In- ervlowed Prof. Do Hossto , the distinguished llrcctor of the Homan geed ) namlc ob crva- ory. He said : "There Is nothing wonderful n the fact that an cftrthquako has occurred. The particular region luost affected Is ono of tlio seismic regions of Italy. The lastpre.it caithquake there occurred In 1818. Since here has been occasional slleht disturbances , but never * anything llko this. Yet about spring time ona must look out for seismic commotions. At this moment there Is a gen eral disturbance , not , however , exceeding an average maximum. lUna and Vesuvius are also giving signs of activity , " "Was an earthquake foreston ? ' ' "That Is ratliur a delicate question to an swer. Seismic science has hardly reached a stairu which allows onto bo positively sure as to such points , althottch tlio science Is on the way to It. Kven now , thanks to microscopic observations , wo aio roughly enabled to totcseo the approach of seismic disturbances. The occurrence either In this particular district or in Spain , was thought probable. We had observed microscopic disturbances at the Homan ob- servatoiy since the 20th lust. , but they ceased as usual In such cases before thu earthquakes. 1 remarked , too , that thu eaithqtiakus came at the end of a period of moderate baromet rical depression , which had Its center In the disturbed district and coincided with a sud den and extraordinary rise of the barometer. The barometrical conditions evidently favored a dlstutbance. " "May fresh dlsburbanccs be expected'1' " 1 would rather not say positively. Wo certainly at this critical moment arc passing through a maximum period ; but after a dis turbance of this kind has relieved nature , ono cannot asscit where there will be earth quakes outside ot tlm region already dis turbed. There , however , may bo expected renewed , though slUhter , commotions. The activity will gradually subside. On the whole , I am inclined to regard this as a local manifestation of Interior fores. It Is Impos sible to say whether dlstu-banccs may bo ex pected outside Europe. " ANOIIIKU iNrmtvmv. PAKIS , ( via Havre ) , Feb. 20. [ New York Herald Cable-Special to the Ur.n.-l ] had an interview today with Admiral Mouchey , chief of the Paris observatory. 1 ur.kvd the admiral : "Is it probable that thciu will bu any mote earthquakes in tlicHlvieraV" His reply was : "Yes , lor the nu.xt thiec months wo may expect occasional shocks there , but they aru not likely to be so serious as those ot Wednesday. " lafterwaids called on M. Daubrc , a mem ber of the institute of France , and one of. the first authorities on seismology. M. Daubro had aliuady ( In October ) e.xpresso.l his views in tlio Heiald and had announced to the public thu tact that never nn instant passes in any twenty-four hours but what somu caithquaku Is going on some where. 1 asked him the same question 1 had asked. Admiral Moucliez. M. Daubro replied : "Ye.s , lor the ne\t thieo or tour months seismic disturbances are like ly to bu telt in the HiViera. Thn present earthquake resembles in many icspects that of 1MO , In Tuscany. It Is probable that both these earthquakes resulted from an explosion of siibtuirauean steam by water tiom tlio sea reaching tlio rocks deeply Imbedded in the interior of the earth , -which wcrn consequently quently very hot. The'steam was generated undei a high pressure and tl.e slightest cause was liable to bring about an explosion. Tlio eaith's crust , then coolinc , contracts and when It settles down causes perpetual changes In the positions of the lower strata of rooks. " . "Could not the present earthquake have been foietold ? " ' , "If all observatories * hart been provided with seismographs. The yelsmogiaph indicates tea a careful conscientious observer curtain movements of the eailti's crust a fewdays era a few hours before the eaithquako actually takes place , hut science lias not sufllclcnt data as vet to do the work with. " I then called upon M. Flqulor , a member of the academy ot sqlenec , and a professor of tlm college De France. 