Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 17, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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    I !
! A Woman Who Produced a Ooil of Dyna
mite in Oonrt ,
Ijocnl Jjaconlos A Hotnry Snow Plow
A Now Dry Goods Klrni I'o-
lice Court Ilrovltics.
Had It In Her Muff.
"Is the judge In , " risked n middle-
aged woman , poking tier head Into the
police court room through the half *
opened door yesterday morning.
"No , madam , " replied the affable clerk ,
Mr. 1'cntr.el , "but we expect him very
soon. Anything Hint I can do for you ? "
The woman slowly tip-toed into the
room , her hands clenched tightly in her
nuilT , nnd : i look of sombro mystery on
her face.
" 1 want to see the judge. 1'vn got
something to show him , " she said.
"He'll bo here In n very few minutes , "
rcnlied tlmclerk ; "be sentud. "
The woman sat down on the prisoner's
bench. She was evidently very nervous
nnd commenced to lidget uneasily. Fin
ally she jumped to her feet and started to
walk rapidly up and down the room. All
this time her hands were clenched upon
the Something in the mull' . Pretty soon
Hlic stopped in front of Clerk I'ont/.ul and
mysteriously whispered :
"They're trying to kill mcl"
"Who nror * ' asked Mr. Pont/.cl in n
startled tone.
"ily enemies , " the woman replied.
They're trying to blow mo and my chil
dren up. 1'foimit ii dynamite bomb under
my bed this morning. I've got it in my
inull'now. That's what 1 want to show
lo the judge , " she ndded confidentially.
"Whatl" ejaculated the genial clerk ,
tils hair almost standing on end and his
face turning ghastly pale , "you don't
tucan it ! "
"Yes , 1 do , " replied the woman , "and
hero it is. " She commenced to tug care
lessly ut the something In her mull. Mr.
P. looked for some avenue of escape , and
saw none. He hail fully resigned him
self to the fate of being blown into etor-
nityshouldthc woman happen to drop the
bomb , when nil at once the dread instru
ment of destruction made its appearance.
It was nothing more than tin old rusty
spiral car spring. The woman , who was
evidently cra/.y , had found II inhcrToom ,
nnd she claimed that each one of the
coils was tilled with dynamite. No
amount of argument could convince her
to the contrary. She imagines that there
is a deep laid plot among her neighbors
to kill her and her family.
Putting a O.OOO-l'ouml Safe in tlic
Itrvciiuc Olliee.
Yesterday morning the work of putting
anew safe in the olliee of the collector of
internal revenue in the postollico was
undertaken by P. Uoyor. instead of
drawing it up the stairs , it was decided
to raise it up in the rear of the building
nnd thence take it through one of the
windows of the district attorney's olliee.
The safe is one of Hull's make , a counter
part of the large one already in the ollieo ,
standing six feet high and weighing three
tons. When the safu now in use was
being pulled up the stairs six years ago a
rope broke and the massive weight fell
backwards , nearly killing a laborer ,
breaking iv number of the marble squares
In the navement and jarring the struc
ture. There was fear at the time that the
stairs would not bear the weight , and that
fear , in this instance , has led to the hoist
ing of the safe on the outside as men
tioned Mr. Hover had designs made of
the coning and water table , all of which
he had to brace , because as he said of the
rotten Ftono , which ho feared would
break under the Croat strain. The work
of raising the safe has attracted great at
tention all day.
NO ( illANCliUS.
Tom Roy < l Heavily Fined for That
Od'cimo. Notes.
Tom Uoyd , a notorious character who
has just served a term in the Colorado
penitentiary for attempted murder , was
arraigned in police court yesterday as be
ing a suspicious character , t
Uoyd makes a business of falling in
with grangers who como to Omaha , and
of steering them into a saloon and houses
of ill repute , and when opportunity pre
sents itself , of robbing them , Tuesday
night the police arrested him in company
with an old man from Iowa named Fal-
florg , who came here with about § 100 "in
his inside pocket. " Uoyd was immedia
tely run in and Falberg's money was
saved. Uoyd was lined $50 and costs and
being unable to raise the amount he went
to jail.
