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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FJRiDAY. FEBKUABY 18. 1887. 3 A SWITCH IN SPECDLAT10S. Tie Grain Markets Open With an Upward Turn in Prices. PORK MAKES A SEVERE BREAK. The Ijnttcr Itccovcru Its Strength Subsequently-Only r Blight Move ment In Corn The Cattle Market Lower , CHICAGO I'nonucc MARKET. CIIICAOO , Feb. 17. ( SpccUl Tclecram to the UEH. | AH of the grain markets took quite spurt at the opening of'change this morning , while pork sulfered n severe break. The receipts of 20,003 hess and from 10 to 15c lower prices lor the same at the yards was the cause of. the weakness In t > ork , while the contlnued'wet weather and good exports of yesterday made wheat strong. After the first few minutes trading In wheat and corn eased off some , while pork became firmer. I : Way wheat opened at TOKe , sold to 79'fc but was raided down to TSKSTOj c , from which L point it rallied on stiff buying to 797y ; < c LI nnd closed firmly at outside figures. The re- I zelptf ) show a falling off , aggregating only 173,000 bushels at eleven points , while the ex > port clearings from tbtcc Atlantic ports aggregated 152,000 bushels. The good oxnort Inquiry at the seaboard was the cause of the advance at the close. The break in pork was only short lived. Tbo demand became very fctrong when May delivery touched 814.17K , aud there was a steady ad vance to 814,70 , nearly the whole pit wanting to buy , ami selling being correSDoiuunS'-J' ? pi S . Tlivro seems to belittle little doubt In pork circles that Armour it Ciulahy arc under the market , and are responsible in a general wavforthe shalp ad vance to-day and , as 10 that , for some days past. But , on the other hand , there are those who believe Armour is giving the crowd all the pork they catc to buy at present prices. It was noticeable to-day that Armour brokers were doing enough buying early In the day , when prices were uolhg UP rapidly , to give colot to an argument of this kind , and that they were nmonc the principal sellers later In the day. More or less short pork was bought In to-day , as there has been on evcrv d. y elncu thu market showlntr decided strength. Toward the clo ethe market eased oil to S14.42J > A very sllcht movement was had In corn. The great bulk of May chanced hands between S'J QiKlXc. The close of the session was steady atiJO c. CHICAGO LIVESTOCK. CHICAGO , Feb. 17. [ Special Tclecram to the Bnn. ] CATTLE The receipts for the day were 10,030 , for the week so far 33,6S' { , and for the same time last week 23,151. The largo increase in receipts for the week so far , and the big run to-day , finally lowered prices Horn lOe to I.'KJ on the ordinary run of fat cattle. The demand was cooii , but tiiere were too many cattle for the wants of trade , and as Is usual on such occasion ! ! many sales men had to hustle to pet n buyer , and when captured it was not safe lo let him go if any thing like a fair concession would make a trade. It is always up-hill business to get rid of stock when sellers have to force trad- Ing. and such was the condition of the mar ket all day. Butcher's stock , even the best cows and heifers that have been selling so freely lately , felt the pressure and M > ld down 10@15c while common and cannlnc stock sold 15@25c lower than for the past two weeks. In fact it Is the lirst substantial break all around for a month past. Stocken and feeders underwent little or no change , bulls and veal calves selllnc fairly well , with milkers and sprlncers 20 ® 40c per head. Shipping steers , lii-'iO to 1500 Ibs , S4.50@5.10 ; 1200 to 1350 Ibs. S4.104.M ) ; 1)50 ) to 1'JOO Ibs S3.00@-4.25. Stockers and feeders , S2..Vi < uS S5cow.s ; , bulls aud mixed , S1.755J3.70 ; bulk , SiOCQlGO. Ilofi1 ; The receipts for the day were 27,000 , for the week so far 7P.171 , for the same time last week GSWO. The unexpected in crease In receipts and a general belief that the highest prices had been reached for the present had the effect of weakening the mar ket and bcndini ; prices down OtftlOc. Best fancv heavy are making § 5.6035.70 ; pzckln ? sorts , Sft.rflQi.n.'s ' , and common , S5.155.25. Ltuht sorts sold at S.r > .00@5.45 , with Yorkers at S5.2rxa.5.30. Hough and mixed. S5.035.40 ; packing and shippinc , 250 to 415 Ibs , 55.25(2 ( ( . ,70 ; light welslits , S4.t > 5 ( 3.30 ; skips , S3.40 FINANCIAL. . Vork. Feb. 17.-MoXKY-On call , easy at 2J < 34 per cent , closed offered at 3 percent. PHIHE MEIICANTILK PAPER 530 per cent BTicm.iNfl EXCHANGE Quiet but fairly steady at S4.V > X for sixty day bills ; Sl.bS } , ' for demand. STOCKS The opcnine was rather heavy , the majority of tlm list showing declines from List evening's final figures of * , to J-J per cent. The market in early dealings was dull but Irregular and feverish and generally heavy , while Canada Southern and West Point woru conspicuously wuak. There was moro activity toward noon , when a rally oc- CUT' ' J , * e gains being for tractions only. The decline vvS3 tfien renewed and continued to the close , subject only to one or t 9 jjh-ht rallies , and the market closed weak at or uear the lowest of the day. TOOKS on WAl.t , STI1EST. 3V cent bonds. . 100 preferred. . 140 U7b. 4H' 11U N. Y. C 112 ; New4'g Oreeon Tran. . . . 31 PnclhcC'sof'OS. Pacllic Mall. . . Central Pacific. . P. I ) . & K CAA IS" P. C 144 Drrierreci. . . . Rock Island. . . 1'JO C. B. AO MO St , L. iS. K. . \ ) . U it W preferred. 4 D. AU.C5 C. , M. A St. P. 901. , ' Erie preferred. 120 Eriepreferred. preferred. . 70 , St. P. AO 48 Illinois Central. I/ preferred . ins L. B. tW Ib Texas Pacific. " 233 < Kansas > t Texas. Union Pacllic. . . 55 Lake Shorn P. . 1C L.A N prefeued. . . 