Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 13, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered by enrricr In nny pnrt of the city nt
twenty icnts per week.
H. W , TILTON , Manager.
No. .
The Council nitilTi lionin.
The Jlcc to-morrow will contain in its
"Stmdai/Oossij ) " " colnmn an interesting
article on the Council liliffi ( loom. Parlies
wishing extra copies of the finndny Jlcc
arc requested to leave their orders at th
Jcc ojjicc , jVb. 12 Pearl street , to-day.
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
Heavy suits cheap to order at Keller's.
Additional Council Blullsnows on pngo
Read Armour , Barbco & Co 's aJvcr
The Naiad Queen is to open al the opera
house Tuesday evening.
The city council holds another import
ant meeting to-morrow evening.
Flno Improved property and choice va
cant lob ) in all parts of tno city. Cross-
land A : Otis.
There was not a ca o for the police
court yesterday. Everybody too busy to
indulge in deviltry.
Smith Hros. yesterday closed the sale
of the .Johnson tract , which they sold a
couple of weeks ago.
The ( ijobo has caught tlio'booin and anew
now Urcss has boon bought. It expects
to don its now clothes to-morrow.
Penult to wed was yesterday granted
Charles Worlliington , of Omaha , and Ida
AVilmaith , ol Hancock , N. Y.
I have a few lifly-foot lots in Bryant As
Clark's addition at a bargain. F. J. Day ,
30 Pearl stieet.
1 have three-quarters of a mile fronting
on Bioadway. just above the Ogden
house , for sale in 10-acrc tracts this
week , F. J. Day.
J. " ( i. Tipton and J. Al. Smith have
opened a law , real estate and insurance
olllei ) at No. 527 Hioadway , over Louie's
A number from thl city c\peet to at
tend the twelfth annual ball to bo given
to-morrow night by the Itesuuu lire com
pany of Missouri Valley , in the town hall
of that place.
The prices of lots in Paul's addition
will bo raised after this ween if all are
not .sold. Buy ono at F. J. Day's and
double your money.
Valentino's day , to-morrow , will not
receive : is much attention as usual in this
city. Sti 1 , the dealei 8 report u fair bale ,
and the postollice clerks are prepuiing to
carry larger pouches Monday.
The fellow who was recently arrested
for stealing a Bin : , nnd was lined an
amount equal to a's .subscription ,
was yesterday complaining because ho
was not receiving tlio paper after having
paid quito u snug little sum into court.
If he would only stay in jail the paper
Would probably be delivered to him.
The tenth annual masquerade ball of
the Council Ulull's Mii-nnorehor is to bo
given in the Temple hull on Tuesday
evening. The committee having the details -
tails in charge consists of L. Kirscht ,
Christ Str.uib , Christ Faul , L. A. Ber. < " .
mun , Kinil Duerr , F. ( J.Pciflcr , F , IJorgol
John Scliiilts ! , Robert Kurtll , Joe Lau-
baeh. II. Kirecht. Tl0so , attending must
'pTeSWu tileir invitations at the door.
It seems quito certain that the new city
hall will bo built , to cost not less than
$75,000. There seems little disposition
spending any more money patching up
the old feed store , and more room is
sadly needed. The books and uapors of
the city , some of them valuable records ,
are exposed to lire , and if destroyed by
any such calamity the loss would bo
heavy. There in o other numerous rea
sons why the cityshould have a building
somewhat conuuensurato with its needs
und with its growth and prosperity.
Not Fur Speculation ,
A co/.y residence property on ono of
our paved streets , among abundant
Ehado , and on a lot running through the
block so as to face on two streets , can
be had at a very nominal price. This is
just the chancoi for some one looking for
a home to obtain a good ono cheap. Not
cold for speculation , but because the
owner is about to remove from the city.
Odoll Uros. & Co. have it for sale ami
trill bo pleased to show the property.
IlnrinlnH For Monday.
Five lots in Piorco's subdivision , f50 ! }
each , quarter cash balance long time.
Twenty-two lots in Central subdivision
Thirty-four feet on Broadway opposite
Ogdcn house.
110 feet on Broadway in Streets addi
tion , $1,800.
Twenty-eight feet on Main street near
Kiel hotel.
02 feet on Main street near Chicago ,
Burlington & Quincy depot.
