Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 13, 1887, Image 1

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! ho Situation in the Englieh Honso Dis
cussed in All Its Phases ,
'ho Defeat of Parnell's ' Amendment Gives
It Momentary Eel-Back.
tandy's Exile Causes Friends and Enemies
to Wish Ilim Back Again.
'ho Youn Lad Living in the Oaro of an
English Matron ,
low the Last Napoleon Became Infatuated
With a Professional Skater.
froncli OIllolulH Assure Colonel
Thompson TliuL tlio Government
Will Not Prohibit the lOvportu-
tluti of 1'crolieron Horses
Other Korclun News.
I'roin n Jleuilior of Pftrliainent.
ICuiwiltlM IMG l > vJtimc ( lonlin llennctt.l
LONDOX , Feb. 12. [ Now York Herald
table Special to thu Uii : : . | Kvcrybody was
( rejiaicd lor the lesult of the division this
norning on Parnell's amendment. No alter-
itlons In thu state of parties have occurred.
I'hu defeat of the amendment by over a hun-
Ircd was a foiegono conclusion , especially
Vhun one knew the regular whip had been Is-
lued to tlio ( lladstomans. Thny voted or
ibstalned just as they pleased. According
o my calculations twenty-live of them stayed
iway. On the other side , the liberal-union-
fcts musteied strongly , old John IJrlcht com-
ng up purposely to vote , lie did not favor
ho liouso with liis presence , but con-
cntcd himself with writing quietly in
inu of the division lobbies. Chamberlain
iartliiKton and Henry James were In thu
louse accompanied by slxtv-ulght other lib
ra I unionists , nlno only being absent. The
nnservallvcd voted In a solid masj against
ho amendment , except ono unfortunate who ,
lalfasloep , drifted Into the Parnellito lobby
> y mistake. As thu division did not take
ilaco until a quarter past one , over
line hours after thu meeting of the house ,
omo drowsiness was oxcusable. Tlio blind ,
hu lame and tlio halt were all brought up.
'arnell sat It out fcoslally , though looking
icaryand ill. Curtalnly he looks ten j ears
ilder than ho did last session. Sexton nnd
Dillon vvciu nearhlm , Dillon undismayed nu-
larently , by the prospect of his trial , which
cglns on Monday. Few In ttio house of
Itlier piity would bo soiry to seu him escaoo
mnlshmcnt , his gieat earnestness having
toil respect for him on nil sides.
Tin : I.ONCJ niuiATU.
As regards the debate , tliu general admls-
Ion is that it was very long mid rather dull ,
hough enlivened last night by Sexton , who
L'compllshed the fuat of speaking over two
lours without wearying tlio house. Ho
coined to bo In his best form , sarcastic and
uimorous. and wound up with nn elleotivo
.ppeal . tot Iioland.
On the mlnbteral side , Matthews , from
iliom somiich was expected , somewhat mnd-
lled ills work. Ho spoku like an attoincy
j\ some local court and got contradicted
Hetty frequently by tlio Irish members. Al-
ogether ho cannot bu said Jto have
Ihtingnlshed himself. 1 noticed
nany members on his own sldo
caving before thu conclusion of his speech.
Later on Sir Michael Hleks-Ueach made a
onsplciious success by his defense of the
nlnlstry. His speech was decidedly the best
Icllveied for that sldo throughout the debate ,
larcourt slashed away In his novel style , but
10 was hampeied by his past rccoid , his
oerclon 1 > 1U of IbbJ , and his famous speech
bout stewing In Parncllltu Juice. Allusions
D those points made by Hlcks-lleacli were
fcelved with deafening ami prolonged
lieuis. The Paruellitcs themselves vveio un-
.bio to suppress a smile. They may forgive
iarcourt's ruthless coercion policy , but are
lot likely to forgot It.
This debate closed the lilsh question for
he moment , but only for the moment. This
reek wo have to discuss four other amend-
nents to Urn procedure iiiles In thu hope of
irovuntlng obstruction. The hope Is a vain
me , and tlio rules , oven if passed , would do
ittlu good. There seems llttlu or no chance
> t any teal business being done this side ot
Caster and dullness has settled down on thu
tousu slnco Kandoloh Churchill's dupaitnrc.
That alone would cauto very many to wish
llm back again. Hlswoist enemies people
ivhom hu has snubbed , disappointed office
icekets , pcoplo who think they ouuht to bo In
he cablncnt Instead of holding sub-
iidinato olllcos In the ministry alt
iru obliged to admit that the patty can't go
in veiy long without him. Some , Ilko Chap-
jn , are anxious to keep him down nt all
'osts , personal revenge for real or fancied
Mongs being more powerful than any other
'onslderatlon , lint the bulk of the party
ou 1 ; with contempt on this vlndlctlveness.
If a general election caucht thu conservatives
ivlth Churchill estranged they would luovlta-
Dly lo : > o many scats , Kvery constttutcncy
has In It a certain number of Churchlllltes
who would strongly resent any Injustice
done him. The Chaplin game of revenge
would cost thu party dear if persisted In ,
Aleauvvliilo. Churchill Is icsting quietly In
Algeria and perhaps reflecting on thu short
memory of ninny men whose political for
tunes ho made , and who would not now bo In
oflice but for Ills labors nnd generosity. HU
demand for economy and rooting out abuses
in the great spending departments will Inev
itably sweep the country betoro loujr.
Dunraven's retirement deprives the ministry -
try of a most useful colleague. Ho Is well
known In the colonies , and much respected
for his Intelligent and liberal views regardIng -
Ing colonial policy. Ho believes lirmly In
Churchill's general position , and Is piepaied
boldly to throw In his lot with the man whom
old-fashioned tones have rashly doomed to
perpetual exile. Jobbery must ba exposed
and brought to an end , progressive legisla
tion adopted and tory dodolsm sent to the
museums where It properly belongs. These
uu tho. views Lord Dunraven has always de
fended. Ho clicks to them now , though at a
sopslderabld bacilUce to himself. Perhaps
.hero are others lu the ministry who eym-
> athl/B with him , thoueh they have tiot the
self-denial to confess it , Tlio
crack of the party whip drives most of the
rank and file shtlnklng aud trembling back
Into ( ho ranko.
run i.inr.K.u , SPLIT.
On the liberal sldo the wounds are not
likely to bo healed up. Harcourt hit out at
Chamberlain , Hartlngton and James this
morning. All three were sitting by his sldo.
This docs not look ns If a treaty of peace would
he signed at the "round table. " 1 think 1 see
by many signs that the bitterness between
the two sects Increases tathnr thin declines ,
( iladstono remains warily In the background.
