Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 26, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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More About the Mnnay-Oarroll-Kelly Gang
of Cracksmen !
A Western Unco Circuit Formcil
, Sporting NOU-B nml Notes Jcnnlo
Aldrlch'H Funeral Other
Locnl News.
Tlio Hoe's
The HEII'S article of Thursday night re
producing the confessions of n crook ,
cruised a profound sensation , both in
police nnd business circles. Yesterday it
shared with 1'altl the honor of being the
principal theme of conversations on the
direct corners.
The police authorities informed nUni :
reporter yesterday that the article was
Stsolf correct , so far as It wont , and would ,
no doubt , liavo : i salutary ollucl in show-
ine the crooks who arc still working the
city that they are no longer in the dark.
"In fact , " remarked one of the
force , "as the Jii ! : : stated Thursday
night , "wo have boon 'onto' ' those fol
lows all .tlong , but have not boon able to
do anything more than arrest them on a
charge of vagrancy. It is ono thing to
know that those mon have boon doing all
this crooked work and unite another
tiling to provo it. Still I think wo have
got the gang pretty well broken up.Vo
shall keep on arresting them for va
grancy , and as fast as their terms expire ,
rc-nrrcst them , In this way wo can keep
them pretty well in check. That gang
that you exposed in your paper last night
was without question the
that over infested Omaha , or any other
citv for that matter. As your "contrite
crook" said , it contained some of the
most noted burglars and 'bovmun'
safo-blowcrs in the country. The only
wonder is that they did not accomplish
more than they did. "
Olllcers Ormsby and Mostyn , who have
done some shrewd work in trailng this
pang , and have done not a little in keep
ing them in check , Thursday night made a
raid on the headquarters of the out-
lit , at Hort/.1 place , 208 South
Tenth street. They found that
the remaining men of the
gang after reading the artiole in last
night's panor had quietly packed up their
Ihintrs and left going no ono knows
whither. There was absolutely noth
ing to bo scon of them. Patsy
Kelley , alias "Cnrloy the Tough" is now
in the county jail with several others of
Ins subordinates in crime. His fellow
ringleaders have quietly "slid out'1 and it
Js probable that in a very short time this
notorious band of robbers will bo com
F pletely broken up. That such may be the
case every good citi/.cn will devoutly
liopo and pray.
P "I can give you an interesting sequel
R to the very spicy and readable exposure
which you published in last night's pa
per , " said Police Judge Stenborg to a re-
porterycslerday afternoon , "Letmegivo
you a bit of unwritten history. Did you
know that a plot was formed to blow the
safe in tlio polieo court ? "
"No. "
"It is a fact. The details were those :
This Bang , when at tlio height of its
dopradations , conceived the idea of blow
ing the safe in my room , in which I keep
the money collected for lines. There is
occasionally as much as $200 or $300 in
this safe enough to pay for tlio trouble
The ringleaders skirmished around and
got the 'lay of the land * pretty carefully
BO that they know just exactly how to do
the work. The plan was to extinguish
the light , which 1 have ordered kept
burning in the polieo court room all
night , pull down the curtains , and then
under cover of darkness , do their work
us rapidly as possible. "
"How clitl tlio scheme fall through ? "
"In tliis way. The mon who wore
to do this work were Murray. Car
roll , Kollcy , Scotty , alias 'Scotty '
tlio Tough' and a man named
James Allen. About the time
that the job was to 'como off' the
last named man , Allen , was 'run in' for
vagrancy. While ho was looked up in
the county jail , ono of his pals made
love to a young girl named liortio Allen ,
whom Allen had brought from Council
Dlufls and by whoso charms ho was
badly smitten. This angered Allen
greatly and ho sent for the
police authorities. Ho then revealed the
plot to blow the police court safo. Ho
promised to give further important in
formation , provided ho was released. Ho
was 16t out of jail , and did give the police -
lice some valuable information. Ho
promised to entice his fcllovV criminals
into carrying out tlio scheme and blowing
the safe in order that the police might
ftnd arrest them. I refused to allow
this , however , as I didn't believe that
any jury would convict men who had
been entrapped in that way. "
" \V hat became of AllonV"
"His pals boon discovered that Allen
had 'peached' on thorn and they were
very wrathy. Allen won back the affec
tions of his girl Bertio and BOOH after
wards loft town. Ho has not been hoard
of since _
A Lawyer's Ijlttlo Adventure AVItli n
Cl nr Box.
