Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 19, 1887, Image 1

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' A Spirited Contest in the House on a Regu
lation Measure ,
How Homo of Them AVcrc Amended
Hut Uttlo Other Uufilness Trans-
noted The Senate Adjutifiis
Till Wednesday Next.
Doing * In ttic I Ionic.
T.1NCOI.N , Neb. , Fob. 18 , ( Special to the
Cm : . ] A resolution limiting debate to five
minutes nnd prohibiting nny member from
speak I m : more than once on n ( iiiestlon was
tabled about ns soon ns the house settled
down to business this morning.
Prolonged discussion nrose over n motion
by Mr. Caldwell that the Colby senate bill
empowering cities of overf > ,000 Inhaoltantsof
lho second class 10 elect certain olllcers who
nro now appointed by the mayor should bo
revised. The bill was rcpoited unfavorably
upon by the committee on cities and towns
yesterday nnd was Indefinitely postponed.
Mr. Caldvvell's motion was tabled , It being
declared thnt the only object of the bill wns
to cause the term of the present city attorney
of Beatrice to cxpho In April. If the bill
hnd passed It was Intended to endeavor to
fleet u saloon man. During the debate Mr.
Jtaymond nccuscd Mr. Cnldvvcll of Inconsis
tency , ns ho had known tlio latter gentle
man to oppose In consideration of the Lin
coln charter bill just what ho was now advo
cating. Mr. Caldwell quite excitedly de
clared that ho had not opposed such n pro
vision In the Lincoln charter bill , but Mr.
Kaymond reiterated the statement , nnd for
the moment It looked ns If there might bo n
family row in the Lancaster delegation.
Mr. Whltmoro moved thnt the ralhoad
committee bill , Introduced as nn amendment
to Mr. A gee's bill , should bo made a special
order ot tills afternoon.
Mr. Wntson hoped that lho motion would
not prevail. Without n disposition to reflect
upon the gentleman who was chairman of
that committee , ho was forced to say thnt the
commltteo had labored long and , like the
mountain , had brought forth n mouse. Let
the bill .stand on the general Ido. The gen
tlcmnn doesn't want the bill to pass nny
iiioio than t-omo other people. With him
( Mr. Whltmore ) it vvns n innttnr of toadvism
nnd buncombe. " 1 nm not , " continued Mr.
Wntson , "on the pay roll ot any railroad nnd
1 never was. 1 will pay nny man S500 who
will show a pay roll on which my name np-
pears. 1 have been employed by railroads
nnd against thorn , but that does not make me
n lailroadman. if I should delend the gen
tleman from Gage , 1 should not become n
Fnllcilte , thank God. I don't like to hnvo
the chairman of the ralhoad committee stand
nn hero and continually try to sneak In this
bill. 1 give notice now that i am opposed to
nny commission. 1 have inliodnced n rail
road bill , bul it Is the bill passed by congress
nnd ono of the great arguments used in Its
favor was thnt It would bo adaptable nnd
could bo adopted by the states. 1 on cannot
pass n commission bill after the fashion of
the bill It is desired to now make the speclnl
order of to-day , which will bo constitutional
or effective , i on must select only secretaries.
They nro servants of scrvnnts. Let us repeal
this commission law. Let the senate repeal
U , When they have joined hands with us
then we can do something. I wish to call at
tention to nn article that appeared in the
Omaha Unit. The editor of that paper is
hotter posted on this micstlon than nny man
In this house. His editorial nrticlo of last
Monday , over n column long , upon the very
bill which this committee has reported , says
it Is a Iraud nnd n delusion , and unconstitu
tional. I say thnt If yon men are In earnest
on this railroad question help us to repeal the
law now In force. Then wait two years with
out any law if you cannot ennct a better ono
than this one. 1 want some gentleman who
advocates tills railway hill to tell me how
U can bo enforced. The only way to estab
lish maximum rates Is for this legislature to
do It. Thu legislature cannot delegate that
power. No more can II empower tiieso sec-
letarles to enforce thu provisions of the bill.
1 am in hones thnt the gentleman's motion
will not prevail.
Mr. Wliltmoro snld : "The gentleman who
is responsible lor the committees of
the house , our speaker , knows that
1 occupy the place I now fill
agnlubt my earnest protest. But when 1
was Induced to accent thu place I determined
to give the subject of railroad legislation my
most eat nest attention. The committee has
held several meetings , but the only time when
thu gentleman who has just taken his scat
was present was when wo first organized. 1
have given , with the restot the committee , ns
caretulnttentlon to the formation of n bill ns
possible , nnd the committee biibmlt It to the
house as the best they can do. 1 will leave It
to the housu who has shown lho most earnest
ness In this matter , the gentleman who at
tended only the first meeting ot tlio commit
tee or the balance of the committee' . ' "
Mr. Wntson "lattended the meetlngs.oflhe
commltteo to the oxlcnt of seeming n tnvor-
able report upon the repeal bill , nnd ns my
object vvns then accomplished I had no other
business with the committee. "
Mr. Handail "I would ask the gentleman
If his duty to the state is fulfilled when his
private object Is attained ? "
Mr. Wntson "It Is my duty to the state to
take no part In the formation ol bills which
1 know to bo unconstitutional. "
Mr. Wlutmoie " 1 am In earnest ; the com-
mlttco nro In earnest. Wo have submitted a
hill : wo want it conslde : ed by the house. If
thu house Is In tavor of railroad legislation ,
heiu nnd now Is the place nnd time lo show
it. "
Mr. Hnrlan ( Mr. Agco In tlio chair ) "This
is n question wo eannol nlloid to trlllo7lth. .
it Is paramount to nil other questions. I
cannot understand hownclti/un ol the United
Slntcs , nnd of Nehraskn , In particular , can
raise tils viico In favor of procrastination ox-
cepl when ho Is Inteiestod In reaping laigo
dividends ftom the inllroad stocks or bonds
ho may own. 1 do not deshu to bo personal
or oxtiavagnnt ; but DJ per emit , of the people
ot Nebraska would rather that tills leglsla-
V tun ) should Krapplo with thoinllvvay.nuestlon
and adjourn without dolni ; anything else
thnn to do nil else nnd not do this. They
would rather that wo should spend thu whole
foity days than that we should lull to do
something. Those who live in the eastern
cities of the state have no coinpielionsion of
the interest entertained by the people of the
Inteiior. Thn gentleman ( Mr. Watson ) op
poses this bill because thu railroad commis
sion Is In It , but butoiu ho leaves the floor ho
nduutrt that with the rcjical of the commis
sion law ho Is satlsiicd. Do you undeistand
his InteiesthV I have said that 1 am In favor
of accepting any lalhoad legislation that la
reasonable. Olvo us the best wo can got.
Thubest law obtainable will go far toward
satisfying thepiodiicers. It Is ns much the
I duty of the legislatuio to establish n max
imum freight rnto ns it Is to piovlde counties
with township oicanlzallon. Why bo dlssat-
iblled two jeai-s longer ? Slnco JISsTj the people
ple Imvu been demanding legislation on this
question. Why proemstinato longer ? The
gentleman fiom Otoe ( Wnt&on ) has Intio-
duced a bill creating a boaid ot commission
ers , ns much ns ho dislikes n commission , it
would bo icached , naturally , about July -I.
