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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1887)
THE DAILY BEE. COUNCffBLUFFS FRIDAY MORNING , FKB. 17. OFFICE , MU. 12 , PEARL STREET. Delivered by enrrlcr In nnj-partof thocltrnt twcntr efts ptr week. 11. W. TJLTOX , - Manager. Tir.CI'HONE3 : : BceiKrP < iOmcr , No. 13. NIUUT Ki'iioK ' No. S3. MINOR MI3NXION. N. Y. Plumbing Co. Heavy suits cheap to order at Keller's. Additional Council Blulisnows on page seven. J.V. . & E. L. Squire's abstracts are giving good satisfaction. A move IH on foot for tlin organization hero of a New England society. Chris. McAlvtn was .yesterday granted tlin distinction of being the only drunk arrested. Squire's Park addition in a sure invest ment. Pacific avenue will be built tip with store buildings within a year. Mrs. Isaac Tronp is suffering from n broken arm. the result ol a fall on an icy spot near her residence on Sixth street. The members of Abe Lincoln post G. A H. tire KiC'Jti'ic ' with good success in Beefing tickets for their niasqtteiauG ; 0 be given February 22. Thorn will bo a special nicotine of S. M. A. A. on Sunday evening , Feb. 20. at G. A. H. hall , as there is business of im portance to bo transacted. J. T. Hurley , master. The voters are so interested in real estate that they are overlooking the ne cessity of registering. Those who do not get their names enrolled will bo barred from expressing their choice as to who shall bu the ahlerincn. J. W. & E. L. Squire have commenced Bull against George Gcrspachor and others to compel the ( lending of the Gcr- smichcr properly on Broadway for $0,000 , the price claimed to have been agreed to by contract. Suit was commenced yesterday against John Limit , the well known attorney , bv heirs of the Kate Herbert estate , clai'.ii- ing that ho obtained thu valuable prop- icrty for too small a consideration , through ftho Ignorance of the heirs as to the prices nnd value of property and its condition. The jury was yesterday drawn for the now term of the superior court , which Aliens to-dav. The chosen ones are : J. K. Brooks , K. .7. Abbott , L. Swerongor , | W. S. Amy , George .airman , Charles iPrice , Fred. Lcut/lngcr , J. Wagner , and ; F. Al. Williams. ] The lirm of Scliolield & Cavm has dis solved , Mr. Cavm retiring. The linn lias been ono of the most prosperous and popular in the city , and the dissolution is made with all the friendliness which has characteri/od the partnership for the .past . ton years. Mr. Cavin has not an nounced what h intends to engage in. but ho is too active a business man to re main quiet. II. C. Addis is recovering slowly from the effects of Ids accident. Ho has been using Ids brain , while be could not use his body much , and has invented a wind mill tower , which promises to bo in general - oral demand. The tower as devised by [ him saves both time and monny in con struction , nnd being cheaper than the ordinary tower , anu fully as strong , there seems to bo a fortune in store for him. C. It. Allen , the map publisher in this [ city , has just completed the map of fWfcnita , Kan. , and it now goes into the hands of the engravers. He is engaged on several other maps , his work incliid- ilng all parts of the west. His double kmap of Council Bluffs and Omaha , show- "ing both cities , will bo ready before a ; Krcat while. Mr. Allen's maps are cer tainly very creditable , and the city cannot jut take pride in having such a publisher ocatcd in its midst. "Shorty" and his gang were yesterday .aving . a hot time over a hor&o trade , a ionntry lad