Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 25, 1887, Image 1

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The Corporate Crowd Manacle a Majority of
the Legislature.
Seventeen Senators Vote Solidly For
Monopoly aicnsuros A Hotter
utiiK I" the Ilonsc-OIruiK-
IIIIK Omalin'8 Clinrtcr.
Senate Proc-ecdlnc1' '
LINCOLN , Neb. , Feb. i4. ! [ Special to the
HF.F.J The tcincraturo ) ) of onu or two mem
bers of thoasenato rose to a higher
pltchthls morning In debate than
rvcr before. Mr. Colby bristled up nt
Mr. Sterling's general Insinuation tint some
thing was wrong with the railroad crowd ,
nnd lie experienced a burnliiK deslru to knock
pome-body down. What mason ho had for
thinking that Mr. Sterling was attempting to
idnglo Iilm out as a member who had been
unduly tampered with Ins not at this writing
been made apparent. He has , however , on
one other occasion nt lean dlsplaved'a sensa
tlveness on this point , and declared that ho
was acting as spokesman lor e\ery senator
who * motives had been ruthlessl > Impugned.
Jlls solicitude for the safe-keeping ottho
feelings and consciences of others has
placed him In the role of a hero. Ills call
for specific charges In writing will doubtless
Interest the editor of the Hepblicin. whose
assertions are In line with those of. Mr. Ster
When the motion to recommit' the report
of the special committee , w hlch recommended
the passage of the house bill locating the
soldiers' homo at Grand Island , was butng
discussed , quite a little feeling was exhibited.
Mr. Kent made the motion , and stated that
In asking that thu matter be referied to
the committee on military iiffnirs , lie did
It because ho thought that the proper com-
uilttce to act upon the subject , llo was In
favor of Grand Island , ho\\e\er.
Mr. Keckley raid : "lam opposed to the
motion , and object to seeing this matter held
as a club to Intimidate members. 1 believe
that this is p.\rt of the tactics of certain gen
tleinen who arc interested In thn defeat of
certain measures , and who are using such
means as this for the purpose ot Intimidating
members and forcing them to taku positions
contrary to their convictions. 1 hope the
motion will bo voted down. "
Mr. Kent oxpiessed surprise at this statement
mont , nnd thought U came with poor grace
from the gentleman from York in impugn
ing his motives and accusing him of trj Ing
to ptmisii any member. He gave every sena-
toi credit foractlnir upon llrm coin lotions as
healwavs did himself.
Mr. Majors wanted the matter considered
with reference to the host interests of the
state. The special committee had not ghen
thicc minutes'time to the measure , and tin
did not know such a committee existed.
'Ihe proper thing to do was to refer It to the
committee on military atTalis.
Mr. Snell was voty anxious to ha\e the
bill considered by the committee on military
Mr. Casper said ho aw no reason why t' ' > o
matter should bo takcu out ot the hands of
the special commlttcn and placed with the
military committee , who were no bettor able ,
phjslcally , mentally or In any
other way , to consider the matter.
'Iho rial reason was that thu
gentleman from Jefferson ( Sncll ) had a
scheme for a normal school at ralrbury , and
ho was not jet ready for a trade. He con
cluded : "Now I know what lam sijlne ,
and It anvbody wants to take me out In the
Jobby and drub mo lam ready to dispense
with thi-borgeant-at-armsatuw moments and
accommodate him. "
Mr. Coiucr disclaimed any Intention of
dela > lng the bill tlmt normal-school trades
might bo effected. The statement was not
true.Mr. . Ilobbins objected to a reference of the
bill to the military committee and was sup
ported by a forcible objection from Mr.
The motion to recommit was lost.
'Iho seiuxto then took up the adop
tion of the report of the commit
tee ot the whole , which was pending
lust evening when adjournment was taken.
Yesterday an amendment was carried tUing
thu s.ilarj of each secretary of the railway
commission at 51,500 per annum. .Mr. Heart-
well this morning oftcrcd a resolution raising
it to S..COO. Little discussion followed.
.Mr. .Sterling thought Sl.fXW sufficient.
Mr. Cnsper said if the average farmer In
Nebraska was compelled to work SCO daj s nt
a net profit of less than one hundred dollars ,
ho thou.'ht Sl.fiOOasa voarly salary enough ,
considering tliat the bill as amended was the
most stupendous jokojet perpetrated by the
senate ,
.Mr. Heaitwell's amendment prevailed.
Mr. .Sterling offered an amendment , giving
n graduated table of distance charges as a
basis of maximum rates. In moving Its
adoption Mr. Sierllne said : "This amend
ment seeks tolix a rate on the principal com
modities of this Mate , cereals , lumber , coal
nnd stock. While to get a maximum rate on
those commodities is not all wo are entitled
to. still the measure would bo vastly bettor
with that feature incorporated In It I should
dislike to see this senate accept tnat railroad
slop without Injecting Into It somoelements
of merit , and for the reason that the best In
terests ot the Rtato demand that whatever
measures wo pass on this subject shall con
tain features that \\lll relle\o the people from
thu oppressions which they are now laboring
under , 1 hope this amendment will carry. It
lias been said , and 1 am disposed to believe
that tlieio Is some truth in the assertion , that
the corporations of this state exciciso such
Influence , politically , tint candidates must
bwear alleglanco to them before they can
secure a nomination , to say nothing of an
election to this body , and they come here , not
representing the people , but representing the
graven-hearted corporations which secured
their election. I dislike to believe that any
member of this legislature owes his scat to
the Inlhienco or the ellorts of any corpora
tion , but 11 It should bo demonstrated that
every feature that may t > o suggested to a law
regulating thc n corporations is voted dow n ,
then the conclusion Is Irresistible that souio
members do ewe thi'lr places In this body to
the Inlluenres of these cotporatlons.
In this Dili that Is before us are
the car-marks of those highly-embellished
gentlemen who represent the corporations.
wo see their persons on the Hoer or this senate -
ate from dav to day. Wo see the efforts that
thcso illustrious gentlemen are making to
corrupt anthing that Is oxen looking to
proper legislation , and It is a fart that can
not bo gainsaid that the amendment ( Con
ger's ) that Is now before this senate for adop
tion , Is such a mcasnio us 1ms been suggested
by the corporations of this state. They have
dictated It ; they have ordered It ; tncy have
commanded their men to support It. and it
does seem as though their bidding Is being
ubejed. 1 should deplore the tnct that mem
bers of this body will so far lortret their obli
gations to their constituents ; will so far for
get their obligations w hlch they toolc w hen
tiiov occupied their seats on this Hoer under
the solemn sanctity of an oath ; that they
should so far stultify their manhood as to re
fuse to vote tlielr honest convictions and re
deem their obligations to the people and to
the state by sUppoitlni : a measure "
Mr. Colby " ! rise to a point of order.
I want the words | of the gentleman Iroin
Klllmoro taken down. 1 want him
to either make a specific charge or mill
Ills Insinuations. Hn has no right to say thnl
any other gentleman Is bought or bribed. II
hu desires to make charges hero thai
a man has boon bought or bribed , let him sa )
so. I object or else have his words taker
down. 1 mean to say this , that if the ecu tie
man x\sl have taken a bribe I simply wan
to have the privilege of knocking him dowr
or calling him a liar here. I do uot propose
to stand it. "
Mr. { sterling I am sorry that the gentle
man tcels i-ensative about my remarks.