A prominent lawyer was mot yesterday
morning by a BKK reporter and in ad
dition to the usual inquiry for news ,
weather and the Pattl concert , a question
was prompted as the gentleman's moody
appearance , In reply to the latter ho
biiul ;
" 1 have had tlio strangest experience of
life . "
my to-day.
"What ! Haven't hail a case , a call into
court or a book-agent's visit ? "
"Oh no ! Hut I came very near being
arrested. "
"Suro ? "
"Honest. "
"How ? "
"Well , I'll toll you. I bought a box of
cigars , and , like all 'loaves' of autumn ,
they disappeared very rapidly. Finally
the box was like sumo of my follow
practitioners' heads empty. Having
promised my little daughter a box for
newspaper scraps. I was taking it homo.
What do you think ? As I came out of
my otlico I met a friend , and the box
under my arm became naturally a sub-
Jcct of conversation , as it was 'Havana1
branded , and a 'vacancy.1 Thou my
frieud referred to my long practice at
the bar , etc. , and said : 'I've
n good mind to arrest you. '
For what I replied , 'Because tlio United
States stump is uncancolled. ' Then I
recollected the law. I had in my posses
sion an empty cigar box with revenue
stamp uiicanccllcd and of course 1 was
amenable. It just goes to show ono
thing that a liquor dealer or cigar maker
has to bo pretty well posted on the reve
nue laws or ho can bo scooped in by any
of the United States marshals. I have to
give advice on these biibjccts every day ,
Still you too I .came very near "being
caught. "
"Well , what did you do ? "
"Why , 1 simply borrowed n penknife
hud' scratched oil' that stamp.
J vbr.ily buliove I could patch
wbud ) bq 'iunoceut of committing
nny crime , and yet the law would have
them. The rovcnuo business is a delicate
thine to deal with , "
"Well , why do you fcolTjad ab'omVIt' ? "
"Oh , I don't feel very bad , but the man
who called my attention to the box. was a
client of mine , and the probabilities are
that when ho sees I 'violated' the law my
self ho will think that 1 am not a very
safe advisor. " _
Tlio lutcr-Stnto Commerce Ittll.
is expected to help the boom in South
Omana immensely , as freight rates ad
vance and passes to stockmen are abel
tootnpoto \ with South Omaha at the
eastern points.
thus becomes more valuable every day ,
although the prices have not yet boon ad
vanced , but they soon will bo.
W. 0. ALnniatiT.
218 South 15th st.
tt Is Cnllocl for tiy Union I'nclflc Ofll-
clnls Hnll Notes.
"It leaked out yesterday that John P.
Bay , who for ten years or moro has been
connected with the Union Pacific , is to
stop down and out of his position of gen
eral foreman of the Union Pacific shops ,
His resignation has boon called for by the
officials and his tenure of ollicu will cease
on March 1.
The cause of this change is well known ,
at least among the men at tlio shops.
Bay for some months past has been grow
ing unpopular among the men under
him , who claim that lie has discharged
mon who have long been in the service -
vice of the Union Pacilic for
trivial and in many cases
unwarranted reasons. This feeling
against Buy has so often boon brought to
the attention of the ofllcials that they
were at length forced to take cognizance
of it. Bay will probably bo succeeded by
> lee Standoven , an old workman in the
shops , who , however , resinned sonio time
ago on account of trouble between him
self and Bay. His succession , however ,
has not yet been officially announced.
Ono of tlio workmen said yesterday
"This matter was brought prominently
to the notice of the Union Pacilic officials
this week , through sorno trouble which
Bay had with Roland Firth , a former em
ploye of the shops. Firtli quit because ho
could not got along witli Bay. Ho
had applied for a certain outside position
and had actually been appointed to it ,
wlien Bay , by writing a letter to ono of
the directors , givinp Firth a bad charac
ter as a workman , broke up the arrange
ment. This made Firth angry , and ho
went down to tlio shops , called Bay out
and pounded him thoroughly. The
general foreman diil not make any re
sistance , and when Firtli got through
with him ho was pretty badly used up.
This matter came to the cars of the head
ollicers and urobably hastened tlio re
quest for Bay s resignation. "
The South Omaha Land company have
appointed O. E. Mayno solo srgont for the
sale of their lots. Ho will show tlic prop
erty and furnish all desired information
upon application.
