Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 25, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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Advertisements under thli bend. 10 cent * , per
line lor the first Insertion. 7 cents for each sub
sequent Insertion , and (1.50 a line per month
No adTcrtlscmont taken for less than 25confa
for tlio flrtt Insertion. Seven words will bo
counted to the line : thcr must run consecu
tively find must bo pnldln ndvnnce. All adver-
tliem etits must be handed In before 1 :39 : o'clock
p.m. , nnd under no circumstances will theybe
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Parties edrertif In ? In those lolumns find bar-
Jnrlhe answers fi-drecied In care of Tint 1U
will nlenso nsk for a check toenablo tlioro to get
their letters , as none will bo delivered except
on m-esentntlon of chock. All answers to ad-
vertfsomonts should bo enclosed In envelopes.
MONP.V to loan on Improved city property nt
R per cent. Money on hand : donothnvo
to wnlt Hnv on complete set of nb .trnct boohs
of Dnuglns county. I. N , Wntson , Mnnngcr
Hnrrlslleul IMntu nnd Lonn Co. , 3208,15th st.
853 ,
ONKYto loan nn ronl oMnto nndchnttols
S. Knlz A Co. 1511 Farnam St. , down stairs.
TV1ONF.Y TO LOAN on improveil real pstnto ;
Ail. no commission chnrgo < l. Lonvltt lluru-
Vinm , Hootn 1 Crelghton lllock. 140
MONUY to lonn. Klhs Ilron. , real estsuj nnd
lonn ngents , room 17 , Whitnell block , cor.
Uth nnd Hnrnoy. 095
_ . . . lonn ou iinproviil city property ,
very lowoit n-tcs. C. J. Cnswcll , room H ) .
Nebraska Nnt'lbnnk. t'37 ' ml7
T OAN8 1-oans Loans.
llf nl rMatc lonns ,
Collnterlnl loans.
Clmttfl lonns.
I/on t line lonn * . .
Short time lonns.
Money nlwnys on hnnd tn lonn on any ap
proved security.
Investment necuntlci bought find sold.
Omahn Hnunclnl Kxchango , n. w. cor. 15th
nnd Hnrnov.
Corbott , Monger. Ml
TVT ° NiY : toTon. cnsh on delay.
* l J. W nnd F. U Bcjulro , 1413 Fnrnum St. ,
I'm Ion lintel building. 1C3
fl500 ) TO bOAN nt 6 per cent J. J. Ma-
I' honey , 1509 Parnnm. W5
Piit : CliNT Money.
H. C , Patterson. nnd llnrncy. 3.17
MONl'.Y to lonn In sums to suit , from $1,000
to $50,000 ; 110 delay.
B i.ith st 8 jm2i
OJSO.OOO to loan. Sums t500 nnd upwards ,
P Lowest rates. Homls , room a , llurkcr block ,
8. W. cor. 15th mid Fnrnmnits. U2fl
MONRV I'lrst mortirnBO notes. The Tloiiftlns
county bank will buy pupors secured by
iflrst nioi-tKOgo on city ronity. _ U2J
l-Elt CiisT-Monny : to loun.
Gregory i Ilndloy ,
Itooms 1 nnd 3 , Itetlick tilock , ilio S. 15th St ,
rpo LOAN Money Ixiuus placed on lin-
X proved real e < ilnto In city or county for
New iiiRlmid : loim , V Trust Co. , by Uou Ias
rounty bank. ICth nnd Clilcnio sts. WJ
ONHV TO UAN-On ) city nnd farm prop-
orty.low lutes. Btowurt & Co. , Itoom 3
iron bank. B30
ONKV TO LOAN-O F. Iavl ) < & Co. , real
estate nnd loan ngcnts , 1& > X > I'linum KL
ONI1V TO IjOAN'-On ruiU oJtnto nnd chat-
tcls. I ) . J > Tliomas. U33
_ _ _
( C500,000 To lonn on Omnhii city property nt 0
P per cent. 0. W. Dny. over 1312 Douglas sU
_ _ _ _
" 111 ONISV TO LOAN by the nudorslinod , who
J-'l has the only properly orpanlzoJ lonn
CRonor In Omnlm. Loans of $10 to J1UO made
on ftirnlturo , plunos , orKims , horses , wiurons ,
machinery , Ac , without removal. No delays.
All business strictly confidential. 'Louim so
inndo that any part can bepnld nt nny Imo.oacb
Jinymont rcducmi ; the cost pro rata. Advanced
jiittdii on fine watches nnd diamonds. Persons
should carefully consider who thcynro donllnff
vlth , as mnuy now concerns iiro dally comliur
Into existence. Should you need monr-y cull
mid p e mo. W. It. Croft , Hoom 1 Wlthnoll
lliilldliig , l.rith nnd Ilnrney. KJ4
ONEY LOANKDntC. F. llcod & Co.'s Loan
OHIco , onfurnltiiro.plunos , horses.waKons ,
personal property of all kinds , nnd nil ether nr-
tlelcsof value , without removitl. 810 8.13th.
over HltiKliiiin'H t'omml < slon store. All busl-
iit'ga strictly eonfldontlnl. U35
\\rANTRD-CapItallst ormnnufnturer to tnke
T tiiilf stock tn a factory to work from tBO
to 200 hands. Call lit Ocldcnlul hotel nud Inves-
IlltHtc , nrchltPctH nnd builders spoclallr invited
by t-nmplca. E. Motcalf.
FOIl SALE-Manufacturing nnd wholesnlo
business. Established three yeurs and will
ritiiku good showing. Good reasons for selling.
Address , stating-where you may bo soc , F , G ,
cure llee. bCfl m2
FOH BALK Restaurant nnd Icocrenm pnrlor ;
doing good business ; good reasons for soil-
Ing. Inquire F. Ebcncr , 2013 Curalngst.Omaha.
"IIUHt S.VLKFlour and food ftoro ; splendid
L location , ( loln n irnod business ; best of
rouioiis for Belling- . Address I1 U , lieo ofllcc.
702 2 *
FOIt SAI.r. or rent Kostnu-nnt nnd bakery
o < | iiippudi the only bakery In town. Ad-
jressj. If. Uund , 122024th St. . Omuluu 77724 *
'Kloll BALK Or trndo for city property Meat
J- ' market In ono of the bust locations In thu
city , flalos J2.000 per month.
Actlk-o llenl Katuto and Property Exchange ,
_ _ _ _ _ _
USTN HS3 OHAN'CK-nank wniitoil T wnnt
to buy n bunk In some Inland to n In Nu-
liniM.uor would start n new ono If proper lo-
nitlon wnsolToiod. Address li 07 Ilea olllcu ,
Tj'OK HALK Cisir , tohncfo. flutlohery niid
J-1 news store. Excellent bu.lnujs. Address
K 70 lli'B olllcu. 70S ni *
illOIl 8ALK A Kfiieral stock of merchandise
.1. nt cost. In a live town Xi tn 4U mill' * H. U. of
Omaha , Also Rood house , stouo atoro building ,
nnd town lot * . Had hen th cause of leaving ,
< ! oed hound business Apulj ,
1612 rnrnuiii st. , Oninha. 71)1,20.
| 7\0lf \ SALlf-'Dully nnd weekly miuspaporln
J- rapidly growlnir town ; coiuptuto ttonm
news , joli und book umdlnt ? outlll , all nnw.
Mili'iidld opportunity fur live , en-wllo mnn
with n little capital. Vuluo of plant , 4,500 ,
rnih roijulrcd unly f.VW : lotiir tlmu on balunco.
Good roueoun for soiling. 11 71 , Ueo olllec.
'TPOH BALli-l.uiubur , fr.un and coal buslnrai
Iono of the brst points In rnntrul NchnnkH.
jnJJ. 5.-M , H. It. llnrriron Amlilur \ Ambler ,
aooin 20 , Nnlionnl bank. DfO
"I7 > OH BALK Or'oxchanKO for dry ( roods ICO
J' acres in I'latie Co. , Neb : Improved farm ,
frame hnuso and bain , Address HOT 4M. Cu-
lum tins , Nob. _ as 5
"I7MJH 8AI.I : Iloiiidlu ) ; huiiso and restaurant ;
J-1 SlW ri'.ulur hoarder * . Apply No. 510 South
10th street. _ _ _ _ [ ffi ay
' TTOIt BALK Lumber yard nnd residence In
1 -i-1 Uouthwesturu Iowa.Vell located und do *
biiFinoss. Uood ittatotiK tor foiling.
U. g , , Hoe oince. 833 m b
\\rANTKD tttocit ofdfy trpodi , i
ii lurnlshlngKOOusor boots nnd Hlioosin
exchange for Omahn. real estntu. Sohlpeln.'cr
Uros..BMJK10tl st. 175 in 3
FOIt HALU Or trade bakery anJ coufeo-
tloiuiry. Inquire Kopp , Prclbus & Co ,
Omaha , Nth. V3X ro 1
"TTOII SALU-Hulf liuerost in onn of tbo test
Jpnylnirdrui ; stores In southwoitorn IOWH ,
> pllal r < xjulreJ , $ _ ,6i)0l Address l 41) ) , | it of-
iioo. _ _ _ _ _ ins
BANK for sale in a new rapidly growing town
of riOOInhahltnntH , line dnposlta. Monuy
lonns from 3 to 4 | > nri-ont. monthly. A splendid
rhnnco. Address D'Jtl. HfCMiltlco. _ 016
BUSINESS CHANt'P.Stock"Groccnos nnd
Mi'Htmarket for sale. Fluntt Uiuntlon in
Dnmlm. Doing an uxoollont business. Address ,
FOlFSALK Or trade for nirictuinJIt > , 40
ncrei of Ko 1 ( arm luud near Grand
iGland. C. J , Cnnnn 441
H FlJSi.S lKlB.raric8.Lnnii3-nionry loaned ,
Iteinli.rooiu 1. Darker block B , VV. cur ,
15th and t'urimjutj , y3f
"ITVIU tJALKHardwaro'liiisinets - We "offer
X' oil ) their mid bravy hardware business for
inlf , together with our leqte nnd Ki > od will.
