Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 17, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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The Oases of Dillon nnd His Colleagues
On At Dublin.
Tito IJpncli n.i Well in tlic Hex Packed
Pnrllnmontarf Inquiry Into Urof-
tcr OuirnKCfl Dciiloil Other
Trstlim tlie J lan of Cninnaliin.
irVijwuMW / / Gonltm llcnnctt.l
Di'HMN , Feb. in. ( Now Vork Herald
Cablc-Spcclnl to the Hii : : . | Tlio mock trlnl
of llic conspiring M. l"s. Is now proceeding.
A boycotted Juror , who was ch.iUeiiKed f r
jiiirtlnllty to the government , but who was
ncltmlly decided upon as competent unit Im
partial , Is attentively listening to thu solic
itor ucncrnl's opening. The latter Is making
the samu kind of Oianijciiwn speech that he
usually makes In vlio house , where ho rcpre-
tents thctory portion of Mvcipool. Thon.h
not yet fntty , Mr. ( llbson has prematurely
jjray hnlr. Ho If clotiuit ] , ( hinirrrous and
unscrupulous. Toobta'n this jury these with
names having the prefixes O' nnd Mac had
been told to stand nslde.
Thu live accused have exhausted the six
fk sftigcs only nccorncd to nil. To give an
Itlcav how the judge treated the challenges
for bios by the live accused I take the foi-
lowing from the olllclal inlnutoi :
A. juror named Kapcr wns called nnd his
tfaco realized his tiium1. lie was challenged
for bias , aa being a landlord and sharing an
adverse opinion upon tlio plan of the cam
paign. Tlio accused testifies that ho Is em
ployed In the government Bank of .England.
As his land Is bringing n rental from tenants
of S230 u year , he Is asked If bis tenants nrc
in this county. This Is ruled out of the
< liicfctlon. "Is your rent punctually paldl" '
Is also ruled out. and so Is the question ,
"Have you formed any opinion as to tlio le
gality of the plan of campaign ? " Also the
question , "Has it Injured you' " ' One conn'
being conspiracy to Injure the land owner
nlso , "Do you believe the accused guilty of
Mich Injury1.1"
I select those because they will servo to
flhow the American judges , lawyers nnd lay
men how the familiar challenges for bias on
questions probing the juiora' favor were per-
Blstently objected to by the crown nnd ruled
out by the jndie. It must bo rememlwicd
that procedure challenge is here what It used
to bo under the common law of New York
before the statute came to rostilct questions
ns to a juror's opinion nnd his own Impnr-
llnllty on the evidence to come.
I give the names of twelve jurors to show
how un-Irlsh are tlio most of these , viz :
Abrahams , Adcock , Ualley , IJacot , Haddock ,
Jacobs , Kane , Talbot , Young , two Jacks and
one Jackman.
iiiRToitr iir.i'KATiNo ITSIU.F.
I had a talk In thu court lobby with Mantis
JlcNnlty , i n aged man who four years ngn
Bat through the twenty-live days' trial ol
O'Oonnell. Ho was a mere spectator , though
called upon ns a juror.but challenged because
n Catholic.
"This " said he "Is
trial. , history repeating
itsalt. The members of. parliament in the
dock now uro charged will ) thu same
kind of conspiracy as O'Uonncll was.
Tins law now claimed the same as then ,
viz : A mere conspiracy to do an Illegal act ,
though the purnosu Is unaccomplished , makes
the crime. On O'Donnell's panel every
Catholic was excluded. Here there are three
Catholics to nine Protestants , herd Sails-
bury has oven packed tlio law lords for this
trial. Tlio lords rjuaihed O'Donnell's coiv
vlctlon by only a majority of one of tlio law
lords In place of horu Bramwell , just retiied.
There lias baen appointed , as taken straight
tiway from the ranks as judges , Mr. Mac-
Nnughten , M. P. , tor Xortli Antrim , ono ol
> , tlio blttetest of active Orangemen. So you
pee Lord Salisbury tries to pad : the bench as
Veil ns the jury box.
"Thou you think Mr. Dillon will bo con
vlcted ? " I naked.
Ho answered- Is 1,000 to 1 for It , That' :
Why Murphy Is on the bunch , and the jurors
who frit yonder. Was not the attorney general
oral who prosecuted O'Donnoll rewarded
with iho mastership of thu tolls , and the
solicitor general with a barony of the exche
quer ; and did not both the counsellors foi
the crown successively beeomu loid chan
cellors ? The prosecutors nro doing slmilai
dirty work to cam promotion In oilier , bu
there Is the possibility of a disagreement ol
course. " _
Tlio Crofter Question ,
( Copyright 18S7 lu James Gordon llcnnett. ]
LONDON' . Feb. lO.-fNew York Herah
Cable Special to the IJKE.J The croftei
question now , with the Welch tithes , are tin
subject matters which nro challenging parlla
incntaryuml popular attention next to the
Irish grlevouces. The last two daysoldebatc ;
In the commons Imvo given an opportunity
to the Scotcli members to show how brutallj
Bcotch dukes and lairds , and how unjustly
thu Scotch courts had lately treated the crof
ters and the cotters. To-day llight Hon. A.
W. Helfour. thu nephew of herd Salisbury
( nnd Scotch secretary , tried to reply. Ho la
not yet forty and looks o\en j oungcr , but he
talks the totyism of ticorgo 1. ns if ho hail
then lived , nnd his reckless defense of tlio re
cent outrages In the Isle of SUyo can bo besl
estimated by my quoting this senteiieo ot hi :
speech :
"In America the law relating to property It :
land wns enforced with n far harsher regard
than has over been thu In this country. '
The crofter constituencies weto asking fein
n parliamentary Inijulry Into the proceeding.
of Iho lumlloiils , but bonrl'on toiylsm on
tlio Until vote tills evening , lefnsed It.
The debates on the landlord tyranny In
three counties am peihaps slowly but surely
" educating the voteis ns to the iniquity 01
the repression of about 100,000 persons , at
most allowing freeholds In tlio United King
dom and Ireland ,
A Loan AukoU For Congo.
[ Oin/r/uW / JW i > u Jmnts fitmlon lltnnett. ]
Iliuissii.B : , Feb. 10. fXow York Herald
Cabin Special to the HiiJ In thu liouso ol
representatives to-day the mlnlsterof linanc (
presented u bill asking the authorization 01
parliament for thu hnnlng of n loan in Bel
gium on behalf of the Congo free Mate. Tin
bill does not mention the amount of the loan ,
but It Is believed to bo between eighty am
DUO hundred million francs , n part of whicl
U to bo employed in constructing railways
and a part to make up ror thu deficit In ( lit
Congo budget. The loan will bear no interest -
est , but pri/oa will bu given as In a lottery a
thu time of their redemption.
\VarPrepiu-atlniiH In Austria.
