THE'OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 13 , 1887. TWEIATE PAGES. STATE SCHOOL . STATISTICS , Items of Much Interest Gathered From the Superintendent's Heport. A VERY CREDITABLE SHOWING. Qho Ann ; of Applicants For Office I'our 1'ctltlons on the Governor Another Series of lltirelnrlcs Otlirr Ijlncoln New * . O'KOM THE IIKF.'S UXCOI.K m'HEAU. ] Among the dilatory reports of state nflicials the latest to conio to time lias Ihion the report of the Etato superintend ent , which contains many itcmi of Inter est and many items of useless statements of little value. The linanclal showing in the report Is immensely creditable lo the educational progress of the state , as iiro nil reports that touch in any way the qtiosllon of Nebraska's heritage to its children. The compilation of expendi tures in instruction , wages paid teachers in the public schools of the state , com piled in totals , arc of much interest to he profession. In the year 1850 there were emplorcd In the state 2,005 male teachers , and the amount paid them for Fi-rvlces was * 40IC52.T8. During the hamo year llicro were 5,831 female teach- crs employed , and the total compensation received by them was $ S5SG 11.40 , a show ing of equality In wages much bolter than most .states show on the question of distinction in regard to x. During the past vcar the public schools of Iho sUilo liave'invostcd in building" , furniture and improvements n total of ? T83J7 ! . ? G , n do- create trotn the amount paid Iho year before. Ueforo leaving the ouestiou of wages it might be added that in striking n general average it is shown that the wages paid male teach ers averages n litllo over 12 per month und the average paid female teachers is nearly ? S"i a mouth a further illustration that the wage line in regard to HOX is fast disappearing in Nebraska in this employment. Those teachers of tiio imblic schools of the state are sheltered in 4,207 school Iiouscs , the great majority of which are frame buildings , although relies of pioneer days are found inSC7t > od buildings and 220 log houses. Of those houses 412 were erected during the year 180 , and over two-thirds of them are supplied with the modern improvement known as patent de ks ; IKS of the c pub lic schools are either graded or partially prndod. The item of mdobtednoss of the diflcr- enl school districts is not of such a cred itable nature as the statistics given above. The bonded indebtedness of the districts in the state aggregates Iho lotal amount of ยง 1,320,4:52 : , and this represents an in crease of over $130,000 during the year. There is , however , u largo available cash fund reported as in Iho hands of Iho dif ferent districts that will largely offset the indebtedness as reported. Sixteen collegein the stale are reported by the Mate superintendent. AWA1TIXO AN AUKIKNCK. Tnero is an accumulation of petitions for appointments at the governor's ollice that represent every possible ollicc , the croatiou of which is contemplated by Iho present legislature. In fact a general in dex of bills introduced could bu compiled by those applications for ollico that are varied enough to cover the dillorciit state institutions , the now judges contemplated nnd everything else from stock commis sions to janitors of public buildings. In fact ono eucrgolic applicant petitions Iho governor for garden seeds for use on his claim in Iho western part of the state. In those long list of applicants goruo eighteen written applications for appoint ment of judges are tiled and these are ex clusive of the personal applications and appeals that are so assiduous as to bo communicated verbally without the plac ing of them in writing. Bills tint have Fcarccly been hoard of are broucht to light in those pctilioiis for appointments. A bill has been introduced in ono of the houses that contemplates the appoint ment of some Nobraskau to go to Wash ington and look after the claims and in terests of soldiers ; no ono scarcely knows this or has given the idea a thought , but the parties who seek the office have filed their claims for appointments and are ready for the lightning to strike ; and all these are merely illustration of the demands made upon the executive A NIGHT Ol' lIUUGI.AltlKti. Friday night the gauc of house breakers , thieves and burglars that ap parently itifest the city at the present time in largo numbers , wore busy plying their profession. Up to 3 p m. the next day six cases of house breaking , or at- teihpts in that line , wore reported at police headquarters , and a few of then : were accompanied with violence. T. C , W.xwo , residing on N street , was aroused nt 5 a. m. by Hie hand of a burglar under Ins head , and iu Iho skirmish that was immediately inaugurated Iho .peaceful citi/en was Bttvonily handled. Charlie Jvcifcr , who lives at (1 ( and Twelfth streets , was chloroformed by the gang and robbed of a watch and itt in cash. Charlie is foreman in the job department of the State Journal and the wonder runout : his friends is how the festive burghir obtained the idea that ho was a capitalist. Deputy Auditor Honton was nronsod by his better half with the information mation that a man was at the window tryiug to break in. When Air. Itenton charged upon them , and in thunder tones announced his intention to shoot , the burglars , who numbered two , tlel in the darkness. Air. K. S. Abbott , who lives on Sixteenth street between It and S , awoke from a refreshing sloop at Q a , m. If ho had emulated the early bird all would have been well , but ho turned on his bed and slumbered until 0. In this interval of anhourcamo the burglars to his residence , and when ho arose in the morning ho was minus the cjiango in his pocket his watch and u coupon noto. The residence ofV. . A. Ilorrick , on Kightoenth and N streols , was visited by thu night prowler , but tha occupants of the hotiBo were aroused and the burglars fled , Al 1030 A street the gang also made n visit , entering through a bay window. The people wore not aware of their pres ence until morning , but the thieves either liad taken fright or failed to liud cash or iu convertible equivalent , for