Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 17, 1887, Image 1

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Two Now Normal Schools , Incurable In
sane Asjlum and Orphans' Homo.
An nxprcsBlon On Prohibition Ob
tained In tbo Hcmsc Tlio Hull-
wny Ucpool Hill lltitly Ols-
In tlio Senate.
Bcnnto I'roccoilltiRS.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Fcb.lC.-lSpeclalTclegram
to thu Hi't.JPctltlous : from the voters of
Hurt ntnl Waj noccmntlcs wcic read tills morn
ing protesting against tlio bill now bclorctlio
senate to take a portion of tlio tonltory of
cnch In tlio fottnnttnn of Thurston county ,
tlio creator fart of which Is to bo taken out
ol the \ \ innebago Intllnn reservation lying
north of Hurt nnil east of Wayne , n strip live
iiilli-s wide upon the east of Wajno it Is pro
posed to sever. 'J'lils territory was clvon
vVavnu county six scars 111:0. slncohich
tlino she Ins expended over 31,000 thereon In
iiubliulmptovumouts. although the piopeity
owners lm\onot iMld o\urSI.Y ) In lavs to
thn treasuierot Wuyuo couiitv.
Mr. Conner , ot t'.liorman , offered a resolution -
tion uiglng vipon out congicsslonal deicga-
tion the nccossllv of tlio early appointment
of registers and receivers at the two addi
tional land olllccs In Nebraska authorl/ed by
law about two month ! ) IIRO , and reiuestlng |
them to bilngtho matter heforo the president
that the appointments may bo confirmed bo-
forocoiigicss adjourns. . . ,
The bill appropriating 55,000 to pay the ex
pense of thu minder trial of Quln Huhannon ,
was read u second time.
Housu roll 55 to repeal the railway com
mission law was i cad the second time In tlio
lenato to day.
Mr. Colliy'3 bill , relating to g.imo and
fish , known as the goo-o bill , called out the
jialdon effort ol .Mr. Majors , \vliohad his
speech written , lie undo un eloquent pica
lor the goose and opposed the bill on the
ground that It sought to disciimlnaii ) against
tlio pander in laver of the gome. Tlio hill
wiis indclinitely postponed. The intioduc-
tlon ol this bill cost the state Sax ) .
The bill regulating the lees of count } clerks
was Massed.
The bill providing that cities of the second
class may annex territory when platted for
taxation , " was passed. . . . .
Tlio bill to relieve parties holding contracts
foi the purchase or lease ot lands fioin tlio
Htateitliout lirst having been olluied at
liibllc ) sale , was passed
The senate met at a o'elock and took up
bills on third raiding.
Mi. Knoll's bill to prohibit rambling was
recommitted to committee ol tlio wliolo. Had
it not been ho sweeping in its provisions it
would have passed. It provides that : i bet
In the sum ot 5 cents shall bo a penitential y
oil en so.
Senate file 39 , iclating to replevin cases ,
was pssed. .
Mr. Knell's bill to regulate the sale of
liquors by di ugglsls , was iin.iled and al
lowed to evapoialo.
Mr. Mooio's bill loali/Ing In Nebraska
deeds executed in other states was passed.
Mr. McN'amar's bill deiiniiig the bounda
ries of Iniiian county was passed wltli the
emergency clause.
Mi. Me.Namat's bill providing the manner
In which new counties can tie toiiued out of
nnorg.'ini/ed teiritorj was passed.
Mi. Suoll'tt bill to mane newspaner libel a
penitentiary olleuso was parsed.
Mi. Steillng'sbill to prohibit the sale of
llutioi to Illinois , Indians , insane uersons or
habitual ( tuinkaids , 01 upon Sunday and
election davs , was passed with the umuigency
claiisostiickon out.
Mi. Diiiiis' bill momoriall/Ing congress for
an amendment to the constitution submit
ting tlio olcctlon of United States senator to
iv diioft vote ol tlio people , waspas = Cd.
Mi. Moore's bill relating to the pmcliaso of
real t'htato for taxes by county oltiu.uls was
Mr. McNamar'sbllt providing thata widow
may occupy tlio dwelling ot hei deceased
husband as Ions as she remains : i vvidow ,
without paling rent , waspassod.
The senate lesolvcd itself into commlttcn
of the. whole , to consldei Dills on general
illc. Mr. Majors was invited to tliecliali.
Senate Kilo 4S by Mr. 'IVschuck was hist
consldeicd. It provides for the identlhcatlon
of sccutlties held by the peimanent school
lund ; whenever any pnitfon of the school
money of this state sliull bo Invested in
United States or state securities.or roglstoied
county bonds , the board of commissioners
cmpowoied by law to make such Investment
shall , within live days alter the delivery of
Bald securities or bonds to the pioper custo
dian ot Hie state , cause tobepiinted actoss
tlio lace of Mich seeuiitics , as near the center
thereof as may be piactlcablo , these vvoids :
"This bond belongs to the noiniaucnt school
fund of the state of Xebiaska " it to any
Mich bonds or sccutitles them shall lw at
tached lutet est coupons the said boaii ! , within
the timu above spocilied and In the manner
ufoic.s.ild , sliall cause to bit printed across thu
face ot each coupon the woids : "This
coupon belongs to the permanent school lund
of tlio state of Nebiaska.lthlntwoiity
ihys lioni the taking effect of this act , tlio
bud board shall cause all bonds and securities
now held by the permanent school fund with
tlio Interest columns thereto attached to ho
Identllied and printed upon as provided In
the lltst section of tills act. Thu bill was
U'conimcndi'd to pass.
Senate Illo lf 0 , by Mr. Hurnhain , concern
ing the care of and to prevent spiead of con
tagious and Infectious diseases among do
mestic animals.
11 r. Hi own \vas opposed to tlio bill , opposed
to the llvo stock commission and opposed to
nuthoil/lng any high-joint commission to
ludemnitv owners ot stock killed by order
of It.
It.Mr. . Schmlnko said that fully twenty horses
had been killed In Utoo county to prevent the
spread of dUease.ouo man losliu llvohoises.
mid Is totally tumble to buy otners. Jlo said
thn mcasmo was a necessity.
Mr. Melklcjohn said that Hlnco the lavv
cavothe. commission authority to kill stock ,
It hhould also pi o\ hit ) Indcmnltv as proposed.
The bill iirovides Indemnity as follows :
lloiM's and mules , 675 pel heatt ; cattle , Wi ;
swine , 5. Tliu bill was lecommended to
pass.Ml. . Molklejohn's bill , No. 01. defining the
boundary lines of Thurston county was con-
Bldeied , It proposes to take a large chiinck
oil tlio westein pnttlon of thu Wlnnchago
reservation , a hunk elf thu not them poition
ot Hurt county and a slice elf the eastern portion
tion of Wav no county.
Air. Bobbins puvo a detailed history of the
teirltoiy in question as it appeals upon the
the statutes slnco 1S13 , arguing that Butt and
Wayne counties annexed thu territory above
mentioned unconstitutionally , and hence
should now bo w illln ' to giu It up as the bill
Mi. Fuller stated that the territory annexed
by Wayne county was done under an act ot
isbl. In response to a petition of the citizens
of tlmt teirltoiy. and thu county had ex-
iiunded ovci MUX ) upon Improvements. The
land was sola to thu petitioners by United
hiatus olllclals under appraisement , and tlio
proposed bill would woik a great Injustice to
Wav. no county. Huolfeied un amendment
that the county of Thurston shall tuimburso
the coiintle.i ot Wajno ami Hurt for all
monr\s expended upon the disputed teril-
lory auovo tliu amount received from It in
Mr. Sprtck supported the amendment ,
which was carried.
