THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , FEBRUABY 18. 1887 TWELVE PAGES. LETTER FROM FRED DOUGLASS r. . . .f Ho Qivea an Interesting Account of His . . Tripto Pads- ' . MANNERS1 , MEN AND .MORALITY Trouble About rt I'nssport The Gny City 1'cncolul nntl Jlnppy Tlio Itcpnbltc AVII1 Iilvc-Knrly ICmanolpntur * , PAWS , Jan. 28. [ Correspondence of the 1H.K.J My visit to this great city Is the rcall'/.ation of a desire and purpose long entertained nnd long postponed. Many years ago , whllo In Kngland , I made some eflbrt to this end ; but owing to an iittumpl made upon Iho life of the Emperor Napoleon III. , Ihu slrlclncss with which the passport system was , in K consequence , enforced , and my inabilttv i ; lo procure a passport , that ell'ort'was de ll fcated. Al this distance of lime , U may [ boom strange lhat I could nollheii obtain it passport as tin American citizen , but Btich was the fact. My application to Mr. ( } . M. Dallas , then minister to Kngland , for such a doc ument , was Instantly refused , ou the al leged ground Unit I was not an American citizen , Tune and wunt.H have put an nnil lo this objection , and this happy fact leaves me with no disposition to think bltlorly of llio Injustice then done , or lo magnify the hardships then imposed. 1 tun hero to-day with nothing in my ante cedents , parlialitics or aversions to warp my impressions or bias my opinions. Though , by the grace of my country and Its amended constitution , I am now an American citizen , and have enjoyed this proud distinction for some years , yet this great privilege lias not been coupled with conditions calculated lo blind mo lo American imperfections or lo prevent mo from seeing in a true light the institu tions of countries other than my own. TIIK I'ltKNCII CAHTA1. TO-ilAY. U ilh all iu faulls , Paris to-day slands nol less strong , compact anil hopetul than at any lime during ils history. 1 do not find hurt ; that absence of confidence between man and man , thai ennui and weakness arising from sensuality and other Vices , usually ascribed to this people , and which is the sure precursor of the downfall of cities and empires. L notice much drinking , yet little drunk enness ; much loud talk , but no street broils. In these respects and others Paris seems to me , botli socially and politically , in a hopeful condition. This Bitporb oily is now , as il lias long been. Iho chief continental center of European civili/ation , nnd 1 sec nothing in its pros- * cut character likely to cost it the loss of this proud eminence. No two sections of any city are in Btrongor contrast than the old and the now part of Paris. This appears not only in the dill'ering condition of Iho in- hubitants of each district respectively , hut m the architecture , the streets , and tiio general appearance of tilings. Old I'ans is where the workingmen generally live , and It is a perfect network of nar row streets , sombro courts , repulsive alloys , lofty and dingy dwellings , crowded with occupants from foundation to roof. Winding his way through the sinuosities of this densely populated sec- lion , an American , accustomed to wide ( streets , broatl sidewalks , large rooms ami abundant sunshine will shudder at the _ r thought of a populace huddled together In such dark , threatening and dangerous nroximity. Hut this feeling is much re lieved by the appearance of the people themselves. They certainly look healthy , 1 . well clothed , well fed , and ro exceedingly - ingly cheerful. A proverb says : "Idle ness is the devil's workshop. " His sa- tame majesty may have ninny such shops in tins quarter , for aught I know. I have not penetrated very far into the un inviting obscurities of this shadowy sec tion ; nevertheless , upon the surface not many such dens are visible. AS HIJSV AS 11EE3. The French people seem to bo ns busy as bees in n hive. Industry active , earnest nnd persistent is the rule. A striking feature of this industry is found in the fact that persons of all ages and both sexes , gruy-haired men and grey- haired wpmon , wrinkled not only by ago but by toil , arc seen in Paris in a larger proportion than elsewhere , all alike enraged - ( raged in some industrial avocation. Woman , in the humbler walks of life , seems in Franco a more general help meet than In the United States. Many French women are surprisingly halo and Htrong. In 1'aris woman is everywhere a toiler , as much so as man. If a burden is to bo borne , she is there to share the bur den. If a handcart is to bo drawn , she Is harnessed with a man , and supplies her full sliaro of the strength to draw the vohlolo. This union of men and women in Iho struggle for houcst livelihood has a moral ns well as material significance. It not only accounts for the fact that this people usually have cash on hand , but it is the eauso of results still more important and precious , for out of this mutuality and Interdependence In bearing the burdens [ of life , spring honorable social and do mestic relations. KVOH among the hum blest and poorest classes In Paris , the family is an institullou of ideal sacred- ness. It may bu true that the French ' * have no name for homo , but It Is not true ' lhat the real thing that constitutes homo does not exist in Franco. A I'HIZEO I1OM15. A French homo Is a real homo a nrlzcd ' homo. This union of oflbrt of which I have spoken tolls of husband and wife , of parent and child , of love and affection. It tells of willing sacrifice of individual J Base for the improvement of the coml- lions of existence for all. No people who , thus love one another , and who tlma i labor togolhor , can justly bo regarded as given over to destruction. > Hut industry is not the only slrong point ' , In the lives of Ihcso Parisians. There is - hero wholesome spiril of a wise econ- I nmy , from which wo In America > , i might well take a lesson. Nothing hero L that can bo made vahmblo or useful to } man is permitted to go to waste. There Is economy Iu the use of time , spaoo and everything else. Many boys and girls ' wear wooden shoes. Hags , bones , can- illo-ends , bits of meat , fragments of pa per , uro all saved and turned to account ; in one way or another. There is especial ' economy and care in the use of fuel. Looking over the city trom the towers of Notre DaniQi 1 observed many ehimnoya but little siuoko. In passing the dwcl- ' ' Ings of almost any locality at night , you will see many windows , but little light , \ -Wo hoar of fewer lamp explosions in fc" Pnrlsj for a single caudle Is used where 7 wo1 would have Ihreo or four lamps , v Great fires seldom occur. I . 