Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 25, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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A Oonlrito Member of the "Profcsli"
Bqneals on his Pals ,
lie Wanted to Die Stole An Overcoat
Surrey or Smith and the
Squatters OtUls nml 1C ml a
Other Local.
For ft long tlmo past it has been known
to the police of this city that an organ
ized ( rung of burglars , cracksmen and
confidence men was at work in this
city. The arrival of these crooks dates
back from about the time of the opening
of the exposition and fair last fall. The
police have done their best to combat the
invaders and in several cases have suc
ceeded admirably.
Hut through the shrewdness of the
crooks and want of criminating evi
dence , which it lias been impossible to
obtain , the authorities have been unable
to thoroughly break up the gang. That
tills is true may readily bo seen by any
one who rends the daily newspaper ac
counts ol burglaries , safe-blowing jobs
and other pieces of deviltry practiced.
Duo of the gang has turned evidence
ntralnst the others , and the Hii : : is pro-
paved to give
A cojtri.r.TE r.xi'osn
of this band of crooks , thuir names ca
reers and what they have aucoinpliHliud
in Omaha and nclgiiboring cities , their
haunts , dailv ' life , etc. , etc.
The namc'of the man who has given
up this important information will not
bo disclosed hero , for fear of the consequences
quences which would inevitably place
his life in danger at the hands of his as-
soeia'ea. It is only necessary to say
that he is well known to the police and
has repeatedly been arrested. A few
weeks ago ho was arrested with two
other men on a charge of highway rob-
bory. Ho with ono of the mon was re
leased a day or HO ago , on a technicality ,
while the third man was convicted and
sent to the penitentiary for a term of
years. The man who has made this im
portant confession expresses himself as
heartily sick of the treatment which he
lias , since his stav in Omaha , received
from liis associates , and expresses his in
tention of reforming.
Whether these intentions arc honest
and will bo carried nut matters little here.
It is the intention of this article to give
space toTill
made bv this man , and which have never
before teen made public.
Ho was closeted v/ith a reporter for the
Urn : for several hours yesterday , and the
details of his exposure wore accurately
transcribed to paper. In making tins
confession his only stipulation was that
his niimesoould not bo published. " 1'or , "
he said , "if you do you give me away , 1
shall be
jiUKonuF.n nv THESE ME.V.
"They would have no mercy for mo. "
"In the lirst place , " he continued , "I'll
give you Hie names of the gang of crooks
who have worked Omaha for six months
past. The loaders of the gang are
Johnny Murray , 1'atsov Kelly , better
known"as 'Curly the Tough' and John
Carroll , known as Torky. ' These men
arc thorough all-round crooks , and a
harder trio of men it would be dillicult
to find in the country- They understand
the art of burglary and 'cracking-cribs'
thoroughly. They are known nil over
the United States as expert 'box-men , '
or safe-blowers. Murray , the head man
of the outlit , is about CO years of age.
He was brought upas a pupil of 'Molhc'
Matches , the
now doing time at Jolict , Ills. lie has
also been an associate of such noted safe-
blowers as 'Red' Lciry and Jemmy
llogun , of whom you have doubtless
hoard. He has done time in dill'crent
prisons through the states. His last term
was served , 1 think , at Canon City , Col
Torky' Carroll. Murray's fellow
loader , is just : is bad a nharaclor. Last
summer ho was released from the Canon
City , Col. , penitentiary where ho was
sent up for a 'live spot,1 ( n term of five
yearn ) for blowing a safe. IJy good be
haviorho was 'let down1 to three years.
A few weeks ago ho was arrested' with
another man tor 'pinching' ( robbing ) a
hoosier near the depot. The other fel
low was convicted ami scrtit to the peni
tentiary. Yorky was 'turned up' ( set
free ) through the intercession of ono of
the wonum in that \V. \ C. T. U. place on
Twelfth street , whom the mon know as
the 'Uuokinghiun Kid. ' The 'Buck
ingham Kid' had seen 'Yorky1 in the
county juil and though ho was anything
but prepossessing , she took a fancy to
him and interested herself in his behalf
until ho was sot free. Carroll and his
immediate pals have to my certain know
( safes ) , in Iowa within the Just two years.
