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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1887)
p 1 * * 1 > * THE OMAHA DAILY BlfilDi. WUDAY , JFEIWUAHY 18. 1887 , NOTICES , _ A HfMMMHMlls ntt'lff this llp'il , in mill * finf lifiii"f I1 t\r \ i m f > nnMi rrnt for rnclmnn- ' -'ittffil m t > fli fi Mill } 1 M fi litifi tiprinnnth N < > f1ml'fttiMII ' Inkfli for IrMtlmll SficotlM lur Dm ftr l iimtinn ft'TMl wotds trill l > o ifiiilttKi In Imih ! the ) muni run totiMnti * tltHr AMI f ui l IIP tmiit in ml * nnco All ndv or- iNtf W inl IllllM ! hmirlti I III tirfnro 1 M o'rln k Ji m . iiml limit r no rlfciim'tniirt will llii'J bo ( kr n tit mwfitltltiuMl lit lHi'iti | > np lnr In lhtt < oliimns m1 lmv 'ill ( ! in rntn tit Tur llrr. ' -i n k for rhpr * inptinhli'lhnin locM lliHI llw ( ( , HK Helm will l > o ili'llriieil incept ( iti iifrw lnlttitt "I chirk AH ftlMwpr lo nil- IftfttiwiMlId linnM I'd ' rmlo od In envelopes. MONK ? TO LOAN. _ ( ! 'Ml OHol'inn tMi funn n\\\ \ \ \ Improved rllv P tirnpt-rtr nl li Hp l ininn , hiirnliis in teal . . tifliinnn M din .V To , llriom 17. With- n MM k.cor I. Hi nn I Iliirnrj Ms li'mml'i I\t'lSI\ ' III I DAN nn imuinvo I n nl ifttnlo , I' I tin < viiiinl lon rlnin.0'l. ' l.oiivitl llnrn linn. liiHiin 1 Cfoiuhtnii Illock m > _ _ \l nNF.Vtolimii Kiln llin . , real estate nnd j" I loan niroiiK louui 1" , \ \ hltnell block. cur. iMh nini Hat tipy. _ ' * * ' l\t IINI5V lo Innii. cn h nn ninxl.tio delay. 'I .1. VV iiml r. I , 8iilio , | , 1I1J Fiirimm M. , I'n * ion hotel biilldlnir. I'-M "I OASa-LontH Loiitu. Hint iMntp lonn , Collaleilnl loiuu. rimllol loiilK. 1 < nnir time loans. Hhort time loans. Mntiej nl a ) s on hnnd to lonn on any np- pioveil seourltr. Investment securities bought and fold. Unmlia rlnancliil r.ic'InniKC , n. w. cor , ICth ntul Hntnoy. Corhott. .MnnnKrr. 0'-4 HAHIIH A IIllllt * . Jtl ) f. IMh Kl. Money lo loan on llrst class ai.curlty.irom Jfitll upwards "IJI $ noniiu'l ( ( ) LOAN at fl per cent. J. .1 Mahoney - honey , IWU Farnnm. P25 G I'liUrr.NT Money. It 0 1'ntlorpoii , nnil Itiirney. ! Ti7 $ .V > . ( Yn to lonn. Hums J50D nnd upwards , tx > wcst ratos. Ilomlp , room 3 , llnrkcr block , H. W. cor 1Mb mill Fnrnnmstft , U20 MON'l'.V First innrti-'iiKO notes The DoiiKlns i-ounty bunk will buy pallets secured by llrM imutKiWitnnrlt ) realty. V& 01M.1I CUNTMonny to lonn. Mri'Kory i llmlloy , HooinA 1 nnil n , Itudicl ; ulock , IMIi S ( rpo U1AN Mono } Lnnna jiliicod on Im- JL provoil roiil ostnto In city or county for New Knitlmvl I.OHII A Trust Co by lonil. < 3 ( "otuit > linnk. 18th nticl riilrnifo sis BJU MONF.V TO LOA ' -On cltv anil farm prop erty , low lutes' Stowatt V Co , Uooni J Iron bunk. 1UO MONF.V TO LOAN-O. F Davis & Co , mill estate and loan agents , 1505 rnrnani t-t. rON'KVTO I/AN-On rc.ilcstnto ninl chut- 1 toK I ) U'lliomiis. l' ' < 12 $ riW,00) ) To lonn on Oiniihii cltr piopcrtr at fl pur cunt. CV. ! . Uaj , oxer UK Uougl.iB St. I * . SI IDNISY TO LOAN bj tin ) nnilorslBiioil , who J'l lias tin' only properly orKitnl/i'il loan aumicr In Oinahn Loans of ill ) to $100 niiulu on titrnlluro , pianns , organs , horsi's. wagons , iiiiH'liliuiry . ilhout rninoviil Noilulajs All IniRiiiuss HI i lolly cmitMt'iitlal Loans HO innilci Unit anj part ran br palil at any lino.unch IIHJ mi'iit rcilni'lii ) ; tlio cost pro rata Ailvancos innili * on line wnlulios anil lilanioinlfl I'or oiH should rixrofully consider who they nio ileallnff Illi , BS many nuw concerns urn dally coining Into nxNtoiico. should you neoil money call and inn mo. \ \ . II. Croft , liooin i WIMuiull dlnc , 15th anil Harney. ' .Ml MONKV I.OANIIDat C. K. llcoil X Co.8 Ionn 011100,011 liirnltiiro , pianos , liorsus.wntrons , lHr onul proportyof all Kinds , anil all other in- " Holes ofalne , lthont romoval. U1U S 11th. oior Illiuthuni 4 Tomme-sloti store. All busl- ne strictly oontldt nllal. Jkl5 BUSINESS CHANCES. S \In A strictly llrst class restaurant , ' bltimtoil In tlio center of business In tint oily. Apply to .Tcieph NolKon , L'nropoan ho tel , 818 Joulh Kith St. , Onmha , Nob. fiBl a ) BrSI.VIISS CIIAN'Cn-A irooil paying o\stor ami rliop hoiibc for ale cheap. C-'M pitsli , Iml'iiipu on tltno. Good reasons for polllnir. I'allal 117 X. ISthM. r.'H 17 * FOlt 8AI.IJ l.umbci , jrt am ami coal bu lnrss ono ot the best points In eential Nnbraskiu nn II.M. . H. It. Hairl on Ambler & Ambler , liooin "il. National bank. 5 ) FOKSALt ; Oroxchnimo for ilry ( 'ooils-lfiO nerosln I'latlo Co , Neb : Imprmcil faini , fr.imo IIIMISO and bam. Address Uox4Srt , Co- lummii , Neb 6J5 " 5 * 3 71OU SALE Uoarilliiff hoiisi ) ami ro tiinrant ; 20J rojjulur bunulois. Apply No. 31(1 ( Pontli lOttiRlieot. Mf U7 SALi-Saloon,1531 : 8 13th St. 616-20' Foil SAl > ] < Stock of ptoieilos , Hour nnil ffoil. ( ioo < I stand , KOOI ! biislnnss , pave'l itroet , anil oin j thing eoniuniont for the bust- ness Store ( or rout Stock will ho reduced to fl.5i0 ! or f..OCO. Aildiess i : , IU lleo olllco. 454 IT 171OU SALB-A wollag ortod nnd clean stock * - of Kcnoinl mordmnillso anil sloro iuriil- lure will linolco about f7.HX ( ) . location in ono of Iliotiost ton us In tbu Republican vnlloy. Nob. Sown nan ii It It boom : business not mordono. vlll tftko fi or * l the amount In pooil farm land iinlncnmborod. at n fair canh value , bill for Itock.rash. ( looil wIM Inml ! > roferrcd located In lunnor Nob. , cnuso ofpclllntj poor liuftltli. A rare chixnce , No dead stock. Address Look llor "A , Alma , Nob. 438 i ; 171OH SLi ; Lumber jard and rnsldonen in Ji i > outhweHti3iu Iowa U ell located nnd do- Inir irood buhlness. Oood rcnsoin for solllntf Address K. - ' , lleo ollico. yu in b * OIIKULIN , Kan. , In n most desirable location for a I'lourliiB Mill , nNo for n Foundry. Mbortd Inducements olleied to p i UirostmontR in the-o branctiea of indimtry , Cor- ( ospundpneof Oberlln Itoardot Trade , Ubcrlln , Kan A. 0. T. Oolgor , Seo'y304 304 23 \'ANTI.l-Stoci of dry irooJs , clothing and ' furnNhlntr irooiis , or boots iindhboosln rxchnme for Omaha ical ostute. Schloglnuor llros. 1114 S 10th st. 175m 3 ffOH SALK Ortrmlo bakery and confoc- ' - - tlonery. IiKiuiro Kopp , llrolbus * Co , Omaha , Nell. 0&s m I FOllSALK-lliUflntornstlnone of the bet lia > lnirdrus : stores In southwestern Iowa , lapltulioiiulied , J2Wa Address 1 > 40 , lleo of. flee. nig for sale in .1 now rapidly Rrowlnir town Jof Mioiiiliabltiints Fine deposits. Money Jeans from : ) to 4 per rant , monthly. A splendid chance. AUdrera I > J , llceoini-'o. 015 Bt'SI.VESS CIIANCK-Stoih ( Iroooriea imd Mofttmnrket for sulo. rinost locution in Cmaha. lolm < - Rn excellent bus-lness. Addretg , Tfj > 011 SAM : Or trmle for merchiindlsp , 640 J : ncrci of No 1 farm laud near Ornnd Jslaiul c. J. Cnnan 441 HOIJihS Ixits.F&rmn.I.mnu-money lonned. Hemls.roomS. lUrxor bioek bNY.cor. l&th und Kamajj its. w : FOH sALL'-Ilnrdwnre Ilusinrss VVe offer oui their und hen\y hardware budnanit for ale , together with our se and Rood Jll , Trartn larjrest In the city and location tlio best. Helmut. from tht bucineas rniiEe for The Haura Hardware Co. , 10'-3 0 gt.t Llu PERSONAL , ) . ' . \ clHiriojnnt..Medlnl . and bii8lne § Medluoj lloom No. 3 , U'l NcTth Uth it. .Omnlia , N b. . _ _ 1137 LOST , T i ° r T"etweon Crounne hlocK und turkiah JJ bath , seal eloie Under pleiio leiivo at 1'onrose .V llnrdln A and cot reward SI9 MISCELLANEOUS. CHAIU.KS 1'O.NTKBnilj tlcat cheraUt nnd engineer , amilyn * Uf orevcoald and 8i > g ami anal ) allot iillkmdi ohornlu und miner- alo.'lM to theit' . I' It It fornie.UB No. 1M6 V t l'i-ter cor 15th st. I1. O. Hot 404. AM. kind * of trn and vines trimmed by a practitul tiiibuier. John L-ireon , 1 * . O box CI- . city , 610 19. HOM1. forludles during contlncmont ; ( trictly ( Xjnfldentiiil. ikiutron - aJoi lej For inir- tn-uliirf uddrej. HvA livO ollii'f. 573 AliKV fSEver ) IiousoKoupdr wants it , bu money tor Jou. M > n4 ituiop , LOCK Hot . J-j-j , Vftf . ' i'u I t .te > 44i 2 | KI'OIIAOK Firt'Clii # otompo for nice fur- n ur or boicd tools , at 131J 1".L.