THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 20. 1887.-TWELVE PAGES. . ' ' * ' l" * " " " " ' ' * c ' ' ' ' ' - - - ' _ in I r m iMLHiiBauiMMMM Ml KII Mr irmrn r in-i' HM n u ! PM I IIMIM umLJLili- * . ' American levrr watches , onlj FranaJcSon , 220S14inSt. 7te so _ I7OII SAliK rtunltiirn and lea o , W room i house , on prominent strcnt , ncnr center of MislnesMCHse has over two years to rim. Cnn make rent by letting five room . House put In rood repair. ThlMsnn unusual opportunity , foil can puro.lm o the out lit on very easy terms. Address K 67 , Iloo olHce. C94 171011 IlKNT-Furnlshed front chamber , to * gentlemen. IlrciiKfnct If desired. 1'rlvnto fnmlly ; nlco neighborhood , 8w corner 2l t ind Hurt. 728 20 * FOH SALK Horses. 31 bend of horse * , con- slsllnirof tine driving , heavy draft nml ircncral purpose horses , also 7 head ot western horses nil broken to harness. Parties wishing horses will look well to tnolr interests by look * Ing over my stock before purchasing. N. II. Drown. 2 H Cumlntr at , Omnhn. ess 22 * SOLID ( lolil band rings only { 2 nt Frank Si Son & Co , , 22J south 14th street. 732 SO _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OH SALE Fresh cow and calf , N 1' cor 15th and I'lorco. G83 20 * GKNT8 Solid gold watches $35 ami upwards at Frank &Son& Co. , 220 south 14th street. 73J 0 fOH SALE 2 million brick nnd upwards no- * - ' sides dally out put of 30,000. F.nqulro on promises , cor Dorcas nnd 2nd sts. Urlok nnd Terra Coltn Mfg. Co. 030 LADIES Bolld cold wntrbca only $1. " nt Frank iSon ; .t Co.Z20 south 14th Mrcot 73320 FOK BALE--45-hori o power bollor , nearly , now. Enqulro Western 1'ottory Co. , impo sition building 070 KNIJINK Diamond duds $10 to $201 at Frank A Son 4 Co. , 220A8oulh 14th meet. 13 720 20 WANTED MALE HELP. WANTKD A young iiinn an news nijont to run on trains. Cull at Moore's Employment - mont Agency , til south 10th st. 725 i'U * W ANTED-Onrdiior nt 1,728 B. llth St. 70821 * " \\7"ANTiD ; Immediately , 4 or 6 coat makers , 2 or 3 pant makers to go to the country. Apply at No. 1107 Ilnrnoy streetOmnhn. 05C22 V\TANTKD lly the largest publishing house i west of Chicago , two hundred gontlomnn nnd ladles to scll"Tho Successful Mnn" "Mnrvel * oils Wonders of the Whole World" "Illblos" nnd various other good publications , apply early nnd get choice of territory. J. M. French Ac Co. , ollico 1G liuslmum lllock , Omaha , Nob. 4n7mlO WANTED--Immediately , n good Job printer. None but nip Id workman , cnpnblo of taking entire clmrgoor Job department nooil apply. Koforoncoi as to clmraclor nnd nullity required. Address Dully Gazette , Norfolk , Neb. 34 4 _ WANTKD A mnnnnd wlfo without children for farm employment near the city. \vomnn must be a good housckeopor , prefer the man to have some experience as n gnrdncr , must show good references. K. 8. Albrluht , 1120 Knrniim st. 324 TN8TAI.LMKNT MUN And agents generally -L will find just what they need by addressing Installment Doalora Supply Co. . l.rlo. Pa. 443-23 * WANTKD-Ilookblndor : n llrst-clasa work- miin to run u hlndcrv on shares ; will furnish outfit und work , ( iood opportunity for right man. Address immediately , Dally Oazetlc , Norfolit , Nob. 144 TITANTKD SO sober. Intelligent men of good > address to try H lOc meal al Norrls' res taurant , 10481Btlist. 153 WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED- small girl , about 13 or 15 years of ago , who wishes to muko her homo w Ith a family. Call at IMS Webster Pt. 710 iO' V\7ANTED 50 sowing girls on overalls nnd ' pnntB. ( Jood prices paid. Geo. Stilus , 14th and I.cnvonworth. 070 21 T\7ANT3D A good girl to work nt tailoring , T > by week ; one who has hud some experi ence preferred. Call or addrcbS at 1024 P St. , Lincoln , Neb C71 1C1 WANTKD Motherly old lady. None other lined apply. Call Wednesdays mid Satur days , 10CO Catherine. 018 WANTED-E.\porienccd nurse girl,3l4 N into sit cot. 517 20 * WANTKD good girl for general house work. Good wages paid. 108 8. 25th st. WANTKD A girl for general housework , wages $3.50 to $1.00 per week Apply 707 South 10th St. DtO 2U * \\/ANTED / Girl for general housework. B''O South 10th st. Ot > 5 WANTKD Pant and overall hands , at Ocorgo Stiles' factory , 14th and I.eavenworth. 42520 * V\7ANTKD-An experienced servant , with 11 ability to cook in small family.wages $4 to $ .1 ; none but competent parties neoil apply ; 1021 St. Mary's nvo , tor 20th. 194 WANTED Girls can always find good places free of churgo by calling at 119 N. 10th st , Capital uvo , Omaha Employment Hurcau. 3.V5 W ANTKD-Oood , ncnt girl , 518 e. llth St. , Immediately. 691-20 WANTED A ( ompotent nurse gltl. liefer- cncos roriulrcd. Apply , 201U til. Mary's nve. f,9J-20 XV'ANTKD Girl for general housework. German - man or Swedish moferrutl , at OIIPO. 710 S18th tt. B78 20 * WANTKD Housekeeper , one who Is willing to do all the work except the washing. 823 South 20til ft. C34 WANTKD Olrl for general housework. In quire 2220 Fnrnam Bt. M2 20 \VANTED-Experlenced housekeeper. Col- It orcd preferred. Cull at 112 N. tltu. 733 VTANTED Good cook nnd Laundress. 303 N. 18th St. MM \\fANTKD 30 ladles > V gents to loirn toio- T graphy. Prospect good for position when competent ; address W. J. I ) . , llooui 1 , Cronus blk.Omahn. HI I SITUATION WANTED. WANTKD Position as bookkeeper or anslst- nut by an expert bookkeeper , can irlvo city references. Address E. 04 , lleeofllco. 715 20 * UrANTED-Pofitlon.ovcnlng ! ! . clerical or In store. Host reference. Good penman. Address E , 65 Iloo ollico. 740 22 * W ANTKD Slliiatlon ns housekeeper or to tnUo euro of furnished rooms. Apply nt 1010 Dodge bt. 740 21 * WANTED By nn experienced dressiimkor , work In private frtmlllvd. Address Miss Hcnmngecn , 1515 S. 10th st , 738 20 * MISCELI.ANEOW WANTS. 1'EU By two ceiuicmen , ' due or two . . rooms adjoining , unfurnished except carpet , within ten blocks of postottico , gas , bath nnd furnace desired. Address , elating locution , E62 , fleeOrtlce. 743 20 A YOUNG MAN with lew tuousnnd dollars /A would IILe to learn of some light liUblne-s , t > OWull particuluK. Addiess E 03 , lice office. ' 741 32 * V\7ANTKD-Farm loans atfl per cent. Local agents ( West nnd Middle stiitcs ) . Write to Goltlou Whbhuck , 41GE3'Jth si Chicago. Illinois. 74tt 30 \\7ANTED A gentleman.vl nes to board and > T room with private family near court house. Price must bo moderate. Address , iti.tliigtciniri , A , P. W. , Y. M. C. A. rooms. _ " \\rANTED-Good banjo plnyur. One who TT can create f nn mid laughter. To appear in ublic. MUM Imvrood tmgor. Apply nt once vlitliTBt , 71 20 * " \\rANTKD-To rent 5 or 6-rooin cottage within idt' nk ! limits. Give tlzo. locu tion , convenience ! ) uud tenin , Address fi-niint , " 3in H. 16th 73) ) 1 * BLAKE'S Proinlum Short liana and Typo Willing loit'tuio ' , willt the Omiina Buil- no is ( 'ollcgo , Tno oldest nnd iuo > t thorough short hand lenunary in ( be olute. Full diiy nn I erf nine ec < t'ons. intlructfon by mall If iloiirtd. All students HIM properly itpp'y ' thcmsalves nroguur.-ntn < t to become rapid uuJ capable flioit liur.d "riter ; . I'reuiluiiiinrii oU'cro.1 beginner ? entering the Muivh i-liiss uud completliiif Iho courbo , Flrnt rank In protl.-lency , $10. SLixind rnuk In pruflolency , 5. rank In prutlcloiiay , S3. Arp'y ' or write to Hlake'a Preirlum Short IMiidau 1 Typo Wrilluir Institute , OnmliHuei - utsi Oollout. ICtli and Cupllul uvoiiue. 