60MB Or THE.COMMON FOLK. t ' There uro ton lirqs in Now York to ono V , Iu Paris. I have hearu no lire bolls and ' ebon but.ono Jlro engine .during the two months thnt 1 have spent hero. All labor la huro'hehl in-hoiior all usufiil callings nro respectable. ' Everyone accords the & right of way to-- him"'who bears the burt - t tfqu. No QUO seems.nslia.iiied . of his avo- : , imtioti. 1 uotieo that the porter.lho boot- it v ' black , , ' the street eleanor , overt tho-ruir nicker , .each wears'the bad 0.of his.calling bravely , 'Thoin id- Iprvnnt.th6 shop-girl , the needle-woman weara-each her p&p'.pr bonnet , prgoos. incappe'it and , unbounded with equal inconceru as to tWrat the crowd may-say ir think. And wejl sheniny'.for however .heap . or coarse may be jier apparel , she eldom fails to iunku.anoat und. tidy ap- cnrauco. J have not boou luucu Impressed by the politeness found in the streets among the working clashes. There is certainly nothing humble-mouthed , servile or ob sequious about them. 'On the contrary , they seem to bo fully conscious ot their own rights , dignity and power. They Often occupy more than their needed space in tno streets anil will not step aside to make room for the passers-by. They look at n stranger sometimes as though ho wore an intruder , and they proclaim in their features the idea that they are lords of the soil and masters of the situation , I nm told that this feature of street manners , which .seems lo bo a little in excess of n just los-y , is more prominent now than during the empire ; nnd the fact Is not strange , for the com mon people have a power now that was not then conceded. I'EUI't.i : AND rittNCKS. They now walk In freedom and m con scious right where only princes walked before. And this fact is an element in the stability of the republic. The beauti ful grounds of the Tulleries , the naileries of tlie Louvre and the Luxembourg , the Musce Uluny , the Jardln des Plantes , the Ecolo des Heaux-Arts , the Musoo lies Archives , the pleasure park of Saint Cloud , tlm palace and gardens of Ver sailles and Fonttilnobleau , the Esplanade of the Hotel dc3 luvalldes belong now as much to the working classes as they dm once lo counts and countesses. As to the possible permanency of the republic , 1 accept the statement of my old friend and co-laborer in the antislavery - slavery cause , Mr. Theodore Tilton. lie has resided hero several years , quietly pursuimr his literary similes , and Is a close observer , lie is as bright anil witty as ever , and deeply interested in the republic of France , lie tells mo that tlie "To bo or not to be''of the republic depends upon Hie jotUinuanco of peace ; thai every day of peace' is an additional guaranlce of llio stability of llio republic. Hut it is easy to speculate and philoso phize about contingencies and possibili ties crowing oni of the wide divergence of classes and the disparity of conditions. TUCK CAIMB ( ) ! ' PKACK. To-day at least , Paris seems happy , peaceful and prosperous. . Her greatness is evidently not llio result of her lortunato situation , or of any sudden triumph of arms or achievement iu diplomacy. She has lived for nearly a score of years under the deep shadow of a terrible disas ter , and has borne her share in leveling a mountain of debt imposed by n foreign conqueror. She has at her door no broad sea or splendid harbor upon wliioli navies may ride , but is essentially an inland city. The marvel is that a city of such dimensions and magnificence , with 2,000,000 inhabitants , should have arisen here. Plainly enough the secret of her greatness must be sought for within , and not from without. It is duo to the genius of her people , their industry , their econ omy , their public spirit , their patriotism and their integrity. Under all forms of their government these qualities have been conspicuous. In no other great center of western Europe has more been done to gratify tno testhelic taste of a population than in Paris. In addition to her picture gal leries , like tlio Louvre , the largest build ing in Europe , with its miles ofcorridora and acres of pictures , the Luxembourg and other places dedicated to art , which atlract art students from all quarters of the globe. Iheno are opportunities olio red licro for tlie acquisition of knowledge , for the cultivation ot intellect and lor the rclineuient of taste. The college of Franco opens wide jls doors and wel comes Iho public to listen to lectures by its most learned and gifted professors "without money and without price. " Paris can boast that her school of medi cine is the most celebrated in the world. HOOKS nv TIIK JULtiox. Her Uibliothcquo Nalionale lias 3,000- 000 of volumes , thojiccuinulation of con- luries , a grand store-house of knowledge to which citi/.en and foreigner are ail- millcd , and where they arc provided with every necessary lor reading and study. Since the war with Germany there has been developed an interest in the educa tion of the masses beyond anything of the sort prior to the war. Paris teems with schools , and ils people have become m larger measure than ever a reading people. Franco has fully realized the truth that an uneducated nation , , however bravo and patriotic , is at an immense disadvantage in comparison with one that is educated. She has learned wisdom from alt nations , and has honored the United ' Stales by send ing ono of her sons , M. Paul Pussy , lo in spect , our educational system. Ills re port on the subject shows him to have been a close observer and a diligent student. Ho seems to have been much impressed with sonic of the features of our system , and ho warmly commends them. Notwithstanding it is usual to represent Paris as a Godless city , given over to the works of darkness , there is hero a largo degree of religious activity , and since no religion in this city can make any impression without inculcating sound morality , this activity lends lo Iho conservation of Parisian society. TUB OU ) UKL1GIO.V. There is no question that Romanism has lost ground in Franco since the in auguration of the republic ; tlmt the common people have boeomo indifferent and the learned sceptical ; but the Ho- man Catholic church is still both a relig ious and a political force. No doubt that u sense of its diminished power acts as a strong motive for increased exertion. Its priests , iu their long black irowns , and its sister * of charity with their pe culiar costumes , are everywhere seen. Numerous processions ot school children are met with in the streets , under the immediate guardianship of priests and nuns , whoso uvur-cpnljunod watchfulness cannot bo without its inlluenco upon the rising generation. I have seen but little of the statesmen of the French republic. It is not an easy matter to obtain admission to the trench senate or the corps leglslatlf. It will , I think , be much easier to do so when the republic is ti little further removed from the times of the empire. At present , spectators are admitted only by ticket , and as the galleries are small tickets are few. I have , however , had the good for tune to witness the proceedings of the senate once , and those of the corps legis- lallf twice. For a part of ihis privilege 1 was Indebled lo Iho kindness of Mr. Theodore Stanton , who , us a son of Henry 1 $ . and Elizabeth Cnily Stanton , has inherited in a largo measure the high qualities of Ids gifted parents. Ho has resided hero during the la t ton years , and is eminent us u journalist and u lit erary uian , TIIK FUENCH SCNATI5. I was greatly impressed by the dignity , the decorum and the intellectual appear ance of Iho French senate. In this re spect it much resembles the American , The only marked difference is in the style of dross. Every French senator , I noticed , was attired in the evening cos tume of a dress party , Tlio corps legis- latlf differs from ine French senate in about the same proportion us the house of representatives dillers from the Ameri can senate. On the occasion of the recent change of ministry , through the intervention of M. Frederic Passv , an eminent member of the assembly , 1 obtained a seat iu tlie gallery of M. Floquot , its president. I could hardly have had a better oppor tunity of observing the stormy side of French character. The scone was about as. wild and 'tempestuous us that in our house of representatives , when James G. Hlaino debuted with Hill , of Georgia , the question of the exclusion of Jefferson IMvis from amnesty. President Floquot , a calm , dignified auuij-with a large , iutolloctiiul hoau , had otton to'ring hu boll to still the tempest , to restore order , and to bold the body to Us work. At time's it was like the sound ing of gouga to'keep the. bees from swarming. Hut Ma temper wag excellent and his management &dmtrab'lqi ' . Looking down .upon the senators as they filed into the chamber , 1 observed a grave nnd venerable man , somewhat pent with age , but with firm and reso lute , step , proceed to his scat. THE Olsr.AT SENATOR "Thnt pcnalor , " said my friend , Mr. Slunton , "Is M. Schoelchcr , the William Lloyd Garrison of France , for he brought forward the measure emancipating the slaves of the French colonies , in 1818. " At once , perhaps like Polonius In the play , I thought 1 saw n slight rcs.cmbl.ince. The head is lone and almost entirely bald ; Iho fealures clean cut. tranquil , nnd benignant , like those of the Ameri can emancipator. On my expressing n desire to bo introduced lo him , Mr. Stanton - ton , through a member ot the senate , procured mo an interview with M. Schoolcher in the senate reception room. Among the lirst things ho said to mo was : "How are the colored people now treated in the stales ? I have heard lhat they arc not oven allowed lo ritto in the strcel curs of New York , and oilier largo cilics. " I very promptly and gladly assured him that tills barbarism was no longer practiced in the northern stales , and that the old prejudice growing out of slavery , though Klill rife in the old slnvo states , is gradually disappearing trom the pro gress of a higher civilization , Soon after meeting M.Solioolchor in the sonuto , 1 had the pleasure ami llio privi lege of an interview with him at his house. It was during his breakfast hour ; and it was an Interview that I. shall never forgel His elegant apartments , espe cially his library , proclaimed the philan thropic history of the man. Ho was lilcr- ally surrounded by broken fellers and oilier cast-oil' paraphernalia of Hie slave system. I'.AItl.V EMANCIPATION. lie told me lhat Immediately after the republic of M8 was formed he wont to M. Arngo and said : ' 'Now is tlie lime to emancipate Iho slaves of our colonies , " but that statesman met the proposition with the argument that such a measure could not be entertained ; that it would produce insurrection and bloodshed in tlio colonies. "Hold him"said M. School- cher , "that on the contrary failure to emancipate now , would cause llio slaves to rise in insurrection , and if emancipa tion were not decreed , I would myself ad vise llio slaves lo rise. " Fortunately , no such advice was given , and no insurrec tion look place , for al the end of the con- vorsulion , M. Arago committed Iho wholn subject to the hands of M. Sclioelcher.and the result was the memorable decree emaucinaling all the slaves of tlio French colonies. During breakfast the door boll rang , and a card was handed lo M. Schpolehor. II was evidently some one who wished to see him , and L thought him about to de cline admitting the visitor. Ho said lo his servant , ' ' .Do 1 know him ? " On re ceiving a negative reply , ho hesitated for a moment , and then asked , "Is he a col ored man ? " Upon learning that ho was , ho ordered him _ shown at once into the library. This circumstance bespoke the character of the man. An ordinary visi tor would have probably found him lee much engaged at that hour to gain ad mission to iiis presence , but a man of the injured race , to whose cause ho had shown a profound devotion , he was un willing to turn away. AX OLD LITTEIIATEL'K. M. Schpelchcr is now eighty-two years old , and is not only active in tlie senate , but Is doing much literary work. He is writing a biography of Toussaint-Lou- verlure , and I hope ho will live lo com- plclo it. I have promised to do my best to secure its ropublicalion in the United Stales for llio bonclit of the class to which the bravo and heroic Toussaint belonged , for no colored man can bo great und good without thereby helping his whole race. M. Schoelelier is a free thinker. Pore Hyacintho says of him that "ho is a man who does not believe in a God , but ono who mukcs other men believe in Him. " I have had many attentions shown mn by American residents in Paris , and I am happy to bear testimony to the kind ness anil cordiality of my countrymen abroad. Strange to say , to none have 1 been