THE OMAHA. DAILY BJfi : TUESDAY , FEB11UAIIY 2S , 1887. 7 HB SPECIAL NOTICES , Advertisement * under tblt bend , 10 cents per line tor the Dirt Insertion , 7 cents for each sub- erquent intertlon. nnd J1.5D line per month N advertisement token for lets than 25cenU for the Bret ln ertlon. Ek-ven word * will b counted to the line ! ther tnujt run consecu tively and must be paid In advance. All adv r- t cmenU mu t be banded In befor * 1:3) o'clork P.m. . end under no circumstances will the ; be taken or discontinued by telephone. P rti * advertlrlnc In thesucotumns nd hnv tntrthe answer * .MrtM In care of THE But win please wk for a check totnablothera toert their letters , as none will bo delivered except on re nttlon of check. All answers to ad vertisement * should be eneloird In envelopes. MONEYTO LOAN. MONEY TO IXJAN on tmorovcd real mutot no cumml ' ! on charsed. Leftvltt IJurn- hnm , Room 1 Crelgbton Illock 143 [ XI ONEY to lonn. F.llis llro . , real estate nnd J.U. loan agents , room 17 , Whittielt block , cor. Kith and Hnrncjr. n > 5 MONEY to loan on unproved city property , very lowest rates. C.J. Coswoll , room 13. Nebraska Nat'I bank , KIT mir , OANS Loans Loaus. Itenl estate loans , Collatcrlal loans. Chattel loan * . I/on ? time loan * . Short tlmo loins. Money nlwnyg on hnnd to lonn on any approved - proved security. Inve tmi'iH securities bought nnd sold. Omaha financial Exchange , n. w. cor. 15th nnd Hnrnev. Corbctt.Mannger. 324 " \1 ONKY to loan , cnsh on delay. 'JL J. W and E. L , Squire , 1413 Fnrnnm at , , Pnxjon hotfMni tiding. va " " " H"AIIIUS"A"HA IIIP. xxt R. mn st , Money to loan on first class security. Irora 5.VO upwards. $30.000 to loan. Sumg J603 and upwards , Lowest rate * . Remls , room 3 , Barker block , K. W. cor. ISth HUd Fnrnnmitg. B28 MONEY First mortgage notes. The Douglas county bank will buy papers secured by flrtt mortgage on city realty. 92J PKH CK.NT-Monpy to loan. Gregory A Hartley , Rooms 1 and 3 , Rcdick block , 320 S. ISth St. P27 rpo I/JAN Money Loans placed on 1m- JL proved real estate In city or county for Now England Loan A Trust Co. , by Douglas County bank. Uth and Chicago st . 923 TAfONRY TO LOAN-On citv nnd farm prop- ail , ertr , taw-rates. Stcrrnrt 3r Co , Room 3 Jron bank. 930 ONEY TO LOAN O F DavU i Co , real estate nnd loan njrunta , 1505 Farnnm Ft. Oil TO LOAN On real estate and chat- MONEY tell I ) L. Thomas. l 32 $500,005 To lonn on Omnlm city property" at 0 l > r cent , G. W. Day , o\or 1312 DougUo st. ttH _ TxrONlSY TO LOAN-by the undersigned , who J.'I has the only properly oreinUod loan Hgoncr In Omaha. Loans of $10 to (100 made uu furniture , piano * , organs , horses , wagons , tunchlnery , Ac , witbout removal. No delays. .All business strictly confidential. Loans so tnado that nay part can bo paid at any Ime.oach payment reducing the cost pro ratn. Advance' made on Uno watches and diamonds. Persons should carefully consider who they are dealing with , as many now concerns ore dally coming Jnto oxi'touco. Should you need money call and see me. W. IL Croft , Room 1 WlthncII Hulldlng , 15th and Hartley. P34 ONEV LOANED nt C. P. Heed i Co.'a Lonn Office , on furniture , plnnos , horccs.wugotiq , liorsonal property of nil kinds , nnd all other ar ticle * of value , without removal. 319 S 1.1th. over Hlnghnm'8 Commission store. All busl- CfeM strictly conCdcntlal. U3 BUSINESS CHANCED BUSINESS CltANCK-Bank wanted I want to buy n bank in some Inland tow n iu Ne braska or would start a new one it proper location cationns offered. Address K 07 Boo office , Omaha. 7M m2 FOR SALE Cignr. tobacco , stationery nnd news store. Excellent business. Address K 70 Bee otllce. 70S mO1 TT10H SALE A general stock of merchandise JL1 nt cost. In a llvn town Xi to 40 miles S. E. of Omaha Also peed house , stone store building , nnd town lot * . Bad health cause of leaving. Good sound business. Applj this week to C.B. , 1512 Farnam St. . Omaha. 754,2ti. ) R SALE Dolly and weekly newspaper In rapidly trowing town : complete bteam news , job and book omdlng outfit , ail new. hplendld opportunity for live , energetic man with a little capital. Value of plant. * ( , SOi , cash required only fsnO : long-time on balance Good reason * for selling. B.71 , Dee office. 7. > 9 , 27. QO1TABLE party with J5.0CO cash can secure O innnngemont nnd one hiilf interest In a MholosMo and manufactory business mono poly wnero capital will double every twelve months for next flvo year * . Address K 61. Heo olll ca. 708-21 * FOR SALE-Whole or ' { imprest la grocery store and stock , doing gtiod business : flue location. Address E M , Boo ollice. &il 22 * BIG bargain , $ .VX stock of choice drugs , will fill lor 4..rM , or will cxchnngo for city property. Jobn F. Toft. 324 North 15th t. , city. 647 2 T710R SALE-Lumber , pram and coal business -I ; onn of the best points In central Nebraska , on B. \ M. H. R. Hnrrlon Ambler i Ambler , Jtoom 20 , National bank. ego | r O R S A LE Oroxchanco for dry goods-lCO Jacres In PlatloCo. , Neb. : Improved fnrra. frame hnusn and barn. Address Box 4Brt. Co- luiubus , Nob. 595 25 * "I71OR SALE Hoarding liouiio and restaurant ; J-1 2tW rrgiilur boarders. Apply No. S10 Souta lOtbsticot. 5C7 27 FOH SALE Lumber yard nnd residence In t-outhwusturn Iowa. Well located and do ing good buMne-s. Good reason ? for soiling. Address E. 2. , Bco office. 3X1 m 8 * O BERLIN , Kan. , Is"n moit3i"iirabo ! location lor a Flouring Mill , ole for * Foundry. Liberal Induciimcnln ofU-rnd to nartlot socking imestmonts In the-ii tiriinelic * of industry. Cor- reopondcnccsollcltpd. Oberlln Hoard of Trace , Oberlln , Kan , A , C. T. Gpljer , Sec'y. 304 22 \\7ANTKU-Stock of dry gix > da , clothing and V furnishing goous , or boots and xhoesin rchnngn for Omaha real estate. Schlesluger llros-C14S10tb st. 175 in 3 FOR SALlOrtrndo haVerr and con foe- tloiicrv. Imiuira ICopp , Urelliua 4 Co , Omabn , Scb. 0-vj m t Tj OR SAl/K Unit imorcM In nno of the Imat Jpa > Ing drug storosin southwestern Iowa , Capital r > iulrcd , 12/iOQ , Aildruas 1 > 4U , lloo of- Bco. 918 _ _ BANirfor sale in a now rapidly growing town of 10 Inhabltuntx , Fine deposits. Monnr Inani from 3 to I per c iit , monthly. A splniidld vkmice. Artilro > s t ) , Ilec office , 915 BsiNEdS CIJANC'K-tocic Groceries and Meatmarket for utle. FltiPit location In Omaha. DoliiK an excellent business. Address , C , IlJleH Ofllce. _ Ml FOH SALE Or tredci for inorchanJiie , frta acrrs of No 1 farm land near Grand l ' nd. C. J. Canitn 141 _ Vf OCSIIS i t .I'iiriu . .L.Rii.imoiiry loonoa. aJUeinl .room 3. Darker block s. W. cor. J'th and Farnajj t > Wr _ "iroit sALK Hardware Tlmmess We offer JU' ou : fliflf nnd hravy hunlwuro business for nU , tusetbor with our leaws and g-ood will. Trana larsesit In tha city and locution thu be t. I'rtlrinir from the bulticM rniue for selllnir Ihe fiaura Hsrdwaro Co. , lU2g O tt. , LlniolQ. _ BiJ PBKSONAI * Y > KHSOfAIMr } * . Or. > 'nnm V. Worren JL clmo > nnt. Medico ] and buslne i Medium Koom No. S , 121 North Kth it. .Omaha , N b- l NI Largo rockctbook. A , N.Kour.SlOl Cutulnif. 