Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 26, 1887, Image 1

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Rothackcr'n Flgbt on the Charter Shown
Up In IU Tree Light ,
The Itnllrond Hill llccomtnpnrtril I'or
1'nHKiit'o I" Hio HOIIKO "Ilio
AinnniliiiRdt I'or n Hlxty
Dny HcMlnn Coutttcil I" .
ii Work of
NBII. , Fob. 2-Hieelal } ( Tele-
to the HKK. ] Tlic mmk lini ilropped
inn ) Kottmcfecr' < nght on tlic charter turn
proven tu l > o nothing more nor lot ? than the
raid of n licwtiui hlrnd hy tlm conlwcUirV
in\iK. ; \ Itotlinckor liltnv.-lt c nic down to-night
In company v/lth lliiili ? .Murphy , the paving
contractor , nnil lili rcK | ! ! tlni { contractor ,
J'iiiinlni , ' , of the atrect ' . ' , i\onjcir hrlt.ile. ; (
They Immediately held n Itrlef conferoncc
with the vaRabonils tmil roustahouti , who
hang aronnil the CaplUI lintel In the
I > ny ot the r.illru.-uta and JoWiers.
ltothn''ftcr nnd .Murphy went out In w.irch of
confederate 1-xto In the nlclit with the evi
dent Intention tn puth through the honie an
IndcirAcmcnt of the mtitllntlon of the charter
by the judiciary committee. If this move Is
siicce-nful they uxict the scnat to dU ent
nnd have tha charter finally beaten. Further
developments between now and to-morrow
noon will protnbty show the hands ot the
scalawags who are engaged In this villainous
The Ohnrtor Multlntlnnfl.
Li.vroi.x , Neb. , I'eb. QX ( Special Tele-
Brain to the HIE. : ] The house judiciary
committee will report on the charter bill to
morrow. The amendments to be ottered by
the committee arc as follows : None of the
executive olllcers to be alloucd to be ex-ofliclo
members of the board of public works : sec1
tlon 142 , rennlrlns live days' notice of de
fective . sldewal ! : . to be stricken
out ; tlm printing to be let
to the lowest bidder with a sworn circulation
of 2,000 dally two months prior to time of
making bid ; property rjualiOcatlon to be
stricken out ; taxation of railroad property a1
agreed to by the legislative delegation and
I citizens' committee ; five police commission-
ITS , to be appointed by the governor , two to
be republicans , two democrats and one a mug
wump. _
Doings in the Jlouso.
LINCOI.X , Neb. , Feb. 25. [ Special Telegram
to tun UKK.I The lipuse received reports of
committees upon a number of bills this
morn i up , nnd made probiblv final disposi
tion of several Dy Indefinite postponement.
The \Vatson railroad bill , an adaptation of tbc
Inter-state commerce bill , was subjected to
considerable friendly and adverse discussion ,
but was finally placed on the general file. Mr.
Jlaymond's bill , making It compulsory for
railroads to sell 1,000-mile tickets to commer
cial travelers for 25 , was brought in by the
committee with a recommendation that it bo
indefinitely postponed. Mr. Kayraond made
jiich a valiant tight for this bill that Itas
tinally placed on tlio general tile. The bill
simply reserves to commercial travelers theif
usually granted privilege of obtaining or
) , 000-mile tickets at reduced rates.
The committee on the railroad bill wnich
occupied nearly all yesterday , had a some
what difficult time In obtaininc its place as
special order , under which it was entitled to
precedence. Upon Mr. Uarmond's amend
ment to section 11 , that gentleman started oil
by making quite a clear and practical speech
from tha mercantile portion of the commun
ity , but spoiled It by enterinp Into a defense
of railroad methods , and bv saving that the
railroads should have their representatives
here as they were owners of onn seventh of
the property of the state. He referred to Mr.
llarlan s argument In favor ot a maximum
rnto ns buncombe , nnd said it was the talk of
one who desired the ears of the people , who
were misled. The maximum rate was danger
ous unless left to n com mission to make. Ills
amendment struck that portion of the sec
tion which restricted the po\\er of the com
mission to make bitch rates as they thought
best. Jf bis amendment prevailed ho would
hiipport the bill ; if It did not , he could not
support it
Mr. Acee claimed the maximum rate on the
llrst ten miles wns lei > r than it was in Illi
nois. but admitted that 100 miles was consid
erably hignpr. Ho contended that n bill
fontnlnlim n maximum rate \soiild never pas ? .
"Will viepass u reasonable bill or
will we have nothing1' he impressively
naked. Ho had ahvajs opposed n maximum
rnte , nnd lie would nt all times OJ > POMJ It. He
moved to stuke out Mr. Hnrliui's biibi.Utute ,
section 11 , adopted yesterday , and replace the
uriclnnl section 11.
Mr. Hnrliin said the gentleman had shown
now Inspiration. Me ( Harlan ) was anxious
that the bill should succeed , but nlso anxious
that It should succeed with as much good in
It impossible. The gentleman trom Lancaster
t Raymond ) said though special rates \v ere
building UD Lincoln. Fremont. Hustings and is the special rates we are
after. They nro cl\en nt the % expense
penseot thu rest of the coun
try. The centleman from Hamilton
( Aceo ) > ald If a maximum uas found it
would bo the lowest rate. A boanl who
\\ouldtixiuiinxliiutmnitdns the reasonable
rate \\ould fix nhlcher rate If they vt i ro not
restricted by Mich n standiird. The ability of
thu board under the constitution and the ills-
jutsitlon of tlm buara with the inlhiencos to
be tluoNvn nround thorn , \\ero two iliilerent
thliiKs. Said Mr. Hailan : "Icaie not whether
1 am returned to IhU place or not. 1 tun no
politician , but 1 t-co thu people must rl > o tn
their mlKht nnd slinko oil the shackles
of corporations or tiioy will bo
In tlm condition of Ireland or India.
Corn Is worth UT cents In ChU'.vo. How
m\ich \ In Nebraskivl1 I'.1 , 15 and IT cent * .
Nearly doublu the n mount involved by thn
farmer ROCS into thecottors ot the corpora
tion * carrrlin ; It to imuket. Tuio protivllon
Is to build up pncklne houses , cr.vln mill- ,
nnd manufactories In Nebraska , not to sen J
nil the niw products to Chicago or the sea
board mid build up the cities there , "
Mr. Caldwell nroMi to , whereupon
Mr. Smjth nrosv to object , sa int ; something
about "being paired. " Mr , Caldwell said :
"I'll relcasu you from your contract with me.
I know that It the centlenmn from Douglas
kept still whole day it would make him
sU-K. and 1 niu iviulinis to have him keep his
health , so that ho may consider the Lincoln
charter bill , Sol'llclve him a chance to
tnlk by miking m > Milf , Contracts don't go , "
The violation of this ngrtviuent N'tween
Mes-M-s , Smyth ana Caldwell that neither
Miould > i > i'\k ( or : \ day threw a deep pall ot
iMoomo\er the bouse momentarily , and Mr.
Whltmore ivmnrktM In momnful tones : "I
rise to u point ut order. It U that the gentle
man from Lancaster U'aldwcll ) ought not to
ntlllct the whole hoiiso for the benelit ot thu
gentleman fromUoiulrn. " | L\ufhter.l
.Mr. Caldwell , oontlnulnr , said ; "It is noi
ieeesAry that the Keutleiuan from York
( Mr. llarlan ) should make martyr of him
( .eH In oi\lrr to say \\lmt he thinks U right. I
ttellei o him to be honest aud cannut , tlifrv-
fore , see wherein ho should attribute umlyr
dom to hlmselt for thu expression ot hi :
bouest opinion , 1 wouUt send greeting u
the. gentleman who said > estcrday that IK
\\ouldllKu to se mo htaud up by Judg\
Mason and hau * n pludofrsph taken , tlr.vl
\\blleldonutpietfndtolK3 Judco .Mtxou' :
Intellectual e > iual > I know tliat JiuUe M ou' :
opinion U that a maximum rate would t < uu-
tiuti ) the ludiotrlos of tlil.-t stiUiuiud wouldu'i
KtRtid n minute. What decent man can utgi
n UvliUli will cho these men a chauca U
do Justice to Uu i > e plo d not to the cor
iHuatlitoar Ifjou eitaWUb .a uixlmum rati
It w 111 bo fatato \ the Interior town * . \oi
\\llldou\\ay with all cinuivtltlon In tin
Itatm .Youtij ; the > nut > tlek by which tin
M ut ral\\ay | tnvunnntivtUin will tns In
1)I * . AOUMI.ttUd.ClUk.lUi ; IhQ OlJdlClU
. *
of f < * clUtlnir ti
Th * i'i > itli > nr * etnvrtnf t\rti. \ ahil not
I want th < law tit ( y > mp"tlll' n to b * wllowwl
t rcriijiln In fofwI I want th milli'in * ftf
ptfxlurt * of this lUtt t/ I * W t ftjwn f'ft the
the wotM , I rtn ri'it want itm
ilcnt fora lawliyvthlrh } on conM mntP.