more indebted for kind olliccs than to Professor Thomas Yoatman , formerly a slave-holder from the state of Missouri. Wo mot each other from opposite cx- Ircmcs of experience , and he seemed de sirous to atone for whatever of wrong there had been in his past relation to the slaves of America , by kind offices to mu us a stransier In a strange land. Upon the whole , T came to Paris with largo expectations ; I have viewed its wonders with satisfaction , und I leave it with regret , but with a hope of return ing In the spring and seeing it under sunnier skies. FUEUEHICK DOUGLASS. CONMIUI.ViaTlES. A Polk counly , ( Jeorfiia , man Is living pleasantly with his eiL-hth wife. William T ) . Howells' wife Is quoted as sny- Ing tlmt her husband writes as a man sawd wood. In Paris there Is a fashionable club inailo up entirely o divorced people , and It Is said to bo the plcusaiitest In the city. Miss Woodrtitle , of Now York , has just been married In Paris to llcnrl Loge , the well-known UuJxIan pianist nnd com poser They had not met since they wore in the ballet nt the academy ot music , under .Maple- son. "Dear Liz/.io , I'm HO clad to see you ! " "So 1 am to meet you. " "Aro you married ? " "Yes ; are you' " ' "Yes ; any children' . " ' "Two ; and you' " ' "None ; our house is too small. " Marie Prescott's husband , William Perzel , published a card last weolc worded In this way : "Hnvlnic returned from abroad and discovered the existence of certain clrciim- Ptanres that necessitate action on my part , I feel It my duty as a man and a manager to miiko this public announcement ot the fact that I have severed all relations , business and otherwise , with Marie PrcscotU" The wife of an Ku llbh clnrcyiimii has es tablished In London a phico tor the distri bution of clothinir , which she denominates "Tlio Clothorles. " During the past year no less than ! ! 0COJ garments have been received and distrlbulcd union ; , ' tlio worthy poor. She has nuenta all over tlio city who imjulro into tlio character and condition of every peti tioner. London Truth : I am Informed that the marriage of Olirlstino Nitason with tlio Count Vnllojo Muaudn will bo celebrated either In Cannes , whither she is ( 'oliu ; after appear ing at a charity concert in Paris , or on her return to Paris In J'ohrnary. The delay of this long arranged alTalr has been caused bv tlie Vatican. The paual ofllcers are Iu no hurry to sanction tlio marriage of a faithful Spanish hldnlRO with a Lutheran lady. JIlss Maud Howe , the daughter of Mis. Julia Ward Howe , wns married to Mr. John Klllot on Monday In Boston , Miss Howe has furnished more than one model for artlstle work , and visitors to the centennial will recall Porter's nxnulsltn portrait of a younu girl In a red Gainsborough hat which now belongs to the Corcoran gallery at Washington , ns well as the beautiful portrait trait In evenlnc diess which was exhibited at the Paris exposition. A year afterward Miss Howe iralned many laurels abroad as an American beauty , and U was hinted tlmt George Kllot mailo her tlm model for Gwen dolyn in "Daniel Dorouda. " Later traces of her personality hnvu been found In the hero ine of "Dr. Claudius , " a novel by her cousin , 1' . Marlon Crawford , and In "A Politician's Daughter , " Myra Sawyer Hamlin's novel of last slimmer. Ingoing to Homo as a bride , Miss Howe will revisit scenes of earlier social triumphs , whore , as the guest of her nunt , Mrs. Terry , the fair American received much admiration In 1S7S. Madame Christine Nilsson writes that she will , after all that has been said , marry tlio Count do Miranda ; Langtry declares that she is engaged to Freddy Gebhardt , aud is only waiting for her divorce to celebrate the ceremony , and It is. otlioially announced that Mrs. James Potter Browji will go upon the stage. All of 'which Is suggestive pf slirewxl adver tising. . , STANLEY'S ' StUiPLE SMILE , Last Words With the isplorer on His "Waj to the A'fritxin Wilds. LECTURES SP6ILED BY LEOPOLD .lakes Hofora tlm ' .loiirnoy Iliniry's Appcnrnnoo T/io / K.x-Omnlinn In Good Shape All A lion rd for tlio Congo. HufssKi.3 , Jan. 21 lUorrcspondcncn of the HEB. ] 'During thu Hying farewell visit which Stanley paid to King Leopold , before leav ing for his Kmiii I'nelia oxpcdilion , I had the privilege of an hour's interview with him , at the Hotel do Hellenic , the very hotel , .strange to say , where pour "Chinese ( Jordon" put up just before starling for Khartoum and death. Having only two or three hours to spend here , including breakfast time , Stanley hud instructed the hotel porters to meet any oallors with a stern "Not at homo. " I never had reason to congratu late myself so much upon my previous acquaintance with Stanley and the special link which my translation of his last book on the Congo had formed between - tweon us ; for , thnnks to those circum stances , the watchword "Not at homo" was exceptionally withdrawn , and I had the good forluno of helm : the last con tinental ] ourntilist who spoke with the "great little man" before his departure for that dark continent where he has spent , on and oil' , nearly eighteen yours of his life , and from which ho ii'ti.y never return. In the largo but simply lurnlshnii room where he had taken up his quarters , I found Stanley standing , his back to the lire , iu a black frock-coat , duck waist coat und light fancy trousers. Tins was the very unoourt like attire in which he had just spent two hours with King Leo pold. He has always shown something like contempt for the smaller details of European etiquette , anil 1 remember a French publisher telling mo how , after Stanley's return from discovering Living stone , lie muttho famous explorer in a Parisian drawing room in corduroy clotho.s and an Irish frii'X.o to the evident disgust ot the gorgeously dressed lookers ou. KltOM TIIK BACKWOODS. "Just like those Americans from the backwoods. " concluded the publisher , with a look of indignation. "And exploring the dark continent is .just like those Americans from the back woods , too , " Stanley smilingly replied , when 1 afterward repeated the remark to him. On the present occasion , the king of the. Belgians , who doesn't happen to be a French publisher nor even a masher , had not noticed , any more than at any oilier time , Stanley's comparative neg lige. As the great explorer told mo , his majesty was wonderfully cordial , showed "a great deal of senlimiMU , " congratu lated him specially On his having fore gone his