710 83 * AV ANl'UDTeams , 333 ? . HtU su \\\NTEO-lJyMBi-ch 1st. tli-st class office IT . room suitable for real estate. Mutt bo centrtlly iycuted. Address for one weak , ii 61 lice otllco . ' 635 . * A VTAKT1.U To rent ft houbo of 8 or1 rooms. V > by April.for ) one year or wore ; location Xobj tetwcetrDodiroanii'Masou and 17tb. und Illb 6t& . Aildro" K * * " " > " * Ml _ \\7ANTED-Ily two single gentlemen In T strictly nrst-elAfs pnvnte fnmlly , alcove room nnd bonrd , good location , modem conveniences niencesA 1 references. Address , stating price , E61 , Doe office. BI9 20 * WANf RD Toblfy five to twenty acres in- side of or near Omaha. Give descrlp- tlon , price nnd terms. Address C,20 , licence , WAANTKD 'I o rent a six or seven room cottage prcfered. Best of reference. Ef > 9 Deo. 702 ZO * WANTED A good driving horse nnd buggy or a good team In exchange an partlnl payment for 50 f U lot on Park KVC. bsl. capy. Mend A : Jamlcson. 453 WANTF.D-To buy 10 to 20 acres wlthm 3 mile.of Iho Omnha posiofflco , Wright & Larhiiry. under 1'axlon holel 5 < rJ FOB BENT HOUSES and LOTS. "T710H HBNT Furnished house , lo man and -L wlfo ! nlco , congenial party , with whom brother and sister can board , llofercnccs Ad dress E , 6 < , Ueo Office. 732 20 * TTIOK HENT Two brick sTorcs on"norlh JL1 Ulth si. Waiehousc on trnck , now brick on pnvcd street. Three now stores on south nth st. Thu C. E. Mnyno , Honl Estnte & Trusl Co. , 15th nnd Hartley. COO EH ( ) HUNT Elegant now lioti o wilh nil modern conxonlences ; hented by furnace ; street ear passes the door. Terms reasonable. For pnrtlcnhirs Imiulro of UiiloU Uros. 1610 Doiiglasjst. CS5 OlfTfliNT ilrlrk house of 10 rooms , all modern Improvements.from 1st ef Mnrch ; on line of street curs. Mrs. Mary Parrott , 2019 Farnam st. C002U * [ 1011 SALK Four-roomed house , cor.list nnd 1 Charles SK , $300. C3 } 2U- . - LIvery and hotel. Address A. NT 1 Yost , Norfolk , Nob. 12rt ml * Foil ItHNT IIouso of ten rooms ami barn , 627 Park live , botn eon Kuril nm st and I.env- cnworth st , Imtulro at Doran House , South ISth near llatllo ot ( iuttysburg building. _ 1M FOU Itr.NT Cottnc < i , houses nnd store , all desirable and well located , from 530 per month up. L. Ilitrnham , Itoom 1 Crolghton lllock. 145 FOK HKNT 10 acres 3 mlles from postolliee , suitable for imirkct garden. will rent or sell. Apply West rurnlturo Co. , 103 N. 14th st. 153 FOIl KEST-B room house , city water , street cars , IX miles trom P. o ; f- ) per mnntti. D. C. Patterson , Omaha Nntl banK. 71U HA V privilege to lua o on the Dctwllor farm , at Ames. 7 miles we t of Fremont. John Oallagher. 317 South 12th St. 413 m9 _ ANTlTT ) - XTrimlolst to join n homo quar- ti'ttn. Must bo nblu to road music. Ad dress K 28 , Hoc ollico. M3 FOIl UKST-lf you want to rent n house , rail on llennwn.V Co. .opposite postoIHco , 53 } FOK Itl.NTLnreo barn with water prlvl- _ legos. Apply at IHta Clileairo st. Ws F OlTlil'NTHouse , 0 rooms. In Ilimscom Place. Hotter & Campbell , Itoom 1. IJ'J'J Farnnm. 705 FOB , RENT ROOMS. FOU HUNT Hnndsomo suite of front rooms with board , 2.V15 St. Mary's live. ; every modern convenience. 720,30 * FOH HBST Two fnrnl'hcd front rooms. Uentlcmcn only. 181Q Dodge. 727 ml' ) FOH IIF.NT Two furnished rooms with bo-ird for two gentlemen or man and wife. * 20 per month. 2. > 1B Hamilton st. 723 21 * TTIOIl KENT One or two rooms. 707 S.24th st. J ? 734 21 TjlOIl HBNTork loom and titling room. L suitable for dressmaking. Imiulro nt 218 N16th. &T ) 30 FOIt KENT 2 well furnl hod front rooms ulth board and heat 1914 Farnam. Hcfor- enccs ro < [ Ulrcd. 747 22 * TjlOlt HKNT Lovely , front room , with board , -I ? to nice , pleasant lady and husband or t o gentlemen. In family of two. Large , ploMSimt plnoe , good neighborhood , llofcronecs. Ad dress II.SP , lice ollico. 743 20' T71OH linNT Dining room , kitchen and two J- sleeping rooms , ii-rnlshod suitable for keep ing boarders. IHia Farnntn. li.,9 24 * FOU IIF.NT A very duslrablo newly fur nished room , all modern conveniences , street cars. 25:11 : St. Mary's nvo 678 F OH HUNT-Hodms ultablefor2 gentlemen ; new furniture : bath. IfllU Capital nve. 5)13 ) 21 * T7\OH \ HENT t-nrge furnished room , suitable JL'for2 Kentlomon. Imjuire 1WI Fnrnam. 574 FOR HENT One newly furnished sleeping room for gentlemen , $10 per month , at bO'.l Howard. 6 2 FOH 11KNT Furnished rooms , gas. bath. good board , terms rcnsonunlo , 121 Plcnpiint. n 5-24 * _ _ _ _ OR HENT Furnished room to pcntTinan. F Inriuiro nt illO North 17tb st. 034 HBNT Nlrely furnisbeit rooms P. W. FOll cor. ICth and Chicago. 507-2.1 * RENT Itooms for Kght housekeeping. lallr.foro-.30 p.m. . C13 S ICth bt. * If OH HKNr Anoltgsnt fiont parlor with F honrd. also other smaller rooms. Homo has all modern conveniences. Gentlemen de sired. Southwest corner Webster and 20th st. 995 HKNT 2 nice olllce rooms at 512 S ICth FOH . 7J3 OOIl HENT Nicely furnlsnen room , llefer- J enccsrequired. 1007 Douglas. 987 * UENT-fitore room and No. HON. 14th FOH St. basement. i(83 ( FOH HENT Two rooms , unfurnished , for light housekeeping. Inquire 80 ? Howard Bt. 378 rj > OH HKNT-2 largo pleasant unfurnished JJ rooms. > oferonco required ; 3107 llarnoy st. 641 30 * T710U HENT-Nicely fuinished fronl room , Ju Biiltttblo for 1 or" eontlemon , 1004 Dodge , bot. 10th nud llth sis. M7 30 * KENT Nlco rooms at 1831 Furnuni st , FOH ono block woit of court housesouth side , TT10H HEST Two furnlshnd rooms , with hot -I. and cold bath nnd nil modern conveniences. Half block from St. Mary't , nve. car lino. 518 s. 22d st. 707-31 * T710K lll.NT Klejri.nt furnUhod front room JL' with ulcove and closet. 1118 18th. 4M2i _ * _ HKNT Newly fuinished front room , FOH 1W Webslor st. U30-33 HENT-Furnlshed rooms. 714 N. 10lti-st 3Uiiib * "IJOOM with boar.l , 10U Capitol aveniia. HKNT Elegant rooms on street carline FUH line , bath arU gut. , a. w. cor 20tli and Webster. 133 FOB SA1.E- HOUSES--I.OTS. TEHOMKPAHK. fJ Hlxhlnnd Park. Lots fronting Farnam street. Giegory , V Hndloy , Itooms 1 andS.ltodici. block , : i2j S. 15th et , C01 V1KW-75 cholco loti. All Iho d- OMAHA vnntiigcs of btroot cars , city water , bido- Malks , paveil ptreela and gas close by. Do nol full to Investigate this. It is the chriipeit prop erty ollereJ In Omaha. E. I1 , so.ivor , Kooui 25 , Puztou buildlntr , 7 4 22 . SKAVKH , Hoom 5 , Puxtou bnllalntr- EF. cheap loti on bottoms northeast of Fair Grounds , 73433 , choice loin in Hnnsioiu 1'mco at bargain ATjW gain prices. Clarksou & Beatty. 2111 S. llth ut. 71U-30 FAHNAM et. . W foet-IO,000 ; 35 ftot between 20th and 21it , $7,5dU. Clurk > on ir Benny. 2IP 8 , 14th tt. 7i'J-30 AL'NDKIW 6t.-130xlGO , $ IOOl10 , ; CO feetgood house renting $0 month. Cheap at $7,2.10 ClurkbOU 4 Jltutty,21V B. 14th bt. 71W-20 ACHE lots in Solomon's add. adjoining High land Pnrk $700 per ncre. Oichord Hill lots only $750 each. "Jth 6t. Fine lot OUHoand house renting for $7Uper month , only $4500. Cable passes prop erty. Hragaln. 2 splendid lots and find 7 room houe in Orchard Hill. t2JQ. * Splendid Inside property on Furnam , Dodge , Douglas , etc. , etc , Mitchell It Loyonmarck , 1516 Dodge it. 7-'l-23 BOWLING GHKEN-Blocks 17 to 33. Tne best part of Howllnjr Green. Thocheaposl property on the market. Quo-halt mile from llonsou carlluo. Five acre Ion , f M ) per acre. Two and onerhalf aero loti ) , 1550 per acre. Acre lots. $000. Lots 50x127 on Hamilton ei , $175 for IBsHo to $223 for corners. , . Full commlulons to agents , . . ' Get plat * of ' . . ; Man-ball & Lobeor- . Te ) cbone VJ. 1WJ Farnam U , Ul 20. TJ10H SALE-Br C. Welln , . JD Heal Eilnlo Broser , 1610 Chicago 5t. Ixit 4 , block 10 , Pralt's sub-division , only $10 * cash , balance easy. Ixt7f. Hartmnn's additionC2'x2.W,2 houses. 1 of U rooms and I of 4 rooms. Prlco $7,5)0. A very valuable property , 3 lots In Harlem Lane , $340 eaob. Lots 11,12 and IS , block 7. Patrick's 2d nddl tlon , $1,800 each. Lot ? . Clifton Place , $1.050. Lots 14 , 15 and In , block 14 , Orchard Hill. Price $2,500 ; $750 cash , bat. $10 month. 