Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1887, Page 4, Image 4
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , FEBRUARY IS. 1887. THE DAILY BEE PUDLISHED EVERY MORNING , or SUBSCIIIITJOX : Dully ( Mornl.iir Edition ) Including aim Jay Dee. Onn Year . . . tlOC ForSU : Monthi . u . . . . 6 ( KorThrco Monthl . . . "I Tlio Omaha Humlfty Urn , mclled to any add row , Ono Year. . . . . 2C OMAHA Orrtrr. No. ! < H ATI 811 FAUTAM Srnrn NKW VOIIK orririE , iiomi os , TRiniwr lltm.niM WA ui.vuro.N ' All communications rclntlni * to nowg nnd ed torlal mntter should bo ( uMressod to the I'M ton or TIIK UKG. rtusiwESS Lr.rrcas : All burnous letters ntidromlttnncoi-thould li fi'ldrossoil to TIIK llEit remi.isiiiMi Coui'AN ) OMAHA. OrnftH. chocks nnd po tofflco ordot to ba made payable to the onltr of the oomrmnj T E BEE PUELISHINHipW , PROPRIEIORS , K. ItOSENVATRU. KniTOU. TIIK IAHAT niiI5. Bwnrn Qtntcmont of Circulation. Blatc of Nobnskix , 1 B.S. County of Uonglas. ( (5co. ( II. Tzschuck , secretary of The He PublMiInK company , dors nolcmnly swea Hint the ocltml circulation of the Dally Be lor tlm week ending Feb. lltli , 1K > 7vii3 n follows : Btttunlav. Feb. 5 H."l Biimlnv , Feb. 0 1I.V ! Alonelay. . Feb. 7 14.01 Tuesday Fob , 8 14.11 Wednesday , Feb. 0 U , < M Thursday , Feb. 10 11,14 Friday , Feb. 11 14.1'J Average 11.11 liEO. 1J. T/SCI1UCK. Subscribed In tnyprcsonco aiidswoin tnbt fore mu thin l&th day of February A. U.lbb" ISKALI Notary Pub'llc. ( ! eo. U. Tzschuck , bclnff first duly ownrr deposes niul says that ho is secretory of Tli Vie I'nlilifthini ! company , Hint the actual ft\ crairo dallv circulation of the Dallv Ueo fo the month of Ifebruarv ' , 1880 , was 10Btfj copies Jpr. Mnrcti , IbW , Jl637 conies ; for Aprl Itef ) , lllOl popips : for for May , 1SSO. l'J,43 conies ; for Juno. ISSO. I2,2y3coplc : for.lulj o , 17ai3 conies ; lor December , ISbC , 13,25 copies lor Jnnu.iry , 1887.10,300 copies. QKO. 15. Tzscnucrc. . Subscribed and swmn to boloru mo Uils 8t day of February A. 1) . 18S7. [ SEAL. I N. P. Fin. : . Notary Public. IT remains to bo seen whctbur th house will do tlio dirty work of the rai roads by overruling the will of the peopl of this city. Tinitn : ia no use in locking the sttbl : floor whoa the horse is gono. The con cession to mine coal lias already bee : granted by the council. . TIIK Lincoln charter lias boon rcfcrrei to the committee on cities. The Omnh charter was referred to the committee o judiciary. "This is a prottv how d' y do. " Tin : question which .is now ngitalin Mr. Cleveland is whether congress care more for his personal views on pcnsioi legislation than it docs for the .soldio vote. vote.Tin Tin : brilliant and esteemed flcpnblicai complains that the I3ii : ; hasn't atluckci Church Howe this session. The Bii Isn't in the habit of waging war will corpses. _ . CHICAGO coal dealers have agah marked up the price of coal DO cents ton. Captain Kidd's ghost wrings it hands as it coatcauihitcs the possibilif of nineteenth century piracy. PnitiiAi'S Omaha business men whi have been willing to permit this paper t ( do their lighting for them arid take al f/ho abuse may now sen that it is to the ! Interests to bestir themselves to save tin Charter. RAILUOAD regulation should bo sccurei at the present session of the legislntun Jit nil costs. The threats and blarney o Clio corporation attorneys should not b < permitted to defeat the expressed will o fho people. Tun whipDorsnanpors whom the rail roads feed and keep allvo with their jol Cilice pup have again been unmasked They will > fo longer pretend that the cdl tor of the UnB and the railroad manager , nro sleeping under one quilt. Tin : question is , will the house the railroad attorneys to mntilato tin Omaha charter ? Colby is through will 5Hs objections to the charter , and now we shall hear from Ageo , Ho knows ovactlj what Omaha requires in the wayof muni ipal legislation. JOHN M. TIIUIWTON telegraphed Gen. oral Manager CallawuyVo have bad the Omaha charter bill referred to the jjpomniltloo on judiciary. " Now who is 3vor S ! lJllyr ( Io ° 3 John Ai. Thurslon report to Union Pacific luadiuarton ) about the action of the legislature on : matter of purely local Inlorcsl ? LKT there bo no "tie tips" to save the charter. The representatives of the pco jlo , whether hailing from Douglas county or elsewhere , should let the charter gc ralhor than sacritlco ono jot or tittle ol their manhooil or solf-rospoot by making furtlior concossioiis to the railrognos , Uuilroad legislation cannot bo beaten by throats of oppressing the people of No < brnskn's metropolis , Tun Hussian war scare does not prom ise to last long thi.s time , and the Berlin bureau for the manufacture of ready , made war rumors will bo put to it to so- loot countries that arc to attack Ger many. Perchance Switzerland and Den mark , situated to the south ami to tlm north of Germany , would bo a good tuomo for a wanly , If these two conn- trios should combine in a hostile league against Germany and should strike simultaneously , that srreat power would Bttuul a good show of being swept from the map of Kuropo. This peril alouo , il properly placed before the Gorman electors , is enough to secure the passage of the septennatu bill. IT was a shameful spectacle to see dis reputable loustabonts olbowinir honest men on the floor of the house at Lincoln end cheek by jowl with raihoad attor neys corrupting members to induce them to sidetrack the Omaha charter Into the Judiciary committee. The indignant words of Koprcsontativo Smyth rang clearly through the chamber , charging : the .crime on tlm men who wcro about to jiorpotralo it. The charter will not bo mutilated to suit the railroad lobby and the allied contractor and scavenger