claiming that he had been in. The lad insisted that ho was [ only trying the now horse , and had not told them ho would trade , while they in sisted on keeping his steed , and making the trade whether or no. After a visit to jolico headquarters the parly strolled off ; o compromise the matter . The ycrdant With will probably bo satisfied with pay ' , ng fuw dollars for his experience. Dresses cut and fit , 7M Mynster. J. G. Tiplon for bargains in No. 1 resi dence property. No. 527 Broadway. Pacific house is the nearest hotel to the majority of real estate ollices in the city. 12.00 per day. If you want to buy or sell real estate mil on E. W. Itaymona on Main street pear Broad way within ono-halt block of holteul Uslato Business Con tor. Best grades Iowa soft lump coal , $3 per : on nt yard ; $3,50 delivered. C. B. Fuel " 'o , , 08U Broadway. Telephone 1UO. , Miss Molllo Corcoran dressmaker , No. [ 714 Mynster street , bet. 7th and 8th Sts. A. B. Howe & Co. , the great real estate bustlers , oiler special bargains to-day In peers' sub. Call and see thorn at their Blllco over First National bank , before lots are all sold. At the Paeitio honso you will save from 0 cents to $1 per any. Try it and bo ponvinccd. _ _ L. B. Crofts & Co. , are loaning money bn nil classes of oJiaitoi securities t'.t one- lull tholr former rates. See them before pecurlng your loans. _ Special bargains offered to-day in line residence property ; two elegant brick aouses. lately built on Frank st. At a pargaln by A. B. Howe & Co. Heal cstato is still booming. Call nn B. Howe &Co , , nnd list your property. > Vlion you are in the city stop at the racltio houso. Street cars iiass the door 6t ry llfteon minutes for till the di-uots. lu 50 centH. _ All orders from real estate brokers for ob printing will rucoivu uumeiliatc and larofnl intention at 1'ryor's BEK job Wo liavo added to our largo stock a lull line of rumps chain and suction pumps- and nil water supplies. The bust goods nnd lowest prltwa. Cole & bole , 41 Main bt. , Cooper & McCieo's old ftand. Boo Tipton Broadway lots and acreage. 'Jo ' , G'37 Broadway. Union ol * Section Pni-amnn , The articles of incorporation have fieen tiled for the Brotherhood of Hail' Section Foremen of North America. I'ho principal place of hnsinc .s is Council illis. The olllccrs of the now corpora- lion tire : 1) . Cromiiton , grand chief toro- wan ; A. Mitchell , vice ; M. Si-anlon , mind secretary and treasurer. A bonov- ( lent and aid association Is ono of the t'utuios of the new organisation , . Fur Kitlo , A nice stock of groceries ; good busi- Ices established. Would taHu hnlf in ( oed Omaha or Council lilutls property. foukuin & Co. Property , owners talcu notice. If you. jlon'l want your property sold don't list with us , fur wo. mi'iiii business. f UAU'MANWifiru & Co. ' THE MONEY KEEPS MOVING , Lots of Lota Changing Hands , and Buyers and Sellers Plenty. THE SECTION FOREMEN'S UNION Ttulco Thorncll Olvcs n Decision Against the Snlonnn-- Tnlkntlvo Nephew MnkpB Trouble For HlR Uncle The Fairy l < autl. liots of The deals in real estate continue to move along lively with httlo of the "hur rah boys" excitement , but a srcat amount of earnestness and busincss-liko methods. Yesterday the largest deed re corded was that of Ed. Jcfferis' farm , the deed being to M. I. Sears , one of the BEI : family , the consideration being $ .10,000. The property is in fact taken by a syndi cate on the basis of $75,000. As an instance of T. J. Evans' faith In the boom having only just opened , it Is stated that Omaha parties offered him