Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1887, Page 8, Image 8
fi THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : , 1887. FATALI1Y ON TUB VIADUCT , A MlUI l' ' H < l In III" BlfWl fffflfl ft i'flOtflrilib ' OOflQBHf FfeyHUAttY 24 /III llUrtrtfl tVftlllfUl 1MH * J'tilAHH ' III It Wt'lf ' * Mr1tl llimn'fl Hull AffllJ 'Irtl llMIH lllll'rtl A I'rtliil I'nll , ymlnnl-nr nfixinnhii hnlwpnn 0 ntnl I liMVi , it pfiltiUirfull , from tlio tlit'lm'liiHtrijt'hVpnworlli ' ' l'i HIM pwmi'Ml ' below , it distinct ! f-iih t'fl lifiwiMpiokcit tiplntiti llfii'oii ' f IMIM I'lindlllun , ntnl on twmlnn * ( Inn II w 11 ( iiiiiiil Hull lil < * right linn \VM In ok * n In Iwu plftt'i'ff ' thn right tlilgli fiii'i ' < ir < 'I mi , | HIM ill-ad itml fauo li.tdly Ohi'ln I iiinl liHil'O'L ' 'J'liu ' ' pitlrul wagon Will * minion' " ! , Mint Hit ) iinfoi'tuiiato Iliflll win i nnvi'i'i'd to HI , iloiupli's hos- lillnl. MliHi Hint plnoo was roaohud ho Illlil litltiinl nxplrcili mnl ui no doctor Wit * ill HIM Innpllnl nl HIP ( line , M'Wl ' Will brotlJMli lo HIM Omaha Medical cnlli'ltM to hii ( rented by M Biiigeon , but Hii'ln ' wni no medical Mciillummi piosenl , 'Churn Wtti no lli > ud ot mm , howovur , Iw CMIKtl Wllt'll llltl WHUOM AtOppnd LtlWls Wiln dl'ad ' Mm rcmaluM wore taken lotfio ( toriU'rof ' I llli' ' ( > iith mid Williams ntrcots , Whcrn Im redded with hit brothcr-ln-law find /tutor1 Mr. mid MM. llrooks. 'J'liu flf'i'lunilt ' ' wrm ( M't'iinloiiL'd by Lowla' ' step- pllitf upon lliMt'lid ' of mi unsound plank , Which win ndai'd by his weight , proclpl- ( itllliU him lo HID'round ( tin described. lln wiln Iwoniy-Kovcn yeaiH of ago , of lumvv build mid hud boon in this city hut \ \ Wuokf * , hiiVhiK coiiio from lllnnrlinid , ' ' i ( > DIIIIIJ , In Ills rolnllvoi horu are nl o MliiliKiirflt In poor olrcmnsltiiicos , mitl tliti ri'iimliH woru aeuonliiiKlv liroiiKhl lo lluiiutl ft Huufv'fl nnilurluk- llU room.N , wlinru an imtiiust wilt bo hold lit lOo'elook Dili inoniliiu ; . The ron.ulnB will ho fiittll lo Hlnnuliaril , In. , the hume of HID lUiuuiisml , for Intoriiiuiit. 'J'lm I'nlll Oiiui ( < rl Hntn of Tlokots , r.vnr Hindu thii aniiounuomont way Iniidn Iliitl I'utll ' would flint ; In Onmlm on Tliurmlny , thn 'Jllh of this month , Max- MtVi'f > tiro1 * , have dully boon rccmvint ; ordurs for coiit from all purtH of No > bratka and woAtnrn Iowa. Jvvury Im- porlmil city mid town within n radius of WW mllox will ho roprcscnled at tnu con- curt ny largo dolegatlons. I'romont , Holiiiylor , ColiimbiiH. Grand Jtilaiid ami Ki'iirnoy will wml doh'Katloim of twonty- llvo lo llfty ( inch. Tht-ri ) will bo over ono liiindrcd nnrxonn from Lincoln , over fifty from Itoatrlcc , and about the sumt iiiiin- bur fiom Ilastlnu * , PhiilSinoiitli and Nobranka Tlty , anil It IB ov.iccted that Conmill IlliiU'H will bo rep- rciMintiitl by over two hundred lliwldni this nearly every .small town in Nnliritikn and wcstorn lowu will hund from two to ten representatives. The ox- portion building , cupablo of aecoin- niodittlni ; 11,000 iiortonM , will , in nil probability , ho Illlod on this iroit : musical oi'onnlon. Owlnp to thu lartro oupneity of the hall the prleos iuivo been put at Very rfammablo HKIII-CS , nnd within the roach of all , ArrmiKcinimts have been made for nn attract ! vu atafiu buttlni' . The noomir.v tisod In Uoston , Ciiicliinnll mid Han rranelHeo will be utilued on thin oootmlon , mill convenient dressing rooms Will bo provided for Ilio artists. The milo of seats will begin on Satur day morning ul It ) o'clock at the exposi tion hnllilltitf. Kvory seat has boon niim- liori'd , nnd lllhogniiliel | diagrams of the nliditorliim huvo been printed. To uvnid the rush , us far an possible , the main room of Ilio exposition building will be open from the hours of 10 a. m. to ! ! p.m. on Haltirduy for the aceommoilation of the tloket honkers. Tlio follow is the programme : I'AIIT I. Overture-"I.n On/zn Lmlni" llossinl Uichestia , ItnnmiiM- " ! ) ! I'rovun/ii" ( Ln Travlata ) Verili Ailn "iNohll Slmiot" Les ( iiiiKuuiiuii > i , MBJ ei beer Mnilnino Scalulil. Iloiimn/a "M'niipnrl ( Maitu ) Klotow . 