There Is no possible course for him to take at
present with advantage. Ho Is waiting and
watching for some turn of events which
miy give him a chance. No doubt ho Is
greatly amused at the "round table" confer
ences which can end only In ono way. His
clurn to power. Is not likely to be broucht
ibnut by Haitlngton and Chamberlain.
Nothing clso can help him much at present ,
uiless the ministry allows itself to bo
tlra''ied ; Into a foreign war , of which there
ure no visible signs.
A Mi.viiuii : : or PAIIUAMIXT. :
Story of iho I'rlnco Imperial's Heir
Society Notcp.
\fo \ ) > i/t < oM J.SS7 l > ) i James Oorcloii HtnntU.1
PAIIIS. Feb. 12. | Now Yotk llctald Cable
Special to the llii.J : : Sunbeams and
spring toilets have suddenly vanished Ilko n
ileasant dream , for a Herald storm an
nounced for the 10th arrived on time , accom
panied by blinding snow. Siberian weather
now rules supreme from Pails to Naples ,
ivhcro the Neapolitans have had the coldest
snap known for thlily jcars.
The president of the lepubllc and Mine.
( Irovy gave their first ball on Thurday night.
There were,000 : ! Invitations less than usual ,
and the electric light has replaced the candles
that In pluvious years used to weep over the
[ lancers'coats and diesses. The war clouds
nnd the cabinet crisis are beginning to tell
on President ( Jrevy. On Thursday night ho
looked qiilto fatigued , and after receiving
Kiiests with an allablu smile , ho retired at
11:80. : Mine. ( Srov'y had a cold and Mine.
Wilson did the honors In a palo blue toilet
with w Into lace and diamonds. The diplo
ma ie corps , Including , ot course , Mr. Mac-
Lane , withdrew snoitly after "mid
night. The Malagasy mission of Mada
gascar princes and notables wore also
irescnt in full costume , consisting of patent
leather shoes , pink silk stockings exotic
knlckeibockers , and short jackets woven
with gold. They are kindly lookinc youths.
They tried to dance but failed and subsided
Into slmplospectatots. The dance continued
iintil 3 In the morning , when a gallop was
struck up and then everybody lied.
From Madild 1 heard that luches ) do Mor-
ny's brother , Count S < > rgo do Morny , Is
madly in love with a charming young lady
aged seventeen , ono of a family of fourteen
children , and ho wishes to marry. Hut the
} 0iine lady's father has stipulated two years
quiet for the j'ouug count botoro giving ohls
consent and blessing. Hathor n scvcio or
deal for a do Morny.
Tin : T.KOITIVI.VTI : itnir. r.ivixn.
The prince Inperial's idyl , In spite of all
contradictions , Is tine. The legitimate heir
Is now livint : In thu cam of an Knirllsh lady
atNetillly. She Is bringing the little fellow
up quietly to take an humble position In life.
Ho will bo taught a trado. Ho ts &OVPII years
old , very bright , and hasNapolcanlo features.
A Miss Charlotte Yv'atkyns , whoso parents
kept a second-hand clothier shop In a sticc
near Itegent street , London , and generally
known as "Lottie" Watkyns , appeared upon
the London stagu without success , and then
took to skating at the rinks dutlng thu rink
craze. She finally become a professional
skater.oTho prince mother oin day on a
train , wheio the acquaintanceship began. He
told her he was a French gentleman studyIng -
Ing English , and hu gave his
name as Mr. "Lewis" or
Louis. " The prince and she made
a lendc/.vous nt a small hotel In Jermyn
street , not at the hair dressers and pcrfum-
ei's as was erroneously stated. Miss Watkyns
was a very pretty , dark girl , with exception
ally long black hair , velvety eyes , tall ,
slender H2ure. She was well known at a
dramatic professor's In Jermyn
stieet , where she was a very
great favorltu witli littciatuuis , artists and
journalists. She was not a model of chatlty ,
for she had one child by a very distinguished
father before she met thu prince , and has had
a third ono since her Imperial lover's death.
Miss Watkyns made tlio discovery who the
"Mr. Lewis" really was at the Duke
of Norfolk's wedding in ISrompton
oratory , when Lord lieaconstield stood
amaclably chatting with him. Miss
Watkyns took counsel and made np
her mind the only way to keep her lover to
herself was to feign Ignorance as to his per
sonality. Tills sliu managed with the art of
aeonsumato actress. The prince was cer
tainly head-over-liucls In love with her , nnd
among his letters to her from lieckloy In
1S7S Is ono In which lie wrote : "If over I get
to bo a great man 1 will make you a great
little woman. "
Miss \Vatkyns Is a croud kind of a girl ,
and scorns the Idea of seeking assistance.
She never went to Camde.n house , and the
empress never knew anything whatever
about the escapade until lately. Miss Wat
kyns wont \Valwitch when the body ol
tlio dead prince returned fiom the Soudan
hoping to see her lover's features once again ,
but no ladles were admitted to tlio Identifica
tion , and she returned to London. She went
to thu requiem mass in St. Mary's chinch
Chlllehurst , nnd thu then Homan Catholic
bishop of Southvvark , who know her story ,
spoke to her most kindly after the touching
ceremony , and praised her tor her woman 1)
let Ice nee , and It was throuirh the Iniluuncu of
the bishop of Soutliwark that Miss Watkyns
was sent out to Australia with a letter of In
troduction to the Homan Catholic bishop ii
Melbourne , who placed her in a family as That kind of life , however , was
totally unsulted to Miss U'alkyns' tastes , am
she Is now back again In London , her onlj
wish being that -'tho child , " and by that she
means the offspiIng of the prince , shall bu
broutrht up In Ills mother's country and tha
the secret of his bltth shall bo kept as long
as possible from the youngster , who Isstiong
precocious and noisy ,
Two very Ingeniously devised fancy cos
tumes have been completed In anticipation o
the mardl gras. They leprcsent respective ! )
a black and a while poodle. The tint narnec
dress has a deep , low necked culrasse corsage
of black velvet , boidercd round the shouldei
with a band of black astrakhan , A slmlla
band Is also round the lower edge of the dcci
basque. Hands of astrakhan pass over th
shoulders and the guise ot sleeves. Th
shott skirt Is composed of black astraklmt
cloth , with a slight drapery of black velvc
on the back. The boots are of black satin
finished around the top with bauds of as
traklmu , each having a round tuft of that fu
set upon the Instep. 'Ihoy aio worn vvitl
black silk stockings. The long black glove
are edged at the top with bands of ustrakhai
and each has a second band of the sama fur
placed midway between the vrrlst and elbow
Ou the left arm is worn a twisted sllvc
bangle In compliance with the costume tha
require ! Monsieur Canopo to wear such a
bracelet ou his loft 'orele ; ; . Tlio head dres
s a cap shaped like that of Mercury , In black
strakhon nnd having two rounded cars to re-
ilaco the wines. These are fastened back In
lie same stjlo as the wings on Mnrcurj's
leadgear. Aiound the throat Is worn a sli
er dollar lined with red velvet and hung
vlth bells. A lonp plated whip of leather Is
arrled In the hand. This completes-the
The white poodle toilet has n corpse In
vhlto satin , the skirt being covered with
ows of silky algcrlan trlnces In white mo-
mlr , and the back drapery being In while
attn. The details of the dress are precisely
hose of thoblack costume , thocapbelng com-
> osed of white astraklun cloth , as arc also
he bands that trim the corsage , thu boots and
The latest styles of dressing the hair nro
nuch loss exaggerated than at ono time they
hreatencd to become. High structures of
mITs and curls and aigrette have been re-
tlaeed by much simpler and less elevated
modes of arrangement , though In the same
style. The "Danls" collfure , formed by brim-
ng the back hair forward and turning It
over to forma single toll at the top of the
load , Is now and very graceful.
