Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 19, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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Advertlninents _ nd rthls heid , Wcent per
line tor 1ho flrrt insertion , 7 cent * for ech sub-
tenucnt insertion , and 11.60 n line per month
No advertfeotnent taken for Ion than SO etnts
for the first inwn.on. Seven words win bo
counted to the line ; they tnupt run eonu -
lively nml must bo paid m advance. All ndver-
Elements must be banded In bofora 1 :39 : o' < lo k
p. m , und under no cireuni tnnce w j ; they be
tiirn ordi contlmied r-y telephone.
1 firtit-g advert Mnir In then ) > olumns f > nd hiv >
irpthe answers a.'dre s .il In crre of Tn Hr.
wffl rlfa e a"1t for a chcrV loanable them to < r t
their letters. M none will bo delivered except
on v > rescntntlon of check. AH answers to fld >
vertifcments honM be enclosed In envelope * .
CJ"V1.0rW to lonn on farm nnd ImprovM city
i > property nt 1 < we t rntej , b irrnln In real
fst > to. ( larman. Wblto & Co. , Hoom 17. With-
ncil block , cor 151h and Harney sts. 590ml5
MONKV TO LOAN on improved real ngtnto :
no comml lon chnrifed. Leuvitt Hum
ham. lloom 1 Irulghton Block. 148
\fONKVtoloRn. Ellis Bros. , real c t to and
- ' L loan neents , room 17 , Wbltncll block , cor.
Uth and llnrnoy. WS _
MONET to loan on unproved citv property ,
very lowest r .tcs C. J , Caswoll , room 19 ,
Nebraska Nal'llmnk. S37 m7 !
" \fONEV to lonn. ca , h on delay.
'i. .1. W nnd K. L. Squire. 1413 Farnam . ,
raxton hotel butldlnir. K3
T OANS- Loans Loans.
Ilcnl estate loans ,
rollnicrlal loans.
Chattel loan * .
I-ontr time loans.
Short time lonns.
Money always on hand to kinn on any ap
proved security.
Inre'tment 'ecuntles boueht and sold.
Umaha Mnancial Hxchange , n. w. cor. Uth
and Ilarnev.
Corbctt. Manager. < C4
HAKHlslTHAlUll ? . IS 9. IMh t.
Money to loan ou flret class stcurity.lrom
JMO upwnnK 84
CJWWOTO LOAN at 0 per cent. J. J. Ma.
T honey. 1609 Farnam.
6PKKCT.NT" > Tnncy.
It C 1'nttorson. and Uarney. SiT
$ * > .0/0 to IOMI. Sums J503 and upwards ,
Lowest rates. Demls. room 3 , Uarker block ,
8.V. . cor 16th and f'arnam gts _ 020 _
MONRV Flr > t mortirapo notca.
county bank will buy papers securt-il by
Ilrf t mortyaco on city realty. 92 *
G 1'Elt CENT-Mouny to loan.
Gif > jory Hndley ,
Rooms 1 and 3 , Uedick block , 320 S. IMh J
r pO LOAN Money Loans pliiced on 1m-
JL proved real estate in city or county for
New Itnclaml Loan i Trust Co. . by Douglas
County tank. ICth nnd Clilnnco ts. 023
" \rONEV TO LOAN On city nnd farm prop-
-i'l. ertv , low i-atcs. Stewart i Co , lloom 3
Iron bank. TOO
31 ONkr TO LOAN O. F. Dnvl i Co .real
estate and loan agents , 1505 c'arnum
" \rOVEi TO LOAN On rcul citato and chut-
-'L tola. D. L. Thomng. K32
lj5TO.X To loan on Otnahii city property nt B
P percent. G. W. Dayover 13U ! Doujrl.ii st.
ONKT TO LOAN-bythe nndcrslirnd , who
baa the only properly organized loan
nitoncy In Omaha. Loans of $10 to $100 made
on furniture , pianos.onrans. horses , wagons ,
machinery , Ac , without rnmoval. No delays.
All business strictly conUJential. Loans w )
made that any part can bo paid at any lino.oach
payment reducing the coswiro rata. Advances
made on flno watches and diamonds. Persons
should carefully consider who they are dealing
with , M many n w concerns are dally cominir
Into existence , bhould you nped money call
nnd see me. W. R. Croft , Room 4 TVIthnull
Hulld lag , U > th and Harnuy. 9JI
MONEY LOANED at C. F. Keod 4 Co.'s Lonn
Office , on furniturepianos , horsoi.wairons ,
personal property of all kinds , and all other ar
ticles of value , without removal. 319 S. 13th.
over IllnptiHtn s Comml sion store. All busl-
ness stnctly contldential. 335
T710U SALE A strictly flrst ciass restaurant.
J-1 gitunted in ttm center of business In this
city. Apply to Joseph Nolken , European ho
tel , I3 South 10th St. , Omnhn. Se } > . M4 20
FOR SALE Lumber , cram and coal business
ono of the best points in central Nebraska ,
ou B. lc M. It K. Harrison Ambler & Ambler ,
lloom 20 , Nationnl bank. KO
T7OHSALE Or exchange for dry Roods 160
Jacres In Platte Co. , Neb : improved farm ,
frnme hnuso and barn. AddrehS HOT 4M. Co-
lumDus , Neb. 595 25 *
"ITIOH SALE Boardln ? hotisu and restaurant :
-I ? 200 regular boarder ? . Apply No. 510 South
10th street. M7
TjlOlt SALE Saloon , 15318 13th St. 510-20'
SALE Lumber yard and residence In
Southwnstern Iowa. Well located and do-
Inir io < wl buslno s. Good reasons for "olllni- .
Address K. 2. , lleo office. SKI m b *
OUERLIN. Kan. , is a moxtdusirablo location
for a FlourlncMill , al o fora Foundry.
Liberal Inducements utTcrod to parties pookln ?
Investinenta In these branches of mdustrv. Cor-
ro. pondenee solicited Oberlln Iloanlof Traae ,
Obcriin , Kan. A. O. T. Geiper , Soo'y-
\\'ANTED- StocK of dry Boods , clotbln ? und
' furnishing ntjou , or boots and hoesln
cxchanvo for Omaha real estate. Schleslnyer
Bros. , 614 S 10th st. 175 in 3
FOR SALE Or trade bakery and confec
tionery. Inquire Kopp , Drulbus A Co ,
Omaha , Neb. { M m 1
TT'Oll SALE Haif interest In one of the boat
Jnuylnednii ; stnroaln aouthwostorn Iowa ,
CnpltiU re.iuln-d. f2a Address D 0. Bee of-
flco. U18
BANKfornalom a now rapidly prowlnirtown
of < WO Inhnbltanta Fine dnpo'lta. Money
loans from 3 to t percent , monthly. Asplondid
chanco. Address DX > , Dee olHce. J15
CSINESS CHANCE Stock Grocone * and
Jleatmarket for sale. Finest location in
Omaha. Dolnir an excellent Business. Address ,
C. II , Be Office. 5I > 1
FOIl PALE Or trade for merchandise , e 0
acres of No 1 farm land near Grand
Island. C J. Canan HI
HOUSES Lot.Farras.Lann * money loanM.
Bemisroom 3. Barker b.ock B. W. cor.
15th and Frna.n itl. XJf
FOll SALE Hatdwartt Business Wo offer
ou : their and henry hardware business for
le , together with our leas nnd ( rood win.
Trade larKe t In the citv and mention the best
lloUriuir from the buolne s caus-o for Mllinjf
The Baum O-rdwnre Co. , 1CC3 O St. . Lincoln.
l KRSONAL-lf the gentleman who found
J. dark clove , with fur trimmin ? . In exposi
tion Duikllntr Monday ovenins will call at the
lieu otlice he can Imro the mate. 07 ,
PERSONAL Mrs. Dr. Nanni * V. Warren
clairvoyant. Medical and business Medium
Boom No. 3 , 121 North ICtu rt. .Omaha , Nab.un
"OOt'ND Package of underwear. Call Wm.
-L1 J'rvMon A Co's , Hour wurehouto , Cth and
Pierce BM 13
] OT Iletweeti rroun&e bloci end turkleh
> bath , sual rl vo. Kinder plOASo leave at
Penrase \ Dardln'd and cot reward. 819
CHAHI.KS I'ONTIK. analytical chemist and
onk-uircr , unnlytlsof ores.conls and assays
and nnalyali of nil kind * , chemist and rainur- to the I1. 1' . U. K. for 15 years. No. 1504
Webster cor 15th st , I' . O. Box i"L C19ml6
A LL kind * of trees and vines tnmnied by a
-/Vpractiotl trim me r. John Larson , 1 * . O. box
MI , city. 410 !