27 ! * Mich. Central. . . Wcfctern Union. Mo. Pacific 107JI O. . It. AN. . . Northein Pac. . . Canada South. . . . piefemd. . . , Heading 75f C. A N.V | * 2d assessment paid 1'UOIIUCK MAUKUT. Clilcneo , Feb. 17. Followlns quotations RIO the 2:1X1 closing figures : Flour -Nominally unchanged : flour , e4.2.VVM.SO : southern. S4.10ts4.20 : Wisconsin , S4.20 ( < t4.30 ; Michigan fun sprluc wheat , { : Minnesota bakers , S3.7K ( 4.KO ; patents S4.M > ( iKS ) : low tirades , jl.9V < c..y5 ; rje Hour , quiet at i3.25(23.4'J ( ' ; In sacks and bancls , 6'JfS.70. ( ! Wheat Opened stronger and Xc hlsher nnd -\W\ciibovajesterday witli fair business ; cash , 7ijic ! ; May. TJ l"10c ; June , tlitf. Coi n Moderately active early , iluctuating within n ' .jft-\e ! range and closed Irregular ; rash , 3Jc : May , 3yKo ; ; June , 40\'c. Oalu Steady ami .inner ; deferred futures t shade belter ; cash , 23 ic ; May , ' 'S c ; June Ityc-Dnll atsie. llnrloyNiiuiuml at MWM Tunotby i' < Ml 1'ruun. i l.ts Whisky- \ I'orl ; Irri'Kiilar most of the session : Inu active ; cash , SH. ; ; May , SU.37K@U.-IO ; \ \ June , SH.-JO , l.artl Unsettled ; prices fluctuated con siderably ; opened at n TX10c decline , i' ' rallietl ii.'aln I'J iaiV , and clu > ed after de- cllnlnc'J' ijTc ; cash , W7H ; May , S7.12X ; June. S7.17/i. JUilk Meats Shoulders. SS.SOS&00 ; short rjpar , S7.COji7.05 ; short rib * , 57.W. Uutter Quiet ; creaiuwy , S0 , < ? $ c ; dairy , 3n-i ; > ic. Chet c Kaslor : full cream chedilars , 12 (0. i'4. 3 i" llat > , I'J' SiJ c ; > oun Aineilca . SvLtU'jc : skims , hwr.'ij'c. KL' b Lower at H tglSc. Tallow Slow ; .No. I country , solid , S fe. J o. 2 , yj4'r ; c.iki'Ic. . llldea Ureen , fie ; heavy green salted , 7e ; baltetl bull , Oe : green salted calf , 'Jc ; Iralte < i hidus , lOc ; dry Hint , li aeacoua , * ! euclu , -4. Itecelpts. bhlpmcnts. Klour , bbls . SOCOO 83.000 Wheat , bu . , H7,000 SJ.OUO Corn , bu . . 59.0CW . Hats , bu. . . , . I'i..OOJ SJOOo Hit ? , bu . 2,000 none Uarley , bu . CD.OUO .New Vork. Keb. 17. Wheat Spot H " C uglier clusluj : tirui ; ojiUoaa ppeuea nnu ar nced Vf c , ruled easier and declined "ic , closing however , stroncer ; receipts , 4t)00u ) : exports. 139.400 ; uncraded red , vm W ic ; > o. 1 red , Se ; extra red , W < c : Ao. S red , S > c ; No. 8 red , > Kc elevator , fllfg Ulfc delivered , Mvab93-10c In store , W @ WJtc , f. a b. ; March closing at R'Kc. ' Corn Sixit ft shar.e lower and moderately active ; options opened firm , and speculation moderate ; receipts , 4\uuo : extwrts 8oou ; un graded , 47 > < r4 kc ; No. 2 , 4s'a4li ' ( < c In ele- sdor , WXd&Oc delivered ; March closlnc at Oats Ijfss active nnd rather easier on spot ; receipts , 80.000 ; exports. 3OjO : mixed west ern , 35h@37c : while n extern. ava42 < ! . Petroleum-Steady ; United closed at Cl c , rork Steady and more active. hard-SfotS points lower ; western stestn , Spot , 87,15. Iluttor Quiet but firm for choice crados ; western , 12 2f < ; Elgin creamery , 27@vsc. Cheese Oulet but ilrm. EKss-Qulet ; western fresh , ISc. Milwaukee , Keb. 17. Wheat cash , 75 c ; March , 74c ; May.TX'Kc. ' Corn-Dull ; No. 3SCfc. } Oats Firm ; No. a , white , Sic. HrSteady ; No. 1 , . ' > 5Vc. Hurley-Higher : No. 2 , Me. Provisions Unsettled ; pork , February , 514.23 ; May , 8143-Jif. Cincinnati. Feb. 17. Wioat-Qulet ; No. 2 red. bSKe. Corn Strong nnd higher ; No. 2 mixed , K > c. Oats-FirmerNo. ; 2 mixed , SOXc. Hyo-Steady ; No. 2 , COc , I'ork-Qulet nt 514 23. I.ard-Llilll at S6.7V3C.S ) . Whisky Active and tlrm nt $1.13. Minnonpoilx , Feb. 17. Wheat Steadier ; No. 1 hard , cash and February , "Oc , May , 70c , June , NJjfc ; No. 1 northern , ca h and February , 74c ; May , 77c ; June , 7s > ie ; No. 2 northern , cash , 72c ! ; May , 75J < c. Car lots on track sold KQlc above quotations. Flour-Quiet ; uatents , Sl.35 ; < t4.00 ; bakers , 3.40sa.C5. ( Itecelpts Wheat. 74,000 bu. bhiptupnts Wheat , 15,030 bu. ; flour , 15,000 bbls. St. l.onln. Feb. 17-WhPat Firmer ; cash , 77'nR77J < c ; May , 7b c. Cotnftsyt No. 2ca5 ! ; , : Kc ; Ma > \ sec. Uats-Steadj ; No , 2 , mUbd , cash , S. u' May. 2SKe. Jive-Finn at Me , Whlskv-61.13. I'ork-StronK at S14.75. Lard Stronicat S0.70Q ' . .75. Uutter Dull and easv. Afternoon Hoard Wheat firm and ? c higher ; corn J < c butter ; oats unchanged. Ijlvcrpool , Feb. 17. Wheat Firm nnd demand fair ; holders offer sparingly ; Cal ifornia No. 1 , 7s Od ( < s73 7d per cental. Corn Firm and demand fair. KansiiH City , Feb. 17. Cattle Receipts. 9JO ; BhlpmpnK none ; steady ; common to choice. S3.501t < 4.40 : stockers , S2.6DWH.15 ; leealnc steers , S3.2.Vj:5 : CO ; cows , S2.2oQif3.40. Hots Ilecelpts , 5y)0 ) ; bhlpmcnts , 1,000 ; weak and 5ftlOc lower ; commun to choice , S4.75ij5.2o. L.1VE STOCK. Feb. 17. The Drover'sJournnl laportn as follows : Cattle Receipts 10.000 ; slow nnd pcner- throuch Texas cows , 82 fiO. Hogs Receipts , 27,000 ; slow and 5@IOc lower ; tough and ml\ed , § . i.05' < < 5.40 ; pack- Inc mid sTiippinc , S5.25&5.70 ; light , S4.65 ® 5.30 ; skips , 5A40 < a4.fO. Sheen Receipts , 4.000 ; stroncer ; native ; , S3.00-S5.00 ; western , $ y.Xh34.0o ( ; Texan s , Xntlon-il Stock YarilH , East St. Ijouls , III. , Feb. 17. Cattle-llcccipts 2,100 ; about steady ; choice hcivy native steers 34.4Vg4. ( ) ; f.tlr to oed blihiplnc steerb , S3.75 W4. : ) ; butchers' steers , fair to choice , 83.10 ® 4.15 ; feeder. ' , fair to K od. SU.b03a.50 ; stockers , fair to good. SiOOgi..K ) . HOB Ifpcelpts , .l.oOO ; opened stronsr , but gradually e.tsea ofl anil closed at a decline of ftc from yesterday's figures ; choice heavy nnd butchers' selections. S5.40r < i5. : > 5 ; pack ing , fnlr tocood , SS 25@5.iTi : ; Yorkers , ine- dlum to fancv ' , S5. 