OA11JTY ON Tilt : H1V1E11A.
In splto of snow storms the ilvlcra con-
: Inues very gay. The Prince of Wales and
ils son , Prince ( ! corfo of Wales , highly en-
loyetl themselves during the famous "IJattlo
of llowers" at Cannes. There are morn
rVmcrlcans nt Cannes , Menlo Carlo and Nice
this jear than ever before.
Colonel Thompson Asstireil That They
Can bo Kxporlod.
ISS7 1m Jtiincs (7im ! > /Jcniiclf.l
PA uis Feb. 12.- ] Now York Herald
Cable Special to the Mm : . | Colonel Thomp
son , commissioner for Illinois , Ohio , Ne
braska and other states , instituted to rf ] > -
resent the Inlcicsts of tlio American Unite. In
Perchcron horses , had to day a loin : and
very satisfactory conversation with M. Do-
ville , the Ficnch minister ofagilculture , con
cerning the rumored intention of the Fionch
government to prohibit the exportation of
horses. Dm Ing the conversation M. Dcvlllo
said : " 1 havu consulted fully with M. Goblet -
let , president of the council , and
General liouhmger , the minister of
war , and am able to glvo you
a positive , formal assutance that tlio govern
ment has no intention whatever at present
of prohibiting the exportation ot horses , al
though thu other day -ISC French horses were
sold to Get many and ciossed the frontier. "
In reply to Thompson's Inquiries , the min
ister also said : "Why , even in the event of
an embargo of horses , you may accept the
assurance of the Fiencli government that
Perchcion horses will be exempted from it ,
that the irovoriiinent will not do anything to
interfere witli that Important branch of the
government with tlio United States.
Tliis Is ono of the most peaceful official
statements yet madu , and Is reassiuing to all
who hope thn warscaie is finally over , nnd to
iVmorlcan horse dealers In paitlcular.
Colonel Thompson , In behalf of Mr. Dun
ham , of Wayne , III. , presented Mile. Kosa
lionhcur with three wild Ameiican mus
tangs , which she has tinned loose on her cat
tle fat m near Fontalncbleait. They are in
first rate condition , kicking , I > IUIIHIIIR and
rearing about In high spirits. Kosa Jionhcnr
Is perfectly dellgnted with them and Intends
using them as models for a larco American
cattle picture. She , In return , presented Mr.
Diiiiham nnd Colonel Thompson with thico
cxquisltu i > oi traits of splendid Pcrcheron
stallions , selected by Hosa Uonheur herself
from a considerable number putchased by
Mr. Dunham. Colonel Thompson says that
Peicheron horses this year are greater in
numbcis and in quality as fine , if not finer ,
than hitheito , but the puces arc somewhat
higher. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Gossip on African Affairs.
[ ropyi luM 1SS7 1'jJiiinti a < n ( I'm JttnnM. }
LISIION , Feb. 12. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to the Uii : : | I interviewed M.
Debra/za ns lie was embarking hem to-day
for Africa. Ho says the capture of Stan
ley Falls was a much more deplorable event
than the freu state will own to Its being. It
would produce the worst moral ellect In
Africa , as It would reuse the native i.ices
and lead them to resist all Kuropcan civilisa
tion. He thinks that great trouble , tliere-
foiu , Is ahead. Ho also thinks Mr. Stanloj-'s
Kmln Hey expedition is a mask for another
ambitious object , which will como . to the
surface later on.
Warlike Kiimorfl nt Borlln.
UEIIIIN , Feb. 12. The .Nachrichten
Xeltung states that largo quantities of ma
terial for tlio construction of Frunch barracks
passed the frontier ot Alsace between Jan
tiary 30 and February ft. Three hundred and
seven trucklonds of beams and planks have
been sent to Franco.
The North German Gazette says that slnco
General Houlang.'r assumed charge of the
war olllco not a day has passed without
measures being taken to augment the olfon-
sivo strength of the Ficnch army. The
patriotic attitude of tlio French chamber of
deputies and tliu Ficnch piess toward thu
credits Geneial lloulangor considers neces
sary ought to cover with sliamo tliu pro-
gicsslst and Catholic parties In Germany
which , when thu gloilous cieator of Gorman
unity declares that the sacilfico he asks from
the nation has no other aim than peace , re
fuse him the necessary means to defend the
frontlets of the tatherland.
Haden advices repoit Inrreaslns arrivals of
reinforcements at Saatbiuck. A regiment of
cavalry has been bllloled upon the Inhabl
tants. At Hrlsach four hatteiles ot aitillei >
havu been stationed. There Is a constan
movement of tioops between Met/ and the
posts on the frontier of Luxemburg.
K\-Mnyor Itovvimiu'H Murilcror ? ,
ST. Lous , Feb. 12. George W. Voice
who was arrested yesterday , charged will
Ihu murder ot ox-Mayor Howman.of Last St
Louis , 111. , denies positively that ho com
in it ted the deed , but promises that ho will as
slst In tracking the real murderer. It Is
believed , however , that hu was In some vva >
connected with the inmder , either with beIng -
Ing bribed to keep silencu or In Its aetua
commission , and that ho will turn state's ev
idence to avoid prosecution. When he
found out yesterday that Smldt and Hanks
had Informed on him , ho said hu vrouh
surely kill them on sight and threatened to
shoot them through the bars of his cell 1
they were ever biought to thu jail.