HOME forludliu during conflneraonT : strictly
condJenUol ; children aiioineJ. Fur par
ticulars mlilrvo Kl .lluo otBce. 573 22
AGENTS E\ery hous ecper wants it , bitf
money for you. Send stamp , Lock Box ZJj.
Urie. 1-a. 442 )
STOllAGK First-clns etorasro for nice fur
niture or boxed goods , at 1513 Dodce-tt.
E 1 have on hand a argoqunn-
_ L tltyof timothy , clover aud millet et > d for
I ale. Wnto for prices. U' . (1 ( Beaten , David
tnty , Neb. STI f. 2J
TT T < ) irKK. S per
E 1M3 Douelns. 833
so at 110 Nortl. latb j
70H pruning trco . planting < brubs and general -
. oral cUvaoaif up uddrcad Ji tie ford. Mh
Id Korea * . . . r . , - . . .
. - =
FOP. nnvr - > 0jiare fiano , ft montalr A
H6spe IS 1 3 Don en . P3J f
"OATiTIfc ? w hir. * to depose o'
Jfcorxlt wui Qn < l ab .yer by RddreMlns I
1311 Davenport.
FonnnxT s < j-jare Piuj < J J ) montalr.
Hnape.l513Dou.ln . 611
T'OH ' PALE 2 million brick and upward * oo-
MM dally out put or vma Emjuire
on premi * * * , cor IX > rc nnd 2nd sts. Omaha
Ilrlck and Terra Cottn Mfg. Co. 633
OirsALK-EfBhTlicaT of tnnre fre h milk
powq Mtit springers , Kuray's yard * , Cumin ?
st , or HW Montana St. K. S. Jester.
IT1 OR SALR--45-hor power boiler , neirlr
1 tn-w. Enquire Western I'ottory Co. . Ktpo-
itlon bnlldlnir. E70
\\TANTRD-Salfsinftn by a largo manufac-
i turcr of Jervjy Jackets , rtc A first class
salesman , we 1 HtqualntoJ with the retail ilry
roods anil millinery tnule nf Nehrkn. Only
tlio e havln ? an estnbllslied trnde and who cnn
furnl'h the best of references need answer
Address with full particulars , and territory COT-
ered. All nn wer tioated In confidence. Ad
dress. "Jerseys , " I' . O. Box 1532 , Philadelphia.
653 VJ *
TV " "ANTKO Teams nnd shovclers. Harncy
M. , bet llth and 12th sts. 654 1 *
\VANTED A younir man of eood address
i and satisfactory reference to act as pales
airnnt. One hnvinif cxpcnenco in sollcltlnir the
retail irrocer trndn preferred. State -where In
terview may bo had. Addresi K 62. rare this
office. 655 18'
TTrANTKD Immediately. 4 or 5 coat makers ,
> > 2 or 3 pant rankers to eo to the country.
Apnly nt No. HOT Harncy street.Omatia. 6J522
ANTED A yotinir man to take care of a
' span of horses and two cowi. drive car-
riatrc. lane care of the lawn , etc. Steady place ,
Kood WIICPS to the rlnht man. References re
quired. G L. Erlckson Jt Co.,2W N inth .
WA.VTED-An oipcrlenced shoo clerk. Ap
ply , J09 South 13th st. ffA IS *
\ ANTED-A socon 1-hs.nd callsraph. G. W
Baker , Wit rarnatnst. CtO 18
WANTED News oijent with 510 security.
607 N. 17th St. BV ) IS-
" \TTANTKD Two men that understand the
' handling of Orant powder. Apply to
C. F. Newton. Supervisor B. D. . U. P. H. K. . Ttli
nnd Lenvenworth stn. & 3 18
AGENTS WANTED An experienced news
paper solicitor for Omaha , fepeela ! paper ;
( rood trrms. None hat peed men with refer
ences need answer. 1' . 0. llor 4T3 , Lincoln. Veb.
60J IB'
TVTANTED A tlr t-clne < 5 Swedish clothinff
' salesman. Ono acquainted with Omaha
trndo. llofcrnccs requircj. Address E 11 , Hoc
Ofllce. K581S
WANTED A Itvo , active , rattllnir peed
fale mnn for dry troo-ls and shoes ex
clusive A peed worker for trado. AddivM
for ton days , Htatlnir salary expected. Oeo. E.
Jenkins. Falrbury. Null. 423 is
\ 17 A " * TUD To meet demand for competent
' ' bookkeepers I will instruct two per
sons ami wuit fn- half pay until yoi : have situa
tions. J. U. Smith. 1013 Chicairo t JV'il 13 *
\TANTED Hytho larsest publlolilnir hou o
' we of Chlcaim , two hundrwl ifontlempn
and ladies to eli"TneSucce ful Man" "Marvel
ous Wonders of tbo Whole World" "Hibles" and
various other irood publlctitlon . apply early
and Ret choice of territory. J. M. hronclj 4
Co. , office Itt liushrann Ulock. Omaha. Neb.
TT7ANTED Immediately , a ( rood Job
' printer. None but rapid workman , capable
of t kin entire cnarpe of job department need
apply. Reference * as to character and ability
required. Address Daily Gazette , Norfolk , Xeb.
WANTED A flrst cl.i.- * barber immediately ;
peed wages guarantee ! . Address C. H.
Po < ; tet , Kearnoy.Neb. ( S3 10 *
WANTED A few per in to intr ct in
book keeplntr afternoons. . ' . H. Smith ,
1613 Chicago at. 5.V ) 1S
\ITANTED A m n and wife without ch Idren
" for farm employment near the city.
* oman mu t bo u food housekeeper , prpfer
the man to have some experience us n eardner ,
mum show seed references. "E. d. Albrtcht ,
113) ) Farnam St. 324
TNSTALLMEST MKN And apents upnorally
JL will find Ju t what they need by addre lnir
Installment Dealers Supply Co. . Erte. Pa. 4C-22 *
WANTED Bookbinder : a flrst-ciuss work
man to run n blnderv on share ? ; will
furnish ouctlt and work. Good opportunity
for riirht man. Address immediately. Daily
Gazette , NorfolK , Neb. 144
TT ANTED 50 sober , intelllsent mon of peed
> > nddrc to try a lOc meal at NorrlV res.
tnurant , IMSlfithst. 153
\TTANTED V ) yowinp irirls on overfills RiU
punts. Good prices paid. Geo. Stiles ,
14th and Leavenworth. CTO 21
T\TANTED A peed trlrl to work at tailoring ,
i by week ; one who hag had some oiDeri-
nnco preferred. Call or address at KK4 P fit. ,
Lincoln , Neb. CT1"C'
T\7ANTED Youngirirl to issi t to do hnue-
> > work In smull family. Mrs. McKenzie ,
Ii3) N. 18 h St. 021-1S
rr ANTED 3Irl. 2819 Douglas. 625-10 *
WANTED Motherlv old lady. None other
need apply. Call Wednesdays and Satur
days. 103) ) Catherine. CIS
ANTED-Expcrlenced nurse h'irl,3'4 N 15th
street 61T 20 *
WANTED-GIrl for kitchen work. German
or Swedish preferred. 215 south ' 2th st
66 ! 15 *
WANTED Gooil girl for general housework.
1307 Cass street C02 is. *
\ \ , * ANTED Girl at 1201 Howard street.
rANTED A food frlrl for conural house-
work. Good wages paid. 108 S 25th st.
" \\7ANTED-A nurse ( rlrl. 13 to 15 years , to
> i help care for a year old baby. 2iS Dav
enport ft. 6J4 1S
\\7ANTED-A peed trirl for central bouso-
ii work. Apply at once to 524 S 20th st.
608 13
W ANTED A flm-c'B's dining room girl and
chambermaid at City hotel. 5'Jl lb *
y\ ANTED Gi'-l for general housework. 62J
South 19th st 5 i
T\TANTED-A good girl for g-oneral
f f worh.good wnjes. Call at once at2.'ld
I/eavcnworthst tai 1 *
\Y 'ANTED-Dlshwasaernt Miller's Restaur
ant. 1004 N 16th st 51 ! i'J
TXTANTED I'ant andoremll hand , at Georse
1 T Stilus' factory , lltn " " ' Luaonwortb. .
425 SO'
r\7ANTED An exporloucel servant , with
i > ability to cook in small family , waves S l to
f < : none hut oompotcnt parties nuuJ appiy ;
1MI Eu Mary's ave. cor 20th. W4
\\7ANTED-f5irls can always Hnd jrood places
f free of chunr by callinir at 113 N. loth st ,
Capital uve , Omaha Employment Bureau.