nothing vf as missing of value. IN 1'OI.ICK COt'ItT. The session of the uolico court yester day was interesting and prolonged briefly summarized proceedings , were as follows .John Murray , intoxicated , lined 3 nnd costs and committed. Thomas Carson and Thomas Collins , arrested and tried as vagrants , were given a line of $20 each aim costs and committed. Frank Kdwards and Frank Landau , chargm ! with stealing a $12 coat were ar rested and their hearing continued. The notorious Guorgo and Mabel Smith were before the court , the former charged as a vairrant , and the feminine part of the family as a drunk and disorderly. They were given until dark to leave the city , and the f-ympathy of the entire police de partment will go forth to the town into which they may drift for a now location , AUOt'TTHiClTV. : Yesterday in the United States court a rase was. called for hearing iu which the iiartins had been indicted for cutting tim ber ou government ground. Among the witnesses present were John Smith , John Hcvvo , Jack 1'tmiska and Thomas Kansen , a delegation of Indian police from the Pouca agency. Auioug the real estate transfers yester day was a deal in which J. E. Spencer and F. I ) , Hoeves purchased twelve' lots in IVck's grove , paying therefor f 7,000. This is on ground that tHe ; years ago would not have brought over $39 an acre , Two hundred dollars an acre was refused yeslcrday for a farm situated four miles ea t of the city limits. The T. P. A. boy1 ! are making elabo rate preparations ior their grand charity ball and banquet , to be held at the Met ropolitan rime on Monday evening , and which promises to eclip o any entertain * mcntof the kind given in the city. The arrangements are all perfected for the event. Among the visitors who called upon the T. 1' . A. boys the past week were C.j. \ . Hm : on , Boston ; Alex Pollock , Chicago cage ; U. Van Urunt. Chicago ; S.M Mills , Milwaukee ; S. A. Warner , Memphis ; J. M. Blair , Marshalltown ; W. B. Lannis , S. E. Ileysor , St. Joe. The attraction at Funke's opera house the first days of the coming week U the vnit of .Palti Hosa on Monday and Tues day evening * . The sale of seats com menced ycslerday. A.NOT1113U CAIUiK COMPANY. A Syndicate of CnplialUtn Seeking n Krnnchlic Prom the Clly. Omaha is promised another cable car ompany , and one thai proposes lo gel l oad at once in the work of carrying 'Ut ' the object of Its organization. The irst langible move on the part of the onipauy was the introduction at the ouncil mooting last night by Council man Dailey of tlic following resolution , which was unanimously adopted Resolved That it Is the souse of this jody that any cable railway company ivgich will , within any reasonable length of time , guarautec to construct and oper ate a slroel railway cable line will'in the ity limits will receive most lavorable onsidoratiou. The resolution was introduced at the nstancoofMr. Gro s. of Kansas City , .vim is at the head of the proposed organ- gallon. Questioned concerning his com- any and its plans , Mr. Gross s-tatod to a IKK representative that ho represented a lyudicato of capitalists who were ready and anxious to commence the work of providing Omaha with a lirst class cable car company. "Little need be made mblic , " said Mr. ( > ros.i , "about our com- ; iany except that it includes some of the .veaithio . t men in the state of Missouri , and is organized for business. Wo pro- mso to ask a charter and a reasonable ranchiso Ironi the council ami the peo- , ile of Omaha. If these are granted we .iropose to construct a cable line of seven or eight miles m Icr.glh. Wo will give a bonu in any sum required lo commence the work at ouco upon the grauiing of our franchise and lo push it Mirotigh with all possible speed. Where tvo snail lay our lines or upon what trccls cannot of course bo decided for ome lime , but we are not particular about that point. The cable car makes ts own business and all wo want is a hanco lo got through the city from the n am directions and in some proximity o the main thoroughfares. \ \ e will use ho very best of material. If wo get a suitable franchise will probably use $1,200 ears and build a line for all time " "Omaha has a prospect of at least two .ablolinos , Hum ? " inquiringly remarked ho rcporler. "Whv not , " said Mr. Gross. "The city ; an easily support three lines. 1 know of no city iu the country , east or west , that needs a oablo cur so much as Omaha. You have no moans of conveyance here. 'I he street car is of no use in a hilly cily and Iho cable car kcops ils eight miles an hour rale of speed with out reference to grades. Then the money represented in a completed cable ino is as good as government bonds and [ jays better. " "HowQmuch will you put into this pro-posed plant V "Wo can construct a three mile track with an engine house and trains equipped for $400,000. Au eight mile line fully equipped can bo constructed at a cost of $1,000,000. If our franchise is granted by the council and ratified by the people at your election next spring , we will have at least two miles of track laid by next fall and will bo ready for operation by the first of the year. Yon may rest assnrcd that our company will have its cars running as soon as any other com pany. " Mr. Gross is highly pleased with Omaha and proposes to remove his fam ily to this city as soon as he can build himself a homo. lie. says that capitalists , whom ho represents , confidently expect this city to have a population of 150,000 by 1890. Ho has mel with a number of prominent business men who have united with him m the advancement of his en torpriso. MOTfl DEFEATED. Ilo Falls lo Throw Koj-cc Klvo Times In Sixty Minutes. The "Unknown" soleclcd by Omahr citizens to meet Charles Moth , the cham plon Gnvco-Roman wrcstlerof the world was Adolph Royce , a photographer ii : Heyn's gallery. Both Moth and Royc < met .ast night in the Annex , in a wrest ling match , in w hioh Moth had agreed li throw tne latter live times in sixtv minute of actual wrestling. Three of these fall wore to be Gra-eo-Romaii and two ii catcli-as-catch-can struggles. Moth bo $50 on the result and Roycc covered the sum through his backer. Carl Krisol There were about three hundred persons in ihe hull. George Barnes acted as referee oree for Moth and ISd. Rothery acted fo : Roycc. John S. I'rinco was time-keeper Moth throw Royce three times In tin : contests , the first fall re quiring twenty-six minutes and ihirty seconds , the second nine minute.