\trHF. ' I hHVOon henda argequan- * i'rof tuaotby , ilovtfr mm ni'llit set-d lor if < Wr le lor j neuj. W. ( I Uotton , David | ; inttlii : ? < T-trri ( n , f per month. Mn j. * , JL1 1613 IJougln * . HW AYOFNIJ IM.INOIBIiVWIill nowlnthnritr wl ho < n imrltiPMinp In nn oslMillshpil Inw llrni Cnn po'vk ' HIP CrnniliiiHVlnti Innuniiacs VV ill furnish purl of llbrnrj , ota. Addrrts F W , lleo onii'o fA" > n * ' ' 1 111(9l ( < Cli\SS | ' 110 Nortl , l.ltli M. t III : ? * -Squnro rnino , ft niontnlv. A l llonpo 151.1 DoucUs. Ml IMinilV TT sh litil lo dispose of household ititiuM will nml nbnypr by adlro < siiu rash , tail Dnvpni-ort til tttN ! r-H < | mro I'lano { j monllilr. A rlt FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. I/oit yAI.II-\\onlil like to trndo . enl kln JLT MCIIIIO for hi il-room < et and carpet Ad- ilriss r.4n , IlieoDIro OH 17 { j OIt \LP.-Or wllltrado for suburban lot n piitM > rir m ! iiunitf pinile , itron nnd bnrne > . will worU donblii or Rlnile , Address .loo Itoi'kbuil , 2i'th nnd Ciipllol axonuo _ , V , . ' 17' "Ijlnlt VLll-'J her p , S llcht wagons.ono J cow , I tuosoiupil poinrod Crtrrlitiro , will bo mlI ihi'iip it ttold In ten days Address K 18 Ilieolllie. 4V > 17 | 7 Oll SALV.riitht heal ofrz \ \ fresh mll'T I cousiuid fprlnjrers. furfty's y irdj , Cumins ; st or 9V ) Montnti i st K S . Jester. J 4 < V. 1 ' IT'Oll ' 8AI.I--4fi ! hurso power boiler , no-rlv new , Kniulre Western Tottery 0) , Kxpo- flltlon bulldlntr i > 70 WANTED MALE HELP. \ \ ANriii-Archlto"turnlilrnuirhtmnan ; Ap pi ) to Fo In A : llrindorir , iiichltects. 6JI 17 > \r.\NTF.D A baker. oeond hand. T F. MtilllKiui , UlOyaundoisst , _ _ " J 1J * "IxrANTM ) News njfont with $10 soouilty. K)7 ) N. 17th St. f'1" ls * _ _ _ _ \\fANInT ) Tvro men that understand the handlitiff of ( povvdor. Apply tot tF. . Nowlon. Snporvlsorll. 11 .1' . F. It. It. . 7th and Loavcmvorlh sts. ( Ull 18 (11JNTM"wAN'filT ( An ovperloncod newspaper - paper solicitor for Onviha. Special pniioi i fjooil terms. None but iroo.l men with roler- oneos need answer. F. U. Hot 47 ! ! , Lincoln , Neb. 00) ) l'l ' W \N I'F.D A first-class Swedish clotinr hiilesman Ono ucqiniln'i'd with Omaha 11 ndo. Heturncus idiuliol. AddrOiS 13 11lieu Ollleu. 5.1H18 \ \ 7"AN'1I3I-A ) live , nctlvi ) , uittllnp ifood T T salesman for dtj jroods nnd shoes ex clusive A wood worker lor trade Address for ten ibijs , Mutlnir salary uzpectud , ( < co 13. Jonklns , Fnlrbury , Nob. 12S IS To meet demand for competent bookkeepers I will Instruct two per sons nnd wait fo- halt pin until jou liavo slum- tlons. .1. II. Smith , 101J Chicago et 5't lu * \\TANT13D llytlio largest publlshlnir house T west of riiloaifo , two hundred irontlomen nnd ladles to c li"Tlio Successful Man" "Marvel ous WondorH of the Whole Woild" "Illblos" and various other ( rood publications , npoly early nnd Kot cliolco of tonltorv. .1. M. trench A ; Co. , olllco 10 Ilushmau Jllock , Oinnhn , Neb 407H110 WAN'Ti : ! ) Immediately , n peed Job printer. None but rapid workman , capable of tnklmr cntlio cliaiKOof job depart men t need apply. Itofcronces IIH to character and ability required. Address Dally Garotte , Norfolk , Neb.m . ; m \\7ANTBn-A first cla s barber linmcdlatolv ; T > ( food wnKOSKunianteod. Address r. II. Toptct , Kearney , Nob. K29 1U * W ANTI3D A few persons to Instruct in book keeping afternoons. . ' . II. Smith , ov ) ia WANT13D A man and w Ifo without ch Idion for farm employment nonr the city. \ \ Oman must bo a ( food hou okeoi > or , prefer the man to have some experience as a traulner , must show need lolercnecs. 13. S. AlbrUht , 1120 Farnam st ; > J4 TNSTALLMP.Nr77H3.V And nionts BoiToraiiy L will tlnil ju t uhnvthoy need by nildrcssln ! ; Installment Doalcis Supjdj Co. , Tile , Pa. 41J2 * WANTI31) Hookhlndcr ; n llrtcl.iss work man to run n bindery on shaiesj will furnish outllt and work. ( ! oed opportunity for ritht man. Address immediately , Dally Gazette , NorfolK , Nob. , 14t \ ,7ANTKD 50 sober , Intelligent men of good r address to try a lOc meal ot NorrlV res. tnnrant , 104 S Ibth st. 1M WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTii : ) Yountr sill to assist to tin house- work 111 small lamlly. .Mrs. Jlc\cn/lc ! , 1KUN. IS list. WI-18 ANTKD 31rl , 2018 Douglas. CJ5-19 * WANT13D-Motherly old lady. None other nerd apply. Call Wednusidnys nnd Hntur- dajs , 10:0 Catherine. ( US WANTKD-F perlenccd nurse frlil,34 ! N intli etioet. 51720 * AN'JT.n-Olil for kitchen woik. Roinmn or Swedish profcirod. 215 south 12th st. Bill lh WANTF.D flooirglrl for ( jcnoial boiiPtwoik. 1107 Cass street. 'AC ID * 17ANTI3D Girl at 1201 Howard stioot. T fiOl H * W PANTIJD A food KM for tronoral honsa- work. Good wages paid. 108 S. 2)th bt. Oil WANl'BU-A nurse ffirl , I'l to II joars , to help cat o for a > oar old bab > .2lt $ Duv cnpottst. tU4 ! 18 * YY A good irlrl for jronoial house work. Apply at unco to524S20thst. COB la YY 'ANTKD Good Inundioss at Urovv neil hall. 6S1 17 'ANTKD ( llrl for housework In small family 2009 California st. fis.1 17 V\7ANT7i : > Niirso jTlrj. "Aimiy N W cor. T T Decatur and I'loi sts. 0 5 17 \\rANTF.D-A llrst-class dining room irlrl and T > chnmbcrmald at City hotel. "w ANTl'P Girl for s"neial houjonoik,08 South 19th St. 61)5 ) V\7ANTin : Good wiisrts for a competent i plrl for conoral hnuso work. Iniiulrn of Mrs A. J. Grovor,11.171'aik avo. MO WANTRD-A ( food Rlrl for gcnoral honso- worh.eood wages. Call at once at 2218 Lcavonworth st. OJ1 ID * YY ' 'ANTlln-DUhw usher at JIlllor'B Hostaur- ant , 1004 N lllth at , S'JJ it ) ITANTr.D-OIrl for penernl hoimovvork , 1415 V North 18th st , bet Cinrkond Urace. Oil 17 \VANTll : > - I'mit andotorulllmnils , at Ocorgo I Stiles' factory , IHIi'miJ I.cavonvi orth. 4i3 20 \yANTKD-Glrl at limiuet hnuso. \\7ANTKU-An experienced servant , with nbllltytocook in small familywasesft to fit none but competent parties need apply ; IClSt. Mnrj'uave , tor 20th. Hit \\fANTBI ) Girls can alvraysnnd peed places T T fico of clmrgo by calllntf at ll'J N. 16th st , Capital ave , Oimibu Kmployuicnt lltiroau. 353 VV 'ANTKD Experienced honsokoopor. Col ored proforrod. Call nt 112 N , Utli. 73S TV L ANTHD OoodoooU and Laundress,203 N. Itlhet. fisj \\TANTKU 30 ladles & cents to loirn tola- T praphy I'rospoct irood for position when comnitent ; address W. J , 1) , Itoom 1 , Crounj oil SITUATION WANTED. \\7ANTKD Umployinotit by youiigTiian with ' 2 years'oxporlenro ; ( rood accountant , tulr vrriter ; wages no object. Address 1 ! 41. line 675 17 WANTUD Situation In market or thuiglitor hou e : 11 years cxpeuonce , Address tV. W Weaver , Maploton , In CJJ1U' AMIOLn-AGU ! ) [ ) Kontloman , havingInrtro coiuniorc'hil otporlonco and It an tlliclont accountant , corrcsltoiutent and bookkeeper , is desirous of u position of trust anJ conndenco In H mercantile flrui ; references given. Address K 40 , lloo ollao. 