" \\rANTEi > Housekeeper , one who Is willinir
i * to do all the work except the wushlnif.
623 South .Oth st. G3l
W ANTfcP Girl for ffeneml housework. In-
quIreSiM Farnntn st. 6t2 20
r'ANTED-Experiencod housekeoper. Ool-
I orod preforrwU Call nt 112 N. wth. 733
TV 'ANTED Good cook and Laundress. 2UJ N.
1Mb st. WSJ
" \\rANTED 30 ladles A rent * to le rn telegraphy -
graphy Prospwt good for position when
competent ; addrcji W. J. D , , Room 1. Crouni
btk.Omaha , S > 4l
\\7"ASTED Situation In market or slaughter
fl buuM > : 11 years cxperiunce , Address > V.
W Weaver , Maplotonla. 63J1 *
\\TANTED PoltrorTas bookkeeper or oillco
i f man. Best of references. Address E
4 Bee otflce. 641 18 *
" \\rANTED Alstclessmeat cook wants sit-
f f nation , U eober Industrious -nd saving ,
hotel or restaurant Address E 45 , Bee oince.
tu5 lb *
\"lANTED Drenraakintr and family sewing ,
M In lUlru 1713 Dodge. COj 18 *
\\7AXTKD Situation as houiekeeper or to
take care of furnished rooms. Apply at
1816 Dodge ft K6 in *
\\fANTED-By March" , Urn class office
' f room suitable for real estate. Must be
centrally located. AUdrvrS for one weec. E U
Bee offlc-o. C05 2U *
WANTED To rent a bou o of 3 or 4 rooms ,
by April I. for one year or wore ; location
to bo between Dodge and Mason and 17tb and
AodrcM K 38. Btx > oflU-e. 5S7
-T ami , 303 3. llta it
T\TIVNTETJ-A Cathnllo mnn or woman In
T f Omaha , L ntoln and other town * to c--n-
va s amo t important wotkon fie servl.-ri . and
ceremonies of th.e church , AdJress by 'et'er ' ,
"B 50 , ' Be office. _ BT3 19 * _
ANTKD- goo l driving horse and ouircy
orairood teim fn exehange is partiil
payment for M ft lot on Park are. bsl. easy
Meiwl > t Jamlcson. 432
\\ANTED By two "Ingle gentlemen In
' strJetly flrst-cla s private family , alrovo
room nnd board , iroo-l location , modern convo-
nicnco" : A 1 references. Address stating
price , ESI , Bee office. _ _ 648 20 *
TTTANTBD Two furrl'hed rooms for light
i > hou ekeeping , 3 in family , nddres" . J. Z.
Heyn'g gallery. _ al" -
WANTED To buy flvo to twenty acres in
side of or near Omaha. Give de crlp-
tion , price and terms. Address C.23 , Uco offlco.
TTT.yrRD-To buy 10 to 21 acres within 3
ft mllc of the Omaha postofQce , Wright &
Lnrbury. under Paxton hotel fins
FOR SALE Four-roomed house , cor 31 t nnd
Charles Sts. , $000. 633 2U >
R RENT 5 room hou e : well , cl'tern , eel-
lar. outhouses : convenient and nice. Loca
tion. 2326 Charles ft Inquire next door we t or
of B. Edholm at oilmlll. 6.10 18 *
FOR RENT Livery and hoteL Address A. N.
Yost Norfolk. Neb. 126ml *
CXR RENT 3-room bou o. well , cistern and
-L cellarcor. Grace and 22d sts 61218 *
FOR RENT Fifteen room building , store
front , good location for lodging , boarding
house or small hotel. Address. E 20 Boo.
4 18 *
FOR RENT House of ton rooms and barn.
527 Park ave , between Earnnm st and Leav-
enworth t , Inquire at Doran House. South 15th
near Battle of Gctty burg building 168
TpOR HENT-Cottaie' . houses and store * , all
F desirable and well located , from J.T ) per
month up. L. Burnham , Room 1 Creighton
Block. 145
T71OR RENT 10 acres 3 miles from po tolnec.
JL' suitable for market garden.will rent or s > eL !
Apply West Furniture Co. , 103 N. 14th st 1V >
"T71OR RENT-6 room house , citv water , street
-L cars , l i miles from P. O ; $ -3 per month.
D. C. PattersonOmaha Natl bans. "Ill
FOR RENT Building suitable for light mnn-
ufact.irmg or whilmale purposes Good
location. E.21 , BeeolUco. 4V2 19 *
HAY privilege to lease on the Dotwller farm ,
at Ames. 7 miles wo t of Fremont John
Gallagher. 317 South 12th st. 412 m9
TV"ANTEir A"imnjolst to Join a hnm qua ?
' ' tfttp. Mu t be able to read music. Ad-
dre s E 26 , Bee office 503
TT1OR REST If you want to rent a hotibc. call
-C on lleniwa S Co , opposite postofllco , 53)
FOR RENT -Large birn with water privi
leges Apply at 18li ! Chicago st TO5
"TT1OR RENT -Hou = e , 9 rooms , in Han eom
Jf Place. Heiteri Campoell , Hoom 1. 1509
Farnam. 705
"TTOR RENT Dining room , kit-hen and two
sleeping rooms , turnished suitable for keep
ing boarders. 1S16 Farnara. CS9 24 *
FOR RENT-A verv desirable newly fur
nished room , all modern conveniences ,
streetcars. 2531 St Mnry'fl avo. i78
TT'OR KENT-Rooms uitable for2 gentlemen ;
J-1 new furniture ; bath. 1019 Capital ave.
5K1 31 *
T71OR RENT Largo furnished room , suitable
JL'for 2 gentlemen. Inquire 19 4 Farnam
FOR RENT Ono newly furnished sleeping
room for gentlemen , $10 per month , nt HW
Howard. 5A2
T71OR RENT 2 unfurnished rooms 204
J- ' Michigan ave. MO 18 *
FOR RENT Furclthel rooms. 2 splendid
rooms to rent with board. C322 N 15th st
524 19 *
FOR RKNT-9-room furnished hou o : mod-
orn improvements ; also bam. 1512 Daven
i port street Ml 1 J *
FFR RENT A suite of 3 good rooms. No.
1112 South Eleventh street. 4'1 Is *
t/OR RENT An eltirint front parlor with
JT hoard , also other smaller rooms. House
has all modern convenience" Gentlemen de
sired. Southwest corner Webster and 2."th st.
FOR RENT 2nlco office rooms at 512 S 16th
street 732
F I OR RENT Nicely furnlshou room. Refer-
enccsreiiire'l. ; ( ) 16J7 Douglas. >
F OR RENT Ftore room and No 110 N. 14th
st. basement 3 3
F I OH RENT Basement , suitable for house
keeping. Inquire 1414 Chlcipo. 34
FOR RENT Two rooms , unfurnished , for
light housekeeping1. Inquire " 0 ? Howard
st 37-i
TT'OR RKVT Pleasant furnishodroom for lor
X1 2 gentlemen. ICH Cas st. C45 IS *
TT'OR RENT-2 largo plnttHnt unfurnished
X ; rooms. leferonce reqaired ; 240T Harnnv t
641 20 *
FOR RENT Neatly furnished front room.S03
Howard st W3 t ! *
FOR HENT-Desk room , John Gallairher.-ilT
South 13th st. 6W 13
TT10R REXT-Nicely furnished front room ,
-t ; suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen , 1004 Dodge ,
bet. I0th and llth sts. 63T 20 *
FOR KF.NT Nice rooms at 1S21 Farnim st ,
one block west of court housesauth side.
FOR RENT Furnished and unfurnished
rooms inrueau < Block , cor. 13th and
Dodee. Davis i Hotnerington , ilillard Hotel
Billiard Room. 2 >
FOR RENT Elesant furnished front room
with alcove and closet 111 S 18th.
4.S5 22 *
FOR RENT Furnished room , in nlco locality ,
atT04SlSthst. 61513 *
F 1OR RENT Newly furnished front room ,
1 Webster st C20-22
FOR BENT Furni lied rooms , singly or en
suite at 719 S Uth , nva blocks from opera
house. C27 18 *
OR RENT Furnished rooms. 714 N. ISth-st
EOOM with board. 1813 Capitol avenue.
434 21'
FOR RENT Eleirant rooms on street car
line , bath an4 gz ) , s w. cor 2Jta and
Webster. 132
J HUblind Park.
Lots fronting Farnam street
Gregory i Hadley ,
Rooms I and 3 , Redick block , 320 S. 15th et.