10 5.20 ; pigs , common to good. S4.40tj'4.l0. ( jCsnaaa CUjFeb. . 17. Wheat Easy ; No. 2 red , cash , February , O'Jc bid , no oiler- inirs ; April , * OWu tad , no otTerlnc > . Corn Slightly " -troucer ; No. 2 cash , ! ' < 3 29jfc ; February. 2S c bid , 29c asked ; Marcn sales nt 2t > H'e- Oats NomlnaL 03JAHA IJ1VE STOCK. Thursday , Feb. 17. Cattle. The recejots were lighter than yesterday by nearly one-half. The market was fairly ac tive and nearly everything was sold. Good butchers' .stock was In ilemand at n little s-tronL-er prices , -while dressed beef and ship- piucbteers were a little weaker. One bunch of pony built steers averaging iyo ibs. brought S4 , 3. HORS. The receipts of hogs were lighter than yes terday by 200 head. The market opened nctive nt nn advance of about 5c. Kvery- thini ; sold early In the day and the i-eus vveie cleared. Sliecp. There were a few in and one bunch was sold. The market Is very dull nnd the de mand light. Receipts. Cattle. COD Ho s 2,700 Sheep 200 Prevailing Prices. Showing : the prevailing prices paid for live Fair to medium grass covvo ! ! .uO.r ( ! < 0 Hood to choice bulls lavau.i'i Light nnd medium heirs 4.90 < ( t.r > .Ui Good to choice heavy hogs 5.2045.40 ( iood to choice mixed hoes 5.lVjt5.r.u Choke bheep , W to 120 Ibs 3.&OS4.00 Representative Bales. STKCHS. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr. 1. . . . JW ) Sa.75 14..VJ03 S4.0.'i 4..1WJ ! .W 4..1240 4.0" ) CO..1070 H.W 1..12.riU 4.10 5 . . .KKH ) S.9J 12..12 > l 4.15 7..107U 4.00 18..1270 4.20 10..1U/4 4.00 7a..1270 4. ) COWS. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr. 10..10.VJ S-S-'i 11..1037 S3.10 10..10,17 2.75 14. . , . 1107 H.2.V"iO 2.75 7..1001 8.85 COWS AND lIUl.I.s. 4..1200 2.2. ' . 17..115S 3.00 4..120i 2.50 UUI.I.S. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr. 1..170 < J 2.75 2..17M 3.0U fcTACS. No. Av. I'r. 4..1S57 53.50 HOGS. No. Av. Shk I'r No. Av. Shit. I'r. 207 . . .14-j bU SU < 0 . ' . . . . ICO 25.20 1K.1C5 ) 200 4.VI CT..i:67 : 240 5.20 SI..Ilk ) 120 5.05 77..244 bO 5.20 77..1b. H ) 5.10 C4..2.VJ 120 5.20 fxS . . 257 2JO 5.10 C9..25. ) 200 5.20 GS . . .247 120 5.10 n . . .23.1 200 5.20 M . . .211 40 5.15 78..227 100 5.22J 09..22S 5.15 57. . .S04 240 5.25 b5..1llS 2 fi.15 (13..271 ( M 5.25 to.,2j7 : 200 5.n s > > > . . . .yr } 240 5.25 77 . . .222 IfiO 5.15 70..217 2sO 5.25 87.IfrS 1150 S.1S W..2B7 ICO 5.25 SJ . . .203 40 5.15 01..2N ) 100 fill's ' 7'J..212 200 5.15 ( U..2.VJ MO 5.2b 77..207 5.15 73..271 240 i25 OS..25U 100 52J 42..3 * 40 5.U ) W..257 11035.20) ) 53..SJa ICO 5.SO 73 241 5.20 M..8IS 40 5.0 ! ! JH . . .2SJ SO .V.-0 57 . . . ! KO 40 V b3. .221 120 5.20 4-.I..415 120 5.40 ofl'rtcei. .Showln ; the lilirhast and lowest prices paidforloidsof hozs on this tmrket duriui ; the past seven days and tor tht ? same time last month nnd n year a-zo. Feb. Ibs7 | Keb. lb0 4Ki Q520 J.BO @ 4.Ui 4. ' . < | Q510 U.P5 felOD Sunday MO < : 4 Ml 0:1.40 Stilpincnta. .Shovvlnn the nnmufr of cattle , hois and heep hiip' | . > d from the yards during thu d y. 11003. No. cars. lit De t , li . . - . . . R.I jof stock m this market are made iiercwt llvu weight unless otlierwiso slat J. Ue.ld hoes sll at Kc per Ib. for all vveizU.4. { , " or Uoj3 wciiUluc leu th u WJ IU3 , no value. Pregnant sows are docked 40 IDS. and SUES So Ibs , by the public inspector. Notes. llogs still hleher. Good butcher stock strong. Dressed beef and shipping steers a little weaker. Fowler Bros , bought 1,52-2 ho.s on to-day's market. Squires A Co. bought 12 loads on to-dav's market. John Lemruer , Endlcott , was here and sold a load of hues aud a load of cattle. Fred Gasman left to-dav for a fewdajs' visit to his old home at North Platte. J. I ) Hatfield. Neligh , was In and sold five oads of corn feu steers aud one load of hogs. Adam Means , a heavy stock shipper of Guthnc Center , la. , was In looking over the yards. Louis Bntkc. of North Platte , is a visitor at ho vards : ho Is a member of the Unit of M. Butke A Sons. Gerrard A Xelglcr , Columbus marketed a oad of hogs to-day of their own feeding which topped tbo market Mr. Thompson , of the firm of White A Thompson , was In with two loads of bogs yesterday from Tabor , la. Mr. Carlson , of the firm of L. Anderson A Co. , Mead , Neb. , came In to-day with a load of hogs which he sold on the market. OMAHA W 110 158 A"LE MARKETS Thursday , Feb. 17. Tl\f following price * arc for round lots of jrociHccas told on the markct to-itay. t tie quotations onfrnlti represent the prices at u-hlcli outside orders arc tilled. Bumit : The market Is weak and only an occasional package of choice stock will brine outside quotations. Choice to fancy countij butter , lCQ17c ; fair to good , l4GU5c ; com mon , S@lOc. Eoos The receipts are not heavy , but the narket Is extremely dull and stocks ate mor ns slowly. I3@l4c1s thp prevalllnc price , with an occasional sale of a single case at 'So , 'JJLviK There Is very little came of any dnd coming in. Ducks , Mallard , per doz , S1.7.V2.00 ; Teal , per doz. Sl.a.ygl.m ) ; mixed , S1.25 ; ceee , per doz , Sir.0vrt3.00 ; brant * , per doz. S2.00 ; jack la'jbits , per doz , S2.00@3.00 : small , .VXtifiUc. POCI.THY The receipts were very llcht and the demand good tor choice dres > ed chickens. Chickens 10c3k ; tJrutlO esll gee > e and ducks b@10c. POTATOKS The receipts are not heavy. Jut the market is slow and letail dealer * nre Tor the most part only buylni : in small lots. 1 here nre a few Colorado potatoes in , which are selllnc well at SI 00 1,10. Home grown stock is selling at KijliKc , APPLE * The market continues firm. Choice Missouri stock per bbl , S4.00 ; Choice Michigan stock , per bbl. S4.2521."X * > ; Fancy Michigan stock , per bbl , i5 00. LESIONS Messina , fancy , per box. S5.00. GitAl'KS Malaga , lull weight , SC.20(27.00. ( BANANAS Large bunches , per bunch. OUANOKS Valencia per , SG.OOaC.50 ( ; California , per box 53.00(33.50 ( ; Florida , per DOX , S3 ( XX3.25. OYSTUHS Mediums , 20c : standards. 