8 lots in block 2. J. I. Hedlck's subillv , $2C < X ) . 12 5 and 12 10 acre lots north of Driving Purk. $700 to $1,250 per ncro. 7 lots , Mayno Place , $1,750 each. IIouso and lol on California , near 17th. $6,000. House and lot. 27th nnd Cnpltol ave , renls tor $40 per month. $5,010. C6xl33 ft. Dodccnnd houses on same , rents for $3.000 to $3.600 The beet Investment In Omaha for the money. Price $33,000. Patrick add , lot 4 , block 9 , price $1,600. 20J lots.Tnble Lnml. $150. 200 lots m Highland Pnrk , $250 to $350 each. 25 lots In Mnync Pisco , price $1,500 each. 0 lots , block u , Hfdlck's sub dlv , price $2,2V ) . 40 acres norlh of driving park , * 700 per aoro. Housonndlot l' < blocks west of Sherman nve nnd 2 north of Lnke st.ccllar , closet , coal house Jtewx7f : : > 'i , faces sonlh on dreol ; price $ . ' ,000 , House nnd lot , lot 11 , block 10 , Central Park 6 room house , one nud n half story , good well , cellar , bnrnout-hou es , lot55x13. ! . Prlco $2,500 , ? .KX ) cash , balnnco easy. A splendid bargain. 2 farms to trndo for Omnhn rca't ' v. Lot I , block I. Orchard Hill. The very bo t lot In this add , nnd nil for $1,500 , ono-thlrd down , or $1,310all down. Lot2)Pclhnm ) Place , on Grnntst , fncos south , nOxtilSfcet , boufoof 3 rooms , good well , stn- bllng for 4 horses nnd buggy , out-houses nnd shed. Prlco $3,210. ensy terms , ngood bargain nnd right In thu city. 44x133 , Hth and Dougln , 2 business houses , $40,000. Hnrd to beat. For sale or trndo , ISO ncro farm , 18 miles from Omnha , $30 per aero. 25 acres north. 4 miles from P. 0n splendid bnrguln nt $125 nn ncro. , Lot 15. Fnlrviow , I ncrc , prlco $1,005 , 5 cnsh. Call nod see me about this , t think It will suit. suit.Lot 27 , Clark's add , right In thu heart of the city. Enst front , Ms 129. extends from Charles to Phil Shorldnn t , and ls dirt-cheap nt S5.UOO. Lots 21 nnd 33 , ClnrK's ndd. fi4\13S oneh. prlco $1,750 each , 'j down. These lots lay In the center of Iho residence part of the city and will be very valuable. They will bo cheap In twelve immtsti at twlco the price ottered at now. Lot 17 , block 31 , Albright's ' Choice , prlco $450 , $65cnsh. bal. $10 per month Lots 13 and 14. h ncre lots In Martin's sub to Pleimant Hill SNK ) per aero. 3 lots. Albright's Choice , for $375 each. Lotsm nnd 41. block 1 , Armour Plnco. Terms (176cash each , bnl. OH y. 6' ' } nciosjun 1 mlle from P. O. ; will ntnko 30 good lots ; the most valuable lot now offered. Price , $ l'i,0.0 ' ( S. E. corner of Douglas nnd 2Sth,80.\SO , hns on It n gioccry store nud dwelling. 80 leet on 23th nnd M ) leet tin Douglns : rents for $42 Pi ice. $1,000 , > ! cash nnd balance to suit. Come nt once nnd ? < about this , us It will not remain on the market. Lots 2and n , lilork 9. linker Place , are the cheapest lotsollercd nt tills prlco Lot 2 at $600 , f 230 cash , nnd 3 teamen nt $6Vt. $2.15 cash , bnl- unco ea y. It will not hurt you to come nnd see nbout these. Correspo'idcnce solicited. Communications trom non-nsidcnts will Imvo ppcclul attention. C. Wells , Hcul Kstntc Broker , 6C2 30 160(1 Chicago street. TTIOK SALR Alotof almost now furniture .L1 Appli Kit S30tli , ono block north of St. Mnry'fl ave. J. K. Wycolf. liSI 31 * A PINK lot In Arlington for f 1,050 , $1) ) ) cash , balance 1,3 and 3 year- * . Gregory & Il.ullf y , Hoom 1 nnd3 Hcdlck Block'I'OS. : ' 15th st. 071 LOOK nt the o % B irgulus for this nook only : 40Hcroson we it si. , liiinrnvcl 9.003. A south front lull lot In Arlington , improved An east frontoOvl.'il Hawthorne ? l"i01. An cast Iront corner In Van llucren Place $1/00. I'ornoron Franklin st. with 3 houses renting for $ "W per month only $ : iMK ) . Full lot on Dodge St..3 looms 13,100 , An cat Iront lot In Hnnscorn place $1,100. Full lot on Hint --treot with house renting for $4S per month $4,100. llou-o 0 rooms on corner , a 1 modern and complete. Lot SOvPlI $ HMV ) . Lots In Portland place , Clifton Hill , Hunjcom place , Ho-n Hill , in short In all inside adtlitt 3iis. Have home splendid residenceprore-ty on Dodge , Capitol uvuiiiie , nnJ D.ivcnport street" which owners do not want advertised but which 1 will take pleasure In showintr to anyone wish- liur to piirohasc. Call at my odico and pet prices and terms. .1. L P lerson & Co. , 1503 Farnam St. . Telephone No. 821 , 3d llooi. 072-30 "JAHNnTpLACB. Sblocks from Cabin route. J. II. Evans i : Co. U0034 "IjTOH SALK At CotnstocK's real estate and JC Insurance agency , room 10 , Crclghton block : SJIxKK , Jackson st , near llth , $10.000. 74x134. KoimUu place , southeast corner on 20th It , $3,1100. Lots In Orchard Hill from $375 to $1,000 ; Kount/e place $1.700 to $2OUQ ; 2 lots , Manhat tan place. $ .325 each ; Sheridan place on Lcnvon- worth street , $ D10 to $75) ; Hlchinond , J4to $ .150 ; aero lots In Holvldore ? 501. Improved Property -Five-room houso. east front , Armstrong' ) * 1st odd , $2.400 ; live-room liouso , Foster's add , $2.30J , $2X ( ) eii'b , bahinco monthly ; largo Hue house , Mlllnrd A : Cnlducll's add , IK ) feet troimigo , Ohio - < t , cull for price and terms ; two five-room houses , Franklin sticct. near --trept cars , lot 60x124. $ : i , 0 ; ) ; will sell separately ; live-room house , lot 75x140 , Winti or plncoea ; t23 font , block 74 , city , containing 5-room house , f 4'WO. _ iai 30 HAHNKY PLACK Lies on Harney and Jack son sts. , midway between Farnam and Lenvcnworth sts. , adjolnlnir Richmond nnd Conkllng Place Lots only J400 to $550,1-5 cash. .1.11 Evans & Co. . sole agents. Cffi ) 34 _ BUY r. lot In Hitchcock's nddltlon. licet of northwest additions. J IJ. Evans i Co. . solo agents. CM 34 _ AHNEY PLACK-Is within three blocks or the cable line proposed by the Kansas City capitalist' ) . J. It. K\uii3 & Co. , solo agent M 1-34 ST. Near Sanndcrs , 64x124. V/ 481 ( Jreftory Ac Hndley. JOHNQALLAGHKH , real ostnto , 317 south I3tb st. Acre property , lots In all parts of city. Choice IOM Lincoln Place. Ilargiiln 6flx ft ) , cor. California nnd 3Hd . _ IK. ml SHEHIDAN PLAOK On Leavenworth St. . only two and a half miles from thn post- ollico. oircrsthe best cliance tor speculation of any addition in the city. Good lots cnn bo ob tained for f 0V ) on easy terms. A. H. Comslock , agent , llouin 10 Ciolgliton lllk. fiil 20 IN EST corner In Hhull's 3d add. . $3,100. easy terms , for few days. J. M. lluchanan X Co. , 1413 Farnam st. C4C _ A POSITIVE bargain ! Wo have the exclu- six e sain of 40 acres nice land 4 mtlos from P. O. , noiir Ix'iiveiiwortli st. It will bo to the advantage of person * looking for Investments of this kind to see us beloro purchasing. Wo also have 2 , < 1IO acres of Iowa and Nebraska land that wo would erclmnue for irood city property or merchmidiso. King & Templcton , at Citl/.un's llaiik,240SCumlngst. 6bt ( 21 , residence on St. Mary's nvo with cor lot $5,000 vl31. only $ IWO > . This Is the cheapest Piocoof llrst-clHSS Inside pioporty on the mar ket 074 Gregory & Hadloy. HAHNKY PLACK lot * , $400 toMO , l-5thcash. J. n. Evans A. Co. , sole agenta. ceo 34 " $ 5WX ) will buy good M-foot lot on Park nvn. with 8-room house , barn , &c. C. 11. Horton , . Park aye. KK ) 31 _ 011 SALE 80 acre tmct , Improved , near the Jcity , J135. per aero. Lots In Schlcsingor'B addition $250 to $359. IN ) feet , 24th and Farnitiaat a bargain. 20 acres west of Walaut Hill cheap. Call and investigate. Schlcilnger Uros , C14 S 10th st , _ 170 in 3 BAHOAINb-Oates ft Watts , 324 S. ISth st. Ixn on Nicholas bt , Walnut Hill , $1,200. fi-room lioiiBO , Walnut Hill , $1 ,590. Lot Albright's Annex , $450. 