BARKE iBAHfCALOW. . 1421 Douglas St.
24th st. bet. PoppMon und Woolworlh
ts. 50xI2d , 4 room cottage Bust front , f 2.FOO
Omaha Yiew. house 7 rooms and lot . 2,003
Nicholas and llth sta. corner 6tlxUJ
trackage . 40
llth ft north of Nicholas , 132xfi3 , cast
front . 3,500 Lake and Ohio. 61x144 , east
front. . . . _ 3.200
Virginia ave .50x150 , east front , . 2 00
An elfimnt 50 leot front on Pnrk ave. ,
un street car line and on grade for 3H
An elegant 50 feet front on Georgis ave 1SV )
Haute and lot on 21st 6t , bet w eon Clark
and Grace stl , . . 2VW
12 acres 3 1-4 miles from postotlice . . . lo.H > J
Choice lot in Orchunl Hill . 7W
Sp < > cial bargains in Kilby Place , Walnut Hill ,
Klrkwood and Scutn Omaha.
Dnrko Jc Barkalow , 1421 Douglas st. G33
HA RNEYPt\CK. 3 blocks from Cable route.
J . B. Evaus & Co. CuJ 24
1/H3R SALE At Comstoc-'s real enute and
J-1 Insurance agency , room 10 , Crelghton
33xie : , Jackson st near lltb. J10.X ( .
74x124. Kountzfl place , southeast corner on
20th st , f3D-U.
Lots in Orchard HIU from $975 to $1QM :
Kountzo plai-ii { l.TOu to f2.0 > jO ; Slots , Manhat
tan place , S325 each ; Sheridan pl& e on Leaven-
wonh street , } 560 to I7U ; Rlcnmond , f 42j to
JJi3 ; aero lots in Beltldere J503.
Improved Property Five-room house , east
front. Armstrong's 1st add , t-.f" ) ; Qve-room
houw , Foster's add , 'iiui , JHO ca h. baUnce
monthly ; large fine boue. Millard .V Caldwell's
add. 1M feet f rontaire , Ohio s > t , cull for pncu and
terms ; two five-room houw-s , Franklin street.
near street cars , lot GOxlV'4 , t.1,600 ; will sell
separately ; five-room houte. Iot7xl4d , Winasor
place ; pasts : feot. biock 74 , city , containing
6-room house , HJM. oji st )
Our new aJdIUon.
Acres t-tii to 1401 per acr > .
Near South Omaha.
And Sydteato HilL
Marsh -U 4 Lobjck.
CJHERIDAN PL-\CE-On Leavenworth st
? t"P-nd a half mllas from the poetotfice ,
oholculouat | t l , easy terms. A. H. Comstock -
stock , Room 1U Crvighton Blk. 651 S3
IF SOLD at once we can deliver a lot fn t'tica
PlaceatSl jQ , Only * K cash Tins U a
snap. Gregory i Hadloy.
Rooms 1 and 3. Bodlnk blk. 83) s. Utb . ia
' TT10R S Ult-Tlr C.
J3 Ile l Estate Broker , 16M Chicago * t
Lot 4 , block 10 , l > fatra subdivision , only $103 ! nceea.y . . . . . . . .
j Lot 77 , Harttnan'S aadltt5n.8sx2A2 house" .
lof 9 rooms and 1 of 4 room * , prlco'17,500. A
very Valuable property
3 lots In Harlem Lane , fJt-7 acb and 13 , block 7. VatrlcVg 2J addi
tion. tl.SO each. j
I t ? , Clifton Ilaee , $1,95 * , !
Lots 14. 15 and 18 , blorfc H. Orchard Hill.
Price $2,500 : $7fl cosh , bat Jlo month
? lots in block ! , J. I. Redltk s sub-dlv .SS.fM.
12 5 and 12 10 acre lots north of Driving Park.
$700 toJl Operarre
7 lots , Mayno Place , tU.-Oeaeh.
House and lot on CallfotjiLi , near 17th. $5,000.
House and lot. 27th andC&rltol ave , rents for
| 4f per month , $0,000. ,
firt-Tisift , DodceandlSth.'S hou ci on tame ,
rents for J-l.iXH to S.VO& Thn bct Investment
In Omaha for thu money , fnce J3.1.W.
Patrick add. lot 4 , block 9 , price $ li3J.
OTl lots. Table Land. J150.
SiW lots in Highland Park. $450 to $3M each.
25 lot ? in Mayne Piece , price $ l,50u each.
6 lots , block O.Redick'e sub dlv , price S2J"0.
40 acres north of driving park , $710 per aero.
House nnd lot 1H blocks west of Sherman ave
and 2 north of Lake stcellar , closet , coal hou e
ic:30x78' : , faces fouth on street ; price $ - < , OJO.
House and lot , lot 11. block 16 , Central Park
6-room houie , one and a half story , good well ,
cellar , barnoiit-houv > , lotMxUK. Price $2,500 ,
f .VO ca h , balance easy. A splendid bargeln.
2 farm * to trade for Omaha realty.
Lot I , block I , Orchard Hill The very be t
lot In this add , and all for $1,500 , one-third
down , or $ l , & < ) all down.
Lot 20 , Pelhara Place , on Grant , faces south ,
MtI3S fcet.hou < eot 3 rooms , good well , "ta
bling for 4 horses and buggy , out-houses and
shed. Price J2,2iO. easy terms , a good bargain
and richt in the city.
44x132 , ith and Douglas , 2 business bouses ,
10.000. Hard to beat
For sale or trnde , ISO acre farm , 13 miles from
Omaha , $ .TO per acre ,
25 acres north. 4 miles from P. 0. , a tplcndld
bargain at $125 an acre.
Lot IS. Falrnew. 1 acre , price $1.000 , > { cash.
Call and see mo about this. I think it will
Lot 27. nark's add , right tn the heart of the
citv. Ea tfront , MX 12) > , extend * from Charles
tot'hil Sheridnn tand Is dirt-cheap at $5.000.
Lots 21 and 22 , dart's add , 64x123 each , price
$4.750 each , S down. These lots lay In the
center of the rn < ! dcnco part of the city and
will be very valuable They will be cheap in
twelve montsh at tw'ce the price offered at now.
Lot 17. block 34. Albrieht s Choice , price 5430 ,
$65cash , ImL $10 per month
Lois in and 14. > acre lots in Martin's sub to
Pltaoant Hill ' "O per acre.
3 lot * . Albright's Choice , for J37o each.
LotAUU and41. block 1 , Armour Place. Terms
S175ca. h each. bal. easy.
6'i aci e * ins 11 mlle from P. O ; will make 30
good lots ; the most valuable lot now offered.
Price , $4'CV.O '
S. E. corner of Dougli" and 2wth.SOt0 , has en
It n grocery store and dwelling. * 3 feet on 2Jth
and S ) feet on Douplaa : reins for $42 Price.
$ . * > .0 < X ) . > \ cash and lia'anco ' to smlt. Csme at
once nnd ee about this , as it will not remain on
the market
Lots 2 and a , blork 0. Baker Plicp. are the
cheapest lots offered at Oil * price Lot 2 at f fiOO.
J2aj cash , and 3 icnrneri at $ > J ) , J2.'i5 cash , bal-
nnce on y. It will not hurt you to come and see
about the < > .
'orrespo-idonco solicited. Commun'ritlons
from non-rcs'dont' will have special attention.
C. Wells , Real r mte Broker ,
C52 M 10W. Calcairo "treet
HARNEY PLACE-Lies on Harnny nnd Jack
son t , nndwav bo'wcen Fnrnani and
I.e venworth st ? . . adjoining Richmond and
Conklmg Place Lot" only S TO to $000,1 r.cagh.
J. B Evans i Co. . sole agents. 6-13 24
. _ . Real Estate. 1512 Farnam st
Farnam st , cor. 31st. 13 x132 , $15.010.
Fnrnam st , bet 20th and 2Jd. ; 1 l t' li.T .OM.
Firnarastnnar2th. : S front 22x132. Sl.iTO.
Fitrnam st cor. 47d. S an-1 W front. S1.013.
Farnarast , cor. 47d. S nnd E front $3.'V)1. ' )
Farnam t. cor 41st. S and E trent J-"I. " > T.
Dodge t. 401 12C. . cottiie and him. $ ' ,7rO
1 and 2. blk 2 , South Omaha adj. corner ,
iriflnia ave. near Lertvenworth , 4Gxl40.
13th t , cor. Howard , rents for J'VS. SSS. '
S Ifith ft. near viaduct , 40i 02. $4. < X ) .
Hamilton st. -room houpe. JI.MO.
