Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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Ing the rnto of Interest on the bonds to C per
cent and providing that tlMjy shall not bo
Bold at loss than tt > per cent of their par
valno , Hojpcted 40 to 10.
The substitute olTcred by Mr. Vest to-day
ns amended by Mr. VanWyck was agreed to
without division ; nnd the bill as thus
nracndcd was passed yeas , 40j nays , 7 , The
nays weio : Edmunds , Jones of Arkansas ,
Mtrrlll , PJatt , Vance , VnnWyck nnd Wilson
of Iowa.
The senate then , on motion of Mr. Ld-
mil ml * , took up the bill to inaugurate the
Alarltlmo Canal Company of Nlcarasna. It
fc. went over till to-monow ns unfinished busi
's Thrilling Tale of How lie
Killed Bohle.
VOHK , Feb. 17. In the trial ot
Cantnln Kd ward Ungcr to-day for the murder
of Louis liohle , whose body the defendant
. confessed to Inspector Hyrnc.s ho had cut up
nnd shipped to Ualtlmoro In n trunk , linger
related In an Intensely realistic manner the
circumstances of the murder , closing with a
repetition of his confession. Ills manner
impressed the spectators to some degieu with
the justness of the theory of self defense ,
tliQ violence of liohle being dramnttcally
Illustrated. Unger related the story of the
nUht of horror whlr.h passed while the body
of Ilohlo was behind the cot. llo had n lltful
Bleep , broken by horrible dreams , nnd In
each of them Hohlo appeared .standing nt his
bed. Dnucr would start tin and spring out of
tied. Again nnd again this was repeated.
Unger said In closing : " 1 don't ' know , but It
don't seem tlmt I did It. I don't seem to bo
awakv. I am a miserable man , I seem to ho
dreaming nver slncn. I certainly did It In
Rclf-delonsc. I can't blame myself. 1 am n
ml ! arable man. "
Alter n recess Uneer was cross-examined ,
nnd ho again described tlio fracas minutely
and without thu slightest variation trom his
former relation , nnd ns lie described nnd en
acted Ills part In the light Ungcr's face was n
study. At the moment when he was relating
with uplifted hand how he held the nrm of
liohle , who had a butcher-knife in his hand ,
tlioio wns nn expression of hard exer
tion and trial of strength In Ungcr's
lace , nnd when he , In his memory ,
ran from tlio furious liohle , who
WAS after him with a knife , nnd told
how ho stooped nnd with ono hand on thu
bed loom door i cached half behind him with
the other hand for the hammer in the tool
chest to keep his eyes on his assailant mean
while , there was that frightened , hurried , ter
rible look which one might expect to see on
the lacu of one In that scene , llo said : "I
didn't know 1 would grab the hammer.
There wore Irons there nnd 1 might throw n
piece of iron at him. " As ho struggled to
Iiold Itohlu's right aim aloft nnd to strike
with the hammer he said : " 1 knuw 1 wai
pone If ho got his nrm loosu with
that knife , and I struck him on thu
forehead ; and then , ns he pulled
me across the room , trying to get his hand
loose , 1 hit him on top of thu head. Ho stag
gered and fell back on the sofa. There wcio
n few twitches or jerks of his nrms and legs ,
nnd that was all. "
"Terrible 1 Terrible 1" It was Juror Kyan
In the box who broke the deathly stillness by
this exclamation , uttered In a hoarse whisper ,
unconsciously and Involuntarily , He expressed -
pressed the thought ot every hoaier of Un-
jjer's tale. At the request of his lawyer
Unger looked the jury squarely and unlllncti-
Ingly In the face It."I : have told you
all I know about It. The defense icsti-d.
A National Liahor Party.
CINCINNATI , Feb. 17. The labor convon
tlon which Is to assemble next Tuesday Is
now the absorbing topic In nil political cir
cles. It Is called to organize or at best to dis
cuss , the propriety of organizing a now
national political party in the inteiest of the
worlcliiKmon. The great strides made In
many parts of the country during the past
year by the labor candidates , and the un
usual agitation of questions of laborinirmcn ,
have combined to encourage the originators
of this convention to think that It is time to
form a national party. It is now expected
that. 1.50Q tluleirates wm bo hero , tliotieh there
-ns not j'ol positive assurance of so many. It
Is not expected that It shall do more than
adopt aDlatform , leaving the nomination ot
candidates tor thu liitnro.
Cleveland and 1NH8.
W YOUK , Feb. 17. ( Special Telegram to
the JiKKj The TrlbtinejQiiotesa democrat of
national prominence , who has had a con
fidential talk with tlio president , as saying
that Cleveland is llrm in his determination
not to bu a candidate for renomiuatlon and
re-election. The reason ho gives for this de
cision , show him to bu a much greater man
than manv of us have given him credit.
Smith M. Weed also says this statement Is
ome\\liat in the line of his own Informa
tion , and adds "that the drift of sentiment
over the country seems to be In favor of
nominating Covernor Hill as Cleveland's
successor. ' Ex-Mayor William II. Wlcklinm
says , if reports pet out that Cleveland
Bays ho will not bo n candidate for rcnomlna-
tlon , It will go far to make him the nomine
of the party"U looks like a plceo of sliicwd
politics for him to take this position. "
The IJIIHI ; Htnto Dinner.
WASHINGTON' , Feb. 17. President and
MrB. Cleveland gave a state dinner to-night
in honor of the supreme court. The guests
woroChiuf Justice and Mrs. Walto , Justice
nnd Mis. Miller , Justice and Mrs. Field , Jus
tice and Mrs. Hradluy , Justice nnd Mrs.
Iluilan , justice and Mrs. Matthews , Justice
Gray , Justice and Mrs. Ulatehford , Senator
nnd Mrs. Kdmunds. Senator and Mrs. Vest ,
Senator and Mrs. Kvarts , Senator and Mrs.
.McMillan. Mr. and Mrn. Patrick A. Collins ,
John 1C. Uuvllii and wife , of Xow York ; ox-
Mayor ( iraeo and wife , of New York , and
lion. Francis Ijyndu Stetson unit wife , Now
York. The public reception next Tuesday
nvuning closes thu .social events at tlio white
house tor thu season.
Democratic Victory tu Now Jersey.
THKJfTON , N. J. , Fob. 17. Alter votliw In
Joint session for United States senator the
assembly reconvened and proceeded to take
up the majority and minority report on the
two ron tested seats , the decision 111 which
promises to clfect the senatorial question ,
owing to the closeness In the strength of the
parties on Joint ballot. The majority ie-
jioit iccommendi'd the iinseatlnc of the
democrats , Walter and Hurley , and seating
their opponents. It was n furious struggle
nnd protracted , but the democrats wuru
llnally victorious , the minority report being
mibstltutcd for thu majority , and thu demo
crat rontiibtants seated by the close vote of
U0to'.l > .