Kuester's PoUoned Whisky ,
WiSNKtt , Neb. Feb. 12. Ferd Kuester has
been bound over to thu dlsttlct couit charge
with Kivlni : poisoned whisky to Miss LU/Io
Wehrer , causing her death. Ten days ago
Kucstcr called at the Wclircr homestead , :
few miles from thu city , pulled a bottle o
whisky from his pocket , took adtlnk him
self , and passed it around. The girl's parents
partook us well as heiself , and In a few hems
all were attacked with a violent retching
Lizzie died tiom the effects of thn drugget
liquor , but thn othets recovered. The belief
obiaius timt the liquor was drugged by parties -
ties who hud designs on Kuestcrs life. The
dead girl was eighteen jears of age.
Priming the Ijogn
WAsiiixnTox , Feb. 1J , In the senate to
day Mr. Mauderson Introduced a bill pro
vldtng for the printing of U0.500 copies of the
Loean eulogies delivered in the senate , anil
authorizing thegeerotary of tliu tteasury to
causu-to bu printed a portrait of tha late sen
ator to accompany the e uulogies.
The Honsa Passes the Bill For the Redemp
tion of This Unpopular Coin ,
The Senate Provides For tlio Trans
portation of Central mill Boiith
American Mails Proceedings
In lloth Uranuhct ) .
WASHINGTON , Feb. 12. Mr. Scott ot Pcnn-
lylvanla called up thcscnnto bill for the re-
hrmcnt and recolnaiio of trade dollars.
Mr. O'Neill of Missouri raised the point ot
order that the committee on labor was en
titled to the floor uniiur n prior special order
made May last. That special outer had been
undo under a suspension of the rules Mav
ast by a two-thirds vote , and ho contended
; hat It would bo set asldo by nmajoiltyoto
of the house upon a tesolutlon reported by
the commlttuo on rules. Such a course
would turn the making of the special ordoi
for a two-thirds vote Into a farce , The com
mittee on rules could nullify the notion of
the house and to-morrow report a resolution
seftlng asldo the remainder of tlio session lor
[ ho consideration of ono particular job , to
the exclusion of ovcry prior special older.
The speaker itated that the order award
ing the lloor for ono day to ttio committee on
labor had been made in May last and was
the continuing outer. Subsequently the
house not the committee on inles had sot
asldo a particular day for the ronsideiatlon
ot the tiado dollar bill to tin * exclusion of all
other business , llooveriuled the point of
Mr. O'Neill then lalsed the question of
The house- decided yeas , U2 ; nays , 101
to consider the trade dollar bill.
The liouso atrreed to thu amendment to the
senate ti rule-dollar bill , piovldlng that the
recoinagu of trade dollars lecolned undoi this
act shall notbeconsidoied aspaitof tliu silver
bullion roiuited to bo purchased and coined
under the provisions of tlio Bhmd law. As
so amended , the bill passed. As passed , the
bill provides that for a apoiiod of sl\ months
utter the passage of this act tiado dollais , If
not defaced , mutilated or stamped , filial ! bo
rerel\ed at lace value In payment of all dues
to the United States and shall not again ho
paid out or by any other moans Issued ; that
dtirliu tlio above period holdeisol such tiado
dollars may iccehe In exchange for them a
Ilko amount of value dollar for dollar in
standaid silver dolUrs or in subsidiary silvoi
coins and that all laws authoil/in the coinage -
ago and issuance of trade dollais are re
The house then went Into committee of the
vvholo on the diplomatic and consular np-
piopiiation bill.
Mr. Hums of Missouri made a point of
order airainst tlio provision iucieaslinr the
salarv ot the minister to China from 512,030
to 517,000.
Tlio point of ordflr was sustained as was
also the point of order imiiinst the provisions
iixini : the salaries of ministeis to the Argen
tine Id-public nmlTuikey at S10.000.
Pending luither action the com m'-ttco rose.
Messrs. Hreckenridgo of Aikansas , May-
buiy and liecdveio.aiipolnted confeiees on
the bill m.iklnir the close of the season for
mackerel fishing.
The house then adjourned.
WASHINGTON , Fcu > y - The d'alrman ' of
tlioconnn ! - " ' nilgai avTAlrsrcportcd back
with amendments the bill introduced vcstor-
day to Increase the naval establishment , mid
gave notice that ho would call It up Mondaj.
The amendments made by thenaval commit
tee have the. elfect of fixing Hie bonus to bo
pal-i the contractor for the first knot in excess
of the contract a rate of twenty knots to bo
obtained by the proposed now cruisers S100-
000 ; and for each additional Knot SiiCO.OOO.
Tlio aggregate of the appropiiatlon 321-
800,000 lias not been changed.
Mr. Hale reported back from the naval
committee with amendment the bill intro
duced by him yesterday "to provide for an
increase of the naval establishment , " and
gavu notice that ho would call It up at an
early day. The amendment appropilated
53,000,000 for the nrinament ot vessels , for
the construction of which the bill piovldeb.
Tlio bill appropriates S1R.4 , 0,000.
On motion of Mr. Ciillom tlio house hill re
bating to the division of the state of Illinois
Into judicial districts and for holding tlio
terms of court of the noithorn district at
1'eoria was passed with an amendment. A
committee on conference on the amendment
was ordered. The amendment provides that
all crimes heictolorc committed shall bu tried
In the same manner as if the bill had not
Tne senate then resumed consideration of
the postoillco appioprlatlon bill , tlio question
being on the amendment appiopriatlng
SCOO.OOO tor mails to South Ameilca.
Mr. Morgan moved to amend the subsidy
amendment by inserting Instead ot the word
"built" the " "
woids "owned and ofliccred ,
That sentence will read ' 'for the tiansporta-
tlon of f 01 elf M mails by American owned
and olllcered steamships ; " also , to add to the
paragraph as follows : "Such steamships ,
ho owned and otticcred , shall be entitled to
ho enrolled , losisteied and licensed as Amer
ican built shins aie. while they aio employed
In the execution of said contracts tor the
transposition of foreign mails. "
Mr. Heck opposed tin ) subsidy amendment
and said the majority of tlio committee hav
ing seen lit to assume that the language of
the postmaster general's report was In ac
cordance with tlio Mibshly amendment , ho
had himself applied to thu postmaster general
on the bubjcct and received a letter which ho
would now read to the senate. The post
master gc-ncial says In his letter : "A fair
leading of my two repoits , ono for lbV > and
the other tor IbMl , will show , unless I am
\ cry much mistaken , that the only object or
puiposo In view 01 suggestion In the last re-
jiort was to obtain the cairlago ot malls to
South American jopuhllcs , with double ser
vice to B.a/ll , at hiich cheap and economical
figures as would bo necessary tor the purposu
and that no Idea of a subsidy ( for tlmmoiu
creation of a line of trade and tta\el ) was
proposed , There are companloj.nominally or
actually of foielgn ounnl/ntlon , which I be
lieve would compete lor this set vice and fur-
nlsh Itatcompatatively cheap Ilguics. J be
lieve also that If that competition was ad
mitted , nn Ameiican company would secure
the service Instead of a foreign company , but
at a fair remuneration and not as the recip
ient of a subsldv. 1 think there Is uood ica-
hon to expect tills result , it oppoitunlty ho af'
torded tor it , and that un enlargement of our
postal facilities may bo secured with no
vicious course of subsidy legislation to bring
It about. "
After further debate the question was taken
on Mr , Morgan's ireo ship amondment.and It
was rejected . \ens , 19 ; nays , Si.
