1 THE OMAHA DAILY" ' BEE : SUNDAY. FEBKUAKY 13 1887.-TWELVE > IIANUFACTUR'.G ' INSTITUTIONS ' . * -ii-iir Hkilroad Warehouses' , Round Mouses , Shops and Tracks for North Omaha , 'Jhc iNitnro Site Tor Grent Mnnlifnc- torlcfl Will In the Nnr ? 'future' , lie f K.xtonilcil to.Mfii-MC At Ill-miner's i ; Addition , Hltuntcd tin thd I'lntcnuU 1-2 .MIIcH North of the V. I * . Shops. It is ix settled fact that the lot ? in this Addition nro the best investment nenr tlio city , and will double in value in 1)0 ) days. They are still being sold for $ IoOl > C cash. A liberal discount made to nny ono , or n syndicate buying by the blocks. Many purchasers have made a great mistake by going out wc.st and northwest from C to 7 miles to buy lots.which have no sueh prospects for doubling In value in so short a time as thesn lots in Morse & Urnnnur's addition. Tlio Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omnha railroad runs within 200 yards of this addition , and beyond a doubt will have a de pot near bj buforo many mouths. Too- glo have just commenced to realise the prcat value of the plateau north of the city , as all the available laud to bo Had here is less tlian1,000 acres , and with u union railroad bridge over the river just cast of this addition , and a ilo/.nn rail roads-with their shops , round houses , depots - pots , warehouses , switches , tracks , etc. , soon to occupy all this ground,1 ! lota must of a necessity soon be worth § 1,000 , a piece , as also arres upon acres will _ bo demanded for the many manufacturing establishments thai will be seeking to locate hero , siueo the eoal mines di'-cov- ored hero are an established fact , giving us clieap fuel. Again , thi'M ) lots are on the leading thoroughfares from ! 20th to Oth St. , leading out of Omaha to the north , which makes them more valuable. It is an undisputed fact that when von are making money you are happy. To make money buy a block of thcso lots before it is too late , as they are going fast , and the remaining ones will soon be advanced to $250. Don't fail to come at once. Monsn & Hin'Niii : , Sole Agents. Take elevator , 1'axton bloek , cor. 10th anil Fimuun. Dr. Hanchctt , Homeopath , 323 S. loth. AcroH Cor Snlo at from $150 to § 300 per acre , near South Omaha. I'OTTI : & Conn , 1515 Farnaiu st. Notice. The 1'arnoll social club will give one of their sociables on \ \ eduesday eve , Fob. 10 , at Cunningham's hall , 13th and Jack son 8t. and it being the last before Lent , there is nothing left undone to make it enjoyable to all holding invitations. Clllmn Hill. The great special sale of 200 Clifton III ) } lots , with the thermometer from ten to fifteen below /.pro , has surpassed our expectations , and the remaining lifty of the best lots in the whole addition will bo sold Monday and Tuesday. We nro selling these beautiful lots largely to a class of our best citi/ens. who expect within a year or so to build for themselves line homes a little further away from business than they are now living. Many are buying from two to six lots , .thus securing a beautiful location for a. future home. Heal estate men are buying largely of tins property and are reaping a rich har vest at our prices.Vo have lots front- intr cast on Military road at ? 375 only. Wo have nice lots JiOxPO , at ? 37. and $100 , and only ono fifth cash , and some beautiful south fronts at 050. E. V. UiNor.it , A. 1' . TITKHY , 11 ! ) N. Fifteenth St. 1321 Farnam. 1O Acres for Snlo Near South Omaha , in live , ten , fifteen or twenty acre tracts. Trices low and terms easy. Porrnu & Conn , 1515 Farnam St. Tnko Notice. Lot 10 , block 2 , Shinn s add , is sold. Chance. A lirst-class business in ono of the largest cities of tlio state for sale. Show ing of largo profit can bo made since es tablished. Small capital required. Sat isfactory reasons for gelling. Address D 73 , Uco Ollieo. _ W. O. Alhrlcht'H South Oninhn Oftlco will bo opened soon in charge of Mr. John M. Campbell , who will have horses and baggies ready at all times to convoy Intending purchasers to the valuable busi ness and residence property known as AuiKir.lI r'S ( JlIOIOE. This is the only property through which the U. P. anil U. A : M. K. It's , and Hello- vuo