C. F. Dunlap and O. Arnold , who had
been lighting , wore lined $5 and costs.
Thomas Kane , the Iowa man who was
robbed last week of $100 , while on a
spree , was arrested tor intoxication. Ho
was lined $5 and costs , and uoing down
in one of his boots produced the necessary
amount. Two persons accused of va
grancy were discharged.
Borne oftlie Clum cM AVIilph Advcr
tlno UK.Dciuoornuy. .
Collector Calhoun is sick at his homo in
Nebraska Cily ,
George 11. C.eduldlg , of Falls City , who
was recently appointed storekeeper in
this city , has furnished his bond and
commenced work at the Willow Springs
distillery In this citj. He succeeds John
Kloepfel , of Uulo.
Dr. Conger , ot Talmadgo , who has been
appointed ganger , has assumed the duties
of his position and taken the place of St.
A. 1) . IJnlcombo , of thic city.
Thomas Tiornoy , Tocuni&uh , is another
of the gangers appointed for this district ,
but he has not yet furnished his bond.
There now remain in tills city but two
republican gangers , Messrs. Hrooks and
WillroUt , ono ot whom will bo displaced
when Tiurnoy'b bond is approved.
Peter O'Shoa , of Norfolk , has been ap
pointed to the dual position of store
keeper nnd ganger at the little distillery
at liattle Creek.
Luther H. North , of Columbus , a
brother of James E. North , of the SSIMIO
place , has been commissioned deputy
collector of internal revenue , vieo P. 11.
Wnlknr , ot Waverly , who voluntarily re-
feigned and retires on the litst of next
Mr. Kllpntrlok unit Toot Io , Maul &
Co. anil Mr. Ku lfstoii.
The DEI : of a few days ago spoKe about
the possibility of the stock and good will
of Tootle & Maul being sold to u gentleman -
' man named Kilpatrlek , from Cleveland ,
* nnd more recently from Chicago Since
* that time Mr. Kilpntrii-k has been working -
' ing in the matter of securing a certain
amount of capital to add to his own
f to take hold of the business.
> The stock and good will nro valued at
* about fJOO.OOO. It is Mr. Kilpatrick's in-
tout to commence with $ ' 250,000 , nearly
sun half of which lib would' represent
k ilmself. The balance he has boon 'on-
* teavoring to secure , and Jt is now pretty
tmtuiu tliut he .has. succeeded in his'
tbjeet , llo luis refused tuoro flnttei in
offers from St. Joe and Kansas City , feel
ing that Omaha is the plaro in which ho
desires to locate. The matter will bo
settled in a day or two ,
A. P. Knglcston , of Hoston , a dry poods
dealer , Is in town , with a view to examin
ing the city for the purpose of opening a
wholesale and retail dry goods store. Ho
has been looking at the Paxton and
Hamgo buildings. Ho has been travel
ing on thn Pacilic coast for sev
eral weeks , and says that
among all the towns ho has FCCII
none strikes him so favorably as Omaha.
Sneaking of speculation in real estate.
Air. Kaglcston says that in San Diego the
people seem to fiavo gone cra/.y. It is
estimated that thcro not less than
fiOO.fM ) ) lots are staked out , and these ex
tend almost as f-ir as the eye can roach
on Hie mountain side.
Stale ol' Nntirnskn.
LINCOLN. Feb. 1. 1897.
It is hereby certified that the Nebraska
& Iowa Insurance Company of Omaha ,
in the state of Nebraska has complied ,
with the insurance law in tills state and is
authorized to transact tlio business of lire
and other casualty In this state for the
current year.
Witness , my hand and seal of said
olliee , the day and year first above men.
( Signed ) II. A. IlAnconc ,
Auditor Public Accounts.
