Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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They Want the Life of a Tearless Bohemian
A Fuarful Co.ifltlni ; Accident A Mys
terious HIckncHfl Three Cottages
Jlnriicil SttigRinl liy Hand-
bngcers Other Local.
Anarchists After An Ktlltor.
The recent activity of the Omahti an
archists has culminated in n. deliberate
plot to inunlur ono citi/.un nnd destroy
the property , if not the life , of smother.
Since tlio visit of MM Parsons , wife of
the Chicago anarchist , to
this uity a few weeks ago , the Omaha an
archists have huen holding meetings two
or three times a wi-ok , becoming more
anil moro domoniirativo with each moot
ing , and ending with a plot Hint places
in great danger the lifo and property of
Councilman I'rank J. Kaspor and his
partner , .1. A. Ilospodsky. Tlieso irontlo-
men are proprietor" and editors > f tlio
Bohemian paper "Narodni Lisly , " and
it lias hccn tiirouirli the anti-anarchist
utterances of this organ that tlio wrath
of the Omaha anarchists lias hccn in
cited. Tim faets of the causes loading
up to this recent anarchist out-
brunk are full of interest , and
can ho best given with a
reference to tlie order in which they oc
curred. Mr. . ) . V Ilospodsky , the editor
of tlie Narodni Listy , is a young , linuly
educated Bohemian who got his journal
istic training on tlio Bohemian papers of
Cincinnati anil eastern cities , nnd is fully
posted on tlio work of tlio anarchists in
those cities. lie came here from Grand
Island about six months ago and , with
Mr. Kaspor as a partner , commenced
tlio publication of his paper. Alive to
the dangers that worn sure to result
from tlio increase of tlio anarchistic ele
ment in Omaha , Mr. IlospodsKy at once
commenced a scries of editorials appeal
ing to his countrymen to beware of the
anarchist association. Ho denounced
the the Chicago anarchists and wrote able
articles dulinmg the danger that the labor
organizations , to which most of tlie Bohe
mians belong , would have to en
counter by any association with
the anarchistic elements. Tlio pub
lication of these utterances created
great indignation among the local an-
nrcmsts and Air. Ilospodsky was served
with a notice that ho would save himself
a great deal of trouble by leaving tlie
city. Ho of cournc paid no attention to
the throats , but renewed his attacks on
the objects of tlie association with the
result of having the local anarchists at a
fever heat when Mr.s 1'arson arrived in
the city. The meetings that were held
during this woman's stay in the city and
her personal visits to the homos of the
most violent anarchists served to greatly
increase the feeling against the Bohemian
organ of law and government anil left
tlio local anarchists ripe for any work.
Jn speaking of Mrs. Parson's lecture at
the Cunningham hall a morning paper
stated that "nil Bohemia town turned
out to bear bur. " The "Narodni Libty , "
in commenting upon this , denied the
truth of tlio statement , and claimed that
but a very few of tlio Bohemians of
Omaha were anarchists or at
tended anarchist meetings. "The
Itahoniinn clement of the anarchists , "
wrote Air. llospodsky in his paper , "con
sists of six mon and live tailors. " This
statement greatly incensed several Bo
hemian tailors who are anarohibts and
they at once began to clamor for Hos-
ppdsky's blood. A letter was written to
him ordering him to leave the city at
once upon the pain of being murdered if
ho remained. Mr. Ilospodsky only added
iinothor revolver to his armory , pub
lished the loiter and defied the writers.
Meetings were called at one of the halls
or. Thirteenth street at which tlio most
violent anarchistic doctrines were ex
pounded. The articles that appeared in
the Bohemian paper were road in the
meetings and called forth the wildest de
monstration from the assembled ene
mies of law. On Wednesday night ,
February ! > , after reading an'editorial
from the current number oFtho "Narodni
Listy. " in which the anarchists were
handled severely and fun-poked at ono
of their meetings , ono of the loading an
archists tore up the paper into shreds and
btampcd upon tlie pieces , announcing
that tlio editor should bo treated in tlie
same manner. 'Jlio action was taken up
by the members of the meeting , who
madn a scramble for tlio pieces of paper ,
which were torn into tlie smallest bits ,
amidst the loud cursings and bitter de
nunciations of the editor by tlie crowd.
After the meeting had adjourned seven
of the most radical anarclmts mot in the
basement of tlio building and decided to
o to lloipodsky's homo and kill him.
They made ample preparations lor their
work of nun-dor and started to carry out
their plans. On their way they learned
that the editor had gene to spend the
night at the bedside of a sick friend ,
leaving no ono at his homo but his fam
ily. The would-bo murderers waited
until almost daylight for their victim's
return , and then gave up tlio plan
for the night. Although the strictest
r Bocresy was observed regarding their
movements news of tlio attempt became
S" noised around and served to make tlio
anarchists more cautious and at the same
time loml Mr. Ilospodsky and Mr. Kas-
nor on their guard. On Wednesday night
Inst another meeting was hold and on
'I hursday morning Mr. Kasper received
n loticr warning him that if ho valued his
property lie would bond Ilospodsky
away. The letter was written in a dis
guised hand in tlio Bohemian language
and ended with a threat to use violence
toward the conncilmen if ho failed to
comply with tlio request of the loiter
which was signed "several citizens of
Omaha. "
"What ilo yon propose to do ? " asked a
Hni : reporter to whom those faets had
the re-
I , and I
. , . . , Personally I am not
afraid of the men and the only thin" 1
do fear is that they may use a bomb in
destroying my property. "
"Von think the Omaha anarchists keep
that useful article on hand then , do youV"
asked the reporter ,
"Jf they don't , " said Mr. Kasper , you
ran bet that there are plenty of thorn
who know how to make thorn. There i ?
n coopr hero who is a crazy anarchist
Vliat kept bombs in his collar all last
summer. Personally , the most of them
rue cowards , but they are apt to resort to
( Measures that can not be guarded
Mgainst. "
"Have you asked for police protec
tion ? "
" \"esj but I don't expect anything
much to coma from it. The police don't
ri'em anxious to handle the anarchists.