751 2i MISCELI.ANEOU3. / UIAIILKS 1'ONTKX , nnitlytlcal chiunUt and Vy piuliieer , uimly l * of oroi.uials and u > a > s nnd nniilS ! of all kinds , chemidt nnd mliior- nloiriM to the I' . I1. H H. forllyt-nri. No. lfr/5 AVob.-ter cor 15th st.l'.O. Her 40t _ 6I ? 16 _ _ f | 0 all real estate agout * Ilavini sold our J- property known M Vornou Heights , nro hereby irhunotlcu ot withdranal of all lot * Jrom aulo. Ed on 4Cp , _ 767 J2 _ T WANT to establish In Qmulia a depot for the JL sale ut iny oopyriirlitiut bronj of clijurj , Omsbn Uudu" and tumba lleautlcs , " to the tradw. or rotall aiso , and will give a lite and eu- < > rreic mou rare inducements. Addrcjf. for threa d y , E W , Uou offico. _ 700 2t H OME foriudleiduriQrfconfiQcmCBt : strictly cooOJentija : chudrua adpol&d. Kur par- ' Preml'im Short rtftnd and ' . . , BLAKE'S T Writing ln tltuto. with the Omaha Hu f. ness CoIlpBC , 7hs oldest nd mo f thorough short hand M > mln ry In th swtn. Full day and evening scwlon * . Instruction by mail If dpslred. All Mud * ntt who properly nvply thcm elre * are gunntnted to beromo rnplil ami capbla short hand writer * . Premiums are offered b " irinnera entering tha March cl nnd complet ing the course Flr trnnk In proficiency , $10 Second rank In proficiency , ? 5 Third rank In proBciency. 13. Apply or write toJllnfce's 1're- mlum Shortlland and TypoS rttfng Institute , Omaha Uuslness College , ICth and Capitol avo. _ ! J2 1 _ "T7MHST-CLAS3 ctorste tor merchandise and JL' furnlturo. 12i3-I2I5I > c&vctiworth t. Alll'ET \VEAVP.1t-FiMt-clAS8 < work , and satisfaction guaranteed. JIL j Marie Chrlttenicn , ' . ' 12 .V 27th st. 701 j _ CONTHACTOHS WantlnB and or gri'.vel call room 2 Exposition Building Western Gravel Co. 705-33 AGENTS Kvory hoiuenceosr wants It , bm money for you. bend stamp , Lock Box 239 , Erie. I'n. _ 44.JI' ! STOHAGE Vlrst-clnjs storneo for nice fur niture or boxed goods , at 1513 Dodcc-st. F oil UKNT Organs , 12 per montb. ttofpo , 1413 Douirlat S33 T71OII nK NT Square Piano , tt montnlr. A JP Hostie. 1513Poutrlts- _ K "OAHTIE9 Wishing to ili po 9 of household icoodi will dud a buyer by addressing Cash , nil navenport. 113 ' _ _ _ TTIOIl U'HNT Sqaiiro I'lano U montaly. A JP nonpe.isnixjucms. en FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOH S.\kE rurnlture and lease , 11 ; room house , on prominent street , near center of business , lease ha ovcrtwo years to run. Cnn maku rent by letting live room * . House put In Ktio.1 repair. Thlslsnn unusual opportunity , youcnnpiirchsse the uutnt on very easy terms. Address E57. lleuolHco. 6U ! _ SALE Hordes. 30 bond of bor e . con- FOH ? of tine driving , heavy draft mid general purpose horsus , nUo 7 bond of western nor. os ull broken to hnrnes . Parties wishing horses will look well to their lntfre ts by lookIng - Ing over my stock before purchasing. N. H. Ilrown. 2J01 Cuinlnpr st , Omaha. Psi 22' FOH SALE M million brick nml upwnnli t > o- sides dally out put of 30,000. Enquire on prcmlspB , cor Pores' ' ! and 2nd sts. Omaha llrlch unit Term CuttuMfy. Co. TO6 _ SALE--45-hor e power txiller , nearly FOH now. V'.nqulre Western Pottery GJ. , Expo- sltlon building 87D _ WANTED MALE HELP. \\TANTBD A barber : good chance for the ' right man. For particulars , nddress Joe Foley , Wymore , Neb. 773 21 ANTKDHTacksmith to work in cityr CaTi nt Moore's Employment agency , 811 S. 10th st. 781 21' ) - . reliable man , capable of WANTPJ-Sober. specialties , ( 'nil < - ' ! S. 19th st "A. 23' " \VANTED Gardner Bt 1,723 s. llth st > V 70121' "VVTANTED Immediately. 4 or 5 coat maker * . > V 2 or 3 pant makers to go to the country. A poly at No. 1107 Harney atreot.Oinnhft. CM22 - Hnrbcr , must ho first-class work man , r.t 212 3.14th St. S. Patterson Knitnel. | 743 21' WANTED Hy the largest publl hlng boiiso west of Chicago , two hundred gciitlempn and ladles to sell"Tbo Successful Man" "Mnrvul- oua Wonders of the Whole World" "Bibles" ami various other goo-1 publications , apoly enrly and get choice of territory , J. M. Kri-ucb & Co. , office 18 Bushman Block , Omnbn , Neb. 407mlO Immodlntely. o good Job WANTED printer. None but rnpld workman , capable of taking entire cnargo of Job department need npply. References us to diameter mid ability required. Address Dally Gazette , Norfolk , Npb. ANl'ED A man and wlfo without cb.ldren for farm employment near the city. Ionian must be a good housekeeper , prefer the man to have some experience n. a gardncr. must show good reference * . E. S. Albright , 1120Jfmnm St. 324 TN3TVLLMKNT MEN-And nrputs gpnerally JL will Dnd Jupt what they need by nddre sln - Installment Dealers Supply Co. . Erie. Pa. 442-22 * - : n flrst-cin a work man to run n blnderv on share * : will furnish oucflt and work Good opportunity for right man. Adiiresa immediately , Dally Gazette , NorfoU , Nob. 144 "IT/ANTED CO sober , intelligent men of good " address to trv n lOo meal at Norrls' res. taurant. 104blfilhs't. 153 WANTED FETVTAT/E HELP. \\ANTED 2 girls , ono cook andonoluun- V > drcsi. at the Commercial hotel. 7fl2 21 * 7 AN1KD Fir -oUss kitchen girl. Omnlm W Club. 7032 ! ' TVTAN"rED-A K ° 0 < 1 fWto Jo kitchen work. ' v Inquire nt 'MX Davenport st. orofb. Knbn , WS Farnam. 704 2. "WTANTED-15 iuiiters.215 south 12th street. > > 770-21' " \TTANTED Girl inmall family for general Y housework 1W1 Fnriinm. 772-21 \TrANTE"D-A sirl for housework 1012 Pn- T V clflc St. 771-21' \ \ ANT1JD Lady Agnnts for Mr . Campbell'- . ' Seir-Adjustiiig Extension llust Corset. Beet fitting custom-madu Corset la America Elastic sections : never breaks down. Al o combination underskirt end bustle with remov able hoops ; transparent silk rubber aprou < , bibs and peves : "Daisy" Ho-e Piipportors ; Im proved "Queen Protector" reduced to $1. Pull line fnrnUliing goods. Acldrt- ? . with stump , H. II. Campbell A : Co. . 4S4 W Randolph St. . Chi cago. 757 ml' "T\7"ANTED A competent nurse girl. None T > other need apply. 1'JOJ Knriiaui. 753 WANTED 50 owlng xirla on overalls nn 1 pants. Good price ? pnld. Geo. Stiles , 14th nnd Leavenworth. P70 21 ANTED -Motherlyold lady. Noiie other need apply. Call Wednesdays and Satur- days. 103) Catherine. < Hs _ , ANTED A good girl for general house work. Good wages pnltl. 