avenue run. The South Omaha Land company have appointed ( ' . E. Maynu solo agent for the pale of their lots. Jlo will show the prop erty and furnish all desired information upon application. [ Signed ] W. A. PAXTON , President. ' ' W. J. Ward & Co. have purchased the Grocery lusincs ! of J. C. Vess on tlio .N , K. corner of Ifllh and California , known us the Peoples' Cash Grocery. Mr. Ward is a young man of energy and favorably known in Omaha , having been hero over twenty years. J , O. Slat- tor. who established the above Business and who is so well acquainted with the Grocery llusincss , has taken an interest with Mr. Ward , his Nephew , and will for the present give his personal attention to the building up of the Utisinuss , and wo bespeak for tlio Now Firm a full share of patronage. Call and bee them. English , ( jflrumn. DiinlHli , Swedish , in fact all languages are spoken in the oflico of W. ( ! . Albriirht , the real estate owner and dealer , 216 South 15th St. All classes and all nationalities purchase of : him , and you cannot do better tlum so on re n lot in his valuable addition to South Omaha , known as AI.llllIflllT'S CIIOICK , W. (5. Albright has other property , ini- ? proved and unimproved , in all parts of the city , and oilers the best bargains. IOO Acres lor Halo Near South Omaha , in live , ten , fifteen or twenty aero tracts. Prices low and * terms easy. t POVIKJI & Conn , 15J5 Farnam St. F mmm \ A Job lot of 25,800 cigars by box at ! Jobbers prices. W. J , Wliitchouso , drug- I C'st ' , 10th and Wobstor. Huslnoss la IUKIIRKH | * and Heal Estate is valuable only where I there is JIUSINKS-S , Purchasers should f bear this in mind and not buy lots fur 9 away from the center of business , ju l c because they are cheap. It AUlltlGllT'S C1IOICI ? ' lies In the great industrial and conuncr- ) ciul limn of Sputh Omaha and the im > < inciiisu business interests there insure a rapidVadvaneo of values. Eighty acres udjolili'iig Albright's Choice are reserved for EQI\\I \ > af the largest establishments in Ihoworld. . W. G. ALHHlGilT. Solo Owner. South ICUi St _ _ gl8 , A corner Jot Gdxlft ) trackage , 2 hqudes , for ? 8OW ) . Terms oasv. J.H. EVANS XCO. . Kor It out , " 6 > rooin house with barn , south 22tl t. , iimr Luuvcmvorth. Totter & Cobb. Turner lUttrtll Grim. . . . . ' , The great annual niASqnoradu b'oll of the Omaha thrmcrom ; which' is. to beheld held at the exposition building on tlioSSd f thls.montlr',1 promises to be one. of the 'most stupendous affairs which has ever been witnessed In Omaha. Already over 1'iOO tifckcis li\vo | been disposed of witliln the last week ; , and it is expected thai Hilly live or six thousand people Will participate in the festivities , Not only will this be u masquerade ball for Omaha pnoiilp , but largo arrivalsire an- iionncou Jroin ] < roinOnt , IJJalr. I'npillion , Mfllard , Klkhorn , and even Lincoln. The turuvcrcin's very elllcient committee- arrangements have spared neither pains nor money to make this ball n most de cided success in every particular. Among some of the leading features of the even ing will be a great procession of all the nations of tliu earth , in which not loss than 100 people will take nart. The procession - cession is to outer the main hall of the exposition building from tlio annex in sections , of which tiio American nation , headed by Uncle Sam , Columbia , George \ \ ashington and President Cleveland , comprises the first section. Following this will bo the German nation among tint leading features of which are Kmperor William , 1'rinro Bismarck , Ger- mania ( dcr Deutsche Michel ) Gambrimn , Gorman university students , professors and many others , hero too numerous to mention. It might as well be stated here that the entire proeesslon comprises not less than twelve dill'erciit sections , each of which renrcsents a separate nation ; John Hull , the cznr , the sultan , General Houlanger , French and German soldiers will match with their respective nations. The procession will no doubt bo one of the leading features of the evening , though many other attractions will bo fit store for the great throng which promises to visit the exposition building on the 22(1. ( The