8huirs2nJ add. tull lot , house and bnrn.fl.OOO. Foster's add , i ! lots , each $2,200. South Omaha , 5 fcot on N fit , near Dcllcvue , 11.700 , a bargain. Dnnockenrk odd , 2 lots , $70) . PrnynPaik.2 lots , $400. MllUrd and Caldwell add.t-rooin house , ! 1,100. Mlllurd undCuldwell udd , 0-room house , cor ner on alloy , $1,010. 5-i oem IIOIKO on Ohio St. , $2,0 jO. ( Wfeet on Sherman uvc.i ; houses and barn , Hakcr Place lot , $ r 00. Drake's add , lot $2,009. 2 lots cor , Davenport ana 27th ave , $7,000. 4 cast front lots on 3Ut between Hurt nnd Cumlng , $1.200 to $1,250. llargaln * In Orchard Hill. r An citmUno property cor. Charles and * 9tb , $ , UX ) . Albright's Choice. Lincoln Place , flue lot , $700. Lol I , block 8. S. E llOKur'a add , $3.100. Llnwood Park. $600 , A bargain In Tborncll's add , $4,000. Kllby place , $ W ) to tlW.O. Hosier's add , $650. lllllfUoNo. . ! , $1,600. Omaha View mtousloii , $1.250. Mystic park. $475. Good lot In llanos & Beldon's add , $3,000. Jerome park fronting on Furnaui btWO. ) South Omaha Park add , $500. . 11-room house ; all modern Improvements , barn room for V hoi sea , beat bargain In Shlnu's add , $7,60J. 40 ucroe suitable for platting.fiWto $359. _ _ ri _ 70920 CJHEIUDAN PLACE-On LcavenwortU ' st 3 tire and a half miles from the pobtomcu , choice lots at $650 , easy tern.a. A. 11. Com- etack , lioom 10 Cieii-Utga lUk. 1jj -17IOII SALE BV Slf J- ' i Ilenl Estnlo Acency. 1408 Varnam t-Opr.o ilte Paxtou notel. Hwsidtujces ! Elegant 60x132 ft lot pn Hurt st , with two good cottages'saworln Allew. Cheap at $10,000. Elegant bouse nnd barn , with corner lot ft on Park ave , overlooking the park , n bargain at $10,00" . Good 5-room cottage ah3 corner lot 60x150 on Virginia ave , $3,100.i 0-room slorynnd n half houe , lull lot , on Georgia ave , $4.090. Splendid o room house new full lot on 2fllh A big bargain If sold soon. 0-room cottOBe.lot , I0\130 , Inrgo barn , splendid shade tree * . Exactly on grade , nnd dirt chcnp. $3.500. Small house and hnlf lot on 20th st , cable line , lot nlono worth mnro tlun Is asked fo nil , $2,400. 7-room hoii'-e , barn , well , shade trees , Ac , on diaries st , only 200 fcot off SaundorslotCOxl30 $1.000. Two good cottages and elegant east front lot on Park ave , 6xl4S feet , fronting two streets. A splendid Investment , $12,100. Small house and Iot,34xt9 | : feet , fronting S.iunders nnd 2.ird sts. Hoom for business nnd residence , $3,500. 6-roora cottage and large lot,75.xir > 0 feet , cor- ncrson alley , 17lh and . .liuon sts , $7.riOO. Finon-room house nnd full lot on 17th st , near Mnsnn , cheap nt $1,000. Hntulsomo new 7-room house with two full lots In Orchard Hill. Anne homo nnd on easy tcnnn. For a few days only , J.I.'JoO. 90 x IN ) feet , a corner In Slum's nddlt.'on , with three good bouses nud room for three more , $7..10J. Good 5-room cottage and largo lot. OOxlCS feet on Porpleton nvontie , 81,000 Good 7 room house , barn , elc , , lot JOtlSfi , and fronting cast on Saunders st. near Grant St. , S7.500. A very handsome , modern 7-rooiu house and full east front lot In Uimcbatigh Place , near Park avenue , $ ! ,0 W. For choice residence location this cannot bo duplicated. \ Hcnnt Lots. 100\1S7 feet In block 1 , West Omaha , elegant property nnd cheap nt Jfi.2UO. _ loox24 fcot training east on Htuiscora Park , 75x244 feet fronting on Hnn < com Park , $ , ,750. Two olrgaiit east front lots In block 17. llans- com place. $ JOOU and $3H < I each , only $500 cash to parties whom will build. Many other lots In Hnnscom Place at prices and terms to suit. 3 lots In llodford Place $ fi.10 to $ 00 A choice lot In Shulls2d add Si. IK ) . bOxlM tt. Just off Farnnm on 2ilth $10,090 , A choice east front In Kllby Place If sold soon $1,500. Lots In Jerome Park nnd Kilhy Place nt prices nnd terms to suit both r ch nnd poor. Two lots in Hickorv Place ouch $1,200. Four lots In Hotisol \ s > tebblns ndd. each $1'HM. 60 feet on Lenvonuorlh st. near 33d at SCO per trent foot. Cheap. Fust front In Pot'cr's ndd. $ l,10. 114 loot on Lcavenwoitli st. In Leavenworth Teriace. A corner. Choip nt $2,750. Foil rS-o. front lots In Patrick's ndd , from $ l.150tol.r > lH. A choice lot in Donleo'sndd. J.Vfl. Lots In Orchard Hill trom $7.10 to f 1,500. Two choice lots In llrowu's Park , close to H.II. truck , nt tl.tKO ouch. Some very choice lots In Foster's add , rung- Ing In prlco from $3,309 to 53,100. IliishiCPioperty. . 34 feet on Hnrm-y , near Court house , with good residence , f 12,009. ( > 6xl33 , corner flth and Dodge , $ IsV)0. ) fiJxUG , corner Htli imdDodgo. 15,000. SK1"3 , with largo 3-story bnin covering cntlio lot. Webster stSCO ) . 6rtxlK ! ft on Jones st , near 14th , with elegant residence. $ ' 6,0 0. U'o have In addition to the above hundreds of other bargains in Hll parts or the city. If you cimnot Und in tills list ln t what you want call nt our onicoand wo will tiPHl you llko a king , drl\c jou around the city free of charuo , glvn you a square deal , nnd last but not least , sell you soiiu "Omnlnnllrt" tt.nt In the near future will be better th 'n gold. Itomombcr that we h'lndlo gilt edge goods , and nothing but that. Give us a call. cr7-30 ( Sholes , 1400 Farnnm etrcot. SIXTY-SIX by Orio Hundred and Thirty-Two close to JetorAon Square , cheap. Clark-on * H > atty,319S llth st 71U 30 M ITCH i : LTT& Li ; YONM .uic K . 1518 Dodgost. 5 room house on.Montana st , lot 32x100 , few doors from Ciiiiilii.r st. S3fiflJ. Shinn's 1st aJil. 8 room house , lit B3'\144 ' , bath room , well , cistern , etc , $4,5UJ , $1,509 cnsb ; on Caldwell st. Walnut Hill , corner lot sonth fronton Cum lng ft , only $1,300. Orchard Hill , 75 .lots , corners ami all , your choice for $759 each , easy terms , will bo all sold In 10 dnxs 8 room house , new , and 3 beautiful lots In Orchard Hill , only J3.0JO. ? i > 7.1 cash. Walnut Hill , lull lot on Nicholas st , south front , bargain at $ . , ' 100 , for ,10 days Adjoining Highland 1'i.rk , two acres lying splondtdlv. only $ NH each. il brick housesorfKtli st. 10 rooms each , rent for * HK ) per month , onljrISOr ) . This Is a bar gain. Investigate , Come and look at our list , it can't bo surpassed. Mitchell > t Loyonmarck. .TO 151IJ Dodge st. HOUSKH LotsFann , L'inds money loaned , licmis * city maps , 5x7 feet , $ ' ! .50 each. Hcmls , room.'l , Barker block , S. W. cor 1.1th and Farnam sts. 3S7 DODGK ST. Garner , Full lot , Imiiroved. rent inir now for f.lOJO. Can soil for $ .11,090 Gregory .tlladloy. 4fil " 1710 HTY acres very clo c to city , high nnd dry. -i ? A bargain at $1,000 per ncre. Clarkson Jc Ileatty. 2l'J S 14th st , 71'J 20 View. " 75 of the choicest lots In this OMAHA addition at prices far below adjoining propeitv. Knsy terms. E. F. Soavcr , Hoom 25 , Paxton Itiiildliig. 734 32 * T"F you want to buy or sell furnituro7go"to JJ. . rerguson'8 , 715 N. 18th. 737 HOL'SKS LotsFanns.Lnnds money loaned. Homls' city maps , , x7 feet , * 'J.50 each. Ilomlsrooin3 , Barker block , B. W. cor. 15th and Farnam sts. 287 LIST your property with us. Wright & Lar- bury , under Paxton hotel. 603 OOTH ST. A high nnd slightly corner , 100x158 , O good neighborhood , $1.003. Gro'/ory It Hadley , Iloomsl and 3 , Ilodlck lllKr.'j : S. 15th st. 401 HAKNEV PLACK lots , $400 to $550.1-oth cnsh. J , n. Evans & Co. , solo agents. CC'.i31 riWOlots in Lincoln Place , on Belt lino. $1,500 both. Grahnm , Crelghton lllk. 645 18 ST. MAHY'S AVE-Flnost co-nor 135x135 on St. Nnry'H ave , street ? on 2 sides alloys on 2 Bides with $4,000 house , $18,6) ) . Easy terms , this U loss than $100 per front foot ami Hint U the tluuro nt which > \o sold the ndjolning Insldo lot last week. Gregory It Hartley. Itooms 1 and2 lledlck blk , 320 S 15th st. 101 HOUSKS Lots.FarmsIjinds money loaned , llemls' city maps , 6x7 feet , $3.5' ) each , llemls , room3 , B&rKor block , S. W. cor 15tn and Furnam sts. 287 H AHNKY PLACE lots. $400 to $500 , l-5th cnsh. J. B. Evans & Co. . bolu agents , GO ) 24 nTBALI. & CO. , 115 S 1.1th stroeTTmrifalns Oiron Saundei-H small house. 