SPECIAL NOTICES , AHertlocmcnU under this tieid , iucint t > or line lor the first Insertion , 7 con's for each sub sequent Insertion , nnd $1.50 n line per month No Advertisement token for less thnn * > cents for the first ln crtlon. Fovcn words will bo counted to the line : they must run consecu tively and must bo paid In advance. All adver tisements must bo liomlo 1 In bnforo 1:30 : o'clo-k p.m. , und undrr no clicum'tances will the } bo USrn or discontinued tij trlephono. I artifcs ad\ertltlnir In the u lolumns rnd hiv- Inpthonnswcrs mJdrr pd In cnro of Tun lire will tilenw nek for a checV tonnblo them topct their letters , ns none will bo delivered except on vrc ontntlrn of check. All answers to ad- Tortl'cmcnts should bo eucloped In nnvelooes. MONEY TO 1,0AN. $ 2,10,003 lolonn on fnrm nnd Improved city property nt lowest rates , bargains In rent t'tnti' . ( Inrnmn. WhltoA Co.Iloom 17. With- ncll block , cor. Mill nnd llnrncy ell. CMmin INfiV 10 LOAN J.IOOOon Improved city pioporty. Addrc s1J 43,1100 olllce. 5J1 10 * ON MY TO LOAN on improved real r-Btnto ! no commission chnrifcd. l.oinltt Hum * hfiin , Hootn 1 CrolKhton lllock 140 MONI'.V to Innn. Tilts Hro . , rial estnto nnd lonn agents , room 17 , Vv lilt null block , cor. Itth nnd HnuiO ) . . 'M ' MONIJV ( o loan , cash on natid.no delay. .1. W mid t' . li. S | Ulru , 1413 1'arnnm st , , Pailon hotel btilldlnu. W3 TOANB Loans I.oana. llonl rstato loam , Collalrrlal loanj. Chattel lonni. I iiur tlmo loans. Hhort tlmo lonnt. Money nlwajg on hand to loan on nnynp- prov ed security. Invp'tmnnt securities botiKht nnd sold. Umaha rlnanclnl r.xchnngo , n. w. cor. 15th nnd Hartley. . . . Corbett , AHAItlUS. . 820 P. IMh Ft. HAHHIS to lonn on Ilrst class security , from IWlO upwards. * PKOO.COOIO LOAN nt 6 per cent , J. J. Ma- P honey , ) WJ rnrnnm. P.'l fiPKKCr.NT Money. W U. 0. Pattcr on , nnd Ilnrnoy. 357 3O.OOO to loan. Sums tOOO nnd upwards , I Lowest rates. llomls , room 3 , llnrkcr block , W. cor IBlh and rarnamBts 0 0 % /rONnV / rirBt tnortiriiKO notes J l county bunk will buy papers 033by Ilrst mortKRKo ou city iciuty. 033 * PLU CUNT Moiioy to loan. * VT OroKory i. Hndley , Ilooms 1 nud 3 , llcdick block , U20 8. 15th St. LOAN Money Ixinns placed on Improved TO proved real estate In city or county for Now Kniclaud Loan i. Trust Co , by Douglas County bank. Ifith and Chlrniro pta UJ9 to loan on city and farm property , MOJfIJV ratoo , btoivart & Co , Hoom n. Iron Bank. 030 OIsEY TO I.OAN-O. F. Uavls * Co. Heal M Rstato and Loan Agents 1505 Fnrnam st. Hit ONKV TO LOAN On real estate und ohnt- M tels. D I * Thomas. IM2 $500,000 To loan on Omahu city proportj ntO percent. 0.V. . Day. over 1IIJ DovRlnsst. MONKY to loan by the undersigned , * ho has the only properly orKunUod loan agency In Omaha. Loans ot SlOtofl.OUO mnao on fur niture , pianos , organs , horses , wagons , machin ery , &o. , without romorni. No dolnya. All buRlnoss Btrletly confidential. Lonna BO made that any part can DO pnlci &v nny tlmo , each pay ment reducing the cost pro rata. Advances mnrtoon fine watches and diamonds. 1'orsoni should carefully consider who thor arc dealing with , ns many now concerns ro dally coming Into existence. Should you nred money , CM I and BOO mo. W , n. Croft , llooro i , WlthncI Building , 15th nnd IIit nny. MONEY I.OANKOntC. P Ileod i Go's.Loin ofUcfl. on furniture , pianos , horsos.wagons , poreonal property of all kinds , nnd nil other r- tlrh-s of value , without removal. 319 S 13th , over lllnKhiun'a Commission store. All bust- tusBStrlrtly conflriotitlal. ttll BUSINESS CHANCES. BUSINESS CHANCK-A ( rood pajliur ojster nnd cliop hoiu > e * for sain clicup. f-I.V ) rash , balance on tlmo. Good reasons for splllmr. Call at 117 N. 12th Ht. 598 17 * FOH 3 A 1,11 - l.u in hoi , eriiin and coal business ono of the lii'St i > olnt3 In central Nubraskii. on H. A M. H. H. HiurNon Ambler i. Amlilcr , lloom 20 , Nntionul bunk. r > SO FOH SALK Oroxchantro for dry irnoili 1 < IO iicrosln 1'latloCo , Neb : Improved f aim , frame lioiiao und bain. Addicss llov tsn , Cu- liiinniiB , Kob 6J5'j ! * "THOH SATiR A strictly Ilrst class rostiuiriint , J- situated In tbn cuntcr of business In tins olty. Apply to J soph Molkon , Kuropcan ho- tel.Oia b'outh 10th bt. , Omuha. .Nob. (104 ( 20 * " 171OH 8ALU Iloirdlntr house nnd roMaurnnt ; J200 rcirulur boarders. Apply No. 510 Eolith lOthatrcot , 507 8AL1J Saloon , IWt S 13th st. Clfl 20 TTtOH SALK A rosHurunt now miiKlntr moro Jclour profit than nny hotel or restaurant In thoclty for the money Invested Acrnudop- liortunlty lor mnklng big money. A close In- vcBtlgatlon given to any purson who means DUBliu'SS. Address. K3. . Hep olllco. .112 IB' TT1OII SALK Stock of grocoilos , nour nnd Jfeed. . ( ! oed fituml , good biislnes ? . pavol Ftroot , nnd ov or ) thing conv omont for the busi ness btoro for rent. Stock will bo reduced to f 1.5CO or $ . ' ,000. Address K , 10 lice ofllco. 454 17 FOlt SALK-A well assorted and clean stock of general morchnndlso and Bloro titrnl- turo will Involco about C7OOU. location In ono of the best towns In the Kepubllcan volley. Nob. Town has n It 11 boom ; business not overdone , w 111 tnko Vi or vj the amount In peed farm land uiilncumbored , nt n fair cash value. 1ml for Block.cash. ( Jood wild hind preferred located In low a or Nob. , cause of selling poor health. A rnro ehnnco , No dead stock. Addrets Look llor 70 , Alma. Nob. 433 17 TCIOIl SALU Lumber yard and residence In JL1 SouthwiiBtoin Iowa. Well located nnd ilo- Ing good biiBlno s. Good reasons for Calling , Address 12 , " . , Iluo olllco. SO ins * OHKIILIN , Knn.Isa mostdusirablo location lor a flouring Mill , nUo fern Foundry. J.lbernl InducomcnlH olToiod to parties Booking inveslmonts In thfu brunches of industry. Cor- regpondenccBOllPltod Oberlln Hoard of Trade , Obeillu , Kan. A. 0. T. Uolgoi , tioo'y.an an 23 of dry rnods , clothlni ? and furnlBliliik' oons.or boots iitul stiooain erchiiuiro for Omahu real uetatu. Bchloslngcr Jlro8..flU SlOtliBt. 175m.I Foil BALK Or trndo bakurr nnd confco- tlonorv. Inquire Kopp. Drolbns * Co , Oimilm. Null. Q3S in i FOIl HAIjI'-IIiiir Interest In one of the best imjItiK'dmn fltnrodln Bouthwestorn lotva , Capitul roijulrud , { . ' , Wa Address 1 > 10 , Iloo of llco nig BANK forsiilo in 11 new rnpldly Browlnutown of COO Inhabitants. 