Tliu committee then recommended that Uie
bill do not pass.
Senate lilo 10.1 , providing for ( ho taxation
of sleeping and dtnliij ; cats , was rccom-
mended to pass.
Senate lllu n , for the repeal of the railway
commission , next cauiu nix ,
Air. Sterling moved that the bill be recom
mended to pass.
Mr. Blown of Clay "I move that this com'
mltteo do now nrle. " Thu motion was lost.
Mr. Vandemark asked that bill -11 bu beld
over. Theio was no occasion for haste.
Mr. Hrown asked that the senate dulay ac
tion on tills bill until some other railway leg
islation could bo enacted.
1 ho bill was then recommended to pass by
a vote ot 15 to' ' .
When the committee arose Mr. Hobtini !
moved thiit the repoit of th committee of
the whulobu adopted except that uponscnaU
f I'o W , to deline the boundaries ot Thurs > toii
Mr. tfnell moved to auieliil to-except > l anc
Cl. This complicated matters to such an ex
tent tnat It took a considerable time for the
scnnto to come to \oto , some members con
tending for a dlv Islon of tlio proposition that
they ndelit vote Intclllcently. This was the
slirnal for filibustering , and the chulr ( Melk-
lejohn ) was called upon to rule upon every
conceivable contingency. To add to the
confusion the motion to adjourn was put as
often as possible , and yeas and nais called
upon every question , however trilling.
Heforc tlio vote upon the amendment was
reached , Mr. Kent moved an amendment that
the bill bo ordered engrossed for a third
Mr Sue 11 offered a substitute that scnato
Illo 01 bo recommitted to the committee on
counties and county boundaries. This pre
cipitated another w ranele , ouo idiotic motion
suiru'esllnz another until the senate found
Itself completely at sea , the object being to
stave elf (1. (
Mr. Llnlngcr then took a hand and de
clared the w hole proceedings out of order and
moved the previous question. 'Iho a.vesand
nays weru called for and the amendment to
recommit the bill was carried bvu vote of
17 to VJ.
Mr. Steillng "I mnvo to amend the re
port of the committee of the whole by strllc-
liii : out all alter the enacting clause in bill 41
and IiisertliiL' the following , He then sent to
the clcik the written amendment , which
caused two 01 three of thu memheisto ask
what It WAS. Mr. Sterling explained : "Tuat
amendment Is practically the ulll of thcsub-
rallnar committee. It was pieparcd by this
Joint committee , belliir a portion of senate
lilo Introduced 1 > \ Mr. Melklejoliti and one.
introduced In tlie house by Mr. Agco with
amendments , The principal amendment
made was that In i elation to maximum rates ,
and In thatiespecttlu-ro Is no i.idicul change.
The result is about the same. "
Mr. Majors " ! rise to a point of order.
There Is an undetermined question before
the house. "
The chair ruled the point not well taken.
Mr. Sterllni ; " ! believe that nniiei tlio
rules wo certain ! } have n right to make an
amendment ot whatever ehaiacler when It Is
ollered at the pioper time. "
Mr. Moore " ! rise to a point of order.
This bill cannot bo substituted because it has
not been lead upon two pievious davs. It Is
a new bill and cannot be substituted. "
The Chair -'The motion Is to amend and
Is not a new bill. "
Mr. Majors "Is It not a parliamentary
fact that a bill not gcinnln to the main diies-
tion cannot bo subititutedV The original bill
is a proposition to repeal a law , while this Is
to amend a law. "
Mr. Steillng "I do not yield the floor. I
state that no argument can bo made in stat-
Inir a point of ordei. "
Thu Chair "Any gentleman will have
power to move to amend the b.ll. The mo
tion Is to amend. "
Mi. Sterling "This amendment repeals
the same law iiiat the bill 41 repeals. It Is
time that it contains other matters , but that
does not destroy its province as amendment ,
and therelore It Is pioper that it should be
lead and acted upon by this body as an
amendment. "
Mr. Suell "I rKo to a point of order. The
sumemeconitot New YoiK hasstistalued the
mint of order , tlmt the amendment of the
; entleman tiom 1'ilhmno is not
germaln and cannot bo entertained be
cause ll strikes out tills whole
bill ; and when von are wiping everything
awav , there Is nothing to amend. A new
'nil has to bo read thico times. Ito is nt-
: ciiiitliu ] to o\eiridu thu constitution of tills
state and a decision ot the supremu com t of
Now'i ork. Jlo Is attempting , furthermore ,
toovcirldo a rule of piaetlco which was set
tled in this senate lour years ago. Mho title
of this bill has nothliiL'to do with it. You
can amoiid the title ol a bill at any time after
it Is passed , llnis wiping tills bill out all
but its title. Now I say "
Mi. Steilln' < 'This is out of older. A
,101111 , of older Is not debatable. "
The Chair "Jefferson's manual , paires 12t
and lt5 ! , holds that you can amend a bill bv
inseitins ; anything after the enacting clause
as a substitute. Thu polfit ot order is not
well taUen. "
Mr. Sterling "Then , Mr. President , as
his Is piopcuy buforu ( lie senate , and them
does not seem to boa \ 01 y consideiablu dis-
losltion upon the pait ol those who were so
iccontly eager for lallway legislation to
icar "
Mr. Majors "I desire that ; he amendment
bo lead. 1 want to know what it is. "
Mr. Sterling "i'lien 1 yield only tor the
purpose ot having it read.
Tiio sccrclaiy jnoparcd to lead , when Mr.
Kobblns said : "Now , 1 see that wo are
getting icady fora three houih' debate. As
it is neai 1 } y o'clock , cannot wo let tills
mattui go over till morning. 1 move that wo
now adjourn until 10 ocloek to-moiiovv
moinlng. Cairled.
To-day Is the Inst day upon which bills can
be intioduced , 201 beiiu the last.
Mr. Colby Introduced the In t bill of tlio
session and Mi. Vandeniark the last.
It is thought tills session of the leglslatuio
will close aimut Maicli 2.
Doings in tlio House.
M\roixNeb. , Feb 10. [ Special Telegram
to the Hi.i- : The following embryo laws
weie seriotislj chilled by Indelinltc postpone
ment in the house this moinlng : To glvo
labor a tirst Hen on buildings ; to punish man
slaughter without malice while the slayer is
engaged in an unlawful act bv one to ten
jeais' Imprisonment ; to amend the code of
proceedmc in relation to juiles ; to amend
the law reuardliu tuu disposal of school
funds ; to compel recording the transfei ol
the ownership of pensonal piopeity.
TlieDlnsmoio Hag still waves. The bill
to establish a home for dependent children
was biought forwaid by a mlnoiity repoit ot
the committee on public lands ami buildings ,
lecommending Its passage , The nmjoilty re
not t hud beun in favor ot Indefinitely post
poning it. \Vhitmoioino\ed \ that the 10-
uort bo adopted.
Mr. Caldwell called a well-developed smile
to thu faces ot the mcmbcis by suppoiting
thu majoiity teporton the gioiind that thu
legislature otignt to call a halt aomow in
Mr. SUM th favored Iho bill. It would sivo
dependent children from crotvlng up In lir-
iioiance ami becoming eliminate. Now thej
were sent to the relorm school and asso
ciated with youthful cilmlnals. It the state
owed a duty to any class It was to the bo > s
and inrls , who would become future citizens
and who had no nomcs and could not aval
thcmselvciot the common school advantages
Mi. Whitmoio got at the nut ot the ques
tion by saving that as a matter o
economy thu establishment ot the
school contemplated by thu bill was
desliable. All oiinco ol prevention was
doubly worth a pound of euio in this in
stance. To educate these childien wouh
Keep them out of the prison and the poor
houses. Altei a spirited debatn tlio house
voted , -I < toils , to ndopt thomlnoilty tepoit
Mrs. Dlnsmore Is the authoress ot tlds move
ment , and has llio support of thu charitable
women of the state.