1 asked him If it was likely that thorojwould bu more earth quake shocks in the i IJivlera. His answer was. "Yes , but the lirst shock ecms Invari ably to be more violent than the succeeding ones.1' "It all observatories were provided with seismographs could this eaithquake have been predicted ? " "Yes , but the prediction uiL-lit have only meceded the catastrophe by an hour or so. " "Kven then by Bounding an alarm would It not have been given the people time to pack up their etlecls ami get to a ulace ot safety'.1'1 "Yes. undoubtedly , and all observatories nit-jilt to ho provided vvlth sekmo liiphs. Until this is done It is Imuo.slble to acqulio data enough to make a seilous basis tor further advance. " A known astronomer and ropularlzer of science publishes a long article In to-dav's Yoltalie , in which he develops M. Daiibie's theory that eatthquaKeis aio caused by explo sions of vast stoies of subtenanean steam caused bv the sea water pcicolatlns down Into a heated recess In the eaith's crust. M. Flammarian concludes the article as lollows ; "Unfortunately , It Is probable that moro shocks will bu felt trom time to time In the Hivtera. but It Is to bo hoped they will not exceed In Intensity those which have just spiead consternation In the delicious land so beloved by the sun. " MNHTEIN JUKKISUENT YELLS. A Kelt-Hot Timcntu College Society lianiiiiet. Nivv : YOKK , Feb. 20. ( Special Telegram to the Ilni.J : Four hundred and fifty men from nineteen different colleges assisted with nineteen different kinds of college yells at tlio Psl U dinner In concert hall , Metiopolltan opera house , last nlcht. The nineteen kinds of cheers weru exploded si multaneously at Intervals , and a line racket they made. Michigan university and Union college would have won first prl/o lor Intri cate haiiuony In the championship contest. On ono occasion , when tlm 4')0 diners weio engaged in a whistling chorus , with a tin- tlnnahulatlng accompaniment played on their wine glasses with forks , Police Captain Williams and Sergqant Westeivelt tlutist their heads throuirh the curtains that sepa rated the hall from the corrldois. Instantly the whole company rose to a man , gave threu rousing cheers for the captain and his aide , and rattled their teet In n thundrous breakdown , that must have astonished thu audience at thuGeiman opei.i. Just befoio Clmiles Diully Warner , thu picsldent , rose to turn on the speeches , thu Union college men rosu In a iKxIy and In behalf of Tlieta chap ter , thu original chapter of the secret society , let thulr lungs loose In this reunite : "We are hftv-four jears old to-night. Chestnuts. " To which the Lehlgh university men , jonng- est In tlio miks , uood humoredly shouted : "One , two , three , Hats. Jlully lor Psl Upsl- lon. " Lawyer Joseph Choate came up from the hlirh license ineetinir In Chlckering hall to make a speech. He Is ptesldent of the Alpha Delta P.sl association. When hu getup up to speak thu diners passed up to him a bottle of champalgne and a class brim full. Tlio orator couldn't luvlp commenting upon this felicitous acknowledgement of his en thusiasm for thu temperiincn cause. Also , hu said , he looked forward to the time when the Psl Upsilon and Alpha Delta Psl would com bine into one society throughout the country. More Chinese Outrages. ViCToniA , U , C , , Fub. SO. Thursday night at 10 o'clock a mob of Vancouver , 1) . C. , men , proceeded to tlio camp of the Chi- neM3 who were clearing land. They burned the cabins of the Chinese , threw their goods Into the fire and roughly handled the celes tials. The police then interfered and the band dis | > meil at midnight. Several Chi nese laundrieb were set on lire , but the flames were extinguished before serious loss oo- cuired. To-day the Chinese left Vancouver and went to Westminster. Adjourned AVItliour Aptirnpriutini ; . Cu UH.KSTOX , W , Va. , F.eb X The legis lature adjourned this morning without