8liiiir ( Julllp. Arln-"AhI tors' o Lul" ( LaTravlatn ) . Verili . Mnilntna Ailcllim I'nttl. Jlii > "So in'aiiil aiicor" ( II Tnivntore ) , Verdi . . Miulainuhciilphland .Slmioi ( JiiIIIo. Aria ' \Noii \ pin anilrnl" ( Lo No/7o ill t'lKnto ) . , . . , . Alo/nrt . . SljtnnrOalassl. J.clio Hnii ) , ' 1'ekert Mnilninu Ailellim i'attl. Alia ' "Ln OuriHali'inini * . " Void I HlRiior ( iullle. , tlaVotte "LMmji'iiiU ! " Anlltl Orchrstia. < Act II of Jltmltil'ft'oiiorii ( in costume ) . "aciiiiraiiiiiJc. " Ovortuto I. . . , Uirhnstra. , CaUtlim-fArnoee ) "Kccoinl nlllnu In liubll- - onln , " .Moil.iniL' Hr.ilcld. ( AMBcu mill AsMir ) "IVun tenero ' ' ' " . .MndatimHrnlrfiinniT'HidtYo'r ilalasif. Arln ( Hciuliuuildo ) "Hcl rnKili > , " Miiilanit ! Aitelliiu f'ltttl. Dun iHeiiilniinhlo ami AMIICO ) "Srrbaial o nor , " . , Matlntaos Adcllim I'aitl nnd .Sc.ilehl. Colldiii'tor . , Hl nor Labl Anlltl Accompanist , . . . . .bl nor Jtoiaimldo ijnplo jf MVNriniv "olA wuLij. All liionno Woiiinn Who \Vnntsto Kill ' llt-r \flnliliii ( . Thn neighborhood of Slxtn and Dorcas "Btrcetsls all ti og ovur the supposed [ "poUonlng o ! n well in that vicinity nl- JpRt'd l jhavo been committed by n cra/.y wonimt numi.l AlaigarBt Weir , who lives I cloo by Capt Hit M < Curinlok untl Doituty Jlar- tinil McDonnUl , of the police force went "down to the place yesterday nnd IntostljftUi'd the matter. They found that at about n quarter of 13 o clock yestord iy , the woman referred to was i'cn to apptoaoh the well and throw n tun kiigo of sonic powder in , after . , Which she hastily ran away , The water I HflorwHrds found to IKWCSS a pcou < 1 Hr blue color , nnd tasted strangely , ( The neighbors think that tliero Is do d uht but that the water wni poisoned The well 'It * * been loardeil up and will not bo HUM | until t'i ' mutter Is fully investi gated Or liMi-ii will bo unllud upon to afinlTyp the wiitcr 'I ' IMS worn in U the ono roferrmt to in n eilurxln > 4 Ui r a * having brought n car | t rlii lulu tjoli.-e court , oliiiming it f > M n tlyinuuitu bomb. She im.i"- Mea II ) U ( lie nelghbora nro in j aK-io t.i kdl her , nnd that Vksy have niro tdv slain her tlnnxhtur , who iiiov i | away from Omaha | . hortly ( tcr lu r n arrt K . The cap- l.trtln tuul U' puty marshal tried to inter- h > iaw tlio w .man Ixit HJ she uould only i Mwttk ( < rmtin ihi'Y could nbtuiif no satU- Itfaci Hfk.'mlur tsl will probably lo A IHII.II , Uoon Till or UU .Marital " > lo w I'll'fQU to give * him do dubil. < ikco U w inn fur hiiH liken tiwlluo " Jim i tr' ' 'i uUi'rinnH ) foil fro-n the 'M ' * of .s.ii ( .x < n the south Tenth street uau tpmpprntur'o lie wnntcil o1evalcdso mnoh nbovo the iiortnnf point was n brnkomnii OH thf ) Chicago , SI , I'nnl , Minneapolis ( Jitthlm rontl , 'i'hls Individual , Mr. Ooon olnltns , line been Irylng lo nllonnto Ilio niret'flotis nt Mrs , ( loon , his Swede wile. from llto tiinrtor | In which Ihoy should properly r6sl , Hver silica Snit ( loon was mnrncd to Ills tiru'e-nl wlfe.onco Miss ICatlo 1'ctorseii. of CtMincil Hlnll's. ho has experienced ( ohsldernblu tronblo. Ills spouse is fair nnd comely to look upon , nnd this fact is recognised by ( Joon's fellow Chlnnmon , sonio of whom nro intensely jealous over the mutter. Ono Lincoln Mongolian oven wont so far ns to try to involve the duly In a scandal which would separate her from her spouse. In this ho was un- successful. 