Does ho want It reached ? No. Wo must
take hold of this proposition. If we go homo
without passing n jnoper law wo virtually
say thai this cry nbotit railway extortion Is
nllnhuiubiu. It is useless to nrguo ngainst
what the people are demanding. It would
bocovvaidly to refuse to giapplu with this
Mr. Tlnplo nttncked Mr. Whitmoro's mo
tion and entered at once Into n loiu arraign
ment ot the committee's bill. Thu speaker
pro tern ruled that general dUcnsalon of the
bill was out of order , but ns Mr. Tingle in
flated on proceeding , was obliged to at last
peremploilly choke him olt.
After further debate the vote was taken
nnd lho motion by Mr. Whltmore was lost
O'J lo 83 ono change doteatlng it. Durtnu
tlio Vote Mr. lox explained his vote "no" by
n William M. Kvarts sentence an tlio mcrUs
of the bill , nnd an irrelevant addition to the
ifleet that If the Omaha lni ! : told the truth
is oftuu as U did not its reputation for TO-
aclty Vvould bo incomparable. . The UE.U haa
told too much truth concerning Mr. Fox'
gyrat.ons as a legislator nnd thai Is what
t'onbles him.
All ( luring Hie noon recess lliero were
whisperings nnd rumors nf n determination
on lho part of the Irlends of the rnilroad bill
to endeavor lo bring it up In the afternoon.
This mntcrlali/cd In n concerted ncllon which
nt 3 o'clock placed thu bill before the house.
Mr. Acfe presented n resolution to take up
the railroad bill In lho hnu o andcUIell for
the previous question. The previous qtics-
lion was ordered nnd upon an nye nnd nay
vote of 01 to 23 the bill was taken up.
Section 1 of the bill was adopted , providing
for creating n board of transportation of the
five chief olllcers of state , excepting the gov
ernor , and authorising them to appoint three
secretaries and a clerk , nnd providing Hint
they shall each glvu n bond of S10.000.
Section U wns mutilated and remolded
until It reads : "No otilcer , agent or em
ploye of any lallroad corporation or express
company , nor nny person who has ueen
within six months an employe of any rail-
load or express company , nor nny person
holding nny stock or bonds of. or In any
manner pecuniarily Interested innnvinll-
load corporation or u\ptess company , shall
bo appointed or employed ns secretary or
clerk by said board ; nor shall mote than two
of such secretaries belong to the same polit
ical partv.
Section 3 was amended by Inserting the
quoted welds given below : Said board shall
have the general supoi vision of all ralhoadt
operated by steam In the state , and shall
Inqtihc into nny neglect of duty , or violation
of nny of tlio laws of this stnto. "nnd the
common law relating to common carriers for
hire and lo enloiculhu same against nil un
just discrimination nnd oxtoitlons , nnd to
lepcul ornmend nil by-laws , rules nnd regu
lations ot railroads for their goveinment or
the government of the public , upon com-
lalnt filed , " by milroad cotpomttons doing
usiness In this state , etc.
Sections 4 and ft were adopted entire.
"When fieclion 0 was reached a snag was
.truck. . Tlie lri ! : : has called attention to ccr-
aln words giving thu board power to except
'rom the prohibition of discrimination cur-
, aln competing points. This excepting Ian-
guago Mr. Dnmpster moved to strike out.
Mr. llarlnn seconded thu motion. The word-
ig of lho Dill was defended like this :
Should lho Union Pacific , which is com-
lelled to ship from Omaha to Lincoln at the
amo rate as Is given by the B. Ac M. , be com-
tolled to charge no more llinn this rate to
mints along Its line , although these points
nay bo further from Omaha than Lincoln Is
3V the B. it M. Hue ? Mr. Fuller asked this
tuestion : Does It not indicate that the B. &
M. Is charging more than n reasonable rate
, vhen the Union Pacific can meet it in com-
"tltion ? lieing answered that thu Union
'acllic ' would lose money by 30 doing , he
asked : Does not the Union Pacific then
naUu up by high freight rates to intermedi
ate towns what It lost nt Lincoln.
Tlie section wns at length passed. It being
oo knotty a piohlcm for immediate solution.
Upon subsequent sections there wns uo
Iscusslon until 11 win reached. Then
be trouble began. This section gives
.ho board the power to fix n
-ate subject to a maximum rale which the
leglslatuie establishes. Several amendments
ind substitutes vveio ollcrcd , and pending
discussion the house adjourned.
The house passed the following bills this
ftornoon :
To amend the law icgaullng road
To luunlbo nets of commissioners of deeds
n foreign countries.
Toobllgatosecret , benevolent and frateinal
iocletles with insurance leatuies lo lilo wlih
heslalo auditor swoiu statements of llieir
inancial condition.
* tif. c.u.mvni.i.'s II > IA. :
The following Is n substitute offered by
dr. Cnldvvell of Lancaster for section 11 of
ho railroad bill , nnd It is so'iiuwhnt of inter-
; st because it has stiong advocates in the
louse , nnd Is In reality the meat ol the bill :
Suction 11. It shall bo the duty ot every
railroad company doing business in the stnto
lo post up and keep posted in each ol Us
depots in this state plainly printed copies
of its schedules of rates for the transnoita
lon of all freights , of the different classlhca-
Ions , showing the rate of chaiges per 100
pounds and also per car load ; and when any
chance shall be made in such schedules , such
revised schedules shall bo nrinled and kept
poslcd up ns ntorcsaid. Whenever any poi
son shall make complaint , In writing , lo the
board oC transposition that any i all way in
'ho state of Nebraska charges , demands or
ecclves an unjust or extoitlonalu late
'or tbo shipment of nny article or
class of fieight or car from ono
.olnt within the state to another point
within the state , thu said board of commis
sioners shall forthwith pioceed to oxamluo
Into the Until ot such complaint , and In caio
they shall ascertain or detcimlnu that such
complaint Is true ol any charge so com
plained of is unjust or excessive , said boaid
of transportations shall llx maximum i.ilu of
tarlll for the transposition of such ni tides ,
or class of fieight between such polnls.
which said freight tariff so adjudged by said
boaid of commissioners to bo just anil rea
sonable shall ho peisunded in allcomtsot
law and elsewhoie , to ho just and ic.tsoiiable
and such findings of said boaid shall bo
nrima faclu evidence in any court at law erIn
In equity that any greater charge or tariff
for tlio transposition of such aitleles , or
class of freight between suit ! polnls Is unjust ,
excessive nnd oxloitionate.
Senate I'mcocdingi.
LINCOLN. Neb. , Feb. 18. Special Tele
gram to the Bii.J : : The Hist thing the senate
did this morning wns to ngico lo adjourn at
noon until Wednesday at JO o'clock , and
thai the special outers sot lor Monday bo cai-
rled over Ull Wednesday. Two or Unco bills
that crept In yesterday were read the fust
time , and n number of others ) cad the second
time. The senate then adjourned.
Considering tlio Charter.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Feb. 18. [ Special Telczram
to the BEI : . | The judiciary commltteo of the
house commenced consideration of thu
Omaha charter this evening. The committee
Is considering Ihu bill alone and will do but
little except read the sections to which atten
tion lm- > been drawn by piovlous discussions.