Ho recently served six months in the
Canon City 'pen1 anil has also 'done'
tlmo for a safe-cracking job at Kingston ,
Ontario. He is only twenty-eight years
of ago , but has received a thorough edu
cation from
"Patsy Kelly , the third man of the
trio , who is at the head of the gang , is
also a thorough 'box-man' ( safe-blower )
nml all-around crook.
"Theso arc tiio leaders. Now I will
civoyon the names of the other mon.
They are : Johnny Mills , who received
his education In bt. Louis , whore ho is
known as the 'Kerry Patch Lad , ' hav
ing often boon brought before the 'four
Courts' for various otTonsosjMoycr , nick-
rious sneak thief ; Kd. MoUonnld , who at
OIIB time was a boll boy nt the MillardjTom
Koaton , who was sent to Lincoln for u
throo-suot ( term of three years ) for rob
bing a man on Tenth street. Selh
Kcurna and Tom Desnritt , who will do
time at Lincoln for highway robbery ,
wore also in the gang. They all train
in the sumo crowd and a bettor posted
sot of mon , in their business , it would bo
mighty hard to find , Most of them are
under thirty years of ago. Pat Cluncy is
the grandfather of the gang , Ho is sixty-
live voars of ago , white-boarded and YOU-
orable in appearance. He is n conli-
donco man , and a mighty good ono ,
too , for his looks enable him
to 'gull' a man where younger fellows
would fail. Ho 1ms boon a crook for six
ty years in fact , since ho was Hvo years
of ago. Ho has loft Omaha temporarily ,
and ! hoar ho is doinga little 'side work'
in St. Joo. Patsy Kelly , alias 'Curloy ,
the 'lough,1 is almost as slock a 'con-
man' as Clancy , though ho is very much
Younger. Ho and Clancy are responsible
for most of the confidence games that
have boon worked about here lately , "
"How did you happen to como to
"Tho 'gang' decided to make Omaha
their headquarters in September last. A
man was sent here to look over the
around , and after 'nosing around' ho re
ported that this city and surround
ing territory atlbrdod a splendid
liold of operations. Murray and Carroll ,
thn men who wuroat that time working
in Kansas City , came on at once , arriving
hero on the Saturday that the exposition
closed. The other men in the gang
dropped in about the same time , by ones
nml twos , bo as not to attract the atten
tion of the police authorities , If you
tuko the trouble to look oVer the lacs'
of the daily papers , you will find that
from that time on until the present , high
way robberies , burglaries and safe blow
ing jobs , conlidcnco games , have been
of daily and nightly appearance. The
papers blamed Marshal Cummings as re
sponsible for the
"That's ridiculous , I tell you. lo ) you
suppose that Cummings and his thirty
men could break up n gang like tins ,
with such mon as Murray , Carroll and
Kelly at the head of it men whom the
keenest detectives and the experienced
police of larger cities have failed to sift
down ? "
"How do tlinso crooks regard Omaha
as a ficlu for operations ? "
"Well , to toll you the truth , this city is
rcgardeil the best ono of its size In Amer
ica , for crooks. Wo are all 'onto' that
fact. The boys all have the police system
of Omaha spotted as 'n. g. ' Thoj haven't
nearly enough policemen on the force ,
not nearly enough detectives. Of course
there are some good men on the force ,
but many of them arc regular 'hams. ' "
"Do you know of any jobs done lately
by the pang ? "
"Yes. The City Steam Laundry safe
was blown open by the Murray gang
and about $150 in money obtained , Heal
& Hebron's safe was also blown and sev
eral hundred dollars taken. The Omaha
mills' safe blown ( on .Ninth and Fantam )
was one of the last jobs. Wo got only a
few odd dollars out of that because the
proprietor had taken out most of the
casli the Saturday night previous to the
Sunday on which we did the job. Storz
t& Her s safe blowing was also ono of the
jobs of the gang. About $200 was real
ized out of that. Some papers wore alro
obtained which wore valueless to any of
the gang. Some time ago the boys took
a run ( town to Hastings and blew the
safe of W. L. Edwards , a coal dealer
down there. For three weeks his place
was carefully watched and it was found
that on the night of the 'job' it had
12,200 in it. The boys used
powder ami by some mistake
put in more than they ought to
hayo done. The consequence was that
the whole door of the sate was blown oil'
and smashed through the front window ,
making a terrific noise. This alarmed
the boys and they searched the safe has
tily , getting only ? 150 where they ought
to hayo had over $3,009. And those bur-
lanes in David City , which caused such
a sensation a few weeks ago they wore
the work of the gang. The postolhuo was
robbed of $000 in cash and about $500 in
stamps. 1 think , altogether the boys
made about ! f2 , 00 out of their work
there. The stamps wore afterwards sold
for about half their value. "
"Where are the headquarters of the
gang in this city ? "
"At W. Hertz's restaurant and hotel at
210 South Tenth strcoet. Nearly all the
ganc are located right at that place. "
"Docs HorU know this ? "
"I ilon't think that he docs. As long
as the men pay their bills ho doesn't care
who or what they aro. "
"How long does the gang expect to
work in Omaha ? "
"Just as long as the men can find any
thing to do. From present appearances
they will stay here just as long as they
please. "
now TIM ; WOHK is DONE.