[ Signed ] W. A. PAXTON , President.
Stray Leaves From a .Reporter's Note
'Mil humble " remarked
my opinion , a
prominent lawyer yesterday morning ,
"tho unfortunate killing of John Richard
son was the indirect outcome of several
Verdicts which have lately been given in
our courts. When the assailants of Officer
Bloom on Tenth street , which was an out
rage uncalled for in every way , are ac
quitted and tlio attomptcd killing of Of-
licer Haze by a desperado is allowed to
pass by unpunished the standing of the
best policeman is lowered and tnc officer
becomes a plaything in the eyes of the
mob. Of course I believe Richardson
did not belong to any gang or tough cle
ment but the enjoyment of a little Satur
day night's fun brought an innocent
man to death. Had the Tenth street
crowd in the first mentioned cases boon
promptly and properly punished moro
respect would have boon paid to a police
man's authority and Ollicer White's or
ders on Saturday night , whether just
or unjust , would have been obeyed and
no trouble between the parties have oc
curred. The innocent always have to seems in this world. The shoot
ing of the man who attempted to kill
Olhcor Ha/.e would have caused very little
tlo excitement , I think. Ho deliberately
attempted to kill and boasted after arrest
that bo would some future day carry out
Ills plan. Still , several well-aimed bul
lets failed to strike him , while in the
other case what I think was a chance
shot , struck a popular young man , who
had committed no crime. "
Gigantic Buildings
Arc those to bo built in South Omaha , for
which the plans have just been com
pleted. Vast industries will bo added
this year and
erected for those finding employment
offers the best opportunities for those-
wishing to purchase lots in South Omaha ,
whether for residence or speculation.
318 S 15th st.
It Took Place Yesterday Afternoon
A Kindly Deed.
At 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon the funeral -
oral of Jennie B.'Aldnch , the cyprian who
died .Monday from an overdose of mor
phine , took place from the undertaking
rooms of Barrett & Hcafoyon Fourteenth
street. There were very few mourners
a small number of the dead woman's fol
low associates who hail como to pay the
last tribute of respect to the deceased
The remains were interred in Prospect
Hill cemetery.
The father of the girl had telegraphed
that lie was unable to pay the funeral ox-
pcnsea of his daughter. Alias Olive
Branch therefore , volunteered to pay the
entire expenses of tlio funeral. Her kindhearted -
hearted action gave the deceased a docent -
cent burial when otherwise the remains
would have been buried in the potters'
Sarah Bernstein , wife of Abraham Bern
stein yesterday morning secured a writ of
replevin against a number of silk and
aatm dresses , sold to Gypsy Bloom and
Nolla King , upon which the plaintiff has
a lion , rated at $ 100. The writ was issued -
sued by Judge Berka ,
Tin ) Bonanza Addition
To South Omaha has just been placed on
tnc inaruct. beinir a subdivision of block
10 , of
100 lots in this beautiful addition are
no\v _ offured for sale at very moderate
prices. They are located on and imme
diately adjoining Belloyuo road.
W. G. AunuuiiT , ! M8 S , 16th.
Judge Bcrka , yesterday morning united
Calvin Thompson and Margaretha Gard
ner iu tlo ) bands of wedlock.
'BuBlreei Cl.nucc.
A first-class business iu one of the larg
est cities of the state for sale. 'Showing
of large profit can bo made since estab
lished. Small capital required. Satisfactory -
factory reasons for ' selling. Address I ) 73 ,
l . -
Tom Woods niia Ills History Police
Tom Woods , a young Englishman , was
brought before Judge Stenberg yester
day , to answer to n charge of vagrancy.
Ho had been caught begging on the
streets for money to buy a meal with ,
and was found guilty , being committed
for thirty days.
Woods , like a good many oilier young
Britons now roaming through the west
ern wilds of America , has a history. Ho
was born at Bristol , England , where his
folks were respected and well-to-do. Ho
was placed in school ( his parents desir
ing to give him a good education ) but ho
did not fanoy that sort of tiling r.nd ran
away to sea. Ho shipped to sea onboard
a Dutch merchant vessel at Portsmouth ,
starting as a stowaway. Whfcn tlio vessel
was far away at sea. hocanio up on deck.
