Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 26, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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An Oregon Smith Oats the Proparty of a
Nebraska Namesake.
An Important Meeting For the Pur
l > ese of Organlzlnc a Labor Kcd
oration Stnto Ilouso Notes
Capital Ncwa.
frnoM. THE nnr.'s MKCOT.X iitrnr.Au.l
Tlio senate yostordiiy passed the bill
reconverting the escheated estate ot Leonard -
nard II. Smith from the permanent
nchool fund to tlio established heir , and
another link in a most interesting case
lias been welded. When the governor
fllgns this bill it will cause the state
treasurer to pay ever the amount of the
estate in his hands , which Is m cash be
tween $7,000 and ? 8,000. But this will
not bo the end , for tliero arc other portions
tions of this estate that will need settle
ment and the peculiar administration of
3t before the state received what was loft
of it will undoubtedly bo opened up by
tlio heir , Hon. Jizra L. Smith , of Oregon ,
and ItU attorney , Auditor t'owoll , of Ver
mont. In fact thcro is a case already in
court , started by tlio state , that will un
doubtedly bo continued and enough has
Jjuen developed in securing the cstato to
satisfy Mr. Smith and his attorney that
tlio administrator and his methods wcro
worth looking into. Prominent men ac
quainted with the case do not hesitate in
making assertions not at all compli
mentary to the administrator , ono Air.
Wiseman , and the county juilce , Perkins ,
who appointed him. Quo piece of evi
dence that bears Its own interpretation is
that just before the judge's term of otlico
expired he allowed the administrator to
expend $1,000 in searching for the Iicir
whom thov had reason to suppose was in
Oregon. The administrator in turn ap
pointed the judge as soon as ho became
an ox to make tin ) trip and spend the
$1,000. and notwithstanding the fact that
the hnlr , Izra Smith , had been acting
governor of Washington territory and
was register of the United States land
ofllce at Ucljes City , Oregon , when the
cx-judgo visited that place in search of
tlio heir , the judge spent the money and
returned with an aflidavit of some fellow
named Thompson , who , he has since
stated , was 'n dissolute character at
Astoria. This aflidavit claimed that the
maker was a relative of the man whoso
cstato was without an hair , and remark
ing on the procedure Attorney General
Leese status that ex-county judge , For-
kini , tried on this kind of a claim to have
the sitting judge of Washington territory
turn over the estate to the pretended
heir mentioned in the aflidavit. This
Jlimsy claim was not allowed , and event
ually the state received the money , the
last grab made for it being by Webster ,
tin attorney ot this city , who went up to
JHair to get the motley for the governor
nnd kept out § 1,000 of it , for the recovery
of which steps will now bo taken. It is
also asserted that for the thrco or four
years In which the administrator had
the cash of this estate , never a cent of the
interest on the cash and sureties was
paid over.
GovornorThayor will to-day issue com
missions to the following notaries public :
W. W. Woodward. Lincoln ; O. F.
McCroary , Omaha ; Thomas II. Glover ,
Chadron ; Jcsso L. Hoot , Plattsmouth ;
ilohn K. Cameron , Omaha ; Thomas
Hay , Newcastle , Dixon county ; E. E.
Artorburn , Imperial ; CharlcsO. lloomcr ,
Omaha ; II. L. Mead , OgallalaRobert ;
Wilson , Chester ; William Price McMa-
liin , Wymoro ; Samuel Coiner , Omaha.
Warden Hyers , of the penitentiary ,
lias reported the names of live prisoners
entitled to good time and which if
Granted will cause their terras to expire
the 1st of March. All of these prisoners
nro in for grand larceny.
t 4 The i'rovidonco Washington Fire In
surance company of Providence. U. I. ,
lias complied with * the law and lilcd the
necessary papers with the auditor of
elate for the purpose of transacting busi-
ho1 * ? in Nebraska.