] 'rauo iNrreit In the city and location the host.
Itetlrlnp from the business raube for colllnc
The lluum Ilurdwuro Co. , 10-K O t. , Lincoln ,
" | 3KllSONAIr- . Dr. Kimm. V. Wurren
Jclair > Oant. Medical and bunln ( Medium
lloom Ko. a , Kl Korlh Idtb t. .Omaha , Neb.
Tt bT-At tluo Manll Oihs Tuei , evoa largo
J varrln..irun , Lcavo at 1515 Douylas ,
I < l.-T-A pur-o , on Howard or South tttu
il < ticnt. ItemrtftoUootn . 9. , K lck'e ! Hlou-- .
K 'KMfTvEbtoSHHal'rthst. KnowoM & Bar-
rott. wi-ss
TVTOTJCE is hereby given that Lot No. 1 Hlook
-L > No. 78 , 17th and Dnvcnport sts. . Is this onv
wlthdrnwn from the market.
Agents bnvmz thUpnipotty llstod will jrov-
crn tliomselves accordingly
tw 27 J H. McShnne.
BLAKirS Premium Short Hnml nnd Typo
Writing Institute , with the Omuhn llusl-
nes College. The oldest nnd mo l thorough
short hnnd oinlni\ry In the statn. Full day nnd
evening sessions. Instruction by mail If desired.
All students who properly Hpply thcmsolvel
nro gimrantofil to bo omo rnpld nnd cnpnbln
short hnnd writers. Premiums nro offered be
ginners entering- the March clnss nod complrt-
ing thocourso. Tirolrnnk 1n proficiency , $10 ,
Second rank In proficiency , $5 1 bird rank In
proficiency. > L Apply or wrlto tolllnko'a 1'ro-
mlutn Pliortllanrt nnd Tjrpo Wrltlnv Institute ,
Omnlm II uslnoss College , ICth nnd Cnpitol nvo.
710 2d *
CALL nnd sno the fulloit nml moat complete
sctofaostrnct books nf DougUs county
now In the oOlcoof U. C. Pilttarson , 15th uud
Hnrney. M7
Wn bnvo bought the fullo t and completed
get of abstract books of Douglas county
of Mr. H. 0. Pntterson , nud they nro now In our
olllce. Call nnd sue them. Hants llenl Ktnle
and Lonn Co. , 320 S. 15th gt. 852,20.
plHAIUXS PONTE/ . analytical ohrtnlst nnd
onKlnfcr.imal.vohor oresconls and B enys
nnd nnnlysls of nil kinds , chemist nnd miner-
nloglst to the If. P. H. It , for 15 years. No. 1504
WohMor ror IBth st. 1' . O. HOT 401. fliamlfl *
CASH paid for old gold nnd silver. C. L.
Eclcksun i Co. , 212 N. 10th st Mnionlo
block. 707 27
MAKI ! your boy hnppy. lluy him n Water-
bury watch , only J3.00. C. L , I'.rlekson A
Co..212 N. lOthst 7M.27.
AllPET WF.AVKH-First classo work , nnd
sutlsfnctlon gunrnntcud. Miss Marie
Chrlatetisnn. li N 27lh Hi. 701 25 *
STOHAOn First-class stoingu tor nice fur-
ulturu or boxed goods , utl513 lodge-st
OH ml
TTHHilSKNT Orgnns , IS per monto. Mospe ,
JD 1BI3 Doticlne. 039
Ftllt Itn.NT Sqtinro Piano , $ i moatnIr. A
HOSDO. 1513 Douglan. U3J
TDAHTIKS Wishing to dHposo of household
X good ? will nnd a buyer by lulJrossliiCnsh ,
1311 Dnvonport. 12J
FOH KENT Squitro I'lnno 2J monthly. A
Hospo. 151,1 Don gins. Oil
POK SALE A No 1 fresh milch cow , price
$ J5 , npply nt 2211 Webster st. 8S52H-
FOKSAIiR Nice nnd clean empty shoe cnses
/ . T. Lludsoy & Co. , 209 South ] 4tb ft
OH 8AM : OH llRST-Tho Tabor Grnnyho-
tel at Leiulville , Colorndo. 1'or particulars
nddruhd Frank Titus , Kiiusns City , J'lo ,
700.38 *
POll SALK Furnlturo nnd Ir-nso , 10 room
house , on prominent strcnt , ntnrcenter of
buRlnus4loaso linn over two years to run. Cnn
iimko rent by letting Uvo rooms. House imt In
good ropalr. Thlslsnn unusunl opportunity ,
you can purolineo tlioontnton very easy toruis.
Address B 57. Hoe otllco. fiU !
I7IOU SALB 2 million brick nnd upwards DO-
-U sldot dally out put of 30'IUO. ' inquire
on promises , cor Horcns nnd 2nd sts. Omaha
Hrlok and Term Cotta Mfg. Co. 030
\ / ANTKDHurber , host wages to good man.
> 212 B. 14th St 1 8 25 *
l r ANTKO Snoomnkurs nt Weber & ICrloicl ,
shoo factory , 1013 Howard. U01 25 *
WANTRn A youns mnn nbout iM ycnrs of
UR , fair penman , must bo nctlvo and Inivo
some eicperionco at typo setting ono who ran
run n "Tim.i" mailer preferred. Address , F 10 ,
Ueo ollloo. 8i > 4
WANTEDImmedlntely n strictly honest
boy to loam the photo.raph business
nnd'mnko himself Konoinlly usefnl.apply nt once
at 217 N IClh f > t. GrandContrnlg-nllery. 873
I'ANTED-A pucker ut lilies It Isaacs. 1415
Fnrnntn. 871 25
WANTED Stenographersouthwest corner
Ninth and Jonos. Don't want ono out of
prnctlc- ; . WM _ _
WANTKD-AdvortisInc man.n ruptlor exper
ienced In newspaper worn lor Sunday
paper. Permanent position to rlnht man , must
be neat in appearance nnd furnish flrpt cln s
rocommendatlons. Bnlary and commission : no
tramps need npply. Only thiteo mcnnlnir steady
business need address The Courier , Lincoln ,
Nub. 870 25
WANTED Inimrdlntoly. " flrst-clnss barber
at John bchickotun e's , 1U1 Malm St. ,
Council lllulfs. 8t .27
WANTED Hey to take cnro horses , innKo
himself Kcnorally usutuL. Dr. Jones , 1411'j '
Vnrnam. 814 24 *
Two boys to watch dry poods
display. In InnulrlnK for situation must
bo accompanied with parent. Apply nt The
Fair , cor. 13th and Hownrd. 818
Ailrst-cla sbnnorora live , honest
est bnslnoss man with 527) cash ns n part
ner in n llrst-class established bakery. Address
F2. lloo olllce. 823 2J *
\TITANTKD lly iho larRcst publishing house
' * west of Chicago , two hundred Rontleninn
nnd Indies to soll"Tbo Successful Mnn" "Marvel
ous Wonders of the Whole World" "Ilibles" nnd
various other Rood publications , npoly early
and Rot cholco of territory. J. M. French A :
Co. , olllco 10 Itushman lllock , Omnlm , Nob.
WANTKD Immodlntely a school-hoy and
pony to carry a route on Dally Evening
Hoe. Apply nt Dee office. W
\ATANTED Immediately , n Rood job"
' T printer. None but rapid workman , cnpnblo
of taklnir entire cliarRo of Job department noiul
npply. Itafnronces ns to chnrncter nnd nblllty
required. Address Dally Guzotto , Norfolk , Nnb.
WANTEl -Ilookhlndor ; u flrst-clns work-
man to run u blndorr on shaios ; will
furnish outfit und work. Good opportunity
for rltfht mnn. Address immediately , Dally
Gazette , Norfoltt , Nob. 141
VyANTKD 50 sober. Intelilifont men of treed
> V nddross to try u lOo meul at NorrlV res.
tunrant , UMHIIlth Ht. 15U
\\7ANTEI ) Good tflrl for ccnernl lionsoworlt.
Tt must uo neat mid a good plalncook. 1415
Jones street. fl5 !
ANTKD Lndy Agents for Mrs. Cumpbell's
Self-AdJustfiiK Extension Bust Coisiit.
Itcst llttlmr cuslom-mudu Corset In America ,
lllastlc suctions ; never breaks dovrn. A\aO \
ciimbliuitlon underskln nnd bubtle with reinov.
ublo hoops ; transparent Klllt rubhi'r apronsbibs
nnd sleeves ; "Ilulsy" HOBO suppoiturs ; Ini-
iirovod"jue > > ii Protector" ioducod to f 1 , Full
line furnl > hliur iroods. Addross. with Btnmp ,
i : II Campbell i Co. . 4SI W Kandolph St. , Chi
cago. 767 ml *
W ANTKD A Keel ( flrl tor ironoral housii.
w ork , peed wniros. Call nt oneoat2218
Loavonwoith st. 77H21 *
WANTUO ImmiMllatoly , u woman pastry
coo'.i , nt the Metropolitan. 771' 21
W ANTKD GM for ( Tuacral housework In
Binnll fumlly , wnifes f4 per week , MJ cor
Ifilh nnd ConUir. 7tii ) 2(1 (
\\rANTUD-At the Paxton hotel two Bmart
TI Industrioudcountry \ > amvn on poultry
undsuhvds. A govd homo airj goo.l pay for the
rUcht parties. , Kitchen , Puxtun
hotel. 701 _ )
W 'ANTKD A omiipetent nurse Klrl. None
other need npply IUO ) Furimm. 7KI
\\7ANTKDt-Two ladle * , one boy , to learn
IT bookkeeping , Situations. J. II. Smith.
1613 Chicago 844 21 *
" \\fANTKD A good girl to do general house
i > work In u futility of three , Apjily 4S7
Convontet Kin 21 *
TIT ANTED Old womoTJIor Keneral work , 107
N 12lbtreot. . 837 25'
"V\7"ANTKD-Jnimiidiulely sewing irlrjs for
I > diesjina.iinf , B'J7 H Uth St. Mrs. Plod-
nioilt. 77 25'
\ \ MNTKD-Dlniuif room flrls nt Cnnlleld
I house , 871 25 *
" \\7ANTii-Glrl : for treueral hoiifework In
sinull family , ISth un < l Chicago , J. C.