I want ymi to li-nrn fK-n to HIP anil to er ty
man and company am ) rofrwraHon in this
flUti tlio rirfht to et what they ran. t * r
that rallrmi'N ha a no nstht to mU.rt or to
tnah ' iinrf isonat/la fhsr . lint th * r r to
fQiiitalti Ihntn Is th'onch a cwim' nioTi (
clothed with tlio lu'linl l nrrnlnr ; and tin-
traiic-lcil 11 to It * povw. Wlviornin'4 lri l -
Intitrc mtatMlitHfl nn InnVxlM * r l ! . Wh-U
waithrt rrcoll from that Wow ? What rail-
What < -iplt IW Inverted tlwr ? Xonc.
\YIiy ? Uwan-w that leeialaltira tnrn l IM
buck on tin ! " " .inililn1 of ' ( rwipefitj. 'Hii %
will tw our fatf If we < lo thl i thin ? , "
The hrm took n rrw4 until . ! t , | fl.
roiiWAHtjrij 10 rivir , PAMI'/B.
U li'l ! liio hMi rwonvcned In th * ) aftft-
niton the rhnlr announced that the motion
which ha/1 ( ( " i-n made by Mr , Axfi1 jn it rir -
s loin to the chief < lelMt > ! of ttii : rnornln * wsw
out of oi > l : r nml. In conw nenci ? , all ilebaU ;
ution it wan cult of order.
Mr. Marian move/I that -w-tlnn It , i
nnipnilftl , ( w a'lopitril , and callc'l for the prc-
v.otn question. Tli previous qn " ! tlon wa <
ityontfed by n majority of the liuim anil the
ajw and na > i viere' allfil upon the t-ction ,
which It In reality only Mr. llarlan'1 ! amend
ment , lixltiit OA a maximum rat < > the IS. 4M. .
rat fchcdulit of I1"I with a slidinf ti.-iljc-
tlon. The follow Ini ; was thn vote :
Ayet-AbrahatfHon , Alfcln , Amlrw , HaU-
r/x-k , Hallry , Il.ill.ini. l-ntley ! , Hick , Cannon ,
Cole , CralK..infSt / | T , Diller , KlMey. Kllli ,
Kwln ? . Kratitz , Kuclu , Ktillrr. ( iafforil. Gam-
lji | % Ullinorc1 , llarrl'on , Ilailen , Jeary ,
Kclpcr , Lorrl. Marshall , Matthl - on.Me -
Conauahiiy. Miller , Mlnnlx , Xewronifcr , Xw -
ton , Nlcliol , Ovetton. IVinbt-rton , I'etcri ,
Uanilall , I'.ief , Husicll.Satche ! . 8
uplc , Slat r. Smj th. fjulllvan. Tingle. \ .
Trupvli : ! ! . Turni-r. Tyson , rnilrrhlll , U'eth-
tralil. White , Whitmore , Wllhelms'-n , > v il-
son , Wll cy , Harlin M.
Kays At'ffV Alexamlor , Andres , Italrd ,
Howinan , Uiown. CaMncIl , Cof > c , Crane ,
Dickinson , Kr leston , Keiiton , KOI , Oarvpy ,
( irwn , Kfiiincy , Knor. Latta. i.eivelil ,
McCann , McCrow. McKonna. Xorris. IJay-
inonil , .Slump , iiwet , Thornton , Vcacn ,
Wardlaw. White , Whitmore. Wright Vutzy ,
Cameron , llnimrwl , Her it , Schwab , Wat
son ana Wolcnwebtr were absent.
Sir. Acre e.xplalnpd his negative vote by
saylnc that hi * wa aware the railroad com
panies wanted thcmaximunrrati. % as it would
kill the bill.
.Mr. Tingle voted for It on the belief that
the bill may possibly pa and wanted to f-e
this section in It In that event ; to tne whole
bill ho was opposed.
Mr. Wlli-py knew that the railroad comrn-
niesvera oprxwed to a maximum rate and
therefore he voted aye.
Mr. Asee moved that tne bill be orJpred
engrossed ana to its third reading. Mr. Cald-
wcll moved the previous question. A hubhub
at once arose. Several eentlemen endeav
ored to eel recognition from the chair , bat
Acting breaker Peters w.-w equal to the oc-
ca5lon and rapped thi-m all dov.n except Mr.
Fuller , who hail advanced from bu seat
to the clerkN desk and excitedly demanded
to know what section 11 wa * . It wa = > ex
plained that section H was only Mr. Harlan's
amenilmi'nt , and that the balance of section
11 , which had not been included In hU
amendment , became section 1- ; section 1- ,
section 13 : and thus through the MIL Mr.
Fuller Insisted on his amendment to new
section 11 and it was adopted. The amend
ment includes the maximum passenger rate
as 3 cents oer mile.
Mr. Aee asain made his motion and Mr.
Caldwell called for the previous question.
Another stormy scene ensued , but the chair
held that the call for the previous question
should be put and it was decided affirmatively
by n standing vote , 54 In its favor. The main
question was then nut.
Mr. Miller wanted to know what he was
doin ? . He was interested in section G.
Mr. Dempster said it was unfair to shut oI :
ahcussion on section C.
Mr. Whltmore understood that section 0
went Into the bill as printed.
The chair understood that section C had
been stricken out.
Mr. Miller stld that If the gentleman from
Hamilton was In tfood faith he would with
draw his motion and allow the adoption of
section 0 , to which end he made a motion
wnich was seconded by Mr. Caldwell.
Mr. Ajree said that he understood that sec
tion C would go in with the bill.
The chair , "coached" by the chief clerk.
reiterated his statement that section G nid
been ruled out of the bill.
Mr. Acee said that he would withdraw his
motion and make a new motion that the bill
as amended and including section's as printed
should be ordered en ros-ed aud to a third
reading. Mr. Caldwell seconded the
Mr. Harlan stated that he was informed by
the clerk that the record showed that section
6 hail been indefinitely postponed.
Mr. IJrown objected to the withdrawal of
Mr. Ajree's hrst motion.
Mr. Asco's motion was lost.
Mr. S'liyth ' cainctl the recognition of the
chair and ottered an amendment to sec
tion G.
Mr. Caldwell rose to n point of order , but
his point wa-s not sustained.
Mr. Smvth's amendment was read. It waste
" " "or" In line
to supplant the word "anrl" by
4s of the section. He said the etfect of the
chanuo would bo to make railroad companies
liable for thu commission of extor'Eou alone
as wnll as dlscrnninaiion , whereas iu the
tirst place \vouUl require both.
Mr. Asee said that the phraseolorv was
immaterial , and he called for the previous
Mr. iSm > th said that tbe statement by the
gentleman from Hamilton was not correct ,
and the tact that ho had read the previous
question was Indicative that ho knew It.
.Mr. Sm > th's RUienJment w as lost SO to-W.
Mr. Auce moied that section Gas printed
be adopted and called for the rre\ ious ques
Mr. Smyth rose to a point of order , but was
not sustained.
The section was adopted.
Mr. Agecthen repeated his motion that the
bill bo ordered eunros-sed and to a third rvad-
IDSThi' motion carried.
W ll81 CM rilKCiriTATIOK.
In order to pronmy explain precipitate
luista on the part ot the gentlemen whotme
oppoxsl a uiixlmmu rate , and ttielr
npp.icnt dcslrt ! to sot > the bill \\lth
tli.u nun established by one of Its sections
adduced to a HUM re.ullns. It may bj ap-
propas to makti a few statements. As Mr.
A eo's bill was originally introduced it con
tained neither maximum niio clause , nor did
Ueifectlxely prevent the possibility of dts'-
elimination in faxorot localities It the com
missioners whom it contemplated couM be
Induced to permit such discrimination.
When this coiumltttv bill was rmutcd It con
tained a maximum rate clause. To thU Mr.
Acr-omul .Mr. Caldwell noticeably were nil
tha tliutf opposed. The sivtlon of Mr , Asw's
bill inulilbltiti- ; discrimination but couuiu-
liii ; the clause , "exivpt In cases whcrti the
tManl of tnitispoiuiloii hnvix by sinvial rule
iveimltu-d such dUcrlmtnatlon t such stationer
or point , " was lucorporaicd In this bllL Tills
exception * objectionable to several mem
bers ot ti.e house and last Friday Mr. Ucuip
ster mined to strike it out of thoscctlou , No.
rt. An earnest aud even warmdebato nv e
and thn whole section was | Htixoe > l until
tint next cixisideimtion ot tlio bill , ! ! > Mr ,
A cu's motion to-day A tut tlio stmp tactics
coniuvtcd with it , the miieudnieut by Mr.