2'ic : selects , 2sc ; extra selects , 3oc ; N. Y. counts , 'sc. ONIONS-Home crown stock , per bu. 51.00 @ 1.40. Cr.i.r.UY Choice stock , per doz. 40S45c. ( riiANiiERrtiK * Capo Cod. fancv , per bbl , 812.00 ; bell and bugle , per bbl , S10.00 ; Bell and Cherry. 80.75. BKANS interior stock. 753S1.00 ; good clean countrv , S1.00al.25 ( ; medium , hand picked , S1.40@1.50 ; hand picked navy , S1.50 & 1.GO. PHOVKIONS Hani , W' CUSXc ; breakfist 3acou , lOo ; clear side bacon , Oc : dry s-alt sides. Sc ; shoulders , 7c ; dr ed beef , regular , He ; dried beef , ham pieces , He ; lard , 50 Ib cans , 7c : lard. 20 Ib can * . Fairbanks 7Hc : lard , 10 Ib cans Fairbanks. 7'4c ; lard 5 Ib can * . 71Hc : lard. 3 Ib cans 7J c. PLOUU AND MiLi.STUrFs \ \ Inter wheat lour , best quality patent , 52.75 ; second qual ity , SMX'W.CO : qiialitv spnnc wheat lour , patent , S2.40 < 32.0 : Av" . J. Welshan's buckwheat Hour , pel bbl. SO 00 : do , double sacks S3.00 per hundred ; W. J. Welshan's No. 1 , ready raised , forty 2 Ib packaces : n case. S4.50 ; do. twenty 5 Ib packages in case , 4.50 ; bran , 70c per cwt ; chopped feed , 75c per cwt ; white corn meal. we ; yellow corn , meal , SO(3Kc ( ! ) per cwt ; screeninir. .Wii75c per cwt ; hoininv , S1.50 ; shorts , 70s per cwt ; graham , SI.75 ; hay. in bales , 57.00per ton. Grocer's Mat. PICKLE * Medium. In bbls. SS.OO ; do , in half bbls , S4.50 ; small. In bbls S10.00 ; do , in halt bbls. SS.OO ; gherkins , InbbU , SU.OOtlo ; , in half bbls , SG.OO. SUOAHS Powdered , ( W27c ; cut loaf CJfC < KegranulatedGl4 ; < 30\e ; confectioners A , oKfSoo : htandard extra C , 5 # ri&c ; extra C. s\5Kc : medium yellow , 4g5c. ( MATCHES Per caddie. 23c ; square cases , SI.70 ; mule square. 81.20. SVUUP No. 70. 4-galIon kegs , S1.20 L25 ; New Orleans persallon i 4Cc ; maple syrup , half bbls. "old time. " per gallon , 7i > e ; 1 gal lon cans per doz. 810.00 ; half gallon cans , per doz. S5.50 ; quart cans , S3.0u. CANDY Mixed. D&liKc : stick , 8 } < @ 9 c , CHACKKIIS Garneau's soda , butter and picnic. 5 > j'c : crearas.bHc ; ginger snaps , b > < c ; cit > soda. 7i , ' . bTAitcH Mirror glnss. 1 Ib. Cc ; mirror gloss , 3 ib , 55c : mirror closs Olb. 0rc ; Graves corn , 1 Ib.O c ; Klngsford's corn , I lo , 7c ; KinesforU's glo > s , 1 Ib. 7c : Klnesford s closs , Gib. 7J-fc. Kinirsford's pure llu 5Kc ; Klnesford's pure , 3 Ib , S c ; Kinpsfords bulk. 4c. SoAi'S Kirk's savon Imperial. $2.70 : Kirkssaiinet.S3.00 ; Kirk s standard , S3.05 ; Kirk's white Russian. S4.00 ; Kirk's white- cap. SC.50 ; dome , S3.S5 ; washboard , S3.10 ; white cloud. 83.75. CANNED Goons-Oysters.standard.per case , 3.1.rxr(3.25 ; strawberries , 2 Ib. j > er case. S-i.-X ) : raspberries. 2 Ibper case , Si-j.'i ; cCallfornia pears , per case , ' S4.50 ; apricots , per casj , 54.7XIJ troT -0 ; , ? < " case , SS.OO ; white cher ries , ptr case , SG.OO : pru.J ? , ger jvse , 5Ji' blueberrle.s txsrcase , S1.S > ; e/2 pltim ? . " Ib , per case , $2.50 : pineapples. 3 16 , per easfi S3.20Q5.75 ; 1 Ib nn.kcrel. per doz , 81.40 ; 1 Ib salmon , per doz , S1.50(21.5'i ( ; 2 It ) , goose berries , per case. S1.75 ; 2 Ib strinc beans , per cae , Sl.70 ; 2 Ib lima beans , per case , 51.60 ; 2 Jb marrow fat peas , percase. i ! J.50ffi2.CO ; 2 Ib early June peas , per case. 52.75 ; 3 Ib toma toes. S2.532.tx ) : : ib.corn SiBO 2.40. KS Ordinary crades , I4i ( < $15c fair . . . . - ; prime. WKQlCc ; choice , icic > c ; fancy green and vellow , 10@17c : old eov- ernment Java , 20 < 32Gc ; interior Java , If'Kfi 20c ; Mocha , 22ft24c : Arhuckle's roisted 20'c ; SIcLauclilIn's XXXX roasted , 20'4c ; Uilworth's. 20c ; Red Cross. 20)40. General .Mnrketi. \AIINISIIES Baire's. pergalion ; rurnl- ture. extra , S1.10 ; furnltuit' . No. 1. 81.00 ; coach extra , S1.40 ; coach , No. 1 , 1.20 ; Da- mar , extra , SI.75 ; Japan , "Oc ; asplmltum , extra Kc : shellac , S3.50 ; hard oil nnlsli , " itEAvr HARnwAitK iron , ratn plow steelspeciu last,4J4ccniclblesteeli ; ( > c cast tools , do. 12f < Jlbc ; wa on spokes , per set , S2.00a3.M ( ; hubs , per set , 51.25 ; lelloes. sawed dry , S1.50 ; tont'tieh , eacii. 80c : axels , each. 75c ; square nuts , per Ib. (5l(27lc ( : cell chain , per Ib. 0 $ ( $ ! 'c : maileabie. Ifafla ; iron wedses , 6c ; crowbars , 6c ; harrow teeth , t'-fc , spring steel. 7Q'c ! ' ; Burden's horee shoes , 54.75 ; Burden's mule shoes JV15. Barbed wire. In car lots 54.00 per 100 Ibs. Nails , rates , 10 to 50 , 8 < . < 0 ; steel nails , Shot , f 1.65 ; buckshot , 8l.a : onental powaer , kegs , S2.50 ; do. half kegs , 52.00 ; do. quarter kegs. 81.50 : blnstlni : . kegs , 52.3.V fuse , per 10 feet. GSc. Lead bar. 31h PAINTS is OIL White lead. OmahaP P. , Cc : w lute lead St. Ixuls , pure. o'Se ; Mar seilles ureen , 1 to Ib cans , 2c ; r'rencn zinc , rreen seal , 12c ; rench zinc , rea seal. Uc ; French zinc. In varnish asst. 20c ; Fench r'nc.75c : vermllllon , Kiifllsh , In oil , 75c ; red , lOc : ro e pinK , I4c ; \ enetian red , Cook- son'H , 2o ; Venetian icd , American , i > c ; red lead , 7kc ; chrome yellow , genuine , -ic ; chrome yellow. K , 12c ; ochre , rochclle. ? c ; ochre , French , 2'fc : ochre , American , Itfc ; inter's mlni-rai , 2t p ; Lenigh bio\\n , 2Kc ; Sj anlsh brown , 2 > fcj Prince's mineral , ' brmiTS-Colosne spirits 153 proof , 1.17 ; do 101 woof , ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , S1.17 : d-j ISs proof. 