A good part of the moinlng session was
occupied with discussion In committee ot the
whole , nvei which Mr. Itussoll presided , o
Mr. Cole'ti pet measiuo the establishment o
a 675,000 asylum for incuiablo Insane a
llastlugb , wheio ho wants a public iu&titu
tltin.Mr. . Cole sild In support of the bill tlu
theiecouldbo no question coucoinliii ; tin
need of such an institution. In loiuIa
county there are tiftj Incurable innine pm
sons , In Lancaster eleven , and in Admr
county two. I'.very county in thu Mate h.u
ono or mure.of these
since ho had been a man ho had b > u mind
ful of the unfortunate , For loin MMIS IIP
followed the llni ; and braved death n man )
forms that not ono star should be mUsuiL
from that Hag when It again Jloitcd over a
united union ; and also that thu shucklo
should bo struck fiom the limbs of1,000,000
blaves. Ho lead lettvM trom tuo persons
commrndlni ; the Idea o ) an asylum for in
curable * . Then li said that he was "painet
to think ot a certain article in a certain paue
ieardlng ; the position tuken by the member
who are Grand Armv veteians upon a motion
of mine. I am n defender of thu ( Ji.uu
Army organization , but i don't want It nn
derstood that uni old soldier Is hound to
stand by me. 1 deny that we mo members o
an > political ouanUatlon , and no paper o
coirespondent has a ilcht to say that > vuhavt
any political understanding or combination. '
In view of the tact that thu question is nn
economic one and not at all political , Mi
Cole's grief at an Incidental mention in th
HKE report of hU manifest clforth to secure
the votes of Grand Aimy members Is no
apropos , although that grief was shown to
aay with Intent to pioduce an effect In favo
of lib b lL The correspondent of tlie
lid not , does not and would not Intimate that
cprcscntatlvcs who are members of that
nosl honorable orcanlzitlon , the Grand
Armyol the Republic , were unduly Influ
enced on that account In behalf of Mr. Colo's
ict bill , but It may truthfully bo said
hat Mr. Cole botn lost 'Heck and
o day made ostentitlons display of his lion-
irsiblo ircord as a war veteran for the pur-
losoot sccurlnif support to his bill.
Mr. vYIdtmorcv cry dhectly and pertinently
answered Mr. Cole. lie said : "I don't
vlsh to bu captious about this question , but 1
will say. In commencing , that while 1 have
lone but feellnqs of respect for the Rcntle-
uan from Adams , i differ from him in jtulir-
\Vhonitcoiiicstonquestloi : of pub
ic policy I must do my duty. It Is a sense of
tills duty w hlch causes me to oppose this bill.
On pairo Bsy , section W. of the complied slat-
ites It will be seen that thu insane hospital
at Norfolk may be u ed for treatment and
caio of Insino persons of every condition ,
curable or Incurable.Vo have on our desks
holographs of the unfinished and vet unoc
cupied asj him at Noi folk. Ninety thousand
lollars is asked to furnish and finish this
julhllni ; , It will bo larco rnoiuh , with n
sllnht addition to the bulldlnc , to accommo-
late all the Insine , curable or incurable , who
are now pioperlj entitled to the cam of tlie
state. There Is no excuse or justllicatlon
from the necessities of tlio present or tint 1m-
nedlate future for the expenditure ot ST5,000
lor a iiewasvlum with thu subsequent ex-
punso of luUnUlniiiLT n now and enthcly
separate mauagemeiit. At far less expense
.hii asylum at Norfolk can be undo adequate
to nil needs.
"Thu practice which sometimes prevails In
other legislatures to secure suppoit foi favor-
to measures bj piomiso of support to other
fuvoilte measures in other woids , legislative
loc lolling Is to bo dcptccated and should
not bo said to exist In thu leirislatuie of No-
ir.iska. It Is not liglit , manly or justlliablo.
I Will novel be a pai ty to an airrcomeut of
that Kind. If more of jcm would take tlio
same giound jou would eomo out with
cleaner hands and better icconK"
The committee voted 40 to 3J to renort
the bill favoiably. It Is thus lecommended
tor paisage.
The house afterward adopted the report of
[ ho committee fit ) to 40. This bill will Have a
liaid load to travel to become a law.
The following gentlemen voted against
adopting the repoit of the committee : Acee ,
Alexander , Hall ml , Hick. Cameron , Cannon ,
Crair , Klslox , Ellis. Funhs , Fuller , Gamble ,
Gilmoie , Harrison , Hoist. .Icary , Kuox ,
Lnttn , Lord. McCann , Mciie\v , Miller ,
Nlckol , Overtoil , Satchel , Sclnvab , Shamp ,
Slmanek , Slater , Tinirle , Tinner , Tjson.
tlndeihill. White. Whitmore.VIIhelmson ,
WlKon , Wllsey , Wolenv\eber , llarlan.
Oratorical blued was on the moon wlien the
IIOIHO lecouvened alter dinner , Mr. McCou-
augldy opened thu ball by moving that the
bill piovidiim Un submission ot a constitu
tional amendment piohlbitlng tlio sale or
mamitacturu ot Honors should ho made tlio
special older of Friday , 10U : ! ! a. m.
Mr. Miller wanted to eo some measure
taken up which had a chance of passing. The
piohlbitlon bill was ot no moic merit than
any other bill and should only bo given. Its
piopei nlaco.
Alt. Wnite "I would amend by making
the bill the special order ot Febiuary 20"
which moved to bo Sunday.
Mr. MeConatuhy contended that no sub
ject , barrinu that of lailroad legislation , had
more interest lo thu people of the state
than the one of prohibition. It was
time that the bill should bo considered , it
had been kept back b } unfair means and It Is
no longer lair that It should bu delated. Tlio
republican paity had piomlsed to clvo tlie
people a chance to v ote on the question and
should Keep the piomise.
Mr. Miller deciaied that theio was no ques
tion which had had so much consideration as
the piuhibltoiy amendment. He was not
ufiald of the subject and was willinir to meet
it now ; but the bill had no special claims
which entitled It to special consideration
ahead ot other mcasuies.
Tlio motion to make the bill the speeial
older was lost , it requiting two-thirds. The
follow lug was tlio full vote , and it will bo
seen that the lequlslto threu-iiHlis tor passage
ot tliu bill , should It conic to a final vote ,
could not be obtained :
Yeas Abrahamson , Agee , Alken , An
drews. Habcock , Hailoy , Hallaul , Cannon ,
Cole , Cope , Oiane , Dempster. Dillei. Kisloy ,
Kll's ' , Teuton , l"o1'uclis , Fuller , Given ,
Harrison , Havdun , Jeaiy. Kennuy , Latta ,
Lord , Mai shall , JlcCnnn. MeConaiighv , Me-
Gievv , McKenna. Mlnnlx , NIcliol , Nouls ,
I'emberlon. Peters. Iinudall , Satchel , Slmms ,
Smyth. Sullivan , Sweut , Thornton , Tiimle ,
Trtiesdell , Turner , Tjson , Ycnch , Wilson ,
Yut/y , llarlau r > J.