10S S 25th st. fill ANTED Girl for ccnurnl housowork. eJfi t-outh 13th st. 5ti ! _ _ " " 'ANTED n "ex pori enci-d f ervan t , with" ability to cook In small family , wages 1 to fi : none but competent parties need appiy ; H < 21 St. Mary's ave. cor20lh. _ 1U4 WANIEIi Housekeeper , nno who Is willing to do all the work except the wnshlnsr. 823 South roth tt. _ Gil L'ANTKU-Expericnced ho use It coper. Colored - \v orod preferred. Call at 112 N. Mb. 7J1 "I VTANTED G'oodcook and Laundress , 232 N. < > 18th st. 583 \\rANTEO au lidlei HI ( fonts to iern ti-lw Tl grnphy. Pro poct sfooj for position when competent ; address W J D , Hoom 1. C roil in blk. Om Aha , Utl BITTTATION WANTED. "VXTANTED Situation by baker of a years ' experiuncu. Address KOt , Ucootlice. ,03-22 \\7ASTKD I'oeltlon. evruiugi' . clerical or fii ft fctoro. llest refercnLC. Good penmnn AddrtM K , C5 fiiw office _ 74i 2 _ " \\rANTED--SltuatIou "ns housekeeper nr to i > take care of furnlsht > d roum . Apply nl 1618 DiiJkrost. _ 74j 21 marketer bouse : 11 yuars cx | > enuuco , Addrov * V. W. Weaver. _ ! Position RS bo < ikkeoper or ottlco WANTED mini. Best of references. Addrr E 45 Uco omce. _ U41 19- MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. TVf ANfEDTeams , 3J3 S , lltU St. " \VTAN l'ED-To rent a bouse of 3 or 4 rooms , by April I , for on ycarormor * ; location to bo betneau Dodge and Mnson and 1'tb and 25tti et . _ VcdresjJalleootbce. 5J7 _ WANT KD-To buy flro to twenty acres In- sMeofnr near Omaha. Give drscrtp- tlon , price an4 terms. Audrcu C.2) , IWso offlcti \\rANTKI > A K""J driving horse a'aiTouggy 'i uragood toain in ozebanffa ai partial pay moot for 50ft. lot on FurU AVB. hi ) . ci y. Mead Jf Jainleson. 451 Hud bord in rcsportablo ' > piivnte family , by youn lady employed durlnfOay ; place where can hare comforta- bin borne. Address E. Gd , Utt > otbce. 7C2 , 21 * * * A YOUNG MAN with few thousand doll ri would like to learn of some light business Give full panicular * . Adircjs E 63 , Bee W 24 _ _ V\TANTKI A banjotittojolna home quar- 1 1 tette. Must ba able to real music. Ad- dreta i',23 , lice office o03 \\T.V > .T 3lT-To"bui' 19 to 3) acre * within I IT railuiof the Oalaha poitoiDce , Wricht i Lnrbury. under Paxtoo hotel i > e FOB.BENT HOUSEa anaVLQTa. FOll RE.NTLar28 bara "wUbTlrater UrivT- lessi. .ApjJy t Ul4CUioo t. Wd. FOR HF.JTT-Two brick stores on north 16th st. Warehouse on track , now brick on pared street. Three new store * on outh l"th st. _ Tlio C. K. Mayno , Real Estate i Tnl t Co. , 1Mb and Harney tM RENT Elegant now hou o with all modern conveniences : heated by furnace ; street car pa5 "S the door. Ternn rea onnble. For particulars Inquire of Billou Bros. 1S18 .Douglas st 6S5 T7\OR \ RKNT-Llvery nnd hotel. Address A. N. JP Yost , Norfolk , Neb. 128 ml * 71OH REST Hou o of ten rooms and barn. Fi MTFarknve , between Earnum t and Lcav- cnwortb f , Inquire at Oornn House , South 1 th near Battle of Gettysburg building. 1M TflOR HUNT Nrw dwellings nil inoilsrn 1m- J2 proverupnts , central lotatlon , low rent. Edward Ijirkin , Expo IUon Building.TM TM M TT'OB HENT Cottaien. hmi e niiil More * , nil r desirable and well locatel , from * * ) per month up. ! > . llurnunm , Hoora 1 Creljrhton Block. m IT OR UBNT I0ocre 3 mlles fmra postoniec , J2 suitable for mtirkot irarden.wlll rent or elU Apply West Furniture Co. , 105 N. Uth st. 155 FOIt KBN'T room honsp , city water , street car * . Hi mlles Irora I' , O ! ? JJ par montfc , D. C.l'attoraonOmaha NatI bam. TI'J ' HAY prlvllejro to Ien e on the Dctwllor farm , at Ame * . 7 mllei we t of Fremont John Qallnnher,317SouthIZth st. llama FOH HKNT-If you wnnt to rent n bouse , call on Beaawn i Co , opposite poitofHee. 53) T7V3H HRNT-Hmi , 3 fbom r"Tn iTun. com JJ 1'lnce. ileltcr Campbell , Koom 1. 1503 Farnain. 705 FOB RENT ROOMS. RENT Two furnMicd front rooms FOR Gentlemen only. 1SI6 Dodgo. 727 m9 ! TT1OR HENT Two furnished rootn with board J-l for two gentlemen or man nnd wlfo. f 20 per month. 2M3 Hamilton t. 72J 21' FOH RENT-One or two"rooms. 707 S. 14th st 724j.T. > FDR RK.M' 2 well furnUhoJ front rooms with board nad hent , 1914 Fnrnam. Refer ences required. 747 22' TTOU RENT Dining room , kltuhen nnd two - * sleeping rooms , rrrnished suitable for keep ing boarders. Iblfl 1'arnam. M9 24' FOH HENT--A very desirable nowty fur nished room , nil modern conveniences , streetcars. 25.J1 St Mar7'snve. 578 FO11 RENT 1 i rnlslied and unfurnished rooms In f.ruetug Illock , cor. ISth nnd Dodge. Davis & HetberlngtonMillanl Ilotol Bllllnnl Room. 2. > 4 T7IOH HENT-lloiima uitnblefor2 gentlemen ; A ! new furniture ; bath. Iiil9 Capital jive. FOR HENT ivtrge furnlsl'cl room , suitable for2 gentlctaoi. Inquire 1D24 Farnnm FOR HKNT Ono newly furnlsheJ Sleeping room for gentlemen , 110 per month , nt SOJ Honurd. 5r- FOH lll'NT IJlogant suit alcove front rooms with board , 25J" > bt Mary 765 21' FOH HENT Furnlsho < l front room , suitable for2 ftentlemen. 2 b.'ocks f rum t' . I' , do- pot. S.V. . cor 9th nnd Pierce. 7.1. 2- ; * T71OH HKNT Fiirnl tied rooms , ten' , bath , -L good board , terms reason.iolo , . " § 21 I'lcasntn. f.95-24' r Furnished room to ircntlmanJ Inquire at 61) North 17th st. 0-tl FOH HEXT Nicely furnlthea room ? S. W. cor ICth and Chc ! iffo. JJT--I * FOK RENT Rooms for l.ght housekeeping. Call afor630 p.m. , BI3 o 16th * . 03S21 * fj'OR HENT Anoltgsnt front parlor with Jhonrd. . also other mnller rooms. House has all modurn conveniences Gentlemen de sired. Southwest corner Webster and 20th st. T7OR HENT 2 nice office rooms at 512 S lath r street. 732 J71OH RHST-Nicely furnlitiei room Refor- Jenccs require J. 1837 Dougl is. M7' FOR HENT-Store room and No HON. 14th stl FOH HENT Two rooms , imfuuushed , for lisht housekeeping. Inquire * 0 } Howard St. 37t ? _ _ _ FOH HKN'T Niceroo-ns at 1321 Farniin st , one block west of court sUe. ft-i _ _ FOH HUNT Two furnUheil rooms , with hot and cold bath nnd nil modern convenience' . Halt Mock from St. Marr's avo. canine. , " > la s. 22d St. 707-21 * _ FOH HKNT-Ulcgant furnished front room with alcove mid co ! ot. HIS 18th. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ < : > L" ! _ T710H HENT-Newly fuinlshL-d from room , JD JWJ Web tcr st B20-22 FOH HENT Furnished rooiis. 734 N. 19th-st 34lmb _ " 13OOM with boar I. ldI3 Cipltol avenue. n _ _ _ _ ; _ 434 28 * FOR RUST Kloxant roj.nj on 3tre3C csr line , bath nnJ jii , s w. cor Jta and Webster. 