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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1887)
OMAHA PAIM BEE ; SUNDAY. . FJUBKUARY 20. ISST-TWELVE PAGES A ZOO AT THE CAPITAL CITY. Jlovement For the Location of a Perma nent Menagerie at Lincoln , BARKEEPER BUTLER HELD OVER. Arrest ofn Woman on n e The Normal School Site Lobby A Itcpnrtctl Klopcnicnt. f rr.oM THE nr.E's A gentleman from St. I.mils , Mr. 0. M. Xlt'dcrvest , was In Lincoln Thursday of the jiast oek looklnc the ground over with a > lc\v of cst.iblhhliii ; In Lincoln a zoological firmleii. Ho has formerly operated at St. Louis and has. It Is recited. 150 caie.s of > vild animals. Mr. Ziodervest proposes , if the citizens of Lincoln will donate to him H5WX > , to locate hi ttds city , that hu will at ) nco proceed to build the necessary houses tnd DOCOIIIO a pcrnmncnt fixture here. Mr. t. states that In tit. Louis , where tin 1ms been i few years , during the year ! ) 07,000 people ple attended hi * gardens , lie believes that > err , should ho locate , hc > could draw from ill nelehborlti ! . ' towns scores of people to r lines1) ) his display. In additions to hh capes t anlmats hu ha connectcd with his tnuseii'm i cymuaMum and like attractions , lie In formed thu MIK : that citlwiH of Lincoln were couslilrrltiK his proi > osltioti and that iv It limit doubt It would be accepted , In which event in tin1 early iprtus he would locate lit Lincoln. This will bo a. new feature for a western city , and will no doubt have a sre.U Iniluencu In making this city one of attrac tions. norxn OVKII TO rornr. The bartender , llutler , who disappeared ne mornlni ; n few days n o accompanlPd by 1100 of his employer's money. Was caught at Cr.'tc anil returnud Friday to the city nud locked up In jail. When Uutler departed he left for the cast , but pursuit becoiidnc , warm jmd clOsO on his track. * , tie doiiuleu back over ihp line as far as Crete with the evident In tention of ceapluff in that way. Yesterday Itiitlnr was brought before Justice Drown , ho held n preliminary hearliu In the case ind bound the prisoner over under SXO > ouds to answer at the comlni ; term of court. CJCKKH I'llOCKEDINOS. A woman who gives her name as Mr ? , ilall , of Xemaha county , ! ias Iwen In the I lands of the police for ttie last day. haviui : > oen arrested In this city on the charge of ulultery , the order for her arrest comlnc to .he itolfco by telephone from Syracuse , N b. 1'ho tolepliono niessacc stated Uiat It came 'rom S.ierllf Fowler of Nemaha county , and .hat ho would proceed at once to this city for , ho woman , 'i eMerday the man who statad that IIH ordered the arrest arrived in the city , > ut It proves not to be Slierlll Fowler or any jtlicial nt all , so far ns the police can ascertain tain , and It look * as though It was it matter > f personal or family prosecution Into which Ihe police have been piitiapH.'d. ] AFTKll NOIIMAI. SCHOOL" , A largo number of citizens ot Nebraska towns Interested In securing a new normal school have been In tlio city the past week. Principal among these delegations bas been the o from Letup City , \\lio cam dounln tariro numbers headed by O. 13. WilUrd , and who made their influence felt for their town , which they claim is the very best location In the state for an institution of that kind. Mr. Wili.ird Is one of UIP ap pointees of Governor Tlmycr to attend the American agricultural convention at Lake Charles. La. , and ho left yesterday for the south over the Missouri I'acitic to thu point of Ids destination , 11K1H LIFK ELOPEMENT. It was reported on the street yesterday that Klrloy ilamnioud , employed In the Capitol National bans , had eloped with the daugh ter of. ludce Mason , one of the members of tlm railroad commission , nnd that tlui run away couple had been married by a justice of ttie peace In Marysrlllc , Kan. Jud o Mason is at present In Denver on business and is not yet Informed of his daughter's llight. Hu was opposed to ilammond's attentions to his