- , and Ihroe seconds , and Iho Ihird twenty-one minutes and fittcon seconds. Between each of these falls there was an interva' of ton minutes. \ \ hen the catch-as catch-can struggle was reached , Moll had but three minutes and twelve see. ends in which to throw Royce twice tc win Iho match. Both of the athelote grappled , struggled and in the struggle Royeegotbolhof Moth's shoulders out lit lloor. Moth worked to free himself , bu without success , and while h'old in tha position time was called , and Royce wa declared Iho winner amid groal appliusu Royce Ihen challenged Moth to wrostl in catch-as-catoh-cau , throe otil of h'v < falls , for $500. Moth said ho was willing to wrcstlo if his opponent would wrestl like a man instead of running about th s-tago. This announcement was greeted with groans , Moth linally agreed to wrestle Royce upon the terms proposed. Royce won the stakes and the dcor money. UrevitlcB. Attend the Mardi Gras at the exposi tion building Fob , 23. Remember the Turn Vereln's enter tainment Tuesday eve , Feb. 22. The Omaha Turn \ferein give a grand Mardi Gras entertainment Tuesday eve , Fob. ' . ' 2. The masquerade ball of Uie Oerraan School association \\ill tw shun iu Geriiianla hall , March Mil. The ladles of the Herman School association will g\o | a masquerade bull Iu Uermania hull , March 5th. _ Wise & Paruteles addition son adv. on Dth nago , There will bo a prayer service for men only at the Seward street M. K. Church Monday evening , February 14 , beginning at 7.30. Mon from all parts of the city will bo welcomed. Important to Tax I'ayer * . All persons owning lots in Sewer xtist. 20 , comprising territory bounded on the north by Dccatur , on tbo south by Caldwell - well , on the east by Saumlers and on the west by 20th St. . and dosirn to pay their Sewer tax under "protest , " can got proper blanks by calling ou or address. * ing Geo. It Rathbun , Omana Business College , cor. Cap * . Aye. an.d ICth St. MADNESS WITHOUT METHOD , Joe Howard Rings Up the Curtain enActors Actors ' 'Gone Daft. " FOX'S FUN-FORREST'S FAILURE IlAOkett's Fnlstnir Ills Jurist Son's Mind Modi'lough nnil Cninp- ticlt IiiixiirjTor Audiences nnd Death Tor Players. New YORK , Feb. 12. [ Correspondence of the BEE. ] An incidental reference to the unquestioned insanity of John Wilkcs Booth who shot I'rcsidcnt Lincoln some years ago , has brought me a volume of criticism pro and con , the tenor of much of which leads up to the question whether there is anything peculiar about life on the stage which leads to the insane asylum , livery now and then wo hear ot some well known actor who has slipped his base , is "oil" his nut" and lands in liloomingdalc , if he has money , or the common insane asylum if ho has none. Friends ? Oh , no , friends don't count. So long as Hartley Campbell's money held out he was kept in a private room , with an attendant for himself , but as soon as his family nnd other iusidera obtained control of the funds and Hartley foil back for care and treatment upon the gener osity of his "friends , " a very few weeks sti ill ceil to test their endurance and al though worth many thousands of dollars , the poor pittance needed to keep him in comfort was not forthcoming , and , al though in the hnydayof his prosperity no man could boast of moro friends , there wa.-n'tone , there isn't one to-dav who spends a dollar a year for medicine , for attendants , for comfort of any sort or kind , eave a poor fund of the imperial state of New York. so ntiBMis DON'T COUNT. Very few people know how near the insane asylum Marie , the great singer , was the last time he came hero. His hair , naturally a beautiful silvery white , that exquisite color which led up to the familiar hymn beginning , "When Ago With Gray Hairs Shall My Tcmplo Adorn , " was dyed a villainous , piratical black. It was A way-inside blue black , one of the self-assorting double dyed black. Ho wore plumpers in his cheeks ; false calves preserved the symmetry of his legs ; ho was corseted and trussed , and bandaged so that instead of appear ing the comfortable old gentleman ho was , ho looked liked a guy. Ho lavished this nasty stud' upon his head , and every now and tlion was overtaken by a lit , which lasted sometimes a minute , some- .imesten. This frightened him. Always i nervous and susceptible being , Hat- .orod during his whole life not only as an exquisite singer , the eading tenor of all the world , but a beauty , the perfection of animal excel- once , he naturally shrank from j-ielding the palm to rivals who were younger and 'resher , and so when , after long continu- ty in his dye house absurdity , he "found these tits were of frequent occurrence , ho was frightened. Fear ran into appro- lension , apprehension made him timid , and ho became so upset , so nervous , so fidgety , as to bo just this side of crazy. To such an extent did this state of mind go that friends took hold of him literally and forced him homo. Had 10 remained here a month longer , physi cal ailment - < vould have assorted its sway , and what little brains the follow had would have yielded np the ghost , and ho would have joined that sad procession of inbecilitics which make every asylum on the face of the earth so terrible a picture gallery , so frightful an illustration of the ills to which humanity is prone , wiucns IIOOTII CUAZV ? Well , I should say so. Weren't all the Uooths queer , odd , singular , moody , ec centric ? What is the definition of crazy ? It seems to mo a man is crazy when his mind is unbalanced. It may bo unbal anced an hour a year , or twenty-four a day. Ho is crazy in degree. Old man Booth was as mad as a March hare. Records of his eccentrici ties are in existence which prove boyoud ppradventuro that ho was not only crazy , but