660 17 > "VVTANTRD Al t olnps me t toofc wants sit- TT uution , lb obur Industrious and baviny , hotel or rosUuram. Address K 45 , lloo oillcu. \\rANTKl ) II ) a vault ? lady , a position ns T caslilerot- book kiepor. itolfablo rcfur- eucej furnished Address 6J5 8 17th St. 6J7 17- YY 'ANTED Diosumnkins and family sowln ? . 2 DoJgo. tOS 19 V\7AM LD Situation as housekeeper or to T T tiiko care ot lurnlbhod rootna. Apply at 1616 Dodge st , kfl If WANTED-SituatlonascIoik- ilry ( foods or boot und shoo etoro by ) aunt ; man of . Host references given. 1'Jo , Js ersou , lovro. 013 ! ) MISCELLANEOUS WANT8. 'ANTHOA Cathollo man or womn Omnlm , Lincoln nnd other town * lo 0111- vns n most Importnnt workon tht ftorvliM it nnd reromonlos ofthorhuich , AdiHo s In letler , "KSO , " llononico tlfl 10- \\AN1KI > To Ini ) n pa ollno steve with T l even , for rash Addioss i : id , llee ortloc. fill 17 _ _ _ Ur iN I 111) ) Furnished mom In the vicinity of IHth and Diuenpint streets , b > tvto Ken- ( lemon. 1'rlvato fntnllj preferred Adrrrss K M , lleo olllco , 6.V1 17' AY AN rill ) -Tenm . .WJ S. lltli su TVAN 1 HI ) To rent n fiont room ( tor law otllcei. ( loo. Clirl'toiretsoii , Oc < ld nlnl " \\rAN I KIl A pied drlvuiL' liotso and liuiiKV ' or a coo I team In o\ehaniro as partial Iin > mctit for 50 It. lot on 1'arKnvo. tml. oa v Mend \ .Inmlesnii. 45.5 Two furnished rooms for Ilirht I in fnmll ) , address .1. / _ _ ! " < _ \VANrKI-lol.iiy lUe to t entmros In- T7 sldo of or n nr Omnlm ( Jl\o desorlp- tlon , price and termii A Idryss C.2J , lleo olllco. " Nl IJP-To lent n limi o of .lor 4 looms , br April 1 , tot one \oarot tnoro ; location to bo In twron iHidire nn 1 Mason nnd 17th nnd S'tli ? ts. AddressJ'j ) , line oIlU o. _ B'i7 _ " \\rANTKD- Honnl and nlcove room , fur- T nl hed or unfurnished , by two Kontio men. In private family , uood location , modem cotnenfencos lleleroncrs c\cliutird Ad- ditsliai. lloe oilier. "ill 17 * _ \ VTKD To IHIJ 10 to 21 acres wllliln T TT mlK'sof the Omaha postolllco , Wrl'lht { t I.iirliurv. miller 1'iiTlon linli'l MJ FOR RENT HOUSES nml LOTS. lj1lllltKXr-Llxci > aiiilhotel."Addiess \ NT . \ est , Norfolk , Nob. l."l ml * l0l ! IIPNT T-ioom housn. well , cistern nnd - 1cellar.cor. . ( lime nndd sta 6121s * IJIOIt IfUNT-ll foom tTrrnlshed house : moiH' JL1 nin Impioxi ments ; also bain 1 * > I2 Daven port street. Ml 17' ITUM HUNT fifteen room bnllillm. , slnio I- fiont , uooil lociitloM lor lodulmr. lioiiidln hoiifeo or smnll lintel. Aildiess , K 20 llee F OIl Itl'NT llotisn ot ten rooms mid burn , f > J7 I'ark ave , between I'ainam st nnd Leiu- enuorlh st , Imiulre at Dornn House , bouth IMh near lliUllo of iieltx sbiiru biilldinif Hill _ "IT < OIl HUNT -Cottasros , houses and store * , nil J deelinblo nnd well located , from fin per month up. L. Ilitrnhiun , Itoom 1 CroUhton Illock. 145 _ ITIOH ItnVT To acres ! l inllos from postolllec , J. siiitabto tor market irardeu.w ill tent or sell. Apply West Furniture Co , 103 N 14th st 1M FOIl 1113 VT II room house , eitvwntor , street cms , 1" " < miles tiom P. CJ : $ JJ per month. D. C. rnttoMon , Omaha. Nat I ban * . 710 IpOH HKNT Iluildliifr snitablu for lljfht niiin- nfiu'tiiriiik' or whnlonlu pmposos ( lood lOLIItlllll. 11 SI , IlOO OIllCO. 4'1J ' III * nAV prlvlloiro to lease on the Oetwllor farm , ut Amos. 7 miles \vcst of rromont John ( lalhuthor , 117 South U'th fit. 4U'm'l ' \\TANTIJIl - A banjolet to JolTriTTTomo T nir"- if tettn. Must bo able to read music. Ad dress Vi , Hoc olllco f > 01 FOR UKNT-lf jou want to rent a house , call on llciuiuu & Co , opposlto postolllce , 5JJ IIKNT-Lireo birn with FOIl water privi leges Apply m IBlb ChlPiUO st. IMS 171OII UUNT-Hoifso , II rooms , In Ilanscnm J1'liico. . ( teller S ; Cntnpncll , Itooml. 15U'J I'arnam. 705 FOR BENT KOOMS. 7 Olt III3NT Lnrsu lurnlshod room 7IJ Ifllli 1 strict. fi7C 17. F OU HUNT Four rooms for honMikccpIn and tnoor three noulv furnished rooms nt reasonable prices , il 17 Ilnineyst fi77-17 * FOlt 1M3NTAeiy deshablo newly rut- nlshed room , all moilern con\enlcnei t- , sticet cars. 25.11 st .Matj'simi 57s FOlt lU'NT Itonms uitiiblelor2roi.tlomen ( ; now turnltuio ; bnth. li.l'J Capital a\o. fiM 21 * FOlt HRNT l.nreo lurnMiod room , sultablo for2uuntlimu'i 'Ul ' r.unnm 574 17 < OIt It'f.NT Ono newly finiiisheil 1 room lor t-'ontlemen , $10 per month , at HJ'.l HoiMlrd. Clu' POIt HUNT a unfurnlrlied rooms 2 ' 01 Michigan uvo. 5o ; 18 * FOU Iir.NT I/ir o fiiinlstho 1 room , 111 ! i t'lil- cage st K'l 17 * _ I7OH ltiNT-il : rooms fnriiNhcd or itnfui 1 nl-liod , for livht hoiisokuuplni ; I'llCn s street. K'U 17 * OH HKNT rmnlBliol rooms 2 ) rooms to lunt witli bo.ird.n - ' - N 15t HI. 54 l'.l HUNT A snilo ofllKood looms. No 1112 South iie\onth : ! = tieot 4I11R * TA HUNT An okk'snt fiont p'irlor with A board , aKo otlior * miillor rooms , llouao hnsall moiloin uonvoiilenues ( ienllemcii de sired. Southnost corner Webster and -'ithet. _ W. FOH HUNT 2 nice olllco rooms at 512 S Ifith sti eot. 7IIJ I710 ltn\T Nieoly furnlsliot room , llofor- X' enccs routined. 1037 _ PS7 * FOIl IlKST fetoro room and No. HON. 14th st. basement. iiss F OIl ItKNT Hasnmunt , sultnblo for lioiiso- kocpln ? . Inqulru 14H Chlciso. 'hl FOIl HKNT Tno rooms , unfurnished , foi light housekeeping. Imjulro MJ. > llnuurd St. _ 371) FOIl KPNT-Nlcelv fuinlshod rooms R. W. cor. Ifith nnd Chic IKO. 207 171 FOIl HKNTNicely ! m nlshoii front room In nlcoeottatro f 8 per month , nt 406 Walnut stB minutes ttulK , U. V. depot. _ ill 5 _ FOIl HUNT I rooms unfurnWioi miitiblo for honsokoopinir , 1017 N Uth ) st ; apply to M. r. Martin , .110 S nth st. 40) ) FOlt UK VI'Nice rooms nt 18.J1 Karnini , one block wast of couit hoiHO.suuth sldo. _ Kir FOU HUNT Furnished nnd unfurnished rooms In ' rucinc Ulock , cor. 1,1th and Dodpe. Davis 4 IIothorinKton , .Millard Hotel Ijllllard Itoom , -JM TJIOIl IliXT-iiiviint : : fuinlslMMl lront roiiiii X' nlth iiloovo and closet. 1118 ISili. _ _ _ _ 4SJJJ2' _ FOlt HUNT Furnished room , in nlco locality , _ nt 704 S 18th St. 015 ! FOIl Itr.Nr Newly fuinlshod fiont room , I'JOa Webster si , ftM-23 FOIl HKNT Fnrnl-hed looms , smifly or en suite tit 71US l&th , the blocks fiom opuia lioiibu. _ OJ7 in FOlt ItUN'r-rurnldlied moms. 711 N. Iflth-st ailmb' " 15 00 M with boar 1 , 1UIJ Capitol avenue. l\ ' _ _ 41121' Foil JllJVT Kloirant rooms on strout car line , bith and a&t , a w. oor 20tli nnd Wcbstei. uj SI'IUNO VALLR Our now Addition , AorostLWto * 40J per or9 , Nonr South Omaha , And Hydicnto IIIIL Marshall & Ix > bock , _ I S _ 1TO Fariiim. IMPItOVIID-Klfflity uoros , 21-3 miles of Con- tral City , to tnidu tor Omalm property , John ( iiillDKlier , LI17 S. l.lili at. Bill 18 * _ " \\nSK" * I'AHMlILi : , ' T T 15JJ I'.inmir. st. Offer tliiajbuit-'nliis to dnj : 1 corner Ooonrln avo. mid Dupnnt Jl.'WO , 7 On-hard hill , choice lots each $ -ci.i. Hondo and 2lots , Mmnders i add to Walnut hill fJ/JOO. 2U rini'it loth in Clovoidalo , I'inololrt In Kllby plaie , elieap , Fmo 11-2 lot John I Itodlck'n but > -dlvlslon , 2 choUo Ills In Ma ) nos udJ , each $5JO. 2cholce lots Falrmount place. 1 acre best In lloh micro , biirjrain 5 JO. 21ots Jiilter'riiulditloii , each ( I'M. 6 lots Ml DoiiK'his , eiitl. f ViJ. 2 lots South ix. : place , eucn f VH. 3 Brona I'ark. tmrtmlns eneh $800. 