Wieuier'g. btki 21 *
\\rANTHD-A cook nnd laundress Mrs.
i i Morse , northeast corner 20th und Diiveu-
port sis , BoO 23
U NTUD Immiidlatelv , UKlrl for general
homework. IX'Jtj. ' litu tit. ba 24'
\\7ANTCD A couip t utrook nnd luundruss
1 1 In family of t o. Apply to Mis. P , S. Kus-
Us , 8407 C-pltol eve , i 8 24'
T\rANTEI-Jooa dooifl s o cor 24th und
Dodge. 8So 25
\\7 ANTBD-A flrst-cl&ss Ironer , Kind's Jau ?
I 1 dry , 8 W cor 10th uud Howard.
Ml SI *
_ _
AWANTKU A campetont girl feT housework
> T > t V38 Vlrglola ra. vaJ
\VANTaD - tTrforiiirirt Tr5uHwork 7ho
II knows bow to peek ; jrood pay lo rbjbt
pno. . Call ut 1TO > Suundora ft , . 59
TTTTTNTEU-A "rood gM for Boncral boino-
TI ork. GooJMUim paid , 103 y Mbu
\ VANTRrxperlcnceJ nouf ( > kocpor. Colored -
orod proforred. _ _ _
\\'ANTK1) Good cook and Laundros8 20T N.
IBth 6U _ . _ KSi > .
\\'ANTKO A poo.1 Rlrl for general
> l -work. 1307 Cass 8U 8J1 24 >
\\ANTKn A Klrl for illnlngrnom work. Ail-
i drnss proprietor Now Glenwood house ,
Olcnwood , lown &M 24 >
WANTKD-GooiJ Klrl , U17 Cnss.
W2 25 >
"WANTED Competent ulrl : peed conk nnd
laundress. Apply 17SJ Dodjrc , tw 2
\\TASTKD A vounir nurse clrl to tnkocnro
il of old bnby. Apply 2113 Davenport j > U
J An rxperlcnosd stylish drew-
mnkor , tnlr wngot nn I sto xdy pinptoi'inont
In n shop. Address M. I. Hunch , Coining- ,
Iowa. 831 2.1'
\\TANTUO BO Indies * fronts to ioi.rn tnlo-
ii prnphy. Trooped good for position when
competent ; address W. J. D. , Ilooml. Crouns
blk.Omnhn. Oil
T \7 ANTKD-Sltuntlon ns meat or pnitry cook.
> > Inquire 509 S 10th. 870 2o
" \\7ANTKD Sltifitlonns pro smRii In jirlnt-
ii ini ? olilcc. Kizht ycnrs otperlonco. Ap-
dre 9 1'rojjmiin , Hoe olllco , Lincoln , Sft.-UO'
" \\7ANTHD Poiltlon by n youni ? mnn butch-
ii erlng ornmklnir snusnse , or nny kind of
butcher's work. 1512 Cuas st. 841 20'
\\7ANTKD-llrnyouiurmnnfrom the east ,
1 1 with c-ood rofcrcncos nnd experience ,
wishes a position In n retail dry goods house or
olllco work. F31Ieo. 8JI 24 *
WANTItl ) An oxpononcovl dressmnitnr
wishes sewlnsr In fnmillos ; iipplv l-'l
North 17th St. 840 35
ANTED-Hy n widow lady , situation ns
housekeeper where kitchen Kirl is kept.
Competent to tnKo olmivro or nice household.
Good reference. E 72. Hoo. 603 , 25 *
WANTED Hy n refined nnd cdiicntod lady ,
situation us housekeeper nnd nurse , or
nurse nnd trnvollnir companion , or managing-
housekeeper ; good roloreneo. F. 1 , Hoo.
_ M2. g : > *
\\rANTnD-rosltlon ns housekeeper or KOV-
i unions. Understand * household jowinu.
Address M II. Child's Hospital , City. 7S1 .4 *
\\7ANTI5D-SIr Rontlonmn hoarders In n
T pleiisnnt homo ; no other boarders ; sunny
rooms , slnglu or on suite , newly furnished ;
terms reasonable ; references oxelmtigcd. F7 ,
Heo olllce. 005 1 *
WANTRD-A good lot III Omnlm View. Knc-
weld A Hnriott , 314'i 3 1,1th St. b31 25
\XT-ANTKO-Ilouso suitable for 2 tamilles , N.
ii orW. from 10. Hont reasonable , npply
W. Spelmuti , Mlllard hotel. H73 24 *
WANTF.D To rent u house of 3 or 4 rooms ,
with or'without bain , in good locality ;
location to bo between l"tb nnd 20th , nnd Hnr-
ncyaucl Pierce. Apply(3oo. ( Kchroodor , 14th and
Le n ve n wo r t ! i. 815M _
\\7ANTr.D -A Gordon Jolibcr , 8x12 or ! > x3. !
11 Must ho good nnd chonp. J. C. Illirirt.
Sterling , Neb. 817 21 *
\\rANTIH ) Houses und lots well loented tor
sal or for rent , have customers. A. P.
Tukey , 1324 Farnum st , MS 21
-To hire n light rl * for delivering-
jinnll parcels tlneo or lour days every
week . Ajiply Klnjf's Family Laundry. S W cor.
IBth and Howard. 872 25 *
ANTKD-llonrders nt 10.1 N. SO Hi st.
820 27
W ANTKD Two or thrco unfurnished rooms
In north purl of town , no children. F I ,
Rpo fllco. 818 24 *
TI7ANTEDTeams , 309 B. llth st
\\7ANTKD-To rent n housu of 3 or 4 rooms.
ii by April I , for ono yenr or more ; location
to bo between Dodtro nnd Mnson and 17th and
25th sts. Address 15 38. Heo office. 5C7
"V\7"ANTBD Space nnd ono window In well
i i located store room. Address 505 Urond-
wuy. Council HlulTs. K.8 24
WANTED To buy flvo to twenty ncres in
side of or near Omnhn. Give descrip
tion , prlconndterms. Address C.2J , Hoe olllcu.
WANTED A ffood drlvmir horse nnd ouiruy
oriik0od team In exchange us partial
payment for 60ft. lot on Purk nvo. bal. onsy.
Mend iJntnloson. 452
AyoUNO MAN with tow thou nnd dollars
would like to learn of some Ilirht business.
Give full pnrtlculnrs. Address BU3 , Dee olllCo.
\\TANTB A banjolst to join u homo quur-
ii tottp. Must ho able to read music. Ad
dress U26. Heo oflice. fiOH
POll KENT 4 room cottiiiro nenr 22d on
Loavt'iiworth , apply 813 S20th or [ Ionian's
livery stable. 8bO 24 *
FOIl HIS XT 100 acres ImprovoJ land nnd 20
acres hay mud. Uolndorff Uros. , Silll B.
llllh st. UOJ24 *
TT1OH HBNT Store In host bnslne" part of
JL1 city Kent (20. Apply 004 N ICth st.
HS325 *
OH ItKN'T Thn L. H. Williams residence on
Stntu st. A. P , Tukey , 1321 Furnam ft.
FOH HKKT-Ijiriro barn with water privi
leges. Apply nt 1818 Chicago Bt. 'MS
FOK HUNT-TWO brick stores on north
Warehouse on track , now brick on paved
Three now storoson south 11th st.
Tim C. K. Mnyno , Houl F.atato & Trust Co. ,
15th und Hnruoy. COS
FOH HKNT I'.lojrnnt now house with nil
modern conveniences ; hontod by furnace ;
street cnr passes the door. Terms reasonable.
For pnitlculnrslmjulroof Ilillou Uros. . _ 1G10
FOIt HUNT Livery nnd hotel. Addii'S rxr N.
Yost. Norfolk , Nob. 12 ml *
FOIMIEXT House of ten rooms unr ) bnrn.
527 Purknve , batwonn I'.nrnnm Rt atvl Leav-
onwortb st , Inquire nt Doran House , South 18th
nuar Unttle orGettysburg _ _ hulliling. IBfl
FOH HUNT Now dwelling nil modern Im
provements , cnntrnl locution , low rent
ICdwurd Lurktn , Exposition Uuildlnir.
76n 2(5 (
you HUNT Cottavo * , houses nud Ktoro' , nil
deslrnblo und well locntod , from t-l ) per
monlh up. L. Uurnhnm , Itoom 1 Cielghton
Hlock. 14i
FOR UKNT 10 aoros 3 miles from postoltipc ,
suitable for market garden.will tent or sull.
Apply West Furnlturo Co. , I0j N. 14th st. 151
Foil HKNT-U room house , city water , street
cars , 1 ! < miles trom P. O ; f JJ per month.
I ) . C. Patterson , Omaha Nntt bit tin , 71U
HAY privilege to lease on the Dutwllor f nrm ,
nt Ames , 7 tulles west of Fremont. John
Gallagher.317 South 12th St. 412 ml )
T710H HKNT Six new 0 room houses in A. 8 ,
-1. Patrick's addition , about Hi blocks frnm
streetcar. Apply nt room 2 Aillncton block
A. 8. Patrick , 798 mS
oil ltl'lNT--lf you want to rent u house , call
on llen'iwa & Co . , opposite postolltco , 533
TuJNTHouse , t ) rooms , in lliuiseom
Place. Uolter.t Campuell , Itoom 1. 150J
Furniim. 705
Foil UKNT-Ollire desk room. Goo. ChrM-
otfi-ibon , over State Nut. Hunk. ror. 15th
nnd Hainuy. 1)07 ) 25 *
1J10H HUNT Two furnished front rooms
-1. Gentlemen only. 1MO Dodge. 727 miv
HUNT A vorv doslruble newly fur-
nlkhnd room , nil modern conveniences ,
street ciirs.25.'llStMjiryJs iivo. 678
TT10H lir.NT FurnlHhod room , J8 per month
_ C05-N')7" ' etj M720 *
IJ'OH HUNT Very doi > lrublo furuished rooms ,
J-1-Ingle or in suit. 1811 Capitol nvo 1KX ) 2U
FOH HKNT Desk room In pleus-int unite of
otllces , beet location In the city. AddruKS F ,
t' . , with nuniRUiid business , Hoe office , Wi \
EOH HKNT 0 cew rooms. unfuriiWiud. .718
_ _ Cass. 824 81 *
FOU lir.NT Dusk room , lawor or real
estate btokcr. Address F 5 , Hue office.