8-room house,2 lots , Snur.derB sf 6-room house , 1 lot , Saunders Et. B-room house on25th avenue. 5-roomcottugeon Charles et. 8 room house on Cnldwellst. 7-room cottage , 2 lots. S 1'Jth cu 14 lots In llcgervolr add 47 lots In Orchard Hill ndd. 20 lots ill SchlesslM t"add. . lOlnts In ( 'loverdiilo ndd. 2lotslnShlinn'B2ndadd. 2 lots In Hillside No 1. 7 lots In sub-division of 112 .letter's nddltlon to K Omaha , known as Taylor's udd , 10 ncres In Ilyilo park. 2 lots in Gramniarcy park. Seven-room cottage nnd 2 lots In Ambler Place to exchange for unimproved Und 6 room cottage on'Parker tft. Forty acres A njllps from postofflco to ex- chuugo for Inside property. 4KJ SPUING VALLBJ' . ' Our new addition. Acrcs't35 to. $40) ) per aura. Near South Omaha , And Sydlcald Hill. Marshall Ac Lobeclc , 103 15'J3 Farn-iin. IF BOLD ul oncewe can deliver a lot In ITtlcn Place I$1,2JO. Only $4' ) ) cash. This IB a simp. Gregory & Hndley , Kooms 1 nnd 3 , lledlck blk , 320 S 15lh el. 612 HAHNKY PLACE lots $400 to $510 , l-5th cash. J , I ) . Evant if Co. , solo agents. bC3 24 MARSHALL St toilF.CK.15M Farnim street , members of Omana Houl K > tuto Kxchungo. Corner of Cullfornia'stroot nndTwenly-thlrd , CflxM feet , o y tcnu , * $4oi ) ) . Hoiue of eight rooms on Twenty-third near Cass,6 x63feet , ono-hulf cash , i6.2M. Eight lots , Lincoln Place , ono third cash ; $523 to $750. Four lots la West Cumings , easy terms , $50 } In $900. I/its in Ml. Pleasant addition , easy terms , $300 to $450 , _ Acres Twelve 5 acre lots in Spring Valley , $3i5 to $403 per acre. Also 11-2 acre lots In same addition. AH on very easy terms. Wo have line of bouses nnd lots on ourllst. and Invite buyer * to o tl and wo will tbow the property. Marshall & Lobeck. 160J tarnam Telephone73. 763. ALNUT HILL-A dandy houue , cost $1 .COO well , oUtern , city water A.O. , good collur , 10160x153 , Bouth front. Near depot. $2.800 Gregory it Hadlcy , Iloomsl and3 Hcdick Uk.UiJ S 15th st. HOUSKS-LouFarmsLands money loaned. Jlenils' city maps , 6x7 feet , fl 60 each IlemKr. room 3 , Darker block , S. W. cor. 15ib uaj Faruttiu eu. . tel SA. BUOMAN , Heal Estate Ilrokcr , 1512 Farnam Street. Fnrnam street , cor ISth , 03il.K , > < cash. $ v. Fnrnamst. , near 14th,23xl33ltnprovod. . tvi.000 Fiirnim st. , near Ifrth,44x133 , improveil . 22.000 Farnam it. , near 30th,2.'xl33. very chcnp. 0.VO Fnrnam st. , nenr * Uth.UCx\lS ! . . . . . . 33XW ( Farnniil st. , cor.31st St. , 130x13- , south and cnst front , 17,000 I.arnam st. cor 40th , 95x132 , s and o front nWO Fnrnam ct. cor. 41st , 4s\132 , and o front 8AX ) Farnamst.cor 42d , 44xl82s and w front 3.IXTJ Harney st. near 13th , 22xM P.WO Harney st. no r l.llh.33xli2 ! Improved. SO.tWO Hartley st. near 20th. 174\170 , Improved . 35.WXI llarnoy st. Hedlck's Grove , 41x1,13 llnrney st ncarfctd. 40x133 B.inio Douglas st. near 12th , 44x133 , lmpro\ed. M.HOO Douglns st. tieir iitli,2ixl.T : ' , ' { mtcrcsl VOO Douglassl. near.M,05x132 ! 7,500 IoilglB3 st. ncnr 23d , ( Wxl33 8.WH ) Dodtrost. cor , 13th,05xlK. ; Improved. . . . S'-l.TCO Dodge'st. nenrS'ith ' , 60xl'i3'i 2. Vfl Dodgost. nenr2Sth , 40x127 , lmprov d. . 2.70J Jncksonit.cor. 14thCfixl33. Improved. . J5.000 Jackson st. near 15th , 6nxl3J , Improved. lft,0' > ) Jones M. cor. 1Mb , caxtSJ 24.00J Howard si. ncnr loth , 33xa2 , Improved. . 8.00J Lenvcnworth st , cor , 21st , 132x111,1m- proved 18,500 I.onvcnworth it. cor. 2.1th , 140x142 , Im proved 25,000 16lhstopp , M. P. and Bolt Line depot , filxll2 , P.OOO 14lh si. iruckngo , Pnddock place , 00x113. ! . * ' Park nve. opp , park , 50.xl.10 l.SX ) Virginia nvo. near Lcavcnworlh.Vxl40 ) 2tt ( ) Georgia nve. near Mt Pleasant,60\I50 . 2f.OO 20th ft. ncor St.M rr's. 40x130 , Improved ( MXM 20th st ncnr Dorcas , looxloo , lmpro\etl 4,500 201 h st nenr Douglu ,32B' ; ' ) , Improved fl.noo 15th st. cor.MnrthaCO\rKimproved. . . 4,501 llth st. uonr Dorca , 01x132. Improved IMOO 2Dth st. cor. Sewnrvl , 113x120,3 houses . . 4/AI Pierce near20thC. ) foot fiont , 2 streets. 6.160 Hamilton st. near Holt line , Imprmcd . 1,503 41st gt. Just off Fnrnam , 4Sxt3. . o front . l/wi Jtttli st. , near Dwvcnport.lOOxMO 2orw Howard , near : t > i , 60x157 1.160 31st St. , near LoaveuwoiHi , 5lxii | ) 2,300 10th st , nenr Cnstcllnr. 13.1 feet front . . 4..VX ) 9th st , near Mnithn , 5I\I5I. corner. . . . l.IKO Biirdotto Rt , uenr 28th , iixl32 , on cur line l.MO Iliirt st , near Ixiwo nve. 51 I-2xl3'.i 1,110 25th , cor , Popploton , 03x1 W , Improved LOTi ) Davenport , nenr 21th , 64 l-3xl32mptoved ! 4,000 Cblcugo , corncr24th , 60xlK , Improved. . 8,00' ' ) 2iJth , near Popplclon , 60x127. Improved. . 0.000 South Omnhn. lot .1. blk fS , 01x15) I'M Orchard Hill , lots f7W to 1,000 Brown I'm k , lots SiiOtl to Wfl llodford Place , lot * $ V ) to WiO Highland Parit , lots occh-cnsh $03. . 230 Wnkely ndd , lets 57x150. eneh - 40) 35 ncrcs uonr Fort Omnhu.llncly lliprovcd 9otO (173 ( OI'SKS Lot.sF : rtniL'in'ls money lomind. llemU' city limps , 6\7 feet , $ * . . " > ) eaoh. llomls , room 3 , Barker block , S. W. cor. I.lth and Fnrnnin st ? , 287 _ _ PATHtCK'S 1ST ADDi Corner lllxllll. onlho Inside , IM ) It , arc 2double houses , renting $10 per mouth , leaving coinur 51x130 vnoiint , all for $5,000,1-3 cnsh. Gregory i Hndley , Rooms I and 3 , Hcdick HK,32JS. | ISth Bt. 401 HAHNKV'pLAl'K-Lios onllainoy nml Jack son Bts. , miduu.v butuccu Farnam nnd LexxLiiwoith . , adjoining Hlchinond and Conkllng PI ico. Lot" only f 400 to $45 , ) , 1-5 cash. J. II. Evans i' Co. , sole Uk-oiits. 000 34 B OH BALK Two lots In Kounize Place. Spon- eor Oils , 1'117 Douglas t. : > 3. ) CALL nud to the fullest n > id molt complete set of iiDBtract books of Douglus county now in the oillcoof H. C. I'attcrsun , 15th and Hartley. 5')7 H 'LACK J. H. Evans & Co. , solo ngitnt tli'j21j ! ' { .1 AHNEV PLACK-Llcson llarnoy nml Jnck- I 1 Min sts . midw.iy between Farnnm nml Leavonworth sts. , adjoining Hlchinond and Conbbng 1'inco. Lots only $100 to $150,1-2 cash. J. It. Evans & Co. , solo agents. CU9 24 it lots In the market nro In Shcrl- dan place on Lciivcnworthst. ; good lots nt JWfl each on easy terms , nt Coinstock's real cstntu agency , lloum 10 Crelghton lllk. 651 20 \\THAT have you to trade lor Nebraska farm ' lands , iniiro\cd | and unimproved. Address B 4S , Hoe ollico 64821 * OIlTV-SIX ncres adjoining Dedford Plnee" , beautiful for sub-division , lloltrnllway runs through it. A bargain. Clurison & Heatty , 21USllthst. 71030 EF Scavcr , Hoom 35 , Paiton" ftullding , 2 of the very best aero ? In Iliookllne : already plattnil Into 10 hunutlfiil lots. Can give you n bargain on thU If taken at once. 734 33 OMAHA Laundry , C04 north I0th Bt. Stilus. 10 cts. Collins and CuITtSets. . Family washing. At lowest prices. Flist-clnss work guaranteed. 736 i-0 * FTSE A viKH. Itoom 2j , ration UulMIng. TnUo Elevator. ; Two best acres In Brooklln" . already platted Into 10 lots. Ten ncrci near Cuntrni Park , cheap , Seventy-live lots In Omaha View. Choice lots In Foster's addition , $ : .200 to $2.iViO. ' 1 liroe lots In Clark's nddltlon. Two lots la Lincoln Plaeo. $ l,2jO. Two lots in rcser\olr additionon Hamilton St. boveriil lots tn Ilcdlck's subJlvIsion , on Vir ginia nvo. Two lots In E. V. Smith's addition on Cable Line. Six best lots In I'llca Place. Three elegant lots in Walnut Hill , cheap. Host bargains in South Omaha. A splendid list of Impiovcd residence prop- crtyA . 7U1 72 II HNEV PLACE lots , ? 