Ni\v : Youif , Feb. 17. ISpcclal Telegram
tothoIi'.i-Tho ) : ] Tribune correspondent saya
the Washington suggestion that Caillsle may
bu called Into thu cabinet docs not even pro
voke a amile here. Nobody is prepared to see
Cleveland reverse lust yet his whohi silver
policy. Faiichlld still Irnds the Hold with
bcott a good second and Pendleton , Weed
ami lesser lights bringing up thu rear.
It Instated on high authority that .Secre
tary Ilayard will succeed Sccictary Manning
nnd Minister ( ioorge H. I'ondelton will suc
ceed Uayurd In the btato department ,
Tom * llnllot-IJox
WASIIIN.NTO.V , Feb. n. K. U. Blown
( colored ) , who was clerk of election at (5ra-
ball precinct last November , to&tlllcd before
thu Texas committee to-day , llo described
the progress of the count , the receipt of a
note from an outsider , which note the two
democratic election officers considered
secret ly , and thu entrance soon alter ot three
armed and dl.sjulbou men. who presented
jilb'ols ' to the faces of the olllrers and scl/.etl
thn ballot box. Tlio witness said that out bf
! H7 vol'js In the box SSO were republican ,
l-'roin I'losccutlon.
Nr.w Youic , Feb. 17. James \V. Foshay ,
late president of the Urorulwny nnd Seventh
Avenue Hallway company , died this morn-
\og. \ An ludlctmei.t is on tile against Foshav
lor Imlng n party to the giving of bribes to
members of the board of aldermen of 1S.S1 In
connection with thu passage of the railway
_ _
Caiinilia'n Cninpnlcn Yarns.
NKW Voiuc , Feb. 17. ISpoclal Telegram
twtho IHr-l : Sir John McDonald's organ ,
the Toronto Standard , reiterates its canipalgn
yarn about American gold being used to
liiOp liberal elections in Canada. Jt claims
that the Dlsston saw company , of Philadel
phia. sent nionuV for that purpose. Jacob
IMutou denies the statement explicitly.
Illinoia Veterans Ask Congress to Pass tlio
Dependents Pension Bill.
FIve general Causes Stated Why It
Should Not 1'rovnll A. Trluuto to
General lioinn From Old. ,
The Illinois Kncnmptncur ,
llocic ISLAND , 111. Fob. 17. Among tlio
resolutions adopted by tlio (5. A , It. encamp-
incut this nttcrnoon were tlio following :
Jtrsolvcd , Tliat tills encampment , directly
rcprcsfiiitlni ; 20,000 veleran soldiers of Illi
nois , ( Icnmiiil tlmt congress pass tlin so-called
disability pension bill , tlio veto of tlio presi
dent nnUrUlistaiidlntr , as an net to tlio
Interests anil honor ot the country In this and
coinlnir Boni'rntlonq.
Kesolvetl , Tlmt after careful consideration
ot tlio president's mc4saie , wo pronounce It
unsound In all Its arguments and Inferences.
1. Ik'canso It ondoavois to Institute it coin-
pnilson between wars that were inero skir
mishes and tlio bloodiest struggle tlio world
lias over known. Wo will only Instance tlio
] Mo\lcan war , whrro tlio killed were 500 or
COO and thu wounded 1,000 or 1,200. In thu
war of tlio rebellion tlio killed and wounded
WPIO numbered by tlio hundreds of
2 , Hucausn it strains and warps the rules of
construction to show that this net mlelit In
clude ninny who ought not to bo penslonrd ,
\ > lien tlio couHtiuctlon thcrenf lies entirely
with tlio administration and , fairly made , In
cludes only those totally disabled.
! ! . DocniBo Its reasoning nirnlnst the grantIng -
Ing of pensions , tlmt unworthy men may re
ceive the heneilt of them , applies rather to
the genernl policy ot pensions and towards
tor services than to this particular bill , and
It Is an nignmunthlcli , It carried to Its con
clusion , would destroy every sentiment of
patriotism and tmbllc generosity.
I , Ducatisc It assumes that tlio union sol
diers of tlio w.xr ot tlio rebellion linvo al
ready been pensioned higher than those of
any other war in tlio world's history.
Wo need not KO oulsldo of this message
to show tlio error In this assumption , liy it
wo tlnd that one-third of tlio soldiers of tlio
war of tlio revolution or their representa
tives have been pensioned , and nnc-fouilli of
those of Hi. ) war o 1812. JJy takliiu tlio tlir-
tircs In tlio American cyclopodhi , that the en
listments tor thu .Mexican war were t-G ( > .
and not mV ! " > 0 us this tnessx'0 states , ana
that the pensions to the survivors alone up to
Ib74 were ll.ltus * , and that the message Is in
error In giving tlio number of nil pensions up
to .Juno So , ibiSi , at 7,01'J ' , wo liml by afair cal
culation , that nearly if not quite oiic-fouith
have been pensioned , The proportion of
pensions 1'or thu civil war is about onu-llfth.
The chances for Injuries In tlio civil war
weru more than ono hundred to one of those
in thu other wars refened to.
0. Because wo consider it very cold comfort
for tlio poordi'pundent veteran in one of our
county poor houses to bo told that soldiers'
homes have boon piovlded for a low thousand
out of 2,000,000 , nnd that laws Have been
p.issed klving preference to those who served
their country , when these homes and these
laws do not help him.
Whereas , Since our last encampment ad
journed cotnrailo John Alexander Logan , ox-
commander in chief , and founder of "me
morial day , " has been lemoved by death , and
wo , his surviving comrades , are desuous of
uaviiiR our ollicial tribute ot love and adini-
ratldu ; tltetofoip.
Unsolved , That wo are proud ot his un
sullied recoul as a soldier , patriot and states
man. No brighter example for the emula
tion of youth can bo found in
our annals. With none of tlio advantageous
nlds of wealthy intluential ancestry , by sheer
force of chaiacter and industry , ho made
lliliHi'ir tlio peer of the greatest and best of
1110111115111001 men who have adorned thu
paces of our national history , and wo will
over cherish his record In our heart ol hearts.
