TJIE OMAHA DAILY BEE ! , MONDAY. FEBETJARY 14. 1887. BUsmviiAciasc IN BLOOD , Bill Anderson's ' Career at the Head of His Lawless Band. MISSOURI'S MURDEROUS MEN. Ilcvcngc of His Slstcr'fl Dentil KllllriK Soldier * liy the Scot ' The Terror oT n Dozen Cauntlcu. Atlanta Constitution : "Did you ever hear ol Hill Anderson , of Missouri * " This was the question of mi ox-confodcr- ntc nmjor general , with whom 1 was not long ago discussing the story that an at tempt was inrulo during the war to bribe fllosby. Ho continued : "Mo by was never half such a terror in Virginia nt Hill Anderson was in Missouri. "When Iho war began , Anderson , like about half thu people ot the slate , was for the union. I have no doubt ho would have gone inlo the union army but for on event which changed the whole cur rent of his life and transformed tlio na ture of the man completely. He lived In a county which was nbout equally divided between thn tinlonand tlioujtifuicmcy. In an ad joining county , which was strong for the union , resided his two sisters. Their sympathies were entirely with the south , nnd they gave very open and injudicious expression to them. Party feeling ran so high in thn neighborhood that these two women wore taken from home by some union men and locked tip in a house by themselves on the pretext that they might give information to the confederates. Whilu they were thus imprisoned the house fell , killing one of them and crip pling the oilier lor life. It is said that "the pillars on which the house stood wore sawed in two by MHIIO cowardly creature , who did not scruple at the murder of a woman. A TI'.HUIHI.n UKVKNGi : . "When Anderson heard of this out rage he almost went mad. As soon as the Iirst burst of his fury was over hu de termined to avenge the death of one sis ter and tlio crippling of the other. Ho organized a baud of eighty mun and buuan his work of blood and destruction , iio aid not enlist in the confederate ser vice , because ho wanted to bo free from all orders and in his own way to work out his burning desire for revenge. Ho was about tuiny years old , but nearly every onu of his men wus younger than ' he. Most of them were hoys from eigh teen to twenty years of ago , sturdy boys from thu farm , who could ride like .In dians and shoot with deadly precision. They had superb horses which they soon trained to wonderful control. Their only weapons were six-shooturs. Not a man in Anderson's command , from Iirst to last , was over seen with any other weapon. Every ono of them carried four revolvers , two in his belt and two at his saddle. They were export pislol shots attho start , but they soon became so skilled that they could shoot a man's eye out at twenty- paces , and could kill a man lifty yards away as they rode at full gallop. "Their Iirst act was to kill a dozen men who wore supposed to bo implicated in the outrage on Anderson's sisters. They began scouring the country , plundering and burning the houses of union men and spreading terror over half a dozen counties. Band after band was organized to meet ' them , but they all shared thu same'fate , death and rout. Anderson 'and all his hoys knew every foot of the the country perfectly , and when they were too hard pressed by superior num bers they would disband. Eanh man would take care of himself , and next day they would meet at sorao appointed rendezvous to begin their deadly work anew , yiOHTIXG UNDER THE BLACK FLACJ. "When they went into battjc each man would take the reins of his perfectly trained horse in his tuclh. He could guldo the animal wherever ho chose simply by the motion of his body. Then , with a six-shooter in each hand , they would dash right into the enemy's ranks , firing right and left and making every bullet toll. They could shoot with the Joft hand as- well as the right , and in many an engagement they killed more than their number. "Anderson was a swarthy little fellow who did not weigh moro than 1 0 pounds. Ho wore his raven hair down on his shoulders , and in battle his little black oj'cs glowed like lire. His ono thought was to kill. He never took any prison ers and not ono of his mun was ever cap tured alive. They had raised the black ilag , and it had boon raised againstthcm , and they fought with the furious courage of desperation. Anderson never were a uniform of any kind. Ho was usually at tired in a dingy suit of jeans and were a broad-brimmed , black wool hat with a loug white feather in it. His men were attired in black velvet coats , gorgeously embroidered , jean breeches , which were for ovor-stiiiled in their big boots , and big felt hats. They all had long hair , and as they scoured the country were the very picture of a gang of highway men , "There is no telling how many mon they killed. I should say n thousand was a