400 to $550,1-fith cash. J. IS. Evans & Co , s-olo agents. l > 3 34 GENL'INE HAHGAINS Two corner lots m Uurdetto court , only 4 blocks from Blun der's street u.irs. w. M. IliHlirniin. Hoom 10 , lluabman lllock , N E cor 18tli and Iouln. KAVKNWOHTH hi , 109x127. corner $2,700 074 Gregory i Hadley. BAHKK & HAHKALOW , 1421 Douglas St. 24th st. bet. Popplclon and Woolworth sts. 50xl2i , 4 room cottauro cast front. $ 2,800 Omaha View , house 7 rooms mid lot 2,009 IBthst. bot. Lake nnd Ohio , 01x144 , east front 3,200 An ooL'nnt60 ! leot front on Purk ave. , on strcot car line and on grade for. . . 3,900 House und lot on1st at. , between Clark nndGracostS 2,500 12 acres 3 1-4 inIIOH from postolllco 15.000 Choice lot in Orchard Hill 750 8-room house , lot 8N It on 15th st by 57 ft deepu corner 4COO 0-room house , modern Improvements , barn , lot H8xl35 , Slilnn'sild ndil 7,000 House and lot 31x101 , Pucitlc st. between 14th nnd llth Us 2.MO Special bargains In Kilby Place , Walnut Hill , Klrkwood and South Omaha. lliirko it llnrkalow. 1421 Douglas it. Wl acres Finest ground in Cote Drllllanto n. JO w.of FortOmuhiu Will sell all or imrt at $3X ) per acre , ono-thlrd cas.h. Gregory & Ilndloy , looms I and J lledlck block , 330 s. I5lh st. 555 HOUSKS Lots.FarmsLands inonoy loaned , llemls' city mups , 5x7 fcot , f60 each. HeinlH , room 3 , Darker block , H. W , cor. 16th and Farnam ets. 387 . - . , , - loaned , Hernia' city mnpn. 6x7 fodt. $2 19 each. Henils , room 3 , Darker block , S. W , cor. 15th and Fnrnam bis. 2j7 EAl'TjNWOHTH Bt. Property. J 180fcetcornor3thst.n.1 ( > 90. 3 lots , 22 feet trout , between J'nrk and Geor gia uvo. , each $1,0 . W feet corner Georgia nvo. , $15,003 , 4Ufcet improved , bntwi-en Hill nnd 15th Ets. , rents tor $6.1 per month , JIO.'iOO. ' 109 feet cloe to Holt Line , $1.600. 50 feet close to Holt Line , $ $00. Holler & . Campbell , room 1,1.109 Furnnm. 68 AHNEY PLACK Is within thrco lilockH of the cable line proposed by the Kansas City capitalists. J. II. Evans \ Co. , sola ngents. CGil-2 HOUSKS-L . llemls' city mnps , .1x7 fret. $2 VI each , Ilcmld , room 3 , Barber block , B. W. cor. 15th htid Farnani sis. 2b7 HAHNKY PLACK-Is within throe blocks ot the cable line proposed bv thu Kansas City capitalists. J. H. Evans A ; Co , , sole avents. eca-24 FINK corner lot In Sblnn'fl add , i room lieu 9 , * - ' , ,800 , , $5JOcu9b Gregory It Hndley. 1 HUSINEisTota on Park nTo , ! l.VoTor lnT "r gide , $2,000 for corner,25i8i to an alley. Mead A : Jomleson. 121 „ 1IUDH SALE A33)-aoro farm with house , barn Jand crib , on the II. P. < l only onu- hnlf mile from n good railway town , with churches and schools. Price $4,00) ) . Apply to 1-ouis Bradford , cor. Otb and Douglas , Omaha , Neb. J3 rPKACKAOK Corner 102x132 on 13tli St. , near -L C. St. P. M. Ac O , Depot i.'O.O-JO , 1 houses lion renting for $1,740 per year. Gregory A lladloy. oM AINEY PLACE Is wllbln three blocks of the cable line proposed by the Kansas City capltallstl. J , U , Evans & Co. , solo ngcnts , 6CU-24 1T10H 3 DAYS ONLY JL1 Ixit&blkt ) Sulphur Springs add.for $1,600 , ' ' Oreeory- Hadley. . Iloomsl and3Ilcdiclvblock,330b.l5tlist. . Lols.FarmsLands- loaned , HOUSES. ' city maps. 6x7 feet , t..S'J ' each , llemli , room 3 , Darker block , SW. . cor. l&tb and Farnam slg. ' 387 AIlNEYl'LACE-Is within three blocks of the cablo'llno proposed by iho Kaniza City cupltUllsts. } . U , Evans'4 Co. , sole Hgenta. , A MES. 1507' rnrnnm street -/V lUrrnins In choice residence property , OrJ-Soiith front lot 60jt.'K and 10-room house Mltb all modern Impiovomeuts , on Hurt si near 2Jih. $9,000. 370 New 10-room hou e and full lot on Park avenue. One of the finest homes In that desirable locality. House has nil modern improvements nnd Is n great bargain al 97 6 . 339 Very fine P-rootn hou e. wllh all modern Improvements. Lol one of the best on California st. only $8,200. 200 Finest east front lo t on Georgln avenue , wllh new 8-room house , bath room , city wntor und modern Improvements. Very desirable nt $3,000. $3 Largo It-room house , all modern Improve ments , and finest south front let on Cali fornia st. $13XK ( ) . 269 10-roora house with Ptcniii heat and mod em Improvements , good barn nnd full lot In lnn ! ? otn Place , north of park. Cheap at $0.000 211 Newsroom house on Park ave , north of Leavennorth si. One of ibc finest houses on that street. JL-'iOO. 319-F.a t front lot OflxlG ? . nnd 13-room house with every modern convenlenco. An ele gant homo , and the llnest location In tlio city. $17.000. 374 fis\iooon St. Mary save , with neat 8-room eottnse. A bnrgnln , $12,501.1. 273 Now 0 room cottage , Park ave. $ lKK > . 2C2South front lot and nowst-ronin house , one of the lluesl homes In Walnut Hill. If tnnon boioro Mnrch Isl , J.1.1W. n-M-llciiutltul cnst front Iot vi\l40) ) nud best tottngo In E. V. Smith's ndd , $1,0XI. 355-60x140 on north 1Mb st , with 2 good houses. A bargain at f 0,000 Siieelnl bargain for 10 dnyst 2 acres In North Omaha , good liouso , barn and smnll fruit Tli.s will stilmlvldc , nnd net the buyer $ . ' ,000 prollt in 30 d j s. $4,500. 251-BO.xKWon Pierce und 20th sts. 2 liolUOP , rents for $5" per month , only $5,500. 1-COfect on S. 15th st , 4 blocks fiom postoOlce. t I2 , 00. 81E8 feet on S. Ifith 61 , $ lr.OW. 0-12H fuel on S ICth st nenr viaduct with fine house , eou $ .1.00 , $17,000. 10rixiro ! ; oil N in st S of ( Irucn , $10,000. 4 6J\I32 oil Jones t , tlunly unproved , $15,000 20-44 ft on I.cKVenwoith st , $ ' ) , OiiO 128 50x119011 13th rt. buildings runt for $1,300 per vcnr , only $ 10,60j. 421-W tt on Itith et. with good house , $10,000. . 43-C.'ll < 4 onSiiimlersst near Cumlng , with Urge house , $10.000. 41-CO It. front on Snundcrs et , $7,000 , with good " -room house. 723 142ft. on Snundois st. ncnr Ininlncss cen ter , splendid piopcity nud grentcst bar gain on thai popular street. $ .iX ( ) . 35-Gtixii2. ; corner on 14th st ; buildings rcnl for $1,500 per year , $25,0)0. 33 Ono of the Unest corunri ) on Jackson st. $27'i'X ) . 37 li2x : s , eoron 13th nnd Cnpltol ave. , partly improved , cheap , S40.000. 94fi East front , lljvliH ) , on Noah 10th St. , in Smith's park. Very choice. 7.17 Comer on State tt , in Omnha View , lol 120x100. Splendid vnluont $2. JO. 738-Cornur on Hamilton bt , 17IX1K ) . This is n splendid piece to sub-divide. 731Cliolco lot on Gcorgln nve , near Popplclon , $2,2.19. 710 I37xK1 , corner on West Fnrimm st , facing twohts , Sll,0)0. ) 711 7:1x301 : , on California 6t , two blocks enst of Convent. $2,100. Wo still Imvo lots in Moh-oso Hill , UwlghrA Lymun's , Lyman Place , Manhiitlan , llniiscoin Park add. Sulphur Springs add , Tuttles Subdivision , Newpoit , llrmhinn , Illllsdnlo nnd in all the popular locations such as Hed- lek'8 Grove , llaiiscoin 1'luco , Hodlck's add , and choice lots on Lcavcn orth st , Abstracts of title. Money to med. A -ics Heal Kstnio Agency , 1507 I'lirnain St ) aero lots In Newport $310 each. Five acu- lot in Holvcdore , $400 , 6 hot lots on east line Howling Green , $ li5 each tor all. Choice lot In Ambler Place. $810. Lot In Eckcrmiui's ndd , $4.10. 2 lots In Dwight A I.ymaii's ndd , $810 each. South Iront lot on llnrnoy st , $1,600. Cholcd lot In Hnnscom Place. f OxICO on Euclid st , near Mason , $ i,200. G4 It soutli front on llrlbtol et , nenr Kouutr. Place. $1,350. SO ft and house on N 30th st. near Chnrlcs , $ -,100. Fmo south front lot on Durdotto st , near Saunders , fl.Ooo. 3 lots on Porter st , ncar33d , $1,050 each. Fl ne OHM front on 25th st , near Leuvcnworth st , $2,500. llargnlns In A. B. Patrick's ndd , near s w cc- KnunU Place. Lot In Walnut Hill with 5 room house , barn , etc. , $3.000. cOxlU ! on Pierce st near 2flth st , with two good 5-room houses , rent fo $3.1.00 n m"nth , : $ I'IOO , FO ft east Iront on Saunders st , near liurdctto st , $7.fiiX ) . 