"Tho specialty of the gang , " continued
the man , in replying to a question of the
reporter , "is safe blowing. Of course
that is a dillicult and dangerous branch
of burglary , but it is the most profitable.
When the men make up their mind to
blow the safe in n store , they watch the
place for days and sometimes weeks ,
before the job'comes oil' . ' They cot a
perfect diagram of the place , find out
about the habits of the cashier , whether
lie is in the habit of 'banking' every
day , how much money he generally loaves
in tiio safe at night , and whether there is
a 'kipper1 about the place at night. By
'kipper' I mean a man who
sleeps around a place at night , to guard
it. When all these details are known
then the job is ready to 'come off. '
Three men are generally detailed to do
the work. Ono watches outside and the
other two work inside. There are two
wnysof blowing a safe by using powder
or by using the drill , chisels and ham
mer. The best workmen generally use
the last method. \ \ hen powder is used a
hole is drilled into the safe near the lock
by means of a. powerful Morse drill ,
which will cut almost anything. W hen
the hole is drilled deep enough , a little
powder is put in with a blowpipe , and
then it is touched off. This cither blows
the safe door oil' the hinges , or better still ,
"Tho door is then easily opened. When
a drill , punch , chisel and hammer aroused
used , tiio hole is cut into the lock by
means ot drills and then by means of
the proper tools , the lock is cracked to
pieces and drops down. This method is
more ditlieult , but is not so noisy or
bungling as the powder plan. "
"How do these men spend their
money ? "
"Thoy make money easy enough , and
they spend it jus > t as rapidly. It all goes
"to say nothing of drinking. Every night
these fellows hold carousals in the dif
ferent houses of ill-llunio on Ninth ,
Tenth streets and Capitol avenue , occa
sionally spending hundreds of dollars in
ono night. Some of them are 'dead
anxious' to spend their evening in gam
bling houses , bucking faro. Then they
drink expensive wines land whiskies ,
and that costs money. The consequence
a that they never save anything ,
and while they may have hundreds of
dollars one week , they are liable to have
nothing the next. Johnny Murray , the
prince of the gang , generally cots the
lion's bhiiro , and yet the moat money I
over sftw him have at ono time was $700 , "
Hero the interview closed. The fellow
repeated his earnest desire that his name
bo withheld until ho was far away from
Omaha and safe from the vengeance of
his fellow-crooks. Ho reiterated his be
lief that his former pals , after tlto dis
closures lie had made , would not hesitate
Ho intends to leave Omaha at once ,
witli the determination of.reforming.
"Tho police have been watching mo
since I was released , " ho declared , ' .
I am liable to bo arrested any minute
for a suspicioua character. I've had
enough of your jail hero and so 1 slinll
bid Omaha and Nebraska good-byo. "
Krrp it Borneo t lie People.
That South Omaha property is a safe and
sure investment. Get a lot there before
prices are advanced.
( J. K. Mayno , Heal Estate and Trust Co. ,
15th and Haruoy.