Lot 24 blk T. Orchard Hill. J W.
Lot 57xl.1i. ne r Tanning Work"T01. .
Corner Mart 'in ' And 1.1th. I' ixllK. Imp , 4,503.
Bellman's add lots , choice for $1.V > .
Low In Brown Park. South Omaha , Orchard
Douclas st , near 23d. C6x'M. JS.033. _ 213
ELEGANT lot , = ouh ! front , one block we t of
King t schoolhouse , $2,101 Graham ,
Cn-lBhton BIS. 54.i IS
BCY n lot In Hitchcock' " addition. Best of
northwest additions. J B. Evans Jt To . solo
agents. 06324
WHY pay from J7JO to 'I.OOJ for n lot In ad-
dltion adjoining Hurle-n Lane ? S4V ) frill
buy you a lot in Harlem Laue that contains
over 200 more < iuaro feet of land. Harlem
Lane is no wild cat property but is
Just1 * mile nw from Bedford PlRce. Will sell
lots nt above price until Fob. in. after which the
price will be raised $100. Van Beuren. Htn and
Dougias. 515 IS
PLCEI ? within three blocks or
the cablr > line proposed by the Knn a3 City
capitalists. J. B. Kvaus i Co , solo agent
on Burl st next to corner , half block
from pavement and cr.r line , $2.0C < 1. fourth
cash. Graham , Crcighton Blk. 535 lb
Pounders , 5lxl2J
401 Grocery .t Htidley.
JOHN GALLAGHER , roil estate. 317 outh
I3th st. Acre property , lots In all parts of
city. Choice Ion Lincoln I'lae. Bargain Vtx
M , cor. California and 23d , US ml
Qo FT ' room houio on 2oth sthalf block from
O Cuming , SJ.400. Graham , Crelghton Blk.
> V . ill South lltn street.
Is solo agent for the following described prop-
Ixitl.block 1.corner , Cxl2) ! , Patrt--k's add ,
fronting Suunners st.
Lot 2 , block d , O'NIel's sub. div. fronting
street car lino. Cumin ? Mrtrt.
Full acre , verycholce , corner Cass street and
Lowe ave.
Beautiful lots In KUhy ana Shrivor Place.
Acre property adjoining South Omaha
Korry-four fi'ct fronting Farnam street.
Beautiful lots in Sherman' . Wllcox's additions.
7W choice lou in Omaha. South Omaha and all
the additions.
Be t bargains now offered , easy terms.
Heyourovn landlord and call 011 mo for
further particulars.
W. ri Senvcy.
Real Estat * and Commercial agent. 111 South
14tb St. , Omaha. 603 id
SHERIDAN PLACE On Leavenworth St. .
only two and A half miles from the post-
otlice , offers the best chance tor i-peculntion of
any addition in the city Good lots can be ob
tained for f 51 on easy terms. A. H. Comstock ,
agent , t'.oora 10 Creighum Blk 51 20
T7IINEST corner In Shuil s2d add. . J2l0(1. ( easy
J ? terms , for few days. J. M. Buchanan a : Co. .
1413 Farnam at. 6rt
BIG bargain , $5,1)1 tock of choice drugs ,
will st | | for 4.fiOO. or will exchange for city
property. John F. Toft. 321 North 15th 't. city.
6 > T 21 *
HAHf EY PLACE lots. 14(0 to TWO , l-5th cash.
J. B. Evans & Co. . solo agents. 64) 21
LIST your property with a. R. Ball iCo. . 1U
S 15th st. m 15
_ _
B R. BALL 4 CO. , 115 S nth street bargains
Cor on Saunders small bouse.
8room house.S lots , Saur.dcrs 6t-
8-roora house , 1 lot. Saundcrs st
8-room house on 25th avenue.
5-roomcottiuon rhar.'e * st
8-room house on Caldtrell st.
" room cottaye , 2 lots. S I'jth ft
14 lots In Rcisrvolr add /
47 lots in OichnrcJ Hill
26 loti in Scliles'ingurs
10 lou in Clovcrdala add
Slots in rihlmn'2n.l add.
2 lots In Hlllsidf No 1.
7loM In sub division of Bf Jettor's addition
to S Omaha , known as aylcf'sald.
10 acrs in Hyde park. <
2 lou in Grammircy park.
Suven-room cottage undi' ! Iota in Ambler
Place to exchange for ummr'rovedland
i room cottage on Parker t
Forty ceres 5 miles from poeUifflce to ex-
chanit > for icelde property. 4S !
SNAP-33feet front on Leavenworth st , near
3-idst. with a 3-room house , $2A ) . E y
terms. Tnis U a bargain
Grerory i Had'ey ,
Roomsl Bnd3lWdlcu lllk.320S. 15tn at
T .1ST your property with Ui. Wright i Lar-
JLt bury , under Paxton htfltL 503
0/T.H ST.-A bitfh and slightly corner , lOOxISJ ,
O good nei/hbomooj , tVXU.
Gregory Jfc Hadley ,
Booms 1 and 3 , Rodlck Bik.320 S. 15th &u
4 1
ARVEY PLACE lots , $100 to $550.14th cash.
J. B Evans S : Co. , tola ufrnts. 66 24
mWOlotsln Lincoln Plan , on Belt line. * 1.500
-L both. Gr-ham , Crei < faton Blk. 545 18
ST. MARY'S AVE-Fmen co-Tier ja-ixias on
St Narr's ave. streets on 2 sides alleys on
S sides with tiO ( bouse. * 18.57) . Kasy terra * ,
this H leis than $104 p r front fool and that is
the n ure at wcica we soM the adjomin * inside
lot iMt week. Greimry * Hudluy.
Rooms 1 and 2 Hudick blk. 320 S 15th .t.
HOUSES Loti.FarmsLandJ mottsy loaned.
.Uemis' city maps , ix ; fe st * -5l each.
Bemii.room3 , Bt.-ser bleak , 3. W , cor 15tn
and Farnam its. 217
J' .rSTyouryrop.erlty with U. U nil
JA liLQ * * .
T OTll.Vlock 2Cl rnion ncjct , south front
LJ on L * to t , 41,300 ! borga-n Oraasm
Crcighton block. 6iS 13
1 0 cn > s Flnen rrounrt in Cotp IV-Illanton7
J w of Fortn-nsho. Will sell nil or t > vt ( it
W fi p r aero , ono-thlril CMb. Orvirpry A Hailter ,
rooms 1 and 3 Hodiek blook , 393 s. f&ih tt. &a
GOOD lot on Cumin * * t , Kottor'4 ndJ , S wT
Graham , Crelghton Dlk. 615 13
HOfSES ' Lett jArmJ.Lands nienpr toantsj.
Hernia' city mupc. * t7 feet , tt 38 ench
Hsmls , room 3 , Darker block , S. W. cor. 15th
and Furnum gts. feT
TMPHOVRD-Elifhtr ncrci. 31-2 mllw of ConJ -
Jtrn ( City , to trnJu Tor Om&hn property.
John Gnllaghtr. 317 S. 13th t. CM 13'
ntirSB3-LotFarmsr.nnds-mono\l loaned ,
nomlt' city maps. S.T feet. JJ VJ cnoh.
Ileral * . room 3 , Barker block. 3. W. cor. 15th
nnd Karnnm sts. 237
EAVKNWUKTH St. Property.
1SU feet corner 3 h . t- .
! ) lot , ! rpet Iront , between I'nrk and CJeor-
gin HVQ. , cnch SI.OKX
M foot corner Qeorftln nve. , Jlf.OfiO.
41 feet improved , between Hth and ISth sts. ,
rents for J W per month , J10.WX )
100 feet clOfo to licit Line , 1 1.800.
50 feet clo o to Uelt Une , fSOQ.
Hcltor & Campbell , room 1. Ifiua Farnam. 683
TTARNEY I'LACE-Is within three blocks of
J-JL the cable line proposed by the Kansas Olty
cnpllnllsti. J. Ik Evans & Co. , ole nirent ; .
HOCSKS Lots.Fnrras.Landd money loaned.
Homlg'clty maps , Si7 feet. S3 50 cnrh.
Roml , room 3. Barker Dlock , S. W. cor. Uth
bndFarnam stg. 2S7
GOOD lot hnlf block WOK of Kin * et. Patrlcs's
add , $1,100. tirnham , Crelffbton block.
The choaoeft nnd be t addition.
4 mlle from propo" Hunson cur lino.
fi-acre lotf , per aero SoOO.
2L-acrc lots , per ncro. $ . " > " < ) .