114 ft cor south Iftth Rt and Martha. Hnrgnln. 112x140on S 15th Bt with 7-room house , $ nOUO. : > 0 ft nnd business houseSheridan uvo at brad of St. Mary's ave , $5,000. 2 lots on Hamilton et , $1,500 ; both big bar gains. An elegant new 13-roora brick residence in best part ot the city. 100 ft on ICth st through to 17th stncnr Jones , with 4 large bouses , $50,000. Fine win chouse lot , trackage , on 10th 6t , along side viaduct. $1 ,000. GGxlUO Jackson and 10th sts. Hurxniu. T. J. Hook. 715 32 Heal Estate , 1509 Furnuin. EF Seavor , Hoom 25 , Pnxlon Building , cor. 15th und Farimm. bargains in icsidciico property , Impiovcd and unimproved. 731 22 M\AIILB LAND In this beautiful nddltlon , JL only 314 miles from tup postolllco. lots nio selling for $2UI , corners , and $160 for Inside. This H the llnost property north , and thu cheapest because the bust. Invest now , and reap n handsome profit. Some splendid Inside Investments. Cull at my ollico nnd investigate. Ten ncrcs on ICth street at $700 per ncro. 72U23 George M Cooper , 150'J Fnrnnrn. QPECIAL DAHGAINS-Full lot and now 5- KJ room cottage , soiitb of LUKO street and two blocks from rod car line , $2,5'W. Nice residence on Popploton avenue ncnr Twenty-fifth street. Will muko terms to suit. suit.New house nnd 50 foot lot one-half mile from Union 1'nciflo depot. This Is u bargain. $1,200 Kust front on S Twentieth street. $1,200. Thrco south fronts on liurdctto btrcct , hnlf n block f loin Snundcrs , each $1,000. These are in- Mdo lots and chonp. Ono south front lot in Foster's nddltlon , $20(10. ( Lot 14 , bk ! 8' Bedford Place. $276. Four acre lots In Washington Hill cheap. Flvo acres lour tulles northwest from ( ho postofllco. $300 per acre. A iO-ucro tract of land northwest ot post- ollico , with Improvements ; plenty of fruit , etc. ; two tons of grapes taken off this place last fall. This Is n valuable ploco of property. 'i' o nice ncro lots in Pratl's sub-division , chonp , Nice eouth und cast corner in Foster's addi tion , f 2,500. Fitty-two feet lot In Allen's sub-divisionla'0 terms easy. Kount/o Place. We are agents for Kounu Place addition , tbn tlnest residence pioporty In Omaha , Come and see the pint and get terms and conditions bv which you mny become the owner ot one of these valuable lots. Clovcidalo 1 Clovcrdale I \Vo are agents lor Cloverdnlo addition on Hamilton street , nud have 2JO choice lots loft at prices ranging from $400 to $ ( > 50 on very easy terms ; liberal Inducements to those desiring to bullJ ; this property will bear inves- tluation. Wo Imvo several of the best lots in Brown Purk that will l > eold at u bnrguln. We also have alnrgollslof good Inside prop erty , and lots In all of the heM additions to the Pity , Cull and get ternid. etc. Frank F , Wil liams & Co , leth nnd Clilc ' ro , rear Dnuglus County llnnk. 72U20 TKHOMK . . ( J C74 Gregorys Hadloy H AHNEY PLACK lots t4')0 ) to $650 , I-Mil cufh J. H. E\utit& Co. , solo agents. C0324 ISKtc PAHMKLK , 150) Furnum et. Offer thesj bargains to-day : 1 corner Georgia uvo. and Dupont $1,209. 7 Orctmrd hill , choice lots each fYJ. House nnd 2IotsHtiunders It Ulmcbuugh'g odd. to Walnut hill $2.300. 30 Finest lols In Cloverdale , bargi Ins. Hue lots In Kllby place , cheap , Flnoj I-2lot John I Hedlck'H but 2 choice lots In Mayncs add. , each (5119. 2cholco lots Fulrmouul place. 1 aero best In Belvedere , bargain J300. 2 lota Jotter's addition , each $709. 6 lots Mt Douglas , caul : JHU. 2 lots South Kx. place , oacn $500. 3 Brown Park , bargains each $000. 24 lots choice in Vatns It Hompel's n idltlon. 10 acres 34 mile south of Harris A : Patterson's annex , extra nlco , chonp ami cues' toims. A flue list of western lands for sale , or trade forOmuhn property , 400 acres highly improved , baimaoru Co. , t .lo or trade. 115 feet front on 16th Btrset , Lust , not lenst , oornur on Furnam $41,001 uud muny others , 1503 Farimm , Wise and Pn.-mylo. 377 SOUTH front , CO foot lot on Hamilton st , 167 feet deep , inaklntr north front on Clmrlis it. What Is butter tliiiu this nt lW \ Gregory , Hudley. Hoom 1 and 8 HeJIck block , 33) ) a. 16th t. 674 STATE ST. Corner 130 feet front on State by 100 deep near LAke 6t. Only t-C5r ) . Gieg- ory It Hadloy , 431 HOUSKS LollFarmsLand-money loaned' . ' Beinl8" 'lty maps , 8x7 ftet , $3.W each , llemli , room 3 Darker block , S. W. cor , 10th ud Ftucaui. ) : 7 : JF. HAMMOND , Iteal tlMnle , flfut door nortl of Douglas on 16th M. , ground Poor. There arc other Hammond's in the real o tale bnsltip . . , A nit J , V Hammond I * not nnv bilious to do the advertising for the crowd , Don't go up stairs ) the Ilnmmand jou ar seeking Is un ihettrrol level , not on Douglnl street but Just round the corner on 16th , Huslnesi Property. Farnam st , corner , 4 < xii2 : , gilt edpo : prlco $25,000 ! M cash , balance In 1,5 and 3 year * . Farnam between II Hi and 12th , 8-stor * ' brlcic with high basement. 44x123 , fully occupied the year round. Prlcn $00,000. Farnam but. 13th nnd 14th , smith front , lra proved lot 33xlt2 : < rents for $4SOO pur year. Price $60,000 , 1 3 cnsh , bul. 1 , 2and3 yeais. Fnrnumst. , 44 feet trout , bot. 18th and IPth SK , faces south. I'rlco I.-J.UUO , 1-2 cash , bal. to suit. suit.Farnam St. , cor. 19th , 00x133 , double brick building on premises , rents for $80 per month , prlco $50IW ) , 1-3 cash , balance 1 , S and 3 years. Farnnm und 2Cth st. , Gxl22. one of the bolt corners on the street , bo worth 11,000 per foot fiotit before the summer Is over , prlco 931,000 , 1-3 cash , balance 1,3 and ! 1 yearn. Fnrnam H bet 20th and 23d , one-half lot 26 * 1S3. Price , $7,500 ! 1-3 c h , I L 1 , 2 nnd 3 years. Fiirnam , corner 43.1. lot WxlfO. Price 12.50 % half cash , bnlatiro 1 , 2 and 3 years. Douglas bet. ivtli and lltb , 44x1,12 , Improved , . rents for $230 per month. Prlco $25,000. $8,000 cash , balance 1,2 ntuKtyuirs Douglas , corner llth , OfixSS. Price $35,000 , $ iri.uuo cash , balance to suit. Douglas , corner 12th , partly Improved ; ( 5,000 , half cush , balance to suit. Douglns bet. ISth and 1,1th. 44xBH. with 9 feet tn nlloy , partly Improi od , rontnl $ * ,7VO per yean 1'rlco $33,000 , $ ir.WO . cash , balance 1 , 2 and 3 yours. Dodge , corner 13th , W.xl33 ! , partly lninror d , rent * for $3ono per year until June 1 , nfter which $3,100 per yi-ar. 1'rlco $33,000 , $1ZOW easti , bahinco 1,2 and : i yvare. Cnpltol live. , nortli front , C t fl. double two- Hory building on promises , rents for $120 per month. 