Mr. Colbv 1 am not sensitive at all. Thcr <
are certain rights tlmt men are obliged t <
> leld to. Let the Ki-nllemau make his vlmrgi
In detail.
The Chair The gentleman will make ni
reflections upon any member of the senate
. Otherwise his remarks will to taken down b > a.y ]
the secretary. . , ,
Mr. Colb-Ueeavso we diner I do no
Jiargo him with bribery.
Mr , bterllut' 1 stated that I.ery much dc
N-J > -I
plored the existence of Mich a state of affairs
Mr. Colby The gentlcunn stated that If
members do so and so bribery o\lst .
Mr. Sterling No , > on are mistaken. You
travel taster than my language.
Mr. Colby All I desire Is courteous lan
guage here.
Mr.Sterling I havotmdp no personal In
sinuations against any sena'or. I under
stand the rules and have no disposition to
transcend them or Injure the feelings of
any member. Hut this Is a subject
I am chiefly Interested In. It Is of greater
Interest to the people than anv other. I
want a railway law passed that will do good ,
but object to a measure that 1 believe to be
dictated wholly by the corporations of this
Ills amendment was lost 10 to 12.
Mr. LInlngcr , undo another motion to In
definitely postpone the whole subject , which
was lost Itito IV
The report of the commltto of Iho whole ,
ifcommcndlng the passage of the CongiT or
Snell amendment was then passed , 1U to 13.
'Iho following Is the vote :
Yens - llnncstccle , Brown , Hurnham.
Campbell , Colby Conger , Holmes , Ili-artwell ,
Kent , Lindsay , Linn , Majors , McVimar ,
Moore , Itolihliis , Schmlnkc , Shervln , Snell ,
Vandemark I'J.
Navs Calkins , Casper , Duns , Fuller. HI-
ginsofCass , Illgglns of Coltax , Linincor ,
Melklejohn , Sprh-k. Sterling , Tz chuck ,
Wolbach. Wnirlit-13
Tins kills oil all railroad legislation this
The special commltto reported tavorablv on
the hous < > bill to establish n soldiers' home at
Crand Island. An attempt was made to re-
ter the report to the committee on military
affairs , but It was not successful. Alter the
he ited discussion on the subject , a recess till
3 o'clock was taken.
The senate met at 2 o'clock. Uy consent ,
Mr. Colb ) Introduced a bill drawn by Judge
Chapman , providing that cities of the second
class may pave their streets and vote bonds
for the sinio in the manner of cities of the
tirst class.
Hills on second and third reading vvero
Mr. Conger's bill fixing a penalty for fraud
ulently wearing (5. A. 1C. badges was pissed.
Mr. T/sehuck's bill providing Identihca-
tlon of school bonds wsspissed.
Air. SnoU'sbillto tax sleeping and dining
cars used and operated In this state was
Mr. ICecklov's joint resolution authoring
the electors of the state to v oto for or against
a constitutional convention at the next gen-
tril election was passed.
Mr. rolb's bill to establish uniform court
rules In supreme and district courts was
Mr. Colh > ' 8 hill to provide publication of
names of soldiers and maiines who served in
past wars was passed.
1 lie senate then adjourned until 10 o'clock
to-morrow morning.
A babv had his say in the senate to-day.
The Hi.n is In receipt of C. L. Hall's "Hlo-
craphical Ma mini of the Twentieth Legisla
ture. " just Issued. It Is a verj creditable pro-
ducMon In all respect" . It contains informa
tion which can be secured In no other way so
readily and Is meeting w ith a larse sale.
K. O. Iov > Is , second assistant secrt'ir ) of
the senate , is sick abed.
in tlic Hoimc.
LINCOI.V , Neb. , Feb. 21. ( Special Tele
gram to the Un : . ] The cloven hoof showed
Itself this morning again. It was brought
out by the following resolution , which was
ottered by Mr. Kills :
K'-solved , That the judiciary committee of
the house be and is hereby instructed to le-
port back forthw itli senate tile M w itli recom
mendations and tliat thu chief clcik ot the
house s > erv oat once a copy ot this resolution
upon thu chairman of said committee.
Mr. Slater offered an amendment that the
resolution should not bo concuired In.
Mr. Andres said that there was no progress
being made by the committee. Tin- session
was rapidly approaching an end. The inter
ests of the city of Omaha impeiatlvely de
manded -hat the bill should be acted upon at
once and passed.
Mr. Handallsald the committee on judiciary
wen- considering the bill as fast as they
could and It w as not fall to take it out ol
their hands.
Mr. Smyth said that committee had met only
one bout since last ThuiBtlay. In that hour
the committee by n tie vote had decided tenet
not recommend amendment which had
been agreed upon by the citizens' committee
and the Omaha legislative delegation. Then
thu committee had decided to cut
out tlio S-00 exemption clause. It
was also decided to cut out the
property quallucation clause. It was evi
dently the intention of the judi
ciary committee to thus go through the char-
tei ami amend it until it would he unaccepta
ble to Omaha people , with tlio hope that it
would fail to pass oy reason of there being
no one to sav ono word In Its favor.
Mr. Utissell repudiated the allegation that
the committee Intended to mutilate the char
ter , but ho asserted that the committee , as far
as he was concerned , intended to give the hill
the consideration It merited. The Omaha
delegation came here and wanted to ram the
bill down the throats of the mcmbeis
of the house. They wanted to anply the
cag law. It was true that the rommltteehad
hold but one meeting since last ' 1 luirsdaj , but
that was due to the fact that It was Impos
sible to cot the committee together. The
work which was done at the meeting of thu
committee last night was worth something.
Another meeting only vv as necessaiy and in
nil probability the bill would bo reported on
Saturday morning. Why should the bill be
taken from the committee' '
Mr. Agee followed Mr. Hussell In a like
strain , llo averred that no ono wanted to bo
unfair to Omaha. All that was desired was
that the committee should give the bill care
ful and thonmhttul consideration.
Mr. Sui ) tli , responding to Mr. Agco , said :
"In the tirst place , the gentleman from
Hamilton protests that ho wants thu charter
bill | > as ed Inn term which would bo accept
able to the people ot Omaha. If an amend
ment whicli the gentleman had offered last
evening had been adopted it would have tied
Omaha hand and foot.
Mr. IEussell-"Didn't I votoagainst It ? "
Mr. Sm > th "Yes , ) on did , but 1 furnish the
facts and let thu house draw Its ow n conclu
sions. Wodo not want to choke the charter
down the tluoat 'of the house , as has beer ,
charged. Wo want the bill brought before
the liotiso anil want It dissected , amended it
) on please , ami passed. Omaha has ouo-
tcntfi the people of tlio whole state. She
pa ) som tenth the taxes. She has asked no
favors from the house. Now she only comes
before tills body and requests that she bn
given authority to govern herself In her own
wav. "
Mr. Caldwell accused Mr , Snith of Incon
sistency In askliig that the Omaha charter
bill should be immediately considered when
the Lincoln charter bill had been In his hands
as chairman of the committees on cities and
tow ns since last Thursday and not a meeting
of tliat committee had been held.