132 FOB SALE HOUSES LOTS. JEROME 1'AHK v HUhland Park. Lots fronting Farnam street Grozory * Flndloy , Iloomsl andoHedic * bloc ! : . TJJ S. IDth st. Col fT * F. SEAVP.U , Room 2.T , Pnxlon building. Ji . llo-t cheap lots ou bottoms northeHat of Fair Grounds 7M ! 22 OMAHA V1EW-75 choice lots. All the ml- \antngcs of street car.1 , city water. ido- waits , imved streets nnd gan close by. Do not fall to InvflatlgKte this. It i * tbe cheapest prop erty offered in Omaha. K. f. server , Itoom 2.i , Paxton building. 7J4 22 ACRE lota in Solomon's add adjoining High land Park f7M ( per acre. Orchard Hill ou only $750 ench. 20th st. Flue lot 6)xl4nand ) house renting for f70 per month , only 3.500. Cable. paoj prop erty. Ilrngaln. 2 splondiil lots and nnd 7 room house In Orchanl Hill , Hi,0. Splendid ln lde property on Farnam , Dodjje , Doiicla'i. etc. . etc. Mitchell i Leyonmarck , 1518 Dode st. 7J1-22 IT OH SATE \ ToFoT n inTos t no w f uf n it u t e t1 Apply 531 S20th , ono b'ock north of St. Mnry's avo. J. K. Wycotr. ( * 5.121 * _ FINE lot In Arlington for $1,013 , 4 balance 1 , 2 and 3 year * . Gregory i Hadlty , Hoora 1 and 3 itediok UlockJlS. : | 15th bt. 874 H IARNP.Y PLACE. Sblocis from Cnbio route. J. II. Evans i Co. W1324 HAHNEY PLACE-Lioi on lUrney and Jack- sail t . , midway tiet v * n Farnam ami Loavenworth at * . , adjoining Kloninoml nnd Conkl'iiir ' Place l its only { 401 to loj , 1.5c : < sh. J. II Eviins i Co. , sole ugents. Ql'l 24 BUY clot la Hltchcock-H addition. Host of northwest additions. J U. Evans ic Co , ole agent * . 6'JV24 HARNEY PLACR-Is within tbreoTTlocksot the cable ln | < proposed liy the Knniirt * City capitalist ! J , H. K\ans i Co , solo a'ent EROME Park. 43xl 7. Fine lot JI.-OO. 674 Greiforyi : Hadley HARNKY PLACE lots ? 4fiO to J5.V1 , l-5th ca h J. H. Evans i Co. , sole agoms. W324 IF SOLD lU omo e c-an deliver a lot in ITtlca Place tJJ 'XL Only fW cash TbU Is a snap. Greorv & Ilodloy , Room * 1 and i , Hcdlck blk , : ti ) a 15tb tt , 6.VJ HAHNBY PLCH lot * f W to W > 1 , I-Jth cish. J B , EVUQS & Co. , solo ajeriti. hWx'4 MARSHALL * LOHE.'K , 15 I'arnim struei , members of Omuua itoal Bilato ISxchaiife. Corner of Callforniii street nnd Twenty-third. OJtri foet.eajy terms , < < V > ) ) . Houieof eiffht n > o-ns on T-ro.ity-third ne r Cas * . MXM feel , one-half cash , $ & , } . Elirbt Ion , Uncola PliCg , OIIQ third cash ; f 515 to tT-VJ. Fourlottla Wo = t Curalnjs , easy terms tUJ . Lots in Mt. Pluxsint addition , eisy teruu , 1300 to J4A3. _ , . Acree TwBlvoSacrelotsln Siirln ? Villoy , J3iJ to { 4 > M per aero. Alto 1 1-2 acre lot * In iiroo addluoi. Alton very easy term * Wo have a Ur e line of bousM and louon ourliit.itadlnrlto buyers to cut dnd we will show the jroiiBrty , Marshall ± Lobock. liOJ iarnam Telephone 13 , 751 HOl'SES-LoujFarun.Land-i money loaned. iltmii * ' city mapj. 6x7 feet , * l BO each Haicu. room 3. Hjrker block. 3. W. cor. 15th iiud Farnam w. _ _ _ _ 27 A\7"E have nuvor shown any other Isni and 1 1 cart it Table Land , Go out Inve.tor4 now , and tec If HO lnno mid too luucti for tUU addl- U < i' Geo. > L Cooler , A n choice re ldonep propertr. 372 tfouib front lot 60x133 and lii-room houvs with all modern Improvements , on Burl st ncnr 20th. fJ.000. aro-New 10-room hou * and full lot on Perk RWiiUfl , Onp of thf * finest bomcs In thnt desirable locality. H6u e lias all modern lmpro ctncnts nml is a great bargain at 33 ? Very 'fine -room t boMsc , with all moilorn Improvement * . I Mone of the best on Cttllfornla st. only $ * .2iH. SO 1'lnpst east front lot on Ooorela nvennc , with now s-roum houjo. bath room , city water and modem ImprovcmoDts. Very deslrablo at J6.6OJ. ( f S3 Lar p 11-roora houf e , all mo.lern Iraprovo- ment s , mid tltie t south front let on Cali fornia st. J13.0JJ 2JD - 10-room houjo with tt in heat and mod em Impnivomrnts. Rood barn nnd full lot In lUtucom Place , north of park , Cheap at 18.000. 211 Now t > room house on Park nve , north of lx > v nwortb st. One of the finest houses on that street SS. Xl. 319 East front lot Mvl& , nnd 13-room house wild every modern convenience , Ar. cle- ? iint home , nud the flncit locution In the city. * 17,0n 374 63x100 on St. MnrySBVC. with neat 8-rootn Cftttflrc. A bargain. II2.VU. ) 273--Ne 8-rtiom cotlaae , Park ave. $4GOO. 26Jouth front lot and ncwu-room bousp. onn of the flncjt homes In Walnut Hill. If ta en before March 1st , * .TroO. 3JO licautlful past tmnt lotiiVx40) ) ! ) and bcM cottage In K. V Smith's add. f.i.WQ. 355Wxl40 on nortb l"th * t , with 2 coed houses. A bargain at ? ,000 Six iiil barraln for 10 day.i : 2 acres In North Onmha. poo-1 lioufo. barn and email fruit This will subdivide , and net the buyer 12,000 profit In 30 days , 1 4AW. 2530.xlG3on Plrrco and 20th Ms. 2 hoUfCS , rents for f 5" per month , only fS.VW. 1 fififect on S. 15th st , 4 blocks from pojtoiflce. t I-/KW. 8 - 1S3 f cet on S. 16th St . 1B.OX 9 126 feet on Sit that near viaduct with fine house , cojt J5.00 , f 17,00(1. ( 10MxWO on N 18 st S of Oracp. JlO.non. 4 Oixl32on Jones M.tlnely improved , fUi.OW 20-44 ft ou Lcuvcunorth st , J5.010 ' 125 60x140 on ! 3th t. buildings rent for $ I,3M per > ear , only f 10.50 ) . 121M tt on leth st. with OO'1 house , tlO.OCO 4'J-fi.lil44 onSauiulcrs t nuar Cumlnir.nith Inrxu house. $10 IK ) . 41-PO It. front on Satindcrs st , ? 7OW , with irnod 7-room house. 729 142ft on i-Atmdur ; ft. near bulnc i con- tcr , splendid property and greatest bur- vain on that popular street J.HX . 31 Wlxi : > 2 , corner ou I4th t : bulldtiifrs rent for $1.500 per yrar. ? 2.,0 . Si One of the finest cornnrs on Jackson st 37 W'x 8 , coron Kth and Cnpltol ave. , partly Improved , chenp. S40iXW. 945 East front , 115x1(71 ( , on North 13th St. , In smith's purlc. Very choice. 717 Corner on State ft , in Omshn View , lot 120x1110. SplL-udld Tallin at $2fi50. T -Comer on Hamilton .t , 174xZO. ThU is a flplemlid piece to aub-dlvldn. 731-riiolci- on Georgia ave , near Poppleton , $2.2oO. 710 137xM , corner on West Farnam st , facing tun sts , S-t.'HO. ' 711 73x'0 ! 1 , on California st , two blocks cast o' Convent , & .VOII. We still have lots In Molroiu HIP. Llwlk'ht i : L > mnn'a. Lymnn I'laco , Manhattan. HaiMcom Park nJd. Sulphur riprltiits adj. Tuttles Subdivision , Newport , Ilnchton , Uillsdalo and In all the popular locitlons s-ich ni Hti- ICK'S Grove. Hin : com Pl.i-e , Roillck's add , nnd choice lots on LuavL-nworth st , Abstracts of title , Money-loinod. Ames Heal Estate Agency , 15J7 Furnam St JOHN GALLAGHF.K , real estate , : U7 south ISth ' t. Aero propsrty , lot < In all pirts of city. Choice lot * Lincoln Place , llarzaln MX tC.cor. California and 23d. 116 ml T71INE5T corner In Sbiill's 2d add. . 