small estimate. Once , alter they had been terrifying a county for several days , Captain Johnson , of thu federal Blate militia started after them witn a force of two men. Johnson met a farmer nnd asked him if ho knew where Ander son was , JIu replied : MOWUD DOWN I.I KB OUASS. " Tos. lie is in a ravine about four inllos from hero , but you had better leave him alone. ' " 'How many men has ho ? ' " 'About eighty , 1 guess , you had bet tor not fool with him , ' "Johnson misbed on , confident that ho would soon annihilate Anderson's band with his superior force , liuforo ho know it ho was in an ambush , and within two hours from the time ho met the fanner ho was killed , and over two hundred of his men lay dead about him. Only about forty of the 250 escaped the merciless h'rti from the revolvers of the Anderson men. Anderson lo-jt only ton men , whose places were soon supplied. The 200 union fiol- diors thus slam were buried on thu spot , nnd congress erected a monument above their 'gravo. " ( jiineral ( iuitar , who had command of the federal troops in that part of the Htato , issued an order that no quarter should bo given to Anderson or any of his mon. A few days later Anderson captured a train on which there were twenty-three recruits for the union army , lloliled Ilium out on the wide of thu track , shot them deadand on thu breast of each corpse pinned a piece of paper with these words written on it : ' "Done by order of ( lOiieral ( iiiitar , ' "On the samu train was Congressman Rollins , of Missouri , who was going to Washington. Anderson went up to him and said : " 1 reckon we had bettor take you too. I suppose you are a union mun1 "Rollins , wiio was a mock-looking fel- iow. replied : " 'No ' ; I am a minister of the gospel. I have taken no part in the war at all. ' Anderson aaid hu wasn't killing preach ers , and the congressman escaped , 'M though it Is certain that if any man in iv t the bloodthirsty crowd had recognized % ' him ho would have been .shot iustr.tufy. KN 0V THE DKSl'EKATB I.CAUEU , "Once Anderson and his men dashed into Fiij'oltit and kurprisod 203 federal troojH who were encamped there. They ilrovo thu federals but of the trenches which tuoy hud built around the court hoiiHO. and finally forced them into thu nourt house , They thun rode at full tilt around tlio square four or five times , fir inc into tlio windows of tlio-court house Marks of their bullets arc still vNlbfo on the walls rthd window sills of Ilia build ing. "Anderson never left Missouri during the war. Onlv once or twice did ho light witli tlio regular confederate army , and then it was by accident. lie rc-fuscd to obey orders from anybody , and followed his own wild ami bloody career In his own fearful way. At last he met ids death after a hundred almost miraculous escapes. His last batllo was fought after Leo had surrendered and the news had reached Missouri. Anderson knew that he would not bo allowed to surren der and that Iio would be hung if he was taken alive. His plan was to escape with Ins men into Texas and then make Ills way to Mexico. When ho was trying to get out of Missouri ho was one night Mir- rounded by several hundred federal militia. As ho led hit men in a desperate isflort to break through the enemy's ranks lie was shot in the neck , fell oll'liis horse , anil died in a few minutes. Not another one of his band was killed. They shot their way through , killing twenty-live or thirty of the federals. "Most of them did get to Texas , where ( hey disbanded and scattered mall direc tions. This is , in brief , the bloody story of Bill Anderson ami his band of bush whackers. " SKIPPING THIS OOUXTKY. Chicago < \nnrclilsts Colonizing in Sim J > otnliiuo. Naw i'oitK , VCD. 13. [ Special Tolctcrnm to the Hun. ] Oscar Keif one of the CliIc.\Ro anarchists who escaped punishment by turn ing states evidence , was In the city last week. A reporter found him puicbasing back numbers of a ( icrinnn weekly. "Going to Like them to some of my Chicago friends , " ho said. "Where are your Chicago trlemls ? ' ' "Jn Santlnco , deles Cab.illoios , San Do mingo , where 1 am Kolng on the stcnm&hin Samaiin. " 'OoniK to emigrate1 "Yes. It is said to bo a hot place , but it will not bo half as liol lu ) > ro as Chicago would bo for me If 1 chose to w.Ut until thu second trial ot the anarchists comes off. Spies is nuking a loot nf himsi'tl demanding a now tiial. As It is now he could fret nil with aiiiinlmi. Ills second trial will Implicate ninny others. Tlio suto has jiCCiimulaU'd matters of additional evidence that may hunt ; half a hundred men. 1 thought it wlso to su-in. " "How do you come to go to San Do- miuu'oV" "Oh , It was ncrecd to skip to thai part of the globe whenever there was reason for so doliic Ion ? buloro the Jltvvtnnrket bomb