II In nn Awsnroil Faot and the Town
CHAIWON , Neb. , Feb. IS.-Special | Telegram -
gram to the Bii.J : : Thu opoiators at the
aitoslan well at this place nunln succeeded
In overcoming the caving In ol thn well b >
driving 200 led moro casing , and after cleniv
Ing out reached the coal vein at ! I o'clock
ycbterdajTlio engineer In charge of UK
work drilled thn next eight feet with gieai
caiu nnd preserved nil the material broughi
up by the sand pump. To-day ho made ;
careful assay of this sand nnd pumping :
with most gratifying results. Immediately
overlaying the coal vein was n blue claj
slate , containing fossils of lho Permlnr
type , inteiestlng specimens of which have
been pioscrvcd , A careful compntalloi
of lho ( inanity taken out show :
lho existence of a vein about llfly Inches U
thickness. Many coal experts have examinei
nnd pronounced the coal to be similar to tin
best Wyoming coals. Contractor J. II. BoW'
man , when interviewed , expressed surprls *
that coal should he discnveied within and si
far trom the border of n largo Permian niea
nnd can only account for U upon the theorj
that His a pocket , similar to that found h
Lincoln county , Missouri. As to the quality
however , he is of the opinion that It Is a coktnt
coal , us the decided cubical cleavage bcoms U
Indicate. If so , its valuu as tlio best ot bltu
nilnous coal would bo beyond doubt. /
hasty pioximatu analysis shows U to contali
about 05 i > cr cent of lived carbon , ! > 0 per ccnl
of volatile combustible nnd U } per runt cacl
of ash nnd moisture. Talk is nheady rlfi
concerning Iho feasibility of sinking n sluil
lo mine lho coal. TliN w ill bo eompamtlvi'l !
easv , as the formation Is without nny ban
rock and entirely free fiom water mm quick
band , The valuu ot lho find and it
Importance to northwestern Nebraska i
considered to bo bujond compute. Tin
operators have kept a complete iccord of tui
important venture In nrtoslun well borlm
and na\o samples of all thefatrnta drllltn
through , every hv o feet of thu entire dlstano
being examine and a. quantity of tbo eartl
preserved. Arrangements have already beoi
made with Professor lucks , ' ol Lliicolu , t <
classify the strains in their order In glass
tubes to represent the well In miniature. One
pet of the tubes will bo placed In the univer
sity nt Lincoln nnd others In like Institutions
elsewhere. Tlio wntcrworks company tins
made provision for the payment of the ox-
pcnso of lho valuable record , for which it
cannot bo lee highly commended. Real
estate hns taken nn upvvnrd boom , the valun-
lions having risen from 83 to 60 per cent.
The depth nt which the coal was found is 075
feet , The prc ont Intention is to sink an
other shaft. The location favored seems to
bn on the White river , near the old town of
Chadion ,
A Northwest Nebraska
VALINTINI : : , Neb , , Feb. 18. ISpcclal Tele
gram to the Uii.J : : A terrible bll//.ard Is
now raging here , the worst for years. There
Is n heavy fall of snow , which is forming In
Immense drifts. The signal ofllco marks the
wind's velocity at seventy-six miles per
hour. The loads arc heavily blockaded and
no trains arc running. The storm , from Its
severity , will cause much suffering to both
man alut beast thioughout this section.
The LcHlor Hull Deoldcd in l-'avor of
Nnw Yoiuc , Feb. 1& Judge Coxe , nt the
close of the nigumcnts In the case of Lester
ngnlnst Henjaniln F. Butler , which hasbeen
on Irial for several days , says : "Bofoio I
direct the jury lo find n veidict In
favor of the defendant , It will bo necessary
lo renew lho facts of lho case and consider
lho time when these nets took place. No ono
who has listened to lho testlmonv can doubt
for n moment that Lester was
helping the confeduiacy. . It will
be seen that the plalnlllf was
n slave owner ; that he was encased In
lliomaiiufactuic of arms for lho conlodcr-
ncy ; Hint when ho wns arrested ho had in Ills
possession n contract to pmeliasc n fast
vessel to run lho blockade ; that when Mrs.
Lester was searched drafts were found in her
possession on peoplu In Canada who weio
connected with tlm confederacy ; that Lester
had taken several oaths ol allegiance butoro
ho crossed the line , nnd that ho was con
nected wllh lho Dlockndo runners. All Iheso
facls are considered by the mili
tary commission , which was n legally
constituted body. The defendant wns
majoi-gcneral In command ol the de
partment ol Virginia , and accoullng to thu
mllllary code was bound lo obey the com
mands of his supeilors. He received orders
from Ilio secretary of war to examine nnd nr-
rcst thu plaintllf , and U hu hnd disobeyed
thesu oidurs lie would have been punished.
The act of May 10 , IVI , exempts the de
fendant from ptosccutlon for dam-
nges. As the commission wns legally
constituted , Us judgments is not
to be questioned. I can see no defect In the
organi/atlon of our court , and it isentiiely
ciear that this deleuilaut cannot bo held
responsible tor these acts , and I direct you
to hnd a verdict In favor ot the defendant. "
The jury biought in a veidict as thu comt
directed , and Lester's counsel made a motion
for a stay of proceedings lor tlility days ,
which was gianied.
A. Boston Hnil ) . > z/.ter Brought Hack
From tlio Dominion.
BOSTON ; Mass. , Feb. 18. [ Special Tele
giam lo the Bin.J : William P. Spear , clerk
for U. 11. Whllo & Co. . left Boston for
Montreal on December 2-4 , 1SSG , carrying
Sl.fiOO with him. He obtained the money by
holding back silver ceitilicatcs obtained In
exchange for silver nt lho United Slates sub-
Irensuiy. Spear and his family look looms
on St. Catherine street , whllher ho was tiaced
by nn agent ot Wi''gin & Wood , of this clly.
This agent told Spear ho was selling Amer
ican cigars smuggled to Canada , and wanted
a pnrtner during the carnival week. They
ran a booth near the toboggan slide. Then
Spear was told that in order to get nny more
cignis he must sue the "boss smuggler , " who
did not time to enter Canada lor fear of ni-
rest. The ex-eletk fell into the trap , and ac
companied the detective on a sleigh ride. Ho
was taken across lho line to St. Albans , Vt.
Spear and tlio agent weio sitttng down lo
dinner at a hotel when Detective Wood 011-
leied. "Heie is my boss , " said the detective
ns Wood entered the loom. "I am glad to
see you , Spear , " said Wood. " 1 nm not
glad to see you. " said Spear , iccognt/lnc ;
him at once , and sinking back much over
come Into tha chair liom which he had just
lisun. Finding himself linn sately caught , made no resistance , and agreed to
come to Boston without the governor's
icquibltion. Ho vvns anaigwd before the
ninnieipil court yesterday , and pleaded
guilty to tiio chatgu of euibv/.leinent.
The Canadian I'liolllo Kailrntid ns a
AVintnr Home.
HNr.vv YOIIK , Feb.1s. . [ Special Telegiam
lo lho Bun. ] The Tribune's Montieal
special says : The Canadian Pacific lailway
has been completely blockaded with snow for
the past tluee weeks. It has been Imnossiblo
lo obtain exact information in ie'iiid to lho
extent , for eveiy ono connected with the
management pieseivcs the closest reticence ,
but so far as can be lealned fiom caielnl In
quiry lho blockadu Is practically complete.
The road west of Winnipeg has been block
aded for twenty-three days and especially In
Sclkhk and west of Coluarry. The snow
sheds there have failed to ntloid piotcctlon
In consequence of heavy land slides which
have demolished them In several places.