Of course ho was roundly abused at
iirst , but was put to work bcforo the mast
and told to make himself useful. During
the entire voyage ho was kicked and
culled about by the Dutch sailors. Ilo
did not care to five tills sort of a life , and
after a cruise of tlio Baltic sea , ho
disembarked on English .soil. He
then came to America , where
ho has been "knocking about"
for four or live years doing different
work. Some mouths ho spent at tlio
Rugby colony in Tennessee , which was
founded by Tom Hughes , author ofTom
Brown at Rugby. Ho was disgusted witli
tlm "dudo plan" as he called it on
which that institution was conducted
and left. Some months ago his sister in
Bristol sent him $2fi ( ) with which to eomo
homo , but he spent it in riotous living.
Ho has just como hero from Denver ,
whore ho was mixed up in a shooting
scrape and had his wrist injured , so that
ho can do no work at present.
George . alleged detective , was
fined $50 and costs by Judge Stonberg yes
terday for assaulting Jennie Quinn. Al.
Johnson , a sneak thief who stole a lap
robe from J. Al. Motcall , was sent to jail
for thirty days. Five drunks wore ar
raigned. Two paid lines of ? 5 and costs ,
two were discharged and ono was sent
up for fifteen days. The latter was Wil
liam Daily , who had been on a spree
and had abused his wife.
Gigantic Building1)
Are those to be built in South Omaha ,
for which the plans have just been com
pleted. Vast industries will be added
this year and
erected for those linding employment
offers the best opportunities for those
wishing to purchase lots in South Omaha ,
whether for residence or speculation.
Brief nnd Breezy Interviews Gathered
About Town.
A Ilavcrly Minstrel "Why do all
minstrel mon wear plug hats ? I don't
know , my boy , unless it is because they
can nse them to shako dice in on the
train. "
Fire Chief Jack Galligan "Tlio now
extension fire truck will be here Monday ,
ready for use. "
Secretary Minor , Exposition Associa
tion "I believe wo could have put Patti
seats on the roof and sold them for $3 a
piece. People could look through the
glass transoms , you know. "
Louis Heimrod "Wo netted about
$1'JOO from the Turners' masquerade ball.
This will go to tlio fund of the German-
American school. "
C. A. Hurlburt , of Winsted ( Conn. )
Burial Case company "Tlio coffin busi
ness is lively throughout this section of
the west. " _ _ _ _ _
T. Boj'd "The opera house was full
Thursday night , and so was the exposition
building , so was the People's theatre ,
but not so the citucns or visitors
from abroad. "
Fred Gray "Wo had some difficulty
Thursday nigiit in dislodginglthrec'busses
which backed up to the sidewalk in front
of the main exit from the exposition
building. Their management was look
ing for passengers , though the position
it placed its vehicles in was calculated to
prevent carriages from driving up to
the entrance for their loads. We finally
got them out of the way , but not without
some talk. Next time we shall see that
they do not occasion similar annoj'anco. "
The lutcr-Stnto Commerce Bill.
is expected to help the boom in South
Omaha immensely , as freight rates ad
vance and passes to stockmen arc abel
to compete with South Omaha at the
eastern points.
ALllllinilT'S CHOICE
thus becomes more valuable every day ,
although prices have not yet been ad
vanced ! but they soon will bo.
W. G. AuntioiiT ,
218South 15th st.
KniiH.isClty , St. , ltic and Omaha Unite
For Consuuiulvc Uncos.
A very important speed meeting was
held yesterday afternoon in the Paxton
hotel. The object was to establish a
running and trotting circuit between
several of the Missouri river towns , so
that dangerous conflict and competition
might bo avoided. Tlio meeting was at
tended by J. 11. McShano , Churchill
Parker. D. T. Mount , II. G. Clark and
Jnsopli Garneau , of the Omaha Fair and
Exposition association : D. li. Wheolor.
of the Douglas County Agricultural
gocinty ; A. A. Savoring , of Mundota , 111. ;
M. J. Pavno , secretary of the Kansas
City Inter-State Fair association ; Charles
F. Ernst , secretary of the Inter-Stato
exposition of St. Joe. Mr. Payne waa
elected secretary of tlio meeting and A.