True they arrested Haltliauzor Htm last
summer , but they refused to arrest Par-
eons , who was here for some timo. Par
sons came into my saloon ono day
and drank n glass of beer. 1
saw him when ho was hero
in 189D , when I was on the police force ,
nnd 1 recognized him at once , 1 found
out that he was stopping out at Huho's
road housoi and I told tlio police authori
ties of tlio fact , but they made no t-llbrt to
most him.Thoy. don't-tuko any , !
to interfere with the local disturbers
either. The anarchists who used to hold
their meetings out at Knho's have be
come bolder since Mrs. Parson's visit ,
and now hold a meeting or two every
week in their hall right here on Thir
teenth street. They keep the hall dec
orated with red Hags and rillcs , and spend
a good deal of time in drilling and prac
tising the manual of arms. A policeman
attempted to pel into ono of their meet
ings the other night and was refused ad
mittance. Ho indulged in a scullie and
finally shot one of the fellows
through the hand , but ho
was thrown out of the meeting jint
the Fame. 1 have placed my case in thd
hands of ono of the best detectives in the
country , and have no doubt but that 1
can bring the olVendors to justice. "
The door to the editorial room of the
"Narodni Lisly , " over Kaspor's saloon ,
on South Thirteenth street , was locked
when the reporter called. Hy a side
door lie reached the presence of Mr. llos-
podski , the odilor of the paper , whosa
nen has ouit.-ud most of the recent trouble.
The editor is n pleasant featured man.
whoso eye glasses illy conceal a pair of
bright black eves , that beam intelligence
no lcs than determination.
"What do I think of them ? " ho said ,
repeating the query of the reporter con
cerning tlit ! anarchists.
"They are a sot of cowards , and I am
not in the least afraid oi thorn There is
a wrong impression pression prevalent
concerning the make up of the Omaha
anarchists. A great many think thai
thi' association is composed largely of
entirely of Bohemians. The fact is "that
there is but eleven Bohemians in Omaha
who arc numbered with the anarchists ,
'six men and live tailors , ' as 1 wrote in
the paper. I have worked bard to keep
the Bohemians out of the order , and that
is why the anarchists have boon after my
scalp. I am not afraid of thorn , how
ever. I have heard their bark before. "
"lou think then that there is no dan
ger Irom the threats of the anarchists
against you * "
"Personally , 1 have nothing to fear. I
do not mingle with them , and if they
want to attack mo they must come on my
own ground and there I am not afraid of
them. Omaha has nothing to fear from
the anarchists in times like these. 1 n
case of a strike , however , the labor or
ganizations would bo greatly damaged
by thorn. They would destroy property
and commit crimes for which the labor
organizations would be wrongfully
blamed. There arc about three hundred
of them in Omaha. "
Two Children of air. Ilusch Very Se
verely Injured.
A frightful coasting accident occurred
on Saturday evening on Campbell street.
Johnnie and Tillio , aged eight and live
years respectively , children of Mr. Henry
Hu. = ch , janitor of the Dodge street school ,
were coasting near the Long school , when
their traverse became unmanageable and
ran into a ditch at the side of the street ,
which was tilled with brush. Uotli of the
children were thrown headlong into the
ditch and severely injured. The boy
struck Ins head against a frozen bank and
had his skull frightfully crushed. Ho was
picked up and carried to his homo near
by jn an unconscious condition , and re
mained iu a comatose condition until
yesterday , when ho showed sjgns of rc-
turninir consciousness , lie is still very
low and his recovery is a matter of grave
doubt. The little girl was more fortun
ate but was very severely injured. Her
left arm was broken in two places. She
also sustained other injuries of a less se
rious nature.
A Gambler's Sudden and Mysterious
Friday morning Fremont Halo arrived
in the city from West Point and put up
at the Paxton. Ho had $30 in cash and ,
in company with a friend started out to
enjoy himself. Saturday night ho
brought up at a Douglas street gambling
house badly intoxicated. Ho played and
won $710. During the night ho drank
heavily. Yesterday morning ho went
against the wheel again and lost his win
nings and more beside. His friend got
him to promise to go homo. At the foot
of the stairs ho changed his mind and
refused to go. They strolled along
Douglas street and H.ile stepped into a
drug store and called for
strychnine. The druggist refused to
give it to him. They went back to the
gambling house and on coming down
stairs again Halo sank down upon the
stops helpless. Just before this ho had
drank a glass of whisky. His friend
called a policeman to guard him , and
started in search of a doctor. Dr. Leo
was found and upon advice Halo was removed -
moved to his room , lie was pumped
out , but no trace of poison could bo
found. Whether the attack was the re
sult of his debauch or a mysterious poi
son of some sort , could not bo definitely
No lengthy advertisement is necessary
to bolster up Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy.
Three Counties Itiirncd.
At 10 o'clock last night an alarm of fire
was turned in from the box at the corner
of Seventh and Pacific streets. The
llames from the blaze lighted up the sky
over that portion of the city , leading
many to the lire was in llor's distillery erin
in the packing houses and a largo crowd
rushed to the sccno. The fire had ap
peared in a cottage just south of the dis
tillery on Fourth street , occupied by a
family named Svoiison. Before the lire-
men reached the lire the llames had
spread to two adjoining cottages , occu
pied by families named Murray nnd
Hanson. All three of the cottages wore
partially destroyed. The loss will not
exceed $750 ,
Purily your blood , tone up the system ,
and regulate the digestive organs by tak-
ng Hood's Sarsaparilla. Sold by al
druggists. _
Kotitli Uninlia.
The future great Packingtown of the
west lies on the main line of the Union
Pacific railroad , by which the cattle and
hogs from the farms and rangoa of the
west and northwest arrive.
is the only property through which the
Union Pacific railroad runs , and is there
fore the Best Addition in South Omaha ,
W. Q. ALUKHWT , Solo Owner.
218 South 1 Oth S
r y Sand
An old gentleman named Walker , who
runs a grocery store on Tenth street , be
tween Center and Dorcas streets , was
knocked down by a sand bagger on Sat
urday night. The slugger was fright
ened away before he succeeded in rob
bing nis victim.