yesterday $1,000 each for n number of lots in Ferry addition , but ho nromply re- I used to sell. Ho wisely declares that tin's no ; ; : : ; : cr let- within a miio of the posloflico in Omaha. Smith Hros. yesterday sold to an Illi nois man ten acres in the Portcrlicld tract for $10,000. Odoll Hros. & Co. yesterday sold to L. R. Mayno lifty feet on Broadway by olllco for $10,000. The property belonged to Mrs. Dr. Gordon. A number of lots were sold in Omaha addition yesterday to persons who intend building on them as soon as weather permits. A. B. Howe & Co , , have opened up ollici's over the First National bank , and liavo jumped in with a vim to handle real estate. Bruce Howe is a young man who lias lived hero for years , is well known and is reliable. The now linn will do its full share of the business. The following were tiled for record yesterday. It McKlnzIo to .1 A Frazler , Its 13 and 11 , blk IM , Contial $ m E 0 Smith toV O Swartz , It 2(5 ( , blk 23 , Central 5:523. : Coin II Slowman to Thomas B Wilbur , X 111 blkI - S.r > , ooo. James O Carlson to 0 A Christcnson , It2 , blk S , Williams' sub ot Mill Si > . Klmnall & Champ to U Spirit , It 1 , blk ! . It 15 , MnltonS-JTiOO. W 11 and E O Coloto (5raco llanclu-t , sj Its 1 and 2. bile 10. MIU-S2.000. W II and EC Cole to Sura McMlckin , n } < Us t and 3. blk 10. Mill S'J.OOO. T L Smith to T W Archer , e sojf : , 17 , 74 , , LcwIs-STA. , J 1' it J N Ciisady to J A Churchill , It 5 , C , and # , blk 21 , Kiddle's 54,000. K U Ally to W S Cooper , Its in Hughes & Uonlnhan-S350. N 1' Dodge et al to W S Cooper , It1 blk 2 , I'ark-SSOO. ( } 1) Kico to A B Walker , Its 1 to 15 , blk 27 , Bavliss it 1' . . quit claim S200. 13 Mill to G V Wright , lot 1 , wjfsptf netf 27. 75 , 44 , quit clnlin-SSO. Henry Colleen to C5eorgo Mctcalf , It 7 , blk 4 , Kldtilo's-irOOO. J 1' Caiady et al to S T French , Its 11 nnd 12 , oik 33. Heer'.s-SbOO. H A Barnard to A B Walker. Us 10 to 22 , blk 84 , Brown's STUO. Georco Scotielrt to Ira Scoticld , It 4 , 'oik 1 , Eubank's 2d-S2KX ( ) . iia Scolield to J M Hosnier , 114 , bile 1 , Kuban U's2a-if2)000. S W Win-clock to James Klrley. It 1 blk 70 , l dtllo's-S400. Thcodoro P Apple to O DKIce , Its 1 to 15 , blk 27 , Uiivllss' 3d-SI,000. .Moore & Klpllngcr to J 11 Ilosmrr , It 11 , blk 8 , It 7 , blk if. Coonur M & J SSfX ) . llenunu Fleer to W E liulnn , s5- , no'32 , 74 , 4' ' , Keg Creek-SI.lttO. Mary K i idler to lly D Works. Vf Its 10 In C8 , U hi 30 , 3 in 20 and 10 In 3:1 : , Kiddie , qc- s ? 150 * Martha G Nixon to J N U Wyllo. Us 0 and 10 , blk C9 , Hiddlcs-S400. Charlus Urewstcr to W S Mavne. Us 4 and 21. and sy of It : i , and part ot as , block 2 and lot 2 , block : ! . Glendule-S.y > 00. Thomns Peterson to N .1 Christcnson , wVtf SOU 5 70-12 S400. M McCabe to J L Smith , Us 2 nnd 3 , blk34 , Bayliss&P.-SOOO. J J SJiea to E C Drake , It 10 , blk 20 , Bryant it C. S'iOO. Moore it Klpllnpnr to C O Smith , It (5 ( , blk 8. MuMahon , Cit J.-S42.- . W Siudentopf to W S Mayne. part 20 and BO , 70. 44 , ( | c-SaOO. .1 I ) Ddmundson to W Slcdentopf , 20 acres , 2S-75-44 , ( j c-s ; r > . It Howard to L Simons , y Us 4 , 5 and 0 , and \4 \ Its 'J to 10 , blk S , Central , q 0 5503. U Self to M K Uolner , It 18 , blk 5 , Ferry \V W Fnrnnm to K W Morse , Its 1 and 2 , blk 21 , KUIdlo's-Sl.500. 11 E and J K Oav to L L Dudley , It 7 , blk SO , Bayllss & l'-8'WO. ' James K Klco tu I Al Mossier , n > 4 It 14. blk 9 , J ckson-81,2CO. J U Klco toV A Wood , sK U 14. blk 9 , Jnckson-SlU.r 0. T French to F 1) Smith , It 5 , blk 11 , I'lerco-SJiOO. Thomas Bowman to K M Uatilt , ItI , lilk 31 , A W Wyman to J 11 Bostluman , nw1/ f , 23 , 74 , 42-S1. 