Miss Clara Cnnnody and Miss Hattie
Jlamsoy , of the force in the commissioner
of Inmls and buildings oflico , attended
the Patti concert at Omaha , although
they wcro mortified that some of the
gentlemen from their oflico disturbed
Iho concert by getting up and going to
the minstrel show while Patti heraolf was
for the purpose of organizing a labor
federation was held at ( Jarr's hall Thurs
day evening , 100 beina present. J. G.
Wright presided nt the meeting and the
purposes ot an organization of this kind
Wore sot forth to be to bring together all
organized unions , labor organizations
nnd workman unable to form unions into
ono common organization , to bring to-
fiuthor workmen and employers for the
settlement of disputes , to avoid strikes
and work through arbitration. J. D ,
Calhoun , editor ol the Daily State Dora-
ocrat , was the first speaker , and ho in
diillnite and concise language set fortl
the benefits and possibilities to bo de
rived from such organizations. Joseph
Ilurns , ono of the prominent Knights ol
Labor , spoke of Iho recognition that or
canizcd labor wns receiving all ever the
land and the clement of strength labor
ing men possessed through organization ,
'J. 0. Wright. T. E. llosman , d. H. Kra-
, mur , Harry Stino and others spoke , and
at the conclusion of the speaking fifty oi
those present signed the roll ot member
fihip. A second meeting was culled to
meet Monday evening at the same hall a1
7 p. m. to oompletu the organization and
roccivo additional members.
rou rtEisarATKMENT.
A movement Is on foot to reinstate L
C. Hurr as a member of the Lancastoi
bounty bar. As ascertained the plar
Eccms to be to petition the supreme cour
( or his reinstatement , nnd tlio pntitior
will undoubtedly be signed by nearly al
the members of the bar in this and man :
other counties of the state. Genera
Victor Yifquain , consul at liarranquilla
is interesting himself in Mr. liurr's bo
linlf from his distant home in Soutl
America , and ho is without doubt doing
lots of good by writing to noted demo
cnitie lawyers in this state , The genera
vvus always noted for his sympattietii
disposition. Whether these oflbrts fo ;
JMr. Hurr's return to practice will bi
( successful or not remains to tie proven
though many believe success will crowi
their efforts.
lion , John ( \Vateon , of Otoo county
one of the ablest members of the house o
representatives , was taken suddenly ill i
few days ago with tonsilitisxaccompanlci
Ijy a heavy fever , Dr. Claude Watson
ol Nebraska City , was summoned to ut
tend him. and Mr. Walton was made a
comfortable as possible at his rooms a
the Opolt house. Yesterday ho was feel
Ing somewhat better , and under the ad
vice of his physician ho was taken to hi
home at Nebraska City , where ho hope
in a week's time to recover sutlicicntly t
return.QMr. Watson's absence will b
noticeable in the house. ,
ui&TftiCT COURT.
The district court the present week ha
dragged along at u snail's pace and it i
evident that none of the attorneys nr
' ( ready for trial. Only one jury case ha
been tried and ono criminal has plea
cuilty and been sentenced. Ho was take
to the penitentiary yesterday to iuhabl
that place tlio coming twelve months. -
fun * motions and demurrers argued fill
the bill of the week's work. In comment
ing on the slowness ot the movement of
the court nn ollicifxl of that body mndo
the encouraging prediction that with the
coming week business would be pushed
with commendable zeal.
Anon THK cur.
Henry Sotithwick , young ninn who
has lived in Lincoln for some time ,
has been suffering with nartinl in
sanity , and made such queer move
ments on the street Thursday evening
that the police arrested him. The young
man's troubles nrlso from a fall that ho
RufTercd a year ago , nnd his relatives
have noticed his vagaries for some time.
Ho was taken to the home of his brother
at Bennett yesterday.