Na > s Alexander. Andres , Hentloy , Hlek ,
Howinan , Utovvn , Caldwell , Dickinson , V.y-
gleston , Kwlui : , FrantGatfoul , Gamble ,
( iaivey , ( illmoio , Heimiod , llorat , Kelper ,
King , KIION , Llesveld , Matthieson , Miller ,
Newton , Overtoil , Havmoud , Hlet , Itusscll ,
Schwab , blmanelc. Slater , Tr.uov. I'nder-
lilll. Wardlaw.Vatson. \ . \Vhite , Wliltmote ,
Wlllielm-en , Wllsey , Wolenweber , Wright ,
\oung-li ,
Ot tlioso who voted ave two or three wcio
of tlio mind of Mr. Smyth , who stated
that ho was oppo-cd to thu bill but would
lavoi cousiduiint ; it. From the vote it is ap
parent , thmoloie , that prohibition foi two
yeais mote will not bo an exciting topic.
Mi. Sni ) th moved the hou u go Into
commiticoot the wholoon thu bills miking
appropriations torchuritablu Institutions. tliu gcnetal file
should bu eousideied and his amendment
calkd foi th Mr. Watson , who objected to the
Mr. Handall thereupon arose and said that
the house would not bo consistent should it
take up special bills , as it had just icfuscd lo
make the prohibition bill a special ordei.
Mr. Watson "How did you vote' . " '
Mr. Uandall " 1 voted aje. How did you
v oteV"
Mr. Watson "Tlio prohibition Question Is
an old chestnut. I voted no. "
Mr. Handall "It may bean old chestnut ,
but tliu people of Nebiaska are demanding
that it bu ciackcd. The time is coining when
\ou , sir , and every other member of this
house will have to go to the polls and vote on
tills question. "
Mr. White's amendment was adopted and ,
witli that gentleman In the chair , the house
commenced cousldoiatlou ot tlio bill to es-
tablMi two normal schools. Attei piolonged
and at times excited debate the bill was
lecommended tor passage v\ith Its Hut see
tlon so metamoipiloted that tin ) lather of tliu
Dill didn't Know it. The MilM.uico ot the
first section Is that two additional noimal
schools shall bo established at points
to bu heieafter named by the houso.
"Thirty thousand dollais Is appiopriated by
the state , Mid each place selected shall give a
school bullillutr and site , woitli not less than
815,000 ; or 810,000 In money and tcnauius of
land within a mile ot thu place. "
Thu committee lose and adopted Its repoit.
A resolution by Mr. Whitmoro requesting
tlio Nebra-ka congressional delegation to
uigo upon HID pieildunt the necessity of ap-
iioiiitini : rcgi'tciblind receivuis lot tlio twi
land olliccsiecently established In this stalu
was adopted ,
A numner of bills were Inttoducod , among
them being ono by Mr. Andres piovldlng foi
tiansfeirlng eontiol ot dlslru t .schools in ter-
rltoiy taken In by extension ol Omaha's eitj
limits iiom thn state superintendent to the
cltv board of education , Thu bill will proha
bly bs amended bv Increasing the membu-
sliln ot the boaid to twelve.
.Mr , Agco moved that tlio bill establishing a
foldleia * homo at Giaud Island bo toad u
thud time and imt mum Itspjssi.e. Tno mo
tion canlod and the bill was passoJ , 1U avos '
no navs.
Mi , Watson moved that a bill relating to
the purchase , lease and sale ot lailioads
should bo entered enirosod and put upon n
third leading. Ho stated that It was In
tended to wi\o the Hock Island toad the same
prlvilcgis wlileli other railroads In the state
possessed. His motion carried.
Mr. Wliitmoro moved that thu bill to estab
llsi ! n railroad boarii of traiispoitatlon flmuld
bo made the special older of 730 ; o'clock this
The motion called forth a most excltint
Mr. Caldwell Insisted that the nuestioi
ouehtnottobospruiiL' at this time , but tin
onpoitunlty should be given to study the bll
presented bj the committee.
Ho was answered by Mr. Whitmore , Y.r
rullcr and others who contended that bir
ten tlajs icinalncd In which to discuss am
Fettle upon a railroad bill and that ttu ( her de
lay mlously endangered any leslslatlon.
A mot Ion to adjourn settled the question
the vote beliitc 47 to 45. The vote was originally -
ally 40 to 40 , but Mr. Miller changed over.
THU tllAKlLl ! .
The charter bill was read a iiust time in the
house to-day , and will come n to-4iioirow
probably jor second reading , it Is the liope
of thn Douelas deloRatlon that the measure
nay be reached In committee of the whole
early next week.
Mr. Whitmoro rather had It on Mr. While ,
chairman of the committee of tlio w hole , this
afternoon. Ho rose ilurlne the discussion of
ho norms ! school bill , with thu lemark : "The
attitude of the committee this afternoon rc-
nlnds mo of somcthlni : . "
Mr. Whlto interjected : " 1 wish yon would
ell us of what. "
Mr. Whitmoio "when I was n member ot
n country lyceum several jears nito , and was
n the cliafr ono cvcnintr , ono member said ;
Mr. President , education Is a great thine.
Were It not for education 1 should not know
any more than you do. ' "
Chairman NIcliol , of the finance , ways and
iic.ius committee , gallv sports a cold headed
cano which has been presented him bv the
iiembcrs of the commuter. In acknowlodg-
iient of his assiduous labors In hastening
nnd porfoctlnz the work of thu committee.
At the picscntatlon Mr. Dempster made a
lappy spi'ecli , and other membeis united In
expressing their good will and appreciation
of tlio chairman's services.
Kopresontatlvo Horst lias changed his seat ,
and now is a member of the tumultuous left.
MW : iiiu.s.
The following now bills weio Introduced
lo day :
Hy Cole Anthorl/lng the state treasuior
to transfer 875,000 ironi thu hospital for In
sane funits to the state L'cticral tund and de
noting the application of the same.
Hy Slater To amend section 78 clnpter 77 ,
compiled statutes ot the state of Nebraska.
HvMeKenna To piovlde tor the more
elllcient collection of delinquent taxes.
Hy Tracy To prohibit non-residents from
serving as maishals , sheilffs , or constables ,
or deputies thereof and to piovldo a penalty
Hy Cannon Provldlntr that In counties
under township onraul/.itlon thu township
board shall locate and maintain roads within
the limits of townships.
Hy Hoist To amend section 5 of chapter
44 of tlio compiled statutes of Ibbo , entitled
"Interest. "
Cutting Down tbo
LINCOLN. Neb. , Feb. 10. [ Special Tele-
cram to the llnrj.J The not i eduction by the
house committee on ways and means from
the amounts asked for by the various depart
ments nnd Institutions of thostatolsS107,000 ,
In the amounts recommended by tlie commit
tee is tlie S10.000 deficit caused by an eiror In
eniollini ; tliu appiopriation bill which was
passed two j ears ago.
Knllroml Activity nt Scivtinl.
SKWAIID , Neb. , Feb. 10. [ Special to the
Hii.l : : A meeting was hold in the Interest of
the Fiemont , Elkhorn fc Missouri Valley
railroad , at which there weru committees ap
pointed to visit the different townships
through which the road proposes to pass and
stir up a moro friendly feeling in favor of
bonds which are to bo voted on February 25.
It Is noticeable that some opposition Is man
ifested alone the proposed Hue , presumably
thiougli tlie H. it M. influence , as tlie favor
ites of that corporation maintain almost a
complete slloiice. The road Is bound to
come. Tlio pcoplo need it nnd want It ,
Work will soon bo commenced on the ran-
nlns factory again , which will rcqulio 70,000
leet of lumber to comolete it.
A small bla/o wa < started In Uralf & Kim-
ni-l's saloon by the explosion ol auasolino
stovo. I'ho inferior of the loom was only
slightly damaged.
RilucntorB Organizing.
SiiiOMsninri , Neb. , Fob , 10. [ Special to
the HKE. | Airangetncnts for the organisa
tion of a Principal's nnd County Superin
tendent's association for tills section ot the
state have just boon completed. The Iirht
mcetlni : is to DO held at David City March 5.