pass- Inc a general appropriation bill. The ap pointment of a United States senator will bu madu before the legislature Is reconvened. ai D LAWMAKE1 How tie Railroad and Jobbers' Lobby Ropes Legislators Into Its Oil Rooms , MOST DISGRACEFUL SCENES. Mltlnlclit Orgies nnil Olsurnccritl Drunkenness Which Are Nluhtly liuhilicl in By the Weak niul Vcnnl Members. I'ollttcnl Work. LINCOLN , Neb. , Feb. 20. fl'Mltorlal Corro spondence.J The people of Nebraska hardly icallzo by what corrupting , Immoral ami dangerous itilliienres their law-makers sue surrouiulcd at the state cauttal. Let them stioll with mo tinough thu headquarters of iho ralltoad and Jobber ' lobby at the old I'ommerclal. now known as the Capital hotel. From suml < u every morning until 3 ? r 4 o'clock the next morning tlio bar-tenders in tlio hotel "sample room" arc kept busy liourlng utit and mixing tlioincs and liquors for the so-called guests. Wlillo the outer doors arc closed punctually at 10 o'clock nniler Lincoln city regulations , thu busiest thno has only begun at that hour. The Directive and dangerous work of the politi cians who are enraged In criminal work Halves bust after tlio midnight hour , llko that of the house-breaker and cracksmen. The generous and hospitable treat at the bar Is followed up by an invitation to Iho oil- rooms , so-called. These rooms may be found In every story of the hotel durinctho session. They aio engaged and paid for by the rail roads and occupied by their political prostitutes. llcic , all night long , the men who ply the infamous voca tion of seducing weak and venal members of thu legislature carry on their orgies. In the oil rooms members are In veigled to take a smoke and listen to a camp- lire story related with gusto by bottle-scarred warriors. The drinkers cct more boisterous as the night wears away. Then the profes sional gambler and his capper take the boo/y member In hand , and when his money is all gone and his watch has also been staked and lost , he Is just In the fr.uuo of mind to ac cept a "loan" from the generous railroad roper-fh who begs him not to trouble hlmseli about payine It back. Once within the snares and foot-falls the member Is very sel dom able to cxtrlrate himself. Ho becomes the wretched creature of the badanddis- reputalile gang which keeps on tightening its crip and finally controls him soul and body. Last night 1 lay awake until half past - in a transomclcss room of the third .story. Every few minutes the bar porter walked along the coiridor with his clinklnc tray of bottles and brandy glasses. The peals of laughter and hilai Ions shouts In the oil rooms on the oppo site side of the hall made night hideous and sleep impossible. Within hearing distance In another room nt the further end of the hall another crowd of dissolute lobbyists and their companions cairled on their beastly debauch. Close by , on the other sidn of the oil room opposite to where 1 laj , an Omaha coterie was amending the charter between drinks. 1 could clearly distinguish the gentle \oico of one of our paving contractors who spemed to be dic tating amendments for the judiciary commit tee , while Vamlervoort and Charley Gieen put In an occasional proviso Just to leave their imprint on the law. It was rattier sug gestive to hear these muii say ; "We'll adjourn the senate to-mouow noon , " and "we will got that committee to plaster the charter all over with amend ments. " "Don't you forsrt to have that fel low's salnry reduced. " "Wu'Il have tlie cltv attorney elected by the people. Wo can nominate our men in both conventions and pull 'em thiouili. " I \\ondeiing mentally while listening to this gabbh ) whether the femslatois were mere jumping jacks of the rallioait and con- tiactors' lobby. Karly this morning I had to walk through rows ot empty bottles , travs and drinking glasses which were shoved out ot tlio oil-room doors sometime after the portuia had gone to bod. bod.If If this were thn fanciful picture of an Im- nzihutlvo mind , It could pass for a sensation , but it is the sad and solemn reality which not only distrusts any man who values the reputation of this state , but affoids an unutteiablo commentary upon the degraded condition of thosu of our law makers who lia\o fallen piny to the wiles am ! temptations ot thu lailioad anaconda. borne of the brilliant birds of passage who ha\Q comedown to the caultal to represent thu Omaha railroad press profess to be In sulted because 1 have seen nt to express mv ( lisiist at their shameless disiegaid of all decency In associating and maklni : common cause with the hat-ioom bummers and oil- loom gamblers who aio carrying on the vil lainous business ot coiruptiui : law makeis and levying blackmail upon p.-.rlies who Imve bills before tlm Icsislaturc. 1 am awaiu thatuown in the blue-grass leclon ol Ken tucky and up In "cool Minnesota" a man mav wallow In the cutter with loalers , call himself a gentleman and sneer at sober , In dustrious and lespectablu people. In this uncultured and barbailan region , however , a man may remain a gentleman oxen If he with and law-abid keep company reputable - ing men. Passim : Irom tlio suhllmo to tlm ri diculous 1 will lemaik that thn Omaha charter still lemaius In the hands of such prominent citi/ens and heavy taxpayers as Frank Waltcis , Paul \ andorvoort. .John Sab- lor , George Crawford of Idaho , Will Gurley and Chailes Tanning. With Mich a chatter committee , thointciestsof tlm mutiopolis will be pronounced safe by Dr. Miller , and puier government Is an assured fact tor Omaha in the sweet by and by. K. HOSKW.VTKII. TIVIS DOINGS. Wliat Nebraska's Henato anil House Accomplished Yesterday. Li.vroi.v , Neb. , Feb. 2fl.-Special | Tele gram to the UKI.J : The senate opened up In a spasm of economy this mornlne and passed a resolution requesting tlio picsldent to ap point a committee ot thren to repoit upon the number and duties of thu employes of the senate and recommend the discharge of all superfluous ones and the abandonment of all unnecessary outside committee rooms. The resolution was introduced by Mr. Drown of Clay , who said that the senile with thirty- three members had IDS employes , while the house with 100 members hail only eighty em ployes , ills committee had a room outside which was no longer necessary and he know of others equally as useless. When the room was first rented them wera two or three men billing around in it , and upon In quiry he toiuul mm was the janitor , another the messenger , the thiid was the clerk ho had appointed , who had had little to do. Mr. Keekluy asked why this state of affairs had not been reported before. The president nominated .Messrs. Hrown , Snell and Uoui'Stecl as such special com mittee. The bill authorising the churches to change their name wes passed ; also ubllt relating to the caie of cemeteries : also a bill to dispense with calllni : ot ciand juiles In certain cases. Thu senate adjourned till 1U o'clock Mon day. Doings in tlm House. LINCOLN , Neb. , Feb. 'X [ Special Tele- uram to the HEI : . ] In the house this mom- ing Mr. Kussell moved the adoption of n resolution that senate tiles No. M and C5 , the Omalia and Lincoln charters , be madu special order of Match 1. Thu resolution was adopted. Hy another resolution the'reporter of tlio Mipmnc comt was Instructed to de- poslte a copy of each report of the raurt In he university library. Thu senate { illl H-dls- trktlnir the state Into judicial districts was brought up oil a motion tli t It tliould be en grossed and ordered on Its third reading , Mr. Handall oblected to the dlsposl- Ion ot the bill without rezn- nt treatment in the committee of the whole , llu offered an amendment that the )111 should bo taken UP In that form at once. The amendment was accepted by the mover of thu original motion , and passed. The bill was talked of in laudatory and condemnatory ; e.rms tor some time , until the indecision of the house narrowed down to consideration of a motion to report the