daughter on the ground of her youth , and undoubtedly will not receive the news with the greatest favor.CtTV CtTV ITEMS. Yesterday n man named George Callan \vas discharged from the penlu-utlary.havlnic ? ervnl Ins sentence of a year In that Institu tion. Callan was sent up fiom Sherman county on a charge of assaulting his wife with attempt to commit murder , Thi ) legblators detuned homeward from Lincoln yesterday in large numbets , nnd tlio law-makers will bo absent until the recon vening on Wednesday. Lincoln citizens are hearing the reports of n sixty-day session with every evidence of satisfaction. The police are at work ringing in the of fenders against tlio city ordinances who liuvu failed to take out their proper license. A hack driver named Wllcox was taken to the precincts of thu court yesterday to answer to thu charge. T. r. A. NOTES. Post-A is constantly receiving additions to its membership , and before long the post 13 certain that It will have to secure nnw and morn commodious nuartcrs In order to ac commodate the membership. The ball nnd b.uinuet foot up a great success in every particular , and the Doys cleared a large sum of money which they w'll have on hand for the aid and relief of deserv ing memoers. Among the callers at the club headquarters the past week were E. Churchill , New York : > : . K. Stovp , Boston : A. Uorden , Wymore ; ( itorgo M.Vllson. . director of the National T. r. A. : J. O. IJiircli. DPS Molnes : M. Y. Coluian , Chicago ; O. \Villard , Loup City. KVKXTS OV THE WKKK. The Pleasant Hour club held Its eighth narty of the season on Tuun > day evening. nt Tumnlu hall , and a large number of the club nicmberihlp enjoyed the occasion. The Capital City cltiD t > eld one of Its pn- joyable parties at Temple hall on Wednesday evening. Kx-overnor ( ! Dawes has gene to Milwau kee for a few days' visit and to meet Mrs. Dawes , who has t > en visiting with friends in that city lor some time. Tim Misses Hawke , of Nebraska City , wcro guests of Lincoln friends the past week and visitors at the halls of the legislature. YOUTHFUL UANOER'S. Miss Alnry's Scholars Give a Fancy Kress nail. Masonic hall looked like a small section of fairy land last night. The occasion was a fancy dress ball given bj Miss Almy to her pupils , about thirty of whom were present dressed in costumes rich and unique. Thn youthful dancers ranged from six to fifteen years of age. All of them went through the various dances with an ca o and grace which was wonderful. The night was Indeed a pretty one and was enjoyed by about COO siHtftators the fund and mamas , rttbthers und sisters , uncle.- , and mints of the v taoues. Among the other numbers , the pavotto nnd octuon ; quadrille , tlio latest dances , were cone through with to a doreu of precision which was remarkable. Amonc the dancers noticed in costume were the followini ; : Jlaiid Kimball , "Little Ho Peep : " Florence Jlorse , "Sunns : " D'Arleve Helen Coe , -Martha Washington : " May Mount , "Hod Itldtntr Hood ; " l.oti Hobble. "Cinderella : " tJr.wlaL.AHon , "Kalry : " Edith K. Smyth. "Astrologer. " Kthel Morse , "Jlo-I'ecp ; " Mary Morse. "Vt-nus ; " Suslo llantoon , "Mother Hubbard ; " Flora Webster , "CJolden Locks ; " MaKM Hellman , "French I'ea > ant ; " l izzlo C. Allen , "Margery Dow ; " F.dith Anderson , "Hetty thu Lady " Louis I'ratt , "Jack Frost ; " Kdgar Johnson , "SlnDad thH Mdlor : " Cnarles Farmer , "Jack Snrat : " ( wiritutilaeomlnl , "Klncof Hearts : " F-ddlo " ' " Kobort < iood\\in "I'riiiceof Unvls , "I'azo ; \ \ , Wale.