ICesolved , Tlmt It Is lilting and nppiopiiatu
that thu remains of thu most eminent son
whom Illinois has produced should sleep in
her soil ; therefore , wo , the representatives of
thu US.OOO comrades ot the Grand Army of tlio
Kimtibllc in tills dopaitment , and of the
U. > 0WO ( soldiers and sailors lurnished by this
state for the suppression of tlio lobclllon.
earnestly request tlio family of our deceased
comrade to consent to the removal ot his
honored lemalns to the state hn served so
uoblv , so that tlio strangers who visit his
tomb , and those of Llnc.iln and Douglas , tlio
other two ot our triumvirate of patriot states
men , may read as long as marble and granite
can tell the story how liratefully our irrand
old piairiu rcinemneis her heiolc dead.
lEesolvcd , That the ndjutant-Kencralof this
department bo directed to furnish a copy of
this tribute to the family of our deceased
comrade , endorsing thu veterans' police pa
trol of Chicago and recommending patron
age ; Instructing tlio assistant adjutant-gen
eral to have printed in circular form thu
meaning and emblazonry of the badge and
forward to tlio posts ; asklni : congress to per
mit members of the ( i. A. U. nnd Loyal
Lesion in the army and navy to wear th In
signia of the organizations while in uniform
and on duty ; expressing a wish that tlio remains -
mains of General John A. Logan rest on Illi
nois soil , and ordeiing a committee ot ton
comrades dutv it shall be , if Mich dis
position of the remains be determined upon
by his family to perform such services in con
nection with the linal ceremonies as may bo
desired , and naming memorial dav , li > S7 , as
the time ; recommending the passagu of an
net by the general assembly to pusvent per
sons iiom unlawfully using or wearing the
Grand Army badge , to protect thu public
from Imposition ; recommending the passagu
ot an act providing tor tlio publication of the
names ot all ox-soldiers , sailors anil marines
in Illinois , to bo gathered by the assessors :
Indorsing and encoiiraglnir tlio formation of
local camps of the Sons of Veterans ; reciting
that the action of the national encampment
of the G. A. Jl. has been adverse to thu recom
mendation of a universal service pension ,
and directing a vote on the .subject by thu
diircrmit poits that their tine sentiment maybe
bo asceitalnud , and providing for reports
showing tlio vote of each individual member
Other resolutions \\hlch worn adopted were
to the following etrect : I'roviding for a loll
of tlio dead to be read annmlly ; asking the
loglslattiru for an appioprlation to adequately
furnish the soldlei ' orphans home MI as to
furnish accommodations to all who may bo
entitled to Its benefits ; concurring In the
recommendation of the trustees of the
soldiers' and sailors' homo that aG. A. H.
standing committee of live bo appointed to
Inspect the homo and its management.
The consideration ot tlio resolutions occu
pied thu whole of tlio foienoon session , nnd
was characterized by some lively debate.
AinonLtlio speakers were Commandor-ln-
Chief Fnlrchllu , who said his circular of
Tuesday was designed to secure a full and
free expression trom men who had given the
matter much thought ; and Comrade John
L. Jiennett , of Chicago , who made an
I'luborato ' address controverting the presi
dent's objections. Tim afternoon and evening
sessions wore devoted to thu election of olll-
cors nnd Springfield was chosen as the place
tor next year's encampment. There voro
but two candidates tor department com
mander , and A.C. Sweutser , of Itioomlngton ,
was chosen by a vote of 'Mi to : wo for Thomas
C. Fullerton. of Aurora. Before adjourn
ment a resolution was adopted recognizing
thu Women's Itullef corps as the only auxil
iary of the Grand Army.
81111 Working Over Hates.
UiiKuno , Feb. 17. The general passenger
agents of the Westcin , Southwestern and
.Northwestern Passenger associations , In ses
sion for the past three days considering the
Intor-btato commerce law , have reached the
conclusion tlmt Its provisions will not per
mit the sale of 1,000 mlle tickets to business
houses alone and that thb privilege must
cither bo thrown open to everybody or the
syutum abolished. They also ngrcu that no
special rates can bo made to the
atrical or other amusement parties ,
and that passes of nil kinds ,
except exchange railway and to employes
nrn forbidden by law. These conclusions
will bu submitted to the managers and the
aiients think will , Without doubt , become thu
The general freight agents of the Western
rielglit association met to-day to continue
thu work ot revising tariffs to correspond
with the now law. The day was given to thu
discussion of local Iowa rates nnd tlio ques
tion whether they should btj reduced or
through rates , advanced. Tim majoilty of
Hnesweioln favot of the latter methoJ but
a vole was not reached.
Nitro-Olycorino Explodes.
PiTTsnvno Fob. 17.-Tho ' -
, . - Dispatch's-Ilrad-
ford ( I'aO.speclnlsays : The compound works
of A. Dean , at Kldrcd , blew up -1:30'to-day. .
1 he works manufacture a species of dyna
mite. It was while mixing elycermo nnd
chemicals that the works cauzht fire. Tno
three employes descried the place , nnd nil es
caped In safety except ono named Klllott ,
who was badly cut nbotit the head. Five
dwellings and sawmills were wrecked , and
panes of class were broken n milo nwny.
Three ladles , ono the wife of Mr , Alfred ,
weru In ono of the wrecked houses nnd badly
Cardinal Gibbons Talks.
[ Copy ; lotit 1SS1 tin .him' * OonJon llennetl. }
lto > tn , Fob. 7.-Now ] York Herald
Cable Special to the HKK. | This mornlnc 1
called upon Cardinal Gibbons , who yester
day had n long private nudlonco with the
popo. The cardinal spoke to mo In fooling
terms and with cordiality of his reception by
the holy father , who devoted n great part of
his conversation to the Ualtlmoro council ,
I gather from his eminence's reserve , when I
questioned him , that a certain burning sub
ject now uppermost In American minds was
not discussed at that nudlcnco. Tills nftor-
noon a number of American residents and a
delegation of students at the propaganda
called at the American coiloo to p.iy their
respects to Cardinal Gibbons.
German Affix Irs.
UmiuNFeb. . 17. The North German Ga
zette , referring to the statements contained
In the election placards Issued by the opposi
tion , asserting that the government Intends
In the ovnnl of securing a majority In the
new iclchstag to Introduce monopoly bills
and measures extending the military service
to seven years nnd the act to suspend uni
versal sulTrngo nnd even n bill to suspend the
constitution , says Ulsmairk , commenting
thereon , lias declared that the political will-
poisoning which the micmlcs of the omplro
wage is premeditated and systematic , and nil
statements , except that as to the governments
Intention to prolong the anti-socialistic law ,
are senseless Inventions. Thu chancellor
adds : "If the electors nro ready to beiiuvo
that the Government has such ovll designs ,
then they cannot bo protected from unscru
pulous sharpers. "
Pnriicll Auniu Outvoted.