VIKXXA , Feb. 10 , The questions asked tin
government In the rclchsintn yesterday In re
lotion lo the proposed credit for military pur
poses , elicited the Information that Hungary
would only enroll In thu lantlsturin btich mei
as already had military twining or wen
likely to make good soldiers. Numerous ox
eruptions \\ould bo made. In Austria tin
enrollment ot men under the ago of forty
two years \ > oud ! IN ) almost universal , Kx
ollicers ui ) to ( lie ago of sixty ye.irs wouli
ul so be enrolled. Men who uio only littei
for ambulance or otllee woik will 1 > u ux
cmrti'd. It Is ttcmi-ofticiaily stated that i
Ausiro-llungarlnn tieaty. to contlnuu tot
y ears , will bu arranged and will t'olnioopera
tl ou In IbSS.
AVitli trio Crowlmr
Dcniux , Feb. 10 , A conllict occurred to
day , between a force of police oh their waj
lo ejoxjutu a number of eviction orders , am
i part of tlio pouurallon of .Dingle
1 bcaport towir In the' county
Kerry. The pcoplo barricaded the roads
and In some cases building Alone walls across
them. The police were at first driven away
nnd compelled to retreat. They re-formed
nnd charged with batons nnd clubbed rifles
upon the crowd , compelling them after n
severe struggle to give way. A number of
men nnd women were Injured.
msspKKATia on 101x00 nooniiiaits
They Mnko nil Unsuccessful Unlit on
Grlnnnll's Office.
CHICAOO. Fob. 1C. A morning paper
quotes States Attorney Orlnncll as saying :
' I have enough evidence ) on hand to send
every boodle county commissioner to the
penitentiary If I CAII procure a fair nnd Im
partial jury to try them , nnd If they stand up
llko men and defend themselves squarely
and honestly on the merits of their case. "
It Is now conceded that several ot tlio county
contractors have "squealed" ntul that In
dictments will probably be drawn against
some of the members of the late Cook county
board for corruption.
Ono of the states nttornoy's assistants In
the boodle cases Is Attorney F. S. Welgley.
HIs otllco Is situated on the llfth lloor of the
Opera block , nnd this lloor was early this
evening the scene ot a small riot , which ter
minated In tht ! states attorney nnd several
assistants nnd friends kicking down stairs
halt a doien men , nnu of whom claimed
to bu n constable. Mr. Crinnelt
nnd Assistant States Attorney Fnrtli-
man soent thu afternoon in Mr.
Weigley's olllco on business connected with
the hoodie case. At about 0 o'clock they
went out for supper nnd Mr U'ulgluy wont
home , n few clerks only rcmnlnlng In Iho
ollico. They had been gonu but n few mo
ments when six men , onu claiming to ba n
constable , and ono of them being John
MoKeotih , n lawyer who wns lately Indlcto ; !
for forircry , came up the elevator and de
manded admittance. They produced a
warrant fortliu airest of "Xle" ' Schneider on
tlm charge of umbezilcmcnt , the same belim
swotn out by his btothcr John. " .NIc"
Schneider Is a boiler maker who was awarded
somuot thu fat contracts complained about ,
nnd has been missing for several days. The
men sc.iiccly stopped to look around the
room , but went directly to the vault , which
was locked. While they were demandInir
thatIt bo opened , the state's attorney ,
Mr. Furthinnn , nnd their trlends ,
letuinnd , Tlio nrcnmunt that ensued was
short nnd sharp , nnd thu Intruders wwo un
ceremoniously hustled olT thu premises.
It is nss'-rted by Mr. Furthman to-night
that the real object of the party was to secure
thu books of evideneu against thu boodlers ,
which It was thought might bo in Mr. Weln-
li-y's ofllco. Mr. Furthman intimated that
developments Jliavo reached n stage when
even u more dating attempt than that just
described to I nibtrate the plans of the statu
would not bu a matter of surprise.
Tlio Flooded Town.
Dr.TnoiT , Feb. 1(5. ( The Evening Journal
special from Lyons , Mich. , says : Thu water
is gradually recedlnir , but this tnct gives no
comfort Inasmuch ns the coining of gorged
waters from nbos-o the Hood will undoubtedly
become greater and moro disastrous than
has yet been seen. The river still Hews
through the business part of the village and
the losses nro nugumenting hourly. At 10
this morning It was frte/.lni : and the water
WHS threu Indies lower. Tlio attempt to
break thu gorge \\ith dynamtto wns a fail-
Snow or rain Is predicted for to-day.
Contracts Imvo been mndo for a new S300-
000 packing house at Sioux City.
Kansas women can now vote at municipal
elections , the goveinor having signed their
bill yesterday.
General Kaulbars has been appointed mili
tary attache to the Hussian location tit the
capital of i'eisia. '
The Illinois state O. A. R. encampment is
on at Kock Island with over l.OOJ dele
gates in attendance.
1'rinco Hohcnloho , governor of Alsacc-
l.niraino , has Issued an election manifesto
in favor of the Miptunnnto.
Uoston the slayer of John Wilkes
I'ootli , has boon declared insane at Topeka ,
Kan. , nnd sent to nn asylum.
J. K. Stiles nnd II. C. Dean have been ar
rested in San Francisco ns the perpetrators
of thu recent dynamite outrages.
The lower house of the Delaware legisla
ture has passed a bill prohibiting tlio manu
facture and sale of oleomargarine.
Is'o malls have been received trom the east
at ban Fiancisco for three days on account
ot tlm snow blockade on the Central P.tcllic.
The upper house of tlm New York legisla-
laturo yesterday passed a bill granting
women thu right to votu in elec
John W. Mnckcy , the bonanza king , nnd
the Louisville base hall club are among thu
blockaded passengers on thu Cen
tral I'acilic train.
The preliminary examination of Qorso F.
Voyce. charged with the murder of ex-Mayor
Bowman , of Kast St. Louis , has been post
poned until Wednesday next. .
A 520,000 shortage has been discovered In
thu account of cx-Deputv Shurilf Aubln , of
Albuquerque , New Mexico , who Is now
either In Denver or possibly In Canada.
The. joint convention of the Now Jersey
legislature was very turbulent yesterday , anil
the votu for United States sunator lesnlted in
no choice. It is said that when thu third
ballot is reached the republicans will nominate
inate- William Walter 1'hulps , with lair pros
pect of his election.
Ono sleeping ear porter has demonstrated
thut hn can bo of real assistance to passen
gers. Near 1'ittsbnnr , yesterday morning , a
passenger named C. F. King had a nightman )
nnd attempted to jump head lirst through the
ear window , under thu impression that the
cur was on liie. The porter reached the
beith In tlino to grnpplu the deluded man by
tlio heels and save him noiii n horrible death.
A Itoono County Mnu Ilns Something
to Hny About It.
Frederick G. Kieno , of Kiono &
Miilonuy , of Albion , Hoono county , in
this stuto , tirrivod in town yesterday with
n largo assignment of ho s for thu stock
yards. Thesu ho sold through Adams &
Durku ut thu highest prices. Mr Kiono
is n fervid admirer of Hoono county and
strong supporter of Albion , which , hu
claims , is experiencing n real estatu
boom which , before long will , relatively
speaking , equal that of some larger cities ,
The merchants huvo combined for the pur
pose of advertising thu town , which is now
cmjoying unusual prosperity. The Union
I'ucilio road roaches thu towntlu > Chicago
& Northwestern has struck , while tlio 11.
iV M. has already staked its way through
it. Other roads uro turning th'oir utten-
tion toward it , attracted by the fertility
of thu soil and the thriftinoas of the pco-
lily in tlm neighborhood. The city is sup
plied with waterworks by inuaiis of
which water for fuul pnrposus
is conveyed in pipes along the streets ,
llundnuls of oxuullunt farms surround It
nnU those working thorn nro of the torn-
peramunt and nnurgy which conduce to
success. Mr. Kionn says that the popu
lation of the city and county will dunvo
wonderful benohts fromthuir present ox-
cellunt condition , and the railroad ad-
vaneumont which both aru now enjoying
and looking for ,
TIcUotK Kor Pattl.