51.10 Alcohol. Ibs proor. S2. > J i > cr wine t'allon. Redistilled whiskies , § 1.0031.50. Gin , blended. S1.5U54 ? ,00 ; Kentucky bourbonf , SiCKV OOO ; Ken- ti'cky and Pennsylvania ryes , 5iOCKrf .50 ; Golden faheaf bourbon and no whiskies cl.'WXsS.oo. Br-indles , Imported , 85.00Qjb.'X ) : domeslic , 51.3ttjJ3.tW. Gins , imported. S4 V ) 040.00 ; domestic , 81.2.vJ.OO. Champannes , brown , BC ; umber , burnt 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ; sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c ; Paris green , cenuine. ftVI'arl green , com- mun , iSo ; chromo preen , & Y. . 20o ; vermillion American. Itc : inainn raw and burnt umber , 1 E > cans , I2c ; raw and burnt sienna , ISc. Vandyke brown , tSc ; relined - lined lampblack 13c : coacUbUck and Ivory blscV. ICc ; 'drop black. iCc ; Prussian bltte , 40c : ultramarine blact Kc ; chrome crecn.U , M. < fc 1) . , ICc ; blind * nd hntter preen , u. M. ft D. , iGc ; Pans creen , tsc ; Indian red , ! & < ! ; Venetian red , w ; Tuvan , 22c ; American vermllllon , L. A ! > . . 20ciellow ochre , 2c ; L. M. * O. O. . ISs : pootf ochre ICc : o.itent drver , Sc ; eralnlng cblor. ll ht oas , dark oak , walnut , chestnut and . Rlr.LO ) n " .itr.vtcAi.s. Acid , carbolic , 5 c ; cld , iktarlc , 52c ; haUam copaiba , per B ) . -We : bartTi-assnfras per Ib , lOc ; calomel , per & > , 7Sc , chlnchonldla , tier oz , 40c ; chloro form , per 0) ) , 'Oc ; Uovprs powders , per n > , 51.25 : ep onj Sdlts. , i > er Jb , BJ < c ; clycerlno , pure , per Ib , 3fc ; lead , aretate. per Ib. Sic ; oil. castor , > o. 1. per g U , Jl.SOc ; oil castor , No. 2 , per gal , SI - 0oll } olive , Per gal. , 81.40 ; oil oriiranmtm. Me ; opium , f3. < 0 ; quinine , I" . A W. and H. Ab , , per oz , 7. > c ; potassium Iodide , per a , 3J.50 ; sallcln. per oz. 40c ; sul phate morphine , per oz. S3. s ; sulphur , per Tb,4cstrjchnina ; uitF.9-(3reen butchers 5 i30c ; ureen cured.c : dry Hint. ll 12e ; drv salt. PC < tlOc ; creen calf skins. sl < c ; damaged nuies , two-thirds price Tnllow-3c Grease Prime white , 3'-Vc ; yellow , 2'4c ' ; brown , I5f bheep Pelts , 25O76C. Unto AND sKixs-Tue following prices are for prime , well handled skins : Heaver , prime , clean per pound. SUOOt&oo : fall. SI 2.- > (32.00 ( ; meaty ann Inferlnr. Sl.CO ® ! 25. Hear. blown and grlz/.ly. S5.0.XfS.OO ; ftibs nd yearllncs , SJ.uO 4.00. Badger , VJ ( GOc. Cat , wild , 20@ 0c ; domestic , black , 10\il5e ! ; do mestic , sundrv colors / > ( gsc. Fn\ . red , SI . (0 © l.SA : cross 2.00@.f10 ; urov. )0 ) < iiiOc ; silver , S10.00@ 10.00. Fl her. S4.00 ( < iaO ( ) . Otter.S4.00 ( ifi.OO. Martin , Sl.OOCgl.75. Muskrat , win ter. larce , inc : fall..f > c ; kills , Ic. Mink , larire , dark , : > Vi40c ; small and pale , 15@20o. Bac- coon , largo prime , 40(150c ; small andlnferlor , COrt.'Wc. Skunk , cnmmon , l.V < t25c , Wolf , large prey , Sl.'iOOt2.50 ; covotior prairie , 75 ® Me. Ieer and antelope , winter , t'Cr pound 15c ; fall and sttinmer. per pound 20c. Dry Lintnuar. UOAUDS. No.l Cora. . ! . . 12 , Hand 10 ft . S17.50 No.1 " 12 , H end 16 ft . 14.7.-1 No.3 " " 12 , 14 and 16 ft . 13.50 Nat " " 1214andl6ft . 12.00 FKJfClNd. No.l , 4A61nch , 12 and 14 ft. , rough. . .517.04 No. 2 , 4 kt Olnch. 12 and 14 ft. rouch. . . 14.00 AM ) TlVUF.ItS. ' ' ' ' 2H 16.VnR.ROlinWI700 18.00 21W2I.OO CxB Ifl.Sil IUBOI18.VI lT.yos.W.3.C ) | )2.00 : ixS 1 , VJ Ifi.WIT.W'lS.lWil.tWJI.CO ' lilO ' 1C.50 Ifi 5 , | 7. , iI8.V ( ) M.TO SIW ) ir..Vll ) ( fiO 17.00 ! 18.00 S.f ! ie.viii)6. i.i TKIL1VO ANTt 1st com.ln White I'iiiP Partition. . . .SW.OO M . . . . . 27.50 M Com. Ji In. Norway Pine Ceilln ? . . . . H.OO STOCK nOAUDs. A 12 Inch. s.lg. 4RC . 8" ' ' > .00 lU'JInch " " 4'jD . " 1.M Xo. 1. com. 12 In. , s. 1 3. . 10. ISA 20 ft. . . ' . ' 1.00 No. 2. " . . . ls.50 Xo.2 , " 12vtl4ft . 17.00 . irft . IG.OO SHIP L r. No. 1. pWn.Sand 10 inch . 517.50 Xo. 2. plain , S and 10 Inch . 15.50 POSTSWlilte Cedar , 0 In. , KS , Uc ; 8 | D. rs. . Dissolution of Partnership. T HK coparlncr lilp heretofore t'\i tiniMindor i- the Mrm natiiu ot Mt lintiv Jt Schrocdtr. lll licill < ) l\e < l by iinitiinl eon ent on thullthof Febtuiiry , IsST , Very re'iiM'lfully , JOHN A McSlIAXn. LOfls ? SCHOUU1UU Omahu , Xob. , February 10th. 15s7. N/JTICR From nntl ntter tboHth of Fcbrunrv we will conduct u f'iionil cotjiiulsiion niul told ttorapc bn-lne under thp linn nntno ot Georiro f-chroodcr Jt Co . at thn warehoiisonow occupied by ilc.-luuiL' \ SchroeJer. )7liu ) > u uood will mill bu-lne-s wo linre soctireil. We shull inako 'pec- ailties of butter. e fc'- and countrv ptoiliicu : al-o offer our lurge rcfrlyeiutors for storms eirirs mid butter Hiivlnp the ncccs-at-y cxpcripncc nnd nmplc rneun' . and the very SIP ) ot futilities , we ii = k 3 on to for us with > our pafonniro Yours truly , Otoltfi ( : SCHKOHDRIi. DAVID McCAMUIUUGC Omaha , Xcb. , February 10th , lisb" . We wish to thanu our friends for the liberal IiatromiL'e cxiendeil us since wo commenced the butter nnd c'Ktf buklncss twelve yours HRO. We cheerfully recommend our successor" , Messis OeorpoSchroederirCo , who lime been connected ith our house for years nnil uro \u-ll acoimlnteO with tlio details of the biisiucb- . Yours truly , McSHANE \ SCIIHOKDIIK Notice , did upon the Uth daj of February , A. D. 18S7. fllo hla application to the mayor and city coun cil ol Omaha , for permit to sell malt , spirituous and vinous liquor as ailruiririPt , lor medicinal tnecnanical and chemical purposes only , nt -IM.NlGth street , Hh VVaril. Omaha , Neb. from the llth day of April , ISM , to the 10th day of April , 1SS7. If thotu be no objection , remonstrance or protft tiled within two weeks from Fcbrunrv t'tb ' , A. D. ! Si7 , the * ' < ld permit lll be Kratit < d CHAHI.ES H. STAGEY , Applicant. J. II. POUTIIAHII , Cltv C'lerl" . 