The Nebraska IHvo Stock Shippers'
association will hold an adjourned meet
ing at the Exchange hotel , bouth Omaha ,
Wednesday , February 15 , 1887 at 3 p. m.
for the purpose of adopting by-laws and
further defining and shaping the policy
of the association. All regular shippers
in the state are invited to moot with us
and join the association ,
11. H. Dinnu ! .
Salvation DlHturber Arrested ,
A gang of toughs made their- usual a >
tempt to bread up the meeting of the
Salvation on Jackson street last night.
Sargent Mostyn and Oilicer O'Hoylo ar-
restcp Mike McDonald ami L ,
i ; tlio joaders yl t ho gang- .
Musical Events Which Trnnftplrctl
Vcstordny Coining Bventfl.
The third concert by the Philharmonic
orchestra was given in Itoyd's opera
house yesterday afternoon , in the pres
ence ot about throe hundred people.
Every feature was most heartily appre
ciated , oven Stratisses1 opening march ,
which was of a light and unimportant
order , which served , however , to open
the programme. The greatest success ,
by the orchestra , or rather a quintette ,
composed of members of the same , was
Moskozwski's serenade. It was played by
the same gentlemen at the concert of the
Quintette club in tlio annex about two
weeks ago. It is a light , vaporv composi
tion , sugiio.stivo of moon ami starlight and
amorous swains brcathimr , and softly vo
ciferating , heart-felt feelings of tender
ness and love from some sleeping beauty.
It was admirably played though the
tempo of the first performance which was
that of a march , was changed to that
peculiarly appropriate to a methodical
out-door voicing during the night. Mr.s.
Edith Kdwnrds Franco , though making
great oll'ort to nntortain her guests suf
fered from a noticeably severe cold. Mr.
Franko's eilbrls were highly appreci
Tin : sTKiMi.U'suu roxrniiT.
Yesterday afternoon , the second con
cert in tlio scries commenced on Sunday
last by Prof. F. Al. Stoinlian er and his
excellent ocrhcstra , was given in the tier-
mania Hall , on Harnuy and
Eighteenth Htrents. The attendance
greatly exceeded that of the preceding
entertainment. It is understood to bo
Prof. Steinhouior's idea to establish
Sunday afternoon concerts for
individual and family entertainment ,
such as are given in all the largo cities ,
whore they are patronized in large num
bers , both Germans and Americans. The
probability is that before many weeks ,
relatively speaking , his undertaking will
attract the attention which it deserves.
His programme comprised an excellent
assortment of pieces , which were finely
caletilatad to satisfy a most varied and
discriminating taste. Tliu numbers have
already been published in these columns ,
and each of them was rendered in a
manner which evoked most appreciative
applaiii-o. The great novelty of the 15111 ,
however , was the singing by iMiss Uortlia
Stemhausor , of a selection from
"Urnaniu. " Miss Stoinhauscr is young ,
intelligent and ambitious. She has a
voice of exceeding richness , reasonable
strength and remarkable lloxibility. She
uses it with the ease and grace of a tal
ented and promising vocalist. The size
of the hall , however , was such as to pre
vent the lady appearing to the satisfac
tion she might otherwise have experi
enced had the auditorium been such as
would a ( lord full play to tlio resonance
of her tones. Stcinliauser has a
pronflsing artistic future. Her ellbrt yes
terday was most warmly applauded and
secured a hearty encore. Prof. Stein-
hauser's orchestra gives its third con
cert at the same place on next Sunday
. Tltr.Itr.LI.I-MUSIN CONCnilT.
The Trobelli-Mnsin concert at the ex
position building this evening will prove
a rare treat. Mine. Trcbelli is a vocalist
of rare accomplishment , and ono who
has won great renown in Europe. She
was received with great enthusiasm in
New York , ajl the critics of that city
praising her in the highest terms. Musin
is acknowledged to bo one of the greatest
violinists of the present timo. His work
is characterized by feeling and elegance
rarely equalled. AI. Musin has won the
highest cnconiums from the press of
Now York and Chicago. The IIK ex
presses the hope that the music-loving
people will give to these famous artists
the reception they deserve. Prof.
Franko , of this city , will play a duct
with Musin at the lattcr's request. The
programme is an excellent ono , and is as
follows :
1. Piano Variations Seriensos..Mendelssohn
Jlerr Paul Stoindorf.
3. Briddisi , Irom Ijiicretia Uorgiu..DouIzetto
Mine. Ticbelli.
3. Souvenir ile Jlaydn Leonard
Al. Musin.
1. a , r.ercouso Chopin
1. Tarautelle MoszkowskI
llerr Paul Stcimlorf.
5. Violin Ducts a. Atamlon. b. Mliinlt.
c. Serenade 15. Goilard
Messrs. Musin nnd Kianko.
0. Hondo Gavotte ( composed expressly lor
Aline. Trcbelli by Ambrose Thomas. . . .
Mine. Tiebelli.
7. a. Cav.itina Raff
b. Ma/otuka .Musin
AI. Musin.
8. Rhapsodic I [ on cruise Bialnns
llerr Paul Steinilorf.
9. Seieuado ( with violin obligate.Gounod )
Mine. TiobcllI and AI. Musin.
The arrival of Alurcus H. Alaycr , the
acting manager of Adelina Patti , led to
an interesting talk between that gentle
man and a reporter for the Br.E. As linn
already boon announced , Patti , tlio great
est songstress the world now possesses ,
will appear in the exposition building on
Thursday evening , the 21th inst. She
will sing and ho assisted by a corps of
artists comprising Mmo. Scalchi and
Signors Gmlle , ( Jlassi , Novuri and Ar-
diti , the latter with an orchestra of world
wide famo. The tickets lor the concert
sell at $1 , ? 3 , 3 and if 1 , according to the
location of the scats.
"Aline. Patti , said Air. Mayor , "since
last November , when she arrived here ,
sang in New York , Boston , Philadelphia ,
liultimoro , Cincinnati , Chicago. New Or
leans , and Galycston. She then
went to Mexico. Seats were
sold in advance for four concerts.