Dempster wa $ pwctlcally iKUorxs.1. Now , in
\lewol the luiMrporAtlon Into the Mil ot B
maximum rate , Messrs. Asec , Caldwell , ami
Hie other ceutleine-n tint opposed that , desin
to sec-tho lull killt\t. Mr , Arets's lutmtc * !
cub has grow n Into n lion ud ha tvth tectti
ivudi-l.ius whtcli the corwratlou * are an U !
ot. I ho ta. fc o < Mr. ASCC , Mr. Caldwellei
al. to put theblU on thlrvl reading aud tu per
mil no au'eudmeui to. s < vtion iii ( or tlu
the bill oJloui In the ejc ;
ot ihu cvulloiiu'ii wtio ivtitlcular constl
tueiicteo liivusiilU'lod ' most I rum discrlmlna
llou tuauist ti.iMii iul in Invor o ( other lo
calitic.-c It that obiivt i accomplUlict
Mi'ssr * . AK V , 1 .ilducli ami olhcr opponent ;
toilittiimlmuit. it > tv UI > IH > ttut thoj will M *
cim\ mine iltau. a < - , 'ir\t of the voics ut thi
luuwo aynliist tlio Uutnoh ! will destroy ln <
vein the uUl iiUiiuutiMti a majority ,
\v , - . , , o\\ns ;
To locAto. eievt . ' iiiutam an a iuu
for , ,
1 'vote w i M to 4.V
tx-.i < t .lout 10 the
tlon rHatlnz lo fttr * l' n nt ib *
sMnion to htr 'l j- , ml n' na
of mnnt > t * int'tji tf. 'In lw of
r ilt of the. tfftiini ui Iktt t w on this ,
mri'lm nt. wh 'i wa * f mit 1 ! < wt UJi , it
Is mvtoMe this Mil will r ' , tlw fir w r ,
To awftnrt Iff ffle nt cirll pf wfwr
that fttnlntlff m 7 hi * a tfr fii > i
of an al lf'pt itt tfw snpfsm * rtmtf.
'tn tetttml tn Hnm w/tiotr S W W
roller ) HAIP liui * . unit tet * w to
ityn * try MI omtntr.
'tw. \ Mil Irtf&nvim Asrtml lerr m *
tnn < I t/ t
. * * reromm
itt its rilMrf. .VJf ,
toUr. .
A Mil to l * AllMi 'l * * fs whtr
trrntti , font wfi'ch vrnn
lwlzwl , tja wor ( > UH ffff ' , ,1 ' * f.
kUfiBic Jt. Mr , JJmi'J , hrt t *
wftlt-i yfMjttsnfn Mt. K ww . jr-
Inir that ttw > - * , „ * < , < * jyof lh Mil WM to
! : IT.I'IA ' A Mil whlrh was not Admi ; H tn
w > liroti7 and WM thrown ( nt trr
in * nit lnrfH l tf
-nho ! * " > ITwrJ of
"rtti ffvso ref r l t * M > l e
* nit fitrj Omita tafn tlj. }
is mxwm KK nr inr. wirof.R.
TTwmtf. \ ffftl Into toramlt : * * nt the
wbofe. Mr. Vi'tillmorn In the rl.Air , xr.d
artlon upon followins Mils :
To amend tbc Uw re ireine ft1 * nt rocjaty
fifT : rf-commeride'l for r * * ft fc JM
iMi'I" ! . flhe amendm wl Sf ew tne
ronntr Jwls"s < lary In coontlM of Vijff ) rrt
tnntK Inhablt-iliTs it Si'/rt. ,
To unthfitlrf the vxtGtMr r > t state to it-
celveand proriflc for * iif Kn-iAwz ot
and lield note * ot L'nltM htt > ao
i'comm ! 'frje < l for { rtse. .
ICer ulinz the action ot th
which prohibits ttic r aymentof tte * or
by a county In CA S of mixtemeanor.
ommendwl for \oA\\zr.
To provide assistants for eonnty
Knactlng clartse stricken otiL
To provide for theapMintmentof 4
sriM'rtnfindent of t/nwic Inatrnction. Kn-
acting clause stricken ont.
The committee aro-'fl and th bo ie ad
journed. _
Li 'iror.s , .N eb. , Feb. . fbp : cUl Telegram
to the BKE. } The senate , after hearinz Mils
on second rea/llnir , went fntocommitteeot the
whole and recorarjienclwl two bill ! to pa * ? , a.
follows : Senate file 51 by Mr. LInlnier. to
authorize churches , relisioua and
associations to change their narn
roll 17. for the rHtef ot ot * coanr.
pnating S5Ot ) to defray expen * * o' th trial
of Quin IJotiannan : hoti-eroli 170. to eitffjfl
the o nitentiarj contract ten years wis eon-
siderwi by the committee , Mr. Vandesnit
moving iu recomrcendation tavorallv. Mf.
fcnell moved that tliebill te marie a .
order for Thursday neit at 10 oVIrjofc. Penit-
Inz di = cni ion of the subject tne senate toot
a recess till : ! o'clock.
On motion of Mr. Lindsay of Kcrna. ? ? ea-
ate n.'e.i ' for the relief ot Ezra Leonard
bmitti , heir-at-law , to real estate e-jcheated to
tbestate in Ivl , toth v. ! ne of S7.1T1-0 , wu
taken from the zeneral tile and wtf fiL
The report of the committee OB the "oil ! to
pay the expenses of the trial of Qoin Bohaa-
nnn. or for tee relief ot Otoe county , to
whicn change of vence was taken , was re
Mr. Moore thoajht Lancaster coan-7
should b * relmbars'id to the extent of actaal
co = ts paid In the co-e before chaa eof venae
was taken , some 51.1CO.
Mr. Scbminfce objected to Mr. Brown's'
amendment to reduce the amount ot Otoe
county's claim to snch amount aa may be
nece > 5ary to pay cots of trial for watch Lan
caster is not liable and ha. ? not already pxid.
Mr. Schmiake objected , sayin ? ttdid not pro
vide pay for keeptn ? and guarding the pets-
Mr. Casper was In favor of relieTinj : 0oe
county of the expense of Keeping a prisoner
held there by the appeal ot tne case to the
United States supreme court.
Mr. Brown's amendment was lost.
The bill was amended allowiar 0oe
county S3C2\75 and Lancaster county vis
left oat in the cold.
Mr Kent of Kearney offered an amend
ment for the relief ot his county , tor costs of
a trial surrounded by similar ctrcnrc-taaces.
Mr. Daras objected oa the rroand tliat ap
propriation bills must originate in tbe hoc-1 * .
Mr. Kent's amendment received a t.e rote ,
anil the chair , after analyzing the question ,
concurred in the opinion of "the centleraan
from Butler ; but tne claim of Kearney
countv was too indefinite. lie voted no.
Mr. Brown moved that the bit ! D * recom
mitted to committee of the whole , which was
snowed under. The report o tae omm.ttcrj
of the whole was then adopted.
House roll 41 was then taien froo. zenerol
file and pat upon its pa-SjO e. Senator Lta-
Inser explained that the object ot the bill
wa * to authorize the county comsibjtoners
to sell the Douslas county poor farm ap > Q
terms of one-thirri ci-b , aud accept tn > te--
upon deferred payments. Tte bill paj-ed
with the emerzencv elaus > .
Mr. Colbv rae ed that the senate resolne
itself into committee ot the wnole to con
sider bills on central ale. which was carried.
Mr. Iura > resumed the chair. The qoe-5-
tioa recurred upon the amendment ot the
gentlemen from Jefferson to ma e the peni
tentiary contract bill a special order for
Thursday a : 10 o'clock.
Mr. Kobbmsfatored the consideration of
the bill at once.
The amendment was lost , and the orirtool
motion of the ueutleman from Satinders , to
report the bill favorably , recurred.
Mr. Linlu er thouht the matter shoctd be
fully considered , and the state should adver
tise for bids for com let Utor. He said that
convict labor had greatly reduced the waxes
of skilled laborers upon agricultural imple
ments , making it luipo.s > l&le for honest laser
to compete. The penitentiary contractors
bid sola hundred- wa-rans thruu hoct the
state at figure * which outside manufacturers
could not meet. He thotutit the matter should
bo fully considered.
Mr. Vandesnark thousht this a potent rea
son why the bill should be passed , as it would
be to the benent of the pnxlucer. It was
necessary that all convict should lafwr aud
learn trades , that they may be useful when
turned loose upon thestate. . It would b a
crwt detriment to the convict to perailt Idle
ness. It was a question of humanity. He rv-
memlvred the iuiestimations of the peniten
tiary before the contract system I'btAined ,
and the case * of cruelty and abtivj were
numerous. Since the contract system wu.s tu
xo ue uo such abuses wen ? known. TUe con
victs had said to luui that they wanted to t >
Mr. IUM.S said the question was only u a
tlw extension of the contract , which m *
\olve\l over Sl.CO.\CCO. and not UIKMI the
merits of the contract system.