American lecturing tour for his noble and dangerous attempt to rescue Kiniu I'acha , and had the twinkling of a. tear in his eye on'parting with the plainly dressed hero. ' It was in the latter part of our conver sation that Stanley imparted these facts. At lirst ho did not seem inclined to un bosom himself. "Have you come. " he inquired , "in the capacity of a friend to bid farewell , or as a journalist to cross-examine meV" "Uotli. " "I put the question , " he retorted with a queer look , "because when 1 was a journalist in the United States I never in terviewed ncople in a hurry. " "Well , don't you think people in a hurry are the only interesting ones , ami are you not doing an injustice to the American press iu general and your for mer self in particular , by intimating that they aie the very people American jour nalists take caio to leave alone ? " "Well , " saiil the explorer , with a sly smile , "all things considered , I do admit that if 1 had been anybody else to-day in Brussels , 1 should have interviewed Stan ley , or tried to , at least. 15ut then , you see , 1 am not somebody else , and when the intervicwrr appears I grumble. " ATTACKED BY THE IXTEKVIEWKK. Then we sat down in two-arm chairs fiicing cacti other , and Stanley , assuming a frigid look , begged "the journalist" to begin his task , before "the friend" pro ceeded with his oll'usions. I have known Stanley personally for several years , had long conversations wiln him in Brussels , Ostend , Paris and London ; IKCVO received from him many marKs of kindness and sympathy , and yet have never scon him otherwise than icy at the beginning of a talk. There is something very peculiar and sphynx-liko , at such times , in his manner of staring at you with a kind of dreamy look , closed lips , and a general stillness of the body , just like a man who might bo expecting and preparing for an assault in a railway car , from sonic sus picious-looking follow seated on the opposite side. Hut then , only a journalist completely unacquainted with him could bo frightened uw.iv by this unpromising debut. When you have been questioning Stanley for some time and receiving brief , dry and unsuggos- tivo answers , and you begin to think that there in nothing to bo got out of the cold and distant little man , the ice thaws all of a sudden , Stanley rises , a kindly smile lights up his eyes , and ho spontaneously lets loose all you have been unavaillngly trying to extract from him , and then you have only to sit still and listen , and become - come onrapturcd with the heated tones , the enthusiastic gestures and the pictur esque words of t'lo bravo and eloquent explorer , who is henceforth so thoroughly carried away by his favorite African theme that ho will only stop when out of breath. A. HASCALLY I'l.OT. As an illustration of this , hero is an amusing incident which occurrodat Os- tcnd , in 1881 , immediately after Stanley's triumphant return from the Congo , whore he had been founding the free state. On hearing of his arrival , I ran down to Oatund , g6t an appointment with him for the following morning at 0 a. m. and to make sum iof keeping the early rendezvous , 1 lured the room adjoining his own , at the hotel'Where ' ho was stay ing. When 1 rosfl on the morrow , just after the sun , 1 Jrmrmul that the hotel had boeomo crowded during the night with newspaper reporters who had come with the same object us mypolf , and among whom wore correspondents of ( iorimin papers , London papers , Dutch papers , beside a representative of the Herald , specially sonf for that purpose. I immediately determined upon the wicked scheme of talking with Stanley at undue length and tiring him o'ut , If 1 could ; iu short , of making the rival journalists wait so long for their turn that my report should bo secure of a clear "boat1' over all the others , Wo had been conversing for scarcely live min utes , however , when I gave up all hope of succeeding in this rascally plot. There was the usual frigid glance , and the short "yes" and "noes" following every query , and that general Egyptian mummy-like do- meaner , which uwteud of inviting .ques tions seemed to repel them and stillo them back into my mouth. It seemed clear that my journalistic brothers would not have to remain very lontr out m the cold. Casually I asked Stanley whether lie did really oolieve in the prospects of the newly founded free state of Congo , He'rose to his foot , took from his mouth the pipe from which ho had been pulling clouds of Virginia tobacco , and let the fire In It extinguish slowly on the' table while to my intcnso delight ho onterci into one of the most 'detailed , amusing and brilliant descriptions imaginable. "THE THAIS EOUSTANI.I-.Y KAMA" I fnupy I hear and see him still , cnlarg ing , with quite a boyish gusto , upon the future growth and welfare of Africa which ho saw shining , as it were , out o the shadows of the present ; and how ho described the time when emigrants landIng - Ing at Banana would bo ablo'tocool Jhcit hciitefl bodies tinder the verandahs , o : comfortable cafes , and how. after resting n day or two in the hotels worthy o ; Uroadway or Fifth avenue , stranger. * would jump into line railway carriages with the porters slamming "tin doors and crying : "Uentlumon , gentle men , the train for Stanley Fallal Now lool ; oul. there , we've oll'l" And to make the Dictum more graphic , Stanley mi micked the fresh-lauded colonists wiping the perspiration from their foreheads under the scorching sun ; and their sighs of relief , afterwards , whim sipping some ould draught "under the verandahs , " and the bellowing of the railway ser vants , and oven the hissing and spouting of the stcim engine. And ho proceeded at galloping pace , only resting now nntl then to take breath , and then startinc oil again at a simple remark which 1 wedged iu from time to time in order to impel ! him on again. L remained with him three hours and a half , and the represent ative of the Herald was the only other journalist whom Stanley consented to receive that day , after such an exhaust ing and exhaustive interview. 