bill back , with a rec ommendation that it be ludellnltely post poned. Mr. WhltmoM made a vigorous flcht for the bill , saving that w 1th thu exception of the chatter bill tlieio was no measure before the leglslaturu In which the people > f Omaha wcrn so much Intoiested. The motion to Indellnltclv postpone was lint. J'ho motion was then made that the bill bo recommended for passage. It was opposed bv Mr. Fuller , who condemned thn bill In Its ( net-cut foi in and said it was entlrelv In thu interest of ono -ecllon of the state. Thoie- : oiiimcudatlou for passage piovalled to .17. After the committee are e a motion to ic- commlt the bill , was almost unanimously car ried. Thu situation ically seemed to be , as Mr. Gllmniu said , that the hill had been sprung on the house without prepara tion or expectation and whllo It was desirable to amend It no one knew exactly how it should bu amended. Some one made n motion to adjourn until Monday , which called Mr. Whltmoio to his Feet with u protest , lie said the house had been refusing to hold evening sessions in Older to attend minstrel shows and lei : shows. Smjth 1 would like to ask the gentle man Whltmoio I was there ; 1 own up ; I went there. ( Laughter. ) The reference was to the appearance of May Vernon's dl/zj blondes at the opera house last evening. Mr. Whitmore continuing , madoasorlous objection to tlio hou o trusting upon the pros pect of twenty days moio session that was not yet sure. Hut It was sure that ' . ' 00 to WK ) bills needed consldeiatlon and It it was ex pected to get thiough half of them orone- tcnth even , It would bo nccessaiy to get down to woik. The house tticn , upon motion ot Mr. Fuchs. tool ; n recess until 'J o'clock. AKTKl'.NOON SUASION. When the house reconvened In the aftci- noon tlm irlends ot the approjirlatlon hills for chniitnblc pin poses en deavored tobilhi : them up but they weru postponed until Monday when they will come up as the special order of the day. A very pietty llttlo light Is expected over some of the desired appropriations. Mr. ( Jalford , who , oy the way. Is a voting and rambltlous physician , called up the bill creating a hoaid ot health and moved that It should tie made tlio bpeclal order ot this alter- noon. The motion was decisively lost. O'l'lie house went into committee of the whole , Mr. Crane in the ehalr , Mr. Trace\'s bill giving county boaids power to constiuct necessary buildings and Issue bonds to cay tlieiefor was amended by requlnni ; such action to receive the endorsement of a ma- jorltv of the voters of the county and lecom- memlcd for passage. Mi. Tinglu opposed It. saytng thn best way to amend it was to eut Its head oli. Me.sars. llarlan and Siujtli aKo opposed it. The bill Is especially de signed to Icnablc Uagu count } to get a com t house. Iho bill to require the stampinc of the permanent school fund bonds so they will not be negotiable If stolen was recommended for passage. The bill to cive the owners of male ani mals a Hen UDOII the progeny caused much and versatile discussion. As an amendment to the lull It was moved to Eiibstltiuu tlieiefor anotlicr bill which contemplates a Hen upon the mother ot tha progeny. Messrs. Tingle , Xlchol , DiMiipster and IJallaid opposed thu imenilmenr. the formei clmiacteii/.lng it as a "damnable Injustice" to a poor man who mlitht only own a team ot mares. Mr. Haymond said the house imd been encaged in building up a lumber aristocracy , land aristocracies and other aris tocracies and ho believed everybody should ; io given n chance , and it would be consistent for the house to build up aftml hoiso ails- tocraey. To make the thing ridiculous he would \ote for the bill. Thu amendment was lost and tlio original : > ill was i ( 'commended lor passage with blight amendment. Upon the committee arisiiiE and the house resuming thu tegular .session , Mr. Miller called up the Pat O. Jlawcs bill , moving that It be ordered engrossed and forwarded to thiid reading. Mr. Hayilun and .Mr. Fox ob