a lunatic with periods of sanity ; not a madman in the sense that ho needed confinement and mauacles and dun geon , but an unbalanced creature so far as mentality was concerned would have done , under any circumstances , what Wilkcs Booth did ? He was a friend to the south. The south after a protracted strife , heroic tremendous in proportion , the best illustration of the bravery. Iho mental , moral physical worth of the American citizen , have approached that line where helpfulness was asked , where aid was an absolute , patent necessity , Who so _ readily extended it , who so eager to anticipate every desire ot Abraham Lincoln ? The best men in the south recognize that , intelligent thinkers ol the world clearly saw in him not only the defender of the union , but the ultimate savior of the south. Wilkcs Booth was intelligent. If he had reasoned ho would have recognized this as well as others. Instead of which , with theatrical whoop and dramatic dash ho burst into thn private box of the chief magistrate of the nation , and in the presence of thousands of his fellows tired Iho falal shot which , ringing around the world , told the story not alone of Iho martvr president , but of the crazy actor as well. Surely the stage had nothing to do with the mental infelicities of any of the Booths , father or sons. HOVAllOUT HI'MITV 1JUM1TV ? Well , I have often wondered about that. Fox was a curious fellow , always , but never so strange and different from others as to make him a tarirct for gen eral observation , In early days as an actor in the Bowery theaters ho was quaint and queer , full of animal exuber ance , and a great favorite in cense quence. He had an odd profile , a square forehead , a phenomenal nose and a rather retreating chin , and these peculi arities ho exaggerated in his make-up. EO that audiences came to oqiect unusual physical demonstrations from him. Later on when ho struck that great success , Humpty Diimpty , and his clownic roio demanded mugging and posturing and grimacing , ho was a greater favorite than over , and for the same reason. I used to see him very often oa the ferryboat and car. Ho was a great smoker , and ho was notonlva grcal smoker , but ho smoked great cfgars large ones , of the strongest possible tobacco. Ho used a preparation on his face six nights iu every week , and at iwo matiness as well , during the long run of several years of Humpty Diimpty. and it was thought then and suggested that the paste used must produce some phvsieal ctl'ect. ft-But I don't see that it should any more than this lily-white stufl'and other cos metics that women use oa faces , ou their necks , on their busts , and on their hands and arms. Jt stands to reason , it Is a simple physical fact , that for the sake of an artificial whiteness women are willIng - Ing to closn pores in all these sensitive portions of their body , and as. they con year m and year out without ap parent injury. I don't know th'nt it co'uld fairly bo' said that .Fox's ultimate in sanity , almost idiocy , could be traced to the use of prcparallonon his face nlonc. HUMITV l > t M FIT'S SAP KX1 > . The fact remains that what At first regarded as an eccentric manncr.bccame gradually , and fitter a long , long growth , a positive otlensn to his audience , so that , fearful lest he should do some outrageous art upon the stage , guardians kept watch over him ami at the faintest approach preach to his peculiar line of Indelicacy would , in some vociferous manner , at tract and distract attention from what ho was about to do. The sad end wo all re- member. He , who inhis time kept audien ce. * in a roar. He , to whom tens of thousands of children looked week in anil week out for provocations lo baby lauchter. Ho whoso name upon a bene fit bill was good for half the house , he who made hundred- thousands of dollars lars how ditl he die' A wretched imbe cile , drivelling ulot. Now ho came of good stock. His life from boyhood to the hour of his dissolution was passed upon the stage , and he was always a pub lic favorite. Ho was full of pranks and jibes and jokes , and whether in his nat ural skin or his while clown face , found quickly and easily the entrance to the hcait of every spectator. K&KUKST VVMALANTRn. Forrest was not crazv in one sense , but he was decidedly unbalanced In another. His frightful temper at times got the bet ter of him and then with oaths of extra ordinary impiousness , with words and phrases coinable bj no sane mind , with looks and aspects foreign oven to his most cxcitrul moments when simulating terrible characters on Iho stage , ho gave such evidence of uneoutrol as made his friends shrink with apprehension lest his mind should break , while his attendants lied from him as from the furies. His lust experiences in this city were sadden ing enough. His hour of popularity had long since waned , ami was now abso lutely goixi. Still ho had money and a robust contentment and absolute seren ity of conviction that he was the greatest actor on the footstool , and al though paiil and unpaid critics of the day were united in a laudable desire lo aid Edwin Booth , which was patent to everv unpredjuccd reader , by reason of the col umns of adulation that attended his jejune performances , his awkard readings - ings and his careless delivery. Foriest alone was unable to perceive thai his grip was gone. For all that ho began a .season in the Lyceum theatre , sturdy old in his limbs which nnver lost their tre mendous proportions , with weakened in tellect and impaired physique , wrapped the old time mantle about him , expect ing to receive the old time obeisance , on now MAD iin WAS. Virile indignation shook every muscle of his tremendous frame , and an annoyed mentality pushed along the sur- lace of a swift moving current toward that point where reason loses its sway , and the early type of insanity finds such absolute development as physi cians cannot fail to detect. Failure sa > od Forrest from an insane asylum. His failure was o immediate , so prompt , so absolute that his man agers instantly closed him out. He had licen permitted , starting fairly , to dwindle