Mr. Yandemark , did not wuat to shut ail
any opposition , and would not object to an
other day to cuiuider the matter. Hut the
lower linitso hadwted unanimously upon the
bill , aud lit * bvlie\ed the tv > t interests of the
state would bo best sul * crvcd by its
Mr. McXAtnar wauled uicre tiusetoeou *
Mr. Snell doubte\l the wisdom of lettln ;
the contract to the parties w itbout ca > tder-
1ns alt phaes in the case. Ho M allied the
matter deforrtM.
Mr. Meiklojohu lud fully luwstlatod the
matter and WA * ready \otsfortnobill. .
aud thought Nehr&ska was Uxed ! e > > for the
care of her eouucts than uy other stite
jKiieKausAS , whose tvulteutury w * lo-
esledover * coal mtue. ile wainte\l other
meiutxTs , howeier , to fully
term their own eoucluskuis.
Mr. Casiver dcclarevt he would
the bill it It wsv $ forced to a una to-day. He
waute .t lime to ta ure oa the matter.
On mottou. thcv > mutittev < ww instructed
to re\ut ivrvs rews aud gueu lei\e to sil
ajr.uu uivn the bill.
Mr. l.lutncer's bill to cstaMUh a school for
ilej ndent cliilvlreu was laleu uu
Mr. Drown ot I'liy opix.vsc\l the MU oa ttt
S round that the sUte had other iustituttotij
which cneil the purpose * oX tub bUl vractl-
clly , notably the home tor ih Itloudlesi.
Mr. 1.1 miner said ) \ruati9 Cvuitnbutioti ;
hid alrvad ) txvu iu do tj build iho lustitu-
lion , aud the society w ui < st U oraalitsJ
under Hie U\v > of th > state- .
Mr , llruwn' * motion tu iiulenultciy iv > t
i , and the bill w : u tr.ou ie\x > uv-
Mr , SchtulnVii' * t < Ul 197 > to prviii Ide tot th.
\ i
Mr. MeX uiar * * NU tl t. rv x dluf < ,
wu vuttou uf i.ncu.vr > on tuuru ikui am
di , < jvu v with the cal'iuf ' vt Ki&nd Juttc
\ \ \ ccttMu VA.Mvu * iwo\uvucu \ '
Mr , t > uol ! bill v * > * > us
U llsc
TV " tt\ttf \ * Hwn a ? * * 14
v > ( v
t. n
Mr. Bhiw > a * . ( MM
ilkM MnTiMtMr tint
# ( *
t iomt7rJ.trnut
nut Vtr it M *
tr livt p r
-w ,
rrt ttmte. T > * * "rt t * vf
fit J
ttt the. l lsl.ttare siwf V two jci . - .
stwfl * ! : Jf\f * J W * txtr < W 0-
rfnttn ; tft t.- stMfoc.f.4 to A M tax
th y iiwlli * \ In fAfr.jrlo , t t
f/n KM w n-innl
, irtfi. that thy -
tnt inhir tt\a sUSy
tt'm ? . not w > f tli.xn o
"srirn ; th u S-.UIBUT. { 1
tot emptoypi s . til
fAhft s ir UUrj at
ot lew s
ion of fffrty rtv s t tin s siwvr < no
Join : re < otr.ttons ot tf * aau-rs ot brfMjAail
introdFKefi , mfe-H tt/s smrmftr hin. b-r
ciAl n -i--Ar ( , ettfj Out aii atwn ot tft *
c-Uttre ! to th * aerieutt ? tA p < vsiajc \ Uv
the snf j > mAtrf Bsa < iert n th *
e. ar.d ih Ii tr6flii tl rit of bvlls shnfl & *
rtet rl thereto. E"r4ii < 1i rl the batlow AS
.lid election sfnIt ttttft * form :
Fet p7oto fl tctj RfJiwn : to His cnfutttn-
ion. r luin ; to the fethUilTe departiw-ens. *
aiiuc pc-yfO" * ' ! ! inrt.ft o : to tti * comti-
on retumz to
raeat. " '
Out the
Tfiil > rSpfeiiI TIe
-i Tie
3otd Bir . ho.s lien , \ rnd zro ! fa ?
? " > ni n , vn < i lowwataea. .
The re .nlt was , amoay. 'other arrests , tfte pvo-
. rtetOT. Me.Vatr and tm wifetotn. . o whnci
wers pn ; under t.vtiiii. M.-s. it Catt. f.ut-
in ? to 511.6 tt > n < l . witiTcen to ] til :
nrther ir.ion ot : fce r nri The
ire detftrra.neil to rid tie :
and c&aractfrand ir ratfpioswii by ifc > * it-
'Zf-Tti in their rnr. < l.iJS efforts. Th * poli i >
wise. &o ha.s fceea ajovw&oy ta tis < s earlier
dajs of thi' country , ffarieajly ilealj cat jua-
ee to all tteo < tSTJ. fi
Bend Vote.
SEWABD. Xe L , Fe&.S Special Teternm
to tne BEE.I The ptop altwa to ts.ra Sosdi
10 the araocn ; of 5'iW'g to- the KwtHweatera
rallroaii wa.j voted oa fcereto-dAy.iad al-
houzb the entire retnfa * are no yet tnv It ts
eridea : tha : ifce pcojoattfon cirrted &r a.
larje rnataritTSo 'if u t aril from , tte
vote H as foilowi : Siyranl pcfcinst. ± i5for.
5 against : B sriicinet. tEJ for. 12 fir
orwinct. 157 tot. azsins : . There ire ioor
preeineta stUl to cetentl from.
Bullish Statements Bj-Conld
Sp CDlatlTeScntiraenr. _
TOKS. ie& .
to the Bex-i t
' i
widen to-day and tja jac : ei3'were ia r
arzrecate rery tarseIfce CttHIdb. 3tiii n > ; at
oJ Goitld cbaaittf specalatrre = ftnticea : ea-
tireiy andalt cluicesinii fcoli v ere bayera i
to a rreater or less eitcat. BuIJ pouiLs were
especially crominect on Western Uai
at the top priee-s oi tlactay slronj ,
lite the Worm jer-j were buyer * . Tbe
eidclient showing oi tte Like store romi
forihe 'lUwirter ecdtcs Decemfcer 11 , t"5. *
zoo. * tjny BC ot tbe Varnler&Ut.Tte
total net "aratny for ttw * f ned saaied in-
S25J.-M ; and taeII win Jan Ceatril * nearly a * Mdl a , jlitecrect. Ta. < > weoi
spotin the aurJKl * wiire Riciimoiid Termi
nal , Jer-ey Cec.tral and Lactawano.
The dullness of the Laciawasj.
said to te da * to tbe
sellin : yesicrdiT by S. V. Waite * jome
iXCi-iJ stiarts. In fs < : ! : i Jolt at v iH at aid.
cot inclode coo ! stecJta : alL eTga Riiadicj :
r tochned to > jll ofl rataer sflarrJT. i
the day iJnnied it 5 waa < * - appiirtat titi !
atoat the oaly 5tix' stiit ! jetmeil Iiiety to
adTaoe wure to * Goafci st. ei and the iron i
lines. The rest ti the Itst did nee en nofd t
i own. txit cridujiEiy droned isr-iy. Acaoo-r
the ineidecti on the auir E. < im * to ijiicuu
caas , was an advance &tl\ per cunt in ,
I'tittman on tali o eitr di wien'j , ia
advance of 3 rr cent m ilLtw-intee a.nd
Late Shore. Western L'nloa ea. ed oA dur
ing the efc > ia.j hears , and alt tfce OoaM
-ecnritie-j etOMil at a. eoa * . < tea irooi the
bess prices of the d y. Ttidrancii la Erw
commoa ana pre'errvd was one ot the BCCX-
bt ? feiture < ot the tujAet. Th * tat eto-ed
stronc for truat Iins- , bat rather weaS foe
everything else. Ft * totai sales were oiocit
An Important Qae-tion.
\VA5HISOTO > \ Fe6. il. The i
arisen , and wa. } U d tofo the prttiWeat Lits
this at ternoon. 15 to hu po-wer ta appolat tt
Inter-state commerce cooitnlssiocers oiler tae
adjournuient ot the fu : * . It Is held oa tie
one ssd * that the wwer cent < it i 6y tte coa-
stltutwa to nil Tjj.-aacI < - which cuy happen
darts ; vacuU-jo o : tlu ; senata does not eorec
the rijttt to appotot n * twwly creatuil otoi ;
whteh frj to te iU d hr ana with , the adtku
aad coaseat ot tf e s fiw. It U aa < X ntwi
this Senatorllirrt asi lu h areaiiwoj : ti ! i
numcer who so tylt < ve * ad thn Seaotoc
Puh celled urea tt * president tft after-
neon to direct au it < acio-a ta tie uu. : : r.