tlmnvprs. We have ( jot n colonv there. " "Will your colony bu ruled by anarchistic IdcisV" | Not much , " nnswprocl Nrff ; "It will bo ruled by thn law of thn country we will live In , nnd everybody will have to puddle his own canoe. " Knocked Completely Out. CHICAGO , Veb. 13. A bloody battle to a finish , with skin gloves , occurred yesterday In a barn live miles noath of this city. Ueorgo Lnrdwood , of New York , and Frank Sterk , of Philadelphia , weighing each about ICO pounds , fought twelve lonnds , ending In the complete knock-out of the latter , who , in tlio claventh round , had to bo lifted to his feet by seconds and was a mass of pounded llcsh and blood. Lnrdwood was nut much punished. The light was for S" 00 a side and gate monpy. Twenty spectators paid S10 each for tickets. During the last three rounds Stirk's eyes woie closed and he could do nothing , but In spite of tlio protests of his friends , and even of his opponent , persisted in standing up to bo knocked down until rendered completely unconscious by a teni- ble blow on the jugular. A Repentant Sinner's Return. NEW Yonic , Feb. 13. [ Special Telegram to the Ur.K.I William B. Wadswortli , who lied fiom Brooklyn Inlely because ho was un able to account for about SHO.OOO of other people's money with which ho had been trusted was brought baclc from Canada yes terday. Ho consented to return to Brook lyn without a requisition , sayinc ho was guilty of all that was charged acainst him and should Do punished , lie cried almost all the way back , bewailing his misfortunes anit expressing his regret at the disgrace lie brought upon his family. Wadsworth was tnken to jail pen din i : examination. IMSS tlmn a month ago IIP visited tlio jail to exhort prisoners and entertain tnem by singing riom Moody and Sankny's collection , lie professes to bo penniless , asseiting that hu spent the S30.0M ) in bad investments and in tlin paying of exorbitant interest. Rcnl Estate Transfers. Peal estate transfers filed Feb. ll,1887jg John L Brown aim wlfo to Oriu G Wai- rath , lot 8. hlk 3 , 'Nelll's sub. w d 53,000. Anna O Crowcll to W J llaucawnut , lot 5 , blk 4 , Plain view add , * d-S'ttO. J W Haiitfawaut and others to Closes Block , lot 5. blk 4 , Plulnvlow add , w d James II Mackintosh to Lucinda B Iliils , lots 1 and 2 , blk 18 , llnnscom place , w d 33000. Jennetto Anderson and husband to O N Jtninsov , o CO It of lot 1 , blk G3 , Omaha , w d llenrv O Dovrlcs lo IIM Taylor , lots 7 and 8. blkL , Lowe's 1st add to Omaha , w d S OTn. T W Atkinson and husband to ,1 Ann Parsons , lot 7 , blk 10 , Central park , w d S700. Clms G Potter to Lucius L Piorpout , lot 31 , bile 2 , Potter's add to Omaha , w d 3050. Itichard Stebbins and wite to Wilson T Graham , Iet5 , bile 7 , Plain view add , w d $ &v > . Chas Everly to Clms K Johannes et al , lot SI , blk 3. Mnyno place , w d SIXX ( ) . n John L Brown and wile to (1II Lvons.Iots 10,11 nml W , blk 2 , Ulll&ldo add , w d-S-l.OOO. II C Cave and wlfo to S 0 Iroy ot al , lot 3 , blk 0 , Kilby place add , w d-81lUO. Slgmund Itnbms to Herman K Cocliran , lot 15 , blk 3 , Plainvlow add , w tl-arfi , Francis L Thomas to L Chtislianson , n } < lot OS. Nelson's add. qc-Sl. BPKnluhtand wife to Henry B Knight , 1C5.05 acres in sec SS-1G-12. w d HOOO. Jos W Coyner et al to Adalakln Pcrclval , lot 13 , blk 7 , Phiiuvlow add. w d-S900. Alice S K Whlnnerv and husband to ff $1 Hunter , lot 0. bile 8 , Ivilby plant , w d 8750. Malilda L Kosi nnd Husband to W T Beard , 51x115 ft bediming 20 ft a of so cor ot loll blk 4 , Itoed'j 1st add , w d ST.WX ) , Jos Lev ! and wlto to Vnnccl Fnmferllk , lot 8 and ojtf lot U , blk 5 , Kountzo's 3d add , w d 67.000 , 0 K Yost and wife to ( ! co W Logan , lots 13 nnd U , blk 1 , Luke's add , ( j c 510 ? Beautiful Valentines at Hospo's. Don't ' pay big prices for lumber , but buy cheap at Bradford's. Dissolution of Partnership. Tlio partnership heretofore existing be tween Ueniiis Uuunimrham and Thomas Brnnnan , doing business as Cunningham & ISrennan , has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. Signed , DKKMS CUNXIMJIIAM , THOMAS UHUNNAN , OMAHA , Feb. 7,1887. Beautiful Valentines at Hospo's. Tuttle & Allison. Ins. Agts. , 211 S. 13th. llamco's clothes have fine workman ship , latest styles , best woolens and trim mings are used. Beautiful Valentines at Hospo's. DibHoliitlou. Notice is hereby given that the lirm of Calm Bros , is this day dissolved by mu tual consent , Mr. Martin Calm retiring trom tlio business , which will hereafter lie conducted by Albert Calm. The now firm will pay all existing indebtedness and collect all outstanding accounts. MAUTIN CAHN , Aujuirr CAIW. OMAHA , Feb. 1,1887. Beautiful Valentines at Iloapo's. Irriuo&Latey , dentists , Musouio block. WESTINGIIOUSE'S WEALTH , His Thousand