bri- pado. That may bo set down as certain , It may bo defeated , but it will not bo used as a counter over which to trad.o oft 'or other measures to tlio people's dLsad- /autago. / The Olmrtcr Imperilled. A telegram from the state capital an nouricDS thai the Omaha charter has beer taken out of its usual channel , the com miltcc on cities , of which Mr. Smyth , o : tltis county , is chairman , and referred t < the judiciary committee , of which Mr Russell , of Colfax county , Is chairman This is unprecedented in the annals o city legislation In this stale. Thoovideii object of side-tracking the bill ititc the hands of a lot of attorney ; is to mutilate it to suit tin railroad and jobbers' lobby. i must now bo plain and palpable to tin citizens of Omaha that their material in tcrest arc in jeopardy. It is now * mu for those moat interested to act. Up ti the present they have allowed thcmsclvei to be hoodwinked and humbugged b.i railroad organs , charlatans and impos tors who have been pooled against tin passage of this impoitant measure. Then can bo no nexv charter introduced at thli stage and no jusUllablc pretext can bi urged why Omaha should countenanci masked oncmius who arc working.igains her vital interests , Let 'J lip in Dnro. The railroad managers , who keep tin most villainous lobby at Lincoln that ha over been seen at any Male capital , hav < sidetracked the Omaha charier into tin commtllcoon judiciary. The audaciti of this attempt to defeat tlio charier am throttle the people of Omaha is without : parallel in this state. It is as higl handed as tlio criminal assault which tin railroad managers arc making on thi law making power. The road agent win commands Iho wayfaring tr.xveler t ( hold up his hands is entitled to more ros pcct than the men who resort to sucl means to undermine and destroy populai government. It is only because the pco plo of this section have beet palicnt and forbearing under the grcatcs provocalions that such infamies are stil tolerated. There has been a great bin and cry raised by tlio railroad press o Omaha about a pretended deal and sol out to the railroads by the editor of tlii : paper. This cry was raised only to covei the real design of the railroad bosses U play off the Omaha charter against rail road regulation and economic govern mcnt. They hoped to use the charter ai a club with which to beat every hones eflbrt to relieve the people from opprcs sive burdens. The concession on taxa tion of railroad right of way which tliej obtained by threats and bulldozing taclic ; was made only after a protracled struggle glo on the assurance that no further ob staelo fchould bo thrown in the way of the passage of the charter. The fact that tin railroads did not call off their dogs noi silence their subsidi/cd job-olllco news papers was proof positive that the char ter was to bo still made a football in thi game which the railrogues are playing al Lincoln. Now , once for all , wo will state for the information of citizens of Omaha that we will not advise the Douglas county dele gation to yield one inch to any further pressure. Their dutj as representatives of Omaha will oo dis charged when every honorable effort is made to secure the passage of the charter , To trade off the whole slate and sell out the taxpayers of Nebraska for any ad' vantQgo whioli siieli netiott"might give tc tlio charter would bo cowardly , dishonest and disreputable. No honorable repre sentative from this county in either house will so far degrade himself as to bow to the dictates of the rotten , corrupt , drunken mob which the railroads arc keeping at the people's expense to defeat Iho people's will. Tor our part wo dare the railroads to do their worst and defeat the charter. There will bo no more eonci'ssions conn- lenanced by the HUE. Let them defeat the charter if they dare and take the full responsibility for the resulting disaster to the material Interests of Nebraska's metropolis. The people of Omaha may as well know the desperadoes who pass themselves off as gentlemen and good citi/ens in the high-toned clubs while doing penitentiary practices at the stale capital. They and not the vagrants and vagabonds whom they have lured to corrupt the people's representatives will bo hold up to hcorn , and they must lake tlio consequences of what may take plaeo when the thousands of men and women who have inveitod their litllo all in this city rise in their might to resent the damn ing oulrugcs to which they have been subjected. The Imtcfet Vote , President Cleveland evidently does not believe in a paternal government , lie makes this entirely plain in his message to congress returning with his disap proval the bill appiopriatingiu,000 for the distribution of seeds to the farmers of the drought-hitickon districts of Texas. His lirst objection Is that ho finds no war rant in the constitution for suuh an ap propriation , but it is apparent that this was not so forceful with him as the belief that the power and duty of the govern ment should not bo extended to such a purpose as this bill oontomplalos , and that the tendency to give thorn suoh direction should bo resisted. Mr. Clovo- land'a position is delined In the propo sition "thai though the people support the government the government should not support the people. " Wo don't knovf but this is good Jcflbrsonian doc trine , and it maypeihap be granted lhat it is abstractly sound and therefore lo bo generally rospeolcd ; yol oynry reason able man must admit lhat circumstances may arise which would justify a departure from it , The situation in Texas may not present such a circumslaiico , though it is certainly aory hard and deplorable one , much moio so , wo have reason to believe , than Mr. Cleveland is aware of , but there can bo no doubt that