A woman named Mary White , a
stranger In the city and without means
of support , applied to the county commis
sioners yesterday for assistance to get
to friends in Dokota. Transporta
tions was furnished her for a pnrt of the
way. The commissioners also furnished
assistance to a man named Burgess , who
lives on V street , nnd who through nd-
verso circumstances lias , with his family ,
been reduced to want.
Judge Parsons did the right thing ycs-
erdny whnn ho fined two younc men
named Albert Prince nnd Henry IJowcrs
or disturbing the meetings of the Gospel
Army. The boys are only a part of a
number who make it a point to become
obnoxious nt thcso meetings and the
itno was ripe to call n halt. Some ten
fitnesses wcro called and the Hue and
costs amounted to about $12 each.
Yesterday noon thn firemen returned
rom their trip to Nebraska City and
> laccd their engine back in the house
again. The run to Nebraska City the day
) cforo wns made in iust ono hour and
ivo minutes , a distance of fifty-six
niles , a rapid run for a not first class
rack. After tlio fire the Lincoln boys
were cordially entertained at the city
mil and presented with a purse of $100
or their good work.
Kcal cstato warmed up again with the
weather yesterday and transfers wcro
ivcly , aggregating over $100,000 for the
lay. The day before they reached sim-
lar figures , all of which is in evidence
hat the bootn is hero to stay.
A Conch or Sore Tliront should not bo
neglected. "Drown'a Dronldial Troches"
ire a simple remedy and give Immediate ru-
Andrew Jackson and the Veteran.
Nashville Gazette : A creneral in the
evolutionary war. who was well known
o Jackson , was postmaster of a proin-
ucnt New York town. Ho had been an
Adams man , and Silas Wright , ono of
he ablest representatives that state ever
md , and Martin Van Buren , who was
hen Jackson's secretary of state , formed
j. coalition to have the veteran warrior
removed soon after Jackson had taken
; ho oath of oflico. The scarred hnro do-
crmincd to see Jackson nnd plead his
own cause. Ho called upon Jackson at
ho white house. The president engaged
n familiar conversation \\itli him , when
, o his amazement the old soldier said :
"General Jackson , I have' come here to
alk to you about my oflice ; the poli
ticians want to take it away from me , and
L have nothing else to live upon. "
The president made no reply till the
igcd postmaster began to take off his
coat in the most excited manner , when
Did Hickory broke out with thu Su-
quiry :
" What in heaven's name are you going
to do ? "
"Well , sir , I am going to show you my
wounds which I received fighting for
my country against the English. "
"Put it on at once sir ! " was the reply.
"I am surprised that a man of your age
should make such au exhibition of him
self , " and the eyes of the iron president
were suffused with tears as without
another word ho bade his ancient foe
; oed evening.
The next day Wright called ugon the
president and made out his case against
; hogeneral , and urged his removal upon
; ho strongest grounds. Ho had hardly
intshcd the last eentcnco , when Jackson
sprang to his feet , flung his nipo into the
ire , and exclaimed with great vehe
mence : "I take the consequences sir , I
ako the consequences. By tlio Eternal ,
I will not remove the old man. I can
not remove him. Why , Mr. Wright , do
you know that lie carries more than a
pound of English lead in his body. "
That was tno last of it. Ho who was
stronger than courts , couriers , or cabi
nets pronounced his fiat , and the happy
old postmaster next day took the stage
and returned homo rejoiuing.
Pretty Washington Trlcyclists.
Baltimore American : Two very styl
ish-looking Washington young ladies
have been making a decided sensation on
the avenue by tlicir dexterous riding of
the tricycle. Both are remarkably
pretty , and wear handsome street cos
tumes. One of them wears a gentle
man's high silk hat , the only diilerenco
being that it is turned up on ono side
nud has a little b'ack ' feather in it. Her
cloth dress fits her trim figure exquisitely
and she wears long boots like a back
woodsman. The top of the boot hides
her pretty ankle , but the convenience ob
viates many of the objections raised to
ladies riding tricycles. Her companion
wears a Tarn O'Shantor cup , which falls
prettily about her head. They each own
a single tricycle , and use these in the
morning ; but in the evening when the
avenue is crowded , they ride a double
tricycle , and thus cause many of the con
gressmen's hearts to go pit-a-pat in
unison with the girls' daintily booted feet
on the pedals.