100. A Churchill to C KTvlerand II .1 Kvaus , It 0 and lots 7 nnd 8 , blk 21 , Itlddlo .ii'iiilo JI Hall to F C Stinvart , swjj s\v'/ ' nn 1 wj < f sej . fl , 74 , : w-Sl.N)0. ) N W Munsrer to Kcbecca Balrd , U 11 , blk 4 , Bayllsslst S100. A B Walki-rto W M McCrnry , Us & and 0 , blk 0. Streisls-8250. A It Walker to N Laibon , p.ut It IS , blk 20 , lloward-SW. Charles Wultf to A W Ilanscn , nM no' , 5 , 70 , 41-S2.000. Dr. llanehott , olllco No , 13 Pearl street ; residence , 120 Fourth street ; telephone No. 10. 10.To To Cnnt rue-tort ) and . Proposals will bo received by the under signed until the 23d of next month for the building of the now Catholio church. Plans and specifications may bo sonn at the pastoral residence. The right is re served to reject any or nil proposals. * B. P. McMKNOMY , Pastor. Mutually Protected. The reports submitted at the annual meeting of the Pottawattamio County Farmers' Mutual lire insurance company show the number of policies written during the year , 110 ; amount written , $217,601 ; amount of risks in force , $1,012- 031 ; amount paid for losses by lire , firil.57 ; losses by lightning , $201.00. The following are the officers elected for the ensuing year : President , R. Campbell ; vioo probidnul , A , W. Wyman ; secretary , K. H. Ohlcndorf ; treasurer , M. K. Meyers ; dircotoi-rf , one year , Frank Runsuner , Li. F. Dryden ; two years , J. P. Hess. K. W. Millinicn ; three years , U. Fox , John Hartjo. " 'Xls True , "I'lH Pity , unil 1'lty TIs 'TIs Trim , " Parents lot their children die with diph theria and uutrid sore throat in scarlet fmo. % when ton years' trial has proven beyond a doubt that Jolleris' diphtheria prevention and cure will save every case without the aid of a physician. For bale only at No. S3 South Eighth street , Coun cil Uluffs , Iowa , or sent by oxprebs on re ceipt of price , ? a.OO. Dr. JvllcrU has not removed to Omaha. A There is a nephew in Omaha who will probably bo wit off by his irate uncle without a shilling. This ue'phew works in a hotel olllco in Omaha , while the uncle is a resident of this city. Olio day recently the nephew was talking father glibly with ono of ( ho gitcfti of the hotel , n .Nebraska man , telling him how Ins undo had prospered during the opening of the Council BluHs boom. " \ \ hy , folks were so crasy that they just jumped at all sorts of offers. My undo had bought a lot for $00. It looked all right on the map , but the fact was that half of the lot , and 1 guess more than that , laH in the creek worth nothlnjr. Why , them wasn't only throe or four feet of the lot that was worth anything at all. Do you know my undo cot hold of a crazy sucker and showed him the lot on the map and sold it to him for $800 spot cash. I tell you that undo of mine is a daisy. Ho got his work in in great shape , lou can't do that now , for folks ain't In such a hurry but what they look nnd sco what they are buying , but the boom came so sudden that on the start you could buy and soil anything that looked llko a lot. " The stranger asked the voluble young man what his uncle's name was , and on learn ing , it suddenly dawned upon him that ho was the victim. Ho had purchased a lot of this very man , and the next dummy brought him over to the Bluffs to look up the matter. The last seen of him ho was in an attorney's olllco preparing to com mence suit to force the cunning uncle to dipgorgo. Klcctric door bolls , burglar alarms and every form of domestic electrical appli