110-17 Stone&Gravel The Cedar Creek Stouo and Gravel Quarry lias just lieeu opciK-d up for business. A good quality of white anil bine lime stone for building- purposes , is furnished by J. L. FARTHING , The General Salesman. Also trravel of the linest quality for lawn and other purposes Offices at ? mttsllnutl ] ) , .Neb. Tne It. k 31. rail- loads ufee'aTaTFiro uir.OJi tof this stone Red Star Line Carrying' the nelirlura Royal and Unltoa Statei evertaturday Between Antwerp & New York TO THE RHINE , GERMANY , ITALY , HOLLAND - LAND AND PRANCE. FALL AND WINTEK. Balon from tCO to (75. Eicurslon trip from fllO to tUX Second Ctbm , outwaru , flj ; prepaid , 1 15 ; excursion. 180. Steoraf-e passage at low ratal , heter Wrltrltt & Bans , Genera Agents. U Broad war. Now VorK. Henry 1'unUt , UU Fdrnamst. ; Paulson k Co. Hi8 Furuum st : U. 0 Fructnun 1331 TiUS CHICAGO SHORT UNE THE BEST ROUTE ina oum mm eicm n TWO TttAINB DAILT DKTWEBH OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFK3 Chlcajfo , AXD- Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cellar Itapida , Cliuton , Dubuque , Davenport , HockIslandFre port , Bockford , Elgin , Madlsou , Janesville , Beloit , Winona , La Crease , And all Oder Important points East , Northea l and Southeast. For through ticket * cull on tbo Ticket Az n at 1101 rarnam street tla Vttiton UotoU.or UolqnPuldo Depot. I'uUmnn hiueixjrb uaJ the Bnjit Dlntoj Curt in : tworld are rue pa tbo maJn linw of the Caicioo. UILWICUB * ST. PJLVL RAIL WAT. and Terjr attention If P ld to paas ngor br oourtroni mplojei of the company. U. MILLKH , Uuneral Maungcr. _ J. F. TOCK H. Assl t at Donors ! M n rT. A. V. H. CAKPKK7SK. GeoeraJ FaM a * T aod Ticket Agent. OKO , K. HtAnroBD , Assistant General Pama- Cer and Ticket Agent 1. T. CH.B * . GeaercU Buperlntendent. THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES , OMAHA. Arrive i Leave Omaha Omaha UNION PACIFIC. Dci > ot loih and 1'icrco sis. Pacific Express 7Vani : ) 8M : pm Denver Express fi:20pm : 10:4-1 : am * Lf-cal Express ll00am ; 5:03 : pm Except Sunday. H. A M. It. 11. II. Depot loth and Paclnc its. Mall anil Kxprrss S:45pm : 10.00 am Nleht Express. . . 10:00 mi 7:45 : pm Lincoln b:53 : pm 8:30 : am 0. \ \ & Q. It It. Depot 10th and Paclticsts Mall anil Kxptes ° :50 : am C 00 pm Chicago Express 7:10 pm 9:20 : am K. C St J. A 0. H. Depot 10th and Pacllica Via PlatMmouth 7tO : pro 0:20 : am Lincoln Express 18:45 : pm Except Monday. tExccpt Saturday. C St. P. M. A O. Depot 15tn and \Veb3ter 3t. ijioux City Express pm 8:15 : am Bancroft Accommodation 10:30 : nm 5:45 : pm Exceut Sunday MISSOURI PACIFIC. Depot IMIi and WebstersL Day Express fi.CT am It :10 : am Night Express G-CM pm 1':10 ' : pm Lincoln Express ll : . ' < 0auti fi:10 : pin UNION STOCK "YARDS Leave Leave TRAINS. US YMs Omaha * K\ccpt bundav. 1'rixuis leavini : U. P. depot - * 7:05am : 7H5nm : pot In Omaha at 10W : n. * bIOam : in. , 5:05 : p. in. and 8:20 : p. O'oOnm 10:00 : nm m. , and those Icavlni : 10. .Via in Union .stock jards at 0W : 2:00pm : a. in. and 10:51 : a. m. are 2ropin : 305pm ; throtieh pas-sencer train * ' 3-85 pm 4:0.iitii : all others arc regular stock 4y , pm .V.05pm raids dummy trains be 5U5pm : tween stock yants ana b' : CO pm Oinnha. i Leave i Leave U P. lilllDGETRAINS Transfer. Omaha. Except Sunday. 7.12am to : R"i am tConnccts with S. C. & 8:15 : am * " :35am : P. at Council HlulK 9:2onnii : b :00 : am jConiiPctswIthC. D. A 9:42 : am * .S : M ) am Q. , C. & N.V. . , C. M. A * 10:37amlo : :00am bt. P. C R. I A P. at 1147 am 10am Connoil HlutTs. 1:30 : pm :00pm { Connects with \V. St. 2:37pm' : ' :00 : pm L. A P. at Council UlnlR 3:37pm : :20pm : IConnects w ith nil evenIng - 4nrpm : :00 : pin Ing train- , for Clncairo at :00pm : Council Bau ! % Train * -42pm :00 : pm leave Omaha at Union 7-10 pm ffO pm Pacific depot. 10th and 7:42pm : :10 inn Pierce streets. b:50pm : 00 pin 10:47 : pm :15 : pin H:55pm : ; 00 pm 10 pm COUNCIL i Leave ' Arrive CONNECTING LINES Transfer Transfer , depot depot O.K. I. A P. : 7:15 : amtfl:15a : m All Trains mil Daily. 0:15 : a m 5:25pm : 0:40 : p m 7:00pm : C. A N. W. i a m 9:15 : a in All trains run daily j j ) p m 7:00 : urn C. B. A Q. 9:35 : am 0:15a : m All trains . run daily. 0:35 : p m 7:00p : in C. M. A St. P. 9:15 : am 0:15 : a m . . All trains run daily. 0:40 p m 7:00 : p m K. C. St. .1. A C. B. Except Saturday , 10:00 : a m 1GS5ara : thxcept Monda } . 5:30 : p m W. St. I , . A P. J All trains run daily I 200pm ; 3:30 : p m S C. A 1' . All trains run ilally. . . . . ) 7:05 a m 9:35 a m 0:25 p m b:50pm : STERN nAILWAY. Omaha , Conncil Blnffs And CMcago , Tht only road to taka for Dei Moinei , Mar- ehalltown , < elarltnplds , Clinton , Dixie. Chica go , Milwaukee and all points cait. To th people ple of Nebra ka , Colorado. Wyomlnir , Utah , Idaho , Nevada , Oreiron , Waahlnirlon and Cali fornia , It offer * superior advantages not posil- ble by any other line. Among- few of the numerous polnti of u- rerlorttr enjoyed by the patrom of this road bctn eon Omaba and Chlcafro , are Its two traou nda.rof DAY COACHES which ara the finest ItiRt human art and mfronulty can create. Ita PALACE SLEEPING CAItS. xhlch are modolt of comfort and eleyanco Its PARLOR DRAW ING ROOM CARS , uniurr > ain > : bf BUT , and ill widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING CAHS , the train * of thU line make clone conne.