Ou the other Swnd tt I ? iriued the n-
caney bappea " a-f muca by tiw ocs oi c -
* tsoo x by the death ? r UaiUoa oi j.a ia-
ciiuit-eat. and th ru aw teiwired toi to d < t-
itw * by attorney i a rit cavwriar tae coiBt.
to the eSevi ttiii ta-e yw-jidcsit ki > pov r tu
y the sultan
ot X.\tt ilydrseaai-rKHwa ,
Utot l.uuii by th < iVftttiese. In tiw
opiuloa of > taaley lVrti-iI U actlajt ia a
hi h handed uuoaer , wlyiojr oa too vota-
luterfervuco ot Uertiuay. l-isiva A * on
the par ? of Eo Uad , Stialey
tnde. Ka Uad nad Uertuoay ttnf tl. > j
to cry "SuacU vtl" to
ley My > m riftcnftwtf to th * eipedttwa tw
thervl.ef f f Euim I5 < y. this tb < party &AV <
emtarted o ttse jteitwcr iUdura. XH < j ex-
P4ditivu coa > i ts ot em * Kuivv44 > B oawtfrs
slxtj-oue > udaaej \ ihlttwa at J.utr , < WJ
natives /.lautur. tirw i t twetef > A8J
Idiipu 'l'ittbe Anb tntlcr aud totty oi k :
toilower * Cotttiers hiv ; va oY
tester * ta I'itiudi. wad * ctaer *
sent ta StauWy Fail * w
_ _ _ _ _ _
Fwr Seteute u Y
boor *
r\Murtns.l a vvnibt vf e aUW ami bxed rts
vuolty it stnetittvu iear > aud J. bul ( to. 14-
Oil * ! MtMMI 'It * < VU' U A iKdl *
lu Pwtcnl fSrt we n
thft fvrpnfar WfJ
Ihc CtonteftM h * Sew
A ( ItKAS. tittftnt * .
IS& . ft. '
tax , 9ww < w Vui
i * < * r ft * tt * wmiM A * t or. > i.ic ! < ( MM
MOM , .vnrf ea&fit n > fcnti Joist mnintinn
A A , imU < tlM < Wt M *
fcy ( firw.t * < " ate ixtydA , Tftwa
v wsR JWteit talVry , Wit * . sttPi'ett < vut :
ffli-niittii . , ia'rt ' ww K tk n i {
So 6y WMly # v 7 mentor ( A tni * . .S" n.ilW.
is tte * full te-U o < ttt > i id-
Kirty ra . < . scsflivm f intesdtii'Pif and
t 6 * 6h > . prn fv enmniintei * i 6(11 (
vwttftjr ift , mc.arfm < ns fcv th < i L'ftttM Stir * " ! wisi&OT sitauM Ki >
Ml-rf d 67 tbtt E" it ( rt. A . W int < Vt tilUii IV
iMfm.iliion , on thi * twri < rf W i c.mumUprt pi' -
? > it tctiiofl , I h.vots wSat the .utopclnn
tDuir. .in ixiur. < 1i rtnco tfti * cnnrttitntion prn-
7i < iiax for tite button. . . disci'tlyby : lti . ? & .n ,
tit th < t r'nttvit St.v.v-1 'rto.irrtn shiwftl en
snftn-.itvd to-thi * . people fov Mms .icfiiin.
L"atif the howeot mil crnnptate * rtk-
tovy ruiMalMWi ftwttiMS < f siri M 4ocri'.t :
-iJ\r.v.i. ! to carry refovm.t tw tlte isstsnS if pcv-
man < * ns rRitet tuu U 'iy ti en jr 'v < -
ii > > it By wpprootlotm ! * pittii t.i. So ' nsii tius
nvm wa < v tftrt revafosiou .
f inrt
5 ww
who hail f xita in thrf rtoi-.trtoiw on whieti tli.
wir WM w-iiaif. iRii tt'l.rtwwi thtiy iliould K i
ia tftt ma-tfisatinn vml
irt tr lor a
srtnt of : h > > ti'iiiiTin" * to shrt fall fruition ot t
man , aart onjlis to inriii ; 4orae
szH of im
t oC t&e eapuc.isy vi SK'U fov
H.iay c.Miftl [ a < iticn ; Bi ! from
( aly to.ra't.iMiati toe Sn Lalt aru
os American. 4otl , ia i a mon-.irc.iiT wi.i
openly tld sMnrfcil. F.ulns in ttos. , ia ii-
t ract to > iwitjs ; sad po-ver aatl < overp
the B * ootiv * o than a mov * aubfe ind
oca tatliitfnca tha : < vt aa ir
Tfe d fcaws fn. t.le conHtltiitMnaT con-n'n-
tloc ot t > 7 show hrt-ar ilo-wty .mil nmnliy
tmiay w e wlllinjr to trass powec in
Tvcw aa < l erperfiin < 't'- t-.i-re tlwv n tbnir dlo-
truj. w u tra.Tj'if'ii , aa l thii aatuiu-i praixin
t ooa fn < tir fi > il in by them. & : ia tiwn , tni
others will Be. oTCuttrTva.
So on-wUlic j tflij oi.u of tin ? C'io r
'tton i fully an < ItiiaM.ntl , early ttjsw&isioii mi
e ea the detain w i witi 'Ha : doon , in
sft-u"wn : coyms of ra nlationa fur tiiii
ratloo o < nmnibfln diinii tl. This thai
" tcit dijtr-iis rsai.ilalaj w tlw pus-j-
eat sipentlrft s < hioii foe conatiinrinT tsKitom
and ; con ttrmatma ot orttiterj , iil herd frciu
. . . . .
earir dea il h.u disapfivrail m , tlli *
' "
OS . _
exeladthi from eaz TCI ; :
ivn Ai1 tn irnistaru3jfi'j of t7 * wn.j tc
tii politieii. ? ind einUiti ; : ? nt
reoraM awit ia tlieMa.iMr , ujo
in ttu cioiiejf the emotion , ci suck rscrasi-n-
e lower hon-'u wa. * . .
into , and w u eli tdit by thrtm. TUii
wi-j ti > rsocesiii ! tiiri "oifrai ntj' at
i statewishom tnr i : i'ouas.iJ5iit7 ! to tliu
iters is iuct anil w-is ttt'i-si'ijce tu tu
is removed torn , tie ciu iotw. cru-
' . impnlf ea lad < : e"'iri-r oc thij people.
MH * at the erocaail mc"taies ot tlif
tracers oi tfie coatitutioc fiaTu fcuua coc
Acd Tf tile tilij eqaaSty at ttli
by in n nmfciii : tram. eu lu
the state will te nioc ctly rsnw-uaKd
th f n. . 3 o tfcij rijODuj raroi Hi Hi fc
uu ! H coo.-uMaoc 50 tlirty sliail tu
by taeaj ,
ir i motneat t. > tbu lietn&jf of l > s.
Latbtjr JIartin. uiraitfcuvid ! "one yLuss w
of mim-ir'-'hy. ' " Hu
plaza on
"Bas iu ; . tne sanwjpir'S ' wijicii ijaawiit our
doors to tu sllnt. dtir occi-miiiimi tu ti
f-cruc. 0 < ir joainals to t'
- . a. * far .LJ po si)3Il ) ; to tu stint ct ;
tafonn.itwo pM xiliiit a * o in tijirt cu-t
whwa wa- * ted * allowud corrwE CODWJ 01
toe con-iufcinnon. oy
' .ami tlji } ccocofiij.-.i
ry vvjj nijiiuteil by a ,
mj.jocity oi tli i cocsiiation , ti ! * ily pc : imt
thi * mumfcuri tttriiu 'Ivnroin.tlii
tatocau oo. "
tor OF r > rrH' > TA.ra-s
_ Th u icJiumt. .
ot L'altail > ; ' > ien.itori in > j b1
, - . aaotjiur by tiw ci'ugta aad. t&i
third bT tie bijuitj kranuli of tou a.isionii
At tltas ttmu tie
as :2 < J laou ! rifaace nui r ti Uroni
oe pupaUr
to th ? ira5 objucs xjc
coc nave tUuir Uttij w i { lit. It fcJ ( . onJf < Jt i' i
oc alt HaaJd tiu ! tbif < two < i braacii o < uhs tea
a cfliiclc on. tli f 4rsc foe wtauiu uw lM inr
it t fi-'Cf i'tlyulii - < TUu arsr
branch , ecuta.itin c twm. tb > ;
v t te iaij'ii.'t ' to Dc itpitascv
ana < t\w-s. Sxtutwaw < 4vio < : i. > tbij trmtli of
tii. ! wiuaii without taviax RCUIUYU to rwoii-
lax. I'tJ M caOL oaly tu i-lwci a ij a&tiity and
Tijtw ia tbu < -oad BraacS. Oo your ynjs-
eat iy-jtijut caa you iuppoitlus yae brunjii
win ; co 'j > it uww tn.i3 th i otiwrj' ' I'Uu
MHiodd traB < 'li O'wot to tu curao < 'd of Di-ia.
of ftua ! aad 6a61i.ii > ; d pcucecty as orw-
tccrwr owa wao ftuni crui wiU iuguors
voaiLitiiBi ; ; aad ci'tmajmacy. * * * ? Uii !
an arwx'ratii. bi.-iiy will iwp dovn tliii tar
of ari > tci.'n ; y.
