THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAYs JTEBKCJARY 13 , 18S7.-TWEJLV13 PAGES. NNOT PASS OVER T v The Dependent Parents' ' Pension Bill Prac tically Killed , OPINION OF LEADING BOURBONS. No Prospects For Any More 1'nbllo Measures toOo Through Ofllcern of tlio Next Tlin Mcnnnro Considered Oend. WASHINGTON , Feb. 12. [ Special Telegram totlio UIB. : ] Them Is no piospect of tha passage over the president's veto of tlio de pendent patents' bill , which Is generally un derstood that It will not emerge fioiu tlio house committee on Invalid pensions. The rush ol business before both branches of congress nnd tlio fnct that but se\entocn working days iciiialn of the session , when coupled with tlio further fact that the great bulk of democrats aru adverse to voting against the president's vetoes , make proposi tions to pass this numsuro by a two-thirds Vote almost out of the ( inustlon. The south ern members of course approve of the veto , while many northern democrats endorse It , enough to defeat Its passage. Mr , Waincr , of Ohio , says that the principle of the bill as n whole was vicious and It cannot bo passed through the house over the veto. A bill making provision for dependent mothers of Boldlers who foil In battle , such as is con tained In the first pirt of the bill , ho thinks , could pass and wight to be nnd would be Ahmed. He says that the Mexican pension bill , however , contained much ot the name principle , and the president's position would bo stronger had liu vetoed both. Sir. Jlurphv , ol Iowa , say.s the president mav be right : lie don't nulto know yet. lie Is In clined to think that probably thcro Is no hotter - tor way of distributing the surplus among the people than by Riving It to tlio old sol diers. Ho Is In doubt as to how h" would vote again upon thn bill. Mr. Andoison , of Ohio , r.ays ho thinks tliu president's position Is strong. Ho Is Inclined to think that the form of tha bill was vicious and that It did notdo what It was designed to do. lie thinks the people are ul ways glad to piovlde for their crave soldiers , but do not want to Include the. skulker ? , cowards and camp followers and men who enlisted and camped elf In the Held near home. Mr. Cobb , of Indiana , savs he guesses the picsldeut Is light aoout It. Thus It will bo seen that the democratic members of the hou o are endorsing the president's course and theio Is very little , If nny doubt , that the bill Is quite dead. A rnoiiAiu.i : rioiiTron oKricn. "Theio Is going lo bo one of tiio pii'ttiest lights over the o HI res of the next couirioss joiioviT witnessed hoie , " wild a weslt'in democratic member thlsmoinlng. "The fact Is , we do not want to re-elect any of those olllcers , nnd they are all coins to fry to stam pede the thing. It Is customary to give an ofllcer two terms , whore he is olllclent and pleases the majority. Those men have all hud two terms except the doorkeeper , and one term Isijultu too mtii'h of him. Ho has maden list of the dlstiihutloti of otllco * and has pleased no one in the general dis charge ol his duties. "Leedom , of Ohio , cannot get a re-election as senreaut-at-arms. because ho is not uopu- lar and because his friends piomised the last time that ho would not ask for utlilrd term. Ho got it the last time bv a scratch. Clerk Clark , of Missouri , cannot get his own dele- 4 Ration , and If he could he would not be ro ll' " " elected. He is lixed upon for decapitation by succession. The only ono of the four principal olllcers who has the ( 'host of a chance for being re-tilecti'd Is Postmaster Ualton , of Indiana. His duties are manifold and complicated. JIo has mndo the most ac ceptable olllcer wo have had hero during my htav of twelve yeais. Hols elllclent and has done the best that n man could do in the dis tribution of his patronage. Theto Is an ex cuse for him staying , and ho may be kept Hut tlieother olllcera must and will no , be cause tli y have nerved out their time and have not lven general satisfaction. There will bu a general scramble and a good chance for dark horses to pluugo In. Ol course the men who enter the field Hist get the pole in these races. " wiATiirit : : OOSSIP. There conlinues to be a great deal of agita tion of the proposition to remove the signal Honieo ton civil branch of the government , thus relieving the war department , and It is believed It will succeed. While It is known that a great manv unity olllci'isaro eager to succeed Ciencial Ha/en as chief signal olllcer , very lew formal applications have beim filed at the war depai tment. It Is thought , how ever that a number aio biinging their In- lluenco to bear upon the president direct , while many more , realizing the usolessnuss of making a move during the present unset tled condition of alfalrs in the signal sui vice. are quietly watching events. Should congress fail to tiunsl'ur the seivlco to a civil branch of thu government ttie applicants will make a siege upon the white house and war department. I'KNHIONH I'Oll IOWANS ANI > NKllltAKKAXS. The following pensions in NebiasUa nave been rated for Increase : Isaac Do Grau , Cedar Itaplds ; Daniel \V. Camp. Lincoln ; William Baxter , Lake Mills ; William If. Phillips. Marion ; William J. Ball , Decatur City : William Uunson , Cre.sco ; David Spen cer , Mason Citv ; William Kdgingtnn , Macks- burg ; Asbury Button , Osceola ; Hiley Calkins , Wvoining ; Samuel Warner. Onawa. Iowa pensions granted : Fiedcrirk Dump , Seymour ; Frederick C. Asechtlg , Fort Madi son , Increase : David M. Johnson , Oraiau- vlllu ; 1'orry M. Bird , O.skaloosa ; George Smltli , West Liberty ; Henry A. Itatli , Man- ley Junction ; William 1'arkhurst , Cedar Hiiplds ; .lolni W. Nankin , Promise City ; George W. Koycs , Cedar liaplds ; Ambrose Warren Knl&suo , Chilllcothe. I'UIIMO HIHI.niNO HCIIKMKR JKAI > . Owing to the fact that the house coin- mltttio on rules has before it the JJlair educational bill which may bo called up us an amendment to HOIUO measure , It has concluded to not give a day to tlio comn.ltteo on public building and grounds as the educa tional bill would be suiely nflered as an amendment to one of the measures which would then bo considered. Tins makes It Impossible to pass any public building bill ex cept by unanimous conr-cnt , when one objec tion would defeat It Thus consideration of bills providing for public buildings at Fre mont and Hastings aio tlio same as dead. AltJIV MATrilllS , William P. Clmmbllss having been rrop- pointed a major of cavaliy , is placed on the tetlied llbt with that rank I torn December 'Jl , IbNI. IbNI.The The order of First Lieutenant Lewis II , Strolher , Flmt'lnfautry , t duty at thu Vir ginia agilcultural and mechanical college , Is revoked , The leave of First Lieutenant Kobcrt II. Young , Fourth Infantry , la extended eight mouths tor sickness. The leave of 1'ost Chaplain O. J. Nave has been extended six months for disability , Captain George McCreery , assistant sur geon. Is granted one month1 * leave , with per mission to apply for a month's extension. Private William McHetli , { Second artillery , is retired. Second Lieutenant John 0. Walsh , of the algnul corps , who was recently court mar- tlaled nt Washington barracks , on a charge preferred by Captain ( Ireflly ofcenduct unbo- romtne an otllci-r and a gentle man , in mak ing a false re | > ort with regard to storm warn ings , was