Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 17, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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    TUAV * & 4W
THE OMAHA DAILY . . _ BEE : THTHSDAY [ irimiai i , FEBRUARY i7 , 1887.
Another Phenominal Boom Carries the
Price of Pork Skyward.
\Vhcnt Again Sells Downward Under
Ucnrlnli Influences Corn Hpnr-
ItiKly Dealt In The Cattto
Mnrkct Steady.
CHICAGO , Feb. 10. ( Special Telegram to
the UKE. ] Provisions were ngaln the center
of attraction nt the opening of the market.
May pork started at S14.1W , the prlco of yes
terday's close , and the next sale was made at
Cc lower. IJut from that point an advance
was niado straightway to 814.50 , nnd all
within a few minutes. Jones and Henry
Warner started the buying nnd the general
crowd soon Joined In with the result of pushIng -
Ing the price no 25c almost before those who
sold at the outset had their sales noted down
on their cards. Short ribs followed the
course of pork , nnd within the same brief
tlmo went from 37.30 to S7.42X. whllo lard
moved up to 87.0. " ) . A number of parties who
had stood "short" In the face of the advancn
evidently abandoned their position and made
1msto to cover their sales , nnd nothing but a
succession of higher bids enabled them to do
this. Them was scarcely a halt In the bulge
until 814.0 was struck. These ligurus
marked an advance of WKc a barrel slnco
yesterday morning. The demands of buyers
were satisfied by this time , and holders sti | > -
Dliod the market with enoiuli to lower the
prlco to S14.40 before noon. The volume of
trade was large , and as thu lleure.s seemed to
step down quite as easily as tliuy hart moved
upward a llttlo while before , a good many
who had rushed to cover resold their
purchases. "These breaks. " said one
of the more wary trader * , "are
merely to encourage sulllnz nnd
these who were scared in this morning are
simply being enticed to sell again and thus
get into thu samu hole they have been fright
ened out of. " May ribs advanced to S7.52,1 *
before tliuy showed any reaction. Lard was
linn , but it Is a matter of comment that this
product lias not yet shared in the boom thu
other two commodities have had. Its day is to
come. later someday. Wlieat stalled In at
7'Jc. nud after holding stoadv for a time , was
sold down to 78Xc. the shorts evidently de
siring to ret some leeway In which to cover ,
lleani and Kent were reckoned buyers in n
quiet wav. StaulTcr bought some and so did
Hobert Warren. Foreign uows was fairly
favorable , but the Dears seemed to be not yut
satisfied with the price , and acted as though
they preferred to buy somebody's long wheat
rather than that olTeied by their own party.
Corn kept In a nnnow range , about o' , > , ' ( j(9 (
3 ! ) > 4C.
On the afternoon board , wheat was
stronger owing to covering bv hhoits and
closi-d J < e better. Corn and oats weru tinner
and provisions were unsettled anitatillto
easier. Wheat for March sold at lii' ' fttTUKc.
Apiil at73 ; < ® 74' < c , May at -JJYc < , Juuu at
N ) ' @SOC ) nnd bo ; ffsle , .inly at
82'c , nnd Ki'.j'QS'.iJje , Suiilember at
b41fcji84'l/c ( / ; , closing with sellers at
thu outsldo. Corn' for April sold nt
: u-'f , ( : Mc , Slay at S ! ) 3.iac ! ) , Juno nt fJWO
40' < ; c , .liilv at 41's ( < MHc. Uat-s for May sold
at s fffiUbkc , Juno at 29c. Muss pork for
May sold at Sl .4' @ 14.52' and closed at
S14.42 . Juno sold nt'SI 1.60 and closed nt
814.45. Lard for March sold at S7.00 , April
nt S7.07W , May at S7.10ca@7.15 , closing at
S7.12j , .nine nt S7.17W7.20. Shoit libs for
.May sola nt S'i.42X@7,4. ) .
CIIICAOO , Feb. 10. fSpccIul Telczram to
the Ur.i : . ] CATTI.I : The week opened with
n heavy supply , and on Monday all but tidy ,
fat 1050 to i03-lb : ! cnttlu sold 10@15c lower.
Tuesday thu market was steady for all kinds
nnd firmer , and nice , linnuy cattlu were
stiongcr. To-day the receipts were rather
large , making the supply for tlio week some
6,000" licavier than last week. The market was
steady. Salesmen asked more for desirable
stock , but bids were no better. The market ,
i however , was moderately active nnd prices
generally fullv ns good as of late. A lot of
very extra IMtS-lb steers sold at S5.50 , and
Rome 1123-lb distillery steers sold at S4.00.
Prices for all kinds RIO about tlio same as one
week ago. One car of fnncy HKXMb steers
sold at 85.60. Shipping steers , 1850 to 1500
Ibs , S4.40ft5.00 ; 1200 to I ! 0 lbs.,84.00LW.40 ( ;
U50 to 1200 Ibs. . 53.50 4.10. Stocked and
feeders. S2.55 < 33.85 : cows , bulls and mixed ,
$ ; bulk , S2.CO@.20. : )
lions liuslness was again active , -with an
other upturn of 5@10c on about all crades , a
few heaw selling as high as 85.70(25.75 ( , with
packing sorts at S5.40fi$5.C5 , and common at
C.V.XX35.30. Light sorts sold at SE.l.'X&o.DO ,
with Yorkers at S5.3..40.
Novr York. Feb. 10. Motfsr On call ,
easy at2 < 34 per cent.
Fimte MEIICAXTII.B 1'ArKii 530 per
STKIU.IHO ExcitANOE Dull but steady at
S4.b5J { for Blxty day bills ; S4.M > i tor do-
STOCKS The disposition of foreigners to
buy mndo a strong opening nnd ndvnnces
over last evening's closing prices run ml up
to K per cent. Trading was extremely dull ,
but the covering of shorts established slight
advances during the forenoon. These were
ifterwards lost , but thu llnctiiiitions were so
small that the market was entirely without
character. Thu close was very dull and about
ttcadv nt itisl iiliicant changes from the
spoiling prices.
U W cent bonds. . ICOk preferred. . 140
uTs.4k's 110 YC :
NewVs Oreeon Tran. . . . 82 ? , '
PaclticO'sof'OS. Pacllic Malt ih'
. .entrall'aciric. . | P. I ) . &K '
C.&A P. P. C 144'
vrpicrreb. . . . Hock Island 120
C.U.&U St , L. AS. F. . . . : t2
I ) . U.t W preferred. . .
D.itltU C..M. it St. P. . .
Kne nrefened. . .
Knepreferred. . . St. P. itO
Illinois Central. preferred. . . .
L. . itW Texas Pacltic. . . 24 ? , '
Kansas itTexas. Union Pacllic. . . 5I
Lnkit Shorn W. , P. . 5IW
L. A K prufunnd. . . W
Mich. Central. . . Western Union.
Mo. Pacitia . . .O. . It. AN. . .
Northern Pac. . . 27 > Canada South. . . .
pieferml. . . " " Heading
C. it N. W
Chicago , Feb. 10. Followlnz ( nictations
gie thu2 : ' , < OclosliiK figures :
Flour - Nominally uiiclmiued : flour ,
84.2-l.RO : southern. 54.10(3-40 ( : Wls-consin ,
H.'JCH.4.iO : ; Michigan * < itt sprlnirvheat ,
fa.70oi4.30 : Minnesota bakers. 3.70 < < t4.HO ;
patentf , 4.50& : low trades , ' . ' .ys ;
r.\u Hour , quiut at S3.25 < vj3.40j In sacks and
ban els , 5 i'la.70.