away to nothing , so bitter would have boon Iho disappointment , so carking - ing the annoyance , that before the end of a protracted engagement ho would have tottered absolutely from his mental equilibrium. TUB ACTOK JUDGE. The name of Hackett was for two generations honored in New York. The elder Hackett was the best Fal- statl'our stage has ever soon , and John K. Haokett , Ins son , during his saner years was as upright a judge as ever sat ou a metropolitan bench. The recorder was very fond of the stage. It rnjght be almost said he was born upon it. Ilia father's associate ? were actors. The cor respondence of the family was in that circle , the guests of his boyhood's homo , the companions of his youth and the dear friends of his manhood were the people of the stage , and ho had in his time played many parts , though not on mimic boards. He was one of the stur diest mon physically 1 over met. and al though mentally ho was no genius , ho was strong , substantial , reliable , one of the trusted men in the hours of trouble and in danger. About five years before he died the screw began to loosen. He fell away in his neck first , then his stomach , then he developed a curious phase of physical fear. Now ho had boon a master all his life. He was an expert with the ritle , a crack shot with the pistol. On ono occa sion he was at sea in a yacht with a well known sport and millionaire of this city , a young man of then ungovernable lem- temper , accustomed to Having his own way in everything. Hackett was in an upper berth , his athletic friend in the lower. Failing to respond to the fre quent summons and calls and j'e.lls of the occupant of the lower berth , Hackclt's curiosity was somewhat excited by the rapid DISCHARGE OF SIX SHOTS from a revolver pointed by his friend in the lower berth at the bottom of the berth in which llackott was lying. Quick as thought ho jumped to the floor , grasncd the yet smoking pistol from the hand of his friend , vankod him from his berth , turned him over his Unco and spanked him like a baby. Physical fear was something Haokett never knew in LU healthful moments , but in his later years he never passed a corner withouUooking. He feared the ambushed assassin at every tree , at every ash barrel. His intimates know his failings , but the public wore not made aware of them until , at the funeral services of Judge Barnard , the recorder gave way with such lamentable mani festations of an estranged intellect , that attention was riveted upon him , and from that moment ho sank until the hour of his death. M'ClLI.OLniI AND CAMI'IIKLL. The cases of John McCulloiigh and Bartley Campbell are so recent as to call for no detail of mention bore. But was thnro anything moro sad than those cases ? Hpcall the John MeCuilough of twenty-five years aco. Wlial a stout , sturdy , honest faced , noble follow he was. How strong ho seemed In every limb. How supple , how built for a century ho looked. And yet well , you know the rest. That Hartley Campbull should go as ho did was not nurprising. Disappointment , privation and absolute lack of nourish ing food , worry , hope deferred , all com bined to undermine him years before ho touched success : and when huccess unex pected came , utiablp to bear the surren der of an enemy with whom ho had so long coped , now hoping , now fearing , ho yielded to the seductions and the tempta tions , anil the excitements , and the dissipations - pations of his now position , and faded in the presence of the world from a proud pre-cminenco iq that sickening reminis cence which is all that is loft of him to-day. No , I can't see that mun and women who work honestly , as thousands and tons of thousand * of thorn do upon the stage , can reasonably fjico an end so terrible , more than men and women in other lines of life. But there is this to bo said. The actors of America AliE TKEATEU I-IKK 1'IOS. Wo hear of a new theater with a mag nificent entrance with glass windows and gorgeous mahogany turuiElijugs. Wo hmla patent seat tor this auditoi and all the gorgeous scintillations that can bo dreamed of by science and outworked by art , to maKe the auditorium bright anil beautiful and comfortable. But across the stage sweep the wild winds of winter unchecked , and in the dc. < np ami dreary dressing rooms wc-lind either an excessive unchecked , steam heat , or a bitter biting blast Ironi an unclean cullar. Aotors face the footlights which burn and blazon up into their eyes , reversing absolutely the idea of lignt as born m the mind of the Creator which comes from above , not from below. They are compelled to fashion their faces in an unnatural-way. The , women dress to suit tne tinies. Taking off In 1 ( their overheated or undcrheated dress- inir i rooms the flannel for protection they garb } themselves for the delight and en- joymcut j of the public In front of the gar ment of , so to speak , nudity. Those high up the ladder are well paid and can de mand , although they rarely got , com fortable quarters. But the littln people of the stage , thousands and scores of thousands of them to whom $0 and ? 10 a week is the only straw between them and starvation , what can they got ? What do they have ? So far a.s unnatural excite ment of late hours , impure air , ni'pro- tection from cold and heat , the glaring of the blazing glass , the ins and outs of winlcr weather and summer solstice go. I dare say , the life of an actor is made less comfortable le = s easy , less desirable than that of any other man wl.o works with head and "body combined , but that his life should bo lead of necessity to an unbalanced mind , 1 am not willing to concede. Dis appointment , worry , apprehension , jeal ousy , n long deep sigh for that recogni tion which so rarely comes , may work a hcadachey disposition , carve deep lines in pretty faces and draw deep scarincs across weary hearts , but many of us know that disappointed hope and bare ness of heart do not necessarily brine that which , after all , may bo a comfort and a solace , a disturbed and unsettled brain. Howvuu. Mlclincl Stroeoir jjr.