1'lne dcnoblta. Money Icmns from il to 4 percent , monthly. A splundld clnuico. Address IM , Hocollioo. U15 USINK83 CIIANCn-Stoi-k Groceries nnd Moatnuirluit for eiilo. Ilnest locution in Omaha. Doliur an oiccllont busluosa. Address , < ? , tl , HonOm > o. _ Kit ' BUHINEsSCHANCl'-htocK Urocorle'3for ! iilo. Nu butter locution In Omaha , bate * now average JJJO a day. Hush & Solby , S18 a. ISth st. 270 SALK Or trade for merchandise , e40 iiurea of No 1 farm laud near Grand Is'and. ' 0. J. Cnimii 441 _ HOII IC * * Lota.Karms Lnndimoney lonnoit. llcmis.ioom J , llarKor block rf.V.cor. . )6tti and lurnuja an , VJ ! TT'OH 6ALH Hhrflwnro lUiBiuessSu oiler J. ou ! shelf and houv > hardware buslnass for sale , together wlib our Itaao nna good will , 'JYnilo largest In the cltr and location the bo > t Ketlring from the business rauta for eolllnif The Damn Hardware Co. , lO-'S O et. > Llneoln , _ 1121 PERSONAL. . Dr. Nnniu * V. \ > nrrcu clairvoyant , tJedlcnl and hU3inti Modiuuj Koom Na U , 121 North ICth ei. .Omaha , Neb. LOST. 1 OST-A ecu ! colored tetter Oojr , with henry .1-1 strap color , aimvcrs the numo "HOCK. " Ho- vrard for return to 1'cnroto i. Ilarclln.lOl South 1 Jtli. E'lT ' STHVEI > or etolon , n rnluiblo Irish eottur about J ) ears old.buiongluir to W.J.UroHtch. Au > onotrlvliu ; Inrormauon leaillnK to recovery of fuiiio will bosultttbly rovrarJoa on npplymir ( t IJOJ Harno > it. got 10 TOST Hetneen rrountu bloon nnd turkUh I tmtlnoiU Klovo. I'lnder plosso leave ut I'uuru-o A Dardln'a and uet rnvyurJ. U19 JO.sT-Ad rk t'lovo. eagod vrith ulack fur J either In or ueartUo I * | > o8lrion DuiMluer , nfter lUucounrt. Hnclf r picaio return to lleo Ollico M 18 MISCELLANEOUS. HUMK for Indies during confinement ! dtrlctlr connilenllnl : children adopted , For par ticulars ndclrcs * E42 , lice odlco. 673 S2 * Foil HKNT Organs , $ S per month. lo po , 1513 DoUElO * . U39 AOr.NT S Kv cry lioii'OKecpor wants It , lilif money for you. Send stamp , Lock llov 23J , Hrle , Pa. _ _ _ _ < ' - ! _ i : KlrM-clnns storaco for nlco fur- nlturo or boxed goods , nt 151 3 Dodtro-it. 0 < 4ml AYOt'NU ILLINOIS L W Kit now In the city ivlshosn pirtnor-Oup In nn ostaUlaliod Inwr tlrm < 'nn epoak the Scandinavian languages. lrnl h port of library , oto. Address 1. TJ , IJco olllco . 6M 17' l lHST-CLASSstorniroat 110 Nortl. 13thst _ 19 * KiNl Hqunro Plnno , tt tnontnlr. . lalSDouzlis. 1 3 ' 1 bnvoon hand a arjro tUAn- | tlty of timothy , clover nud millet soi'd for * alo. \ NrltoforpriccsV. . ( \ Iloston , Dxvld City , Nob. 571 f. SO "PAHTIIIS w.ihlnif ti > tlNposo of bousoholil -1 coiMli will find n buyer by luldro slnjt Cnsli , lailllm onport 123 TTionitltNT Srj.mro I'lnno t monthly. A -L1 Hospo.l'n iJOUL'lllS. OU TOR , SALE MISCELI-ANEOUS FOIt SATiK A Inrco , well in.itchcl pixlr ot draft horseg , wcllit3lliii | Ihs A treed Imr- Knln. inquire : ot Plorco & Koucrs , room fi , ArlliiKton lllotk. 00 1C * iron \liK-Or will trade for suburban lot n -I ? spun of Rood jounir ponies , \vi\gon and harness , will work double or single , Address Joe Itoclibud , 2nth and Cnpltol avonun roll SAM ! 2 Imr'c1' , 2 llpht wagons ono cow , 1 two soiltoil covered carrlairo , will bo sold chuap It eold In ton days Address II IS Hcoolllce. 411 17 SA1.1J ritrht head of Innro fresh milk ccnvsaiidsprlntrers. Kuray's yards , Ciunlng St. or U1J Montana st K. 8. Juster. F01l9AIiK--45hor > o power bollor. noirly now. r.niiulro Wustorn Pottery Co. , r.vpo- Hltlon building 870 WANTED MALE HELP. w ANTr.D News agent with $10 security. 817 N. 17th Bt. 5J1 ! 18" AOllN'18 WANTP.O An experienced nows- paper Bollcltor for Omaha. Special pnpot ; Bood terms None but rood men with rolor- OIK cs need answor. P.O. Dox 473 , Lincoln , Neb. COJ ID * \7ANrr.ll Kxpericucod shoo clerk nt Boston - > ton Shoo Store , 14-J Douglas Bt. , Omaha. r > S9 in WANTHD A llrat-cla s Swedish clothing salesman Ono neiiualntcd v\lth Omnlia trndo. Itulcrnccs roiUlroil. Address C ll.Hoo Olllco. 53818 WAN'irl-A Ilvo , active , rattling irooil hulosinnn for dry Roods and shoes ox- cluslvo A KOod worker for trade Aildrcs f or ton dnvs , statlnjr salary oipcctod , Oeo i ; . Jenkins , ralrbury , Nob. 4.W 18 \\7ANTnO To solicit tire Insurance , an expo- V * rloncod man , with whom liberal terms will bo tnndo. Address H 11 , HOT olllco. 4tt 10 WA.'THO To meet demand for competent bookkoopois I will instinct two per-1 eons and wait foluilf pnv until jou have situa tions. J. 11. Smith , 101J Chlcngo st 511 1U * \\TANTKD lly the larsest ptibllMilnir house T wo tor Chloairo , two humlrod Kontlomen nud lailles to poll" I ho Successful Man" "Marvol- oils Wonders of the Whole World" "Illblos" nnd various other KOOC ! publlentlom , apoly onrlv nnd Rot choice of tnrrltorv. .1. M. 1 ronoh A- Co. , olllco 10 llushmnn lllock , Omaha , Neb 407mlO WANTIJD Immediately , n Rood Job printer None but rapid workman , capable of tnklmr entlio cnarjfoot job department need apply. Hoforencos as to character and ability required. Address Dally Gin/ottc , Norlolk , Nob. W ANTI'.I ) A few persons to Instruct In book Keeping attoruoous J. It Smith , 1G13 ClilcaKO St. 5.10 1B WANT KD A munnnd wlfo without eh Ulron for Inrm omployuiont no ir the cltj. Woman must bo a jrood houfioi < eopor , prefer the man to have some experience as a Kurd tier , must show good references. K. S. Albiluht , ll OFarnnmst. 3J4 " NBT7vU.MiNT : MKN-And nftonts KOnorally will nnd ju t what they need by addro-islnif Instnlltnont Dcnlors Supply Co , Kilo , I'a. 4I.22 WANTIID llookblndoi : a Ilrst class work man to run n bindery on shaios ; will furnlth oticllt and work , fiood opportunity for riRht man. AiMtcss immediate ! } , Daily Gazette , Norfolk , Nob. I4t \\7ANTIJD-CO sober , Intcllluont mon of good i' addrcfs to trj a lOo meal at NorrK res. tauraut , 104 S 16th St. 15.1 WANTED FEMALE HELP. 'AIs'HID Good launelross at Hrownoll hall. 5" ! 17 17ANTKU Girl for housework In small family. 201)0 ) California st. 5S.I 17 * - . W 5.SI \X7ANTKD-NurbO girl. Apply N W coi. Ducatur andPlei sts. 6s > 17 * WANTFJO A first class dinlnff room irlrl and chambermaid at City hotel. 5U1 18 * 1 Girl for eoneral housonoik.OJD bouth 19th bt. 505 WANTKD A motherly old lady to cook or other light house work. Harris & Harris , KOSouth l.lth street. 518 \\rANTBD Good wages for o competent " ' girl for gonoinl house work. Inquire of Mrs. A. J. Grov or , 1117 Park avo. 580 WANTKD-OIrl to do gonornl house work In family of two. Apply immediately. 2142 Pavcnpott. Gl'J 1C * \\7ANTKI ) Immediately , n girl for gonoinl TT housework Nortlioist corner Pnppla- ton nnd Duane street. ( M 1 * irANTr.n-nislivvnshc'riit Millers llcstaur- > ant , 1001 N HHIi at. SC ) 1U TANTHD-GIrl for general housework , 1115 North 18th st , hot Clark etui Grace 54)17 ) WANTKD-Oood girl to do general house work. Apply 1101 Farnam at. 530 M ITANTini-rnntniidoierallhanrts , at Gcorgo > failles' factory , Utlmnd Loavonworth. 4J5 SO * w AMBD Glrlnt Kmmet houso. MS \\7ANTKD All oxpoiloncod sorvant. with i ability to coo' ' In snuill fnrally , wages SI to 81 : none but competent parties need npply ; IWlbt. Mary's eve , cor 20th. J'JI ' WANTED Girls can alwn ) s find good places free of charge by calling at 11J N. lUth st , Capital av o , Omuhu Bmploymeut Ituroau. 