A Gorgeous Baron.
St. Louis Globe-Democrat : Baron Zed-
wits : , the military attache of the German
legation , was the most gorgeous thing in
regimentals there , His high blue coat ,
his tight , white breeches , and his beauti
ful patent leather boots made ono soberly
uniformed envious , and when it came to
aigrettes , and loops and cords , and frogs
and medals , any American bandmaster
would die from envy. Ho carries a hel
met that , with its white horse tail , is as
largo as a bee hive , and it fills his arm
like a debutante's biggest bouquet , His
patent leather boots that roach up ever
his knees , do not look like real warfare ,
or oven riding academy practice , and
the ferocious looking silver spurs , thai
ring musically every time he sets lilt
heels down in the decisive Prussiur
marching stops , have no points on the
rowels at nil , simply little round piece !
of silver , that only look dangerous nt r
distance , and warn thu wearer of tulle
dresses to keep awav.
Pr dwUh h1cti
no ApaorU.tJn9JU m oi Pkb haSci7iT.Pric 'n
> 31
but a moment if rheumatism or neuralgia
strikes the heart. These diseases arc the
most painful and the most dangerous of any
o which human kind is liable. They fly
rom one part to another without n mo
ment's warning , and liniments and other
outward applications arc in themselves dan
gerous because their are liable to drive the
disease to some vital organ and cause In
stant death. Rheumatism and neuralgia
ire diseases of the blood , and can only be
reached by a remedy which will drive ( rom
.he blood the dangerous acids. Such a
remedy is Athlophoros. It has been thoroughly
roughly tested and is a safe , sure cure.
George Schneider , employed at the sash
actory of Huttig Bros. Manufacturing Co. ,
Muscatinc , Iowa , ssys : "About a year ago
ny wife was afllictcd with bolh rheumatism
and neuralgia , She had used nutncrouc
cmcdics with no apparent relief. Having
earned of some of the cures affected by
Athlophoros I bought some for her. I
think it was four or five bottles she used ,
since which time she has been entirely well
of both rhcmatism nnd neuralgia. As she
was a very gi eat fufiurer I consider Ath
lophoros a very efficient remedy in curing
such a case. "
W. C. McClain , clerk for Smith & Hone-
itccl , Druggists , Atlantic , Iowa , says : "I
liavc tried evciything I knew of for my
rheumatism , hut nothing did me any good
until I used Athlophoros. It was in July ,
ibS4. I was confined to the house for over
a month , and was obliged to use crutches.
E suffered with this rheumatism for about a
year. Finally I decided to give Alhlo-
phoros n trial , thinking it uouly be no bel
ter than the medicines I had used , I felt a
change after I used a bottle. I con
tinued using it , and have not had any rheu
matism since. "
Every drucfiist should kcop Atlilonho-
ros and Athlophoroa Pills , but where
they cannot bo bought of the druggist
the Athlophoros Co. , 123 Wall St. , Wow
York , will Bond either , carringo paid , on
receipt of rccular price , which is $1 per
bottle for Athlophoroa and OOo for the
For liver and hldnojdlsoisoi. . dyspepsia , In
digestion , weakness , nervous debility , ulsoi1o
of woman , constipation , headache , Impure
blood , etc. . Athlophoros Tills nro unequalled.
/l / > aBKcombluol. ( Guaranteed the
only ono In tha world Reneratlnc
continuous Kltetrie * Havntito
.jrrtvt. Bclfr.tiacPowcrtul , Durable ,
, ! ort bl alid tdccllT * . ATOM frauds.
OTfrll.OOO oorpd. tWnJM mp forp mpbl t.