Hnpcrlntmiitpnt Deiiel Remembered.
As a testimonial of the esteem in which
Ihoy are held by Cheycnno friends , Su
perintendent and Mrs. W. A. Dotiol were
on last Monday evening presented with a
magmlicont silver service. The service
is a tea and collee set consisting of eleven
pieces. The set rests on a massive silver
tray which is most elaborately engraved
and chased. In tlio center are these
words"Presented to Mr. and Mrs. Deucl
by Cheyenne friends. "
Each piece , besides being elegantly
chased , contains the single engraved let
ter "D. " The service makes a beautiful
? ift. Dolh Mr. and Mrs. Deuol were
taken completely by surprise by the host
of friends who swarmed in mum them.
Tins presentation speech was made by
Colonel Murrin and received a brief
though lilting response from Mr. Deuol.
The South Omaha Land company have
appointed ( - . E. Mayno solo agent for the
sale of their lots. Ho will show tlio prop
erty and furnish all desired information
upon application.
[ Signed ] W. A. PAXION , President.
A Now Snow Plow.
The rotary snc&v plow which the Union
Pacific purchased a short time ago on
trial has proven an entire success. It is
now doing yeoman service on the Idaho
division where for the past few weeks
heavy snows have prevailed , Careful
experiments show that this plow can
clear the track of snow from four to six
feet deep , at the rate of twenty miles an
hour. Tlio old-stylo plows could not be
shoved at a speed higher than eight or
ten miles an hour , and would even then
bo very often stalled , especially wln-n the
snow was at all sticky. It is probable
that the now rotarv will be exclusively
adopted on the Union Pacilic. It has
certainly urovcu a success.
German , Danish , Swcdiflti ,
in fact all languages arc spoken in the
ollieo ot' W. G. Albright , the real estate
owner and dealer , 218 8911111 15th St. All
classes and all nationalities purchase of
him , and you cannot do better than se
cure a lot in his valuable addition to
South Omaha , known as
AumimiT's citoicn.
W. G. Albright has other property , im
proved and unimproved , in all parts of
the city , and oilers thn best bargains.
matrimony anil Flumes.
James Dulnnuy , a member of Fire Com
pany No. U , was married to Miss Mary
Shea j'osterday morning at the church of
the Holy Family by Rev. F. Koopmaiis , S
J . The groomsman was James Connolly ,
and the bridesmaid Miss Annie Sullivan.
After the ceremony a wedding breakfast
was served at the residence of Mr. John
Donovan. The wedding reception took
place last night at the residence of
Captain 'Ihns. Hiiano , of the hook and
ladder company. The men of No. 3
onginn house presented the newly-wedded
people with a handsome easy chair.
\V. G. Albright's South Omnlin Oflice
will bo opened soon in charge of Mr.
John M. Campbell , who will nave horses
and buggies ready at all times to convoy
intending purchasers to the valuable busi
ness and residence property known as
Ai.iiiticnrr's CHOICE.
This is the only property through which
the U. P. and B. & Al. H. K's. and IJelle-
vtie avenue run.
A Traveler From Cnllnwny.
J. Woods Smith , of Callaway. with his
wife , is at the Paxton Ho is on his way
to Lincoln. Ho spoke of his town as being -
ing in a most prosperous condition. It is
at the junction of two lines of the Union
Pacilic , ono from Howard and the other
from Kearney. The teeling of the pcoplo
in the vicinity is that the town will bo
made the end of a division of both lines ,
which will bo of great advantage to it.
Mr. Smith has just erected an opera house
nl Loup City , the patronage of which , ho
says , has been something wonderful.
is I5iinln < ! KS
and Heal Kstato is valuable only where
there is nusiNiss. : Purchasers should
bear this in mind and not buy lots far
away from the center of business , just
because they are cheap.
lies in the gi eat industrial and commer
cial mart of South Omaha and the im-
nienpi ) business interests there Insure a
rapiil advance .of values. Eighty acres
adjoining Albright's Choice are reserved
for sonin of the largest establishments in
the world.
