Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 20, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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The Dependent Pension Bill EecomtKoniloi
For Passage 0er the Veto ,
The Heading of tlio Itcport listened
toVllti Great Attention nnd Krc-
intently Interrupted With
lou ! p.
WASHINOTON , Feb. 10. Mr. Mutton of
Indiana , from the commlttco on Invalid pen-
filons , reported back the dependent pension
1)111 ) with thu president's veto message tliereon.
jlo asked tliat thu report bo printed In the
record and gave notice that ho would call
up the bill for action on Thursday next.
Jlr. BrcckonridKU ot Arkansas objected lo
Iho report being printed In the record and
thereupon Mr. Burrows ot Michigan de
manded that It bo read. The spoikcr de
cided the report must be read and the clerk
Ihen proceeded to read It. The report states
lhatt\\o facts will arrest tlio attention of
nny ono who reads the president's message.
The first Is that no objection Is mndo to Iho
bill on any crotind of its constitutionality or
llio right of congress to enact ( he law Is not
Questioned. The other Is that the lirst sec
tion ot the bill Is not touched upon by the
inessneo and no Intimation Is given by the
president as to whether that section of Itself ,
embodying as It docs nn independent propo-
Bitlon , and In tlio precise lonn specially
urged by the secretary of tlio Interior In his
last annual ropoit , meets with his approval
or disapproval. The commlttco then analy
ses the objections of the president that the
bill Is vague In In Its provisions In that It
might apnly to various grades of disability
or dependency and submits to the judgment
of the house and country that those who
framed the bill , after months of
careful consideration , have made no mistake
, nnd have contined the bill toaelass nnd that
j class can bo well defined as consisting ot
these disabled or dependent on their daily
labor for support. V > o regret , says the com-
inltteo , the strained Interpretation put on
the bill In the message as an excuse rather
than n reason for returning it to the house ,
nnd bellevo wo do no Injustice to the execu
tive , when considering tlio whole message , to
Bav that If Us provisions had been plainer
nnd no question could have been raised as to
whether Included only those unable to labor ,
ho would have interposed his objection. The
report goes on to say that such distinction
niade by the acts ot the president , the com-
nilttoj cannot believe , will be endorsed any
where by the patriotic sentiment of the
country , Beferriug to the oxDfnditures ol
money which the enactment of this bill would
necessitate , the committee contends that the
estimate of the president is extravagant. The
report said that the committee was lethe tc
lclie\o that the people of the country were
willing for the defenders ot the nation's
honor and life during their declining years In
misery and want. The committee
ends by recommending , without a
dissenting voice , that the bill
bo passed , notwithstanding the objections
of the president. The report was listened tc
with great attention , thoush the readina was
several times interrupted with applause ,
" . which broke out afresh when the concludlut !
ficntonco of the report showed that the com
mittee was unanimous In It recommenda
tion.Mr. . Matson asked unanimous consent that
the consideration bo deferred until Thursday
next , which was carrrlud by a vote of 131 to
Mr. Baker of Now York called up as
privileged matter the resolution ottered bv
liim Thursday fixing nday for the
Admission bills , and under the opcrallon ot
'the rules it was teforicd to thocommitteo on
Mr. Lanhnn of Texas presented tlio con
ference report upon the trade dollar bill nnd
HWasngioud. to without debate or discussion.
Tiio nouso then went into committee on the
> xvli'M for the consideration of the senate
amendments to the sundry civil appropria
tion bill. In Hpo.tklnir ot the verbal amend
ment Mr. CillTqnl of Dakota took occasion to
, ciitici/.o llio Dakota enabling bill reported by
thncommiUcoon territories , denouncing It
ns a miserable pretext , an insult to his people
and a miserable proposition which the would
hjiiirn with contempt.
Mr. 11111 of Ohio Incidentally gave notice
that ho would call up the Dakota admission
bill on Wednesday next.
Mr. Utiltcrwortfi of Ohio , moved to concur
in the senate amendment with nn amend ,
mcnt directing llio sccretaiy of war to make
inquiry as to the number of union soldiers
hurled in the saino cemeteries with confeder
ates nuu whether their resting places were
im fenced and unbiokcn.
On motion of Mr. Itandall the senate
oinondment wan non-concinrcd in for llio
purpose of ennui i ni : the committee of confei-
unco to fiame a measure In accordance with
the views of both sides of the house.
Pending further action on the senate
nmendmciit thocoinmlttceroauaud the house
adjourn ud , _ _
, WASHINGTON , Feb. 10. The presiding of-
ficar presented several petitions from Ohio
posts of Iho Grand Army of the ICcpublic tot
the passage of Iho dependent pension bill
over the president's veto. Laid on the table.
Also an Invitation of the citizens' committee
of Ale/andrla , Va. , to take pait In the cele
bration of Washington' * ! bitthday. Laid on
the table.
Mr. Beck said that for years ho had been
lituseutlng petitions lor the repeal of the nav
igation laws In tlio hope that Americans
might bo able to own steamship lines on the
pecan. Ho had now piepared a memorial on
Ihosaiiio subject signed by himself , and
which ho asked to bo loferred to tlio commit
, Jeo on commerce , before which cominitteo lit
would ask to bo heard. As a basis to bho\v
the Importance of thu matter ho hail also re ,
ferrud , with his memorial , an extract fiom
llio speech of Count Von Moitko before tin
( leuimn relclistag , to show that war Is In
evitable. Also a newspaper extract In ro
> card to the action of England toward hci
litcamshlp lines , llefcrred to the committee
on commerce.
On motion of Air. McMillan the Nicnrau-
gua nlilp canal bill was laid iihldu and the sen.
me lOMinml consideration ol tlio river am
'harbor appropriation bill.
Mr. Kilmunds made a point of order on
section : i ( which piovldes tor condumnntloi !
ot landon ) tlio ground that It was now legis
The point of order was sustained and tlu
section wns struck out.
Mr. Van Wyck moved to amend the Item
of fcSOO.OOO for tlm Missouri liver by making
it read "continuing thu Improvement lit At
chlbon , St , Joseph , tort 1e\venwortli : ner
vation. Arrrow Itoek , Kansas City In Kansa1
nnd Missouri and Omaha. I'lattsmonth , East'
port and Uiownsvlllu in Nebraska and Iowa
under the diiectlon of the Secietary ot war. '
The bill was laid nsldo temporarily and
Mr , Jonas of Nuveiia , from thu conference
commlttt'O on thu bill to letiro the trndt
dollar , made a ropoit and btated llio point ;
of it.
After a lengthy dfbato the report was
ngrecd to yeas , 10 ; na > s , 5 ,
The bill now goes to the President.
The senate then lesnineu coiiblderatlon o
thn river and haibor bill.
Mr , Maudeison hem lily coincided \\ltli tin
views of his colleague , but did not bclletvi
they would bo accomplished under tin
Biiicnitmcnt ottered , lit * thoimlit that in ml
dltton to the SSOO.OuO placed under the con-
brol of the Missouri n\cr commission for tin
rl\er south of St. Joseph $100.100 should hi
npptopriuied for points north of it.