'I Im late l disturbing clement In ( Joon'.s nmnifd life is the brnkcmnn nbovo referred to. Mrs. Uoon , since her ninrrhigo , has made several trips to her homo in Tckamah , n pointon the Chicago cage , St , I'anl , Minneapolis feUmnha road , On these trips , she claims , she has betm approached by the brnkcmnn , who tried to Induce- her to run away with liliii. Upon her emphatically declining tu go with him , thn hrnkcmnn , Mrs. ( loon claims , snntchcd fiom her : i hnnd * some silk kerchief nnd breastpin , which were brldnl picsents from her husband. lie still has them nnd refuses to give them up. This tnlo of woo , embellished in choice pigeon Kuulish , San poured into the .symimlhl/.ing ears of the repot lor. There Is gore In his eye , nnd bo declares ho will make It uncomfortable for the brake- man. hlQUOIt CRNSUH. Heck IMC for thn Number or fjUjuor Dealers In Nobrnnlcn. Congressman LaFollcttc , of Wisconsin , has written to Collector Callioun to as certain how many special licenses have been issued in this state during the years of 1881 , ' 85 and ' 80. Deputy Collector Doivd , for several days back lias been cn gaged upon the work of securing the de- Hired information. Special taxes arc col lected from all malt , splritous and vinous liquor dealers. The fiscal year ends ftpril 'M , nnd during that time in 1881 , there were in fcobraskn 1 , 75 ! 1 retail and -17 wholesale Jiciior ] deal- erst111 wholesale malt and 40 rolail mult liquor dealers , making n total of 1,870. In 1885 there were 1,51 1 retail and 33 wholesale liquor dealers , 07 retail ami 50 wholesale malt liquor dealers , making a total of 1.00(1. In 1880 , tliero wore 1.777 retail and ! J7 wholesale liquor dealers , G'J retail and 00 wholesale dealers in malt liquors , giving a total of l)3i ! ) ! The do- ereasnin 1885 is attributed to local option while lite increase of 1880 is due lo revnl sioii of popular feeling , in many localities , against local option , as nUo to the great immigration wnichhas taken place in the state. Some of those dealers are brewers and druggists , the others arc saloon keepers. _ The South Omaha Land company have appointed (1. ( K. Mnync sole agent for the sale of their lots. He will show the prop- city and furnish all desired information upon application. [ Signed ] W. A. PAXTOX , President. Tlo Pnrnclls Houreit : < > . The most successful of the series of so ciables given tlio present season by the Partial ! Social club , took place Wednes day night nt Cunningham's hall , corner of Thirteenth and Jackson streets. There wci e 120 couples present , who wliilcd away the evening in dancing to the music of Pro fessor Hofmnn'fl orchestra. There were twenty numbers on the programme , and those served to keep tlyinc feet in motion until yesterday morning. Tlio party was under the management of the following gentleman : Master ot ceremonies , B. Maher ; floor committee , J. T. Fitzmorris , Louis Connolly. W. II. Franklin and J. J. Llovd ; door committee , T. J. Conwny , S. E. Collins , J. M. White and K. Flynn ; reception committee , J. F. Price , John Kervnn and James Connolly. A Hold ISurelnr. QTho residence of 11. MeKelvey , the well known base ball player , on Charles street , wits burglarized Wednesday night , though only a pocket knife and some .small change were taken from one of Mr. AIcKolvcy's pockets. The burglar turned up the lamp in the sitting room to a full bla/o , and this aroused Mr.s. McKolvoy. In tlie meantime the burglar had taken all the clothes he could find to the parlor , but was there frightened and escaped through the