\Vheat--Upened a .shade tlrniiT anil K < 3Wc
better thiin thu closinR of yesterday and clos-
Int aiWVcut > eve yesterday ; cash , 73XcMny ; ,
TUy- ; June , tOJ o.
lorn Kasler und averairod somewhat lower
than yedtcrdiiy ; ope nod Vc lilcher and closed
about lde under yest-jiday'b close ; cash , S4o ;
Way , 3-.I .VlQc ; June. 40 > ic
Oats Lower : demand moderate , opened
heavy and declined about 9g@ * o and near
tint close ' % c mori ) for Mny and remaining
steady ; , SJ fc ; Muy , 2S7-10.
Ityo-Dull at Me.
Uarley-'Nominal at SOtgffiic.
Timottiy soeil l'rlun . 31.S3.
\ VIilsky51.1P. .
Vork Active and Irregular , advanced
40c eaily but Liter declined ' . ' 0Ac ( ) and closed
rather < | iilft , cali , S14.U5 ; May , 814.4-J ' ;
June. SH.4S.
I ianl Stronger and about lO'AilSo higher ;
cash , 15 ITK'olilBlicr at S0.li7) ) , f .May , J7.12X ;
June. S7.1754.
Uulk Meats-Shoulders. 0.0X .80 ; short
Clear. $7W"i7. 0. short rlt , S7.8-.JU.
IJiittHiKaslt'r ; creameiy , ' 'O' 'iiJo ; dairy ,
' ' . '
ll'ld' c ,
Cheesu Firm : tull cream cheddars , 12Jffa
ttolViii ; , 12l. . * tk ! % ? youiiK American , 13 , (3 (
14c ; skims , i-iuW'nC.
liens Lower at IVJttc. .
Tallow Slow ; > o. l country , solid , 5 fc ;
No. V-ijfe : cak , 4e.
Uldus ( ireen , Os ; heavy K' en salted ,
7c : saUod bull , Oc : creeu salted calf. Oc ;
dry salted hldus , lOc ; < lrj lliut , WSlSc :
demons , 4i\s each.
Jleot li | ! Shipments.
flour , bb ! . , . . . . . . -10.000 . .10.000
Wicnt , bn. . . . - . , . . . . .19,000 53.000
Corn , bu . 147,000 37,000
Oats , bu. , . . . 104,000 43,00o
Kye. bu . 1,000 none
Barler , bu . 40,000 21,000
New York. Feb. 1C. Wheat Receipts ,
24,000 ; exports , 1B9.000 ; cash. K05/C lower.
and fairly nctiro : options oncnea linn nnd
advanced (3'fc ( , later ruled easier and de
clined ? QJ < c , and afterwards reached
MGX , closlne linn ; uncraded red , 87 tfJc ;
Xo. a red , 87Kc ; Ko. 1 red , 04o delivered ;
extra red. S > ) fc ; No. 2 red , SS'ffibOc elevator ;
& 'J5f TOi/c delivered ; tS Q&Oc , . a b. ;
March cfoslnR at bO < a
Corn Cash unsettled , No. 2 a shade hlpher ,
others \\cakor ; options opened a shade loner ,
later advanced , ' { Q ? c , and closed firm ;
receipt * . 2,1,000 ; eximtts , M.OOO ; nnpraded ,
ffijl .5fc ; Xo. 3 , 4itfc ; Xo. 2 , 4W - bl < e
In elevator. 4/V-149J ! ) < c delivered , 43 0 f. o. b. ,
March closing at 48'-ic.
Oats Shade lower , but fairly active ; re
ceipts , : w,000 ; exports. l.OOO ; mixed western ,
3Ttf 37c : white western , JW342C.
retroleutn Steady : United closed at Cl jfc.
Kicus-Steady ; western , iy 18 Vc.
I'ork Firm and in moderate demand ;
mess quoted at S14.00@U.2o for old ; S14.21
for new.
Lard Flvo to elcht polnti hlchcr. and ac
tive ; western steam , spot , 37.157.SO.
lliitter Unchanccd.
Cheese Quiet but linn.
Mllvrfiukoo , Feh. in. - Wheat Firm ;
cash , 74 < c ; March. 74c : May , TOc.
Corn Kaslcr ; No. 3 , SCc.
Oats-Steady ; Xo. 2. while , 31c.
Hye-Steady ; Xo. 1 , M c.
Hurley-Firm ; No. 2 , .We.
Provisions ) lllchcr ; pork , February ,
514.3.1May ; , 8144' .
Clncinnntl. Feb. 1(5. ( Wheat llcavy and
lower ; Xo. 2 red. SJ SSSJic.
Corn Steady ; No. tt mixed ,
Oats Heavy : No. 2 mixed , UOc.
llye Finn ; No. 2 , noc.
} 'ork Flrm at S14.25.
l.ard Strouccr at S0.75 0.SO.
Whisky Quiet at 51.13.
Minneapolis. Feb. 1C. Wheat Un ct-
tied and lower ; No. 1 hard , cash and Feb
ruary , 7&Kc ; May , 7Syc. June. TOKc ; No. 1
northern , cash and February , "SJj'c ; May ,
7f > Xc ; June , 77J < o : No. 2 and northern , cash ,
February , Tljfc ; May. 74 ? < c.
Flour Weak ; tutents , S4.40@4.50 ; baiters ,
S3..Wfc 3.70.
Jtecoipta Wheat. R2.000 Im.
Shipmi'tits Wheat , 14,000 bu. ; Hour ,
15,000 bbls.
St. Iioiils. Feb. lf > . Whf'at Active nnd
steady : No. 2 cash. 77 ® 7Sc ; May. bOc.
Corn Steady ; Xo. " , cash , t3c ! ; Mny ,
3 < % c.
Oats-Quiet ; Xo. 2 , wish , 27 Q27 ? c ; May ,
Kye fiasy at .We.
lilghur ; corn lirm , c better ; oats } c higher.
Ijivcriionl , Feb. 10. Wheat Finn and
demand fair ; holders offer sparingly ; Cal
ifornia No. 1 , 7s Adn7a ( ! 7d percental.
Corn Firm and demand fair ; new mixed
western , 4s4 } d percental.
: : i an Oitv , Feb. 10. Wheat Lower ;
Xo. 2 March. 07c bid ; May. TOJ c hid.
Corn-U i-ak ; Xo. 2casli , 2S.iu ) ; March , 20c ;
May , 3 > > MC.
Oats-Cash , 2Cc bid.
Cliluncn , Feb. 10. The Drover's Journal
lenorts as follows :
Cattle Receipts e.uuj ; shipments , 2.00" ) ;
marUet bteady ; once ear fancy hteers , 35.50
shlpiiliir ) steiMiJ , S3."iO-ji..00 ; stockers and
teedeis , S2..VK3H.S" ) : COWH , bulls and mixed i ,
S1.75gH.75 ( ; bulk. S2.fiCS3.20. (
Hogs Kucelptit. ! J2,000 ; .strong ami 5@lOc
higher ; rough and mixed , 55.15(115.55 ( ; tiaclc-
ir.g and shipping. S. > .45 5.75 ; light , 4.70
5.40 ; skips. S3.5Xa4.70. (
Sheep Receipts. 4.000 ; steady and strong ;
natives , : t .60VfrUX ) : westein , S3.60 ( l.Kj ;
Texnns , S2.50rtSs.OO ; lambs , S4.1KK35.60.
National Stock YiiriN , Kant St.