The portion nt the load running tlnoiigli
Fr.uer liver valley Is blocked by snow and
rosky land slides. For some tlmo Fra/er
liver has been tro/en up at the mouth so that
vessels could not tench Vancouver Island.
To add lo thu dilllciilties the company's sup
ply of coal at many points lias been ox-
unlisted and thu blockade prevents Ihu slock
being leplt'lilslied , and It isiepmted that a
huge number ot "dead" cnzlnes have been
abandoned in Selkirk range and on both
sides ot U. It is believed to bo doubtful If
Ihu toad will bj able to run lialns legnlarly
much befoio the lirst ot May. It appears that
the whole line vvestot Winnipeg , and per
haps from that place cast to 1'oit Arthur , on
Lake Supoilor , Is blocked wllh snow.
An Italian Uprising.
WAUK , Mass. , Fob , 18 , The Italian labor-
cis employed on the Central Massachusetts
railway stiuck yesleiday ngainst alleged III-
tiealment by n sub-contractor. Thu nutorl-
llcs were pioceedlng to tiiiCbtSalvatorPignn-
losn , the leader , when thov weio met by n full
to ice of Italian1 ! , headed bv Pignaio a ,
matching under nn Italian flag , armed with
clubs , revolvers nnd guns. Thu olllcers en
deavored lo ni rest thu leader , when Ihu Ital
ians filed nt them , The ollieers returned thu
the , when the Italians scittmed In all Hi ac
tions. In the contusion Pignalosa was cap
tured and ono ot tlio Italians , named Lavoro ,
was shot and piobably faudly Injiued. it Is
feaied that when thu Italiuis learn ol the
shooting ot Lnvoro there will by n peneial
utilising tor revenge , Great excitement pru-
The CoiiuiStrike | ,
Nnw YOIIK , Feb. 18 , The stiiko of the
coopers In Ibis cltv lias not yet Interfeicd
much with lho tiado of millers. Plenty of
barrels are In stuck and If moro are needed
they can bo obtained irom small cooper shops
or from Minneapolis , \\heie millions nro al-
wnvsonhand , but It Is not expected this
will be necessary.
Opposition to Ureely.
Dr.TiioiT , Feb. IS.-Charlcs D. Clark , of
thlscltj1 , administrator of Lieutenant Klb-
llngburj' . Is endeavoring to arouse opposi
tion ' .o the confirmation by the senate of
Captain A. W. Greely to bo chief ot the slg-
nnl service. Thu renson given UGreelj'b
leported 111 trealment of Klsllugbury in tha
Arctic regions.
Jumped Into Jail.
PniLAi > ni.i'iuA , Feb. 19. Lavvronco Donovan
van , the Brooklyn bridge Jumper , leaped into
lho Schuylklll river from the Clipstnut street
bridge at 7 o'clock this morn1 Uo was
a [ wrested and held hi 5WO ball
The Kentucky Statesman Mentioned For the
Treasury Portfolio ,
A Commotion Created fly n Heport on
United States Consular Olll-
oers In Orcnt Urltalu
Nntlonnl N'ovvs.
Cnrllsln as M-mnlns's Successor.
WASHINGTON , Fell. IS. [ Special Telegi am
totho lli.E. ] There nro a lot of flesh reports
In circulation to-night about the sccrctaryslilp
of the treasury. Again It Is niinounccd and ,
with reassuraitcf , tlwt Speaker Caillslo
lias boon invited to become the successor of
Mr. Manning. It la scarcely necessary , hut
Mt. Caillslo's friends deny that thuro Isnny-
thlng In Iheso reports. Tlioy s.iy , anil It
comes of sensible nnaimunl , that though Mr.
Cattlslo might bo njsooil man for thu place ,
tlii'ie would be uo political advantage Rained
by his selection , and that If lie Is to bo a help
to the administration ho can bo of vastly
more sci vice- where hols. It Is argued per
contra , however , that Speaker Carlisle sees
a lUht coming npoii htm for a lo-olectlon to
the position ho occupies In the house oppo
sition from the nnti-tarllt democrats and
.hat since he Is to succeed Senator Beck , It
ivould be a happy thine for him to stop Into
lie treasury portfolio and remain till ho can
no into the senate. Generally there Is little
r no credence given to the announcement
hat Mr. C.ulislo will succeed Secretary
Manning ,
Another Improvement has been made at
hehlto house by which the president and
Irs. Cleveland will have moic privacy than
ilthcrto In that portion of the mansion
illuttcd to tholr use. Colonel Wilson , supei-
nlcmUmt of iiidillc buildings and ( 'rounds ,
ms comploteil a partition In the coirldor on
ho second door which cuts elf a largo room
between the library ami blue chamber
'ormcily used by Mrs. Sartorls , nee Nellie
! nnt. Under the old ariangcmcnt a long
jorihlor slmllai to the ono lacing the public
> ailor on the lirst lloor extended Ilio whole
ongtli of the whllo house from the glass
leers which le.ul Into the cabinet room , and
t frequently happened that vlsltui.s to the
ibraiy wont nstiay alter leaving the piesl-
li'iit This will bo obvlatoil In lutuic by the
lew partition , which now IIIMIIOS absolute
nlvacv tor Mrs. Cleveland , and besides gives
icr n cosy sitting room , at the head ot the
irlvato stairway. Handsome plenties line
the walls , tall growing plnnti aio tastetully
lisposed in every available space , whllo
luMiilons divans , inlaid tables and liandsomo
lurnttuio ol evciy descrltion ) ) are disposed
ot in a most tastolul manner about the apart
ment. This tills a long needed want at the
\\hlte house , and heicalter theio will be no
Intiiibion upon the picsldcnt or Ins family ,
xor ciii/.L.Ni or Tin : UMHI > si'Arr.s.
Tins leconlly published report of Consul
General Waller that eighty-two of the 110
United States consular olllcers In Gieat Brit
ain aio not clti/ensot America but ot Kng-
l.ind , has eiealed a gical deal ot commotion
in legislative citcles. Theio has been a great
deal ot bolsteious mil ; about a congress onal
inquiry Into this state of tilings and there
will doubtless be a great deal more ot it be-
tore thu evil Is romeiIie < U
An old consului oiliceS4 , who was for many .stationed at onejfa the piiucipal man
ufacturing colliers of Jijugland , in speaking
of this suojoct to your cotrespondent to-day ,
said : "The AHUM lean consular list will con
tinue to contain the names ot scoies ot Kng-
lishiiicn .so long as the tee system is main
tained as the b.isis of compensation. The
earnings ot tlnce-ijuarteis of the commercial
agencies me so small that ai > Ami'ilcan could
not nlford to accept the places ami pay his
own passage to Ills post. For this le.ison
Englishmen aio employed. The .s.vsiem is
vicious in the oxliome , because these F.nghsh-
men aie always patiiotlc , and any infuima-
tion ot valuoto the commercial intciests of
elthci counliy is sine to go to Knglish iiiann-
l.ictmers rather than to Ameileans. This is
not so bad in its effects when Kngland is thu
countiy icpmtcd unon. Hut United States
cun-.nlu otliceisof English Liiilh and Kng-
libh ptcilelictions are loiind in every country
on thn globe. Tiiero are suveial in South
Ameiica , and they are Invaluable aid * to the
commeice of ICnglnnd , because the > always
Mipplj the tacts needed to Englishmen rather
than to Amei leans. "
"What is ihuiuinedj1
"A regular .salaried consular service with
salailes big enough to atloid a living to the
incumbents ot all the olllces1. England pa > s
liei coiisiils enough to Inline each a living ,
and e\eu China pays gioator compensation
to its commeiclal lepiosenUtlvcs than the
United States does. " ION'S ri-ri'iin. Frank llatton , who
has been hero lor several days , left tills even
ing lor Chicago , llu savs there is noli nth
in the repoit that Walker Blaine is negotiat
ing tor Urn puichasoof his newspaper , the
Mail , but acknowledges that other parties
aio trying to and may purchase it. Should
it go out of Ills hands ho may locate In Wash
ington and establish a republican nc\vspapcr.