H. Gibbs secretary , A Jong discussion
took place , which resulted in the forma
tion of the Missouri Valley Racing cir
cuit. M. J. Payne was elected president
and Charlns F. Ernst secretary. This cir
cuit comprises the cities of St. Joe , Kan
sas City and Omaha , It was decided that
the races of the circuit should take place
as follows ; Omaha , September 5 , 0 , 7 , 8
and 0 ; at St. Joo. IU , 18 , 11 , IB ,
It ! , and 17 , and at Kansas City the 19 ,
80 , 21 , 22 , l > 3 and 31 ot the same month.
Gignntlo HuildlncH
Are those to bo built in South Omaha , for
which the plans have just been com
pleted. Vast industries will bo added
this year and
erected for those finding employment
oflcrs the best opportunities for those
wishing to purchase lots in South Omaha ,
whether for residence or speculation ,
218 S 15th St.
"llio Golden Spider. "
On next Sunday evening , the play at
the Boyd by the German Comedy com
pany will bo the "Die Goldeno Spinno , "
or "Tlio Golden Spider , " It Is a bright
and witty piece full of amusing situations
and will bo produced by the company
in a iriost happy manner. On this oc
casion , Mr. and Mm. Bernard I/euilc-
mtuin will receive their annual benefit.
91 tUfga itors arc wcU ipwn \
- - . * - * .
the German theatre-going people , and
are among the moat painstaking and re
liable that the cjty has ever had. While
they have not aspired to leading roles ,
they have always done well the humbler
parts" assigned thum and have consequently
quently made ninny friends , who will
doubtless remember them on next Sun
day evening.
The Bonanza Addition
To South Omaha has just been placed on
the market , being a subdivision of block
10 , of
100 lots in this beautiful addition are
now offered fonsalo at very moderate
prices. They are located on nud imme
diately adjoining Bellovuc road.
W. G. ALimiQHT , 213 S. 15th
District Court ,
Joseph Kolar brought suit In the dis
trict court yesterday morning , to recover
damages In $1,500 , for injuries sustained
by being shot by Policeman Brady , on
the 20th of December , 1830. The plain
tiff claims that at the time of the shoot
ing , Brady was under the inllucnco of
In the case of the state against John
Kcllcyclmrgcd with highway robbcrytho
jury found a verdict of guilty but re
commended that tlio prisoner bo not im
prisoned more than tlirco years aiul that
tlio time already served in jail be deduc
ted from the term.
John Krotka is on trial before Judge
Neville for adultery.
to Go.
In about two weeks the work of de
molishing the old United Stales National
bank building , on I'arnam nnd Twelfth
streets , will ho commenced , to make
room for the new and elegant structure
already designed , which is to bo crouted
in its stead. Tlcj work upon the latter
will ho carried forward as rapidly as
possible , and it is expected , will be com
pleted before the advent of next winter.
In tlio meantime the business of the bank
will bo conducted in the little frame
building which has just been moved on
Twelfth street , immediately cast of the
Robblni ; tlio Head.
One of the meanest cases of theft re
cently noted was that of a bunch of
crape which was fastened on the door of
a residence- opposite Jefferson square , in
which a person lay dead. It had boon
placed there by II. K. Utirkcttand though
not valuable was a handsome piece of its
kind with cord and tassel. The theft was
done intentionally and by two women.
ISoforo the witnesses could make an at
tempt to invc an alarm , the decorators
had lied.
Measles nnd Adults.
Dr. Galbraith told a reporter for tlio
15 IB : yesterday morning that since he com
menced to practice nine years ago , lie
had never seen so many cases of measles
among adults aS ho lias found in the past
few days. In lass than a week he has
been called to attend six cases , anMiot
one of them was less than lifteen years
of age. Ho is unable to account for the
spread of the disease especially among
adults , most of whom are supposed to
have experienced it in their younger
Linld to Kent.
The funeral of the late Patrick Mc-
Grath , took place yesterday afternoon
from the residence of Commissioner
O'Kecfe , on South Thirteenth street , The
remains worn interred in St. Mary's com-
Thispowdcr nevcrvaries A marvel of
purity.strenKth and wholcsomeness More
economic than the ordinary kindo and
cannot be sold in competition wl'h ' the mul
titude of lo\y test , ( short weight alum or
phosphate powders. Sold only in cans.
Royal Baking Powder Co. . lOG Wall street ,
New York.
ra THE
About tironty years ago t discovered a little
eoro on my check , and the doctors pronounced
tt cancer. I bare tried a number of pbjclclani ,
but without rratlrlng any permanent benefit.