the concurrence of the president with the action of congress in voting the proposed relief would have been ap proved by the eounlry , not simply as a mailer of charity , but as properly re lated to the public benefit. Surely no argument can bo needed to domonstralo that the restoration of blighted industries in an extended region , without wbleh n largo population might long romsfcn de pendent upon publlo benevolence , has suoh a relation , Ono may agree fully that it Is desirable to repress the ten dency to saddle the government with paternal responsibilities , nnd yet BOO a wide distinclion belwoen measures of Im- medialo and toiuporary relief and those Which propose the creation of porma- ui'iit obligations. TUo proposition to os- . Jl tablish ft civil pension list is of the class of paternal measures to which there tin sound objections , but more of thcso couli "be fairly applied to the relief measun which the president has just disapproved We do not believe that Mr. Clevclam will have the re ward of general commendation dation for this action , and It is very certain tain that the people of Texas will lind it It a fair catHo of serious and lasting dis pleasure toward the president , Tnulo Dollar. The house of representatives on Wed ncsday insisted upon ils amendments t < the stnialc Iradc dollar bill , and the matter tor will go to a conference committee The causrs of difference are somowha important , tlio- notion of the house belnj regarded as a signal viclory for tin friends of silver. The scnato bill pro vidcd that the coin redeemed should bi treated as silver bullion and the aiiioun bo deducted from the monthly purchase of bullion for coinage into standard sil ver dollars under Iho existing law , there by preventing any Increase of the silvo : circulation. A majority of the housi coinage committee reported the bll favorably , but tlio house sustained tin position of the minority of the commltlei that the trade dollars , now having IK legal-lender value , shall bo rocoincd am rcmonetizcd independently of the statuti requiring the monthly coinage of stand ard dollars , thus providing for an in crease of the circulation to the oxton that the repudiated coin shall bo pro sentcd for rodomplion. An aincndinon lo this effect was adopted , ana also an oilier amendment fixing six mouths ai Iho limo in which redemption shall bt made , and providing that the holders o trade dollars shall receive the standard ! in exchange for them on presentation These are the amendments upon whicl tlio house has insisted , thereby rendering neccs ary a conference. How much the circulation will bo in creased by the bill , if it becomes a law cannot bo definitely stated , but it is csti mated at $7,000,000. Tlio coinage of tin Irado dollar was nearly $30,000,000 , o which about $27,000,000 has been e\ ported , and it is not ex-peeled that nn.i part of the hitter sum will bo returned the theory being that it has all beei stamped or otherwise defaced by tlit Chinese government or people. Then would also bo really nothing to gain ty returning it. The disposal of this ques tion by the present congress is whoii.i contingent upon Iho acceptance by tin senate ot the amended bill , for it is cer tain that the house , which passed the bil by a vote of 174 to 30 , will not rccedt from its po-sition. The matter ought tc disposed of. It has bobbed up at cvorj session of congress for a number ol ycarj , and will continue to do so until il Is gotten rid ot by seine such legislatior as is now proposed. Whether or not the trade dollar can bo fairly considered an obligation of tin- government , it has proved a troublesome annoyance whicl may as welt be removed now as at some time in the future. it is not improbable that the scnato will take Ihis view of Ihc question and concur in the house amend meuls. A 1'rnctlual Hoiuody. Minnesota has passed a high liccnsr law modeled after Nebraska's. Nc York is struggling with the same pr obleir against the combined assaults of tlio liquor dealers and brewers , who an nounce their preference for prohibition rather than for stringent regulation Ol the liquor trauic. No ono knows bettor than saloon keepers that prohibition does not prohibit and that no license means free license. In the city of Loavemvorth , Kan. , for instance , there are 120 saloons which i'.o not pay a particle of lax lo Ihc stale. 1'ho prohibitionists of Kansas arc able to pass laws for the enforcement ol their policy of a tolal extinction of the liquor tralhc , Dut they cannot obtain juries liiat will convict ofionders , and the extremists have been forced to radical methods of procedure in a desperate of- fo rt lo carry ont their plans. The latest idea ot the Kansas prohibi tionists is tlio creation of a "metropolitan police , " which shall attempt to maintain order and to enforce tlio law in every part of tlio state. They admit that tlui local authorities are unwilling or unable lo carry out the btringcnt regulations that have boon devised for the abolition of tiie liquor trallic , and they hope by this expedient of a metropolitan police board to suppress the liquor trado. Their complete t.iiluro thus far to restrict the sale of intoxlcaling drinks may bn shown in a striking jiiannor by compar ing Iho issue of government licenses to sell liquor in Iho prohibition blato of Kan sas with that in the- high license stale of Missouri. Though Missouri lias a larger population , Kansas lakes out 120 more licenses than Missouri , and within the last eight months more than inoo ! liquor licenses have boon issued to dealers in Kansas. Club houses take the plaeo of saloons nnd lure into dissipation the young who might shrink from the pub licity of the open bar. When the saloons of Missouri are closet ! on Sundays tlu > drinking men who live close to the stale line cross over inlo prohibition Kansas to gel drunk. Unonforced law breeds disrespect for all law. This has been Iho result of pro hibitory legislation wherever attemplod. High license is the only genuine temper ance reformer. It closes up low grog- Aeries and places upon every dealer an incentive for inviting Iho offeolivo super vision of the trallio by Iho local aulhori- ties. It gives every community , where it is behoved that prohibition can be un forced the rignt to refuse lieonso and to inalco the attempt , While prohibition means free rum , the Nebraska high iccnso law means n regulated tnilllu and i license measure which public senti ment will endorse , approve and sustain. A WASHINGTON correspondent points ut that there is a curious litilu question nvolved in what is known as tlio alien nnd bill , which scorns not to have oc curred to the statesmen who have charge if that measure. The bill prohibits aliens squiring lillolo real estate in thotorritor- os. It prohibits tlioso who now hold itlcs from conveying ilium lo other xlions , cither for a consideration or by .egaoy. It is a clean swoop of all the orcignors from this landof freedom after .ho present generation , and doesn't con- ribute to the comfort of tlioso whore * nain. The District of Coliiiu bla is to alt ntonts and purpose's- territory. Gen * sral laws affecling thq territories areriu orco Now it does not appear to iave occurred to the committees having ; his bill m charge in either branch of UuU a Atdat construction , af iU provision might seriously Interfere will the properly rights 1ft the District o } Vic torla and Kaiser Wilhclm , who own prop crty Ihcro as the hoails ot Iholr respective nations , and of the Mexican government which has recently purchased proper- ! nnd is erecting buildings for Us legation Of course the object of Iho bill , which i to prevent the absorption of tract of land in the west by aliens , is well tin dcrstood , but it cannot hurftho purpose any to put the measure in such form tha the property rights of foroigu. govern inonts at the nation's'capital ' cannot pos sibly bo questioned. Tin : alleged outrages at the election Si Washington county , Texas , last fall , ar being investigated by a committee of th United Stales senalo , and a delegation o witnesses from that region arc nmonj the most Interesting features of Washing ton life at this time. The charges to b investigated embrace fraud , ballot-bo stealing and assassination. As to th last , It is alleged that W. D. Holton was on Iho day of election , shot down in coli blood by Polk Hill/a negro agitator am republican politician. Itolton , it i claimed , was at the time of the murdo alouo , undisguised and unarmed. Tin assassin escaped , but was subsequent ! ; arrested and is now in jail. Kight nc grocs were also arrested as accomplice : of his and lodged In .iail. Owing lo tin great excitement in Washington county the sheriff , fearing for tlio safety of hi : prisoners , had them removed lo Houston When Hill was arrested , however , thoj were all returned to the jail in Washing Ion county , and shortly afterwards threi ihom were taken troni this prison by : mob of masked men and handed. It wa claimed by the apologists * of this sum marj procoodingihat it had no politica inulivo and was simply an ael of vongeanci provoked by an atrocious murder. Tin investigation may result in some inter esting disclosures. TiiKitr. is food and to spare in this na lure-blessed eounlry. Our exports o wheat this crop year have heavily ex eecded those of last. Tlio quantity o wheat exported in January was 8,050,00 : bushels , against only 4,018,80S in Jan nary , 1830. For the four months cndinr January 21 the quantity was in rouiu number ? 50,1)00,000 ) bushels , while for the corresponding seven months of the preceding ceding year it was only 2l , < iOO,00 < bushels. If the Hour exported bo rcducei to itsequivalent in wheat it will appeal that the quantity of wheat ex-ported it botli forms during Hie seven months end ing January ai , I8s7 , was 8VliiO.Jl ! : ! bushels. In the i corresponding month : of the preceding year Iho quantity was 14,1)70,502. ) In other words , for sever months wo have , boon expoi ling wheai ( including Hour ) qt Ihu rate of 153,000,001 , bushels a year. TIIEIEI : is just anoti&as much sense ii the now libel bill , which the s nato ha- passed , as there to in 'the anti-gambling bill pending in that b&dy. Both oills , ii enacted into law , would bo dead lettoiv on the statute books as much as are the no-treat and anti-swearing laws. Nobodj has ever heard of a'single instance ol conviction for treating in saloons or drnp stores. Nobody coula over bo convicted for belling live cents , or live dollars for that malter , on a horse-race or base ball match. No twelve men will"ever agree to send an edilor lo the penitentiary foi libel. The present laws make gambling nnd libel indictable as misdemeanors , and punishable by impvflonme'nt and lines , When these ) on'unses are made folorues under any and all circumstances the Jaw makers overshoot tlio mark. IT is rather amusing to hear some people ple object to the partisan police commis sion , a.s they call it. The same parties want the governor to appoint the com mission. That , of course , would make il strictly non-partisan. Governor Thayei would appoint mugwumps only. Tin : city authorities should at once order Iho gutters ot thepiincipal streets cleared of ice , mud and ashes. If the thaw continues there is liable to be an overflow which will fill the cellars and do /jronl / damage A LAW to prevent professional cor- ruplionisls Irom occupying the lloor of the two houses with their disreputable carcasses would 111 ! a long foil want. A uvici : to the city council jnst now is wasted. It is holding its sessions in New Orleans. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ riUOMNKNT I'KHSOAS. E.x-Senntor Blanche K. Uiuco 1ms turiu-d lortiner. Philip IJourko Marslon , the blind poet , Is about to publish a volume of sloiles. Buffalo Hill is to lake some society youths on a huntinsj expedition in the west. Kx-Uovernoi Hartianft ot Pennsylvania Is about to become a cltl/en of Philadelphia. JJlKlit Itov. Wllllnm Mercer fireon , for Iho past forty years bishop of the Episcopal diocese cese ot Mississippi , is dead. Jix-in\ernor Charles Foster , of Ohio , 1ms made much money recently by Investments in the natural tas region of that state. Jay ( idiihl Is snlil lo bo writing a book on the railway question , which will doubtless conce'al what Its antljor knows on the subje-ct lo bo treated , i ( Jeorfo W , Chllds ga\o Miss Itnndail a costly cloak of laio do sii for a weddini : present. Congiciainan llusnier fjavo her a set of solid sHu'iw.uc. Captain Francis Dawson , editor of tlio Chailesion News and Cburler , is an KiiRJlsh- man who came lo this eounlry in iar l to help the eouleeioralo cause1. Ills paper Is a foituno for him. Mr , Pat null's health Is ! greatly Immovecl , and ho exjuesses icgre-t that the published necounts of his inelbposlllon should hmo beun , In many Inataaccs , BO greatly ox- acgcratcil , | ( Fortune , aflerso manjvknock-down hlo\vs. has outdone all preUoiis displays ol IlrKlo- ness by prosnitlnu' Sir Charles Dlllco with a li'sacy of BTOO.OOO. The fortune comes fioin the remnants of Iho Snooko fuiullj , of which John tjuooko mauled Dilko's cioil aunl In IbOl , IVatterson'rt Check , CMr < tyJ Ttmtt , Aii eastern paper sa > s that "Walterson's cheek U as bioad as he.ivcn and as hard as ( ulamaut. " Uut , nlnsl that check Is no longer kissed by Ihe star-eyed goudoss ot reform. . Mr. Cilncoln'8 Klocllon Kxpungos. Cenlwv/or February , When Lincoln ran for cougre&s some of the rvlilgs contributed a purao of $300 to pay Ids Jorsonal expenses in the canvass. After the ilectiuu was over tlio successful candidate landed back- SIW.25."I did not need L" horse ; ray entertainment , being at the house of frlonds , cost mo nothlnp , and my enl ontlny was sovcnlv-five cents tor a barrel c cldnr , which some farm hands Insisted I shoul treat them to. " Cousin lion. Sf. Ml < l I'lan'tr I'rfff. II appears that Mi * . Cleveland's cousli Hen Polsoni , lias tiot nrxanlred a base ba club nt Slicflicltl , Kiif-'liMid , He has , howevci sent to Washington a irdher e.unost plea fo a substantial increase in hh sil.iry. It Is t bo feared that Cousin Hen is not pnctlcln "JelTersonlan simplicity , " for , on a salary c Sl,500 ! he certainly ouilit ; lo mnko both cm ! meet In Sheffield , where living Is comnar. ! lively cheap. When tlio Owl Is Tlilnkini ; . iMndon Spectator. Brlchl gleams from yonder moated nnll The iiiihly clew that strikes the ratler ; Like Dreamland's UsilUlit echoes fall , The strains of music and the laughter ; Sofl moonbeams o'ei my drowsy pate ( Sloped sideways ) stool , and set mu blink inc. Voidable not the thmichts sedate That muster when an owl is thinking. Like ja > s in man's fantastic btood So owls decide all mirth runt chatter ; Hut Wisdom's court I * solitude , Her "happiness no laiighlnir matter , " JNo cares this ti.inquil soul assail , Past , pioocnt , Inline , calmly linking ; The In mental scale Is balanced when the Owl Isthinldncl STAT12 AM ) THUniTOUY. Nel > i-nflka .Jottings. Harlington is lec-ovcring from a coi : famine. \S ork has commenced on the canniti ] factory at Soward.Q Scward county is.being canvassed fo aid for the proposed extension of th Elkhoru Valley road. A party of coaster ? , boys ! \uel " rty ! ? , 01 the linlievtieliill , collided ft-Itli"a cow seriously in jut ing threu of Ihu young biers. 'Ihe largest single deal in Ilaslings rca cslato Ibis season was Iho purchase o foity acres immediately east of tlio fai grounds tor $47,500. The fire at Arapalioe last Saturday do stroycd Anguish As Co.'s elevator , 'will 1,000 bushels of corn. GOO of wheat , soim barley and llax. The total loss wa 5:5.000. A big packing house is lo be built ii Nebraska City this year. The town con linuos nugging the cheerful delusion tha in ten years it will rival Chicago as i packing polnl. Gotiienburgors have gene down inU their jeans lo raise f5OUO ! lo build am operate a Hour mill , with an elevator at tachiuent , P. Wigg , of Omaha , is ono o the subscribers. A social and moral contention is ragin ; on the hilltops and sheltered canons o Belloyuo. The gills declare with a blusl and a pout that the boys live in gins- houses and should not throw stoues There , now ! The call tor bids for the next Gram Army reunion lias been issued by the do partincnl commander. Bids will closi jMnrch 13. A tract ot 210 acres of Jane will be icquircd to accommodate the en campment. Nebraska City lias caught the first joy ful glimpse of the proposed bridge ovei the river at that point. The Uurlingtoi will build it. This will make the tfiire bridge over Ihc river inlo Nebraska be longing lo Ihe company. The Nebraska senate is entitled to tin the hearty commendation of every grave digger in the land. A bill lo cncourngi the planlingpf husbands has passed Ilia' ' body , providing that widows shall occupy the dwelling ot her deceased husband a : Jens as she i cumins a widow without pay ing rent. This will strike landlord where the bills aic Miort and increase tin elangoioua charms ol widowhood. Iowa Items. Davenport has iwenty-six churches. The Stiito Savings bank of DOS Moines capital ? oO.OOO , has been incorporated. Sioux City is promised a packing house with a capacity ofjQW hogs pei " day. - The upper ton of DCS Moines havi organised a club with a capital o iflO.COJ. The Iowa Underwriter' union will holt n session at Ues Moinca on Wednesday February 2U. The expenses of the public schools o : Davenport for the present year are estimated mated at ! f9,710. A Cedar Kapids toboggan club has been incorporated under the laws ol the state with a capital stook of $1,000. The Knighls of Labor at Dubuque.have placed a city ticket in nomination. 