- , ; " Carlton Mathewson. " 1'iick : " Clayton ( Joodrlch. "Hlchland Laddie ; " Albert BIllliiKs. "Knave of Hearts ; " Arthur Anderson. "Xoblcinan ; " Nattle bhelton , Lord Founteroy : " Harry Stephens , .Washington ; " Willie . .Haney , Soitlecl the Clnlm. In the district court yesterday the Union I'acltiorailroad company confessed judgment In the : > um of 51.000 In favor of Phillip Flan- nery , who brought suit ngalnst the company for "daniages'for that Amount for personal In- iaiito sustained by falllu > rttirouth : a defective stairway wlillu in the employ of the company it tlm car shops. Sclllnc. The sale of Axigust-JJorman's stock under 'ji xecutiou. took ylacejesterday- before a ir.u crowd of purchascni. KELLEY , STIGER & GO'S. ust These garments are made in the best manner possible and of the very best material known to the trade JL. . all JL . ESI At 2ec. .TO dozen Fine Cambric , low neck , 'ellcd scama , perfect jlttiinj. Corset Covers 25c. tO dozen Fine Muslin , hlyh ne. k , elled seams , Jersey shape. Corset Covers GO dozen Flnc Muslin , u-ith cm- broidery trimming. A barnaln. Corset Covers At Fine Cambric , square neck , fine embroidery trlmmlny. Corset Covers Fine M uslln , low neck , Hamburg trimming , tttcHed front. Corset Covers At 45o. Fine Cambric , low neck , trimmed real Torchon Lace. Corset Covers At 50e. Flnc Cambric , Vshaped neck , cm- broidery trimming. Corset Covers At 6Se. Fine Cambric , embroidered yoke. PMMMM IMB1 HBH BM M > MM Corset Covers At SOc. Fine Cambric , 8 rows of insertion , cluster of US tucks. Corset Covers At SI.37 ! , Fine Cambric , with embroidered front yoke , flne tucked back , trimmed with Hamburg edge. Corset Covers At $2.25. Fine Cambric full yoke of Valen ciennes Lace , flne cambric edge. At 25c , 5O dozen j > l < nn fine muslin , stitched band , special order. CHEMISE At 50c Fine Muslin , } /okc cluster of nar row and wide tucks , separated with line cambric insertion , rtijjled cdijc. CHEMISE At 60c. l ine Jir . "Ii , yoke df clusters of flnc tuck * , line embroidery , ivith needle-work edge. CHEMISE At 70c , Fine Muslin , V shaped yoke , flnc cluster tucking embroidery , and cambric edye. CHEMISE At 75c. Fine Muslin , corded band , ruffled embroidered edge , with needle-work front. CHEMISE 3 Special Bargains At $1,00. Fine Cambric , yoke flnc cluster of tucking , separated with herring bone stitch , flnc needlC'tvork edyc * Fine Cambric , with bands of Tor chen insertion , witn deep rittfle of Torchon and edge of same. Yoke of solid open work embroid ery , with edge to match. CHEMISE At 85c , Fine Cambric , cluster of flnetucks , wide embroidery , and narrow edge to match. A large Variety of fa Grades AT $1,25 , $1,50 , $1,75 , $2 , $2,25 , $2,50 , $2.75 , .50 dozen fine Mit"lin , iritJi c'ttslcr ofjlnc t licit. * . ! iO dozen flue 3Iiilin , . 'i clusters of narrow tucks , and 2 clusters of wide. Cluster of irtile tucks , cambric ruflliny , line clusters of tucks with Torchon Lace edge. SOc. 2 clusters of tucks with broad hem. eoc. Cluster of S flne tucks , cambric ruffle with tucks , anil flnc embroid ery cdijc. 750. y clusters of flnc tucks separated by hcrrintj'bone stitch , wide ruffle of embroidery. OOc. Cluster of flnc and tuldc tucks , separated by herring-bone stlfch , with 3-lnch cambric embroidery ruffle. Deep cluster of flnc tucks with wide cambric embroidery rttjjlc. 2 clusters of medium tucks separ ated by wide cambric insertion , with embroidered cambric ruffle. A Large Line of fa1 , Appropriately Trimmed , From $1.25 to $3.00. Front fi clitnter.-i of narrow filcei'p.t antl nccl ; Jinhlted with cam bric r it flic. mmi At 60o. JfoHirr Iftibbard , lined yoke , clus ters of medium lucks , neck and sleeves , cambric rufllc. At 85o. father Jfubbard , lined yoke , clus ter of flnc tuck. * and insertion , Mother JJabbard si eve. with em broidered cambric rnjjlc. At $1.00. Mother Jfubbard , lined backs. U clusters of flue tuclis. flnished with flnc embroider/ ; . At fcl.10. Mother Jlubburd , cluster of me dium tucks , separated by cambric insertion , cambric embroidered runic. mm OQWNS At $1.25. Mother Ifu'jbard. yoke of solid flne tucks , cambric ruffle , tucked and em broidered edge. mm\ \ GOWNS At S1.37M. Mother Jfubburd , lined back , em broidered front , flnished with dotted band , and embroidered cambric ruffle. FULL LINE OF Hanging In price from $1.40 to $3.75. Every article in this advertisement guar anteed to be as repre sented. MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED At 50c. Fine dltiflln , cluster ofii'idc tvlth deep Item. SKI I UTS At 70c. Fine Muslin , 2 clusters of flue tucks and broad cambric i , tlc , cluster of fine tucks and deep Item. At 85c. Plain full Skirt , with wltl * cluster tucks. Common Sense. At 95c. Plain full Skirt , extra wide , fl inch hem. Gooil sense. At 90c. . 