Among the number wcrooncor two specialists.
The medlcliio tlifT applied was Ilka flro to the
Bore , causing Intense pain. I saw a statement
In tbo papcn telling Lot S. S. 8. bad done for
otneraalmllarlynfnictod , I procured come at
once. Dcforo I bad used the second bottla tbe
neighbors could notice thot my cancer waa
bcallngup. Ily Central health had been bad
for two or tlirco jean I bad a hacking cough
and ( pit blood continually , I bad a severe
pain la my brcaic. After taking tlz bottlei of
S. S. B. my cougb 'left mo and I grew stouter
than I bad been for Bercral years. My cancer
ha > healed orer all but a little spot nbout tbe
lite of a LoU dime , and It It rapidly disappear
ing , I would adrlso every one-Hltb cancer to
gives. B. S. a fair trial.
Atbe Drove , Tlppectnou Co. , luj.
Teh. 1C , 18o .
Ewlft'J Sproino It entirely vegetable , and
erema to cure cancer * by farcing out the Impu
rities from tbe blood. Treatise on IHooJ and
Skin Diseases mailed free.
A victim o
UeLuirlx t Manhood ,
ertirr xno * " remHr. LAI dlKovtrtd *
telf-cure. frU he will < ! FR BB to Mi Mle *
V" * * > & % V7'- *
As the spring season approaches and we are desirous of starting
out with an entire fresh line of Fancy Percale Shirts , we have de
cided to close out all those on hand now at a great sacrifice regard
less of cost , and offer them for one week at about 50c on the dollar.
The quantity to be thus slaughtered is 85 doz , , classed in three
different lots , as follows :
Lot 1. Comprises fine French Percale Shirts , with three collars
and separate cuffs , of beautiful designs , which have been selling at
$1.25 , $1.50 and $1.75 ; their mice now is 75c each.
Lot 2. Comprises genuine Percale Shirts in a large variety of
styles , which have been selling at 75c. 85c and $1 ; their price now
is 50c each.-
Lots. Comprises Percale Shirts with collars and cuffs , which
have been selling for 50c. They are very pretty patterns in stripes
and small figures ; their price now is 25c each.
"We still have full variety and all sizes , and at above prices we
have put them within the reach of everybody. This is one of the
greatest opportunities for laying in a good supply of shirts at the
lowest prices ever known.
Cor. Douglas and 14tli sts. , Omaha.
Tlic only Machine that tvill HCW backwards / §
and forwards equally well , and The Lightest TC
Ilnnnlny Sewing Machine in existence.
Union S Machine !
We desire energetic and responsible dealer *
in Xebraslia , Colorado , Wyoming , Dakota , and
Western Iowa.
Ifj/oiiare looking for a cheap Machine , don't
answer this advertisement , but If j/on. ivant to
handle the Best Sewtny Maehtne that money can
Ituy , address for particulars ,
209 N , lOifi St. , Omalia , Neb ,
Mention Omaha JJcc.
This limb is on the lat-
febt improved plan. The
Best , Lightest and Easiest
to manage and the most
durable limb made. I
have had thirty-five years'
experience wearing , man
ufacturing and adjusting.
Will give special rates
_ Until March 1st. My
best limb for $75. Former price $100.
Circulars tent free.
611 N. 17th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Aslcyour rotancr for too Jnmes Means , $3 Shoo
Cautlonl bomo doulcri recommend In Interior
( roods In order to maku a lur 'or pro lit. TUU Is
thoOItIINAI ! < * 3Slino. Uownroof ImltiUIons
which lokiiowlpdito their own Inferiority by nt-
tempting to build upon tlio reputation of tlio
original *
None genuine unless bearing this Stamp ,
For Ucmleuion , SHOE
$3 ,
I Made In Ilutton , Congraii > nt ]
celled In DI'IIAUII ITV , Coy I OUT
Illicl AITEAUANCK. A poitlll CluU
tent to ui will brluit rou Information
mation bnw to But tbli fibou In
uf NUte or Territory.
J. Menus & Co. ,
41 Lincoln Street ,
Iloston ,
Our celebrated fnctnry produces a tapper
juuntlly or ehocDot this grmle ttiun miy other
factory IB the world , 1 liousandi who wear
them will tell you the reiison If you nak them
JAMK6 MICANh' SHOE lor Hoys ll Uliap-
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