found not utility by the court Thu findings of the court have been approved by General Sheridan , ana Lieutenant Walsh lias been restored to duty. Another cast ) of alleged duplication of pay Accounts by an uriuy olllcer has been discov ered by the war department The oltender is paid to bo Second Lieutenant John J , Shaw , Sixth infantiy. wiio was promoted from Urn ranks In lbi-5. When last heard from Llouton- nnt Shaw was at Hot Springs , Ark. , but where ho went from there Is unknown. ro.svAi. CIIA.VCKS , The following Iowa postmasters were jmpo'nted to-day : Henry L. Osden , JliUftvIa , Jeflerson county , vice Marcaret II. Cireenland , removed ; Miss M. It. resigned. The postofllco at McKnUht , Humboldt .county , la. , was discontinued to-day. CAlTTAb 2 OTKS. Muscatlnc , In. , has piilied for free mall delivery under tlio IMVV law nd n special Agent of the postofUco Uupartiitint hut boon detailed to visit that city aid Imwtlfato her claims for the service. W. Scott , of Nebraska , Is hero. Tills evening's Star ys : "Mrs. Yon Wyck , wife of th sunatx > r from Nobi-.vska , held a very enjoyable ric ipHon this aftor- teen , assisted by her sister , Mrs. BrOaithead , nd Miss Conkllns , of Now York City. Mrs , / anVyck \ v > III reoolvu next Tueauay , us- Istod \ > , several young ladtes. THE STOCK Llelit Trading nnd n PoTorlfiIi.J < ' 'eclliiK i'oi'vndo Dealings. NEW VOHK , Fco. 12. [ Special Telegram to the HKE.J 1/ondon quotations for Amer ican securities were all lower and the political situation was said to bo petting squally again. Kngllsh consols and French rentes were also lower , and It was anticipated that the stock market would icllecl the depression to a certain extent The settlement of the BtrlKcs at New York and vicinity counter acted any cITect which the foreign situation might have had , and opened the market with an advance In all active securities. The coal stocks , In particular , felt the favorable effects of tlm settlement , Lackawanna and Head ing made I ractlonal gains , but the continued Interruption ot telegraphic communication pieventud thu execution of n good many orders nnd seived to Increase the dullness of thegcncral market feusquchannaA ; West ern attracted more attention than anything else. Preferred stock advanced 3 per cent. nnd buying was said to be lor thu account ot thu pool which had been formed a few days atro. The talk was that It would bo put to10 within a week. St. Paul , Pacilic Mall and oilier cllqued stocks woio Inactive and In clined to sell lower. Altogether trading was llijit and the feeling rather feverish. The maiket rallied a fraction during the closing hours. The bank statement , showing a loss In leservo ot nearly S'-.OOO.txw , was rcgatded as an unfavorable feature , but trade is claimed that there was no stocks for sale. Krle was notably strong , closing at top ptlces. The tolal sales weio about ! ! 00OJO shares. Hushing For Work. NKW YOUK , Feb. lii. Following the declaration of district assembly No. 41) , that the strlko was off , there was n ccncral rush of long.shoiomen nnd freight handlers along thu ilvcr front this morning to gut back toork. . At some piers along "Kast river the strikers had not even waited for orders from headquarters , but had gone back to work on the best terms they could make. As early as fi o'clock gaims of strikers were seen iirouud the pleis waiting to catch the foremen and superintend ents. As they came to their respective places at thu Alalno. Steamship company's piers , all old hands had icturncd. At the Clyde , Mai- lory and Ward piers also many old hands had fount ! their uay back , but In no Instance weio they recognized as union members. JJy Monday It Is expected the business of the companies will have resumed normal shape. TheHtiikerson the Lelilgh Valley railioad pier went to work this morning. A largo number went in on thu Jersey Central pier. At No.I , ot the Pennsylvania , a score ot strikers asked to bo put to work , but weie le- fused , Agent Morton stating that they could not come lurk under any eltcumstancc.s. At tlio other pii-is the old hands are belnu taken bade. Thu big piles of fiolght are disap pearing. Thu members of district assembly ) ! met to-night and heard the icpoits of the vanous delegates. These were to the effect that the old hands could return to work on thu piers at the old scale of wages. It was unani mously voted that no member of district return to work until their demands for an increased scale had been conceded. JlONOftING hlNCOLiN. Ills Hlrtlidny Annlvor.snry Fittingly Celebrated In Now York. Niw : YOUK , Feb. 12. Thu annual din ner of the republican club of New York on the nnnlvcisary of the biith of Abraham Lincoln , was held nt Delmonlco's to-night with about yi > more or less well known re publicans , Including Governor Oglesby , of Illinois , Governor Fornkcr of Ohio , Governor Lounsbury of Connecticut , and ex-Governor Foster of Ohio. The list of toasts was as fol lows : "Tho Republican Club of the City of New York" the president , James Foster. "Abraham Lincoln" Joseph K. Hawlcy. "The Empire State" Senatoi-clcct Hlscock. "Tho Republican Party" Governor Foraker. "Keform of the Party Within the Paity" Senator llairlsoji. "Younu Wen In Politics" ChauncoyM. Dopow. "WarGovernors1' Gov- ernoi OglCbby. "llopubllcan Clubsas Agencies of Patty Orcanizatlons" 1C. T. Uaitlett. "A Tariff for Protection" Galuslm A. ( Jrow. "CivilService Itelniin" llcniv ( . 'abot Lodge. "Our Legislators" Sncnkcrllu&tcd. lilalnchad been expected to lespond to the toast of Abraham Lincoln , but at the List moment ho scut a letter of regret. The speaking continued until a late hour. Dlaine , In his letter of regret , said , after referring to the anni versary nnd pay Ing a tribute to Washington and Lincoln as the two Immortal names in American history : "Your club meets to do honor to Lincoln as a republican. It was tlio republican party that gave Lincoln to the na tion and sustained him step bv step through out his uxtraoidlnary career. Tlio celebration ot Lincoln's name Is thu cele bration of the republican party. To that party ho was Muceiely attached , to Its principles ho waslentiroly devoted , in Its success he found the victori ous issue of every ereat policy of which ho' was himself the personal exponent. The re publican party makes no attempt to uanow the possession ot fame that Is recogni/ed on all continents , that will last tliroueh all cen turies , that belongs to humanity , lint the political organisation which supported Lin- coin lia.s thu right to claim the prestige of his name as It continues to labor in the great field where he wrought until all the harvests of tils planting bluill DO iatheicd ; nnd gar nered. " Senator John Sherman wrote that pressing business In thu bonate prevented his presence at the banquet In thu course of his letter , Sherman said : "Wo have tried a change , and what has been the result ? A discordant parly , unable to agree upon a line of lorelifii and domestic policy , divided upon the tariff , hopelessly Dt sea on all financial questions , obsequious in its foreign rela tions , distinguished only tor the prominence ) it liasgl\en to confederate sohlleis In for eign courts. And now with Its term of of fice half spent , the house of Jepresentatlves , democratic bv a large majority , is unable to formulate a .single measure of political Im portance