The counties embraced nre Platte. Nance ,
Polk , York , Hamilton. Antler , Seward , Mer-
rlek and Saitmleis , FA ; programme has bjcn
prepaied and will.soon bo published. A gen
eral invititlon is extended educators every
where. Teacheis of all grades me also cor-
diallv invited to attend.
IIol < troco
Hoi Ditnon , Neb. , Feb. 10. [ Special to
the Hi. i : . ] A very bad case of glandeis was
dlscoveied in a Holdre.'e livery birn yestei-
d.iy , and the state veteiinaiy suigoon was
sent for. The barn is quaiatined.
Thu survey of Iho Omaha & Kansas City
railioad tluoiu'h the central pait of this
county is cieatine some uneasiness in IIol-
dregi'.asthernlsotrniig pioliabillty ot the load
being built the coming summer.
Plniinini ; n Permanent
Mi IIII\SKA Ciiv , Neb. , 1'eb. 10. iSpecial
Telegiam to tlio HKI : . ] Piep.iratlon was
begun to day for theconstiuptlon of apeima-
nent Chiciiro , Hmllngton it Quincy railroad
bridge across the river at this place. It is to
bo pushed to completion as last as possible.
fictnll Idipior Uenlors
Niw : YOIIK , 1'eb. 10. ISpecial Telegram
to the Hii. : . | Thu retail dealeis have com
pleted all their aiiancements for a grand
demonstration to-night to "protest against
the brewers' pool , who have conspired to
make slaves ot the retailer , and also to pro
test against thu proposed hUh license and
other bills befoio the legislature detrimental
to . . " P. J. Fit/ireiald , of Tioy ,
Knluht , ot Boston , and seveial otheis. lies-
olutions willboolleied at this meeting pio-
poslng a bojcott aculnstill membeis of the
brewers' pool and their product , llio in
tensity of the feeling against the members of
thu pool is manliest in tliu fenpaticiico with
which tlio dealer await the signal to pioceed
with too bojcott. Yesterday Hainy Kearns ,
president ot the association , led the van by
throw ini ; out Lhrets' beer Irom his saloon ,
and at the same tlnui conspicuously displaj-
Ing this card In big letteisNo pool beer
sold lieie : down with monopoly. " Anpllca-
lions Immediately multiplied for copies ot
tills card , and before ntu'lit It was dlsjilaved
in huiiuteds of saloons of the east side. 1 tie
le.ulei.sol thu movement claim that alter to
night it will be seen in moio than hull ot the
saloons ot the city.
IIiiinorH of Cnblnot
NEW YOIIK , 1'eb , 10. ( Special Telegiam
to Iho Hi 1.,1-Tliu Tilbtine's Washington
eorresiondent ] says It Is still believed that
Falrchlld w ill succeed Manning. The Slat's
coirespondent says that the Impression Is
gaining u'lound that C.irlislo will ho ap
pointed i-eeictaty , Imt this statement appears
to be put out clilultr as a feeler. The corre
spondent adds : "Theio Is a belief hero that
tlioclunges in Hie cabinet will not bo lim
ited to the treasury department. It Is ex
pected that Garland will resign , and there
are minors ot other icsiL'iiatlotis. "
U'lio I'aiifilon Vnto ,
Niw : YOIIK , I'eb. 10. [ Special Telegram
to the HIK. : | Inquiries by the World show-
that theio Is practically a unanimous call
trom the Grand Army men of Now Y oik nnd
other states for cougri'hS to override the pres
ident's veto on the dependent parents pen
sion bill. Onlj ono of the ueneral ollicerb
and onu or two of the council of administra
tion heard iiom support the veto , but hi this
city nnd Hiooklyn the vote ot post
dots and leading G , A. H. men inteivlewei !
stands si : in favor of the veto to til against.
Lditorlally thu World supports the veto.
Know nio < ; Uu < lc in I III ) ItockleH.
TOWLIS : Cal. Feb. 10. The snow wlilcl
began to fall Saturday , ceased to-day. The
blockade on the Central Pacific , between
hero and HIuo Cannon , extending a distance
of toiu miles , u expected to be raised to
moriow morning.
ViuoixiA Cnv. Nevada , Feb. 10. News
leached hem late last night that the snow
sheds at Blue Cannon collapsed. Conductor
Hood , the brakcman , roadmaster and ono
othei man me mls-iin ? . A plow and seven
engines were ditched.
Burru.o , Feb. 10. Urock & Wiener
wholes lie clothing manufacturers andiieal
crstmadoa general a < slrnment : to da } . Llabill
ties estimated att'JOO.OOO ; preteued credits
aggregate 5 150,000.
Randall Democrats Propose to Help Organ
ize the Next House ,
\ Motley Group of lloprcscntntlvo
Tcxnns Assembled At the Nn-
tlounl Uipltnl Cnptalu
GrccljConuratulntoil. .
Intonil Hhovvltic Tlioir Influence.
WASHIXUTO.V , 1'eb. 10. [ Special Telegram
o tbo Hit : : . ] Antl-tarllf relorm dcmocr.vU
\vliohavobecu elected to the Fiftieth con
gress say they propose to make their Inllu-
enco felt In the organization of that body.
I'liov talk of refusing to go Into caucus with
the tariff reform democrats for the election
of speaker and other officers unless they aiu
issured they will bo irhon n portion of the
spoils. At present they are not lecogul/od.
Heprcscntatlvo Sowden , ot Pennsylvania ,
one of Itandall's most enthusiastic followers ,
said to vour coriespondent today that the
liaudall men undoubtedly held the balance
of power In the Fiftieth congress , and In this
congress for that irtatter , and that they did
not Intend to not only have their hands tied
In the organisation of committees but In the
llstrlbutlon of oftlccs. Not a single Itaudall
democrat was on the ways nnd means or any
olhcr prominent committees , excepting ap
propriations , of which Handall is chalitnan.
"We can icfuso to go Into caucus. " said he ,
"and elect whom wo choose. lam qnlto
sure rcnubllcans will vote with us , even
to making Kaudall speaker If necessary , if
not , wo can refuse to vote and permit the
republicans to elect atleastthomlnor otllceis.
Wo would rather sec the republicans In
offices than to withstand tlio tieatment we
are subjected to under the present organisa
tion. We will bo stroiiL'cr in the Fiftieth
than wo are in this concrcss and will show
ourstiength , too. " Sowdeu is ono of tlie
most level-headed men In the list of ovei
forty ntiti-tarill-retorm democrats In the
house , and no doubt speaks by the card.
Handall and his followers are very much In-
ceused over the taunts thrown at them by
Carlisle and his men in the recent corre
spondence iclatlm : to tariff and Interml rev
enue retorms , and propose to retaliate when
It comes to organl/lng the next house.
A inticiir uivxv or I.ONK srMts.
A motley crowd is lieie tiom Tesas nt-
Iciiding thu investigation bv tliu senate com
mittee on piivileges ami elections into the
ballot box stealing in tliu Lone Stir state.
They are long-lnlred irreaseis cowboys , cat-
tloowneis , ranccis , half-bieeds.educated ami
uneducated , black men , blown men ami
white men , and when not iiuder xaminatlon
niovi ) around the capital , about seventy-live
ot them , in a sittulni : gionp. sight seeing.
Ir Maiy Walker has lust relumed to the
city and made her Hist apueaiaiico at tlio
capltol this session yesterday. To-day Dr.
Maiy got among a croup of Texans and tour
ists. All weru most anxious to know where
that "cowboy kid" camu Iiom. Some ono
told Dr. .Mary and she was highly disu'iisted.