-uv * i'nokort Houses- Two 1'i-H'ormnnces. Yesterday the Michael Strogotl company tested totheutmostthocapacityof Boyd's opera house. At both performances the louse was packed , and although the au diences were cold and somewhat in. clinod to bo critical at the outset , interest increased as the story developed and whatever crudities manifested themselves wore overlooked in the fact that taken altogether the performance was satisfact ory and contained manyexeollont points. L'he corps do ballot was perfectly drilled nnd the premier , Mile. Eloise. is a most graceful dancer and executed some re- narkablc steps. Edmund Collier was un able to a umo the title role , being sick in Kansas City. The gentleman who took Ids place , though hampered with a severe cold , acted with intelligence and consid erable repressed power. Cecilo Hush was strong in the part of Maria StrogofT , and made her character stand out prom inently. W. C. Crosbio and Punch Rob ertson afforded cansidcrablo amusing side plav as two newspaper correspon dents. The Konaldos gave a gymnastic performance and the rillo drill was also clover. KATE r.VTI.KTON. Miss Castlcton , perhaps the most popu lar of all our commedionnos. will return to Boyd's opera house with her "Crazy Patch. " It is said , . by the bye , that "Crazy Patch" is an entirely now piece with an old framing. The company is claimed to botrongcr than last year , re taining its two loading comedians. John Gilbert and Eddie Girrard. " " D. . "Kate , according lo exchange , has had an un usually prosperous season , but what is more interesting to her old admirers , she has a now topical song entitled "Excuse Mo. I'll Toll You No More , " which is ex pected to be a worthy successor to the "For Goodness never to-be-forgotten Sake. " If there is one thing thai Ihis vi vacious little personage can dn it is to sing a topical song , for the twitch of her skirt , her gay rinjring laugh , the smile which shows up her beautiful tooth are valuable aids to make the various points go and saves it from being as it would otherwise a masculine pubrt. The man agement do not claim a host of things in the "Orazy Patch. " It is avowedly for " laughing purposes only , and it goes "with out saying that her company of comedi ans would make a duller piece than "Cra/.y Patch" a success. or.KM XX Ol'KHKTTAS TO-NIGHT. This evening will be a celebrated comic opera night at the Boyd. The Gorman comedy company will appear in three operetta's , some of which have all the lightness and gayey of Offenbach. The company will bo assisted by Ulig , the star tenor , who will appear only on this occasion. MI'SICAL MATTERS. Marcus Mayer , the advance agent of Patti , who is soon to appear hero in a concert programme , is in the city mak ing arrangements for the event , which is to occur on the 21th. The "divino artiste" will be hoard by the people of Omaha in a. performance of rare excellence the like of which has never been rendered hero before. The prospects are that , at the reasonable scale of prices announcaii , the exposition biiilJmg will bo fairly jammed. Mr. Mayer is very enthusiastic over the Musin-Trebulli combination , which is to give a concert hero next Monday night. Ho says Umt Trobolli is one of the great est singers of the age , while Musin. the violinist , stands in Iho front rank of liv ing artiits. As a master of the violin , Mr. Mayor savs ho has few if any canals. Jits power of expression and his delicacy of phrasing are magnificent. TEINIIAl > ! .llV Ml'SIC. The following is the excellent pro gramme to be rendered al 'Jormania ' hall I his afternoon by Prof. Stcinlmusor and his orchestra and assistants : March. French Harraok. , Saro Overture , lloumnti'iuo Stelnliausor I'.irolo d'hiinni'ur Neuendorf Walze , Hydrnpaten Uim lo Mocking Ulrd. Violin Snlo Ernst By H. Buchanan. Ynnkooit Irishman ( by renue-t ) Stelnhauser , With Air by Valentino Uumperu Soprano Solo Miss Jk-rtiia Stninhau'cr Ont-cn nt Hearts Hermann Comet Solo. Streiinlo1 * " lloch 1'lano Diiot , ( Jul Vivo Uanf Hi' Mr. A. Waller and A. Blanfuss. Polka Coini'pK1 , with words Kiesler Battle of Uiavelotte Strauss IT-Ol-LKsTIIUATEU. Of the company which begins a two weeks' engagement at this ihoatro on next Monday , February 14 , the Daily Courier , Otlnmwa , January 2"i. says : Kdwin Stuart's Theatre company reap- jicared at the Tumor opera house after an ab- sencool a year to an audience that com pletely tilled the theatre , and standing room was at n iiieinluiu. "Itoseitalo" is a most ex cellent play ami serves to show up the btuart company to treat advantage. . Kdwln Stuart 1 the same caretul , painstaking actor as ot old , nnd as ICIIiott ( Jroy , l.n&t melit , ho re peated his f01 met triumphs. Lllah Stuart , In the character of Itosa , the village bolle. com- ] ) lctelv wou thu audience. She was a be- witclilUL'littloelf and it was no wonder that Elliott tell In love with her. The support was very line , notablj S , S. Kmkailo , in the chaiaeter of at'yp y ; W. L. WooiKon , who is an excellent comiMUan ; J. M. Peri'iison , as an KiiKlihh baronet : Louis Fierce , who made n eond character of the poor villairo physi cian ; N . L. J'obPrts , as the corporal. Jfiinln Fierce , as Ladv KJortince , played with Rood laMe ; Lottiu Kav looked cliiir.nini'lv as the Ixiy , and "Tahitha , " by Kva Kinlcadc , kept the audience in a roar. Th s > company H equal tci two-thirds ot tin ; higher priced ones. They H'lv entirely on their ability to Klvc a meritorious ] > eiformnnce. Home Oirclo I'wrty. Next Friday evening the Homo Circle club holds a reunion , the nscasion being the last of its series of p irtios for the sea son of 18 J'J ' ' 87. A special feature of the entertainment will bo a complimentary banquet tendered thu associate members of the club. Everything will bo done to make the evening ono to be long remem bered by those who attend. Irvine will furnish thu music. Aspoo'al ' programme has been arranged , consisting of sixteen numbers , comprising the finest and latest compositions for the ball room. Ono acre on North ICtli str cfln Kirk- wood at one-half its value iTsoW on J/un- day. CLAUK & 1 * 1510 BOMBARDINGOLD SATAN , _ Two Annies nt Work in the City of Omaha. THE SALVATION SOLDIERS. Something About .Their Operations 1'crsccutlons "threatened AVIth Arrest Living on llrentl anil Wntcr The Gospel Army. \lmo3t any night two distinct proccs- Ions may bo scon parading the streets of his bustling city. One of them is thu ocal regiment of tbo Salvrtiuu Army , .lie other a brnnch of thu gospel army , \u organization very much similar to the "oraier. Tlioy both work for ix single slid the saving of human souls. To bo ; ure they do not work in exact harmony. That is hardly to bo expected , The Sal- ration Army people regard themselves as he "old reliable and original. " They ook upon the Gospel Army as a now . 