Seats for thu 1'atti concert will lie
placed on sale on Saturday morning at 10
o'clock at thu exposition otllco. Presi
dent Mayor states that ho has received a
largo mimbor of applications for seats
from all parts of tlio state and expects a
rush when the sale opens. To avoid this
as fur us possible thu mam room of the
exposition building will bo open from the
hours of 10 a , ni. to a n. ni , on Saturday
for tlio accommodation of the ticket
scokors ,
Now bcliool TJIUVS ,
Charles Conoyor , secretary of the
school board , has goneto Lincoln with a
voluminous bill. Ii Is compiled partly
from the ohj charter and contains features
with regard to schools which It is thought
will bo toimd necessary under the now
Superintendent Dicker , of tlie Western
Union , relumed yesterday ( fora
Fitting Tributes By Representatives on the
Life of the Deceased Senator ,
Tlio Senate llcsumrs Consideration
of ttio Rill to Increase the
Naval 13s taullshmcni Other
WASiitxoTO.v , Feb. 10. The house to-dny
Insisted upon Us amendment to the scnato
trade dollar bill nnd a i ; teed to the conference
requested by the scnato.
Mr. liclmont , from the committee on
foreign affairs , reported back the senatu
retaliation bill , with the substitute therefor ,
which was ordered printed and lecommltted.
Mr. Hi'lmont gave notice that ho would nsk
the house to act upon the measure Wednes
day iioxt.
Mr. Kicc of Massachusetts gave notice that
hu would filu n mlnoilty report. Thu only
change In the substitute repotted from that
drawn up by tlm sub-committee of tlm com
mittee on foreign affairs nnd heretofoio pub
lished , nsldu trom amendments ns to the
phraseology , Is the insertion , after the pro
hibition against the entry ot any locomotive ,
earor other vehicle , of the words , "With any
poods that may be contained thotoln. " The
third and last section of the sub-committee's
bill providing for the appointment of n com
mission to take testimony relative to losses
Indicted by thu Canadian authorities on citi
zens of thu United States Is stricken out for
the reason that n bill covering the same
ground has been already reported by the
committee. The report accompanying tlio
substitute ) Is Identical to that drawn up by
the sub-committee.
Mr. Hatch of Missouri attempted lo secure
consideration of thu pleuro-pnuumoula bill
but abandoned the attempt when It was evi
dent that n point ot no quorum would bo
lalsed against his motion.
At 2 o'clock , In pursuance to a previous
order , public business was discontinued and
Mr. Thomas of Illinois called up the scnato
icsolntions expressive of respect to the mem
ory of the late John A. Locnn. Mr. Thomas
said that In battle Logan was a born warrior ,
lull to overflowing with military spirit and
dash , Few men held so many Hearts In thu
hollow of his hand as had John A. Logan ,
anil in Illinois ttio vacancy caused by "tils
death could never be tilled.
Mr. Henderson ot Illinois spoke from the
standpoint of a man who had unjoyed John
A. Lo.nil's friendship lor forty-live years
and boiu testimony to thu uprightness ot his
character , thu gallantry of his military caioer
and tlio ability which characterized ills legis
lative Hie. It l > ad been said that Logan was
ambitious to be president , but if ho w.-is it
was an honor.iblo ambition and many of Ills
Iriends bclluvud that his distinguished bet-
vices both in military and civil lito lalrly en
titled him to that honor. Hut ho was manly
In his ambition , Hu was never a tilmmer or
time .seiver and ho never tried to dodge any
question or escape any responsibility for loat
he inicht Injuio his piesldential aspirations.
Mr. McKinleyof Ohio paid a high tribute
to Senator Logan.
Mr. llandall of Pennsylvania expressed his
sympathy with tlio stale of Illinois and thu
whole country in tlmir loss of the public
counsel ot John A. Logan.
Mr. C.innon of Illinois Highly eulogized the
dead senator. His death was tlie nation's
loss , his iccord tlio nation's Inherit.ince.
Whatever ho did hu did with all his might.
ills life would bo a healthy incentive to
action to millions who were to follow after.
Lo < : an dead \\onld bu a potent l.iclor for
good when tlioso people who drifted without
convictions , priding themselves on their cnl-
tur in lieu tncicof , weio dead and forgotten.
Mr. Springer of Illinois spoke of his admi
ration ol the qualities of Umieial Logan as
displayed in hi private life nnd cited in
stances of kindness and generosity which
oveillowed his heai t and rendered him al
ways a li lend of thu distiessed.
Mr. Adams laid his tribute of respect and
KOI row upon thu giave of a man \\hosu death
was such an irreparable loss to his state and
Mr. Daniel of Virginia envied not the feel
ing ot tlio man who did not mourn to-day
with tlioso who uiournud a strong man
stricken down in his pi line. With tlioso who
knew him bust nnd loved him most hn bowud
his head beiidii tliu bier of Log.m. ( irc.u in
war and in peace , Loir an was respected by
Ills opponents even though limy thought that
somi'tlines ho was Severn ot Judgment and
bitter of expression. They respected him
sinceiely becaeso they recognized that In him
was that upright , downtight spirit that said
its say , did its deed and luft to God the con
Kuloglcs were also delivered by Messrs.
Mntturworth. Holman , Henderson of Iowa ,
Holers , MeComas. Weaver of Nebraska. Wil
son of West vlrclnla , Cntchcon , Ilico.
O'JIara , Osborne and Anderson of Ohio , and
then , as a further mail : of respect to tlio
memory of thu deceased , thu house ad
journed ,
Thioucliout the day Mrs. Logan , accom
panied by members of her family , occupied a
wcat in the gallery reserved for the use of the
WASHINGTON , Feb. 10. The presiding of
fleer of tlio sonata to-day presented "what
purported to be tlio credentials of David Tur-
pic , elected senator of Indiana. " The certl-
licato is signed by the governor , whoso sijc-
natuto Is certified to by the secretary of state.
It was referred , on motion of Mr. , to
the committee on privileges and elections.
The committee on commerce reported back
thu house river and harbor bill , with amend
ments , and Mr. McMillan gave notice that he
would move to tnko It up to-moriow.
Mr. Stanford addressed the senatu In favoi
of a plan for Industrial co-otiorntlon.
Tlio Ronato then resumed consideration of
thu bill to incieaso the naval establishment.
Mr. Maxoy supported the bill and said he
was not only in tavor of building war vessels
but of foitilyingevery soapoit In tlm coun
try.Tlie question was then taken on the amend
ment oifered yustorday by Mr. llalu and It
was adopted without division. Tlio other
amendments were adopted and tlio bill
Mr. Butler moved to amend by Inserting
after thu words "heavily ni mored vcssols" the
words "for sea service. " nnd spoke in sup
port of tlm amendment.