German comic opera company will participate in the Turner ball en cor- pore , and undoubtedly will help much to inako the merriment of the evening com plete in every particular. The full or- che.stra of the Omaha Musical Union has been engaged. In the mean time tlio committee is still perfecting all tlio minor arrangements which are necessarv for a success , and judging from the work which has been done already , we can ex pect a masquerade ball in Omaha equal to the famous. Arion balls of Now York city. ACITH for Sale at from $150 to $300 per note , near South Omaha. PoTtEii & Coim , 1515 Farnam st. For Monday Only. 10 feet on Farnam west of 25th , at $190 per foot. A. P. Tncr.Y , 1321 Farnam street. Jjovurcn & Inl7.ell as usual have the cream of thG bargains. You can buy any lot that Is for sale in CHIl'ton Hill. A prominent eiti/en said this morning , ' ! want 3 lots in Clifton Hill for a home , " this is what you will say inside of 3 months. LOVGUIX ; & IAi/.iir : , . 115 N. 10th st. South Oninhn. The future great P.ickingtown of the west lies on the main line of the Union Pacific railroad , by which the cattle and hogs from the farms and ranges of the west and northwest arrive. AI.UKIGIIT'H cuoicn is the only ijroperty through which the Union Paeilic railroad runs , and is there fore the Hest Addition in South Omaha. W. G. ALBK1GHT , Sole Owner , 218 South 15 thSt For Monday Only. 102 feet corner of Farnam and 25th at $225 per foot , without improvements. A. P. Ttncnv , 1331 Farnam street. Acres lor Snle at from $150 to $300 per acre , near South Omaha. Poxrcit & Conn , 1515 Farnam st. Clifton Hill. Uoso Hill & Hoffman Terrace. The grand triumvirate of unexcelled pro J erty. For sale by LOVOUEN & DAI//.ILT : , , 115 N. 10th st. _ Portland I'lnco. Lots sold on cash payment of $50 , or $110 , on lots listed at $ oOO or more , bal ance On MONTHLY I'AY.MKNTS. JllSt north of Bedford Place. E. F. HINOKK , 11 ! ) North 15th St. A. P. TfKKY , 1321 Farnam street. Ono acre on North 10th street in Kirk- wood at one-half its value if sold on Mon day. CLAHK fc FKINCH : , 1010 Douglas st. For Snlo In Shcrinnn. Beginning on Monday , Feb. 1 1th , I will sell lots in this beautiful protierty on the Boulevard , for ten days only , at the lov price of ono thousand dollars each. The property is situated on South 21th street , immediately between the line of tno cable railroad and tlio U. P. Dummy route to South Omaha , and consider ing topography is the finest residence property over offered in this market. It is strictly inside property. Terms , one- fourth cash , the balance in annual pay ments at 8 per cont. interest , payable semi-annually. Apply to the under signed at his residence near the property or at the oilice of W. S. Senvoy , 1 11 South 1-lth street. Deeds and mortgages will be executed at the ollieo of Byro/j Hoed iCo. . , and notes taken for back payments monts , and no sales will bo recognized until papers are delivered. J. U. WILCOX. _ For Ilont. 0-room house with barn , south 22d st. , near Lcavenworth. Potter As Cobb. One acre on North Iflth street in Kirk- wood at one-half its value if sold on Alon- ilny. CLAHK & FHKNCJI , 1510 Douglas st , Dnlzoll are the men who have those special bar * gains. Call and see thorn and you will bo bin-prised to Iliul how cheap they sell. They are always looking for bargains for their customers , 1OO AcrrH Tor Sale Near South Omalin , in live , ton , fifteen or twenty aero tracts ) . I'riccs low nnil terms onsy. 1'ornni & Conn , 1515 Farnam St. J { . uTlloys. All of the now linn of Shelby , Mnhonoy & Co , , who have opened n real ostnto ollieo nt 218 S , 1 Ith street. E , T. Shelby was formerly of tlio local freight ollieo. Thos. Xolaml agent at Omaha , anil Dayiil Mahoney tonnnrly njront nt stock yanls. Thcso men nro enorcetic.nflablo anil well posted. Their wide aoiniaintanco anil known integrity insures their popularity. Their list of property is n list of barf ains. The buying public ? will nleaso inako a note of this. They nro nle.isu.utly located at 218 S 14th street. Don't wait until best lots are all sold In Wise & Parmelea ndJjtiau on Mondav morning. One aero on North 1'Jtti ' street in Kirk- wood tit onu-luUf its value if sold on Mon day , CLAKK & FKKXCII , 1010 Dotiglu * st. 