Call and see our bargains both in acre
property and city lots ,
LOT Exchange , NoIlil Broadway.
Ihc Twin BUtor Cities nml the Con-
iiGutiiiK IInk.
As soon as the weather permits the appearance -
poaranco of the nearly vacant ground be
tween the U. P. R R. Transfer and
Omaha will assume tin entirely new ap-
poarnnco. Council Blull's will commence
to extend out from among the Glens and
mull's and reach toward the river bank to
tnako an unbroken , mammoth city in
connection with'its already powerful
neighbor. When the genial warmth of
rpring calls out the grass and llowcrs
ihoro will crop up as it by the same gen
tle intlucnco scores of cottages , and their
Accompylng improvements , WarehouscB
nnd the life and bustle that
surround them , depots and their com
ing and going trains. Business blocks and
n constantly increasing tram of patrons
for the merchants that will occupy them.
These are not prophecies , but merely the
facts , and over } thing is in readiness only
awaiting the proper season for fulhll-
munt. In the track of nil the iminovo-
nients laid out in the Omaha addition to
Council Blull's , On this tract nlone nciiily
a bundled houses will bo built as rapidly
ns possible , the ear line via the Union
Pacitio railroad bridge , thiough the center
tor of this laid on Ninth nvemie , \ > il
bring numerous homes within a few
minutes' of the center of Oinulia , and the
Jkoadwuy line will make this addition
imnlly available from the noith. Over
three-quarters of the 100 aeies have al
ready been purchased , although those
lots hi : > o boon in the market
but a fortnight. Mr. Rosowatcr ,
in the lvuv Bin : of February
Jl. says editorially ; " \\'o piedict that
witli-n Hvo yeaiB the east side of the river
will bo covered \\ith Warehouses , depots ,
factories and lesidonces. There is no
longer any jealousy between the 'twin
sister1 citie * , wlio o limits \\ill soon
be divided only by the river and united
bv another bridge and a street r.iilvvay
Jino. "
The lirst practical results of the now
order of things will appear on this very
ground and \ory soon this point will bo
within the very center of one of the most
Important dties in tau uiuou. Plats pf
this addition can bo had by applying to
Odell Bros. & Co. , No. IOJ Pearl St. , by
whom It is being placed on the market.
- . -hi Jy > TTt
A Larger Amonnt of Actnal Transfers Than
Ever in the Oity's History.
Ttic Saloon Injunction Cnsoi AVtll
II an K Until Tucfiilny I3ntcr-
tnlntncnts nnd 1'cr-
Another Wc-elc orilonm.
Tl-c week closes with n healthier condi
tion In the real estate market. Those In
terested in the business have boon able
the past week to c'ose ' their olllccs at a
reasonable hour , instead of keeping the
llyhts burning until the small hours.
There have been more lepitiniatn and real
sales madu during the past week than in
any previous week in the history of Coun
cil lUiill's. There has been less buying
of options , less transferring of contracts
for deeds , less of tlio froth and more of
the real. The aotual business 1ms been
great , and steadilv growing , but men
deal with nioio jiulgment and coolness
in the opening furore it seemed that pur
chasers worn so wild that they did not
care for titles or for si/o of lots. They
were reselling before time had passed
sullicicnt for the making out of a deed ,
and lots weio sold several times in a day.
Thuy now reah/o that the boom is here
to titay , mill that there is time enough to
have the business attended to properly.
Much trouble and misunderstandings are
thus avoided.
'JLho week has been a busy one. The
streets have shown an activity not seen
hero even in the' rush of holiday trade.
J.yery dav sees many strangers here , men
with money , none of whom depart with
out investing more or less. Ono Now
York man who was hem in the opening
of the boom , and who then invested in a
few lots , sold them so miickly and
a round profit that no has returned ,
bringing with him $ , ' 0,000. Ho is quietly
picking ( in what ho considers bargains ,
and will doubtless reap a harvest , though
pel haps not making so quick turns as on
Ills lirst venture.
Another characteristic of the week has
been the turiunc of attention to inside
jnoporty somewhat , which had been
ignored in the excited MM-amnlo alter the
suburbs and the ummpiovudlots. Inside
property has advanced , but it is still very
Jew , and shrewd investors see gieat
chances for money-making , although it
requires more capital to handle it.
i esterday T. .1. I > ans bought on Main
street the Meyers coal yard propertv ,
thirty-four feet front , for $ ! ) ( ) ( ) a foo't.