LONDON ; Feb. 17. In the commons to
night 1'arnell moved that the inlcs of pro
cedure bo not considered betoro thu govern
ment discloses the nature of their proposed
legislation for Ireland. [ Cheers. | Continu
ing , he S'lld tie was not disposed to surrender
the interests of Ireland In order to give thu
government pieceilenco tor their procedure
proposals. Smith said lie thought the pro
ceedings ot the last three weeks sufticient to
show how useless It was to go further Into
the Irish question until tlio rule of proceeduio
was settled. A division was taken on 1'ar-
nell's motion , which was rejected 2(3 (
against 107. The announcement of thu re
sult was received with cheers by the con
servatives. Smith announced that the gov
ernment would begin giving precedence to
the rules of procedure Monday.
Peaceful lUonoy Markets.
Pxnis , Feb. 17 , Three per cent unites for
account opened this morning at 77 francs
47 > < J centcmcs , advanced during the day nnd
closed at 7S francs 1" % contomes. The rise
is attributed to the peaceful character of the
articles In the French press in reg.iid to the
lelatlons between Franco and Germany and
to orders fiom tlio piovmcos for purchases
for investments.
A Klnti'H Horrible Cruelty.
LONDON , Feb. 17. Advices from Lagos
state that King Tofa , of Potto Novo , India ,
practiced honlble cruelties toward subordi
nate princes , cutting out their eyes , tongues ,
breaking jaws , scalping and burning Ihfiii.
The torture , It is said , was piolonged many
dnjs betoio death icleased thu victims.
A Steamship Accident.
LONDON , Feb. 17 Thu French steamer
Burgundln , while leaving Naples for Now
York with Sl ! passengers , was struck amid
ships by the spur ot a man of war. It was
also badly damaged. Thu captain beached
her to prevent her sinking. The main ami
after holds are lull of water.
The Great Knstorn Sold.
LiVKitrooi. , Feb. 17. The steamship
Great Eastern was sold at auction to-day for
They AVunt I IIP Semite Bill.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 17. Mr. Hico to-ti/ ,
on behalf of the minority .of the committee
on foreign affairs , submitted the following'
report :
The minority of the committee , desirous of
seeing prompt action and , if possible , unan
imity of expiession by both branches of con
gress on the pending questions in dispute
between this government and that of Great
Britain concerning thu fisheries , and believ
ing that the bill which has aheady passed the
senate by substantially unanimous vote ,
clothes the executive with ample powers , are
constrained to ditfer with tlio iccoinmend-
atlons of tlio majority that the house adopt a
separate or now measure which will ncccs-
saiily bo followed by delay , and recommend
thu passage by the house of tlio senate bill.
The loport is signed by Messrs. Ittce , Wait ,
Ketchum , Phelps and llltt.
Another Chicago Informer.
CHICAOO , Feb. 17. NIC Michaels , for sev
eral years a messenger in the Cook county
boaut rooms , Is reported this evening to have
given States Attorney Grinnell startling In
formation In regard to the "boodle" opera
tions of certain county commissioners.
.Michaels was in prlv.Uo consultation with
Gilnnell tor several hours this afternoon.
Tliu messenger's fi lends say ho was goaded
into turning Inlormcr by discovering that liu
was being shadowed In the inteiest ot tlio
suspected commissioners.
What GiinmllniiH Favor.
OTTAWA , Feb. 17. With loferencu to the
topoited interview witli Sir Lionel West
British ambassador at Washington , In Now
Y oik on Tuesday In reference to the fish-
01 los question , the impression prevails In of-
Jicial circles hero tlmt a mixed commission ,
similar to that which sat in Halifax In lttf2 ,
will bo agreed upon , and that the fishery
question , Including such International dim-
ciiltles as that involved in the headlands
matter , will bu settled forever.
A Threatened Chicago Tin-Up.
Ciiifuoo , Fob. 17. At a meeting of the
street railway employes' association to-night
a committee was appointed to w.ilt on the of-
licers of the Chlc.igo passenger company and
demand a readjustment ot wages , which tlio
company has aheady lofused. The committee
was Instructed to give thu company until 2 p ,
m. Monday for a final reply , should thu
answer bo unfavornblu It is assumed that a
tlu-up will at once follow. The company
employs about 1,000 men ,
Railroad \YrockH nt Denver.
DIJNVKII , Feb. 17. In a strong wind storm
hero to-night a passenger train of tlireo
coaehes was blown from tlio track about
twelve miles from the city nnd several pas
sengers Injured , but none killed. Another
train on the same road was blown over a
bridge and noaily all the passengers and train
men severely wounded. Other trains nro
much delayed.
Ijoitch'tJ Plan Approved ,
WASHINGTON. Feb. 17 , The secretary of
war to-day transmitted to congress a commu
nication from the president ot thuMlsslsslppl
Jliver commission , approving the plan of
Captain Leach , of the Engineers' corjts , for
additional work In thu Plum Point reach.
Thu total cost of Improvements Is 8310COO.
Mcfilynu'H Theories.
NKW YOIIK , Feb. 17. The McUlynn com-
mlttco met last night and decided to Issue an
address to the worKiiigmcn of the United
States and Canada to faor McGlynn nnd his
land theoues , nnd to subscribe to tlio McGly nil
Heavy Defalcation In Havana.
NKW YOUK , Feb. 17. A letter from
Havana , dated February 13says the head
cashier of the Banco Industrial of this rity
disappeared on Jauuary 'M. Thu examina
tion of Ids books 1ms revealed n defalcation
of § 55,000 In gold.
DlsnstrouH Fire.
CHICAGO , III. , Feb. 17. At 1:15 : a. in , there
are rumors of a disastrous Ijro at the town of
New llollr.nil , Logan county , Illiupla , but
they are not yet continued.
# 60,77. Humors have been
In circulation hortj for several days affecting
the Integrity of tfudzjjThomas M. Joseph , for
several years treasurer ot the grand lodao ol
Odd Fellows of tli $ stnto. Grand Master
Glbbs arrived liuthist city last night , nnd In
nn Interview with Treasurer Joseph elicited
from the latter n tlearj confession that ho was
short in Ins nccortnt'siwlth the grand lodge to
the extent or 821,185. This embraces the en-
tlio fund belonging to the lodge. Joseph
said ho lost money nbout four years neo In n
mining speculation. , vile was n candidate for
re-election to the oiriro of treasurer last week ,
but was defeated ; Ho was mayor of Galveston -
ton from 18.V5 to 1MJ , nnd always stood high
In the coinniunUyv t llo Is nearly seventy
years old nnd has a family of grown children ,
llo Is utterly prostrated over his downfall.