Ijouln , III. , Feb. Hi. Cattle Iteccipts , 1,400 ;
stead v ; choice heavy native steers , 34.40 <
4.95 ; fair to Lood shipping steers , S3.87a4.5 ( : ! ;
Dutchuis' steers , fair to cholc ? , S3.104.15 ;
feeders , fair to good , S2.sO@U.CO ; stoekers ,
fair to good , S2.10@300.
Hogs Receipts , 0,000 ; strong on heavy ;
light grades steady ; choice hcavyatul butch
ers' selections S5.45i.'j.6U ( ; packing , fair to
coed , S5.30@.VIO ; Yorkers , medium to fancy ,
S5.10 ( < J5.23 ; pi.s ; , common to good. S4.40 ( < 3
Knn as City , Feb. 10. Cattle Receipts ,
3,000 ; shipments , 2,000 : shipping steers still
weak and 5c lower ; cows and butchers' stull
weak : common to choice , 83.50 4.40 : stockers -
ers , S2.50@i.lO : : leealnc steers , quiet at 83.23
@ 3.00 ; cows S2.25 < ii3 40.
llors : Kpruintfl , 11,000 ; shipments , 2,000 ;
slow and 5@10c lower ; common to choice ,
_ _
\Vednesday , Feb. 10.
The receipts were liberal and the market
opened fnlily active. The market was about
steady with yesterday.
Tlio receipts of hogs weio liberal to-day
though not quite up to yesterday's receipts.
The market was 5C 410c higher than ju.sterday
and actlvo at the advance. Everything was
sold early In thu day.
There were no fresh receipts and nothing
wasdonoou thu market.
Cattle. 1.003
Hogs . 2,900
Prevailing Prices.
Showing the prevailing prices paid for live
stock on this maiket :
Choice steers , 1350 to 1500 Ibs..84.2.5 4.50
Choice steers , 1100 to 1300 Ibs. . . 3.75@4.10
liood to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 2.75M3.50
Fair to medium grass cows 2.WX < t2.50
Good to cholcii bulls 2.2.vai.23 :
Light and medium hogs 5.10C < 15.15
( itiod to choice heavy hogs 5.15sC5.5 ( : ;
(5ood to choice mixed hogs 5.15' < 5.25
Cholco sheep , 00 to 120 Ibs 3.503 4.oo
Representative Hales.
No. Av. Pr. No. Ay.Pr. g .
22"lOsfl ! ! "a95 isi.ilo.j ! ! : % > 4.'l5
1H..127S 4.00 18..UVI 4.15
71 . . .1249 4.05 11..1309 4.20
18..120J 4.10 10..12sy 4.SO
H1..123'J 4.10
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
4..1140 8i40 17..1324 S3.10
1..1050 2.50 0..1UK1 3.10
23..109t3 2.75 14..1131 3.10
1..1000 2.75 5..riO 3. JO
14..1071 2.10 0..1271 3.2J
12..1115 3.00
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
4..1157 2.50 3..15.M ) S2.bO
1..12-JO 2.50 1..170) ) 2.90
1..1.V.O . 2.GO 2..1S15 3.CO
1..10CO 2.75
No. Av. Tr.
14. . . . 7W 83.25
No. Av. Shk Pr No. Av. Shk. Pr ,
70..170 SI 85.10 ft-i. . , . ' . 1U ) 85.15
75..219 200 6.10 141).218 ) 2tO 5.15
139..197 to 6.10 72..227 2.sO 5.15
bl.,2'0 U'O 4.10 M..178 IfiO 5.15
71 . . 2H 240 5.10 02..2SO UOO 5.17H
57 . . .WS ICO 6.1'Jltf ( a.--ii ? N ) 5.17H
75..221 120 5.12 bl..200 60 5.20
70..20 : ! 200 5.15 CO. . .2s5 210 5.20
77.,227 0d 5.15 OI..S&5 200 5.20
71..249 120 5.15 55..iW bO 5.20
bl . . .204 bO 5.15 C0..2s7 40 5.20
70.24'J bO 5.15 51..347 U'O 5.20
C7..275 K ) 5.15 51..343 240 ft.20
&S..2W : 40 5.15 47.,253 UO 5.20
54. . . "Va 20 5.15 CO..24 * H ) 5.20
T4..24J 200 515 &S . . .805 SO 5.25
07.,247 120 5.15 59..2.W 120 3.25
74..24S 100 6.15 fi0..t'07 KX ) 5.25
02..201 3--0 6.15 ftS..241 5.25
8S..218 100 6.15 57..S 240 5. :
60..WJ3 200 5.15 45..460 S.i'i
Ttnngo or Prices.
Showing tlio highest and lowest prices
paid for loads of hozs on this market during
the past seven days aad tor the saiuo time
last mouth and a year azo.
j Jan. 1S 7 I'ctj. Iba7 I'oli. ISsO
I0th 4.40 ® 4.0) )
tllhi 4.115 4p4.00 _ . . .
ktUi { > rlM i.'M ft5 10 3.S5 C41.0) )
13th' ' 4.05 C4.43
14th , Suntluy
IMh' ' 4.35 . . .
IClh SupJuy 0.10 it70 ttl. '
All sMos or stock in this market are nude
ncrcwt Itvu wuizht' unlosa otherwisostatOvl.
Dead hogs sell at Kc P Ib. for all
'Skins , " or hogs wcl hlne less than 100 Ib ? ,
no value. Pregnant sows are docked 40 Iba ,
andstacs&lbs , by the public Inspector.
Hoes go tip another notch.
L. W. Itoynolds , of Fremont , Is In the
nrds to-day.
M. J , lluplics , ofVcst Point , c.itno In ultli
wo loads of cattle.
John WIeRlns was In with a car of cattle
shipped from Schurlcr.
1) . King , Uradshaw , was In with a car of
cattle nnd a car of hogs.
The Anglo-American Provision company
wuglit 171ft hogs on to-day's market.
U. L. plxson , of Talmadge & Dlxson. Em-
ersou , la. , is In will : thrcu cars of Hue heavy
G. H. Hammond A Co. received twelve
cars of cattlu to-day shipped In from other
More shippers In to-day than usnnl , on ac
count of the meeting of tlio Llvo Stock Ship
pers' association.
( Jeo. W. Waltc , a shipper and buyer of
Jrelghton , came In to-day with two loads of
logs on his lirst trip.
C. 1'enn , a stock shipper who has been lo
cated at Nellgh , and also ships ftotii Ulcar
Water , is In with hogs.
Among those havlnc cattle on the market
were the following : E ll.Grlbblc , Jlartlng-
on ; Koine it Malonoy. Albion ; YV. 11. Ale.v
andcr& Co. , Albion ; W. U. Carter , Huutoii ;
II. ( Sllmoio it Son , David City ; M. J.
ilughcs. West Point ; William Prlesiiiiau ,
Shenandoah , Ia.C. ; Penn , Clcarwater ; K. J.
Hale , llattlu Creek : Washhurn it P. . Mill
ion : Talmagi ! it LHckson , Kinorson , la. ; Du-
poln it Co. , Kent , la. ; John Oeunaii , Ma-
lysvllln ; Clark , lleaton > & Co. , Weston ; L.
Akin , Clarindn.
Among others who had hogs on the market
were the following : F. Cornwell , Pundur :
/ . ii.iughn : Handolph ; Keino > t Maloney ,
Albion ; F. J. Kelne , Albion ; A. U. Xlcadu-
iius , Fremont : ! ' . M. Sackett , Cedar Uapld- * ;
Ullss & Co. , Waterloo : l.owry Uios. & M. ,
Weston ; Farnswoith t J. . A\oca , la. : . .1.V. .