Mr. Sui ) th retoited tliat ho was awaiting the
ple.isuto of Mr. Kavmoml , who was thu Lan
caster county member of the cities and tow ns
Mr. Fuller said that Omaha might contain
one-tenth the population of Nebraska and pay
ono-tenth the taxes , but It was evident the
city contained more than one-tenth the arro
Mr. Andres called Mr. Fuller a parrot , sayIng -
Ing that ho only chattered In imitation ot the
gentleman from Lancaster ( Caldwell ) and
tliat all ho knew about tlio Omaha chartei ho
had obtained by listening to the latter.
Thu prev lous question w da called for anil the
amendment by Mr. Slater was carried. Mtu
as , 'Hie bill therefore still remains In the
clutches of the judiciary committee.
. ' 1 he special order vv as called for , aud with
Mr. Peters in Oio chair discussion on Mr.
llarlan's amendment to section 10 of the
railroad hill was continued until noon , when
recess/ was taken. _
In the afternoon Mr. Jlarlan closed the de
bate on his amendment to the eleventh E C-
lion , establishing rates , of the railroad bill.
Hesaid : "This discussion was opened ) es
terday by the gentleman from Lancaster anil
he seemed to doubt whether wo need regula
tion of the railway tratllc in Nebraska. He
saS it may be possible there Is some little
complaint coming from some localities , but
at the most he thought there was little reason
for complaint. 'Ihose ot us who come In
. contact w itn thu producers of this state w ill
y sat that 9 per ce-nt of tiie people are -crying ,
Wo need radical relief. ' I don't desire tt
talk for buncombe or to maUp a record. Whal
1 shall say will bo In behalf of tie ( producers
and tuou people on the farms and iu tte vil' '
lanes who hive their farms mortzacod
through the oppressions of the corporations
and who have motttcaer * t'vcn upon their
chattels. In counties llko the OJtinty I rep
resent wo need two or three clerks to keep
trick of the chattel mort acrs. Tor twelve
v ears , since the era > hopixr ! jear. wo have
hid seed time and harvest and our crops
IMVP grown luxuriantly. What Is the con
dition of the people- ? Are they getting bet
tor oil or are they woi e oil.1 There must bo
a logitlnnto cause ot this. It Is largely trace
able to the cost of tiansportatlon vv Ithln the
stito of Nebraska. WP are to di cuss the
tariff in Nebraska , not In Illinois or Mis
souri , except to draw comparisons.
" ' 1 IIP gentlemen toll IH that no are lenor-
ant. They caution us to imko no mUtike.
Where does this caution come from ? I'rom
the people or from the lobbv ? From tl.o
w oil-fed few or fiom the masses ? They sav :
'He careful or > ou will do something tint
will be verv dnuagiug to the people. ' We
are here as the lepresentatives of the whole
people , the corporations as well as the me-
clnnic nml the farmer. Hut where N the
farmer to dav , ' Is he hero to shoot statistics
Into the ears of representatives ? Where are
the corporations ? They are here trvlugto
detract from what will bo houcst legislation.
Have we not an interest in the small pIacc-5
of Nebraska ? Do wo not want them to crow
and prospei ? Wohavoa common Inteiest.
\ \ o "land here to ask justice for the people of
Nebraska who have been clamorlnir , jea ,
these many iear . They ask us if wo know
enough to hx a maximum rate. Wo know
enough to know that we have hern and are
being lobbed. I can see the corporation
fanes fastening on out entire land.
Their leprpsi-ntitives co Into the
caucus , into the legislative halls everj where ,
-ecUIng to control the legislature , trio ju
diciary nnd the executive. I ay now Is the
time for us to lijlit ; these fantrs off. Why put
it oil two joars : pie | people have richts the
corporations should respect. We respect
them. We votp them bonds. Thegeneial
government is liberal to them. Why , it Is ex
claimed , look at what the railroads have done
for the pooplel Let us ask what have the
people done for the rallwajs ? Thev have re
ceived more donations than are stitllcient to
build all the railwavs in tlic state to-day.
Wo do not desire to be niggardly or unfair.
Hut what wo want is justice. Iho farmers
and the people are not cranks nor enthus
iasts , nor wild. ' 1 hey aru Intelligent 'Ihero
is less ignorance In the state of Nebraska pel
capita thin In any other state except one.
They know what thcj want. For ten je rs
wohAvesald In our stump speeches that wo
would regulate railroad tarltK They toll us
that if tins amendment becomes a pait of the
bill it will become the rate charge and there
will lie no less. This statement onlv con
demns the railroads still faitlier. It tenches
the peopjp that they will siy to them : 'Keep
joue hands oil of us. ' We sec that now thev
are seeking to make the inter-state bill
odious. In hoiven's name , vvhcio do these
corporations , these thn.itpiiinz mants. come
from ? Lo tlw not t' t theii life hen1 ? Arc
we then to iy to these cieitious of ours ,
'Wo are powetless to control jon ; do with
us as jou will ? ' Let us raise om arms and
strike lei our ehes. The corporations are
sa > lng to individual members on this floor
toda.v : 'He still , lie down , or we will imko it
hot for i on. ' Let us hav o the courage ot our
convictions. The constitution of the state
itself gives the legislature power to establish
a maximum rate. We have the power. The
gentleman said this morning , 'It the legisla
ture has this poner the people ourht to make
it an issue. ' What has been the issue ? lias
it not appeared in every campaign ? You sa )
' ( Jive us railway legislation. ' Yet : when tlio
pinch comes jou saj : 'Hecareful. ' The gen
tlemen of Lancaster look down toward Omaha
with a green e > o aud sav a maximum rate
w ill build up Omaha and devastate Lincoln :
that it will make Omaha and unmake the rest
ot the state. There Is no ground for this.
What are we asking ? Wo are taking the H.
it M. schedule tiled in the commlssloncis'
oflice. We do not desire to bicak the grada
tion they have established , but wo desire to
reduce it 20 per cent. The objection that
these gentlemen ursjo as to an ) pirtlcular
localltv cannot apply. It is the lailroidS
own table , own classification. It Is reduced
iinitonuly ami on their own basis. It was
found on nn examination tliat the cut con
templated by the 1)11 ) ! in the lust place would
have been an injustice- the shortci dis
tances. Therefore this amendment was
made. 'Ihe reasonable mixlmum rate es
tablished by the legislature would not neces
sarily be the rate. "
Mr. Caldwell Could the commission make
It less ?
Mr. Harlan Yes sir ; If it couldn't , I will
notvotefoi or support the bill. Hj tins pro-
v Islons of thn very next section after the one
we are debiting the commissioners are M\en
power to lit a reasonable rate at whatever It
ma ) deem just. Hut if the establishment of
a maximum rate would render that the lowest
DOssiblo rate , what , in Cod's name , would
be possible without a maximum late ? U'e
must protect the commission. As soon as
the commission is appointed the railroads
will sm round them with powerful Influences
which will PO concentrated upon their heads.
If the. corporations can contiol lo-lslituros ,
session after session , what can thev not do
with three or live men ? They employ the
most biilliant men toi the purpose ot mis
culding and misleading the commissioners
In subtle argument- , and defeatinc the will
ol the people. If the force ot argument will
control thu commissioners oncuitwlll ever
atteiwnrds control them.
Mr. Tingle \oubeileve tint , why hive
a commission ? Why not attach > our amend
ment to the law and let the commission go ?