Grand Master Glbbs declares ho will prose
cute the defaulting officer until thudoors of
the penitentiary nro closed upon him. Joseph
Is practically under nrrost now.
Dakota's New Governor.
IiM.UicK. ) Dak. Feb. 17. Judge Church
took the oath ot oIUco as governor ot Dakota
this afternoon before the joint assemblage ot
both houses ot the legislature. In his inaug
ural ho expressed thu hope that legislation
would bo conservative nnd every Interest de
cided fairly , lloexpreslod the opinion that
thu day Is not far distant when , either as
one state or two , Dakota will lay nsldo the
territorial form of government , but didn't
say which ho tavored.
Presidential Nominations.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 17. The president
sent the following nominations to the sennto
to-day : Samuel N. Aldrlch , of Massachu
setts , to bo assistant treasurer at Hoston ;
John M. Mercer , of Iowa , to bo surveyor cus
toms nt liurhngton la. ; Owen McUlntigh-
lln , of Iowa , to bo surveyor of customs , Du-
buqtic , In. : Arthur N. Delancy , of Wiscon
sin , to bo collector of customs for the district
of Alaska , and W. W. Armstrong , to bo post
master nt Cleveland ,
Ksoapod from n Convent.
NKWAUIC , O. , Feh.17. It has just been dis
covered that Sister Genovlovc , superior of
the convent attached to St. Francis do Sales ,
has left the Institution nnd gone to her
friends. The canso Is said to bo disagree
ments and dissatisfaction. She lias been a
nun for twenty years. Her real name Is
Mary Hewctt , and she Is supposed'to bo In
Ilcferrod to a Suh-Conitulttcc.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 17. The two senate
bills for the construction of ordnance , known
as the "twin ordance" bills , have been re
ferred by the appropriations committee of
the house to tlm sub-committee on fortifica
tions , which is composed ol Forney , Kandall ,
Uutler , Utitterworth. Kyan and llolmau.
No Further Dan-tor Feared.
DKTUOIT , Mich. , Feb. 17. An Kvcning
Journal special from Lyons says that the
danger Is considered over , and families are
reluming to their homes.
"Crazy Patch , " Kate Castleton's now
farcecomedyJ'jll be presented at Moyd's
Opera house thisi evening and Sat
urday , matinop arid night. The piece
belongs to the family of "absurdities , "
but is better written than most of them
gcuors , and ( Contains a plot of some
merit. Miss Kate ! . Castlcton is scon to
even bettor advantage tiian when she ap
peared with Hi'iic's Surprise Party. She
entertains her audience during tiio entire
play with colnic songs , dances and
numerous changes $ f dresses. The com
pany also includes some very clever
people. The salonof seats opened this
morning. , _
The Oinajm-Cllnical Society.
Tlio Omaha Clinical society met in the
parlors of the Millard hotel last evening.
There were present Drs. O. S. Wood , C.
G. Sprngno , C. M. Dinsmoor , W. H. Par
sons , K. T. Allen , G. W. Williams , G. H.
Parsoll , KuiiiKi J. Davies and A. W.
Dr. Dinsmoor had prepared a paper on
Acute Ilydrocephalus , but a call de
prived the society of its enjoyment at
tliis time.
Dr. Hortupeo then presented some very
interesting remarks on some severe cases
of frost-bites successfully treated with
tinct capsicum.
After a vote of thanks to the proprie
tor of the hotel tlio society adjourned.
N. J. Kdliolm is reported ns still very
sick. Chances , however , favor his re
The streets were in a disgustingly
sloppy condition to-day especially those
not paved.
The western divisions of tlio Union
Pacilic are entirely open and free from
snow blockades.
Clans Spreekles.-tiio sugar king of the
Sandwich islands , is expected to pass
through Omaha in a few days on his
way to California.
Nels Peterson was lined $15 nnd costs
yesterday by .justice Anderson for assault
ing Nels Christiansen , an aged follow
Dano. Hnth are residents of Millard.
Judge Stenborg disposed of two drunks
in police court , ono being fined live dollars
lars and costs and the other being dis
charged. The latter was "Deaf Mary , "
a hard working woman who has been a ,
Irequent contributor to tlio police court
hinds. Her only fault is that she will
occasionally go on a spree. Five delin
quent women of the town were arraigned
and four were ncnt up in default of n
lino. Alon/.o Hlack , a vagrant was sent
up for thirty days. Ho was suspected of
having tapped a till of a Sixteenth utrcot
restaurant and robbed it of eight dollars ,
but the charge could not bo proven.
Mr. A. N. IJoini , a recent graduate of
Ynloiitino'tj Short-hand institute , has ac-
copied a position as stenographer with
the Nebraska City Packing company.
A. DomoHlio lOxpcrluitco of "BuflVUo
JSill'H" Tliut Old Not Work.
Now York Herald : "Now it is gener
ally Btipposedilth'Sl a man's wife is a
powerful ally Jor , Uio cause of temper-
once , is it notn i 'J
The spoakovvt'as Mr. William F. Codv ,
who is known to tlio gods of "IJiillalo
1)111. ) " Ho itij./lio5qucstion / as a Herald
reporter , who agreed with him , The re-
porlor has htul curtiiin , lectures himself
when ho wnntedlta go to sleep. Ho said
"it is" very emphatically , and put lots of
feeling into it. . . _ " .
"Well , tain'fls'oji continued the long
haired hero of the frontier. "My wife is
a great temperance advocate , but it was
she herself who discouraged mo from
over coming , iioino sober. Ono night
several years nio i mane u good resolu
tion. 1 snenkuu away from the olHoon ) at
tlio post and thuirjpokor game early in
the evening and .went homo to show my
wife just how 1 looked in a stale of cold
sobriety , That was out in Montana.
When I reached our cabin door 1 knocked
' "Who is there ? ' asked Mrs. Cody.
" 'It'd mo.1 said [ , in quiet and gentle
manly tones. Lot mo in.1
" 'i ou go right away from hero , ' she
snapped buck in n tone that was anything
but pleasant. 'Mr. Cody is out on a
scout , and I expect him back anvmmuto ,
nnd if ho linds you her he'll kill you ,
sure , '
" 1 tried toget in , but I couldn't , and so
I wont back to tlio fiitler'rf , bi-gau to fill
up and sat into u game of draw down.
About 4 o'clock in tlio morning I went
homo again , loaded for bears. I fill up
against the door like u bale of hay and
began to shout. . . , . . .
" O , is that you , Willie ? ' said my. wife ,
utid she opened the door. "
What People In the Neighborhood
Say About Thorn.