Koberts , Council Hluiis : John Noli. Clark-
son ; X. W. M. Co. , Stanton ; Shepherd it I ! . ,
Creighton ; Walker it W. . Cielghtou ; A. Kil-
ner , Cornea ; E. T. ( Jraham , tlreston ; Dick-
nan it O. , Persia , la.V. ; . L. Emhree. Sheii-
aiidoah. la. ; C. I'cnnCle. rwater ; McMlllcn
& Co. , Scotia ; D. Amleison , Coluuibus ; W.
ll. Heagle , l.oup Cltv ; J. 0. Hall , ( ilbboii ; C.
J. Can leg , Platte Center ; K. Hey , Silver
Jreek ; L. Lansintr , De\\epse ; Morrison it
[ > . , Waco ; W. 15. Morrison , York ; 11. Foul ,
Marquettc. _
Wednesday , Feb. 10.
77ic fnunn-liifi prlcM urc fur round lots of
nr iIn ccifs * uW on tlic inarhct tn-nnij. 'inc
liintnilnn im fruits represent the itrlcc-i at
which ontittitc ortlcrx urc Illicit.
Hn i iu : The receipts are liberal and the
market weak. Thu choicest Is selling mostly
at iWiilbc ; fair to coed , 14Q15c ; common ,
I0 n : > c.
Knos Tlic receipts were not as heavy to
day. The bulk of the stock is goiui : at Miu >
lOo.Pot'i.TKV Thu receipts were very Ilirht
Ild the demand gooif tor choice dressed
clilckcus. Chickens I0cyok ; ( it rutlO csll
geese and ducks S@10c.
( I.V.MI. . The only game coming In now Is
rabbits , and tliuy are slow sale on account o
lelieral receipts. Dealers tind it slow work
( iisposini ; of them. Ducks , Mallard , per
do . S1.7.vaiOO ; Teal , per doz. S1.'J521.- ( | ;
mixed , S1.'J. " > : tece , per doz , S-J.r ) ' .
brants , per doS'J.OO : jack ra'jblts ' , per doz ,
Sinn@i.OO : ; small , fto&iOOc.
VIOITAIILIS : : Beets , carrots , parsnips and
turnips aru quoted at "jOc. Hoise-radish
roots S4. < X.M..r ) ( > 0 pur bbl.
PoTAToi:1 : Them have been a few ic-
ceived this week , hut they were mostly small
stock. The maiket Is not active and the
trade Is confined to the sale of small lots
fiom the store. Fair to good , from stote , 65 *
fiOc ; choice stock , from btore , small lots , f.OC < 0
APPLES The market continues firm and
higher. Choice Mlssouii stock per bbl , S-t.OO ;
Choice' Michigan stock , per bbl. S4.iji4.0 ( ;
Knncy Michigan stock , per bbl. 5.00.
LrMoxs Messina , fancy , perfoov , SS.OO.
Oit.v.vois There isalloeral supply ot g.vxl .
stock on the market ; Valencia ner c.ise.
Sn.Hd0.50 ( ( ; Calltornla. ner box S3.00 ( . : ) .5 ;
Floiida , per box , 5:1.000:1.25. : :
('E' ! Malaga , tull weight , 30. 0(27.00. (
UAXAXAS Tin1 .supply of bananas at this
season of the year is not largo COcnGO , sulh-
eicnt to supply tlic demand. Iiurgu bunches ,
per bunch , sz.r/Wi.fa.
CAIIIIAOI : Choice stock Is bringing a lit
tle better prices than a week ago. Califor
nia cabnace , per Ih , : ' < e.
OVSTKHS Medium * , 20c : standards. 2fic :
selects , USc ; uxtra selects , SJc ; X. Y. counts ,
3e.OXIONS Homo crown stock , per bu. 81.00
@ 1.40.
Cin.riiY Choice stock , per doz. 405Z4.C.
( 'iiAXiinnuir.s Capo Cod , fancv. per bbl ,
Sl'iOO : bell and bugle , per bbl , S10.00 ; Hell
and Uheriy , 5S > .73.
HIAXS Inferior stock. 75 ( < ? S1.00 ; good
clean couutrv , 51.00 al.'i'j ; inudiiini , hand
Picked , S1.40vSl.5o ; hand picked navy , Sl.OO
Puovisioxs Ham , 12c ; breakfast bacon ,
, < c ; clear side bacon , b c ; dry salt
sids. Sc ; shoulders , 7c : dried beef , regular ,
lie ; dried bcut. ham nieces , 14c ; lard , 50 Ib
cans , fi' c ; lard , 20 Ib c.ins , Fairbanks , 7c :
lard , 10 ib cans Fairbanks. 7' c ; lard 5 Ib
CHIIS , 74e ; lard. 3 Ib cans , 7\c.
flour , best ( | iinlltv patent , S2.75 ; second qual
ity , S' .2y < ? 2,50 : best Miiality spring wlieat
Hour , patent , 82.40rtii.iJOV. : . J. Welslian's
buckwheat Hour , per bbl. 80.00 : do. doublu
sacks. 83.00 per hundred : W. J. Welslian's
No. 1 , ready lalsed , forty 2K Ib package.- , in
case , 84.50 ; do , twenty 5 Ib packages In case.
V t < t f llUUIIIIJf S/ts/V > Dlll/1 tdf \J-r | > \.4 I
gralmm , 51.70 : hay , in bales , ST.OOper ton.
PicKi.r.o Mi'iliuin , In bbls. S8.00 : do , In
half bbls , S4.50 ; siniill. In bbls. S 10. CO ; do , In
half bbls , S'i.OO ; gherkins , inbbU. S11.00ao ; ,
ill half bbls , 80.00.
SUOAUS 1'owdcrea , OJiJfSTc ; cut loaf
C'Jirt' ( ' ! ? < cirantilatoU,01 : 0)HcconfectionLT8 :
A , . > UWf > e : btaiulnrd extra C , , ' ) > tfM5c : extra
C. \H5Xu ; tnciliuin yellow , -U g5c.
MATCHES 1'er caddie. 2S < j ; siniaro cases ,
S1.70 : muln Miuaro. Sl.'Ju.
Ssvicui' Xo.70 , 4-L'allon kegs , S1.20S1.S5 ;
Now Orleans pcrirallun 3.yif4rK ! ; inniile hyniu ,
half bbls , "old lime , " pur g.illon , 7 < ) e ; 1 fi-il-
Ion cans t > er doz , 510.00 ; lialt gallon cans ,
per doz , tfS.M ; nuart cans. SU.Ou.
(3ASDV Mixed. IKSHKo : stick. 8 } < @ 9 c.
CitACKr.its OariR'aii's soda , butter nnd
picnic. n > ic : creams , 6-4c } ; plnger snaps , b > c ;
clt > soda , "Hi.
STAIIOH Mirror Bins' . 1 Ib , Cc ; mirror
Klois , S Ib , 5Jfe : mirror Kloss oib , O c ;
tJ raves corn.l Ib.B c ; Klngsford'H corn , 1 ID ,
7c ; Klnesrorti's gloss , 1 Ib. 7c ; Klnirsford s
doss , Olb. 7Kc ; Klnu'stonl's pure tilt We ;
Kinesford's ' jmro , a Ib , SJ c ; Klnesfords
bulk. 4c.