Mr. llalu opposed the amendment.
Mr. Allison , chairman ot tlm committee nn
nppioprlations , calculated that the annual
oxpnndituiu under all these bills would not
exceed Sl'J.000,000 because the iixnunditures
would extend over live yeais , Tliuso bills
did not materially affect the question ot the
tmrplii'j in thu tiuusnry.
After further debatn the bill wont over
without action , Mr. Halo stating that ho
would ask a vote on it to-morrow.
Mr. Uhilr tliun olfured resolutions in honor
of his late colleague , Senator Plko , nnd ad
dressed the senate in eulogy of the deceased
Afti > r further eulnglums by Messrs. Ed
munds , Doiuh , Maiulerson , Jones of Arkan
sas , George , Kvarts , Palmer nnd Clicnoy , the
icsolutlons were adopted and tlm senate , as
a further maik of respect , adjourned.
Fire-Hugs and Hurlnrs Uusily at
Sioux CITV , la , , Fob. 10. [ Special Telo-
egram to tlio HICK. ] Last night was ono ot
the most exciting in all the history of Sioux
City. Four Mies In all nnd numerous bur-
claries weio sufficient to keep the pcoplo con
stantly nervous nnd glvu rlso to many false
rumors. It la evident at the present time
that there Is an organized baud of thieves
and fire-bugs Infesting the city and our citi
zens nro prepared for almost anything next.
The pollcu have received Instructions to stop
every Individual found on tlio streets after
mldnliiht and make arrests If not
sntlstied as to their good Intentions.
Tlie lire In Walter & Mulversted's store
was altogether the most serious. The nggro-
irate loss on the dwellings in'the suburbs of
the city , tuo livery barns in connection with
the Planters' hotel nnd the Iowa house , will
not exceed $2.000 t r S'J.OOO. Walter A ; Milver-
versted'S stock was valued at S'JO.OOO , and In
almost a total loss. The bulldluc In which
the stock was located , and also thu onu Im
mediately adjoining were badly damaged.
H. Usbotlmesson'sftock nnd the fixtures of
several otllces were nlso badly damaged.
Several attempts were i also mndo to cut the
hose nnd thus prevent tUo II re men extinguish
ing the flames , _ j
Tlio Trotiunumlcr Trial.
Stoux CITV , la. , Feb. 10. [ Special Tele
cram to the'o : | prosecution In the
Trout murder casd ( o-day rested. Largr
crowds havn been In attendance constantly.
The easels exciting unusual Interest. The
line of testimony rjrodilccd by the prosecu
tion clearly establishes ; the murder nsnprc-
meditated one. Tlia avldonco goes to show
that before committing the act Tiotit pro
cured a revolver of "a'ghnstnltli , asking him
to load the same , explaining that ho wanted
to use It lo kilt n dog. The defense
Is endcavoiing to provo the Insanity
of Tiout , nt least whllo com
mitting the inurdor. Depositions havn been
Introduced fiom members of Trout's family
to the effect ttmt Insanity is hereditary In the
family. The facts are It was Unco or font
weeks after his before- any announce
ment was made that Trout would attempt ( < :
set up liny plea of insanity , and during thai
period nothing in his conduct indicated thai
lie was subject to temporary Insanity. There
l.saprobabibllltv of the case boiiiR given to
thu jury to-moirow. At nil events it will be
concluded this \\eck ,
An Klopluc Couple Arrested.
Hiiooisi.Y.v , la. , Feb. lO.-tSpecinl Tele
cram to thu llii.J : : W. L. Perkins nnd r
Bovenleen-ycar-old ghlby the name ot Sav-
nrd , who have been passing ns man and wife ,
wcio arrested hero yesterday by Sheriff Me-
Cord and taken homo to Mnrslmlllown.
Perkins Is aliaveling man , nnd falling tn
get the consent of tlio girl's mother for tiielt
manlaso , started on thulr way for Mlssonil ,
wheiu they could bo married without tlio In-
tutfercnco ot the law.
Stubbed Hy n Ornzy Jinn.
IOWA. CITY , la. , Feb. 10.-Specal [ ! Tele-
cram to the lli'.u.l A crazy man named
Fred Dutch stabbed Deputy Sheriff Charles
llogers tills forenoon nt the court house In
this place. The knlfo was n common Jackknife -
knife and Itogors was struck in the abdo
men , thu blade penetrating to a depth of two
Accidental Drownlnc.
DAVKNPOKT , la. , Feb. 10. | Spcclal Tele
gram to the HIM : . ] Special from Davcnporl
says George Holsena , a butcher ot Andalusia ,
twelve miles bonth of this place , while cross
ing the liver last night fell between the
cakes ot ice and was di owned.
AVoutul A i-o u ml a Shaft.
Cr.nAii UAi'ins , la. , Feb. 10. ( Special Tel
egram to the Ur.n.l John Mathlas , foreman
of the feitilizing department of the packing
house , wns wound around the shall this
11101 iilng and it is thought fatally Injured.
The Union Spy.
Prof. Knthbun has been written to by
Colonul Temple with a view to repro
ducing here the well known i > luy of the
"Union Spy. " Tlio piece was played
here bevural years ago with considerable
success , though but with a slight bencllt
to the G. A. It..under whose auspices it was
produced. The expenses wnro enormous ,
the greatest fcauircuof them being the
poreo'.itngc on the gross receipts given
Colonel'iumple , who , directed the play.
Ho got nearly everything and it is hardly
likolv that the G. A. H. will again be
caught in the same ivianncr.
Popular Hcoital ,
The following .H tlKJiprogrammo for the
entertainment in tlio First Mothodisl
Episcopal 'eliurclij'tliis evening :
1. Piano solo , "Tanhauser' ,
t Lis/.t Wacncr.
Miss limma Fried.
2. "Drifting , " a Poet's Wuverio
i. .T.Uuchauan Held.
3. Quartette , "ThuStars in Heaven" . . .
' . . . . Josot 1 tneinbergcr ,
Mis. J. T. Chirk , MissXettio Vapor , Mis. K.
W. iJieekonridge. Dr.-.l. M. Woodburn.
4. "Mary , the Maid ot thu Inn. " n dra-
nutiu Lyric Itobert Sou they.
Miss Timberman.
5. "Mary o' Castlu Cary , " a Scotcli bal
lad Hector Macneil.
Ml s Timberman.
0. Duct , "I Feel Thy Angel Splilt" . . . .
i loirman.
Mis. J. T. Clark. Dr. J.M. Woodburn.
7. "The Pipes of LucknowV'n poem
John G. Whitticr ,
Miss Timbernian.
8. landing from the Historical Play of
King Henry V. ( act v. , scene i ! . ) . .
Miss TiHibernian.
0. Solo , "Oh.l am the Merry Postillion..Abt.
Miss i/illio Chamberlain.
10. "Littlo Joo"from "Lite Among thu
Gamins" Daniel Proudflt.
Miss Timherman.
U. "Love In a Haloon'V.LItchlield Mosely.
Miss Timburman.
Admission fifty cents.