FOH HKNT Furnished tiousa nlno rooms ,
city water , Uo barn , 1512 Davcnftort st
3 > 20
FOH HKNT Klesrunt suit alcove front rooms
vtith .uurJ,25J5 tit , Mary'd avenue ,
7H5 '
- -
OK HISST-Nlccly furulshrd rooms. SS7
Dodge bt , all modern ImproveineuU. 817
OH KENT NTcoly furuUbo. front parlor.
$8 pur month. B.U S 15th st 78224 *
T7\OH \ KENT Furnished rooms , /as. bath ,
Jfcood board , forms roasonut/lo , 5 1 Pleasant
fr.15-24 *
"IOR HEST Furnished room to gcutlmun.
li InijUlre at 610 North 17th st ( HI
F Larva ' tttrnls-ed room. 7l2
North 18th struut. 701 2S *
HBNTAn eltruit front purlur with
- bourd , also otbor emaUer room * . Hauio
b j rUl uiculwru oourt > 0incw . . I3t > fnl jne ; > desired -
sired , toutXiwtiiUxiraiJr Webster uhd 2 th it.
TronnENT-.nlcoomeorogmstit 512 S 18th
i ? rtreet. ' 733
I710H TTkNT .Nicely furnli on room ,
- cnccsrenuircd. 1007 Dpuglas.
T71OK 11RNT Furnished. rooms In tulto or
J. Single. Also front roomln basement euit-
able for two KOiitloiucn. U QTcncv cxchnng-ed.
310 north 15lh st , , _ 7M 24 *
TTfOH liKNT rurnlshcdro < jm , wilh board. 1613
J } Uodfe. . 78U.27 *
rcTlf KENT-NlreTy f u rimhoa"ro"oms S. W.
cor.lGth nnd 0 hloaifor W)7-25 ) *
FOH UENT Ono nowlT tiirnl hnit sliopl
room for gentlemen , JlO'por month , nt
Howard. " ' 6TO
FOIl HENT-Storo room an > l No HON. Uth
St. bayumrnt. , 3
Tj > OU HKNT Two roomy , unfurni ho < 1. for
J : llzht housoKooplns. 'Inquire VOl Hnvrnrd
St. 378
I" 1 7 > OU HKNT Furnished rooms. 714 N. OllmS 18tnst *
KOOMwlth boarJ , 10IJ Capitol nvcnno.
. 4Tis _
"I71OH HKNT Dlnlnu room. Kltuhon nnd two
-L ileoplnjrroomstirnl .hoitsultablo for keep
ing boarders. 1816 Farnarn. 66924 *
"T71OU HUNT Klopint rooms on street car
-L1 line , bath and gal , s. w. cor 20th nnd
Webster. 1S3
\\rASIUNGTON SQIIAUK ndditlon. on Blior-
i i mnn nvcnuo and pnveil street , Is without
doubt the Quest plnco to build you n homo In
nil Oninha. A fevr cholco lots left frontingon
Mndlson nnd Shortnnn nvonuo. IJvery modern
convenience at hand. Bower , city water , K S ,
pnvoJ street. Prices for lots , tl,700 to 14/flJ
ouch , J. L. Itlco .V Co. , njronts. R51
"I710H3ALK Four lots In Itnstln's ndditlon to
X1 Plulnvlow , Sl.lUOto 1.200 ench , K cash.
Come nt once If you wnnt ono of tlioo lots.
J , U. Kvnnj & Co.eolc ng-cnts , 1510 Uodpo it
J HUhlnnd Pnrk.
Lots fronting Farnnm street.
Gi cory & Mndloy ,
Itoomsl nud3Itodlckbloilt. ; ; J S. 15th st.
JL. KICK i CO. oiler for n few dnys only ft
. beautiful lots flouting on Lnko street ,
running through to Krgkln si. , nnd 0 business
lots fronting on Snundor. * . being the s. o. cor.
In Andrew * , Williams nnd Troxll'g ( subdivision :
just plucod on the market. This Is gilt cdgo In
side property , und will not last u week nt pres
ent prices. J. L. Hlco & Co. , solo ngcnts. 651
FOH ItKNT 100 ncre < uullivutcd nnd 20 buy
luiul. Helndorit Uros. , 21C S. 13th st.
827 21 *
"IT1OH 8AL15-Four lots in Hustm's nd.lltion to
JL' Plnlnvlow. JI.10) to SI.'MO onch. ! J cnsh.
Comn nt once If jou wnnt one of these lots.
J. U. Kvnns A ; Co. , solo agents , 1510 Dodge Ht.
| 8411 25
HAKNEV PLACE lots.$400 to$300,15th cash.
J. H. Kvnns & Co. . solo ngents. fii > ) 24
nAltHlS&HAHUTs7.T20Soutli I5tlist.
Choice lots in West End , K.WW > 0
2 cholco lots on Fnrnnm st 10,1100
1 house und lot , Hnimcom Plncu , cheap . ri.MKI
1 liouto and lot. Hanscom Place 9.000
2 lots , block 2 , Hnnscom Place r > ,4'0 !
1 lot. block 20. Hnnscom Place 1,750
1 lot , block 20 , Hnupcom Place l.ftOO
1 lot , block n , Hnnscom Plnco 2,510
1 lot. block 1C , Hanscom Plnco 2,250
Hot. block 17. Ilunscom Place 2,750
1 lot , Kllby Plnco y.X )
.llots , KilbyPlnoe , oneh 1/0
llots.Hedtord Plnce. from $ G.V ) to 1KO
1 house und lot , Campbell's 3,000
1 hoUbi'nod lot , Klrkwood 2,5fO
1 lot. Kostor's ndd 850
Lots In Cioston.J 1,300 to 1,500
Wo algocnii now furnish jjjtruct . PO'i
TjlOHSALH- farm of 120jjoros , 73 in cultlvil-
X1 tlon , 53 1 nnd 2 yours oldfc ilouso.outhousos
nnd good wntur ; Hi miles not Springfield , Neb ,
A bargain Charles Tullield , 27th nnd Lake sts ,
Omaha. 8CO 25 *
LAKE st. south front lot , f2,10J. Graham ,
Crolghton blk. b8l 27
0 KATZ & CO , , lull Farnam su
V HnrgalnD--
Corner 18lh and Hurt 44 et front , improved
Cupitol nvcnuo bet 9th nnd 10th st. CO feet
from. 4 now houses , $12,009. . '
i.ornor 13th und Uitrd , full lot , Sl.flO ) .
Corner 12th nnd Uojfo rents for J'J.WM ) , f33,000
until Mnreb 1.
Corner Pierce nnd 10th st rents 10 per cent on
investment , $ iVOOJ. , ,
Corner Fnrnum und 3l t , 101x132 , f 17,000.
Choice lots in Orchard hill very chenp , $750 to
Cholco residence lot Dousfas and 20tbC5xl32 ,
? 7.500.
Choice residence lotllst st just north of Fnr-
niuii oust front , f3,000.
riinnp lots in nil pnrts of the city ; lt you wnnt
to buy or sell cnll on us. S. Kntz , 1511 Farnam
st , down stairs. 855
JL. HICK & CO. offer the following bargains
on Suundorsstroot :
87 ft front , corner , tin Snundors st S 6r > 0)
IX ) ft frontcorner , on Snunders st H.500
CO tt front , corner , Improved. . . . . CHO )
G.I ft front corner. Improved ( i.UM
120 ft front , vacant 12.COO
13fl ft front , vncant 15.003
fii ) ft front. Improved 7,500
01 tt front , nlloy , vacanr 4,750
0'Ht front , unproved , nlloyon paved street ,
$150 per foot.
7i ( It front , improved , nlloy , on paved street ,
JlWpor foot.
0 22 f 11 rent business lots , by BO ft to nllo v , on
paved Rtirot , S12" > per front foot.
J. L. Uico \ Co. , over Com'c'l Nut. Hank.
FOKSALK Four lots In Hustln's ndditlon to
Plnlnviow , ? 1,100 to f UiOO ouch , KI omh.
Come nt once If you want ono of those lots.
J. U. Kvnns & Co , solo ugents , 1510 Dodge st.
81K 25
JL. HICK & CO. offcrfora few dnys only. 5
. beautiful lots fronting on Lnko street ,
running tbrou < ht to Krskln St. , nnd 0 business
lots fronting on _ nundora. being the H. o. cor.
in Andrews , Williams and Troxil's subdivision ;
just placoJ'on tliu nmrkot. This Is gllto Ige In
side proportv , and will not last n wuok at pres
ent prices. J. I * Hloo & Co. . solo agents. 851
HAIINF.V PLACK-Llot on Hnrnoy nnd Jack
son sts. , midwny between Furiuim nnd
Leuvcuwoith sts. , adjoinlnir Itlcliinond nnd
Conkllng Place. Lots only ? 00 to $460,1-5 cnsh.
J. H. Kv-ns & Co. , solo ngents. OIK)24
BAH'JAIN Yi blk from pavement und st cur ,
south fronton Hurt , fJ.OU ) . Graham.Cruigh-
ton blk. K < 1 27
FOH S A LK-Thlrty well selected lots in Fcr-
ry ndditlon opiioslto Oiimlm on the cast
bank of thn rlvor. Thu projected wngon und
toot brldgo ucross the river will virtually muku
Ferry unit ndjolulng additions u part
of Omahn. Work on tbo new
bridge will be commenced within sixty days.