Mr. Harlan I believe there are some good
things about a commission. Merchants and
farmcia will place complaints Lelore a com
mission from which complaint will cminato
In the name of tin * people of the state , when
they would not institute action on their own
account. The gentleman from Lancaster
had much to say about cheap secretaries I
would like to luuo the gentleman stand up
besldo Hon. O. I * . Mason and a sketch bo
taken. If there was anjthiuggood about the
Jaw wo have tried to repeal we would have
some results through Judge Mason. The
commission of Illinois have power to make
a prlma facie rate and they hive cut thu cor
porations dow n 15 to .0 per cent. The corpor
ations irnve submitted. Illinois Is referied teas
as a model. Wo are not asking the railroids
to come down to the Illinois rate ; but we aio
reducing our rate from 10 to 20 per cent. Why
are we Asking this ? Hee.nise wo can get re
lief In no other way. Wo want a stake stuck
fiomewheie. We are compelled to do some
thing. 1 would rather wo had the actual it.
AM. . rate of to da > than to leave It Ioo e as it
has been. Then there is something to kok
to. Wo must have a maximum rate , which
will say to the railroads , "Thus
tai shalt thou go and no faithpr. "
The maximum late in every Instance makes
a slight reduction from the piosent rate nnd
Is a marked reduction ot all classes of trclght
aside trout caiload lots.
The question was upon the amendment of
fered b ) Mr. Harlan. The following was tlio
vote :
Yeas Abrahamson , Alkln , Andres , Hab-
cock , Uailey. Halrd , Hallard , Hontloy , .Hick ,
Cameron , Cannon , Cole. Cralf. Crane ,
Dempster , Dickinson , Dlllc-r , K'gleston ,
KIsloy , Kwlng , Frantz , Fuchs , Fuller , ( lat-
ford , Gamble , ( iilmon * , Harrison , Haden ,
Jeary. Helper , Lord. Marshall. Mat-
thleson , McConauhy , Miller , Minnlx. New
ton , Nichol , Overtoil , Peters. Handall , Hus-
hcll. Satchel , Slmins , Simanek. Slatersiuytii , ,
Sullivan'Itiornton , Tingle , Tiacoy , Trues-
dall , Turner , Tson , Underbill. Veach ,
\\etheralct , White. Whltmore , Willielmsen ,
Wilson , Wllsey , Wright , Young , Harlan. 03.
'Ihe n a ) s were 21 ,
Absentees Agee , Andrews. Harrctt Kills
, ,
Heimrod Horst Knox McCann McCiiew
, orst , , , ,
Pemberton , Kief , bcliwab , Watson , Woleu-
w ebe-r.
Mr. llarlan's amendment was therefore
adopted. The vote may be taken as a fair
index of the standing of the house on the
commission bill ,
Jio house then began consideration of the
substitute otfeted last week by Mr. Caldwell ,
by which the railroads are obliged to keep
their actual rates posted In ever ) depot , and
which gives thn commission power , upon in
vestigation of complaint , to jix n reasonable
rate and makes that rate , prima fac e , the one
which must bo observed by all railroads In 1
the state when like conditions exist. Mr.
Caldwell made an exhaustive argument In
favor of clothing the commission with unre
stricted judicial powers. He objected to the
horizontal rule of reduction. He would
have a commission established with power
to make the rate higher , lower , broader
in oven particular. In his mind there was
no justice In giving a commission the right
to go down but no right to go up. Such a
hw would not stand.
KepiIng tp Mr. Caldwcll , Mr. Harlan
talii : "For the purpose of t&xlng the people
the railroads are worth S.SS.OOO to 80,000 per
.mile. For the purpose of taxation tiey ( are
worth 812,000 per mile. Talk about being
tender with Iho corporations vvhcli are o
tender to the people ! Let there be one stake
stuck. Let there IKS one line drawn. "
Mr. Smyth asked Mr. Caldwell : "Is the
rate which Is tlxed by this bill any higher
than the rate now In operation , and If It Is
not , T > ] \ \ do vou ay Its tstabllshmcnt would
be an Injustice ? "
Mr. Cahlwcll-I don't know anthing
about It. 1 do know that ) ou don't know
ntiy more than 1 do , and I don't know any
thing. No man not a railroad man can tell
niltlilIKabout It.
Mr. Culdwell's amendment was lost-15
The housp adjourned without final action
on the section. _
Mutilating thc.Clmrtcp.
Lixcot.v , Feb. 24. [ Jjptclal Telegram to
the Ur.i : . ] The houspyudlciary committee
held a very brief meeting late List evening
and carried out the prociammo dictated by
the rail load attoines and contractors lobby.
They cut the chatter ns It passed the
senate all to pieces. The committee
should have met at 7:00 : , but
did not meet till 0-30 and remilned In ses
sion less thin an hour. Itwas a lar cham
ber session , the oblect being to dodco the ad
vocates of the charter as It left the senate.
The agreement entered Into between the
Omaln cltlrons committee and the Douglas
delegation was repudiated and evervtliing
pertaining to taxation of tallroads strlrkeu
out. The two hundred dollar tax exemption
clause was stricken out. The clause author
izing the city to go ten miles
outside the limits to condemn propcrtv
for purposes of waterworks , sewers nnd
piiks was entile ! ) stricken out. ' 1 he thirty
square mile limit was reduced to twenty-five.
Tne committee letused to meet again to
night at the request ot the Douglas delega
tion , giving as a reason that they wanted to
attend the 1'attl concert in Omaha. They
preferred to kill the sliarter and leave It.
I hey cast aside the claims of Omaha , to
who p welfare the new chaiter Is
absolutely necessary , and endanger its
pissigo by taking a pleasure trip. They
mi ) consider it Filday and report It back
Tuesdav. It Is likely to bo Thursday of next
week before the bill reaches the senate again ,
next to the last day of the session.
Good Tor Sixty Dnvs.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Feb. 24. [ Special Tele
gram to the HKK | The following additional
counties have been recounted and gains
found in each : Plipns34. ! Colfax-13 , Frank
lin 179 , fcarpy a : , Harlan 10J.'i ,
Pierce 00. Nance W ) , Yoik SO. Dlxcn lb ,
Saunders W3. total ! r \ Thlsglvs 1,4-U piln
In seventeen counties At f > o'clock this
evening twentv-thrce counties it-suited in a
total gain toi the amendment of : ! , -i ) ! votes
or enough to carry It. The session is good
toi sixt ) das.
A I'oisonntlon of JSvcry
in Hamlet liy Henry Irvine.
[ fopi/rfuM I'm ! l > v Jiimrx Gnnlnn Itcnnctt. ]
LOXDOX , Feb. il. INow York Herald
Cible Special to the BIK. | Mavfaii and
Its diamonds , with its i laces , fashions , and
brilns. Invaded this evening the noisy pres
ents of Temple liar to1 hear Henry Irving
give a reading of "Hamlet" In the private
tlieitro of the Hlikbock literary Institute in
Chancery lane. 'Iho reading was given for
thobenetit ottho treasury of the institute ,
and has thus piesented it with 3oOO , the
proceed-Jof the sale ot scats , which were held
at hl h prices. Altliqugu the prohibition
against theatres being opnn on Asli Wcilne
day has been iepealp l , Mr. Irv ing's thcatio
w is closed together vv IMi tlicjljiv.-marke.t jjnd
the St. James. The pMsrammes laTtHf vvrn
to be a reading. It was not one , noret
a recitation. It really was a personation of
every characlei in "Hamlet , " mainly
without a book. Irving told me that in his
long career ho had boon called upon , in fact ,
to pla ) oxer ) male part , not excepting I'olon
ins in the tiaged ) % Inasmuch as New
"iorkeis them clvc , or thiough the Herald ,
full ) know his conception and execution ot
Hamlet , I icfer ineiely to otnei cliir-
acters. living is put'cularly happ )
in scenes where the ghost , the King.