"ilijtcry orovus I admit , that mt'o
DW tfttj v UU ttaityrmiy < n iiiiv c
lisa. tjraaay , Uow , th w s
lQ.w < ( vif' Oiv tii-'mta R'cuad braai.'H aad
vyu. swustf th jlt w i at foe tile pubJii.
Ttt < y tiiv-ow" , * r coa.iiDitj foe t ! ) ir i
aad tliij liiijt of powuc wUi evwc &i
dijajwrasw braa < ; laad l to us t em , a. .
r to ygiiti'jYtjftjawnt.
-Y tt tst'iad , ai > y. C34.B tttifwi'ond braacil
ui ta
ui ; ut W ti ? tawwuwd ui jw *
IV prww ta i f taw rubt aud ttj wUi ftu-
' '
cvtcto utittBOUttt to you * wtji
. wiU v c .xi t. aad you.
saite j ywi ratify ttJvnt a a tuitx in.
ta . * rursia ; of o c aud
y U u > '
* *
t.U I aduat uut UK' :
'cfe. Wte6bt ) ittud d , "
jr vcrte-aiwtts cJ ! tei
frv.\jf ! w cwcutuitfd and aciiiiiowlirttevd at Ul <
tw *
fit RUtH-rnweK SndRtMUiiu * . ? ar
t VH
, ' - i ,
w HW fn-x < ) > r M f.w im > M ( AMI BrnftW
c > fn fnv * K ,
w U
Scirf .
Body wm i ft iii it
wiu flf P > rcvnun'nniiflmitvhnu tvio Bunny.
i y i ant ! n ly ainr , Snt ! < nm i tfc'ly oil
wHi s < Bn < < iVMH * * > i rt , im ) : n nivmidUun
lli-apinu ; up < timm i > f rttv nnii nniy on ShiMt ?
rttir. oa SiaiiUoily m , i tuvmult > t Miii
-ft i > i > ii tHnttt ) < rtiji'nm IM fiiirly Ruw
to o pnttiic Umti cmiv dunilil bi > piiu'i'it a
! hn it > nrcni atf .1 mmv fivntu'nt r iMirr
tnrt v\iro \ < tmiMr annnfttnuMiiK VHisi
MnuiBtft * d > cnmnli'tv Hit1 tni'vi u !
tiHey div mmv Harm Wan mod. '
< tir < * ni > n 'WUtiMiiiijf iSi'iimu'il wliur tit
in uv. di'numduij : twdiiv
* * letivd ! hy n i ocnp
tvwi eili' di'Mir.'M ind pMpHi'nfi'M
'i't BiM > n fuitliii'd ind Bui wi
B'11 ! ! miuti' rtinrorv , ttiut
t i UipMi of t iMuiaivy oui * . < i ( IM mitsc
Dwrtxiicwwjco ASO i > ua itsT
- > vm-
" "W < may m n'i il deal r-nnittdl1 ? Itii onr-
> i l > j ( 4 aeon Smtnlin'ir. Vint nna6) ot tm )
Cmwil SdiVHiH uwpci'ftMl tty tliH pi'nplii ot
HIM iinunKy. C HHI * plum Uinirmurrt tiiiJ it'.ii"
a& > of tlii ! t"niCi d at w.H IH timijiu'r d Uy Uiu
pi'tiph * of sliw country witli i iti'sii'a nut M dn
my titm r wlslt tlun iutti } > i'r T do min iu'nd &i
ippcui so tili ennKi'iouHni"H nf my < IMI-
inir t da not ni'cd M ippcjU M Sin c.nrrans
< r.rim < it fli-.HiTvitioiiH ami ire nnutu In tile
puhlii ! urMH wlli'n I juy tluis Win timutu ot
tn TJn i > it.tit's tu non in elM > 'i'.n ot
u : ailontioa ic tlnn Dnu * ui tliw ainm-
try. " R i-nni , piuns i-C
So it won. ! ' .lop'iiisttii' HIMISI& ! Unit rtviili'
aait Vpt Tail on ciu Kmsviiu'li Jforrlu nut
arhi'iM tsuil iiitvndtMl , md iSi-i'ii tru'r : , rad
niov. in < ! iUt > i > ntniiiviai tin1iiJTis ind urn-
ptii'ciiMl of i nn nf fJii' tidii'd tllun many
Rtlli'r provtHiou.s iut ; tlli'ori ( at tin1 anniititn-
tlon .vliii-n Uiwi BiH'n uftHftindttlly rapi ali'ti
m till' pnhKi ! mind tiy diii'irdiutr : : rUi'in ant
iiibHtituan odii'iy. AJ in tlin I'.n.sts ot
soverciipisy , uul flic Lmuwd md
po-vcri nt tUis jrovi'rnnn'iit. wtinu
niiini y noc ! : md cuutir K' ! unwt for uiturnul
aad otlwr iniprnwiiiui'iiia.
Whi'n 3 .uJiHoii , Jfonroi ! .
pouniii'il th CT'-JS .ind iptrit ot tan *
tiou , .irnt Jtourii' w&u > ii tlii ! C
romtbiiJ , and .ficlnon vicoinl ain
roud Bill amrt ! tl ! msldioun rppi'sil JVHQ
tliii policiciU CnUu'vi'ci ot tiiiiHi' r : ifi n.inu'H
naj rf in diimnnir jew r in tin jniv raamnC ,
and nndi-r dm ihu ; ' ! intt3QiGoiu ) M dredini
rivuri , if QinJit cailroiutii , m diur cinsilu. G >
conHtniiicsiiiiiioiauuHi'M. to tie
o tin ; cinic ! liiii'.Htiincnc fit attld to nit'ii : ji
whaS tlin mii.ri'iM j.uil. is iliil not au'an.
Tn ! jKniinrhm .lyj thu tittn'n era'il ui
whaS tliuy imt and whufitliity in&'iidi'.il , md
ft w ail djirHHpi'i'i : to itbiiunc .motiiiii' reform
by common , comniuc is Una buttu Jou
tht piiootu hiv ; Sunn ) insrjnstlifH imirail-
't. In frTi thrt luirfalatsiraH ot California
Thu espiirwicmnliiiH li' ! n fafTy trfml anil
tlu ! pi'opw ijiraiHtIy : ! nriuur t ciiua u. TIiu
control of luirialaainis I ) ? Ulinil5aliiniut ! ) ,
promist'S of tuoniiv , UiiH ii u riiduniiil tai i
iyiaui to tlian i sT 'nC time nnu ot CM
luous jiu : t".i t"ui ) f miinipuiti&m of clian nia-
ciiini'ry lia : ( ooltlly pnnlaimnil dins tfih )
ei.iiir : lad aliiinciTiu ) onr-iiiu'i ; viiiai
uir tlian uli'tcors IE tins coUu
Tliii ntMiKSHity 6 c nus clian n bmi
ru-.nin jn-iltm iy mini&"in : nricam tiiis laiC :
montli in tlin icifc't of S'"v Ji r sy , IniiSnnu ,
aad > > l3i i ! < lc.L In. din Unnt\vi ) ( jvury fciu.'inii
anil jiilJUirtuini Uas CH H nwi < to alibun in
.ui.Tiaci.jfj by su-iurli ind fruut tiiar. niwiic
s iutu i 7U'tory raaaaiiiisHH of wuac tins DUII-
olii ni.iT du.-irc.
And ia , tin * laftkir , t di"HiC : uxpcusHion at
ton piioplit on sin !
by tliu ituiutaomim ind litwj at iciaj. and Kii'n iiinunu'diid tilt' mil
mor i mnliatic : d"'ilaritaun : oC thii vumri by
ni.itnj ! tliu tiiion'H < ) t tliu Caitsid SftiQ'iwna -
tor a wsc in uluircion at miimiiiu't ot tin * ! i'iri- ! !
liuiir ; > ' . ami wiiiiii. tlm oi'upiu. M votur * . uail
iwnuiHd tnmr iiouij av uliicctaif a maionCy
ot tisu l ii liair'j : ' piiiitir"d M tliaK unuiui * .
I'mu tlwy wucii from cutJi poatin'iJ purauA
but a ouijucity md fuJly lu.'itruuwd. L'
was cliij jmfcruwnS of ciu ! nuiipUi
at a rfreiit ttifu. L'lifii tin ;
cillrund liucBOcoun * } iatecnoMi tu rev rM'
tlms imteni'iii ; and llnat tlut ci-opln by
tnri tiniii : , iad wuultli. by tliifir myituni-
so putanz. mtu.Uly aimtxuUiin
s .i-ruatii ; opiin and diiuliuw
bmcruiitioa. ) , on tiu : pcat .Tfi tan tlnn to uuvm
tliu tcind cuqjorituin. } burned iiitu tlii-n
, of r'ius ciirsv tuyilcv tijan in i r -
n.scaw i wpubllu-in rnicud Sraaw
-ibuiifai. nut bi ! tflucRML MXUMPC oy c -
piioljiria. Tofc-j. TUua wiiun din vohii of
tilosi ! Ujstruuftid ind pludtwd wdiifd it'ijiiE'i tiiis pi'iipU ! iliixirud , ijnou 'i puri'liarf.d !
tracer * withhold tlwir vuCao di dutViiic
thi"f Itnii-v tiw iji ! Rli ) b'Ht diiinoadnd.