Mr. Van Wyck mndlllut his amendment s <
no to appropriate i'100,000 for tlio point ;
iianied In it.
Without action the senate adlourned.
1 Julto Stamp -Mills Closed Down.
Ih'TTK , Mont. , Feb. 19. Three large stnni |
mills closed down to-day for want ot salt am
two moro will close Monday , btopping all tlii
ellver anil copper mines and throwing S.SOi
iiu-n out e > f work on account of tno snov
Opera HOIIHO lUirnru ! .
1 , Pa. , IVb. 10. The Emer :
rahoihio nnd adjoining building burned
( ° clock this'ovening , koss , 80,000 ; Jn
Tlio Kml ofllio Trlnl of the Slayer of
Siorx PITYla. . , Feb. 10. fSpcclal Telo-
grani to the Ur.K.1 The Jury has returned a
verdict of guilty ns charged In the Indictment
against tlcorgo Trout nnd fixed the penalty
at imprisonment for life. [ On the first ballot
only llvo helu for murder in the first deerce.
This Is the lirst tlmo In the history ot Woodbury -
bury county that this sentence 1ms been ren
dered. Many nro still Inclined to think tlio
sentence should hate been hangintr , but gen-
eially the verdict seems to give good satlslac-
tlon. Tlio murder was ono of the most cold
blooded Imaginable. The public hasnododbt
of Trout's sanity when committing the awful
deed , hut the defense managed by It lo save
his neck , It Is understood a motion for n
now trial will bo made next week.
rtilltnnn Company Acrnln Defeated ,
IJKsMoisils , la. , Feb. -Speclal > [ Tele
gram to Iho Hii : : . I After Judge Urowcr
of llio United States clicint com t decided In
December adversely to thn Pullman sleeping
car company In tlielr effort to testraln the
state limn collecting taxes fiom them , the
cnsn was appealed to tlio United Stales supreme
premo court. Meantime the company made
n further examination here of thu laws and
lecords on which the tax was levied , nud yesterday -
terday nt l.eavenwoitli ramo befoio Judge
Hrewer with an amended bill of complaint ,
asking that the .state and county ttcnsnrors
bo enjoined from collecting taxes ngalnst
them levied under the Iowa law. Attorney
( leneral llaker , representing the state , ai
pic.iont and filed ovcontlons and a demurrer
to their amended bill. Jitdsro llrnwor has
just sustained the exceptions nnd tlio de
murrer , overruling the company at each
point. Tlio company will appeal to the su
preme coin t. _
Sioux City SnloonUtn Fined.
Sioux CITY , la. , Feb. -Special [ Tele
gram to the iiK.l ! : Judge Lewis has been
busy to-day In disposing of the saloon cases
in widen tlio defendants had been Indicted bv
the grand jury. Klght defendants were fined
In sums ranging from S00 ! to SOOO nnd costs
and attorneys' foes added. Further than tills
tlm saloonists were to stand committed until
paid. The judge expressed hlmselt as con
vinced that the defendants should bo
handled in a manner that would make them
quit tlio business , remarking that the tlmo
had como when wlilskv selling was a precari
ous business , e\cn In Sioux City. Abatement
orders. In addition to the lines as above Indi
cated , were also issued.
Candidates Per University President.
DJS Mot.VKS , la. , Feb. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to the UEK.J Among the names fiom
out of the state that are being discussed as
possible successors to President I'ickard of
the Mate university , are President .Ionian , of
the Indiana university ; Prof. Coulter , of
Wabash college ; Captain Dutton , of the
United States ecological survey ; cx-Prcsl-
deni E. E. White , late of IVidim university ,
now of the Cincinnati schools ; Prof. Adams
of the chair of natural historv , John Hop
kins unUcrslty , nnd Prof. II P. Williams , ot
the Boston English high school.
{ Closed An Unsafe Mine.
Dns Mom : " , la. , Feb. 10. ( Special Tele-
pram to the UKI.J : Inspector Stout returned
from Greene county to-day and announced
that lie had closed the Buckeye mine in that
county , near Angus. He gave notice some
time ago to the mine authorities to comply
with the law regarding safety precautions ,
but they neglected to do so and ho 1ms closed
them up. This Is the lirst instance of the
kind in the district.
Sentenced to Six Yeitrs.
Cnnsco , la. , Feb. 10. | Special Telegram
to the Hni.j The trial of Clifford Dearman ,
for the murder of John llaberly ends , alter
the failure of the jury to agrco upon a ver
dict , by Uonrman ulcadlns guilty to man
slaughter , which tlio jud e accepted and sen
tenced him to six yeais in the penitentiary
and to pay a line ot 200.
Ijookiiijj For n Mad Stnnc.
Jns Mot.VKS. la. , Feb. 10. iSpccinl Tele
gram to the BKF..I A Jlr. Witters , of Grceno
county , called at tlieollice ot the Male boaul
of health to-day looking for a mad stone. Ho
was directed to 1:0 to Kddyvillo and loft for
there at onco. He was accompanied bv his
littln boy , seven > ears old , who had been bit
ten by u dog supposed to bo labid.
A Small Full urc. : , la. , Feb. 10. ( Special
Telegram to the JJii.l : : Willott Harlow ,
dealer in general merchandise , made an as
signment this morning to C. L. Henry , liis
assets are S700 : ! , liabilities , S'J.TOO. with prin
cipal creditors in Dcd Moincs , Davenport and
After tlio Faith Curort.
MASON CITY , la. , Feb. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to thn Uii : : . I To-day n local physician
swore out a warrant for the arrest of Charles
K. Kelly , u faith euro doctor , In order to test
the law for practicing without a rerullcato
from tlio Mate board of examiners. Thohcar-
IIIL' will bo had Mondav.
A Bin It. HOIIHO ItiirnRd.
DAvnrcroitT. la. , Feb. 1- ! [ Special Tele
gram to the Ur.n.J The malt house ot K. &
A.oilers , In West Davennort , burned last.
night , together with : t,000 biibhcla of malt and
barley , Loss , 87,000 ; Insurance , SS.OOO.
Tiio Market Moderately Active With
G.tliiH In 1'rloeH.
NKW YOIIK , Fob. 10. ( Special Telegram
to the 13iK.J : The stock maiket was moder
ately active to-day and prices generally
bhowcd n gain. It was thought that asthoder-
nmu flections occur on Monday , andasTues-
day is n holiday in tills country and Wed
nesday IiiKnglaud , veiy little business would
bo done In stocks until after tlio middle of
next week. London quotations for American
stocks were a shndo higher and it was
'claimed that buying otdors from abroad were
beginning to bo lecelved by a brokerage
house with foiolgn connections. Kansas it
Texas was very strong and moro than us
ually active. It was stated that the stock
had been taken hold of by strong people and
would bo given a good advance next week.