Amongtho'lexaiis are a number oteiv in
telligent men. One of the liist things they
Inquired nbottl was .is to the truth of tlie
Heagan bath Incident. One ot tlio Texans
icmaiked that Judge Hc-aean had
written a nrlvato letter to a fiieud In Texas
denying in tote the bath story. This letter
had been used witli irreat effect In tlie sena
torial cniiiBaiun. Nothing would satisfy
them but a visit to the Historic bath loom.
The polite elevator man on the house side
( "icoitod the delegation to the legions below
and showed them the identical bith tub , and
furtlieimoio , the Texans heaid the story
fiom the swell attendant of concessional
baths. They expiessed a desire to have a
photograph of thu tub to taku homo to piovo
llio truth of tlie statements In the piess. Tlio
government pajs these 100 witnesses 3 per
day expeii'-es , be-ldes5ceiits pel mile Irom
Texas to Washington and return. As Heairan
is seventy jeais old , It docs not make much
( llll'ereiiei ! to him what becomes ot the bath
Incident , as ho will not , in all human pioba-
billty , live out thu end of his senatorial
oiriry : : covoitATrr. vnn.
Quito a number ot congratulatory tele
grams fiom "Vebiaska were received to-day by
Captain A. W. Girclv * . who was jesterda >
appointed clilet signal olllccr. It was only a
shoit time ago that his rank was that ot a
lieutenant and now he is in a lair wav to be
come a bilgr.dler geneial. The jump Iiom a
captain to a tnlgaalei geneialshlp Is some
thing veiy unusual. In answei to Inoulilcs
Captain Greelv said that ho did not re-
gaid his nomination or his prospective
continuation as chief signal ollicer as affect
ing In any way the project ot transleirlng
tliu weather bine m to a civil blanch of the
goveinmeiit. "There was a chief
signal otlieer. " ho sold , "befuio
tlieio was a wuathcr bureau. If
congress chooses to remove that part of the
service which lias gtown up with it , although
In no way inllltaiy In its ehnractei , tlieio is
no reason why the signal service piopei
should bu affected wlillo thu piojccl is pend
ing. 1 have carefully retrained Iiom enlist-
In nnv morn men. On the contiary I have
recently dl ehaiged seven who weio not
cloiksand who weio not lit to ho sent to
.stations. Somu pcoiile think that thu tiaim-
fei project will lesiilt In a compiouilso and
that tlio body of tlio signal corns will bu
placed on a civilian standing , with the com
missioned officers as they are now , and the
bureau remaining a pirt of the war depart
ment , as thu iiuaitermaster's department Is
IT..NSIOXR niiANrrn.
Pnnslons were gianted to tlio following
Kebraskans to day : Joseph Yoke. Slnctim ;
John MeAithur. Omaha ; lieniy West , Hit-
tie Cieek : Allied Purr , Grand Island ;
William P. Can , Alnn : Abraham Hanett ,
( iibhon ; Miles brolichl , Ord.
Pensions granted to lownns today : Lit-
cluila , motliKi of Ansou I'elton , ClmilesClh ;
Amy C. Capion , for widow ot John Me-
Phcetcrs. Des .MolneLlia ; A. , widow of
John 1) ) . Davidson , Palo ; Joseph Pool , West
Union ; Sol 11. Warren , Giavlty ; Andrew ( ! .
Duke , Washington ; lieniy Robinson , Mon-
ticello : Gciiiian S. Wright , Maquoketa ; bllns
W. Itevnoids , Wclister ; Henry VfoM ) , Ot-
tumwa ; Theodoru Spencer , Cedai Kaplds ;
William V. Paster , Atkins : Miurge1C. .
Ayies , DCS Molnes ; James 11. Wolfl , Fair-
Held ; Cluistoplier Pat sous. Gobhloville ;
Joseph H , Voung , Creston ; Petei P. Brad-
t-liaw , Wjonung ; .Meredith .McGhee. Vale ;
Albeit H. Iluii.eilord , Cliester ; William C.
Fox , Slonx. Ult > ; Hunbcn i : . Poole , Holt ;
Stephen Cat lav , Anita.
rosiAi. niA\f.iR.
H. W. Jovnei was to dav appointed pnst-
mastei at Lawience. Kuckollb county , vlco
J. T , Scholl. leslgned.
The postollico at Dol.eon , Cherokee county ,
Iowa , was discontinued to-day.
OllieOberman was today appointed postmaster -
master at Yarmouth , Des Monies- county ,
Iowa , vlco D. Picketing , icslguod.
The president rint the following nomina
tions to the beii.ito today lor postmastcia :
Illinois .Martin N. Smith , .Morrison ; Joel H.
.lohnt-on , Wootlstock ; Snmner H Sandei-
son , Piano : Hubert S. Haudall , Hushitell ,
and Jonas W. Olson , ( Jalva.
run sun \ nisi.nvAiio.N : im.i. .
Samuel J. Itaudall , ot the house committee
on rules , Bild today that the commltteo was
inclini'il to glvo aday torconslderation of tlio
bill to open the Sioux Indian rcseivatlon.
lie would not i > av , however , that theio was
much prosneet of succesbof thoelfoit to get
a day. Delegate Gitlord , of Dakota , tins
taken new hope from Handall's announce
ment mul sa > s ho believes the bill will bu eon-
sltleieil. Poison and Peek , of tlio committed
on Indian atl.Uis , do not believu there Is any
ground lor anticipating the final pasta u ot
the bill.
Flrat Lieutenant John S. Paik , jr. , Twcn- intantry , has been orderixl tiom Fort
Sidney , Nebraska , to Kort Ducliesnc , Utali ,
as witness In a court martial being tried at
the latter post.
.Major Pasjiuoro Middlclon , surgeon , is
president ami Lieutenant Cornelius Dtevv
Wilcox , Second aitilleij , JtuUe advocate oi a
u' rouit maitial which will convene
Friday nt San .Vucus.t > ue , Hoidn. |
Army furlougus authoiU&l : Coiporal
Thomlis 11. Gray , troou F , ThlidiM\alij ,
lort Davl . Texas , four months ; Private
John.M. Jetferson , compmy K Second In
fantry , Foi t Omaha , four months ; Seueant
Henry Beigon , company A. Sixth Infantry ,
1 orl Douglass , Salt Luke City , four months ,
from Mav 1 ; Musician William Hoist , com-
imnyK. Thirteenth Infantry , Foil Wlncate ,
> ow Mexico , two months.
CAPITA ! , SillK .
The Chemical National bank of Now York
Llty has been anpiovcd us n resoiyo agent
for the Flint National bank of Ponca , Neb.
Mrs. A. IT. Wvmaii and daughter , of
Omaha , are at the r.hbltt.
H. G. Gaylord. of Omaha. Is at Wlllard's.
Henry C. Brown , of Nebraska , a Sl.'OO
clerk In the pension olllce , was to-day promoted
meted to 51,100.
Ono ainu Klltccl ntul n Iinily Seriously
Injiiroil nt Itutliuul , Vt.
HfTLAND , Vt. , Feb. 10.-SpecIal | Telo-
pram to the Br.r.J The first of the serious
xccldents expected from the introduction o f
lobi'sguunlng into this section of Veunont
! iaiipcncil Monday night , by which James C.
Uairett , a leading member of Iho Kutland
bar , lost his life , and Mrs. Charles P. Harris
received serious and piobablv latal Injuries.
A board which formed a pait of the side of
the chute near the bottom had become
spllnteied nnd displaced so that It piojected
Into the slide , pointing upwaid. Fotu .vouug
men had just passed It and theli clothes had
been badly torn by it , but none of the party
was injured. A boy Informed the piopitetor
and the latter lan torcmovo It , but just at
that Instant the toboggan bcailng Mrs. Bai-
rett , Mrs. Harris and Mr. BarrettIn the order
name I , dashed down the chute. Mis. Barrett
Massed the deadly projection without touch
ing It , but It struck Mis. Hauls on the out-
.side of the thigh , and cut a long , deep thigh.