Mr. Motgati moved to amend by adding to
the senate amendment the words , "Ono of
the lines of steamships to carry mails pro
vided lor In this act shall bo required to sail
to and fiom a seaport of the. Unit of Mexico
or Mississippi river. Agreed to without dl
Mr , Fryo moved to amend the comnntteo
amendment by making It apply to all .South
American and Central American republics.
Agreed to without division.
tlie subsidy amendment , as amended , was
then adopted yens , 30 ; nays , 14. Tlio
amendment , as adopted , reads as follows :
For the transpoitatlon of foieign mails by
American built and tegistered steamships , to
secure greater frequency and regularity In
dispatch and greaterspeedln carriage of. such
nia'b ' to lirazll. Argentine Itepublic and
the republic * of Uiugnay and Paiaguay
and other Central and South American re
publics $ .vx > , OJO , and the postmaster general
Is authorised to make , afU'r due advertise
ments tor proposals , such eoutiact or con
tracts with American steamships for a term
not less than live years nd at a rate ol
compensation not exceeding for each outward
trip 1 per nautical mVIe of the distance in
tli most dheet ami feasible salllntr court o
between terminal points AS shall bo touud
expedient and desirable to sccuro the ends
above set foith. Hut ovcry such contract
shall bo subject to be modified or annulled by
act of congress. Ono of the linen of steam
ships to carrv the malls provided for In this
act shall bo required to sail to and from a pea-
tortof thuGnlf of Mexico or the Mississippi
After executive session the senate nd-
Ilic Senate Passes tlio tilnculn Cluu-
LINCOLN , Neb. , Feb. 12. [ Special Tele
gram to the Hr.K. ] The Lincoln charter Dill
was read entire and passed by a vote ot
; vventy-oljht : ; no dissenting vote cast. No
other business was transacted.
The senate convened this afternoon with
[ 'resident Mclklejohn In the chair.
Mr. Llnlnger said that In view of the fart
so many senators were absent , and as the
bill tiumboied SI ( the Omaha clniter ) was
next on third reading ho would move to sus
pend tlio order and take up other business.
Tlio bill \\ould then como up for final action
the Hist thing on Monday.
Mr , Colby objected to making any hill a
special outer. If the senate was not ready
to act on bill No. 81 , it could bo passed and
other bills which should not bo delfiH'd
mluht ho finally acted upon.
Mr. Llnlngor "ThatII1 bo the first bill
on third reading , then , when that oulei Is
again reached , will it not ? "
Mr. Colby "It will ceitalnly bo considered
In Its tegular ouler. "
Mr. Sclimlnko "Tlio gentleman from
Omaha wants to accommodate the gentle
man irom Gage and - "
Mr. Colby "Tho uentlcman from Gage
don't want nnv accommodation. "
Mr. Schmlnkc "I ha\o the lloor , and , as I
was about to say , tliu bill ottelit to bo con
sidered as lint In older on Monday.Vo
have taken up too much time with this Omaha
charter. It oucht to lie disposed ot. "
Mr. Caspei-"Let's take It up now. I am
as willing to .spend the time now as at any
time. "
Mr. Llningci's motion prevailed , 10 to > .
A largo number of committee repoits weie
received. The bill to Indemnify tanners tor
loss of swine bv cholera was Indefinitely
postponed. Another hill , providing changes
In legal proceduie , was alsoludelinltoly post
The hill to apportion the state Into thirteen
judicial districts w as passed. It had no op
The si'iiato adjourned , and will reconvene
on Monday at 10 a. m.
In the Hoime.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Feb. 12. [ Special Tel
egram to the Uii.J : : Tlio llrst break made
In the house this morning was a motion to
adjouui at 12SO : until 2 p. m. Monday ,
amended to 10 a. in. on Tuesday. Tlio
amendment was lost hut tlio motion was cat-
ried. Messrs. Ageo and Nichol opposed
the motion and tlio speaker reminded the
house that over two huiuhed bills were on
the geneiatliloof wlilch the majority would
die abornln 1C the liouso didn't stick toils
work. Fifty-two members , however , wanted
to po homo far worse than they did to stick.
In the repoits of committees a largo number
of bills were wiped off the files hy indefinite
postponement. The house dlsaciecd with
the recommendations of the committee
In a few instances , ono of which
was the bill icgulating the sale
of linuois by drug stoics : also the
bill estubll.ililiig mo iVeorasKsi liulitstilal
home , being placed on the goneial tile. The
committi'o on claims lepoited favorably on
the bill nppiopriating 55,000 lor the icllef ol
Kobert Furnas on account of the expenses
alleged to have been inclined at tl.o New ( ) i-
leans exposition. In the committee. White
and Miller opposed tills bill , and it is proba
ble a livelv fight will take place In tlio house
over it. Thu same committee icported un
favorably on the claims of 11. It. Jloar for
local servicesand ono Campbell lor losses at
tendant upon itidlan deputations ot
ISfiT. Tlio committee on lallioads ic
ported favorablv upon tlio bill compelling
tiains to como to a lull stop beloro ero--ing a
had ; inteisecting the Hack they aie running
on. It imposes a penally of 100 line on an
engineer , and on the company opuiatlng tlio
train S'iOO lino.
A number of bills were Intiodueed , amonc
them was one by Mr. Smyth presiding for the
.stamping of merchandise made at the Ne-
biaska state pcnitentiaiy , and to piovlde a
penalty for failure to do so , and ono by Mr.
Millerpiohlbitlng the brlni'ln : : into this state
ot indecent newspapeis or novels.
Mr. Wllsoy presented a piodpolo resolution
residing bills before the committee on
banking and euireney.
Mr. Newcomer said that the lesolutiou was
a censure upon him who was chaiiman ot the
committee. Jlo had tiled to tret the com
mittee together times and had been
unable to do so.
Mr. Wilsey said he had heard that Mr.
Xo\\ comer had gone .11 omul and told the
membeis that the committee didn't amount
to anything.
Mr. New eomer said that any man whosaid
that told what was false.
Mr. Wilsuy's resolution was lost.
The lailroad committee introduced a bill ,
which Is the lesult ol tholr di'llbeiations. It
Is a combination of the bills introduced by
Mr. Meiklojohn In the senate and Mr. Agco
In the hou o.