Tno bank statement , .showing a decrease of
over 53,000,000 In reserve , was regarded ns
very unfavorable. There was a good deal of
bull talk on Hit' Four , aud qulto tui
advance was scored by it. It was stated
that the 553,000,000 of now stock authorized
sumo tlmo ago would bo Issued in aslioit
tlmo to stockholder at CG . Western Union
was advanced to 71 and tlio talkot an im- Initievlved. Insiders claimed
that the company was In excellent financial
condition nud earning uioro money than nt
anytime In the pabt. At noon tlm ninikot
was steady at advanced prices. Sales to
noon wmo 100XW ( shaie-s. The bcttlement of
llio old buit of holders of Kansas A : Texas
scrip agnliibt the company was made the pre
text for bulling that stock. Tlio advance
from tlio openiiiL' amounted to about \yt per
cent.ery strong bull points weio circu
lated In regard to Western Union , Union
I'aclHo and Now Kngland. Loulsvillo k\c \
Isabhviilo cainlntrrt for the second week ot
1-ebriwry increased SilO.CoO , and tlio total
Increase for the year to date amounted to
over 81,000,000. On this favorable showing
the block made a seed advance. The market
closed with iv fractional decline from tiio
b-'st ! "flfl&S1' , tllH ( lll > ' - The tolal "lea were
about ' 00,000 shares.
Congressional Influence Iteqiiestcd ,
NASHVII.LK , Feb. 10. 'ibe secretary of
the branch ot the Irish National league hero
to-tiny leoolved a letter from John ll. Sutton ,
secretary of the Irish National league , ask
ing that thfl lopresentatives in congress
of the state of Tennessee use their Influence
\\iihtlio national congress to prevent the
ratilicatlon ol the British extradition treaiy.
B.U.TIMOKK , Ftb. 10-pJiilHps Bros. &
\UiolMalodry gojls rierclnnls , to-day
made a. dred of trust tor the benefit of cred-
itors-to WHliam J. Dhke , . ' trustee , who tiled
a bond In amount of SIOJ.OOO , indicating
asset * of hah' that amount. None of tlio of the firm could be seen to-duy ,
nld.iio Ulea cf the liabilities 14 obtainable.
A Now Mexico Ranoho Owner Urging
Plonro-Pnoupionla Legislation ,
A lorfoot Jnm of People nt tlic Ijnst
of Mrs. Cleveland's Koceptlons
HI mi ill service Gosalt )
New SIo.xluo's
WASHINGTON , Feb. 10. ( Special Tele-
grain to tlio * ! r.t.J : Colonel Joe Dwycr ,
owner of an oxlonslvo ranch In Now Mexico ,
nnil who Is well known In tlio 'northwest , Is
In tlio city nt present. "I cnmu hero , " said
Colonel Dwycr , "nt the In&tinco of llio c.ittlo
crowcrs of Colorado and Now Mexico. 'i hey
are much nliumeil lest congress fall to pass
the iilcnro-iineumonli bill. Wo must liavo
porno energetic itul heroic action on tills
ineasuie. It congress docs not appropriate
money to reimburse the owners of cattle
when the disease has a foothold , for the pur
pose of destroying them and thus stamp out
this torrlblo disease , it Is only a question of
days and weeks when the fanners and deal
ers In fancy stocks will ship their cattle af-
Illctcd with the disease to our ranges and
Hun Inoculiito our herds. When once the
disease gets a foothold there It will never bo
eradicated until there are no more animals
to take the infection. Wo cannot quarantine
and Isolate the diseased cattle as you can in
the states. It took Kncland many years and
cost millions of dollars to stamp It out. This
on their small iarius , and whoio they could
rlRoiously quarantine their cattle. You see
how hard It will bo foi us on the largo lances
of this country. "
"How are cattle doing In Xcw Mexico' . " '
was asked.
" .N ever better. Wo have plenty of grass
and water , and the winter Is mild. Our calf
crop was larco Ir.stj oar. Tlio only thing wo
have to complain of is the very low prices we
are petting lor our tco steers. Cattle have
never been so low for ten yo.ira , but they will
Improve. They cannot stay lonit at the pres
ent low prices. "
"Have there been any drawbacks to the
cattle business besides low ptlces'.1"
"Yes. Sparks has done us untold damage
by hlsiullngs and his advertising of us to
the world as rascals and land thieves. Ho
and his claqiiers stall that IX ) per cent of our
titles to lands are frauds. This has stopped
emigration to the territory and prevented the
investment of many thousands of dollars.
They have been Investigating the titles to
lands there for the past two years , and as a
result have indicted less than a hundred
persons of as many thousand homesteads
and pre-emption settlers , and with all the
courts and juries in their own hands have
not been able to secure a single conviction.
Minus , " bald the colonel , repeating the in-
ciuiry , "theru will bo a big mining boom in
the territory durins : the comini : year. Now
machinery is luduclni : low unities of ores and
making fortunes for those discarded mines ,
but a number of now strikes aio being made
of rich mines that will startle the people or
the east one ot these days. Education ? Wo
need tlio passage of the Blair bill to help us
out. Some portions of the Mexican people
are fairly educated , but the masses aie .not.
They have'nt a snllieiency of school money
to keep our schools going all the year , and
until recently have had no school system ,
but all this will come in time if we can get
financial aid irom the ledetal government. "
"How about lawlessness in the terrl-
"We have very little , considering that many
bad cliaiacters Irom all over the country take
leluire theie. Tlio Mexicans aio a peaceable
people. No moio hospitable people exist
anywhere. They do have some bad young
men , but these can be found everywhere.
You frequently see in the papers accounts of
outrages and killings by cowboys. The cow
boys of New Mexico will compare favorably
with the farm boys in any state. " Most ot our
troubles come Irom the bad boys from tlio
btates , boys who have been reading ( time
novels. Three of tlio woist cases in our
country ramo from tlio northern btates.
'Billy the kid' was a New \ ork city boy , Dan
IludebaiiRli was from Ohio and Clmiloy
from Iowa , "
silt" . c'i.ivKi.AJfi : > 's LAST iurii : : > Tio.v.
Mrs. Cloxeland held her last reception this
afternoon and it was attended by more people
ple than any similar eventatthi ! white house.
The crowd was composed mainly of ladles
and Its number was estimated at 10,000.
Memliersof several excursion parties horn
Baltimore , Brooklyn and other places helped
to swell tlio throng. People began to assem
ble at tin ; white honso hours before the tlmo
sot for the oiiunlnv of the doors. The recep
tion bciran at 3 o'clock and lasted till 6. At
U'M o'clock tlio crowd in front ot the house
extended In a line six abreast from tlio main
door way through the grounds out at the
cast gate iiud east along I'eniiHylvania avc-
iiiio an far as iMfteenth , a street distance
equal to more than three city blocks. Con
stant accessions weio received Irom all ill-
lectloiiB and tlio line became so dense that
several ladles tainted -and had to bo taken
away. When the doors were linally opened
those who entered had been standlnc
on the white house porch fur at least two
hours. After paying their respects to Mis.
Cleveland and the ladies wno assisted her
Miss Cleveland , Mrs. Folsoin , Miss Kndlcott
and Miss Lamar the people lingered to ad
mire the beautltul decorations ot the parlois ,
and as a consequence the house soon uecamo
nncomfoitably ciowded and locomotion was
slow and dllliculi. It therot'oio became abso
lutely necessary to clo .o the doors at exactly
r > o'clock and turn away many hundreds of
ladies who had taken tlielr places at the end
of the line soon alter it bouati to move.