Then It stiuck Mr. Barrett on the under
nnd Inner sldo of the thigh , extending
up through It and his abdomen and coming
out at his back. The foice of tlio collision
was frightful and he was thrown elf the to
boggan , but thu ladles went on to tliu foot of
thu slide. Barrett w as completely translixed
by the boat d , but he did not lor n moment
lose consciousness , and bore theexciuclating
pain with loniarkabln fottUude. He was car-
iled into a little building used as a warming
room , medical aid was hasttlv summoned
and In a few moments lie was attended by
tlneu physicians' , who etlieriml him , sawed
elf tlio boaid aim removed It and then con-
vou'd Mi. Bairett to his homo. Meanwhile ,
Mrs. Bariett. not knowing of his injuries ,
was hauling Mis. Haiina up the ascent In
the tobog an. Upon their an Hal Mrs. Hat-
ris remained without attention for some
time , but when her injiiiy bec.imu known
she , lee , wis taken home , attended bv phy
sicians. Mr. Bairett , who was fully con
scious and leall/ed his preat danger , called
for ids wife , and when she came kissed hei
and asked her to pray witli him. Ho then
submitted to the operations of tlie snt noons.
He died at 7 o'clock last evening. Mis. Harris
Is In a ciltlcal condition.
All the Activity of the Market Cen
tered in Jersey Ccutrnl.
NEW YoitK , Feb. 10. - [ Special Telegram
to the HIK. : ] About all the activity In thu
slock maikut to-day was conteicdin Jersey
Central , Heading and Union Pacllic. Befoic
thu opening U was geueially mulct stood that
tlie Hhoits in Jeisoy Ceutial vvciu to bo
squeezed , and tlie calling of some 10,000
shares of stock from the loan ciowd was for
tlio purpose of making the stock acaice in
order to aid tlio piojected bulge. The move
had the desired offcc'itho price of Jcrsoy
Central advancing l-f per cent shoilly after
the opening. In Union Pacific tliu bears
weiu still confident and gave it out that the
stock would bu i aided at some opportune
moment. The London market for American
securities opened with an advance all aiound
and this had lathci a bullish Influence on
speculation. Membeis ol tlie pool In St. Paul
claimed that the movement In that stock
would he icsumed soon. It was stated by
the bulls that lailroad eainlngs weie gieatly
ahead ol Ihu iccoid foi tlio coiresnouiiiug
tlmo last year , and it was held that tills tact
would ultimately bring about a bull move
ment in stocks. Richmond Teiminal was
oflorcd for hale i.ithct Ireelv and dioppedon
a modeiatu amount ot selling 1 per cent.
Theio weie Illinois that thu tinnk lines weiu
cutting passenger rates , and these stoiies ,
which it was believed had a basis of truth ,
caused some weakness In liunk lines. TradIng -
Ing In tlie latter part ot the session was ex
ceedingly limited , it was expected that
Jeisey Centtal would bn spurted up about the
delivery hour , hut , on the contiary , there VMS
a fractional decline. The be , us rung the
changes on the piospectof gout exports , hut
no long stock was brought out , and tlio ill If tel
ol opinion among tlie more conservative
houses was that prices would move tounrds
ahighei level. Thu market closed steady at
a shade under tlie opening prices.
New York District Ilo > s Kick on a Oir-
uuliir to Tlioir I'urentB.
Niw : YOIIK , Feb. 10. ( Special Telegiam to
the Hi , i : . ] The 1,500 messenger bojs em-
plojed by the Aineilcan Distilct telegiaph
company are Indignant at tlieii mamuci , W
F. Sanioid , because of a chetilar which ho
nt yesterday to the rations homes. It was
addiessed , "Dear P.iicnts and Guardians , , '
and said : "Wosendvou notice that we aio
wull Inloimed Irom tollable homccs that your
son Is In danger of filling into tlio hands of
agents who are tiyingto bind together the
honest working bovs of this city and lead
them to commit acts ngalnst the laws
of peace , good order nnd honest Industiy.
Wo also beg to ask jou to watch and ndvlso
him to keep out of bid company and con
tinue In thu esteem of his cmi > lovci. as a
good , law abiding r-ervont of the compan > . "
Tlio elicnlai IR aimed at thu Knight of Labor
association that tliu bojs have been euile.iv-
onng to or.'ani/u In tliu vauous dlstilct olll
ces tor some tlmo pist. Some of the bujs
were iutoiviewed and ono said : "Wo have
oiganl/ed omseUes bemuse1 we cin't get out
giicvauces ilglited an > otliei wav. Wuhavu
petltlonid without avail. Wo want to have
ten hours woik a dav and pav at thu uniform
late ot twocimtsu mussago. " As lor keep
ing bad company , tliu bojssay their business
compels them to go to all sorts ot disioputaldo
places with messages uudei penalty of ills-
mhsal it the ) ret use.
Itallrimil Hrlhcrs ntVorlc. .
Sr. 1'At'i. , Mln , , Fel ) , in , A sensation was
caused In the house of repicsentathes at a
late hour this afternoon when Donnelly.
upon the dele it & 0 to UO-of his bill lixing
maximum rates of fielijlit on grain ,
refencd to tliu pievious vote in the
house on thu same hill In which
but twenty-live membra voted ogainst It , and
dcclai ed ho had been infoi muil by a repru-
fiontatho that onu of thu loiirc entativii s i-ol-
lea.'iics had staled tint hu i-ouhl gei S-iV ) for
voting against this bill and ; -VJ ! moic to veto
lot Kiueij's lallioad bill. The house ad
join ned withouta votumi Dunnulh'n motion
to leconslcler. _ _
Hteainer A shorn.
Ki.w Voiiit , Feb. K ! . The Gulon line
steamer Wisconsin , Irom Liverpool , isashoie
on a bar about litleen miles east of Fiio
island. The stranded vessel was dlscovcied
this moinliu' when the fog which prevailed
last nlaht lifted. Shuts hard on Iho beach
and a heavy ser is minting , "so communica
tion has jet been had with thovc scl iiom
the beach , but her passoiui ts and malls aiu
baul to h safe.
The Wisconsin lost her rudder and rudder
| tot , but otherwise Is in uod condition.
The steamer was Heated elf atMU and pio-
cccdc-d to New Yolk.
INiilatlulplila't. .Mavor.
Pun ADiii t'liiA , Feb. 1C. 'iho vittn for
major hero jcstcrday was as follow : I'ul-
In ( upuliJiuan ) 'JO.Js ? . i-uu ( )
OJ.JOI. and PJdl ) > c { labw.1,011 l '
President Olovolaml Disapproves the Appro1
priation For Texas Drought Sufferers. - /
Thnncli tlio 1'coplo Support tlio Got *
eminent , tlio Rovcriunont Shoultl
Not Support the People
A Kcmcdy.
I5nolc On JIlH Tcxns Mnjorlty.