English , Gorman , DnttUli , Swedish ,
n fact all languages are spoken in the
oillco of W , If. Albright , the real estate
owner und dealer , 218 South 15th St. All
clashes and all nationalities purchase of
him , and you cannot do better than se
cure a lot in his valuable addition to
South Omaha , known as
Ai.iimaiiT's CHOICE.
w , O. Albright has other property , improved -
proved anil unimproved , in all parts of
the city , and oilers the best bargains ,
Stole an Overcoat ,
F. C. Wilson was arrested by Ofllcor
Ha/o at the depot yesterday morning , on
a teli'gmra from ( Jrand Island which
state that he had stolen an overcoat from
a hotel in that city. Wilson was lodged
in jail. Ho admits his guilt.
AV. O. Albrlciit's South Omaha Oflico
will bo opened soon In charge of Mr.
John M , Campbell , who will have horses
and buggies ready at. nil times to'convey
intending purchasers to the valuable busi
ness and residence property known as
* ? J8 I ? * ° f y Property through wh'icji
the , y. P. and H. & Al. H. lUs. . arfo B&Ilo-
vue uTonuo vunV .
A Younc Man Who Thought ho Would
Iilko to Uic.
Yesterday a young man sccdlly dressed
and with a general woo-bcgono expres
sion on his face , walked into Gaulish's
drug store , Twelfth and Dodge , and loan
ing on the counter , said "I am tired. "
"Yes , "said the clerk : "been out all
night ? "
"Naw , naw , " replied the stranger con
temptuously , "I'm tired o1 lifo. I'm go
ing to kill myself. "
"Sol" answered the clerk , razor , re
volver , rope , or rough on rats route ? "
Without paying any attention to this
question the stranger took a piece of
paper and scribbled a few words on it.
u "Send mv body to this place as soon as
yo hear of my death , " ho said to the
clerk , solemnly. .
So far as the writing could bo de
ciphered , the inscription on ono sldo was
as follows : "My right name is Hob Hack-
ctt. " On the other side was the inscrip
tion : "Please send my remains to Miss
Clara Kay. Shelby , Shelby county , Iowa. "
"Those are the last words I shall over
write. " ho said , pathetically. "Now I
want to buy two bits worth of morphine. "
The dark mixed u dose of corn starch
and quinine and handed it to the follow
with the remark : "Swallow that at ono
duso. 1 won't ' charge you anything for
it. "
% 'J lie tollow took the dose and went off.
As no violent death has yol been re
ported to the coroner , it is safe to assume
that "Bob Hackett" is still in the land
of the living. _
The South Omaha Land company have
appointed C. E. Mayno solo agent for the
sulo of their lots. Ho will show the prop
erty and furnish all desired information
uiion application.
[ Signed ] W. A. PAXTON , President.
South Omahn.
The future great Packiugtown of the
west lies on the main line of the Union
Pacific railroad , by which the cattle and
hogs from the farms and ranges of the
west and northwest arrive.
is the only property through which the
Union Pacilio railroad runs , and is there
fore the Best Addition in South Omaha.
W. G. ALBIUGHT , Solo Owner ,
SIS South 1 5th S
Stray Leaves J''rom a Iteportcr's Xoto
"That item about the clerk at the post-
oflico delivery window giving Eek , the
bicycle rider , the letter bore the
simple inscription , 'To the Greatest
Man on earth'was a pretty good one , "
said a sporting man to a reporter yester
day , "but there is a funny incident back
of it. The day that Eck and his hand
some trainer and backer , Steve Carlisle ,
arrived in town , they went to the post-
otlico. Eck , in his humorously pompous
way , approached the young lady at the
general delivery window , ami asked if
there was any mail there for the greatest
man in the world. The young lauy at the
window cast an eye to a box near at hand
and sweetly replied , 'No , Mr. Prince lias
just been after his mail. ' Thu shock was
too much for Eck , and ho would have
fainted had not Carlisle como to the res
cue. That Eck is a great man. "
"Tliero goes a man , " said a policeman
to n reporter yesterday , "who ought to
bo run out of town. He has earned the
title of 'Jakcy , the Vag , ' and deserves it.