( leorKo F. Wright bought the Phillips
wrpperty on Main street at the bamo
pi ice per front foot.
Chancellor Itoss yesterday sold his forty
acres north of the Chicago & Northwestern -
ern round house , for fL'OO an aero. Mr.
Wiekham was the purchaser , and he will
use it for bricu yard purposes.
Thcte were eighty deeds iilcd in the
recorder's ollice yesterday. Mr. Thomas
and his clerical force are kept on the
jump , and it is impossible for them to
Keep up with the business , but he keeps
working away good naturedly , submit
ting to interruptions , and treating all
The abstract offices arc. all rushed with
business , and it is .almost impossible to
get an abstnrci for love or money under
a V.'eek's time.
Tlio feeling of confidence in the future
is strengthened by thn assurances that
the building boom , which will open as
boon as tlio frost is away , will exceed the
boom in dirt even. There arc so many
public improvements assured , and so
many private ones promised , that the
query is no longer heard , "will there bo
much building ? " There is every assur
ance now that with the opening of the
building season there will bo an activity
the like of which was never witnessed
hero before.
The real estate transfers for tlio week
foot up nearly $ 100,000 , that is the trans
fers actually iilcd for record. This was
an increase of $75,000 over the previous
N. Merriam , of Omaha , who has bought
much propel ty here , has purchased the
McMackin block , corner of Broadway
and Sixth stieets , for flG.OOO.
L. Wells purchased of J. Shea the
C. H. Scott place on Oakland avenue for
The followiuc were recorded yesterday :
Fred Urexel to H F Lo\In , lot 3 , blk 14 , Kv-
ciett'H S.iiO.
James 11 Cralp to M 1 I'ercgoy , lot 3 , blk 0 ,
Uavllss .fe 1' 'Jd-SUm :
Jl W Tilton to Sarah McMlckan , lot 11 , blk
17 , Users' S100.
J 1' Cassndy to E II Uowmaii , jr. , lot 0 , blk
0 , Hurns'-sm
John Dolinny to J C Bixby , lot 0 , blk 17 ,
Mnllen'8-517. ) .
T II James to Alfred Pratel , 4 0-100 acres
111 SO 8W 1 , 74 , 4S-S4.000 ,
11 G MacGco to James McMillan , lots 2 and
t , blk 'JO , IJayllss & l'S00. .
UUGrlnnoll to F M Powell , lot 14 , blk
SO , Central SUCO.
F K Uavls to J A lloss , lot 3 , blk 25 , Uccrs'
F K Davis to J .1 Taylor et al , lots 4 and 5 ,
blk37 , Kverett'8-87X ( ) .
K A Smith to F Weis , lot 1 and 2 , blk 08 ,
W K N.xoii to F Wols.lots . 15 and lO.blk CO ,
lllildlo'b-soo. : ;
I ) L Thompson to C T Oflicer , HO lots In
J J Shea to L Wells , lots 23 to 20 , blk 17 ,
nnd s H out lot 2 to Mill add-S12.W 0.
S G Lint toJ M llusmur , lots 0 and 7 , blk
12 , Doers' SKUO.
Kll/a Crawlord to J .M Hosmer , lots 0 and 7 ,
blk 12 , Doors' ( jc-SlO.
J D Dlnko to . ) Wlcklmm , lot 0 , blk 0 , Kvcr-
ott'f. ; lot 3 , blk 12 , l oiett's ; lots 8 and 1 > , blk
11 , Ar P. : lotslt. 1 nnd 5 , bile 0 , Hums' ;
lots bund' ) , blk 12 , Jliiins' ; lot 0 , blk V ,
Streets' ( boiid ) Sl,175.
11 J Palmer to W W Clmnnmn , lots 1:1 : , 14 ,
15 , blk W , and lots 1 to 12 , blkM , K H Sl.f.OO.
11 J Pdlmi'i to P Cook , lots 7 to 12. and 10
to 24 , blk7J , UU-S1.500 ,
1C JNlcKon/lo to J P Fall. lots 7 to 13 nnd 23
to 20 , blk : iy. Central & ! ,5UO.