A pension has been Issued to James Me-
Nutt , of Heil Cloud , Neb. , and to lowans pen
sions have been giantcd as lollowii ; .Mary A , ,
widow ot Sherman A. Hunt , De.s Monies ;
. . . , ,
41.11111 in if * 4lltlf.UIIIM I I4II lllllllllll * V
Mix , Kldnia ; Andiow P. Ik'edlc , alias , Wil
liam Daitman , DraUc.svlllo :'nyetto Brain-
unuTHNAXT rowr.u.'s rirruni ! .
This evening' ! ) .Star says ; "A few months
ago Lieutenant 1'owell , who has resigned
horn tlio signal corps , was detailed for duty
nt Omaha for the Union Pacific Uailnmd
company , but thomoject has been abandoned
for tlio present. It is not likely , therefoie ,
that ho resigned to accept a position as
\\oatherpiopliet for that railroad company ,
homo tlmo ago ho was ottered a salary of
85,000 a year to make weather predictions for
the Chicago board of trade and It may bo that
ha lias accepted that otter. Ho was always
regarded as ono of tlm most accurate indlc'ii-
tion otlicers in the service. Ho Is well known
in Washington , where ho was stationed for
many years. His wife Is also well known In
musical circles hero. "
Major David L. tluntiimton , surgeon , Is
relieved from duty in the ofliooof the surgeon
funeral March land Major diaries K. ( Jreen-
leaf , surgeon , Is relieved from duty In Chicago
cage and ordered to duty iii the oillco of the
surgeon general.
The leave of First Lieutenant John It. Wil
liams. Third artillery , is extended four
The leavn of Second Lieutenant fleorgo It ,
Kulhers , Eighth Infantry , is extended one
Hospital Steward John J. Swan , lias been
ordered to duty at 1'oit Douulass , Salt Lake
Contain John M. Hamilton , Fifth cavalry ,
who is stationed at Fort Itlley , Kansas , IMS
been granted two months leave by General
Terry ,
Lieutenant Alev. T. Dean , Fourth cavalry ,
who was promoted last week to lirst liouten-
nut , is a son of Medical Director Kichard 0 ,
Dean , United Mates navy.
Captain Arthur W. Taylor , assistant sur
geon , lias been ordered fiotn Camp Mudlrlno
Butte to Fort Larauile , Wiomlnir , for duty
us post surgeon , to enable Captain Louis ,
Brwhciiiln to go on leave.
Lieutenant John J. Shaw. Sixth Infantry ,
Is uitssinir. and as numbers of.duplicated pay
accounts have appeared , It is the belief that
ho will not return to duty. He was absent
on sick leave until lust month.
. ' Mrs. Senator You Wyck hold her last' for
mal reception on Thnriday , assisted by Mr .
Hroadheart. Miss Hooman , Miss Weber and
Miss Conkllng. Tho- prettily decorated
rooms were thronrrd with a pleasant com
pany during the aflerrtoon.
George 11. Hlldttth. f Iowa , a 51,000 clerk
In the patent otUcc. has been transferred to
the pension olllco.
Charles W. Mcltonoihas been nominated
for postmaster at Alexander , Dak.
AX IttlSlt jtMr.lllCAN KK.YST.
The In.Mi American members of con
gress will dine together at Chamber-
lin's February 23. About sixty members will
sit down together. Governor Curtln will
preside. It is expected that Justin Mc
Carthy will be the guest of the occasion.
Capital MNccll.iny.
WASHINGTON. I b. 111. In response to a
senate icsolutlon tno attorney general to-day
transmitted to the senate a list of the awaids
made for damages ( o property caused by tlio
Improvement of the Fox and Wisconsin
rlvcis , The attorney general says that the
judgments are Hnal and the liability ot tlio
United Slates lor the amount awarded estab
lished In conformity to law , but that there Is
no appropilation lor their payment.
Tlio secretary of war to-day transmitted
to congress with his approval a report fiom
Lieutenant Colonel Merrill , of the engineer
corps , rccoinmendlnir that the tlvcr and
harbor act of ibSj , authorl/.lng the secretary
ol war to prescrlbo regulations for tlio pro
tection of the Dos Molnos Kaplds canal and
other Improvements , bo made general with a
view particularly to the protection of Davis
Island dam In tlio Ohio river.
Acting Secretary 1'alrclilUt to-day Issued a
circular to constiuctors of passenger cairt
and steamboats ami other persons , Inviting
suggestions as to the best methods ot building
railroad cars and steam vessels , and heatlnc
the same so as to prevent loss of life and
propci ty by the. Correspondents aio re-
( jue.sted to send sketches or drawings of their
designs when piacticablo. This action of
tlio department Is In accord with tlio resolu
tion of tlio house tuloptcd January 21 , re
questing the sccietary of the treasury to ob
tain all possible infoi mation on the subject.
The secretary of the Interior lias notified
the Chicago , liutllncton & Quiiicy railway
company that It will bo allowed sixty tlavs
within which to show cause why legal pro
ceedings should not bo Instituted to recover
lands patented to thn 13urlington it Missouri
Hiver Kallroad company In Nebraska "in
excess of tlio quantity to which it is
entitled , " and luithc.r , to show cause why the
com nany'H selection of such tt acts nortn of
Its line of dcllnlto location ( both Inside and
outsld" of the twenty-mile limits ) , as have
not been patented should not be cancelled ,
and said tracts , together with those in tlto
twenty-mlio limits north of the line still
withdrawn but not selected lor its grant , bo
restored to settlement and entry. It is esti
mated that over 200,000 acres nro Involved.
President Cleveland Continues His
DlHiipprolintloii of Pension Hills.
WASHINRION , Feb. 19. Tlio prosldentsent
two messages to the senate to-day , vetoing
nn act granting a pension to Charlotte O'Neal
and an act cranting a pension to John liccd ,
sr. The first named bill proposed to grant a
pension to the widow ot It ichard O'Neal , late
colonel of the Twenty-sixth regiment of In
diana volunteers. In his message in this c.iso
the president says : "Tho lecords of the war
department tail to show Mm * , there was a col
onel of the Twenty-sixth Indiana icglment
named Kichard O'Neal , ( but It does appear
that Kichaul wasa lieutenant-colonel
of said legiment ; yiat ho was mustered In
August : ! ! , 1801 , and resigned Juno 30. 18C2.