W. G. ALlWKniT , Solo Owner.
_ J18 South 10th St.
Veterinary Work.
Major Hirney , of the State Live Stock
commission , was summoned to town Tues
day night by Dr Chambers ) to act upon a
supposed case of glanders. Yesterday
moinlng ho visiteil the ail'ectPd animal
near Iho Union Pacific depot and found
that it was troubled only with u skin dis
ease.Dr. . llamaco'ottl. ' city veterinarian said
that ho quarantined , at tlio lilullV cattle
yard , a stock of thoroughbred hulls
which a dealer had brought from Illinois
without proper import ? The bulls wore
to bo shipped to this state ,
A tract of land for sale near the busl-
ne.-s center of Council Hlull's bv Johnston
it Van Patten , IK ) Main st.
Would Liil.-o to m > Judges ,
There four democratic candidates
for the position of district judgo. and
thevaro A , N. Furguson. W. A. Stowc.
D. E. U , Kennedy and G. I. Gilbert.
Council Ilium * .
A largo tract of land for sale within
eight blocks of the postotlico in Council
ISInil's , A good opportunity for u syndi
cate. Call on or address.
83 Main st. , Council muffa.
Tlio .Second Viaduct.
The Eleventh street viaduct is iio'W.
p.ltuikod linn , end 'to e'nd , but EOJIIO of
planks yet reimiin to bo"spiked. . The
road will be roudv in -few days. '
Miss Trcsflln Bcckcrt mill Her IMIrnc-
til on * Hscnjie.
Miss Trcssio Ucckcrt who lives at 1109
North Nineteenth street , was the victim
of an accident Tuesday afternoon which
most luckily did not prove fatal. She
was drawing water from an unenclosed
well at the rear of her residence , when
her feet slipped. She fell to the bottom ,
a depth of twenty-two fret , but by cling
ing to Iho sides of the well saved herself
from drowning. Her sudden dive was
witnessed by a honilied neighbor who
gave the alarm. When she was
rescued from her uncomfortable posilion
it was found that her worst injuries con
sisted of a few slight bruises. Miss
Hcckort is being congratulated on all
sides on her miraculous escape.
South Omnhn.
The future great Packlngtown of the
west lies on the main line of the Union
Pacific railroad , by which the cattle and
hogs from the farms and ranges of the
west and northwest arrive.
AUWIOIIT'S cttoion
is the only property through which the
Union Pacilic railroad runs , and is there
fore the Must Addition in South Omaha.
W. G. ALBRIGHT , Sole Owner ,
218 South 15 th S
1/ocnl IjnconlcH.
Max Mover " 1 anticipate a big crowd
at the Pattl concert , There will bo money
in it both for the Pattl management
anil the exposition association. A good
many people from abroad will be
present. " _
Ed I5ullock "If Eok can make a mile
in 2:10 : on the exposition track , I can do
it in 2:15. : " _
Fire Chief Galligan "The new exten
sion ladder truck is lo bo shipped from
Chicago lliis week. It will be ready to
use in a few days. "
Judge Stcnbcrg "I am not in sym
pathy with the methods of the Salvation
irmy. but 1 think they are entitled to the
protection of the law. "
Louis llcin rod "The Turnvcrein mas
querade ball on the 22d in t. will bo the
biggest nil air of the kind ever held hero.
It will como pretty near equaling similar
.tllairs \ n New York City. "
Railroad Man--"Mr , Doiiclgocs lowork
to-day and you can rest assured that bolero -
lore long there will bo a shaking up of
some of the superfluous ofliccrs who have
been more in the way of the employes
than anything else. "
D. & M. Ofllcial-'Tho effect of
Iho inter-state commerce bill tiuon
our road when it goes into
ell'ect , " "will bo lo dispense with about u
do/.en clcrko in the rebate department.