2,100 , easy i tcniK , for few days. J. M. Uuchanan & Co. , 141. ) Farnnm st. C4 $ A POSITIVE bargain ! Wo have the exclu sive snlu o 4'J acre * nice land 4 miles from P. O. . n ar Lo.tvcn vorth st It will be to the advantage of personslookm ? for investments of tbl Kind to sec ui bolorft purchaslns. Wo also h v 2,840 ncr > s of IOWH and Noliraska land that wo would exunanze for eood city property or merchandise. KJni ? i Templeton. nt Citf/cn's llank.210'1 Cmninsr st. 6 i 21 . residence oa St Mary's ave with cor lot $5.000 . onlvJIVWl. Thisl the chcaprst piece of tlrjl-cUss Inside property on tno mar ket 074 Gregory i Haitley. HAHNEY PLACE lotS4 TO ? 5M , l-5th cash. J. II. Evnns V Co. , sole i-cnts. CtU 24 $5,500 will buy m > od Cft-foot lot on Park avn. with -room house , barn , Ac. C. U. Morton , W9 Park avo. .VT3 21 FOR SALE M acre tract. Improved , near the city , t1 5. per acre. LoH In hchlesinrrr's Addition T-V3 to S350. l > 6ieot 24th and Farnamat n bargain. 20acres cit of Walnut Hill cheap. Call and investigate. Schlejlajor Bros , 014 S Ut h t. " 170 m JJ DOVT fall to po and * eo T.iblo Lnivl. nnd don't mistake il for Lun ? Branch. Goo. M Cooper , 1503 Farnam. 70) 23. HOUSES Lot4F.irm , Land * motley loano L liemis'city main , 5x7 feet , 5153 eah. Ueinij , room J , Barker block , d. W. cor 15th und 1'iirnara st.i. 237 DODGE3T. C-irni-r. Full lor. inurocJ , rent inir now for 11OM. Can soil tor J'tt.'WJ Gregory i. Hadley. 461 OMAHA View. 75of the choicest lots In thl * addition at prices far below adjoining propeity. Kasy terms. E. F. Seaver , Hoom 25. Paxton Building. 734 22 TF > ou wnnt 'n buy or * el ! furulturo , ( ro to J. Forjuson's , 7I > N. 18th. 7J7 HOI'SES Lot"Farm.Lands inonuy loano 1 BemiB' c-uy mapix7 feet , SJ 51 each HcmKrooml. Harkcr bloc : ? , S W , cor 15th and Karnara ts. 257 LIST your property with us Wright & Lar- bur. , under Paxton hotel. 502 H ARV F.Y PLACE Inf. JJTO to t"a. l-.thcn'h. J , ft. Kvatu Sr Co. , solo agents. 6W 24 V T. MARY'S AVE-Fino co-ner ia-.xi : on kJ St Nart'n ave , street * on i sides nllnys on 2 sides with JI.0 10 house , ilS. ' . ) ) . Easy teriuo , this I * ! e-s than $ lj per trent foot aim that u tlio ttxtire at wnlc i wo sold the adjoining inido lot last week. Gregorj A H-irtloy , Rooms 1 nnd 2 Hedlck blk , 320 S 15th it. _ _ _ _ _ 161 HOL'SES Lots.Farin , tii 'noney louneJ. Ilemls' city mum. 5x7 feet , * : .ol each. Ilemis. room.1 , lUrier blosk , S. W. cor I5ta and 1'nrntim sts. 2S7 rpALLE LAND will prove the best oul ldo In- 1 \t-stmoiit you can mako. Geo. M.i'oopor , 15W rarnam. 7W2J HARVEY PLACE lots. f4 tof. 1-10,1-51 hcaslu J. It. Evans 4 Co. . sale ngenta. 85J24 BR. HALL i CO. . 115 S nth fitrest barsalns * Loren S&unJerx mall ho'.ne. 8-roorn hoase,2 lot. , ? aurdp-s sf "Vroom hou ' 3 , 1 lot , Snunders st. * -roont iioLSo on2oth a\tniiia 5-1 oem cottage on Char.'ea t ii room bnusoon I'aUwelltt 7-room collate , 2 lots , s 19th st 14 luti in Urscrroir add 47 lots in O chard Hill udd. 20 lots In Schles lngo's add. Ill lot : ) In CloverUulf ndd 2lotiin Shlmn'i < 2ni | ndd 2 lots In HtlisldtNo 1. Tlots in sub dlfisionof 112 Jotter's adlition to S Omahi , known as Taylor'aaJd. 10 ucr"4 In Hyde p-\rk , 2 lots In O nun in ircy park Seven-room cottage und 2 lots In Ambler Place to exchange tor unimproved Hnd 5 room cotugti on Parker 5t 1-orly sores , * tniles from pastoUlce to ox- chMli oforln Weproper'yT 4VJ i ) acre lots In Newport tS1 ! ) each. Five nc-ro lot In liulvi < ijert . 40a 6 bo t lots on OHM linu iUJwIli'S Grcon , ? 17 ! each for all. Choke lot In Ambler Place ffilO , Lot In Eukerman's add , | 4W 2 lots In HwUht A Lvmnu'e add. } 8V ) each. South tnmt ! ot on Hnrn T tt , f 1.800. Choice lot Ic HanM-om pa | < a 50xliXon ) Euclid si , near Mnton , t.-'OX t4 ft couth front on bristol at , nt-ur Kouutz 1'luce , ? l-"iil. 'M ft and house on N JOth St. near Chojrles , Fine south front lot on Ilurdette el , near Sounders , SI , ' . jui 2 lots on Porter st , near33J , tl.OS ) each. Fliiueaet front ou 25lh st , Le > euv orth Hargaina In A. B. Patrick's aJd , . ueur at cot Kounti Place , Lot in Walnut Hill with & room house , barn , eo. , , . bOxlu ) on Pierce st near 20ih st , itb two good 5-room houtn , rent 10 jviuo a m'nth , Jt.'wo , 60 ft eatt front on SnundoM M. " " "r Jturdcttc 4 ft cor south ICth .t a ul Murttia. Rargaln. 92xUJon S 15th st with 7-room bousvlU ) . 30 ft and buMnes * liojwi.iberiJuu nvo at head of St. Mary's ate , 15.UXX 2 lots on Hamilton s' , } rAn > ) ; both hi ; bar gains. An elegant new 12-room brick residence in be-t part of thu t-ity. 100 ft on Uth t througb to 17th ot.uvar Joauj , with * lAre houses , J&O.OJCL ' Fine varcliou ; lot. traciago.ou 30th melons side viaduct , JHs.WO. 661 100 J ut-Wj jii and 10th iU. Rartra' n T. i Hook. Tii tl a U Es tutu , 1WJ > * rui y\ . Q A SLOMAN . Rosl rotate IlroVpr , k ' ISlt Farnnm Strtot. Farnam street , cor lMhriiit ; ! , > 4 caih $ M/WO Fnrnamst. , near 14th,22li.lmt > rovpd. . Hj.OtM Fnrnamst.-neRr lSth.44JlS3. ImprovM Kjm Farnam St. , near 2fltH x1S2 , Tory cheap , B.500 Fnrnauin. , near 2Uth , UCxxl32 , 35,000 Farnam t. , cor. 31st st , IDflilK , ' and oa t front . . . . . . KKfl Larnam ft , cor 40th , 9"ixl32 , s nnd e front 6"CO Inrnam ft. cor. 4IM , 4 < tn3 , 11 and o front 3.MO > nrnamt cor 42d. 44xll2.snnd w front 3JOO Harnoy st near 11th , 22tM , . 9/rtl Hnnifyst near IMh.SHIf itnproriil. 2.W ! t'nrneyjt. ' nearSOth , 174x170. Improved 3&.OM Harnoy st Hedlrk's ( Jrovo , 41xl.e. . . ] . VV ) Hanifyst nertr2Td.4utlTJ . fjtm Douglfl * st. near 12th , 44x132 , Improved SA-fW Douglas st , nt-Ar 18thiixiaj , > i iutorot PVK ) Douirlasst. nrar2i.l,6.Stl'K. . . 7.VO Dou lsj gt. near 23d. MtlX ! . , ? . ( iO Dodgcst. cor. 12 h. 6QilK. : Iniprored . . . , " , ' ) Dodge st. ncarS th , 50xlX2't . . . , Dodco t near 2Sth. 40tl27. Improved . 2.70) ) Jark < on * t. cor Hth , CCxI.Ti , Improve 1 25 , W Jackson it npnr 1Mb. r.axl3Improved irsO .lnn < st i-or.l.Mh. CSxltJ . 24,000 Howard st. near loth , 32x 2 , Improved. , sjtia Lcarouwortb tu cor. 21 t , 132x111 , Ira- proved . . . . . 19.SX ) I.carcnworthst. cor. 25th , 140x142 , Im proved . . 25,003 Hthxt.opp , M. P. and flelt Line depot , HU1I2 . . . . . . . P.OOO 14th st. trnckiige. Paddock phur , 60x112. I.BO ) Park ave opp. park , 6HxlV ) . l.WO InrlnU nve. near Lpnvenworth.vtxiio 2 , ( 3 Georgia RVP. near Mt Pl ii nt.WxlW . ' , e03 20th st , tH r M. Mart's. 40x120 , Improved 6.0TM 2Jth st near Doroan , lOOxloo , ire pro vol. 4,500 2nth st near Dougla , 3itM , Improve ! J.CHXJ I'.th st. cor. Murtlm.Mtn..improvod. . 