31.1 \\rANTF.D-Agood cook nud dining loom i T girl ut Mrs. Cury'g , Davenport st. 404 W \V L'ANTKD-Kxpcrlencod honsekoopor. Colored orod preferred. Call tit IU N. Vtli. 73H "ANTKH Good cook nud Laundress , 20J N. IMhet. f.S ) \\rANTnU JtO liullos X gents to Kuril tola. T graphy Proapeet good for position when competent ; uddioss W , J. D , lloom 1 , Crouns blk.Oinuhii , Oil SITUATION WANTED. VVANTF.D-Sltuntlon by news nnd Jol TT pi Inter. Address G vVW , 610 Furnam st. Oinnbo , Neb. 571 1C * \\7ANTKD I'mplo ) incut by > oiinp man vrltl ' 2 jenrs'oxpeilence ; good iiocountunt , ful writer ; wages no object Adclrcus K ii. HPU S75 17 * _ _ _ _ AMIDDLK-AOF.D Kontlonmn , buying largo comnificlal oxpuilunco und is nn c'HU'lon accouutuutroricspoiidpnt uud bootkcopcr , I desirous of 11 poblttou of trust nnd confidence In n murcnntllu firm ; references givou. Aildrea 13 10 , lleo olllce. _ tile 17 * \\TANTKD-Sltuutinti ns housPkeopor or to > T take care of fiinilsheJ rooms. Appl ) u 1B18 Dodge fct. 6 Ib * _ V\7 ANTED Po'irioti us R rollnetor or In Jtou ' llsuito olllce by nnuctlvo boy , Addrct ) B31 , HooOmco- 6J5 _ WAN11UV A situation by n man of forty , i fair writer , eood accountant , good busl ness ability , ooniiidorabla oxporleanco am Etrlctl ) toinporatf. ( iooj refcroncos. Addrtts X , llee olllco , Council Ululfa. Kii 15 * _ WAN run faltimtlnnniclork in dry gocdi or boot and bhoo store by ) oung lusn u experience. lu ) t references given , Addrvi , JolTcreonIowa. 64317 * NTi U-A situation byu jouug man , fair writer , good aocountant , cou ldcrubie oiporlouco , gooJ rcferciH'Csj. Aeldrcsi K. 31 Heuoaicti. 6tT-16 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. \ VAN1EDTeams. . J09 8. Itth et. J63 - rent a front room ( lor law WANTED-To ) , Chrlstotlcrsou , OcPldentM totol. Mi 17 * AN TKD-A good drinng horss nna ouegy oragoo < l team In oxehnngo as partial payment for 60 ft , lot on Pnrk uvo. bill , on y. Mend A. Jnmlcson. 453 A NTKD I wo furnished rooms lor light hoii oliOclilng , 3 in family , address. J. Z , Ion's gallery. 5SO-18' - twenty ncres In side of or noir Omaha. Olvo deoorlp. Ion , price nud terms. Address C,3J , Hco nico. " \\rANTF.D-To rent n liouso of 4 or 5 rooms , i by April 1 , for ono jenrormore ; location o bo between Dodge nnd Mnsoii nud 17th nnd J5th sts. Address 0 3 , Hoe olllco. 557 WAN ! El- Hoard nud alcove room , fur nished or unfurnished , by two gentle men , In prlvnlo fntully ; good locntlon , modern convenience * . Itoforcmccs exchanged. Ad- dresK33 , Iloo onico. fill 17 * T\7ANTKn-To buy 10 to S ) ncros within it T > tnlle of the Omilin postollico , Wrlnht & .nrbury , under Puxton hotel M J \VANTTD To purclmeo two ( rood lots ecu- T tially locatedono lor business nnd ono for residence , Addre-a , giving iirico , terms nnd full particulars to K29 lleo oinco. .117-1(1 ( FOR RENT HOUSES nnd LOTS. TTIOll 11KN I'-Llv erv nnd hotel. Address A. N. -U Yost , Norfolk , Neb. l.'fl ml' Foil UHNT-U room ftirnl lipd house ! mod ern Improvements ; nlso bam LMDATOII - tort street. Ml 17 * FOIl HKNT Flflonti loom liulMlnj , floio front , good location tor lodglnif. boarding lousoor sin ill hotel. Addicss , K 20 lleo. 4'UIO * HKNT-Houso ot ten rooms nnd bnrii , FOH 6271'uiknvo , bet n eon Knrniim ft nnd Lca\- onworlhst , Imiulre lit Dornn Hnuse , fcoitth ISlh near llattle of ( lett)9burg building Iffl 17OH HUNT Cottuios , hou oi and stores , nil I desirable and well lorntn I. from * l ) per month up. L. Hurnham , Hoom 1 Crelghlon lllock. 141 FOH HKNT 10 acres 0 miles from postollloe , aultiblo for market gnrdonv\lll rent or suit. Apply oat Furnlturo Co , 103 N Uthst. 151 TjlOH HK\'T-fi room house , citv vrnlor , street J cars , 14 miles 11 om P O ; * J ) par montn. D. C. Pnttoison.Omahi Natl bank. 7U FOH HKVT Hulldinir flutt-iblo for light man ufacturing or wholunlo purpoaos Good locntlou. K. 21 , lleo olllco. 4'tt ' 19 * KAY prlv llogo to lca o on the Dctwllur farm , nt Ames , 7 miles west of Fremont. John Gallagher , 117 South l.'th st. 4U m ! ) AVANTKH-A banjolst to join u homo ( | imr- tetto. Must bo able to reid music. Address - dress K20 , Iloo olllco 503 IlKNP A ten room dwelling co * > nv- ipOH 1 amU'lst sts , ono block from street car. Apply to Itiuko & llarluilou , L'ouglus st FOH KI2NT If jou want to rent n house , call on llonnwa A. Co , opposite postollico , 5JJ FOH HKIsTLurao b-vrn with water privi leges Apply at 1813 Chlru.ro St. 003 "IllOIt HKNT-House , U rooms , In Hunscom JL.1 Placo. ( loiter & Campucll , lloom 1. 1509 Furnum. 703 FOR RENT ROOMS. F OH HKNT Largo turnlshed room 712 10th street. ! iTCi7 _ ! _ FOIl HKNT Four rooms for housekeeping and twoor three newly furnished rooms nt reasonable prices , 2117 Hntnoyst. 577-17 * TjlOH HKNTAerv dcsliablo newly fur- JL ; nUhod room , all modern conveniences , street cms. 25JI St. Mary's nvo. 578 F OH HKNT-Ilooma ultnblpfor2 gentlemen ; now furnituio ; bath. ICI'J Capital ue FF u6ftl 21 * F OK HENr l < nriro furnished room , suitable for ! J gentlemen luiuiro 1UJI Tarnum 574 FOIl HKNl' Ono newly turnlshed sleeping loom lor gentlemen , 510 per month , at bOJ Howard. C'J ' POll HRNl' 2 unfurnished rooms 2301 Michigan av a OoO 18 * FOIl linNL' Lnigo furnished room , 111' ) Chi- cugo st 6Ci ) 17 * HKNT-3 rooms furnished or imfur FOIl nKhod , for light housekeeping. Ml _ ' Cu-s street. WI 17 * TTTAMED A lurntsi'ed fiont room bv man > V nnd wlfo , w Ith board , prh-uto family pi o- foriod. .Address , stating terms , R 44 , Hoe of- lice. 5S10" \\7ANlEO I'tirnl-hed loom in the vicinity 'T of Kith and Duvonpoit streets , b ) two ecu- tlomen. Pilvuto Tamil ) piofcrred AdirrssU .iii , lleo olllce. f > 15 17 * " \\'ANTKD J unturnl-hed rooms , ccntinlly i located , foi dressmaking puiposcs Ad dress r.a'i. lleo olllco. 55J IB * 371OH HUNT rurnlehol rooms 2 plpndld rooms to rent with board QJN llth st. l'll HKNT A suite ot 1 good looms. No 112 Smith Kliunnth slieet 111 1H * rj Oll linNT An olegint ftont parlor with J ? board , also other smalk r rooms Ilouao has all modern conveniences Ountlcmcn desired - sired , fcouthwest eoinor Webster nnd 20th Bt. 'j 'i FOIl HUN'T 2nlco ollico rooms ut OU S 16th stiuoi. 73. ITIOll HKN'T Nicely furnlshol room , ( lofor- JL unccaroiimrol. 1HJ7 Dou liis. B * - FOIl IlENT Store room nud No HON. Hth st. basement. , te3 FOIl Iir.NT lJa-.oniont , suitable for house keeping. Inquire 1414 Thloigo. ! 1S4 TfjiOR HKNT Two looms , furnished , for JQ light housekeeping. Inquire bO. Howard Bt. llTi ) FOIl lirNT-Nlcul ? furnished looms S. W. cor. 10th and Chicago 207 17' FOIl KKNT Three olllce rooms , thud llooi Ho lick's new block , cor 15th nnd llnrney streets. Hiogory & Hiulloy , 320 bouth 15th at. WJ Foil URN r-Nicely furnlshol fiont room In nlcoeottiiio ifapor month , nt 408 Walnut st , 8 minutes walk , Southeast u. P. depot. .115 FOH UBN1' J rooms unfurnlshoi .suitiblo for liousokooplnc , 1017 NSJth st ; apply to M. Martin , ' 110 S llth 9t. 40) T710H lir.vr Nlco room * at 1811 rnrnnm st , -L ono block vrost of court ho 130,30.ith sl.lo. till FOH HKNT I'm nishod nnd unfurnished rooms In diuomg lllock , ecu. j.Hh nnd Dodge. Davis & HotQorlnglou , Millard Hotel llllliurd Hoom. 291 F Oil llKNT-Furnlshod rooms. 711 N. Ifltn st. KOOM with boar ) , 101) ) Capitol avenue , 4)1 ) SI * Foil HUNT Klogant rooms on HI root car line , bith unl ga ) , 3 w. oor iJth und Webster. 