Inrentions That Brought in Big Tame and Fortune , PITTSBURGH PATENT PRINCE. Startlnc In jfo | AVHIi Considerable : Money What the Gi-cni llrauols A Itcnutil'itt iitul Gener ous Wile. PiTTsnt'tto , Pa. , Jan. 29. [ Correspond unco Globe Democrat. ] A man in whoso name 1,000 patents imvo been issued , whoso inventions obtained for him a title from a king , whoso fertile intellect inade sale the use of natural gas such a man is OeorcoVeslinghousc , jr. , tlio In ventor of the famous railway air brake. A conspicuous leader in society , a friend to all charitable schemes hi sue cessful application in I'ittsburg , a lady whose kindly sympathy and rich gen erosity impelled her to build a railway in a foreign land that a Pittsburgor , sick unto dying , might bo transported within reach of skilled physicians such a lady is Mrs. George Westingliouse. It is but a decade and a half since Mr. Wostinghoii&o became the manufacturer of his own inventions. > few his mauu- fae.lories are located on two continents , and they give employment to between 8,000 and -1,000 men. It was the popular but mistaken idea of I'ittsburgers that Mr. W8tinchonso ! was a poor _ boy who has atlainc'l his high position after sur mounting the disadvantages of poverty. The fact is , Mr. Westingliouse is the son of a Sehencctady ( N. V. ) manufacturer of agricultural implements , who died about one year ago , and whose works arc still operated by George , jr. , and other sons who inherited it. The subject of this sketch graduated at Cornell college , just previous to tlio breaking out of the civil war , in which lie served both on sea and land ; iirst as en gineer of the United States war ship Muskwetah. and afterwards as a member of a Now York cavalry regiment. Hu came lo Pittsburg shortly after hostilities had ceased , having patencd a device to replace derailed railway cars , and the contract for manufacturing which lie gave to the old steel lirm of Anderson & Co. , whoso works were then located near the Baltimore & Ohio railroad depot. T1IK All ! IlltAKli. About 1871 the WfStinghousoAir Brake company was formed , from which time dates Air. Westinghotise's career as a millionaire manutaoturor , whose terri tory widened as his inventions increased , until now at least 1,000 intents have been in his name , their technical descriptions lilling several huge volumes. Two years after the erection of the brake works in this city a branch was located in London which now employs UOD men , and since then branch works have been located at Paris and in Germany. The latter two employ ! iOO men , while the Pittsburg works KIVO employment to half a thous and. The cars on the only railway in Japan are equipped with the Westinghouse - house brake , and the motive power is supulicd by Pittsburg locomotives built at the works of II. K. Porter & Co. Numerous instances are recorded where locomotives have been crushed be- vend usefulness in railway wrecks , kill ing engineer or fireman , or both , yet the passenger coaches supplied with the brake have been stopped almost instantly , the passengers being saved from loss of life or limb , and not harmed save by fright. Air. Westinghouse lias frequently been gratified by rcecivinc direct in formation as to the ellicacy of bis inven tion and its life-savint ; qualitiesr Very recently lie was visited by a dignified and well-dressed individual , name unknown , who related that he had jurst arrived from the west , having with a hundred others eseauea a horrible death on the rocks of the dizzy canyons which abound along the lines of the Denver & Rio Grande railroad. The train , he said , had broken in twain on thu edge of a 200-foot precipice , and the frightened occupants of tlio coaches were expecting to bo hurled into an immediate eternity. The air-brakes , however , were true to their mission , and through them alone a ca- tastrophc had been avoided. This was an instance , like many others , where tlio gratitude was gratuitous. wisri.\GHOUSu COUPOKATIOXS. Following the organization of the Air Brake company came the Union Switch and Signal company , then the Westinghouse - house Machine company , then the Phila delphia Natural Gas company , and about one year ago the Westiiighouse Electrio Light company , which latter purchased the English patents of Goulard & Gibbs. In all these Mr. Westinghouse is tlio lead ing and controlling spirit As far as the number of employes is concerned the Natural Gas company leads , the num ber of names on its pay-rolls varying be tween -100 and 2,000 men , the latter in Um bummer or nipo-laying hoason. Pittsburg is undermined by a veritable network of natural gas pipes , the force and velocity of the combustible being not at all diminished by tlio distance traversed from the wells , ranging from ten to thirty miles ; yet through Mr. Wostiugliouso's inventions the danger of using the gas lias been reduced to a mini mum , and natural gas explosions not caused by carelessness are a rarity. Early in the history of its introduction those calamities were frequent , resulting iu loss of life and great loss of property , JIlIS. IVKSriNRIlOUSK. Of Mr. WcstinghoiiFc's other enter prises , thn Union Switch and Signal company gives employment to 300 men , the machine company to 1W ) , and the electric company to ! ! 