Polonins , the grave diggers , and
Osric appeired. He was heard as far as
was possible to do ho , and when it Is men
tioned tint ho was in evening diess wituout
scenery ( nlthouga Carrick him plaed "Ham
let" In the big wig and black iliess of the
period ) he pei-onatcd each cliai.icters with
lull abandon and exhibited a thorough phy
ot matures , atltudps , gesture * and voice.
His Poloniiis , Osiicand grave di ger , even
to the swinging of the spade and shovel ,
seemed regarded by all as a dollghttul exhibi
tion of versatility. 'Ihe speeches of the
queen and Ophelia were spirlnglv given nnd
no attempt was made to iailtatn thu voice of
a woman. In the closing scene with
Ophelia ho several times seemed to
recall the cadence of Miss Kllpn
Terr's voice. The evening's undertaking
proved ver ) arduous , and occupied tbme
hours. Hut Irvlng's power never weakened ,
however. When called out at the end for the
sixth successive time , he seemed to bo thor
oughly e.xhausted. A veteran critic , as the
audience dlfpeised , said : "IhlsUthe llrst
occaslo'i in the history of the drama , unless
Fanny Kemblo's former readings of "As You
Like It , " are to be counted , at which every
diameter of a play has been presented with
such excellence by one person. "
The Pacific ; Itollroad Investigation.
Niw : \ OIIK. Peb. 24. ( Special Telegram to
the Kir..l The Wo.ld's Washington special
sajsn prominent republican senator who
voted asalnst taking the Pacific lallroad In
vestigation measure up , said : "Tho matter
will sine ! ) come up to moirow or 1'riday.and
then 1 shall vote for the Investigation. There
are at least a dozen lepublican senatois who
feel as I do about it , tliat wo have no right to
stand upon the floor of the senate and oppose
anv honestly pioposcd investigation , Thu
enl ) reason tliat 1 voted against taking it up
thus far Is because , 1 believed that it was out
of its order. "
The lied Onk Wreck.
Kiu : OAK , la. , Fflx vM.-fSpecial Tele
gram to the Hii.J : Frank McKay , the man
injured in the railroad smash-up at this
plnce jcstcrday morning , died about noon.
Ho leaves a widow but no children. Ills
body was taken In charco by the llrother-
hood and will go east to his homo at Creston.
The other two injured are doing well and
will probably both recover. The wreck Is all
cleared up and trains are running through on
thu main line.
The Dillon Jury
Dt'iiu.v , Feb. 2.VOn the icsumptlon this
morning of the trial of Dillon , O'Hrlen , Ked-
mond.and others for their connection w ith tlio
"plan of campaign , " the judpo continued Ills
charge to jury. He- said that 11 the jury be
lieved the tiavcrses hart united in agreeing
to urge the people to do what the indictment
alleged , they had ucted unlawfully , ihe
judge then concluded ids charee and thejur )
rt'tiiedto consider their verdict. After a
short absence from the court room they re
turned and reported they were unable to
agree upon a verdict ,
French Affairs.
P.\Ui < % Ft-b. 24-Tho senate , bv a vote of
J10 to ! , has reinstated in the bud Pt the
credit for sub-prefccti > , the rejection of whicli
by the chamber of deputies was the cause of
the overthrow of the DeFrejclnct ministry.
DTho Panama Canal company has boughl
thirty locomotives in jielyium.
Ingalla fur President.
WASIIIXGTOK , Feb. 21. The senate caucus
of the republicans nominated Senator IncalU
to be president of the senate. There wcte
twcnty-epht votes cast , of which Ingalls gal
lb , Jioarb , and Edmunds and Frje 1 each.
The House Refuses to Pass the Dependent
Pension Bill Over the Veto.
The Hcsnlt Greeted AVIthClicor * Prom
the Democratic Side nnd Groans
mill Hlaspq Troin the
A Gicat Dnv In
WAMIINOIOX , Fob. 24 The house of
representatives pre'cuted an animated
[ scene to-diy. Ntarly every mcmhnr was
present tvhen the blind chaplain was
led to the front of the speakci's
desk and Invoked divine blessing upon the
deliberation" . No sooner had his voice died
awa ) than knots of members assembled In
various parts of the hall and discussed the
scimtlon ot the houc , the president's veto
of the dependent soldiers' pension bill.
'Iho leaders of both sides established their
hcadqimrteis In the rear of the h ill and ent
out scouts to the committee rooms tobring In
all the absentees. Uig , burly Tom Heed
looked over the republican sldo with marked
complacency , llo was vlolentlv against the
veto and ho was confident ot presenting thu
entire republican vote in opposition to it.
Morrison rearranged his glasses nervously
and Haudall was busy with the peculiar
stripe of democrats who follow him blindly
under all circumstances. Chairman Matsun
and his Invalid pension committee
lilttcd here and there trj ing to gather in
stray votes to sustain their report. Altogether
the crowdcd galleries looked down upon a
icmarkable scene. The president's friends
were busily engiged in looking after the In
terests of the administration. Mr. Cleve
land lias not hesitated to say lately tliat ho
was gre.itlj Interested in having his veto sus
tained by congress and it is peihaps not de
claring too much to state that ho has very
nearly exhausted legitimate means to bring
about the dc-licd iCMilt. Upon being called
to order Mr. Hiagg , ot Wisconsin , moved that
the senate amendments to the mihtarj acad
emy appropciitlon bill be concurred iu.
The resolution was adopted contirming the
riiht of Mode in the Indiana contested elec
tion case to a scat.
.Mr. Ulotint called up the report of the com
mittee of the whole on the senate amend
ments to the postolllce appropriation bill.
The first three senate amendments ( rela
tive to ollice lent in Washington ) and limit
ing the placing of letter boxes In public
places , buildings and railtoad stations , was
concurred in. 'Ihe fourth amendment ( a
proposition appropriating tVW.OOO to enable
the postmaster i-cnoral to contract for earn
ing toieign mails on American ves-els to
Central and fcotith America ) , a non-concur
rence was recommended.
A motion by Mr. Hurrows that the house
concur in thu senate amendment was lost.
The amendment was then nonconcured
in and conference was ordered.
Mi. Mattson ot Indiana called up the de
pendent pension bill , with the veto message
of the president thereon.
It was agreed tliat debito should inn until
i o'clock , when trie previous question should
be considered as Invalid.