. . EUCOTKIO HEl.T * FOR lilHEAStfa.
M isnTerngfroinT.aB ! Vlae r.
nirrvou.I > rt > llll7.I.npk of
nrHlnAetc.rimltlnKlrORl In.
discretion" , cic wsor overwork ,
c .r J * rlU , Mt fllomuoti
ttMhakrtntfrtf 8liouM Iw rf ni
br Fftthcrfl A ptncrd In the liAnriil
of their Son . 1TJHfrWe ' "
_ _ _ _ Information of TBluctoull rufn.
MARSTOH RIMEDY CO. 10 Park Place. New York.
lieu t ion Omaha Deo.
l Htt > ironrhem > raorbAl
, jt.cllc . m T b > r rr < rllf
tLe nur CivlaU Urethral
. S n,1 foroiro
auM.loD Ilh. " AbialuU ncracjj
tiu civialo Agency. 174 riitm fit. , M. T.
One Aefnt ( ilcrcnant only ) ymitfd In every town for
Your last Involno ot "TnnslH's Punch" 60 cl-
frnra cumo in j cstordtiy. 1 WHS out or thorn luilf
ndar. nnd luiil to cull on tlio Governor for u
company of militia tovravont n riot. Hnvn ul-
ruuuv retailed over300,000. R. C. MANLRT ,
Lincoln , Nebraska.
GSPITM , PRIZE , $150,000.
"Wo do hnreby certify that wo euporvlao tlio
nrrnngcmonts for all the Monthly nnd Soml-An-
mini Drawings of The Louisiana Stnto Lottery
Company , nnd In PTPOII mmmifo nnd control
the drawings themselves , and tbnt the same are
conducted wltb honesty , fulrness and in ( rood
laith toward nil pnrtiof , nnd wo niithorl/o the
Company to us this certificate with fao-slm-
llcsof our signatures attached , In Its advertise
ments. "
We the undersigned nsnk nud Rankers will
pay all Prices drawn In The Louisiana Ststo
l/ottcri03 which may bo presented at our coun
.T. II. OGLES15Y ,
I'rcsUlent Louisiana National Honk.
PioBidont State National Hank.
Pi csldent Now Orleans National Dc.nU.
Incorporated in 18fi8 for 25 years by the logls >
ture for Educational nnd Charitable purposes ,
with n capital of 81,003,000 to which u roson-o
fund of over fSWJWJ has since been added.
lly an overwhelming popular vote Its fran
chise was maila n part of the present State
Constitution adopted Decombor.Sd , A 1) , 187U.
The only lottery over voted on and endorsed
Dy the people of any stnte.
It novfr scales or postpones ,
Its Brand single number drawings take plaoo
monthly , and the tt/.ni-annunl dtanluirs i ecu
larly every six months Uune nnd Dofomber ) .
M Grand Drawing , Class C , In the Academy of
Music , Now Orleans , Tuesday , March 15to ,
1837 , 2i d Monthly Drawmtr.
Notice. Tickets are 310 only. Hal /as , 33
Fifths $2. Tenths $ !
LIST OF nti/r.s.
1 CAPITAL raize or $150,000 . fi.'iO.OTC
iciuANuPuLti. or fiO/o ) . M.ooii
1 ClRANDl'lUZKOF 20,000 . i-'O.OOC
s I. Alton I'ni/.ES ov loooo . . . . ai.ox
4 LAUGH PHIZES or wao . 2)coc
so.oo :
50 MO . 2TiC
luo m . : , ox
1MO 201 . 411,0 r
600 Joe . r.9ooi ;
1OX > 60 . . - . W.OCC .