00. Mr. Westing- liouse lias traveled much. Ho spent iivo years in Europe 18782introducing his air-brake , and mingled freely with kings and capitalists. In'honor of Mis many inventions he win knighted by the king of Belgium. Mr. Westinghouso's homo life is re markably pleasant. He married Miss Marguerite Estollo Walker , of Now York City. They have one child , a boy three years of age. They reside at Ilomowpod station , on the Pennsylvania railroadjust outside of tlio city limits , in an elegant residence called "Solitude , " truly a mis nomer , for the hospitality of the host and hostess is known far and wide. Mrs. Westinghouso's Friday receptions , which occur weekly , are attended by the most select of Pittsburg ami Allegheny City society ; and her dinner parties are char acterized by an elegance usually credited to royalty. On tliiiso occasions a solid silver elephant , of unknown but certainly great value , forms _ a center-piece for the dining table , and is utilized as a recepta cle for llowers. No matter bow brief the time for preparations , those dinner par lies arc most admirably conducted , the elegance of the appointments being a source of wonderment to the fortunate quests. ItAPIl ) KNTr.HTAlSMF.NT. It is related in society circles that some time ago Mrs. Wc , while on a visit to Nuw York City , met a wealthy Englishman and his wife , with whom she had a previous acquaintance , and Insisted on their visiting her at her Pittsburg homo , Although pressed with other en- gagemcnts previously contracted , they irhully consonlcd , but were compelled to limit their sojourn in Pittsburg to one day. It was a hasty trip to Pittsburg , and a hasty return. Mrs. WestinghoUi > u was equal to tlio task , however , for sue at once prepared her bill of fare und in vitations , and telegraphed them to her ohef and engraver , who promptly ex ecuted her orders. Consequently , when the English guests arrived they were as- tc-uiohua to hud an elaborate banquet al" . People of fen express surprise at Ute rapid growth of our business and looJvfor the explanation in some hidden cause. There is none. Simply careful , -pa icni and determined effort , that all we sell sJiall Itc n'yhtin Q UAL1TY , right in STYLE and rigJit in PRICE. ThinU ofwliat we have been saying and thenlook at our Clothing and Fur nisJiing Goods , Just now , uhile dealers generally are taUiny & rest , our cstablisJi- went is besieged wWibuyers from morning unlil night. The reason of this is people arelctlfitiff advantage of tlte opportunity in. selecting rom an elegant supply of first class goiida at One-third less than actual value. The sacrifice on all Overcoats , Heavy Suits and Heavy Weight ITur ni&hing G-oods , stiil goes on and will continue notwithstanu'inr/ low prices ashed. Tointentling Clothing pur chasers we would say co'tnc early" and getjfti'st choice , for at the rate Clothing 7ta # Iteenlinovmg for the pas two tveclfs oureissortinent of styles and prices will soon be brotten. All goods marUed in plain , figures and at strictly one price. and 14th. sts. , Omaha. rcadj' prepared , anil a host of Pittsburg's best sociuty people present to extend n welcome. Mrs. WcstinKi'ousc toolc a prominent part in the recent Homeopathic fair , in which the Chinese pA-oda formed a chief attraction , and which was erected nt n cost of $1,800 , the present of Mrs. Westing liouse. Airs. Westinglipuso has a charming face. She loves a drive , nnd when her handsome equipages appear on. the streets of Tittabiirg they invariably ex cite universal admiration. Her favorite team is a pair of cream-colored horses , to so euro which a connoisseur traveled tfnr and wide , and for which aoyornl hhonsanu dollars were paid. Ono of the s orscs shortly died.janu its stuffed frame till stands in its stall. A suitable suc cessor was obtained after great expense and another far-roaciiiiff ) search by the horseman. NVhilo nttondiiiK to the sociery duties befitting her station , Mrs. Westinghouse finds tuuplo time for char itable work , which. , is conducted in n most unostentatious manner , without the slightest show or parade , but which is gradually finding publicity , only to enhance the admiration for tins excellent lady. HKMATSKAULE KINDNESS. Ono of the most remarkable instances of her