1 have had occasion to meet Stanley's French rival , Savorgnan do lira//.n , and have been .struck by the extraordinary con trast which the two men oiler in their general bearing. Not only is Do Bra/.x.a as tall and slim as Stanley is short and broad , not only is one dark as the other is now grey , but the diHercnco in their deportment and character Is so great that it is really worth pointing out. No man in the world could welcome a jour nalist more courteously than Do Hraz/.a. There is a perpetual smile in Ins I'.yes , which seems as a retleetion of those Italian skies under which , I believe , he was born. born.iu iu : is A t'lc.AunTTB rinsi ) . His tall , supple frame bends conde scendingly on the appearance of an in terviewer. Ho is ready at once not only to reply to any amount of questions , but oven to suggest them , and his answers are always given in a soft , musical tone , which caresses the cars as a warm , southerly brce/.o. Strange to say , how ever , as soon as Jlr. Reporter has van ished , quite charmed , from le Hraz/.a's presence , ho suddenly linds out that tlm French , or rather Italian , explorer has withheld from him all information of real interest , it having happened that the wily gentleman was desperately chewing his cigarette , and thereby mullling his own words , each time he was letting some cat out of the bag for Mr. Ke- portcr's benefit. Stanley , after a short moment of apparent coolness and still'- ness , lays his pipe down and opens his mind with an absolutely American frank ness , fearlessness and sincerity. The whole dillcronco lies there. De Braz/.a , unlike the hero of Lafontaino's fable , re sembles a sheath of iron painted green like si reed on the surface ; whereas Stan ley is the rccd which seems unbending at jirst sight , because it is painted over in iron lines. Lot us now return to our late interview at tlic Hotel do Bcllevuc , from which I have been wandering far away. With regard to what was said concerning the details of the Kmin expedition , it will suflice to mention the fact of Stanley's astonishing coolness , cheerfulness and hccdlessnoss of all danger. Ho could not have spoken in a lighter wav of his perilous undertaking if ho had been merely contemplating a holiday excur sion to the Channel islands. "Well , " I enquired , after observing this , "what about that American lectur ing tour upon the abandonment , of which the king complimented you ? Don't yon think you have greatly disappointed the people of the United States ? " AT HOME IN AMEUICA. "I have no doubt of it , " he replied. "Neither will they doubt that their dis appointment is largely shared by myself , "ion will remember that at our interview at Ostend , I told you of my intention to enjoy myself for a year or two , before trying another fresh trip. A long visit to America was to have been my principal enjoyment. It is the only part of the world , outside Africa , where I really feel at home. The English are kind to me , and the enlightened portion of the na tion certainly sympathize strongly with my work. But nowhere under the sun have I ever noticed such widespreadgen eral and popular appreciation of my aims as in the United States , whore the lowest as well as the highest classes of society follow my undertakings with the encour aging and inspiring interest shown by the youngest as by the oldest member of a family towards the worldly experi ments of a son or brother. I should have crossed the Atlantic and made a long stay in the dear place much carhor had 1 not boon forcibly detained in London by the protracted negotiations I had to carry on for the construction of the projected Congo railway. As soon as those negoti ations collapsed , and I felt myself free , I started joyfully for America to indulge In the long expected pleasure. And , cer tainly , it was very painful for mo to say farewell , and start back again to Europe , almost as soon as I hul : landed , lint then , my American friends will keep an other fact in view. 1 was , and am still , W THE EMl'J.OY OK KIN ( ! LKOl'OLD. Now.I accepted the mission to Wadelai , without knowing whether it would bo approved by .your sovereign , and there fore I risked incurring His displeasure und losing my engagement with him by rushing away to rescue Kmin Pacha. Is there , in the' United States , a single man who , under Iheso circumstances , would not understand that I had to obey a higher call of duty and conscience , bo- Torn which all other duties and pleasures must vanish ? In fsct , I know the Amori- 3.111 public too well to suspect that they would have entertained any other feeling than an uncomplimentary astonishment liad I hesitated to tear myself away from them , at such a call. For there is no nation which more Admires und values luring deeds and lofty undertakings than that which has furnished the motive power of my whole career and sot mo on the track of Dr. Livingstone , and which ivas the lirst to give the real status of ex istence to the Congo state , by ollicially iioknowlodging its llag long before any luiropoan government would even enter tain the idea. " And thereupon Stanley entered into a slashing comparison between the Amori- san ami the European press Ho found that generally journals did not turn to such a good account as they could the enormous power they now wield. There was too much of pm'aoual squabbles and party spirit shown. At times , ho thought that if ho were SLANDEIIKD I1Y A NKWSr.U'KH , lie would not take the trouble to deny it , because the public had become so stispi- uious of printed reports that even well- founded criticisms are often disbelieved. But the nrnss of the United States at least hail this splendid quality , that it al- ivavs supports traitorous ideas and lofty Inspirations , and never tries to mar a great undertaking by the sneers or the facile fun which European journalists frequently indulge in on nil subjects , heedless of the dispiriting cil'ect which u single word may produce on the Mronj.