4.500 llth n , nonr Dorcas , mxl32 , Improved.CIO 20th st , cor. S > ward,6Ltl2),3hou ; ) < o , 4.501 Pierce nc r2uthft.1 toot front , 2 trt-ots. 6.150 Hamilton St. ncnr Relt ! ln , , improved 1.WJ 41ft st. Just off Farnani , 4'xl3 o front l.M > 3. ' > th ot. , near Davenport. lOOxIJi . 2AV Sewanl , ncarlVMb , ixl57 ) . 1,1.10 31st St. , nenr t < oaTonwoHh , MrlW . 2,200 10th st , near Castellar. 135 feet front 4.500 9th st , near Mnrtbn. 61\151. corner. . . l.tTO Ilurdette t , iionr2Cth , 5nxlU2 , on car line 1.900 Hurt st , near Ixiwo av . 511-2x139 . 1,103 2.ith , cor , Poppleton , KJtl'iO , Improved 4.0M Davenport , nenr 24th M l-3\132.itnproved 4.000 Chicago , corner S4th , Mxiii : , Improved. . C.uOil 2)th.npnrPoppletonilixl27. Imnrovod. . 8.000 South Omahn. lot 3. blkSS. 65xlW . tVTO Drchnnl Hill , lots t'&O to . 1,001 Ilrown Paik , lots J50H to . ff > Pedford Place. lnt JSTiO to . WH IlU-lilnnd Pnrx , lots ouch -cash (65. . -W WnVely ndd , ltt ' 17x150. onch . 401 25 acre * near Fort Omnhn.fliicly luproved _ 9,010 C73 HOt'SF.S LTIS , Farms , Lnnds money loaned , Hemis' city man * . 5x7 feet. S2.51 each. HemKoom 3 , Darker block. S. W. cor. ISth andFarnam _ st . _ _ 27 ! ! PATRICK'S 1ST ADD--t.V > rnerlllilW. on the Inside. CO ft. lire 2 double house * , renting J40 p r month , leaving corner 51x138 rni > ant. nil for 15,000. 1-1 CH h. Gregory k Hn-lloy . Rooms I and 3 , Rcdlck Ills , 323 S. 15th < t. 4fil HAHNF.Y PLACE Lies onHnrnoy and Jnok- on sts , midway between Knrnnm nml Lennworth st * . . adjoining Hichmond nnd Tonkllng Place. LoUunly J4CO to < l5) , l-5c sb. J. II. Eviins & Co. , sole iiients. WKi 24 "ITOR SALlTwo lot * In Kountzol'laco. Spon- JL cer Otis , nt7 Douglas st. 32j 0LLnnd noti3 ! fullMt nnd mojt complete sot of aostract liooica of Douzlaa county now In the o coof H. C. Pattenon , 15th nnd Hnrney. 597 AHNKY PLACE-J. a Kvaus & Co , solo ngunt C392J , TABLE LAND , one and onp.fourth mlles from fair urouuds.u bore lots sell tcr J2,0 < jO ench. 760-23 HAHNEY PLACE LIcson Harney and Jnck- on sts . midway between Farnam and L"nvonworth sts. . adjoining Hichmond and Conkbnv Piico Lots only ? 4tQ to C&Q , 1-2 cash. J. H. Evans St Co. . solo agontfi 009 24 \\"HAT have you to trade lor Nebraska fnrm ' * land ; , improved nnd unimproved. Address Z 4" , Hce once C4S 21 * F Seaver. Room 25 , Paxton Huildlnir , 2 of the * cry best ncres In Drookllno ; already plattPd into 10 benutlf ill lots. Can glva you a bargain on this If taken nt onco. T.It 22 EF. SHAVER. Koom 25 , Pnxlon Building. TnUo Etevntir. Two host acres In Brooklln" , already platted into 10 lots. Ten acre- , near Central Park , cheap , So\ont\-tlvo lots In Omaha View. Choicii lots in Foster's addition , Ji.200 to $2.V 1 ITircfl lots In Clark's addition. Two lots in Lincoln Plnco. ? 1 AV ) . Two lots In reservoir Hdditlnn.on Hamilton St. Kovernl lots In Kedick'a subdivision , on Vir ginia avo. Two lots In E. V. Smith's addition on Cable Line. Six best lots In t'llca Place. Three elegant lots in Walnut Hill , cheap. Host bargain ? In South Omaha. A uplcndid list or impioved residence property erty/ 734 72 A RN'E V PLACE lot * . WOO to JiJO , 1 5th cash. J. a. Evans i Co. , sole nenU. 659 34 rpAHLE L\NI > lots $200 corners$150 Ituido ; -L onp-louKh rash , balance JJ a mouth Geo. M. Cooper , 1509 1-iirnam , 700-23 BAHGAtNS-Two corner lota in GENUINE HnrJetiocourt , only 4 blocks from Saun- dor"street o-irs. W. il. Bushman. Room U , Uuikm.iii Block , N E oor 18th an J Ooula . _ LKAVENWORTH st , 100x127. corner S ,700 874 Gregory i Hadlev. BARKBi HAHKALOW , 14'1 Douglas St. 24th Et. bet. Popplelon and Woolwortb < ts. 50x25. ! 4 room cottnire fast front. $ 2.550 Omsha View , house 7 roomy nnd lot 2,003 If th St. bot. Lake and Ohio , 61x141 , east front. . . . 3,200 An W teet fnmt on l'nrk ave. , on street car line nnd on grade for. . . 3,900 HOIISB and lot on 2st ! St. . betn een Clare niulGrAcesti . . . . . 2,100 12 acres 3 1-4 miles from uostofiieo . . 15,000 Choice lot m Orchard Hill 759 6-rootn hotue , lot Sd ft on l" > th it by 57 ft deep , n corner 4,000 9-room house , mod am Improvements , barn , lot taxlis , Shlnn's.Td add 7,000 House and lot 31x105 , Paeillc s : . between 14th nnd 15th ts . . . . 2.900 Spncial lj.tnr.Uni In Kllhy Place , Walnut Hill , Klrkwood and Scntn Omaha. Uarko \ tiirkaluw , 1421 Douglas st , CG3 JO acre * Flns t ground in Cote Ilnlllante n. w. of FortOmuhit. Will ell all or part at f 3 0 per acre , one third cash. Gregory .V Hadley , r < om 1 and .1 Rodlck block , 3JO s. 16th st. 555 J3LEASE rrmombor that Tubln Land is all I ole-irod. and wunt of Lung llrnuch George il Cooper. ISffJ Fa-nara 7fii > 2l : HOt'SKS Ixjts.FarrniLauds mouny loaned , Hemis' city rasps , 5x7 fcot , ti M each Ilemls , room : ) , Barker block , S. W. cor. 15tb and 1'nrnam ats. 2s7 Hlil'SKSlxt , FannnLands moiiev lonned , Bemls" city maps , .1x7 feet. W V > esch , liomli , room : i. Darker block , S. W. cor. 15th und Fernam sts. 237 KAVKNWOHTH t-f Pro.oeriy. ISO feet corner lltth et..fI'm. \ . 3jots,22 mt trout , between Park and Geor gia nv > . , each t-I.ikU. 91 ; feet corner Georgia avo. , $15,001. 43 fct improved , b-nwi-rn Uth and 15tn its , rents for t& > per month , * IO.00. 10) feet clo-e to Holt Line , tl.m 50 feet close to tlelt Line , tMW. Heller if Campbell , roorp 1,15W Farnam. Ml ' ARXEY PLACE-Is wlthm three blocks of tbo uablo line proposi-J by tbe Kamp.o City cnpltallbts. J. H. Evuiu i Co. , sole ngentp. HOl'E3 Lota.Parms.I.Hnds money loane.1. llcinls'city maps. 5x7 feet. (1 V ) each. lteml . room 3 , Darker block , 3. W. cor. I5tb and Farnam sts- -V7 " ARN'KY PLACE-IS wuhtiTthree blocks ot H the cable line proposoJ by tbe Kansas City canltulUt * . J , B. E\uns JcCo , , ole azents 6vJ 24 TlAllLB L\ND lf ts. only 3 1-3 miles from po-t- utheo , at JJiid Slt > 0 , nre tlie bert iuve.t- input you can make. George M. Cooper. 15V9 Farnam. 7'23 TpINK corner lot In Sbma'iadJ , 4 room hou , Ore/ory It Hartley , JIIU.SIKK3S lot ! o-l Park ave , | | , 10 for lu- 'r. > idu. f..O/J for corner , ? > xU to an alley. Mead 17011 SALE A JJ ) < a2rB farm with bouse , barn -L and cclb , on tbo U. P , Ry.and only ono- half mlle from a guol railway towo , wltb ohurchfljnnj sjnools. Priou Jl.rtX Apply to Loul * Bradford , oor. 9th and DouylaJ , Omaba , UACKAGb'orncr 102x112 on IitliTtT. u ar ( A. fit. P. M i O. Iwpot S.-0Ojy , 4 houses now itmtlogfur $1,740 p r year , Oro.