Hroudnuy In Council Hlulls will bn puvod with
coilur blocks to the hrldiro. Ferry adiiltlon Hos
on that high bench gionnd nlong the
rlvor bank and Is the ncuiust to
Omaha of nny Council lllufTs property
Its vuluit Is therefore more pi'rmanrnt limn
nny other propelty In that city. F'om the
rlvor to the 17. P. transfcraojiot will substnn
tlally lion part of thiselty. For wuiohousu
purposes und lesidcncos lor ra Irond Ahopmuu ,
this propurty will bu o nnclully vnluuble , Thofo
lots tire not for snlo singly or In Ics * number
tfinu the block of thirty lots. From 75 lo Id )
poroQiit can bumadnon thUpiopurty Inside of
thirty dnyii by the purchaser by sales of single
For prices nnd terras Inquire of W. S. Shoe-
limner , over Mercliunts' National Hunk , corner
13th nnil Furnain st , or of W. W. l.o\\o , 15'0'J '
roriinm , up stairs , room 3 887 24
Foil SALF.-Houso and 'lot ' [ on , Luke , near
Saundors. Cheap. Cull'AtfllO N. IHtti st.
Ki.M : OmAbn Viev 'lol two yours ugo
sold lorJ-'OU Now worth Jl.lWO to $ l,2iiO.
History ropenlH itsnlf , andTiiblu Lund lots at
1 150 und * 20 oue'i ' will provMV fortunutu Invest
ment to those who buy now. Guorifu M. Cooper ,
150J Furium. uoi-21
poll ijALU-Uy Purk it J'o er
* OU * Ml
nso. Ivllby Plani. OMJ.
Toioolots in Hrdtord I'Uim , fWl ) to $ l , < rtO.
I lot , South Omaha , If soli within u few days ,
$1,800. * *
House nnd lot on 3Jth st , f 2,700.
House und lot on2Uth bt , north $ ' .209.
'iheabovu house * will K'ltSJTor f200 cash , bal.
$20to J.5 per month. dffi
Thiiee lots uro ull _ oed tiiK'nlna and must bo
sold soon , ft ; 131i )
J N E\\0 LD it HAIIKUTKiTtVi'H IsTh bt ]
Louvunworth st full lot , B. . , t l.fcV )
Delawuro st , lliuuooui [ iluce * . 2,501
31st st J. 1. Hodlck's sub . 2,21)3 )
ft Mary's nve , 121 ft . . . . . , . 15,000
KUbypIaeo . , . . , 9,0
Convent fet line lioueo . . . . . . : _ 4.0M
Caldwrll 61 75 ft . : i 701)
Plalnvicw line lots und new house . 1/X11
I.o O'B udd flno corner . . ' " , . 1200
HUI 2o
I71UU BALI. jood new housu , six rooms ,
a. peed location , two blocks from street care.
Would take jjood vncuut us flrst payment ,
deed bousii , four rooms/In W. A. llodlck'g
udd n , nfurJ.eavunwortb. I'rlce. (2,000 , Kusy
pnyinont * .
Sixteen choice lots In Pruyn park. These nro
beau itul low. '
One choice lot iii LuUwlc. place , on Grand
It-o rbolcu lot * In Founders & Hiraebaugh'6
Higbland park add'iu C Jt-apost Inta iu the mar
ket. Call ot once. L. p. lUoimomt. .
BM.aa. lloora 3 IK : Douclas Bt
A FINK lot in J.I K .luk' ub , nour Le.v-
etiuoitti fo'- ; . must go Ibis wuek
Eueirold & Uarrett. 3lti ! t > IGtb it. Ml U
SA BLOMAX. Ronl T.jtntc
lilt rnrnam Street.
Fnrnnm street , cor ] ( ith,0ftxl32 , < cn h , $ ,10,033
Farnnmst. , near 14tb,2ixlSJ,1mproVyl. . 3. " > ,0ft )
Fnrnnm st , , np rlf-tli.44il.t ; , Improved . 2JIOO
Fainnm stMnonrEOth tHK. very ch np. 0,510
Farnnm t , near SOth.lttixxl.'tt ' . . . . . . . 3.1,000 ,
Farnnmst. , cor. 31st St. , 130 13. , south
andonitfront . . . . . . . . . 17,0V )
l.arnatn n ror 40th , MiUJ , nnd o front (1.OOO
Farnnm ft. cor. 41 t,4' < xl < K , * nnd o front 3.WM
Fnrnnm st cor 42d , 4ltl32sand w front n.OlM
Hnrnoy st. near 13th , 22xM ( . si.WO
Hnrncyst nonr 15th , 3Jxit2 : Improved , a\txw
HnrneyM. nenr20thL174xl70 , ImproveJ 35.OKI
Hnrncyst. Hodlck'sOrovo , 41x13. . . . .
llnrncy at. ncarZW. 40x132 . „ B.OOO
DoiiRlnsst near 12th , 44x132 , Improved 3.1.000
Douglas st. near 13th,2.'Tn. , U Inloron nM3
Douglnf st. nenr2d,05.iru. ( . . . 7&M
DoiiRlnsst. near 23d. net HI . S.DOO
Dodgost. cor. V-'tb.OfltllK , Improved. . . 8.J'lOO
Dodge ft. near Bi th , 60x152' ' { . s.nno
Dodge dt , nonr2Jtb , 40x127 , Improvf a. . Z.7CX )
Jackson st , cor llth , 61x132 , linprovol 25.IXX )
Jnckson st. nonr 15th , cavil. , ImproveJ ] pi > l
Jones t cor. 15th , ftJxltJ . 24.00J
Howanl st. nonr luth , 32x62 , Improved. . 8OW
Lenvcnworth st. cor , 21st , 13-xlll , Im
proved . 1S. . >
Leavenvvorthst. cor. Zoth , 140x142 , Im
proved . . . . . 25,00,1
ICihst.opp' , M. P. ntul Hull Line depot ,
eixll2T. . . . . . B.OOO
llth PU trnckngo , Pnddook place , OSxli : . l.W )
Pnrknvo.opp. pnrk , 50x150 . . . 1.800
Vlrglnln avo. near Lenvenworth.WlxHO 2rtM
Georgia nvo. nonr Mt. Plca nntMxiri ( ) . S.IVW
20th su neor St.Mnrr > , 40x120 , Improved 6,0i)1 )
2Jth st. ncnr Dorcns , lOOxHKl , Improved. . 4.501)
! Xtli ) st nmr Donglni. 'l.'jM , Itnurovo.l. . 0,000
15th st. cor.Mnrtlmr > Sxll3improvt > i1. . , 4,50)
llth st nenr Dorcas , tvixl't,1 , Improved . . 3,000
r.Mh st. cor. Sewnrd , C3xl20,3 bouses . . . 4. MX )
Pierce ncnr20thr. ) feet front , 2 streets 5.150
Hamilton st. nenr Holt line. Improved , . 1,500
41st st. just off Fnrnam.4STl32 , o front . l.fW
31th st. , nonr Davenport. 100x1,10 , . 2,200
Sownrd , ncnr 331H , 00x157 . l.ljl )
31st st. , nenr Lonvcnworth , 60x100 . Z'M\ \
10th st , nonr rnstollnr. 135 feet front. . . 4,500
Dili t. nour Martha , filtlBI. corner. . . . l.onO
Hurdettsst , nenrCtli , 50x132. on car line lww
Hiirt fit , iiixir l/iwo uvo. 51 l-2xlJJ . 1,10)
2.1th. cor. Popploton , CSxl'lO. ' Impnivod . 4,0"r1
Davenport , near. 4th M l3xlJ'lmprorod 4,000
Chlcngo , porner24th , CilxKU , Improved. , 8.HO )
SUth.nnar Poppleton , i Mlxl27. Improved. . O.OiW
South Omnhti. lot 3. blk 83. 63x150 . IKW
Orchard Hill , lots f750 to . 1,000
Ilrown Put k , lots 1500 to . 8W
Uodford Place , lots SBTfl tn . WO
Illghlanil Paric. lots oncb-cnsh $03. . M
Wnkoly ndd , lets 57x150 , cneh . 400
25 ncrcfl nonr Fort Omnlm , finely Inprovod , p.OOO
pKMF.MIIEIl Omaha View lots two years ngo
IV sold for J200. Now worth $1,010 to f 1.200.
Tllstory repo.its itself , nnd Tublo Luiul lots nt
( ICO nnd $ "oj each will prove n fortunnto invent-
mont to those who buy now , George M. Cooper ,
15'J9 Fnrnnm. BOI-28
GOOD cottage on Corby st. just enit of Sher
man ave , $2,500. Knsy terras. Grntinm ,
Crelphton Ulk. BSI 27
JL. HICK S.-CO. otfer for n few dnys only 5
. t > unutlful lota fronting on Like street ,
running tilt oujfh to Krskln st , nnd n business
lots frontlnir on Snundors , bnlnir the i o. cor.
In Androw. Williams nnd Troxll'8 subdivision :
Just pjni-pdnn the mnrkot. This Is gilt edge In
side property , and will not last n week nt pres
ent prices. J. U lltco V Co. , solo ngonts. | 3J1
side property nt u bargain. Plerco & Hon
ors. 1511 Dodge street. S30
HOISES--Lot , Furiii , Lands money loaned.
Hoiiila' city nmps , 5x7 foot , $ ' ! . } each.
Uomta , room 3. UnrUor block , 8. W. oor. 15th
und Farnam Hts , _ 287
ndditlon. on Slier-
Ti man nvpnue and puvod stroot.ts without
doubt the finest plmjo to build you u homo In
nllOmnhu. A few ehoicu lots loft fronting on
Madison and Sbormun avenue. Every modern
convenience at hand , Sewer , city wntor. gns ,
pnved street. Prloos for lots. $1,700 to S4.50J
each. J. L. Rico & Co. , ngents. 851
FOU SALE Two lots In Kountzo Plnco. Spen-
oer OtU , 1117 Douglas 8t id
HOITSKS Lots.Farms.Lands money lonnod.
Ilomls' city maps , 5x7 feet , $2.51 curb.
HcmK room 3. Darner block , S. W. cor. 15tn
nnd Farnum stfl. 287
H n. Evuns & Co. . solo
; ngfint. G0924 i
30 FEET on 20th St. , email house , very chcnp
nt $2,500. Graham , Crolghton block. 881,27
TIIIIK prettiest place for n homo outside this
-I- city Is Tublo Lain ) . Iiiveatorsco out and
see It. dcorgo M , Cooper , 15J9 Farnnm.