1U FOB SAI E HOUSES LOTS. Oli SALK-artfams ) by Duiiohori J5l ] rnrimm at linker Pluce , butlnois lot , two streets , $ 401 Dellonu'a add Boutli trout , Amos nv , , OK Ciunlng Btuornoix in Carthage fUjj to. . . 750 Claik Place , eouth trout , close to Himscom Park fioo Orchard Hill , fine line of lots fO.10 to UJC Albilgbt'a Annex speolal bargain , these lots for 000 Klrkwood.40x1110 ' , near Idth 1,000 McCoimlck's2d 1.005 Potter'a uenr Farnlmui , Fob , 15 und Id only , 1,110 Fulrmount , Hue lota , ] , JM Prospect Place , south front , Hamilton st l.BV ) Fosicr' .tiearBuumlerSbt l.UOC llurr Oak , fronting Hanscom jiark * , , ' . ' , ' ) Hlmebuugli Place one lot , , , sjo Bnlnn'fl 1st ndd lurgo lot 80x110 . " 6CK l.logunt lots , Bonici ooniors hienriun p ace * l,500to 2,500 Ilauscom Place. $1 , < 00 to . . j 1JO Cum'ng st buslni'DS property , full lota , f-.WJto . . 6,000 Shulls 1st add , faces two etrccte , two bouses saw AUolnJlocdalet , Hlllaido No , 2 , bhlnn'a 'M 15. V. Smith' * . Kount * ' 3dA Kountx 4th sup , Iluitiuuns. Hawthorn's , rTagodorn'ti Hiuilmt- v lew , Control Park and every other addition whore safe nnd prontublo iuvustmen' aw nit liu mediate puroliusors. ' ) ho tlmo to buy is now Theplaco to buy Isut 1511 Fnrnain ft. Hero you can find u large list of bargains In ull kind * of really , at prices und terms to suit everybody AlwajsrcuJy ami willing to show pioperty to prospective ) buois Ueir.ember the place Frank llunchcr , 1511 Farnam st. 657 18 1 22xl4S ft cor. 20th and LVTo'sts , I3i10. A _ gain. Qratiam.Crolghtoo Illk. 8451 HAWHS \ H.MmrS,320S 15 et. 2 lota In llakor plauo tam unJ IA53. 2 lots in Pudanck Place 81,8)0 each. 4 lots In Plulnv low n.lto to tlpA ) . House end lot in Hanscom Place J5.GM. 61 feet on Ilarney at f 5Cr . Ivts In Uakor's u idltlon IJ51 to $410. tow lots in 1st ndJ to CcutrulPurfc. 580-18 WO. SttnilfETR-Special Hnrfrfilns- Beautiful note on Lowonve. , will mako" lo'to ioo ncrc ncnr Dent nd Dumb Institute , ntn bargain nllrt On easy terms. Lot In I'lnlnjlow , on Snumlors , $ I.SOO. LotOO.12oOtjEr < iaklInst.nonrllcd car line , full'lot on 1'rirk nvo , $3,7riO. ( lood lot on California St. , nonr Cretjrhton COllOKO , $1.eOO , v ! Corner lot on Cumlng si. , pared , 14,000. Lots In OrclymiHii ; | , jjo to $ WJonch ! easy rull'lots In A. S Patrick's ndd , near Saundois st , each 81,150. . fiU132on Hrl'tOLticnr Sounders , $1,250. Tull ctirnor lot on Snuiiilors , f0,000. Two 2J > xdO ft , Jots on N st. , South Omnlm , each $ ! , " ) , 2corner lot * . 1 ester's ncld. $4,1101. 2 lots In Klby ! > 1'lnce , cast front , high nnd file Inly , each f 1,500. Lot on Hamilton t opp convent , SI.70J. Improved I'ropi'ily. lleiMitlfut coltnuo. r , rooms , lot tllvHO , N. 10th st justoit l.akof = t , Jt.OrtX Nc fi room cottnirn , full lot , i : . front N SStn Bt near ear line , JA'jW. House's and full lots In Omnlm View , ? 1COO to J2.0JO. CottnponndlotCoxlMou Cnllfornla st. cn y terms , SJ.OOO LnrKO house nnd lot on Dodpn. opp High school , nil modern Improvements , f 13 iiOU. Cottageuud fulllot on LnXo st , near 20th , 2 houses nnd full lot ou 10th st , near Paul , IOR00. Now house. 8 rooms , full corner lot , 29th and Docnturst. , $3,000. w. a fahriver , opp P. O. A. SLOMAN. | . ttcil Kilito , 1512 Farnam St. Farunm st , oor. Hist. I H\\K \ , 515 010. Fnrnam ft.bot2)th ) nnd Bid. IHxMJ. J11.00J. Fnrnam st , near2 ith. S front. 22x11. . $ 1,103. Fiirnuni st , cor. 4 Id , S und W front , f 10J ) . . Fnrnnm slt cur. 4'd , Sand K front , f l.fiOi. Fuinumstcor. Us ) , S nud K tiont , fl.ltli. Dndgu t. 4Dx l-'O , cottiuo and barn JJ.7W ) Lot I nii(12. ( blk 2 , Sjuth Omaha udJ. corner , \lighila nvo , near I.onvonworth , 40\140 , J2.0 0 nth st , cor , Howard , rents for $13 , 535,000. 8 IMIi st , nearvliuluct , lUv'Oi. fl.iHW. llumlllonst , 5-room house. $1,500. Lot 'H , blk 7 , Orchard Hill. ? 'J ' Nl. Lotfi7xrO. noir rannliiii Works , f30D. Corner viarthnund I'th. Wixl 12. Imp , 4,5'JO. Hellmau'g Bdil lots , choice for $150. Lots In Drown Park , South Omnlm , Orchard nill.otp. DoiiKlaa st , nonr23d , MTIM. $8,000. 218 ELI'.G ANT lot. south front , ono block west of Kliifr st schoolhousc , S-MOO. Gralnim , Ciulgbton Illk. 615 13 FlY pay from $7X ) to $1,000 for nlot In ad ditions adjolnimr Harlem LanoS4')0 ? will buy j on ! i lot in llatlom Liiuo that coutnlns over 200 more square feet ot lund. Hnrlnni Lane Is no wild cut propetty but Is ju t 'i mile UN from llodford IMnco. Will sell lotsnt nliovo price until roll. 1 ! > . after \\hlch the price III bo rnlscd $100. Van Ilourcn , 14th nnd lOUKlas. f'lu 18 Wantlnif nutsido property nt cheap prices and on ensj terms should ( .nil and sco Mstlo park Them Is mono ) In liuv- Itii ; lots In this nddltlon 'Ihov front Mllltity rend , on vv hlch stteot cr.rs nro tmiirnntccd to run Wo make n ( specialty of Insldo property , hut hnv o ( rene ov cr the line In this enso bccnuso vo knou this property Is good Gic-uory & Hadloy. Ilooms 1 and 3 lledlok block , IIJO S. 15th st. FOIl SALK Good business properties on Cum- Ing st. 2.2 ft frontage with Moro building : fUftrrontiuro ; good bargains. J. 1. Watt , 1010 Suunilers st. C5J 1 * _ I OT nn Hurt st. next to corner , half block J fiom puvomont nnd cm line , S.2,000. fouith cash. Graham , Crclghloii Illk. 5)1 ) 18 Snundcrs , 5U124 \J 401 GroBOry i , Hadley. OALLAGHKIt , ronl estate , 117 south JOHN Uthst. Aero property , lots In nil pints of clt ) . Choice lot * Lincoln Plaeo Hnrgain fiili 80 , cor. Cnllloinla'amU'ld. 111) ) ml AlIU' & \HH1S. . 3iO 8. 15th St. 'J loH In Darker Pluco $ IW nnd S010. - ' loth ill Paddopk Place ? lsn each , 4 lots in Plulnv lew f 1 ,1K ) and J1.200 Hou ° nnnd lotljt'HatiBoom Place ? JWO. .11 lc ( t on HiirUc ) ' St. $1UOO. Lots 111 IluVpr udditiou f 111 to $41) ) . Few lots In jt-indd tojJciitrul Park. 5SO 10 /lONl'HACrS token ut lowest possible rutos \J foi nil kinds ot grudlnir und u\cnvutlng by P O. Hol'on. l.'th st bet Center nnd Doieus. bend postulcurd. _ 59l-lli * ' TlllCl ii ft'AftlvTALOW.'llSl Douglas St ! Ith at bat , Popploton und Woolworth sts. 50x1 Jl , 1 room eottugo o.'St front J 2.SOO Omnha View , Jiotwo 7 icinna and lot. . . . . 2,000 Nicholas and lllh t-ta. corner 6 vl1J trackugo . . . . 4 , G3 llickor ) and 5th sts. cornoi , IKxlJJ east front . 5,000 llth st noith of Mcholns , lU\Ri , oust front . . 3,100 18th t. bot. L'lliO nnd Ohio , 01x144 , east front , . . 3,200 Virginia nvo ,10x151 , enst lioiit . . 2:00 : Llognnt corner lot , Lonvenvorth und 21st St , 11K132 , eust Iront with ono 7 loiim and ono 10 room house , burn , Riublo.cte . 18.100 Choleo lot in Orchard Hill . . 71J Slirelnl barpriihis In Kllhy Place , SVnlnut Hill , Kiilnvooil und Scuth Omulm _ lliirkollirkolow _ _ , 14itpo2irlasil. ( J17 _ OQ FTpn.om house on21tli st , bnlf block fiom J Cuming , $ . ' ,400. Graham , Crcighton Illk. 511 18 ncrns Flnost irround in Cote linlllanto n. JO w. of FoitOinnho Will bell till or purt nt & 5 0 poi nero , one third c-ish. Cirejjorv A. llndlcy , looms I nnd J Iledlck block , ' 1JO s ISthst 51.1 ANVnODV W.intlnir outside propctty nt chouii prices nnd on easy teims sliould call and sco Mystic park. 