'anclou ntlair of recent impottatlon. The : nethoils of both organization am pocul- ar , undoubtedly. 1'tial they are in a neas'.ire eilieacious cannot bo gain-said. THK SALVATION AKMY. Shortly after 7 o'clock every night the Salation Army li aes its barracks at 1113 Jackson street and starts out to parade the irincipal streets of the city. In its van uard is a man with a red shirt some- tiling like the communist article on which is the inscription "Salvation Army. " He is small and lip carries a large banner. The wind Haunts its folds and blows through thu whiskcisof the bearer. Ho does not mind that , but Tudgos along determinedly. Itohind .urn is another red-shirtod man who boats a bit * bass drum , as though his very life depended upon it. Following them are the women-or rather girls , none of them are over nineteen years of ago and the rank and file of the Salva tion Armv. The hitter is composed _ of recruits from the local converts. The girls discourse music such as may be ob tained from 'Jo-cent tambourines.- harmony which is scattered along the line of march in frozen chunks , is not of superfine quality. It may grate harshly upon .some ears. "Come and join the army of the Lord ! " shouts the man in command. "Salva tion's free for you and me. " "Oil , rats ! " yells a newsboy who is among the spectators. "I say , mister , that's a graywniskorcd chestnut ! " echoes another taunting voice evidently juvenile. The ollicer in command , who is styled by his comrades the captain , is proof against such ind'gnities. Ho pays no at tention to the frivolous remarks of the ungodly , but continues : "Come and get salvation ! ! It won't cost you nothing ! Come now before it | is too late ! Salvation' * free for you and me ! "Shoot his giblets in do red shirt ! " shout * , the irrepressible street gamin. "I'll bet a dollar do wind blows tree his whiskers afore ho gets to do bar racks , " yells another rascally disturber. The crowd cu flaws lustily over this ( doubtfully ) witty remark , and the army tramps on with Dealing drum and tlyiug colors. Then one of the girls with the tam bourine begins to sing : "Vfe'ie marching home to heaven , VAVie mnrchiiK homo to heaven All the time. " The melody if it can bo so styled is exceedingly simple , and the retrain is taken up and echoed by the rank and lilo. The drum beats an accompaniment. After parading a half hour or bo , the army marches back to its barracks on Jackson street , where services arc carried on subject to interruptions from the bad small boy and the ovil-intcntioned thug and "plug-ugly. " The meeting usually lasts until about 10 o'clock. THHEATixii > WITH AIKK T. An incident which actually occurred Thursday night will illustrate the annoy ance , not to"ay persecution , to which these people are subjected. Several of the men and women of the army had faced the stinging blasts and wore making their usual evening parade. In front of a store on Farnam street , between Eleventh and Twelfth , this army had halted and the leader was "exhorting" the bystanders , when a saloon keeper , whoso chief tal ents lie in the direction of boor-guzzling , stepped up and addressed tne leader : "Say , what the h 11 are you doing here * " The loader replied that he was preach ing the gospel. " 1'es , d n you , and you're obstruct ing the streets , too. That's against the Jaw , and if yon don't move on , I'll have you pulled , ' was the rejoinder. The captain refused to budge a single inch , and continued his exhortation. A second later the shrill noise of a po lice whistle sounded in the air. A po- liccinan appeared on the scene and the Baleen man said , pointing to the Salva tion captain : "Arrest that man ; he's ob structing the street and ho can't ehow any license for doing it. " The ollicer placed his hand upon the captain's shoulder and ordered , "Come along with mo to the jail. " Ho marched the .Salvationist a short distance up the street , and then thinking bettor of it , re leased him with a warning to "move on dore , now ! " The army resumed its march to the barracks. The captain and his aides were used to such .icencs. AN IN1H.KVIKW. Tncse salvation army people may DC "cranks" from a certain standpoint. Perhaps they are. But H cannot be gai n- said that they reach a certain class of people who do not ire to churches , be cause they are too poor and too roughly dressed. And thttir sincerity cannot be questioned , cither. It is dilhcult for the avurago mind to comprehend the priva tions through which these men and wo men will go in carrying out what they believe - liove to bo their life work. "How do you manage to live- * " asked a reporter of a female "cadet , " a girl about seventeen years of ago , who had joined the army a few months ago. "On the contributions wo can ratso , " she replied , "that is what's left , after wo pay fo'r the hall. It costsus $ every night for that And then wo huvo topnyfor the windows that were broken. J sup pose that'll amount to ? 10 or $15. Koine- times wo don't have anything but bread and water often nothing but crackers , " "Do you like that sort of Jifot" "Yes , wo'ro used lo it and wo love our work. " the replied. "Can anyone join the army as a workers" "Yes any young man or woman who is old enough to fool that ho or she is prop erly coubccrated and lilted for the work. All such am uniformed and Marled out to work. They have to KO wherever thoj arobtnt. How long Uo wo May in one town ? As long ui wo can continue to work to advantage. " "How long do you expect to remain in Omaha1 "About three or four months. I don't think you'll got rid ot us any Fooner. " Thu chief characteristic of the dross 01 the Salvation Army male lt > his shirt viihich i licry red and lettered as men lioncd auoM' . I'm ) girls are attired in plain black ant wear ljuaker bonnuis. i'licy wear no jewelry ol any du.