kindness oceurrett jn London , En gland. There Mrs. Westinghouse _ heard of a young Pittsburgor who was ill in a suburb , and among strangers , and with out suitable medical attendance. She hud never mot the young man , but the fact of his residence in Pittsburg was enough to excite her pity , and she de cided to have him brought up lo Lon don. where he could receive proper at tention. To do this she had a railroad built connecting the young mail's tempo rary residence with the nearest con structed road , and in a special car he was removed with the utmost tenderness. This young man was n member of an old and wealthy Pittsburg family , and was on a tour at the time no was overtaken : > y illness. He has since died , but in the hearts of his family there wijl over livu the most lender uftactiou for his benefac- .ress. Her servants adore her , and thn high wages they receive hud created great dis satisfaction among the Jess favored Denials of other families in the vicinity. In limo of distress , Mrs. Westinghouse's servants received ready relief from hor. There was an illustration of this not eng ago , upon the death of a coachman , .ho bill for whoso medical attendance- mil funeral was defrayed by Mrs.Vest - nghouse. Not content with this she ir.ulo provision for the maintenance of , hp coachman's family. ' STItllCINO COSTl'MKS. Mrs. Westinghousa was at the Hotel Ivaatcrskill in tlio Catslcills , lust summer , mil while there it was related of her by a L'niladolphia society critic , that her dia- nonds far surpassed those possessed by Philadelphia ladies of great wealth. Her costumes , which exoito the admiration mil curiosity of society ladies , are de signed by herself. During tlio Jlonieo- mthio fair before menlioned , she up- ) oarcd in dill'uroiit coslumes each ovon- nsr. One most admired was of red vel vet , with a Queen Klixabulh collar , edged with pearl ornaments. At n garden party given by Mrs. Charles , J. Clarice hist summer , she up- loured in white velvet , and white ( Jains- joronirh hat adorned with long and swooping ostrich flood's Sarsapar/7/a Combines , In a manner peculiar to Itself , the best blood-purifying aml'stfcnsthcnlng reme dies of the vegetable ) liimjn'pni. You will flail this wonderful remedy ct ( ctlvo where other medicines 1m o failed. U'fY It now , U will imrlfy your blood , rcpfa-lto tlio digestion , ami glvo new life and \ li.m'to the entire body. "Hood's Snrsaparllla did mo treat Rood. I was tiled out from ov nvork , and It toned mo up. " Jlits. 0. 12. SIMMONS , Cohoos , N. V. "I suffered three ycartf from Wood poison. I took Hood's Sarsaparin and think I am cured. " JIus. M. J. DAVIS , Brockport , N. Y , Purifies tlie Blood 9 " * " Hood's Sirsaparllla Is eliuraetcrlzcd by three peculiarities : 1st , tlia comltuatlon of remedial agents ; 2d , the proportion ; Sd , the process ol securing the tctho medicinal qualities. Tbo result Is a medicine of unusual strength , effecting cures liltliorto unlnonn. Send lor book coutaluloe additional evidence. "Hood's Sarsanarllla tones up my system , purifies my blood , sharpen * my aniietlt" . and wems to make ma over. " J , I1. Tuoui-soy , Deeds , Jxm ell , Mass. "Hood's Barsaparlll.i beats all others , and Is worth Us weight In eold.1' I. lUuuixuiux , 130 Jiouk Straut , New 1'oik City. Hood's -Sarsaparilla Bold by all druggists. { 1 ; six fur $5. Made only by U I. HOOD & CO. , Lowell , MUM. fOQ DpsQ * jOne. Dollar * Display at their warerooms , 13O5 and 13O7 Farnam Street , the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to be found at any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces the highest class and medium grades , including STEINWAY , FISCHER , LYON&HEALY BURDETT , STANDARD , LYON&HEALY Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the lowest living rates for cash or time payments , while the long established reputation of the house , coupled wtth their most liberal Interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible defects in materials and workmanship. LYON & HEALY , I30S 1307 FARNAM STREET * Lawrence Ostrom & Co. FAMOUS "BELLE OF BOORBON. " Is Death to Consumption , Ifalavia , Sleeplessness , Chills anil Foyers Or Insomnia , ami Typhoid Feyor. DigsiiiiiilnUou , Indigestion , 01 Food , Dyspepsia. Ten Years Old , Surgical Fevers NoTusolOil , Blood Poisoning Absolutely Pure The GREAT APPETIZER , ,2ls ! ' > " ' Wl'/that I h vo omnlnml Hip UEU,13 OP llimui ) V WIIIS.'CV. rom.vol . from I < Mr 1IKNCK01TUITM ATo.ttTl foiinl lliosums to b , porCM'tr ' frae ini\ dual Oil ut nil ot'.nr ' ildlour out sutiainnces anil utrlctly pure , I clieorfull rosoni-iixa I tha jimn for Ki nllrH't I MiUcUml nir ; nm , . ' ' ' ' ' ' * ' "U * Forpnlobrnmreliti WlnoMorohanHnn.i ilVna'jri pvorrwln ' . ' "vc , hHlfiln/on liuitl-ii , nriiiMi lull.lii plain Cnnitil * , on raoolpt ot ! K ilollnri. LAWRENCE OSTROM & Go. Louisville , Ky \ Wholesale ancl Distributing Agents , JHCirAJinSOX J > JtUG CO.aml } HILKY ,0 Dlhr.OX , n'ltole. ! ilfi Liquor Denier. ' ! , f Oinnlui. FaminenHunUrilliit ( SLADS'lONK ItUOS. 