If this is the ofllcer whos.o widow is named
in the bill the proposition is to pension the
widow of a soldier who , after ten months'
service , resigned apd who ' , seven months
after his resignation , died ot a dis
ease which was in no manner related to
his military service. There Is be
sides such a discrepancy between the
name given in the bill anl tlio name of the
ollicer who servedaa a lleMtmiant colonel in
the icL'iment mentldned that If the mcilts
weio witli the widpw the. hill would need
f int I icr congressional legislation. "
In his messatro returning the act granting
a pension to John Heed , sr. , the president
says : "The records show that the boneli-
clary named in this bill filed an application
lor a pension in 1ST" , alleging that ho was
the father of John Heed , who died In tiio
service , and that his wife , mother of tlio de
ceased soldier , died May 10 , 18T2 , and t hat ho
( the father ) was mainly dependent upon Ills
son forsuppoit. Ho died evidence of tlio
mother's death and ono witness alleged
that ho was present at her deatli and
attended her funeral. In 18fH , Martha Heed ,
mother of tlio soldier , filed lior application
lor a pension , In which she at first claimed to
bo tlio widow ol John llccd. She atterward.
however , alleged that her husband , John
Heed , abandoned his family In ISJ'J and had
not thereafter contributed to their support ,
and that the soldier was her main support
after sucli abandonment. She was allowed ii
nension as a dependent mother , which com
menced in ISO. ! , the date of her son's death ,
and was to have terminated July 22 , 18S1 ,
\\hen .she died. The claim ot the lather was
rejected in lb 3 for the reason that the
mother , who had a prior right , was still
living , and when his claim was again pre
sented in IbbO ho was Informed that his
abandonment of his family in lb.VJ precluded
the idea that ho was entitled to a pension
as being dependent upon u
soldier for suppoit. Of course
tlieso decisions were correct In law. In equity
and In morals , This en so demonstrates tlio
means employed in the attempt to cheat tlio
government in applications lor pensions , too
often successful. The allegation of 1877 of
the man who now poses as the aged and de
pendent father of the dead soldier that the
mother died in 1872 , when at that timelier
claim was pending for pension , largely based
on his abandonment atlldavit , ot the man
who testified that ho saw tier die in 1872 ; tlio
olliontery of tills unworthy father renewing
ills claim after detection of his and
actual death of the mother , and the allega
tion of the mother that she was a widow
when In fact she was an abandoned wife ,
show the processes which enter into these
claims for pensions and th.i boldness with
which plans are sometimes concerted to rob
the government by actually tralilcklng In
death and imposing on the sacicd sentiments
of patriotism and national gratitude. "
An AddrcHH \Vorklngiunn ,
Nuw YOIIK , Feb. 19. Tlio committee of
Catholics recently appointed nt a mass meet
ing for the purpose has Issued an address to
the workliiRinon of the country upon the
subject of the deposition of Hoy. Dr. Mc-
Glynn from tlio Catholic priesthood for ad
vocating Henry George's land theories. The
address sets fortli that tlicso theories
have been held for many centinles ;
that prominent clerics hold thorn now ,
and that the church lias never decUiod on
the subject , and they call on their fellow
worklnginen throughout tlio country to hold
mass meetings and mooting * of their unions
to rally around Dr. Melynn by unitedly
declaring against political interference from
Home , and to support him by contributing
to thoMcGlynn fund. „
Chicago Street Car TJ-nubles Bnitled.
CIIICAOO , Feb. 111. The Impending trouble
on Chicago passentrer railway lines was sat
isfactorily settled thlt evening at a confer *
enco between a committee of the employes
and the superintendent. Jl'lio demand ot the
men for equal pay with the West Division
company's employes , "JO cents per hour , was
granted , as was also pay for the Contur avo-
line linn men , who have Ijeen compelled to
run nearly an hour enr.i going to and from
the barn without compensation ,
Startfl'fnr Cincinnati.
Niw : YOIIK , Feb. 10. Honw George let
for Clncinnattl to-night toatti'4 the limited
labor party convention which meets in that
city on Tuesday next. On Monday nlglit ho
will lecture theic.
Brooklyn Cooper * Strlko.
Nnw YOIIK , Feb. 19. Five hundred coop
ers employed by Weldnian & Palmers In
Hrooklyn struck to-day because the linn was
supplying non-union mills. The works were
closed and guarded uy police.
An Editor Killed.
CHICAGO. Feb. 19. Paul 0 , Hussell , editor
of the Poitofllco Bulletin of St. Louis , was
Instantly killed by a train , on the Illinois
Central tracks at Twenty-second street to
night * Ho was stepping out of the' way of
one ( inglng and encountered another colug
In an opposite dite'euou. - . '
A Dull and Rather Weak Feeling Pervades
financial Circles ,
Money to homl But Only n SinnV
Amount of IJorrowluc Specu
lative Dentines Show Con *
sldcrnbly Moro I < lfc.
The Financial \Voek.
CHICAGO , Feb. in. [ Special Telegram t (
the UF.I : . | Outside of a dull and rather weal
feeling thcro Is nothing of Impottanco tc
note In financial circles the past week
Leading banks are well supplied with loan <
able funds and managers are a llttlo more
anxious to Incicaso their discount lines. In
tcilor banks are gradually increasing thoii
deposits hero , and the accounts of some ql
the leading wliolesale housnsaru enlarging ,
Uankors ha\e to some extent been disap
pointed by the outcome ot the packing sea *
son , as they have not been able to loan
pickers tlio usual amount of money. The
labor troubles , too , have made manufacturers
vciy conservative. The speculative Interest
In gialn , provisions and stocks has borrowed
llttlo money since the opening of the month
and packers and shippers of grain and pro
visions were virtually out of the market and
asked very few favois of the banks. Call
loans were quotable at 500 pet
cent , and tlmo paper ranged at
CK@7 per cent , according to the standing ol
the borrower and the amount of money re
quired. Outside paper commanded 8 per
cent. Money at eastern financial centers
appears to bo In good supply , witlt rates oJ
Intelcst favoring borrowers. Foreign finan
cial affairs show no important change. In
terest rates are steady and money Is appar
ently In sufllciont supply to meet the general
requirements of the trado. Now \orkox-
chanifo was offered to a fair extent and the
demand was limited. Tlio market was weak
and sales light between bankers at2JCi < " 0 per
cent discount per 51,00) . Foreign exchange
attracuted very llttlo attention dur
ing thu past tow days. Itather
more life has been manifested in the suecu-
latlve branch of trade in tlio produce marUels
during the week just closed , attended with
considerable excitement at times and accom
panied with marked Irregularity in prices.
The "Hear" Interest obtained control of
the grain market , while the "Hulls"
were apparently master of the situa
tion In provisions , nrlces itiling lower
for tlio former and higher lor the
latter. 'Ihoieceipts of grain were not very
Inrgo , and shlpMients were moderately fice.
Aulvals of live stock show some improve
ment , but aie still limited for this season of
the year. The foreign markets were in
clined in favor ot tlio buyois of grain , and a
fair number of export orders were provided
for. Tlio upward tendency of pncos for
provisions hus checked tlio foreign demand ,
but inqulivon homo account was fairly ac
tive. The eastern maikets nave sympa
thized to some extent witli the course of
the markets here. The settlement of the
labor troubles in tlio east will probably 10-
vivo export business to some extent and en
able shippers to forward bread-lulls and pro
visions which have accumulated at tlio sea
board during the troubles. The packing of
the west Is progressing lather slowly and the
prospects now aie that the shortage In the
number ot hogs packed will bo larger than
generally calculated upon.
Ordnance and Coast Defenses.