He has been in Omaha for nearly a year
and has not done a day's work , although
he claims to bo n plumber and work in
that line is always good. Ho * lias been
hanging around a colored dive all sum
mer. I could stand this if ho was a single
man and had no one dependent upon
him. i learned , however , the other day
that he has a wife east who is in reduced
circumstances and that his poor old
mother is sick and in a hospital. I'm so
completely disgusted with the cuss > that
I'm apt to knock the head oil'of him if I
meet him on my beat some dark night.1
* #
The Sporting Lite's representative in
St. Joe predicts that the Omaha club will
have fifth place in the Western league at
the close of the season's playing. Kansas
City is placc-d first , St. Joe second ,
Leavenworth third , Hastings fourth ,
Omaha fifth , Topeka sixth , Lincoln sov-
pntli , ami Denver eighth. This is amus
ing , to saj the least. Stub Handle's
team have already ordered a ihigstnn"
for the pennant of ' 87 , and will place
their season's wages on the result.
To thn Puljllc.
In the management of the vast real es
tate business which is transacted by the
C. E. Mayno Heal Estate & Trust Co. ,
must necessarily depend to a great ex
tent on my employes ; and I have always
endeavored to secure only reliable and
energetic men of good judgment and
business ability , and by allowing proba
bly the highest salaries paid by any ono
in Omaha , I have been able to surround
myself with men of the highest abilities :
Among such were Samuel Cotnor and
Goo. 11. Fitchott , who have resigned
their position with me and have opened a
real estate ollice at 1005 Howard st. , under
the name and style of Cotncr & Fitchctt.
Mon who have served so faithfully , and
shown such untiring zeal and energy for
me cannot but prosper in business for
themselves : I can cheerfully recommend
thorn to the public asrcliablo.indiistrious ,
and competent ; their judgment in real
estate values being among the best and
can bo relied upon. That they may make
as great a success in their business as
they have helped to make of mine is my
earnest wish. C. E , MAYNE.
nusincsB Clianco.
A first-class business in ono of the larg
est cities of the state for sale. Showing
of largo profit can bo made since estab
lished. Small capital required. Satis
factory reasons for selling. Address D 72 ,
HeoOllico. _ _
They Are Wanting Tlmo nnrt Money on
the Ulvor Uottoms.
OMAHA , Feb. 21. To the Editor of the
DEE : It occurs to mo that something
should bo said to a few deluded people
who are building "squatter" houses
along and in the old abandoned river
bed north of the recent cut-ofl' .
If they are seeking to gain possession
of lands for which they hold questionable
title , or tax liens , it is all right , but if
they are making a settlement with a view
to preempt or otherwise to secure land
from the government , they are sadly off
their base.
The title to this abandoned river bed is
vested in the owners of the fractional lots
bordering upon it. The purchaser of
each ono of these lots from the govern
ment secured in addition thereto the un
questionable right to the thread or center
of the stream and no more , no less , f
A large stream llko the Missouri river
is surveyed or "meandered" for two
very important purposes First , to se
cure a true record of its location m the
world , and second , to determine the area
of the available land in the fractional lots
that border on its margin.
These meander lines are run by the
government surveyors when sectionizlnic
the townships through which the
etrcam runs'or which border on its clian
del , and a careful record of the survey is
preserved. These meander lines mark
the borders of the legal pr ofllclal fiver
and determine the location or boundary
lirics of. states or counties' when declared
' '
. . < "Vv
such , as "thcnco txlonjc the channel of
said stream , old , , otc. "
The river may , and often docs , by wash
ing awaj its bnnk traverse across these
lines and beyond , opening an entirely
now channel a long way inland. If it was
a navigable stream oofore it left its
official bed , it Ji a navigable stream in
the now ono. THe abandoned river bed
is certainly not navigable. It has carried
with it the right df navigation over pri
vate property , but not its re
corded location , nor the state
or county boundary , nor the lines
defining the property of individuals.
Those are fixed in the world by a base
line and a meridian and do not change ,
and may bo readily rcdellncdif lost sight
of. Like a public highway or road , when
this stream abandons its surveyed location
the adjacent property meets in its center ,
or midway between the right and left
bank meander lines.
This abandoned river bed is nart of the
adjacent fractional lots and is owned in
the same title.
Uuelo Sum has no land In this vicinity
that ho can dispose of the second tlmo.