upon winch it con agren with adem- ociatlc president Surely thu time has ar rived when thu patty should as sume again its gieat mission. The time Is opportune. Under the operation of laws placed upon the statute books by republi can administrations the taxes are so levied as to produce an overflowing revenue with out serious burden upon tlm people. Wo are at liberty to choose between reduc ing our revenues or expending our surplus In great and beneliclent objects of national desiie. \ > ocaii combine the two lines of nubile pollcv. Wo could readily reduce the tax on sugar , whtlo clvlng oncouragment to domestic products In the form of a bounty. We could repeal or reduce all taxes that do not tend to encourage and protect domestic production. tVe could commence and es tablish a system of coast defenses that will guard the great arteries of our commcice. Wo coul'I place our navy again In a condition to bo respected , and renew our participation In foreign commerce. We could nmko suita ble commercial arrangements with our neigh bors , the Dominion of Canada , and thus avoid all fnlurti controversies about thu rlchts of our people to lish In American waters , and In this way , by gradual meas ures , knit and mould the Interests and desires / sires of our neighbors with our own. ' Letters of reuret were also read trom Gen eral Sherman , General Sheridan , Kohcrt T , Lincoln , Hannibal llamliu , and Senator Kvmtsund Wainer Miller. A Tjlquor Mnit'ii Ijoinl laick. KKOKUK , la. , Feb. 12. [ Special Telegram to the linn. ] In the rilstilct court to-day Judge Casey made an important decision In two cases under the prohibitory law. In both cases Jacob Oklor was Indicted by the grand lury in tills city for violation of the prohibitory law and on trial betore n justice ho was found utility and lined S-IOO. lie ai > - pe.iled to thu district court and set up want of jurisdiction tinder a provision of the old act of the lirst general assembly which di vided the criminal jurisdiction ot Leu county. His offenses \\ttru committed in the township which should report to Fort Madlsou , but In stead he was convicted in Keokuk. Judge Casey , after hearing the argument , dismissed the cases and set the convicted man free , Tlio Car Driver * ' Strike , BOSTONFeb. . IS. The Cambridge Horse Car company started a car for Boston , and It Is expected others will run to-day. There is no Interference with the progress other than the usual hooting by lioodlums. On the Soutli Boston road the cars were started this mornliiir , at intervals of eight minutes. A lariio form of pollen Is scattered along th joutu. The South Boston company propose to run cars to-uighf if police protection is assured , HIS CHILD'S ' LIFE AND HIS OWN Jacob 0. Jacobson Sacrifices Both in a Fit of Insane Despondency. AN AWFUL DOUBLE TRAGEDY. The Mail Knllicr Strangles n. Helpless Infniit nn < l Then limits Illiu- ecir Dclnlls of tlio Affair . The Inquest , A Doulilo Trnnnly. "Oh , my ( Jed , I can't believe ill I won't ' beliuvo ill Aly poor lutsbamll My poor babyl" Thcso words , tlio moaning nltcr.inco of n half-broken heart , were spoKen by Mrs. Christina Jacobsen , of 810 South Nine teenth .street , las > l night. Slio had just been informed upon returning from a trip down town that her husband had killed himself , by hanging , after stran gling thulr foiir-inontlis-old boy-baby , which she had luft peacefully slumbering in its cradle. A IIOKKIUM : Ti\ainv. : : A reporter for tlio HKI : was summoned , with' Coroner Drcxel , to thu scene of the dotiblu tragedy , about 7 o'clock lust night. Tlio house in which the Jncobseu family livus is a small one-story cottage on South Nineteenth street , resting high on mi embankment. Its interior is plainly , though cheerily and tastily fur nished. A neighbor who was , there at the time led the newspaper man to the dead body of the suicide and murderer , Jacob C. Jacobson. It was lying on tlio collar lloor , white and rigid. A rope which had been cut from a rafter , lay near at hand , and ( old its stoiy only too plainly. The man bad strangled his baby and thoi hung himself. Thcro was n singularly peaceful look on his face. Tlio cyca were slightly uplifted , the eyelids a tnllo raised. A sharp bruise on his neck showed how Iho tightening rope had done its deadly work , There was a bruise on the fore head , vyhieh had been caused m boino mysterious way. The infant victim of the terrible trag edy lay in the cradle. ly ! tlio uncertain light of the lamp ono could not have told but that it was still ( .lumbering . , as in its mother's arms , so placid and natural was tlio expression on its face. The eyes wore closed , the little lips parted , the tiny hands thrown carelessly over thu cradle robes. The bruise which hud been caused by the strangling cord was all but concealed by the dainty rnlllo which encircled tlio little OIIO'H tiiroat. Altogether the picture- was one of peace ful sleep rather than ono of death. DUB TO iisiiONiisriv. : : For some time past , ever since Christ * mas in flint , iJncdbscn , who was a man about fifty years of age , had been sutler- ing from an ulcer of one ot the varicose veins in his leg. This had kept him closely confined , so much so that ho rarely went out of the house. Ho felt glooiny over the matter and at times was extremely despondent pendent , saying that he did not believe the ulcer would over heal up. Of Into , however , ho had been getting better , and was in a somewhat more cheerful frame of mind. . , , Yesterday ho had been a trlilo despondent pendent though not especially so and remarked several times that he wished ho could bo at his work again. About o o'clock in the evening Mrs. Jacobsen , having arranged everything comfortably for her husband , leaving the baby quietly asleep in tlio cradle , went down tow'n to do some shopping. Scarcely had shu loft tlio house , when Jacobsun turned to his little eight-year-old daughter , Chris tina , and said : "You can go out in the yaidand slide down hill if you want to. Don't bo out too long. " The little one who had been in the hou o all day , was delighted with the prospect of a half hour's play , and went out doors , little dreaming as shu loft her father that she would never see him alive again. About ( i o'clock , Christina , having coasted to her heart's content , returned to her home. She went in the back way , but when she camu to the door which leads into the sitting room were she had left her father , she found it locked. Slio knocked and pounded and shouted , butte to no avail. There was no reply. Discouraged anil frightened the little girl wandered about tlio house , trying to find some way of entrance. Just at that time Dr. Pcabody appeared , having come to visit Jacobsen , who had boon under his care. Christina told him of her trouble and asked him to force Ids way in. The doctor happened to have a key which fitted the locked door , and using it , lie stepped into the sitting room , Chris tina following him. A tow moments in vestigation laid bare the tragedy in all its ghastlincss , and then the little ono al most fainting with fear and horror lied shrieking from the house. The doctor , more coin posed , though but little less horrified rified , gave tlio alarm to the neighbors , which was quickly communicated to the coroner. Coroner Drexel arrived on the scene about the hour that Mrs. Jacobson re turned