'Ihoro Is money In buy- inglotnin this addition They fiout Military rend , on which street cars are guaranteed to run VV o make a specialty of Inside property , but have gene over the line In this case because wo know this property Is goo ) . ( Iroffory A , Haclloy. Ilooms I and 3 , liedlcL block , . 120 b 15th St. _ _ _ _ 439 ' _ STKVT.N3.2189. 15th st offers 'for GnOVKIl ) followin-rspeclul bargains ; Vucuntiota. Lcavonworth st 33 ft and house . J2OuO Ixiwo live 2 lots , one a cot nor . 2,401 Vlrtrlnin nvo . 1'iK ) Piirkuvo . 1,210 lllondo Kt . l.lili ) Hhull'sndd , uiornor . 2,0X1 Hurdottoflt nour Stiumloia . 1'MO Orchurd Hill , olo/nnt lot . 8X ( ) PJulnvlow , oist front . 1,000 linker PJnco . ( Wl Founders \ Hlmobaiigh'siuld . 513 Cotellrilllunt.l noros . 1.100 Plorco St. , flOxlM . 2.WO House an I Lots SOthflt 8 rooms ami full lot . ,203 LeavenvTorthst ,2 rooms nnd 31 It. . . 2,00) Piorcost corner ( MxlM , nnd 3 now houses. 7,5'X ) 21th st full lot unil houso. . 2,8)1 Aero Piopoity. Oucrosn. w of Fort ; line view mid very CIIUHU , easy terms . l.oOO 31i acres 'i inllo east of bouth Omahu rhonpnt . 3,501 Hcsldos the nbovo list I have n largo number ot plecos of property In all inrts of the clt ) und can suit the most pirtle-ular , LUt your property orty with mo if ) ou want ft sold. Oiover Stpvone _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 20J _ G -OOD lot on Turning st. Kostor'a ndd. t 10. Uinhnm , Crelghton Illk. 545 18 HOI'SKS ' Lots.V.irms.Lands money loaned. Hemls' city map * , ( ix7 foot , ? J 10 each Heinla , room J , Darker block , S. W. cor. 15th nnd 1'arnain ats. _ 2.S7 milACIC\JK ( Poiner 102xlJJ on llth ! 8t , near JL C. St. P. H AO Depot S.'O.O'JO. 4 houses now renting for $ 1,74V per year. uregoi ) & llndloy 55 M. HlIOIlVNA'N CO. Iloul KstntMUlS Farnam street Flvn beautiful low In Cotnai &Aicior's ! addi tion to South Oinnhn , oaoh $500 Thirteen lots In Mouth Omuha cheap. Lotx in South Ii3li hango Pluou. South Omihu. Lota In Un IfonV i'lucp. $700 to $ HV ) . Lota In WulnUfHiH , $8.10 to JWiO. Aero proportj : 111 Cote Hrllllnnto- lllotB In lluah i Splby'a nddltlon , 8150 each. 4 beautiful ! qt in Tabor Plaeo , Jl.tjJ each. 3 line lots In jtUUhYtow , $1,001 each , Call ourly uiil tciiuro burgAlns , .1. M Huohunnu & . Co , HllFurnain gtceut , Puxton Hotel building LAKR st , Botlth front , JI.IKW Very cheap , Gruhum , Crolghtoii llloou. 515 18 rrf ) ACHKblmprovpdfarm , 14 miles south of I \J postollico , 8 < 5 per ncro , iilso 25 tcet 24th nnd Oumlng , JS.OOO.appl ) H. A. Dolnnoy , 2403 CuiiilllK bt. , _ BH-lfi * S" NAP in feet frftnt on Lo ivruworth St. , near 3 Id at. with uT-roora : ) house , t-UOO. Kat > y terms , Tnh U a burguln ilroory A Had'oy ' , Jlooraal and J , Hcdlck Dlk,320S. 15tn fit. MA IISH M.L 4 IXJI1KCK. 1503 1'arnnm street , membonof Omuua Html Kslnto Kxchunge , Corner of Cullforula street and TH enty-thlrd , CflxiM feet , easy terms , * ) , ' ) Ilotuo of eight rooiui on Twenty-third near Cass , B8xi8 ! foot , ons half cash , $5,300. Elirht lots , Uncoln Place , ono third cash ; $523 to $750. I our lots In West Cumlngs , easy terms , $593 to $ 'JOO. Irfits In Mt. Pleasant addition , easy terraa , $300 to $150. Acres Twelve 3 acre lots In faprlng Valley , 8373 to | tOporucre. ' AUo ! 1-2 acre lots in E&tno a'Ultlon. All onory eiesy terms. Wo have u large line o ( houses and loUon ourllst , iiuU Invite bujors to call and wo will show the property. Marshall ft Lobeck , l&Ci Furuatu Telephone 73. 759. MEAD & JAMIESON" , ' No. 813 South 15th 8 : . S'owportncros , . . . . . .i | 400 Two line ncroj. lloivodoro , each ? W ) no ncro liarknlovr'i mill , can't bo bont. 400 Several ncres In Solby'ssub , fluo. . . : . < . 4 ( > i ) 71 lot sin I.nkovtoiv , cn y tnrras 330 to 600 Two line lot * ( corner ) Uovd'g 2M > 0 : 'orucr lot , Klrkwootl , cheep nt 1OX ) Noli m IMnlnv low , corners iloO , lualilo. l.lXK ) JOVOrnl dc ! irnblo loM , Hertford 750 Ulscs add , line locntlon , J700 to WO Sulphur Springs ndil,3 very flno lots.onch 2,00) ; ) innlm View , 101ot nt Sl.OOO to . . . . . . 1,200 hliiii'sCil.S lots fmlntr two Mi. otxch . . 1,000 IXJWO'R mid , line lots from ! XiO to l,7BO Orchnnl Hill , scvornl Ooslrnblo Ion . . . f > V > Wnluut Mill , 10 lotn. noloctert , J'OO to . . . . l.CO ) 1'roMoct plnci- , corner nnd n beauty , . . . 1,000 1 oiler's mid , fine corner 100x110. . . . . . . . 4.WO Smith's twrX. on N. Ifith st. ! > 7 ft fronts , 4,510 Aero property , Cote Hrlllmnt f00 ! 75 feet trout In Cflldwoll < t near 23d st . , 3.700 1 InolotauCiimlnirM , M ft 7,01X1 McocornorouSnuniloristiilxIH 4,000 Corner lot on vTO tCiunlnxsniM . . . . . . 1,0V ) 15 lots Lincoln plaeo Imrcrtlu f'Q ) to l.OliO Some of them uro good Imriralns nnd some nro nnt. Witt front Pink plnco vcrpchonp , . . 710 7 lots Unwthorno Jl.lOJto . . l,4no f > 2lots Summit l'luc'0 . ' ,200 to . . . . 5WO 18 lots Kilby plnco e payments 1,150 2 , ( > uO Jorotnopnrkcoron Inriinm . . . . . . . . 3.100 Joiomopnrklnslclo \ftn \ Hots Murormlok'siM ndd nil for 8,010 nnioM WostAMHJi to WM Weft Oinnhn nno lots . . . . 1,703 IhnrtiblHif pIlrnTnico locations 050 to 700 Iti dicks Mib choice lot * 8,100 to n.OiM Hnn com plnco 20 ! ot 1,400 to [ ) , wo Cliolculot InhlnilHiM unrKnln l.fi'ii ) ll litht& Iij ninns mid h'X ) Imp AP osnnp , PCO It 1,200 Aniblorplnco Tit ) to . EOO llptldonoo 1'roporty. C-ioom houses city \\ator , corner 28th mid Uouirlii" $ 3,759 0-room honop , ovlrix llnl'li , lm inunt , nloctrlc belli , cistern , stnblo , Uoorjtlii mo . . . . a.&GO n loom bou c , city wnti'r , llnrncy , nour eoiu . . . . . . . 8,000 0-room lieu i' , I'lon-mut , iicnr I.c-iiven- vvorlh . . . 2,000 Groom IKIII-Oirooil Improvementsaoth nmlChlcairo 2.000 5-uiom house , well colhr ami out build- lnir .Sniindors t . . . 3,500 Double liotiso , 2 stoiv Imscmunt , hot mid cold \\i\toi , good pnylni ? Invest- mont.lMciiAnntat 1,1,0)0 7-ronm house , bnrn , &e. . 3Uli st nour Cns . . 3,500 , Lot fnclntr two st , with " -room house nntl I room house , i cuts lor 125 per month , en * ; term * . . . 2.50D 0-room hou c , 2 storv lirlcK , clxtpin , \ \ oetc. \ \ . , corner ln\cnporc nnd Jlst , iiTxW 3,500 4-i onm house , , ll t and Mnioy , coi , MK no . . . . . . . 3,000 Hon o , barn nnd i-liop , cor. Murllm mid 17th st. . . . 4.00(1 ( 3-rooin House , 20th ncur Murllm , Jflxlll 1,800 8 room hotiM ! . " storuood Itnprovo- incnK ID It front , lith O.WO fl rooinlioucc , Cliuich st , near .Ud l0l ( frrooin hou e , Iotol\l2 ! ( , I.i'iivomsorth st 4,10) ) I rnoiu | IOUM > , 2-M ui'iir l.iiko 2,700 7-room hotno.lmth , oto . h.17th . . . 4.0JO Full lot , " hoif-CH. 10 rooms nnd 4 rooms.ntn nnd Mn on . . . 8OuO 7-inotn House"ftn near Cumlnir , 150 it from pnvomunt 3,3 , * > 0 4-ioom Imnsp , now , 23tli nuai Cuin- iiiK , clioup nt . . . 