100 Appioximution 1'rlzosof JJOl. . , . , 39OOC
100 " 2in . . aoo. :
100 " " 100 . . . 10 , < XK
Z , 179 Prizes amounting to . t35co ! :
Application for rates to clubs should bo made
only to thu otlico of the company In New Or
leant ,
For further Information write clearly , jrivinir
full address. POSTAL NOTl'.S Kiproij Money
Orders , or New Vorlc Kichango in ordinary let
ter , currency br azures at our expense 4
< UM6d'
M.UW Orleans , C b
Washing-ton , O. a
Atltlrei Itentterel h'ttar * to
NewOrloxa * La
RF. M R TVF R V. H fleneml " ' " * > llsaurejura p nc uj oi
Korlr , who are In rhurae of the dreirliuci , U guar-
ante * u < ub.-olut fairness and IntDiirfiy. tlmt the
ch uoc are lUiuni. an4 that no one can poiilblr
divine bat numbtri will draw a 1'rlie. All rarlloj
Ibereforeadyertuint toguarante * Prtiet In thli Lot-
ttrr. or balding put another ImpoMtblo Induoa-
raenu ar * > rluill rj , ncfonlf aim to d calr and d -
DF , Chase's ' Last Receipt Book ,
Lilt and crovrnuu : work ot bit lire. Jiut out. Outfll
fc3o. iD. . DiCUCUSON 1 Co. , Detroit , MlcU.
cret of Success"
Attained by The Misfit Parlors lias and
Btill secies to baillo competition. The success is no
secret with their patrons , as they are thoroughly
versant with the goods which they handle , also
with the1'Courteous ' treatment and practical judg
ment they display in looking to the interest of
those who become their patrons for wearing apparel -
parel for man , in furnishing ISCecliailical
Made Clothing1 at such prices that compe
tition fails to find an avenue of approachment.
Their intentions for the future will be as that of
the past to hold what trade they control , and se
cure as much more by furnishing Merchanfc
Tailor I&ade Clothing at prices less than
the consumer can procure the raw material for.
There still remains in their stock a lev of those *
' elegant
Yfliich can be bought for the next few days at
your own price. Also will be found an equal as
sortment of
"Wliicli will be sold regardless of the cost in order
to secure room for Spring Stock. Should
this fall to your observation don't fail to em
brace it.
1119 Farna
13th St , Cor. Cnolloi Avt.nvi.
Chronic Ct Surgical Diseases.
liR. o. .
RTrtcra joarn' llo ) iit l nnu 1'rivatu fractico
Wo have the fadlitloi , f.porntu ) and fiminlln
for the Bucccstfiil treatment of o\ory form of rtls.
inso reulrlij ( { cither medical or tnrglcnl trratmril ,
and invlto all to cnme and Inrutigita fi.r thcmich a
HI correspond lth us. I.on , ' eiiicriencu In trCKt-
In" cases hr Utter cnaba ! uo to treat many casts
strpntlflralfy without irclni ; tliom
WIIITB FOR OinCULAU on Deformities end
Brace.- , Club Feet , Cimaturti of the Spins
DHZAJIS or WOXHN , ril-i , TnnviM , CanccrJ ,
Catniin , Bronchltl , Inhalation , lcclrlcltf , I'r.ral-
T'la , KpileiiB.r , Hidnoy , yt , Ear , Skiu , lilood aijj
all ? ur.leal operatloni.
Ilxttorlns , InhAlerfl. llrncre , Trinren , nn I
ill kinds of Mrdleal and Surgical Ajip.innccE , mitn <
itf&cttircd r.nd for tile
Tht only relliblc Medical InsMuto making
Private , Special Nervous Diseases
from n halBTcrcanne produced , Fucccsiftillytri-ntert
We e > u retnoTK yjpailitic palion from the syeUm
> rltuout mercury.
New r < toratlratrcatnier.t for lo of xltal power
Call nil coneiilt ui or tend Bimo and post-ofAco
n drciJ plainly written cncloio atamp , and we
will I'ind Jon. In plain wrapper , our
UPON riuviTi , SrxciAi. ANU htnruui DI EAS ,
cr , Hrrnii.18 , OoNOBitmn , GIZET , VARICOCELE ,
STKICTGKB , AXD AII. Bi Eift or THE Qrxiro-
UniVAr.r OnoiKj , or .ccchlitory cf jour ca o for
an opinion.