ances at the Now York Plumbing Co. Substantial abstracts of titles and real estate loans. J. W. ite E. L. Squire. No. : ; . : "r- ' " " < " * council Biutra. MAhVlSUN MATTEUB. A Suloiilcntul Hurulnry Stir Dp the Community. MAi.vr.itx , la. , Fed. 17. Our town was considerably wrought up this morn ing by the announcement that J. D. Pad dock & Co.'s store had been burglarized last night and probably f 100 w orth of merchandise stolen. The thieves effected an entrance by prying open the front door with a chisel procured from Hush- nell Bros. ' shop. Once inside they took the lid from a box of candles , and taking one , lighted it and proceeded to "make themselves at homo. " Clothing , shoes , hose , four valises , and probably many small articles were taken and one store room left in a much disarranged condition. Upon the lloor of the dressing room in connection with the clothing department was found about sffiUO worth of clothing , scattered about promiscuously as though the suits had been tried on. The theft was not discovered until after daylight. No cluo. The community was further greatly ex cited over the suicide of a stranger at the "Q" depot. The ronnrt of a pistol at tracted the "Q" operator and express- man to the west end of the depot build ing , where a man , apparently about forty- years of age , was found lying upon the platform in the agonies of death. Al though attempting to do s-o the unfort unate man unable to speuk after the parties mentioned reached his side , and lie died about lifteen minutes after. He had been up town in the barroom of the Wilkinson house and at Kcmplo's res taurant , where he ate and paid for his breakfast , and at Fatilks Bros' , store , where ho purchased a revolver. When the weapon was handed him for examina tion lie was very particular to enquire if it wcro n good shooter , and jf it would throw a ball through a two-inch board. Being satisfied on this point ho wait ! the price asked and hav ing all the chambers loaded walked to depot , live blocks , and dolibcratejy plac ing the muzzle to his left breast , tired the fatal ball , that went crashing through erin in the immediate vicinity of the heart. The coroner was at once summoned from Glenwood , arrivimr on No. 4 at 11:18 : , and at once held the inquest. From a letter found on the body the man's name was ascertained to bo Trion , and hisiiomoPeoria ; , Ills. , where a wife and children reside. He was returning from Nebraska where , papers in his pocket showed he had liled on a homestead. The letter written to a brother some where in Nebraska , stated that he could not live long , nnd lamented the sorrow that was about to come upon his child ren. Something over $7 in money was found in his pocket. A telegram has boon sent to Peoria to ascertain what dis position bluill bo made with the body. marvelous $ The "Naiad Queen , " was again pre sented at the opera house last evening , and strange to say there was no apparent lessening of the numbers or the enthu siasm of the audience. The wonderful scenic effect sand the sweet music , with the presence of the best soloists m the city , makes the entertainment one of which the public seems not to tiro. The success is without a parallel in the history of homo entertainments. It will continue to delight audiences to-night , to-morrow afternoon and closes Saturday evening. The participants , especially the younger ones , will doubtlo.