There are twelve men now employed
there , and as rebates are prohibited by
Iho law , there will bo no work for those
men and they will doubtless bo dis
charged. The bill also prohibits tlio issu
ing of passes , and in the passenger de
partment of our road there are two men
who liavo nothing else to do except look
after passes and their recipients. The = c
men , oc possibly one of tliein , also will
bo compelled to seek other moans ot use
fulness to the company. _
Thicpowder nevervarics A marvel 01
puritystrength and wholcsoinencGS. More
economic than the ordinary kini'n ' and
cannot be sold in competition wi h the mul
titude of lo\y 'est , short weight alum or
phosphate powders. Sold only in cans ,
Royal Making Powder Co. > 100 Wall street ,
New York.
ff + fcj A
I3ih st , Cor. Canllo ! rtvenus ,
Chronic flt Surgical Diseases ,
OF ? . MoNlEMAIWYrProp lotot' .
Rirucnjearn' Hinnltal nnd 1'rlvatu I'rattlce
U'oli.'ivu the facilltUf , ( ippurntu * end uincdlM
for tlio mcccBsfiil trcatmect of every form of ills.
mso n rmlrhiK cither midlcal or surtlcnl ; Ircntmcul ,
and Inutunll tocnmonud InrictlRatufortlicmkcUu
it corrii > i > end llh in I.oni ; csiierlcnru in trout
IDK cases by loiter enable * U8 to treat many cabia
icVentificnMy without fpelng them
WHITK KOU riUCl'LAU on Deformities anil
Ilrnccs , Club 1'ect , Cunaturc * of tlio hphio
DliKiBii ttr WOUKN , 1'llee , Tumars , Canct-ii ,
Cntatrli , nronchltln , liihtlation , Elcclrlcity , rural.
ysU , Ui > llcp y , Kidney , Kc , Kor , bklu , Dlood anil
M surgical opcratloni.
llutlerlo , lulinlcm , Itracra , TriiH c , nti'l
all klndu of ilcdlcal and Surgical Appliance * , uinn.
ufactured end for Pile.
The only reliable f.1edlcil Inst lute miMng
Private , Special f Nervous Diseases
from ulmlerircaiiionriidufed.incceesfully trrilcil
Wo cjm renioio S/phllltlo poison from the nyalem
\\itliout inrrcury ,
New ri'Unratuctrffitnuiit for Ion \IUltiowrr
Cull nnd commit u > or fend came utirt pott-oftlrn
nddr < plainly writtou enclose aliuip , uudvc
will tend you , lu plnln wrapper , oar
'ON I'jiniTii , Fr cuu AND Sr.
. rti'iuuiTOiiiiuiiii , l iroiB- <
i'r , Ku'iilMt , OoNOUiiuisi , UIEXT , VAiuroitLE ,
HTRICIUKII , ixu in , ni rpc or TUK GCMTU-
UMMIIT Or.oiKB , or ttafl lUttorj ot jour con for
an opinion ,
I'crnona nii tii' ] t'l rlitt in mry bo trmted at tliclr
homie , liy rnrrrrpondcnce Mtdlclno nA Initru
me uU ft nt by mill or Miircae SECt/ittLY / 1'At'K
It ! ) KUOV OHSEUVAT10X , no marka titndltHU'
contents or render , Ou pertonal Interview prc
ftrrfd If ron euU'ut , fifty r&onn for live n-toir
niD.latlon of patttut * Board nud nttcr.laii-i- ( - .
rcasouabU pilcci Addrtti f H I.ottrri to
Omalia Medical and Surgical inslltntn ,
Cor , 1 3th St. cnCCioltolAve. . OMAHA. N'n
Ono Agrcnt ( llfrrjiant onTr tit t1 Inrrerr town for
Wo lirllovo your "Tauelll's 1'uncli" 6c clffar to
bo tlio best \mrilou fortbf-monoy.
\V , 1) , SKW EM , 4 ; Co , JunlHtn , Keb.