24 lots rhnlce In Vates k Houipors uJJItlon. ID acres > ; mile south of Harris .V I'liUtison'd aimer , ultra nlco , cheap and easy teiiua , A line list ofostcra lands for Mile , or trndo for Omaha property. 400aerui ! Uiytily lmpro > cd , SiiunJora Co. , ealo or truilo. 115 loot front on Kith street , Last , not least , narner on I'anum f 45,031 nnd many others , 1503 Fnrmun , Who and I'armelo. _ | _ \ _ ! 177 1 0 acies Finest pround in Cote llrilllHiito n. - w.orFortOinulm. Will soil all or part at IJCO per aere.imo-thlrd caili. Urcyory A Hadlei , rooms I and 3 Ht-dick block , 3iO t ! . ISlh ft. K55 ( J.OOO Jot on Cuniliiir Bt. Ivostura add , $ < JU. T tirahum , Creighton lllk. 545 la HOL'SKS ' Lots.Furms.Landi-inonoy loaned , llomls' city maps. 0x7 Icot. . ' 50 each HoiuU , room a , Barker block , S. W. cor. IMn and iuruum tts. v 7 \\r tl SlllfVjH Ppcclftl llrnnllfiil aero on lei en\o , wlll lutK. ffl.l'U - 10 to iM ( ncrp rtpnr Do if ami Dumb InMltulo , nt n Imninln AinI on easy IPMIIS. I lit 111 I'lftlflMtfw , otiSnlllliliMI' , fl/iO1 Ut ( WtU'irtM I'raiulln nl.tienr Itnd O'ir lino. flAV ) I nil lot l on Park no , I J.7V ) , ( Inod lot on .Californln i > l , nenr CreUhton collewo , M. fl , ( irner lot < m Piltnlnir nt. , pnved , f 1,030. Uitxln Uroiinnl Hill , | 7.V ) to t iWoaclis unsy Full lols In A. S 1'atrlek's add , near Pniiuiloi dl.eneh Jl.nvl MxlUon Uil lol neiit Sniindors Jl 'fl Full corner lot * m ' 'nuiiiiers , f ni"0. ( Two SUiM tt lols on N st , Sonlb Omnlin , oaeh II.7IX1. X'oorner lots raster's nld , 1 4rA > . 2 lots in KIlJii Place , east front , hlch nnd slKhtb.pich fl.SOo. Lot oitllnnilit'Wstoppoonvont , $ l.7i > J. Impioved Fropeily. llentitlfnl inlliiiro. n room , lot illvllO , N ItUli Bt ( IllSt Oil 1 HKoMf4Olll. Now fi room rottinrp , lull lot , II. front N Z * > tn si IIPIII < nr line , tJ 'vHj. . Houses and full lots in Omnlm Vlow , $1 , < U ) to " " ' "i'olt'iiHo Mini lot io\l50on California st. oa y terms f..WKl I nrKo hmiM nnd lot on Dodiro , opp High fclinnl , nil mo tern Improvements , ? KliiJ. ( ) ( ' _ < llano 'mil full lot on Idiko st , no ir 20th , ntul full lot on inth st , near Paul , Now hnuso. s rooms , full cotnrrlnt , yiih and locnturst.f ) 1,001 W. O t-lnlvor , opp I' . O. U A. SLOMAN , Heal Cstate , IMS Fur mini St. Farnnm st , por. ll t. | .n\l u , fFi.OK ) . Fainam et.bol aith nnd2M , llilxi K. JTi.O ) ) , Farnam l , npiir ' th. S trout. 2Jtl 1 ! . $ , .OJ , Fnrtiamst , our. 4 Id , y nn 1 W front , Sl.iUJ. Fat nnmst , cor 4M , Sand 13 fiont , f.1,0) ) ' . I'm until M , cor 4lsi , S nnd K tiont , lnd o st , liix U'll , rot ) niro nnd b u'li Lot I ami 2 , blk 2 , S mlti Oinali i ndd , corner , * ' \liRltiln ave , nenr Lonvonworth , 40x110 , t2.tllll ) 1.11 li Ht.oor. llownrd , rents foi fl'i , PTi.OOJ. H tilth st , near \ induct , 40 < c t-1. ) $ I. ' K ) . HnnilHonM.ri-rooni IHIIIUP , $ I,5'JO. ' Lot 2s , blk 7 , On hunt Hill , ? . > Ml. Lot 57xlVI. ne > r Canning Works , fill. ( oilier Martha nnd r > thu\l ! li. Imp , IVJ1 lltllman's add lots , choice for f IV ) . Lots In lliown Park , South Omnlm , Ortlmnl Hlll.ote. Douitl is st , nonr 'lid , RdxIiU. S'.OH. 219 ELFO ANT lot. font It front , onn liloek west of KliiKt --cliiHillioiise , SJ.lOii. ( Iraham , _ _ _ " \\T11V pay from j7K ) to'JI.Onilur nlot In nil- dltionsadlolnlnc llarlo'ii Lime ? S4V1 will buy 5 on a lot in lliirlom Lane that contains over -IK ) more siiiaio ] foot of land. Hailem Ijino Is no wild oat propoitv lint Is lust ' mile nw Ir-im llodford Pbioo. Will Bell lots ut above price until Fob. 1 ! ' . nfter whleh tlio prloo w 111 be raised $100. Van lleiiren , 14th and Iouini3. ) ( 515 IS LOT on Hint st next to coiner , half block fioni pavement and cm line , $ , OlHl. lourth cash , Uinhain , LrelKhlon lllk. .M" ) IS ST.-NuEr Sannders , 5U1J4 401 Orepory it Hadloy. J , roU oatato , ' 117 Houth llthst. Acru proptirty , lols In nil parts of city. Choice lot * Lincoln Place , llaitfiiln fiiix blcor. Calllornla and-Id , 11A ml AHKK \ ilAltlCAI.bwTujrnouu'his St. 24th st bet. Popplelon and Woolworth sts. 50xl2H. 1 loom cottujro eist liont. f 2.WO Omnlm View , hnii ° o * rooms and lot . . . . 2,003 Nluholns and lltli sts. corner dixlJJ trackiiftu . . . 4/.00 Hlckorv nnd fith pts. corner , lli-xl.U irist fiont . . . . 5i)00 ) llth st north of Nicholas , IL'\I' : , : > , oiibt fiont . . . . . . 11,500 l < Uh vt , bet. I.nko and Ohio , ( > lxl44 , Ironl r . 3.200 Vlrtrlnlanvo , rnxlri ) , east tiont , . . . 2 , 00 . ' .kiriuit coiner lot , Le.ivonnortli and 21st Bt , lllxiaJ , east fiont wlthono' room r.ndi oni10 loom house , bain , filablo , etc . . . . . . IS.fiOO Clioicilot ) mOich'ird Hill . . . 750 Special bnririlnsln Ktlby Place , Walnut Hill , Klrkwood and Srutn Onmhii. _ Ilarko \ U irlciilow. 1 l-'l Doiurlii9st. _ _ 1J7 * jQl''T fi-roopi hoilto on 2" > th st.hilll bloc'tlmm ' J Cumlnif,46o ' ( iialmni , CrclKhton lllk. , , U-.13 WS. SI3AVV , 111 South Iltn street , Is sole njfcnt for the lollou Insdu-cilbed prop- oil } . Lot 1 , blotl : 1. Corner , filtl.'J , PattUk's ndd , fiontlm , ' t-minners st. Lot 2 , block , 8 , O Nlel's sub. dlv. Irantlnir sti eel cur Ililp , ( limliifr ' tn ot. Fiillnaioery.cholui , corner Cass street and Lo\Vo avp. lle.iutltiil lots In Killiv and Shrlxor Place. Aero pioporl ) ni1olnlnir | South Omaha Fort } foil i loot flouting Fainatn street. llenilttful lots in hhermiin , Wilcox'h additions 7Hicholoolota In Omahn , bouth Omnli.i nud all thniiddltlon- . Host bargains now ollerod , easy terms lie j our own I imllord and c.ill on mo for fin ( her p.irtlciil irs. W. d Soavey , Itoal INtateand Commercial im'Ciil , 11 1 South llth si , Omaha. i > o > 18 "IT'OK SAL13 A.IJ1 aero rarm with house , barn - * - and rrlb , on the II. P. Hy.nnd only one- half mile troni n iroo I rallwav town , with chuichisand s nools. Prloo $ s'U ' ) . Apply to Lniilj Ilridlord , coiOth nml Uousflns , Omaha , Neb _ _ _ _ _ UJ1 _ _ h(1HACICAJL ( i oiner Ittixl u on Dili st. . near JC. . hi. P. M S , O. Depot J.'O.OOl ) , 4 houses now rontliiK for f 1.74D per year. droRoiy X Hadloy 5r,5 ri AT13S & WATT'1 , SM S. I > th st v r llarifiiins In the following unimproved propoitj. \\nlnut Hill on Niclml'isst , 11,200. Hanncom Place on Phil r-heridan M. , f 1.100. Foster's add , S.,2iN ) . Iluilloid Plaic , f75H. llurdotto Court , ? ! / > to ? V)3. ) South Omaha at piicostoult all. Dnneken'sadn , $70J. 1'riiyn Park , J4W. Maker place. , JUOJ. 2 lots cor. Ia\enport ) and 27th , $7,030. CVNolll's sub , fl,1 ' ! ) ) . Orelmrd HIM , S7'0 to $ IXK ( ) .loroinopark.fl.'iuu ' Shlnii'sadd , M.IOO. Omnlm View oxteu'lon , Jl.'iVl. Lmioln plant , $7i ( ) ) . h F. Itoi'eis ndd , MO Kilo $1.001. Kount1th sup. ndd. ? IUI loH.SOD. Impiined Piopeity. 11 room house , mo.iern impro\oiiiontf > , bain , olo. _ cur. 27th and H.imlltoiiKts , on ens } touns ' .i houses , lot ( HlvtKl , In Shull's add. . fT.TO ) . A bnrtraln in fahuirs2d ndil , fsoo 7-ioom house on PoppletoniiMi , $1030. ( room house. Mill ml & Caldvvell's add , , $1 100. 7-ioum house , MIHard & C.ilJ" oil's add. , f ,1,0 Ml. r , loom lioiifu on Ohio st , , $7liOn. ; i bonaoH nnd barn , 13 V. bmith'a add. on Sher man n\o , $ ' ) , OXI. t ) room hoiisn , cor Thai IPS and " 'Jlhf7OOJ. 7-iooni housu on Convent si. . $1)00. ' ) i.r\UJ ft. , wlth2 houses , McCoimloK's add. , tf.OJO. t-2 ! 