Adjouined to 2 p. m. Monday.
Anticipating a Spring Boom.
OAKLAND , Neb. , Feb. 13. [ Special to the
Hin. : ] The people of Oakland are somewhat
aroused over late railroad news. It has been
rnmoicd for sometime that the North western
would build fiom Hooper to this place this
year , so that their line would bo complete to
Lincoln , and now the news comes that con
struction will begin early this spring. This
Is good news for Oakland and would bo still
better It it \ \ as sornu competlnsr road , but as
wo cannot have our preference. in all thlims
wo will gladly accept the proposition ol any
company to make our town the junction.
Oakland experts mi unprecedented boom
tills spiing. The town has always unjojcd
the best business ot any town In the county.
and more grain and stock have been shipped
Irom this point than any place between
Omaha and Sioux City the past year. Our
real estate men , no doubt , will leap a rich
harvest this year. Two brickyards will bo In
hill blast as soon as the weather will permit ,
to supply the town , several bilck buildings
and blocks being under contemplation now.
Conl Found at Chndron.
Cii.ViiiioN , Neb. , Feb. 12. | Special Telr-
gram to the llinj Chadron Is all expectant
to-nlu'lit o\er a coal find this afternoon.
AV hllo drilling an aitesian well at this place ,
at 1 p. m. , they struck a strata ot shaio rocker
or slate stone , aud drllllnc down farther this
stone became darker and there were some
small pieces of coal came up , showing alter
nately stratas ot shale rork and coal. To
night there wer finer specimens of coal
camuiip and tlio Indications looked much
more piomising. The shale or state stone
was examined by a number of reliable judges
and pronounced by thorn to hn undoubtedly
the strata of stone oveilaving bituminous
coal. Tht ! strata was Innnd at a duptli ol .7)0 )
feet and it Is geneially conceded that If coal
is found at this depth that it would bnofa
line quality , and the pieces that havit been
brought up , though small , will substaiitlat' ' <
this. The results of to-night's drilling \\ill
bo anxiously looked for by the property
owners of Chadron and will bo rejioited in
these columns as soon as results aio reached.
Unsuccessful Attempt nt Snlnlile.
NKIIHASKA Cnv , Neb. , Vcb. 12. ( Special
to the HEE.I Late last night a
packing house employee named Bert ( iibbs
made u third and again unsuccessful attempt
at suicide by taking poison. Ho told a num
ber of friends that ho was going to die and
bid them good-by , when he was taken with
\ lolent symptoms peculiar to poisoning , but
his life was saved by prompt medical assist
ance. About tliri'o months ago ho iimdo an
attempt at sulchlo by diivin , ' in front of a
rapidly moving Missouri Tactile train , but
was pieu-nted by his team tunning n\\ay
with him. Ho again tried to end his life by
hanging about two wui'ks ago. but was dis
covered ami cut down hufoiu ( hern ueie , any
fct'rious rt'sr.lls. During his employment at
the paeklni ; house ho couliavted iit > omucaso
of bloort-polsonlntr , and al < o sustained a par-
aljslsof his rlsht side. Uclng the only sup
port of nn invalid mother and several sisters ,
lie has become doinondont nt his ee-mn g
liopelcss case am ! seems determined io nil
his life.
The Trnln U'reoker Sentenced.
Con'Mitrs , Ncli. , Feb. 13 , Sprclal Tele
gram to the Uin.l : Andrew Lelss , found
guilty of placing obstructions on the Union
1'acillc track near Columbus , was sentenced
to-day by Judge A. M. Post to ono J ear In the
nonltentiary , n motion for a now trial not
being allowed. The judge took Into consid
eration tlio boy's ago ( seventeen years ) , as
not lealblng the ( uiormlty ot his offense ,
and thu absence of a malicious Intent A
nolle was entered by County Attorney ( lon-
dridgo In tlio ca < o ot .lohu Mnllskl , the up-
cnmpllco ot Lelss. Court adjourned till
March 23.
Rtftto Asioclntlon of SKS. !
LINCOLNN'eb. . , Fob. 12. ( Special Tele
cram to the Hnn. I To-day loptoseiitatlves of
the Slema Chi hold a meeting at the society
halt at the. slate university and organized a
state association of the society. The largest
number In nttendanco were from the alumni
of the state unlu'rslty , but a good represen
tation from other colleges reported. In tlio
evening n banquet was spread In the spacious
dining hull of the Capital hotel and elglity-
tlvo covers were laid tor tlio gursts. Hon.
I'attlekO. Ila\\es , tlio oldest member of the
Siuma Chis in thu state , was master of cere
monies and a long array of toasts and re
sponses , Intetspursed with musical numbcis ,
vuis tlio piogramnm until a late hour.
Ktntc It-lilt Iicnuue Convention.
LINCOLN' , Neb , , Feb. 12. iHpcclal Tclo-
cram to tlio Hr.K.J lion. Patrick Kapan
to-day Issued a call as president of the local
loasuo ot this city for a state convention of
delegates from the dificicnt leacues in the
state to assemble in Lincoln March 2. All
branches liavlni : ten membeis will bo en
titled to send delegates , the leprosentatlon
being one dnlecato tor ovrrv ton members In
a leacuo. Nov. ( leorgo W. Popper , of Ohio ,
and Hon. .lolin F. Flnerty , ot Chicago , win
he among the speakers piescnt at the con
Tlic Kletnentsork \teiislvn Dnin-
i\fa in Aliiny 1'tnucH.
PiTT nuitn , Feb. 12.--A terrific storm
passed over Hamp'ton township , near hero ,
yesteulay afternoon , destioylnga great deal
of property. The wind blow a peifcct tor
nado , and thtcc barns In its track were blown
down. Houses were unioofed and the roof
of St. Maiy'schurch blown off. The f-torm
was accompanied by rain. Farm fenceswcre
blown down and some stock wera Injured ,
but no j-cisons were hint. In this city the
wind blew a gale all nUht , Telegiaph whcs
were down In all directions , and business H
very much delajcd.
In Mielilgnn.
DITIIOIT : , Feb. 12. The rlslnp watois at
Ljonssliut off all communication witli the
outside world by wile , and tlio Kvcnlng
Journal's coirespondent sends the following
special fiom Muir , on the opposite side of the
the river :
1 p. m. Tlio water Is rising ono foot per
hour. A giand ledge of Ice readied hero at
10 o'clock tnis morning , forming a jam thirty
feet deep , above the bi idgi1 , causing the river
to leave its bed , rushing with mlglity foicu
through tl.o business stu-cts of Ljons ,
sweeping everything hefoio it. Twenty
buildlims were carried as\ay nnd ns
'oiSany ' more were moved from their founda
tions. Seveial business fronts Avern'also
broken In by Ice nnd lloatins : tlmbeis. A
poition ot the bridge was lilted from the
abutments and wont down with tlio Ice. Tlio
manufacturing interests are sullcring terri
bly. M'ons Is shut oil liom the outside
world entlielv. Thcioaieno mails and Icl-
epono and telegraph wires lofuso to woik.