Lots WilK , 5173 and $225.
ilnrshall * I jbeck ,
Telephone No 73. 1503 Farnnm St ,
_ 477 18
LOT 10 , block 3 , 0'N'ell's subdivision , chanp nt
I2.WO , one-fourth cash. Oraham , Croieh-
ton block. 51518
AIINEV rU.VCE-18 within thro- blocks of
tlio cnblo line proposed by the Kansas City
capitalists. J. U. Evans & Co. , solo atrcnts.
ill 1518 Dodge st.
5 room houio on Montnnn st.lot 3'-xl06 , few
doors from Cumins < t. J'-om.
Shinn's In add. 8 room hous > o. lot f)2li ) ; ( ,
bath room , won , cistern , etc. W.503 , 1,503 cash ;
on Pnldwell t.
Walnut Hill , corner lot sonth fronton Cum-
inir M , only $ l , u.
Orolnrd Hill. 75 lots , corners nnd nil , your
cholrfl for J7M each , easy terms , will bo all sold
In 10 days.
3 room hou'e , new , and 2 beautiful lots In
Orchard Hil > . only 3.0 * ) . Sb7o ca h.
Wnmut Hill , full lot on Nicholas st , aouth
front , bnrialn at * l,3 > 0 , for no days
Adjoining Hichland I'trk , two acres lyln ?
splendidly , only f < W eiich.
3 brick hou son 17th st , 10 roonn each , rent
for tltU per month , only JlSOin. This Is a bar-
> min. Invpsti ita. Come and look at our list ,
it can't bo surpa ed.
Mitchell .t Leyonmarck ,
3ftJ 15in Dodce t.
HOUSES Lots.Farras.LHnil" monry loaned.
Bemis'city mapa , 5x7 feet , SIM each ,
licml" , room3. Barker block , S. W. cor 15th
and Karnam sts. 237
TTVODOE ST. Corner , Full lot , improved , rent
J- ' In ? now for f.1,030. Can sell for * 31 , < jQd
Gregory ± Hadley. 4fil
HOC'SES Lot-Farms.Lands ; money loaned.
Bemii' city mnps , " ! ' feet , Si .V ) each
Demi ; , room 3 , Barker block , S. W. cor 15th
und r'arnam st3. 287
HAUNEY PLACE lots , * toJVrt.
J. B. Evans & Co. , sole agents. CC9 21
KOUTH l < "th. 50 fret In Hartman'g add. JS.ttC.
Oraham. Creijrhton blook. 5i5 18
$5 503 will buy coed 65-foot lot on Park nvn.
with 8-room house , barn , ic. C. H. Horton ,
Kf > Park ave Kfl 21
TJIOIl SALE 0 acre tract , improved , near the
J city , J125. per aero.
Lots in ? chelnnr'B ! addition $250 to 5353.
IMteet. 24th and Farmun nt a banrain.
20 acres west of Walnut Hill cheap. Call and
Investigate. Schlciiner Bros , 8U 3 10th st.
173 m 3
HAWTHOHXE-Oood lot J950 , $357 cash
Greporyi-Hadley 1
E LEGAVTlot , IClloy Place , S1 , < XX ) . Graham ,
'ruifrhtnn Ulock. 5t5 IS
1 BUSINESS lots on Park ave , SI.5X1 for In-
"Zslde. JJ.OXi for corner,25xSJ to an alloy. Mead
i Jmnicjon. 124
TTOR SALE A32 > are farm with house , bara
Jand orib , on the C. P. Ry. , and only onu-
half mlle from a irool railw.ij- town , with
churches an-1 soaools. Prieo M , J. Apply to
Louis Bradford , cor. 9th and Douglas , Omaha ,
Neb. an
rpRACKAGE ' orner 102x132 on 13th St. , near
-L C. St P. M 4O. Depot tS.OOO , 4 houses now
rontlne-for JI.T4D per year.
limitary i Hadloy * 515
HAU.-XEY PLACE-Is within threw blocks of
the cable line proposed by the Kansas City
capitalists. J. B Evans & Co. , solo airents.
A CTIVE real estate and property exchange :
A. . a bargain. 1153 and ] ] } N lth st 50x141) )
with Sand T room .louse , $ "i,7i > X KE 19
17 > OR ! 1 DAYS ONLY
J ? Lot 5 blk 6 Sulphur Springs ftdd.for Jl.KW.
f T03 cash.
Gregory i Hadley.
L'ooms 1 and 3 Ilcdlcl block , 3la S.I Jt hat.
rpHK cheapest lots In the marmot are in Sherl-
J dan place on Leuvenw orth st. : coed lots nt
$65 ? each on easy terms , at Com stock's real
estata agency , lloom 10 Creichton Vis ,
651 M
\\IlAT have } ou to trade lor Nebraska farm
' > lands , improved and unimproved. Address
E 4' , Bee olHco 64t 21
A \7"H.\T have vou to exclianiro for 6W acres
i > In HOOKS Co. , Kansas. G. B Johnson ,
IdaGroie , IJL 60T 19 *
HARNEY PLACE lots.SVO to ? 5V ) . l-jth cash.
J. IJ Evans A Co. . solo agents. Cffii 3 >
KNOxE BARGAlN'S-Two corner ioti m
Durdetio court only 4 block ) from Stun-
dor's < ! treotc r3. W , M. Bushman. Roo-n W ,
Bushman Block. N E oor ICth
SAUNDER5 St. . ISi feet at tT5 per foot.cor
ner , choap. Graham , Crcichton block.
515 18
1501 Fnrnamst ,
Offer thesd bargains to-day :
1 comer Geonria avo. and Dupont
T Orchard hlll.chmca lots each fs50.
Hou&e und 2 lou , Saundurs & IIimobauirb'3
add. to Walnut hill $2,301
20 KlnP t UitM In Clovordalo , bar ? Jns.
I'ino lots in Kllby p'.ico , cheap.
Fine 1 1-- lot John I Rollick's sub-divi < | on.
2 choice tuts In M aynes odd. , each tSJJ.
2 choice lots Falrmount place.
1 aero best in Belvedere , bargain $333.
Slots Jotter's addition , each JTiU
Slots Mt Oousla * . each $ * Vl
2 lots Soutn Ex. place , eacn J5 > J.
3 Brown Part , bargains each JiW.
24 lots choice in Yates A Hoinpol * * aldltion.
10 acres H mile south of Harris Jk Patterson's
onnar , oitra nice , cheip and easy forms
A tltitf li-t of weitorn lands for sale , or trade
for Omaha property.
400 acres highly Improved , Sounders Co. . sale
U5 feet front on IBtn stret ,
Last , not leisf imsr na Frn m $4,031 anl
many others , 157J Farnam , Wise an J Parmele.
H PLACE lots f 400 to t5M. l ith cash.
B. i Co. , solo agents. G6924
MAR > HLL i LOBE 'K , 1WJ Karaioi street ,
members of Omana Reil Bjtate Exchnn e.
Corner of California street an-1 Twenty-third ,
Mx-tt feet o ? y terra * , * < ) .
House of eiijht roo'as on Twonty-third nev
Gas * , 6Sx foet. ono-half cash. $5.SJJ.
Enrbt lots , Lincoln Place , one third cash ; { 25
Four' lots In Weft CumlnJ. easy term * , $ i3J
to f Ml.
Lots in Mt. Pleasant addition , ezsy terms ,
Twelve 5 aere lou in Spring : Volley , 13.5 to
JW1 per acre.
Also 1-2 acra lots In same addition.
All on vary easy turuu.
Wuhiivo a ) r 'o line of housis and lou on
ourlist.anJ Invite buyers to c al and we will
* how the property. Marsnall i Lobeck. IK )
Fcrnam Telenboce73. T5i
HOKSB * Lots.FarmsLands- loaned.
Berals' city maps. SxT feot. J..SO eacn.
Remis , room 3 , Barker block , S. W. cor 13th
and rarnamstij. 2 7
\7ALVL'T HILL-A dandy ho o , cost $1.000
f i well , wat r io .gool cellar ,
lot WxW. ] South front. Near depot. * 2W. .
Gregory i Hadley ,
Rooms 1 and3 KeJick Ulk.o-'J 6 15h M.
AHNEY PLACE-Is within three blocks of
the cable line proposed by thu Kantas City
capitalists. J. B. Evans & Co. . _ ole agenu ,
HOt'SE3 LotsFarrasLands money loaned ,
tiemla * c' < y maps , 5x7 feet , t ! S3 each
Beinls , room U , liarkwr block , S , W cor. 15th
and Farnam M. . S"T
OODlot on Canier9n at . Gise'i ad
G T r.r-Uam. Cyelrbton lUk , 6U1-
HOrSF.Lofj.Farmi.Lnn J.raonry loaneit
noinis' city map * . SxT feet , $2.11 each.