from down town. When she entered the house and saw the faces , slio cried , ns though a horrible premonition had sei/.ccl her , "Oh , my God , what has happened ? " As Kontly us ho could the coroner broke thu awful news to hor. At first she would nut believe him , nnd declared Unit ho must bo crusty out of Ma senses to tell her such : i thing. "My husband was n good , kind man , " shu moaned , "ho would never kill the poor little helpless bnby. On , you must bo mis taken ! You must be mistaken ! " At lirst her grief WHS of that tearless , nwfiil sort , which , it la said , if not relieved , must rc&nlt in insanity. Hut fortunately , uftor tlio lirst paroxysms of agony were past , tears came to her relief nnd slio sobbed llko 11 child. Slio was taken to the homo of bur next door ne.ighfoor , Mrs. Cook , where everything ; poasiblo was done to relieve her suffering. Tin : INQUKST. Afto r thcnuws had boon broken to tlio bereaved wife and mother , Coroner Drexel at once empanelled a jury lunl set to work to investigate thu cOnSo. The jury was composed of the following iniincd : P. P. Poinoroy. A. J. Kondriuk , C. W. Haker , 11. Kncloiimn. A. II. Wulto and C. Prosbtlo. The first witness examined was little Christina , the eight-year-old child of thu deceased. She testified to the facts us avoicowhieh was broken by sobbing. ' 'Just after mania went away , " she said , "papa asked mo if I didn't want to go out in the yard nnd play. 1 said 'ves' nnd wont out to slide down hill. Pupa did not say ono word about killing himself when I left him. Prcttr soon 1 got cold and went inside. I found the sitting room door locked , mid knocked and knocked , trying to make pnpa hear , you Know. Ho did not answer ino and then I got scared. I went out doors and met the doctor nnd asked him to break in the door , liu opened it witli a key and then wo wont inside and then " Hero the child broke down completely and gave way to passionate sobbing , cry ing "Oh , what made pupa do that thing ! " The coroner assured her soothingly and she continued : "Then wo began to look about for palm. At iirat we could not find him. After a while , tiio doctor and I went down cellar and there we saw papa hanging by a rope. Then wo went up stairs and found our little baby dead in its cradle. " "Did your papa say that he felt bad , this nftornoont'i asked ono pf tlio jurors. "No , sir , " replied1 iho. child. "Ho did notsav anything about want ing to die ? " "Not one word.11' ' "Did he seem to be happy when j'ou loft him ? " "Ye ? , sir , ho did , " "How long lirfd you boon playinc be fore you wont back to the hoiibol" "I don't knotv. Maybe half an hour. " Hero the child broke down again. Considering the excitement which slm was laboring Under ! her story was re markably well Ibid. She is a blue-eyed golden-haired creadirc , of remarkable beauty and moro than ordinary intelli gence. A. she finished her story , Mrs. Jacobsen who was near by broke into n fresli lit of Bobbing. The little ono ran up to her mother and throwing her arms about her moaned , "Oh , mamma , please don't cry. 1'lcase don't. It hurts mo. " TIIK Docioit's STATEMENT. The child's statement had been taken in the house of Mr. Cook. The jury then removed to the lieu o in which the murder nnd suicide hod been committed. After the dead bodies of the father and infant had been viewed , tln testimony of Dr. Peabody was taken. lie said : "I was called in to attend Mr. Jacobson on Sunday hist. 1 found him laid up with nn ulcer on tlio leg , winch , however , 1 did not consider at all dangerous. He .seemed gloomy. 1 told him that such sores were bound to heal up in time. I saw him agiin on Wednesday. He was better and less despondent. I told him that there was every chance that he would soon bo on his teot again. 1 left him , promising to call again to-day. This evening about 0 o'clock I came to the house and rung the door bell three or four times. There was no response. Then the little girl came around and told mo the house was locked and aked me to break the door in. I went into the kitchen and finally munaged to open the door into thu sitting room with a key which 1 happened to have Svith me. I wont in and found no one in tiie Hitting room except the baby , which , in tliu dark , appeared to bo quietly asleep in the cradle. I saw nothinir of the lather ami suggested to Christina that perhaps lie had gone down town with her mother. 'No,1 she replied ; 'ho hasn't , i know ho hasn't. Look down in the cellar , maybe he's killed himself.1 What put that thought into the child's head , I am sure I don't know. She must have had a premonition of some sort. At any rate 1 went down cellar and sure enough thcro was the dead body of Jacobsen hanging to the rafters. 1 cut it down , and as there was some air in the lungs , tried every means of resuscitation but unsuccessfully. After working five or six minutes I gave it up. When I cut him down the dead man was hanging with his knees almost on the ground. The rope was short and it is evident that he could not have been strangled by the sheer weight of ln.s body. Ho must have adjusted tlio rope about his neck and then , raising his knees from the ground , actually , TKKlUi : > HIMSELF TO DEATH. "Dow in the world ho could have sum moned up courage" for such a terrible death , I do not , know. Ho muse have been temporarily insane. "After satisfying nlyself that the man was actually dead 1 went up stairs. 1 was startled to hear iMrs. Husmussen , a , nuiglibor who was palled in. exclaim : 'Oh , my Godl He's lulled the baby , too. ' Sure enough , the infant was lying in Us cradle , duad. A piece of clothes line , twice knotted arid tightly drawn , had choked it to death. The body was still warm when I untied the rope , but life was extinct. " ' ' "I saw no reason for Jacobsen's di.s- nnmloncv. He was doing well and oventinub " ' - ' > . have recovered. " ' 1 us was all the evidence ! Uid the jury made up the following , , a ; < , < . "At an Inquisition - holden at Omaha , Douglas county , on the 12th day ot February , 18S7 , befoio me , John C. Drexel , coroner of Douglas county , upon the body of Uaby JiicoDsoii , lying dead , by tno jurors whoso names aiu beieto subscribed , the said jurors , upon tliolr oath , so say that lo the bust ot their knowledge and belief , based upon view or the body , the promises and the evi dence of witnesses examined , said Infant Jacobsen came to its death hy strangulation at the hands ol its lather , Jacob Jacobseii. "In testimony whereof , the said jurors have hereunto set their hands the day and year " aforesaid. ( Signed ) P. P. PoMKitoy , A. J. KKNIMIICK , K. IJjfOl.KMANN , C. Piionsru : , A. WITTK. C. W. HAKKII. " In the second verdict the jurors set forth , that , "to the best ot their knowledge and belief , based upon tho.tnstimoiiy heard , said Jacob Jacobsen died by his own hand , hav ing hanged himself with suicidal intent. " The tact that this little girl , Christina , told the doctor that perhaps her father had killed himself , suggested the thought that the child might be keeping some thing bacK. Being questioned , however , slio positively denied that her father had spoken to her about killing himself , or that she had seen his body in the cellar , through a window on the south side , which might have aUbrded her such a eight , before she entered the house. MIIS. JAConsEN. The wife of