A Ilnro Cliunco ,
During the latter part of January and
the first part of February wo sold 50 aero
lots in Solomon's addition. This cleans
them all up and Mr. Solomon now wishes
to sell his home , consisting of 00 acres of
land , the very lincst part of the whole
tract , for $00,000 , including his two-story
brick resilience and barns. The improve
ments cost over $30,000. , This is n bar
gain. A man can easily get $75,000 to
$100,000 out of the land by platting into
lots anil have all the improvements and
a beautiful plat of ground loft. Will soli
for small cash payment and the balance
on ton years' time at 7 per cent.
15th and Hartley.
Business IH IliiHlncss
and Heal Estate is valuable only whore
there is HUSI.NESS. Purchasers should
bear this in mind and not buy lots far
away from the center of business , just
because tlioy are cheap.
lies in the great industrial and commer
cial mart of South Omaha and the im
mense business interests there insure a
rapid advance of values. Eighty acres
adjoining Albright's Choice arc reserved
for some of the largest establishments in
the world.
W. G. ALB1UGI1T , Solo Owner.
218 South 15th St.
Another Hit ; Ilcal Estate Deal.
Omaha will soon bo up to Wichita and
some other towns one-third its size in re
gard to real estate prices. Yesterday the
lot nearly opposite the Merchants hotel
on Faruam was sold for $7o,000. This is
about the last lot available for building
purposes between Thirtcecnth and Six
teenth streets that will likely bo for sale
for the next few years as nearly all others
have buildings upon them too valuable
to destroy. Two different parties claim
to bo the buyers. Hush \ : Solby , the
agents , gave u Kansas City party the re
fusal of the property until Tuesday even
ing , and were also negotiating with a Mr.
Cary , of Omaha , wiiom they hud told
could have the property after 5 o'clock
if no word was received from the Kansas
City man. Promptly at 5 p. m. Mr. Cury
handed Hush & JSolby a check for $1,000
to bind the bargain and in loss than ten
minutes a Western Union boy handed
them a message also accepting the oiler.
The question will likely have to be set
tled as to whether "Tuesday evening"
ended at 5 o'clock.
Thispowiier nevervarici. A marvel of
purity , btrength and vvholesomeness More
economic than the ordinary kimU and
cannot be sold in competition \viih the mul
titude of low test , short weight alum or
phosphate powders. Sold only in cans.
Royal Baking Powder Co.ilOG Wall street ,
New York.
At tlioUlglitmt mnrttot prlco. . Send for prlco
ftirrcnt to the Old Itullntilo Furrli'is nnd Fur
Merchants. Kbtahllahnd IBM.
A. B. HUHIvIIAUI > T & CO. ,
1 13 West Fouith nnd ] | nnd 114 Unlit r Street ,
Importer's ' Prices
ci Wormy Velna of tb. truium. orttn < AC -
tatd oiw < of st Manhood . , Debility , * c. ,
ElBBtlc i Cradle-
e , ainjutia , CneulM Frti. -
&IH57 , 171 feus fit. .
tertni. Good
XtUtMl T/pf *
As the spring seasoi approaches and we are desirou of starting
out with an entire fresh line of Fancy Percale Shirts , we have de
cided to close out all those on hand now at a great sacrifice regard
less of cost , and offer them for one week at aboiit 50c on the dollar.
The quantity to be thus slaughtered is 85 doz , , classed in three
different lots , as follows :
Lot 1. Comprises fine French Percale Shirts , with three collars
and separate cuffs , of beautiful designs , which have been selling at
$1.25 , $1.50 and $1.75 ; their mice now is 75c each.
Lot 2. Comprises genuine Percale Shirts in a large variety of
styles , which have been selling at 75c , 85c and $1 ; their price now
is 50c each.
Lots. Comprises Percale Shirts with collars and cuffs , which
have been selling for 50c. They are very pretty patterns in stripes
and small figures ; their price now is 25c each.
We still have full variety and all sizes , and at above prices we
have put them within the reach of everybody. This is one of the
greatest opportunities for laying in a good supply of shirts at the
lowest prices ever known.
Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha.
O EOT A t > 3 A
13th St .Car. Capitol
Chronic & Surgical Diseases.
DR. McMEliA"nfYProp-'otov. ) !