-cnption whatsoever. 1111. lijJsl'U. AUMV. This organi/-itipii : holds iu stirvices which arc very similar to thoio of the Salvation Army , in the old city hall build | ng on Sixteenth and iarnam directs. A tall , brawny Scotchman with ti basso profundo voice luid a marked Gaelic ac cent leads the services. The ( iospel Armj goes in for quality , not quantity , in the mutter ot iu audiences. Its services aru not so largely attended as those in the alvation Army barracks. Hut the rowrts arc far more orderly and nion- rcstramud. Tow Sating , SeereucKors , Gingham ! , Embroideries - broideries , Laces , Hosiery. Upon ToOIorrow Morning nt 8. 1 * . Morse * Co.'fl The Finest Stocker or Now Carpets nt S. P. Morse At Ca' . FREN'CII SATINS : Monday morning wo will open at our dress goods counter W pieces newest patterns in French atins ; these goods are of our own direct mportation from Paris and the designs ro very rich. S. P. MOUSE & Co. NEW SEERSUCKERS lOc ; wo will also jpen 100 pieces new spring seersucker crinkles the latest efl'oct in illuminated. tripes that wo can recommend as being jxccllent value for 10 cents a yard. S. P. Mousr. & Co. NEW GINGHAMS lOc : wo imported 50 pieces ot now Scotch plaid ginghams hat are regularly sold at wholesale at 20 cents a yard. Being a direct importa- ion of our own wo can oiler them at the ow prices of 16 cents. S. P. Mousi : & Co. NEW EMBROIDERIES ; our now em- iroideries are without question the best latterns to bo seen in Omaha ; they were ordered from St. Gallon , Switzerland , lirecf ami CAch pattern carefully selected > y Mrs. Kclleratrauss. S. P. Moitsn & Co. NEW RIBBONS ; wo have received our entire spring stock of newest shades in our super quality satin libbotis at the owcst prices. NEW CARPETS , b. P. MORSE & CO. HAVE THE FINEST STOCK. Our Mr. Bisboo paid a visit to Now York ami Philadelphia last month for .he express purpose of securing the latest novelties and CHOICEST PATTERNS n Bed } * Brus els , Damask , Ingrains , , loyal Wilton , Axminislcr and Moquutto Carpets , and as the result of his visit we are Iho firsl in Iho market with NEW SPUING CARPETS. When you are about to purchase , a few ninulcs time spout examining our stock will convince 3011 thai our patterns are not only the thoBEST BEST IN OMAHA , aut fully equal to any shown by the large iiouscs in eastern cities , whoever they may bo. The same LOW PRICES for which our dry goods departments are celebrated extend to our carpet depart- n.cnt , and those who pass us by when making purchases commit an error that is as detrimental to their interests as lo ours. S. P. MORSE & CO. Miss Kybi Lummis , who has been visit ing in the family of her uncle , J. U Har ris , has returned to her home in Perry , Iowa. Mis Lnnimio made several in vestments through the .Harris & Harris real estate linn while hero. THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES O.1I.\UA. Airivo Leaio Omaha UNION 1'ACIFIC. Depot 10th and 1'ierco fits. Pacific K\prcts 7:50 : am S:00 : pm Denver Expires r > :20)iin : ) 10ari : am Local Express 11:00 am 5:05 : pm * K.\cept Sunday. U. k M. U. 11. II. Depot 10th and I'nciiie sis. Mull niul :45rm : 10:00 : am Nliht Express 10oo : , m 7:45 : pm Lincoln b:55pint : 6:30 : aui 0. . .t Q. H. H. Depot 10th and l'a'ilicsti. Mail ami ICxjue-.i. . . . . . f:2Cam ) : , C:00 : pm Chicago Express . 7lOpm : , 0:20 : am 1C. C.St. .1. & 0. B. Depot 10th and l'AcIncj > ts. Via Plattsmoiitli 7:10 pm 0:20 : am Lincoln Express 7:00amt8:45 : , : pm Except Monday. f Except Saturday. C. St. 1' . M. .v O. Depot 15th and Webster st. SlOIIX CltV KxpruhM ut.iiiui fi:15 am UaiieiottAecuininodatlon 10:30 : am SMI pm Kxeeut Sunday MISSOURI PACIFIC. Depot 15th and \ Vebterst , Day Express 0.2" am 11:10 : am Express. . . GX : ( ) pin U:10 : ] im Lincoln Exmess 11:50 : am (1:10 ( : pm UNION STOCK "YARDS Leave i Leave TUAINS. US V'ds. Omaha Except Sundav. 0:00 : am "fl am Trains leavlm : U. 1 * . de * 7ta5aiiil7:35nin : pot In Otnnlm at 10:55 : n. " 5:10 anil tt'i : > am m. , 5:0.5 : p. m , and 6 : < J p. iCiiOitm 10:00 : am in. , nnd tlioso leavlnir OMaui : 10.Viam : Union stock yards at 0:011 : llittam " :00 : jim a , in. and I05i ; a. m. are ! 30ipm ; through pas-eiiL'er trnlns : 4 :05 : pin all others are regular stock yiuds dummy trams bo- , 0lfjpm : I ween block jnnls and ! * 8:00pm : Uinaha. _ _ _ I SiiOpui 1 Ix-ave 1/efive U.P. UKIDUKTltAlKS. Tniiiblcr.'Omaba. ' Except Sunday. 7:12nm : 1 . tConiH-cts with S. C. & 8:1511111 : , * 7:35am P. nt Council muffs. Oi'i-.itm 8:00 : am .X'niinivtswlthC. . H , A- 0 rj urn T . 0. , C. AN. . W. , C. M. .t ' IQam * IO:00 : ui St. J' . . C. H. I. .t P. at 11 M7 HIM 11.10am Council lllulfs. , 1 : * ) pin 1:00 pm JConni'Cts with W. St , 'J:37 : pin L. P. at Council Dlutfn. 'ii7 : : | > m ( Connects with all even- 4:37 pin U:00 : pin in hr trains for Chicago at ; . ' . ; : / ) inn 4:03 : pm Council HhuTs. Trains fr.-l-.ipm 5Mpm : ( lenvn Omaha at Union 7:10 : pm 5.M : pm Pacific deiKit. 10th and 7:4 : jpm | G10pm ; Pierce strocU. 7:00 : pm 10:47 : pm bL' : . imi 10:00 jim > l-10pin COUNCIL J5MJFKS. i Leave Arrive COXNKCTINO LINES Transfer Ti-Riihfcr I depot , depot 0. If. I. A P.s i7:15 : a in ' 0:15 a m Except .Sunday. 0:15 : a iii 3-i'ivm IKxcejit Muudir. ' 0:10 : pm 7OJpiu : C. ft N.V. . i , , , . J 015 ; mir 0lia : m All trains run dallj - j , : tavm 7:0opm : C. II. A Q. All trains run daily. . . . 0:35 : n nr 0:1.1 : a m G35p ; m 7.-00 pin C. M. A St. P. 110:153111 : ' . 'll'i lIII All trains run ililll- . 0.Wp m 7:00 pm K. C. St.,1. A-C. 11. 'Except .Satuiday. 10:0.l.a : m tC..r. : a m .Mouda ) . :55pui : , SiWpni W. St. U A P. j i I All trains run daily , . . I 200 ; p m. S:30 : p m JToTAT. , tral u * ruu U Uf. . . . . i 1 7:05 uij 11 Crii p ui |