Tanslll's I'unch" U tlio lf t 60 clfiir In tbo
mnrkct , O. M. TO\VM > LNII ,
ftJHtatKB | VflflPnd tlUl f rtori or UJ
Hjin iLII V viuUn.1 , , > tti > ia. , > up ii.'tii
BWHfl FBI 1 Y " ' " 'i'Ji > rC viale Urethra ]
VHrlEVb I C8AIOKS. M Jlw ri > tvUwii | > t > 4
HSmm 2 MlHH u'u'a"'uul lu * * >
.Aaa.u . Ui Cmle | Aecncy , ' ! ? * VM B si , x. v.
> *
Positively Farewell Tour
Mr. HKNIIY E. Annnv , very rc'i'ootfullr ( in
n ounces tlio nppcarnncu In Omaha , of
One Grand Operatic Concert
Which will tnkoplaco on
Way Evening , Feb. 24
With the following Distinguished artists :
Mme SOFIA SCALCHi , ' 'WuA',0 ' ,
AM )
Sig. Luigi Arditi - - Conductor
AtthlgpeiTormnncotho nbovo nrtlstsmul MMH
1'ATTl will upponr in n
Grand Concert Program
Consisting of famous selections , ami In
tucbuiioiul Actor Hosslnl'sOpurii ( In costume )
ASSUR . Sipf. Franco Xovara
AIISACE . Mine Sofia Scalchi
With all the accessories of costumes , and a
or Firry snucrri : > MUSICIANS , under
the Uhc'Otlun of
$ l$2$3and$4Reserv8ISeats , $ , $ $ , (
Pnlo or scats tojins Saturday , fob. 10 , at 10 a.
Meyer & Bros' ' Music Store
MAltUUS H. JIAYUlt , Acting Mumiffcr.
Nebraska National Bank
Paid up Capital . $250,000
Surplus . 4O.OOO
II. W. Yntos , President.
A. E. Ton/.alin , v'iro Prc. = lilcnt.
W II S. llu lies , Cashier.
W.V.Morse , John S. Collins.
II. W. Yatcs , Lewis S. Reed.
A. E. Tou/.ulin.
Cor 12th nnd Karnani St3.
A Uo.icral Hanking Business Transacted.
N. W. HARRIS & Co.
nnuno Or Counties Cities mul othorsor
uUllUwhlKliKindobuiiKlitund sold. Kustoin
ulllce C31)o7oii3hlie St. . Hoston. Correspond
As the spring season approaches and we are desirous of starting
out with an entire fresh line of Fancy Percale Shirts , we have de
cided to close out all those on hand now at a great sacrifice regard
less of cost , and offer them for one week at about 50c on the dollar.
The quantity to be thus slaughtered is 85 doz , , classed in three
different lots , as follows :
Lot 1. Comprises fine French Percale Shirts , with three collars
and separate cuffs , of beautiful designs , which have been selling at
$1.25 , $1.50 and $1.75 ; their ttrice now is 75c each.
Lot 2. Comprises genuine Percale Shirts in a large variety of
styles , which have been selling at 75c , 85c and $1 ; their price now
is 50c each.
Lot3. Comprises Percale Shirts with collars and cuffs , which
have been selling for 50c. They are very pretty patterns in stripes
and small figures ; their price now is 25c each.
We still have full variety and all sizes , and at above prices we
have put them within the reach of everybody. This is one of the
greatest opportunities for laying in a good supply of shirts at the
lowest prices ever known.
Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha.
The only Machine tfmt will sew JutcJtivai'tla
and forwtirila equally well , anil The lAyhtcsl
Jlnnnimj Sewing Machine In existence.
We desire energetic an < ? rrsnontlbJc dealers
in Xcbraulm , Colorado , Wyoming , Jiahola and
Western Iowa.