-s be glad to have the week draw to a HOMas it is a great strain on them , night after night. Send orders for lyne-writcr ribbons of all colors , new and re-inked , to C. II. Sholes , Council Ulnll's. O. R. ALLEN , EnpeerSurveyorMap , , Publisher No. 11 North Main St. City nnd county maps of cltlos nnJ counties In western Iowa , Ncbniiku iiiul ICiiimis. CIVSL ENGINEERS. Geo. S. Miller & F. II. Toboy , CIVIL ENGINKKUS. Ollico over 1st National Bank , cor. Main and Broadway. If you wunt oatlmiitos or plans for lirklgo M-oru , founilatlon , sewers , irrnalnc or survoy- lnfiuul ( plHttlnir , cull upon thorn. Allwoik ] iroinptuttoiitlon. D , H. McnANEI.D & CO. , ( Kutntillihod lift ] No.JJ ( Main Slrcot , i ; t Council lllulTi. MI : : IIA\T.S , AND DE4LEIIH IN HIDES , TALLOW , WOOL , ETC. THEATRICAL WiGSy BEARDS , Grease Paints jn-c. The Finest Im ported 1-tiiQ of Goods West of . , - _ - . Chicago. Mrs , C. Ill Gillette's Human Hair Emporium , QUO Main street , Council Bluffa. SPEOIALNOTIOES. ( , found ? ol/nnnt'or Bnlft , To Kent , Vinnli" , rumntlnir , etc. . will ticlnnortPi ! In thin column nt the low rMoofTKNCKN'ISl'kltUNU , foHtlioflrKt ! " * < " lonnrui rivoConUI'orlJnoforcnOh 8iit > ofii | ai Insortloti. t/oiivo mlvorll oincnM , nt our ofllcn No. lii I'carl street , nonr llroMwnjr. Council IJluffi. WANTS. \VANTKU-A Rood girl nt No.Sil Vine street. WANTKO A five-room lioiiso.'convonlcntly ' nrrntiKod for smnll faintly , hrtir nn possl- lilo to I'nclllo hoiieo Aildrcsi oy Iglter , C.J. , Dee oHIoo , WANTED Three Indies to cony X H. Smith's work on book-hooping. AilJrcts Alonro Hull tier , lleo olllcc , Council lllufTs. _ " poll HKNT-I.nrRO front " roimi. No. 7U 1 M ) lister. Furnished or unfurnished. \0\l \ KXCIIANOK-Wll.l . Innd In Wnyno Co. , P Noli. , for property neiir Council HlnliB , Ira- proved or not. Address K 37 , Hoc olllco. Omnhn. f)5tt 17 * ) _ _ I7OH SAIjIJ S3 ncrcs chotco Innd , ono mlle 1 south oust or IT , 1 > tnuiMer depot niul ono nnd one-half miles soutli\ t of the ROV- eminent Imtldltur. Itaro cluinco for n gynill- onto. Apply to II. Shoemaker , 'M , Hurt-loon et. WANTED A eooit itlrl for Konornl bouso- work. Inquire IQ'.i 1'oiirtli utiuct. _ TTIOUSALE At n bHrwun , ncros with flno JL1 improvements , sOx tnllos cn t of Council HluITs. 1'rlcolow andull the tlmo needeil. Inquire - quire ot T. W. Vnn Pclevur. Council HluUs. TTlOUSAIiK If tnken thlieck A tt\o room JJ lionon on Fifth avenue , , near dummy dopon"7llofroor { , BiflCTrnin anti frrndo. 1'rlco { 1,4.10. IJuiy terms. Address Lot , lieu onicc , Council IIltilTs. W. C. STACY & CO. -72V fiO acres of bnautifnl land on Broadway inside the city limits , at ! ? 500 per acre. 22 acres 10 rods from Broadway , just outside the city , ? a,5:0. : Improved farm 5 miles north of the city , $10 per acre. 100 feet at junction of JJain and 1'earl streets , very low. ; ' Lot flO.\ll on South Main street at i12r per foot. i Lar c list of acre property ton Frank lin Avenue. " ' Improved farm of SO acrjjs. jbininp : the city limits , near ( ircendalo at $200 per acre. < - Improved farm of 177 acres , 2J miles cast of the city for $ .r > 0 per acre. 80 acres J5 miles out at $00. ' 1 7 22-100 acres with f l,50ddwelling ] , cor ner of Franklin and Lincoln Avc. , for $ 1,500. This is a bonan/a. Large Li&t of Cheap Lots. Residence and Business Prop erty. Acre Property and Farms. At Very Low Prices W. G. STACY & Co. , Real Estate Brokers , JVb { ) , Main st , , Council lilujf'n. TELEPHONE W2. FINE FRENCH MILLINERY , 1514 Douglas St. , Omaha , NEW IMPORTED STYLES OPEN. Ladies buying a $5 bat or bonnet , one fare will be paid ; $10 , lounil trip. CRESTON HOUSE The only hotel in Council Uliiilb having re Esoa/pe And all mo 'cm improvements. 