WASHINGTON- . , l ! > . The hoiiso com
mittee on military afl'airs to-day icsumed
consideration of the McAdoo ordnance bill.
Cutcheon ptoscnted a substitute for tlm bill
before the committee. It provides for the
erection of a gun factory and for first-class
modern guns for the anny , sea const and
other defenses. It appropilates 810,000,000
for the purpose. After the bill had been
read Chairman IJragg slated that ho was en
gaged in the pieparation of n substitute for
the original measuio which ho hoped to bo
able to lay before the committee on Monday ,
nnd with a view ot allowing compaiNon ot
the variou- , measures and n combination of
the best features of each the committee ad-
jouiued without voting on Cutchcon's piopo-
sltion. General Hiagg indicated that his sub
stitute would piovlde for the erection ot a
government lactoiy and tiio creation of a
testing board , of which Lieutenant General
bheridan is to be a member.
Ho KJUI Tlilnus For Awhile.
Pini.Anr.T.rniA , * eb. 19. Ollicer John
Mclntyro , of the Twenty-third district , came
to the station house this afternoon mad with
drink. On entering the roll room ho
made a dash for the pistol rack and before
any ono could got near him seized a pistol
and began filing at tlio occupants. There
was a general scurry lor the doors ,
and in a low seconds ho was lett
in full possession. Lieutenant Lyons
wlio\\as In Ills private ollico , attempted to
enter the roll room and capture Mclntvro ,
when Mclntyro commenced firing and "tho
lieutenant was forced to retire. Ho opened
llio door wide enough to admit of his getting
a good aim and brought the madman down
with a shot. Mclntyio was helplessly
wounded mid was taken to the hospital.
Ilorrowed 3Ionoy nnd Hkippcd.
PiTTHiiuno. Feb. 1 ! ) . Mathew IJornatz , a
Hour broker , has been missing for several
days and a number of commission merchants
are anxiously awaiting Ills return. Ho left
on Tuesday ostensibly lor Han Isburg , but his
lather-ln-iaw says ho bought a ticket lor Huf-
falo and thinks ho went to Canad.i. lieloio
leaving Hernatz borrowed 810,000 from
rricnds and fellow merchants.
Down With Honed let.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 19. The senate com
mittee on printing has agreed 2 to 1 to re
port adversely upon the nomination of
Public Printer Hem-diet The ropoit will bo
made at the next executive session.
Ungni- Pronounced Guilty ,
Niw YOIIK , Feb. 19. The jury In the case
of Captain [ Tuner , who killed August Hoehle ,
leturncda uiullct of " ( JnlHy of manslaughter
In the lirst decree. Unircr was sentenced to
twenty years imprisonment at hard labor.
No Quorum ,
Tnr.STos , Fob. 10. At the joint meeting
of the icglslatnio to-day only live mcmhois
were picscnt. Owitii to llio lack ot aquornm
President Fish declared an adjournment till
Pointers AVIiich Show Prosperity A
Church Hpllt.
( iitANi ) ISLAND , Neb. , Feb. 19. fCorre
spondence of the Uut. . | A site for the FO- |
dler.s' homo is being actively hunted up , and
several line ones are being debated. Justice
A ; Peterson have recently purchased real
estate to the east of the city at S < XX ) per acre ,
for speculative purposes. These lots are a
mild fiom town , showlnif a rapid advance in
real estate pi Ices far out. Parties are Inspect
Ing thu city for a wholesale grocery house ,
and have about decided to locate here. An
Iron foundry Is now cnnsldtCed among the
probaolllties of the near future , with a cap
ital of § 10,000.
The Daptist society In this city Is likely to
divide on the quc : > tion otvjio shall be the
pastor for the next year. H v. J. C , Head
cauiH hero to i'elp Mr. Storms , the present
pastor , in carrying on a series ot revival
meetings , which weie very successful , but at
the same time he set to work to ingratiate
liinibclf Into the favors of the church mem-
beishlp and succeeded so far as to win to
himself enough of the disaffected fowand
now members to cut out the presiding pastor.
It seems , however , that most of thu paying
members , It not all of the praying ones , still
adheio to the loverend Storms and will ask
for a division of tlio chinch property and
start a new society. There seems to bo
general regret that so untimely and < IIs-
agreeable atTuirs should have nome up at tills
particular time as th' ) good rlfccU of a euo
cossful revival are likely to be neutralized.
Those seceding will secure' a place ot wor
ship on the south side.
Mondclssohn & Lawrto , architect * . 1 > ,
L.Shnuu , superintendent. . . "
Cor. 13th ST. and CAPITOL AVE. , OMAHA , NEB.
Dost facilities , nr > rmfttiifl find remedies for succccs
fully treating nil Kimls of medtcn.ftniluirKlcnlccscs
WmTRroiiCmcuiAvts on Deformities andllrnce
Club I'oct , Cimatiiro of ho Pplnc , ll cn e ofV
men , I'llcs , Tumors , Cancers , Pntanli , llronchltls ,
1'nriuy'K Kpllrpty , Kidney , Illnddcr , Kj-c , Bar
Skin anil niond , ml nil Snrr'cnl Oprmtlnnx.
On I'rhfttc , Speclnl fiml Nrrvnim Dltenses , Hem
Innl\Ve knct 9. Spcrruatnrrliivn.lni potency , Hrplilils
Oonorthirn. ( licet. Vnrleocclc. ( lenllo-urlnnrj
tmiiilr. . Only Rollnblo.MEDICAL . IN.
STtTUTE iu klng a tpcclalty ot tUo nbo > C'
New HestoratlvoTrcnlmcn for Loss otVllftl Tower ,
All CoNTAmouft nnil Hi eon DinRAxct from u lmt <
orcr cauee produced , enrcteifnllylrrMcil Million )
mercury. Medicines or Instruments ent by mall
t. cinress , tccnrcly packed from obscnntlon.
Call and rontnlt IP , or fend MMory of citpe , will ] All crnnnmntrntlons strictly confidential ,
( in IjflflM1 ? ForUfoofpMlcnts. lloird nnd attend ,
UU nUUniO nncn rciwmnlile. AildrcM nil Intern
Cor.iatu St. & Canliol Avo. . Omaha.Neb.
STATE 0 ! > NUIUIASKA , louRns ) ! Countv , fs
At u county court holilntthe county ouur
loom , In anil for said emtnty , .liimmiy Scth
A. I ) . 1887. 1'rosont , J. It. MuCillloch , count1
In tlio matter ot the estate of Juno U. Dort , do
On rending runl filing the petition of Mjttli
Vim Dor Voortprayinir that her fluid account
tlleil January Mh , 1SS7 , limy bo allowed , nnil thu
clio miry badlscliiinrod from her trust nsmlmln
Istintrlx of thoostnto of snld deceased.