SOAPS Kirk's savon Imperial , S2.70 :
Kirk ssnilnet. 5:1.00 : ; Kirk H standard , S3.tti ;
Kirk's white Uusslan. SI. 00 ; Kirk's whlto-
cap. SC.W ) ; dome , 33.85 ; washboard , 53.10 ;
wlilto cloud. 83.7S.
CAKNKDUooDH-Oystcrs.HtanilanJ , per case ,
Su.lfxaa.'i'J : strawberries , 2 Ib. per case. Si. 0 ;
raspberries. 'J Ib , per case'j. . ' > ; ct'allfornla
pears , per case , StM ; apricots , pur casj ,
54.CO ; peaches , vv case , S5.UO ; white cher
ries , per case , SO. 00 ; p.uius. per case , 53.65 ;
Dlucberries par case , Sl.b,1) : u/c plums , 3 Ib ,
increase , S2.50 : plneapulos , 3 Ib , per case
3.20(85.75 ( : I Ib tnbjkurel. per do81.40 ;
1 Ib salmon , m doz , Sl.fA21.55 ; a ID , goosu.
berries. iHirca-e , S1.75 ; 'J Jb btrlnsr beans , jx > r
case , 51.70 ; 'Jib lima beans , per case , 3I.fiO ;
rCoFFKCs Ordlnarv grades , ! 4 > Ml5c fair
fancy green and yellow , IfVJjnc ; ' old irov-
ernment Java , 20vrto ! ; interior Java , lty { ®
20c ; Mocha , 22 < < < 24o : Arhucklo's roasted
O'jc ' ; McLaushlln's XXXX roasted , 20/c ;
Uilworth's. 20c ; KedCiobs , 20'ic.
General Marjceu.
VAii.viMiES baue's , IKTgallon ; rurnl-
ture , extra , 81.10 ; furnltiite , No. 1. 81.00 :
coach extra , S1.40 ; coach , No. 1,81.20 : Ia-
mur , extra. 51.75 ; Japan , 70c ; asphaltum ,
extra b5c : shellac , 83.50 ; hard -1' - - -
llAnmvAHE iron , rate S' ' . ! > 0
plow ( -u-ulspecU la' > t'lhcL'ruclblesteelOKo ;
cast tools , do. r&glbc ; wa on spokes , per bet ,
fc'.00aa.W ; hubs , per bet , S1/J5 : iolloes.
eawed dry. SJ.W ; tont'iies , each. b.kj ; n\eb > .
eacli. 75c : square nuts , per Ib. GU < t71c ; cell
chain , per Ib. fi a.jl ( c ; malleable. 7"jOo ; iron
wi'ilcM , Cc ; crownirs , Co ; harrow teeth , i c ,
sprint ; stetil. 7W.'c ; Uurdon's horto shoes.
S4.5mirden ; s mule sliwis. 85.5. Uarhed
\\lre , in car lots. S-J.OJ per 100 Ibs , .ValU ,
ratest .10 to to. S , . 0 : steel nails. SiUi !
bhot , tl.Q.j ; bucbshpt. Sl.a5 ; oriental powder ,
I1'0" * ' S ? S : ! } , a hllf , ! Hes' { s- ° ° : ll ° - Quarter
0h'3Vi'SOi ? : b'asMiiB. ' kgs , S2.3.5 ; fuse , per W
. ( V . Lead
feet. * bar. 31d
1'Ai.NTb IN iJu.Vlilto lead , Omaha , 1 * P. ,
6c whil lead St. Loijls , pure , u . , ; Mar-
sdlles green , l to Lb cans , Vic ; fr ucu ziuv ,
trccn 5cn1,12c : n > nth unc. rod seal , -lie :
French zinc. liinvarnKh Sit , avj ; Krnch
zlne.75c : vermllllonKnirlljh , In oil. 75c ;
ochrp , " French , 2 > fc ; ' ocliroi American ,
IKct Winter's mineral. Sjfp ; Lehlgh blown ,
2 , ' < c ; Spanish brown , 2 } < c ; Prince's mineral ,
3o.SriniTfl Cologne spirits , iss proof , 81.17 ;
do 101 proof , 81.18 ; spirits , second quality ,
101 proof , 81.17 ! ilb W proof. 51.10 Alcohol.
Ib3 proof , Si'ifl per wine pnllon. Kedtstllled
whiskies , Sl.OOiM.50. ( iin , blended. SI.NKS
S.OO ; Kentucky bourbons , S2.ooi3fl.oO ; Ken
tucky and Pennsylvania ryes SiOO'jJO.SU ;
Golden Sheaf bourbon and rye whl klci < ,
Sl.VX33.oc. Hrnndlcs , Imported , 55.0o@s.fiO !
domestic , 81.30(33.00. ( dins Imported. 54.50
feO.OO : domestic , S1.25f < Z3.00. ChampaKnes ,
Imported. i < cr cat . 523.00(333.00 ( ; American ,
per case. S10.0ftBl"-fKS.
DIIY PAINTS-White lead , Be : French ylnc ,
12c ; Parli whiting. 2UC ; whiting , ellders ,
2 fc ; whiting , com'l , 1'ic ' ; lampblack , tJer-
inanstown. I2c ; lampblack , ordinary , be ;
Prussian biue,55cultramarine ; , ISc ; vnndyK-
brown , Sc ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , rnw , 4c ;
sienna , burnt , 4c ! sienna , riw , 4c ; Paris
green , eeiiuino. t o. Paris green , com
mon , 22 < j ; chromo green. N. Y. , 20c ;
vcrmlllion Atiicncan.Vc \ ; inuian
raw nnd burnt umber , 1 tb cans , 12o ; raw nml
burnt sienna , 12c : Vandyke brown , We ; re
fined lampblack I2ct coach black and ivory
black. ICc ; drop black. ICc : Prussian blue ,
40c : ultramarine black , lie ; chromo green.L. ,
M. A I ) . , inc ; blind r.ud shutter green. L. . .M.
A 1) . , ICc ; Paris green , lc ; Indian red , I5c ;
Venetian red , PC ; Tuscan. Kc ; American
vermlllion. L. A-1) . , SOo : yellow ochre , Sc ; L.
M. A O. I ) . . 1S3 : eood ochre. 10o : mtent
dryer , So ; graining color , light oat , dark oak ,
walnut , chestnut and ash. vjc.
BUnt'nsANt ) MIKMIC M.S. Acid , carbolic ,
5 c ; acid , t.utarlc , 5-Jc ; tialsam copalbit , per
Ib , oOc ; bark cassafras , per tb , lOc ; calomu'l ,
per n > , 7Sc , rhlnchonldia , iier oz , 40c ; chloro
form , per 0 > , Oc : Dover's powders per tb ,
81.23ppsom ; salts , per tb , S'c ; glycerine ,
pun1 , per Ib , 3Jc ; " 'ad. acetate. Per tb , 21c ;
oil , castor , No. 1. per gsl. , Sl.noc ; oil castor ,
No. 2 , per gal. , 81-40 ; oil olive. Per gal. , 81.40 ;
oil orlu'anniim. Me ; opium. S3. 0 : qulnlnn ,
] ' . it W.and K. AS , , per oz. 7c ; potassium
iodide , per tb , S.50 * ; sallcln. peroz. 40e ; sul-
riliatuniornlilne , per oz. $2.-5 ; sulphur , per
tb.4c : strjchtiine. nProz.
JIIDKS ( irccn butcher" . 5l il(5c ( ; creen
cured , "c : drv Hint. ll il-'c ; drv salt. PdilOc ;
green calf sklus , st y damaged miles ,
two-thirds price. Tallow ! ' f. ( treaso
Pnmu wliite , ac ; yellow , 2 0 ; brown , 1J <
bheep Pelts 2. > ® 75c.