815 , 217 and 210 Main st. MAX M01IN , Prop. , Star Safe Stab/es and Mule Yards y , Council IllulfB , Opp Dummy Depot pa : | I > f = L I pa i I , * Ll III" 11 _ I , , tn Hor.sea and mules kept constantly on hand , for sale at retail or in ear loads. Orders promptly lilled by cqntract on short notice. Stook sold on commission. SUM'rat & Bouy ; , Proprietors. Telephone No , 114. Formerly of Keil Sale Stables , corner 1st , ave. and -1th street. OFFICER & PUSEY , KFR I Nk &vc * I \ COUNCIL BLJFl-'S , I A , 13 < 7 . L , BIGGS , Justice of the Peace No out Broadway , Council Jlliitts. Collections hjiei-ialty Ho fora to eve n. RICE , m. D. , Or othorTumors removed witlioilt r/t/i/vi/ " " ' " IthuWiilfoordrnwIuiforblooi. . Orur tbuiy jcars practical til'e No. II 1'cnrISt. . Council lllutli WE DESIRE TO CALL ATTENTION THAT OUH Spring Goods Arc Arriving Daily , And arc now Ready for In" . speotion. Out line of Me Goods is Un surpassed and at Prices with in the Reach of all , Our line of Embroideries and Laces is larger than ever before and at exceedingly LOW PRICES. Our line of Muslin Un derwear , for Ladies and Children , can now be had at try i * lains We still have a few of our 25c and 50c line of Muslin Underwear , Aprons , etc. , left. These are the best goods for the money ever before shown in this part of the country. We are daily opening new goods in all our departats , and we will guarantee a sav ing of fully 20 per cent on all purchases. Please call and be con vinced for yourselves. 20 Uroatl- , , wuy Council Muff * . Mull ortltrs in-oinptly and ! < - , fully attended to IT , i , I I i IF1. J" . ID.A/5E. THE LEADING Real Estate cer No. 39 Pearl street. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. HAS ON SALE TO-DAY , The LARGEST Lisl d ER1Y That can be shown in the city , . Call on Him , = /o3 E. W , RAYMOND , STATE , 13 NORTH MAIN STREET , First National Bank Building , Council Bluffs , Iowa YOAKUM & CO. , 18. -jot- City and acre property for wile in and around Council Bhuffa. Improved and unimproved lands for sale. Lands exchanged for stocks of merchandise. Office over 1st National Bank , cor. Main Street aiu : Brcidpy Farming Lands in Iowa , Minnesota , Kansas , and ranging . from f > .00 to JIO.00 per acre. School and staid lands In Minnesota on 80 your.V tiniu 0 pur cent interest. * ' Land Buyers fartfree. . Information , etc , given by . . . . = > , 3 ? 2 ? Jj.A.TJBTZVCr No , 555 Broadway , Council Binds , Iowa , agent for Freidrlkicn A : Co. , C icago. Vacitnt Lots , Linnln , C'Jlenltlcncr / / / niul lftii'inn , ticrn jtrnjici ; / ( a western jmrt of city. All neUliii/clieitit lo > n < tlc room for sinlnfloclt. . "EL , P. OFFICER , Real Estate and Insurance Agent. lioom fi , over Ofllcer .0 I'nm-u'n Imitl , ' , ( Jouiifll M. P. SEARS , S. P. SEAES , Omaha. Council B.'uffs. LIST YOUR ERTY WITH Sears' ' Real Estate Agency , Tnxos paid , loans made , route rolli'rtinl. iiiM-Hdnciits ma .le for PACIFIC HOUSE , - - COUNCIL BLU ? FS. Horses and Mules For all puoic | , boujlit anJ o' I , nt retail nnd in lot * . LflMC .ji.aMiU' . * lo ' fiotn Several pa r * of Iliu ilftvors , tie or tlo1 blu , MASON WISE , Council Blulli. N. SCHUBZ , Justice of the Peace OlHcc over AIIICI an Illllkl * ( JMIHIl. ) X ULWJ77 an uiii ; A fiinvrn , ATTORNEYS fiT i.flW , Council J In/ } ' * , i : s. \EC\CTT , . Justice of the Peace , 115 IJrondMUi , < oiim'H niuUV Hut f * ln'aiiy li.iuk fir buvine&s toiiau in tin * city ' . STONE & SIMM , AHORNEYS-AT-lkW- , 1'iut . < in iL'siaii - and rudi'rt ' court ) K um 7 unil H hh i/ti't liciio .llo'ik.