Henrj Swan to U A Josnulyn , pt lot 220 O
P , 2J feet on AlHln stieot 8000.
W Sicduntonf to li Wlcklmm , lot 21 , blk 0 ,
J V Fnllei to S A Frazler , lot 2. blk 17 ,
1C K lliumon to YDadolett , 10 acres In nw ,
no 0 75 , 411. 82.000.
S Haas to I ) W McDcrmld , lot 17 , blk 10 ,
FlomiiiK it U - SIM ) ,
J J Shea to U Wiekham , lot 21 , blk 20. Cen-
tinl Sl'JA.
J D Dlack to J Wickbtun , lot 11 , blk 7 ,
Sticet'H ( bomi-llOO. )
UOScheldlotoDO Morgan , lot 2 , blk 3 ,
(1. IjWjcoifto 1) W McUcnnld , lot 11
blk 3. Park-Si , MX ) .
F Cook to 11 J Palmer , } f blks OJ , C3 ana 73
1C K--S500.
Two in One.
Council Blull'sand Omaha arc destined
boon to bo united in interests and location
us to form onu of tbu greatest cities in
the union , and Omaha Addition , their
connecting link , \\ill bo in tno very heart
of it.
The lirst now growth to our city will bo
on this ground , and the thoroughfare *
that are to carry the tiatllo between the
cities , until they grpw together , run
through and either bide of it.
Over threo-quai tors of the lots in the
one hundred and sixty aeios that make
this addition have already been bold , and
such confidence have investors had in
this pionorty that but few lots aronow in
the market oxeopt the few remaining on
the plat which are lor bale by
ODKU , HKOS. & CO. ,
No. 103 PKAIU. STitum\
TKLEI-IIONI : No. 109 ,
A1J orders fioiu leal ebtato brokers for
job printing will rceetvo immoitiatu and
careful attention at 1'ryor's UIB : job.
' "Tis Trne , ' 1'ls Pl r , nncl 1'tty TIs 'TIs
Parents let their children dlo with diph
theria and putrid sore throat in scarlet
fovo. * , when ten years' trial has proven
beyond a doubt that Jpfloris' diphtheria
prevention and euro will save every case
without the aid of a phvsician. For sale
only at No. 23 South Kighth street , Coun
cil liluffs , Iowa , or sent bv express on re
ceipt of price , $3.00.
lr. ) Jcfieris has not removed to Omaha.
Pacific house is the nearest hotel to the
majority of real estate olliccs in the city.
$2.00 per day.
At the Pacific house j'ou will save from
CO cents to ? 1 per day. Try it and bo
L. U. Crafts & Co. , are loaning money
on all classes of chattel securities at one-
half their former rates. Sec them before
securing your loans.
When yon arc in the city stop at the
Pacific house. Street cars pass the door
e\ery fifteen minutes for all the depots.
Meals 50 cents.
Husincss bToek10 feet front Main
street near Hroadway. lUislness lot , ii3
feel front Fourth street near Hroadway.
Hlocks and half blocks in Brown's. Bay-
llss1 third , and Haiiroad additions. Houses
and lots and aero property for sale by K.
W. Raymond.
You Cnn See For Yourself
that property which will DO Improved at
once is more valuable than nnythimr can
be that is to lie idle for a year at least.
OMAHA ADDITION lies right in the
track of all the projected improvements
which are a part of the very foundation
of the boom. Only a small part of this
ADDITION is left for sale , and Odell
Bros. A : Co. have it. No. 103 Pearl St.
Telephone No. 10'J. _ _ _ ,
Snd orders for type-writer ribbons of
all colors , now and roinkod , to C. II.
Sholes , Council LMull's.
We Don't JiiHt Call It Clioloo
As some do their property , whether it is
or not , but let you see that it is so
Don't buy an inch in Omaha addition
until you have seen the ground. To nee
it is to buy. it is splendid land aside
from the fact that the thoroughfares be
tween Omaha and Council Blull's run
through and on either side of it , and
that residences and wholesale enterprises
are waiting to spring up as soon as the
\s eather permits operations.
Over threo-miaitcrs of all the lots in
this one hundred and sixty acres have
been sold , thus making the best record of
any addition on the market. If it was
not the best wo would not s.iy so.