17 ACTIVK teal ostalo nnd property \alinniu : a Iwurain. and U 15 Nltthi-t. 50x140 with a and 7 room benne , fi.TiH. UK II ) ' 171011 II DAYB ONI.V- X1 Lot 5 blk U Sulphur BprliiKs ndd for ? 1,600 1703 cash fiiepory k IlBdloy , Iloomsl finiin Iti'dlck block , 320 h 15thst , ( L'H not'SKS -LotsFarmsLiindit-monov lonned , llomls'city mapsi 5x7 feet , $ -51 oieli , HoniN , room U , Darker block , S. W. cor. 15lu and Fnrnam SH. | 287 BAIttiAlS'S In lots nnd bnslunss property 0. V , Din Is Company , 1 jjj Farnam si. 67(1-17 ( ONK aeie aiijoi lnr Idlowild for Bulo by O. Davis tompniiy , IBM Farnuni st. 670 17 . . . . . . . . . . , /iw" > t. 1'roporty. 1W footcornur nith St. , fl J.VW. : ilot8,22foot 1 rent , between I'ark and floor- trla nvo , ouch JI.IKW. tifi foot corner ( ioorsla avo. , J1P.OOO. 4Htoot improved , botvuiun 14th and 15th sts , rents tor f fiVpoi month , f ID.iKX ) 100 loot clo > o la licit Line , f 1.600. 50 foot clo o to Holt Line , f 800. Heller ArriOnpUHll , room 1,1509 Farnam , 58(1 ( TlSTjonrpioiierly with II. 11. Hull & Co , in l-lS 15th st. 481 IS BR I1ALL A CO. , 115 S I5th sire ot burt'iilns toron Saundois binall house. 8 room hoitMivJlotti , Snurdois st- fi-room housn , ' ! lot. nundors Ht. K-roiiiu honau on25th a\euuu , rrioomcottanoon I'lmrlos M. 8 room houtoon Caldwell st. " room collate , 2 lols K lath et. H lots In lt(6ervclradd. ( 471otelnOiclmnl Hill ndd. "tl lots in Hchlunalngo's add. 10 lots In Cloxordidn add. 2 lots in ShIinn'K2nd add. 2 lots in Hlllsldt No L 7 lots In sub illusion of 112 . ( otter's addition to SOmuhti , known iifl'injlor'uujd. lOaciesin 11do park. 2 lolj lo ( Jriiiiiinuri ; ) park. Seven-room cottitKO and 2 lots In Ambler I'Jaco tooxclianen for iinimpro\odlanj 6 room cottage on Parker fct Forty acres 5 miles from poatoHlco to ox- chiiiiun for inside property. 4tJ SNAJ'-It ) feet front on Leivenworth st. , nimr 31 st. with a 3-rooiu house , f..OW. 13asy terms , Ttilj U u bargain. Oreeory&Hndipy , Hooms 1 BiidU , Itcdlck illk.S.Mb. 151U at. 401 _ T.1ST } our properly with us.rltfht 4. * < - bu-unarl'OJi'ouUottl. J MIJAD , V JAMIK30N' , No .llsHoiilli IMIidt , Nowporl nrfru f < ( X ) Two Iliii1 neip , lleiuxipro , Pucli 7W Onn HOIK llnrkalow n nnbOHII'I bo bent 4t l Bnmtnl noros In Hplby'ssilb , nno . 4U ) 7ft Ion In LnkovlPW , imsv Inriim , ,150 to ( VM ' 1 wo line lots icoriiin llord'n S.M'J Corner Int. Klrkwood , ohenp nl Lots in Plaliulpn , corners ? I"V ) , .uildo I.KKI . ' otonil dosltnble lots , llelfotd . 7W ( life s ndd , line loi'iitlon , f70) ) to . KM Sulphur Sprlints mid , 11 ory tlno lots.onch 2,0) I 'innihiiiow , liilotsnt * IHIH ) to . i.sxi .Milnn 2d,2 lots fnolntr two ls , onoh 1,001 IxiMO'Aitdil , line lots from f'Ml ' to . . . 1,7'v ) Orchard I till , several desirable lots . . . KM Aillmit Hill , 10 ots , piloptod , ? * iM to . . IX ( l'iosecl | plaoo , oornor and a beauty . . ii ) lo toi's ndd. tine coriiPr lODtl.M. , 4"Vll Smith - park on V. Ifith st , 57 fl fronts , 4.'nHI Aeropropertj , Cote llrllliant . . . . "i)0 ) 7 * loot 11 out In C ildwoll < t neai SM st , n.Tiin I Inelot on Cumtinr t , fit it . , 7,0X1 Mi'opornoronNiiindi'rssi'ilxltl . 4,00) ) Coiner lot on west I'umlnifs ndd . . , l.OMI IIMots Lincoln place luirffiln ( * < tt ) to I.IXU Somn of thorn nro treed luritaliij and some aio not. font front Park pi ice \orp cheap . 75/1 / 7 loin Hawthornnfl.tOiilo 1.IIH ) 6. lots Summit I'laco . ' . 'Oil to . . n.itM is lots Kilbv place O RJ pn ) incuts 1.I5J 2OM .liirome pnrk out on Fninntn 11,10) ) .loioinopniK Insldo cheap . , , 1M 4 \leformlek's2d ndd all for . . . . U.01J fill lots West ide4Z5 to W \\rstOmnhallno lols . . . . . 1,701 'Ihornburp plu o7 nice locations 050 to 7ixt lleilloks subeliolto lols J.VX ) to . . . , n,0 ) Ilnnseom plnco20 lots IUK ) to : iwx ] ( liokolot In Mmlls2d linrirnln 1,50 Dulitht A Ljmnnsadd son Imp \ < o simp , sen It 1-JiiJ Amblorphico ino to HW llpsiileiico Pinpeitv. Moom IIOIKP , city water , luinor 241 h and Doiitrlns . . , § JI JQ ft-room house , extla tlnlsli. bnsemenl , elocttlu bells , oislei n , ymblu , ( leorgla mo . . . . . 3/iOO U loom bniHo , city water , llarnoy , near 2Mli . . . . 8,030 5 mom house , Pleasant , near Lemon- worth . . . . . . 2,003 ( Vioiim benne , ( jood lnipio\emonta , .Wth ntninilcni0 ! . 2OX ) 5 ioom house , well , ccll'T and out Imllil- limn. Sanndors st . . ! I,5W Diinblo house , ' . ' stoiv biisemont , hot nnd oolil water , KOOI ! ptjlnir Invest. monlPlon ant st . . . 1'i.OW 7-room house , barn , Ac. . 31th st near Cass . . ! lr,00 Lot laelnirlwo fts , with 7-room house and. ! muni hoii'e , lints lor - ' . " > per month , easy tu ins 2,7)0 ) ioom honsp , 2 ultMV bilck , oNtPin , well , etc. , corner Daxenpoit andUlst , 57xW . . 8,500 4 loom house , ,11st and MIIIOV , oor.,50ir Illi . . . . . . 3,000 lloii-ohum mid shopcor. .Maitlm and 171h si . . . . 4.roo 2-room lioiise , 20th nenr Martlm , ililxlll l.SOO 8 ro mi house. 2 ' torx , irooil Improve ments , ! < ) it fiont. lull ' . ' ,1)13 ) n room lioii'-o , Cliuroh M. ucnr Illd I00 5-ioomhonso , lot iH\124 ! , Lcavonworlh st 4M ) 4 room hon-t',2M near Lnko 2,700 7-ioom hou o. bath , etc. . S. 17th. . .'JO ' Full lot , 2 houses , to rooms nnd 4 rooms. 1'ltli nnd Mn * > on . 8,0.10 " loom houseSlitti near Cutnlm ? , 150 ft from pavement 3,350 4-room house , now , 28tti near Cum- Ini ; , cheap at 1,000 5 room house , fruit and shn to , llnost lot In Orchard Hill , S. tiont.oasy terms . . l.WO II room house , well , etc. , Patrick st. near 2flth . . . . . . . 1.5IX ) ! 1 ho Arch . ' . ' room BO , st. near''Gth lrjOJ G-rooin house , Ohio near 21th , lot 4J xllG . . . . 3,000 5-ioom house , well , etc , 25th nnd Ilurdetto Pt9 . . . . . 2,100 8-rooin house , Vlrplnlu nvn near U. S. GiAnt , line . . . . . . C,000 10-1 ooin IIOURC , bain , etc. , lot HWx 110. Irwln t . . . . . . 7,000 7-ioom hoii'-o , city water , Vlinlnla a\onear Leiuonwoith . 4,000 l'-rooin liouso , Oooiiria ave near Lomonworlh , bnr aln . 8,500 Lot liulnnsts , 24th and Howaid , with 2 treed houses , hursiiln fi.OOT Severalliundiedothura located iuoverj p.irt of iliu cit > . Istislncss I'repoity. Dodirp.cor. l.'tli , tpntsfj.00ilr , full lot 33,000 Doimlns , 2J ft no ir 14th , rents JJ75 month 18,00) DoiiKlns , 2. ft near llth IH.WV ) 44 " l tl 3J.O 0 Farnani , 41 " llth ; " > , ' . ' 00 " r.iirtcor 8th I8.HOJ " SSft nrur llth 40,000 Howard , Bd " l.'th 20,030 , ft cor. I4th Zl.OtX ) Leiuonworth.l'ilftcor ' r.tli IJ.nilO " OH ft near Utl in.iWJ .Tones. 112 ft cor. llth 20.0JO WaiohoiiBo and Tiackatro. No 1,1JO\I4I ( , truck In alloj . . . 11,001 No 2 , tl ) Jt front , track near St. 1'aul SU.OW No. U,5 ; liont tiacb near Iflth st viaduct 11,000 No. 4 , Jjj fiont , track near llth st . . . . II.'IOO ' No 3 , fir front , tinok I/nnl st 10,000 No. niO ft I/itnl , track In iillov H.O1) , ) No. 7 lid ft Nichols , tiack In alloy 4,200 No.8,1'U It lit ! ) st Hack in alloy . . . II.01 No. 'i. Hi ) ft Jackson st , track In alley 12,003 No property ollcrod for sale by in without wilttcu iiuthorltv toboll tto iln not participate In an > wildcat schemes and do nut put am thlntr in the market unlu-H it is know n bv us to bo eory w ay right Cumn In and eo us Wo liavo clctrsint riffs and courtooiis salos'iion to wait on } ou nt any time. Mead A.tninlpsnn 417 / 1OOD lot hnll block west ot Kin ? st. Patricit'3 vJf add , $1,430. Graham , Cicltfhton blocs iJl I 13 BOWIiINO OltllF.N- Thooho'ipost and host mlditlon 4 mllofiom proposed Henson car lino. .Viuro lots.poi acio J.VK ) . S'S-iuro ' lots , jioi iitio. * > * > ) . LotsfiUxIJT. ? 