What do you suppose the sales amounted
to ? $110,000 , Throe supplementary con
certs were given. The receipts of these
seven entertainments were $870,000. Sin
gle seats sold at $7.50. On ono of those
evenings the receipts amounted to si50-
000 , This phenomcdal business is un
precedented in the annals of the musical
world. And this , bear in mind , was
after the fraudulent agent had run away
with about two hundred ami fifty thou
sand dollars. So you see Putti's appear
ance In Aloxico caused tlio changing of
more than one million of dollars , li that
scoundrel had been caught ho would have
been killed. In San Francisco Almo ,
Patti's receipts from six concerts wcro
SO 1,000. In Lo.s Angeles her success was
likewise unprecedented. She sings but
twice u week. Him sings In Omaha at a
lower rate than any other place which I
have mentioned , because of the posibility
of a largo audience.
"With regard to the crank who throw
the bomb at the madame , ho simply hurt
himself. Patti will sing hero as an
nounced notwithstanding her narrow
escape. Wo carry scenery with us and
shall use it in the second act of 'Semira-
mcdo , ' which will close Madame Patti's
performance , "
"Iternhardt plays hero the first week
in May. She is now in Mexico. Her
tour of the United States will bo under
taken on March 1 , She will play in all
the largo cities first , and on her way to
the coast will appear hero at the time
mentioned. "
The sale of seats for Pat IPs concert
commences next Saturday , February 1'j ,
at Alax Meyer's. The latter gentleman
is in receipt of mniiv letters from all
parts of tha state asking how to secure
seats for the concert on the 21th inst.
Some of the letters are from Sioux City
and Yankton. The outlook is an assured
crnwdcd house in the mammoth build
The young ladies of the First Al. E.
Church have arranged for a most excel
lent entertainment ID the church on next
Thursday evening. Aliss May Timber-
man who Is visiting in tlio city has con
sented to give a few readings and Mrs , . J.
T. Clark. Miss Lillie Chamberlain and
other well known .singers will take'part ,
Miss Tuubcrpian 'was a pupljl of the great
actor and render , James E. Murdock ,
.ind made her debut with Thomas W ,
Kecno in Richard 111. in 18S3. Of her act
ing the Kcokufc Demociat sayss "An in.
tercMim : feature of Kccno's cngngcmenl
in Kichard HI. was the deput of Miss
Timbcrman as Lady Anno. She was re
ceived with enthusiasm and went through
the trying scones admirably. It was n
strong and polished representation. "
All critisinsnf Miss 'lumberman's rcad <
lugsaro equally favorable , andthoso who
enjoy line elocution should not fail to
hear her.
A Pin In Btnliiem letter.
D. W. Alorris , wholesale and retail
druggists ; 139 Commercial street , Emporia -
ria , Kan. , Jan. 10 , 18S7. CiiAMiir.iti.AlN
& Co. , Des Aloincs , la. : Gentlemen In
sending to jou the enclosed order for a
gross of your Cough Remedy , allow mete
to say that without any exception it is
the best soiling goods now in the market.
I have sold a great amount of it during
tlio past year to the citizens of this place ,
nnd have the first complaint to hoar. It
is the best article to use for croup 1 over
sold , being pleasant to take , which is an
important feature when children have to
take medicine.
W. G. AllirlRlu's South Omaha Onlco
will bo oponcd soon in charge of Air ,
John M , Campbell , who will have horses
and baggies ready at all times to convoy
intending purchasers to the valuable busi
ness and residence property known as
Aumiuiir's Ciioicn.
This is the onlv property through which
the U. P. ami IJ. " & Al. U. ll's. and Bellevue -
vuo avenue run.
AJBig Bargain 50x120 feet on N St. ,
South Omaha , the best business property
in the city , near postolVico , must be sold
within two days.
Under Paxton Hotel.
The South Omaha Land company have
appointed C. E. Alaync solo agent for the
sale of their lots. I to will show the prop
erty and furnish all desired information
ujion application.
[ .Signed ] W. A.JAXTOX , President.
English , Herman. Danish , Swedish ,
in fact all languages are spoken in tlio
ollicc of W. ( . } . Albright , the real estate
owner and dealer , 218 8911111 15th St. All
classes and all nationalities purchase of
him , and you cannot do bettor thyn se
cure a lot in his valuable addition to
South Omaha , known as
W. G. Albright has other property , im
proved and unimproved , in all parts of
the city , and oilers the best bargains.
Millions In It ,
A choice tract of 14 acres , fronting on
Broadway , Council Hindu , an excellent
piece for phittinsr. The Broadway front
age alone is worth the price asKed for the
whole tract. Call at onco.
Under Paxton Hotel.
is Business
and Real Estate is valuable only where
there is nrsiNESs. Purchasers should
bear this in mind and not buy lots far
away from the center of business , just
because they are cheap.
lies in the great industrial and commer
cial man of South Omaha and the im
mense business interests there insure a
rapid advance of values. Eighty acres
adjoining Albright's Choice are reserved
for some of tlie largest establishments in
the world.
W . G. ALBRIGHT. Sole Owner.
218 South 10th St.
The regular montlily meeting of the
board of trade will bo held this evening.
O J. E. Uoyd announces that ho will close
his packing hoimo for tlie winter season
on Tuesday , February 15. He expects to
commence killing again about the middle
of April.
The Concordia masquerade ball takes
place to-night at Masonic hall. Positively
no tickets will be sold at the door. Tlio
subscription list can be seen at Max
Meyer < fc Co's.
CAMEKON In this uity Februr.ry 12 , atfitfO
D. in , , Baihara Cameron , iiiothur-in-law of
K. H. lirown , aged 78 years.
The funeral will take place on Monday at
2 p. in. , from her Jato residence , 1123 North
Seventeenth street. Friends invltc'l.
To Whom It May Concern !
NOTICK Is horoliv irivan tlmt tlio umlerslirnod
will locoivo liklup to 4 o'clock p. in. Tucs-
iliiy. tlio 15th duy of February. 1887 , at tlio olllco
of the City Clerk for the lollowlug described
pieces of property , to-wlt :
Inscription ol1 n strip of land lying south of
mid adjoining the following lots Iu the city of
Omaha :
Adjoining Lot A , Isaacs & Orilllu's Addition
Ik-ginning "t tlio S. K. corner of lot 6 , isiiccs ii
Griffin's addition and running west fil M Tout ,
thence south 28 foot , tliouco east fll 68 leot ,
thence north 27 fi leet to the plnco of beginning.