JIo intended doing this beloro ho went to
Chicago , hut gave up thu Idea on account of
being unable to procure the logular piess re-
ports. Ho thinks theio is a magnificent field
tor a llvn nowMMper lieie , published morning
and evening. A sjstem ot specials by means
ot a special who to New VOIK can bo secured
\\liloh would be ptcferablo to the n-gnlar repoils. Mr. llatton is popular In
Washington and knows the licld thoioughly.
1'enslons were granted to thu following
Ncmaskaiis to-day : Win. J. Miller , Hlalr ;
Fiedeilck Allan , Omaha.
Pensions giantwl lowans : Einilv C. ,
mother ot Silas G.mett , Delta ; Mary , widow
ot Daniel Wheaton , otlumwa ; Abiaham 0.
Fiirnoy. Oscoola : deo. T , Dimtley , I'raiiio
City ; t'alvin U. Campbell , Abingdon ; J'orter
1'le.isint , Blimingium ; Atthiit T. Okoy ,
Coining ; Tliomas II. .Martin , Dronning ;
John Miohm , Wankon ; Wm. A. Simons ,
Coining. Incieasi-s ot pensions : John
Smith , Uuiinell ; Miehael it Segillf , Biooki ;
Abraham Hose , Kichhnd ; Andruw .1. Shop-
heid , Conpock ; Uobcit Kelley , Trenton ;
lij.uc V. Hauls , llnulbtirg ; Madeson Able ,
Watuiloo ; Daniel vVhoaton. decease , ! ,
Ultiimwa ; Thom.isS. Garliek , Hopkintun.
Mii.ii.virt MArii.ns.
Lieutenant Stephen L. Hohmedleu SIo-
cum , Klglith eavilry , nnd Lieutenant J.euis
H , btrother , First Infantry , have in rived at
thn Khhett.
Aimv Uuves granted : Lieutenant W. W.
Forsjtb , .Sixth eav.ihy , one monthexteiision ;
First Llo'itenant ' IMwanl S Fallow , Tivtmty-
Hist Infantry , twenty davs extension ; Major
William S , Tieinaine , surgeon , lour months
still fin I her extension til sick lenve ; LIciitcn-
mil Colonel dcoigd H , Killot , cotps ot engi-
neeis , one \ear sick le.ive. 10 go nbioad ;
Lieutenant W. A. Merper , KUhlh Inlantiy ,
two months extension.
Army luiloughsj authmUed : Sergeant
Daniel Malonin- , company C , Sixth Intantry ,
Foil Douglas , Salt Lal.o City , lour months ;
First Sergeant James lloldon , company H ,
Twentj--lourth Infantry. Kort Supply , Indlun
territoiy , lour months ; I'llvnto Georgu Fitz
gerald , tioop F , Filth cavalry , I'oit Snply | ) ,
lour montiis ; Pilvnto Amos
M. Sixleenlh Infantry , San Antonio , Texas ,
fem inonllis , with permission lo go abroad ;
Prlvnto 1'Vdetlck Dlehe , companv A , Nine
teenth Intantry , Foil Claik , Texas , loin
months lo go abroad.
Lieutenant Joseph S. Powell , signal corps ,
who has been stationed at Omaha on duty In
connecllon with the auxiliary signal icports
of the Union I'acllie , Is relieved fiom that
duly and urdeicd back to thu chtet signal
The secretary of vvrtr has detailed n hoarl ;
nut William Balrd , Sixlh cavalry , as iccoider ,
to convene next week at Jellerson Bairacks ,
Mo. , to consider and jeporC on the buaject ol
hon > o blioelm ; In the aimy.
.lanws N. Ulack was to-day appointed post
master at Glendak- , Antelope county , via
Frank A , Black , resigned , also the following
In Iowa : I ) . 11. Tooker. Merrill , 1'lvnioutli
county , vice Lottlsn Dodson , resigned ; ( } . H.
Kctsi , Sargeants lUulTs. Woodbury county.
vice ,1. A. Tatt , removed. The postofllco at
Case , Hamilton comity , Nebraska , was dis
continued to-day.
The name of the postolllco at Marenco ,
Hall county , was changed to St. Michael , and
A. .1. Nicholas appointed postmaster , \ico K.
A , Drake , suspended.
. . . '
Thomas Hrvant , president of the First Na
tional bank of Schuvler , Neb. . Is here.
Mrs. Mcl'hcrson and Mrs. Matidcrson , as
sisted by n number of of friends , had numer
ous visitors at their reception to-day.
A daughter was born to Captain and Mrs.
A. W. CJrccly this morning.
WASHINOTON , Feb. is. In the senate to-
[ lay Mr. Edmunds presented the conference
cport on the Utah polygamy bill In the shape
f n substitute for both senate and house bills
net It was agired to ! ! T to IS. The bill now
; oes to the president.
liesolutlons of thuMalno leglslatuie were
aid before the senate in legard to trade reta-
Ions with Canada. Laid on the table. The
ireamblo states that the Dominion govern-
uont lias placed such interpretation on ex-
sting treaties 4 to abridge greatly the just
Ightsatiil pm ileges of Amei lean fishermen
n Canadian waters , and that their tieatment
! ias been a direct violation ol the principles
tf comity and good nclghhoihood : and the
i evolutions tavor the enactment ot such la\\s
nnd the adoption of such icguiatlons on the
pait of the American govoinmcnt and a
stiict enfoicement ofthe same as will place
Canadian tishcimon ( within the jurisdiction
of the United States ) under the same intcr-
illctlons asAmdilcan tishermcn are subjected
to In Canadian waters , nnd also that such in
creased duty bo levied on lish fioni Canada
as practically to exclude Canadian lisheimen
'rom the nd\antnico of thu American market.
A bill was repotted ironi the committee
nnd placed on thu calendar to convoy to the
city of Atuoia , 111. , a small Island In thu Fox
Iver within the city limits.
The senate then uioceeded to consideration
of the river and harbor bill. The bill re
ported by the committee on commerce as a
substitute lor the bill passed by the house
was read and various amendments were nt-
fered bv the chairman ot the committee ( Mc
Millan ) and vveio adopted.
Mr. Edmunds moved to stilko out of sec
tion 3 ( which provides lor the acquirement
by condemnation of land or material ueccs-
saiy in the prosecution of works of Improve
ment ) , the piov Iso authorising the secretary
! > f war. when the price asked by the owner
jhall bo icasonable , to miiehase the property
without tin ther delay. He icgardcd. that as
a very extiaordlnary anil dangerous power
'o give to the secietary otvar. .