175 and 12J1. Maishall .t r.obock , Telephone No 73. IMU Farnani St. 477 IS IAr 10 , block t , O'iVeirssubdlvlslon.chonpnt i. ai ) ono-loiirth cash , iiaham , , - ( , Croitth- . , . . ton block. liis'lti LF.VONMAKCK , l&ir , IIOllKOBt. 5ioomhouso on Montana st , lot J.'slW , few doors from Cumins t.t f-.nD ) . bhinnV 1st ndd. 8 room house , lot r.Jijxlll . , bath loom , won , uUtorn , oto , sM.WJ , Sl.WO casu ; on ( "aldvuill st. Walnut Hill , corner lot sonlh fronton Cum- hm t , onlj fl.'un. Orohnnl Illll , 7" ) lots , corners nnil all , jour oholco lor | 7V1 ouch , cay terms , will bo all Mild In Kiilujrt 8 IODIII hoife , now , nnd" boauliftil lota In Ori'tmid 11 III , only f 1.0 W. fb71 cash. Walnut Hill , lull lot on Nicholas fit , south fiont , barKiiin nt $1,1)0 ) , for Wdiys Adinlnlni ; Highland I'r.rk , tvvo acres lying splondldlr , onlv i lM oaoh. ! > bih-k honspson 17th t , 10 rooms oaoh , rent foi $11.0 per month , onlr ftS.OM This Is a bar- K'nln. InvostiKito , Como and look at our list , it can't bo surpassed. Mitchell.I l-oyonmnrck , nw 15111 Dinltro st HuUSF.a l.otsI'ai msj.iimls monuy loaned. Homis' iilty maps , 5\7 foot , ? i 50 oac-h , llomls , 100111,1 , Ilarkor bloc.'c ' , S. W. cor 15th and 1'iininmsts. ' . ' 87 \ononsr.-Cornur , Full lot.lnuiriivoil , rent \J injf novf tor JIOX ) . Can soil lor ? 11'Jo J ( liiffory i. Hiulloy. 4'U ' HOUSES X otpFarmsI.amis money loanud , llomls' olty nmpi , x ? loot , $ . ' 5) ) oauh llomls , room II , Ilarkor block , a , W , cor 15th and Farjiam t > ts. -iV\ UOI'TII 10tlirJfeot In llartmnn'B add , fi.cTioT D Oraham , CreiBliton bloak. rill 18 $1,1101vlll buy Kood CO-foot lot on I'urK nvo vvIth 8-room house , binn.Vc.U. II. Horton , 1) ) ( I Park ave fiju 21 171011 H.VLI : bu acio tract , Improved , near the -I city , 1181. per aero. Lots In Fohloslni-'or's addition f-V ) to * 39. ISO loot , 24th and Farnnm at u bargain. SO net OB wuft of Walnut Illll cheap Call mil Investhfiito. Bchloshifor ) Ilros , 014 H loth at , 170 in J TTAWniOllNK-Oood lot $350 , fW7 cash J 1 ( i i cgory It Hadloy 4111 EtiKQANTIot , Kilby I'lnco , $1,000 , ( Iraham. L'roih'hton Illock , 515 18 J ItllSINRSSIots on I'ark ave , fl. ' . W for In- T sldo , J..OJO for oornor"ix84 to an alluy. Mead A. Jiiiniotion. _ _ _ _ l.'t GENIIINK IIAIiaAIVS-rno corner lots m lliir.lotloconrt , only 4 blocks frjm Sunn- dor's street OHM. Vv. ) l. IliHhinun , Itnoin 10 , Uiishnmn Illock , N lioir 10th anl Duutjliu. _ 117 UAl'N ' . Pt. iai foot at f75 per loot , cor- \j nor , thoap Urahain , Cruliiituii block. MS 18 riI'H ST. A hlRh and fsllubtly corner , ' b'ooil nolrhburhiOit ) , ti.fM ( , iirujrory A Hadloy , Rooms 1 and 3 , Itcdlck lllki0 ; b. 15th si rpWUIoia in Lincoln Flaco , on Holt line , 11,009 bolh. _ < Jiftlmin , CreUhlon lllk. 515 Ib ST. MATTY'S AVi-Fmost : co'ifo'FT'.Wxl 15 on Hi Nar > 'n ave , sti nets on J b ! Ion alloys an 2 sldtii with Sl.OW house , Slh.fjjJ. Il.isy loim , thlp N IIHS thnn # 10' ' ) put trout foot und that Is the Iln n rout whloi w D sold tlio adjoining In si Jo lot last week. ( iri'Kiio ft Hudloy , Itoomsl and2 itedick blk , J-'O.S 15th st. HOl'SKSLot , FarmsLnnds money lontio 1. llemls' city inapj , r > i7 feet , K ' > ) oiicb. llomls , room il , Ilar.or block , H. W. cor IStn and Fainiun s's 297 I lisTjouryroperly witli IL U"liiiil aTro.Tlli _ _ HOI'SIJs I.'Jts.F.iriim.I.iiiidiinor.oy loune I. Ilemls'oltr maps , ,1x7 foot , f i 51 imoh. liomls , room il , llnrxor pluck , S. W tor 15th mid I'urmini Us. 287 1 or II , block 2 , n.irondon add , south front J on st , 1 1 , 'AW ; bartruln ( iraham 6li id 1 1 orflUfl 1otsrivf ( iuUn\s , \ monnr I > l n l1 , I I lli'inln' Mir innp , ( it ; fool , ft.M enoh llnmls , room ,1 , linrKor blooh H.V , mir IMh mid Fnrtmni nt , _ _ ssj 1 tATIIK'K'H 1ST A1MXturner lllxl'tl , on Tlin I liiKliln , ( XI ft , atnSdoillilo liomcs , rontlnir fin I'nr mom It , IPIM IHK i otnor M t ni \ iii'iint , nil fur I l,0 i. I lonsh. lltn/ory , V Iln liny , Kooms i ntiil.i , lloiliik flm iMy. I5in M. HAI.K-Tnn lot * In KniinUo I'lnco. .Snnn- Otis , in ; luuiitiiis i. an jlOII SAt.K-ini | miuslr llmu'tirr , ivl lanmmsl IHKer l'lipebu lnp i lot , tvvo otrorts J 10. ) DHlono > adit south Ironl , Ames av HM ( umliiK st inniPiAliH'mllmun $ < ntlto . . 700 I link riiiro , south front , oloso In Hanncom I'ark . . . t ) Oirhnid Illll , line line of lots ilV ) lo tUl Albrlithfi * Annex spoolnl baiKiiln. tliesii lots for . 1 K ) IClrkvvoiMt.4lHlW. noiir tllh . I.IKKI Mm uriniik S.M . . . . HK > J I'otlrr'n nrnr I nrnham , Fob 15 nnd lit onlv . I.IM Fall mount , line lots IV , ) I'rospei-t t'l'iro , suiilli front , Iliiinlllon H ! I.8.M Foster f.neni Hanii'tersn . . , * ) llurr HIIK , fi-ontln llunsooin pnk . . V , ' m IIiinchiuiHli I'liirc lot " ' \ opo . , 'M\ Bulnn'n IK ) mlil laino lot OflxtIO 2'nKi Kleeant lots , NOIIIO onrners III oiinan l'iuo fl.frtMo . . s.MM llnn pom I'liu-e , JI.-OO to . . , iv ) Cnm > iiu st business propoily , full tots , ? . ' . ! " > to . 6.WH Slinll f l l inlil , fiuos tvvo Mii'clH , tno bon es . . . r > .1)1 Also lnllecir 1st , IlllUnto No ' . ' , Milnn'.s ,1,1 , i : v. Smith K , KoiiiitM , IviuinU 4lh sup , HartnnuiK , tliuvthorn's , llaimloin's Manhat tan. Summit plroo , I'adilook's , .loromo 1'aik , Hlikiuv pliiiit'leluliton llulKhtfl , CMIton Hill , HIOH n I'ark , lilloiflM , runnlnirliiim , V linn nnn'M , Oiehard Hill , FiltrlrK s 1st and 'd , Illvor Movv.Cential 1'aik and ovorv othni iidilltlott vrheio sale und prolltahle Invostmen' avvnlt Im- moitlnto imielin'ois. 'Ihe lime tu bli > Is now. 'Iheplaon to buy Isal 1MI FauiHin st. Hero you onn Iiml a Inrue ll-t of tnuiriliis In all kinds of ronllv , nl prloos and terms to nntt even body. Abvavs iniiilv and vvllllnir to show piopoitv to prospective bilvoifl Itoirombor the place. Fi auk Ilnnehor , l.'il 1 Farnam si. rS7 is 8J\lls ft rorTsdth and liiKosl"s7iTvr ! ) A"bTiT ( linlmm. ( "roltthton INK. Mti If CA M , nml see the fnllnst and moat oomploto sot of ntxtract books of Hoiiidiis eoiinty now In the olllco of II. C. I'attorson , Fith and llarno ) . VI7 ITiOll SAI.F.r.ot lii Ames I'hu-o $1' . ) . X1 hot In bloi-k H'i lloilfoul phuo$7il' ) . Lot In Hiinscom pliii-o , Vlrirlnlaiivii. fl.ViO. Lot on 2 Ith at. nonr Nicholas f 4. mil. HoiiMMit H looms on Uth street just north of 1'ini I ono third cash , $ .l.f > m HOIISO ot 'i rooms In lillon IM . Two lots In Kllby pliu-o. eich ? 'MO . 1-otH , Illock II. Lowes Ist.f.'ir. oish , rT)00. ) Two lots in I'lnlnviow , oauh $1,0X1. 1.M feet nn Sitindoisst 1101 foot $7" > I.nt l'0\K7 , .1 mom house , lllondo st , $700 cash . ' .lOO 1 ot In Wnslilnirton Hanaro J'J.IOO. l.oton Unit street , ono third oash.Cl , TO ) . H. Vf. HnnlrosS. 15)'J ) FArniim Bt. MI-17' AKIME-outli ! front , $ IDJQ. Very cheap * firahnm , Cioltfhton Illock. 4'i 1H MA11SHVM , & LOIIUriC , 1101 Farnnm stroet. momboisof Oniutin Heal Hsluto I'\chnnpo. Corner of rallfonilu stioot and Twenty-third , fiO\S ! foot , o"y terms , fdliJ ( ) llouooofelirht rooms on Twenty-third nonr Cass , M\M foot , ono half cash , $ r.,2\M. Klirht lots , Lincoln I'lnco , ono third cash ; $5 3 to $7r > 0. Four lots In West Cnmlnflrs , easy terms , $503 to $900. Iot8 In Ml. Woasnnt addition , oaay terms , $ aoOto$150. Aoroa Tvfolvoi ; aero lots In Spring Vnlloj$3J5 to $ IOJ | ior acio. Also 3 l-'i aero lots In sarao addition. All on very easy tonns. Wohavo alarifo line of houses nnd lots on ourlM.and Invlto bujors to call and wo will show the property. Maishall * Lobcok , 1MJ Farnnm Telephone 73. 