ODKI.I. Biios. it ( "o. .
103 Pcail St. Couneil Mull's , la.
List your property with the Tipton &
Smith Law. Real Kstate and liismance
Agency , 527 Uroadway.
Here wo are , come and sco us for bar
gains in Real Kstate , 527 Broadway ,
Tipton & Smith will place on sale
bargains lor investors on Monday.
To Contractors nml I\iltdors,1
Proposals will bo received by the under
signed until the 23d of next month for the
building of the now Catnolic church.
Plans and specifications may be seen at
the pastoral residence. The right is reserved -
served to reject any or all proposals.
13. P. McMnxosiv , Pastor.
Sure or the Future.
Omaha parties , who have recently Pur
chased about ! ! 00 acres of Council Blull's
land , have decided not to put any of it on
the market for thrco months to como.
Several tracts belonging to these parties ,
which were on the market yesterday ,
have beer withdrawn. This proves the
confidence they have in the spring boom
of this city.
AVe have forty or fifty head of fine
mules , for all purposes , for sale at our
"Star Stables. " SCIILUTKK & KOLKY.
JefTeris' rcplat of Lots 1 and 8 of Al
bright's choice , 5-8 mile south ot Ham
mond's packing house , South Omaha , on
main line of Union Pacific railroad.
Nearest trackage lots in town for sale ;
also beautiful residence lots. Terms
easy. For sale at the ollico of Thos. C.
Jelleris , at Howland's .lumber ollice ,
near dummy depot , South Omaha.
50 acres of lionutiful land on Hroadway
insiclo tlio city limits , : it $500 per acre.
22 acres 10 rods from Uroadwiiy , just
outside tlic clly , ? ! 1,5QO.
Impiovud farm 5 miles north of the
city , ? IO per acre.
100 feet nt junction of Main and 1'carl
strcnts , very low.
Lot 50UJ1 on South Main street at
$125 per foot.
Largo list of aero property on Fr.uik-
lln Avciiuo.
Improved farm of 30 acres joining the
citi limits , near Grccndalo at $200 per
Improved farm of 177 acres , 2& & miles
ciist of tlio city for f SO per aero ,
60 acres 3 miles out at ? 00.
7 22-100 acres with $1,000 , dwelling , cor
ner of Franklin and Lincoln Avo. , for
$1,000. This is a bonan/.a.
Largo List of Cheap Lots ,
Residence and Business Prop
Acre Property and Farms.
At Very Low Prices
W , O. STACY & Co. ,
Real Estate Brokers ,
A'o H , 'Main t > t , , Council JSluffn.
Ladies' and Childrens'
Aprons , Etc.
> Ve Imvo succeeded in pur
chasing at an
Extraordinary Bargain
A large quantity of Muslin
dcrwcnr , Childrens' Dresses ,
Aprons , etc. , which we have di
vided into two lots , and to make
quick sales will sell them at
Lot No. I.
25c Consists of
Ladies1 Night Robes , Chemises ,
Drawers , Corset Covers , Long
White Aprons , Childrens' White
and Red Msther Iluhbard
Dresses , Drawers and Infants'
Slips. These garments are well
made and warranted persect.
Lot No. 2
50c , Consists of
Ladies Night Dresses , Skirts ,
Chemise , Drawers , Corset Cov
ers and Childrens' White and
Turkey Red Dresses.
All trimmed with Linen Torchon
lace. Such garments as these are
usually sold for 75c to $1.
We take great pleasure in plac
ing this immense purchase he-
fore our customers and invite an
early call , as we believe this to
the greatest bargain in Muslin
Underwear and Childrens Dress-
i , i
es ever offered in this city.
314 , VUi , UJS and HiiO Broad
way , Council Jllujf'a.
All fresh goods , well made , full
sizes , good shapes , and warranted
free free from imperfections.
FUU SAIi-PlttPcn : lot * In tloor's sub-
ilivMoti Incnlcilonoto thrco blocks from
IlroHdwny ( ind n few mlnuirV nnlk of poetof-
nee. Cull on H \Vnrtcn , City Wntor Works
O1I1CO ,
FOUND-On Hnrtioy street , Omnhn , n pocket-
bonk contnltilni ? n | mwn ticket Issued by
M. Abrnhfiini for it slhor watch aiut KOlil
nml lircn t pin. Owner cnn Imvo same by
Itiir chnrRcs nt Iloo olhco.