Mr. Conger of Iowa thought that the repost -
post of thu committee on invalid pensions
was a complete answer to the president's ny-i
perboliccruiclsms on the measuro. lie rom-
'ineiiltd'upoii ' tbuaction ct-tlic prcMden lu
vetoln ? the pending moasuio , ) et signing
the Mexican pension bill , sa ) ing he did
not think patriotic people weio ready
to endorse such action 01 commend their
chief ruler for it. No piotcst had come
against this bill except trom the southern
states and from the money ccuteis. Had It
come to tills that Wall street and the solid
south were so Instrumental in electing the
chief executive that the ) command him to
approve a uicasiiio that Inured to the benefit
ot the men who hid lought against Ills coun
ty's flag and to withhold his approval from
ono foi the benefit of those whoso sullerings
had saved the nation and made it great.
Mr. Savvcrhad no apology to ollci foi
voting to pass a bill whicli met witli the ap
proval ot over three-fourths of the people of
the country.
Mr. W.uner of Missouri said that tlu > qucs <
tion prcsunted was whether the house would
stand by the brave men ot 1SG1 and 1SG3 , who
were dependent on their daily labor for sup-
poit. 01 by the president , who refused to sign
the bill which would take old soldiers out of
anus houses. The country should blush to
.see even one ot Its detemlcisan Inmate of a
count ) poor house.
Mr. O'llaia of North Carolina favored the
bill and criticised the ruling ot thu pension
otlice d nIngald tocoloied women who had
lost their sons in the war. The colored men
did not go into the wai , as the president In
dicated , for dollais and cents. When the
rim-fourth and Flfty-hfth Massachusetf
regiments , composed exclusively of colorcu.
men. went out , and tim paymaster offered to
pa ) less than other regiments because
thev were black , they spurned the money
amlsald : "No ; wo are in the cause of lib
ert ) and If > on cannot pay us what vou pay
other soldiers we will tight for our tla , ; and
country without compensation. " ( Ap
plaice. )
.Mr. Hano of I'ennsvlvanla favored the
passage ot the bill over the veto. 'Iho bill , ho
said , was being opposed by the most hypo
critical methods that had ever been emploed
to 01 promote legislation.
Mr. lii.igg of Wisconsin said that the tlnm
had arrived when the pension question .shouli
receive more than casual consideration. 1
was time tor members ot the house to act otn
from the roseate bubble In which they llvec
in Washington , prepared lor tlu-m by claim
agents , ' and look after the Interests of the
real soldier and business Interests of the
country. The men who advocated this bill
were not friends of the true soldier. They
advocated th s bill , man ) of them , simply be
cause the men could vote whom they expected
to hit ) by this bill.
Mr. Henderson of Iowa For one , 1 pro
nounce that false. ( Applause on the repub
lican sldo and in the galleries. )
Mr. Hragg I sa ) that Is the sub stratum
upon which all tills action is based. If these
men whom they call paupers were to call
upon them individually for aid the > would
say to them : "Vou good for nothing scoun
drels , vou arc as competent to work as we
are. " ( Laughter and applause on tlm repub
lican side. ) Mr. Hragg declared that the
press ot the country was opposed to the bill.
' 1 hose.entlemcn ( who satalott ( pointing to
the press gallcr ) ) might some time or other
turn this big pension boom Into a iniicli
larger boomeiang In some gentleman's dis
trict. ( Applause. )
"Wo have faii-d as well In our district as
the gentle-man has In his , " exclaimed Hen-
durson of Iowa , and tlii.s allusion to Hragg s
failure to secure a renomlnation was greeted
with loud and continued laiuhter on the re
publican side.
Mr. Hrairg , continuing The creat soldier ,
Palmer of Illinois , stood by the president ;
Ciovernor Cox of Ohio stood by the presi
dent ; old Dan Sickles of the third army
corps , bald tliat the veto was a most glorious
deed : brave men of all parties stood by thu
president. It was only the little minds tliat
went buzzing about like insects tlmt opposed
Mr. Henderson of Iowa ( contemptuous ! ) )
You stand bv the president ?
Mr , Hragg No staff commissar ) can ovci
excite me. 1 am shaking for what 1 consid-r
tlm soldier's Interest. ' 1 ho largest ( .rand
Army post in my state jcsUiday voted not to
RbK members ot congress to go against the
Mi. Morrison of lllinols-I voted for this
bill. 1 am satisfied tliat it does not contain
what its friends claim for it and tlmt it is
fairly subject to the objections urged against
It in the veto. He-side. * , the vito Is so Jar
above the high water mark of ordinary M-
ecutlve Independence and olllclal manhood
that I icel like Eharlng and taking my little
of the responsibility. ( Applause on tlifl
emocratlc side. )
Mr. hpriiui-rof Illinois thought the presi
dent would havett-wi false to. > wicred trust
If he had not called attention to the amii-i-'u
ties ot Hie bill and thenilsconstruetlon which
mlgtit bo placed upon It ,
Mr. Hepburn ot Iowa commented n the
fact that every gentleman who had spoken In
opposition to the < bill save one hid voted for
t orlglnallv. There must bo some reason for
his. A large number of them.
Ike himself , terminate their olllclal
l\cs on the-Ith of March , nnd o largo mini-
) pr , unlike himself , wnro now
ibout the w hlte IIOIHC "Hen ling the pregnant
ilnges of the knee tint thrift mxy follow
awu'ng. " ( Loud cheers and hughtcr on
ho republican side. ) 1 deny the right , he
continued , of the gentleman from Ohio ( \V ar-
icr ) , aud the gentleman from Wisconsin
( Hragg ) , to spealv for the ( ! rand Army of this
country. 1 tell jou that while thc o prntle-
uen did occupy honorable places in the Cram )
Vrmy and were ever ) where iccelved , vet
hey are looked upon to-d y , vv IIPII they rise
u their places anil denounce their old com
rades as vagabonds and MMUIPS nnd scum of
itimanltv , as Henedlct Arnold was. ( lie-
lowed eheeis and applau o on the iepubllc\n
side. ) There was a tlmo when Henedlct
Arnold rotlo along the line nnd when he
met with the acclaim of the bravo soldlnrv
c'vor ) where. Yet tlioro was another period
n his life when ho held an interview witli an
American on English soil , lie noi darlntt to
compon American soil , HP asked what Ids
Id comrades , tliosp who had worn the uni
form ot the continent ils in the dark davs of
the revolution , thotizht of him. VV hat would
Ihey do with Iilm if they should meet hlml1
I'lierepl ) was : "Thev would cut off > our
leg tint was wounded at Saratoga and bury It
with the honors of war , and the rest of votir
carcass thev would hang on a gibbet. " fAp
plause on the republican side. )
Mr. Matsnn of Indiana closed the debitc.
He believed it to be Ills duty as a leglslatoi to
asK the house to pass tills bill over the presi
dent's veto. Hu would bo glad it lie could
support the president's veto , but his con
science and Ids heart would not penult. Hu
had been asked whether the president had
ever signed a petition asking that a pension
ID granted to alt soldiers of the latu war. Ho
had In his hand a petition drawn up In IbM
whicli was too funs to rpid now. It was
numerously signed aud , In substance , asked
that a Pension of at least SS n month be
granted to all honoiably discharged soldiers ,
it contained ( Ids endorsement : " 1 am sure
that the subject of this petition Is worthy of
the prompt and careful consideration
of congress and the fullest justice should bo
done to the parties in whose interests tills
move Is nude , drover Cleveland. " As Mr.