Porponal I'nrnijraplis.
John M. Hogan of Hastings is at the
II. D. Hicks leaves to-day for Stroms
burg , Nob. , mainly on business.
W. A. Denul , who has just beun planed
in charge of this division of the Union
Pacific , left yesterday on the pay car fein
n trip over the line , Hu was accompanied
by Assistant Superintendent Kouii.s.
Denis Fletcher , lately an attache ol
the Point Hlakoly Milling company , nnti
ono of the most export telegraphers h
the country , is a guest of Geo. M
O'Briun. Ho is rotnnung to tlio PacilU
coast after a vacation of nuarly twi
months with friends and relatives it
W. J. MoGSvock of Denver , Col , ar
old time Umahan and now ono of tht
heaviest railroad contractors in thu wusi
is m the city looking after importani
propriotory interest. Mr. Gavock is the
guest ot his brother Aleck , and will remain
main hero a few days.
Pythtigorns lodge No. 5 ! ) , K , of P. givcf
its annual ball in tlm annex on nuxi
Friday night.
Mrs. Magrano will entertain her pu
pils and their friends at a social to "be
given next Wednesday evening , Fobru-
ury 2J. !
The plnbtoring in the addition to the
Union Pacific headquarters , which was
put on during cold weather , is bcgmnlnc
to fall on1.i& '
The W. C. T. PI will liavo a spooia !
business ineetinjfit thu ISuckinglum :
Homo tills ufturntion ut & o'clock. All
members are requested to bo present.
On Friday , GeiJorul Managert'allawaj
and General Tra/llo / Manager Kimball
will go 10 Chicago toiiUtoiul the r&ilroad
conference , which i lb discuss the inter
stuto commerce bill.
Then ) will bo H'praad rally of the Sun
day school Tofnpcranco army , in the
Third Congregational church , corner ol
Spruce anil Nilvotcolith streets , tomorrow
row evening at 7.1B o'clock. Addrusset
will bu dolivuroil , by Hev. J. S. Dotwiloi
and Dr. Joseph H. l''oy. '
George 11. Whitw9f 1137 North Sovon-
ttienth street , wasjus.ulted and knocked
down by a thug , who ran away when
some ono approached. Mr.Vhito lost
nothing but had his nose broken. The
assault waa committud on Sixteenth
street , between JJurt and Ctiming ,
Yesturday morning another Union Paci
fic excursion train to California luit thu do-
potwitli 11 vo carloads of excursionists. The
train was ono hour and a half late in
reaching this side of the river because ol
a delay made by thu _ tram on the Sioux
City road which curried a largo number
of excursionists. The Union Pacilio train
was in chargii ot J. H. Green , the travel
ing pa&sungur agent of tlm road.
Persons who lead a life of exposure
aru subject to rheumatism , neuralgia and
lumbago , and will tind u vuluablu rum-
edyin Dr. J. 11' . McLean's Volcaulo. Oil
Liulmcnt ; it will banish pain and subduu
intlamatiou. " , >
The Bhootlns Tonrnnincnt Hnnlcy
nntl Jjnlllnnoho Moth's aintchos.
Washington's birthday will bo cele
brated by the sportsmen of Omaha in n
grand shooting tournament which will
bo held on the grounds cn.t of Athletic
park. Messrs. Pcnroso & llardln , who
Imvo taken a leading Dart in the move
ment have the assurance of a very large
attendance ) of sportsmen from all parts ol
llio slalo and from u number of Iowa
towns. A mooting wns held at Pcnroso < K
llardln's store last night at which tlio fol
lowing programmo was arranged :
First Contest Tun llvo pigeons thirty
ynrds rise , English ruins. Entries ? 5.
Second Contest Twolyo bltio rocks ,
eighteen yards riso. Entries $8.
Third Contest Seven live pigeons ,
twuntv-livo yards rise , ouu barrel. En
tries si1 ! .
Fourth Contest Seven single Amer
ican olaybmls , eighteen yards. Entries
i3.Fifth Contest Five pair live pigeons ,
double rises , twenty-ono yards. Entries
? * >
Sixth Contest--Nino blue rock ? , oigh-
tumi yards. Entries $5.
Seventh Contest Twelve live pigeons ,
thirty yards , English rules. Entries $7.
Eighth Contest Flvo pair American
clavbirda , sixteen yards. Entries $3.
Ninth Contest Ten American clay-
birds , eighteen yards rlso. jvntrie.s ? 5.
Tenth Tun livepiiioons. . thirty
yards rise , English rules. Entries $5.
The national rules will bo observed in
all of tliosr matches , whie-h will bu open
to all comcr.s and no favors asked. Thu
entranoo feu will includu the cost of birds
in all cases. The money in each match
will bo divided into three ) purses , CO per
cent to the lirst , 'M pur cent to tlio second
and 20 to thu third man. Aftur the regu
lar programme a number of sweupstako
matches will bo arraniicd. Thu pro
gramme will be commenced promptly at
I ) o'clock. _
The Jlnnlcy-Ijatllnnctio Mntul ) .
The coining ovunt in listic sports that
is attracting attention is the glove con
test between Gcorgo LalHanclto , "the
Marino , " and Jack llanloy , which will
take place at the Exposition annex on
next Wednesday evening , February 23 ,
Thu contest will bo for six rounds for
points , and will allbrd a pleasing attrac
tion for the lovers of thu manly art.
Ilanlcy and La Blanche are well matched ,
and m any kind of n bout will make a
] > rutty exhibition. In addition lo this
leading fuaturoof the exhibition , Duncan
McDonald. Arthur Uothory , Paddy Nor
ton , Prof. Ed Miller , Johnny LaMountain ,
Sam Stuvunsonand other local talent will
uiipear. _
Mnth'H Matches.
Charley Moth , the wrestler , is confined
to his room at the Metropolitan hotel
with a severe cold , which has suttlud in
his throat and lungs. His condition
makes it impossible lo lix the date of the
two matches which ho has already ar
ranged. The match with Elliott ,
thu South Omaha expert , which
was lixcd for Friday evening ,
will be postponed until some
evening in the early part of next wecK.
If Moth nonius out of this match without
any bruises ho will bo ready to meet
Keiyce , the Turner's choice , on short no-
ticu. This match , which is for if'J.'iO a
Bide and the entire gate receipts , is at
tracting a great dual of attention , lioyco
is a great favorite witii tlio Turners and
they aru prepared to back him heavily.
Moth , on the other hand , is confident
that ho can easily throw Koycc three out
of live catch-as-catch-can fails and has
friends who are willing to back his conli-
Tlio Cycling Champions
"If you know anyone who is anxious to
back Eck in the Saturday night match
against Bullock sund thum around and
I'll find them takers , " said John S. Prince
to a 15r.i : reporter yesterday.
Bullock is in .splendid condition and
feels that in a 100-mile race lie can do up
the Canadian champion. Tlio race will
commence at 4:30 : o'clock in the after
noon and will be finished at 100. : ! ! The
record for 110 miles is 0 hours , ( i minutes
and 12 seconds and bulomrs to Windy
Morgan. It is moro than probable that
this will bo smashed on Saturday night.