1,000 ( i room hoii'o , fruit nnd sluulo , llnost lot In Orchmd Hill , b. lioiit , uiisy tnrms . 1,0(10 ( 3 room hoii'-o , well , etc , Patrick st. noir2Gth 1,100 3 room ho ao.Archst. ncnr20tti. . l.WO B-room house , Ohio ucnr 21th , lot 43 xltl. 3,000 5-ronm hotmo , unll , etc. , 2.1th nnd Burdptto s.t" 2,500 8 room house , Virginia nvo nour U. 3. Grant , line 0,000 10 room house , burn , etc , lot lODx 140. Iruln t 7.000 7-ioo-n hoiiho. city wntor , Virginia nvc near Lonxonwortb 4,000 n-room hoii'-o , Ceomlii axe near Lonon worth , bargain 8,530 Lot r cinn2 stn , 24th and Howard , wlth2eood houses , tiarirnln . . . C'00n Hovrnl hundred othon locuod In every purt of the olty. liuslnessl'repoity. Dodcp , cor. ith , ielits1.00ajr , full lot 33,000 IloiiKla , 2J ft noir Hth. rents ? 75 month 18.00J Dotiirlns , ZZ ft noarllth v l WIO " U Utli 31,0 0 IMrnam , 14 11th li.V-'OO " ( .fiftcor 8th IB.nOO " SJft nrur llth 40,000 Howard , M5 " 1-ith 2(19JO ( .Inckson , LO ft cor 14th 21,000 Loit\onuoith,0tl ftcor. llth U'iKK ) 00 ft iKuir 12tb K..ODO Jones. 112 ft cor. llth . 20.0JO Warehouse and Trntkupo. No I,100vl4lti.u.kln alloy 11,003 No 2 , OJ ft fiont , trnci ULiir S-t. Paul 20,01)0 ) No ir ) , 2 front truck near 16th st vinduct ir.,000 Kh,4t 1JJfront , truck m < ur llth st 14i 0 No 5Cfifront , Uncle I/ml st 10.000 No. ( i.ffift I/Hnl. truck In nllni 8.000 No 7. lit ! ft NiclioK track In alley . . . . 4.200 No.H , n ; ft llth st track In alloj . . . . ll.HW \o. " , OH ft Jnckson st , track In alley. . 1-VWO No property olfcroa for snlo bj U3 without \u Ittun authority to sell \ \ o do not pnrtlclpMo In anj w IKlcnt ephemos nnd do not put nnjtlilnr In the market unlo It i < knownh ) us to be every a ) iltfht. Como In and see is U'o ha\o cleunnt r\s \ < \ .mil courtpous " .ilosmon toalt on you at any tlmo Moid A Jnmloaoti 447 G'oODlot half bTocU west o ! Klnir st.l'ntrluu's add , $1,400. Oniham , CroiuhtonblooK 515 13 0\VL1NO GHKKN- B 'I lu > clieapeBt und best addition mllofiom piopospd Ileneon cur lino. 5 nc i o lots , poi aero $5(10. ( 2U ncro lots , pur ncro.110. Lots It ) vU7. ? 175 and S-21. Marshall & . I obcck , Telephone No 73. 150U rarnum bt. 477 18 ANYIIODY-Wantlnn outside juoporty ot clioappilees nud on onsy terras Hhould call ami peoMStlo pirK. 1 hero Is money In buyIng - Ing lots In this nddltlon They front Military road , on which btroot cars uro guaranteed to run. run.Wo make n specialty of Inside property , but hnv o gene over the line in this case because w e know this property la good Oregory& Hudloy , Ilooms 1 and 3 Ilodlck block , 3.0 S. 15th st. 408 _ LOT 10 , blocks , O'Noll'n subdivision , cheap nt $2,000 , ono-lourth cash. Ginhnm , Creigli- ton bloc-k. 516 IS ' irCHKLL X LKYONMAlirK 1510 Dodgofit , 1 room house on Moutnnn it , lot < UtlOO , few doors from Cumin. . ' st j'jJJ. . Shlun's 1ft ndil , H room house. l t OJ'JvHI ' , bath room , won , cistern , etc , $4,500 , $1,509 cash ; on CuldwellBt. Walnut Hill , corner lot sonth fronton Cum- Inggt.onlv fl'oo. Oiolmrd Hill , 71 lots , corners and nil , your choice tor $750 e.ich , easy terms , will bo nil sold In 10 il ijs 8 room house , now , nnd 2 bountiful lots In Orrhaul Hill , only * l.OOJ. f U73 cash. Walnut Hill , full lot on Nicholas st , south front , bargain nt 1 , 10 * , for ,10 days Adjoining Highland 1'i.rk , two acres lying splendidlv , only f * oo ouch. ,1 brick house-son 17th Bt. 10 rooms oneh , rent for $111) per month , only Mf.01) ) This Is 11 bar gain. Investigate , Como anil look at our list , it can't buburpu'fepil. , , Mitchell ii Lo ) onmnrck , 8/VJ / 510 nocU FOH BALK A.K-ncro fnrm with liouso , bnrn and crib , on the U. 1' . lly , , and only onu- huir inilo from good railway town , with chuichisiini BoliooU. 1'rloo * 8.00) Apply to Louis Hr.tdlord , cor. Oth and Uou.riaj , Omuha , Neb _ OT ) & , I'AHMHLl' , WISH JWI ruriiam st. Olfor thesjbargains to-daj : 1 corner Goorirln nvo , nnd Dupont $1,209. 7 OrcUard hill , choice lots each * Hi i , lloupe and Slots , faundors A. lllmobaugti's ndd. to Walnut hill $ . ' , JOO. 2 ( ) I'lnest low In Clovordale , bargilns. 1'ino lots In Kllby place , clump , Flno 1 | .2lot John I Itcdlck's 8ub division. 2 choice Ints In Maynos add , each f WO. 2oliolce lots rnlrmount plnoii 1 acre best In llolvoduro , bargain t JO. 2 lota Jotter's nddltlon , each $700. ft lots Ml Doiulm , oat ) ; i > VVX 2 lots Smith l-x. : place , oacti t-VX ) . 3 Brown 1'nric. uargnlns oaoh $600. 21 lotsoholco In Yntoi Hompol's ftldltlon. 10 acres y mile south of Harris i. 1'atterson'B aniiflx , extra nlco , oho ip nud easy toi me A linn list of vtcstorn liuuls for sale , or trade for Omuha property. , 400 iiuros niuhly Improved , Buunaors Co. , sale ortnilo. Ill toot front on 10th street , - , , . „ . , Last , notloiiit.oornor on rarnam li,03) and many others , 150J Furnuin , Wlso and I'armelo , 377 OIJSK3 Ixita.FarmsLands- lounod llumls' city inapa , 6x7 feet , ti.M eaoli It , > . ! . . , room U , Darker block , B V.rI.It . * 15th nud Hmmrnnts -87 _ FOH SALK Four elegant two story houses and lots , oiiHcottugc.on street car and nour cable car line. Will give you u bargain , C. W \A7 ALNUV HILL -A duudyhoilBo , cost $1 , COO t > well , elf torn , city wutor A.O .goo I collar lotCOr)63 ) , South front. Near depot , J.2.TOO , ( Jrea-ory 4. Hud ley , Uoomsl and 3 Hcxlick blk.di ) 3 15th st. _ 401 OUSKSIit s.Furms.Lunds money loaueJ n Huruls' city nmw | , 5t7 foot , f { ,60 each llomls , room it , Darker block , S. W , cor. llth nnd Farimm sts. ft > 7 _ -Wantlng outside property a ANVHODVWantlng cheup prices and on oasj terms should tal and. see Myptla puric. ' 1 bore la money In buy lug lots In this addition. They front Military rood , on whloh street cats are t'UUiautouJ to run , WemaVo asx > ciaUyof InsMo property , bu linvugouo over the line In this caao bccuiiso wo kuovr tola property is good. Gregory i Hadtey , iJ9 Itooins 1 find 3 lladlcK block , 3JJ S 15th BE. ST. MAlirS AVR-rinc t corner laixl.TS on St Nnry'i ve , streets on 3 sides nlloya on ildes with $4,000 house , tlS.SJJ. Knsy terms , his Is le 8 than 1108 per front foot and thM Is ho lluuro nt wnloh wo sold the adjoining Inside ot lat week. ( Irog-ory * Hnillny. Ilooms 1 nnd 2 Ilrdlck blk , 320 S 15th st , HOU8K9 Lots.Knrmst < nnds money lonne I. llomls' city mnpa , 5x7 feet , $ i.M ench. Icmis , room 3 , Darker block , 3. W. cor IMn nnd Knrnam sts. _ 237 _ r 1ST your yroporty with II. It. Hall * Co. , 115 Us. Kith st. 491 13 _ HOltsi:1 : ? rrtt , rariiHI.nnds-iuonoy loaned. Homls'clty maps , ftx7 foot. $ . ) W onph. letnln , room .1 , Darker block , 3 , W. cor. 15th mil Fnrnain sts. " 87 _ LOT 14 , block 2 , Clarendon add , south front on Lnko st , (1'joa ; bargain. Orahniu Crelgliton block. 615 IS HOt'SKS Lot s 'nrmi.L-xuds monpv loaned. Hoinls' cltv map' ) , 5x7 feet , J "O cnoh , lemls , room .1 , HnrKcr block , S. W. cor. llth and Fnrnnin sts , 237 PAIIUCK'S lSTADD.