front door. Next morning tliero was found on the patch a massive gold ring of foreign make. The seal was n cireulnr snake with its rattles in its mouth enclosing a wreath , which con tained a star near the meeting of the sprays. This is probably the property of some oitUon from whom it was stolen. HllSlllCHS | 8 HllSlllCHS and llcal Kstnto is valuable only where tliero is IIUMNISS. : Purchasers should bear ttiis in mind and not buy lots far away from the center of business , just bccaiibo thny are cheap. AMlltlOHT'S ' CHOICE lies In the great industrial and commer cial mart of South Omaha nnd the im mense business interests there insure n rapid advance of values. Eighty acres adjoining Albright's Choice are reserved for soiiiii of tlio largest establishments in the world. W. G. ALimir.UT , Solo Owner. 218 South 15th St. _ Union 1'noltlo Kmployes. There will bo n meeting of nil Union Pnclfie employes interested in forming n Knilwny club , in tlio large olllco of the general superintendent , on Friday evening - ing nl 8 o'clock. As it is proposed to form a joint orgnni/ation with the Li brary association and i' is hoped tliero will be a large attendance of mem bers of those clubs , as well ns of any others who may wisli to join the pro- peed organisation. German , DanUli , Sivfdlsti , In fact all languages aru spoken in the olllco of W , ( , Albright , the real estate owner and dealer , 'J18 South 15th St. All classes ud all nationalities purchase of him , nnd yon cannot do better then se cure a lot in his valuable addition to South Omaha , known as ALimioiir's cnoicr . W. ( t , Albright has other property , im proved and unimproved , In all purls of the city , and oilers tlio best bargains , VuloN' Uetlreinont. Captain ( Justayua Valols , of thn Ninth cavalry , nnd n veteran in the service , has jiist been retired , according to an order of tlio war department received yesterday at nrniy headquarters. This will pro- unite Lieutenant Conlin , of the Ninth cavalry to Urn captaincy of Troop O , bonding him from Tort Niobrnra to Fort Kobm.son. Or. Cliuiulicrs * Doulal. Dr. S. J. Chambers i * rightfully angry about the statement in the morning papers that he had sent for the state votorlnarlan to come to this city nnd in vestigate H case of supposed glanders. Ho saj.s ho never niadti any such call and n * films he knows , there is very little , if any. glanders in this Nioinlty. The Home CUolo Parly. Preparation * have been completed for the Jlouio Circle Clubs Keuoion at Abisonlo hull to-morrow evening. One of thd most important features of the evening will bo the Cohipliuientary et Tendered the Associate motn A largo attcuiKmcQ b NOT DEAD. The In.lnreil Watchman UecovorlnR Who Illtchlo IP. A rumor wag floating nbotit Ihe streets yesterday to tlio eflcct thnt George Hall , the watchman at Hammond's packing house , who was slugged Iho other night , had died from his injuries , A reporter for the HUB investigated the mattoryesterday nnd found that thr otimor was false nnd groundless. Hall is at his home near Shcely's packing house , aliye and getting better. The chances arc that ho will recover. Mike Uitchie , the South Omaha pugil ist , who was arrested on suspicion of the crime , is still in the county jail , with his supposed confederates , 1'red Rico and Chas Hesse. Hy order of the court no one is allowed To see hlmo.