KALAMAicoo , Mich. , Feb. 12.-Tlio high
water in the St. Joseph ilvor has dihen
Uu'iitv families fiointliuirdwellincH in N'iles
and suspended tialllc on thi > Wnbash & M'ch- '
U-an railroad. It is I eared the dams will bo
swept awav.
A Free Piess special says that It is fiee/inc
lapidly at Lyons , and that In consequence
the sulleilim residents of that place tiopo for
delay in the Lansinir Ice goigo which had
been expected to-night. The leu gtoundcd in
Ciiaud river just below h\ous and piling tier
upon tier in a short time lormcd a eomiileto
dam and changed the run cut ot the liver
straight thiouch the center of the
paitottho village. The water and ice Is
lour feet deep on the street le\ol and sweeps
tlnough buildings , tearing out windows and
dnois o\en when it leases the building itself.
Thu main euneiit of the rhcr this evening Is
directly tlnough the olllco and dlnir.u room
of a hotel , but thioiigh cvciy stoie in tlio
place the water Is nislmiir at a tt'iiilic rate.
If the ntvero liost of to-night should cliangu
to a thaw .scaicely a business place would bo
left and twenty 01 thirty dwellings would go
with them.
In Indiana.
CIIICAOO , Feb.112. ThellailyNews'Fort ?
Wayne special says : The Hood now exceeds
all previous lecords. The water in the thrco
livers St. Joseph , St. Marv.s and Mainnlo
has 'risen twenty-six Inches slnco 3 jcs-
let day afternoon. The city is en
tirely cut elf fiom commu
nication by wagon roads with
the country noith and the water Is now even
with the ties of the LakuShoio and Muncle
railrondand threatening the\vhop'-alo | destruc
tion of hrldires. A score of families w ho had
deemed their houses s.ito from tlio flood
weiu with dlfliculty rescued to-day. The
sheet commissionei.s estimate tlio damage to
su\\eisal S10.000.
In Chicago.
CIIICAOO , Fob. 12. The tompcratuio
dropped to 7ero tills moinlng , Ihu weather
having grown cold steadily throughout the
night. Trees , sliiubbnry and telegraph wires
are covered with a thick coating of frosty
sleet and tlio telegraph service Is badly crip
pled again In consequence , the wlios In
some Instances having been berne down
under their heavy loads. At various points
south and won of this city tlio Ice Is so thick
ami heavy on the telegraph wlies as to not
only simp ami cariy them down , but in many
cases tlio telcgiupli poles have also been
broken and thrown down. The cold weather
has ciieeked tlio floods in tlio southwestern
and noithwestern portions of thu city and
the water in the Chicago river and the
fill cams which feed It Is rapidly falling.
A. niR ninzo nt AiiKiislii Cannes Heavy
Auoi'srA , Feb. 12. A terrible tire Is ragIng -
Ing bore. The town Is lit up from market to
market , a mllu and a half , and everybody Is
wild with excitement. The lire depaitmcnt
seems powerless to check the flames , and u
most disastrous binning is predicted. The
splended Masonic hall and theatre , whcru
tint tire oilglnatcd , the ( ilobo hotel , the stores
of Daily .t.\nnstiong and James 0. Hally
nro alieady gutted , and thu Ccntinl hotel , J ,
Ji. YVhitu'n eMvnslvo wholesale and lelall
stores , A. J. ( ionldy's shoo liouso , the Clironl-
cluolllce and inteivcning building are seri
ously threatened. Tlio lite lire broke out at
0o'clock , and Is now (7p. ( m. ) ratrlng moio
fiercely than any time slnco it oiijiinutcd ,
UX ; : ) p. m. 'Jlie llru Is now uiiaer control.
'I'ho Masonic IndMliiL- , opera house and the
large stores of Daly itAimstrong and Hallio
A-Caskey ueretotallj dcstiojed. Tliu ( ilotio
hotel , ( Vntial hotel , and the stout of J. S.
\Vlnlo & Co , wore bully damaged. Mi.s.
JJowersiuid her comi.inv | lost their wardrobe -
robe in thu opcia lioiue. The lire Is still hum-
inir , but tneii ) Is no appiehcnsion oflurther
damairc. Several small stores were du
st rojed. The losses aiu ; .Mafonin loduo
building , 875,000 : ( Jlobo hotel. SIO.OOO ; O.ily
, fc Anusiionir , 810.000 ; Ualllu , V Co. , 81d(00 ;
J. li. White , shoes and clotluiuir.XXJ. ( .
Othei small losses make thu total MM.OOO ,
tv\i-thlids ctuered by insurance ; . The tiru Is
now completely under control and lurtlicr
loss Is nut anticipated.
Details of the Rook Island Train Robborj
Being BrouEhl to Light-
Hr.ikcinan Hclnvnrtz nnd Ills AVI ft
Mnko n 1'nrttnl ConCoRstonVlileli
1/ciutH to the Arrest of linn-
The Itock If Inntl Kobhery ,
Montits , HI. , Fob. 13. | Special Tolegran
to the HKI : | Dctcctlvo William A. Ptnkcttoi
made n move to-day which explains the mja
torlous v\oik his agency lias bocn doing foi
the pas' ton days. Newton Watt , who acted
ns baggageman on the night of the robbcrj
and minder of Kellogg Nichols , the United
States express messenger on the Itock Island
road , was this moinln ; ( taken Into cu todj
hcio. The chatge on which his arrest li
made Is ono of complicity with Harry
Sehwart/ tlio pcrpotiatlon of said murdci
and lobbery. The examination \Valthns
been continued ono week. I'ho case has
been ono ol peculiar dltlicultlcs. but your cor
respondent lias undoubted assmauees tlut
thu Plnkurtons havu abundant evidence to
convict. Slates Attoniuy Carter to-day says
his mind Is relieved , and , whllo declining to
talk , his manner cleat ly Indicates that the
watrant of ariest Is based upon Incontro- ,
vertlblo evidence. Plnkorton lias cxhlbltcil
more than usual caution In dealing with this
case , realizing that a false move would sub
ject htm to n storm of censnro at this partic
ular time. He has given ills undivided per
sonal attention to thu case , and has been as
sisted by his most trustwoithy men. After
Schwaitz , the Hock Island brakeman , had1
been bound over by the committing magis
trate at Mortis tlio other d.iy It
was thought best to make a search
of [ his house In the hope that somoj
of thu plunder might bo found therein.