A reporter for the HUE yesterday after
noon investigated the report that the
people in the neighborhood of 1110 Jack
son street , where the Salvation army has
ita headquarters , were nnnoyod by the
meetings of that organization. As nearly
ns possible nn opinion was obtained from
n resident of each liouso on Jackson
street between Eleventh nnd Twelfth ,
Following is the result :
Mrs. Ahmanson , 1100 Jackson "At
first the Salvation army caused us some
nnnoynnco , but not much. Wo soon got
used to it. Anyway it is not the Salva
tion nrmy proper that makes this noise ,
but the toughs tlmt try to break up their
meeting. Wo don't mltul there being
thuro. "
Ed Callahan , 1103-"Tho Salvation
army don't cause us n particle of trouble ,
and I'd just as soon see them stay where
they aro. The people that imnoy them
make all the trouble. "
L. C. Iluntington & Sons , 11 M "No.
wo are not disburbed in the least by the
Salvation army. AH the trouble is caused
by those rowdies who go there to break
up the meeting. 1 have not heard of any
petition to have the Salvation nrmy
driven out of the neighborhood. Wo did
poml in a petition to have our property
protected from these rullhuis who made
u business of smashing \\indows ami
breaking chairs. 1 think we
are entitled to tiiat protection.
If it was n house of ill-
fame or n saloon next door , and the windows
dews should bo smashed there would bo
about eighteen .policemen on hand to
protect tlio property. As it is , it is only
a religious meeting place , and the police
don't scum to care a snap what the ruf-
lians do. "
Mrs. Read , 1118 and 1120-"Wc nro not
annoyed in the least by the Salvation
army , and would like to have them stay
whore they aro. Hut they need protec
tion from the rough clement. "
Mrs. Snowdon , 1131 " 1 can't say that
wo are troubled by tlio Salvation army
people. All the noise is made by the
men who try to break up the meetings ,
and the police ought to look after them. "
Mrs. S. H. Thompson , 1103 "I nm not
one of tint kind of people that are easily
annoyed by noise , and I don't ' bother my
self about the Salvation army. They are
no annoyance to mo. Oilier people besides -
sides those that do the singing and
praying raise the disturbance. "
A young lady in the liouso of Henry
Haegun , 1107 , said : "Tho Salvation
army doesn't annoy inc. Their meetings
are over by ten o'clock , in plenty of time
for us to go to sloop. "
Mrs. Jacob Cronk , 1111 "Those people
ple are good Christians and are trying
to do a good work. AH the disturbance
is caused by thosu roughs that go there
just to raise a row. There are a lot
of follows living around here who make
a business every night of trying to break
up these meetings. Tlio Salvation armv
people themselves do not annoy us at alf.
1 would like to see them stay just where
they aro. "
Mrs. Harrington , 1113 "The Salva
tion army does not : nnoy us in the
least. "
Mrs. Clinton , 1115 "The Salvation
army does not trouble us much. The
noise is made by that rougher ele.mcnt
which disturbs the meetings. Still we
don't mmrt it. "
Mrs. F. M. Kcrnan , 1117 "The people
around hero don't mind the Salvation
army , though it holds its meetings across
the street. The noise is not made by the
army people themselves , but the boys
ami men who disturb the meetings. "
Mrs. Cassell , 1119 "If the police would
only clean out the toughs who go there ,
those meetings would't disturb us. Wo
are not annoyed by them much , nnv-
way. "
Pointers on the Subject of Sfnacpier-
ndo Paraphernalia.
"Masks Yes ' of
? , we've got plenty
them , " said a clerk in one of tlio largest
establishments in the city , replying to a
question of a reporter. "Want to buy
one ? "
The reporter assured him that ho only
wanted to obtain .sonic information on
the subject.
"Yes , " continued the salesman , "wo
have a largo stock of masks and false
faces ; if necessary wo could lit out the
patrons of a do/en masquerade balls.
Wo have them in all varieties , grades and
prices , from the simple cloth domino
mask to the expensive one , weighing two
or three pounds and costing $1.00.
Here is ono nt the latter price , " and ho
clapped on the reporter's head a
mammoth representation of Uncle Sam
in a plug hat and a standing collar , the
whole being pretty near the si/.o ot a
small barrel. "That is pretty clumsy
and I'm afraid you'd lind ithardto dance
witli it , " he added.
"Hero is a line of false faces which soil
for twenty-live and lifty cents each. You
see they include negroes. Indians , China
men , devils , dragons , babies , old .women
and pretty nearly everything else you
can think of. Here is a line of wire
masks. They sell for lifty cents , being
somewhat more expensive than the ordi
nary article. Hero is another variety of
mask the wax coated. They come at
thu same prieo as tlio others.
"Here is another style of false face ,
wluuli is very popular animal's heads , i
can lit you out witli thu head of a wolf ,
lion , tiger , monkey , or almost any other
animal ? These sell for various prices ,
from r,0 cents to § 1.50.
"Then hero is another line of fulso
faces character masks. " Hero the clerk
uncovered a largo box , containing a lot
of masks representing various celebrities.
Among them the reporter easily recog
nized the laces of Garlleld , Logan ,
Cleveland , Hlaino , Hismarck and other
great men. "Most of these"Niid the
clerk , "soli for lifty cents. Here is a very
largo mask , ropresontiiig an Englishman
with long llowing hide-whiskers and eye
glasses. You can have that for $1.50.
Besides these , wo have u full line of false
moiihtaohea , boards , noses , etc. , which
are used at masquerade balls for dis
guises. They sell for 23 cents up to $1.50
and M , or oven more. "
"Whore are these masks made ? "
"The best goods are Imported from Eu
rope. They are made in Paris , Vienna ,
Munich ami Horlin , and other largo con
tinental cities. "
Marie Murray Joins Taylor-Other
DlHtrlnt Court Not OH ,
The police force were given another
surprise yesterday. On Wednesday a
touirh named Jack Taylor was acquit ted
in the district court of the charge of
shooting at Olllcer Ha/.o with intent to
kill , The verdict was a surprise to the
police authorities and thu prosecution ,
the casti against Taylor being n resona-
bly clear one. Yesterday the
case against Mafk Murray , charged
with an nttempt to rob H. Altliaus , was *
called for trial before .ludgu Neville ,
Murray was soon emi night lust week
witli Alihaus , an lowu granger , whom
ho was trying to work , Ollleer Jim
Jlrady saw what was mi and shadowed
Murray. The lough led Altliaus into
the alley in the rear of thu Millard hotel
and was in the ver.V not of rulU-Vlng him
of his watch when Mradyurro-itod both of
the men. Hrady wan proiwroil to goon
the witness with UiU stutoment of
fact , but us Alihaus was absent the case
wus dismissed for want of prosecution.