_ _
AKNRV PLACK-Lleson Hnrnoy nnd Juck-
HOII sts , midway between Farnnra nnd
Loavenwortb sts. , adjoinlnir Richmond nnd
CnnkllnpPinca. Ixts only ? 4X ! ) to Sri50 , 1-2 casb.
J. I ) . Evans & Co. , solo aconts. CG9 24
M1HE purchase ja'tcrday of 25 acres bvtho
J- Northwestern Insures the vnlue of Tublo
Land Iota. WorklnKmeu , attention. These lots
nro now solllnjr for J20J and $150 each. Geu.
M. Cooper , 150U Farnam. 7TO 24
HAUNBV PLACE lots , 1400 to J550 , l-Stbcnsli.
J. H. Kvuus & Co. , polo n cnts. DG3 34
GBNCINR IIARGAINS-Two corner lots m
It urdotto court , only 4 blocks from Soun
der's streetcars. W.t. . Ilushinan. Itoom 10 ,
Uushmon IJIocK , N Ecor 16th andDou rlai.
_ \ _ 017
LKAVHMVOHTH _ t , 100-127. corner $ . ' .7i
674 Grosory It Undloy.
BAHKIIi HAKICALOW , 1421 Douglas St.
2ltb Bt. bet. Poppleton and Woolworth
sts. fiOxlai. 4 loom rottiiRi ) front. $ 2.RQO
Omaha View , house 7 rooms and lot . 2.00J
mil Ft , bet. Lnko und Ohio , 61zl44 , east
front . 3,200
An ulo- ant 60 loot front on Pnrk nvo. ,
on etreol car line and on wade for. . 3,900
House and lot on 21st St. , between Clare
nndOrnccnte . 2,500
12 acres : i 1-4 mlles from postolHco . 15,000
Cholco lot in Orchard Hill . 7uO
B-room house , lot BS tt on 15tb st oy 57 ft
deep , a corner . . 4COO
3-rooin house , modarn tmprovomonts ,
burn , lot HSxlIM , Shlnn'sM add . 7,000
Honw nnd lot Uxl05 , Pncitlc st. between
Htli and Iftth MS . 2.RflO
Spncinl hurRnlnsln Kllliy Place , SValnut Hill ,
Klrkwood nnd Kent n Omaha.
Uarko AT tlurlialow , 1121 DoiiRlasst. CC3
HOUSKS Lots , Faring , Lands monny loaned.
Ilemls' city maps , 5x7 feet , i M each
Ilomls , room i ) . Barker block , B. W. cor. l&ta
and Fnrimui sts. _ 28 ;
noPSRSLots.Fnrms , Lands monov lonnod ,
Ilomls' city maps , fix7 fe-jt. & . & 1 e.icli.
liuinlH , room il , lUrlcor hlack , 8. W , oor. 15tb
nnd Farnam sts. -17
MOni ! tnonny In Table Land lots thin in nny
ether udlltlon. Twoiity-Uve uuros bought
yesterday for the Nortbwastoru for shops , ono
mlle from Table Land , lluy hot'oro the prlca Is
rnisod. Geo. M. Cooper. 1503 l-'urnum. 7iJ ) 24
LKAVENWOHTH fit. Property.
ISO foot corner 31th St. , fU.VH.
n lots , 22 feet trout , hotwooa Park and Geor
gia avq. , enuh ( ' ! , < ) .
IW feet corner Goer ln uvo. , f 15,000.
40 loot unproved , liulwuon 14th and 15th sts , ,
rents for JM per month , JIO.'KX ' ) .
103 feet clo o to Holt Line , S1.800.
fiO foot clone to Holt Llno.fbOO.
Itoitor & "Janipboll " , room 1 , 1503 I'arnam. 5S3
BAST front lot , Plulnvinw , HflM. J500 cash.
Grnlium , Crulgbton block. _ 831 , 27.
A UN K V PLACK-Is within three lilocks of
the unblu line proposed by the Knnsnx City
capitalists. J. 11. Kvans i. Co. , solo uffpnts.
HOUSKd Lats.F.irms.Lnudsmoney loand.
HemlB'clty IDMOJ , fix7 foot. Ji )1 ench.
Ilomls , room 3. llurxer hlook , S , W. oor. 15th
und Furimm bts. 2S7
HAHNin * PLACIi-Is within tliroo btouks ot
the cnblo line proposed by tbo Kunsui City
cupltulists. J , 1) ) . EviinaCo.,6olo n'nmts.
4IUJSINH5Slots on I'ark nvo , tl.Vn for In-
8ldo , i-VXl ) tor oorner.'iJxSl to an alley. Mead
A. Jiunicson. 124
POK BXCHANGK Cotttiv- Latos uddltlon
lor Llnuoln property. Address. Lock Dux
17 , Valparaiso. Neb. 7J. , 8i ,
1711 Ni : corner lot on Fornain "Mit , full lot , for
L1 f.J.un } . , > IiiMb')3 Id In 10 days.
U , K. cor 15th n il Ctnturis. . , for 5WO. a bur-
Riiln , forSdnvs only.
10 acres , 8' miles from cltv. $7.500 : ono third
oasu , Vorychuap , C. W Mount , illbH. 15th.
Bll 2o.
H AUNUY I'LACK. abloolij from Cjblo route.
J II. r.VHim & Co. 6GJ24
LIB'your property with us If you want It
sold , for wo moan business , Prlneu &
lUiirons , Itoom 5 Arlington Hlk. 112
H AHNKV PLACKIots (400 to t5 ) , l-5th cash.
J U. Kvane It Co. , solo agents. Ui)24
S OMl'j _ oed lots In A. 8. I'aTrick'8 ndd. . at
tiflVl Grubum.Crrighton block. B-l,27. )
"SNAP' in"T\ounUe Placo-A 74.124 feet
lot , fcoutheuit frontaco , 124 feet on Twen
tieth troot C4U be Ubud for i I'sMonco , flats or
business purpobes , at price coneidcntblr lees
limn otbor lots In the addition not so well lo
cate ! uro eolllnir at and ou very favorable
toims. Tboownerdesires to sell Hits lot Iu or
der that ho may use the m'ney Inverted , for
other purDo o . . For full pirticulurs In
quire of A. H. CoiuBtoclc , room 10 , Crol hton
block 856
_ _ _ _
\\THO can beat thli ? Two lots , streets on 3
ii cUIus , ub ( tore buildior und dwelling
liorse nil for $3V ) > . only 1 1 , WJ cuoh UiinwoM
4 IJiirruU.aUii S lith st. _ _ 831 23
BT1V blot In Hitchcock' * addition. Host of
uorthwrcit udditiou * . J II. Uraai fr Co. . > tolo
' 0014
MA. UPTON A C0..15W P\rnnm.
, , . _ , Telephone TC.
Itargnlns In Hnslncss property-
Northcnst corner 20th nnd Fsrniun-68xV2.
? < o better corners than 20th and Farnnm. west
of Iftth st. If bought at onoo can sell this for
$ .11.000. Ono hnlf rash.
Forty-four feet south front on Farnnm be
tween ISth nnd 19th , only $500 front foot Kleht
room housp on this renting for $ V ) ppr month ,
Acholco50 foi-ton Fnnmm with new Imnrov-
mont * ; , pAj-ln ? 7 per cent on price which Is
$ , on vury easy terms. A \ cry decided
2- feet on Fnrnnm Ju l west of Mill , $ J,500
( J.OOO cash. A nleo little Investment.
44 feet adjoining nlioro ; ( rood eight room
house , f 1.1.0JO , ono-thlrd cnsh.
.O fi-ct on corner ifltb nnd Farnnm , hotiso
renting Tor f SO per month , $50,000 , ouo-thlrd
cn h.
110 foot on Fnnmm , 220. st. , f 33,0)5 , ono-tlilnl
cn h.
This property Is nil on Pnrnnm. between IBth
and2id .ts. Since our last bulletin wo Imvo sold
two of these choice plows ndvortisod. This
nmko our snlea on fcnrnnmst. property since
Oct l,18Sfl , Aggregate tienrly n quarter of n
million dollar * .
Now n wnnl about Tarnnm ft. rrnlty. Wo
modotho statement Inn fall that thoclepnnt
level nloeo of FnriiAiu st property bolnnon JBlh
niid2lth would In five yosrs become sites for
the tlno-U retnll house * In the oily. llvcnls
since then fully point to n verification or this
production , nnd In Ios thnn the time speoiOod
$ 00 and ! l.otio per foot will seoru very reasonable -
able for property In the "llrondwny" ot Oinulm
botwoonthe points named.
"Wildcat" speculation will soon hnvc I ts run ,
like any other fever , but Om.ilin l < going to
steadily move forvvnrd nnd her business prop
erty continue to appreciate In value. While
tno "fnrms" nro being hold nt llvo times their
vnluu , Inside business property : s held nt less
prleo hero than In nny other city m the union
of like Impotlnncoanif protpwts.
Cholco loldonoe ( Property.
Lot ,1 , block ll > 0 , city , 12-room houao. nil
modern Improvements , elegantly furnished ,
cost $ (1,000 ( , good b'irn , contented collar , rents
for $ CO n month. Jl.l.tW ) ; $6.500 earn , bnlaiico
ono and two yours. This Is n very flno plueo nt
n veiy low price. Only In mnrkut uulil ucxt
TuoB'lay. '
Lot 21 , b.ocnl , Hnnpoom Plnco , ft-rootn house
partly finished good stabln wilh hajnmonl ,
well , etc , $3,2UU , one-lmlC cash , balunco ono and
tire yon.Vu
KKtUl foct , corner .tit nnd Martini streets ,
on irrndo , natural stit .u trees : $3,5JO , Improve
ments good us now , n beautiful plnce , will
bring (10,000 before summer is over ; $3,003 will
buy It now ; $1,8.10 ensh , $2,100 April 1 , balance
In one , two , thrco nnd louryenrs.