'j Feet. J. 11. Kvans & Co. have a tract 150x133 on 21th street , iiisido the hnlo limit , for $11,000. See them 'about it. ' - . ' ; v For Hoiu , 0-rpom house with bnrn. outh 2.'dst. , near Lcavcuwof ( h. Potter te Cobb , ll Douulns Si. 'O.no week more wo will continue onr Special Prices on Linens nud Km- broideries- . Also Monday. iMofning 100 inoro of tliOse'tJap1aneso Rugs f ! feet long 3 feet wide 50 els' , only 2 to Each Customer nnd for Monday Onlv. 150 Pieces Genuine Mcrrhnack Prints , Hog. I'rlco ? cts.r for Monday o cts. per yard. Thcso goods arc made for fine trade and at the price am a bargain. 20 Cartoons Gros Grain Ribbons , All Colors and Widths , 0 r K per yard. 55 Dozen French Woven Cornets worth $1.50 , sale price 75 cts. 5.0UO yards Dross Ginghams in short lengths , worth 12J to 15 , sale price 7 cts. 15 ilo/ou French Satin Corsets , sold nil over ! ? . ' ) and $3.50 , next week sale prieo ! ? 2 each. Great Ribbon Sale 500 nieces fancy lace edge -latest tiling out in all the now shades. No. 5 10 els per yard. No. il 18 cts per yard. No. 12 22 cts per yard. No. 10 25 cts per yard. Ladles , como early and secure some of these nobby new shades. llnxNiaox linos. Wise & Parmules addition sco adv. on Oth page. Cheap Acres for Snlo near South Omaha at from $150 to $303 tier acre. acre.POTTKK & Conn , 1515 Farnam St. You Cnu Snfelv Invest in Hitchcock's addition. Lois nro cheaper by from 25 to 50 per cent than anything in the vicinity. On Hell Line , adjoining Omaha View , just north of Orchard Hill. Right in town lots , $200 to . * 000. J. H. EVANS & Co. , Solo Agents. Wise & Parmoles addition sec adv. on Oth page. The Backus system of steam heating is now in operation at II. E. Gray's , 21J5 N. IGth st. ; eost only $ oO. Call and ox- nnnno. SKATON & LIA : , Gon'l Western Agents. Don't wait until best lots are all -sold in Wise & Parmoles addition on Monday morning. Cheap Acres for Snlo near South Omaha at from $150 to $300 per acre. acre.PoTrr.it & Conn , 1511 Farnam St. Cheap Acres for Snlc near South Omaha at Irom $150 to $300 per acre. I'OTTKU & Conn , 1515 Farnam St. Kenl Kstato Transform. Real estate transfers filed Fob. 12,1887 , Hans C B.mncnrd nnrt wife to Peter An derson , s 9) 1-3 tt lot U , Hickory Place add , w d-S-,000- - , - A. J. ( Jtivi'stunrd ' to E F Chllils. lot 7 , blkS. Patrick's add , w d-S2COO. George K. Bnikcr et al to Henry D Ithodps , lots 13 anil 14 , block 1 , Mayne Place , w d 55,000. Ceclllc Martin and husband to Nelly Maloney - loney , w SO ft ot lot , blk "i" Shinn'sadd to Omalm , w (1-S2.SUO. ( 1,1) Holmes and wife to C A Baker , lot 10 , Baker's add , w d S350. C A Baker and wife to Oalllo W. Holmes , lot 10 , Baker's add to Omaha , w d Saw. L U Holmes and wife to Bcllo M liakcr , lot 15 , Uaker's and to Omaha , w d 8.532. C A Baker and wife to L D Holmes , lots from 11 to 2J inelnslvo in Baiter's add except lot 1(1 ( , w d ? 4r(00. AM GMcCoi mlck ami husband to W 11 ACotter , lot 10 , blk 3 , Clarendon add to Omaha , w d SI.100. W 11 Mottcr and wife to F L , Smith , lot 10 , blk3 , Clarendon add. w d 81,230. C E Mnvno and wllo to Mary A. Wilson , lot 17. blk'2 , Oiclmid Hill , w d-5050. C T Taylor and wito toFied 1C Diexel. lots 11 nnd W , blk 8 , S E llogers' add to Omahaw , d 5 , ! XX ) . DeVei Sholows and wlfo to Josiali MI11I- Ran , lotn blk 8 , Hanscom Place , w d 53,000 Alice O'Donahoe to Julia Toiuplctou , lot 5 Union sqiuie , aMib of blk 5 li > aac & Sel- ilcn's add w d § 3.500. J C Dcnise and \sltoto A K Dnfrene , lots 5 and 0 blk 4 Donlso's add w d-Sl.UOO. A K DnfiPiio and wllo to J B Ktiony , lots 5 and'O blk 4 Deniso's add w d 3,750. Margaret J Cooper to public plat of table land , beinc in : )0,1(1 ) ( and 1:1 : dedication. Alice O'Donahoo et nl to nnblic plat of Union square , rcallotmcnt ot blk 5 Isaac & Selilen'H add dedication. S 1C Snaiildim : ct al to W It Peterson , all lot a blk 7 Kllby place w d SUV ) . S K Snnuldlng et al to 11 H Preibtley ct al , lot 8 bllc'S Kllbv place w a S'.r.o. H K Spanning ct nl to 1 D Page , lot 0 blk 8 Kllbv place wd SU50. 11 E Coclnan and wife to I O Broken et al , lot 15 blk 3 Plalnvlow adil w d-S 1.000. 