Sirteen jtarV Hospital nncl 1'rlvnto I'ncUco
Wo have the facilities , eppuratnt and remedies
for the Buccciefnl treatment of every form of ( lie.
rasa rcnulrlnj ; cither medical or eiir lcal trcAtmetit ,
find Invite nil to come mid Invtetlgate for themselves
or correspond with u . Long ciiiorlcnco In treat
Inp cnccs lijr letter enables us to treat man ; cntoa
scientifically without ai'elne them.
WniTK rOH ( MUGULAK on Deformities rind
liracCB , Club Feet , Curvatures of the Spliic
IUCA ES op WOM K , I'lln , Tumnn , Cancero ,
Catarrh , Bronchltti , Inhalation , Electricity , 1'
yiU , Kpllcptr , Kidney , Kyc , Ear , Skin , Blood and
all operations.
Unttorlps , Inhnlem , Drnrro , TruMcn , an )
all.lclnd * of Medical and Snrglcal Appliances , man
ufactured and for laic
The only Tollable niedleal Institute making
Private , Special Nervous Diseases
rA srKciAr.Ty.
from whatever can ee produced , sucetia fully treated
Wo c.iu remove. Sjphllltlo pol > on from the system
without mercury.
New reiitorntivetreatment for lots \ltnlpower
Call anil consult or cend r.amo ntid post-ofrtrc
aJdresi plainly written enclose stamp , and We
will Bend you , In wrnpuir , our
cy , SYPHILIS , ( loNcnimixA , GLEET , VARICV > CEL ,
SrniOTL'nE , AMD Atl. uijcinns or TUB QCNITO-
UniNAiiT OIIUANJ , orcecahUtory of jour cue for
mi opinion. * > t'r'
Persons imahlc ti visit na mny he treated at their
hornet , hy correspondence. Murtlclnen and Instruments
monts cnt by mill or cjcprcse SECUHKLY I'At'IC
KI ) FKOM OIWIiKVATIO.V. no marks to Indicnla
contents or sender. One personal interview preferred
ferred If convenient. Fifty rooms for the ircom
modathm of patient * Iloaid nnd ntteudunco ill
reasonable prices. Address H Lcttcra to
Omaba Medical and Surgical institute ,
or. ISIhSt. cnCCinllnl A\o. . OMi'K ' 0 -
The best Suits made to order
from $25 to 88/5 / , at
1001 Farnnn st , , Cor. lOtlt.
Poison the System with Nnusc
DrtiRs.Dr.IIorno'H Electric licit Cures
Diseases Without Medicines.
Will Positively Cure Without Jreilicino
I'ulMBln Ihe buck , hlpj , bond nrllmbi ; Kervoui lie-
bllUy.I.nnibnua.Ounerul Debility , llhoumntltm , I'.ir-
nl7li. Ncurul/lH , ricln'lca , bl oa e of Klilneri. Bl'l- '
nul IH oa e , Tor pM I.lnr , ( lout , Aithmn , Ilrart 01-
c'Bfea. l > yepl.'pMH.Ci > nitlpntlun , Krytlpelm , Imlluev
lion , Iniuolrnrr , Cmnrrli. iMtu , Kpllepiy , Ague , IJU-
betp > , IljJrocu , Uxhuustlon.
Note the Following who were Cured
A.J. 8. 1'urHor.J. M. Hailett. U on of tradu ] B , W. Kurnhum , American Kcpmi
Co. i A. Urfcorr. coramlnlon merchunt. block \utat.
C.Town > cn < l. t'nlmor llouiei lluil.l . DoUlo , theorem
horscnmm I'ol. Connelly , of the Inter -Ocean. 8. W.
llurrU. JUtiKrleet : H.M. I > STI. | Hixrotury American
lor oman ; J. I * . SheulTer.ajl Mudltonat i J.C. Mraltu ,
} eweU'r. HJMadliun t..ullnrChlcni > : < ; . W. Ilellui ,
1. 1) , Morrnontown.lowa ; Lemuel Milk , Kunkukoe ,
III. JuilKol.N. Murrr.Nuperrllla. ! ! ! . , and hundreds
of other * rcpre entlni : nearly ererr town In the
Union. Alto elm-trio uelu for Indie * . Call or eend
tump for Illuitroted vatitlouuo , Open dullr. * lo
renuiB > and Mmdara. Klectrla Ku peniorle free
andtill Slulelleln. llawnroof bou compiiile witli
iniinrulluoes. i > elllnu w rtblo gooJs. with onlrGtu
13 elutnenu All my hells contain Z ) elomenti or
butterlet , Hence hare four time * tha poner anl
quantity of electricity. Honeil KUOJI uud liont'it
itcMlnifli the motto.