2 clitftcrs of wide tucks , separated by clusters of nnrrow tucks , deep hem. At $1 , Cluster of medium tucks , with cambric embroidered jlouncc. ' SIKIIIRI ? At $1.25. Cluster of 5 wide tucks , cambric ruffle with ! i wide tucks , deep hem. A Large Variety Choice Styles of SKIRTS -.12'- $1,25 , $1.35 , $1.45 , $1,60 , $2-00 , $2,25 , $2,50 , $3.00 , $3,50 , $3,75. mm From 29c Upward. ALSO A FULL LIXJ2 OF Bridal Trousseau KELLEY , STIGER - Corner Doclge _ _ . . . . and IStli Sts , AMUSEMKNTS. Vlvaclou * Kato Castlcton nd her company closed her season of three nnces of " .V Crazy Patch' to ft lnro ft ! prcclattve audience at Uoyd's last erf iiAVKitt.Y's MINSTHKLS. Next Tliursday evening. February llaverlv's Minstrels , under the persona ! agomcnt of J. Ji. llnwly , will Hovd's opera house , for one porfoi Viils'li Mr. liftverly's bleann only mln company , the orlelnnl/Aiastadons , clu.lbs' . 'billy " Emerson , the strelsy ; Uov. Ad. Uyman : K. M. . . . champion banjo player ot the worM ; three Hermans , the only nrmlHcm ofj strcl novelties , and forty olfaor MftW x minstrel profession. Colonel llavenjr o hero \\ltu the company. THE wom.r > . The icntlonil melodrama , "Tho Yri 111 bo produced at Hoyd's opera ho M Tuesdav and Wednesday. A special nc will be el vcn on Tuesday Aashlr birthdav. "The \ \ orld" Is a drama sorblng Interest and lin * the most r _ scenic and mechanical effects of any pi the stage. A r THE PEOPLE' * . The Stuart Comeiiy company has plcndld business at the People's fer l > , ist ucck. Thcv willcontlnueanotber 'The Cold King" will be presented to- : TIIK ItnilllKRA. To-night the ( it' comedy com. with Mr. Donald , a well-known < I tragedian , appears In Schiller's "Jlob attheHoyil. A Jeweler's Failure P. L. Kdholm , who has been the jewelry ouslncss on Fifteenth near Douglas for the past elx months , ; yielded to financial embarrassment and rendered his stock to Kdholm & Akl satisfy a chattel mortgage In the sum 51.Yu. ) There are eastern creditors , clpally in Chicago , whov ; claims will a : o 52,000. The store was closed yest The stock on hand \\ill barely satisfy claim of Kdholm . .tAkin. . P. L. Kdhola ; ho city several < lays azo and Is supposed iiavn ROIIO to Alabama , whcro ho has K lives. Tlio failure Is attributed to Edtv lack of attention to his business. . . An Electric Flte. Last nlcht an alarm of tire was by the smoking of the regulating \\ire by which the Omaha Illuminating pany supplied electric light to J.dlamt store , 723 North Sixteenth street Who * 1 engines reached the store it looked M It'l c.T-oment over the entrance wcrn on tire , water \sas npplietl and eventually the'pa woio cut open , lint no 'flames , couftu found. It then becamn evident that all t snioko had come from the regulatbrU mechanism of which had been overheated lectriclty. * * Her lluslmnd . Wns Cruel. - * - x Maria llorth commenced sut | In the district court yesterday for a divorce from her hus , m ml. Valentine Borth. to whom she was 4 married In Omaha In December. 1877. Th n iilalutill alleges that on account of the'eij j treme cruelty of her husband she was co- pelled to leave him in 1-sst , and has not since lived with him. She prays fora divorce and the custody of three children. " ' , J CHUIICH NOTICES. ' To-day's Services nt tlio DlrTcrcar' Churches Thrnuuhout tlio City. Hcth-Edeu Haptist cliurch. Services at 4lo p. m. at St. Mary's Avcniio Jongrecational church. Preaching by llev. F. 1) . Randall. Heatrice , Neb. Sun day school lit 3 p. in. Prayer meeting evening at 7.00. The public ' cordially invited to all services. * J German Lutheran church. 