06'O. , Ouniliit. JT. T. CLAltK DJtUO CO. , RELIABLE JEWELER , Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware The largest stock , iVices the lowest. Itopairiujjspoci.ilt ) ' . All work w.iiT.wt- d. Corner Douglas and inth street * , Omulri IJcnnseU Walohmaker for the Union I'aoilio Ha IroadconiDaiiy. v . . I. The C. E , Mayne Eeal Estdte and Trust Co b. N. W. COB. 16th AKD JIAnNKY , OMAHA. Property of every description for aalo in all parts of the city. Lauds for sale in i every county in Nebraska. ' j A COMPLETE SET OF ABSTRACTS j O/Titles ofDouglas county kept. M..IIS of the city state or countr , 'or aujr otbuc I biformttUou dejirea , furnished free olchurca upon'application , . | Bnetlixl Ordinance No. 033. A N Ordinance lovyins nspoclnl tut nm. . mont on coitnln lots ami ronl ojitnto in the . city of Oinntui , to cover tlio eo t of cut bin ? Clth alt-cot trom Ctihilnir street to Scwm-il otrcct. Wiir.itKist HhnvhifrlponnniMioln r lici-oli/ niljuileetl , ( lotcrinliicil iiml tistnbllshoil that the ftovurnl lots nml pieces nf ronl tislnlo hurolimftor iofom > il to linvu I'flcli boon specially lipiu < fltto > l to the full nnionnt heioln lovlutl ftml n i * pil npnlnst cnt'h of suiil lot j nml tilocoi of ronl c tnto respectively , by rpii.oon of ( ho ciirbhu of tlmt pint of 24tu street Ci-om Cumliirf strcot to Sew mil street. TiiERr.tontforthcpurpo30of : paying thocoU ot such cilrblnut lie HOnliilnod by the cltv council of tlio city of Oiniihii. Section 1. Thnt HIP co t of curbing that jmrt ot : . ' 4tli street , la the ully of Oinnlin , fmm Ctitnliistreetto ) Pewiiftl streetnltlco t lipliitf the sum of $ .1,410 M , bo ami the snino 1-t hertiby lovieil nntl nsM's etllii proptntioii It ) the fort Iront nliiiiir i ltl Iniprtivomi'iit , nml nccimlliurto jpeclitl bctiellts by riinsnu of snlil Improf cineiit , \ipou tlio following tlofcrllietl lots alitl reil : estiilp , n * shown by the Rciioinlly lectntnl/oil mnp of the cltv or Oinnlin , iswi , llllio rrnphetl nntl pnbllMieil by 0. K. Muynm snlil pott boln ? wi luMtxl on snlil lots nml ojtuto , ropeo * lively , ns follows , to-wlt : OM VII * I5ITV , N'nmo Lot or of Duller. Description. .Tnopli Dolierlyv'i . . . s NplsOlirlitlnnoiio ! i a TluitnnsCiiiTV ,1 Miiryl' llruilorlck , w M . . . 4 l.iirinonl' rmjn.oM . . . . 1 JN Kulin nml Noimnli A ICilhtt , mo r , Mury O'dtiimiui , s.TO. . . . . . . 7 J.1 Mol.nln 8 ClmnccyW Hectl 0 " 10 TC Ilrnr.ner 1 Kllen Atiilorton " TC llruiinor : i " 4 " r. Kllato .1 11 > V II11 Folsoin. . n J W Onnnett , w 4 0 .lolin I lletllclc.o > i p .1 W CnnniMt , K Ill John I lluillck , o ' , , ' HI AltMSTIIONtl'S AlllllTIOM. ' Oco Annstronir. 1 Itlrnm N antes 4 Oco Armstrong 6 ' ' ' " Thomof McShiuiL , s'JJ ! . . . . 7 ' ' ' .1 M Lewis & O M r.ioh'e'l'lJoiir U Honrlvltii M McCflKtio 10 Ilicliiinll Mnltloo 11 tlvrnii nml LtnvUS llecil. . . 1- OlljMif Onmliii ll ! Albeit 11 Slimier , oiu : 14 < ! IH > llllV'H : AIIIII11OS. Frnnch Phnlps 1 A .1 Qvlstrinl ) Itobort Illitlr , w 2 II Cnthuiiiie Jl 1'iiray , wS. . . . la I'DIIIUH'S AMI TIO.V. S ; w iii SIIINN'S AliDlTIO.V. Jolin II Kury . , . l 6S ( Cll kullojfjr iV A Itiuikln ct ni . s r 3 o"i Hlclmnl Hndtlcr , o 12 . T KM UllonU AnK-oll , o ! 2 . 10 K fit ' ' ' Iliecutorsof I ! Illliirlbii'r't' . c . u 40 11 n\ccutu ol I ! II llurlhiiit. . 12 40 18 l-.llon O A ntfoll , w vi 12 17 b7 Siiruh lliown 1 Knriib O Illnir . 2 7 6S llTi Albeit Mininto 1 ? . 3 7 003 lluiiy J. & Martini Unitn- folt.o 12 . 10 7 n frt WinSHI.ilr.nS.VJ . . 11 7 J.lJ3 K I , & M II Stone , n 2.Vn fil 1 1 7 Et S3 Win 8 Illair , i12'i . 11 7 11 fil n 12J4 . 12 7 11 tit Lolirlitoii Wvnn. HS.VJ but. 12 7 "II 22 G V. Hriimici , s U-'i'/i ' . 12 7 iii iJ ! I.eiivitt Hiinihnin . 1 12 5h Co OrhitidoS Wooil . U 12 IB 05 Froi TShlm-ock.o 12 . ! 1 12 ( i ( is A It French , o 12 . 10 12 6 ( M MitiNTntt . 11 12 Win A.1 lluml.1 . . 12 12 US or , Inno A llitobo . 1 1:1 : , - , 77 II T U > iivltt . 2 ii ; G , " . 77 Isabel 1) Kennedy , > 12 . . . . I ) 111 7011 John A Ilorli.u'h. w lit' of so mncli of tnx lotllH , srel5. us 1 1 out on t'lthst . CSO 01 Albert 11 Ssnilor.n 4So 1C ! tu.vlotS.Heo 10. W 22 Peclliin : ; . That snld snoelal taxes lovleil nloro- mild , on suld lots leijieetlvuly , slum Docomu do- llrquent us follows : ono-tciiti ! of thu tonil uiiioiintHOlovlcd on eiicb of snltl lots hliali UL- comoUulIiiqiioiitin lltty ( lays Iromtho im .ivo ami . o ! ' Hilt oiilliiiini-u , onu-luntli In ono loar.ono-leiitli In t o ) wir , onu-lonth in three ) .oiio-tonrk in four yoiuH.onn-tunlli in flvo jcixr.