Ordorud , Hint i'chrimry Itfth , A. 1) . 1887. nt II
o'clock a. m. , bo assigned for hearing sale
petition , when all porooim Interested in suli
mailer may appear ut a county com I to bo held
In nnd for snlil county , nnd show cnliso why the
prujeroi'snld petitioner should not lie-granted
and Unit notleo of the pendency of siild poll'
tiou nnd the homing thereof , bo given to ill
persons Intel csted In said mutter , bv pnbllhhi
n copy ofthls order In tlio Onmha Dully Ilco , i
nowxpnpor printed In ? nld county , once oucl
woolt for four succt slxu wooUi tutor to salt
dny of liourlnv. J. II. McOtJl.Loni ,
[ A tt-uo copy. ] 15.13.10County Judge.
Advertisements under thin lioid , ID cents pur
line tor the llrtt Infoi tion , T tents for each eul > -
coiionl ] jns-ortlon , nnd { l.&Q n line per month
No advertisement tukun for Icf.s Hum f > cont3
for tbo 11 ret Insertion , Fnvon words will bo
counted to the lluu ; they must run consecu
tively and must bo imlil In advunco. All udvor-
tleeruvnts must bo Imndeil In hoforoli'.JO o'cloc-k
p.m. , und under no clrcumstuncegJli tboj betaken
taken or ( lisconllnncd by telephone.
I'lirlu-s advcrtltliiK In lliosu tolumns xnd tmv-
inplho nnsu-erJ m-Mre si'd In cnro of Tut He *
will plenso nbk for n cliccW loeniihlo them lOKet
tbelr letters , us none will bo ilollverod oieopt
on tiroscntntion of chock. All ausweii * to U-
verliFonioutR cbonld bo enclosed
MONKV 'JY ) LOAN on nnurorrd rtml cslnlu ;
no ' nminiiiglin chnrKo < l. Lenvltt lluru
lituu , Itoom 1 Crultfhton Illoclt. Utf
MONIJV to lonn. Kiln llroi. , reul fst to miil
loiui iiKnil.s , room 17 , VVtmuull Lilo.'k. cor.
I'Hi nmt Hiiimiy. ( VJi
MONKV to loan on imiirnvniTliliy | iiip ( rty ,
very lowest r Ins U. J , t'ao oil , room ly ,
S'olirasku Nnt'l bank. iiu ; ml"
T OAKS Loans Ixjnus.
Itcul ( ctala lonns ,
rolliilfrlitl loans.
Chnltfl loiuin.
IXIIIK tlmu louni.
fillOrt tllllU Id.lllrt. t
Monuy Hhruyt on bund , to lonn cm nnr ap
proved foeurlty.
Invttstiiu'iit scouritlrs bandit ind soil.
OinuUn rlnunclal llxctituitfo , u. Vr. cor. l.'tb
nd lluinov.
Cort'Cll , Miuingpr. Vi {
\TONKV to lonn. ciwh on < lolar
JA J. W. nnd l' I , . 8 < iulro , 1(13 Farnftm r ,
Fnxton hotel bnlldlnfr , p > 3
HAHUIS * HAHitis. rt s.
Money to lonn on first clnss security. 1rora
tfiOO tlpwnrdg. 31
$ MO.OOOTO liOAN nt 0 per cent. J , J. Mn
hotipy , 1609 rnriinm.
it. 0. l'altot ! > on , nnd llnruoy. fB7
to loan. Sums J600 nnd upwards.
v Lowest rules , tlomlj , room 3 , Unrker block ,
8. W. cor. 16th nnd rnrnaniglg. Oifl
MONhV first morttrnRo notes. The DoitRlni
county bnnb will buy pnpnrs secured by
first mortKBgo on city realty. tc *
n rlufcBNT-Motiny to lonn.
" tlreffory A Iliullrr.
Itooms 1 nnd 0 , Hcdick clock , S3 } a ISUi jSt.
T'O I.OAN Money Iiontis plnccd on liu-
prove * ! rr-nl ostnlo In elty or county for
Now Knclnud 1/onn .V Trust Co. , by Douglas
rouuty bnnk. Wth ami ClilrnRO fts. tCT
MONHV TO UUN-Oti city mm fnnn prop ,
orty , lowiatcs. Stowiut ft Co. , lloeuu 3
Iron bnnk. ( iw ;
ONKV TO l.OAX-0 V. Dnvls & Co..real
oalalo niul lonn ngouts , 110J b'arnnm ft.
MONKV TO LOAN-On rcalostnto nml
tola. 1) . U Thomas. u
U600XM To loan on Oumlm cltv propprtv nt n
I' pur cunt , U. Vf. Uny , over 1.11. UoiigliiR 81.
W. )
i 1O LOAN liylho nmlcislKiioil , who
' -l bus Iho only properly oiiriinl/oil lonn
itKOiicr InOninha. l.nnnsnritu to $100 mmlo
on rurnlturo , plnno , ortrnim , horses , wminim ,
mnchlnury . without removnl. No ilclnys.
All bimliK'ss Blrlclly connitontliil. I.onns HO
tniulu thnl nny part cnn Impnlil nt nny Imo.oncli
pnymeut roilucliiK the ormt pro rntn Ailvnncus
nmili on llmi wnteliofl nnd illiiiiioiuls IVrHons
should cnrofully consider uho they nrn dealing ;
\Ulli , ftBiimiiynnv.-concorns urn dully eamlnir
Into oxlstuncc. Should you need momiy cull
nnd ceo mo.V. . It , Croft , Hooiu I Wllhuull
HulldliiK , inth nnd Hnrney. I'.ll '
MONIV ! I.OANIII ) nTcT V. Mend & Co. ' * J.onn
Olllco , on rnrnltiiriMilnnos , horoeo.wiiKons ,
personal property of nil IcmitB , nndnll olhur nr-
Holes of value , without romoviil. ; 1ID 8. 13th.
o\or llliDrhnm's Cominl slon storo. All linsl-
ncsa strictly coundenllnl. VXi
BUSIN'lTsS Ctl.VNOK - rrstniirnnF lor-
nt ono Imlr Its vnluo In uood location nnd
doing a largo business. O. W. Dny , ever 131' '
Douglas St. 075 20
SU1TAIHJ3 party with $ . " . ,000 rush cun BCCUIO
mnnngomont nnd ono half interest In a
wholesale and innnufnctory bnslnoss mono
poly \vnoro capital will doulilo every twelve
months for next llvo years. Address K 01. Ileo
olllco. _ 703--1'
FOH SAtill-Whole or 15 Interest In grocery
store nnd stoek , doing Rood btiblnuss : Ilia-
locution. Address K 61 , lloo olllco. 031 as
BIO bnnmln , $ B , ' 0 mock of cliolco drugs ,
will fell tor f 1MU , or Ml oxchnngo for city
proportj- . John K Toft , 821 North 16th . , city.