Adjoining UitO , Kimcs JB 11 Mill it's Addition
IIcKinnlng at the S. I' , corner of lot II , Isaacs &
Orillln's addition and running west lect ,
thrnco south 27.0 leet , thence oust fil r > 8 feet ,
thence north 27.2 feet to the plnco ot beginning.
Adjoining Lot 7. Isaacs A : ( irillln's Addition
ncKlnnlng lit the S 13 , comer of lot 7. Isnncs it
Orillln's uddltloii and running wustOl M tect ,
thence south 27.2 leot , thcncu oust Gl GS feet ,
tlicnco north 2i ! 8 feet to the plnco of beginning.
Adjoining Lot 8 , Imacs & Urlflln's Addition
Ilculnnlng lit the S , 11. corner of lot t ) , Isnncs&
Grillin'B nd'litlon and running west CI.53 feet
thoneo south 20.8 loot , thence east RIM feet ,
tlicnco iiorih H.4 foutto plucool boirlnnlng.
Adjoining Lot 2 , Armstiong'H Subdivision
Jlcf'innlnir nt the S. K. corner of lot 2 , Arm-
Btroiig'g Subdivision mid running west 101 lect ,
thence houtli 21 5 feot. thence enst 101 leet ,
tlicnco north 21.11 lect to the plnco of hciflnnlug.
Adjoining Lot ! ! , ArmstioiiK's Sulidivlslou
lleglnnlng at the S. n. corner of lot ! ) , Ann-
stioiig's subdivision and running west KK ) loot ,
thence soutli 31.8 teet , tlicnco oust KM feet ,
tliunco HOI ih 21 6 loot to the plucool1 beginning.
Adjoining Lot 4 , JllookU , Aniistroiig'n 1st Ad.
dlllon Jk'glnning nt thu H K. corner ol loll ,
block ; i , Armstrong's 1st iiitditlon nud vuniilug
wont Wi foot , tlinnou south 25 feet , thence oust
CD'S foot , thence north 21.H loot to the plnco of
boglnnliiL' .
Adjoining I.ot H , lllock n , Armstrong's 1st Ad
dition llcglnnlug nt the S. tt. corner of lot fi ,
block 3 , Arini-ttoiiK B 1st addition nnd i nulling
west no > t lout , thence Bouth 2.J.1I loel , Ihonco
east Btl'/j ' leot , thence noi111 23 loot to the plnco
ot litiglnning. .
Adjoining Lot 0 , Iliock 3. Annslrong's 1st Ad-
illtlon lloutlnnlng nt the B. 15. corner of lotO ,
lilookil. Armstrong's 1st addition und running
west fti'i feet , tlienco soulh L'5 I loot , thence
east CTVJ foot , thence noith 25.3 leot to the place
of beginning-
Adjoining Lot 7 , lllock a , Armstrong's 1st Ail-
dlllon lIcKliiuing lit tlio B , IX corner of lot 7 ,
blockH , Armstrong's 1st addition nud running
wostMii loot , theiico south 26.0 feet , thence
enstfllij fcottbeiiconoitb 25.1 feet to plucoof
Adjoining Ixitfl , Hlock3 , Armstrong's 1st Ad-
illlloii lloglnnlng nt the H. II. ooiner of lot ,
blonUflArmstrong's 1st addition and running
west flOVJ lent , thence south 2.1.a leot. thonoo
oust Gai > fcot , Iheiico north 25.6 feet to the plucu
AiljolnlnirixitO , lllookn , Armstrong's 1st Ail.
illtlon llvglnnlnir nt the S. E , corner of lot'.i ,
lilookll , Aruifctrong's 1st addition nnd running
west BUS feotthenco south 20 loot , thence onit
fiG'J feet , thence north 25.8 feet to the place of
jifo blds Vlll bo considered nt u rnto below tlio
npiirnlsod valuiitlon.
Tlio City Council rosorvoa the right to reject
nr or all bids. ,
BOPT1AD | , | c < ty clorfc.
NottOB ,
OP NKHHASKA. Douglns Countr , fs :
STATE couit holdntllio couuly ooiiit
room , In and tor fcald county , .liinunry "Mli ,
A. 1) . lbS7. ITfeciit , J. II. McOullocli , county
In tno'mattcr of tlio Ostulo of Juno IJ. Dort , do-
nd llllng the petition of Myltto
Van Dor Voort , praying that her llnal aouounl ,
llloj January 6th. IWiT , muy bo allowed , nnd that
elio limy bodlsehargodfioin ber trust us admin
istratrix of the estate of said deceased.
Ordered , that February 2Mb , A , 1) , 1H87. nt 10
o'clock n. in. , ho dbaigucxl lor bearing enld
petition , when ull persons lulorestod In said
matter may niipourai u county com t to bo held ,
In and lor EUid county , anil uht-w causa why the
prnyorofguld petitioner bhould not t > o grunted ;
and that notlco of the nrndcnoy ot bald pctl
tioa and the bearing theteof , l > o given to all
personsInteicetpd In euid matu < r , by puUMilug
a copy of'tblspi dor in thoOmahiu Ually Bci > , 11
newspaper prlutod In > > tM county , euro each
week tor four successive ireeVaprlor to bold
'duy of Ii6arinir. , J. U. Mcl'ULLOril ,
' CA true copy.l . . . „ . „ County Jud
Thi < ; po\vtlor never variei A marvel of
purity , strength ami wholcsoincncss. More
economic than the ordinary kimln ami
cannot ho sold in competition \vi'h the mul
titude of low test , short weight alum or
phosphate powders. Sold only in cans.
Royal Unking Powder Co. 106 Walt street ,
New York.
ICth SI. , Cor. Capitol Avenue ,
Chronic & Surgicji' ' Diseases ,
DR. MoNlENAKJY. Prop otoi ; .