-ory * Hudlny 555 . PLACE-U within throt ) blocks of HAft.MVY the cntilp line jiropOMU by tha Kansas City capltaUits. J. B Evant i Co. , solo agrnta. " \rOl ? would not be to projudiooj as to de- - Inounie aaythlutr without e tiu It , Inves- tlgato Table Laud lota and buy DOW. Goo. M Cooper , 15-ja Farnam. 70 2-1 VALLEf. Uurnaw addition. Near South Oman * , Aod Sydlcats HilL Xlftriholl If Loback , JOJ 15 ! ) > j/arDiia. rpilEbopui tuUwtok will ba uTbo ! a 1. You ouyln to ea to tt that you cancet 6omo Of thco lots. Gou. M. Cooper , WISE * PAHMKLK , * 1MJ Furnom st , Offer thcxbartmtn * to-day : 1 corner Ueorrln aro. und.Diipont 7 Orcbard hill , choice lot ooch fVX Houe nnd 2 lot * , Snunders & nimobacch's add to WaintifhllHI.axi. 20 FInet lot * In novecxlnle , bargt Ins. > 1no lot In KIHty place , chenp. ' Flnel l'21ol John I Iledlck's 3ub-dlTlilon , 2 choice lots In Maynos nJil. , each f-VhX 2cbolce lot ? Fnlrmount pl c . 1 ncre bo < t In Hflvodptf , bnrr.ln J'DX 2 lots .letter's addition , ench $70J. 5lot Mt DoiUla .eachfVVX Slots South Ex. place , each $ J . 3 Drown P rn , bargnln * pnch $ WX 24 lots choice In Ynto * * Homppl's atdltlon. Hi ncrcc \ mile outh of Harris tt P.tttorMm's annex , extra nice , choip nnd oi\y terror. A tine litt of western In mil for sale , or trade for Omaha property. 400 ncrcs Highly Improve , Saunders Co. , sale or trade , 115 feet front on 16th street. Ln t , not lent , v > rnpr ou Farnam f i > ,01 nnd many other * , 1W Farnnm , Wlso nnd IMi-melo. 377 _ _ -rTARNEY PL.U-K-M within three block * ot IX the cable line propose * ) by the Kanras City capitalists. J. 11. Eraus tc Co. , solo ngents. W9-24 OR 3 DAYS ONLY Lot 5 blk B Sulphur Springs add.for } 1,800. { TOO cash. Gregory & Ha Hey. Itooros 1 nnd 3 Hedlck block , 320 S.15IH ct. B23 _ HOt'SBS Ixits.Fnrmi , Lauds- money lonnod. llcmls * city mitp * . 5x7 feet , ti.51) ench. llptnl * . room 3 , Barker block , S. W. cor. 15th and Farnam 3U. 2S7 SOUTH front , CO foot lot on Hamilton it. 157 fcot dcop , mnklng north front on Charles et.Vhatis better than thl * nt f I. * ' " " ' OreiroryA Hndlof- Room 1 nnd 3 HcJIck block , J20 S. 15th * t- 874 [ _ _ E. F Senvor , Room 25 , Pnxton Building , cor. . 15th and Farnam. bnrgnlns In residence property , Itnprovcd and unimproved , 734 2J rr AULK LAND-ln this beautiful addition , .L only 3 > ( mlles from tbe portolflce. lots are foiling for tJuO , corners , and $180 for tii ldc. This Is the finest property north , and the cheapest because the bosL Invest now , and runp a bnndomu profit. Some iclondtd In < ldo Investments Call nt ray ollico nnd Investlirnte. Ten acres on 16th ttrcft nt 1 700 per acre. 720 23 OeorijoM Cooper , 150 ! ) Farnnm. ROCSKS Lots , FnrrasIj nds money loaned. llcinli' city maps , 5x7 feet , f ? 50 ench. Bemls , rvom 3 Darker block , 8 W. cor. 15th and Parnara. 287 Its cnu os , and a no XT and suecOiitulCiruEatyour own hoinu hy ono who was deaf twenty clfht years- Treated by most of the noted special ists without benefit ; cured himself la throe months , and sime then hundreds of others. Full particulars sent on appl cation. T. H. PAGE.o. . 41 Weit3l8t St. . N ew York City. DR. PEIRO'S OXYGEN TltEATSJKNT. for Uw relict ud cure of CDMSUMPTICN , UOKWIT1S , ASTHKA.HAY FCYIR.CATXRRH , KRYBUS FROSTUT1CI , ITC. Rrni tUtnp for th * "I * * : I , " ui lntcr ltn * U > ok ot 13O pAff , Fo r Colr4 rlftlel .V. B Our Orugrn ft in l > - ( tf tfnt anyvnm in tnt 1 nitrd Ktalrt. Canada or _ _ _ _ i'uror 6y Ji > r A'as , plctn , eomplrtt dtrrcttnna vith faffi Irt tm nt Addruc , DR. PEIRO. u > l' f i > r" , uutiW ) , UX. DRS.S.&D.DAYIESON . . . , 1743 tAAVRKNCK STRIIET. DKXVEU , - - COLORADO , Oftne Missouri State Museum of Anat9- rnv , St. Louis , Mo. ; University College Hospital London , Giesen , Germany and New York. Having devoted their atten tion SPECIALLY TO THE TREATMENT OF Nervous , Clinic aod DISEASES. More especially those arising from impru dence , invite all so suffering to correspond without delay. Disease * , of infection and contagion cured safely and speedily without detention from business , and without the use of dangerous drugs. Patients whose cases have been neglected , badly treated or pronounced incurable , should not fail to write us concerning their symptoms. All let'ers receive immediate attention. w3TJUST PUBLISHED _ jf And will be mailed FREE to any address on receipt of one 2 cent stamp , "Practical Observations on Nervous Debility and Phy sical Exhaustion , " to which is added an "Eisay on Marriage , " with important chap ters on DISEASES OF T1IE RIIPRODt'CTIVE OROANS , the whole forming a valuable med ical treatise which should be read by all younji men. Address DRS. s. & i > . n.ivinsox , 17-lli Lawrence Jst. , Denver , ol. WOODBRIDGE BRO'S" ' State Agents FOR TUB Omaha , Neb. Wodejlretncall the attention of thu pub- llo i/eiiernllr to the superior merits of the ILLINOIS WASHER \Va-UiIiit * I'pi'luctly Clean with Lea t Labor , und with Great Kapiility. Tbou ndB now | u ut e All kinds of Wringers repaired. STAK TiA.M'l'ACTIIRI.Vfi CO. , 1031 NOKT1I MITII .ST K > rr , Stone&Gravel The Cedar Creek Stone and Gravel Quarry IIIIH just been oueuuil up for biisinesj. A good quality of liltc and blue Hint' stone for bnildin ; purposes , is furnished by J. L. FARTHING , The General Salesman. Also eruvol of tiio finest quality for lawn mid otliur iiuriioies Oflitt.s at PlnttsmoutliVob. . Tno 1 ! . & 31. rail- use a Urge ainoiint ol'tliis stone HEALTH PRESERVING CAUTIOK-r * . . . . lei WlbCU 164-1 J * 103 t"-rtaff wort' .sll frail a UC9S.IS thijlllb * JK151 * HAL OO1LXD WlHX SrxiM : CLASTIC Sic- 11 JM COkscT uidiuQAeir itLtl ( MUC w ( kj > * vtu. K F r ii ! D v GOOD * DIM crifcurft wl'.i B fl. pAl l | K > i. H H 12 CJ.CU.ill iATTIM. iH > . MU INw ( Btijlllxn Corset temp jay , ( Utrolt , ! ADDITIONAL _ OOU1 < OIL BL1 ANOTHER MOV 18. A Normal -School For Council net n $ JOOO ( ) IlulUllitc. The suggestions made by PresM. 'it Atkin. , of the bo.inl of education , in 10- gard to putting tip a now building , hr.vo met with hearty approval by some of the leading citizen * nnd heavy taxpayers A petition has been prepared ycttini ; forth clearly the plans in general , and this has been signed by a largo ntiniboc of the most prominent citizens , wlio seem cntlnislastio in the propositions to bo submitted to the vote of thu people. The propositions are to bo voted on at tha school-elections ivliich takes place nuxl mouth , a week nftrr thu citv election. The following Is the petition uresettted to tha board at its meeting liit night , and in accordance with winch the ques tions as there stated will be presented to the voters to decide upon at the poll * . Tlio names signed to the stmo : nro so numerous that space torbids their repro duction : To the llonornbln School Hoard of the Cltr of Council Bluff * , la. : We , the underslRiiod citizens ami taxpayers ot said pity , rosnoct- fullv request \ou to submit to the quallnod electors of sr.IJ cltr , nt the an nual school clco- tlon next ensuing , the following proposi tions : 1. Shall the board of directors of the Inde pendent school district of Council Bluffs 1&- . bo authorized nnd empowered to lease tha high school building , with thn nccu&siiry grounds , for i\iTiod of ninety-nine years , at n of 1 cent per atuiuiu , to bo used as R school. 