-'oinor ( 111x131 , ou the JL In ldo. CO ft , aroUdoublo houses , renting f4fl > or mouth , leaving eornorfilxl 10 vnonnt , nil for 5,000,1-3 cash. ( Irec-ory A lladloy , Ilooms I and 8 , Ilodlck Ulu , J20S. 15th ft. 401 HAHlltS ft HAltltlb.nn South 15th t. Lots 10 nnd 17 , block I- , won cud , south iron ! on Knrnani , $10,000 , ouo-tliird cash , bill- ntico 1,2 mid , ) v cars. 2cornot lots In llakei'sndilltlou , filOench. 14 lots lu linker's mid , floO to $1JO , ouo-toiith 1 lo't In Dupont rlnco. JI.100 Lots In McCormlok's 2nd ndd. 2J } notes nnnr uillltary road , fl.'Ol. House and lot In Hnnscom I'lnce , f'l.SOO. T itiiflxUfllnS K llogers'iild , JJ.100. House nnd lot In Campbell A ndii , $ J,000 n lots In Outlet's mill to boulli Oiualm , $075 to f7"iO , House nnil lot lu Plilnn's add , $1,100. LotK. bloik 4(6-ixl0) ( ! ) , lu block Ynrels ndd to South Omaha , $ l,2m ) Wo aio prepared to furnish abstracts. Guar antee satisfaction , r&t li ) IfOll SALK Two lots In Kottntzo Placo. Spoil- ccr Otis , 1117 Douglas st , u2U S I'UING VAI.M3V , Our now addition. Aorps.i25to )403 pur ncro. Near South Omahn , And hjdloixto Hill. Marshall * koneck , 103 1503 Farnam. OM.Ii niul snu the fallen and mogt-comploto set ofatiatract books of DotiKl'is ' county now In the olticoof U. a Patteraon , llth nnd larney. 5J7 noUSns-lot3rarmsf.anda moiiov loaned , llomls' city nnipi , 5x7 foot. SJ.6H o > oh. ItomI' , room 3 , llurltor block , S.V. . cor. 15lh uid Tarnam ets. 2d7 B AltdAlNS In lots nnd buslno s property 0. T. Davis Company , 1505 1'arnam xt. 57tl < 17 A NVIIODY Wantlnjr outsldo property nt . pheiip prices and on na y terms should call and see Mvntlc pirk. Thcro Is monov In luijImr lots In thla addition. 'JLhoy front Mill tary romi , on w hlch street card mo guaranteed to inn Wo innko aspoclnltv of Inside property , but ImvoRoro over thullno In this cnao because vro Know this property Is good. ( Irepory i Hndlej. Ilooms 1 and 3 Ilodlck block. 3 0 S. IQtb St. 408 O NH uoio nnlolnlnr Idlnwlld for sale by O. r. Davis company , 1501 rnrnain st , C7U 17 LTJAVI'.VWOliril St. Property. 180 feet corner 34th St. , $1 l.WO. 3lots,22 feet front , between Park and Gcor- gli uvo . each f 1,000. I'fi ' feet coiner Georgia nvo. , $15,000. 40 feet Improved , botwnen I4th mid 15th sts. , rents foi jni poi month , $10,000 100 feet clo o to Holt Line , JI.800. 50 loutcloio to Dolt Line , $800. Holler & . Campbell , room 1,150J rnrnam. 638 CIST 5 our pioporty with 1) . II. Ilnll & , Co , 115 Jrf I5th st. 481 18 Bit. HALL A CO , 115 S llth street bargains Cor on Sauudors Hmnll house. 8 room house , lots , Saurdoisn- 0 room house , 1 lot. Miundors st. 8-100111 liouso on2.1th avenue. 5 roomcott iitoon ( buries st. S room houxeon Caldwollst. 7-rooni cottairo , 2 lots , S lUth st 14 lota In llosorvolr add 47 lota In Otchard Hill ndd. 20 lots In bchlcsslngora ndd. 10 lots In Clovordalu : idd. Slots In Shlmn'R 2ml ndd. 2 lots In HillsideNo 1. 7 lots 111 Bub-dlilslon of It2 .Tetter's addition to S Omulm , Known us 'laylor'diidd. 10 acr < s In Hjdo pirk. 2 lots In Orntninarcy park. "even room cottngo and 2 lots In Ambler PI ice to exchange for unimproved 1 ind 5 room cott.igo on ParKoi Pt. I'orty neros " > miles from postofflco to ox- chaugo lor lnaido propel ty. 4SJ 17IOH SALK-Lot In Amos Plneo $419 -t ? Lot In block O'i lledfoid iihico ? 7U > I. Lot In Iliiiiscom jilacc , Virginia nvo. $1,8.10. Lot on - Hh st. near Ntcholus ? t."A ) llnu.--ool 8 rooms on lEtli street Just north of Paul one third cash , f.l,50J llouso of ) rooms In Idlowlld f5f > 00. Two lots In ICilby place , each J'WJ I.ut8 , block H , Lowes 1st. J-'fil esish , $1,000. Two lots in Plalnviow , each SI,0)0 ) 12tl feet on blunders St. per foot J71 Lot oOxlJ7,5 room bouio , Itlondo bt , $700 cash , $2,100. Lot In Washington square ? 2,100. Ixit on Hurt street , one thlnl cash , $1,801. H. W. Huntress , 1501) ) FArnam Bt. 551-17 * HOUSKS Lots.Fnrms.Lnndo money loanod. licmis' city maps , 5x7 foot , $ JW oaoh. llomls , room ( , llurltor block , S. W. cor llth nnd 1'nrnnm sts. 287 D'oDGi : ST.-Corner. Pull lot. Improved , rent Ing now for $1,0 . Can soil for $11,003 Gregory A , lladloy. 401 HOUSES I/jts.FarmB.Lnnds monuy loanod. llomls' city maps , 1x7 feet , $ i.50 each. Ilonit3room.1 , Darker block , H. W. cor IStli and Farnnm 8(8. ( 287 iODTHlflth,50fcot In Hartraan's add , fl.OK ) Graham , Croighton bloak. 515 18 GATKB & WATTS , 324 S. llth St. Lot 9 blk 4 Patrick's ndd. $1,500. Cor. 27th nnd Huinllton stt ) , houao and bain , $7.50(1. ( lluigaln InAIjstlopnrk. Lot ti blk 1 llodfoni plnco , $751. Lots in Albright's Choice. Lots in Alhilght'sannox. IHKIrf ! ft. coi nor on Pirn co st. 17,100. lini.rnin In blHiIl'elM add , f ! ,7J ) . I At 11 blk M bouth Omaha , f IHim. 25 ft. on Nst.South Omaha. 81,700. Lot U blk llSouth Omaha , } JO. Lots In Donockon'tiiiddS700 I.ot2 blk 2 Pruyn p.irlt , ftOO. Lot In linker place , $ &D. Lot In DraKo's adil. JJ.MtO. Lot In Lincoln place , (103. Lots In Kllby place , SOW ) . Choice property in nil purtR of the city. C > 57 15 ( hiMl villl buy good fd-ioot lot on 1'nrlc avn , tp with H-ioom house , burn , Ac. C , II. llorton , UK Park nvo , MI21 FOIl SALK 80 ncro tract. Improved , near the olty , H21. per aero. Loti In SchleBlnirm'a addition J210 to ! J50. 1 MI i cot , 24th and Farnumut u tmrgutn. i.Oacr M west of Walnut Hill cheap Call and investigate , buhleslnger Hroj , 014 H KHh at. 1B in .1 iy\WTIIOIlNK-Oood Jot $350 , M87 cash JJ Gregory X Hudloy 4G1 LKGANT lot , ICiluy Plate , $1,000. Ciithuin , Cioighton lllock. 515 18 UiJSiNKsTloTs on Park live , $1.1 H for iu- Rlde , I-.OXi for coruer , x81 to uu alloy. Mend .V Jiuiilcsoii. Ut , GENLMNK HAHGAINS-Two corner Ion m liurdotlucourt , only 4 blouks from Biun- < er'flxtroct esnrs. W. M. IlusUmnn , Itoom 10 , IJiuhinairlllooK.N Boor 10th andDouglai. QAUNiKllS bt. 12fl feet Bt $75 per foot , cop. O nor , chuup Graham , Creigliton block. 515 18 POH8ALK-J. I Watts for good Inside prop- erty lOlii 8aumlirs HI 551 in * 01TH 8T.-A high and slUhtl ) corner , 100x153 , Ogood iiulgliboihood , $ > .00) , tlrujnry .t Hndloy , Itooms 1 and 3 , HedlcK Hlk , JJO S , 15th Bt. _ | _ | _ 4U ( _ rn\\O lots in Lincoln Pluo , ou Hell lino. JI.500 both. < nfthamCroI < htou Illk , i > 4& 18 C OOD lot on Cumpron st , Ulia' * ud1tiix r ( iiuham , Crelghton Illk. 515 18 L li > I' ) our properly with us Wright A Lur- I bury , under paxton hotel. ( RJ TATK bT. Corner 120 feet front on Stuto by 109 deep near Lake at. Only t-.Ci ) . Greg ory i Hudlty _ 401 HOUril S LoU.Furmg.LiiuiUmoney luaii ( > d. lloiilis1 city iiuips , 5x7 feet , f J 50 uuub , r-xnn 3 darker block , ti W , cor. 15th mid Karnnin. 