Bemif. room J , Barker block , S. Vf. cor. 15tb
and Farnsim st" , 27
TpATHlCK'S 1ST ADD.-1'ornor 11U1S1 , on the
J. inside. 00 ft nro idonbie hou p , rentlnir $46
yefmonth. leavinff corner MX 186 vacant , all for
5,000,1-1 c h. Orerory-tHiidWy. .
Rooms 1 and 3 , Uedick tlln.SSOS. Uth < t.
HARNKY PLACE Li ( on Harney and Jack-
> n ot" . , lohlway between Farnara and
Lcavtnworth stt. , hdjolnlng lltchroond and
Conklln ? Plnco. Lot * only $400 to $450,1-5 ca h.
J. II , Evans i Co. , sole agents. 98884
011 SALE Two Wt In Kountie Plftoo. Spencer -
cer Otis. 1J1T Douglas st 323
T7IOR SALE-Barfams by BundROT , 1511
-L Fnrnam st.
B. xer Plice , bu ine lot. two streets. . . S 9) )
Dcliono's add "outh front. Amei av 6 > )
Cumlng st corner * in Carthngo JSSO to. . . . TW
Cltrk Place , south front , oloio ta Hntiscom
Park X )
Orchard Hill. Hno line of lota $ ni > 3 to . . . UU
Albright's Annex special bargain , thcfo
lots for 900
Klrkwnod , 40x100 , near 16th 1.0X1
MeCormlck'sId 1.000
Potter's near Farnbain , Feb. 15 and 10
only 1.1.0
Falrmount. flno lot * 1.3&3
ProspectlM cn , outh front , Hamilton st l.SV )
Foler' , near Saunrters t I , * * !
Burr Oak , f ranting Hunscotn park. . S.Q'U
Himcbauch Place ono lot 2.3 > 1
Bnlnn't 1st ald large lot * Jx140 2,500
Elegant lots , some corners Brennan Place
$ l.WOto 2JOO
Hanscom Place , $1. 00 to 3,500
Ciim.nir st business property , full lots ,
* 2.5f ) to . . . . . . 5,000
Shull's 1st add , faces two streeU , two
houses .3,300
Ale InHcvd'olot. HllUido No 2 , Shinn's 3d ,
K. V. Smith's , Kountz' 3d , Kountz 4th sup. ,
Hartman s. Hawthorn's , Hnirednrn'4 Manhat
tan , Summit place. Paddock's , Jerome Park ,
Hickory place. Crcighton HtilgbU , Clifton Hill ,
Brown Park , Idlcwild , Cunningham A Bren-
nan' . Orcharu Hill. Patrick's 1st and S < 1. Rlver-
\1ew. Central Park nnd every other addition
where afo and profitable lnve tmeni await 1m-
mediate purchn'Crt. The time to buy Is now.
Thf place to bur i" t 1511 Farnam t. Hero
you can nnd a large ll t of bargain" in all kinds
of really , nt prices and terms to suit orcrybojy.
Always r < * ady and willing to show property to
prospective buyers Romotnber the place.
FrankBunchcr. 1MIFarnjun st 5S7 13
T"22xr4 S fFcoT20th and CTkolto , $3,2M. A bar-
L gain Graham. Creighton Blk. 515 1 °
GALL and nn the fullest and molt complete
set of uDstrnct books of Dougla" county
now In the office of R. C. Patterson , 15th nnd
Harney. 587
HAliNEV PLACE J. a Evans i Co. sole
ag nt. iWD-'to
HARNEY PLACE-Lleson Harnny and Jack
son pts . midway between Fnrnam and
Leavenworth sts. . adjoining Richmond und
Conklmg Place. Lots only $4 < to $500,1-2 cash.
J. B. Evani A Co. . wlo agent ? tVZJ 24
FOR SALE-Lot In Ame Place $450.
Lot In block 64 Bedford place $7i 3.
Lot tn Hanscom place. Virginia nvo. Jl.iVl
I t on 2Jth st. near Nicholas J4.SOO.
House of 8 room" on l-'th street just north of
Paul onithlrd ca h.i.Sr > 0
House of 9 rooms in IdlewiUl $5,633.
Two lots In Kllby place , each $ W3.
LutS , biock H , Lowes 1st. $ : i > cash , Jl.930.
Two lots In Plalnview , each Sl.OiO.
128 feet on Saunders ct.por foot $75
Lot 60x127,5 room house. Blondest , J70 3cosh ,
Lot In Washington square t2 X ) .
Lot on Hurt street , oue-third ca"h , Jl.'VM.
H. W. Huntress , 15'W Farnam st 551-17 *
E AKB siTiouth front , $ l. ' . i > X Ycry cheap
Graham. Creighton BIOCK. 45 IS
T\7 G.3HIUVEU-Special RcrgainB-
f i Bratitiful acre on Lowe ave , will make 7
lots. $6.0 0.
10 to HO acres near Deaf and Dumb Institute ,
at a bargain and on easy terms.
Lot in Plnlnviow , on Saunriers , JI.&M.
Lot CJxl25on Franklin st.near Rod car line ,
Full lot on Park ave. , $2,750.
Good lot on California st , ccar Creighton
college. Jl.SW.
Corner lot on Curalng * t. . p ved , J4.000.
Lots In Orchard Hill. $750 to $30Jcach ; easy
Full lots In A. S Patrick's add , near Saunders
St. each $1,353.
6lxi : ! on Bristol near Saitndcr" . $ I2o3.
Full corner lot on Saunters , JO.OjO.
Two 25x60 ft lots on N st , South Omaha ,
each $1,700.
2cornerlots Foster's add , $4,500.
2 lots in Kliby Place , east front , high and
sightly. CHch SI.5M.
Lot on Hamilton stopp convent , $1,703.
Improved Proporly.
Beautiful cottage , r. rooms , lot 61vl40 , N. 19th
st just off Lake Ft , $4.001.
Now5 room cottage , fulllot. E. front X. Stn
st near car line , 52.510.
Houses and full lots In Omaha Ylow , $1,600 to
Cottnc-e and lot a" > xJ50 on California st easy
term * , $2.600
Largo house and loc on Dodgn. opp. High
school , all modern Improvement ? . J13.00J.
Cottngoand fulllot on Lake st , ueir 20th ,
2 houses and full lot on I9th st , near Paul ,
$ fl.SOO.
New hou'w. 8 room. , full corner lot , 2flth and
Docaturst$3OOJ. rV. G. Shrivor , opp. P. O.
S6 13
HARNEY PLACE lot * 1400 toi50 , l-Sth cash.
J. R. Evans i Co. , sole agents. 083 24
STATE ST. Corner 123 feet front on State by
100 deep near Lake st Only $ -C5) . Greg
ory & Hndley 461
HOCSES LotsFarms.Lands money loaned.
Bemis' city maps , ,1x7 feet J"fl each.
Bemis , room 3 Darker block , S. W. cor. 15th
and Farnam. 287
JOT 11. Blk 2 , Clarendon add. $1,9JO. Very
cheap. Graham , Crolgnton Blk. 545 18
JTSTyour property with B. R. Ball i Co. . 115
3.15th st HI 13
One Apent Olcn-aaat onir * wn.nfiNi in * > ry town for
Tour "Tansll'a Punch" are the best 5e cijrar ,
we ever nandled. Gii3COTT & Oium. j
Monroe. WK j
We think , without doubt , that your"Tansll's '
Punch"nre thennestJc cigars we have ever hnd .
W * L Division , Drufc'alsts , Woroestcr. Moss. |
Atncy. 174 alw Su , K. Y.
Army Supplies.
Oraahn , Neb . Fob. 16 , 1KS7. f
Sealea proposals in triplicate will be received
at this otlicu until 11 tu in. . Friday. February
2.1th 1S-7 , at which time they will by opened in
the pres nco of bidders for government sup-
plius of the tollowlng kind :
Stationery , clocks , lamps , wicks and globes ,
hardware , charcoal , lumbur. saddler's supplies ,
druggists' sundries , water eupplfos.
Lists giving < iuantltlcs and other information
furnished upon application. Host quality of
articles required. Preference given to articles
of domestic production.
Bidders are reauestud to attach copy of this
advenisament to thfirblds.
Capt , Assistant Quartermaster.
The Tremont ,
J. C. FITZGERALD 4 SON. Proprietors.
Cor. fth and PSts. , Lincoln , Neb.
lutci $1JO rr d y. btn i can tromnoutt to inr
psui or ma cil/ .