Lots31 nnd 32 , Windsor place , now 8-ioom
houeo. ull convenience * and finely furr.txhod ,
good bnrn , street grnded.n handsome suburban
homosfi < W , one-half cash , bMnnco one , two
mill thron yonrs.
North 30 foot of lot 11 , block 11. 1' . V. Smith's
ndditlon. now cottage , rents lor $17 per month ;
$3.X ( , $1UJO cash , uiilnni-n one nnd two years.
Part of lots 21 nnd 22 , block 10 , Mnill' eeon < l
ndditlon , 8-room houso. closets , collar , etc. , lot
UOxlUO : $4.500.0110 half en Ml
Li > t20 , block 10 , bhull's second uddltlon , 0-
room house , city nntor in ynrd , stnblo , cto ,
cvorythlng In nnushapo nnd now ; $4,2JO , $1,50 }
cnsh , bnlanco one , two und llvo v ears.
Lot 14. I'uulsen's addition , ii'xlll' . alley In rear
and on side , now fi room cottiigu , burglar ulnrni
nnd enunclntor.o , tine little lio-no ; $3,000 , one-
third crtHh , bnlnnuo (21 par month
Lot 1 , block 7 , S H. lloirora' addition nvor 100
footsiuuru | , house 20x2f , bummer kitchen , uta ;
(3,700. * 1.2011 ensh.
North 60 loot by 132 , lot 3' ! , Hodlck's second
addition , elugiint 0-rooin lionso , burn 10 matcha
gem of a placo'J,500 ; , f..SiO cash , balance two
ycnrs from next May , will rent for * 25or$30a
month , just south of Leuvcnworth on21th st.
South otio-hulf of lot t 8. Nelson's ndditlon , 7-
room house , ovcijthlng In tine repnlr , paved
street within 150 feet , two lines of street cars ;
$3i50. : $1,001 cash , balance easy.
TO428 JL A. Upton & Co. , IBWFnrnnin St.
HANSCOM Plnco , lot 17 , blk 5 , $2,503 ; K cnsh.
Graham , Crelghton Ulk. 8.S1 27
RRMKMUKlt Omnlm View lots two years ngo
sold for $200. Now worth 41,000 to $1.300.
History repents IMclf , nnd Tnble Lund lots nt
$150 und flOOeach will prove ufoitunatc invest
ment to those who buy now. George M. Cooper ,
1C05 Fnrnnm. 001-28
1MJ Farnnmst
Olfer thes-bargnlns toitay :
1 corner Gooririn avo. nnd Dupont $1,20 } .
7 Orcnnrd lilll.choioc lots onch $ h5D.
House nnd 2 lots. SnunJers & Hlmobaugh's
add. to Walnut hill $2,300.
20 Finest lots In Clovordiilo , bargf Ins.
Fine lots In Kllhy place , cheap.
FInel l--lot John I lledlck'a &ub-dlvlslon.
-choice lots In Mn-nos add. , each $ oD.
2choice kite Fnlrinouut place.
1 ncro licit In llelvoderu , bargain $ * M.
Slots Jotter's addition , each $70D.
5 lots Mt Douglas , each $550.
2 lots South Kt. place , oncu $503.
3Brown Park , bargains ench $833.
24 lots cholco In Yules * Hompm's nldltlon.
10 ncres mile south of Harris * Pnttcrson's
annex , extra nice , chonp and easy terms.
A tine list of western lauds forsalo , or trade
for Omahn property.
400 acres highly Improved , Snundors Co. , sale
or trndo.
115 feet front on IClh street.
Last , nntlemt.'inrner on Furnam $41,005 nnd
mnn v others , 1503 Farnam , Wise nnd Pai-mele.
\S7ASniNGTON SQHAKB addition. onShor-
il man uventio and paved street , Is without
doubt tbo finest plnce to build you n home In
nil Omaha. A few cholco lots left fronting nn
Madison nnd Sherman avenue. Hvory modern
convenience nt bund. Sewer , city water , gna ,
paved stmet Prices for loH , 51,70) to 5I.500.
ench. J. L. Hlco A : Co. . ngenls. 851
Nc is the time to invest In Tublo Land lots
before tbo boom opens , which will be
facilitated by thu purchase of slum Krounds
yesterday by the Northwestern , CieorKO M.
Cooper. 1509 Fnrnara. 79 ( 24
JAltOF. lot on Military rend , near Dolt line ,
$ lav ) . ( Jrulmra , Crok-bton blockKS1.27
H A IlNiV PLACE-Is within throa blocks of
the cable line proponuil by the ICunens City
capltnllsts. J. It. Uvans & Co. , sole agents ,
HOUSES Lots.FnrnisLands- loaned.
Hemls' city mnps , 5x7 feet , S3.53 each.
Hemls , room .1 , Hnrkcr block , S. W. cor. 15th
nnd I'urniim sts. -B7
T7IOH SALU A2J-aoro farm wltb house , barn
- nnd nrlb , on the U. P. lly. , nnd only one-
half mlle from n ( food railway town , with
churches and S'lliools. Price $ H.OO ) . Apply to
IQUls Dr.idtorJ , oor. Utb und Dou.lttf , Omaha ,
Neb , TO
rnilAOKAOB Conior 102XKI2 on lllth St. , near
- IC. . St. P. H & O. Uopot SJO.UOO. 4 house now
rontlnw for 1,74' ) per year ,
( ircxory & Hadley 656
HOUSES -Lots , Farms.L'Jiids money loaned.
Hemls' city inapi. fix7 feet , S.59 each
Uomlt. room a , Uarkor block , S. W. cor. 15th
and Farnnm sts. 287
BLKOANT east trout , Hanscom jilace , f2,500
rahnm , Ciolnhton block. Ml , .7 ,
nt Citizen's bank , 210S Cumins St.
OBxiW o3r. < i Hey on 15th St. , mmr Luaven *
worth : linprovoil . $10,500
25x8 on Ciiinlng , near 24th st . . . . . . fi.OOU
64x124 on Cumin ? . nourJ-itb st . . , . , 7.1' O
22xliT > on Cumliiir Ht. ; Improved . , 400
i)7il58on ) Cnmlng ; B-roou house.barn.otr. , 0,500
COVI32 c-or.l'JIU und Uardood ; ( wurehoute
prf.pi-rty . 7'XX ' )
14x115 Fnrnum bat 18th and loth ; Jin-
proved ; rt'iitiiiK' for $ UJ per month . . . 22,000
83xii5 : uor. ; now U-rooin liousojinoiltni
Improtumonts , tine burn , otu . 0,500
7Uxl4U mi Iritli su , bet , Charles und Clark ;
improved , on cur lino. . , 8,009
< Hxl ( ! ) Paulson's udd ; 5-room cottueo. . . . 2 , ( > 0)
Two 4-room cottuirus In ltued'83d udd. . $ lnUJ ,
otuh. f.SOa cash , bBhinco monthly , lleautlfuf
lots In K , V Hmllh's udd. on2 < Jlii st. and c.ihlo
line , $75 per loot. Wo also luivo some vury
deslruble lots In I'oster'a add. , Vutos nnd Iteod ,
Hedford 1'luci' , Omuhii View , Clnrondon , Pol-
ham Pliicu , Iteed'y , Hhlnn'8 , JS'elHiin'rt. l.owo ,
ItOMiivoir , Orchard Mill. Wiiluut Hill , Ltn oln
1'liifo , Purk Place. Hawthorne , O'Null'B subdi
vision , iiml in muny ether pnrts of Hit * city too
numerous to mention Call uud exumlno our
l-st and Ket prices. In ndditlon to thn nhovo MO
Imvij MIIOO valuable aeru property , sullablo for
plutlinir Hint irurdenloif , that will bu sold tit
prlcu * that will Insure lnr > ; t ) prolltn Wu hnvo
on mirlistoinn tlmi Improved und unlmiro | > o < l
landi * In luwu nn J NebrusUu. which we lire In-
slructrd tochantfi < lorxood insldoolty prop-
oily an I liny dltloronvw. Unvlnw no property
ot our own 10 boom , poiiion-i hnvl.i- properly
tn hC'llorrant , will do well to lUt mime with us.
WfnUiuu-o collections unJ tranauut n"Kcn- ' bniikln. buslnesii ' Von arnulwnys wel
come nt our ptjtn of business. Coniii in and
let's kr < ' ( uu-iuainted. VVu are here U > t y , und
will slay loiiciilith you in tucli inannpr us lo
merit your confidence uii'l ' putronavu. Corrcu-
pondoncoKollclled. iiomntnbar the place , fill-
zeuB's bunk , 2403 Curolng st.
774 2' > Kiny * ' 1 miloton. )
ASPKCIAL HAItCAIN-lnvoitoni uiu , In-
vltdd to look tt the riitt i > ) fuel of lot 15 ,
f.'i-Uon't add. This piece ot properly faces both
Cumlntrund Him btreets. Cumin if blrect Is
iijved und street cara run I'uf.t ' the property.
The lot isWxJUO , ultb ulloy liodlcuted. 1 oiler
this plocu to-dny only $ l.rjXl ( , subject to pav UK
tux whk'ti it pay. tile In Irn iinnimlliiJi-lliniiiiiK.
Thuprlco will boadvHiiced ut once. It Is the
cuoitpv't piece * ol property on Ciiinlng stieet.
Ttirnis , ? fli , : fl cash , balance 1. 1 , und ! ! ytar ? , 1
percent "Thu man who busltutos ( s "
llunclif r. solo a/ent , 1512 faruuin st. 8UT 24
AFlXi : lot m Arllnirtoa for $1,05) ) , 3D ) cash ,
balance 1,2 andU > nuri ,
Ore.'ory 4 Hadley ,
Room 1 auja KeiU.k tHoc-i : > J S. i : > ili it.
HAUN'EV 1'LACH lots , $100 lo liVJ. I-vtb C-ih.
J. II. livaus it Co. < vAo mr nu. fii324 !
BAKOALS Oae of rbo Illicit lots ItT Oniuha
View , with wood well , $4U-c.fb , fur ( l.cuo.
tieurge M. COOJ > T , 1009 Fjriiam. V'J6 S
A IiASnUIir , under I'ftxton l
In KtfO Estate.