Ij > OnSAI.K 52 ncros cliolco Iniul , ono mlle
1 ( < outli oust of t' . I * , transfer depot nnd
ono nnJ one-half mlles southwest ot tlio gov-
eminent bulldlnir. Knro clmtioo for n pyndl *
onto. Apply to 11. Bliociii kur , Sti , Hnrrlson st.
W ANT1U1 A peed Rlrl for gonornl bouse-
work. Inquire 10U 1'oiirth street.
FOU SAM' A well Improved f iirin , 2.W acres ,
Ineludlnp SW acres of tlinbor , sltuntcd In
Kef ? Crook town lnii. rottiinuttnmlo county !
I'O ncros In flection . 11 , bnlnnco lying Just west
thereof. Inquire on premises of 'Ilicodoro
_ _
FOH SALK Choice , smooth , unimproved 100
ncros clo o to Ilrnlnnrd. in Htitlur county ,
Nebraska. Will Rlvo Innto discount from pn < v
rnt \ nluo for oiiMi. Address llimttn ? . Hum on
A Jones , David City , Nob. , or W. J. , Ueo ofllCf ,
Council Hinds , In.
TjlOHSAI.K Alnlmwilii , 2ttt norosultti flno
JL linprntomonts , six miles mist ot Council
lllutT ? . 1'rlcolow nnd nil tlio tltno needed. In
quire of T. W. Vnn Sclovcr , Council lllulls.
FOR SAM ! If tnken this wrck A n\o room
lionso on Fifth nvonuo , near dummy
dopot. TlioPtrrm , sldexrnlk nml lot tilled to
Krndo. Prlco $ l,4riO. Kmjr terms. Address
Lot , Dcoonicc , Council Illutfs.
Gco. S. Miller & P. II. Tobey ,
Olltcc over 1st National Hunk , cor. Main
and Hro.ulwny.
If you uimt ostlmntos or lilnns for bridge
worK , loumliUloti , sewers , ( rraaliij ? or survey-
1 HIT ami plnttlntr , call upon them. All work
gl\on prompt nttontlon.
1514 Douglas St. , Omaha ,
Ladicsbuying a ? 5hatbounctor one far
will be paid ; ? io , round irip.
City and acre property for sale in
and around Council
Improved and unimproved lands
for unle , Tjtind-t cxclianycd for
stocks of inei'ch'.imltic ,
Ojjlcc over T-t ya'lomtlJniV , Cor
Main sti-ectand Jiroudivay.
c :
5O 5
H fan
Lots in all Additions for Sale by
506 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
We have lots in every aildlllon In flic citi/ and
Property That We Can Make a Good Title To.
We IUIVP SUIHC cjinlce itcvc pronci'ltjinr re ltlcncc jtroncrlif ,
pci-tu , etc.
Cir > 'C' > iHii < 1c > icu boliritcd frinn out of town parties witJiiiiy to make In *
vest incut * .
It Is an ctaI > UJicl facttliattlic JtVTLnrXG UOOM on tliconrnlnfl oft
sni'iniiuillc.rccuit the expectation * of the mod nuninilne. Ann property on
our lists K'ill malic bin money if taken hohi of at once.
No , 36 Pearl Street , - - Council Bluife
Vacant Lots , Lands , City Ucsldcncc < t and Farmi , acre property in
tvcstcrn part of clty > All selling cjicap to malic room for spring stoclc.
Real Estate and Insurance Agent.
Room K , over Ofllccr < P I'nwy's banl ; Council Jtltt/fs.
K MRbllctird 1857
iirmci : iV mnviTT ,
UpNtairs ,
Council ltln/'n ,
Lying Between the Omaha Addition and the N. P. Dodge Land
be either platted into lots as the Peregoy & Moore addition or
The part lying south of and
Along the Union Pacific Track will be soldi
First ,
And parties wishing to buy will call on or address ,
No , 14 Pearl Street , - - Council Bluffs-
NOTICE. All agents with whom we have listed the acre property
north of the driving park are hereby notified that it is withdrawn irora
the market. SMITH BROS. . 14 Pearl street.