Perions unable to lf It rs mnj lie treated at their
honici , by rorrerpondeace Mcdielnea and Inttrn-
rnenta tent by mall or rxnrrti tiZCUHKLY PAUK
KD FROM OBtmnVAIlON. no rairk lolndlcaU
content * or lender. Ono perional Interview preferred
ferred If conienlent. Fifty rooms for the a-com
moditlon of patients Daad nml Attendance M
rcaaonabU prices Addrcis f 11 1/ctteri to
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute ,
Cor. 13th SI. znd Caoltel Avc. . OMAHA. ft B
JIB causes , and a now and
ucceselulO HUE nt your own
borne hy ono who was < loaf twenty clzlif
years. Treated by most of tlio noted specialists -
ists without benefit ; cureil himself In throe
months , and since tliun hundreds of others.
Full particular * sent on nppl'catlon. ' T. H.
PAGE. No. 41 WcatSlBt St. . N on Yoik City.
Architect ,
OfBcrs-S3. 31 and 42. Hlbnurds Block , Lincoln.
Neb. Elevator on lltn street.
t t
Breeder ot Breeder ot
Live Stock Auctioneer
Bales made In all pnrta of the U B. at fair
rates , itoora 3 , State Ulocjcj .Lincoln , Nob.
Galloway ami Short Horn bulls fora&lo.
Farm Loans and Insurance ,
Correspondence In roearl to lonns collcltej.
Hoom i. Kit-hards lllouk. Lincoln. Nob.
Biiverside Short Horns
Of atrlctly pure Hates and Hutea Tapped cattle.
Herd numbers about CO bead.
Families represented : Kilbarts. Cragzt ,
Acomtis. BonloK. Hosuof Sharons , Mosi Itoset ,
KnlpUtly Duchesses , Hat Creek Vouiu Marys.
I'hrlllaot , Ixjuani and True Ixivei.
Hulls for sale. 1 Pure Bates Filoert. I Pure
Datei CrHBifs. l Rosa of Bbaron , 1 Vnuug : Mary ,
IPuio Crulck Shank and others. Coma and
inspect the herd. Address , CHAi M. UUAN
EON , Lincoln , Nab.
When in Lincoln stop at
National Hotel ,
And get a good dinner fo i o. '
Wo desire to call the
nlicntlou of the pub-
Ho ironernllv to the
superior merits of the
\Vasliiiifir \ Pcrlci-tly Glenn with 1-cast
Lttbnr , anil with Cfrcat Rapidity.
Thousands now in use. All kinds of Wringers
S'i'ASl 32AXUI'ACTaJBlH.\'G CO. ,
nisi MOUTH IOTH sritisT.
A largo number of recorded Pei'ulioron nnd
Cljdesdulo Stallions. Also Homo 11 rod Colts
I-.vcry animal guaranteed a breeder. I'rlcos
lou.-unnblennd ioiinf'uury Onrstoek has been
fek'clcil with ioloreiiu3 to both Individual
merit mid podlsroo. A larpo number of our
S'nlllonmiro aocliiiiHted nnd Colts of their pot
rim Im shown Vork Is on thn H. A. M. It. it ,
two hours' rirto west of Lincoln. I'or cata-
lo.ues and further intoimatlon. od'lrses
I'HY oV FAIIKItAClI , York.Neb.
Sverlnllr Dimlllcd for
flledlclnul Uae.
gfon in CtiUf , NatioLal Ouar
of N J. , wrttix i
"Mr atl rtlon nu railed U
your Kejitnn * Mult WLlnlcey b }
Kr. l < alnr , Drupitlit , of Tr cton.
and I have liifJ a few tottlw
with far Ultir rfftct tban an ; }
liar * li > d I am recommending
jour aitlcle in my practice , one
find It my tttUUctorj , "
( Oo'.t igfiiu ( orlhi U s )
aiO. 318 and 320 Raw St. Philaielohia. P * .