\copt the jailer nnd his attendants. Ritchie has very little to sav about the matter , except to deny being implicated In the assault. He remarked tlio day of his arrest that he , in company with tlio two other men , had been with Hnl | up to 13 o'clock tlio night of the assault. Be yond that , ho said , ho knew nothing. Kitchio bears : i hard name in South Omaha and has boon implicated in many njbrawl in that lively village. Ho aspires lo bo n pugilist. Two years ago he wag knocked out in two rounds and a half , with four ounce gloves , by Jack Uurko. South Oinnhn. The future greal Pnckingtown of the west lies on tlio main line of the Union Pacific railroad , by which the cattle and hogs from the farms and ranges of the west and northwest arrive. Ai.nitiDiiT's ctioict : Is the only property through which the Union Pacltic railroad runs , and is there- fora the Hcbt Addition in South Omaha. W. ( i. ALBRIGHT , Solo Owner , 218 South I C th S LiOCAIj IjAGONICS. Pointed nnd Pithy Interviews Gath ered About Town. * Paston Hotel Clerk ' Business is only fair. The arrivals arc rather light at present. " Captain Rnstin "Everything is lovely with the cable company. Wo have no more internal dissensions. As soon as the frost is out of the ground wo shall go ahead with the work of laying track. " Frank Ramgo"When will my building bocompleted ? I can't tell you , my dear sir. Ask me something easier. When will the moon turn into giecn cheese , for instance ? " Manager Smith , Central Telephone Ex change "I don't know when we shall get into our now building. Probably not for months yet. Our new switchboard accommodating 5,000 subscribers' , is nearly ready for us in Chicago. At pres ent we have about ten hundred sub scribers. " Coroner Drexcl "I am not surprised at all these suicides occurring so close together. Such crime is always epidemic. That at least is my experience. " J. C. Akin " 1 believe Omaha uses more whisky than any city of its size in the world. " A Wheelman " ! believe there will bo at least 135 bicycles on the Omaha roads this season. " William McIJngh " 1 was just talking with a Kansas City man and ho was telling mo about n fourteen-story building that is in course of erection in that city. I understand tliero is only one fourteen- story structure in existence in this country , and that is in New York. " "If they put that building up on some streets I know of in Kansas City it can be fourteen stories on 0110 sitto and two on the other , " replied Alex McGavook. Business Man "Tlio stale ought to get water for the Deaf and Dumb insti tute from the city water works. The cost would not amount to as much as putting ui ) towers for the wind to blow tlown , etc. " J. L. McCngnc "People in Omaha don't know what a real estate boom is. In Wichita , Kan. , from which city I linvo just returned , some property is selling lor $2,000 a foot. I am afraid , however , that tliero will soon be a collapse in values there. " W. G. Albrlght'H South Onmlm Ofllco will bo opened soon in charge of Mr. John M. Campbell , who will have horses and buggies ready at nil times to convey intending purchasers to the valuable busi ness and residence property known as AuiitiniiT's CHOICI : . This is the onlv ' property through which tlio U. P. and tt'tc Al. U. K's. and Belle- vtto avenue run. A NEW OMAHA PASTOU. A Southern Paper Bnonks of Ilev. A , AV. Imnmr. 'fl\Q \ now pastor of Omaha's First Bap tist church is thus spoken of in the "Ten- nc'seo Baptist , " of February 12 : "fnstor A. AV. Lainnr. of the Central church of this city , tendered Ids resignation of the jinstoishlp last Wednesday evening ; and the reasons for such a course wcio so shout ; and so clumh presented that the cliuich ntoacoaccepted theieiluuatinn.which \slll have olk'ct nttur tlit > lirst of API U prox imo , lliothur Lnnuir , during his Incum bency in the Central mstornto , hns revealed himself possessed uf larco ability ns an of- tlelent , ilovoted , doNout and successful pas tor. The church Is a largo and iuUunntinl one ami coiibi'iiueiitly the community