I'rns ' AMI sKivs-Thc following prices
nre for prime , well handled skins : Heaver ,
prime , clean per pound , -:1,50T(3 ( ( X ) : fall , 5l.2fi
Ht2.00 ; meaty aim Interior. SI U0@l.23. Bear ,
blown ami Kil7/.ly. SVOOr.tS.oo ; cubs and
yearling" . S..UOr < i4.00. Badger , MXtOOc. ; Cat ,
wild , 20@tdc ; donipstie. black , I0 ( ? 15e : do
mestic , siindrv colors . " > wsc. Fov. led , SI.CO
( jl 25 : eross , $2.00iI-4.W ( ; srrnv , 40V "iOe : silver ,
feZO.'oo. Martin , Sl.Kkrf 1.75. 'Muskrat , win
ter , hirgp , Me : fall. > ; l < itls , lc. Mink , large ,
dark , 3Vrt4ic ) ; small and jiale , I5u.2 ( < > e. Uac-
coon , liirgf iirlmu. 40'tf5i > o ; .small nnillnfpilor ,
20 ! 30c. SKllllk. eommoil , 15ca25c. Vi'olf.
large grey. Sl.50iii2.50 ; covotu or iirairie , 75 ®
POc. Doer and anteloiie , winter , pound
loc ; fall and summer , per pound 20e.
Dry ljuinuor.
No.I Cera. g. 1. s. 12 , Hand 18 ft S17.50
Xo.J " ' 12,14 and 10 ft 14,7. .
No.3 " " 12 , Hand 10 tt 13.50
No.t " " IS 14 and 16U 12.00
No. 1 , 4A-Olnch. laatid II ft. , rough..S17.0 *
Xo. 2 , 4 & Oincli. IS au\l \ 14 it. , rough. . . 14.0U
I is rni ft JIB ft'is ' ttjeo rt'it'a ' ' rt
' ' ' '
itfiio'tu'iiojiB'nu ' uioj'iHiwii. '
HUiOllRriilMIUin 17.0UI8.1XISI.OI)21.I | )
ZiIO IGirJ 18 Ktll6.50, 18.00 ' . " . ' .OO UI
. 10.5 17.00. i-.iioj2.ooaiai !
lli..V ) | lB.MIlli.rrt,17.00' , ' 18.00 : ju 00 aM ) (
1st com. , { iuVite | | 1'lno Partition. . . . $33.00
2d " " - " " . . . . 27.M
2d Com. ? tf In. Norway Pine Ceiling. . . . 14.00
A 12 Inch. S.IB. 4fiC . ! 3 < ' > .00
1S Inch " " 4'JD . 2..50 !
No. 1. com. 12 In. , s. 1 3. . 10 , 18 & 20 ft. . . 21.00
No. a. " ' ' ' . . is.r.o
No.3 , " " " 12 AM ft . 17.00
" " " " 10ft .
. 10.00
SHIP i.Ar.
No. L Dlalu.Saud 10 incli . 317.50
No.3. plam.S and 10 inch . 15.W )
A 8tamlBn1' S2 < : > ° ; N0 > ! '
'oais \iTto Cedar , 0 In. , J s , 12c ; 8 in.
rs. , 'JKc.
A Cheap Coinprntiilso.
Goorso Simons is the name of tlio man
who in List October committed an us-
sault upon VVilliatn KinniiV , a fellow
workman in a Union Piieilic frciirht ear.
Ihe jissault was committeil with a mullet ,
ami Kinney came very near ityinp from
its lillects. His assailant was hound over
to the district court , yesterday by con
sent of thu district attorney ho was al
lowed to go before the police court and
plead guilty to a simple charge of assault
anil battery. Judge Stenbcrg then finuil
him $100 and costs which ho paid.
A Couiili or Sore Throat should not bo
neglected. "Irinrn'n Umnlrhul V'/oc/ics" /
arc a simple lemcdy and give Immediate re-
He ! .
Fire Department Ctmniie ? .
Captain \Vubb. of cimino company No
, ' ) , ono of the best ami most fearless lire.
fighters in the department has suddenly
made up his mind to retire from the ser
vice. llu left on last Saturday , and has
been succeeded in thu captaincy by
( icor e Windhuim , who is also a reliable
Stone&G ravel
The Cedar Crock Stone unil Gravel
Quarry lias just lieen opened nn for
business. A ffooil quality of white and
liluo lime Htone lor baildinqr iiiirpu.scs ,
is furnislii'd by
Tlio General Salesman.
Also gravel of the finest quality for
lawn and other iniriio.scs Offices at
Plattsinontli , Nob. Tne 1 ! . & 31. rail-
loads use a large amount of this stone
OF rnu
Chicap.lwautefiSI.PaulR'y . . '
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
Ht. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Rapids ,
Clluton , Dubuiiue , Davenport ,
Hock Island , Frceport , Rockford ,
Elin | , Madiaon , Janosville ,
Huloit , Winona , La Urosse ,
And ail other trapoitunt jioluta Kajt , Xortboait
and Boutbcast.
For through tlckeU call on the Tlok t Ayea
at 1401 Furnam utroot ( la 1'aium Hotel ) , or a
Union PmlUo Depot.
Pullman bloouors unJ the finest Dlnlug Car *
Iz the world are rua on tUu malii lln a of thu
Cmc-ioo , iliLWAUK B & ST.
auJ rerr attention i > > ' &ld t
oourteoni emplorca of the comuan ,
li. MIM.KII , Uunerol MuunKor.
J. K. Tucxeii. Aajlitant General
A V. B. UAUfENTCH , Oaaeral Pa83 nggr knct
Ticket Agent.
Quo. B. HEifTOKB , A > blstant Oeaeral
Ifer and Ticket AKent , , .
J. T. QfciiiK , anueral 3uperinteuJ nt.
Council Bluffs
And Chicago.
Th only ro a to take for Des Molnei , Mir-
lmlltown , ( oclar RapliU , Clinton , Dlile. Ohlca-
uo , MllwiMikee and nil points ca't. To to * pen-
plo of Nohrajk * . Colorado , Wyoming , ( Jlnh ,
Idaho , Nevada , Oregon , Washington and Call- otfers superior advantages not poisW
ble by any otber Una.
Among a few of the numerous polnti of In-
nerlorttr enjoyed by the palroms of thU road
between Oinnha and Chicago , ar III two trnlMl
a day of DAT COACHES which ar the finoit
that human art and ingenuity can create Iti
I'ALACB BI.EEPINQ CARS , vblch are models
of comfort and elotfanco Itn PARLOHDHAW.
ING ROOM CARS , uniurpasiedb ? any. and Iti
widely colebrMod PALATIAL U1NINO CARS ,
the equal ot which cannot bo found elMwhern.
At Council muffs the tmlnsof the Union Paci
fic Ry. connect In Union Depot with then * of
the Chicago & Korthwestern Ry. In ChlcriK *
tbe tr lna of thli line mnkn clone connection
with Miono of oil eastern linos.
For Drtrolt , rolumhus. Indlunnpolln. Cincin
nati , Nlazura Falls , nnffulo. fltioburir. Toronto ,
Montreal , lloeton , New Vork , I'hlludelplilH , Hal-
tlmors ) . WashlnRton and all ro'nle ' In th ernt ,
ask the ticket ncunt for ticket ) , via the
If yon wish the boit r.o-ommoiliitloni. All
ttfl > pt urpiiiii foil tlrkt-'s v n ihlc linn.
n.nroniTT. r. . p. WILSON.