Tlio iScbraskn Association Holds An
Important IMoetliiK.
A meeting of the Live Stock Shippers' '
association of Nebraska , was hold at the
exchange building yesterday afternoon ,
The meeting was called to order by II
B. Dibble , after which flic minutes of tht
previous meeting wcru road by thu secre
tary , John Wiggins , and approved. A
C. Virgin , of Utica , offered a resolution ,
which was adopted to the cfl'cct that a !
live slock shippers present who had nol
yet joined the association bu given an op
portunity to join as charter members
Several came forward and signed the rol
among whom were the following : F. Hey
Silver Creek ; A. Myers , York ; J. A
Ivohou , Platte Center ; Wiilinm Hipp ,
Humphrey * ) ; Henry Kepler , JJorchestor
S. Scott , Clarks ; T. C. Alien , Tomorrow
The constitution and by-laws as prepared
pared wcru read by the secretary and
adopted. As the object of thu associa
tion is very clearly stated in the pream
ble , it is reproduced hero for the bonulil
of those interested :
This organization shall bo known ns the
Ljve Stock Shippers' association of thu Mate
of Nebraska , and will bo composed ot ship
pers of good standing of at least six months'
ex ] > urloncu In the state. Thu object tit the as
sociation shall bo to promote a friendly busi
ness feeling among tlm members of thu ship
ping traturnlty , to prevent scalping piaetlces ,
ns much ns possible , fo soc-uro lair and just
rates nnd good treatment tiom the railroad
companies , and to inovont. ns far as possible ,
unjust discriminations and delays ot stock
while In transit , and other abuses that aio
now amUmve been practiced upon shippers
In geneifd by tlm railroad companies , and to
urge upon the railroad companies tlio gruat
Importance of last tiansportatlon ot stocK
over their lines , with less delays , occasioning
loss to shippers. Also , It is thu duty of this
association to seu that stock Is properly
handled and cared for , nnd that some ot thu
present abuses are corrected at points wheru
stock is un loaded and ted. Ana It shall bo
-tho object nnd desire of the members of this
association. Individually and collectively , to
so ae.t ns to further thu Interests of each
other in every manner possible , nnd that wo
fully reall/.o that thu Interest of
the farmers nnd stock raisers are
Identical with our own. nnd that
under all circumstances wo will endeavor to
pay for the stuff they raise , and we handle ,
tlm hkhest market value- possible , and that
we hereby pledgti ourselves to work unceas
ingly for the upbuilding of a permanent and
substantial stock market In our ouu state.
The constitution and by-laws will bo
printed in pamphlet form for distribution
among the uicmburd of thu association
and also for general distribution among
thu shippers of the state , the object IHng
to induce others to join. Several ship
pers spoke of the way in which some
commission firms sum ! out men to buy
stock in direct competition with the reg
ular buyers and thus compel them to
ship to their linn. One of these mun , in
a certain instance , offered to leave the
point where he was buying it the regular
shipper there wouhl pay him $100.
Uy reason of the oxtentjto which this
system of bulldozing has boon carried ' on
by some linns , thofollowingwas'adoptod ;
Kcsolvcd , That it Is the faensu of this
association that wo do not sanction the
practice of certain commission lirms lo
cated in .this state iu the matter of double-
dealing so ns to compel shippers' to consign -
sign to them.
A resolution wns offered and unan
imously adopted 'thanking the Omaha
HKE for gratuitously publishing calls for
the meetings of the association.
Messrs. Hey , King and Woyant were
appointed n committee on finance.
After the transaction of the routine
business the meeting wns adjourned to
meet again three weeks from last Tues
day evening nt the Merchants' hotel of
11 on ! ICstnto
estate transfers lllcd Feb. 15 , 1837
IJnlph 1C ( iaylord ct al to John Kuwait , 12 J <
lot 2 blk : xt Omaha , n e-sr > u. ? : .
Alexander K McCnndless nnd wife to Clara
S Cotton , lots 1 , s , blk 7 Isabullo add to
Omaha , w d-Sl.BUO.
A H McCaudless nnd wife to Kiumn V
Aiiilorson ut ni lot 7 blk 3 Isnbello add to
Omaha , w d SC50.
A 11 McCandless and wife lo Oeorcia
Valentine , lots to. U , 1' ' , blk 71sabclloadd
to Omaha , w n $1,850.
F.llls L Hlcrbower and wife to .lolm P
Loid , lot 3 blk ! Denises add to Omaha , w d
Josephine O Ketchnm nnd husband to
Edcnr 11 Scott , w K lot ! ! blk 103 Omaha , w d
Dennis Cunningham et nl to Anthony It
CUnton , lot ! i blk U Washington Hill , w d-r
John Anlslleld and wifeto Andrew liose-
watcr , Jtflnt In w CO ft of lot 11 blk OS K
Itotfcrs add to Omaha , w d SI.'SO.
Abraham U Soncr and wife to Mary K
.Ionian , lot 1 blk U Hawthorne ndd , w d
$ ? 1 ! C > 0.
Frank 11 Spencer and wlfo to .lolin Latzul-
inann etnl n lot IGblkUK V Smiths add
to Omaha , w d 5SJ5.
Itlchard C P.ittcrson ct nl to John Heller et
nl lots r > . o , 7 , blk S Patterson's sub , w d S-tr.0.
Peter Hasmussen and wlfo to Frank
Dworak ot nl lot 10 blk 17 Credit Fonder ndd
to Omaha , w d SUM.
Marie K Hammond nnd husband to L V
Criim , lots iy , II , Lnd wick place , W d $3,000.
Max Meyer ct al to tlm public plat of Man-
hatten s u it u u X ill , 15 , in. dedication.
City of Omaha lo Peter Kill , 15x132 ft bog
nt n w cor ot lot 4 blk 217 , q c S'J47.
Clms Impoy nnd wlfo to Gerhard S
Uenawa , lut 2 blk u Plainvlew add.w d S X > .
( ierhard S Hennwa and wlfo to Lott M
lllnton. lot ! i blk 2 PInlnvlow add , w d SD50.
J W Uedfoid and wife to Milford Tldball ,
lot 8 blk 6 Klrkwood add , w d $1,000.
IsaaeS Hnscall et nl to the public plat o
liurllnu'ton Square in r > , II , 13 dedication.
Alfred U mifreno and wlfu to John I
P.edick. lots -10 , 41 , Taylors ndd to Omaha , w
d SV-ftO.
Altred U Dufrcno and wlfo to William B
.Smith , lots 3S , ' . , Taylors add to Omaha , w
d § 1,250.
Ueo W Amos and wlfo to Josephine Mach ,
lot 1 hlk 0 lliinscom Park add , w d-STOO.
Isaac ( illiiiskv and wlfo to S U Wlllinskl
et allots in , n.ljlk'J Uusli & Sclby's ndd to
South Omaha , w dS"'J5. .
Win A Uotiu'las to John Morrcll , lot 0 blk 1
Plainvlew , w d 51.000.
A S Paddock to the public plat of Paddock
place blk n dedication.
Kichard Stebblns and wife to John Mori til
lot 8 blk 12 Plalnview add , w d 81,500.
( ! eo 13 Itarkerctal to ( jco W Logan , lot 8
blk 1 Mayno place add , w d 32,500.