- ust minds and the moat philanthropic Bilbrta. So intent was Stanley on this portion of his remarks that hu had quite forgot ten the breakfast-tray which had been lying ou the table lor the last half-hour , Iliad to remind him of it by shaking hands and wishing Him "God spued" to Wndolai. Ue conducted mo to the door , aud re verting once more to the Ideas ho had bacn expressing : "Yes , " ho said"I should like to see the press of llio whole world become klndnr and kinder , nobler and nobler , us fa l as it becomes mightier and mightier. " And pointing upwards , ho added : "It should ever lojk ( higher and higher and take for its motto one word : Excel- siorl" ( tr.UAKi ) llAittir. Knto I'htijo Is writing the life of her father. Mrs. Kmmous is said to bo worth about s ; > oooo. It Is assorted that 1,000 women own nnil manage f.irins in lu\va. 1'lntln.i and coli ) Is tnn favorite combina tion In tine plated link button ? . Small shot now ornament tlio overlapping cuds of Mender wire and twist-shank rings. ' For misses , cell carrlncs chased and often set with turquoise nre neat and fashionable , Atnonst the wealthy and the followers ot fashion link-buttons mo almost exclusively worn , One of the most popular onyx rlncs Is without doubt the conventional llower with peal 1 center. The chased horse-shoo or wroath.eomblned with enamel ( lowers. Is appropriately us-cit iu earrings as well ns plus. A Hue of fancy stone earrings , Including opals , sapphires mid similar stones , set vco plainly , Is being made this season. Mrs. Maekay Is expected to become one ot the highest bidders tor some of tlio Kietich crown jewels at the coining sale In May. Ulnck braiding on whlto cloth vests ami panels is not now , but Is still worn , generally upon house chesses for those In nioiinilnj ; . Canadian authorities object to American sloops nml schooners , but the Canadian ulrls ore very friendly to United States smacks. Jlrs. Mary Ashley Townsend will edit the now bi-monthly magazine soon to be is sued in Now Orleans , wile the title Ait and Letters. Ladles bc lnnimr to lay aside rummilng wear ur.ty cashmere combined with -white eontedsllk nnd trimmed with steel passe menterie. Tlm double-strand cell bracelet Is now ap pearing In beautilul styles , the varied liulsli ot the two strands nli'ordliij , ' a wide range of contrast. The crescent In vermicelli finish , sot with diamonds and havim ; a small diamond slur on one of Us horns , is seen butii In pins and earnings. California widows stand no nonsense. An Oakland paper stated that a cltl/.en hail goim to a happier home , and the widow has sued the paper lor libel. There Is a tendency to return to some old- fashioned colors under now mimes. A bright blue shade Is railed "jubilee blue , " in honor of the Kimllsh queen. A Immlmmio opal rint ? recently Introduced 1ms a single stone with a trefoil of small diamonds mends on each side , and the upper part of the shank around tlio gems richly chas'cil. Ladies' vest chains are now made in tlm French style , polished cold shot alternating with French links of platinum. A small pla tinum locket In the same style is attached. Lady Colin Campbell hesitates between the stage , the lectuie platform , and a book. Havim ; the sanction of the ( pieon she will doubtless succeed In whatever she under takes. The forget-me-not Mulsh , a beautifully chnsi'd itiutaco of platinum nnd gold In imi tation ot that popular llower. Is the richest and most artistic novelty In chased sleeve- buttons. A salable ring at present has a Ihit shnulc , the upper pattof which Is split , and two par allel rows of fancy stones , three in a tow , ate set either diagonally or in line with the shank. A llghllplnk that Is being brought out In vel vets to combine with black lace Is much like the old Magenta shades and Is called Charles X. pink Anemone is a new reddish purple , much prettier than the heliotrope now worn. Five young women are studying In the law department In tlio .Michigan university this year. One of them Is the dimglitcrof a promi nent lawyer In the Sandwich Islands. Slie In tends to practice her profession in her native land. A new review has been started Iu Itomo by tlireo young Ualmn women. Tlio initial number promises biographies of celebrated women , articles on household eeonomy.drcs.s nnd hygiene , etc. , of particular intercut to women. 'llio newest queen chain Is composed of red and giccn gold and platinum in beautiful contrast , and his : n tail pendant , the surface of which consists of deeply chased blocks of the same metals , set with dilferent coloicd stones. him was a crank on the subject of music. Acciitlciuan knocked at her door anil nskod : "Does . live here ? " "No. Mr. Smith . sir ; Ills his room is nn octave huher In the next Hat , " she replied , in a pianissimo nudnute tone of voice. In Holland women are rapidly usurping the occupation of pharmaceutical assistants. Out. of a total of illty-sovon candidates , nine teen out of thirty-one females , mid only eight out of twenty-four males were success ful In the recent state examination. Tlio new aomestlc golden beryl hits n very pleasing olfect when mounted In the plain twist-shank ring In combination with small diamonds , or In scarf-pins in the popular Maltese cross form. It almost rivals tlio diamond mend In brilliancy. When a young lady runs olt nnd marries n coachman a great fuss Is made about It ; but every iliiy seine bride marries siKi'ootiiand nothing is thought of thnt. Said n maid , "I will marry for lucre , " And her scamlaliml ma almost shuero : liut when tlio chance came , And she told the cond dame , I notice she did not lebucre. The close French bonnet promises to hold tsown the coming season , judging by tlio printed plates and other models HOIU over na uinouncements ot forthcoming styles in lead-gear. Pointed , gabled nnd horseshoe crowns are shown among the majority of .hoio shapes , and the bonnet entire Is still ho diminutive toy head-dress thnt it tins been or two seasons past. The mixture of striped mid other fancy nnteriat with plnm fabrics will continue 111 'avor during the coming season , nnd also tlio rlmmiiic of textiles in monochrome with bandfrof contrasting material of various de signs to represent stripes. Ualloons , fancy beaded passementeries , lint plimvt Iu nji ! pllqtip , molro ml Into ulrbics. velvet ribbons f nnd bands of Swiss Insertion will bo used fo. I this purpose. i The old rcptlllc anil Insect forms , so pop 1 ular this st'nsnn , occasionally take ttecidertljV 5 realistic forms. A necklace was reccntlj seen , the CIMP of which was n hugo error froir , while the several links were formed ol long-tailed tadpoles. A ] > ln for the hnlr , equally prc-Hiphirllstlc : , is composed of n hunch of cherries on ono of which n slim Is resting , n tiall of slime belm : plainly marked behind It. > India silks nro more popular than French foulards owing tothi-lr superior iltiinblllty. F \ \ hlto India silks , with all over patterns of ' graceful lines In black , blue , brown or soar- lot will niako pretty summer dresses , and there are many Wattrau ami Pompadour de signs of roses ami pinks In Dale nnd charm- Ini : colors. I.ace Is no loser used In profu sion to trim these light silks , velvet having t superseded It , Surahs with larje. wide dlaeonal twills are shown In nil solid colors anil In many plaids , soim-of the prettiest being dark