the dead man was too much agitated to speak at length about the matter. "Oh ! I cannot see why he should have done such n thing , " she moaned , "and to have killed the baby , too. My husband was cheerful to-day lie did not hint at such . u tiling as killing himself. He was so good ami kind ! Oh , why did lie kill himself ! " Mrs. Jacobsen was particularly grieved because thu baby had ( lied un named and unchristened , according to the rites of the church. She sliuddcringly declared that she know this cireiimslance would imperil the salvation of the infant's soul. TIII : MOTIVK. There is no doubt but that long brood ing over hUfeicknoss , with its attendant annoyance and oxpunso , drove Jacobson to , a temporary lit of insanity , during wldch i he committed thu awful deed. His friends all agree that ho hns been very despondent , though none of them antici pated suoh an iimilr ns occurred last night. TIII : WAI : > MAN. Jacob Jacobsen was fifty years of ate nt Hid time of his death , and leaves n wife and two children , the latter aged eight nnd six years. For twenty years ho has resided in Omaha , and for sixteen years has bcon foreman for ( } . H. & J. S , Collins. He was hard-workiujt anil frugal , and was worth $15.000 , About ton years ago ho went to Copenhagen , Denmark , the place of his birth , and married the lady , who id now his widow. The Danish association , of which ho was a member , will take charge of his funeral , * Killed n KMIOIIA , la. . Kcb. 12.-rSpecIal | Telegram to the UKK.J Wednesday ovcnlm ; Just at dark as Air , John ( iiahaui , who lives about live miles soutlieabt tof KIdora , was t-olnt ; home , a hujjo wildcat ciossed the road just ahead of him but a short distance from home. The animal was not inclined to run , but stood nnd looked at Mr. ( irnhaiu. Jlu went to Mr * . Walker's and W , W. Walkerjtookjlils Aoz and startt-dout for fun. The do ; ; soon encount ered the ueast In the hazel brush and Walker came within about thico rods nnd fired a charge of shot that laid the animal out. He. brought It to town. It U about tnreo fuel lonir , oliliteun inches high and weighs about to Jty pounds. f A nenellt Tor Veterans ONAWA , lo. , Kub. 13. ( Special Telegram to the UEK.I The supper and ball by llans- rom Post , U. A' . It. , the social event of the season , was largely attended lost flight , nothing Declining to mar the harmony and pleasure. Tno reef li > ti w ere about StOO , which will net upwards of SAW , which is for the relief fund for the benefit .of needy auct deserving comrades. LOTTERIES AiND LOBBYING , Washington Work Both Inside and Outside the Government Enildings. CONCERNING "CACTI-COUSINS. " How n "mil" Is Horn , Nursed and Gen erally Killed Old Time Tnlk of Veterans Congressional Hang-Day. WASHINGTON , Feb. 10. fConcspondenco ot the lU'.K.I A contiactlnu builder tells mo that half of the magnificent icudonccs and business blocks under course of construction In this city and which have been built during the two years have n bonded Indebted ness on thorn , and that It has become very popular to bond a block oven before It Is con- Mulcted , llosnjs that much of the real es tate held hy the we.iltnlust inon In Wa hltu- ton Is bonded , The properly Is Generally bonded for Irom one-half to two-lliiidsit.s ical vnliio and the bonds , dtawlng from five to six percent , aio sold nt pnr. More than half thu churches In the city ha\o a bonded indebtedness. K > Ml estate pa.\s on thu avenujo twelve to littpen per cent , nnd it can bu SCPII that It pays oven wealthy men to bund their piopcrty. * # There Is a practice In vosruo at the depart ments and In thu principal bureaus which Is KoliiK to lead to trouble. It Is an old prac tice , but has grown PO bold nnd acciesslvu that It is about tostranclo Itself. It is that of having from one to lour men employed to lobby confess forappiopriations , etc. These men occupy positions as assistants , nnd draw good ftnlailcs , yet they seldom have any otherasslnnmuutat the hands ot their su periors other than that of "attending to mat ters tip at congress , " nnd their faces have become iiillu | as tamlllar In the lobhles of the capital as thoio of professional lobbyists. In nearly every department are now tiom one to lour ex-mcmher.s ot eoimrcss who hold peti tions ns nsslHtaiits. the bureaus have them. If they aru not ex-mcmbei.s and ha\o thu privileges of the lloor ol the house they aio men who "stand in with the boys , " anil are lilted for their work. * # * Thnro Is a law In this district Intended to prohibit the sale of lottery tickets here , hut it is not effective. One day this week , us the time 1'or the monthly drawing of the princi pal lotteries was near appioachlmr , 1 saw a long line ot cmrlaees , owned by the most InMilotmble families in the city , drawn up ngalnstthociiibstone In front ot a bicker's ollico on F.street , ono ot thu most fu'quuntcd thoroughfares. Pedestrians , who cross the streets here ad libitum and never think ol going to a crossing proper , as In other cities , were compelled to walk almost a square out ot the way to find an opening thiotigh which to pass trom one sidewalk to the other. I was unable to uiideistand the cause of the great jam ot carHu es , and In- nuiied it of a policeman , lie explained that the min who had the exclusive sale of lottery tickets heic , and who used to bu located up the avenue , had just removed his olllce , and the people were "fixing themselves" for the drawing on the morrow. Un thu Inside of the olllco I found thu "dealer" nt a desk handing out the tickets and taking in the bills vtlth such rapidity that a lady's services weie lequhcd to pack up in plies nnd keep in older the latter. A peat stiuam of people poured out and In , and the utmost publicity was given to thu transaction. A man who haunts thu place and spends his suiplus earnings monthly , said that the sales ot lottciy tickets heie ag gregated more than toi ty thousand dolhu- month. He volunteered the timber Information mation that the companies gave thu seller -10 per cent of the gio s receipts ; that the ad vertising and other expense of the company amounted to moio than " 0 per cent addi tional , and that it was an open secret that only 20 ner cent of the moiiev paid in went out to the ticket lioldeis again. Yet man has infallible faith in the investments he makes monthly. "If the United States'ever annexes Mexico she will h.u-1' to do it by conquest. " said a Houthuin senator this morning. " 111 veil in Muxlcn t\\o yeais and made a close study of the habits and ambitions of the people of that republic. I never s.i\v a people , unless wo except the Fiencli and Spanish , who aie so jealous ot their tonitoiy. The Mexicans be lieve that their country Is the meccn of tlm itnlveiso , and that their laws and rules and habits are the best under tlio sun. 1 have lieriucntly talked with their loadeis aboutan- nexation and they alwavs pooh-poohed the Idea , and declaiect that they could never live under American government. "There is something about their wild and weird government and lite which is as tho- lougbiy Mexican as is Mexican blood. Tliov believe in dynasty and their tyianny of their laws and customs and would not pait with the mild fiom of Inquisition which Is a part of their code. Ot couiso , as soon aswe would secure that leimblic we would begin a sys tem ot nurging which would amount "to a revolution , and this would be ic- falsted to the bitter end. We would succeed In thi > execution of what we began , but it would cost a great deal ol blood nnd money. It Is true that the states of Mexico contiguous to our southern border contain a huge element In favor of annexation , but it is made up of that luvolulloimiy people Uo aru little less than pirates upon tne more sta ble element. The man led men and the men of influence tfiero want to letain Intact the whole of their republic. They have achieved a degree of afiluence , nnd they believe tliat this would leave them the moment their form of government was taken trom them. They are superstitious , nnd enjoy the excitement wldch overspreads tlio country every time they elect a president. There Is something more baibarous in the Ideas of those people about running a goveinment than there Is in the notion of our Indians concern ing the encroachments of the white man. They will light to maintain their dirty old palaces , brutal laws and unjustifiable acts toward other nations. IJut thu Mexican republic - public will not stand as she does to-day through another generation. There is some thing about her \ery constitution which will compel her In time to fall of her own weight. " * t # People on the Pacific slopc'and In the ex treme northwest contend Hint the effect of the Intel-state commerce law will bo bcnell- cial to the Canadian Pacific railroad This great i all way corporation was constructed tluough the aid of the Canadian government by means ot a bonded indebtedness on the name basis on which the Pacifies ot thu United States weio constructed. It runs the entire length of thu Jirltlsli possessions and has an outlet on the Pacific ocean or the Sound , thus giving the Urltlsli goveinment a swift nnd economical canlagn nil mound the United States , as Bntlsh vessels connect with the railroad at Its western termini. Trim , the Inter-state commerce law would control rate cutting on tills road the same as on American roads , but could not ntlcot It alter It reaches Hritisti possessions , It is stated that the British government de signs the encouragement of extensions of the Canadian Pacific all along the I'acltio const , and more elaborate connections by water down to San Francisco. The connec tions in the United States can charge full rates to the trunk line , whence t radio may bu carried through to the nnd of the line and to the point of destination on our noithe < tstcrn bolder free of cost , It need bo , to niaki ) thu long haul or total much cheaper than that which must bo charged by lines In this country with vvhlchourroadscannotconipute. This evasion of our newly enacted law cannot be brought about by rebilling - billing this goods in transit after they I each the Canadian Pacilic , and then again after they reach tlie border of thu United States at Urn other end ot the line. An experienced tnilllc maiiiigi-r tells vour cone.spondcnt that unless something Is denote to stop transportation ot goods trom the I'acllic slope to the Atlantic via the Canadian Paclilp , wo are guilty of iilavlng Into thu bauds of a Hritlsn coiporatlon In an elloit to maintain the advantage * of American Insti tutions. The suggestion may bu worth a future Innuliy by confess. Ills an InUirestinglhtng to trues thocourbu of n bill in congicss from the tlnib It Is lirst Introduced until It become. : , a law and Is placed on the statute book. The lirst thing in order is to secure some senator , or rcme entativu who is sulllclently Interested i In it to introduce it. In thu senate this | Is a comparatively easy mutter for thu senator lake s It In hand , as ho has no trouble In obtaining the lloor for that pur pose. In the liouM ! ho has u liard struggle to ' 'catch the speaker's ojo , " and when that is done ho sends to the clerk1 * deok and has mid the title of the proposed bill The speaker quickly catches tlio pruport of Iho bill , and refem it to the committee in cliaigu of that branch of legislation , Then It Is docketed on the books of the committee , and In due course ot time the ooimultteu Ukr * It tip and If , In U meritorious , It Is ordered retried favorably to the honho and It Is placed on tlio calendar. In all probability thcro are j-ovcral hundred bills nhrart ot It on the calendar , and It has lo wait Its turn , without the member who In troduced It has siifllclont Influence and knowledge of parliamentary atTairs , to have it given precedence In some of the many ways knonn to the older and more exper ienced ones. Then comes the tug of war In the house , and If ho succeeds In getting It considered nnd It Is passedIt Iscent lo the sen ate , where , after being levl bv Its title , is In the house , It Is referred to its appropriate committee , and in duo cnur.soof time linds Its way to the senate calendar. There It sticks until some day a motion Is made to take nil thu house bills nnd clear the calen dar. If It Is successful in passing the senate It is then signed by the presiding olllcer , and the homo notified of Us passage and signa ture. The bill after being hnndsonicly on- globed on natchiuont coes to the president lor his approval or He refers It to the tlcpaitinent allccti'd by It , where It Is examined nnd reported upon , Htiuoinbly consldeicd , and thcie appears to bu no ob jection on the part of the executive , the pres ident signs it and notifies thu hou o where It originated. The parchment copy Is then sent to the state dcpnitincnthmo It goe.s Into tlio record division. Tliereit Iscodlned. nnd n certified copy , which of cour-,0 has been very carefully compared with the origi nal , goes to ( he government printing olllco , where a fulllelcnt number of copies are printed nnd cliculalud among the persons concerned. The parchment copies are kept on Illo In the state department for reference , nnd u\en alter all the cnro that has been taken , many 01 tors aiu dlsccneied and coi- rccled In the various Hands through which the law passes In the state department before the law takes Its place on the statute book and becomes a pait of thu law of the land. One of the characters which has figured In the lobby here for over two scoies ol years Is Colonel John IJainion , who was mayor oC Dctioit when that now flourishing city was a trading point for Indians and the principal commodity furs. Colonel Harmon is piob- nbly as much Indian as American In blood. Is nearly lour scores of yeais In ago , stands six feet two In Ids shoos , has long laven black hulr , and a eye which in brightness and piercing resembles the eagle's. iiirlng an Investigation In the Forty-seventh con gress Colon el HHIIIIOII was a witness , and the iiufstlon under Inquiry i elated to ex- pendllurcs by a local corptirailon for In- lluenco In congress to procure desirable legis lation and prevent that which was not de- Rlied. Thu witness stated that he had long been retained In this work , but lelused to say what his salary was. It was piobably the lirst Instance on record where a lobbvtst acknowledged his business under oath. Col , Harmon said afterward that he did not so much object to stating what his i enumera tion was lor work , In contact with legisla tor , us it was respectably largo but ho did object to the principle ot congiesslonal com mittees inquiring Into a man's private affairs bo much for one who has attracted much In terest In Washington and who is