As n result , his wife came to tlio PlnUerton
detective agency aud , alter Homo hesitation ,
made a confession , ft lie admitted that she ,
had ehaiiL-ed quite n number of S100 and 50
bills at onuiplacu or another ; that she had1
carried a couslderablu sum on her person ,
and that she had maintained gieat secrecy
about those matters at thu request of her hus
band. She said that w hllo her husband know , '
nothing about the murder or who committed
It , on the night of thu tiagedy ho ran the ex
press car Sliom Morris to Davenport ; that
after hu got Into ) he car and had brgun sort
ing things around , hu tound n package of S5Q
and SHKJ hills , which lie put In his pocket and
aflerwaul found to contain $7,000. Ho had ;
expended some of this , liul ; secreted anothes
small poition , had binned a package when ha
thought hu was too closely w tchCUby ( detcc <
lives in Philadelphia , and finally had glvert
anotlici share to a I' lend. Mi.s. bchwarU
expressed herself as exceedingly anxious that .
liei husband should state ( lie whole truth ol
the business and olteied to go to Mori is and
uigu him to do so. .
On Monday last Plnkerton and Afrs
Schwartz went to Motiis and visited tha
bialcmin in jail. cSclivrait/ was told liankly
wl'.at his wife had said and asked to make an
explanation. Mis. Schwait/ throw her arms
mound his neck and begged of him to tell
thutiuth. lie then said that ho had found
a package under tlio seat in thu smoking )
car ot Diuiloi til's tialn , on which ho
roilo from la\enport to Chicago on thu nlghl
alter the lobbery ; that it was wtappcd la
blown nmnilla paper , nnd that the wrapper
was marked S5ooo , but whcthorthat coirectly
Indicated thu contents or not ho did not
know. 1 put tills money in my pocket , ha
said , and said nothing to anvbody about It.
In May last , when 1 wont to Philadelphia
ami was so closely watched and hounded
about it , 1 binned &SQJ of it in a steve at
home. Thu balance 1 spent.
Upon belngassuiedthatthlssloiycoiild not
bo line , ho finally said that he gave a portion
of tlio money to n man whose name hu would
not give because it would tret that man Into
trouble. Pinkerton told him much would de
pend upon circumstances , and finally
.Schw.ut/ admitted that ho had given up-
wauls ot $ : ! ,000 In S100 bills to Newton Watt.
On the night when the hiave oxpiess mcs-
sender met his drat fclnnrlshould have
been thu hntUi'iimn on tbrt tiain ,
N'ewtonS'att bclna thu foremost brake-
man.Vhentliotime aiilved tor the tialu
to pull out of the Ch eago drpct the
legularhaggageiiien did not make his ap-
peaianco and Watt was placed In chaitn of
the bag agu rai. Schvviirf/ was frnt ahead to
take tlio position vacated by Watt ami was
tlieieloio ncai theexpicsscar and was in a
sliapu to co-ojieiatu wnli his pal. A "sub"
biakeman was stationed at thu real ot the
train. .Sell wait/ and Watt thus had the poor
messenger at tlioir merey. Hu know thorn
both as employes , and natinallv trusted
them. They could enter his car without ex-
cltinir suspicion and they knew exactly what
signal to irivu on the door to serum leady ad
mission. The lobbery plan did not.ns It was
originally hatched , contemplate murder , lint
the plotters did not anticipate such leslst-
ancuas Nlulmls made , and In the stingglo
their masks were toin oil , when the capital
ciimo was resulted to to prevent certain
and speedy detection , uiiest and
punishment. It will ho remembered
that Schvvait/ wont through on tlio train to
Davenport , lutnrning n .xt night. On the
tialn which biought him to thu city was n
brakomun who complained of being tired
and sick.
"Vou go ahead and take a sleep in the bag-
gairorar , " said Sehwait"I'll look after
thlncs hero tor j on. "
Alter some persuasion the regular brake *
man consented. When thu conductor of tha
tiain went lliioiigh alter leaving Marseilles.
he opened the door ol the toilet room and
was surprised to find a small leather satchel ,
which someone bad evidently tried to crowd
down the dlschaigu nlpu ot tlio closet , The
satchel was empty , but caught In unit Hap vvcil
a small piece ot a check. This Conductor
Danfoith thoughtfully saved and it was
toiiiul that It precisely matched thu torn
check left in tlio car In which the uxprcssnmn
was mimlercd. This clue has been patiently
lollowed up.
WAIT ( iiAiioni ) vvrnr Mciioi/fi > iuiiniit. ;
( 'iiir.vcio , Keif. 12. Tim Inter Ocuan's
special Irom Morris , 111. , says : Novvton
Walt , baggageman , is held not merely as nn
accessory to the Hock Island tialn ntbbery.
Hu is directly charged with being thu assassin
ol Kello.'g Nichols , thu express messenger.
This alternoon the states attorney filed In
formation against Watt ns liavlni : committed
the murder by sti iking Nichols iijon tha
head with an Iron led which had been in USD
as n poker. It was upon this Intonnatlon
that a wilt was Issued which trnnsfcnod
Watt fiom thccarool the detective- the
custody of the sheriff. The piellmlnaiy ex
amination of Watt Is set for next Friday ,
One ot his biothurs was hern to-day with
HniKeman Sehwait/ ' attorney , having an in
terview with both Sehwart/ and Walt. The
two prisoners declared In thu most emphatic
manner that neither Watt nor. Schwaitz hau
saulanythlnctothudulix tives. Mis , ScliwarU
01 any one else which In the least implicates
themselves or any one.
Oriincl Army Novvs ,
CIURACIO , Feb. 12. Ata meutlnir of ( Jiorgo
H. Thomas post Xo. 5 , ( irand Army of the
Itupubllc , hold In this city last evunlnx , It
was announced that thu valuable oil poitralt
of thu late Governor Vales in tlio nnlvuislty
collection , recently sold under chattel mort
gage , had been bought lot piuscntatlon to
the post. A tesoliitlon was also adopted
iavorablo to legislation for the puiclusu of u
state militia camp neai tins clly.
Denth From ICx
WKST POIXT , Neb , Feb. 1' . ' . The body ot
Gerhardt I'oss was found In n pasture , live
miles fiom town yesteulay , iioiuii still. He
had attended a wedding at thu house of a
trlend llm night before , and liavlni ; paitakcn
ot thu solids and fluids libeially , stuited
home alomi and on foot. Hu w us ovei loaded ,
laid down by the roadside and perlalied ,
Nehi-uskit anil linvu Wealher.
PJI ( Nebraska and Iowa : Looil rains c *
cuow , higher tcnipurature.