1'rlco $12,000 , $2,000 cash , balance 1,2 , 3 HIM ) 4 M'ars. Davenptirt St. , 22 feet near 10th. 1'rlco $2.300 , $ K > icuilib ) laiK-uI,2iiiid a year * . Must bo soldi owner linn to leave town. Dnvenpott st , corner 17th , MxltO , partly 1m- prud , 10,000 , hulf C'lsh , bahinco to suit. Hartley t-t. bet. llth and I''th , 4-story brick liulldliig with high ba't'iiiunt , lot 30x132 , rental I'rlci'WUJO , half cnbh , balance 1 , S nnd llarnoy st. bet. Mlh nnd ICth et * , , H lot.tlxlOT , Fouth front. Price $20,000 , one-third cnsh , bal ance 1,2 amiyears. ; ) Harney st. . corner IPth , 480-10x163. Price $2. > , oOii , one-third cash , balance 1,2 and 3 year * . Howard st. corner bohcon llth nnd 13th Mi. , ifixl.ti ft. ; piutly lmpto\od. Items amount tp $3,51 per j oar ; price $45,000 ; J { cash , balance . . , > to suit puicltivcr. M eoi nor 12th , full lot 8Rxl33. Price ' ] . ' , cash , biilanco 1,2 und3 years. * .luck-on st. cor. 12th , full lot. 1)0x133 ; partly , Imiiroved. Hents for $ H ) per month. Prloe y 3 | $18,0)0 ) ; ' 4 cnsh , balance 1,2 mid U years. ' Jones st. eor. 16th , lull lot. 13. feet on 16th. f Price $24VOO ; 1-3 cnsh. balance 1 , 2 nnd 3 year * . Jones t. cor. of 18th. 1,0x133. Prlco $40,0001 3 13 caslt , balance 1,2 and II yeius. Fourth and 6th tts , fovrii gilt edge loll In Anlstkld's nddltlon , ruitgltig In pr.'co Ho'ii $440 f to $ IJ76 ; 1-8 cnsh , lialiuice 1,2 and t years ; these ' lots will be worth double Inside of HO days. I'th st , 4 cast front lots Just south of Bancroft j. st Prices from $1,300 to $1,800 ; 1-8 cash , balt anco 1,2 und 3 > ours. Uth st. Between Hickory nnd Center , beau tiful cn t front lot 60\KI. Price $4,000$1,600 ; ; . ciitli , balnnco 1 , 2 und 3 years. f , 12lh st. line lol hot\\ccn Center nnd f Doicnssts.,60\iW:3 ; : loom bouse on premises. * cistern and out building Prlco $2WOI,500 ; cnsh , biilaucu $16 per mouth. liltii t , cor. Leiiventtorth. Flno warehouse property , 44xlM ) ; trackage in rear. Price S2II.WO. ' 15th st. Just south of tracks , a corner which will bo worth n fortune if the 15th it , viaduct crosses only $7uo , 54,000 cash , balance I and ; 2)curs. InipiovcmontBiiow rent for $00 per < J. month , > IStbst. bet center nud Dorens. lot 36x167 , 7- i room 2-story house on pi omlses. Price $2,800 ' cish. 10th st , ICO fl.front by lilG feet deep , Gilt Edge , : $ V500 ; $2.000 cnsh , bill 1 , 2 and 3 years. lilth near Hurtmun bt. school , corner of alley , 40x140 ; rents lor $60. Price $ i,000 ! , U cash , bal , $ 1,2 and H years. i 18th st , 1,200 feet south of Center st , all deslr- * ( . ; nblc localities. 17th Bt. house of P rooms , bet Williams snd Hickory , 2 largo lots 75x125 each , nicely Im proved. Price $10,000 ; > cash , bal. 1 , 2 and 3 yon rs. Ibth st , nciirHarnoy , 44 ft , estfront , by 209 deep. Price $175 per trout foot. , jf P.ith st , near Harney , 407-10x140 deep. Price --J JIO.UOO : 1-3 cash , bal. 1,2 and 3 yearn. VJth street , 11 feet from Harney , lot 72 feet front by 87 fuet deep , together with 0-year % lease of the 11 feet mention ; gilt edge , at floi 000 , { fi.OOO cash. 20th st. , 2 lots between Clark and Grace.ta. . . , 00x140 each , cable line track already laid In front of property. Pilce $75 per front loot , 13 cashbalanco 1. 2 andyears. ! ! "Olh st. homcon Charles und Howard , lotSftxt 140,4-room hoiifoon trround , rents for 312.60 , cable line Inia In front ot door. Prlco $2,400 , 1-3 cash. bnl. 1.2 and il years. ' * 20tn street , corner Grunt , tiO.cHO , 2-story store , , , bulldlng 40\22 foot also ; small bouse on proiul-1 cs. Price $7,000,1-3 cash , bal. 1 , 2 nnd 3 yean. 20th st. near Vlnton bt. . , lot 44xl18. ! Price $2.000.1-3eiibii , bnl. 1,2 mull ) years. ' Gilt Edge , line chance for Investment , rent makes full payments. llricK house of 3 full , room * and basement , together with 2 lots 50x86J loot eachIn Omaha View. Price $2.200 , $000' cash. bnl. $10 per month. Gilt lllgo , corner In Orchnrd Hill , lot 28 , block 1. l'ricol,000 , $500 cnsh , bnl. easy. Beuiitlfiil homes , 4 2-story 7-room house * fnclng Culdwoll st. ,2 blocks west of finuudorsp city wutnr throughout house , water closet UB. . , - Btalis , sowernge and modern Improvement. ! , - porch whole width of front , pleasant rooms vj ? ' with Inrge elosots , lot "OxW , price $3.600 ; $60 ' cosh , bill , to suit. Also 3 2-story 8-room hnuPCS facing south oa * * Indiana St. ,2 blocks north of Cumin ? ; city , water nnd modern Improvements , porch nn * , pleasant rooms ; price $2,500 , I303 cash , balance to suit. Also , 2 beautiful cottages on 33th nnd Franklin - lin sts. . I blocks from the ptroot cars ; 4-rooiM each , closets , etc. , cellar and cistern ; board' fence around eneh lot nnd board walks alt about. Prlco $1,6IOWO | ; : cash , balance $25pe * month. i Uoautlfulie-room house on Hurt St.between 21st nnd22d , fnclng south ; porch on 2 sides , largo and complete laundry , largo cellar brioko * nnd cemented , bath room , house heated by fur- mice , every modern convenience ! One b m with ample room ; Iot80x33. ! Price $9,000 , one * third cnhb , bnlnnco 1,2 and3 years. Klegnnt 10 room residence on Park nvo. Alt modern improvements. Steam heat IbrouffoV out the house , two story stable nnd carriage house , Mono walks nbout the ground * . LoV Mxl40. $12,000 , K cnsh. Flno large nonce with very larro room * , bulb room , rite. Houo beated by furn ca * Fine barn , etc. House faces south , Pi ice , c7KOO , ' 4 cnsh , hill , 1,2 nnd. ) ye r . Twenty-tlml , near Clark , now 5-room IIOUM , good cellir , well nnd cistern. Itenti for $31 cubic line just behind It on 20lh st. Clark ordered paved to 24th thlH full ; ono of the I bargains in the lint. Lot 39x133 ; price I $1,200 cash , bal. 1,2 nnd 3 veari. Now bouse of live rooms on Lakeit , , Joet west of ICth , bay window , iiornh , coal noUM.1 , cistern , etc. Lot 30xVO , Price $1,900 , $400 CM * . I balnnco time. , T * . ) Walnut /1111'J boautllul lots60x160 e cl , , on grade. Prlco $ UV ) eneh , f 450 08 h , ' monthly puvmcnts. > .Trm : . Walnut Hill , 2 4-rooui houses , porch , txieU 'lHt housoj , cl tcrcr , etc. . lots MiM. Price , $1 , $230 cash ana j2K > soml-nnniiully. Hnnscom Place , 28 beautiful loll , ' . . from $1,800 to $3,500 each , Terras easy. , . _ . propei ty In Omaha. Hciit class of people teek > Ing II for domes. 34 lots In Grnmnicrry Park. Beautifully Jo- . catodCOO ; to $760 ; ! cash , balance $10pe month. Ambler Place , 7 beautiful lots runginif from $700 to $760 , * Gilt edge , a full lot right In the henrtof Poulh v Omaha oily , in blk cl : la occupied by two Urge. > * bulldinpb and routs for Mil per tnontb , let' ooxl.7) ) . Prlco$8,000'JcaMi. ; bal o r. j , Alro lull lot fnclng oust In blk 79 , Bouth - „ Omuho. _ < ; Acre Property. - Hunch containing 2,720 uuro * in Ilulfalo coun- ty. Neb. 250 acres under cultivation good S ' story frame lieuao 10 rooms , frame barn for , cattle,360 leut long ; wind mill with tunks ana plnei , SOU head of cntlln from 2 to t yean old ; * 200 bond of boj6,10 head of borne * . Carrlngi t house , Ice houfo , Ac , 8 inilus from 1 rullroa4 t and 3 from another. Will undo or sell. ; . 540 acres elegant I arm lanil near Plum Oraeh , . - ' Neb , , 2C5 aums under cullHutloii. U noretf pus- turo , fenced with boards nml wire nog pioof > fence , goud bniibo , burn , corn-orlbi , onnof the * best iiprlnir creeks 10 bit found , liea-lt nnd rum , through the furm ; one of the best mock nnd fio'l farms In thn state ; will sell either 24U orUOQ acres , or wluiln ; price $2J p r aero , . 100 acres of rich valley land' ) 1 ? miles north t , west n f Tcltnranh , of which fo acres urp under 'i plow. 61 cncloxeil by Ire fence , 14 aorca moiul w | ow , 20 ncrt-s walnut tl"ber ( , district > choo | J bouse on 1 aero. Prloo $2J per Bcro or willA Irudo for Omulin property. tlA O41J acres unproxen innd l- miles from lliualte. " 1 mile from railroad stn'lou , IM flnnst timber ? 160uoios pu turu,2Uucrei ( plowed land mi < l under constnntcultivill'-ti orchurd.'tiog rnuch. Kinall friills.uto. 7 roiuiidl Mpufo nUa tono- andturik , fo'rest iicott , tivi l > iire < with cellur. horto burn , ciittlo burn for 34 , muLhlncry bhcil 12x40 , roiu rrlti on tun fouudH'lou , Uolds Cu , > tiiishcu of corn : kuiitll gralnoiy , hog and uattlo pnsturo functd , ' ( irchurdn fence ) , Tl.te" ruUroads wltlilu 7 mllns , I.iuul turn well nnd la "of flrsl tint * Duality. Prlco T21 per uirra , or will foroiburlurm property. 1CS ucroa in Huwiiiis coi-nty. Kbt ay , I fariit laud und near Oletim , K iua3 , jl aero. fr gnup 10 acred In South Omaha nt R litir for tbo next ID days. ' . , , Largest lijt ( n the cltjv property everywhere. J. F. Jluinniv-inl , lii bouth IKth tt. . ' 71(10 T T A W Tl fTIlN ( li - G'ooci' Hit | 4iU ! , ' f.-M:7cae ( JLJL UrtKoryHudIey * 01 * Z. < ' mfi