2S7 L 7)T 1 1. Ulk"2Claiendou add , ' $ lVxT VoTy cheap , l ; uhuiuCrclglitoil Illk. 6(518 ( 1 1ls > 'r"you7ii'ropsrTy wJth H. It. liuiTiT'o. , us J J3. lith t. 4dl it ) ! CATAWUI. ThcGrettCtrnua MCIII Utpo.itDecuie. i'ucnuipla | iacl : e _ nlbpolCnJor 4 _ r4i In iuuli < . ADDITIONAL OOUKOIE BLUFFS. A Slick Clotiilnc Clerk. SCTOU or oi lit mouths n o n snruco yotniK mnn [ cnmo hero \\lth rccommon- Intlou from the Into Fnthor Lynch , of Dunlap. of wliom ho clnlmcil to bo ft , cousin. Other rcconnnondntlona xvorol presented by him , nnrt on the strength of ) : hcso he secured n position in Klsomnn ft , Co.'s store. A little later his brottior nr- rived hero from liolnnd , Jo SIcCnbo , nnd I lie , too. was Rtvon n position in the arvmo store. On the first of January the dull season opening , Jo being ono of the now men , was let out. The brothois roomed together until about a week ngo. Within n few dnjs the suspicions of the linn have . aeon nrousotl that stock was being tnkcn from the store , und it is claimed Hint n carch of the room occupied by James teUubo revealed the presoueo there of a quantity of goods , two pood- sl/cd trunks full. Thu clothing luoludod Ijoth Indies' alt * cents' wear. It Is also learned that James MrUabo was not ni ri'lutlvo of the Into Father Lynch , hut1 was born on n fnrm adjoining that ou which Father Lynch was laisod in Ire land. How many goods hare been taken from the store cnnuot bo ascertained. but the search is being kept up , and nil possible tinccs followed , out. Joe has bi-eu lately working for Honsou &Mayno. Yesterday James went over to Omulm , nud lust evening Jo in response to n telephone - phone uipssnuo wont over nlso. A short Liniu ago .It > is said to have hud a picture taken at < ioi ham's gallery , nud to have bad on at that timu n new suit of clothes , nud no truce has yet been found ns to this suit. It is understood thai Mr. Henry Kiscman Is disposed to let the mutter drop and allow his clerk to go unmo lested. Dcotts , Not The following are the latest transfers of real estnto recorded : I ( Ullnsky to U ( iuklstcin ctrtl , lot 3. blK 18 , ( Jrlmes fel.TTfl. 1) 0 Jncknrd to II I ) llarl , lots 10,11,13 nnd lit. blk 0 , Ilovvard's-Siax ,1 I'Cas.uly to JJ 1 Nichols , lot n , blk 1 , ' . At Dumiotto to U nml AV W Brlglmm , lot S.1. blk 41 , 1'Yiry SfffiW. S 1' MncConnnll to K A Wlckham ot nl , loto , blk'J4 , Uoors' SVi1) . Thomns Jncksou to M E Cook , lots 3 , 4 nnd 5 , blk SKi , K U-S.150. Martha iS'Kou to E A Ulssor , lot 11 , blk 29. Kulillo's-SsiOO. F W Ohnsli-ad to ( Jcorgo W Day , lot 3 , bIk'J. Kuluuk-Sl.'OJ. Kimbill AsOlinnip to Tliomns Dniisoin , lot 'J , Ollf b , Curtis it HiiuisovS S4')0. 1 * .1 ( inllnchcr to Miutiu lluclics , part of lot 151 , o p , (40 ( feet-feCOO. ) St.ito lustiiaiieo company to F W Olm- stu.ul , lott. : blk , Eubank S1.200. 1 S Wrick to HV Grlswold , s-f u John Dohiuiy to r O Glcason , lot 10 Glon- llovvland to lllclmrd Green , 3 acres In soj.f uo'X : n 41 7.r > Sl,000. ADovvoy toJ 1 * Cnsady , lot 17 Elders K Brown nud .1 Uupcr to 1 Gillinskl , lot 13 block IS Uccrs-SSOO. S It Williams et al to M Hovvicli , lot 5 block 7 Jlcers S" > 00. W bii'dontnpf to C A Miles nnd A J Foote , lot W bloi-lt 17 UnjJIss & 1' 1.100. .1 U Blake to J J bhiM , lot 8 block 15 Bryant & C-fc. > lO . ) B Blake to J M Shea , lot 7 block 15 Bryant A , C-S110. James Wlckham to S II Ford , lot 1 block 40 Ev oretts' 5MX)0. Mary E Neckerto O D Jones , 1-23 of lots 1 3 : t nud 4 block 3 Eubank ; and lots 1 to 11 and 10 to 'M block 5 Pierre's : quit claIm-32000. B Witkham to G Al Enlnkeu , It 21 , blk 29 , Ccnlinl-SJlO. I , Wells to J E Hunt , It 10 , blk 17 , Mill S2'JUO. lluuiv. Itanuo to J Hauue , se } 13-70-40 -S700. W and 13 Tompkliis toTompklnsifc Kanko , It 0 , blk . MiMdonla-SGO. : ! Eu uuo t'rcss to Jolm J McCartnoj' , It 3 , blkU ) , Bavllssl' . S100. Julia I' Id-He ! to O 1) Jorics , same descrip tion , q c-3i ) . Wi ( Brjant toO D Jones , snino descriii- tlOll , f ) C-S'JCO. J M Phillips to Fred Hill ot al , 23 ft ot It 1ft , blk 4 , J.ickaon's-S'J.OUO. ' .lames Wlckham to Cli.is Suciiadcn , Its 8 , 1 and 5 , blk 0. Burns' SJ'iU. Tr.ins Krcttc-k to 11. ( Jiess et al , 23 acres In 18-75-ii-SlOJ5. : .1 M .leukius to O M Brown , Its 1 and 3 , blk 2sLu > iett't > ; Us 10.11,21 and 'JS.lIovvard's , N 1' fioelKO to J E F McGco , blk 13 , U K , q James .Million to L M Slicrrndeti , Its 3 and 3 , blk 115 , Beeis' SI.175. W Gcinci to U W Buslmell , sotf , svvtf , 2 , 75. 44 , q c 'jar.'i. W hie'tleutopl 1o L 1' Juilson , lots 1 nnd 3 , bile 2'J , Buurs'-Sif. I'lctsou to H McKeusle , 2 acres , n , - > u-4' , HO'B , 71 , SS-SW. U Jiulsou to N Merrlam , } part sw 34,436 , 41 , q c-SMHl.88. 1' 0 JltmuluiiKh to N Murriam , X , avv # , 34 , 75 , 44. q c-SlO.OOO. It lluntliicton to A U Walker , lot 2 , sub ot lot ill. U 1' , Get ! loot on Gralmia avenue S7.&UO. . ) F Record to II L Spraguc , lot 1 , of S3 , O 1 51000. C It lyler to Halm , lot ? 3 and 4 , blk 8. Mc- Malion , CA-.J SbOO. J W Itoileter to J W Uisliop. 80 foot on I'tMil stru < t nua north of lots It nnd 15 , Bay- Now Hollos. The following arc now telephones put in teeontly ; 112 Colby C. J. . onico. 212-Bilgnr W. W. , oilieo. 215 ! liunson & Mayno , ollico. till Armour. IJarbeo & Co. , ofllco , ,1 aifi-llico J. (3. , residence. . F 81U Kico J. C. , ollico. 217 SoidontoirVm. . , oflico. < \ S18-IJodKO U. I' . & Co. , ollico. 211) ) Shu.ifo JO. 11. , ollico. 220 Smith Hros. , ollicc. ! 1 Haldtt in & Trotitman , ofllco. fi 5JJJ Tlioinp'son ' Cleortto W. , ollico. SJ.I CuiniloH ) ) C. K. H. , ollico. 2J1 I'ctuison H T. it Co. , olllco. 225 Stone itSiinms , olllco. 220 ( inrninn , White & Co. , oflico. 227 Thompson & Co. i 8UiJ Otlico of GtMiotal Agent Mil waukeo IJridgo and lion Works. The Sain ol'tliu 1'onr Fnrm. Yesterday the county boaid closed np the halo of the poor tarni. A telegram was received from Harry Allen , of Now York , who with Hairy liirkinbino , of this city , bid on the furm , stating that the monuy could not bo raised in time to inuKo Rood their bid. That bid bojng the highest was tliorofoio doclnred out , nnd the county board Hold the farm to thu next highest bidder , who was Horace JJvorott. his , bid being f 10,000 for the 200 acres , The farm passes into Mr , Kvorctt'a possession , und while ho has done vrol ) in securing it at $ " > < ) an uerc , the county gets $1,000 more than if the proposed wile had been mudu to llunnett and Miller at $30 an acre. The county boonl will now begin looking about for a larger farm for poor porposus. A ConMtliiR Auolilnnt. A serious accident occurred to Richard { Hooton , ono of n patty of coasters on ! ( jrnlmm uvcnuo , Tuesday night. Ho was j on a single sled , and fnnoyine that n i f.ihtorti averse was coming behind him , * f he turned out of the tiuckand , cnmo with . gicat force against a trco Jn the collision thn young man hail both legs lirokon.oao just below the knee , the other between the knee and thigh. Ho wits talon to Ilia homo , No. s a3 North First stt cot , Ills inj juries v/ill cause him to bo conlined to 4 his homo for a long time. j Christian Women. | There vvill bo u meeting of the board of a managers ( ollicers and trustees ) of tlioi otnaii's Christian asiociatlon , Fridoy , * * ut 10 o'clock u. m. , nt the Ogdun house , 4 room go. Miis. O. H. ALI.KN , Prcs'U ' Mus. 1' . J. MIKIGUNZ , Cor. Svo'y. '