Matson concluded nearly uverv republican
was on his tout , and as .Mr. Matson finished
reading the endorsement aloud bursts of
applause came up irotu tlm republican side ot
the chamber.
The question was then put : Will the house ,
upon reconsideration , pass the bill , the presi
dent's objection to the contiar ) notwith
standing , and It was decided In the ncgatho
veis , ITS ; navs , li > , uot the constitutional
two-thirds In the negative.
The vote by which the bill oilgmallv passed
the house w as Isfl to 70 , so it appears that the
following named members , all democrats ,
clntigcd their voteson the meisuro : Adams
of New Yoik , Hacon , Hole , Hurnps. Cobb ,
Cuitln , DAWSOII , Doucliert ) , IMon , Kriunn-
tiotit , Fisher , Hay. Gibson , Hall , Hatch ,
bcott , Sevmour , Shaw. Sowden , bpringer ,
Stahlneckpr , Stone , of MIssouii. Viele , Waid
of Indiana , and A. J. Warner of Ohio.
I'pon the announcement ot the vote there
was applause fiom the democratic sldo and
hisses and gioins fiom the advocates of the
The house then went Into committee of the
whole on the naval bill , bnt without com
pleting it adjourned.
WASHINGTON. Feb. .M. Mr. Van Wck
offered a resolution declaring It to be thu
judgment of the senate that a constitutional
amendment should bo submitted to the people
for the election of senators directly from
voters , and asked that It be laid over until to
morrow , when he will make some lemarks
upon It.
The house substitute for the llshpry te
tafiatlon bilLvvas disjigiccd to and a confer-
cr5c'nskfcl.iyJlGisrs. 'Edmynds , Fro and
Morgan were appointed as senate conferees.
A resolution declarins Senator lugalls
chosen president pro tern ot the senate was
laid over until to-morrow.
The house bill to extend the laws of the
United States over certain unorginl/ed terri
tory south of the state of Kan-as was passed
with amendments.
The house bill { passed to effect a rear
rangement of the grades of oilicers in thp ad-
lutant general's depaitimnt ot the aiuiy.
Iho house bill was repotted favorably to
grant i ight of way through the I iidlan ten I-
tory to the Chicago , Kansas \ . Nebiaska r.iil-
ronl. Calendar.
The senate bill to authorbo the construc
tion ot a biidgu b ) the Chicago , ht. Paul ,
Minneapolis & Omaha railway company
across tlie Missouri riverat bioux City was
The senatf bill to anthoii o the construc
tion of a railroad bridge across the Missis
sippi river at ( irand Tower , 111. , was taken
from the calendar. Amendments were agreed
to requiring the principal span to be0V ) feet
and the other spans 500 feet and > the bill
The senate then proceeded to considciatlon
of the senate bill to extirpate contagious
plciiro-pneumonla , foot and mouth diieases
and rinderpest among cattle and to facilitate
the cxuortatlon of cattle and products of lh e
Mr. Edmunds gave notice of an amend
ment which ho would offer as a substitute
toi the bill. It proposed the appropriation
of 51,000.000 to bo expended under the direc
tion of the president through the commis
sioner ot agriculture to aid the authorities of
the several states in preventing the spread of
pleuro-pneiimonia , tlm amiiopriatlon to ex-
pint in two ) eais. The bill was amended seas
as to have commissioners appointed bv the
president ( without the necessit ) of continua
tion by the senate ) .
The various amcndniPiits to the bill giving
the president of the United States the author
ity which Ind been proposed to bo given to
thocommlssionci of agriculture , were agreed
\\itliout tnrther action the senate ad
IJIOOJ ) IlOllllllH ,
NEW YOIIK , Feb. 24. [ Special Telegram
to the HII : .J A dcspeiato skin glove light
to a finish took place last night in a down
town resort between George Klein and
"Jack" O'Hrlen , both of Hrooklii. Klein is
twenty-two ) ears old , weighs 105 poiinds.and
has won several hard glove contests , O'Hrlen
weighed 115 pounds , is nineteen ) ears old ,
and has a good record. The llrst two rounds
were uneventful. In the third round Klein
led on O'Hrlen's face , cutting him badly.
O'Hrlen countered , but his blows had little
effect on Klein , who rained heavy blows on
O'Brien's lace , thawing blood every time.
Hounds tour , live , six ami seven were a rope
tltlon of the thud. Klein doing all the lead
ing , and rushing O'Hrien all around the ring.
O'Hrien was verj plucky , and got in num
erous good bodv blows on ills adversaiy. In
the eighth round Klein rushed Ids man. hit
ting him one-very turn.and hurting O'Hrlen's
frontispiece fnghtfully. The latter's face
wash ) tills time coveretl with blood , both
0)1-3 being cut. Ids lips split and hu could
hardly see. The ninth round opened sav
agely , Klein leading and making a chopping
block of O'Hrlen , who was all but Knocked
out. In thu tenth round O'Hrlen giimel )
came up to tlio scratch unable to see. Klein
got him up to the ropes and liammrieil him
unmercltull ) . O'lirien final ! ) dioppcd his
hands. ' ) he crowd hero made such a nol-e
ami din that ever ) thing wasconfiislon. The
timekeeper ji-JItd time , but could not bo
lieanl. Klein still hammered away at
O'ltilen. endeavoring to knock him out ,
O'iirien'ft. .second ht'ic- claimed a foul and the
icfereo Immetllatelv di-dded in O'Hrlen's
favor. ' 1 decision was palpablj unjust , as
Klein , and no OIIK in tact , toiild heal the
time-keeper's call. An indescribable scene
followed , overl > oJ ) It looked a1
If a riot would en-tie. Iho spectators tin-
ally withdrew. Kit-In li-.ulh showed n
scratch ami provtMl him * it a " " ' "
strong and scientific lultter.
UlH ! Glliltons-Sleirnf
NMV Yoiu : , Feb. 21-1 Special Tolegrair
to the JiLi. ] The lUr ) In the case of Miss
( ilbboiis. against Mrs. Paren Stevens , $ ea
terday , cave thu plalntitt a verdict for - > V
atidcostb. She Is dissatUUud witli the H'ldlei
aud w 111 appeal.
Over Ono Hundred Thousand Dollars Worth
Of Property Destroyed ,
The Iteport Tlmt Ton Moti Wcro
illurlod In the Uulim I'roves
Doultlo rntnliiy nt Pro-
mont Stntu News.
A Destructive lUnsp.
NsnnvsKA CITV , Neb. , Feb. ! Sl. ISpcchl
Telojram to the Hl.K.I The most destructive
tire tliat over occurred In Nebraska City hna
been ragliitr hero nearlv all day to-d ly , ana
has destroed iho best business blocks In the
cltv. At n o'clock In the morning the lira
was discovered b ) some printers , who vvero
going home from their night's work , In the
front part of the store of Robert II iwke , thu
largest mercantile establishment In the city.
The liio had nlteatty gained considerable
headway anil was nursling from the building
when It was discovered. The printers , after
rushing through the cloud of smoke that
tilled the building , succeeded In awakening
the clerk ot the store , who slept upualrs , and
enabled him to escape. They then turned
In an alarm whicli brought out the entlio
force of the lire department , Tlio htu at this
tlmo had gained such headway that there
was no chance of saving any of the stock ,
and the men set to work to save tlio building.