Sixteen jcnra' Hosiiitnl nml 1'mato I'rncUcs
We huvo the facilities , apparatus nnd rcmcdlM
for tha successful treatment of r\ cry form of din-
rase requiring cither mcdlcnl or tmrglcnl uenttmtil ,
ftml luvltu all to rome.iiul investigate ) for thcnuclvt *
or correspond with us. Long experience In treatIng -
Ing cnscaf \ \ letter cniblcq ua to treat tnauy case *
icicntlflcally without hcelne them
WIUTK K011 CIUOULAH on Dcforaltle * nnfl
Ilmce * , Club Feet , Curvatures of the Splno
IiEA ) E8 or WOMPN , riles , Tumorn , Cancers ,
Catarrh , Uronchltlc , Inhalation , Klcotriclty , I'arnl.
ysle , Epilepsy , Kidney , Ku , Kur , bklu , Ulood and
all mirglcal operations.
Ilntlrrliig , InltiilcirR , ISrnron , Tru srs , nn- |
all klmln of Medical and Surgical Appliances , man.
L/ncturtJ anil for sale.
The only reliable Medical Institute making
Private , Special f Nervous Diseases
1 A KI'Et'IAr.TY.
from liatercr cause produced , pucccsBfully treated
Wo can remove Syphilitic poison from thosjetem
without mercury ,
Now restorative treatment for lois of vital power
Cell and consult us or eend namu and post-omco
address plainly written enclose etamp , and wo
will send you. In plain wrapper , our
OTOK rniVATB , Si'xoui. AND Ncnvoua DIBHVIES ,
UMNAitT ORGANS , or send history of your case for
au opinion.
Persons unable to rMt no miy be treated at llielr
homes , by correspondence. Medicines and Inttru-
racnt ? sent by mall or express SHCUHKLY 1'AC'K
El ) FKOM marks to Indicntu
contend or sender. One personal Interview pro
fcrrcdtrcon\eniunt. Fifty rooms for the accom
modation of patients. Hoard and attendance fit
reasonable prices. Address 11 Letters to
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institnto ,
Cor. 1 3lh SI. and Caoilol Aye. . OMAHA. M EB.
Special Ordinance No. 935.
A N Ordinance levying n spociul tux mid ns = c ' -
XX muut cm curtntn lots and roiil estate in tlio
city of Omaha , to cover tlio cost of ctirhlntr
I.eiivcuwortU btrcet Irom 13th street to IUU
WmitEAS : , It liavlnjr licon and bolnpr hereby
ndjmlfjed , determined nml established that the
several lots and pieces ol renl cstnto hereinafter
rolonod to , have ouch been specially benolHod
lo tlio full nmount heroin levied and assessed
against eiioh ol paid lots nnd pieces of real
estate , re ] n.'ctlvcly , by ron on oC the curbing of
that part of Loavemorth btieot IromlUth Btieet
to 14th btreet.
Tmitii : : oui : , for the purpose of paying tlio
cost of such curbing :
Holt ordained by tlio city council of tlio city of
Section 1. Tlmt the cost of curbing that part
of Leiivenwoith street. In the city of Oiniilia ,
tiom iith : street to 14th street , salil cost being
the sum of f"il7.1llii3 and the sumo is hereby
levied and HKsufctcd , Iti proportion to the loot
front along said improvement and according to
Apodal bpnellts by reason ol said improvement ,
upon tlio lollowiiigdeseribed hits and real estate
ns shown by the generally recognized map ol'
the city ot Omaha , IMit , lithographed ami pub
lished by C. U. Jlayno , said cent being so levied
on bald lots and real estate , respectively , as lol-
lows , to-wlt :
OM HA cm- .
Nan.o Ixitor Ain't of
of Owner. Description , lllook. Tax.
Jeremiah Mahoney . ft ] . > Jiil K !
MuryWulloiK . w 15 u IWi : M ; u
IMwnrd AlnEcow . oHO ] ' . > . " > ; 32
" . w j 7 Ifl'i 4ill ; )
Hugh -Murphy . c J , 7 11)5 ) 21 f/i
.leromlah Mationcy . 8 r.i.'i G4 il
JSUIK ; l.ovl . . n'il -M : ) 45 . " >
John A Ciolghton . s Vi 1 "i > 0 I'.illl
Fran/ Talk UrowintrCo.oJ.'U tl'J 3)0 ) Zl 5.5
A 0 Powell . w441ty Sir ) 4i ; O'J
( Jeo H Hammond . U " ( K ) 01 Cl
J -McSlianu and Lou la
Solirooilur . 4 2X ( ) fil Cl
Socllon 2. That fiuld special taxes lovifd ntoro *
Bald , on said lots respectively , shall become de
linquent as lollops : one-tunlh of tlio total
amount so levied on ouch of said lots shall lin-
como dollniiiont | In llfty days lunn the passage
and approval nf this oidlnnnco , one-tenth in
ono year , ono tenth in two ycaia , one-tontli In
three years , ono-tenlh In lour years , ono-tenth
In llvo years , ono-tcnth In elv jours , ono-tontli
In sovun yeais , ono truth in eight years and one-
tenth In nlno yeais alter enld levy , and being
Irom the pussiigo and approval or this oidin-
aneo. Much of ha'dln talliiiontA , ovcept the Drat
Bhall draw Interest at the rate of POVCII per
cent , per annum tio'ii the time of the levy
aforesaid , until the t-ama Miall bocomu delln-
nni'iit. A penalty of Jlvo per cont. . together
ullli inleroht at the rate one per cent , per
month , imvnhlo In ndvunro , slinll bo paid on
ruch dellnniiont iiislnlliiiont.
Hoctlnii : i. That the entlio amount of lax BO
levied and assessed on any of Paid Jots may bo
paid by the owner of any lot , ortliountlro equal
pro nun iiroportlon of hiilil lax on any of Mild
lots , muy bo paid by any person on any pnit of
paid lotH wllhln lllly days tiom sa'd levy , nml
theioupou such lotH or iiaitsof loti,6hallbo
excinpt tiom any Honor clniivo therefor ,
Si'ciion 1. Tiiat this ordlnanci ) shall take oil eel
anil belli loreo from ami alter Its pnssugo.
1'iiEHPd January IHtb. 1887.
Wv. R IlKCiir.i , , President City Council.