General Mnnntrer Gpnl Pnss'r
O W cstcrn Airt. Clt > IM
Red Star Line
Carrying the neltrlura Eoyul nnd UnlloJ Slate *
Mull , tailing every tmuitlny
Between Antwerp & New York
B&lon from f GO to ITCJ. Kicurilon trip from
tllO to I14X Bocond Cabin , outward , J45 ;
prepaid , (45 ; excursion. $ ! JO. StOera e passsjra
at low ratos. feter Wrirlit k Sons , Qoaora
Afsuts. U Broadway. Now Vor * .
Ilcnry I'uu4t , U'lb Kiniiimbt. ; Paulaen fc Co.
H S Fiiriiain bt ; 1) ) . O Kr < ieinun lltiU'Hin.\m
Agricultural Implements.
WUoletale Dealer In
Agricultural Implements , WnjroiiB ,
and llufiilm. Jonci ilrect , l lwc n Stb
ana lOlh.Oiuntin , Neb.
Atrricnltural Implements ,
Waioni.Carrla o , Hu/rlei , Ktc. . Wholciatc , Ox > b * .
LEJ , PRIED a ( CO , ,
Jo'jljers of Hard ware and Nails ,
Tinware , blicct Iron , K'c. A.'CnH f , r IIowu bcalet ,
and MlHinl I'ondcrl n. Omnha.Nrb
\Vhole.ale Dealt ; r In
Agricultural Implpments ,
nd BuKile * . ; < ll.yJ3.Oi aniUO ; . Jonei it
Wagons and Carriages ,
The LeadluijOiirriatra Factory ,
( KsT.tiu.uim > us
11 % ) aiid llll DOS ! tii : Irttl , Ownba ,
Omaha Jobbers' Directory.
Artists' Material.
A. JfOSl'E , , TK.t
Artists' Materials , I'lnuos anil Organs ,
1113 IXiuflan Slrtfl.Omtha.
Butler and
Ihiycrs of Unttor and KRRS. :
tor and Padtlrr Home , llth nn.l
orth SI. . U. 1 * . H. H. Track , limntia.
Builders' Hardwnrt and Stales ,
Wcch nlc ' Tooli and Buffalo Scalei. HOJ DouglattL ,
v Uniaha , Neb.
Boots and Shoes ,
AMElt'rCAX' jhl A7J 5/5 WED
Uanufaclureriand WtioloaloDealen In
lioots ami Shoes ,
Complf lc dlock of Itubber Ooods nlwar on hand
< ) . ISthH. . Uninho , Meb. A T. Autlln , Agent.
H' . 7r. MOltSE C CO.
ilobbora of Hoots ami Siloes.
Ktl Farnam tt , Ouiaha , Neb. Manufactotj , Summer
lrfct , lloiton.
Wholcsnlo Rubber lioots anil Shoes.
HnliliiH' unil Ullfil Olotlilli ) , ' "lid I'cll llooH
nml Sliot-s , Miutlirai-t I'orni'r Mill unil
Agt. for Anheuser-lUish IJrewlttfr Ass'n
Special llrnnds. Fnutl. nndwclaerand Krlanger.
itxTv ILER ,
Lncrcr Heer Urowcrs ,
1551 North I'th SlroM , Omaha , Neb.
Butchers' Tools.
IJntdiers' Tools anil Supplies ,
Sausage OulnR ) of all kind * always In "lock. 1315
June * pt.Otonlin
Coffee. Spices , Etc.
Omaha Cofleo anil Spice Mills.
Tc , Ooffoe , Splce . n Vlne I'owdcr , Flirorlni
tracts. Laundry Blue. Ink. itr. 1IK-10 tlarrey
hlrcelOainlia , Nob.
Home CollVonml Spire Mills M'f'p ; Co.
ODtrcoHoi'iursand Pplct-Orlndpr * , Mannfneinrrra
of linking I'owdcr , KUtnrlnit Kxlrnct * . lllnlni ; . Kto.
Trr < iao c.t. * of our 1-R > packHiEe llomolllciid UoaMed
Ooffi-c. liU ) Howard st , Omnbn. S K
John Eponeter , Prop.
Mannfacturer of Ralvanltcd Iron on I Cornice. 923
Dodge nnd 103 and 105 N , 10th t. . Omilm.Neb.
Manufacturers of
Ornamental Galvauizod Cornices ,
Dormer \\lndows , VInalf.XIclalleikjIlKbtetc. 3108.
nt'i ' l. , Uniaha.
C. Spf'Cht ' , Prop.
Calranlted Iron Cornice" , etc. Spect'Mmprovpd Tal
ent .Mrtallc Skf light. U8 u d 510 S. I''lh cl.Omahn.
Jobber. ! of
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths
Linoleums , Mattings , Rtc. 1511 Douglas street.
' Al. A. OltCJiAlDJ
Wholesale Carjiets , Oil Cloths ,
Mattlnga , Curtain Goodi , Etc. 1123 Kuroaai btrcct ,
Omaha , Neb.
Crockery and Notians.
Agent for the Munufactureri and Importer * or
Crockery , U lass ware ,
Latnpi , Cblmnujf , etc. Offlce , 31" South Utb t
Omaha , Neb.
Commission end Storage.
J ) . A. HURLEY ,
Commission and Jobbing.
Butler , Kizcsnrul Produce. Conilznmcnts tollclted.
lieadqunrtera for btnnuirarti , Kerry lloxea and
Urapo Ilaskcts. Kit Dodge street , Omaha.
Commission Merchants.
Fruitf , 1'roilu-o and Provisions , Omaha. Neb.
StoraffO and Commission Merchant.
Specialties Rutier. Ecu' . Cheese , Poullry. Came ,
Oysters , Kit , Klc. H2Nutb J4lh ulrcet.
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Poullrr , Duller , Game , Kinils , etc. 220 B.
Omuha , Neb ,
Coal antLime. .
Dcalcri in
Hard anil Soft Coal ,
Offlco and yard , ic.ih and .N'lcholai in. , Omaha , Nob.
y nrrtTelcpliune. M7.
Ulu. r. IA IIAI.if , I'rei. C. F. Oonn AK , V. Flea.
J.A..SU.NPIIU.AND , H c. and Trems.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
] UJ South Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Neb.
, T. , T. JOHNSON , P CO. ,
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime.
And Shipper * of Coal and ( ? otte. Comcni , Danler ,
IJine , Hair. Klro Drlck , Druln. Tlio and ffwcr 1'ipo.
ofticc. I'azton Ilutel. Farriam rl , , Omaha , Ntb.
- -
p prA Y
Mannfactnrinp ; Confectioners ,
Jobbers of Kraln.Nule nnd Clems. 1211 Knrnam St.
Cigars and Tobacco.
X MEYER\vTco \ ,
Jobliers of Cigars , Tobacco ,
Guns and Ammunition , 215 to2X1 S lllh St. , 1020 to
IVJt Kanmni St. , OmahaNeb ,
Manufacturers of Fine Ciears ,
And Wholinalo Dealers In Leaf Tobaccos , Nos , 109
and I HI N. Mia Hrcel. Omaha.
Dry Goods.
M , E. SMITir C CO , ,
Dry Goods , Furnishinsr Goods & Notions
1102 and 1104 Douclas , cor. llth St. , Omaha , Nob.
Distillers nf I.lqunrs.Alcnholand Pplrlti. Importer *
and Jobbers of Wines and Liquors ,
CO. and ILER C CO. ,
Importers and Jobterc of t lue Wines nnd Mqunrs.