Mr. McMillan said that lie did not tavor
.he proviso , nor did he favor the third sec
tion atnll. A tier discussion the motion to
strike out was defeated yeas , 17 ; nays , H7
' .nit thii section and pi ovisoveie b th modi-
words "or mateiial. "
lied by striking out the
Without dlbposmg of the bill the senate ad
join lied till to-morrow.
WA.SIIINO i ON. Feb. IS. Mr. Hayiies of
New Hampshiie. stated that Tuesday next at
o'clock , ho would ask the house to take
apptopilate action relative to the death of
Senator 1'lke of New Hampshire.
On motion of Mr. Townscnd of Illinois
the senate amendments to the invalid pen
sion bill weie non-concurred In and a con
ference ordered.
Mr. Tovvnsend , fiom the committee on
appropriations , icpotled the hill appropilat-
Ini ; frlOGy,104 for the payment ot Mexican
in 1 1 other pensions. Committee of the whole.
Mr. Weaver of Nebraska called up the
vetoed pension bill of Simmons W. Hart.
Tlio housu letuscd to jiass the bill ovcrtho
\eto-veas , 14S ; nava , OS , not thu nesessaiy
two-thirds in the allUmatlvc.
Tlie then went into committee of the
whole for liniher ronsldeiatlon ol the senate
amendments to the sundry civil appiopiia-
tlon hill. Alter disposing of ISO ot tlie'JiiO
amendments , the committee rose nnd the
house toolc a recess , the evening session to
be for consideration ot pension bills.
The house , at its evening session , passed
twenty-thieo pension bills and at 10 o'clock
Provisions of tlio.Ienniirc AH it Passed
WASIIIVOTOX , Feb. 18. The first sit sec
tions ol the Utah polygamy bill apply to pio-
sccutions for .bigamy , adultery , etc. , and
make a vviie orlnisband a competent witness ,
but not to bo compelled to testily. The bill
fin ther applies to the m.uriage ceiemony ,
disapproves nnd annuls all territorial laws
lecogniz'.ng the capacity of illo Itimato child-
ion lo Inherit or be entitled to any distribu
tive sluue in the estate ot thu tathei ; dlsap-
pioves and aiinulb the terrltoilal laws con
ferring jurisdiction upon piobato courts
( VN Ith certain exceptions ) ; makes it the duty
of the attorney general ot the United States
to Institute pioceeclings to escheat to the
United States the propcity of corporations
obtained or held In violation of section ! t of
the act of .July , 1WU , the piocecds of such es
cheat to bo applied 10 the u e and benefit of
the common schools In the territory ;
dlsappioves and annuls all laws of the legis
lative assembly creating or continuing the
Pcipctual Emigration Fund company , and
dissolves that corpoiatlon ; dliects piocced-
ings for the disposition ot the property and
assets of the Emigiatlng Fund company ( all
such pioperty in excess of debts and lawful
claims is to escheat to the United States lor
the benefit of the common schools in the
tciritoiv ) ; dlsappiovcs nnd annuls the acts
ot the legislative ) assembly Incoiporating or
piovidlng tor the Church ot .lesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints , anil dissolves that coipot-
ation ; makes it the duty ot the attorney gen-
eial of thu United States to Institute legal
pioeecdlngs to wind up thn allalrs of the
corporation : makes ptovlslons as to the en
dowment ot widows , who are to have one-
thhd ot the Income ot the estate as
their dower ; makes It unlawful
for any woman to vote In any election and
annuls the acts of the lo.'lslatlvo assembly
\\licli permit female miltiago ; leiiniies of
Miteian oath or atllmmtlon to support the
constitution and ohny the laws , esueeiallj thu
anti-poljgamy actol Maieh a. , IbW , and this
act ; gives all religious societies , sects and
congiegatlons the right to hold , tlnomih
tiustccs appointed by the nrobato court ,
propel tv fin houses olorsliln and paison-
iui'S. Thu twenty-seventh and last section
annuls all the toiritoiial laws lor the organ-
i/ation of militia or for the creation ot the
Nauvoo Legion , and gives thu legislative as
sembly of Li tali power to pass laws lor organ-
I/ing militia subject to the ot con-
gloss. Thugeneial olllcers ot militia are to
bo appointed bv the goveinor ot the territoiy
with the advice and consent ol the council.
A Grottiilmokcr'H lloligion.
WASHINGTON , Feb. lb. The National
View will print to-moriow a letter from
( leoige ( ) . Jones , chaiinmn of the national
greenback labor party of New VorK , with
reference to the national labor convention
which Ins been called to meet at Cincinnati Mr. Jones cUaipproves of
the pioposed convention. He sajs that the
national greenback naity will ha\c no olllcial
iceognltion at the meeting beyond what may
bi dhtalned through Its national committee ,
which , lor some nnoxplalncd icason , has
been called to meet there on the day preccd.
Ing the conference , hlncercly believing that
nn intelligent rnderstanding of the MI-
called greenback priiiciples constitutes dod'is
religion on earth for this day and gener
ntion. and not being informed that those
principle * are to bo made the leading icatnro
of the comliii ; oonforence , ho will not attend
that gathering. Ho oilers no advice to others ,
but If Cod spares his Ilio until thu campaign
of isfcb ho will meet with those who eomu to
gether , however front or small theh numbers
may be , as national green backers.
The Country Noeda .
WASHINGTON , Feb. 18-Tno house com
mittee on military atfalra to-day icsuiued
consideration of t.he McAdoo bill , which ap
530,000,000 for coast defenses ,
jilcntonant Oeneral Sheridan was present by
Invitation , llo said that he had heretofore
refrained from expressing any export onlnlon
on the subject of coast ilclense , but In his
uovvwhat the country needs at present Is
gnus , and VTHMI | thcM ) havobern procured It
jvlll bo proper to take up the question of for
WASHINOTON , Feb. 18. Doforo the Texas
Investigating committee to-day (5. W. Hrovvn
( colored ) , county commissioner , was recalled
nnd Identified a paper lie tound pinned to his
saddle. It vvnsna follows :
( } . W. HrovvnAs lepubllcanlsm Is dead ,
dead \VrtsliinRton county , j on had better
teslgn and leave the county , or jotiwlllbo
killed ,
Thoslgnaluio was a picture of a cocked
gun.C. . B. Potter testified that ho received the
following paper thioimh the malls :
"Dee. 83.C. . 11. I'ottcr : Sir Wo hnvo
been waltlnc for some time tor voutonr-
lange your business and leavu this county.
ThN Is to Inform yon that If you persist In
staying many davs longer yon will bo dealt
with In a very sovcio manner.
( Signed. | Cmu.NsVCouxrv. \ \ . "
the I'oiiBlon Veto.
Feb. IS. The president's
\eloof the dependent relatives pension bill
wns discussed by the house commltteo on
valid pensions to-day , but no formal vote on
the matter was taken. The sub-commlttco
l at woik pieparlng a report recommending
the pnssago of the bill over the veto and It is
expected that this loport will bo laid before
the lull committee to-moiiow , and when a
vote Is taken the matter will bo cnllcd up In
the house.
The I'ostolllcc Appropriation.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 18. The house com-
illleu on poslolllccs and poslroads lo-day
greed lo accept all the amendments to the
oslolllco npproprlntlon bill pioposcd hy lho
ennte , except that paying a subsidy for the
rnnsportntton ol foreign malls , nnd In Ihls
Impo it will borepoitcd to tlio house nnd n
onfcrcnco requested.