11 K Coclnan and wlfo to Lucy G Stevens , lot 14 blk a Plalnview add w il-Sl.OOO. W M Mayrnll ana wife to J S Gibson lot 15 blk 10 Haiibcom pailt add w d S2.000. Jj V Moibe et nl to N A Kuhn , lot 10 blk 3 Omaha View w d 51,000. N Hours to Hobert II Vlnton , lot 4 snb dlv of o 2'JO It blk " & " Sldnn's 3d add w d S1.S50. Win Boscs and wife to David Kaufman , lot 23 Tnttle's Mib w cl SS.OOO. Samuel Schleslnxer et nl to 7. T Lindsay , blk U SchlesliiBPr's add w d S8.TOC. G B ClirlKtlo et nl to Augustus Kountzo. lot 1 blk 4 Foster's add w d S'J.500. ( J \t \ Flslier and wlfo to O A Caldwell , lot 5 blk 8 Hanscom place w d 82,750 , linopcno Whitney nnd bus to U H Alex ander , lots 1 nnd 3 blk 0 Auburn Hill w d 3'JOO. ' 3'JOO.Marlon E Forbes to Juliette C Forbes , lots 14 nnd 2. < , nlso a acies oil o end lot 24 nnd S-10 In Foibes' &ub , of 34 , 10 , 13 , w d 313,000. Balthas .letter and wlfo to .1 F Boyd et al , lO.ao acres in ' > , 14 and 13 , w d S10.UOO. Fritz Mueller ct al to the public plat of Mueller it Blumles add to Okohoma , n "f.l ft ol w 7U2 ft of nw Hi so U , J , 15 and 13 , deal- cation. Thos Brennan to Dennis C'nnnliiKhnin , n JS lot 15 , McCandllsh place add , n c SI.00. Jennie K Stevens nnd husband to Thomas Dennihon , lot 6 , blk U. Patilclc's add to Oinalm.wd-S2.000. K 7i Dandy , jr. , nnd wife to Thos Haley , lot 10 Davenpoit Biib , w d Sl.OOO. G \ \ Hall and wllo to F N Clarke , o 44 ft of g l'-sk ! \ ft lot 7 , Johnson's add to Omaha , w d S5r/0. Thos Orrand wife to C II Brown , lot 2 , blk 12. Heed's Ibt add , w d 80,000. W B Shortllll and husband to Mary B Thomas , lot 10 , blk II , .Meyers , ItlchaulSiV : Tildun'H add , w rt-5725. Mary L Oiurlson ami husband to Marv B Thomas , lot 10 , blk 11 , Muycis , Itlchanfs Tildon'b mid , w d S7BO. A B Hubeimann to JocobSellncr , lot 7 , blk 2 , Fred Hellene's add , w d-StMU. 1 N Pierce and wife to A G Ingram et al , lots 1 and 2 , blk 14. Isaacs A ; Seldun's add to Omaha , w d 85,000. Thomas Bronnan to Dennis Cunningham Jot ! W , blk 17. Oichard Hill , q e-Sl.OO. Thoins C Jolmson et ul to Mrs K Temple- ton , 5 nores In 1,15 , nud 13 , deed 81.00. i : i A S Putitck to Kate K Moors , lots 1 , 2 , a and4 , blk4 , AS fatilck'sadd to Omaha , w d-jjl.KX ) . ,1 O Luke et nl to the Public Plat of Luke & Tompluton's add , 6 H " 1A * > e h "o'if , 4,15 , 13-Dcdlcatlnn , S A Sioman ( trustee ) to 0 II Tnucray , lot 14. blk 4 , Wnkelev nilU , v d-SMX : ) . T A OrelKh anil wife to O A Wllcox , lot 22 , blk 8 , Han-scoin place add , wd 85,000. Josiali MIlliEau etalto Humphrey Llneli , n } { lot 0 and n } $ o yt lot 10 , ICudlck's 2il add , \vd-g3.rxx ) . K P Brown to W K Potter , 121.CO ncies sec 31 , 15,13. \ut-S14,700. J A Jouinn and wife to KlmaJ .Schubert , lot 10 , blk 2 , Footer's add , wd-S3,400. Alfred Foieman and wife to S S Camjibell , 1 ncro of 1,15 , \ \ also 4 acres sec 1,15 , 13 , w u Lymau LII Tower nud wire to S S Camp bell , 13.S3 acres In 1 , . 15,13 ; 21.75 acres in 1 , 15.13 , wd-S3,5G3. \YSBobeit onnud wife to W 11 Betr , s B0 < tt of n &i tt lot 1 , and ditto of lot 2 , blk2 , Patrick's add.d$2,400. . JullcttoC Forbes and husbauu to Meyer llellinan. lots b-10 , Forbes' sub , wd-S20,000. Peter Jousen and wile to Ida M Anderson , lot 0. blk7 , Puiker's nil a , wd-S2.400. Jolln Hennesay taCatlieilnfi KhiKeler , n H lot20 , t > lk a , Armstrong's 1st add. wrt f 4,000. ItAUlIdand wife 0 W MeVlcker , lot 13 , Ulk 9. Bedford place add , wd-S700. J U Bnnke and-\vlfo to M S Lindsay , w 55 ft lot 4 , blk 0. LouuVJtl add , wd-82.WO- Bernard Kller ut al to John -Moriell. lot 20 , ' UHAOY FOIt Tinsill JAUXT. The Council Dispose of n Few Import ant Mnttcn * . All of the nouncilmen were present at the adjourned regular meeting held last night. The mayor's approval of the or dinances adopted at the last meeting of council , and nlso the contract of G. W. McKinney for the grading of Douglas street were received and placed on lilc. The plats ot Paddock place and Kouutzo place wore approved. Tlio plat of Frederick's addition was returned to the owner for correction. A communication was received from the citizens Imntr near Jackson and Eleventh streets complaining of the Sal vation army for holding noisy nud dis turbing meetings. Another communica tion was received from Huntington & Son , complaining that the hoodlums were allowed to break up the Salvation army meetings and asking for police protec tion. Both coinniuuleatfotis were re ferred to the city marshal. The city marshal's communication , suspending Olllcer McBride for disorderly conduct at the Salvation army rooms was referred to the committee on police. The petition of J. Bayers asking for ? 