Feb. 10. Tlio president has
vetoed the bill nppioprlatlng 810,000 for tin
distribution of seeds to tliu drought-stricken
counties In Texas. Tlio following Is the
text of the veto message :
To the House of Representatives I return
without inv approval house bill No. 10'JO.l en
titled "An net to unable the commissioner of
nirrlculttne to make a special distilbutlon In
the dioiuht-stilcketi counties of Tuxas , and
making an appiopriation therefor. " It Is
lepresontcd that a loin : continued and e.xten-
sivo thought has existed In ceitaln portions
ol the stain ot Texas , resulting 111 the lailuro
ol the crops and consequent distress nnd des
titution. Though theiu has been some ( infer
ence In the stitcmeuts conceinlm ; the extent
of thu people's needs In Iho localities thus ef
fected , tlieie seems to bo no doubt that Micro
has existed a condition calling lor icllof , anil
I am willing to believe that , notwithstanding
the aid already furnished , a donation of sccit
irraln to fanners located In this region to enable -
able them to put in now eiops , would servo
to aveita continuance or lotuin of an tinfor-
tunatu blUht. And > et I feel obliged
to wlth'iold my approval of the plan proposed
by this bill , to indulge a benevolent and char-
liable sentiment through an appropriation of
public funds for that purpose , l can IInil no
wairant for such apuropilatlon In the consti
tution , and I do not bellevu that tlio power
and rtntj of tliu general goveinment oimht to
be extended to the relief ot Individual sutler-
liiK hlcli is in no way piopeily related to
the publlcseivlco or benefit. Tlio prevalent
tendency to dlsiccaid the limited mission o
tills power ami duty should , I think , bo stead
fastly leslsted , to the end that tlio reason
should bu constantly enfoiced that though
the people Riippoit the L'overnment the gov
ernment should not suppoit tlio people. Tho.
friendliness nnd charity of our
countrjmen can always b" lolled
upon to relieve their fellow cltl/eus In mis
fortune. This has been repeatedly and qulto
lately demonstrated. Feileial aid in sucli .
cases encourages expectation of paternal careen
on thu pait of the iroveinmcnt , and weakens
tlio sturdlness of our national chaiactcr ,
wlille It prevents thu Indulgence amoncour
people ol tlmt Kindly sentiment and conduct
which stiengtheiis the bonds of common
brotherhood , It was within my personal
knowledge that Individual aid has to some
extent alieadv been extended to the sufferers
mentioned In this bill , The failure ol the
proposed appiopilatlon of 10.000 additional
to meet their remaining wants will not
necessarily icsult in continued dlstiess 1C
the cmcigcncv is lull } made known to the
i.eople ol the eountiy. It Is heio suggested ,
that the commissioner of aticultuic ! is an
nually directed to expend a largo sum ot
monej foi Iho purpose ot propagation and
the distiihutioii ot tccdsand othei things oC
this desctlptlon , two-thirds of which are ,
upon lequest ot senatois , rcme = entathes and
di'lesate * In roiiEicss , supplied to them for
distribution union. : tlieii constituents. The
appiopiiatlon lei tliu cuiient vear for this
puiposelsSlOO.OOJ , ami It will probably bo
no less in the appiopilntion lor the onsulnc
jear. i undeistand that a l.irco quantity ot
grain Is fuinishcd for such dlsttlbution , and
it Is supposed that this trcu apportionment
among their neighbors Is a privilege which
may bu waived by our scnalois and repre
sentatives. If asulliclent number of them
should lequest the commissioner of at'ricul-
ture to cnd their slnres ot grain thus al
lowed them to tlie snlleilng farmers ol Texas
they inlulit bu enabled to sow their crops.
The constituents for whom , in theory , this
grain Is Intended could well beat thu tempo-
lair deprivation , and the donois would ex
perience tl.o satlstaetlon attending deeds of ;
chailty. Gitovi.u CI.IVJI.AXI > .
Tlio Council I ! I u 11 H MHOS IIiiviu < ;
Trouble rUIic Tlioir Tiiriirn.
CIIICAOO , Feb. 10. The fact was made evi
dent to-das that It Is not all to be smooth
sailing with the westuin lallnmds in getting
Into line with tlie intei-statu commeico law.
Tluouch ratei on thu Southwestein associa
tion lines have niwa.vs been held up to the
hlL'h point , and local tales , as a whole , kept
In Imimony , so tliat the southwestei n freight
agents icadilj accommodated their t.ullfs lo
tliu new 'aw. ' To-daj , howevet , in u general
nicotine of agents of lines running
to Kansas City , Council Hlutls and
St. Paul , it was found thai the case was en-
tiielj dilleient with tliu two hitter. This was
especial ! } so in legard to Iowa local mte ,
which .no much in excess ol thiongh lates ,
and must be advanced if tlie piesent levunuo
ol tlio roads is to bu preserved. To do tills ;
the Ciiuncil Bluffs lines dcslied tliu
co-oneiatlon of the Kansas City
toads , asking that iho last mentioned
should also advance their thiougli latesto
lieln the Council Bluffs mads out. A rciloim
il.lfleieiico ot opinion nt once arose. Tno
lines biiving no interests except In Kansas
Oily business emphatically declined to pull
theii neighbors'chestnuts out ol thu Hie. T o
most general opinion amonirolliclals to-nluht
is that tlio result will be that each oi t e tlueo
associations west ot Chicago will bu loiced
to intctpict the law Independent ot cacti
UOOSIIK : iiounop.s.
Abuse * I'r.iclloed In the
I'lMlill lllSllllltloilH Ili' IlKlillllll.
iMiiANAi-ojis , Feb. -Special [ Tele-
giam to the Hi L. | A committee teport pre
sented to HID seimto discloses seilons abuses
In the management ol thu Southern puiilton-
tiaiy , It was shown that thu piison was in
ahoriihiv lilthj condition , and tlmt the juls-
oiicin are treated with Inhuman ciuelty and
aio denied all means ot moial iiupinvcmcnt ,
thoofllcers allowing them but ono book eveiy
two weeks. The committee lecommended
Iliu dismissal of the waiden , Jack Howard , a
democratie politician , who has held tint posi
tion lei litteon veais , and who Is a luotherof
Coiuie iiinn Howaid. Anolhoi Invcstiga-
tii.n is in progiess , which shows llio statu fn-
saiio hospital , containing nenilj litleen him-
died Inmates , to bo littlu lielier than Tewks-
buiy asvliim , Thu evidence elicited fiom
attendants and olllecrs in the hospital dis
closed that tlie patlunts have been ted taneld
biitlei and m.ipguty meat and dried linlts.
Kuvcial witnesses testilied that ho.'S
slaughtered lei limd had been taken fiom
lierda djlng of clioleia. Thu Moilcs ot
abusua in the Institution arn
A TriiHloil Thief.
Ai.i.rviow.v , Pa. , Feb. 10. | Spcclal Tele
gram to the Bii : J Johnston t Swart/ ,
wholesale giocerti of tills citj' , have just
learned that they have been Hjtitomallcally
lobbed by their foiinor book-keeper of
g.5,000.For , sixteen jcars Waldmar Gioss-
nian acted In that tapiuit > , and a investi
gation just closed shows ( hat lor about ten
jcais ho has been using the linn's money for
his own Foi some tlmo the lltm
doubted hli honestj. As time advance-it
their suspicious giovv stiongcr and Grifsimui
was luiiiiusted to hand In his insinuation.
An invi'Mig.ition ot the books was it once
betrtin. whiih showed that lot a numhei of
joari > Giossmun liail by a vsematlo | method
been Helping himself lo thu nrm's monoy.
Iho books iiivealed defalcations to the
amount of iie.ulj c-js.O'JO. Grossman lita
been ,
N'le Sliii4 Ider. one of thn Chicago bnodlo
ronti.u toi.s , Ims been aiiestcd ami has lar-
nlstied the Mate atloiney with evldenco
iigaiii-it the board of county commissioners.
Tlu-rofont Hot at the Dcmldolf pplmlnc
inn's ' In was foii.i'iiti'd by soelullsts.
j and ic ulicd in Hut Ul < M.'ol lbc < ; iil f ol HOI -
I lli-e ai d his n * . < .it.iut , aiul the ik tfucfun o *
tlivcutiro Jaotorv , . .