regarded as a landmark In the corridors'of the capitol. Colonel Harmon the other day met Mr. Kdgeitou , president ot the civil service com mission , and the t\\o began to recite remin iscences ot the thirties and follies. "Dojou icnieiiibcii" ' said Colonel Ilai- mon. "what you .sold to mo when we weru passing ! llurpei's Feirvon our return fioiu the Haltiiuoie convention , which nominated Polk lor president in 'W' Mr. Kdgerton .studied n moment , and re plied that ho could not recall the observation. "Vour memory is very defective , " contin ued the colonel , "The man who cannot brush up his memory to the incidents or that time Is behindhand for n civil seivlco com missioner. Why , you icmarKcd to mo as wo weie going over the feiry that . \ou sincerely hoped that wo would make Polk piesident , for we wouldn't'turn the rascals out' with him In the white house. That has been more than foily years ago. It seems to me but yesterday. I believe that you , Mr.lidgei- ton , oilgmatcd this tiito expression. To this moment , howe\or , tlio lascals have not been turned out. Do you lemeinbcr now what > cm said ? " Mr. Kdgeiton , who Is ono of the biightest old gentlemen in Washington , hung his Mead and Looked hard on the tiling under his leet , then leplled : "J do lemeinber that observation of mine , and 1 agree with you that the rascals arc \et In hind the fortifications. Wo were then en gaged dying to turn them out , and I expect when we both go to the giavo wo will be at the same laudable occupation , with quite as little to show as icsulls as at the present. " * ° $ r3f The rules of the house set apait Friday of each week lor the consideration of thu hillb on the plivate calendar , but this into accom plishes \ety little ns Hie private calcndai Is the object ot attack of every member who Is anxious to secure consideiation t'oi homo measure in which ho is more diiectiy intei- e.sU'd than ho is in the claims which so many people have against the goveinment. Tiio private calendar is the object of universal sneers tiom the press and men who come to congiess with claims are looked upon us fiauds to bo avoided. 15ut congress is the only comt to which appeals for justice can b' ! made by those who have been detrauded of their right by the government , nnd yet there is less justice dealt out in the halls of congress than In the most conupt municipal coin t In thu world. There are accounts un settled between tlio United States nnd Individuals to which thu United States is the debtor , which have been i mining almost since the time the gov ernment was or .inl/cd. These unsettled accounts are from millions down to very In- flitrniiicant sums , but they me. all treated alike. There Is In fact one bill which has been constantly introduced In every congress since the liist , Its merit is indisputable ; time alter time one hoiibe or tin ) other has passed upon It and still final action Is lacking. The cost of printing thu papers In this casu would probably go n Jong way towards liquidating the indebtedness of the government. lint congress would lather spend a million In de- laving a settlement than a thousand In bringing one about. Constant efforts have been made to secure some geneial legislation which shall relieve congress ftoin the necessity of examining into and passing upon the merits of these inivateclaims. If competent jurls-.lictlon should be gl\en to somu court the saving of the government would be enormous and thu relief of thu prussino on the legislative branch would In Itself be compensation enouuh even if ovoiy claim filed should bu decided In laver of the claimant. * * An Instance of the injustice of the United States to Its cn-dltois In seen in the rasa of .Mr. tilnesi. Tins gentleman was an Italian olllcer on the staff of Garibaldi who met a young American girl In Ktuope , back In the MxticK , wooed , wnn and married her. He re signed his commission and emigrated to thu United States. He took up his lusldencu In Savannah , ( ! a. , just nt tlio close of thu war. I lei e ho represented his father-in-law who was a merchant In New Yoik , having huge southern Interests , ( concluded to vo into business lor himself , and with this Idea directed his repiesontotlves In Italy to dis pose of his estate. With thu proceeds hu purchased SIU.OCO worth of claret , brandy , olives and such uoods and oidered them shipped to Savannah. They were sent via New York and were placed in thu bonded warehouse and there kept tor six months be fore ( iiMicsl was notified topav the duty upon them , or to withdraw them for export. Hu at once wrote Collector Arthur that the. dch- tlnatlonof the-goods was Savannah , and not New Yoik , and requested that they bu shipped to their last destination , which was dono. On the arrival of thu goods in .Savan nah they wuro re-gnawed and found to contain llu gallons less brandy out of twenty casks than thu guago in Now \orkcalled for. Of the consignment of tno claret , forty-one cases wore found to have been tampered with. He offered payment for thu amount of dutv upon the actual number of tallunsand cases of wlnu roccUed as shown by the ganger nt Savannah , .but the collector - lector there reluseil to take less than the duty asiewl by the collectors at Now Yoik. ( ienesl wltluliew all his biandy and wlnu which was intact and ii-lnsed to nay duty on the 110 gallons of brandy widen hud ( been ubxliactcd from the twenty casks which wore tampeiod with. Hu tried for twooi three yeais to > < ocuro rediifsslromthotrcasury department. Finally three years after tlm original receipt of the goods In Savannah they were sold at auction for the amount of customs chaiged against them. That was nc.iMy llltfoii years ago. Thu government lealUed besides the duty some trom the sale of that con signment. For fifteen yeais this gentleman lias been trying to get Iho United States to pay htm thu money received Horn Iho sale of his goods In excess of tliu charges. Of course ho has-beon unsuccessful. When Imliint purchased them he was a cltl/en of Italy , al though a resident of thu Untied Slates ; blncu lhattimo tiu has become acltl/enof this glorious land ol the free , which , pcihans , accounts for his failure to secure what Is his due. Now hu proimses to full back on his former Italian citizenship , and to ask the Italian minister , liarnn Kava , to press his claim txiforo the btato dcpaitnu'iit. If hu does thU he Is likely tosucceed ] at last , us the United Slates Is much moro nudy to pay tl'it claim of a foreigner than' It I * to one of its own cllizcns. P. U. 1UATM. ' WEEKLY BUSINESS REVIEW , But Few Important Fealnros Develop in tht West's ' Pinarjoial Affairs. BORROWERS GET LOWER RATES , Satisfactory Statcinnnts of { ending llnllrond Lines KnonurnKO Hpcou- latora-KlTccl of tlie Intcr-Stnto Coininorcc Hill Coitnter.ictcil A Sntlsfnolory l-'lnnticlnl Wcolr. CntcAoo , Feb. I'.1. [ Special Telegram to the Hr.i : . ] Xo Important features have de veloped In financial alTalis. li.mkr-r , ns a rule , report a moderately active demand lor money , and with a coed supply of loanable funds on hand botrovtors were enabled to obtain all the accommodations required when able to present undoubted collateral. The deliveries ot produce on February con tracts released some funds among specula tors and some short date has boon taken up. Wholesale tucrchauK have also cancelled some of their Indebtedness. The