blue crosst-,1 with pink or lighter blue : Suedp.with lurs ot roscnuil ciet'ii , and irrcou grounds barred with pli.k. J'lieso are to ho made up In en- lire dresses not combinations , with velvet collar , vest nnd cud's ; tlut skirts bordered with velvet , or with velvet laid In between the plaits. Thereils already a Inrge display In nil the shops of saleoiis , batistes ami other cotton Kooils , bccatiso such dresses nro made tin during tlio leisure ot I.eut. Panels of em. broidery , borders for the lower skirl nml en. tire skirts of embroidery are special fonturot of these pretty gowns. The various shades of heliotrope , so popular this winter , reap pear In the Baleens , ns well ns several of tlio now greens nud grays. The taney is to mnkt them with plain skirls of. sollit color , the drapery being Itemed Iu white or ecru. A. Chinook Wind. Providence Journal : A Hostoulau , who has just returned from a Hying trip to Portlund.Ori'gon , relates liow'hoToll ( Mil. cage with the mercury al zero , and went on to litid it constantly sinking , until with two locomotives it was dillicult to got up steam enough to drag the train ; and with a roaring lire in the ears it was still net'e sary to keep In furs to be anything nearly comfortable. Ho says that in crossing snowy plums through Dakota , when everybody was bundled up to the eyes , a man accus tomed to the country suddenly throw' back his heavy ulster collar , exclaim ing : There , .we've struck n Chinook wind. Now we are all right. I'm going out on the platform. " Those not accustomed to the idiosyn crasies of the American climate in tlmt especial locality regarded Iho man : .s be side himself , but when the platform was vi.siled by the more daring ones , It w.s ; discovered that the temperature was that of n mild spring day. The snow and the mysterious wind seemed to have blown in a new season. The name of this warm breeze is tliosnmo as that of a tribe of In dians of British Columbia , who perhaps manufacture it , and it is said to be so warm thai it destroys llirco or tour feet of snow in a single night. The gentleman who relates this thermic voyage elopes by relating ho\v when he arrived al Porl- land , pansies were blooming in Hi'gar den beds , and mildness had possession of Iho land ; an ending which is especially cllectivo in these frozen days. NOTHING LIKE IT. * tt-Frnm nirrcnt correr nndnee r//A / ileatm ttTCnnilt/im ; t.'mwinff the tlalui cj/'W. / JacubS Oil audits uoitderjul c&cacy. No Such Word. Word.Globo'MllIs Globo'MllIs , Ta. , Oct. cn.lSSO. "I hnvo never heard of a Mn le ciuo ! , ' ) 5 which It lulled to i-niv. Kt Jaoobt Oil ( takes tlio lead. " B. II. VOIJUU , Dealer. Flmulrcixu , B.iVotnli , ICov ; 4 , IPffi. "Every one. laio s It utul tails for St. Jo- col'3 ' Oil , I hnvo only Urrnp Jt up , liliuulllgit Will not dlMiimnlllt. " Jt. H. WHITE , Druggist. TTnvor Ilcenl of UNsutuructlcm. riiurinacy , lSX,3d : Avo. , New York , N. Y.,1 October iS , ISiii. f "ScllInigSt.Jneoli' ! Oil fur yoitra ; never hml ono report of iH'wHsCm-llmi. " AUpC. DoLACKNEU. _ _ Greater Thnn All Ciiiiililneil. Vlnccnurs , Ina. , Oct. 21 , lESfl. "Hnvo Hold it from the slurt with Meadf liUTenshii ; ( li'inaiul ; Mite uf gl. JncolJ * Oil greater than all others combined. " II. J. WATJiJN , Druggist. | The lestSelllnK Article. Anainn , ilnss. , Nov. 1 , ISffl. "St. .Tacrilii Oil is the bett , tolling remedy ever Imudk'il. " SMITH. 510LE & CO. , Dealers. Always rrnUncl-Knoriiioua Snlo. 70 MnMon iJilif , N , Y , , Oct. 10 , 1RSB. SnleK of St. Jacoln Oil I'tinrmom. In M yenranothhip has equaled H ; never henrd Itfjpokeu or but In pralto. JM > . II. FRANCIS. _ THE CIIAHLED A. VOOKI.CI1 CO. , lUHImore , H4. Sir-.lll jirrsons USINO SH.Jiicnlii OU or A'nJ etar Cough fuif , will by smiling n two-cent ttamp an < l n tidtoru of Ihtir case , naive Ativicc FBKL\ XKKE FKOH OPIATES AND POISON. SAFE. PROMPT. AT DUl'dOISlH AND UK1I.KK3. 7UECU1IUU A.IOGtLIU CO..IULT1HOEE. KP. A. JI. COM STOCK , 3-enl. Insurance Agent And Uual Estate llrokcr , loom 10 CrclKhtou IllnuU , Oumlm. liisnrancui written hi lullublo comimiilos InUuponduiUur lioanl rates. .A. . Tlie now Cash . Urocerv . lluutu ciiniunioj m uttim-i Lnmcln of I'lixor , i\l lo-uwuka imyur1 , who lira ( lilting Hmiiiiu of thoreiimrkutily low price * at wlilrli llrrt-cliiHiKriicurlu nru liclnit HUM. Tliuxnuda urn now , tlm Lore neat nud ultrauivo , every buleiiunn U H "Blur. " A vhlt to till * kturo will nniiljr | roitjr | : yuu. No mlmiti- ton Is charuod. Thu nhow IM free , und nil uru Invltod. i Lbs. Cliolcn Hnnstoil ( 'oirna fl ( ) Itojnl Iliikhi ? I'owiliir , Id ocana 4.1a V , l.lis. Kutioy HoiiHtutl ColK'0 1 ou 25 lliirs Iliibliifs llostoi ! : | $1 W l\ \ > i , Iloiisted Java Coiloo 1 U. . ) 10 I.h.s. iiniiiiilnti' < l Himiir 1 W U)3KumiloTonbargain | ( ) 1 UOH Cans Mhhy'HiMb Coniud Hoof 1 U'l Llis. 1'lno Jiumn Ton 1 ( W'Colctini Hyrup , | > nr kuir 1 MOL OLXX.V \ > OybtorOritckora 1 Oi.r | > I'liokauos Arliuoklo'sCoiIcin 1 ( H ) tU-eourfumou < luliirlt4t. ! Bund un order hf noitiil riinl. Turn nvxr n nuw lent nml pny < nli. Open tlllnluo uiniilu. WAU1IKH 1IUOWN , Corner mil Bt. und Ht. .Mary's Avo. , omulm. Makes and Sells These Goods. Millard Hotel BlockOmalia , , . HOW TO ACQUIRE WEALTH. NO UL&NICS ! IJIC1 I'JU/.Kttl 1CVKIIY VUAK OVI5U \ SIIM.JOH IMS 1'KIIIU riU MO UK THAN ONK IWAWJNG rt * ' ' . UY MONTH. TWO UKAU'INtiS IN I'lClSltltUAKl 'I'lIIJ | bT AM ) UOTII , Only ? 2.00 required to secure one Royal Italian 101) ) francs gold bond , These bond larlicipate in 225 drawings , four drawings every year ard retain their original valu mtil the year lOil. Prize * of 2,000,000 1,000,000 , oOO.OOJ &c. francs will bu drawn , b ides the certainty of receiving back 100 franct in gold , you may win 4 times cverf ycai and so come Into pcmc.Mon of a fortune , Witlill ( ( > ) TculollurBU8 nriit payment you c u secure Kl 300 Austrian govtrnniont ImuJj with 8 per cent interest , and U various Kuroiieuii jfoverinucut bumU , which uru drawn 31 lliuui unnuully with prlzoa amounting to over I'l S.OJJ.tiQJ , Imhnoo on o.isy monthly iustullmmits. Snt nveutinent of capital us Iho InvMtoJ ! mmnjr must b pitlil buok and inuny oliaticos to win a bl pclzo. Monuy can button ! lijr.rOtfUturixl letter , money orilur or by expro&g , uud la roluru w tri orwardtlic documents. For further Information , cull on or adJruas. UIvItII.V BANKING CO. , UO3 Unmdwiiy , New York. M. U.-These bondj r not lotturr tlckeU , and tbo sale U leMl/ > erinlito < L ( Uf lawoIlUTS