jected to thu Irieeular consideration ot tlm bill , which lalsed up u "cloud ot witnesses" in his behalf. The motion was carried with only ono dissenting voice , and that was ciulto faint. Thu bill contemplates pacing Mr. Hawes about Sr > OOtorcolk'etnu' ! Slb.OOO. L'nclo .Hmmle Cannon , an old frontiers man and Indian lighter Irom Aii/ona , was irianted permission to s-peak to the house. He made a disconnected address on Indian matteisand uiged the openimrof Iho ic.sur- \utlons. He was tendered \otuof thanks. .Mr. McConauuhy mo\ed that the bill pro viding for submission of the piohlbitoiy amendment bu made the special older ot Tuesday , 10 a. in. The motion prevailed. Thu house adjourned until Monday morn- Ing. _ _ _ _ _ _ THE PKXITKXTIAUY YAKN. Clinrjios of Cruelty nml Proven Utterly I-'iilso. LiNroi.N , Xcb. , Feb. ! W. | i Special to the Unn.J A stale and unprofitable yam ot three columns length that appeared In an cvenim : paper In Omaha recited the woes ot a convict who Is tempoiarlly respited Irom his .sentence and lying in jail at Fiemont. The articlu goes on to recitu a sui ies of alleged abuses at thu penitentiary , and to-day ( ! ov- ernor Thayer called ex-Warden .Nobes , Warden Hyers , Prison I'li > -lelan Caiter and representatives of thu ! : : and othui pajiers to his private olllco to consult con cerning the alleged mismanagement. .Mr. Nobcscamo bearing the dopiimentaiy evi dence tohhow who this man ( ieorgo.l. ParKs , who levies the clriries , is. Parks was bunt to thu penitentiary Irom Dodge county tor subordination of perjury. Ho was an al leged detective and had lived at Aurora. His history , as related by Jteprcsentativo Ageuand otheib. was that heis u dead heat. Ho entered thu piison undei the name of Parks , but the \\niden soon asceitalned that in other states hn had gene under the mi my ol UejnoIUs , Dodge , Winslow and other aliases , llu reported hlmsull a widower but Xobe nab u hunch of lutttrs from his wllu ( hlncu divorced ) who lives at ( ienuva , O. him volunteered the Information to tlui waidun that lie was slru | i and to look out for him. Letteis camu to the penitentiary Irom a married sister ot Parks at Hluo Hill which Pnrlcs retired to answer and denied ihu relationship. This Is the man Parks' history us ascertained dur ing his residence at the pen. Dining the year he was In thu ) > en ho was uniully and a bad piisoncr. Ho was reported eluht times lor lack of doing proper work , for Insolence to thu guards , ami Mai Ing at strangers. For this he was punished three times but kept in conhnument only tliieu das the longest time. AH to thu charges made , Parks slated that thu prlMin faro and work was so hard that it nearly broke him down ; Mated in the thieu column Interview that he weighed W > pounds when he entered tlm pen and tell off to HO when he came out. Tlio prison record nails this statement , bhowlngthutluiweUhcd 10 ! ! when hoenteied the pluee. Thu long representation of the fact nt eonllnumont In aholu Hint accompanlng tortuies was fully explained to thu governor by thu waulens that them was no confinement in a dungeon , that thu dungeon built had never been used , that thu punishment was given in a cnm- mon cell with it closed door. A prisoner never had been kept In biich punishment longer than ten da > b and on biead and watei , and was dally examined by thu physi cian. Tlm tiliu of the prison oliielul Is to punUh until men promise to do better. Dr. Carter explained the death of McKel * lar , alleged to ha\u been eam > ed from neg lect and lack ot pnp"r treatment , to ha\o been f i om heart dlsi.Maii ; that at > ubstiluto physician had \ears before diagnosed tlm CAM- , and that McKellar was subject to the ellects of the disease. The loni : statement of starvation , poor food , etc. , made by 1'arkn , and the tt'rrlnlu state of unhealthfulnc.ss , was answered by thu comparative health Ma- tUtlc4 fiom all thu pcnitcnilurle.sin thu land , showing that the death ra.tuwas le.ss In .Nclnaska'than