LelJoy Mnyno to Sand Cotner jr. , lots 0 , 7 ,
blk 4 Mayno add to Omaha , w d $1,100.
Jeppo J ( iram and wlfo to August ! ! ISossel-
maii , n H lot 18 blk 1 Armstrong's 1st add to
Omaha , w d S2,0.10.
John A Fuller and wlfo to Henrietta Sac'.is
lot 50 IJnrr Oak add to Omalm , w d $1.350.
Allen M Fleming nnd wile to Thomas
Dennlson , lot 12 blk 11 Plainvlew add , w d
? 1,000.
( ! eo W Ames and wife to Krwln U Fonda ,
lots 7 , 8 , 0 , blk 3 Ilnnsconi Park add , w d
8I.ST > o.
Catherine ( iHIo to Maitglo Guthart , lot 1
blk 45S ( Jrandvluw , q c SI.
Catherine ( Jllloptnl to Ktigenla Denning-
son , lot 4 hlk 457 Orandvlew ndd , n c SI.
Maggie ( iiithart ct al Catherine ( Jille , lot 19
blk 471 ( irandvlew ndd , q c SI.
Catherine ( Jille et al to Jacob Selimlt , lot 0
blkisi Gramlvlew.n c Si.
Anna Moian to Caiolio K llobertson et al
lots : , : u Harlem lane , w d Sioo.
John 11 Hamilton to Albert It Htiseh , lot 10
blk 0 Paddock place , w d-$3,030.
Klla A Pearson and husband to Frank L
Hull , n D ) / lot 01 tJihes ndd , w d 81,200.
Max Meyerct al to Kichard C Patteison , s
w 14 s o J/ : 5 , Irt , 13 , bolnt' the undivided Jf
of tlm above also , : ! U acres in s } f s w X 'M ,
1 . 13 , w d-Sl.
Chas F Mnndcrson and wife to Harrison
W Ciemer , lot 5 blk 40 , the oiiglnal city of
Omaha , wd-12,2uO.
Mauricu Teikehen nnd wife to Tlios 15
Mel'ulloch. u 2-J ft lot 5 blk 173 Omaha , w d
Miss Winnie Mayno is visiting friends
in Stromslinrg , Tsui ) .
Tlio Host Tor Hurso Complaints ,
New York Club Stnblos , 15-17 E. i-Sth Bt.l
New Vork , Oct. 20tb , 1SN5. J
It gives me great pleasure to ndiliny testi
mony to the greateurutlvo qualltlciofSt.
Jacobs Oil , having used several cases of
tlio Oil ill my ( stable , can Eufulygay It Litho
the bust llniuiunt. CALVIN H.WUEST.
Tlio llest Kvor Ueod In Stnlilos.
Gentlemen's Fancy I.I very , Fine Horse * , ctc.,1
l-nncnster , fa. . . Oct. ISkl , IhSti. f
As to the uscfiiluc--ui of Ft. Jacobs Oil , 1 will
Bay us much ns any nmn , for I well know
It Is the best 1 over u > cmy - ' dtiibles.
It Never Tailed In uSlngla Instance.
San DlCRO , Cnl. , Oct. 23d , ISSfl.
Gentlemen : It Ian satisfaction to ruconv
niund a good tiling , nnd Midi n thing ; 1 bo-
llovo jour St. Jacobs Oil to bo. I have
useil It for years In my family , 03 well its In
jny kemiul and stuliks , mm it lias naicr
failed In a studio instance lo ( loovorj thing
that could ri'iwmubly bo uxiu't-ti-il of ony
remedy ol iti class. W. II. lIOI-AnilM ) .
Geu'l. Agt. Coiouaclo JJcacU Co.
From a irorsoinnn Liimo-lwckCurod.
Mencslm , WIs. , Oct. 20. IbM.
Your letter nil rlslit. St. Jacobs Oil Is
liift \ \ hut U fialil uliout it. It ciirrd mo en-
tlicly of Iiiinu back ; nl o of Miraliu. U la
thu mii > t tiling ut er iiaocl on liorees , or for
uiuu or beast. A-OUANOEU.
Opinion of a Dnnliir In ITnrnrs.
'J'ruxlcrtow n I/elilgb Co. , Tenna.
I recommend HI. Jncobi Oil as the best
thins In tlio world for tjiaviu cu horses.
It la a certain euro.
THE ciMiars A , VOUELCH co , , ii Himo , MJ.
S'O-All persons llsiso St.Jacobi Oil nr Jrd
Slar Coupn Cute , will by icndliia a tire coil rtamp
and ( i lii tmy\f \ tlidrcatt , rcceiie AIIVICU
Master's Sixle.
In thb Circuit Conn of thu United Stiitea for thu
District of Nt'briisliu.
Aloiuo II. Viiloutlne , ut. al. )
vs. vlnClmiiecry.
Fannlo H. Wlsoraan , ot ul , )
Fonuci.o-uiiti : or MniiTflAni : .
NOI'ICK In Moioby Blvnii , ilmt In pur-
PUI1UO by vlrluoor u ilucroo onliir l
In Iho nbovo CHIISO , < iu Iho nth < luy of > lny , Ihhtt.
IiilUfj : Ilicrboufr. Bpcclal muHor m cliun-
cory In siilil coilit , will un tbu&th < luy PI' .March ,
ItWT , ut the hour of ID oVIock In the forenoon of
thoeulililay , ut ( ho north iloor of the I'nltod
htutoa court Uoiibo ami pojuillicu building , In
the city of Omuhu , Uonj-'Im county , Btato and
dlstilc ! of Nobruakti , null nt auction the follow-
luirdoiurlhL'il property , to-wit :
The bouth hull ( 'ii mid tlio northwest quarter
( nw'ii mid the west hull * of the nurtlieust ijuur-
tnrwi ( * ol nnl ) of section lirolroil ( \ In town-
HtilpoloviMi (11) ( ) north < ) l rrigo < ton (10) ( ) west of
the sixth prlni'lpil inorMlnu , In the county of
iinll , nnd Htatc or NnbrHsku
The oust oiio-third ( om of lot llvo (5) ( ) In block
twunly-ulKht I'-1 Bltuule In the city of Oiund
Iblund , In tbo county or Hull , and Htntu ol No-
brViaku. I'-I.I'1H l < . IIIKUUOWKIt ,
Special Mostor In Chnni-ory.
Orotf , Monlpomory XJcllroy mid J. II.
Wooluy , solicitors for compliilnmit.
fob-S-9 lO-W-iniir-2
Notice to Contractors , ) ProposuU will bo lut-clvcd at tills
olllco until noon , Koliniliry : ! dtli , Ii7 , for thu
running ol the Now Dru trriidiiiK iiiitulilno , no-
cordiiiK to bpocitlcatloiii on lilo in thu Count ) '
Clerk's ollicu.
'Jho rltrtil to reject liny nnd all bids In hereby
. lly Order of the -Hoard.
JIJ. I' . NKBDHAM. County Clurk.
tM > 9 uae-w-si-sa
how casllv rheiiinntlsm begins and how In
sldlously It grow * In the system , until out
Is startled to find himself the victim In -v
either the acute or chronic form. He then
learns the fearful tenacity of Its gain and
the utter powcrlessness of the ordinary
remedies to give relief.