Goodman Drup Co.uonl.A'cntsOinaha {
d Hodce NU , . Oinnliu , Neb.
A K zul Uradu > telD WeJIcln Oier li
jrt practical 10 la ( taut fitMa , Ao.
lLoru < J 1 Ir9tl ! ! Chronic. Servoai and
"ipccUl lilii o > , " l < ialnol Wxkneu
( > t U i ) , Seio l r UUr | ( lion ot
.4 xntl pawtr ) , h rToci PetllUy. ae.
iCure * eutraDtctd or mot. * ; refunded ,
flltrgMlov. Ibauimdtol etiflt'JUd ,
Ciprrlinre lilmpmliut All mtdlcloul
re > jjrltrui > ho mercury or Itjurloa. mtdlclcci uitd
ho lime Ion fr B > buiiuei. I'Hlenli tt a UUttnct iruateJ
by lotttr and ipr6ei Vcdlcloes itnt * Terywbt re frevfrom
tut at brttktxo. Kt t jour c d nd rortcrmi ,
Cumultttlon Irr and coufliieolUl , pirtootll ; or bletter. .
thli iiucinofurpuM , CUkI or
tinuuui , mild , toothlr | currtuti of
U ; itiljiuih alli > tpini.rt > u > r >
ltll tndViJorouiBlrttrtli. ElH-trio
t Itln ntlr r v forMl Is.ofO lu ciuh.
; cDt orrr Ilc < th rbfUl Wftrit ca i p r
The Sanden Electric Co. 109 L 3al ! it. ,
Offer ! for aprlnz tradp u full Ine o ( Apple * . Craba ,
Cnerrlea , roan , 1'luuii. Orapei , CurranU , Ooo e-
berrte * lllackberrlcni I.
Apple root jfrnfu , OTfntreeui , fore t tree aetullnfi ,
oriiami > nti > rtrtiO > find hrub , roies. clluiblnK tlnc <
Ac. Ucaleri and ull tupplled at. rtrr low price * . Ad
Ti. 9'r < ike'Prop. , Shonandooh , Iowa.
no OIK : .
On the largo map of : Omnha and observe that tlio two mid one-half milo
belt from Iho Omaha postoffice runs south of section 33 nud through
the north end of South Omaha.
And pencil , then get one of J.M. Wolfe & Go's mapof Omalm nnd South
Omaha combined ,
On the string at 13th and Farnain , Omaha's busineg center , and your
pencil on the string at whom Bullovuo street enters South Omaha from
the north.
A circle and note where
Is , and also that many "Additions , " "Places" and "Hills" are for
This mngic circle.
And think a minute what will make outside property increase in vnluo ?
Is all that will enhance the value of real estate other than at South
Omaha. At the latter point we have three important factors to buildup
and make valuable the property :
First The growth of Omaha , which has and always will follow the
transportation lines.
Second All the great railroads center there , thus making it the best
manufacturing point of any in or near the city ,
Dressed Beef Business
and Pork Packing Industry
Will make a town of themselves.
Going up this year.
A Gigantic Beef Canning Establishment
To be put into operation at once.
Away your day of grace when you do not get an interest in South Omaha
before a higher appraisement is made. The best locations arc being taken
Make your selections now :
Lots that sold for $300 in 1831 cannot now be bought for $3,000. ,
Over the railway track will make safe and splendid thoroughfares between
this city and South Omaha.
Will run to Iho Stock Yards this year. The minute it does lots will dou.
ble in value , as this will afford quick and cheap transportation either by
Dummy , Cable or Horse Cars.
For further information , mnps , price lists , and descriptive circulars ,
address ,
. . . ,
Agent for the South Omaha Land Company ,
N , W. . . Cor , 15th and Harney.