0. A Vojlker , a dry goods merchant , is the candidate lor mayor. Ogden had a i ? 10,000 Tire Saturday night , supposed to bu tlm work of an incendiary , Three .stores , two hotels and several dwellings were consumed. .1. A. Smith , state mine inspector for the district comprising the nvrthei'storn parlof thy state , ; that the total ewtuut bt coal lor the past year in lilt district lo bo l.OtlJ.SOO tons. Ihucnin. Snow is six feet deep in the gulches are unit Deadwood. /J'ho outlook for a building boom in Sioux Falls was never , so good as at the present timo. Vllas is excited ever the discovery of soft coal at that place. The lind svas made while digging the town well , A sonii-ofiicial report of the gold and silver product of tlio Hlnok Hills for hist year places the total at s .SfiO.iW . ? , This does not Include the ores and base bul lion shipped out of the Hills. There is no monotony in the cllmalo in the vicinity of Sioux Valla , From Sat in day morning until Sunday evening the thermometer varied sixty degrees , n greater variation than is k"nown in soinei climates during the whole year. In n trial before a justice of tha peace at Load City , during the temporary ab sence ot the court , the plainlin" whipped Iho defendant while the attorneys kept tlm crowd back so they could liglit. The court then returned and the trial pro ceeded. Tlio Now Juelliiinl 1)111 , WIMT : POINT , Neb. , Fob. 15. To the Kdltor of the ) KIK ; : Wo have just read the new judicial apportionment bill and wo .say emphatically that it is ono of the biggest frauds on the taxpayers that was ovtir conceived in this .state , so far n tlm suvtmlli judicial district is con- , Jiirnud , Just ttunlc of it. Our present [ udgu is ocuupiod but four months In the i uar attending to the business of eight lountlos , to wit : ( . 'tuning , Stanton , Madison , Wnynu , Knox , Cedar , Di\on and Dakota and Ulaokblrd. To this it i3 pro- po ml lo mid Autolopo and Pierce , two hinly populated counties , and give two judges , What an imposition this is , and tow soft a thing for some of our legal it-homers. The very essence of check is shown in the introduction of such u bi'u , ind tlio people hero are a unit in hoping hat it will ue voted down. 1 . F. O'SULLIVAM. P. S. The Information In regard to ho above bill was gleaned from the Jinalia Herald , but 1 see by the lii.i : hat two counties art ) added to the lovonth , Antelope and Pierce , with only mo jtulgo. ThiK is somewhere near an t shquld bo. WiUi the enlarged district ho judtro can attend to nil business In > \x \ months at the outside. We hope the tan's rauart is uorruct. ' U'S. . Additional Pacts and Figures Gleaned Fron Actual Shipping Bills. THEY SHOW THE PEOPLE'S NEEt Relief From Exorbitant Charges of th Railroads in the State , SOME VERY SURPRISING FACTS Furtlior Statistics For Opponent * o Jinlhvuy llcRtilntlnn to i'u/.zlo Oier iMoro Itnrd Nuts For the Omnliix Freight liti- rertu to Cr-nulc. A Second Ol Last fall when tJcneral Van Wycl made his campaign , ho astonished hi ; audiences by reading the slalemont tha the ft eight on a car of nails from Ornalu was considerable over $100. The figure ; in my letter yesterday , as those follow ing , exhibit the same rale of robbery , am show that Mr. Van Wyck's claim wai only too true. If Iho legislators will lak < Ihu limo lo work u few examples in com mon multlplicuiion , the result will a least surprise them. Take , for example this problem. Crete Is 87 miles fron Oni'Uin , or was , under the old schedule It is nearer now , but doubtless the rate re mains unchanged. The fourth class rate of freighl to lhat point from Omaha is 3 cents \ ccut loss than from Ohicago ( al ir.ost 500 miles ) to Omaha. Figure on r car load , say fifteen tons. Sometime ! twenty tons arc put in ono car. Hut lit luen tons , tlio 87 miles , would cosl Ihe surprising sum of $ U2I The railroads saj Ibis "short haul " Hut- lot is a , - us sot about the long haul. Takolndlanoln foi Iho point. That would bo 283 miles from Omaha 100 miles further than Crete , \Vo find by the same minplo multiplica tion that at the fourth class rate and il must be remembered Hint there arc no "car-lot" rates given fifteen tons , one ear load , would cost $150. This shows the advantage ( ? ) of a long haul. If these nuts will bo cracked , as I po along , the legislators v/ill have an opportunity to obtain the richest kind of meat tioiu them. Up at Wahoo , where the Union PacHic and 1J. As M. operate together , the. rate of freight from Omaha , 5S miles , is 20 cents for first-class and 1 ! ) lor fourth. Coal sells for ? 7.00. Chicago rale on corn is M cents. At David Citv , 111 miles from Omaha , coal sells at $7.00. Kntc oi trcigUt is 40 and 25 cents from Omaha. It costs 5J3 cents to ship corn to Chicago. At Ulysses , a few miles below David Citv , where there is no opposition , coal was selling at $7.59 per ton. The Omaha rate was raised to 40 and 30 cents per cwt. And in order to draw- corn from David City , the Chicago rate was only ill cents. At Central City. 03 miles from Omaha , where the B. As Al. and Union Pacific arc supposed to compote , coal costs ? 