-tloa with those of all eastern line * . For Detroit , Columbus. IndlanapollP. Cincin nati. NIavnr * Falle.Ruffalo , Pltiaburp , Toronto ) Montreal , lloiton , New York , Pliiludelphtn , UaJ- tlmor * . Washington and all | om ! § In tin ea t , uk the ticket ncent for tickets via the "NORrHWESTEHN. " If you with tbo hen ncommodatlona. All Mrlir > t lU-PiUs sell Ilcke 5 r n Ibis line H.nrnniTT. n. p WILSON. General Mnnacor , Oonl I'nts'r Agent , O VV eilcrn Agt. fit ) Put * Ag EDWARD KUEHL , The Oracle or Omaha , better known ai OTixe OLID 319 South 10th Street , Omaba , Neb. Matritloron'ulmystry and Condltlonallit. Will , wltn the aid of each one's Guardian Spirit , ob tain tor anyonu a view in the I'ASrunJUxj PHESKNT , and on certain conditions in the FUTOIIE. OMAHft JOBBERS' DIRECTORY Agricultural Implements. 'CHURcTfl'LLPA RKER , VVboleiale Dealer In Agricultural Implements , Wasrons , C jrU e and Iluzr' ' " . Jonei trt t , bttwcen Cth and 10thOmaba , N b , LIXISGER d ) METCALF CO. , Agricultural Implements , Waroni.Carrlaiev DQEKIM , Btc. , Wholpeale. Omtka. LEE , FRIED t4 CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Naila , Tinwar , Slieet Iron. Etc. Aent > for Howe Scale * , and Miami Povderu > . Onuha .Sfl > . Wholeiale Dealeri la Agricultural Imiilements , < VtgoniandIUKle > . 101 103.'JOi tnd'.OT. Jocei tt Wagons and Carriages , A. J. SIMPSOX , The Leading Carriage Factory , ( KSTADI.I6IIEU IKa.l U'.Q and 1111 Dodga Hrecl , Oretta. . Artists' 'UaTcriai. Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1113 Itouglat Jtr etOm ba. Omaiia Jobbers' ' Directory. Butter and Eggs. McSHAXE cC SC1IROEDER , Buyers of Bnttor and Eggs. rater and Parking Home , litb and worth SU I' V. K. K. Track , > rcaba. Builders' Hardware and Scales , Dnlldcrs'Hardwarc A Scale Repair Shop Mechanics' Tooli and Iluffalo SeMf * . 1 < Q * Donclai U v Omaha , Nnb. Boats and Shoes. * nAxn SHOE COMPANY , Manufsctuten and VTbolerileDealen la Boots and Shoes , Complf to clock of Kubhgr Goods alwats on band M S tb t. Omaba Neb. A T. Auttln. Atent. jr. r. MOUSE c co. Jobbers of Boots and Shoes. till Fsroitu st , Om ha , N b. tlanufactor ; , Summer jtieet. llofton. Z. T. LIXDSEY A CO. Wholesale Rubber Boots and Shoes. Ktibbei ninl uilitl Olutiilmt nnd Kelt Hoots anil hop ! > . toullu-n t roinrr Mtli nnd Beer. M. KEAT1XG , Agt. for Anheuscr-Bnsh Brewing Ass'n Brandt ran tIudwlier ! and Erlancer. Lager Beer Brewers , lii North l > ib Street. Omsbn.Neb. Butchers' Tools. LOUIS JFELLElt , Unlchers' Tools and Supplies , lauiaje Cailngi ot all kinds nlwajsln slock. 111 ! Junispt. om&ha S Coffee , Spices , Etc. Omaha Coffee and Spice ilills. Tea * Oofiro Splce < . Unklnc Powder FliTOrlnjEr- tracts , Laundry Illue , Ink Kir/ lilt IGIIarcer Street. "maba. Neb GATES , COLK ll MILES. Home Coffee and Spire ilills MTg Co. CiiVeollotstersand PplcOrlni1i > r , Vlanafmtururs ofllaklnz Powder. Huorliii : K trct . Illnlnc. Kir , Trv unor * i > or unr 1-n pick. icr Home Uteud Koittcd O > > Tee Ml HowMrtl it Omnb > b Cornice. EAGLE John Epeneter , 1'rop. llanufncturer of ( laltanltcd Iron aM Cornice. V23 Dodfennd 103 and IPS N. IQtb St. . Oregba.hcb. RUEMPIXG C VOLTE , Manufacturers of Ornamental Gtilvanired Cornices. Dormer Windows. nncl . .MculicSkjllfblctc. 3108. iit > it .Omaha. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS , C. Spccht , I'rop. Oalranlrcd Iron Cornice' , etc. Sprct1' Improved Pa ent Mi-tJillc'-kyllKlil. 103 andtluii 12ili fl. . Omnha. Carpets. o "MAILI CAmrET co . , Jobber ? of Carpets. Curtains , Oil Cloths. Rugs , Linoleum * . MnUlncf. Rtc 1511 Douc'at ' street. .S. A. ORCHARD , Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , Mailings , Curtain Goods. Eto. HIJ Karcum btrcet , Omaba. .Neb , Crockery and Notions. jr. L. WRIGHT , Acent for the Manufacturer ? and Importer ! of' Crockery , Glassware , Lamps. Cblmucjr , etc. Office , 217 Boulh IStb tt. Oiuoba , heb. Commission and Storage. J5. A. HURLEY , Commission and Jobbing. Dn tler. KpKiand Produce. ConslKr.menis rollclttd. Dnllc lcailquarters for btoncware , Herry Boxes and Urapc Kartell. 1114 Dodge street , umaba. Commission Merchants. Fralt" , Produce and ProvUlons , Omaha. Keb. JF. E. RTDDELL , Storage and Commission Merchant. Specialties Ilulte- . Egg * . Cbeese. Poultry , ( .arue , Orfterf , Ktc. , Ktc lJ ! > outb litb street. WIEDEMAX CO. , Produce Commission Merchants , Poaltri , Butter , Game , Fiulls , etc , 220 E. llth si Gruaha. Nvb , Coal antf Lime. P. MILESTONE & CO. , Dealers In Hard and Soft Coal , Office and jard. Kth and Nicholas sts. , Omaba , Keb. Yar < Oro. * I.MIAI.II. 1'rev C. F.GOOHMAV , V. Pica. J. A. htrNDKlILAND , boc. and Treas. OMAHA COAL , COKE d5 LTMJ2 COMPANY , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. JO ) Soutb Thirteenth Street , Omaba , Neb. J. , T. JOHXSOX r CO. , Mannfactiirers of Illinois White Llmo. And Shippers of Coal and Coke. Cement. Platter , Ume. Hair. Fire Brick , Drain. Tile and "ewer Pipe. OIHCP. Pixton note ) . Xarnum t. , Omnba , .Ntt ) . Telepbone * > 11. Confectionery. r. P. FAY & CO. , Manufacturing Confectioners , Jobbers of FrntU.Nute and Clgaia. 