dhectly and nioio icaiotcly coming within tlio indlus of her Inlluenco is exteusho and also has a far-icnchlut ; tnllumicc lipon the or lei woo ; and theiefote to watch over her immediate Interests , ns em braced w Ithln her own mcmbcishlp. nnd her mediate Interests , icsultliiK ' " ) m her ioln- tioushlp with a lai u section of the people of our city , state and country , icriuiius a limn ha\e hr.iln and soul loico equal to the measure of the demands which n o coutlnu- nlly testing Ids ndiidnlstintlvo ability , lint Ihothcr Lninnr so Inr as our knowledge ranees , haa never uncovered In Idiusull a wvnk point. Ills ministrations from the mil- lilt liu\o also civcn tlio highest satisfaction. On the lirst ot Apill liiotliur Lanmr will enter a pnstouito In Onmlm , Not ) , , which ho sajp mfords an oi | | > oi ( unity which only comes to one nmn In a thoiiband In a life time. The chinch In Onmlm 1ms innde a wlso choice , which it Is Imidly nosMUlft she could ever Imui enuso to rue. The church , betoro calling Brother l uimr. sent Inctlircn iioio , who saw and heard him In his own homo , and from their report to her a unanimous call resulted. Of coiusu all who know Hrothcr Lnmnr hero will bo tilled with recret by ice knowledge of his caily dopnituteirom oiirmiiUt. Now the queilonlth our Central brothicu will lie , \\hoc.inentor Into our pastouto and still continue tu tulde , wltli us , tlio Loid's woilc righteously and to prosperity and to the honor and cloryol Ills name ? " Democratic H\veops. United States Internal Revenue Col lector Callioun has received n revised list of revenue collectors throughout the country , of which there are now eighty- live. Of Ibis number eighty-three have been appointed since President Cleve land was inducted , thus leaving but two republican collectors in olliee , These are James S. Welt , of Denver , who has been in otlico eight years , and Morris Friudsam , of New York , who was ap pointed a short thno before Mr , Cleve land was elected. W. J. McOavock leaves for his homo in Denver this evening. Ho is engaged in the construction of tie ( now branch of the Denver & Rio Grande railroad , west from Leadvitlc , which IB one of the most extensive railroad works known to Colo- A Ornnrt Hccoptlon. Last evening n grand- reception wns given nt the Millard by Mrs" . S. T. Smith , in honor of Kansas City guests. Invitn- lions wore issued lo about three hundred persons. The whole of the second lloor of the hotel wa.s nt the disposition of tlio guests , while several rooms on the third lloor were reserved forgonllomen. There was a concert programme from 9 to 050 : ! nnd n ball programme thence till morn ing. Thispowder nevervarics. A marvel of purity.strcnglh and wholcsomencss More economic than the ordinary kindn and cannot be sold in competition wi'h ' the mul titude of low test , short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. Royal Batons Powder Co. , 106 Wall street , New York. EXPOSITION BUILDING OMAHA. Positively Farewell Tour Mr. HKNUY n. ABDEV ery ro'pcUfulIy nn nounccs tlio nppciunnco In Omaha , of 11 -IN- One Grant ! Operatic Concert Which 7lll tnlio place on slay livci , 124 With the following Distinguished nrtl'ts : Mme SOFIA SCALCHI , rg $ SIG. ALBERT GUILLE , - Tenor SIG. AXTONIA GALASSI - - Uaritouc SIG- FRANCO NOVARA , - - Uasso AM ) Sig. LuigiArditi - - Conductor At this performance the above nrtlitsnnJ MME PA1T1 ill appear in a Grand Concert Program Consisting of famous selections , ami In addit'ni , tbobccond Act ot Itosslnl's Opera ( In costume ) SEMIRAMIBE ASSUIl . Sig. Franco Xovava AHSACE . 