7.00 per ton , and the rate of freight is 51 and 40 cents from Omaha. At York , a distance of about 23 miles , all the rales arc the same. North Benei is on the Union Pacific Gl miles from Omaha. Rock Springs coal .sells at § 7.00 , while the rate of freight from Omaha is Ul and35 cents per 100 pounds. Schuyler is the next town , 71 miles from Omaha. Coal sells at the same urico , but the freight rate in those thir- lecn miles is increased 0 cents on first class and 5 cenls on fonrlli , making a difference - ferenco of $15 per car for thoao fifteen miles. The rate on corn to Chicago is ! J2 cents , to Omaha 11 cents. Clarks Station , 121 miles from Omaha , or 50 miles beyond Schuvler , coal sells a ( Tie sahio pl'ISe , but the. freight is raised 10 ccnls per hundred , b.'ing 06 and K5 ccnls. The corn rate to Chicago is raised 4 cents , notwithstanding that Irom Clarks to Chicago is a "longer haul" than from Schuylur ! Gibbon is the next Union Pacific town where I made investigation. This is 183 miles from Omaha Oi miles further than Clarks. bells at the same old price $7 per ton but I found that freight rates were a litllo more than "holding their own. " In these sixty-two miles the rale is 20 cenls more per bundled , being 70 and 47 c nts. Plum Creek , 231 miles from Omaha. Hero coal sells at $7. Hate from Omaha , 79 and 57 cents. Corn rate to Chicago , 45 cents , and to Omaha , 20 cents. At North Platte , 2ll ! miles from Omaha and that much nearer the mines , coal was selling at $7. The rate Irom Omaha on freight was 80 and OJ coiits. it Irf aeon by this that a carload ol dry goods weighIng - Ing fifteen tons , from Omaha lo North Platte , would cost the modest sum of $258. It would be unjust to say that there was any extortion in this , but the conclusion is at once drawn that the Union Pacific folks are doing a safe business. At Columbus , another Union Pacific and 15. it AI. point , coal was polling at $7. The B. A : M. was selling Canon City coal the fcanio us the Union Pacific sold Hock Springs. This was lively competition. I was shown a ghastly freight bill on fifteen tons ot hard coal from Omaha to Columbus , ! H miles i1) ! ) . Tlm Ireighl rate on merchandise from Omaha was 11 and ! ! 0 cents. Corn to Chicago 33eenlaT ! lo Omaha 10 cmils. Norfolk was my next town. Hero wo have the Union Pacific and Klkhorn Val ley. 'I ho freight rate is advanced ac cording to the number of miles. The town is 112 miles from Omaha. Coal sells at $7. Mr. Kisloy , hardware merchant , and a memuer ot the present legislature , showed as a sample ot freight rates the following : A car of nails fioin Wheeling , W. Ya , cost to Chicago , ? ! ! Qj from Chicago to Omaha , W ; from Omaha to Norfolk , 142 miles , ifG7. With sueh an exhibit there In no u o to quolo Iho ratu , Like the B. A ; M. company , the Union Pacific has a coal field of its own , Jt also places Iho prieo sf7 being Iho figure this year ; allows its sub-ngents $1 per ton for hauling , and allows only the Hock Springs and Carbon coals to bo sold on its line. So much for the Union Pacific. The Klkhorn Valley road is not any behind - hind the times in the mailer of charges. The town of West Point is IK ) miles from Omaha , Their hard coal was selling in November at $1 ! ) , Hock Springs ntf ! ) anil Iowa coal at i < l. The rate of freight from Omaha was 18 and ! ! 0 cents for UO miles. The same rate from Lincoln At Neligh , on the Fremont , Klkhorn A Missouri Valley railroad , 177 miles fioin Omaha , I found that this company had its "pasture lands" nil to itself There is no Wyoming or Colorado coal out hero. Illinois soft coal sells at $3 , Iowa $ ' 1.50 and an Ohio coal at f 10 , Mr ( Jalaway. a dealer , said that they could not alibrd to handle Kock Springs coal atthalpoinl , : is the Union Pacific would charge $5 per car lo switch at Norfolk , undthoKlknorn company wanted $2 per car to ship to Norfolk only U1 miles , The rate of freights is 72 and 41 cenls from Omaha tnd Lincoln same. Corn to Chicago US : ents and to Omaha 25 cents , O'Neill. 200 miles from Omaha. Fort scon coal sells at $8 per ton. At O'Neill most of the eoin is shipped west The rate to Valentine , lift miles , is 21 cents in coin. The rale oi freight from Omaha s 85 and 50 cents , Atkinson. 223 miles from Omaha. Hate > n corn lo Omaha 27 cents. To Chadron ill cenU ) . The freight rate from Omaha s 89 and C'j cents , quito nn. advance on lia aa uuuu. From i'romout the freliiiit rate is 75 and 44 cents. This dliloronc * works seriously against Omaha. Long Pine , . 203 miles from Omaha. Iowa coal sells for $1j no other kind can v , bo obtained. Halo of freight from Omaha "T k $1 first and CO cents fourth , Valentino , 32U miles from Omaha , is where hard coal soils at $17 per ton and Iowa soft coal sells at ? 9 nnd 10 per ton all on account of freights , Hates at this point arc 1 1.2 1 first nnd G7 fourth. Thus it will bo soon , at this low rate , a car of dry goods , fifteen tons , would only cost $3W t girl. A TMV NOTM. In southeast Nebraska I failed to find anything cheerful or encouraging. At North and South Auburn the rates wcro about t ! > o same , showing that Iho Mis souri Pacific and Ii. & M. were not com peting , At Hluo Springs , Wymoro nnd Deal- rico the Omana rate was CO cents for first and 25 cents for fourth. Why there should bo more difference in the olnssca at these points than anywhere else ill the state was not explained. , A freight bill from a dry goods firm nt lecuuiseh shows thai 2,500 pounds of dry goods from Chicago to Tceumseh cost V30.