1A Tn ljlt-t ! * > J./V.L r.4 f CLI.vL I f T > fill * .
. Hcpro.scutatlvo Kallroad ( Jatlior-
Inc Discusses tlio New Imw.
Niw YOUK , Feb. 18. Tlio trunK line ox-
cullve committee nnd lho Central Tralllc
ssociatlon met at Commissioner Fink's of-
ice to-day and adopted the following icsolu-
ions :
Whereas , The executive commltteo of the
rnnk line commission nnd of the Central
'ralllc association and other members ot the
olnt committee being convened in joint
ucetlng for thu constduinlion of the bear-
ng ot Iho law legulaling inter-state Ireiirht
nd passenger trallic upon clnssllicntlons ,
nrllf and methods ol tlio joint committee ,
eiehy adopt the following resolutions :
Kesolved , That freight rales and classllica-
Ions and passenger tares of the rntlwa.vs
omprlsing the loiut commltteo bo nt oncu
xnmined nnd bo revised in nil rcs ] > ccts In
vhich they aie found not to confoim lo lho
Resolved , That n fieight rate committee ,
height classlncntion committee , nnd n pns-
icnger committee be appointed by thu chair-
nan to conduct said revisions , and thnt each
) t said committees consider , lormulnle nnd
ccommcnd such amendments to the rules
and legulntlons ns mnv hu found required lo
secure n uniform application of the law to the
ubjeclsrefeired to them respectively.
Itesolved , Thnt said committee icporl Ihcir
recommondallons ns speedily and as fully as
iractlcablo to tnc joint commitlce , which
ball then be promptly convened to consldur
and act upon the same.
it was staled also that the question of
lasses was considered , nnd that U was de
cided to recall them and mnko no discrimina
tion except In cases of ministers nnd mis
sionaries. The system ot pooling wns nlso
incidentally touched noon , but nothing do-
inllo was done In the matter , fbe com-
niltee will meet nsniu to-morrow.
The following roads were represented by
mo or mote general otliceis each : I'onn-
> ylvnnla , Jtielimoiul & Danville , LnkoS'ioie
V ; Michigan Southern , Cleveland , Columbus
Cincinnati it Indianapolis , Giand Trunk ,
New Voik it New England , Nickel Plate ,
Michigan Central , Boston .t Albany , Balti
more Ar Ohio , nnd n niimbei ol otheis. Coin-
inissioner Blanchard , ot the Central Trallic
issociation , and Commissioner Abbott , of
; ho Southwestern Passenger association ,
were also present , making altogether an un
usually large lepiesoiitaiion ot the railroad
uteri-its ( it the country. Several loads had
Iroin two to thiee oxccutlvo olliceis iiiescnt.
The Tariff Itcvislon.
CHICAOO , Feb. 18. Tlie height ngonls of
lho Western Tialllc association were busy
[ o-day nt their woik of revising laiilfs be
tween Chicago nnd Council Bluffs. It ; Is
stated that some of the local Iowa rates were
cut down and Hint the rates adopted corro
pond with those arranged by the olhcials of
the Southwestern association.
'lho geneial passenger ngents of thn South
western Passenger association lines to-day
concluded a four days' session given over lo
thu consideration of the inter-state com
merce law. Their conclusions , covering
twenty-lour printed foolscap pages , will bo
submitted to the geneial managers Monday.
They recommend lho abolishment of 1,000-
mile tickets , theatrical rntes nnd passes , nnd
mo uncertain as to whether any special rnlos
can bi < made.
Vrl-ta King Itrutnllty ,
CincAno , Fob. 18. [ Special Telegram to
thu BII : ; . ] Ono of the most despointo prl/o
lights that has taken place In this city for
j ears came off nt n point just outside the lim
its last night , the principals being George
Diiclmrmo , better known as Tommy Chand
ler's unknown , and James Dohoggany , who
fought n draw with Glover on tlneo different
occasions. The light was attended by fifty
board of trade operators and was kept pro
foundly seeiet. Diicharmo had tlio bust of
the light until the fifth round , when' Dohox-
gany dellveicd n tenllio il.'ht-hander that
btaggeied tils opponent and for a moiiiont it
looked as it the light was over. Diicharmo
lallied , however , lighting viciously , and soon
battcied Dohoggany'n face out ot semblance
of humanity. In the tonileenth lonml Do
hoggany began to glow ery weak liom the
punishment received and thu tight was BO
licico and tlio blown sn severe that many of
thu spectators weakened nnd were obliged to
leave thu loom. From the fourteenth to the
twentieth lound Duchnrmu had It all his own
way , and In the twentieth knocked Dohog
gany out. Both men vveio tenibly battcied ,
being covcicd witli blood tiom head to loot ,
tholrJavvo and eyes .swollen ami black and
their features generally dlstoited.
Cmr.Uio. T'eb. in The Daily News'
special tiom Peorla. III. , savs Dan Delaney.
of btrritfold , Canada , and Jim Comcis , oi
Philadelphia , both light weights , tniight u
tame six-round contest this morning. He-
laney wassutfeiliu tiom a sprained wrist
and was defeated , Anotliei I'eorian and
i'bil.idelpliian fought eight bloody rounds ,
the lattei being defeated ,
Various ICInilK \\oatlier. .
Sr. I'AHI. , Minn. , Feb. 18. Ono of the
worst ftorms of the season raged last nUht ,
and Is not yet over , Tlio BUOW which \ < .
now falling was preceded last night by ; i
sleet and tain , which this imnnlng fioionii
the street ear tiacks , causing travel to be
very dilllenlt. Funr to H ! < C Inches ot snow
had fallen up to9:30 : and thu wind Is causing
bad dulls , Tiahis in all dhectlnns niodu
lujcd , the blunt line trains between ( lib city
nnd Minneapolis lonuliing two engines tt
pull tlneo carotliiouh. Tliomeretny Is U
above ,
1\\K \ \ Iron WorUn to llcopcii ,
ST. houis , Fob. IS. The Industrial
Ua/ctto has positive Information that nego
tiations are now on foot , which will re .ult n
ro-btnrting thu Meier iron works , located jub
across the river in Illinois , opposite Soutl
St. hauls. These works were built by u Ger
man syndicate In the seventies at n cost o !
gl5,000COJ , and have bun idle fin se\tra
NnhrnsVa and low.iVentIKr. .
For Nebraska tiinl Iowa ; Fair weather
followed by local nxlr > 3 or snow ; Wiiimcr.
Uusucoessfnl Attempt of n Bos Moincs
to Hong Herself iu n Well ,
The Tiout Murder Case nt
City Submitted to the Jury
Crest on Grants n Water
works Charter.
A Young ( Jli-l'fl Uash tlocil.