The ) made slow pro.'ress' , however , and at 8
o'clock the building fell In a mass of ru'ns. '
Immecli Uely upon the tall of Haw ke's build
ing lire broke out In the Masonic and Odtl
Fellows' hall , the three-story bilck
block that lias been considered
thn best In tlio cit > . The lire-
iiu-ii , nothing daunted , went to woik
In an elVoi t to save this block. At 8:30 : o'clock
the water gave out in two of tlio clsteins ,
leaving the tircmeii with hut limited means to
light the flames. When this state of atfutis
lie-came known Maor Larsh telegraphed to
Lincoln lor aid anil received a reply that thu
Lincoln department had sent a loice of fire
men to the rescue. While the firemen weio
working on thu third stor ) ol the .Masonic
block the east wall , which had been weakened
by the llames , gave awa ) vvlthuciiish. I'anv-
ing ten of the firemen to the ground in u
mas * ot ruins unit complete ! ) hurled tlirm.
Several of the men wein Injured f.itilly and
all ot them seiiousl ) . 'Ihe scene fol
lowed boggats discretion. Hundreds t f the
boriilied spectatois began tearing away iho
burning ruluto . re-scuo tlio buried
Ineiiien , while the remaining wall
totteied ami tlueateneil to tall
upon the icsculng part ) . Hv ha/aidous but
earnest work all of the lire-men wtuitsoiled. .
At noon it was thought that the fit chad been
stopped , but it broke out at .1 o'clock agu n
and the entire bus ness portion of Hie town
was tliriMtened. The Lincoln tiie deptit-
ment arrived atJ30 ; o clock and did good
work. ' 1 tie loss bv tin-morning tire cannot
be accurately estimated. Hawku c.mlcda
stock of goods valued at ST.1,000 and instiled
at & , ( flO. Ills buildlu.- . valued at SS.OCO B
lull ) Insured. The nrst floor of the Mason Q
block was occupied bv Hlckford Ar Co' " ,
vaiiety store and Ingall's baker'Iho total
loss will exceed S1W.OOO , on vv lilch tlmre Is
about fcO'i.OOO insui.uice.
l.AIKK I'.UtllCc'l. VUS.
The lite caught trout a steve In Hawke's
store. Tin- report that several men were
buried in the mills seems to bo unfounded ,
though main had mltaculous escapes. Tlm
lire was subJuccl about o'clock ami tlio
home company audtl,4ncoln Ng. iilld.somo
good work. ' AmonglhA.inJtNWKuy |
inir buildlWfcavciftfttMLJr . , - , . "
Ira Cioldcn , lircman , injured in ( ho side.
Mi. Hick-ford , serious inteinal injuries.
William Lee was caught b ) falling
timbers , and when found was fastened down
so ho could not move. He was sawed out.
His It-It sltto and leg aie badl ) bruised , while
his hand was cut up.
The total loss cannot ! > o full ) estimated ,
but will teach between S100.00J and Slir.,000 ,
div tiled aiming the liruis with insurance as
follows : Hicklord A : Co. had an insurance
of sJ 1,000 , divided between the Piecport anil
nn Omaha companv , ol whicli K. A. White &
Co aie agents. Ills stock was valued at
SJ..10U and he will lo-e considerable on ac
count ot water. He has opom-d a new stoni
at the corner of .Main ami Fifth. Robert
Hawke hid an Insurance ot about $ .17,000.
W. i : . Dillon , agent , had tOLO with thn
London ( ilobe-Comiiierclal Union , iJ.OCO :
Fire association of Philadelphia , Si,000. : anil
Northwestein National , S-,000. Hochsteler
ite Harding , agents , had fr"i.OOO each In Iho
, Ktna anil Home , nnd Sti.OOO In tlio former
on the building. The Masons and Odd Fel
lows had some Olli , | on their buildings
and lixl.ig The chaiitei had an insurancn of
& 100 , Kldgel ) encampment , S 100 , and other
oiganl/atiotis hail smaller amounts.
Severil ot thn firemen came near being as-
phIated while lighting tlio lire In the Masonic
sonicbuilding. . The buildings burned anil
wrecked will all he replaced by larger and
bc-ttci ones In the spilng ,
Two Mon InMuiitlv Killed.
Fni.vio.NT , Ne-b. , Feb. 21. [ Special Tele
gram to the HKI.J At half past : ! o'clock
this afternoon a sad accident occurred at the/
north edge of tlio cit ) , b ) whicli a farmer
named John Unkel ami fanothoi man , nnmo
unknown , were instantly killed by an Incom
ing passenger train on the Fremont , Kjkhorn
it Missouri Valley railway. They vvero
driving homo from the city with a team and
were run into while crossing the track , kill
ing tlio team and men. 'Iho train stopped
and picked up the bodlcsol the men , bringing
them to the passcnget depot , whore they Jay
awaiting thecoroncr'slinuest. rnkellsainaa
filly-tour ) ears old , living on Senator
bpiick'ri farm In Washington count ) , mo
miles north of Arlington. He leaves a wlfo
and famil ) of tsvelvo children. The ollur
man , is about tlili tnve t v ears old , alarm hand
working In tlio s.imo community , and was
ildinghome wttli Lnkel. J. Ciott ) was en
gineer on the train , lie ran Into a farmer
on the crossing near tiie samu place two
weeks ago , killing the team , the farmer hav
ing a miiaeiilous escape.
Cup 1 1 n I City Criminals Sputonoed.
LIMOLV , Neb. , Feb. 24. | 8pcclal Telc-
giam to the HnJ In the United States
court tills atternoon tlio parties convicted of
misdemeanor and felon ) , six In number.
were arraigned before the judge , some receiv
ing lines and others Imprisonment. Tlio
( .tses were all of minor Importance and tho.
sentences light. Onu man was sentenced in. ,
thu district court to onu ) ear In the penitent- .
lary for grand larceny. J
licttinc uu Yachts.
Ni.w Ynitit , Feb. 'JL ( Special Telegram
to the HhK.J Hutting Is beginning to get
live ! ) on the comlncfcruat ocean yacht raca
between the schooner yachts Coionet and
Dauntless , though as ) et chit-fly coniincd to
) achtsiiien. A club man said last night that
there was as much as SWO.ouO . up on the race
aln-adv. At the Nuw York club house the
Dauntless is thu iavorltv. Several bets ot
two to one on thu Dauntless have been made.
( iieat faith is plactdon Captain .Samuels ,
the old skipper of the Dauntless , but the
friends of the Coronet remark that Captain
Crosby Is homethlng of a skipper himself , has
been at loss thu Atlantic In the Coronet and' '
knows what she ran do. Another point to
thu advantage of the Coronet is that she Is *
nine feet longci than the Dauntless , and this
Is Important in a race ovv-r the long swell ! ) oC
the high
Dying of Kiuallpo\ .
JU.UMN , Fe-b. 24 , It Is ascertained that
Prince Alexander , tlmtU-posed king of Bul
garia , who was H-ati-iday re-potted to be dy
ing with gastric lever at his lather s house in
DaimsUdl , lias smallpox.
JUiy the "Caliph" silarm clock , , war-
rantctl hrat-clusi in every resppct. C. L.
Kne-Uon & C'o. , wholesale and retail
jewelers , Masonic block , 213 N. lJth ( st ,