-18. At Nebraska City I found that the freight rate from Omaha Is 43 and 110 cents ; from Lincoln IW and 10 cents. The r.Uo on corn to Chicago is { 50 cents. A strange thing is that the rate is Ihc same from Unaiidilla , ( Palmyra , Syracuse , Dunbar , and all slalioiiH between Lin coln and Nebraska City , 57 miles , while out west a lilllo ways I have given fig ures above which show that 15 nulei made a difference of 4 cents on Chicago corn rates. A business man . showed mo a freight bill reading : ' cage , Hurlington & Quiiiey claims to run into Nebraska City. 1 found merchants complaining that they could not buy corn because Iho com- puny would roluso them cars lo ship , although they wore satisfied they could pay a better price than elevator men. There could bo fifty columns of figures printed showing how a few miles in ono locality would raise the rates , while in another 15 or 20 miles make no differ ence. Thoicwas food for calm rellec- tion in yesterday's article , and the above figures and facts ought certainly move the legislature to action. Ai , FAinnnoTiiiu. : Tlio Only Farmer. Chicago Herald. John II. Ucagrui , of Texas , will bo tha only farmer in the senate of the United Slates after Iho lib of March uc.xt. In the last census year there wcro in thin country 7,000,000 farmers and 01,000 law yers. yers.Government Government by lawyers in a republic which might as well be. governed by edi tors , dentists , or physicians , was well illustrated the other day in the senate when a bill fet bidding members of that body from acting as attorneys for land- grants and oilier subsidized corporations was emasculated so as to mean nothing before it could receive a majority vote. No reason can bo advanced why a law yer should nol have as good a claim on the American people for the honor of holding their olliees as any other man , unless lie shall forfeit it himself by his acts. The attitude ot the lawyers in the senate respecting Mr. Hook's attorney bill amounteel to sneli ; i forfeiture , and was an announcement to the people thai , as legal clhics arc now construed , the law yer is not a lit man to hold all the olliees. This conclusion is the moro irresistible because every lawyer in the senate ex pressly declared , when the Beck bill was under consideration , that ho thought it n great hardship that mon in his profcision should bo prohibited from its practice simply because they wore in the govern ment service. It will bo useless to argue the point hero involved wieli Ihc average political lawyer. Ho can see iiotliiug wrong in his serving Jay Gould and Huntington at Ihe same lime that ho is Supposed to 1C ? fftl'Yjng the jKiople. and no amount ot talk will ever convince lilm that there is anything wrong about it. The thing , then , for the people lo do is lo have a lilllc moro catc m selecting their representatives. If it were found that nine-tenths of the members of congress were diuggists and lhat every acl Ihey passed lesulled in some mysterious way in increasing the price of medicines , it is altogether likely thai Iho voters of every party would see to it that the representation was changed in some respects. That is just what must bo done with the lawyers. There are too many of them in Washington. They are not necessary there. The government aan bo carried on without them. They have pushed themselves forwar until the people hayo eonU.n&Curcdl jo me to or.Sldcr them indispensable. i-ovv they have tako.i. ad vantage of Ihis jomplaconcy and are attempting to make : hi ( world believe that it is a great injus- ; ice to deny them the right to not for the jorporations as well as for the people. When a hundred or moro of these men lave boon unseated they will discover heir usefulness as attorneys for the sub- > uli/.ed roads grow out of the fact that hey had scats in congress. Any furtlior comment upon the morality ot their ser- ice would bo unnecessary. Perhaps they vould Ihon be able to see il themselves , A Voffio from IMaetn County. Wisr : HII.I , , Nob. , Feb. 11. To the vditor of the Bee : I wish to make public ny sincere gratification to the Bin : for ts unwavering course in exposing the leapotism and oppression of railroads ind other monopolies which tend torn- lueo thousands of cili/ons of the United Stales to a condition akin to abjcel bla- cry. The indomitable perseverance of ho Bun in the eauso entitles it to the trongcst friendship , not only of the far- tiers of Nebraska , but of tillers of the oil throughout the entire Unilcd Stales , The notion of the state legislature in the eeont United States senatorial election ully demonstrates that Iho people have 10 voice In the halls of legislation , The ofeat of a man like Senator Van W.yolc /hose upright course in congress has ivun him a national reputation , very ully illustrates the political degradation f ceitain law makeib , Jt id evident Unit ho insatiate corporations are nol satisfied , 'ith their present e.xtorlioiiH from the irmeruof Iho country , whom they are ( ceding at every pore , but they mo oldly attempting lo deprive Iho masses f the free riuht of sutlrago through ribory and corruption. No man with onimon sense would wish to ignore Iho nirtli of capital as long as it keeps ithin the bounds of propriety , but when . oversteps these bounds and becomes t'rannlcal , thus oiidangoiing popular berty and cndoavorjnjr to eni-th out the Ights of the working classes , then it In Igh time to bound tlm tocsin of alarm. I is high limo lor every citi/en to rise ( dependent of party , to pioteet tlioso bertiec that have been handed down om the revolution Although the Hon. 0. 11 Van Wych ill bo retired from the senate , the illus- ioua principles ho lias advocated so larloissly in thu councils of the nation > r the last six yours will continuo to live ml grow Hliongor , The time will soon unio when Iho law will interpose and raw a line of demarcation between the Iglits of capital nnd inbor. The time ill soon coino when the agriculturists of 10 country shall have their wrongs fo- rcssed ; When the mechanics ami labor- ig classes shall have their rights lecog- tied and receive u just and * mnoratiou for tbuir labor , , Joim H ,