J. II. SouTiiAiii ) , City Cleric.
Approved January sotli , 1M7.
W.M. I' . Ili.ciiii. : . Acting Mayor.
Thopo taxes are now duo and payable 10 the
city treiibiuer. mid will bccomo dellnUent ( | us
shown In Section ! . ' .
IDdSt TIHIMAS I1UCK , City Treasurer.
Ily virtue of three several execution' ) Issued
out of the district court tor Douglas county ,
Notinthltii , and to modircctod , I n ill on tliolsth
duy of Fuliriiarjr , im7 , at 10 o'clock a. in , of
said day , at lh ( > btoro rooniH No. OUT , Hi'J and
(111 Kouth 13th btieet , In the city ol Omaha ,
Douglas county , Nebraska , soil at publlo auu-
tlon , u general stock of dryg 'Ods , boots , shoos.
hats and imps , and rcudv miuio clothing , thu
jiroperlyot August lloiiniui , tomlisfy n Jud--
ment oftho district court , in fuvor of Andruw
Henry ilolng business as the Hunk of Omaha
against August Dormnnthosuinof three thous
and llvo hundred ilollars duimiM'H nud < 7.7d costs
and accruing costs ; nlio to satiuly u judgment
of said district court In fin or of Hamuel 11.
Knlin against August Dorman for the gum of
two thousiuid ami ninety niid liVKnj dollars dam-
ngos and fH 18co-ts ano accruing costs ; also to
satisfy u Judgment of said district rourt In
favor of LoulK Kimpke against August Donmui
for the sum of onu thousaud llvo hundred und
forty filx dollars damages inia $7 Cl costs and
iicuriilu > r eo tt ; or to much of said stock of
rood * iimrill BiitUfy the bt-viTixl three , lutcros. . an
Sheriff of Douglas County , Neb.
Onmtm , Nob. , rub. tJbST. .
Fife Insurance
Third Annual Statement , January 1st , 1887.
Cash inU. S National Bank , Omaha , ? ' 23,501.1" ,
Cash in Company's oflioo and other
Banks , 7l.r , ? > . ( . ) ( !
First Mortgage Heal Estate Loans , S fiO-U.'i
Accrued Interest , . . . . 2 , 'KV ) . J.'i
Bills Kcceivable , for Kami I'rcmiums , , ' ] fii. ( { ! , : > : ?
1'rcmiums in Course of Collection , 6,5(5. ( ' ) . ' , ( >
Stock Bonds Scnired , 50,000.00
Other Property Belonging lo the Com
pany , 2,27-l/JC )
Total , $1/5 / 1,0 10.01
Capital Stock , . § 100,000.00
Unearned Premium Keservc Legal
Standard , . 'JO,070.-K >
All other Liabilities , - I,7s7..r > l )
Net Survrius , . 10,157.90
Total , $151,010.01
Losses Unpaid or in Litigation , NOXK.
Income during 188(5 ( , § 7y-IO.-J9 ]
Security to Policy-Holders , 1J9,22S..12
Gain in Assets during 1880 , 27,081.57 ,
Gain in Surplus during 1880 , 12,801.20
S. JL JI. CLAltK , CJIAS. , T. JlAJiniUi ,
J'rcstdent. , SY <
The ironic Vira Jtdft dnin' a very successful antl proflta-
Miilmsinrs * diit'liifi the imst l/i'tii' , ami is fast < /rt > irnii hi
ItuMlcfnvoi ; miff < > J'crx ( is coin ! > ! < ' ! < iiidciiinit/ ! f < > j > of/c//- / /
liohtt-rs < ts niijcoiiiiHinu dolnif business In the state.
Jts hiisincss is conilnclt'tl nn sniinil ami cnnseri'iitire
princinli's " / ' niulvrwrltlinj ami mil/ ; small lines nn-i'ten ,
subject to any one /ire , and no niici'tuHy Ituxai'tlous nroiwrtij
This Cnmpnnn ccrliitnly merits ( lie confidence and \Ml- \
ronaijo of the jiconlc.
Positively Farewell Tour
Mr. IlKNItY n. Alinnv , very respectfully an
nounccs the iippeiiranco In Oninlia , of
One Grand Operatic Concert.
Which rill taUo place on
ay Evening , M. 24
With the following Distinguished artists :
S1G- FRANCO NOVA11A , - - JJasso
Sfg. Luigi Ariliti - - Conductor
At this performance the above artists an 1 MMK
I'A'ITI will appear in n
Grand Concert Program
Consisting of "nmouo selectionsand In addll.'oi ,
the tccond Act of Itotsliil's Opera ( In costumoj
ASSUB SiprFi'aiico Novarii
AIISACK 31mo Soflu Scalchi
With nil the iiccoasorlos of costumes , and a
thu direction ot
$ l$2$3and$4ReservedSeats , , $ ,
Bnloof soatuieslna Sutuiday , Feb. 10 , al lOa.
in , at
Max Meyer & Bros' ' Music Store
MAltCUS It. MAVlilt , Act Ing Manager.
E. T. ALLEN , M. D.
Eye , Ear , E ese & Throat
RoomO Williams llu'ililing , cor. 15th anil
Doilge btR , Omaha ,
ouri. 8 to Id a.m. 2 to 4 anil 7 to i p. m
) , Tora for Hiirlni : tnido a fulltineuf Applus
( Umricn I'OUIH I'iuuiit < irui > di'urr.uii4 iji.u U'
InTrk's.llliii'iil'Hrrlm ' lliiipliorne- | liTrks.
ALL 'llli ; N1JW AND ( Jl.l ) KINDS.
A pploruol Krafts , ov rKK't'in , for.isl in-a u tilltn.'i.
) rii.iiuimlul tr * > i und rliralit ru t0 cl tubing VIIHM ,
&i' . liuulcia anU nil biiujjhc'Uut wry low iirltv9. AU-
D. H. Lake , Proi ) . , Bhoimndonh , Iowa.
Dr ( Chase's ' Last Receipt Book. . *
Last and orownln. niirk of W * llfo , Just out. OutU
We. if U.U.OHliUii I.UQ. , Uolri > it , Uloli ,
1887 Spring Valley Stock Farm. 1887.
Gcorgo Wilkcn 510. Record 2 iSS/
Menstned by " : " ( t , the 2L'.r : ) and the 3J Muuil-
nrd ; wusiho grealeBt that e\or lived , lluvlnjf
now 5 , " > sons and daughters In thu 2:3J : list dowii
toS:14U. :
The only son of Ooorgo Wllkos In the State ol !