any other btato In the union. In fact. Dr. Caiter stated that thn Jood , In equality uiid amouni. was of tilt modt wholn- some character. Meat was butchered at the pen , an ice hou o was used all summer , anil milk and vecetables were always abundant. \\arden Hjers , who has recently assumeil control , stated that a week aso ho visited the prisoners liulhlduallv , asking icgardltitf t heir wants and complaints , and but ono In the lot found fault with thu food. Abovoall , the facts gleaned In thu lnter\iew Held by the governor is the additional ono that the penl- tliuv Is open to Msltors that nearly , It not all the tnumbeis of the legislature , have per sonally visited It and Its workings this win ter , and a great many ot them have talked with prlsnneis whom they kmnv In former joars. "If any ono doubts thu healthfulness nml heartiness of the prisoners , " said War den 11 } ere , "nil they need to do Is to visit tha Institution mm watch thu men as thov move in the piaml march. " it A i ) i , v SCOKOIIII > . Twentyllvo Thousand Dollars Worth of Property Destroyed. CJIADIIO.V , Neb. , Feb. SO , [ Special Tele gram to the Heo. I This nioinlng at 0 o'clock llru was discovered In the rear of Waller & Lj man's drug store on Main street , six doors Mitithot the southwest corner of Main ana Second streets. The alarm being given , the citizens turned out en masbo to light thu llio. Thcro being no lire eiiglnu or Hie depart ment oiganl/ed , this was difficult and with out avail. The drug store was soon aban doned and attention was given to the build- ins adjoining toward Main street , owned by Fulix Jloznansky and occupied by Silver- stein & ItichanN , clothiers KlTorls wore- made to remove this building , but thu wind commencing to blow btioiiK fiom the west , soon Ignited this building , ami It being paitly demolished , gave the wlndaehancu to fan the flame ? , and It was soon a sheet o Hie drlvinK the workmen away. It was seen that all elfoits to extinguish the tire were useless , and attention was given towards saving movable property. The lire now siireml ' north , taking In succession L. W. Hall's croeery btore , J. Sim's barber shop , ( } . A. Acklu's real estate and other oflicu buildings , Kicker < fc I'oii.hton's ' real estate and land olllee. Lake iV Halley's bank on the corner of Main nml becond streets. Then It spiead west to hpareur V : Usher's building , tlm Clmdron Democrat , and A. Joblyn'.s confurtionary .store , where it was checked. The Danlclson house , adjoining Waller Ionian's driiR store on the south , was also burned , and hov- cial smaller buildings were either burned or torn down. Theru was little if any loss on movable propel ty except Waller & Lvinnn's , who lost almost their untlro stock and store fixtures , llio Danlel on house succeeded lit removing nhout all then turnlture. Tlicro w ere few guests In thu house and whatwero thuro Mieceeited In lomovlng all bag- uago and personal ellects. P. ft. Danielson's loss Is about SS.COO-ln- sured for S'J.OOO ; Lake , t Hollev's , Sooo : ! , insnreil forS2.0 ( ; Waller * Lyman's si,500 : ; naitly instiled. The others men tioned lost Irom Jj.'iOO to SI.'JOO each. All wuio partly Insured. It was feared at ono tlmuthat the wholuof .Main stieet smith of becond would go , and It was only prevented trom spreading farther by hard work. Had It gotacioss Main stieet It would have taken another block. The total loss is estimated at S'-iO.OOO to S2.-i,000. The - , ? city recently pur chased an end mi mid hook and ladder company - < pany fixtures , which should have arrived some time ago , Preparations are already commenced to lebnilil the burned district and theie will be a nnmbcrot brick buildings elected. IntcrpstiiiR Udnnntlonal Meeting ; SUTTON , Xeb. , Feb. 20.