7 > ? . HOI'SlIs LotsFarmsIamismutiny loaned. Hoinis' rlty maps , 5x7 foot. ? J VJ each , llomls , room ; i , Ilarkor block , S W. cor nth and I ainaniMs 2t > 7 WALNUT HIIifi-A dunily house , cost 51 , MO w oil , etstoin. city wntor Ao , KOOI ! cellar , Iot60r:150. : South front. Neni depotJ.HW. ! Oioiroiv i Hadloy , ttooinsl and 3 Ilodierf blk.JJO S llth st Ilil nOHSFS-I.ot , Finmslnils money loaned , llomls' city maps , 5t7 toot , f. 5) curb llomis , loom .1 , Ilirkor block , 3.V. . cor. nth and Fin nam sts. 2S7 "lOOD lot on Cameron St. . ( SHo's add , 301. JT Orahnm , Cioitfhton lllk. 51518 STATI3 ST. Corner 120 feet front on State by 109 deep near Luke st. Only $ . ' ,053. ( Jiojf- or } i. Hadloy 4111 " | .l/3PSis : LotsF.irms.L'inds-money lonnod. J L Ili'inU' tltj maps , "i\7 foot , fl TO ouch llomlfl , ruom . ( Darker block , 8 W. cor. llth nnd I'm num. 2S7 T Of I ! , lllk 2 , Claiondon add , ? I3X ) . Vmy cheap , ( iinhiim , CrclKhton lllk. fill IB Llhl'om pioi > 2rt } with II. U. liallA. Co. , 11" S. 15tli fit. 481 18 Notice to S ocHiolders , The annual mcelliiKot tlio sioekholilots of thu llLI I'lililhlilncCo. , will be held nt Ihoil olllco on Monday , Match 7th , I1" * " , at 8 o'clock p m , lor the puiposo oi oloctinf ? a of lh < o- IOIH anil such other bu inoA3 as may come be fore them. Ily order of the President. (1130. ( U. T/.SCHUCIC , Sociotmy. Omalm , Nob. , Fob 17 , It > t7 fohl7dmnil Hcul I3stuto estate transfers Hied Feb. 15 , 1897. Mary Cassaily , unrdlnn. to H C I'atteison , 20\bU toil , bPf'liHii'K ) ' at the n ocor ot s wL ot fl , l.r > , ii : : Kiianiian's deed Ss. 10. I'tcilerlck 11 iJavN ami v.iluto S\\nn 1'anil Annie 1'kbort' , It f l Kalriiiount place n < ltl tu Unialia , w il S4'X ) . .lames L Bl.icl ; to 1ho public , Jlat ) of Sum mit place. bolnnnfitthol fl I , blk 2 , Washing ton Uilldeilk'ntloti Lvinan Kieli.inlsrm nnilIfn to Henry Lewis , It 2 , blk 0Vcbl Knil ntlil , wd-Sil.i'iO. Li-n.i Quick ami mis to Clias Uorbctt , Its 11. 12 , is , 14. blk 4'-0 ' , lifamluow ailil to Unwlia , vv dS700. . Coo \V liOomis anil vvifo to Ciar.i S Cotton , it 7 , lill ; 1 , Mnos phoo , vv ( I SflOO. ( id ) \ \ ' l.ooiuis ami v. Ifo to CMiaS Cotton , KB h mul ! > , blls l , Am placi' , w il 51,000. llo > 11 Mcilay nml wilu to Annie Ku\vluy , Us U , ll. ! Mi-ilay'i sub. vv cl-81,800. ( iL'iiiKeV I.oomis to Altieilo Moiitinot- onoy. its2 , 3 , l , 5 , o , blk 2 , I , ooin' s sub , w il SLfiOO. Aitlmt \VnJi'lcy to Marqaiot T Over , .lOx 101ft com at K u cor ot It 5s , IJaittnaii's add to Omaha d snooi ) . Joami ( ! eo K liatKor , tiusteos , to Frank Muijiliy , iimliviileit ltli ( ot Kinds In llooiio Co , fovva , ami 1'iatto Co. Xib ; also H e ) ami Kli n ilf l ° i mill 3 j i ) < ( li ami n o'j ' s o1/ 1 1 , ami n i-'f n oM 15. I" ' . ' - ! ls < > f ? : t , in , l , Doiiiilas Co : also 10 lots ami parts ot lots I , 1. ft , 0 , Omaha City : aNo lots 8 , U , bll , IT , KouiitV Kuth'ri mid to Oiimlia ; 'Slots in ( itamlvlitvv ; also 9-ltWtlis hit in and to fctonu ijtiiiiry , ri'scrvo ilood S5OiX ) . Frank Mnriiiij toJoscpli li.ukcr , same as last , cxciMil iloeh not say umllvideil l-Olli , q c -S.l.Oiw. .Mntllili A Ootwller to IVm II Duhvilor , about .J.OJO brju.ti n ft com oil vf line ot & 17tn 61 , Omaha , w il-Sl.iWO. \V \ M .Miii > liill ; to Victor ( ! L.inutry , 'loiiinl In sv 4y n o'4 ' Ifl , 15 , lo , vv ilil.soo. . L I'l'iiiyu ami vvllo tu tire L Dunham , lots ! ! 4 J.mhvlck 1'l.icn . , , . , w Ll'l'iuyn ami vvllo to Itobtiil.l binlluy , lot T. Linlwii'lt J'hci'v il-sijoo. Jolin A lliitb.uh ami wlfii to Andi'is 1'aul- sen , lot i blk 4 lloi bach's 2nd aihi. w il Alvln Snniuk-is aiiil I'lcrco tnisti'i'H to Klchaiil C JMttcrson. Jots 5 , 0 , blk "A" batindoia and lliiaobatuh's add , VT d S4DO. II' ItoiitMHi1oT ( \VIlllain Mack , s 7'J ft ol lot (1 ( blk "IJ" Ji\M-s ) add , \v , l'l,7tw. . .Inlin iJeltor and vvilo to I N WuUon , lot 7 bIK 'J I'attooouV hill ) , vv d8150. . . ) ' ! ' Sinlili nml wife to tlm Omaha Unit It.iihvay Co. , dl7sq ! It oil lion ) n ( cut ol lot 5 blk ; )7 ) Ouiilin. vv -51.0X1. . Ins \Vofllv\ortli ami wilu lo ( iottlob , lot ISblk U [ . ' " .ilplnir tJiriig | : mid , - . . .1 r Wileox ami wife to John ilulvihlll.loti. 01 , U. ' , Hhei mail , w d - s'i.OOO. .lolin I Iti'dli'k ami wilom David Jniulcson ot al 15 acrosi'oiu ut b n i.-ot MDVIT , .V 'I'ildoii's add to Omaha , vv dS > ,000 ( ioo llolnsman and vilit to August Hlci- bioliIII It oil 1 tMo lot lOblU I bt.iilon , v\ dsi' * . M.IIJ W Stonlii'iisto Margaret 11 Kl , .i. lot lolk i,7 : Omaha , iji-- SI. Alouimlci liilincioit ami vvifo to I II A > i'i , lots 1 , - ' . .5 , bin 10 KoKm add tu Omali.i d Sl.\OtO. .1 i : IMcy ami wife to 1 , V Mouc. lot ; J bk ! 1 liojd'i add to Omaha , o o SI. duo i : li.ikt | < i et nl to It 11 Moyoi , lot 20 blk . ' \lai no iilai i\ \v d SI W. ,1 A Midland vviftHo l < rank IVrsous , lot 2 blk fA .South Omaha , vvS"i | > ( W Amus ami wife lo Mo. It Iloriunii , lot 0 blk 3 llaiiM'Oin I'.uk aild. vv tl-ST'iO. ,1 d Willis ami vv il to < ; > MI ( icioonilnl , lot I , and i ! ) tt oil 11 hidu lot - ' blk 1 IdUnvlId ndd , \v d- -l > , . 'XW. .1 I Kediik nmlifotoMii ) II I'ovvull , part ot t > u } * u e , ' 4 15 , l& , U , vv d- ADDITIONAL OOnNOtfi A Worthy Nim l.ntorirlso | , Tlio Mihviuikco llrliltio nml iron wnrku Imvo nu | < tir < il nn nillco osor Ilin 1 Ir/it / Nn llnnal hank , lit tlio oM 1ii\tnonil ( Cittnp- lioll lii'iiliiinil'f ! | ( ( . Tin' ' liiisumifi will 1m In ( ho lentils ot C H It CiUiiiibnll , M nliMctltiK I'lmliiivr anil iotu nit nuont. Mr. ( 'niniilii'll ' | 4 vvliloly known lliroiili' ( oul Ilic I'ounliv , nml Ilio Inisliu s In tits liiimls will Inittilv linmlii'il 'Mr ! M , 1 l'ijlcr | , who vv.-vs ono ot Iliu moil vnlnn * liliof tlm old fnrt'K of H-ijnionil V ( nni ) ) ' lioll , l < also to bo with the mv ooiu'orn , I li i-oniptin IIMS tlio i-iMitriot for liiiild- In llin cniiniy briil 'i's Hits vnr , nml will doiiblli'ss IIIIVD oilier laijio nintntr < ti III liaml. Tin1 oiitcrpiiso will moot with lioarly I'licoiiniKiMiiiMil tintn tlio elli/.oiifl , IIH It is n valuable nni < In tliiM-ity Tlio comp inv is an old niul ri > lialili < onu , vvltlt in IMIV lalile n < | > 'ililion ' : , anil by | ilnnliiitn ( lirnni'li In this i-ity it will lm thu liottni nabloil to siiUsfni'tnrilv. huiutlii wusturn \v 01 K. the Snloonn The nroliililllonlsis , liy ihoir nllotnoy , Mr , ilaroli Slmo , won n ronml In ronrl lmli } ) Thortu'll overruleit the nuilion to Intvi' tlio saloon lnnncllon | cnscj transferroil to tlm federal com Us. The applications foi temporary writs of Injunction - junction will tlimeforo be htanl lioru , 1) ) this riillnj ; . Thu cases are sot to coma tip to-day , lint there will probably lm t shut p Hjrht made on each one inillvlilit ally , ami as niucli ilelav ami embarrass * ment caused its possible Mr. lliililano , who iippears for the saloons , Is u keen , sharp attorney , ami tlutre will bo no chance nnimpioved by him for prolong ing thu contest ami availing liinisolf oi every possible technicality Thu proba bility is that there , will yet lm