Corner ICth nnd Jnokcon , Tory choice , $1. ' . * \
Corner Oillfornm nnd Thlrtponth , near N ' . '
depot , Improved with four houses , tcn ; < , ur
$ l , ! ( iO per yenr. $120,000.
4lxl 2 on Douglas , near Twelfth , Impr-v. I ,
i feet on Cumlnff , between Slst and .j ,
K into bariinln , fd.WO.
Corner l th nnd St. Mnry's avo. Improved ,
l ents for $2,800 per j oixr , very cheap , $27,000 ,
! i cn h.
Crt feet on Cnpltol nve , nonr 10th ot , Improved !
rents forl'AKper your , S12,03. > : only jl.OMJ
c.i h ; balunco on Ion ? time.
nCornerln Paulson's ndd , with 7-room house ,
Inrco barn nnd otnor Improvements , $4tOOj
only Jl,200onoh.
( lood 5-room house , with full lot In Credit
I'micler mid , $ -'
Cholco lot with elegant now two-story house ,
0 room ! ) , nil modern Improvements , fronting on
lliuiseom pnrk , $7 )0 ) ; onsy term * .
Now two-story hon e , rooms , cast front , on
Georttln nvo , Hnn com place , $5.5v ) .
10 lots In Ore html Hill from $75J to $ ? M.
20 lots In Oak Chntlmm.
10 lots In Urammcrcy IMrk.
South Omalin.
RO.xIMfeoton N et. , choicest lutilno s prop
urty In thiicltyj very elienp , ( l0) .
OJilMMcoton Hollovuo St. , within thrco block *
of postodlce , Jl , 00 , M onh.
( Vo hnvo n very cholco list of business and
resldonco property In tnis rnpldly-irrowlnrf
lung , and in all additions.
Aero Pioporty.
8i ( norc < on Lonvcnwo tli Ft. , within two inllcd
of the postolllco , nt n bnrirnln.
; w Hcroioii the line of the contemplated street
railway ; vuryehonp.
Wo ImTa si > \ oral choice tracts Ijrlnir we < t and
northwest , which wo nro olferlnff nt low flmiro * .
Wrnrht A L gbury ,
PIS , SI. tJndor I'n-ton Hotel.
AllSr.V PLACK-ls within t hroli blocks of
Iho cnblo llnu propound by the Knn'iis City
capltnllsts. J. It. Kvans A. Co. , solo Bjonts.
Our now nddltlnn.
AorosfliMo f40J poraori.
Nonr South Omnha ,
And Sydlcato Hill.
150J Kuril tin.
TILF.OANT lot on Lnko st. $3,000. Ornhnra ,
1j CrelKhtoil Hlk. KH1 27
H AHNKV PLACU lots , f 103 to550l-Mh cash.
J. II. r.vnns .V Co. , solo n onts , 003 24
FOll SAM ; 83 ncro tract , Improved , nour the
city , $12.1. per ucro.
Lot * . In Pchlosintror's nddltton $ J50 to $35) .
ISO toot. 24th mid Knriiniii nt u bargain.
i0 ! net-en west of Walnut Hill cheap. Call nntt
Investigate. Schloslnjor Bros , OU d Hit ti U
178 in 3
rilAHLK LAND bus thn ndvnulngo of holutf
Jlocntcd nunrlargo Interests , mid to tboso
who will stop to think a moment , thn nsstirnnco
of vnluns cnn bo HHHlly heun Go nnd nee ( Ills
beautiful property nnd then buy now. Goorjro
M. Cooper , U'UJ Farnnm. 005 28
HOUSKS lx > t3FnrmsLind money loaned.
Holms' city map * , 5x7 foot , $ ' ! .5Q each.
loml ) , room : i , llarkur block , S. W. cor. loth
uud Fnrnnm sts. 287
HOUSK9 Lols > , FarmsLund s money lonnoil.
Ilomls' city limps , vrt feet , JJ.fiO onoli.
Uoml4room3. Darker block , S.V. . oor 15th ,
und Fnrnnnists. 2S7
13th st. Acre property , lots In nil pnrtg ot
city. Choice loti Lincoln Place. Harguin Wlr
80cor. Callloriiln ntidMil. . 110 ml
QOT1I nnd Lake fits , 122xl4S ft , cor , fHI ) L
A Chonp. Grahiim.CrolBhton lllk. 88127
T71INKSTcorner In Shutl's 2d add. . $2,100 , easy
J ? terms , for few days. J , M. llucbanan it Co. ,
1413 Farnuin St. Ut6
, roaidonueoii St. Mary's ave with cor lot
$5,030 . only $1H.59X This in the cliuupiwt
plecoof tirst-cla 3 lusldo propurty on ttio mar
074 Oroijory & Hndloy.
SALE House und lot on lath
Bt . 13,500
n Atnesplncii . 460
Flnobtlotln liodfonl place . 700
J''O feet on SmmdorBPt. . par foot . 7S
I.oU In Park Hull iliiK assodnt Ion . l.MO
Iots In Washington square ( $700 cash ) . . . 2,509
House of 5 rooms on 21th Bt . 2.00
Lot on Virginia live. ( JSO'J cash ) . l.KSO
hastfrontlot Kllliy plico . Ofli
South front block H. Lewis 1st . MO
Two lots In I'lalnvlcw ( unch ) . 1,000
UOUMI (5 ( rooms ) ! ! full lots . ? .200
JfOOcnsb , li : lunco , t' ) per moiitb.
House and full lot. Franklin st . 1,603
House und full 'ot. ' niondost . S.I03
H. W. Huntress , 15TO I'ttrnnm st.
rtJSTtnlnk of It Invesliiri. lots nt flSO nnit
* J $20) ) for IOM in Tallin L-ind. one mlle from
Jnrffo Interests by ono of the irroatost rnllwuys ,
the Nortliwurlvrii. In tha country , tinorno 11.
t oojieT.JfiO'J _ F nmm. _ W ) ti
G 6)1) ( ) "Tot , south front. Hurt st. .
CJrahnm.OruIfrhtoii Hlk. W 27
IT.OIl SAL'I 39 lout on Hnrnoy , between llth
-D and 12th , known as 1114 Hnrnoy or the H.
T. Clarke drug store. This property runts for 1 ]
per cent , on thu investment. Is n splendid
Murrain and only ollcrod till March 1st. Apply
toC. Wells , ronl estate broker. 1006 Ohlenjro ,
roar of Douglas county bank. 813,27.
G OOD lt7UGAINSWo hnvo a"fow more lots
In Matthuw's subdivision of Albright's
Cholco In South Omaha. Thuy in o a good bar
gain. Pierce & , room 6 , Arlington
blook. 831
_ _ _
HIM Accelerated Boom In South Omaha
Fowler Bios , arc heru with tlioiiaronltect ,
Mr. Nicholson , und tbo now beet houpo goes up.
Competition will compel others to come al
once , nnd South Omaha will soon bo thu cutllo
market of the AVost. Now Is the time to buv
property In thnt vicinity. We can make you
special barirnlua If t'ikon nt once. Plnrco ft
llogors. 1511 Dongc &t. B17 2B
MARSHALL , & LOIIKCK. 1501 Farnum ntreui ,
mombcrsof Orniuin Heal Itslnto Kxcbungo ,
Corner of California ( street nnd Twenty-third ,
TiGx83 feet , easy terms. $0,00) .
Houpfl of eight rooms on Twenty-third near
Cuss,61vKH foet. one-half cash , 35,203.
Kieht lots , l.lnuoln Place , ono-thlrd cash ; $52J
' '
Fo'iir'lots In West Cumlngs , easy terms , $553
to } ! MO.
I/its In Mt. Pleasant addition , oiuy terms ,
(300 to (450.
Twelve5 ncro lots In Spring Valley , (335 to
$10) per acre.
Also 21-2 acre lots In sumo addition.
All on vury ousy torms.
Wehnve nlnr/o linn of housns nnd lots on
our list , und Invite buyers to call und wo will
show the property. Murshull & Lobeck , l&OJ
Farnam Telephone 73. 75i.
HAIINF.Y PLAOK- Lies on Hnrnoy and Juuk-
son Btx. , tnidwny butvrecn Furnnui und
Louvonworth st * . , ndjoiulng Itlchniond and
Conkling 1'lueo Lots only (400 to $550 , MTciish.
J.U Kvans & Co. .bolonifoiils. OU'J 24
AHNKY PLACU-lB within throe blocks of
thu uublu line proposed by thu Kunsiu City
capitalist ) J , li. Kvans & Co , sole ugeut
JEHOMK Purk , 45.IH7. Flue lot J I.HOO.
074 Orojforyie lladloy
HAUN'BV PLACE lots f 4W to jrW , l-uth cash ,
J , II. Rvuns A : Co. , sole ugents. < MSl
IF you wnnt to buy or soil furnlturo , K" In
J. torKiifonB , 715 N. IHib. 737
II' SOI.U ut once wo can deliver n lot tn Utlen
Place * ! ,2JO. Only CIU ) caih. Thin Is a
Knap. Gruifory k Hndluy ,
Itoomsl and a , Ilcdick lilk.TO 8 15th bt. O'X
HOUSES Lots , F.inns , Lands -inoniiy lonnod.
Ilemls' city limp * , .rn7 feet , t'M each.
Humls , r-jom 3 llnrkor blook , B W , uor. 15th
nnd Farnam , 2tt7
1514 Douglas St. , Omaha.
Ladies buying a. $5 hat or bonnet , one fare
will be paid , ? io , loiitul trip.
It. It ICE , M , It.
Cancers < / other Tumors
Itfino ccl witlioJt Ilie knilu or Drawing u
OvcriiOear > Practical experience.
Nell I' < ; arl St. , Council IJlufft.
J3/'CoiiMiltation flee.
Justice of the Peace.
No.Wt Urouilwiiy , Uotincii Ulufls.
Collections a ijiccialty. Kcrur to the Dee
7j n ijtDANKLU & CO. ,
No. an Ma' " .rciit. % i 'i
AMI liA.ttti 1:1 -