3. Shall the board of directors of said Inde pendent school district ot Council Bluffs , la. . be authorized and directed to sull so much ot tlio lilqh school grounds as they shall deem best , anil USA the proceeds thereof In the crea tion of n school building : , with a blgli school derailment , on the Washington Avenue ( Mill ) f-cluiol grounds. ii. Shall the board ot directors of the Inde pendent scliDol district of the city of Council Itliitfs. la , , bo authorlrcd and directed to Issue the bonds of said district In the sum ot torty thousand , dollars (540,000) ( ) or so much thereof as shall bo necessary , with the pro ceed * of the sale of the HlRli school grounds , to complete thn construction ot a school building , with a high school department , on the Washington Avenue ( Mill ) school grounds. The reasons urged for this move are numerous. The Mills school building is pronounced unfit for further use , its san itary conditions being especially bad. Ik neads to be replaced DV anew building. Thu schools are so crowded with impils that more rooms are needed , and to moot this imocrativu need it is deemed best to substitute a large building on this si to. The site is one peculiarly central for the establishment of a school building where grades are to bo taught whicTi dra\r pupils from all parts of tlio city. The high school building is not located con veniently for maiiY parts of the city , and pupils from near by are obliged to do climbing which is by no means condu cive to Health or happiness. It is urged that the wvy seems open for establishing here a uoirual school , which will brine to this city several hundred young Indict and gentlemen who desire to tit them selves for teaching , and thus an institu tion will be established ot great benefit U ) the city. Tlio proposal is to give the board authority to lease it at a nominal sum , for a term of years , the ownership of thu building to remain in the city , M if it is not used for thu purposes stated in the lease , there can bo no ditlicultv in the city regaining possession of it. Th chief reasons , therefore , are that this move will lead to tbu establishment of a normal school in Council Bluffs , and will at thu same time furnish a larger and better located building to meet thu needs of thu city schools. Addud to these rea sons is also givun the additional one thai it will help the prosperity of the. city by showing that the city has faith in its own future , The finances of the school board are said to be in excellent condition for fur ther ventures , and the additional build ing being needed , and the city being well able to build it , no belter time see mite to present itself for Marling the enter prise than now. Those who have been discussing the matter , and looking ovur the licld , declare that there will bo no diiliculty in securing for Council Uluffi one of the largest and most nourishing normal schools in thn west. The school board proposes to keep up with the demands - mands of the city , ana with thu growth and boom , if the voters express their wil lingness to stand by them. Identifying tbe Suicide. There scums to be some dilliculty in establishing the identity of thu man wha recently committed suicide ut Malvern. Those who examined the body claim that from papers found upon him it appeared that his name was Irion , and that hii family lived in Peoria , 111. A man an swering his description was here the day before he was at Malvern , and stopped at John Miller's bakery for a short timo. While there he wrote a letter , and had Mr. Miller direct it to Mra. Tnou , Patch- way , II ! . Seeing a notice of this fact in the HEK Mrs. Irion yesterday tok'graphod Mr. Miller , asking for full particulars , saying thai her husband had not yel reached homo , though expected to arriva about the tune of the tragedy at Mal vern. From this telegram Mr. Mlllor'a statement seems continued that tlio man's name was Irion , and his Home at 1'atchway instead of Peoria. Mr. Miller has written Mrs. Irion , and she will tak steps at once to more fully identify the body , and have it taken to Illinois , The Cltr Council. Lust evening the city council met , with all tbe members present except Alderman Straub. There was considerable talk about the lovee. The city attorney reported that he did not consider the contract made ic 1383 with Mr. Moore as now binding for the cocAtruclion of the lovee. The com mittee on the levee wore not prepared to report , they not having agreed. The city engineer and some of thu - dis agreed about the temporary piling of sand until the frost \ya.s out sutlicienfc to allow of dirt being thrown up. It tyas decided to postpone furthur consideration of the project until Wed uusday night. The ordinance granting the right of way over cerUiiii xtreets to the Luke Ma- nowu railway VVA read informally to gether with various amendments pro posed. One of which limits the time , so that if the railway is not built , thu char ter would become void. Another amend- mend regulate * thu kind of motor to be used , forbidding steam , and giving the council the right to prohibit any motor which may prove dangerous or annoy- mir The ordinaucn was replaced in the hands of the Judiciary. The council then adjourned until Wed nesday evening. The limiting Club Formed. There was an enthusiastic Hireling of those interested in tlio formation of * rowinir association at the Pacific house last evening. lr , Beybvrt was chosen chairman and the following otliccr were then elected ; K. H , Merriain , president ! F. K. Stubto , secretary ; diaries Haas , treasurer. A constitution and by-laws wiiro adopted. Another meeting will be held Friday evening next ut the ollico of W , F. Sapp , bt wnjch all interested are invited to bo present. A Sllll Alarm. A slight blaze in H. ( irahl'o tru shop on upper Broadway , caused a btill alarm yesterday , Tbu damauo was nominal. Broke a 'VVrUt. Mr * . John Hammer yesterday clipped n au icy spot in lier yard , and Ithu fall broke- her wrifet.