- [ Special Tele. gram to the Uii : . ] An enthusiastic meeting of the Clay County Kducatlonal association was held to-day at Clay Center. Special trains wvro run over the Kansas City fa Omaha railroad from Sutton and ] < airfield , arriving at Clay Center at 10 a. m. This as sociation is an organization ot all the educa tional people of the county , embracing teaeheis , dltectors of schools , and advanced students. The oiganl/atlon promises much good to the educational intciests of the county. This meeting was picsldcd over by Prot. A. A. Handall. county surcilntendent. Plot , btevens. ol the Sutton schools , lead u paper on educational associations , showing ttiat thu organisations ot tuaeheis and school officers into association' ! is ono of tiio moat potent influences now nt work in building up our present splendid school system. Prof. Henry , of Full Held college , read n paper on books which was full ot good points , Prof. Hubbard gave a very interesting talk on th use ot languaze. Hon. J. li. DliiBinoro claimed that older was tne most impoitant element In thu successful teacher. Uov. Ceoigu Scott claimed that lady teachers were better adapted to the position of teach ing than men. Hon. ( fcoigo W. Bemls thoiuht the men and women of tills county now ung.tL'ed In traching vvern thu best equipped and thu most success ! ill of any of the prominent professions , nut the poorest paid class of patient , faithful vvoikein on earth. Inteiestlm : points were made by Itev. Mr. Curtis , ot Sutton ; Prof. Thrasher. ot IMcar ; Prot. llurbh. of Falrlicld , and Mlsb Like , ot Sutton. The entire meeting was onu ot thu most interesting and profita ble ever held In the county. Many school ofllceis wen ; niesent and a laruo number of pupils from the high schools In this part of the state. O'.Voiirn Pimllfstlc Kditors. O'Xi iuXcb. , Feb.ar.-fSpcclal Telegram to the HKI : . | Thu strained lelatlons between McDonoiigh. of thu Tribune , and Mathuwfl , of tlio Free Pie.ss , icsulted In a personal en counter thl.s evening. Malhows was com- jilctely knocked out In the that round and cried "Hold , enough 1" The battle , although brief , was sanciilimiy at least for thu van quished editor , who plteously uxclalmcd , "Foi mercj'ssalio , let up , " Thu direct cause ot tint uncoiintei between thu bell.-eiont ed- itorb was an abusive articlu In thu last issuu ot .Mathuvvs' juper directed at MuDonoiuh. I'JIovntor Idirnnrl at Prlonil. Ki.ir.xn . , Neb. , Feb. 'J7. | Speelal Telegram to the UKK. I Tlm elevator of A. S. MeKaya burned this morning at about 1 o'clock. Total los.s. Light Insurance. XouilnatloiiH Conllrinoil. WASIIINOTON. Ileb. ' > , Thu folIovvliiR nominations have been conllrmed by thu sen ate ; Consul , Charles Jones , of Wisconsin , at Pra-'iie. Thomas Cooper , of Illinois , col lector of internal rovenmi for the eighth ills * trlctol Hllnol ? . K , H Sanders ccelvor o public money * , at Wausau , Wisconsin. U. 1) ) . Uiicsuy , Illinois , Indian agent at Colorado au'encv , Ari/ona. Po-sfnmsters ; Iowa Thomas A. Lassie , Logan ; John Hornstlne , Iloono ; Uobert llnfbclimhlt , LanslnNcbraskaL. . U , Smith , Schuvler. llllnol.s-I , ( ! . Havighorst , Cliupnmn , Chunoa. Tnlk of nn ICxtrn ScHSlon. WASHINGTON , Feb. 20. Heck , a member of the senate appropriation committee , de clares it will be impossible to finish the ap- projiilation bills durliu the remalnltiL' days ot ihu Mission , The matter of uppolnlmcnts and eonlii notions contributes to thu Inllu- ences wu ch may produce a cillml session. Opinions rc9pcctlii4 thu president' * ) power to appoint thu Inter-Mate commerce commission * emdur.ni ; the recess of thu senate ani widely variant. J iiminds and many other sen ators of prominence declaio wit'iout ' ( jtmllll- catlon that the president has no shadow of a constitutional or le al ught to till an ollieu newly cieatud vvlion thu senate Is not in sos- sion. HtoruiH in llio PiTTSiii'itn , Fob , M. Three or foui inches of ram has fallen here to-day. Then are fears that disastrous floods will bo the lesult. NKW VOIIK , Feb 00. Karly this afiurnoor atieiiiundoua snow Mornr' prevailed. Latf It turned Into A drrMieliln rain andcontli ued until late tu-ulght. .