150 damages for change of grade on Dorcas street was referred to the com mittee on grades and grading , as was also the petition of S. HeicTicnberg asking fern n reduction of the assessment on lot 4 in block 17. The resolution of Mr. Dailov , published in another column , encouraging the pro posed new cable car company , was adopted. The committee on public property anil improvements presented a report , which was adopted , granting to the coal syndi cate the authority to mine under the streets and alleys of the city from the north line of Douglas street to the south line of Pine street , and from the city lim its on the cast to the west line of Sixth street. The following ordinances were dis posed of : Kegulnting the licensing of plumbers and drain layers. Streets and alloys. Declaring tlio necessity of changing tlio grade of Eleven III street from Mason .street to Center street. Passed. Changing the grade of Pierce street from Twentieth street to the Union Pa cific right of way ; Eighteenth street from Mason street to Union Pacilio right of way : Nineteenth street from line between lots 3 and 0 in block 12 , Konnt/.o A ; Ruth's addition to Union Paeilic right of way. Passed. Declaring the necessity of changing the grade of Paeilic street from Tenth street to Thirteenth street. Passed. Declaring the necessity of changing the grade ot Thitty-si.xlh street trom Leavcnworlh street to the city limits. Grades and gtading. Establishing the grade of Popplcton avenue from Thirty-sixth street to Twenty-ninth avenue. Grades and grad ing.Tlio Tlio council then adjourned until ono week from Tuesday next. On Monday the council , with the exception of Messrs. Dailey , Bechel and Knspnr , leave for a ten d-iys' trip south , visiting St. Louis , Gahestou , New Orleans and other points , They will bo the guests of the Missouri Paeilic. CIIUUCIJ NOTICES. To-day's Services at the Different Churches Throughout the City. German Lutheran church. 1005 South Twentieth street. Service every Sunday 10 a. m. Sunday school 2 p. in. E. J. Trese , pastor. First Baptist church , corner Fifteenth and Davenport .streets , Kov. Dr. Keiiuey will preach at 10:30 : a. m and 7:30 : p. in. Sunday school at 12 noon. Prayer meet- ng Wednesday at 7:30 : p. m. All are cor dially invited to these services. Seats free. v Saints' Chapel , Twenty-first and Clark streets. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7.30 P. in. Sunday school at 12:30. : Every body welcome. Presbyterian church , corner Dodge ind Seventeenth streets , Services at 10:30 : a. in. and 7:30 : p. in. by the pastor , llov.V. . J. Harsht. Sunday school at close of morning worship. Young pee ples' meeting at 0--I5 p. m. First German Free Jvvaugclicnl church , corner Twelfth and Dorcas streets , llov. F. H. W. Brucchert , pastor. Service at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. in. Preaching by tlio pastor. Sabbath school at 2:30 : p. in. All Gorman friends ami their chil dren are cordially invited and welcome. Remember the new church with the white &piro. Beth-Eden Baptist , church. Services at 4:15 : p. m. at St. Mary's Avcnuo Congregational church. Preaching by Rev. M. Sullivan. Sunday school at 3 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday oven- lug at 7:30. : The public cordially invited to all services. Unity church , corner Seventeenth and Cass streets. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 : p. in. Sabbath school at 12:15. : llev. W. E , Copolnnd pastor. Subject of morning sermon , "The Satanio Con junction , " Subject of evening lecture , "Prophets of the Nineteenth Century. " Calvary Baptist church , Saunders street. Rev. A.V. . Clark , pastor. Ser vices at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p.m. Sunday school at 12 o'clock. Special business meeting on Monday evening nt 7:30 : p. m. Ucgular prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 7:30. : All are cordially in vited to the services of this church. All Saints' Church , Twcnty-lifth street , one block north of St , Mary's avenue , the Rev. Louis Xahner , rector. Holy Communion at 8 a. m. Moining service and sermon at 11 a. m. Sunday school at 3 p m. Even song at1 p. m. Young Men's bible class at 3 p , m. Gorman M. E. churnh , corner Eleventh and Center streets. Preaching to-day nt 10:30 : a.m. and 7.30 p. m , Sunday school at 2.30 j ) , m. Prayer meeting 'Ihursday evening at 7'30. All Germans are in vited. Rev , 11. Kineger , pastor. Congregational Tabernacle , Mrst , Cnpi- tel avenue near Eighteenth street , Ser vices nt 10 8J a. m. nud 7:30 : p. m. , led and preaching by the nastor , llov. A. F. Shcrrill , Sabbath school nt noon. All are welcome. First Christian church , Twentieth and Capitol avenue. Services to-day at the usual hours , Dr. Foy. the pastor , has something of importance to say this fore noon to the triends , members and attend ants of his congregation. E.\ening : Second end and closing sermon on "The Ideal Wife. " Third Congregational church , corner of Nineteenth and Spruce streets , llev. A. B. Penninum , pastor. Services at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. Evening subject : "Ono Talkest. " Thing Thou Sunday school at noon , Saratoga Congregational church \w \ a nt Saratoga school houseat { idSXTTin. Sunday school at 2.15 p in. Rov. Chas. J. Sago , of Kansas City , Mo. , will preach in the evenlntr. St. Mary's avenue Congregational church. St. Mary'-s avenue and Twenty- sixth street. Rev.Villard Scott will preach both morning and evening at 10:30 : and 7:30. : Gospel service in tlio evening. Sunday school at noon. Seats free and all welcome. North Prcebvterian clnm-h , Saunders street. lle\ ' . Win , 11. H ndcr on , pastor. Service at 10:80 : a. m. and 7.30 p. in , Sun " day st'hool ' at noon , "ioung people's meeting at 0:30 : p. in. At the evening service the pastor will deliver the third lecture in the horicsf on Popular Falla cies in Religion. " Snbjeot : "It'/i All Luck.1' ' Strangers made welcome at oil the services. HillsidoCongrcgational .church , Omitlm View. Pastor H. 0. t'ranu preaches at 11 ii. m. uud 7'JO ; p. m. Sunday school'at 8.80 p. m. Morning theme : "Christ a School. " Cherry Hill church. llcv. C. J. Sago , of Kansas City , preaches at 8 p. in. St. John's church , corner Jvorth Twcnty-sKlh and Franklin streets , llov. William Osgood Pearson , rector. Sun dry school at 11:15 : a. m. Morning prayer and sermon at It n. in , Young Men's bible class. Evening prayer and sermon at 7:80 : p. in. United Presbyterian church , corner Park avenue and Grant street. Preach ing at 11 a. in. by llev. J. V. Gris- weld ; at 7:30 : p. in. by llov. J.V. . Boyd. Sabbath school at 8:80 p. in. Prayer meeting NVudncsdny evening. O , como and lot us sing to God , the rock of our salvation land. Trinity cathedral , Eighteenth and Cap itol avenue. Middnyservico in the cathe dral is nt 10:80 : a. m hcJoafter. ( Note change of hour from 11 a. in. ) Sunday school at 13:15 : p. in. Evening service at 7.30 p. in. Special nuiaio at the evening service , when all scats are free. Ono ncro on North Kith street in Kirk- wood nt one-half its value if sold on Mon day. CL.AIIK .V FIUN-II : , 1010 Douglas st. Don't wait until best lots are all sold in Wise A ; Parmoles addition on Monday morning. For Paints , Oils. Gln s , &c. , go to Cum- inlugs & Ncilson , 1118 Farnam St. Architects , it Son , L'ff Jron Jlank , Omuha ( ind Minnatjtolis. SOUTH OMAHA. The Greatest Future Cnttlc Market null LnrcoRt Hoi ; 81ntifhtcrliiK Point in the \Vorhl. The live linn of Anderson , Cook & Co. have one hundred choice inside residence lots ( large si/.e ) for sale very reasonable and on easy terms. Also lifty choice farms in Central Nebraska , and live largo stock farms , il. \Vtchteriiiati , the live real estate man and n partner of the above named linn lias had considerable ox ] perienco in South Omaha property , is ready to show Ins customers just what they want. Wo also furnish