demand for money on behalf of sptvulatois was mod erately active especially from opoi.itors In stocks and provisions , and bankers dis counted some paper on rather wide margins. Packers and shippers are appaiently strang ers at the banking institutions. There was considerable Inquiry for loans on behalf ol parties In other cities of the west , and some money was placed on warehouse ro celpts for grain. Wholesale meiclia'nt ! were only moderate borrowers , and mainly from parlies prepared for tlx spring trade. Interest rates weie n llttli moro favorable to borrowers. Cell loans were accepted at 5 > fijfp ( per cent and ttmo paper at CiJ8 ( per cent ac- routing to the standing of the borrower or the amount of money requited Outside pauer generally commanded a pel cent. The shluiiieuU of ctiireiicy to the country were fair and the receipts compar- tlvuly light. Collection * were reported slow , owing to the unreasonable weather and bad condition of Intel lor roads. Monuy at east ern financial ceuti'is appears to bu In good supply , with fair demand liom miscellaneous borrowers with no chaniro In In- teiestiales. Foiulgn linunctal alValrs ( > x- hlhlt no maleiial change. .Money Is appar ently quite plenty , with Inteiost rates favor ing bouoweis. Now Vork exchange was quiet throughout the week. The oil'erintf ) weie small and the demand limited. Foreign exchangn was Inclined to quietness dining the week. Olleilngsof .shipper * ' bills wort ) light and the demand was limited , bhlppcis sixty days documentary bills on London were quoted at $ l.Ny4M.lHI4. and closed stead ) alSI.8r\i&l.SI. : ( The undertone to the Xow Yoik stork market Indicated rather moio steadiness dining the past week. The foreign stock markets weru stronger In a general way with more trading , especially In Amciican securities. The oiled ot thu "war scaiu" appears to have died out. The eainings of the leading lines so tar this year nro generally satisfactory , showing In creased business , and speculators havu been cncouiagcd to taUu hold moru freely. Tht ; ollectot the passage ol the inter-state com- meico bill appeals to have been discounted by the recent shrinkage In pilces. Trading has been nulto active and rumors ot "syndi cates'1 In leading stocks fmvu assisted in ad vancing prices somewhat , though there an- peats to bu an iiiipnnomout generally throughout the list. The piospccts ot a settle ment of the labor troubles had some etlect In Rtrenghenlng slock of Iho lines loachingthe seaboard cities. The sales of stock on the New York stock exchange tor tliu week a\ui- aged 'J.-KiT.OOO shares. The leading produce markets were quite active during the past week In n speculative way , and attracted a llttlo moio altention than usual. An unsettled and weak I'eullng prevailed throughout the greater portion of the week and pilces ruled with consldetahle liicttidaiity. ( .iialn .showed consldeiablo weakness owing to mote liberal olleilngiby p.ii ties who have tnud out , nnd the doivti- wuid tm n in prices brought out quite a laiga number ot "stop oideis" which added to the depiesslon in n general way. PiovKions , on thu other hand , manifested considerable stieugth and hlghci pikes weio le.ili/ed , but nut lully htippoiled to the close. Thu lor eigu imukets weio lather unfavorable to holdeisot grain and mine encouraging tc hellers ot piovislons. Tlm eastern miuketi weiu unite active and thu fluctuations It pi ices lollowed closely the conihu ol those Ic the western matkets. Thu iccelpts of grain and livu stock were light anil the ship ments only fall. The labor trouble ! at eastern points Int'-rfured with expoit business to some extent. The ship mentsof provisions weiu moderately fico The ciop conditions In the winter wheat ills tilctsliavo not been altogether favorable. Mains early in tliu week icmoved the snow and the liulds weie covered with water , and a sudden change to colder weather might cause somu apprehension as tn the safety ol ciops , and there was some buying on Una theory. As to the future of the market theie Is a loollngol uncertainty. jowur prices nro not unlikely. At the same time a icuullon Irom the present decline Is not Impossible , of long wheat sold out , and pressure from this source Is greatly lessoned. The maiket is thought to bu largely short , and If this should bu thu case , and not considering thu other contin gencies which are likely to arise in thu shape of crop Hiares and war rumors , the buying in of tins shortage might result In ashari ) It only temporary advance. At the seaboard exporters were credited with mak ing laigo puiclmscs , possible against previous Rales , though the loullug up on this decline and then the oxpoiting oi considerable wheat which niiglit again place the market in lavorablu shape to reap a hand some pioliton thu Investment , would mil bi at all Impossible. Thu packing of the west shows a tmIher dracasu and there Is now V Ilttla doubt but thushoitrgu will be further enlaiged dining the next two weeks. Tin opinion Dievails that the hog ciop In "shnit , " and this encoiuagos buying on outside ac count. The calculation Is now made thai the packing nf Chicago will exhibit a shot laud ot i.bout 700,000 liozs a loss of nearly : > 0 per cent as compaicd with tha returns of last Reason. There will , no doubt , bo u dccutasu In weluht equal to about : BOOO , hogs of lust year's weight. The stocks hero are comparatively light for thIH season of tlio year , and thu movement for the week shows further reductions. Thu revival of business In the nmniitactimng dis tricts of the countrv , nai tlciilarly of Iron and cotton goods , has hud a beneficial effect on the market tor hog productsand larger quail titles aru being dlstiibuted at In tin lor points limn lor some months past. The qunn- lilies forwarded to foreign markets nro uNo larger than last j ear , and Include a largci percentage than usual of descriptions usual 1 } limited to domestic trade lown Could FiiriilHh Her Quoin , DKB MOINKS , la. , Feb. la. ( Special Tele , gram to the HKK.J Adjutant Uoncrjl A ex under svas asked how many troops low.i could furnish In case of war with Knglund , and ho replied ; "Twenty-lour hnndrol drilled soldiers on twenty-four limns' milieu and a quarter of a million men In reset v < ' , who could lie ready In twenty-four hctiid longer. Tlm Iowa national gu.inl contaln-i forty-eight companies , in two brigades , wh.i . could rendezvous under aims ready to im.vo lo Chicago or Detroit In canu of war w th Knghuid In twenty-four hours after war was declined , " Wise & Pariiiulus addition BOO udv , on ff n lib puge , Don't wait until best lots are all sold in Wise & I'armeles addition on Monday morning. Frank H , Dunton , editor and propri etor of Diinton'H Spirit of thu Turf , ol Chicago , one of tliu bust informed ami most able turf editors in the country , ia making u short visit to Omaha. Tne president has appointed Alexander 0. Jlaskcll , of Col HIM bin , S. C. , government director of the Union Pacilic railway com pany , vice K. P. Alexander , rublgncU. The senate committee on commerce will likely repoit fa volubly tlio lUnnepIn and Portage canal projects , but an adu-rs" ioort [ Is cxin-cted on the Sturgeon bay project. Dr. Hamilton Warren , Mu < ; netii Physl cian and Surgeon , ItoomiJ , ( Jrounsc block : corner I0th and C'upitol avenue. Diph- heriu and nervous. dUea-stm u bpeciult. .t I I