- ! , < ) iio-t < 'iiili in ilv yoiii-s , one-teiitli in foi-on } i < HrK , onc-lciitli In Plirlit years nml onL'-tonth In n I n oj ears n 1 1 or wil < l lr > - > Miiul belnjf fiom llm pa- . > .m-naiiil iipproval of thn niillmmco. H-icli o ! KIM lii iillnHjiils , eve i'pi HID Hist , shnll draw inlero'st ut tlio mto ol MIWII pprceiit. ( turun- iiiini from tlintJiiiuof thn levy iilnrusnltl , until the SMIIIO bliali iKM'oiui' ( IcHiKnionU A ponnlty of ti\0iur | cunt. , tojother w tb interest at thn rnto ol DUO per ci lit. per month , pnyablo in HC- viinco , hliull bo jialil on oiiuli ilullniiuuut install- lIHMlt. Si'utlon 3. That Iho cntiro amount of tax so levied nml asos > od on any of snld lots miiy bo puid by the owner ot any lot , orthoontliuomial pro ratii propoi lion ol mild tuv on ony of Haiti lots miiy bo pnlil by liny jinrfon < iu miy part ot H'lid lol > within fllty da } ' . < li-om said levy , und thuro- upon f > uuh lots or iMrlnol' lots , t > lmll be cxoiiiiil from liny lien or c-liiiro ( lliorelor. Section 4. Thnt thlhonliiiiincoK'inll tnkoollect nml bo In lorcu from mid nf tor its iin-ssuifo. I'nsieil.liinunry Iftb , 1887. Wn. P. Hr.ciiiu. . 1'rosldont City Council. J. 11. SoilTHAHl ) , Cit\r Clurk. Aiiprovoci January 20th , 18H7. W.M. v. Ui.cini. : . Actliir Mayor. I Thooo tuxes nro non-duo nntl puyublo to Iho city trpiisurur , nnd will become Uuhnquoitt m Bhowii in Section ' . ' . JUilSt THI-HA.V llunc. CHv Treasurer. Special Ordinance Ho. O34. AN Ordinance lovyintriVHpi'enil tnv nnd nsse- - mont on cuitaln IDLS ami icil otiuto In tlir city ol Omaha , lo tovur tlio ono-lmll cost of ( frucllnk'24lh htrnel Irom dt. Mnry'a iivonuo to l.ciivenwoitbsliout WIIUKKAS : UhaviiiK'lieen , and boinfr hereby ntlJiKlcoil.tletoniiiiiedand ustalillshotl tlmt tlio uvurnl IOIM nu < l pli os ot real mtato herclnnl'tor cfen-i-il lobavn ( nieli been spremlly buneiUto. ! o thu lull amoiiot beruin levied anil in-"OMod itrahiMoach of Mild lots nml plocosot roulnMiito uspcutl\cly , bj roiison ol Um ( fradin of tlint mrt of 4ili htrcut Irom St. Mary's nveuiio lo Aiiivoiiwortli Bticct , done unilor contract with . Itynii It t o. TIIKIIKI OHD , for the purpose of iinyim ; the ono-hiilf cost ol sin b ( * Do it orihilncd by the City Council ol the City of Omaha : Section 1. That the ono-half oost of jjrailinq ; hat purl of 21th street , in tlio oltyof Omahii , rein St. Mary'Mivr. to l.'inoinvoi Hi sticut , snld inn-hall' o ) Mild cost bcliiur tint hum ot J.WO.UI , iidl jrrailinjr bolnir tloiioiimlorconiniel with . I. lyaiiiV Co. , bound IIiOMiinolsliuiuby levied ami is > oSM > tl , accordliiK lo hjioelal bonellls by ruiisnn ofnalil'nilliir ( , ujioit lb iolloninjr lots ami roul wtato , MS Hliown by the t'Diierilly tiicoKiil/ctt nap ol the city of Omaha , ISS/I , lltho iaphinl mil published by O. K. Mnyiif ; ' alii cost belnc mi ovlcd on Mild loin and ronl osliito , lu puutlvulv. is folUmu , to-wii : .11)11 ) SSOX'S AlllllTIOK , Nmno Lot or Ain't of ot Owner. Ho rlptlon. llloult , 'I'ux. Icyur Ilellmnn , eii2 : . 1 , . H5 ! J7 nlinJ Hll'-ilinciu ; . 12 . . 74117 V.I Comic ! ! , w lajlax lot 7 , si-oiS . 1'JJ ' ill Soeiion2. Til nt the Hiticml IIIMIS and naso-ii- iiuntB luvlcd ami IIHMMM'II a < aiiro ! iili ! nlmll bo mi linmuillatoly upon the p miitfc ami approval ) l ihltiorillniiiKH. ' , nml hi. all buoomoilollininonllf nit p. ilil willini lllt > Uiiyi thcniii > lcr : nnJ therein - | in , n ] .riiult . > ol inn pur cunt shall bo .iililnl , OKCthei with interest at tlio lutoof ono per emit month , p.l ) ublo in ailvain-u tiom the tliao siuj . lures become HO iliillnijuoiit . Suction ) , Thnt HUH onlinuncp flinll trtlco ct- cci ami bo in loico fiom anil alicr ll ii.n-niro. J'as.-eilJainnuy Ihlh , lH7. . WAI. K. llM.'iil ! ! . , I'ru-'iiloiit Oily Council. J. II. S < MI-HI Mill , CilClink. . Appami'1 Janunr.v 2 In , IS- * , . M. I' . HM nut. , Aolini ; Mayor. ThCFPtn\osue : now du ami ptiyablu to tim rlly tiea.suror , nnd will bccnmo iliilliiQiient on Mmvli nib. IKS7 , allur wlildi datonpomilty an l lnt < ! iol l will bu < 'hnr' ' < e < laihhowniii KeL'tlon2 , J ( il5i THUMAN llfCK City Tunsiirur. \VM. A. 1M.VTON , Subscribed nnrf Cunntntc-o Ca/iHal / , $300,000 308 SOU- 16THSTHKET , OMAHA , HEB , _ LOANS MADE ON KKAL EOTAT13. School , County nnd Jrlunicijml Bonds Nogotiatod. KOIIT. I , GAHI.K'HS. | > iriitnrr. , I' . II. JiiUNSONVl'jcusitMT. . , , liliir.rroii.s : < . A.I'AXIIIN , W ( i JUn. , . \vr.i4i4iiF ' ' , Ht-Mn ) i i AIIKC , HO CI. L O.VIIMUI.S , } ' II. . .IllN 11. , . It. JlJl ! > u.N , J. , \ lA\ANiull ! , Att'y 'onr N'eivovcU Tor i . " 4 - NEW NOVELS All < -oiU | > Jcto III thu MAl'.L'U NI.MliHIt . < > , Tamily library Monthly. Only 15 Cents. Or uli iioKsilt-ulure.oi ' TJIU IN'nJUNAriONALKKWS tX > . , .Nu-.t \ uit