all kinds of employment. Como and see us. Wo can make you plenty money. Ollieo near dummy ciossing , South Omaha. AMUSEMENTS _ EXPOSITION BUILDING OMAHA. Positively Farewell Tour Mr. IIKN'llY n. AllIlEV , very re-pectfully an nonnccs tlic uppciiruneu In Onmlm , of L One Grand Operatic Concert. Which villtnlio jilacoon isay venng , With the following DlBtlngulslicil nrtists : Mme SOFIA SCALCHI , ' 'ffiul SIG. ALHKIIT ( JUILLB , - Tenor SIG. ANTON 1A ( ULASSI - Baritone SIGFKANCO XOVARA , - - JJasso AND Sig. LuigiArditi - - Conductor Atthlspcrforiniuicotho nhovo artl t9iini ] MJ 1'ATTJ mil appear mo Grand Concert Program Consisting oF famous Belootlons.iiiid In thu second Act uC Kosslnl's Opera ( In costume ) SEMIRAMIDE ASSUIl . Sig. Franco Xovara AUSACE . 3Ime Solta Scalehi AND SEMIIUMLDE , MME.ADELINA 1'ATTl With nil the accessories of costumed , ami u GRAND ORCHESTRA. or nrry BI ECTRD MUSICIANS , under the aliectlon ul' SIGLTTIGI ABDITI SCALE OF PRICES. $ l$2$3aiul$4ReservelSGats , , , ( Fiilo ot goats Lciflns Siiturdny.reb. 19 , at 10 n. in , ia Max Meyer & Bros'Music ' Store PEOPLE'SJHEATER Commencing Monday , Feb 14 The Talented Young Actor , EDWIN STUART Snppnttod by the beautiful American Actress Lilah. Stuart And A powerful dramatic- company In Los-tor Wiilluck'H Uomuiitiu Driumi , In ! i acts , until led Rosedale ; or the Rlflo Ball PEOPLE'S THEATRE. HIV JUT ! JtJU HIT ! Ko cnungcincnt for ono week raoro of tlio Bfldun Comedy Company , -AND-v Musical Combination To-nlKht , tlio great ply , Private Secretary Admission ISo , 25c5 , GRAND MARDIGRAS irthday , a/t Under tlic tninnU'cs of the OMAHA TURN VEKEIN. iegorical Tableaux , GRAND PROCESSION ! ex of nil nations oftlic ctti'Ht it'lll ' jiiii'llciiHtte in / / / / . < procession. Tickets , $1. GallcriTrfc. . Tickets c < tn be liouylitnt Louts llclmroil' * , J-'itli tnul , f < tcksoi ) .sfs. J. J. / /'Ylff'/HM// > tll ItlKt llHiritfd , S/S. / JI. Jli'Silln , Kith .s/ / . , iieiii' Cumin/ ; . , fnlittx Meyer , Cor. I lih ami I'm'iiain. J'\ /'V.s/nrr / , Cor. I Ith mid Mii'iiain. J < \ ltr. &fJCJ/icr , 1.71't M. Mary' * Are. K your personal appearance lacks that evidence of ivfinc- ment and elegance -\vliicli \ you see in others , and that they have a right to expect from you. It is no longer a question of small means or large means , of big salary or meager salary , Imt rather a matter only of taste and love of the beautiful. Our liberal prices overcome all the obstacles that arise through alack of a big bank account , and Avith such a big stock as ours to select from , a stock that embraces every fabric worn by man , even those goods that appeal only to the most cultured tastes There stands nothing in the way of your having and wearing as fine clothes as the best dressed man in your circle of ac quaintances. Suits to order from $25 up. Overcoats to order from $18 up. Trousers to order from § 5 up. 313 SOUTH 15TH STREET. Ol'EN UXTIL it ] ' . 1419 BODGE STREET. Have the following Special Bargains : A ( W foot honth front Jot , with house of right rooms , on Capitol Avenue , west of high sohool , near btrcot car , 1,250. , One third cash , Imlanco eiiuy terms. Iv.ist front lot with bix room cottage , in Windsor Place. A bargain. Pine lot in hlock 1. Ambler IMaeo , ? G ! > 0. A bargain. 31 choice lots iu Grammarcy Park , pail of which face on .Military Avo. These are bargains. Lots In Haker Place , for f'OO , as good as those solliii-rat ? U25 and 8030 in nil- joining additions. Terms easy. Also lots in Humidors & IlimobauKh'H add , Itronnan Place ami South Omahn , Special Attention given to Selecting Cheap Homes. Property G-ladly Shown at any Time. If you Have anything to sell list it with us and we C will assure it our best attention. P. R. BELDFJ & CO , , 1419 Dodge SPECIAL PL'KD ' oft- FOB TWO WEEKS' To loan OH Improved city pronert ) , at low rates. Stewart & Co. , liooiu U , Irun littnk , EDWARD KUEBL , Tlio Oracio of Oiniilm , littler known M 1 to.o OIjIS SE-ZOEi/Ty IZB3 319 South 10th Street , Oidulm , Nob. MaulMcrori'uliiiybtryntilConUltlqniillgt. ( Will , wltn tUuuldof lucli oiui'b Uuanlliui Spirit , ob- tuin ( Jr KI u vluw In the I'ASl'uml ' tlio l'li.Sl'.NT ( : , uni > - ' ' -nJltlons In FUTUU1