3Imc Sorta Scalclii AND SEMIRAMIDE , JIM E. A DELIXA PATTI With all the accessories of costumes , nnd n GRAND ORCHESTRA. or niTy snr.ncrno MPSICIANS , under tlio direction ot SIG. LUIG-I ABDITI SCALE OF PRICES. $ l$2$3ani$4Resefl/GdSeats , , $ ( , / Snlo of scats logins Satuulny , Tcb. 19 , at 10 n. 111 , ut Max Meyer & Bros'Music ' Store MAItCPB H. MAYKU , Acting Mnnaifor. Eiv3H > ' 1 " " 'T""n"vCiviaieUrethra | H . . . q VJCgj 0 CRAYONS. SiniUnroorn.wimiiirm.J ' ' ' < ' * 'auj. ' JljtlHl" ? W-yi'-i'tl1 'yj | U Atiolatu tecrccsJ i u > Civialt Acenc174 - f'1' " " " fct , N. Y. E. T. ALLEN , M. D. Eye , Ear , faass & Tlaroaf Room 0 Williams Building , cor , 10th and Dodge sts. , Omaha. Hours 8 to 13 a.m. 3 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. in PIANOS CHICKfRING Iiirt m in eittttejcclianurtlt rented and sold on camj payment * , below Factory Prices. Instrumcnt-i slit/Mill used at G-REAT BARGAINS. Max Meyer& Bro , Neb , . . - : As the spring season approaches and we are desirous of starting out with an entire fresh line of Fancy Percale Shirts , we have de cided to close out all those on hand now at a great sacrifice regard less of cost , and offer them for one week at about 50c on the dollar. The quantity to be thus slaughtered is 85 doz , , classed in three different lots , as follows : Lot 1. Comprises fine French Percale Shirts , with three collars and separate cuffs , of beatitiful designs , which have been selling at $1.25 , $1.50 and $1,75 ; their -price now is 75c each. i Lot 2. Comprises genuine Percale Shirts in a large variety of styles , which have been selling at 75c _ 85c and $1 ; their price now is 50c each. Lots. Comprises Percale Shirts with collars and cuffs , whicl , have been selling for 50c. Ihey are very pretty patterns in stripes and small figures ; their price now is 25c each. "We still have full variety and all sizes , and at above prices we have put them within the reach of everybody. This is one of the greatest opportunities for laying in a good supply of shirts at the lowest prices ever known. I" Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omalia. , ver . r > < SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. Because it is stronger and better made and will do faster and better work. DEERE , WELLS & CO , Manufacturers Agents OOTJISTOILi IO"W\A. FOR SALE Having sold most of my stock farm ami having no further use for the following stock , ! will sell them at a bargain , Siiuus Stallion , U542 , Standard , com ing six years old ; bay , Iff hands , sired by Enfield 229 , he by Rysilyk's Hamblelonian Also t o spans of heavy draft nuiler , 8 years old , weight 2,200 nnd 2,500 pounds per span , 10 hands. They can be seen a Spring Valley Stock Farm , one mile from city limits , neil Invest , Omaha. N. I. D. SCLOMON _ 1 3th St , Car. Cupllo ! TBIATMINT Or Chronic fit Surgjcal Ulseacen , UR. WlofflENAWIY.Propifotoi ; . bldtrn jrcuri' UoiiJliiil cud rrivalo ) 'rnUc tlia facililio , epparatut and rcmtjl for the vucteiiful trcolmctt ot ctery form or ( tin rnse ronalrlnjt ilther mrdloil or rurglcul treatmrtil , Slid Inrlta all lo come and InYrttlgntu for IhcnucltM or corrfipondlth in I.uni ; es ) > crltuco In trrnt . . cn c § liy letter cnablea us tit treat inaoy catw Kit ntillr lfy without f ecinr them W1HTK i'OH L'inCUI.AU on Deformities nnd Hracei , Club Feet , Curvatum of the 8 | > inc IliiEAiu ur WOHPN , I'llo , Tumon , Cancvir Cntsirh , Uroncbltle , Icbalatlon , Elcclrlcllj , I' jti } , Epllcpej. KUcfSjt , Eir , Skin , Dlood ntj til iiirslcal operatloni , llnltorloi , luhulcn , Itracci , Trui r > , nn- | nil kinds of llccilcnl and Surj-lcal Appllaucei , muiv .ifaeturcd aud for tnl The only reliable Medical Inst lute miking Private , Special $ Nervous Diseases JL fr l'PC'1 \ I TALL \ * ALL CONTAdlOt'8 ' AND 1II.OOP niSEASK1- from