3541 Black Wilkcs 3C41 Standard.
Sired by fioorgo AVIIKcs Bl'.i ; 1st dam I'lintir
Hell , sired by Confederate Chli'l , own brothfltf
toWoodfoid riilul. 2U-'i : ; ijinl dam HyadyU'il
Hamblctonian. Will stand lor mares at the
above farm at $3i the teason , cash time of ser
vice , with piivllego of letiun shoulil iiuirot ) not
prove In foal. Limited to Uil mares bc ldo * my
own. Season commeiucs Kob 1st anil ends
August 1st , 1S87. 1'orfurthor paitlculaia semi
for clicnhus.
Itproducog Practical Rcsnlla in Bakin and
Eoaetlng never before attained in au/
CooKlnf ; Apparatus , and will
RiyohtionisathoProsenlMEthcis of Gccli ; ?
n.tinlnl Fooil nnVc.l or ItondoJ.Bhoul.l hi cnnltwl
infrmhnlrfmlyniliulttiil lothn oven. JhiaUl i a
lei nrillntt Ilioclosoovtin < leer heretoforoui'iMi. m |
f "li Mitutlnir for Itndoor rnntnlnlnn a > w toC ire
Guu ounri7U8 laniaaatliu iliwrlUilf.
Through this Gauze Door the nlr freely
circulates , furllltntlni :
produclne JuoJ that in unegimllLil III fl > or nn.l Iiu-
trlllon.nud nctuully cookud wild ) ( cousuiuHlou ot
fuel tlmu la an oven with a closoJ door.
Jt makes nncnormoai savlnijla tlmwcialit nrment.
It also nrortucea largar Loaves of Bread ,
require * IcbB uttentlnn from tlio cook , un.l iiramota *
the honltb of the fnmily by thu BL'IXKIUU gUAUTX
linn. MAitv 11. WFLCII. Touclmr Dninpktlc Kronomr.
IowaStnt UnlvernltjnijB : "MydalllnTHtoJudRincut
is that thooirn of the ItniiBO , nscoinpiirod with otliari.
a not onljr more rquullr hnatort i n every I rt-rrpnl n
well n rtinr-lutiiiinro ultof | t ( .uiwrlorvpnuliitlon
Ihefood ploced thornln l lotu-rcookn < l , lill ratiiln.
InBoewootiTflnvor.npd n turner pniimrtlmioflulw.1i
iiirci'H. Hind , iiUn , thiittIi8cnii aim > llonoffii llriUiU
itun o ia ciucU lcu.3 lljnu uuy oilier fur taiuu walk ,
ExcELSionrnpcco. . ST. LOUIS.
BOLD IN NEBIIA8KA as follows :
u. c. IIKI-WIK. . HAV bimNf.s.
W. K. Ti.Ml'LiiON : , . NEISOH ,
OLDS IIKOS. . . rtM.AR ,
TANNI.l.L&SWinCrJUV , . I AIKIIUKY. ft FAouu , . riiAKKim.
J. J ,
J.S DL'KU . . . iLAn MUUHI.
. ,
J.A PADDBN ft SON. . S > i ' ' .
J'olsou ( lie Sj'HtPin witli Nuiispating
Jlriiir.s.Dr.Horno's Klcctric Ik'U Ciircn
\VHIioiiL \
Will I'oHllivoly Tui-p Without , Moilicino
I'.jlni In ihu tuck hUu heart 01 limtii Scrv iu Da
lilhly l.uiutiniro , ( iwiurnl Douillir llli"iimiu > ioi I'ar
lykl , N urHl"ii , Spin loi. IIIWUICH < if Kuliiny * Sjil-
IM ! ll Piiiii ! . Toriihl l.lior ( l..ut . , A tliirl i llcirt 1)1 )
H'UtVf. IyfHp ) | ii.Oenilipatlijii. Kryrlpflni , Iinl.aov
tlnn , Imtioliiicy. Cuiarrli. I'llci , Kuilup t , ABUO , Dla-
. ,
Xoto tlio Following lie were
A J. llojitlnml H H. I'.itxur. J. M ll.n rlt ull uu
I ) Ji.rcl uf liu lo. 1 ! \V Kiriiliuu , Ami-ilmn I nn i
[ n A dnpirv miimil-iil ui nii-rrhiiiit si kvirlt ,
l.TunnM > ad. I'liluuT MJU J llii'lil lu iu iliu ri'it
iMMfcntaii. t'ul. ( 'ijiuiellv , ot iht ) litU'r D' tu H v > '
Iliinlii < i irlo ; t ; b , M Divli , t-ccrcury Via rui |
liurroic-iiii .1 I , . Hlicuiri'r.VII MH'limii i J < 'uu Hi ,
iawoUT.lllMllitllilUkt llll iill'lil' l ( ! . II W lldlllin ,
M. l > , Moiinoiitown.lovv ti. I.eniMO ) Alilk Kuu 'ilil'i' ' ,
III. JU'Jn'Ol. ' N Murrr. N.ii > rUlw ' 'I irit'l liunilrC'flii
nf otlicri reiiri'M'niliiK nfiirly rvcrjtivwn | u ihu
I'nluii. Al o flu trie l > vltfi > rlnUuH ( ( 'ill nr fundk
tiliiii Inr IHiulniKul cuiiiln.'Ui Upon ilinljr I u
ui nlnicv unU huniliiy * l.luctrlo Stui.cniorliM fiou
iiiuliill Mul loli ! . Uuffiiruul iMUUxcoiuuuiilat wliu
iiiiinjrulliiKi'i. railing wrlU'.uiil ' t. / ' ) ' ! ? . iili o-lytlto
h eramciitii All my bolm < onutnn i\.m \ nit or
tmticrifii , hence time four times th-3 r wr nnd