Uaii s win * i'n.itu w liuturni andtso
nwK pcuof in conncma'r.on ot thi ;
CJti.HUK > A < * U3' C I'lV
it wit .it oni : lli'urtuiiy111011116 uli imund-
uiiint ; to tin ; jiid : iiin ! : oc tliu nation.
'I'tiu giiopfi } ir jdnionjftbiid. nw may ti ! tilmr diwru .M ti ) c
o-ictts-iity of tiJ3UHiiaa wi
a on- ; but
wJiT , nati-ujtit PUITI.S.J.TO
urw , and tliu jHU-uunntima'tL iul -
aiaat iiM-ji ; aaivimn -ttrjiijlit .md
. and muJt' ' * tbu f ninritsruan b ii , ind
tiilii liJin wbi ) i. > Bio -iiwrcor ( GUD lunif'
tb.i5 pursy plntf rairt wluuli. pntituwi m id-
vince riffijcuw in tsiriif. pw'JM'-'twii ' ' W Uiu niu >
liomain fr'jiu tliii raap ot curpocitsuiiH.
Kl't'.t ft'Jin ' 6b ij.'Ui.'tiiJiM of i.'iirijiii ate OUWHC
aad owan , w < L wmiltb , imiiii to b uuwiniiid
only Su fei ; worua ot prom < ii' : to tliu liiir tu uu
bculiuu to tb hum1. K > mid : * tii ! frnitu wliiuli
turn to I : > | ) HS on tliit byiuiiiv ui inudtty tini
and > ( Uiu& tilu ap/reiliurtiua ( / : uf tiln
only ilin ! { ronn un.'uljiibiHt/ i to
timdnrj wbu brand .w nutty trutu-rtin anv ifr
fcimpCtu DtUiiVM 61U ! B1'1'1 ! ' * " 1 SWatlllM Uy
iu. > i ! > tiji tliu nic ! i .inu-j yf I5fii , u * Uun-
b c , iuu-it. ulssiiaJi bu uinuitod fre uf
duty ciiiurwndi * and - jilftiliaU mil : uu
th witr > lliniitfC > and himiuly
by ton rnadwj-j ari uUrfruid witii ! > f bm'
ind tbiw tbo bunlnni * tm unuuually d
and written. vnitxuu.'d > UUiur.viw , tiiu bidln
ciurtii'c. tun tiin djvijllur UJ Uu - . )
and Mjil ( . " .lUui. tiii ujjjiic in BJU
I > til *
Win nuJLtiniim. L'nrt-lj.iOlu , wliun
an alMiniiC u > in.iili ; to * r Nuu : raoin
oiiJbuujt inii -
tiuu itfiiiMo > turui > !
lyr tioin.t > l mlh foe tflu UuiUluoH. ( . '
wijfrij aji JEBKUiyn in ui.idii tu ilini MIIIU i-u-
80 Ifttf JUUjl | WUMC' . ' fl.UUU.UIW , UU It
WiJt'SC Off * Wrtt
Wrtt'in ' tilti
uilurvst 4UiJ Jivi'i * , ' au uii uiucti
VVu a
A icyi.n-ii.-vj , c ii > w
IK aBtfruoL-iUiij ; . wtuii ) dKivcti teuui Hio
lilt StUUUO , ftKIOt t& < ! U'.tWfUBVIt. tilir tll.HC t'J6
Diur 8gr uwtj.'iirtd aud ui.iUu a
tw Hit ( ilwvtvd &f
. i fcil ' 'fi JOA l aafi I'liM- iJK.- .
It. '
. .
mi\irv flui
w ttyMHiiutV.
OW Him MBltuu i * > < -intt , ( < nt tfm . nn tSiM-
ami nja ! * > . " ; , Ml ilnmmui pnynmit if U'HIM
htwr i n ftn ; U *
v \ .
nirtw iituiuivmiiH \t iwultln IW
< tii'.lr Frliliiyt , in I i\ < ftiicnni inlitH nt ) .
tlftn I'.IHvfii'n ! ) i ' \r mil * ninit mv
n wwn y I ( V' 4 u i rvttutt
if H if
, rtrt itiidi'ftiiiMtPt ir tJii't nnt
t vwnitn , turn uistr.'HiRiii , v imtl
not : Mi uinniM. .int it pm'tne '
nriiwst ) -wilt in
tint * itiV
1 w aiii'itinni < n > ilvtJi
i < liiirw" < Slue nu i < rtir n .1 ilav ,
mr 'rtriiuu1 UIWHU m . ! lMn li i\u'd \ Uln l
\vtti n fti fliii wlli'f 'if ' itn t. u > iin , ' Dittos .m
pmvf u Tidmt. > viit iiit
"tttilnrm tr .mil 'ninfln-fliiir miiimitim OintJ
xrcnr mi' < ir tJim ai'tiifltf itt diiiiMiitd u *
rtr wtwtivt itttli'inur. nt ftinttHlt uliiiM-
. HUH I'laiiinr if driitucpm rttne tr.i.ii .
mull f. nin i irii-n I'linuuH ni pnv Bu * inm
.if . pr.idiii'tum m only iu > initii'.inun < iC
iui'nt ; .indi nitiNUnt-itv ind , i
i'i''iwr tti'iuMli'oiii'ii .mil Juri" < tv
u ! 5n > ivpultlUv.vltiMt ttin
inn my arty lUoiviiHtiurvinm (
C ui mit fiirmii i i am rcpnlllli !
AUK Mniivn v < ; wn :
wttmi tJti iitillrtotirt ofVHIIMI : tra jn Hi
fillWi'VlllJ I'lmtlt pHSMi | < l > ttlttlH ! ) V
ind iiiill'.iunt , md itinnr nnmt ;
tttun't-i far flln piMvili'mi t i ttiil ftii' wwwl ,
Dnnilv pi'idi > q llimrd md clniluuif ,
rmtint m v. IHI mi'itN'nBN'rti.
tltniif liMiti't'i w'Uti Unvu pliu'i'it Mm ro
part.i > in pm-11 , stripumt it ill' hi ii'in-
Uv di'iivHiir iivluif prttti'lpliM , twui"
u'.avn prnwnf. ro fcawi : uUS < iipnm
iS'.i' mitinnrii't ind tvmiiiii i'umi" ! < oi'titu uusr
tra.v ili'arniM Hui bnartti , iud bcai-tllHttiiU'ioC
titi * iniiHsni. I'clr t i jlvu ji'tmuii ) pitiit'isuiiii
r i iiiiiii-sc inline , cSU'ra would 'llfti in tJlu old' '
land ycr. "
Ton rvinumiiii'r wliiMi aunmof
uvcryvtli lining i iin jvar i-rtnui
nunuv. ConiiHMrinnii 'tnvu ' t.ttin ! Bin niiit'H ifi
Hlavci-y naf.irt.iniinily tlii > iM IH nit Hniiiinic
irmiiri ir wliilw in IH OMinir 'iiaiim.'i'tl Hy
iMii 1'iHr-uTi'd vth ita iwm md pnHmUuir
in fin1 ftu'n of tati * wv jnni'ratlnn * utuuitun
and tUi'tihtr n ( it iiiaii'sn .ii'bli'vciimnrH.
Cocpnivitliiuii nut aiiilr - trvintn. UU HlUvury
ind na tniiHn'n. cin Icnm nnililiiir Uy ipi ) v.
ii'iiui * . ullndi'd by pr dit , impi'lli'd nv .ivtirVii
md ri'itvut liHtini 'o tin suirrfKHiJiniH. niuiui
an I'mu'iiMtlimii m Mi-nmuKnn lit jiiHWi-u and
until dlH.iutvn i nriiiir .ittmtc Kii'.nu
Tlti * di'innrrni'i1 aniTlivt sluvcin1 tint flll ,
Uinui i ! u f.illiiur ic did nub iiitir. ! ' ] " pi'.iliill. .
lii * r.'iiublli'an oai-n * mm itnrrii'd iiuiiiim'i !