017 22 *
rOH SAI.ll Astrfctlv first clnss rostntiriint ,
Bltuntod In the center or business In this
city. Apply to .lo-u'pli Nolkon , Kuroponn ho-
tel. 018 fcouth lOlh St. , Oinnlui. Nob. C64 'M *
FOll SAljK-Luinhor , crmn nnd conl buslncos
ono of tlio best points In central NobrnMdi.
on n. AM. II. II. llnirlson Ambler & Ambler ,
Itoom SO , National bunk. r > SO
7 < Olt S.M.H Oroxchnngo for dry goods-Id )
ncrosin I'lntto Co. , Neb : Improved fnrin ,
frnmo luitiso nnd bnru. Address llox 48n , Co-
In in bus , Nob. 6'J5 23 *
FOH SALE Hoarding iionso nnd roptniirnnt ;
Ol'J rcffulnr boarders. Apjily No. 510 South
10th street. MT 27 *
TJ10H SAlTn-Saloon,1531S 13tli St. D10-2Jf
FOU SAM : I.umtior yard and rosldcnco In
i > outhwestorn lown. Well locntod nnd do-
Inppood biisliio s. Good ronaori ! " for sollln
Adilicss K. U. , lloo olllco. 33 ; ) m b *
OnnitLIN , Knn. . Is n most desirable local Ion
lor n riourlnu Jllll. nl o foru rotindry.
Jjlbornl Indiicomvnts oirerod to jmrtlos PookliiK
invij'lmonts lntlie o brunches of industry. Cor
respondence solicited. Obcrlln HoardotTrnao ,
Oborllu , Kim. A. O. T. Geluur , Soo'y.
\\7"ANTii-stooK : of dry Koodn , clnthlmr nml boots nnd shoos In
oxchniuio farOtnnhii icnl estate. fc-cliloshiKcr
llros. , (114 ( S 10th it. I'm in ; )
FOIl. SAM2 Ortrndo biikornnd confoo
tlonery. Inamro Kopp , Drcibus * Co ,
Omaha , Nob. IMS m 1
FOItSALR Unit Intarost liumo of the bint
paying ilruir ctorosln soiithwestoni Io a ,
Capital required , f-Wa Address U II ) , Ueo ot-
BAN 1C I or sale in a now rnpldlyifrowinirtovrn
of awinlmbllnntH. rinodenoilts. Monov
loans from . ' ! to f percont. iiionthly. Aeplondld
chance. Artdro s U3'J , Uue olllco. ' DID
BUSINESS CHANCK-Stock Orocones and
Mcntnmrkot for snlo. rinest locution |
Oiiinhn. Doln nn oxcollcnt business. Address ,
0 , 71 , HCII Ojllco. _ Ml
FOH SAIjK Or trndo fnr merchandise , Bta
ncres of No i farm fund near Orond
Itland. C. .1. Cumin 411
HOUSKS Lots.Fnrms.Lnnds inonpy loaned.'J. llarkor block B. W. cor.
16th ind Fnrna.n sts. vx
FOK SALK Hnrdwaro Ilnsinoss Wo offer
ouj shelf nnd lionvy hnrdwiire bnslnesa for
Bale , together with our lou o nnd KOOI ! will.
Trade larirost In the city nnd location the best.
Ilctlrlnp from the miRlnods cnuno for solllru
The Ijnum Hnrdwaro Co , , 10-8 O St. , Lincoln.
_ _ I/- * i
SIO will buy n drcorntcd d'linor '
JL set In scinnro sliniies , of l..i pi | oi at
Moody'u China Store , corner loth and D ivon-
po rt. w 2)
FOUND You will llnd the handsomest Dlnni r
and Toilet Rots and tlu > lowest jirlco * ut
Moodj'B China Store , corner IGth nnd Diivui
poit. TUO
JJHHbONAf , Lndios w-Iehliur Kood , rnllablo
servant Klrls run bo siitipllod at short nolko
by calllliiriu ll'J North 10th st , Crounsii blk. K.
O. llolllhlo. TOJ so
MrB. Dr. NiinniB V. Wnrron
clnirvoHnt , Medlcnl nd business Modltiuj
Uooru No , 3 , J2J North 10th st , .Omnhii , Nob.
IOST-T n KiiRll. li I'olntur pujm , Sit nnd
J 1'onto. Bit wliitu , with durk rod spots.
I'diito fawn color. Llbornl rownnl pall to
llnilor by returning Biuuo to JSOaVobaloi - Kt
717 "U *
IOT Holwoon Crounso blook und turhlsb
- * linth , ROIII Klovo , J-'ludor plonso louvu ut
I'omobo > V llnrdlii'a nnd KOI rownrd , U1U
O IIATfnKS l'O.Vriy : . n7miytoHl | choiiiTst and
enidneer , analysis of ores , coals mid unsays
mil analysis of all kinds , ohomlst and minor-
nloirlst to the U. 1' . It. U for Ifi yours. No , 16'M '
\Vulislor cor JGtli st , 1 * . O. Dox 10L , UlJinlG *
Wli Do the best , choiipcst and most reliable
watch repairing m the city. Trunk &
jon k Co. . y.'O ( .0111 h Mih ntn-ot. T3j ; 0
171IUST-CLAH8 storm tor mcrchandilSfffliid
-tJ furiillurc. jJj3 | liiiril , ftvuimortliBt.
AHl'UT WHAVIJlt-rimt clnssu woik. atui
giitlHfactlon Kiinruntbud. JIlcs * I rlu
Ciirlatunsuii , UlS * N 27th at. _ 701 itt'
/ " ONTHAtTmi8-Wantlnjf cnnd or gravel n-iil
\J room 2 Imposition Jlulldlnir WeHtein
jruvol Co ,
I WANT in establish In Omaha n depot for tlio
Fulo ot my copyriKhtod brain ] of clguid ,
Onuilin lliuls" unit "Uniuliii lluinitlca , " to the
rndo , or retail UFO ! , nnd will | \o u lire nnd cai-
rKOtlomun rare IndiieoincntB. Add res * , lor
three daj e , i : 00 , lloo olllco. _ 7 El *
HOMI' for ladles during contlnriaoiit : strictly
conlldontlal : cblldnin adoitod. | 1'or par-
icularsaddifei. Kr. , lieu ollico. _ 57.1 2i *
Kvury housekeeper wants It , bi
AdKNTri for you. Send etunii | , Lock llox iij ,
hie , 'ii. _ _ , _ _ < ' -i [ _
* ' - for nlco Jur-
'IHA ( ) SK KlrM-i-liio * utomiro
O nltinu or boxed t'oodti , all J13 Dad u-o-Ht.
IiAKK.Noriri : I Imvuou hand a nrifo quan
tity of timothy , duver ami millet dtu > d fnr
fnlo. wrlto for iincod W. (1. ( liudton , Du\ld
City , Ncli. 671 f. M
Tnonitii.NT-ork'HiM.ts per montu.
JV 1J13 Doiltfli .
Kl'.N r-Squnro Pmuo , ft montnlr. A
J ? Ilosi'o , 1513 Douiflub. yj3
r > AUTIiS : vr.shlnif to dlsposo of UoutehnU
. . H00118 w"l "d " ouyor l/y uddrc * liu CwsU ,
311 Davenport in
l lioiivlae. fill
If OH fiAI.lJ rurnltvita : inJ ( riuldif | nHo\
' room lint. Mii6t boJd't liy llio J.t ol
Mur-ii. Uoouil niuulrondf o-niplul ted CHQ
it ri'i'fc1 ; if dui ic I L'aJI nt lilU'i I'uuilntr fit- ' '
utcr u p. ja . . . - ,7U.aj