halcvcr came produced , cucccttfalljr IrtatMl Wo ciu rumoYa S/puilltlo polaoa from the tjiltr.i wllUoUt nirrcurj New rcitnralite tr tmont for Ion of Itnl nowr r ALL COMJH7NIUATIONS UONriIK.Vr/AI Call ap'J consult ui or rend r > ruu and poit-olnrr Marfii plainly wrltU'utuclo < tlamp , und u trill ( end yon , In pbln wrapper , our pniVATE CIRCULAP TO MEK uro.s PrfHiTB , Sixoui. iwu Kcnrpi' > Iu * n , HcwiNii. WrAKMse. BreiiaiTJrnuiii. Uroizh tr , HrrniLii , OoN Ki.ncEt , QIZET , V nicociL bTKicTOn * , A > D iri. MiEtfit or THE OCNIT- UiiiMir.T Onaixi , or lend hiitory of your c ie foj nil ppluop | , 1'crionl unable tj % Wt n may lo treated at Hid homn , by rorrf Miuudeuce ilt dlcltita an-1 Initru ia nt nt Uy mall or einrwe HHCUHFLY IJAI K El ) rrtOU OUShUVATlO.V. no nurVtloJuJicoU cncteiiti or ictidrr. One pmoual interview ) ir firrfd If iomtnltut. fifty roouii for tlio a"fooi modtllon of pilknU Board nnii attendance t. rcaionable pticii. Addrui 1) I.Itert to Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute , The C. E. Hayne Eeal Estate and Trust Co , N. W. COB. 10th AND HABN.EY , OMAHA. Property of every description for sale m all parts of the citr. Lands for sale lu ovcry county in Nebraska. A COMPLETE SET OF ABSTRACTS Of Titles of Donplfis county kept. Alans of the city state or county , or any other information desired , furnished free ot charge upon application. r JH RELIABLE JEWELER , Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware The Jtirirpst slock. Prices the lowest. Impairing : i specialty , All work wn rra nd. Cornur loiijhis { und 15th strccls , Oinnh'4 , Licensed Walulmmknr for the Union Pnollic Railroad compnny. Hebraska national Bank OMAHA , NKHHASKA. Paid up Capitnl . $250,000 Surplub . 40,000 H. W. Yntos , President. A. K. Toti7.nlin. Vice 1'rcFidcnt. W. Jl S. lltifthcs , Cashier. Djiu.cTons ; \V. V. Moi-fce , John H. Collin ? , H. W. Tatcs , Lewis S. Hood. A. 13. Toii/alin. BANKING OFFICE : THE IRON BANK , Cor ISJth anil Furnain Sts. A General Ilatikfntc Hubinoss Transactod. N. W. HARRIS & Co. ISAtfKKllS , CHICAGO. nnUIHC Of Conullcn , Cities anil otlieraor BUftCfd high uraduliouKlit nnd sold Kusli'rrj cDloe MOovoiiablio tlloatoo. . Correipuad- ente solicited. WOODBRIDGE BRO'S ' , , State Agents FOR THR DGCKffi BIM PANOS Omaha , Neb. n , MM * H > ni 8 I NEIlVITA iptiuy c r * TfiCF rDI A I < Vu r > omhl rrr6n rnht I HIAL r,1 1' ; j sVSI8- " " DRS.S.&D.DAYIESOH . . . , n-t'J TiAWKKNCK fiTltr.lIT. Of the Missouti State Museum of Anato my , St. Louie , Mo ; University College Hospital London , Gicscn , Germany and New York. H ruing devoted their atten tion SPECIALLY TO THE TKBATMENT OF Nervous , Chronic ami DISEASES. More especially those arising from impru dence , invite all so buffering to coiicspond without delay. Diseases of infection and contagion cuicd safely and speedily without detention from bubincts , and without the 4 use of dangerous drugs. Patients whose cases li.-ue been neglected , badly treated or pronounced incurable , should not fail to write us concerning their symptoms. All letters receive immediate attention , wS-JUST PUBLISHED . , And will be mailed KKJJK lo any address on receipt of one 2 cent stamp , "Practical Observations on Nervous Debility and Physical - . sical Hxhauftlon , " to which is added an "Eseay on Marriage , " with important chap- tcrs on iiiSF.ASKh or TIIK KI-.I-KOIUJCTIVR OIIOANS , the whole forming a valuable med ical treatise \\hich should bu read by all \oung men. Address IHC.S. S. A : O. DAVIKSO.V , I7-lii Ijti\vroucH SI. , ! > cinor , Col. Chase's ' Last Receipt Boot "MlIMOltlAI. BDITION. " Ijiit and cro\vi > Ui.ufk uf liU llfo. Jiut out.OutU ' U. LUllJULUisuN * LU , U tolt , illgtt. . I