J. H. W. } 1A\\KINS.
Architect ,
Offices 33. 34 unii 42 , RlcUardj Block , Lincoln ,
Neb. ElorutoronllUi strout
BrrdBrAt Breelarof
Live Stock Auctioneer
bales made in all pans of tiio V S. uttalr
reifci. Room 3 , State Block , Lincoln , N U
Galloway and Short Horn build lo. sole.
Farm Loans and Insuranca ,
CorreiDondencfl in rojarl to Ioaa * > lioited ,
Boom 4 , lUubaras Blo k. Liusoui. Nuij.
Edverside Short Horns
Of strictly pure Uatusanl ifat-'i * .im > tiJctU9.
Herd numbers about ( U heud.
Families reprf > entej Hubert * , Crajjj ,
Acomb. . Kcnic.- . Rose of Simi . \j . .j ( uj.9 ,
Knightly Ducueiuet , Fl t Crerk \ , un r M.iry * ,
PbylluuT , Lousu. and True Ixjro-i.
Bulls torsaic. 1 Puna liatcs F . , < - . : I'.ire
Batu Cngjts. 1 Roseof rharon. \ i . aM.iry ,
IPuiv Cruick Shank auJ oioeri ( o ow aid
Injcwttho hor.L Addreu. CHAM .lii\\
SON , Unt-oln. \ - ' >
W1OQ AM fr u u tOp AC
National Hotel ,
Andjrt a.ooJaianorfu 2ic.
Sqnaroiy scttlcrt.
It 1 ? with pkasurc tnnt the BEE it- .
the announcement that Mr. E. D. F
Fisher has settled Tiis financial m"nj
so thnt he will continue in tfio leaf tpl .to
bnslnc53 here as bi-foro. The creditor ?
have received 1 < X ) cents on the dollar
and Mr. Fisher on his feet with a larjrj
stock.and his buslni sjinnttura all .atlsfac-
tofily nrrnncc-d , will continue to handle
thu trade. This house Is a vnlunblo ona
for Council BluHs. nnd the city would
not like to lose it. Besides this Mr.
Fisher i * personally to bo congratulated
hy his fri ( > ml4 on so hapny nn outcome
from his difliculties. llu has been in bus
iness hero for fifteen years , is ono of tbo
best known dealers in this line , nud the
confidence had in him by eastern houses ,
as well as home business men will not ba
weakened , the ditliculties having been
so honorably nnd promptly adjusted. _ J
A Dlsennlcil Lover Sues for the Money
Ho Expended While Courting.
Charles Lincsky. a society young man
of White Haven , is now the possessor era
a much-mangled heart , write * a Vilkcs *
barre , . .correspondent of the St. Louis
Globe-Democrat A pretty girl broke ttio
organ for himand he now seeks damages
to the amount of fJ,003 from her well-to-
do father. The young lady's mime is
Laura Looker , tier father is a prosper
ous merchant and Laura is the only
dangtitcr.vrhich makes her heir to all her
father's we.ilth. Besides possessing ac
complishments of a hi nil order , she waa
not without many suitors.
ever , was considered best man at the
Lecker mansion , lie was very attentive
to the young lady , taking her frequently
to the theatre and other places of amuse
Linesky had a rival m the person of a
young man named ' 'hilhps , who loft no
stone unturned to oust the favorite suitor
from Miss Looker's attentions. His being
possessed of more money than Lincsky
placed him at a great advantage , in that
he could bestow more costly presents on
thu idol at whose throne he was so
anxious to worship. It is presumed that
the young lady was placed in a very dell'
cute position between the two lovers , and
was at a loss to know which one sh <
really loved the most.
In the course of time a thinl suitor ap
peared in the tield to share Laura's affec
tions. His name was Harry Wilson. Tht
new lover succeeded in driving thu old
ones from the Looker parlor , and capti
vated the maiden's heart beyond a
doubt. The wedding was set and all
preparations begun for the ceremony
which would make Laura Lecket
and Harry Wilson man and wife.
When the nnws of the en
gagement reached Lineslcv. he became
very despondent , and lo add to his dis-
stresseJ staUi of mind , his friends twitted
him about "getting left"and allowinjan
ordinary man like Wilson to cut him
out. He was worried beyond endurance.
He said he would stand it no longer. He
wanted satisfaction and he was going to
have it. He according brought suit as
above stated.
He says had not Miss Locker deserted
him ho could have married another
young lady who is now a married woman
and possessed of a .largo amount ot
money in her own name. Ho says Mis
Lecker promised him faithfully that she
would become his wife , and with this
understanding he cave the young lady a
handsome "old watch as a Christinaa
present , and jewelry of various other
In his bill of oarticulars , filed in the
justice's olHce , he says the claim for
$2,000 is not in lieu of a broken heart ,
but to recover the amount of money
actually spent upon Hiss Lecker. Ho
figures it up tub way :
One watch J15
Pair bracelets 100
Necklace 175
Two rins 308
One hundred and forty carraije rides . . . 4 8
Theater tickets 1T J
Balls , parties etc MX
Miscellaneous items 401
He says ho haa expended morn than
two thousand dollars on the lady , bul
will be satisfied with that amount.
Miss Lecker told her father that ha
never expended this amount on her and
she sent back his presents a month ago.
The father says he knows nothing nbo'ul
his daughter's love affairs. He suppose *
she will marry the man she likes bestbul
under the circumstances he will not pay
Liuesky a cent of damages. He thinks it
a ridiculous nier-e of business all through.
If the pi in mid" ism need of money he will
donate him $1,000 to provide for his wants ,
but will not pay over any damages.
Linesky insists that the case must ba
tried in the courts.
The Prone of Cow Punclilnp.
Tomah Enterprise : Time was , and no !
so very long ago either , when the cow
boys received their pay after the ronnd <
up they felt in duty bound to go to Milei
City and blow it m at the gambling < 1cns ,
saloons and other disreputable places.
Cow punching is at best a very tough
business , und full nf risks to life and
limb , and pay is small and by no means
adequate , and after the round-up there
follows a long period of enforced idle
ness , during which they are given food
and lodging only by the rancli owner.
The average cowboy was wont to turn np
after his semi-annual spree with a verj
large head and not a cent in his pocket.
Of fate , however , the boys have taken a
tumble to themselves and are saving thou
money. So common has the economical
spirit become among them that Milei
City has seen this year ltd quietest sea-
soa.Most of the cowboys looked upon theii
coming to Montana to herd cattlu as the
mistake of their lives. The glowing
stories of thrilling adventure and sudden
wealth of the cowboys'life which are
common in the cast are in most cases r&-
snonsihio for their enterinjj the guild , bul
the reality is quite n dill'erent matter.
Many of the economical ones have beea
enabled by their savings to return M
their eastern homes.
People who have not been through th
bad lands have but a faint conception ol
the utter desolation and worthlcMness-ol
* cowboy's home. He is roast-d in , unn
merand frozen in winter. The landi
can never bo used for anything but graz
ing , and the distances are therefore oomo-
thine immense. Ono peculiarity of th
country makes rapid riding n very difll-
cult , not to ay dangerous undertaking ,
The earth is so friable that a tiny water
course ivill speedily cut for itself a dee _
gully , or "cooho , " as it is called , tin
depth of which when filled with snow.ii
entirely problematical. A horseman win
rides with a cowboy's recklessness may
suddenly find himself at the bottom of a
six or eight foot coolie , with his horse on
ton of him , and no w-ay of getting out
if ho happens to be stilf alive save tun
neling up to the head of the stream
through the snow. Then ono ofyoui
broncho's feet is as likely as not to sink
suddenly two fuel down into a coyote's
hole whuu ho is Koing at a furious pace ,
Ilusult. Hid Icir snap.1 oil' like a pi pi
stem , and you are dhot thro.igh the ait
to a point fur beyond , and picked up more
dead than alivu. The water is-generally
bitter with alkali , and scorches your
throat : w you swallow it , there is little to
eat and that is hard to get.
They Will Tcpch.
Masdumos Keysor and Sudborough and
Mr Curtis , composing the examiners ol
the oo.trd of uducatiou , midu theirrepon
yet rilay woruinir , irganlin Uiuoxaniin-
at.on of the ten ap | Jit iini.s for teachers'
certificate * wh ih wns concluded yener-
day. Then- were five ducce sfnl ladies
These wtiro .MihS Kite : Powers. Bertha Bii >
kbit , Annie J ( iillcn . Mary Mik-.m , ane
Anniu H Kennie Mi d Potv ? r , iieunit
and Jlik n rucvivtd s < c6iid grade and
the others. tbirU grade curt ideates.