Dlt.J.W.IOHXEl ] nVulmsi-avChicniro !
Inrpntor , 1'roprlctor nnd Manufacturer.
E. T. ALLEN , M. D.
Eye , Ear , Nose & Throat
Room 0 Williams Huilding , cor. 10th and
Dodge 6 ts. , Omaha.
Hours 8 to 12 4m. 3 to 4 and 7 to 8 p , m
Lawrence Ostrom & Co.
Is Death to Consumption ,
Malaria , Sleeplessness ,
Chills anil Covers Or Insomnia , and
Typhoid Foyer. Dissimulation ,
Indigestion , 01 Food ,
Dyspepsia , Ten Yours Old ,
Surgical Fevers No Fusel Oil ,
Blood i'olsoniiir Absolutely Pure ,
This will eertlfytlnt I hnro examined the Iinr.U ! OF BOtJIinjSVHISKi" , received from Hw
nn-VCEOsrutrMA Co.nml found thcsmo to l > > pcrfjctly free fro-n Kmol Oil nn1 nil othir doletir
oussubitnncesnnd strictly puro. 1 cheerfully resommcml the name for r.unllynnt Medicinal purposus
J. 1' . IIAHNL'M , M. 1) . . Anilytl il Chomlit , I-'jul vlllo , Ky.
rorsalohynriisitlsti , WlnoMerchantnnd Grocers overywherI'rlco ! I.2i porhottlo.
Ifnotfoundatlhoauovo. hair doyen uottlos , express jiil.1In plain bo.tei , will be ont to nnynldrass
In the United Stiites or Camidn , on receipt of nix dollars.
LAWRENCE OSTKOM & Co. Louisville , Ky
Wholesale and Distributing Agents ,
11IC1TA KDSOX nil UG CO. , nnd )
inisliY , C DILLON , Wholcsttla Liquor Dealers , \ Omaha.
Families supplied lindLADS'lONK 1HIOS. cCCO. , Omahn.
1L T. CLA11K DliVG CO. ,
Tliero U not a cfxiklrm apparatus mala mlng Ik *
Solid Ovrni Door , but that thu INS In nelcht of me t Is
from twontjr-flvato forty per cent , of tLo meat routed ,
laotber Kordiarlbof beofVTulichliiK t < m | iountls it
runttod medium to null-dona will lu. thrmpound ! ,
Tha Hamo reacted in the Charter Oak
Banco ualnor the Wire Qauxo Oven Door
VjBZr loses about ono pound
.i 5 To allow moat tonUrlnk ! to loin R lirr * po'tlon of
- Iti jalcc * ftiitl fluror. lh tlhitw do not b'tpuraUj , UI.J
I FOR lltUSTRATEO UIBCUUR3 ANO PRICE IISTS. It Lvcouiui tough , taiUiois uuJ iiuiaUtoulila.
I' . KENNKV . . . . .GuicnoN. CE'ITLE& FACJL'K , KRAI.MJN.
l.KASS&CO , CIIAPIIOH , J O. GRKKN Siiiiwsuuiic ! ,
The C , E , Mayne Eeal Estate and Trust Co ,
Property of nvery description tor sale mall parts of the city , hawis foi sale iu
every county in Nebraska.
O/Titlof of Douglas county kept. Maiis of the city state or county , or any other
Information desired furnished free of charge upon application.
a * V * * rf 1
Tni 1 I NERVm if r '
I HI A Li Vi i Ui"iiyjiV i
I 11IO " * l r/ Lou > i. L l MM U 7 .
f Dr. . Chase's ' Last Receipt Boot
( . ilaudcroonln * norfc of hlillfe. JiiUout. Oat A
Ke. ' V , ll , UiivxiistM * Co. , Lltlrolt , MUU.