Soil. riiMiiut/ioturen cf Kynncdy'i K il India Hit
ters ami DumtsUe Liquor * . 111 ! llornc ; hi.
Drain Tile , Etc ,
A , ll.SAt cn'r [ < ' < J.W.llElirniiii.Ser.vrroas
ll. J. CAHSON , v.l'rt s. ud t-upt.
Offlco 213 f > . 14th St. , Omaha. Neb. Hectilnerr and
for ilanufuciurlntt Cement Drum ' 1'llu.
furniture ,
Wholesale Dealers in Fnrnitiiro.
J'arnnm rt Omaha , Neb.
Furniture , Hoddine , l-'pliolstery ,
IJUrori. etc , lgjCiab unJ 1213 Far n mit. ,
Groceries ,
' ? "co7
\Vholpsalo \ Groceries and I'rovisiong ,
> Vliolesulo Grocers ,
ISlu uuj Leirenwortli H.Oio Ui.
Omaha Jobbers' ' Directory.
Hardware ,
Heavy Hnrilware , Iron nd Steel ,
Bprlngi , W on Stoek. lt rdw re Lumber , tie. 1JOI
IOm h .
c antnox ,
Wiolcsnlo Iron nuil Steel ,
Vr ton nil C rrt c Wooil Stock , Heary H
Kic. HIT mil 1314 I.eaTcnworth ft. , Om ha , t < ict > ,
li iC SOXS ,
Stovns , Hnnpes , Furnaces , Tiles ,
Montlci , Or te , llraiadocdi. lai and 1K3 r ra >
Iron Works.
Iron Works ,
Wroncht unrt Out Iron IlulUllnit Work. Iron Stall *
HBllTni : , Hf mn and ( llrttem , ! < i m Knplnpt. Brail
Work , Oinoral rr , Mnchlno nml Illarkimltk
Vott. umconn orln.U. 1' . Uf.MidlTib mccu
> ' . II. Mr.MANl'3. ' 0. Mtft.MVAN.
.Mntuif cturor of
Wire niitl Iron HiilliiicrH , Desk Kittls ,
Wlnilow ( luaid * . Klonor StnndiVlro Slenn , Klo.
123 N. IClh. Onlcrs br mall prompllr nll
OMAITA Tmrnmi co. ,
Dc.ilor . AIIKIndiof
JBuildlng1 Mtuorinl at Wholcsp.lo.
13th Street nml Union I'arlfle Track , Omaha.
Dealer in Luinlirr. Latli , Lime , Sash ,
Ioor > , Klo. Yanlt-Corncrth and Douglasj Cornet
fthanil loujln .
Wholesale Lumber ,
811 S. lllh ( treet , Ora hnXcb. t. Colpclier.
I'th aod California MrcoH. Omahn , Nob.
y If. Git AY ,
Lumber , Lluie , Cement , Etc. , Kto ,
Cor. fth utnl iiouclas ill. , OiuuUa. Hal.
To Dealers Only.
Oroco , 1403 Knrnam etroct ,
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Carpels nml I'arquol Flooring. DIh and DouglM
"NVholesiilo Lumber , Etc.
Imported nml American Porllaml Cement. BtaU
Agent forllllivniikcu IlTilniullr Cement mi J licit
( Julnrj Wlillcl.lmo.
Lire Stock.
Of Omaha.
Limited. John K. lioyd , S'lpcrlnlerdant ,
Lire Stock Commission.
M. lil'RKE ,0 KOXS ,
Live Stock Commission.
_ Goo. Btirko , Manager
Union Slock YarU',8. Oniahn. TclBphonc M2.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
EhlpmcnU of nny nnd all klnilH of stock ( elicited.
L'nlouMoek VaMi > , Umahn , Neb.
Millinery and Notions.
Importers and Jobbers of
Millinery and Notions ,
1313 and 12ISHnmcj Fl.ect , Omalin , Xrb.
Are Ihe on ] j Direct Imponcre of
German & French Toys & Fancy Good ?
In Nubrnskn. Chicago prices duplicated wllhout ndd *
InK rreli'ht. 1415 Karnam Street , Omulia.
Wholesale Dealers In
Notions nnd Furnishing1 Goods ,
403 nnd 405 S. Tonlh HI. , Omaha.
Jobbcra In
Notions , Hosiery and Gents' Furnishing
nd 1009 Farnam . , Omaha. Nob.
r.-t XU
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans I'.nt * , blrti , Klc. 1107 and not Don 'Us Street.
Paper Boxes
, T. L. WILKJE ,
Manufacturer of I'aiior Hoses ,
B.14thSt. , , Nabruiku. Orders br m
llcludund will r OdlTO orompc allontlon.
Jol Printorn , liliink Book Makers ,
Aud llouk Illndurs. 10) ) and IM SuulU fourteenth
tired. Omuhit , Nob.
Auxiliary Publishers *
De lor lnT7i > e. I'rooat an.l I'rinlcn'Buppllei. 609
JWOH'XELL < ( > CO. ,
.Maiuifacliirerii und ltiiler ) In
PH , Hollers A : ( iLMiornl Machinery
BlHiet Iron work , Htenin Pumpx. Sun Mllli , .Acmo
MinftlnJ. DnJiia WiuM split l'nlle > i , Ilelllraelc. .
Al o w.iK'ini , Krnicr | , anil tiulctlen. I'JIH-'
vt'iiivorth ht. , Oinahu ,
Wholesale Hardware.
Woslem acentf for Jetrmnn Hieol Nallr. Ausllo
I'owdtTt'o , Kxlrhanks hlHiiilnrd hcnln. Corner
lOtu and Ilarneomalm. .
Wholesale Pntnim , Pipe , Kittiiifrs ,
Bteamaod Wilcr 8uppllc HinU < iiarlPri lir Mi
KiJBlCu'iUuod > . llll 1 urimiu t. Ociinhn. Neu.
J'uiUiH | , PipuH and Kngines ,
Bteam. Wnlcr. Ilillnnr and llllllnj ; Fupiillct. Kle.
WU , V22andtni Fnrnaiu St. , Oiiinhu , NfU ,
UillndBTVlnd .Mlhi : ncam and Whter Piipplle * ,
I'lumUlng ( o td § , lli'lllnir , lln.e , 91S tiiiil ICU jar-
dam 1 b. K. , Mumper ,
Safes , Etc ,
" '
P. 110YER iP CO. ,
Apronts for IlaU's Sstfo & Lock Co.a'
Flro anti linii ; or I'ronf Hufxi , Tlraa Urki , Vaulu
andJull \ \ 'ir . 1WJ tlruct Omnlin , Neb.
Oninliii Sifo :
Jlanufncturrr.of Kira uuil llunrlarl'roofEnrcg , Vnu
tlovrf.Jull Wcrk.MiuiiiTf and AVIro Work. Cur.
JillmillJ rlc i > nM . .Omtlia , .Nob ,
Sash , Doors , Etc.
IVi-olOMlo M imf ' "
- riurc'"i > 01
Sasli , Doors , l.linda and
Susli , Door , Illlnds , Mouldings ,
Bolldiiiu l'ti r. tic. loui fe'Milh TU'lreiiih hii
ou-ulit , .Ntl ) . A c' > iuiif | > u .i ci-r liuiiUera'
JIO//.V MANirpACWRlNff CO. , „
Manufacturtrs , of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Mould'jici tiilf Wnrlmrli lUr.l Wcxil KinliU
'Ju l ojicuul. N. f.jlnr StU n"d I.cuvoniioiUlL'.M.