1211 rarnam SU Omaba. Cioart anv MAX MEYER d : CO. , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco , Gun * ana Ammunition , 315 toZ23 S litb su , 1020 to llrj ( Farnau stOmabaNeb. WEST ifi FRJTSCHER , Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , Aoi Wbolesale Dealers In Leaf Tobaccos , Nos. 1M and 110 N , ' . < tb street , O-natia. Dry Goods. M. E. SMITH , Ll CO , , Dry Goods , FtirnlshinK1 Goods & Notions 1102 and 1104 Dounlae , cor , litb StOmaba , Neb. Distiller * . Distiller * of Liquor * . Alcohol and Fplrits. Importer ! and Jobbers of Wines and Liquors. WJLLO WSPRIXGS DJSTILLE'I CO. and ILER 0 CO. , tepcrtcri end Jotterf of Fine Wines and Uqaon. tole manufacturers nf Kennedr's East India Bli- icrk and Ouucsilc I.lquoi > , 1112 Ilsrcor bl. Drain Tile , Etc. A. H.Sri"PrP . J-W nrnroKi.8ec.4Tieis H. J. CAitsoN , V.i'rfci. and feupt. THE UXIOX HYDRAULIC DRA1XTILK CO. , OCce 213 S. Hlh il. Omaba , Neb. Macblnerr and fcnpplles fcrManufac luring Cement Drain Tile. furniture. DEWEY < 0 HTO2TE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture. Famam St. , Omaba , Neb. CHARLES SH1VERICK , Furniture , Ifeddinsr , Upholstery , Ulrrcri , etc. 13K.13M and 1210 Farnam ft. , Oiosba. Groceries , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , Nos Taj.T07TOand711P IQtb fetOmabs. . Neb McCORD , ItRADY C CO. , Wholesale Grocers } , UtQ and I. ireaorlh ti.Orji b * . OfiAlH OMAHA ELi : VA TO It and O/M/JV COMPANY , Jobbers and Storers ct Grain. Sofpoitinof deuli're olicltpil and .bntnlucllcii ' Oinfihu , ! tti , Omaha Jobbers' ' Directory. Hardware. jr. Heavy Hardware , Iron nnd Steel , Bprtno , VV ron Ftof * . ll rdw r > Lumber , etc. 1201 ' r . nd Hit lltrncT u. flmBh- 1 " EDXEY A Wholesale Iron nnd Steel , Wtcon and fatrlncp Wood Ftoth. HMTJ ll nlw r % Etc. Uli nU JJi l.earf nworth ft. , Omibn , N b. MtLTOA' ROGERS tO SOUS , Stoves , Rniiffcs , Furnaces , Tiles , M ntl i , Until , Brmis Goods. 1.TZ1 and 131 Mrn m Iron Works , PAXTOX if VIERLIXQ Iron Works , VTroncit nd Cut Iron nulldlnf Work , Iron SUIra , Htlllnr , H * m ndUlrdrrt. Pi * m Knalnei. Hrnti \Torl , O nr l roun.lrr. Urchins nrt HlnrMmliU Nfort onoaaJVVotn.tJ. I * . ity. adi7thiutet. I' . II. JlrMA.VUS. C. BUt.UVAX. OMA1L.-1 WIRE tP IROX WORKS , Mnnufncturor of Wire nnd Iron Itnllin , Desk nails , Window Uu.trds. Flower HtnnJn. Wire Slens. Eta. 173.N. l lh. Order * tij null prompt ! ; attended to. Lumber. OMAHA T.UMHE11 CO. , Dealer All Kindt of Jlulldlnff Material at Wholcsp.In , 16th Street nnd Union Pnclflc Track , Om h . 1.0 UJS BllADFOllD , Dealer In Lumber. Lath , Lime , Sash , Doori , Kte. YarUt-Corncr'lh and Douglai ) Corner Ha and DouitUi. _ _ CHICAGO LUMBEll CO. , Wholestilo Lumber , 614 P l4tbftr elOmiiba.X t > . f.Colpctitr. Manntcr. Ltnnber. irth KDd Csllfoniia Mrcet * . Oratba , Ntb. Fit ED W. GJiAT , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Cor.Ctb nnd nouglai its. . Ornnln.NuX JIOAGLAXD , Lumber. T. jr. HARVEY LUMBER CO. , To Dealers Only. ORcc , UK Farcatu etrcet.Omaba. CITAS. Jf. LEE , Hardwood Lumber , Wood Curpeti and 1'nrqupt Floorlnc. Vtb and DcnglM Omiba. JOITXA. WAKEFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc. Imported and American t'ortUnd Ocnifnt. Pt U Acenl forllllxaukeu llrdraullc Cemtnt nut ] Beit Qulncj-VVblteUmc. Lire Stock. UXIOXSTOCK YAItDS CO , , Of Omaha. Limited. John K. Botd , Superintendent. Litre Stock Commission. M Bl'IiKE ( C SOyS , Live Stock Commission. Ceo. Iturke , Manacrr union Stock VarJ.-.S. Omnha. Telephone IS. SAVAGE 0 GltEEX , Live Stock Commission Merchants , Shipments of nnr and all klmla of Stock solicited. Union Mock Varrtn. Omaba , Nb - Millinery and Notions. i. Importcra and Jobber ! of Millinery and Notions , 1313 and 1315 Homer Et.cet , Omnha , Net ) . Hotions. C. S. GOODRICH cC CO. , .Aroyiecnlj Direct Imj > 5Vtcr35f Gorman & French Toys & Fancy Goods Iu Nebrnikn. Chicago prices duplicated without add- Ink' freight. KISrarnam Street , Omnha. J. T. dtOBIXSOX XOTIO3 CO.'t Wboleeale Dealrrt In Notions and Furnishing Goods , < ( tl and 403 S. Tentb St. , Omaba. VIXYARD SCHNEIDER , Jobber ! In Notions , Hosiery and Gents' Furnishing Goodi. ICTBand 1009 Farnam ! t. . Omaba. Neb. Overalls. arA XlT COMPAXY , Manufacturers of Overalls , Joani Panti , Sblrt , Etc. 1102 and 1104 Don flat Street. Omaba , Neb. Paper Boxes J. L. WILK1E , Manufacturer of Paper Boxes. 8.Utb St. , Omiba , Nebritikii. Order * Ly majtij llctted and will recalra prompt attention. Printing. REES PRINTING COMPANY Job Printers , Blank Book Makers , And liook Hinders. 101 and lOfl Koutb Kouitcentb street. Omaba , Neb. WESTEItXXEWSPAPERUXION Auxiliary Publishers. Dealer ! In Trt > e. PrestPs and Printers'Euppllet. Iff ) Pouth Twelfth i-treet. Pimps. JIROWXELL ,0 CO. , Manufacturers and Denier * In Engines , Boilers General Machinery Short Iron work. Hti-nrn rump' t-nw Mlll > , Aetna Shullliu. Doiltro VVuud pill 1'ullojs. llpltlnir. etc , Alfo wueoni , tcrapcrt.aiid Laletlcs. vtnwonil it. , Omulia. RECTOR ,0 IVJLITELKY CO. , Wholesale Hardware. Wnitem ncentt for leftrton Steel Nails. AustlQ Powder Co Illrbank bicndard Hc/ik-e. Corner 10th and Harner , Omaha. CirURCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale PuinpH , Pipe , Fittings , Bteamand VVnttr hunpllei llpidquarten ( or tlitl KcostCo'i Uocxli. Ill I * rL m > ( . , Umabl.Neu. A. L. STRAXG CO. , Pipes inil KiiR-ines , Et m , VVater , Hallway and llllllniiup.ller. ( ( . . Eta , J Ki i'ltnaui ( t. , Umaba , Neb. U. S. WIXD EXGIXE ami PUMP COMPANY. tlalladajr Wind tllliii r.l'nra anil VV ter Piippllei , luoiLlnrOoodi. lleltlnt. Jlo.r. via mul til far- cam H. , Omnhn. b K fit/in , M u iir. ; 1 clepbiine Ku. ' . ' 10. Safes , ftc. P. TtOYER jTco" for Hall's .Safe & Lock Co.s' Fire and Ilnreiar Proof Rufai , Tlroo Ix > rkk , Vanlu end Jail Wuri. 1WJ tariuta trcet Omaha , Neb. G.AXDREEN , Oinaliii Kafo Works , Manufacturerof t'lre and lliirelarl'rouf Snfei , Vault Door. , Jull VVork.Miut ere and VV Ire Work , tor , lilliuid , JnckiuuHll.Oicthm , Net , Sash , Peers , Etc , 1VboIc > ale kUnufkc Snsli , Doors , Itlinda ami Moultliiif3 , Brapcu oact.nt'u nr.J lurfl iit .pas- ! ' " G. l'LYMA X , Sash , Uiior , Dliiuls , MotihllngrF , liu 1'jpcr. fctc. 1001 outtl Tnlrtrt' I i trcct , inulii , StU. A ccmpttli' itor * u ( IlailjHt JO/f.Y MANUFACTURIG CO. , Marufccturers , of Sash , Dcors , Blifds , . Intpr.or Il > rd Wcxiil Pnlik Juit Oicut > l. N , K cur , liuioid lxj : > ( : ri tti > tlihl * . Uuiaba , > tt.