Dr.a MotNi'.B , In. , Feb. IS. [ Special Tela
pram to the lH.i.l : Last evening nbout 7rd :
Mrs , ,1. T. Clark , of No. Oil Lyon stieet , Knst
DCS Mollies , soul her sister Floienco to tha
barn on nn errand. The girl was afraid , ns It
wns ilnilt , nnd prevailed upon n joungor sis- ,
ler , Minnie , lo accompany her. Taking n
lantern they slarted , cniefnlly picking Ihelr
way , and when within n few feel of lho well
wuto startled by n groan and faint unirjlliiK
sound. Minnie , pale with fright , ran to tell
Mrs. Claik , while Fhncnco , with commend
able pluck nnd nerve , nppioached the well ,
slowlyialslng the lantcin. As slid did BO
Us lajs disclosed the figure of n cltl hanging
downward wllh a rope about her neck , the
other end being tied lo lho
pump lop. Floionco ran lo her
nnd dropped lho lantern , raised the woman
n little nnd icmoved the cord fiom the pump
cap. Shu then attempted to remove Iho
noose , n morn dllllcult tnsk , ns It wns so
Hchtly drawn that Iticquiied all her strength
to tret her lingers between it and the woman's
neck and loosen lho knot. About this time
Mr. lleslor nnd olhers arrived nnd thu suu
posed suicide , who wns found to bo the
sixteen-year-old sister of Mis. Vlsser , who
lived next door , wns taken into her sister's
house and icstoratlves applied. Shu was un
conscious for live hours or more , but llnally
revived nnd Is now nil light stive for the dis
colored mark about her thioat made by tlio
cord sinking deeply into her Itcsh. U appeals
that she has been moody , hysterical nnd ner
vous for the past mouth nnd on suveral
occasions has shown marked symp
toms of Insanity. She went to
thu well professedly lor a pall of water.
Hanging the pall on the pump spout , slid
went to thu woodshed and secured the cord
wltnthu intention ot Imnging heiself to a
tieo standing' In the ynitl. Findinc , how-1
ever , that she- could not icnch thu lowti
branch she lied ono end of the cord to thu
pump cnp , adjusted the noose carelnlly and
throw herselt forwnid. Belli i of heavy build
she would prohablv have succeeded In shut-
Illugolf tills moital coil in n few minutes hnd
U not been for the two gills. No cause Is as
signed for the deed.
Decided AjraliiHt the Company. ,
Dis : MOINKS la. , Feb. IS. [ Special Tele
gram to the Uii.J : : The jiny in Ihe cnso ot
Crime , n resident of Polk City , ngainst the
Chicago it Noriliwestcrn railroad , biought tti
n verdict for the plnlntilT to-day. An lo tlm
facts on which the application for a writ of ;
mandamus was asked , this Is the icopenlns
of an old cause lo compel Ihu Not th western to
chnnge Its roulo between hero nnd Ames so
thnt It shall pass directly through Polk City
instead of reaching It by a spur two miles
long , as nt present. When the Northwestern ,
n lew ycnrs ngo , nbsorbed the Minneapolis fa
DCS Moincs railroad It agreed to change to
standard Kitago lho narrow Ritago'
road between this city nnjl.Ames. which nt
thai time ran directly tinough the village or
Polk City. As n special inducement tha
place voted it a bonus ot land nnd monry.
The road wns widened , but to avoid grades it
was run two miles east of Polk Citv , making
connecllon only by n spur. Mote or le > a
complaint lias since been made n d now
Ciane , as an Interested parly , asks for a writ
of mandamus to compel the company to
change its route to thnt of the old nariovv
guage. The jut v finds the facts lorthop'aln- '
till and JiuUu ( liven , ol the distilct couit ,
will piobably Issue thu wilt in the inoining. ;
Polk City is about sevenleen miles noith ol
DCS Monies.
The Bli/.zard at Sioux City.
Sioux CITV , Feb. IS. [ Special Telegram
to lho Bnn.1 The bli//.aid of yesterday has ,
again seriously Interfered wllh rnllioad
lialllc. Thotiain on the Milwaukee road
from Sioux Falls was not sent out to-day ,
and others wuio gK'atly delayed. The In
coming tialns weio all late. Almost all the
roads in Dakota nro blockaded nnd have
been lor suveiHl days. A dispatch to-day
liom Hock Kaplds. In. , Is to Ihe effect tlmtj
theio hns been n total blockade thcioslueu
Ihe bth lust. , and no mall has been lecelved
since that date. The Chicago , St. Paul , Min
neapolis it Omaha ralhoad nio lighting Ihelr
way through lho best they can , hut hnvo ex-
lerienced moie delays this winter than ever
Crosion to Ilnvi * Waterworks.
Cnr.vro.v , la , , Feb. IS , ( Special Telegram
to the Bii.1 : : The council passed n resolu
tion last night granting n charter of twenty-
five years to James Gamble , of Now iorlr ,
lor waterwoiks. It takes fifty hydrants for
lire puiposes. Tim work Is to hcrln in
ninety days nnd to be completed by January
In tlio IlnndB ol' tlio tlury.
Sioux CITY , la. , Feb. 18.-SpecIal [ Tele
gram to the Bii.l : : The arguments In the
Irout murder case wore concluded to-day ,
nnd niter n lengthy chnrgo the case wasglven
to the jury between Hand o'clock this niter-
noon. It is haul to picdlct what thu piobablo
veidict will be. A laigo number seem to
think it will bo but n Ion ; , ' sentence. Thd
prosecution iiindo n strong presentation of
tholr case , hut the Insanity doilgo Is hard to
ovei throw.
An Ac01' ' Coujiln Anpliy\luled.
Cii'.vii.ANi : ) , Feb. 18. A special from
Wooster , O , , hays John Batr-'hrnan , tiged
eighty-seven , nnd wife , eighty-live , n wealthy
couple living In Dalton , this county , met a
horrible fate early this inoining , The house
was discovered lo bo on lho nt 1 o'clock by
neighbors , who btnst open the doors ami
found thu nged co.iplu in an asphyxiated ,
Mate. 'J be old man was diagged out dead.
but his wife was bllll living , though It Is mihl
she cannot lecover. Hon. John Banghman ,
of Wooslerayno \ county , the repiusenta-
tlvu of Wnyno county In the letriHlatnie , IP tha
only son of thu aged eouplo Tim liru Is Kiip-
peed to have been caused by the explosion
of n lamp.
lilt ; JJla/eN On Hlaluii Island.
Niw : Vonit , , Feb. 18. During n boveio
lain , thundm nnd lightning Morni this even *
ing one of the bolts about 0 o'clock struck a
largo foui-htorv building on tlm American
rotten TomiiUinsvllle , Staten Island ,
setting I'ne to n nunihet ot cotton hales on the
Ilirit floor. Thu entno lire ( lo ] > aitiiieiit re-
hponded with n number of tugs nnd
( no boats ol this city , and reached
tlm fcccno of the Ilio at n onaiter past
7 The liiu dejiailnutit was iinnnlo to get
thu flames , which now enveloped the vvholu
building , under coniiol , and tinned Its at
tention lo piotectlng other bulIdlngH. Their
efloith In this dheetlon were finltlesH , nnd
two ndjiilnlng waiehoui-cs were Ui'stniyeti.
The huiidlngs eimtiined nlxnit lJkiil ( ( hales of
lotion. 'Iholois Is estimated tit
lully insuied.
Out Their HIOVRH ,
Mii.WAtiiti K , Feb. 18 , 'IhoChlca 50 , Mil-
waiikco it St. I'.aul ralhoad company hits
equipped two passenger iralns between Chl-
ca' q and Milwaukee with an apparatin for
heating by steam liom locomotive * . The ox-
peiimcnt has so far proved bitccossfn ) , but It
has not jot ) iad the teM of seveie weather.
The compipy IB also building nn iron 'icatlng
car to fny n UojJei for gotierutinc ileam
tor heatln' . ' tbo tiuin , and to ruu orit lo the