Jfyon are loolelnr/for a cheap UfacJiine , don't
answer this advertisement , InttOH / want to
handle the Hcst Scivlny Machine that money can
buy , address for particulars , '
209 N , 16th St , , Omaha , No ! ) ,
Mention OiiKtlta lice.
A magnificent display of everything
useful and ornamental in the furniture-
maker's art , at reasonable prices. _
Only $2.00 required to secuie one Koyal Italian 100 francs gold bond. These bond
participate in 2SJ5 drawings , four drauingb every year and leUin their original valu
until the year 101 1. Prizes of 8,000,000 1,000.000 , 530.00J &c. francs \\ill be drawn , be
sides the certainty of receh ing back 100 francs in gold , you may win 4 times every year
and so come into possession of a fortune.
'otu mil tlio ubcumentj 1'or further Information , cull on or nililroaa ,
ItKKM.V nVKI0. . , : i05 It roadway , X w TMH-U.
N. n. These bonds aio not lottery tickets , niul the sala Is loyally iiormlltod. ( Ily law of W
i > p Ho.iirx | > ieC Kinv
a # > 'll ! ' > ' TITK VN * Ak I.I > , | lt-
ilntiou > 1milo. icctlili g rummi of
ItrtHrrctl/thruucli ill vtBk p.rti inter.
* -.tu holin .nil \ If from Klttr Bill EKctrlo
Current - -5VAt Uli UEily ' . . furf it sj.wu Intuli.
UmUitliauiatrimnUotrrtU finer Mu. Waul null tr.
nitnently rurtJIu thrceiuoDtb * bfhita I * mi > hlct4c .Uiup
The Sanilen Electric Co. 109 USallo it. , Chlc Qt
E. T. ALLEN , M. D.
feS'Ei'IAMST ,
Eye , Ear , Hose & Throat
Room 9 Williams Huilding , cor. 15th and
Dodge sts , Omaha.
Hours 8 to 13 a.m. 3 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m
race TDIAI . .ff""T,4 . , : i'er
FiltE. I RIAL af fflas ?
Warranted altiolntclu ] < "ro
Cocoa , flora wblrU lliocirfe of
Oa bu teen removed. JtlianWif *
times the itrtngth of Cocoa mlieJ
with Btarcli , Arrowroot or Sugar ,
und l.tbi'icforo far more cconooil-
cal , mtlnj tut than one out a
cup. U I * ikllcloue , nourl.lilctf ,
Irfngtlienlntr , cailly dlic ; trd , nd
admirably adapted for Invalids as
well a * for i > or ) ii lu tuiltb.
Sold Ly Uron r otrynlittc.
W. BAKER & C0i Dorcliesier ! Mass ,
Df , Chase's ' last Receipt Book ,
Jjst nnil crn ttuU.t.ork vl lil Ufa Juit out.Oulfl t
ik ) . J-V.AI/ieh.blusiis. . 400. . MleU. s
Display at tholr warerooms , 13O5 and 13O7 Farnam Street ,
the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to bo found at
any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces the
highest class and medium grades , Including
Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the
lowest living rates for cash or time payments , while the long
established reputation of the house , coupled with their most
liberal Interpretation of the guarantee on tholr goods , affords
the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible
defects In materials and workmanship.
1303 & 1307 FARNAM OTHCBT *
Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware
Tlio KiVjit-t MOCK. I'ncua the lowest. Uuiiairiu a spec/wily. All wort wamiut-
ed. Corner Mou lus mill 151 Ii strvuU , Omuli * .
W.uclini.iKfi1 fur thu Union 1'itcHlc Huilroinl conipuuy.
The 0 , E , Elayne Real Estate and Trust Co ,
N. W. COR. 10th AND HAKM1SY , OMAJf A.
Property of every description for sale m all parts of tin oil ? . L.inds for Sale lu
every county in Nebraska.
Of Title * of Douglas county kept. Alans of the cit/ state or cotinic , or any. otbar.
inforciatiJu UcBireii , furnlilied free of cu rge up.ou Hppltcatioii , . ,