considura- bio litiiration befoio the doors of tlm .saloons ami bar.s are Ihmly closed. Porionnl t'urnirniliR. | A. II. IColth , editor of the Crawford Comity Hnlletin , was in the cily j'ujjtor day Kottinj ; pointers on the boom. K. IT. KinK > ot Ida Ctovc ! , visited the city yesterday. ( ! . H. Pray , olork of the slate Hiiprenu court , was tit the Ugilon yestenlaj' . \V. II. llellovyay. n ont ot the "Wot Id'1 company , was in thu cil.v .yesterday. _ .Sidewalk Notice. AJOTlcn Is hotuliy Blvon to the owner or -L > uvvueisof tlio following roiil estate In Ilia tlly of Omahn , to lav sliluvvnllin In I runt of and uilJolnliiKtholr protiorty vrithln tlllooii (13) ( ) ilnys fiom the tvventj nrili ilny nl Fobriiar ; ' , ltM7. .Such slihnvnlkn lo bo oonstiuoioil ami laid In 'loonnliincu with plans anil Hiuiolllcntlima on flln In tlio olllco of the Ilonrlol 1'iihllo Works , ami In iifi'oiiliiiico with rujolullona mloptoil by the City Council , vl/ : \\ORtHliIoofllithst.lts 1 anil 8 , blk 140 , cltr , SO ftwlilo. lnsl sliloof liHli At , It n , blk Il7ctynftvvlilo. ! Kiist Blilo of liith Ht , It r > , blk ins , elty.U ItVTlilo. riiBt cidoof inth st. it n. iiik my , city nrtwido. North Hl.loof NIcliolusHl , lls.ri and 0 , blk 17UK , cltv , C It uido. South slilo of Jacksuiist , Its 1 and 4 , blk 171 , city. Hit uldo Hast siilo of inth st. It I , blk 1U7 , clty.n ft wldo. West slilu ol' ll'th ft. vliuUict lo VV illluni hlroot , Oft iv 111 o. KIIBI eldo ol LMth st.aub'It ; ' 7 , Capitol add. , nfi vvMo North slilo of Nicholas st.lts 7 , 8 , n and 10. blk..U7.0IIJ-lift ldo Neil n ° lilo ot Mchuiasst , Its n , 0,7 nnd 8 , blk 30J , oily , 0 it wide Bouth Milool Coi-liy st , llsll'i anil 10 , Millard , S.'ulUM'll'.s ( inlil , U It vtlile. West sldo of IliKhlnnd st.lts 10. 10 ; , 11 and 11' ' , , MlllanlCnlilvvell Riulil.Cltvfilo Ninth i-idnof Kim * t. Its 10 ami 17' > , Millard & C-ilil ell sudd , i > ft whlo. Ninth slilo ol So\Minl st. Its' ' , 3 , 4 , C nnd 0 , blk V , fahlnn s .lid ailil.O tt wide .1. lj IlOl'St. , Chali mini Hoard of I'nbllo Works. Omalm. Fulmmry Kith. 1W7. f7dJt ! 1'artiicrHliip insolation. rpIIK I'niliinrMnp horotoforoc\lstlntr botwcon1 JI , W. VVollo mid Funk Koiobeiry. doInK business ns U W. VV'olln .V Co , has this day boon ill-MiUcil bv muliial consent , Frank Hoar. berry lethintr fiom the business wliloh will hoionfter ho coniliictoil by L. W Wolfe K Co. 'I l.o urn-Hi in n ill pus ; ill existing IndobtoJnosi nml collect nil unt'tnnillnK ncoounts. Unialni. Fob. loth , 18h7FiiNic Fii\Nic iio Shoi-inS Sale. Ily vlrtuoof throosovoral executions lasucd out ot the ill-triut court tor DoiiKlud county , Nebraska , and to moiliroi ted , I nill on tlio Itth ibij ol Fobriiury , lm" , at 10 o'olock IL in. , OtJ paid day , ut the More rooms No. 1107 , nna and 111 ! bonth l.lthhtiii't , In the olty of Onialm , Douglas coiini.v , Nobia'-kii. fctll at publla auc tion , a t-'cnorul stock of dry jrnocls , boots , shoes , lints und caps , nnd rra < ! y mnao olothlng , the properU nt August Doimiin , tiMitlsf > a jud- montof the dNtrict court. In fuvor of Andruw Homy iloinir bnslnosi ) as the Hunk of Omaha against Atururt Dormant ho sum ot Ilirnn tlious- ami llvohuii'lrcd ' dollarsdamnKPs mid J7.78 costs and acornlnk" uMb ; iilso in calisly 11 Juilwinont of Raid district court in favor of bamiiol H. Knhnmralnst August Dorimm for tlio gum o tvvo tlioiihiind and ninety atid3VRiO'lolliirsdain atros anil fS IHuints aim nooruln COSIM ; ulso to Fiitlsfy a jinlffinont of siild district lourtln favor of Louis Hiniplio nh'nliiBl August Herman for the sum of ono thousand tlvo h und rod and forty six dollars damiijros anil f" 01 costs nnd aceriilmr co ts ; or o much of snld stock ot Kooil.s us will Hutlsfy the fiuvnrnl three judg * monts.coste , Interest and acciulnp costs. WIU.IAM COUUIlN. Hhorlff of Doiurlus County , Nob. Omaim , Nob. , Fob. 8 1837. BtBdlOt Proposals for Curbing- . SKALii : > propoMilslll bo rocolvol by the iiniluisluiuil until II o'clock a m Miircu 1st , I1' * ' ; , | oi ciiihin stioetaor liortlons of Btroct % lo HUVVH , to-\vlt. ' 1 hat p irt ut tilth t.t. in 1'avlnsr Dlstrli t rj. 'Hint pait of .Miii-on HI. In I'mliiic District 72. Thai partol llthst in I'avlnvr DNtrlct't. That pat tel 10th 8t. In 1'nvlni ; District 7B. That part of llth st. In ravlnx Dlitilct 70. That unrt ol Uili HI. In l'avln lUlilit77. That put of l.lth st. In I'avlni ? District 7S. ' 1 hat pin t of lav ) onport st. In 1'avlnar Dlstrlut Fl. Fl.That part of PhirK st. in Faviiu District Kl , 'Unit put of draco st. in I'avltik' Ulslrlet 81. 'Iiml jiiirt ol Inth Ht in J'ivlnsDldlrlct B5. 'I hat pint of lilth g | . In I'nvliiir District Nl. 'Jhat part ot Davonpoit BI. In ravin ? District ' 'Vlnit pnitof lalh st.ln I'livlnu-District Bi ' 1 hat purl of llth st In ravin ? IllstiicU'J , 'Unit partol l.llhM In I'.ivmiDI > lrktPI : , ' 1 hat part ol Vtnton st In Favlnir Illstrli't KS. 'linn pin tot I'aclflcKt In I'avlnv Dlblric.'t III. 'Unitpail of William nt in I'avliiK DUtrlotUu 'Hint pint ot : : ih avenue In I'avlnir D lrlct Ud 'Unit pint of 7th Bt In I'avlnir District 1)7. ) . That pirl ol liiokrion ft ill l'ii\lni ; UMilctOl That part of , lom s st In 1'avlnir Dlstrk t W. 'liiat iiait of l.cavennorth st In I'avliiK 1)U tt'ot 101. That pnrt nf.'inh ave In I'av Inc District 103 , 'Unit partol tlliliM In ravinir DMrli-t IUJ , 'I hat pint of Ilnrno > bt. In I'aiun ; Dlbtilct 1Q4 Tlmt part of llndk'ii st In I'avlnif Dlslrlirt 11 > 1. 1hatiirtor | Moliolanst. In I'nvliitf District Sft VVOM ol I th hi Work lo bo done norordlni. to plans nnd spocl- tlcatloiis on Illo In tun olllco of the Hoiuxl ol I'.ibhoWnrKK. l'riipo als to bo mii'lo ' on printed blanks fnr- nlshoii b > the board , and to boiieiompunlinl with aoertlllod therk In tliu 1,11111 of ono thoueunO dollais.p.iynhlo to thoclt ) of Ciinahaaiin ovi- doiiLoof KOO 1 talth Tlm lloaul logorvon the rlKht to reject any or till bldMindto vuiivo doloits ' ' " Chad man Hoard 'of l'iib'llo"v\'orka. Umnha. Noli. , Fob Und 1 7 ta prml To V/hom It May Concorni rilAVF this day tranifi nod all nrronnl * dm me to Mi'iMi . Faxion , ( uvila/hor & Co.ol Umalia. Neb. Me < is I'julon , Oalla hoi \ Co , nlono , ur auihoti/i'dtii loooivo or oolle t tnonoy nnJcol lect aiLOiintti due mo \IIIIV t DH'KSON. Onmhtt.Nib . I'uK lltli , iss7. H Wt Notico. rpoiiumns ll.irnoK. j .I'MOUI. J lUlnoi , 1 c 1 , Alton. C M liiiitiitt. w .1 iirmtuli , .1.11 I'u-o , John Jotinu , V W Illi-u , ( narl-u F. Ferns I U Dinu , Jiu-oli VV llo iJor , Joboph > l Meti-alf. C ( Ivliit , A .S Bner- Monl.d II Hiiiivv. | | . T i liirkn " Von are hereby noMlnl Ihitt a mrotiit/of Iho hiookhnldoKi ol the rtiuiiKu , Onitlu mill t-oiilhvvietcin MiiUiiMiO C < > | .ni > . nl Ni riUoU , will lie hold at the nlllco > f HI I o nipnnjriit Niimboi .Ml tMMiili Founi'Piitli lr i't , iiiniiht , Nib ankii , on Ihe IHlh da ) < f MiII , V I ) . I.VI , ut tbrcoo'ilofk p m ot o.'t I "ixy i ir Itiu pur * pnkiMif i on-ldKnnj in tti leu t i1 'u t'l limn i f i oiiioli liilmn U Uxu'ii Mr 11 ID Jin HUd Ilia ChlpaKo , I'lit'ikiii un I So nii i r'i r'l In roiij rompiuo ill Kiuiii.i * , and ol nn r ri i nv joilliiH the iuno Dati'il Duuilia , .Neb . . .liuiunrjI'h , A I ) IH W J. llltuMl il. I'll i of Iliu II T. ( I.AKKK. I I M < Dili Ull .1 M Ml.Mi AI.V. f ai l.i Utn < irn 1. . M IIAItU.t.n. ; ' IU I tMtr \ II J ' I v h I I . nu U. .M. lUiiTt xrr ,