Probably to no disease have physicians
given more study , and none has more com
pletely baffled their clVorts to provide n spe
cific ; and until Athlophoroi wns discover
ed there was no medicine that would surely
cure rheumatism , neuralgia and norvniu
sick headache , Thousands of testimonial * ,
like the following prove beyond question
that Athlophoro * is the onlv reliable reme
dy , and that it will do nil that is claimed
for it ,
Englcwocd , Kansas.
Alhlophoros has done me moic good
than all oilier medicine put together , for I
was n great sufferer from rheumatism and
neuralgia , nnd can Ray today , I am me
from both complaints.
MRS M.MttSroNrt. .
W. S. Hopkins , 17 ! ) C Avenue , Cedar
Kapids , Iowa , says : "My wife nnd daugh
ter were both stricken with Inflammatory
rheumatism at the same time. Tlie lower
limbs wcie much swollen , the pain seemed
much beyond endurance , slrcp was out of
the question. They sulVcrcd so much that
to move or even touch the sheet on the bed
would cause the most violent pain. They
wcre-confined to the bed four weeks. Dur
ing that time and previous I bought many
kinds of medicine ; then 1 employed a phy
sician , but nothing gave relief until I heaul
of Athtophoios. I bought a bottle at once ,
and am glad to say in n very short time
the swelling was reduced , the pain gene
nnd they were entirely well. "
Every druggist should keep Athlopho
roa and Athloplioros I'ills , but whurothuy
cannot bo bought of tlm drucirjst the
Athlopltoros Co. , lia Wall St. . Now York ,
will send cither ( cirriaco : paid ) on receipt
of regular price , which is $1.00 ner boltlo
for Athloplioros and 50c. for I'ills.
I'orllvor and klduoy discuses , dyspepsia , Indigestion -
digestion , weakness , nurvousdoblllty , dlsniiso *
of woman , constipation , homluoho , Impure
blood , etc. , Athlophoroj I'llls urounoiiuullud.
Koslxtuon yonr * , tlioy IIRVU stondlly irntmxl
Infnor , nnd with nalrs coii'tnntly InorrnHlnn
liiivobocninotlio most popular corset throuirh-
out tlio Unlti-d pink-it. -
Tlio E , G anil It It prnclo are mndo In SHOUT
Mntiiu.M AND I.XTIILONO : WAIST , suluililt- for
nil Inures. Tlio (5 quality , niiiilo of r.uirllsh wiirnintud to wour twlco us lonir in
Highest iiwnrds from nil tlio World's jrront
Tiilra. Tlio lu t mocinl ruculvpil Is lor Knur
DKOIIBE OK MI-.IIIT , from tlio Into Exposition
hold at Now Orleans.
While ac-oios of pntonta Imvo licon found
ivorthlesfl , tlio prlnelpluu of tlio Glovo-ritlliu
Imvo provml invnluulilo.
Itotnllois lire iiuthorUttd lo refund money , i * ,
on examination , tluvo Corsets < lo not provo us
ropipjcntod TOH SAI.U UVIJKYWHimK.
THOMSON , LANGDON & . CO. . New York.
I Ulivo t l ntlvo ! rcraojy lor the nbOT dl ! iu < i ; by H nso
thout.ftnd of casef of tlio trornt kln > J fttiil of Inng I'andlnr ;
. f Hh In llf efflraoy
> ] ftT < * li > ncnreil Indffil. rnKtronc limy
th I irlll UMid TW O EOM LIM rillK. li-ntlhlT wllli a VAL-
. .
presa & I" . O. BdJtwu. Dft. Xi A. BLUCUM , lei J'curl BU N.
HESTORED. Avlrllmo
I rrvtn&tilru I ocay , ? * orrou
Ih-lillItT , Lost Manhi > odrUIiaTliiKtricd Inaia
piery Known remtwlr. liaa di cov > r Hl a vjmpl
lf-ctu-o , Well lin w ill n-nd Fft EB lo hll Wlorr BUffurcr
Arid rasi. O. J. .M AhON. Test UIGcu Cot 311 > . Now Yai k Vttf
f Tlio Original uiiil Only Ucnutue.
neware of northlrat ImlUtlepl.
ES. Aak jour I > riitfaUt for
_ U1 and late no other , or fiicloie te.
) to ui fnr i > rlli.u1 rB ( n luttr by return mitll *
PAPER. Clitrhrater Clirnilriil Co. ,
feold by DruircUU rrory whrro. Jlik for "C'hlchc *
< * r * ErigU.U" I't-uiiiniritl 1'llla. 1 Ve < . 'cltn
U V HBOH ' v luputn Ml. Buliiijf ! fiomlMdlicutloninr
CXCfKMI. curnil vllh. , , t HlnuiMrh > l l > liw .lVlIt ?
Nrnlrd book Bent ( rr > n. Bbouldlw read by Futhera
99 * Rapletewllh InrormatloTiofvaluAloBllrnvn.
Montlon Omalm Don.
in * CHU908 , and it nuw nn <
suueossfiil Cl'ltUniyour own
homo Iiy ono who wuo dcuf twunty olffhl
vc'tiri. Troutud Iiy nioHt of the noted Hpoulitf
l.-ts without tioncllt ; cured InmBulf In ihreq
months , nnd blnco tlion hundreds of otlioiv ,
Full pttrtluulurs nonl on iipplicitllon. T. U.
1'AUU , No. 41 WestUlst St. , N ow Vork City
. . Uu > ranl dllio
only ono Jnlbn worltlreneratloff
nrontinuoui lrrtrie tt Mnonrtto
. bclentinorow r ul , puinule ,
Comforenblo nd rirei-lln. Ayold frnudJ ,
DinriiooiirurfJ. K'n'iM'mpfoi-p.mpblut. '
Cfttulocues nnrt Prlcenon nppllcitllon. Bold by
II itiu bust CurrluK fiullilrri mid IH'ul t .
I , U. H. A ,
hili / > < "rp .
Successors to Jno , G. Jacobs ,
AM >
At tlio oldstanrt 1407 Furnam st. Onion
bythijrili ! | solicitcil and promptly ut-
lenJod to. Tuloplione No. 225.
IOO Woaltlnrton 8 * . ,
m rkf > t iirlctiliir County , City ,
Toiui mid fcicliudl
, Corr ( > i > oiidiiir < > Inrllrd.
Arriiiint * < > ' 5nnli and
HuiikerH r ullitira rn *
cxjlved on ( . . "vuble ternn.
Drul In T.iiiid Wurralilaiuiil Kfrlp.
KKW VOIlIf OMTfli : l > ultml Ilitnh llldlf
\Vodoilrtttorull th
iitU'iilloii of the puli
Ho L'onuriillv lo Un
biipcrlor inurlti o ( th
\Vinlilnnr IN'rfi'i-tly Tipaii with Lcusl
LaJior , and with Oreut lluiiiillty ,
s iKMv'in nui. AJI. Kinds of Wrlujftr )
MANl i'\C'g'J liCO , ,
1 .vuuTii IUTU