Judeo Ncvillo yesterday wndo the
necessary order to tlio presence of
Mlko Fit/gcrrald , as a witness in tlio cnso
ncainst Downey nm ! Kelley , charged
with the robbery of Charles Madison at
the Slnvon lionso last spring. Fit7rorrnld {
was convicted of this charge nt tlio full
term of tlio court nnd sontcnccit to ono
j-oar in the pen. Downey and Kelley ,
who were arrested with Fitzgcrrahl , were
rolnnstul for want of prosecution. Tlioy
refused to leave town and uro ncain
arrested on the same clmrgo , Madison ,
tlio prosecuting witness , Iiaving been se
cured to appear apainst them. Tlioir
case will bo called lor trial Februnrj- .
John Kratkl was arraignctl buforo
Judiro Neville yostordav to answer to the
charge ol adultery inatlo tiRainst him by
his wifo. llo plead not guilty , and gave
bonds in tlio sum ot $800 for his appearance -
anco for trial.
The case of Singer vs. IMorbowor still
occupies the attention of Judge Wako-
ley's court.
IjottU Knlnlmrt Meets Heath lly Violence
lence AVhllo nt Work.
Louis Kulnhart , nn employe- Hen-
son's ieo liouso at the foot of Jones street ,
mot with a violent death at 5 o'olock yes
terday afternoon. In the work of hoist-
intr ice from tliu rivur to the wnreliotisos
an endless chain is used to which are
fastened nt regular intervals blocks of
timber upon which the cakes of ice rest
while being hoisted to the ice house.
Workmen nro stationed at intervals along
the distance to steer the cakes of ice
through the various chutes into the dif
ferent ice houses. Any ono of these men
has the moans of stopping this endless
ciiain , and a rtilo is observed that the
man who stops the elevator must start it ,
the others keeping clear of it in the
meantime. Ileinhart was employed on
ono of Hongon's gangs. At G o clock 3'cs-
terduy afternoon someone stopped the
elevator. Immediately Heinhart stopped
inside the chute , when tlio ele
vator was started again , and before
tlio unfortunate man could save himself
ho was caught by ono of the hugo tim
bers nnd crushed in a liorriblo manner.
The machine was stopped as quickly as
possible and the injured man removed.
Dr. Carter was summoned , but announced
as soon as ho saw the injured man that
ho could live but a very short time.
In the crush some of the man's ribs had
been broken and forced into and through
ins lungs and liver. Koinhart lived about
an hour , and died without having re
gained consciousness.
Coroner Drexel was summoned and
took charge of the remains. A jury was
called anil an inquest held. The verdict
returned was that the deceased came to
his death by an accident which was the
result of his own carelessness.
The deceased was a Gorman about
forty years of ago , and lias lived in
Omaha for a number of years , llo lived
near the reservoir of the waterworks
company and leaves a wife , but no chil
dren. The remains are now at Drexel &
Maul's undertaking establishment , from
which place the funeral will bo hold
probably to-morrow.
A Very SuccosaCul Hemline H
Timbcriunti Imst Nlfjht.
Last evening a very pleasant literary
and musical entertainment was given in
the First Methodist church. Tlie attrac
tion was a lady elocutionist named Miss
Tnnbcrman. It was her first appearance
in the city. She had come heralded with
complimentary notices which had caused
people to expect a great deal from her as
an elocutionist. Miss Timbermaii is
possessed of a pretty and ex
pressive set of features , with
an endowment of natural gifts of intelli
gence and voice and graces of both ges
ture and carriage. She dresses fault
lessly , and when this fact is taken into
consideration with her personal charms ,
her success may readily bo appreciated.
Last night her selections were of the
lighter order. They abounded in pas
sages of pathos , sentiment , humor and
wit. They were admirably adapted to
tlio composition of the audience , and
eacli ot them received hearty applause.
She was several times recalled. She ap
pears next Saturday evening at the same
place in a rangeof. . Shakesiiercaii read
ings. She will ba worthy a largo audi
Incidental to the entertainment was
the singing of Mrs. J. T. Clark , Miss Nel
lie V'anor , Mr. 11. W. Mreckenridge , Dr.
J. M. Wood burn nnd Miss Lillie Cham
berlain. Mrs. Clark and Dr. Woodburn
were heartily encored in their duet , " 1
Feel Their Angel Spirit. " Miss Cham
berlain sang in a very appreciative man
ner , "Oh , 1 am the Merry Postillion. ' '
She was deserved ly encored.
la a very prevalent and exceedingly dis
agreeable disease , liable , if neglected , to
develop into serious consumption. I5o-
ng a constitutional diseas-o , it requires a
coiiHlftulionul remedy nko Hood's Sarsaparilla -
parilla , which , acting through tlio blood ,
reaches every part of the system , ell'eot-
ing a radical and pnrinanont euro of
catarrh in oven its moot severe forms
Made only by C. I. Hood & Co. , Lowell ,
Wil. A. PAXTOtf , I I , . I ) . WII.MAM8.
President. I Vlco Prosldont.
Union TrustCo
Subscribed and Guarantee Capital , $300,000
School , County and Municipal Bonds
HOUT. I * QAHUCIIS , Bocrntnrr.
! ' . 11. JOHNSON. Treasurer.
DlKKirroiis ;
W . A.FAXTON , w. . Mxtir. ,
7 * II. Wll.IilAMri , llKNIlVT.Cl.AnKB ,
H01IT. J * (1AIU.IUII8 , K. II. JOIINS ( ,
a 11. JOHNSON , J , A. OAVAK.KIII , Att'y.
First National Bank ,
Capitol $500,000
Surplus 100,000
Herman KounUe , President.
John A. Crclghton , Vice-President ,
F. II. Davis , Cashier ,
W. H. Megquier , Asst.-Cashier.
Wodoslrotocull tlio
attention of the pub
lic Kuuurallr to luo
superior murlta of tbo
\Vn8lilnir Perfectly Clean with Least
Lulmr , and with ( Jrcat Knplility.
Tliiwunda now In use. All Kinds of Wringer *
N-W , Cor , 13th nnd Douglas Sts.
8131 nth Street.
ATTORNEY AT Jjiir , -v > -
rnlconcr'A Illook , 15th and DoimKl
I , . I > . HOLITIILS ,
Attorney at Law ,
HoomB Trcurer Illook,0npoiltol'o9tonico. !
Attorney At Law , .
S.K. Citr.DoiiRlua ami IMh Ms. , room 4 , Omaha.