I'linally in mirnlimtinir .mil i > s-
nnd m rct'luiir , st3unlillntr , fulllnif
tiiu ti'iTlbU' Uiait. And Hln Hmnblit
'i' wtivnir flm iliDial tlair nt ) iliiuinir in
run down .mil crmilmd m in Diuimv. .111 tint
pati ; ot Dlimtvd. uiuuliiiitiii , .ind
Inir nnvvur.
aiiadiw 'if ' umni'.r , Winon ; , "want *
and tile urciiti inny at' niiuiyifd IUUOIIMvMoi
wu trnan arc unK nillixvcdi &i suiruc panifs bc-
I'jiuni' < if tliii niilleiual diiiiaHi'midiC. wlilclt
rnnucbi * ( iiidiu-cd by tlii'
uii.uii irtuv ir. GiiMpi'i'Kiuli ! dmr. rlht
nan parry liau IHHC rjiu umnilar bnmisli < if tliu
jnvi'rnmi'iin , tlun lust am iwi'itntlvo. AniL
mi'v r.ile.s.H. : aurvalnsM ii"idiin ti'lL nu
tlllil'tt 111 I
is tthiy inadlv beat tJlnvavnM dir'itpnmir tti
Hiit > inirxa Hiu 6'nbli1 frail rcstSinr pliii'i ) ,
md in diiinuiHimi ! and utinrJi : foilnL \
ibnut HUMiuiir. oillahm niirUuumi nIi'.cnMi ini
ili'llaiiim of chit H-PIT.MH ditiiumdH nL' tliu tii'd-
plc to wu wbnc m luft ui tlii ! 'ipniir Dinniiii oC
In aiiniiini ! pidtand vvitti tinHIIIIIII bopii
tlli'y CulUrot flui liorron ot am ovunluwtuir
traiiHiiiy. anil QllniUy SUIJIJIIHII nslhit ; wllli
uorni ! tn tun pi'iiplu ny dtnwdnr It our ratili'ir
than sun ) ' iinliiHC and apDiiMalv ) tucatnm , ,
alia icbydniiainir BW poHitum o am
Tnii party
buni. Tbudiispi'.iriiuru
ime OIH uiifui'iiiit's md' ' .vnalMi and amllf nfi
liniri ! uiii-'piirritliiiiH iball bn xvor.'red till UVQD-
tbnuv tin1 nmipli ! mi ! si'iiuro a tt'iiipnmnr
viisbirv wlnlit elm It'adi'Ki apni'an an uiniiii- :
i'1'rnuil an Qi Cm ruu : itanm1. of duniriii ! .mill
iafot1 , ' anvan Verivlum ; Hi ! Uddlud ac tSiu
distrtutiiii ! : : ot Slum1.
During tlua titnii 'vinn.r nii'vor In diniarS-
in-i from till ! Hunan' , tint ai nniir w'JlLdu- '
llcuim co sav < { Uiny mintnliutu tn tlm uut-
tamsra of di'D-ar.
And clniH ic bi'cinui'-i mum niiuimnnry bint
tiu ! ( ! ( ji'iMinymir Hinm in ttiln liudy Hliiiuftl cu-
litiivu eiiiiLiMiiiiiiiiHHiniiH dioiufly trum tlm
Uaiidu of tth ! piiopli * .
B.-ioCTL iiiiH .Ittonci'it to Omrpty "Wielu
tilt ! Jf.iW Law.
Cmi'A'JO. Feb.1 ! . 'L'lh ' ! , mmiKil mi'iitinir- .
Kiil'vay iniunurun iiC fim wiist wan auniiliulliill
ai-iJuy liuvintf itunii niiiJiiuir Uiiyand tiinutiinr
tliu ftillii'vuiir aiwlununii oruiiumtl .nut : wi )
uy liumiuiituu.inDinntcilyu'iranili- * , * - :
iuf. I'liiH iiiiiniintniii. cuiiiDiiMi'ili aC.
> 'ii ' : tint vnrlimu triillu
DIIIIH oDiTionir in turriturv ,
ind Hiutti'VuicCnjin ( "iiinuitu mil if.
vw .ipiiuiniuif tii Tj&inuuluni
cuiiii m Cii 'imfjinii '
ui ( iiinnicnucy wirJi CIIH inrur-ntatu
Ui.v : , uiiL
Wliiii-mm , dm 'innniiltj'ii. .iHur a fi-nii jnfoD-
( : liunii nt viiswi.vliijiiinit ; ftuly wrtt-il ui tui
Litrisc uiDirnOTCitiun or tm ! liny , ini .iniuil- *
inuiiHltt nt tlii ! oDiniiiu time nur-iinn uitrirtu
iliimiil tut miulit tu uiminiy w.Ui -iuviniLai- -
' [ iiiriiiniiiiti in ; uuil Cutll mitmtjini llu ib t1
lit'.xiilvwi. Time wii muiiraniiniiL tSmC tliii
Yiinnuu wiisturn riilniiuiH innur uiUiur iiii
iiiiiUuiiu in in tint - iHwiiMiitiuimvltli wlili'lL t1fi
tiiny io ! uunnitutml. tintiiu mirijiiHii ult uur >
c'iUntliuir : Cirur ma niiilliinlii in uuiiriini- .
icy -TiCll tiiu Oitiuimiinniti uf tliu Iiiw. tn tliu fi
unit time tini inminmruu uC ttnt uuunlrv Hlnur
Uii uimiini.-Uid in .1 in.uinia' nuniiiiu'ivu tti dm f
ijulilii : intKnjHty .imL dm pixi ncvutiun ut ciiK
\viy Mvyiiuii" ,
L'liii < iiiuril Diiamiiiijinaiuntu < iC tlla
Cimtrii L'lullli : itiniii'iiit.uii. .viiu liuvii liuunuib
-jii iun tiiu giihti iliiy-i t i ajninnurii ttiulc
iiii'iiH on ( din ntUic-iRitu ' . tuniiiniyiu tnll , iiu-'i
irrivml it itiiiiit Uiui.him < 4'.niiimmiiiit ! .m tiiin
wKsutni iiniii - ii.uiniiv time ttm ! nw DIYJIUIIJ | ) :
lit iii'iiiii ) ; pinS ! , ttiuutmrai nuis , outthiis , iitti.
H itit : : ) KliiiM'lit > tjiiiUy : mmiiiiinuit in Hln nut.
L'liu 'U'iiituviil ' m ojuumimiinl aj Uiuir nuui
3r ! inti.'n ) of Hiii P'imJiii uinibt" ,
1'iiliirnlii Uail-vty ana L'sniiHi-mif nun-
immtjiiiiH iimfitjim ittuniuun Ui ii'-umn
lr'iu 'ti tntlijHG Ui Hm L'-uiulc < unt > tr
m ' . iiiiB/rniitv / wiUi tiiu intuisjiulu arv , I'm '
IK IiiRiuly diittul mil 'viJI iiituuiivjiiiinii
'L''vii mnilH will UH iir iiirndr-iiint | Uii
tu &M ' . 'iiiMj-uutuiii ' or tii u Jii-v iiimliii
Uy tiui cuiulu wuiS'jf Uiu Jlbsouu nvijr unit
ttiu iiUiuc Uii ! uiiiirur'ibiuiiii < n tjm llimtj uiihG
< ( f Sill PI VHP. I'llll UIIIIIIIHhlllll WHDII ! IU
[ JIII/lfiMl / Will Ul ! WllUtl Ut Illlb til UUIIritriL't lilt
on Uiu lii'v. md tvlimbiiv'ir ' turnt .t * n line *
ninny will bu out in 'iifiiuc Annl 7.
js , J viiryUiiHi ; fiili'fe |
at .Jiiiiiuiiiii Uini iiiuniuii , ' .
and r
tu-lty : Ul.iC tJm ! Cn/iltii / ; ! ur Lailur tlir'u nil.
li lit hi.M'j , ; id tut uiiin of IIII/IMI / riniiiiiiiiii'j.
wUl cuiiii ! bum tu .vorJi. Tbu limn on a 'jtrliu
aw ill imiiiilK'm ot Quth orK'iiu/.utiiiim uufi
ttiiiy uiiuaiiiiitnnlycnftiHtUi ilfuw ttiu lLniidl
or , tburtt Jiiiiidiii diu u iiuln.
d."i.jvxi..v. v. lf i ) , -'jimau Iliuninut
iil'iil uinul'tfud ' Ul Uiu , X'iuii-Hiii/i ' Wiiu WOMI ; {
Tirm.-ii IiinD nib \ tui' an uivitimu < tr Ml j e
tiuiit in w < ic < if , TbuitriJmra iiiuluilu
tscu Uirct ; ot iiiun.
, Iftib. s.Tbu nx-sturv
\yawbiWhu o OudJy Ole
m.inuiauuiKtrn , wmiiriindUim ; !
mif. WJai.u fuiiby iniiuilua aUtr ; tiiu
at Uiu bra tiiu wmlh inid , uiJlun. t'bu ttmr > -
3iiiry ijiiiiiJUi , ; uuuutiiud ay tfiu vaiuu ijiin .unL
ill UHJ cwur > [ Uiu wiuuliijiiwi ilfau bnrinuL
Uiulihin ; unl itftuit ulaul , tu uu
u , JO , I'bu baa
, tattw .nui < uui < iy
i'mi i' Tor
V U , -J
i. .