1005 South" Twentieth street. Service every Sunday ; , 10 : \ . m. Sunday school 2 p. m. E. J/ Trcsc , pastor. " * Saints' Chapel. Twenty-first and Clarlr streets. Preaching at 11 a. rn. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 12:30. Everybody - * body welcome. , All Saints' Church , Twenty-fifth street , one block north of St. Mary's avenue , the llev. Louis Xshncr , rector. Holy \ Communion at b a. m. Morning service i nnd sermon nt 11 n. m. Sunday school I at 3 p in. Even SOUK nt 4 p. m. . Young Men's bible class at 3 J ) . 111. ; German M. E. church , corner Elevonth''J and Center streets. Preaching to-day at , * 10:30 : a. in. and 7'30 p. m. Sunday school at 2 : ? 0 p. in. Prayer meeting Thursday . eyfnini ; at 7-30. All ( Jermans are In1 * ' viteJ. i-spceiallv the children to attend ; our Sunday school , llev. II. Kineger , . > astor. i -ti Calvarv liaptist church , Saundcrs * streut. Kev. A.V. . Cl.irk , pastor. Sci , vices at 10:30 a. in. and 7:30 : p.m. Sundays school at 12 o'clock. Prayer mectlBfC at 7:30 : on \ \ ednesday evening. All are cordially invited to the services of tbia cliurch. Unity church , corner Seventeenth and Cass street.- . . Services at 11 a. m. and :30 : p. m. Sabbath school at 13:15. : llev.V. . E. Copuland pastor. Subject of morning sermon , "The Lesson of Lent. " Subject of evening lecture , "Russian Literature as Written by tb Prophets of Russia. " IV Swedish Evangelical Lutheran church , I corner of Cass and Nineteenth streets , iivino service and preaching by tlio pastor - - tor , E. A. Fogolstrom , at 10:30 a. ra.v Tuesday evening , prayer meeting , and Tluir.'day evening , preaching of tlio CO- , pel. Scandinavians are mvitod to attend si all the meetings. 'r Tlio Castellar St. Presbyterian Church , Sixteenth and Castnllur strcoU.Rov. JIM. ' Wilson pastor. Services 11 a.m. and 7:3 : * p. In. Sabbath school 3 p. m. Young Peoples Union , 7 p. m. NOTES. Rev.-W. J. Harsha will preach on test , "With Hotli Hands Earnestly ; to-mght at the Uodgo street church. First Uaptist church , corner Filteent ! 31 and Davenport streets , llev. Dr. Kenne rr\ \ will preach at 10.80 a. in ami 7SO p. mi Sunday school at 12 noon. Prayer meet ng Wednesday at 7:30 : p. in. All dially iuvitcu to these services , free. free.Hillside Hillside Congregational church , Omaha Viow. Pastor 11 C. Crnno prcachea'M 11 a. m. ami 7 30 p. m. Supurintou-ieat Kitchen leads the Sunday - school at S-M p.m. > Cherry Hill church. llev. II. O. Craht * > * preaches at 3 p. in. J First Christian ehurrli , Twentieth and . ( } Capitol avoniio , llov. Jos. II. I'oy , LL.I ) , ' , ; pastor. Services morning and uytsnlngat l:30 ) : a.m. Prayer meeting with lectur * onVe'lr.crday evening. .Subjoct tot , night and for several snuccedinf ; Sunday } evenings : " \Vhat \ we May do tor our ' lioya anil Girls. " Involving the discussion - \ sion of the ideal parutit , brother , sister , j etc . etc. Seats frt'u. n Third Congregational church , corner of Nineteenth and Spruce stroots. llov. A. li. Pciiniman , pastor. Sorviccs at 10:30 : > a. m. arid 7:130 : p. in. Subject of morn. , \ ing sermon. ' 'The Dignity ot Man. " Sunt J day school at noon , ' SaraUga Congregational church niecti' f at Sacitnga school house , Services at ' ! 5:4ri : and 7.30 p.m. Sunday school it 2:45. : A cordial greeting for strangers. * United Presbyterian cliurch , ( ornci Park avenue and Grant street. Pruacltt ing at 11 a. in . and ovcving at 7:30..h > ) llcv. Jns. Duncan. Sunday school 3.30. Prayer meeting Wpdncsday iug at 7:00. All welcome. St. Mary's avenue Congregations church. St. Mary's avonuu nnd Ti bixth street. Kt-v. Willard Scott deliver a sermon before the Young P plo'o Society of Christian Endeavor * . thu morning'M 10 JO. Sunday , school noon. All welcome. \ . # C Congregational Tabernacle lrel , G tel u'vcnuo near Eighteenth street ! vices at m. and 7:30 p. 'm. , m and preachin } ' Uv th iia or , Kov.'AS fahernll. Sabbath scliool at noon , Eve ing , a short servipo "Christ at th Door. " All are welcome.