Special attention to Trial Cn o A Collections.
llOMOKl'ATlt ,
Hoom.SiJ X. ICth st. , Omalm. Ofllco hours ,
0 to 11 a. m.i ! to 4 p. m.
Physician & Surgeon ,
2143.12lh St. , cor. tttrnam. Iron Hank rtulldliur.
ioiir.q.UtrU aiulTtou p.m. lOto 12 on
- . Telephone 504.
o. s. uorTOiAN , m. . ,
Physician and Surgeon ,
Office , N.W. Cor. 14th and Douglas.
Omco Telephone 4fVj. lte8liloi\ooTolopliono43 ,
Surgeon and Physician
OFFICE. N.W , Cor. 14th and Douglas St ,
OfflenTi > lei > liouo465. Ucslilonro TolouhonoSIH
Phralclan and Surzooo.
nesMcnco , No. 1407 Jones fltroot Offlea ,
Wltmion Hlook , Telephone , rostUonoo. No. 13S.
Strnanox ,
Offlco nnd Hosldonco. 734 N. 18th 3t
I. VAN CAMP , M. U. ,
1513Tlortijo St. , l t cloorwiHt of 1' . O. Take old-
yator to rooms 13-13 third lloor. Telephone No
UosM nco,623N.gOthatroot Telephone No.3 ]
rhyalclan and Surgeon ,
Telephone 689. Omco313 S. l4th st
K. W. CONNELL , JI. D. ,
HomoDopathlst ,
Omco. 8133. Utust ToloihonoM3
DR , J , W , DYSART ,
Ofllco , Croiinso THock , Kooin 5. ICfhniul
Capitol Avenue. Oniiihn , Nebraska.
Kosidcncc 2010 Webster st.
Telephone No 3.11.
Physician and Surgeon ,
All chronic cases a specialty. Can bo BOOH at
olltco day or night.
Omci ! N'o. 81Noilh Itlth Slruut , Oiniilm. Neb.
A . D.
General Agoat
Pmldent Savings Lifa Assumoj Co
of Now York.
Mlllnrd Hoiol Illuok , Omaha.
The ptilolly "Nnturul I'r-'mlum Plan. " Actua
avornKo yearly cost during 1SSJ , 1831 nud 1835 ,
at ago W , for 810,000 , wns f T8.HO.
Printers , Book Binders
And Blank book Manufacturers. Nos. lOOninl
108S.Hth street. Omalm , Neb. J.F. Fufrllo , Super-
Intomlciit Illmlory. Tuluiliono | No. ! & ! . _
Auction and Commission
Coiulirnmonts soilcltoil ; furniture bought nut
Fold. 8nlog of llvo stock nud household furni
ture lit private rosldonoos Is a specially with IH.
Ili'inombor tlio place , \Vust & Frltschor's block
NHthat. NollU. _ . i
Dissolution Notice.
rplin iiartnoMldi | Itorrtofoio existing bohvpon
JL 1 ! . I' . Dovrlcs urnl Win. I'i'Inrpoii , under tlio
llrm immoof Dovrlcs uml I'otnrinin , In tills itay
mutually illHMilvnd by the HiilM Dovrlcs ivllh-
ilrutt IIIK from mild llrm All ilolitu duo snld Hi m
\\lllbo c'ollocttid by cither rimy wlm wlllio-
culiit tlioroforo. I ! 1' . OKVUIKS.
Folinmryl2th , I8S7.
In wltlulrawlnir from the above firm I wish
my ctifctomorg nnd tlio jiuhllo to oxlond to my
HiiocoHsors.CiiRpor ft I'otorson.thosamo fuvor
as thov Imvo ilouu to the old tlrin.
I'IBUSt 15. 1' . DKVUIP.3 ,
Proposal * for raving.
SKAI.r.O I'roiKibiils will tie rocolvod l > r thn
unilorslirnoil until H n'nloek n. m. , March
Iht , 1KS7 , tortlis following kinds or pavlnjr inn-
toilal , viz ;
Shoot iisphnltiim. ns per pprcinnlion .
Ariplmlt lilockf , ns per gpnolllontlnnfi ,
bloux falls Ortnnto , us per tpncifliMiilnns ,
Any other ( IrHiilU- nor spoelllrntIons.
Colorado ( imdetono , UK pur spprlllaatlons.
Any other Elono. ns per HpiK'IRcntlona.
Manidam. 119 per spucillrntloiia.
Wooden lilorks , us per ppoolllpfttions.
Any lMs for piivliiff In addition to doing no-
cdrcHnjf to enld epofltlcntlonii may nlso tie 110-
oordhiKto 8ticliepi > olilciitloiiN us tlio bidder miiy
proscrlJMI , t lin sumo to bo gut forth lu Uotull uml
tn iiconinpany bliL
I'.ucli bid sliull epoclfy a price per squnra 7ftrd
for tlio puvlnir coniioto | | uu the btntitor ullcy ,
or tiny port tliornof.
Work to lie dnno In nccorilanco with piano
mid gpoultlciitIons on Ulo In tlio olllco ol tlio
lloiird of Piibliu WorkH.
HIilH to I'D mtulo upon print oil blunlts fur-
nlelicd by tlio board , n nd to bo iicoompiinled witli
itocrtlllvd oliock In tlio sum of one tlioupuml
ddlliire , imvaliloto thoulty of Omiilm , ai iiKmir-
iintoo tlmt tlio blddur will within tulrly dius
Iromtlio oponlnir nt Biioh Idil glvo boiidBin the
turn of two thousand dollars , us the nmyornr
city council may illiect , Unit mioh.blddor will
cntor Into contract for such puvlnv , of the
kind and ninterhil sn | > olllod , us may huroiiftorbo
ri nilrci | for the year IKhT ,
The board rcsorvos the rliclit to reject any or
all bids , mid to nnlvodolcotu.
j. K. iionsi' ,
Clmlnium Hoard of Publlu Works.
Omaha. yali.Jiui.8TUi.l8 _ _ T. ja7-3titw30d
P.H.FIVli. . A.O.MrOAMIMIitl.l.
MenilirrliilveiiunOat-1 Mamtiur CUIot n lluari ] ot
ton KI'EO A Ht. I/juli I Tralo. nnd Now Orloml
MercliunU lUxctmiigo. { 1 Cotton Hiciinnge
S. S. FLOYD 8z CO1
lOOiiiul III SOUTH ittli : HT.
For Future Delivery
Trade * made on quotillom tuun it Ilulletluud.
Write fur cmi'untitorr pumoUlot. UatIuiri r
liort mutu-d tree on apiiU
Uuuk iouereeticlv u ,